HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-7-5, Page 8g Ttil'a..u,v, July !S, It'll
Rut and Comfort
For the Kidneys.
U your hides,. wean klr*1 .
load --{t
Gnu nose elserwahpas-
leg plisse in the meg d ma
back and dxm ache t hannek
the ktge-11 there is a __catnap
drab* to 1>-it'ttLe trine
la bot and emkt df the
bead acts and spades
before the antl
kmagtae what these b
ton you m
Ba -
Theme w0edattul Mee OMR
soothe and ben and
bladder -take away erll�P
ti.ar the intoe -white m1. es
go thaszegrb the night without
-end nellissee every
tome of rue kidney tonne&
COMM Stlisetswanatkana Too.
TooCL•rur cmisicaL Cao Lagmm%
wawoa• owe. • - Now Tam
are always
reliable ...
We find wllisfretion in dealing foul
pine, (nob good. to tem ru*Wnlem.
Thr suck i1.: Hprially well Jemmied for
the .umrtier trifle, and the
partieulatr wattle of our pal room will
hater prompt 44 rviee.
Fool. srgelihies nod fruits in
Phone 91 or call.
The Square, Godench.
The Holiday
Now is the• 1' • 4.1 get 4IWay
than the worries 14f 3Hui11eM' lir..
and -rend a few week' in the
highlands oft/marl. or lake :t
41 it, thlnugh thr14141.1'1• I.1•w'1'IM
to the sr'nsde, w hu h it unr 40f
111e 1 delightful and popular
Tourist tickrte are nn sale
daily to all resorts.
For tickets and full in.
format JI on
e Town Agent.
Office hour': I1:211 a. m. to
II:* p.m.
JOHN 4THAITI)N. tem it Agent
.1, 3). McD14n11hd. Diet Piet I've-
meige•r Aq.1nt, Toronto.
TUE Sl(3NA I, : 1;I /I1I':l; I('I I ONTARIO
C•enidk 1904. by A g Melee 6 Co.. Pub-
iaa., 156 Fihh Awme., New Yak.
Al Rehr R4,.r..d
4'ontInelet nom I•aee
Wtsa TO von yOtf0 try. eve Mile la
more'a'I thought I could when 1 come
up byre, but 11 you went to start •
reel fust class rumpus, one that'll
laud you where you blunt and rid tits
town of you for keeps, Jest try some Ol
your tricks o1, me ♦1,d it I bear of
ems word that you've said 'bout title
whet* bus'nees 1'11 know It's time to
start in. New, you can keep Still of
fight, jest as yon please. I tell you
honest, 1 asst wise you'd fight"
The door slammed. Mr. eaaaden
opened It agala and gaged vindictively
after the bulky Agave splashiag
tbroagk the slash.
I'n) HE. "4".1•I
.1•I 1 1'
"The Lady Evelyn."
The nlv"Irly shrouding the L1mu.Is
"Etta Hi ulury' 3441 at 1.1.1 I44V•11
elw11.41 :'way.
A. will he temenllwr,d, \lies
H •y 3113e•441eil 111 the door of the
(',trlon. Theatre. London, 011 hearing
4 h.1, .a leading holy had Thrown over
her part in a (forthcoming play +lad
asked leave 11, Uy Ile rejectrJ rule.
'1'11 t h.' s11441144genselit'. :Ltulll.hlll.11t
she art 1.1 as 1114030l inspired : s•unvl
the 1111 of the year and 4:ulished.
144 Manager Ir.4nI. 1.1' the Tarlton.
sxpre.sel i1: ' .Ile 4:11111. 1141111 nn-
tclt,•tr Iu1J slur 1.111i-11.31 1,11,4 neo-
n herr.-
Sour it 44pprar4 that "Ells Itn11m,.y'..
55.1 none other 111411, Irish' F:v.lyto,
dalighler 1,f the Ea 11 of Melbourne..
tin her tlu•rs side she inherits
gypsy blood, mail is forever nmlazing
ref pie by wnur Wild, flaring prank.
Her theatrical ...rariol.% however. has
11,1,1 .11131 her 411111 1.11 gruvl•1: 1.1..1111
1114411 Mete 41111111.11. 31141 u114' that
thr.•at•u. h. in4ul4,' 1111111)' ta•rw411' j1,
decidedly 1hrinnie wit memos. These
iduentmos 1114. 83.lserila•J 54th. brilli,
nnl 8I•Iail rel 1114'4 Pelllwrt1111'e "mime
did not el, "The Lady Evelyn." a book.
that sparkles with rpiwelr, action
a1111 niy'4er% fro111 11.1'.r 140 rover. 11
is a Mt lly such *4 is 5.ritte•I, ol'1•e ill
tell •4'11114 and Ir ar;141 for till y.
"The Lady P t•rl5n" it III 11'3H•1r ex-
clnmi5rly in The alai] ,111d Empire i1,
s'rial form beim.• b'vttg published as,p
teed,. ' The Best i1,'t.11nle•ul will 1e•
publi'hed in the Issn, of Jitly :rlh. And
it will he emitiuurd 13111 week until
:lmoist 21111,
"Thr Lady Evi•lyn" is thl' third of
the A..114....and New.p:rlwis' A*ss•ia•
tion'e gle:al *I:al,laal ...ries of 11x5' )tl-
11rn.lrioual uo5els. which Thr Mail
and Elalrite has 1etet :1111HIIIIt19I by
the :as...lr'Irll11111 11, issnl• serially lotion:
11, pwl.lication Iwt Wren 41;V"14.
1,111113'v taken at l hrotTl. ,•. ( t his paper
for The 11'"ekly Mail and K1111311. 111111
The Signal, iI,aih'.1 1.. au)".uldtw,,s in
4 %Imola. (3,'4. 4 Britain .or 1111 I:.itwl
States. fr 11441,0 1111111 ,.Inlln.u•y 1st,
Ilan, for :al
Send in your fouler at ore's 10 sw•11141•
the °truing chapter, for "Th.. I.:wly
Ey1•h'it. " lddn•.. Tile 41,8\.51..
(;, slrrb•h. Ont.
A Great Treat.
The Sigma! has 'uecl4•dt•d in ,•Ani•
plod ing an arrangement by ithieh
every 14.1x4411 laking ,leh'untage of four
uIT, 1 111 •ir•nt l'm I Ir;l l'
), t in
rending uuatter ever fod lfer.Ili311
. 4'n1-
41311 public. '1'111' F. 'ly Herald and
Weekly Sear• of Montreal lin, lately.
entered ' 11 '%Wdirale with a few
Where of the leading 3!hlle•es of Eng -
lend loud .1t 1111.11411 by w'hi,•11 they have
..•11114,41. int n cul or 1411:*1,44441, (weir.•
11e3k .tn'-e. !r'
11 1'l' 'r 4
1 1 5 t f t h,• wood'.
IH•st mil hotnmol 4IIPV err 111 apIw/11'
i11'I'he F. 'h• Ileral,l before they are
Memel ill hind, 14,1111. F:a.•li story is
, plelsl ii,„ b, making 14•rlve
r.tuplelt• "1,8144"., 1hal Would rn41
eighteen dollars in hook form. Mei•h•
hl' year. 11 is reraaittly 41144' of Ili.•
greatest feat. in modem' journalisul.
011141 only the sln.ngest newspaper.
could take Ili.. 1 i•k 41f the , Se
1 e•yp•II(lll Ilte.
\1'1. hay.' 11844,14• arrang,lnr•nls to of -
I r Th.. :Signal and The F'. 'ly 1ferald
l 4 .
Star mit ell it .1:
airy 1,1,
tali, foo. Ili"'11u,F1 r of•lin t' ,.'III'.,
Ind i1, that t' • limo• taking nd4ant-
age of the ,.ffer will'renre at least rig
1 e 141 Ie • r .•' ••
f 111 111 111 1, 1 el 1'11
11 n L ,111'
1 111
he many etliet interesti11)r frator,
.1 The 10 'Iv Hermit foil their,.w'n
oval paper. '1''o present rea1h'4"4 for
Thr 4ignal We otrrr'rhr F:noily Ilex
old for 'the hal nee of the 44,54' foe
only forty rents. 14111.,.,, ,i 'IIs
AIh.ad41 he gent to The MIgn.11 milt.,
PHONE 15 4 24I,
When ,von want
wnrrhn_r 4 fir. w',.sI ` ,
(and 1'nrd-) 1 .tart and / t
At bock synarr
a� m 1
Rear 4'11 ' '1:41 weighed o,. the km "cn1r+
when. )o„ get 1.41,1 11... for n Init.
Order. left at l', 4'. 1.1:8:R llanlwar.' "ore
.list side Killen.. I.Mnlptly kltend'sl lo.
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any even numbered "von of 11'nua,ion
land. 114 Manitoba of IheNorth we -t Prot Imp...
eeeePpt nor $ and 1st. not meet, ed. ono toe home,
tetwled b) nn{ Iwrwm w lin 1•• the w.M hea11 of r
family, or an4 n.sI.ei1.r 4* grap. 01 one, to the
extent of one.sinner .44144*.,. of IMI torr. more
or le+s,
Ent rpp toilet he ovule personally ret the I'H•nl
land nMoo for the dl -1 rl.'1 in w•h4111 the• Idiot 4.
The hetnp-)ender i. required In ',oilman the
condition. ,steed. therewith Hostel ainrof
the following Plan.:
111 Al least sic mwel44.' reside,,,',' .Ipso and
(relit. attain of the Innd In 1.'H-1, )our for, lhn•r
42) If the father ,or mother, If the fat her I. ole.
ttearrrt4 of the honle,teader r1.-tdr. 1) nn n berm
Inithe vicinity o1 the land entered for the re
hnln•ntent. A. to frdden'r nay to. +nti.4,'l
by snrh per.on reeklhlg with the no her ow
131 If the .on ler has hl. `Permanent re.Iden,r
noon farming land owned by him In the %leis
Icy of hl. hornteed. the regnlrenent. M. to
resldenne may toe +eti.46,4 by reddens Henn
the .aid land.
RIR month.' not ire In writing should )a .is en
to the 1bnm,I'0Imler Of 1 )nminllw, 'Ands at
(Ottawa of Intention to apply for patent.
11'.I1V. 410141'.
l4rpwty of the Mlnboter of the Interior.
N. N.-tnauthorled publication of fhb. red
verUaement will not be paid for.
Copy of change of running advertise-
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
In issue of same week.
He Knew.
A member of the NI•Ilr:l.kl, Legisla-
ture 553!. Ill:tkillg a %ne4d•I, 1111 s
n„nnnnton• gne'l1011, 111111, in ,nnl•l11114
'•1111 he 50)1104 1,1 Daniel N•,lestet',
W11, '41'111111. Ihr 11iv1 ioltat•'. '114((5'.' 11111'
lilo•rty 1,r give err death!"'
tine 141 hie colleagues. pilled at lid*
r•.. t .and '.s' IH•t•rd :
-I lank.' ,\'.'l.'le' olid not write 111.1
di''liannry : it was Noah..'
"Noah, melting." replied Thr sp'11k-
er, "Noah built the a11k.•' Exchange.
Why Do Women Suffer
Such pain and /•Inlal14 the lortntr 41f
nerwnls 11(a11a0h,' when 'Le'. buys a
sore mire like Nettilin,•? A few drops
in sweetened water bring unfailing
relief. 'Vim feel letter et on11',
braced up, invigorated, he41,arhe tows
away after unr 4314,,,.. The 14141141o131
us• of Neryili11e prevents indigestion
end 'l14nnu•h .lis411e'114 • keeps rep
11.1oIth 31111 "1 11.11011. livery wnlmOl
nerds N.•IY'Ilim• 31111 should line it Inn,
111 :!.'e•. 344)441(414 a very wll(•1.4'.
What Marriage Is.
lien. Yining, at n wedding in 'Wash-
ington, wale r I.111nling materialists
and 11131101111110111-
1111110114Ii.tn,"•What, prrri*rh•, i* a materialist:"
at young girl asked.
".k materi:aliel," olid (ion. Yawing.
"is one who see* 0111y the nWlrriial
*ids of things, folie In wh the 4piril-
4111 side I* nlvi.ibl.•,"
Ile beaked about him at the happy
bridal part v.
"Thee n nlateri*li*t," he went on,
"would call marriage merely a state
wherein you give it woman half your
virtuala to get the other halt cooked."
The tu*n who thinks he is a "AL
should talk into a phonograph-wud
then he made t0 listen.
That tired, IAnpuid feeling. and In-
diupn.iti n t/ effort of any 'nil. will
be rupldly removed by the nee of MSl
Ire's Compound loon Pille. For sell
by J**. N Upton.
To 1he?ilitor of The signal:
DRAM NIM, R.•g.lI ling the alaitlaud
Rio .'1• Poste' l'1,., I am Piety h
enrol howl l hat there' lids been sl IittL•
discus.o11 IN/ imlplrt11U 15 pnrpari•
tiuu. and Uu/t 1t hvldw' ie to i.' rn*hr,I
throng!' 011 *11111 •hall 111,1111..
1.31 '4a 11.1' I 11.ink the town 11411 oar
anon' to wait u b•w y,•are and wet.
future deVelupl/lerite along the line ,
h•141. powe•ranti Iigl.t. FapwcialIv a
441111'' non' owl:ding 'our ,nt•n Iig1
and walrr plant Ire enoiewer'8 11•pn'
111 e till ffiL�rl Iris ih4411 111,' Mai Monti
iliceeNlPuller 1'11, pro4Hw4' t1, chlu'ge Uo,
leetial*a being IN 1 for thirty yeor-
al (heir prise. m1 11,:11111 how •la
cheaper we might lie able 10 gel i1 141
the near (Mitre, 1' 1,1 her *,.refs
31161 11101'1• r,'4'1•n1 ilppruveweet, 1111 .h-
C(45eril•*41f the power. light and he '1
problem. It. fart rhraper mot Ir•:fer
power is Nh•e/,ly i11 .13h1, (1..1.111;11,5
bring 1h1• fill te. ,b ub'nsle,lr the
great 414h'a11144341 "of ,i• a aime,I alrohul
for lunlive pewee 11.•., :nal light. els
'bring chrhpr and le•ll1' 11.44 electric
power, at the 4411114' 11111.• 1111pn,t'in1;
/market 5u11diliour to (,Pruners. writ.
rano. 514'4') .4.1 s, f1. 1%11101 r111.411.
alcohol i• 1144411.•.
A w'ri11'E 111 the N',1441 Worker
gives the i' p141 Live coat 1,l :111 11.p.
by .1.5 reaI live louvers. For ()p•r:1-
ling a Oil h.p. oboe f'..r one year,
%tram eon. 182,11:;'', illy gas *3,_111,
3444.odineE_,1412Ott, ele•Itic motor 82••
•r 1•, :s a.•' t'1
d) a du.•.•t• u a11th1 Irr coal).
• 1 K 1
and pr.slucrr gas (c,'ke,
g:tl1Y 144 -the hart 11111135.' 314,5.1.1' being
sic 1' homier than rl,'rIrio
The t•. 4. tingrrnt4leat ill lwnlnsing
the del y front da•n.1 tine) ;defiled show.
that it is alive to be plw.ihirllie. of a
cheaper motive power in the near fie
torr, 1 -ode' finch rite lance. 1
think it o3*'fair the omit loawait fur.
thee deselgaue:Ht', le•furr howling it
with 0511.34111 14(1411' Iiahilil ieIf the
power exists i11 the rice•rliyhi/h the
(.ove'nmeul engineer sit rough' du11lo, •1
it will not ren away for two 1,r Ihler
yeas'. yet.
The scheme i.,, one-sided affair al
the town incurring :111 the risk.
while all thi-outlying 1nwits 1,l• t'illag.H
ran 11:154 the •' 34414.1' 45'illn.nt
ht tiny risk whatever. 1 (•4411 set.
no g,'11.1 nvl.u11 1401' 1,1,111114 4111- 141.1W
4ht'ongh 55311)0114 .1111111e little fur in-
restig,lli.tn. 1 do 11111 k114,44' 'q":ant'. of
our prr.ewl Gu'lories •that 51tilt the
IH.We'l' 1..11114: they mvu•ly all have
1heeper p.54.'r now their the Power
propose to give IIu•n1. 541.1' are
told 'hr11. it W111 In. 11 great Illi 44.',' u•Ilt
to bring id her fall.1riei hire. I doubt
ihat 5rry ••h. 1 think a town
bonded with [inlaid ie, 114 Thr extent
we- then 4omtd be ii 1101 a Ver)' ell( it,
i11g plitee to 1440111.• 111, 1,r• invest in
p11.p•r•ly. r.34l8'i.Ilh• las they 1.:411 get
the 4:11111• In'wrr Outside of its where
propert4 and 111Xee wnu1.1 he much
1'•... 11•e ate 111x. In1.1 the town ran
rum no ri.k w•h:lteve', that it will Ise
amply .w'orl'd. I think 1111)• sated
business- ulatt 444111111 thud.' the s-
rurit). .ser y murk, as any Mrl'111'ity
Ilett. rimu•t. Ile lolly in, MAI W011111 lie
pito' x.4.,11.11)'. 11 411. lIIif4 WAS ,l foil -
tato what tomtit! the „..rarity emount,
to? I'r,.hahly' 14141'WHoue thin 11) trills
the 141111,1'.
Now if the pnnin.tr•rs ' "`the MaSI
b11u1 Hive' ''ower 1'0. 1, t, a 11, h cfo1,-
fide11i•e in the pSutH..i11..mP\ why do
they Mit worn 3 .1",•k ii*n 1:,14.'
stock tlu•lusotte-, and all their irn.l.
Ila:et a..• 1.eli.•5el, in it. Mill 'Nish, the
thing thr"ngh I110.o".•ly.•.. Hort' h„
I)114111 11.
,1 •n'I 1,. tun.
11.31134 t0 14.0 Willi bedding the plats
am Post ie ' I•rl of the bill. 4*.'.
ask ion; his fat her if :P promfoMr 4410.111
a n 11 wh,.,•uladr 1111. u11mu11r). •'No,
m)' son," hr an$w.re•d, "11. prunn4e' is
:1 141.411 Who gel M Ile 110411,')• Ili It other
Well make."
Not '
5 If th:•Irli an availrhe
( eat 1
ewe ill,•
1 5 1 the Maitland,- that ;
1 w fens -
t i 1.l
dile. why not take advaotag1 of the
new haw 11,0.1.• by liny..mm.9 t and
apply 1,1"1 he power emmiti4,i,'11, When
tate Government' will build 1 he work
'at artn al coed to he mon ;yip flit y, lima
allow' fifty years to to iy it. by install-
men,-, at I pee „ 1,1. inlerl-t :? 1Y.1
would. 1
then run nu rill. qtr Ili. Hoyer
at 11t•.1 cos ,
t and .11 Il.r',• 1.1111 o fl•fifty
years the mnni(•ipelity 'would he the
ow1eee fof it and mil a priv.11e tor•
114.11 411 11)14
,I bust the r:Itrlrlyet s will well e1111 -
miller the pngwe411i11(, liefoh' misting
their Ville*, either for 111 eg;lin't the
1'.11,111 Yid V.
11,1M.r Rt:1•mtt: Yoe i..:'.1..
Sell Your Cold For *3?
1'041 "ureh' wfonl 441,1p ret a d..11ir
hill l; rm1• Phot horrid. niffling 4'4.l11?
1:11 to any druggist ,11n.1 ger '•t''Jarrh-
o7Aour" 31111 pair ri.ld will Ile a thing
of the past. There 1• alum at wilr•h'•ry
in the rs'ifl way C ,4,, hozon, kills
roll,. Hut when yon eon -older the
penetrating. healing :11111 antisepli4
ymali(i.. of remit:Nom . perhnp' it's
nut .o 4vrmde'ftd. Certainly th,•1.,' is
un namely, half 1.41 pi' pl for voids
311.1 i•;rl: I'rh 114 4'it11•rhm1411a•. Riau.'
:1 .116.4 if Hle• abl(1 i1nint till tiering 111111'
'•1 bU :n-rhn'/.' 4111•."
An Athletic Soul.
Alntly 11 given le the writing of
didactic verve handed the m:tnll.rript
of her 141440ritt• production to an ar-
,p11111114111.1,. - w•h.t..• ,','Ikea! approval
the pfoeIA•.4 444444 1111X11111. 11) 54111. A(I•
jnsllug his gleam... he i*nu'el the
opening 1111e•:
My ronl leapt over the g.nlen Rite !
'3'h.• nl:ul did nut emit 3014 his 1r11d-
111 •• hill 10113.141 the verses'
in the umt•
4 •.1 ,• • n 1
t1. t hid Ilw,f tlen o
p ) author, exclaim.
10431, with it how :
"(Jona. nuula11n3 Whitt nrilityr'
Lollies H ,Innrnsl_
How's This ?
R -e offer unr hundred .1011,.,reward for any
row• or ...tarot that raunnl be rarer by Hall •
catarrh t urs.
F.J.. HKNIon 1'(1 T0100,10.
We the andrr.ign.d I041r kno,vn F. .1.
4 'hr.Fs for the la.t 1.1 3r11es. Anil Iollr% r hen
4.•rfeet b honorable in *11 hodnr.. I novvieI 40,,.
Mot Ilnanrhdly able to..art) not any ohllgn
tion, made by hi. firm.
11'AI.ni N.1, KI.'As k Ale/Ole,
11' holrwde hruggl'.i, Toledo.' 4.
Ilan'. retarrh ('ore is taken Internally. owl.
IRA dlnr•th open the hlmel and Introits Nar-
far4, of the .4 stem. Test IoM ret free.
1'10'. 7:4 M•nl. per bottle. )toll) by all drnggiele.
Tato. 11a11'+ family 1'111+ for mond lintIon.
Miller's Grip Powders rurr. For
*ole h) ,1:544. q'il*on.
l'u11ivote your forgett•ry, if gnu
would be happy, 4'hi.iglr News,
The Iett.•t• part of di*1•rrtinn is
knowing when to go amity hack and
sit, 11fown.
All liver and stomach trouble* cured
by Miller'* (irnnules. F'or sale by
Half the fm) of lying is betting with
yynnt4elf whether the other fellow 1a'•
heves you. New 'York Press.
Mark Tw1i11'4 latest maxim is neat
and very human : "To 1w grind i*
noble, but to Leech others to be good
its nobler -and no trouble."
"Your friend, Mus. ---.'.looking
much improved in health." "Yes, we
peramuletl her to try Miller'* Com.
\H4I1111 Iron Pills." Ent: axle by J**.
Make a Friend o1 It, aad 11 it'll!
Tomtit You Maar Tieluas.
Do you Luow butt' to leek at yourself
In the luoklug etas.'' Nut 0114' wuwam.
In u tbuuaaud hmike luta her utterer le
the right way.
The moat lmpurtaut thlug about a
mirror is to have It where the Ilght will
fall upon 1t. Most wlrrurs are too high
mud they are tuo ubseure.
Place the dresser where the light will
fall upon 1t. if pus4lbte let the Tight
fall from both .lies toll upon the glass.
11 this Is out of the questlun, du the
next beet thlug. lot It full upon nus
side. Now wake urruug4Wlnta to light
the other side of the gloss,
At eachAde e of the d.•
r.%er there way
be fasten/tout little bracket'', uud
upon these can be yet u guud Hurd cau-
dle. Tbls will give light enough for
dressing ourself, and the candles will
burn a long time.
The woman Who &nukes u mem" 0t
her luukl/g glees will Bud that she
teams something every day. Fur nue
thlug. It will show her the dtrrctlou and
the fault of ber figure. 1f she Is in-
clined to he large brluw the belt line
she will noun knoll it, or If her hips
are too blg or her figure too Dat It will
not escape her syr.
The woman wbo 1s going into the
matter thoroughly will arrange her
mirror so that the full Reit falls upon
It -that 1a, the full length mirror. Then
she will want to wake full preparations
to see her back. 'zoo caunot be a beau-
ty unless your Lark is well dressed.
They Aro of Valor so Food For tiro. -
1ag l'altdreo.
An Austrian physician 1.144 called at-
tention to the value of uncooked egg*
as food for growiug children. Of all
the substances fuuud lo the animal Or-
ganism albumen seems to be the one
Lost directly concerned with the phe-
nomena of growth and development.
Its value as a food 1s correspoudlugly
great uud 1s not sufficiently appreciat-
ed. In the artldclot fcedtug ut children
this should be borne fu wind. The
white of the raw ells Is the must avail-
able form to wbi,L rye can find albu-
men, and It should be used in the prep-
aration of most of the hinds for c1111•
dreu. Alter the 0911,11 unrsing period
It 1s well W add raw eggs to the milk
regularly takeu by the cblId. Free al-
bumen la one of the west easlly,dlge*t•
ed sub*tauees and N rapidly wade use
of by the muscle cells.. It 1s n valnuble
food fur adults as well as fur infants
and should be freely given lu all de-
bilitated condlttuu•, whether from dis-
ease, exhaustion or uld age,
A good bleat* fortbe skin Is a pinch
of boucle acid 1u the water In which
you bathe.
A soft liven cloth which Is employed
for no other purpose M better to use
when batblug the ryes than a spuuge.
Massage with thio cream for enlarged
pores: One onnee of white was, nue
ounce spermaceti. one uuuce almoud
oil, one dram violet extract.
'rlucture of myrrh le a breath sweet-
euer, uud ouly a tow drops l0 a hall
glass of water -Just euough to make a
Ilky lotion -are needed.
benzoiu bath le excellent to con-
trols; the pores. This is made by tak-
ing k, big basin of warm water and
droDP I a little beuzoiu I1,
to It. 'fliers
Wraith! us
Sucre wa-
1 t h to wake the 11•
ter milk .
Is c r
It I not how much o[ the tool Is
pat on the hs\but how witch b rub-
bed Into the that counts. Recipe:
Two ounceslooter l f l (vs
o f u 11. nun
of alcohol, five Or six drops of oil of
Put 011 every ht. nF
teat, g
Uses For 014 Stockings,
D 't throw away your old atoekings.
The* may be past wearl4lg fir such,
hilt there are, several guild uses to
which they may be put. It the logs
are In good condition a'6d the feet
worn out, cut oR the latter uud the
body of the stocking makes a \fine
cleaning rag. For pollehiug bras.
caudlestl,L•s, door knobs and the 114
,they will ►e foundexcellent. t. Au old
stocking also makes a gaud rag for
rubbing up a *Line on your shoes, and
for wlplug woodwork with oil It. le
aboutes1 n P
good a neutral. One woman
who does her own work always slips
an old and, footless purr of .torklugs
over ber arms', when bunsreleauing In
the cold weather nod keeps one with
the foot In to put over her hand when
she has to wipe the stove. Another
woman of original Merle puts on a only
of extra loueklug legs on a Very rub]
day thus gnlniug the rw4tllred warmth
without anything burden*owe on the
IlabMt •bootleg t. Fraser.
Le Sport h answerable for much
exbititioa of humor on the part of a
uatlon ilke owe. *twee killing for fun
Is brought to perfection, and the story
of the tiagiaahman wbo went rabbit
aboottng wet% two F7euchlnen la' Nor -
maul may or ms not Ire e.
y -true. They
tet oat.for
wager the erase: they sight-
ed a rabbit. and up went the English
man's gull to how sboutder. "No, no, do
not abaot'" erred hie cum pauIOTA.
"That 1* Mimi. We never shoot at
Mimi" The @Igllskman, greatly won•
derlag, dew4ted A secoud rabbit
charted their path. He aimed again
aad was again deterred frau shooting.
"shat to the ada'atle Lulu," they
pnlri e'.I oat. We never 'boot at Lulu."
Naturally, when a third raleb$t darted
up. 1]14 liiegllshenan made ne effort to
kill 4. mue(, to the disuses of his eom-
paaloss. -Shoot, shoot!" they cried
wtdty. "'Met m Alpboesr. We al-
ways at Alphonse" London
The newt* of a Mirror.
A w*rd patient In Roosevelt boapital,
'leo" York, grew gradually weaker
without any rppar*ot mason. "Sire's
fretting herself to death shoat some
therms," said the nurse. "if .M would
monde Is ree I think she would get
Itetter." By sod by the patient dM
open her indsot"al44INK "If 1 could
only ere myself," die waned, "i'd feel
different. 1 know 1 remit look Ili.
(bath or you'd he me hew • looktsg
glass." it seas sealant the n)1es to sup -
pip praagg.4w tbestward wtrh ralrrer*,
bet tete nerve. reregotsdayt the gravity
of ttaat porUrt:tar erne. .mngst.d In a
small hand giant The nett sea nal-
r*ewloss "Why. dear me.' saki the
drk eretwa n, 1 don't Moe haft n ked
UMW tzt 34.- APA &n n:
te, r
glapltrra t•i
Liverpool Wheat Futures Clore Un-
changed to Lower -Live Stook Mar-
kets -The Latest Quotations,
Monday Etataus, July 2.
Liverpool wheal futures Bused today
usellausrd to Sad loser than tlaturday, •ad
euro futures 4sd higher,
At C4lrnsu July whrrt closed I'4.' luw'cr
44.44.1 r'utuhlay: Jaly 41(1(4, 14444' bw11%
4411,1 July vats 14' lower.
Jely 2,'uu. Jour 25,4.41. July 3,111.
Wiwi( .. ..:'L $t1! 1111.12a.'10N,040 14,274 .' W
Cone .... tl.1A41,01e1 L4Y2.1*11 3.•�,:u.,UU
Lat. .... 0.40aUW tl,4a3.014) 7.210110
leolug Pte week w'heul Jrriruwd l,.117. -
01.N) bushel., curl la 'ON sed burls -
els, trod out. deorcated 33t1611.10 uurbel'.
July. Sept. 1/ua'.
\ew Turk bb144 IM•I% YT1
Lenon .,.,,, 51.4 Y8 J4',
1'u.ltvlu 7914 sus,
Lrbulhl'. Yu4.
St. l...s Tu 4i 7Th, iv•'
111abelut44Dufb .. Yu4. JO a11a
Urrtpaul, July 2. -Wheat. spot uumlual;
(un M, 1lrady4 Jul)-, C. 044.1; 1311414., 64
Y5 -tvd. t'uru spot. .1444413;
Am,•rirau udze4, .W, 444 114. Futures.
quirt; July, 4t 0!.14; 8441*.. la 7' d. 41.» .
clear bellied. arm, 30441 tallow, pr,mr .4ty,
0lrady. 234 11'1. 'rurpeulluu *Orli., quiet
tat Hope at I.uodoa, Fetid,. Corsa. ,l,.t 4y,
43 344 to .3 151. The imports of whoa 11,.
tJ 1-:vtrpoul hilt week wolf: UI. ..l quar-
ter. from Atlantic peels, 25,(a*I from
Pa,•11c, :,1,d 07;mo from other pot's. a ' •
Is ports of corn from Atlautic ports last
week were Thr) quarters.
New York, July 2, -Holter. atm: tee
cclpt., 423; suet prlcr extra creamery,
21144'• to 214'. social price* rrerm:v>'. "olU
men 1,4 extra, Me to 2atac; rruuyat•d 1"w.
non 144 ratio, 124' to Ie4411 w,•4tt'ru fac-
tory, cualmuu to firsts. 1Ie to 'Otte; writ.
tali Imitation creamery. estrus, 144; neer.,
114• to 171•.
hest.•-4Julet; reeelpte. 7111; new .tate
full cream largo fancy. 114': do.. fair to
414.04. 104'.' to 1044c: du. small hey, .1e;
du., fair to good, 14,. to lholey,
eYsr: du., lnferlor,
1 to 11441; aklm1. le 40 b'..'.
I'. -$ready w gem: rv.•elptL- 11!(43;
state. Penwyh'aola uud nearby f*n'y
.elrated white, TO: do., chole, 214' tt 22.
do. mixed, extra, 90e to 21c; w-e'ern
firsts, 1444.' to 17c; do., seconds, 1314• to Nei
soutbsras, lee to 134., ,
IDa►lo. About Steady, Bat Chloe e
Cattle Prlees Are Mlgb.r,
London, July 2. -Cattle are quoted at
1044, to 1144.. per Ib.; rvfr(pggorater Wet, So
to a44c per Ib.; akeop, dfsbsa4, 131.e to
1th. per 1b.
Toronto, July 2.-ltecolpts of Ilya
stock at the Junctlon'lnarket weer* 74
car loads, composed of 1648 cattle, and
41 sheep. The quality of fit cattle con-
sidering that the bulk of them had been
finished on gratis, was good.
Export ors.
f�Prue** for shipping cattle ranged trout
$4.75 le 6610 per cwt., with one or two
fid. o8 Rarely stall.1.4, at •boat de 'bore
per ewe, tae Ind selling .t $4.Ou to 1f. pier
cwt. Export bid c'Wiog, *Old at $3 L*
11.86; fele to ugt bulls, at 1110:4 l'
$3 aa; goodt'.. c es bulb at 44.'26 t• 444.111
poor cwt
Clolee *faked Iota o1 best heifers aad
steers sold at 8490 to $4.80 Dar cwt; loads
of best betters aad *tsars, stall (ed before
Loretto( Oa grass, sold at 84 70 to 34..3;
(4418' to Mediu* Loiters rad steers at *4;0
to 1470; Mmbwu 1 ads mixr1, w111I • of.,
cewg, •t 14.25 to $4 stell-fed ' ow., 84.21
to 84.444; erase rows 0„1 timbers, 1:1'04 to
Si fir.
sheep aad t.autbe.
&pure 'keep mold •4 3+23 per cwt.
Msulr..l,July 2.--i:ineclall--C•blr. fro,.,
L1.erpool on Cauadlau 'little raise railer
■t 10tac, while l.oud,.n advice. wen. strung
or and aloted an .idvauce of t(,1. to He to
1114.': extorts for week were 3411 cstt1.
130 sleep; dpm•ots for June were 1Y.e4ri
cattle, 555 *beep; tuto1 to date, 33.::06 cat
W Sago sheep. Rece,pts to day w )re 7'.'
cattle, JW sheep dna Iambs. 111) rnit.•s.
ILIO hogs. A feature of the trade r
e ' 4'•
rev.wed strength In the m,,krt for Imo. .
and price. sdvaa''ed ::1• per cwt. on one!'
latidtlitis and a good demand from too kers.
o• lot vs
O of , h"i
e. -bot I
1.y . *Ohl at 8+44 2. r,
and balance at 17 7: t0 IN per cwt., weigh-
ed of cars. The market fur cattle sea*
*tr005 as account of swell offerings and n
scarcity of good to ctulce stook. but prior+
n ew so furtbev .aura: es 1'h'• demand
sae good and sales of ,bolee brr,'•* war
ink&e at 544.': good. St., to 4414': fulr, 4'..ro
So 54': e•a,lnou. 3 res to 4c: inferior, 2'4.•
to 1 "c 1b. Sheep and lata • r
per b altlunr
*entre sod era: sheep sold d at 3'4' too r
pp Ib,: lambs. $3 to W each.
� �
Bath Buffalo. defy 2.-C•ttle-Reeelpte.
8000 head; fairly active aad steady to 1:*'
keret; prime steers. $5.30 to 15.4:4: pill',
plug. 14,15 to $.;.W; butchers, 84.55 to
$625; bsifers,' PAW US 15,13; rows 13 -1"
14 60; balls. 12.75 to 54.:45: stw-hen nn'I
feeder* $3 to 14.10; stock heifers, 82.73 to
8.325: fresh cows abd springers. steady t0
42 higher. 111 to 8440.
Vet's -Receipts, 1100 bead. active and
' trod?. 84.50 to 16
Rtes -II*c0pre. 10,200 bead: relive and
114 tot
O4' lower; beery and mlxs1
l. tT.u6•
,yo 1: 1.s
7.I a Sr'to 87.06: abs, 81.116 to $7,10:
fFyps, 6 1.. 80 23: •1.41,, 81.2.'1 40 *4.75:
dHT1*, 56.1*) to 17.
Sheep sue l000loo-Receipts. 6400 head;
she el, slow; Iamb.. active: market 23e t0
140, I 1.r: iambs. s. 14' to
Se :/.: rrarllu
off•6 .
1875 td ire w ethers. 55.75 to 15.!10.
Kew York, July 2.-ieeves-Re elpta
40lb: market ppened slow but et ody for
good; weak fu{ sat and light cattle; clos-
ed firm, bat n higher; steers. 84.10 to
$3115; one car f '•y, 86.1.'; 1•1111., steady,
but tat bulls et? •, 1X to 84.60: row*,
steady. At 11.10 t,, .211• Exports to mot,
ruw, OW cattle and quarters of beef.
Calves Receipt., 351 i Itaark,t. 15.• 441:11•
11 on go' d Taal*: wtus 1.ay 4,,14'1, :u. too.
in, ' lotted dull; lanterns'Needy; veil.,
14 to 16 73: few ch"i''1. earl 87; top trice
at dose. $11.5u: culls, $3.80, l.nttermllke,
12.50 to 13. ,
$beep and tamper Receipts, 1(3.417;
.beep, slow: choler lambs. steady 11t sat.
urday's detain,: others 954' to fur lower;
sheep, 53.30 tai 15.25: few choice '351.50;
lambs, 10.60 to 41.50: cults 16 to 440.2'3,
Hogs --Receipts, 11945; market. • trifle
en.ler: state anJ Pennsylvania boss, $..40
to 57.76.
Mileage. July 2. -Cattle -Receipts, 21,(44*;
struts, to 5ltc higher; eon1mun to {rime
•tsars. $4 to 8644'; cows $3 10 14.50: hen
ere 52.75 to 15 25, hullt
s, 12.7,5 t.. 84.36;
calves. $3.04 to 80.50; stockers awl feed.
ere. $2.75 10 14.00.
(logs- Receipts, 454441; steady choice to
VI"' 1".6%,. 1a. 7714 to 18.1214; medtem
to good heavy, $8.41J to $0.70; batr•ner
Weights, 10.75 to VI *214: good to '•holre
heavy mixed, 51(455 to 18 77"4; parking, 16
to 50.40,
9herp�-Reeel)rtt, 10,us,: strung; sheep,
11.25 to 5(4.36; yearlings. 111 to 86.25; .bora
Amh't, 16.45 to tit.
Te a
"is good tea"
Just notice the color -a rich amber, which
is always a token of quality.
Sold by the best grocers in Canada
TORONTO. a Waw •v., 5.
dr RA11Z LISZT, born 1811, died 1888, was the first of those great
pianists of the 19th century, which, after himself, produced
as Rubluste' a e1.
such brilliant gran m and P d ewski. Though
he was an eminent composer and conductor, he will be remembered as
the first representative of the modern style of piano playing and the
greatest yet in his art.
Like Mozart and Beethoven, he was early placed under a teacher,
so that by the time he was nine years old he played wonderfully the
most difficult music, even extemporizing correctly upon airs suggested
bEhis audiences. Soon after his 26th year he made concert tours over
urope and was for many years the idol of the musical world. About
1860 he wholly gave up concert performances tor conducting. Finally
in 1868 he devoted himself to teaching And composition. As piano
pieces for display of brilliant technic his "Hungarian Rhapsodies," espec-
ially leo. 2, are unequalled by any other composer.
It was Liszt who first showed the world the marvellous possibilities
of the modern piano. 1f it had nut been for his improvements in
fingering and other matters, the brilliant technic, expressive shading,
orchestral effects in piano playing would have been impossible. It was
his work that stimulated manufacturers to vie with one another until
it was possible to give to the world so finished an instrument as
Rahe CII piano
which in every regard, mechanical and tonal, is Th• Perfect
Concert Piano.
The CAI •011.4 4',1 ' Little 14.11 *loar*bbloo" 1n booklet form. macerated. 1.111 b0
ma11W 300 o1, reau.et by
The Bell Piano & Organ Co., limited, Guelph, Ont.
Turman, lint., .1 lily 21141. iSperial.i
'19e rfnlnrkalrle rase 14f Mr, ('t;tinr,
Whirl) we• print below, i* smother of
the many'proofs daily published in
the newspapers er•s (d the W 41.rf111
powereof 11)IHId's l i4ifi'y 1'ill* in mir-
ing that terrible ,Ii'1'n,wt rho. Oben.
"It is five yenr1 ago lost spring sin,•.
I fir4t Iwg1ul tt. Ivo tolibl111 with rheu-
matism,' w11'e Mr. 11'. IL ('riine. of
lift lilndst41fle ny,.rens. TomntO, (Int.
"1 tried everything 1 could think of to
opt rurnl. hnl. Withnnt alcrr*s,
1.:1'ep'*piing, is 4m4' AA the sermon
,•Imre routed, 1 would be tl'f11411l441 with
rheumatism and ,tt lost 1 ant *n 1Hul 1
57T1141 laid up in 641 for five t hi,
At. I*mt I heard of 111xi11's Kidney Pills.
end miniver' to IOW. them a trial. 1
camera say how pleased 1 was with
the result. They gave me relief *1-
innetfrom the fleet end in the end
r41m1110tP)V rlltvd Ins."
"What MJf worts your deter uses,
Harry." "Year she does that when
14.". flet Intrldocwl. 4he'11 he all
ght after a while.'
erg'` OQO�tdt\
hiON.R �. 4,0,`.
DER of . •' \ *
l\ �
• r • "4;,4;..1 ti<%'
• covered with ashes and
Yon on can shake
a "Sunshine"
Ethout getting
rest -has a
whichl e dust
and ashes escape when you shake
down the fire.
This heater is so easily regulated and operated,
and so clean, that it makes the entire household
bright and genial.
Sold by enterprising dealers.
Booklet free.
J. H. WORSELL, Sole Agent, Goderich
Coal ! Coal !
Very Low Prices
for Coal for
Next ear's Supply
All orders flied by June 20th will be
filled for $6.50 per ton ---best coal.
'Phone 70
Pin1ing Aiwa, and All Wads al The Signal