HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-7-5, Page 7'I'H E SIGNAL : (;l)DERICll ONTARIO CLEVER BOYS AND GIRLS. Names of Successful Candidates at Public School Examinations. Central School. JUNIOR IV. TO YKNIOR I. Total 9110. EIiutbeth Mtugdill [Sahel Matheson 'Margaret Galt turn Washington Alex. Stanton Adeline ('lark Harold Aitken Elsie tltwlel Fres[ Bennett Hector McKay Ernest Young.... Nellie Black 1Il%I1d :,11, Hough Lulu Symonds Alix Saunders I't.r.y, Ramsey. ........ . ......N1 Angus McNevin Ella HrhllicowleNivens Ruh). Stothers HAr•win Prang' Hobert McLeod Eddie Dietrich MKNIOR 111TO JUNIOR I'V. Tutltl fall 11410 54u 572 5511 551 540 541 521 519 51:3 511 Oral Stoddart Annie 31ackinnon Madel Doty AValter Buchanan Sara Braewn N':Usm Straiton Clara Young Harold Young V iry 'rhutnpw,n....... Clarence Beckett beim Clark Ida l-url•ie Brace L)ii f 512 satin. Wilson 807 'Eddie McDonald 507 Hxtiy Colborne 5u1 Reginald Mtancombe . ISM Harry Tufford ,. 4138 Willie Palmer 443 Mary Clark 4441 Grum Meager. 44011 Charlotte Cuff.......... 480 Iris AVarnock 470 Minnie Johnston... 41101 Marjorie Moore hili Ida Smith 4:10 Jean Hhynall 4:10 Mabel •.It1el P latl 447 Clarence Armitage 437 Marjorie Aitken ... 434 Edgar Mwarta 431 Bart MI•Lcall 434 Lillie 11, ern ey 427 Hoy Sharman 43: JUNIOR TO MKNIOH THIRD. I3 atri'_t Wella a' ) Erie Hawkins 111111 Mary T rSOM) lien Shaw Fre.) Robert Moll 'u; AJPt .11:1 illi .13 11 530 125 Florence NVotst ton .1 at Leonard .. :1:7) 1'hter Thompwm . -.. , .. .. .11) John Muir :dl csinie Hawkins. it Mabel Joust .,,, 41M Nettie Robinson 414. Sadie Bates 41e1 482 177 54)2 501 477 475 471 all :d 4 5114 •43 140 :A33 59(1 519 517 517 514 514 Jean Nairn Gordon Husker) Be Int 51elaona111 Viola Pe gtun Louis ('eery Keita Richards Annie MlL. od May Symonds Kathleen Moore Olive Tirhh.erne Nina Matheson Garnet Tr•thett•e•y Byron Mhirhy.... Alloy Hower Margaret Duff Leonard .1cl /malt! •Nellie Tretht•wry Anila Sturdy Hazel Mclk)nald Minnie 1Varrenet ........... 131) Nellie Williams' 12.1 Murray Young 42'1 Harold Melit•atten 43; Hail land My IS 13t Harm British e IPP 42I Warren Rutledge 422 Ernest Swart s.... ............ 121 John Vanstone 4:211 (trace Thomas 417 Natty Morrow 417 Elmira Mallows 41:1 Gertrude Black 4141 St. Andrew's Ward, Senior Division. Jr'soot 111. To swoon (11. Tots) 8141. 175 471 4711 167 118 4:11) '140 1:17 1:t) lA,ris legal Hanel Macl vor Alfred Baxter JrNIoK 111. TO MIIMI.K I11. Norman Mar•Leod '172 t'aatherine MacDonald 353 Beryl Ervine AAAA :144 Mah'ohn Alai -Donald 5441, Vera Macla'lld ... 'lull '.1 1 1:'. 1:9) SENIOR 11. TO JUNIOR III. Tots) 350. Lily Post 279 Cockburn Hays 2111 arold Currie Sas Mhaw 2111 Aly tip NVelle 2:41 I.oh Willson 219 (i racd.,Wells ✓tl Ethel Nairn 323 Willie Motherland 210 AIexie M* i. tl•... ti MIniiLR It. TO aKNlOR,l1. Total 691). Margaret. Maeponald Arlie Mathesooi Samuel BrimicornbeAA305 AA ... Doris Hays . 381 Willie Ward 'fl 4 Ina Muir 3112 Roderick Murray it Edna Sallows 147 Vidor Bell Wilbert Tichbourne 209 Junior Division to Senior Division. Edna Pridhem, Berland iiueeey, Nitta McDonald, Kathleen Me iujrr• Edna McLean. Dan McGuire, Walter McDonald, Jim Videan, Allen Min- clair, Roy Hunt, Ernest ('rnigie, Willard McDalrmid, Penal McDonald. St. David's Ward, Senior Division. •)t'NIOn III. TO M111111./1 11). 11ildri1 McColl, (aura Bates, Earl .Allen, Leslie Stewart, Mary tlirnia', Reuben Smith, Wesley Monk, (4eorge 44 RRNIOR 1I. TO JUNIOR 111. Violet Black Mande Down 202 Evelyn McLean •11th Ethel Carey 180 Ernest Stevens .. 175 Marjorie Morrow 17545 Ernest Porter MIDOLIt 11. Tfl IlltNMPt 11. Alma Cox, Calvin (lett„ Annie Clark. Jean Cutts Ruth Hamilton. Lily Johnston, Stanley Walker. Lulu Dater, Cheater Jotineton, 1.11ur+t Mor- row and Jean Graham, equal, llaruld Bates. Lulu Phillips, Mabel Monk, Dear., Proudfoot. Etta Halliday. JUNIOR IL TO MIDULK 11. • Maud Pinder, Annie Brown, Cecil Mayou' Beth Boyd, Eva W»Iker, Brace !1idlungh, Rhea Parma... F'lur- ettee Ikeleong. Ada Johnston, Anna Muuuiugs, John Hats, Ouldwin Har- rison, Itosr lir at, Hugh Abkae, N'itlle HII'Itl1'.1., David Mau, Maly I)awrun. Junior Division to Senior Division. Hazel 11atwell, 411•ace Wootton. Harold, Edward. farcy Beattie. St.•IIe McRae, Will Alnuuings, 11argnret Wilson, Ernest Thompson. St. Patrick's Ward, Division I. SENIOR 11. To JUNIOR 111. Total 3.1.1. Flor•nee timit11 ... 3)II lion oil Hamiliun• .4) Vera. Burrows 312 Harty AVats,I........ Muriel Duckworth 232 Allan Me(iaw . 229 Morris Swanson 2214 Car umn Stodtlal•t . 217 Edith Blair... 3'1 John Felker 2115 Earl Jenkin ,. 'AMI Pearl G.kld 1115 Caylry Hamilton 1St: Harold Warirner 187 1'I.AMM 1:. 7'otal :a%). N. Hamilton 501 1'. Brownlee 105 A. Beckett 142 E. Beek 4:1 I. Thurlow 4:91 \I. M.•Uuuald 421) (i. Atlu•Kinnon 422 K. Hawkins...: AAAA . 411 '1'. Kemp 4112 1.. Mctirutten Nr1 I. Ellfutt.. ............. ... 372 W. Babb 'Met M. Strachan 'tit F. McArthur '1111 (i. McDonald Mel AV. Snazel 75 J. McLeod 2)11u W. Daneey and E. Tilt ulawnt. 1'LA.M 1. Total SIJ. M. young • 487 E. (salt . 4410 M. Dalt. 134 F. Mitchell .,....... 4110 44 MacKinnon ail A. Jane :tt W. Black .......::41 L. Wilson '),I H. Goebel o1 - K. Walker ..... .... . 211. J. 'Pulford •►'' M.Iraondy ... 217 C. Robertson..:. 141 Junior Division. CLASS A. Tidal ail. Ruby St...Id:to :a. Albert McIhrmld 270 Harvey Mrtioskev'112 Fred tilt 3111 Harry Hoe4)011 111.... _ , . 2117 Alt•wl Haled I i I:otllon Nibble 171 Bernice Davis ' 1141 John Seam! 10. Ina Linton 1511 Howard 'I'l ....AAAA.. 113 Cremate Stokes 1:11 1'LAMM 14. Total Til►. Rob Clark 1:,9 Eva Kerne . 1:12 Ilaz.'I Belcher . 112 Bruce Noble 741 Lionel Kemp 11 JUNIOR (•LARS. Total SM. Norma Whitely 1 Inura Prier I I Jean Bogie........ I_l Marion Bogie 121, Ei a Linton. 117 Wilfrid Blair 1114 A LETTER FROM _MR. ROBERTS. To the Editor of The Signal. In placing the Maitland River power proposition before the public, the statements regarding the paver to to deVelupd titer look witli attune[ emphatic ennt-adictio,l at the hilnds of a few, who, while no doubt work ing in all honesty, areorditig 111 their convictions, lagnit)4 athe propoMi1 ion, are at the same time working against not only their own interest. hit the future prosperity of the ton n of Castle - rich. A p nuittelt citizen of Me•taforth referrin to tine power asked if it ens really ing nh,•ad, as he was very an xiglp to establish a cold storage pliatL in that town. AVould %tut. :e little loyalty to our own town resell not only iti the carrying of the bylaw hat also in establishing the cold stor- age plant in 41,Mlet•Mh This is oar of Malty iutt.nnees. Matluflet111 eta ace lurking for cheap power anti will establish their plaids where they rata get i1. The quantity of power to le- ob- tained from the Maitland River can be regulated to Ment ser)- heavy a ' 1 is ques- tion 't1. the layman Ihu ! tion of Ismer dev,•lo( 'nt is to a rennin extent n welded Ismrk And his very inc,onprehr•nsion of the k b•jeul prevents hint not only front dituur.ing itintelligibly but also front rearm ing it out with hinlnelf. 'rhe main gni- mrnt need is that there is no worts, but almost in the wane breva t we nue told you ,,hu111.1 .u'.' tll AInitlufil Hood in the miring. The isuh,ll').' of every river• is regulated by the rain falling in its drainage ara. a per• eent►ge of which. after supplying the demands of vegetable life, r'nehl•s the river. This is the raw' in the Mait- land. and has a moult the river is higher during rainy' neasonn than after a eontinnrl spell of dry weather. By holding this. rainfall hark in r'e'rvuirs and equalizing the flow of the rive' it is possible to increase the low wales' dis•harge from 140 cubic feet per second tai NISI cubic feet per second in other words, the power IR increased npprneinlately six times. in calculating ter horsepower of a river it is first enstomary to e•enre Rankings of the lowest flow of the river, in ('uler to aaacertain the mini• mum power to be obtained. In addi- tion to this the rainfall on the drain- age area is obtained from the Govern- ment meteorological alien, extending over a terns of yearn. to aare'tain the flow of the river during each month of the year , tl and at the eu 11 1r e Y r a l 11111 th u t till 1111 TI• k, r ! wl t•M which e:ul le uh- tained. In the ctase of the low water flow, 4 dry season diowharge, this has been 4111111.1 ti; lir 1411 cubic fret Ik•r ,aswud, whirl) gives. LOW b. lit.oil as 21 -hour tw.is : that is, 1,1101) h. p. for twenty-four 1 1.M caul) day in the year. Hut in the rase 110re Power is rr.tuinsl only 1111 a 10•1) ba►siu : you cut) Ihelefure 11441 in ten hours the water flowing down the river its twenty-four hulas and for that ten hours the discharge of the 11vl•r Ike.•onnes :t 111 collie feet per ser 1 giving 2,1111 i,. p., and \during the fourteen hours 111 which the power i. mit being used tire river rlllltllllles lu How at 191 cubic feet 41.1' ,11.1'111111, re- filling the re,ei.vufr at dant for the next day's ruts. The p•uple of Gud,•rirh are indeed fort total e in Raving sloth a wplenditl p..wer til Iheir,d.uu•a and It 1. to be hoped ill at they will see all that the inmouth d , d,rvelupnient of this power Will 1111.(11 to the town. V.1ruu.1N M. Itoun•:R'1.,. HYOMEI CURES CATARRH. Its Healing Balsams Kill All Catarrhal Germs. '!here is linmore u'iullnnitl diaeltxe titan catarrh, :mol nuur shat is r dangerous. 1t Weakens and debilitates the whole spacial and if it is'elbowed to run lead., to serious and sometimes fated cutuplieat' No dallgrr•uus drugs are taker) into the st.uuuu•h when 11youtei is sed. Hrriah,'t) through u ugh the small w', 1. 1. in- haler that r 's•with i•vrry Hy el outfit, it. healing INJsauur penetrate to the sl. t1. 1e tells of the throat, nose and lungs. killing the germs of catarrh. healing( the irritate) nusnose membrane, and making complhtl• and lasting cures. The rumples• 1lyuule•i a ttsi 1, e/ln- sistilly of an inhaler that 1•nn,e Car- ried illthe pulse or Vold. 114 Let. a metlieine droplwt and is Ilio tie of Ily. •i, erode only all. The inhaler %%i11 last a lifetime, while extra Title. of 1fy -i can 1m• M4)4111.141 w•lytnlvrt• ut.ilel for only :1(1 ern) s, If you eau,not obtain llyoulr'i of your dealer. it will it' foraarle'tl by tuail, postage paid, tot 'receipt ..f prier., Write 11,day for et ivullla- tiuu hlauuk that will entitle you to seri ices of tour Medical department tutent Will t charge•. The H. 7'. H,atth Company. Ily •i Building, Ithaca, When a girl slaulrte's over telling w' her t eget, it's Ia!••aul.r ter wav ser dresses tools you. NeW York 1r 11.a . "1 haven't t sl,n 1tr s'. tf. you know. Is ,she 1110tv?" "%Veil. 1 don't k exam ly, lint 1 notice .hr never bass to dnc,l np in 0 tram- car.'. Im. Cia=ss. naartmuenerSues sera al tx5q, 1hetown 01llo4erh'hwill way 10the holder the oflloderloh»hallleo taloa' 011 the by law at 110. 1n u,,n .111tdefault. .Mn rqar. ital..' witK tam, •anal phi. sees 111,11 1. 10 wave le tw 01 111.1.4 4., lit .urh 401111 541441 to 'not int,), the d•,eht11 stn)' 114 July. Peek lratl owl..il,g Al 1•Ife e+,llr of ,,i,,.' uc•Ita'.k ill the forenoon :yll runt mania 101 Hto u',•hr•k In the afternoon of the Wun• day, by the following deputy eel truing utticr,.. 1'vilu,g talalltf.tuln No 1 al Thonpme Roes wagon shop, by 1•:dgenuu C. lk'ltlt, , le {{11115 rel nrnhlroltI r. ' 1'ultlng-0.114 1.' X. :, ul 'fh1s.. J. 1' Memo', feed -tole, by Il.arl11.,1•.., deputy returning contain such other or luldll lul4tl pru11.0:) sir n,1lit nom to. .hall be ahpl'ot,.51 of by the Mayor and-uliritur for the and town. •Prior to the exceution of thy .aid guar- Amtce. or any of them, the wild Y'Iw Maitland Iti err tower l'umlwu), Limned. .hull, with 1 b44 lt,'o.ary •u upinr al of Illeir hulhl urrltls, duly .• given h1 nivel ng 4.41641 for that purtione, exas•ut.• and deliver to the .1110.111 of of the Mali of tludcrirb a mortgage upon their laud., building.. Moot. nuwhiuery, fixture,. prig it age.. 111ih(.. and tut -40100111N whirh .•Idol a g't.1+ ,11 1x1 a first rh.rge mon all -hu h ''11rulx•IJy'. tool shrill be **Ailed nisi apt •d 0a by•the tadieilar for .tie .aid lotut, „1111 4,01 prof ide fur the i1Wt•wultleat i of the ...oriole 11,111 of the town of Ualrtl,-1 .Igaiu.0 all lit.., 111.4., charge. and esti'11.4'. Ivy r1.1.41 of the .cud Irond. or debenture. .not the -aid 1.411410111 lee thereof, and such 1,10r1loge .11:11 further pros ole for the hwunlut'e of l he ...id 1gag.• I proper') in favor of the mid eorotraiuu of 11 town of tioderleh, 1w an:un. ,tu,l utheiron i !ndl•uudfy tliejaWunu 1u11Ito 1 in ,•:1..r of 10.. by Ile our 1y Hoed if the .nue rail bre 411,1411110k ill .ugh u,n ,luoll w OA .1111 he aper! of Ly' 1110.414,-00111411.111. 104 I,t p,li.J••-.•11111:101118 tt hal 1.. know4, as "oho il ortsam,g4u elw•.e,'• if 1144.010104 by 1110104ld aarlurat ion. alul (yr I154 1.0.11111loinee,Ir .uoh ln.ur.uwe during the e;ir- Teney 11f the mid Ixwda, mid 16e d1e p,y(urt. of Ilio premium.. 1 hens)(. :old -11.11 utnrig,g.• ..h.ill .i1,a ... sue Il,.' ane perfol 111:0e,•'er ani .Aher ternNail condition, u. Mi.. 1.) L,w vou- t:aliitut. ,1 .1. a ,audit Ion of rtnvtiuif tow• ala {tuluu'Ire 411 munfe. Io,r,00, a 1154 t1., ,4.1110• U40l.041 4! l', 1'uwt•r 11.11j luf, I,nlitnit Moon law ,en 1•rily' or Ihr ..•1,Q 1.,0.1. nu' lt•Iwi - t u1.•. to he guaranteed by 4 1,o n• "IMO la• by-law, .Irdl Is. 1,1.1 into than Hurl., et Alnuteal.at (8.1 erb-h toter joint 1.1r411 On le•,lint .1'I10 Maitland Kites fuser 1 muttony, I.•n,iu.l. mrd the -.aid corporation of the town of U.slr•ri.•h. owl .111411 be applicable only to the ru.t of Aid7urthK 01111.-r, Polling alkali[ 1.1o11 No. :1, a11 the Town (tall. he w. A, 11. qff, Jepntt let uruiuK ottleer. 1'x11141 .ulatld.iuu \o. 1, t1 M. ialotb,r•' a ..d -hap, by John F. Raft,. deputy train -Mug olew'r. l'ntliuK.ulallvi.lna Y i at Mir., 11'anorl'. .1.4e, Wen .(rect. by George a Rous, deputy not using other. 1'u111udAntall V1.ion No. 11,41 J,lo, Itrophe)'- •hup,hy (leery 1. Walton. dewily returning nPolling •Mali% i.lo,, NO. ;. 41 Uvula. Neville'. house. It Jot,, N'. ( 'n,lgie, deputy 'emoting either. U. 1111'1 Thorslay, Ila deli day of Jill). next. Phu Maxi llue .,(x1 htw11 .11411 .na at 11,. 4 'uu11rll1 Mag1-haulier. of the shirt tow ti al leu o:•krk 111 the fur•uoou to appoint permit. to altclut nl Ile 5)1041. lolling place. ataa',ul.l anal At Ihr dal wtluuwn4 up of the rule. by the ('leek. un laded, of the pet mot- lute. e-t.d 411 dust iiouuao, i ug or tq'1••sing the u.-°", of Phi. talon. r•ryt...at 1.i). 111. The 1'lerk .,f 1 be rounrit of the .,ltd tow n f1:Lh•rieh -hull at reed .11. hl. tail..• ill We ,Town Ilett at tett , ,L.'!. 111 the foreman Of Al,1d:,r, I Lr 111111111(:.' of J lily .1'111, 111 +nm tip lite ii ,f roles for and rgnhl.t the bylaw. Ittir•1.,+ t le i 'outwit I'handi'r., of the loon o11:,xIr.:, I. 1'e+ l:oh a.,y A( Jusir. MIL 1'(1,1. T11:1', Mn?)u1,. 111 l& JIu11NM'1'ON, )'lurk. TA atTll'M: ulld equippingthe..aid work..nnd 111 the 4101• 'real 11t'a1'n ' 1., a the ..py o(n prop,txad elut..• of the llulds, right, slut rll.emtate in to lite, whirl, h.t- 1441 14kuu into ow..trier. t• rliun them with, and 11411 Ia, 1 oM1004114 010011 441 be Mildly passedpassede1 n,. only 111,011 the joint c•h+yiw .y1 llu•.aldtwkOW olul,nl 'anima of t..• ntunf' 4(1,1) Ila t ht• evo•it of oa the Mage- of the said tow it, anti uow,iu nt hall be lurid 1trleout except 10 the eaten of arty per rant. of the tattle of the work then done. or u, l '11:1. machinery or plant town fur- nished. or land-. right.. :1101 01-011110111. then pun•hased (If sic in n'.pci of the ad work., and 11,141 olily urwn a tararre...,-trt luteal.• of the engineer or are linen app int.' Ly 4 h ..41,1 Man to import t .hall In paid out I the .aid aurka, dux .Ilpptld pent 14. IU the ai11 w;O,rwork for the .pee of on mnner, • L 'rhu.aid Thu Ala 11.41111 )titer !'ower l'uu.- "Corr'ct English {way. Limited. -hall r , rand the ,f tail.- urtal ill the l041.114.0 111114 3114 prkile0c., uud teerond 10.110,, 0f be ..tel dale, :and the ascent of the 1.1.11,11'. beteg obtained floc,. after one Month flow the ora pnbllratiuu :+• 'rhe aura:,l ntw'•(ywp•r. the date of which Hret psi thea[ ion wit. Thursday. the I1 1 ti oho of June, 191118..T4.0 low rote. of t1,. ,ie'toe- of 11,, said iu, Mentality will be Takeo lhen'on on the day an at tale hour, old pintrl. I eeroin 1114a1. M. O. J1111 NSTON, ('1erk. • ..fol work-, 41111 the htbanre 11)' onto the ru, ,Ie!lon uf after the • -hall have a' said town and operated and electric light )ate 01111r" moot Ii in a ,sit l.fa••turs INTERESTING -as& INSTRUCTIVE Now to Use It. licdalI,,t km of plant an t machinery. atoll t he 9, -011ie weed 1110.1rne•ted hall 'h• of the mewl modern I) pe and .hall to 11e ill the r,.p11slte tuul'hlurr) ted emotion., for the purpose of -1,11 110-I'Hleit•IIt {t,1.e1. n Ole ..lid town t./ A %1on(hl Magazine 1)e1 OtCll enable Ihen. to'eropelie o Tate their water } K • anal .14.4 1' 110.1 work, a 1 ad.., 10 futll.h pewcr 10 all t he nlanufa,'hu e'. now b,- t he .+aid t0 the Use of English. noon, or who w:p' hereafter11 sue therein. wIu) tent of al keel The 3I41411and d. -hall now keep equipped toll Itlaiatant the ant work. h1 4 gout -tate of r111cleiley during 1 e rurreucy of the .1st bond. -it to begwt raol 1.a 10040r0.414. A. The v1d The MalWuA Kiv,r 'ower 1'1111- '111)% bonito!..11111 supply to the id torpor - at .... f the town of Uoler4.•I,:11114th Wid town shall take from the ,aid 1 'ultq,auy .0 Mciru )rower to properly 0,'lite their a erwdrl. lull elect air light 'yetere, al the prim .1 per :ultimo for the .plt1•r of Ihirt ,n and 11ot on -hill requirerequirethe.41111' lathe e • •ol. hots. Luwrr. rod lbs s31. !thee {'ower Company. Limn Josephine Turck Baker,,Edttor. I'.1RTI A1. CONTENTSCONTENTScolt TI114 MON'1'n. rout... in 1,10011•41 for the I44 1 r.• ( 'onr.e h, F:uK114h fur (1..• Adt'rpr.d ['apps How In ' nerviest I toe'., 1'o•:abti3 try. The Ail of roar erwufun. Should and 11'onld : flow to 1` the -aid 4.011.15111Y.11411 41..a .o -pply ail rPronunciation, it 'tint my 111,1, 1 t 11,. n r. err n1, ire n . I t 1,d such 1• l . 1 { m•rvrt Ellgli-h in the Home. lxrtcrr dircri t0 ler, pn-•M uinehhl,ry nw trlo10rrt IICtl.It in the Set 101. 11.041 by the mid town in Ihr it .aid .y•t11 ,-„ t hal the,s, id town shall nue 1.• .obliged to orw' hal 10i%).and 8'1(11 Not 40>`+u enable them w n.e Ph1 dud psnrer. 1•row d I • Alphabetic Li.' of Abbn•t int iun.,. that iii 1,•:I a• 1h• n.e. made Fa the -111.1 mete r• alien of It. w,1 0.1e111. -14.1l Moro..... 1,1 t Kllwlll. •-. F:ngll.11 for t1.' hill. ,lee, Mali extent of I welt y• Hro per rent. 1011 and slat the p11•..enl q-••- 1 hemuf. t hen the charge made fur -lett Lala or -hall lurn•.a.r tt llnrp.rl1111.. ,std 1110011 1bet..1.01 the nue which the .stn ill rloog. 4; ..tau tear• to the pr•..ent mw. 11e100f. bill 10 an) 1.:11' Ihr wild wori.rwt io,,of the town of Goil,•riel, .hall be at lined T to:tinily Ilk' Kidd 141 Send -11111 III {•1)'111et•• 111 of the al in.,llaut. nue SIAM a icor. SeIk for Sample Copy. IP . ,1I'.I.•Ia'Ir Thele. Mnl. clot, of herr Lhui, -and ion. 1.in,?) fa old.' to • 4 Mira" in Letter Writing tout Von,tuutton. 1'00111011114 Word,. illlw 111111ae Them. 44 11,11,• in F:11KIi-Il Literal nor. Agents Wanted. 1154':m'l'1'Ull,gllole 11O0111 kW Wal I1)0141. Inn•. 011111.141111 eta by Ileo., n. Th.. aid 'fee Mnl ttp,d 1!:tar IbwCORRECT ENGLISIi, L)anston, III. rumpnv, Limitll. et- -hall 1,..t.• I lie 14 irilrta• or ...tog ler llCllIt Motel of Ila• tow's of Goh4101 :1. dui .uuxillaty- Ye their proem 11 ismer -)-teal, oh net 11. the -ante 'hill 1.• r n ,pdnnI fur IAu 'pnryro.0, during the ono tenet- of the .dJ trot.[., 10.01' bled I rust the) the - 414 t' petty 41411 Si :111 1 ier. faring -u'•h lo'riul ueiolsln and keep the -aid loixiliary • plant in a goal dull tali. ire[ 'tate of repair, trod -hall :dm rr{xair or replace am. Liar, of -orb 411.,, 41,1e41 11451' 1.• •i, lured or broke.. id amass mod by titeO opera, iun ,', •rv.d, and 1 ,11 furM .: np sty all 01411 n••plirrd for •ne•h .11,110Imo, :11.4I u1.n oto .sit I. coil it. .1411 tan ..(1,1.•1* by Ile• .aid town (sir the porno.. 11f , ....Meg 111..1, 0,1 in meet:[ ion wills their .aid pl oil. is hteh the raid town dell 1.• at lih'rTy- o do, when ail w. ItnuK a. they deem ne4•.a. any 410014 the =silt period, hot the .tail 14141 1 •11.11 ..upply+One rnn 10 t4ke 110.0 of the +Idol pl.u+t. 1'hi. bylaw .hall take effort on I he day of Ihoreof. I he rote. of the els rlor. of th • - .i 1 lawn GODERIICH McLean Bros. - - Agents . For the summer. Take one with you on you vacation trip. Write us for your files, plates, paper and all photo- graphic applies. 0,• stork u always strictly fresh and chemically pure. We purr special attention to mut orders. Write for ow 1906 Castugue. J. H. BACK & CO. 4 INssosic Temple. London, Csnad.. Public Notice 1 1Y -LAV No. 4:l O1'' I444)I oil THE CORM UF' THF: TOWN oh' GUDER1('II. A nv•1.:11v T(1 (WAN 1NT1:1•:Tile BoN 1)v ntt 1)M:u,,tTUHES OP 'I'tle• AI IT - LAND !LIVERI'o11'F.It Come ysV 1.1 M tTVn. R itrif . tM The Ntaliland River Power f nm patty, 1.' -led. intents to eon -anal a den on the Ith •r M:011,001 nnml three Mile.. a -de 1.l) from the wort low'n of Ooilei ;ill, het .5 ' the town hi • of ( 4111101.101 :Ind the tow l Atop of (nd.'1'iell. In11uiell4ulit 1. -:wl is ,' t In test aid town of Owlerieh, fol' the purpw• of .1.•11 hqr Mg power and applying wine. In all .1114 �..: may he found prowl i•vibb. Inrpulinr::.' I,,, ter 111301010•1111301010•11/of the ohln.•rr 0 1111' -w:l eft„•t! :not eine[He light plant 01 I h1) Wid Iowa ul chole rich : And whereas the• .nil The Mail Love. Iat'rr lower 1' patty. Limited, ha- mou"w e11 the Will toot,,,) ti,al,ri,l, In aid them in their .:old nolerlaking h, gnanant.engf the breis sir d. II,(alaro•e 111 le. baited ley the wart The Mnie l:usl 11 l ver l'owr' l '011114511 , [.baited, to the 151 en1 lit t M• n hole of t lie -11111 of $1.M1,mrl.rn: And w' tlrrea.it 14 expedient tolr'ant the wild aid, 04 4041 111 the term. arid conditions herein after +et not Moreton. h' 41 enacted, and it I' hereby en acted, hp the modelpu t roonrll of the Wid town of lielrlerirh. Iw follow.: 1. It -hall be 1.3141111 for the Moyne met ('leek In the name 11,.1 011 behalf of Ihr enrsurIllol of the town oftioderil'11, and uml'r IM eorpor Ate tent 10,1111411e t dellter so thewet enel deed of the said eorptrnt ler the written cor print ea Itnnrnnt m or gnmmntee1 of the .144.1 ,o. w,:s1 on, t, ar,nl.'ri,K the doe torment Of the prineipill and Interest of the bomb, or de• Namur- The Manhood hirer Power t nm {way. Limited, nn to the rnn. In the aKtrmgae•, of /1.4tnatal moor hundred and Hfty thou -owl dollar.) for princnot. r.payahlet In thirty anneal Ind fitment, h the da', of the issue thereof, with Interest In the meantime M the rate of feta and a hell per e•e41.11n per annum, payable yearly on the nnawld principal to the h,ld.t o a the said ),n04. or determine/0,100 that. the Worm nl 10ynhle for prinelpal and 'entreat In an )ear .h,11 hu e equal to the .mont ,+o payable In each of the other ',sutra, -nee emu-- moire psiranter In he to the effect that npnn d.Hanit hieing made by the rani The Maitland Rlrnr Powel- 1 zany. limited. in the payment of the ortn- eipen nr 1111440.0 -crura by the said Panels M delrntorte or any of them, the corporation of TO THE: PUBLIC Thr it I I. or her f. ,; 11..1 111,01011010 111,- ib'i11.h P oli1.r h:,- 011.00144 it nnteh Iwo. :aids uw,aueui It I. '111 prier: 511. a.1.4•\Pira• new �.,Ipf,l) in4 :an .'111 - u1 lower,rt .•:; 5.1,11, Ole gnnnac 1. ,t- 0041 if sol nrner. than pier. Mfr LIL4N'4 MI ):A'I' M 4.4 It 1:'I' handles .11 kinds of iNgt.. 'twat 1.1. rte.. and, while t Mucking 111.' 1041' for their lltn•rnt pott nonage. we .4010'it it curl 11 ,ta ., a of 1110 McLEAN BROS., 1 .suer F:1-1 't. will 44.1.1nn•. l:osle'rieh. 411111111•••Nossems= SHOES QUALITY Men's $3.99 and $3.5_9 Shoes WE are after the men who want good- lookiug, durable anti stylish shoes at moderate 1'►rices. We'll just put it mildly and say that , We Have the Best $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes this Country Produces. 'I'Iy us on $3.00:and til:f.:,tf shoes. You'll buy satisfaction here as well as good shoes. Wm. Sharman REPAIRING A SPECIALTY SIIIIIIS•INInle••- 1 i 1 i 1 1 THE BON TON Livery and hack Stables EAST STREET The finest turnouts ill town are supplied at these well-known stables. (Carriages for every requirement and good horses furnished at reasonable rates of hire. Finest Hack service . in town Everything up- to-date Careful drivers furnished when required All, calls promptly attended to Walker & Augustine 1110\I .,1 EAST STREET LIVERY , TRUI:ADAT, July 5, 1906 �i'HUNI U. W. A. McKIM (.OLJI Rol l' 1 IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS IN LIFE No order too small to escape; our most care- ful attention. 7 1 that count. HOSIERY 1011. dozen children's ` black cotton hose, 1.1 rib and 2 1 71 rib, to clear at per !stir.. . 10 dozen home, larger plain 1.1 rib and 2-1 rib�OC to clear at per pair WAISTS Another lot of those special embroidered Itawe $J AO Sau waists at $1,$l.2tl `i Pure silk waists at 51.76 aural 52.26. Big value at '42.111 and M3,:111 L REMNANTS , A few hundred remnants of embroideries, 1 lo 11 yard ends, .....ily shunt 4f tt • yard.. 'at uwney-having prices. Also ends of late, all lengths, prices and Colors, many at a quarter of their regular values. Rruin»ata of dress goods, wash goods. lint. vestings. prima, ,eat-. We must clear these. 'There's only one way. LITTLE PRICES. 1.•" the special millinery val. es. leas at 25c, 50c, 76c, 1/1.00 and 1111.76. Worth many thine., null... halt the order now IN to clear , 4 all snnlluer good: ills McKIM'S BUSY STORE GODERICH I1/4111M1•1111•01• iteWWWwo 1 •-----1 ---. --•---i We 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Harness \\'e and the ether at $9.20. ha1'e 1110 sets of new Harness, one at $7.60 Have Everything You Want 1 That is, Everything to be Found in an Up-to-date 1 Hardware Store. Screen Doors and Windows Refrigerators Lawn Mowers \\'t' 11.1 ' 1 oral makes of Lawn Mower..1 Scythes We handle the famous DiSTON Scythes. Hay Rope \\'e handle the hest American pure manilla,, mads' Of strands 12 to 15 feet long. Call and examine. We handle several other makes also. Binder Twine We handle the famous PLYMOUTH Twine. Gold Medal, 65o ft. to the lb. Green Sheaf,.55o ft. to the Ill. Cement We handle the famous NATIONAL PORT- • LAND Cement. Already our sales this year have exceeded the whole of last year. It speaks for itself. Sherwin-Williams Paint This Paint is known the world over. Our sales were never as Targe as they have been this year. When once used you will use no other. Hammocks !\,,. have 1iannthcks at from i5c to $5.00. Something New-Zenoleum /.enoleun is a disinfectant put op in Iu ttles and different -sized cans. One gallon of Zeitt,Ieum mixed with water will .make one hundred gal- lons of disinfectant. Use it round your sinks, bathrooms, cellars, stables, outhouses, etc. For flies on horses and cattle use one cup of %enol - cum, two cups Of raw oil and twenty cups of boiling water. Sponge or spray on. it does not destroy the hair, but makes your horse },flossy. Cows not bothered with flies give more milk and keep fat. Plumbing, Heating, Eavestrough- ing, etc. We keep a Targe and competent staff and can give you prompt attention. 1 1 CHAS. C. LEE Phones Store, 22 ; House, 1 I2. L • en 411441111111goug• Tob Printing is a special feature of The Signal's business. We have made our customers' requirements our life study. Good work at moderate cost.