HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-7-5, Page 5KITCHEN ODORS.
S ere Precaution. to fie Takeo With
Cooking Vegetables.
vee of the thlugs that lou tual%es
five to touteud with, partleularly
those who live lu apartmeut0, are the
odors that will penetrate trout the
kitchen Into the other parts of the
house even when observing the utmost
Much of this sort of thing eau be
avoided If pruner precaution Is taken.
For iastuuce, with some vegetables,
such as turnips, minute, cabbage and
the sort whose odors are strong, there
is Due precautluu that cuu be taken.
and that le to souk them for several
hours Worn they are put on tbe fire
In weak cold salt water, when much of
the esseatfal oils will be thrown off,
rlelog to the surface In a sort Of scum.
Allow vegetable's to eome to a boll la
the salt wut.r, then Ulm very clean.
A. dash of velli water will throw up au -
other scum, stud this can be taken off
se the other. Cook all suds, vegetables
uncovered, as the lid has the tendency
to streugtheu the odor teufold.
Another otiose of odors 1s stale grease
that has beau left on the stove from
previous cookies. Tbis Is moat offen-
sive, but cau easily be guarded 'gutted
by having the stove cleansed after each
weal. Vessel* that have been used for
...eking strong vegetable) should be
left to soak in soda water until the
time comes for washlog. This will ob-
viate the dltticulty. Another simple
deodorizer Is to burn quickly a bit of
newspaper, straw or excelsior, which,
with the windows open, will drive out
any disagreeable odors.
Lessons le Spe.klag Hay Be Allied by
t►e fee or Mnelr.
pwilbly one of the greatest errors
In handling backward children 1s In
trylug to put time into the rye stage
before they are through with the ear
attire. A large number of so called
Idiotic and feeble winded ehlldren will
give keeu atteutlou to music, whereas
they give no heel to vea's! sounds.
Words to them hare apparently no
meaning. Thin Iudleates that. as lan-
guage was developed by attention be-
ing directed to the external world and
as linguist. was tire the result of a
mental complex wade up of the Iden-
tification of aertal11 sounds and certain
objects present in spate, 111 order to
develop In an abnormal child the atti-
tude of nute ward words ■nd
u Iea t u
their meaning. we wast first begin at
his stage of development, at his stage
of mental sequence sounds'. Lessons
Its speaking derived a new Iutereat to
siss•i,leae children by Working music
awl spee0•h together. It was found
much easier to art up the car and
speech c•uordinatlone than to get the
children to repeat verbal 14011nd4 by
thcrosel%es. The pbyaluloglcal alpha-
bet when supplemented by musirnl ae-
' 01opaui11.•nt was (Diced month more
n•adily by the child than when the
treher's (0100 Walt 114041 without tnn-
If you get tat much bluing I the rins-
ing wader, put In little household ton-
lu laundering embroidered linens the
design w111 stand out 14•:nitifnlly If
they are ironed un several phi' kue4ae0
of 'Turkish toweling
If there are any pencil marks on the
111100, erase them ea reruns with n rule
err maser before OWllneu rues into
the weals. Het water will set them be-
yuu4 hope of removal.
\ A heavy flatiron, weighing seven or
eight pounds, will do better work It 1t
is puasisl over the clothes once with a
firm, steady pressure than a lighter
Iron hurriedly passed over the clothe*
two or three tines.
A demi firebrick IS mpee aaUstactory
as au iron stand than the ordinary
piece of filigree cut Iron, which not
Duly admits tbe air to the bottom of the
iron, but iouducts the beat from it.
Being a uuucuuductor of beat, the brick
retains the heat lu the smoothing Iron.
Pring P.t.toM.
The foolish practical of paring pota-
toes la not uuly a waste of time, but a
waste of potatoes. A horrible waste.
The best part of the potato 11 pared
' off and tbruwu away In the garbage --
the best part of the potato, titled you;
nut Duly a part of the potato. but the
best port. The outside of tbe potato,
usually pared off.coutalus all tbe nitros-
euuus or tissue bundles properties of
the potato. It le altogether the meat'
useful port of the potato, and yet title
1s exactly what is pared off In a rutb-
lees way and thrown out. This not
only takes Lours and hours of time
every week from the Lome, but filches
from the home a great deal of whole
some food. The potato pared lu the
usual way coutaln. very little else but
starch. but boiled wltb the skin on It
contains nut only aturat, but a large
portion of ultrogeuous matter. -Medical
Talk For the II ,
How He Makes Tea.
Tbpa Is the way an Englishman wakes
tea. As thio particular Eugllsbwau hag
been making his own tea for the last
fifteen years regularly at b every- nft-
ernuon, he really should know the best
method. Here Is his rule: Ion't pour
the boiling water on the tett. This
scorches the laves and they CU 111111t
exude their full fragrauce. Fill your
teapot full of boiling water, then put
In your tea lenses. Cover tightly and
let It Maud fur a minute or 00. NOW
stir the leaving with a Ion¢ 01.1011 111141
allow the fusion to draw 'about fu sr
minute's user... 111141 yule tea will hat••
all the delicious 111Unla of the real te:'
leaves. Struiu the tea off Into 11 1101110r
pot, its the lenses if left in longer will
add their only slightly less' soluble bit-
ter flavor. The cteaar tea can be kept
but over a spirit•lawp.
adorn Cooke se.aot•1oal.
One advautage'lu !saving a Chinese
cook Is that be dues the marketing and
does It admirably. His calculutloux are
exact. He wants uotblug left over.
When 1 saw a little cold fish In the
pantry one day I was reproaches gen-
tly not In the least Impertinently' be -
curse 1 bad said there would be eight
persons for dinner when there proved
to be only six. Everything is chisels,
used up, and bulla ore cut uearly lin
two. Of course, part of this Is owing to
Hie fact that one Chinese soy takes the
pima. of two maid's, Is a small eater and
cares only for the simplest food. Ile
doe's not eat dainties or luxuries and
almost no meat. Itice and vegetables
are largely the stun of bin diet- An-
other point with the Cblueee is their ex-
'whitxs In motley mutters. They pay
no bills that they do not understand.
This maker for the interest of the em-
ployer. whor•fliuwt ulso renlemlx•r that
the exactneaa applies to both eldest
Chinamen are very particular about be -
log paid promptly.- Lydia Avery Coon -
ley ward In Good Housekeeping.
Bargain Day in
l' about this time every year the city
newspapers put on some " bargain
day" offers for the balance of the year.
Persotls who would like to have a (city
newspaper for t lie remaining portion of the
year, along with The Signal, should select
one from the, following list of special offers.
These offers are good only for new
Special Offers :
to January 1st, 1907. only 50 cents.
to January Ist, 1907, only 50 cents.
to January Ist. 1907, only 50 cents.
trJanuary 1st, 1908 (almost eighteen
ths), for the two papers only $2.00.
Send you order at once, so as to get the
whole benefit of the offer, Address
Vanatter & Robertson
Pamir Shoda Ito Tuget►rr at tae Ill. .
11r.. Hoer.
There may be some mothers who feel
it to be a self druid to l .1404 their par -
Ions or flreaids* or work to put their
vhlldren to bed. They think that the
nurse could do Just as well, that It Is
of uu c•ousetqueuce vein "hears the chil-
dreu say their prayers." Now, settles
aside the pleasure of opening the little
bed cud tucking the darling up, there
are reaps lwporteut serious why the
mother should out yield this privilege
to any nus. In Use first pies*, It la the
time ut all tluaes when a child 14 In-
clined to show Its confident* stud safl•c•-
tlou. All Its little secrets 001110 out
With more truth end less restraint; IIx
ukugbtlnesa through the day rv't los
reproved and talkt over with less ex-
clteweut and with the tenderness and
calmness urn*scary to make a peruse -
smut impression. If the little one has
alluvia at desire to do well and be obe-
dleut Its efforts nod success can be ac-
knowledged and cumusended.
We must make it a habit to talk to
our childreu In order to get from them
au ezpresslou of their feelings. We
cannot understand the character of
these lithe beluga committed to our'
loon unless we do. And If we do not
know what they are we shall not be
able to govern thein wnsely or educate
them as their different natures ste-
amed. Certainly It would be unwise to
excite young children too much'by con-
versation with then) Just before putting
them to bed.
Every mother who carefully studies
the temperament of her children will
kuow how to mauage thew In thio re-
spect. But of this all mothers way be
assured, that the last words at night
are of great Iwportnnce even Jo the
tables of the Hoek. The very toles of
the voice they last listened to make
an Impression upon their lu•usillvr or-
ganizatious. Mltthers, do nut think the
time and strength wasted which you
speed lu reviewlu:a the day with your
little boy or girl. ho not neglect to
teach it how to pray, and prey for It
In simple and earnest kuugnage which
It can uuderotaud. Soothe and, quiet
Its little heart after the exp erieusrn of
the day. It 11a4 bad Its disappoint-
ments and trljls,as *•011 as Its play
and pleasure. It Is ready to throw its
maws around your neck and take Its
good _night kiss.--ll)etou Travelfr,
A PrettyOno H Node or a C rd.
.7 nae �
board Yon tad Comp Stool.
No baby seal IN. without a -pretty
toilet basket ('00(1 though the mother's
resources be limited. Such a basket
as Is (how. In the illustrar requires
only la. email outlay in mousy end draft
toilettes of clever fingers: 'lite basket
Itself has as a (simulation one of those
.lee flat cardlsariel foxes' in whi.'h
gew'n0 are went house. The Inside of
the box 14 first well padded with wad-
ding and the whole afterward covered
with silk or mereeriz.d sateen. whtet'
In Its turn Is again covered with white
or cream spotted muslin. A pretty lace
Selling Ovt. Selling Out.
Having decided to dispose of my general business, I am making a
genuine clearing sale of my
edged frill of muslin must lie put all
round the box, and 011 no account
skimp your frill.
The four corners of the box are fin-
ished off with ribbon lows or dnt r0-
Rett00 made of silk. Ib not forget to
make a Wee pincushion. A triangular
one Is convenient, 04 It 814 In ane cor-
ner. A cover for the basket when not
In use could be 11111110 Froin a piece of
silk covered with muslin to match that
on the basket..
The basket 1s nothing more than an
ordlnnry -crimp stool. Hemove the can-
vas seat. Ira the legs and enam-
el them the rotor of the ellk which lines
and decorates the loar.ket.
When quite dry piece the box on it
and securely mill It on the top hare.
This can be dune either before or after,
but a neater.PReet is genital when It Is
put on afterward. (:11t headed nails
would not be nn eyesore phowing on
the Inside It' they were driven In strong-
ly and evenly.
A dainty shade for table decoration
and very effective in a glass calldle-
stirk Is 'tussle of white net rent -to fit
an lsingla.a frame. Ornament the net
with ruttiest of One German or French
valer10lennee Ince. Line with a Hoff
shade of pink or green. A similar idea
eau be nosed na lamp shade, using wn-
ler color paper fur (bode, painting a
eonventlonel design In tulles to form
(1•110ne on shade. Cut out paper Ife-
tween de4lgI1 and fill In with a shirred
lining of chiffon In any desired 01111410.
Fold together. which will
^Ice the butterfly the nppearuice of
flying. Still another idea Is to use it.
large bream ring, the kind used for
crocheting. Have little belle with rib-
bons attacbed to tie on a ring for etch
game won.
Y..t.bea tar Nooehee.
A housekeeper who was recomntefd•
ed to try cnc'untlrr peeling as n Mite -
dr for ese.kroni•fie•4 .trewell the floor
with piece. Of the peel cttt n',. very
thin and watched the smote,. The petits
covered the -peel within n short time, n0
that It eld not be seen, 00 eornclon4ly
were they engaged In choking the poi-
tenons'moMtotr from 1t. The 'wenn*
nigh that thin write trieed the number of
coekrewleheO wee relnessl to a splatter,,
and none were left alive on the third
Broken Sleep -Tired Piext Morning.
Sleep toll only tents, hot Intild4 sip Cut,1lie I"w1v, Cut, down the Matt of
,Ietli, and you rut (town health i the
wtn1• pt'ogwlrtion. Kebnihling hen
, rases, n01.5141 go to wnllawh, you Knot*
tired, weak and wretrhed.
To restore 'deep you t get
hod ily strength, re nntrit'
blood, he.ulthier 111.1.VO4., 1'errozone
snhres the whsle prnhlem. trinket' you
sleep soundly, given endurance, vim,
ambition. No re morning weak -
T1040 instead the fire of youth will
run in Tont veins, supplyint nbst1•
dance of one eptly and elcp►tt• 5.Vitehery
exprease. the Institut efh'ct of Ferm-
iane; try it.
FOR 6o DAYS, commencing TUESDAY, JULY 3rd. I
I would just say by way of introduction, that I am determined
to make this sale the largest and best that has been in the village of
Dungannon. My stock is practically new, well bought, carefully
selected and comprises the newest and most up-to-date goods that- can
be found in any general store. I might also mention that each and -'
every line of goods I carry in stock will be sold at BARGAIN PRICES:
So if you are in want of goods for present or future use, it will be to
your advantage to call and see our stock before making your purchases
elsewhere. Be g w you will find a list of some of the lines we carry,
and trust you wi 1 read our advertisement over carefully and come out
tb see us early a ' often. '
Dress 'Good; Department. - Hosiery.
We can lace before you a
and varied a. sort men tof Ca.
arge ' 5t'olnrn�',r.+ Mark Potton Huse, Kit, 0. 1&
WImir9fa black Cotton Hose, K1. 01
NV en's black Potton Hose, K!1, 11, 95
ItelO\\' \f l' !`It �'lllt a list Ot OIII�' 1 1st 5.Vir lea's hbi'k (')thin Iluw•, 1f01tus-
or( dye
5.W ..men's black Potton Hone. Cash-
nor feet.
1 1 f ti..
Extra heavy, Hercules blvuld.
for b.y'.�t wear. in sizes tf 1010!„ reg
'LM', f11,' l.w• ,111(1 Hh',
\W en's ('11141 qv Hose. SI, 9, 111'
W41t1r11 s Cast •I'1• Hose, 51, 9, Na
' vu's Cashmere Hose, 5'. 0, 111
Of , Stock.
I t l l I r. (l l I a.
mimed 1 11 '
- 3 )'eves o I Iso l Lu n• 7 nt. c i n
brown. gret•II 1111111', shim!.......
3 pieces 11.1.1•.91 Lust' •, assorted
rotors. 1_' in
:3 pieces ,••,1 ,led "Itot Idlsti'e,' assorted
colors. 11
:I pteees •idol 1st Lustre,.
colour. II i11
3 pieces fine 0 I 'Meek Suiting, ars,
.01401, Ni in .. .... ...........
5 ['Imes honey check Milk Mohair. Alit
:1 pieces Iit;hl weight Vctrl isle 1'2 in
:{ p101es Vrnel Mil Suiting, 1I i11
:1pieces.light 'TweedSuit ing,"'Ii11- *1.3
Alar a foil range of bhark Dress ('
which will I. Lound well assorted. at pr
ranging from lih; to 111.2. per yard, :old mal
other lines in rulu1011 and creat dress falai(
:at the same proport' to twdncliuu.
Lir 1Kt
pts• 1344•
:a1• :110
Itea. N,• I f
111' 750
15r 111'
Jk 1:r
Zia• llh•
:1{ pairs lit Overalls, with bit. ' 75k, 5s.
:11 pairs' if Overall., with bill.. *1.111 7:s•
:}I pairs sir rot Ism Tweed pants *1.111 7:a•
If fawn Hain 1'intta, regular *3.'1) and
sit- *3.tl1 *1.1Rr
') w• 111• i d: • 11 l '( .5a) r,,lal
. 1 u k xf) lx 1'r v• 1. 1 • tin l sit tt.
I a, .w t e FG si7
just the linr'tilarkOsted Wa.berpnsof Itainl'cat( 14.111 +i,i'}I
nine ah• and 5 dark Oxfut•d 1'raarnetts. Hain Csettelu,rll 7,:}I
3w• _'Si• • 1'uu will find thew. Tines all sheplaywl on
i1M :111• our tables and marked at prime's) that you
will be mire to 111111.0 a nele•tiun.
1:. W1 list- 1eI.gIhs, 159114W111 patterns.
tit id cn1o1•1
1A lsgl los, ()they hair, lis-
( -1,1 •d 1141 tern,
22 Wain • lengths, wood leprae, as -
51 rts .pallets"
Linen epartment.
Our stn k in this Zine is well as-
rted wit staple -goods but it also
irises mite dainty and useful
Our assortment in these lines is :,tic •s in fa cy linen goods, such as
unequalled, our patterns and colors 5 o t k T 1 Covers, Sideboard
dainty and our pares very tempting. I)Up,s, Tray overs, Doilies, Table
Mats, etc. Pri right.
Embroideries and Insertions. Ladies' R -•'n
11'e have over 2,000 Wards of these wntel1noof 1'o ts.
roods to sell and are marking them fast egii y
{, }, 3 Oxford grey. l'rnv,
very lOw, t{Oxford grey, Cravat..r.:.,..' •Itrg. Ad,.:{ darkaivl•, 1'ravanetle.
7:11 ynr,(s, assort patterns :w• Me '2 only, fawn l'ravanet.ta•
Will yards, assorted patterns._ tte:lad-125c Vie fl fawn ('ravanette. F. len -
:a01 yards. WWI PI 11a11e1.11",, 4,:101(n11 21e 1' 2,' arrived -
Eitibtoidend Eionncing. regular price, 25ees Department.
35e, 15, :old 50e, for 194'. 'Lir. :Vee and .174•,
licit. Sala Boot and Shoe Department.
;ran ••vie This is another line that we 'ran-
}*' :I ' not, with justice to ourselves nor
satisfaction to the public, describe,
.:15, . but you can rest assured you will be
able to procure good bargains. Our
stock is both large and well assorted.
Laces, Insertions tit
and Silk Ribbons. C611
a at
. sizes. 1MI111Illa.IJ have many more just as useful and
equally as good value.
felt, 7.:,11 tenial DINNER SILTS.
111.111 Ib'g. $ale
i/tla► 7.:10 1n-pgee Dinner Sets, neatly decorate d
Crockery and
Chinaware Department.
This is 11 line we have always paid
particular attention to, both as to
quantity, quality. and assortment.
l3elow we quote a few lines but .we
11,11) aid good t•ohable wan' $3.l0) *t.i1G
IIs(. ,n -pier• r)t • Set, olive gars. gold
1'1.11111,511 sllpplwl9.51► 7.510
,14.1-p1+is1ipphr.' 1)Inl.' McI.n., 1.11%1. green, gold
. K,511 1(.111
In -piece• plain white, with every ores
The above department includes : gold stippled 12.00 9.50
Shirting's, Duckings, pi, 'n :ld ,t7i-pi11e Dinner wet, in blue stud green.
every ptae gold sl ipphd 11.10) toxin
fancy colored 'Tweeds, I'o% .ningr,
Shakers, white and grey C, t Ins, - . TOILET WARE. Iter. 8.k
Sheeting -s, l'Illow Cottons, etc. 11 111-piereToilet. Meets, laa$t:•t•ted patter:1e
regulars2.5411111(1 *"2._ 5 *2.10)
al clearing sale prices, 1 lo -pieces, gull stippled and assorted
Gents' Furnishing Departmen "lotus, regular ...... .. *1.:1) and San :I, 15
Lace Curtains and Muslins.
11"c can show you a very large
range of t hese good s at veru low prices.
Reg. Nate
51 pairs, x05141001111 I:u•e.:1 311 1:s• .4.141
pairs. Nottingham Tae, 31 yds-.*1,101 75e.
I pair Nottingham Lace.
:t2 in.
1.2x, f1. 1
lirairs. Nof tinghant 1.11(1', yds- Tong. •
:iS11 t. - 1.50 si. Our stock in this line is Ver,
1 p,ai•$, Nntlin1haalu Irtce,3' 111 Ina-� yds. long. 4 hi�can e tv and you carest assured that
If pith.... Swiss lance. t yds, Tung. "12 in'. 2.511 1.115 our prices will he marked away down.
nye 'Li different 1.attetns k't thin 4rm,
in pries. from 7riu to $3.:111, Male price•
k to
Ii loins, ''',""1,,,.% 1 vds, lung, 57 iu. 3.Ial '2.1:4 . '
r, pwlir�, vsciss I.rlcr, 1 yds. long, 51 in.:f.73 Y.li:, lielOw yl�U will filltl some Of them STAPLE CROCKERY.
2 pairs, Itnl11w1 Ilobinettl• 't ler 2.It tlllOted. �1'r rarey. two sinew, viz.: ERY... Leff pat-
tern pairs. swiss ret: t.lal 1.Li MEN'S SUITS. tern •and dere tool olive greed patter's. Roth
Also Medium Curtain Muslin. r•gullar 2:'.1•, lira. sate lines )�lr• said wt pled.
Ln•, :I: -"'.:all 1111•, fm. 1:s•, 1114'. 'Ls' am41 I:r, (11.1114' s"unner Tweed Soils
*11.1111113. i:r p►innet�,l'lnt1.s, K .
Gents' dark brow•n'I'weelMuitm...... 5,111 3.75 . ...pil.•hr$1.11)
Muslins and Wash Goods. "' (lett" dark' tweed Snits.... . 7.511 toll) Iireakfdst Platen.7 n....`.'..`. 1.111 IISc
Genie' dark Tweed Suits 111,111 7.:11 Tea I'hatra, 1{ in., .... ...... 1 • 1.0) 790
1►eswert. Tilt,'),, 5 in . • • x14(0
11'e are showing- a large assort- YOUTHS' SUITS.
h ge ( 1 •ups +and S:ancer0 f7.111-11 al
1'onth+i f:ides p weed Mnits *1.511 3111
All other oxo
meat of these Broods in plain and i goods in c► depe►M.nlenc ac.aom
Y1)11111.r'(nares 1at1'41 Mllltw...,F:i.INI :t, 131 p)rlpr(rrt,inatg1e11111'1•I It1.14willINeImlaarked
fancy patterns. Yo,uthw' Lowy '1 *red Snfts...... .. 11,111 1.:11 in pilin flgutr?c.
Itcg. Sale Youths' Wiry 7'ss'eel Suite 11.:11 1.7.i
1:l pieces, fancy colonel Muslin. regi- TUMBLERS.
tar I:w• to •Lal• per yd.. your rhnl. t roe Ila • 72 dozen good Tunthlers, rignlitr .
W.nr rhoire of only 1111 Suits, in nr•w ,uu
a purrs, white nlerrerizej -•I:w' 1 I,. 1
3 pieces, white itereet•izel 4: I1,• 1%1-10-11811V patterns unit styles, from *1,511 to
1{ pieces. Swiss, r•gul:ar I:a•, :dk• anti lir, fin. 11c. *:3,75, ""nn► rod di Ire! your IN)y 1st new Soil. Groceries and Provisions.
1Ir :old 11h•. MEN'S WORKING SHIRTS.
I )10'40 uten•Ivir1'1l 1(,.( - ,a Men's 1•nlit1.d Ilurk !thirty VLIII Will lltld j
:1k• :eke
:I pieces, fancy Duel; Suiting I:w 110 �Ietl's colored. Gni•v Iht•k Shirts.... 7a• :1 s• •
th11. 1iiit as *111' tit
3 pieces lined Sailing, assorted pal- M 1011111 I d y
(elle., flint tilt• growls (1n• child ren'N
04.11 1
le, for 32r.
St a.5 good W, tie 1n
t has been en -
ens Dior tWilleo Sattrn Shirts.. -..1.501 7:e• ti11111 , Special v1 Ill` i n Japan an/1
SMOCKS AND JACKETS. 'Ceylon Teas. I'rices as follows :
1 pinin rottou Tweed Mnis k... .... ie WK.
Prints. „' e 1 Posey blue DurkS'tiw•k 7:r 5:n. TEAS.
11.x1..1 heavy I►urk Smock. lined Iteryt, tlale
Japan Tea in 5rlh, lnts .:"a: air
It►0 pieces Potter's 5 he 51 English with airier eloGt *1,5AI 1,111 p
r r Extra heavy, Waterproof Smock .2,101 I,:hi 'krill Tin in 5..•111, hate :1{SI• 'Liu
PI'itlls, all bUug,hl this Springs (iU011 MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS. Ceylon Teti in Crlh, Intro K dk
Choice patterns. Regular 121 jC, Ceylon
Twp in 5rlh, Infos ,..... :#fir' 2ilc;
I gr idiffet•entlines,ntisrrledpatfrrnti,. 5}Ir :17�,,• 1'eylnnTrninirlb.Istat plc Air
i dilTerent lines, metort 41 a151erns..
sale price 10C. p Vie 'awe 1'vyl"n 'Nil in 6•Ih. lots
t1.lsffrrnt lines„oss)rlel nllteins,. +
i p *1.25 1." FRUIT ARS.
White Wear Goods. 41ilTetynt 11111.4, Il4Melt'l54l (41114.1'11• . . 1.'2-1 1014• J
BOYS' FANCY SHIRTS AND BLOUSES. N'"v 18 Ili" 'r'aw'hp t." 1'uy' uI $d We
Including 1,albl'S 1.:11\ n 1* .iistti bought these wind. before the Iv rent *dimmer
1 , 3 different lines, nswirlel 1)14.11011)4. :1k• :111• � in pries., rin.rquently are in 1a p os Ilion to give
. Skiris, C,Ow11'., Corset Lovers and i'I tllfTt•n•nl lihew, Asa.t•I sol p,llIrry•114,... 15r 514 I sail RIK01 ynhle,
liH1•trnt lines, Shirt i%1 nisls, 75e 550 IItO q„a
I n,tletl. Vests, etc. All of these i •l411R,'re•nt lints', Shirt 111misv. 7:01' S11' 1'1111,0 ' 711• x151'
goods will he marked at clearing kale The (h.n... Inn' is all new g,wido.
hest I pile ( Istrtw. sow• 5't
ehnssl for 'spring tram.. anQ romprIaeti the Wine, ' gala
*1.101 xTr•
prices. pie,, PO and moat dainty patterns. Imperial (lunrts lose• ; tc
.,y . lilir Mc
Space forbids me enumerating any other lines, but I can assure you the same reductio n will be
found it) this department as in any other I have mentioned. In conclusion letme ask all thou , who are
in want of good honest goods at bargain prices tt, come and take a look through our stoc It and in
doing so we will endeavor to give one and all the same prompt attention and fair treatmet it as we
have tried to do in the past. Thanking you for past favors and trusting you will avail your selves of
this golden opportunity, I remain, your obedient servant.
Cash or Produce.
S. J. YOUNG, Dungannon:
OMMD4111111111111111DsGININIIINIMI•f,•IMO • MEW •INN 1111111111.1 0.111.1111110