HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-7-5, Page 22 THURSDAY, July 6, 1806
;Telephone ('all No. Ss.
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regularly by mull will router a favor I.y 11,
4ur11111mg Iles of the fart 411 u. early u duly as
tV hen • change of satire... its dls,lrl.d, lath 1110
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Advertising Rate:
laigul rod of her 1lruilar advert a eumnl., hie
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each .utaw.luent IIl.ertlUn. M.IP11„d by a
a laparrll scale. t we've lines to u1 Melo.
BU41111e,. cards tarsi: llia+s and muter, at ler
Ad rtiwoents of Lost, Found, Strayed, 4411•
MOM is vr.,anl, Ni11nt lou. Wanted. Home.. for
Sale r to 'tent, Farms for Sale or 10 Sent,
Artie a for Kale,ter. i exceeding
. of4,.)ieight
Iluelt, ,k e•41eh InseKl.ltci>fl for Not mouth. Ms
fur (141411 ,ulwoltuenl 130111 h. larger advertise
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Rates for di -play and rout reel ad. erns.;
'bents will be given 011 applies,'tom.::
Adders. all colnnulnleallnus to
Tits 4410.1.11.
Iha.oricb. On
in an appropriate t' • for
national Ntock•Uiking, for c ting up
our tt'eaeurrx and spending a while in
ruminating:upon the past,' the pes-
eta. and the future. The thirty-ninth
anniversary of the birthday of the
Canadian l'onfeilerley H15do us up-
lifted upon a high wave of national
prosperity. with a sunlit path sprach;
ing before us into the vast esprces of
the time to he. We hear great men
talk of our gnawing population, of our
inlmenlw wheat fields, Of our Mile) of
untold wealth, of our trade that is
bringing Canada with gigontie steps
to the forefront among the 11111)4
merciel nations of the world. In
things material we are nal tautly
bleated : the nab' 1 habitue oberl
a moat cheerful due •tit.
What elle htw'e We to present to the
world as it result of our thirty-nine
years' work ? IN our pnlgrrs. to Ii
counted only in dollar's and 'rents
Are we producing great men. ,t5 avell
ad great Chipping bills? Khat are
our achievemente in literature, in the
sciences, in art. in -intellectual and
social progress.? Are we. giving the
world an example of a free and en-
lightened people, ready to Nmeriflce
less moble things to the ideals of
liberty and ju.atice and righteousness?
There are the things that (-mutt in the
long run : they are the men of "lir
nation whose names will live through
the years to come who give their lives
to the building lip of our country
upon the 'wild W11ntlatiol of elet'nnl
Truth. %Ve believe thin. ('atauln is
thinking of these things : we have
among • prudent men who. some-
times give. iti glimpses of Tufty Ideals ;
We are making progress in the thing,
that laid, and those who are looking
into the 'right vistas of the future are
a land 1 vcrflowing with Milk and
honey, anda p"ple whose counten-
ances are lightest with intelligence
and truth who pn.ud1)' claim that
lend their hot.,' and 11111 it Yamada.
" lord, while for rllhlul.k Ind we pray,
Of every clime and roma.
1) hoar u+ for mu native 1and,
1'111. Lund we. 1011. the nlo+l.
" Our fathers' sepulchres are herr.
And here our kindndwe. 1
A 1.
our children too :--how should we. Ione
Anot her lona so well f
"U gumd Over shore. from ever)" for
With peace our banter. blew :
With prosperous times Our r•il ir. mown.
Oar meld. will; pl1•n11•on.m,•..,
" Unite ne, in the sand lo.'
Of knowledge, Inuit, anti Thee;
And let Our hills and valley .hoot
Tho song. of II ,Pel t
Voting on the bylaw to guarantee
the bonds of the Maitland River
Power Co, lnkem platy top Sid Milky
next. 1t is to he hoped that the
voters individually have informed
themeelvls as thoroughly as may lw
in regard to the (mention, and in this
ease they" need no Whir,. ,114 to how
they 'shall (,1t their ballots ; but, art
some expt'PNNiun of opinion M1Ill0 to
be look.'.l for from The Signal a brief
review of the question will 1e given.
There dee those of our citizens who'
believe that a44Ni'sMII'e to private cor-
poration. should never be given by e
pnhljF body, bet- that. private enter -
prime ohonld conlive iti undertakings
wholly upon its own responsibility.
There are those who !where that mart
enterprises /IN that which is noir pro-
posed Nhuuld be tarried out under the.
policy of public ownership, and that
the town should itself build tend oper-
ate the Maitlitnl power works, if they
are to be built nt all. Those who hold
these views hila' Indy to vote es they
think. Hut the great majority of our
people. WP 4IOrve, ,are ready to con -
eider a Jll'11Iw,$ltn/n 111 this sort 1111 116
merits Alone, withou4 retitle, 10 any
set principle except to 14141110 the in-
teresta of the town, and the 54lestion
now before them in the nutter of the
bylaw in whether the inter.etw of the
town Are properly seemed lir not.
A point element winch there ham
been a great dent of dis'11sNipn hit the
atre.ts and elsewhere 111 in connec-
tion with the price to Le paid by the
town for the power to run its electric
light, and waterworks plant. It. sPenls
to lit that this point is not of 50 h
importance AN the pnuninenep it
received would neem to indteatp. If
the scheme is successful In bringing
the advantages to the town whleh Its
ptvorrloter's prrniae, A few huudeed
dollars a year will not he greatly
tlliused--adiultting the content ion that
the amount Haeiel, $7,000, is more than
the nest of running the plan! with
rteaul power. It is. however. a weak
puint'io the bylaw anti will ctrl it a
cubsidrrable Punitive of voter.
Other objection* to the scheme
which have been named are of even
les coullrquence In view of the great
(petition whether the scheme is a feas-
ible one or not. \Ve have had engin-
eers' reports upon the pmje•t, but
there; are e01110 phases or it 1111)
which further intonation w'ou
(lave been drril•able before the taking
of the vote. Pr, term are, howeve',
tlotoriuuoily inpatient ; and those Iw•
hind 111e'.beth*. now under di.cu.>,iun
are nal ditrnteut (roll! the real, and
the 'wet that the voters 1.101 du is 1
pro'erlt 11144)11 what ii,fo1'11131' ilp
now at aiLtblr.
Thee has (were little dismission at,
to the plasibilitirs pf finding 11 ;truth-
able market for the plover when it is
generated. Otte way in which a con-
siderable t. of 'sower t'11u141 be
employed is in the running of electric
railway lines; and, as we hove before
411011114.11 11111, this 1e a dryelupment
which would 'bring ' •ms• mlvan•
Inge* to the nowt; If it could 141 carried
out. The construction 1/4 radial lines
north mad south of the town alight lw
expw.Ird to follow'closi•ly upon the
providing of the power to rum then.
and this may fairly he taken into ac-
count in the eoneidrt',at' of the by-
That Ihr town is taking n great risk
11) pledging its ¢n9ht for $I:A',Ieel nod
interest (•:11111/1 lie , gainsaid. and '111e
great (mPntion to be dw•idel by the
voter is, Is,it A.(e„somthle risk
If the s•henle is to go duelsl an ad -
alit' 1 sura of $lrss,4ss1 will harem
lie 11.111991 from private capitalists by
the sale of stock, lend 'whore these
ra/p/11a111h414 will invest their 1111uey
they will ex ' • the project pretty
thoroughly. 11.4.ut• the .41w•khulders
can get ,a rent out of the stiletto.• the
rululing m
exIotes and Ute lentils will
have to 'be paid. The st.NaklloIlerl
will theefue• be laking a double risk,
,Ind twit re they will do this they will
here to 1e esu i1Hrd that the undertak-
ing will be a suecesNtul unr. and if it is
successful the town will not titre to
pay a cent on the heads. Ifthe private
cold, abate 0 1 Iw rnnviueed of the
mountainous of the enterprise it will not
le. undertaken And. again. the town
will not lose anything. df the .t'rk-
holders put up their• money and the
works are 1' 'Dieted, and if thele
the a Zany et ninut meet the bonds,
the 1111.11 will fon9.11s• its nlortgag'
and will' get the works for $I:III,U1lI,
and might 1'. Iah1.' In make a g111e1 4n-
14.10141 On 41N in l.wh0r114.. - '
On the whole, then. Ilie ion tern
sero) to have reasonable gist nnd fin-
rasking the voter'. not 4. 'dock their
undertaking at the outewt, but 14) 'd-
how them to go ahead and ),!,"r tIeir
project iwf,n• eapitnlists who will
look into i1 carefully before in veining
their Intoner. '
Thr Urpu•tmeld o4'Phy.icmat the On-
4lIril, Agrirull Oral 1'olirge is entirnt^41r-
ing to emphasize the importance to
farmelxof propel -drainage .4 their land.
This meets with swat hearty approval
by the Alh aateV of Agrieultlre that
he lute authorized the other,. of the
1 h•plu•I Meld Lt 'go .11111 in1ung the
tmvlet'41 where rmiestel,- take the
Ir1•rls of their hand, 111,':Ile tun@ ld l'elllr
for then. 11141 give infm•lnajinn'g'n-
er:111y oil the subject, the only expense
('(111tmile) with. It b•it.g, the travelling
expenses .1f line 1114,1). 11111.0• t W,1 or
three' persons in the x,fn)0 vininity
have work to be done, they Quelld
arrange' together 10 have all done
during one hip, 1.21.1 nnr paying his
proportionate .hale of the expense.
This Alen mimes the individiml 0111 -
lay to it Vasey shell 1415411.
All sol
lunmialli•a)41 ler the subject
should be addressed In \Vit. 11. laity,
Lecturer in l'hysics, Ontario Agrieul=
tura' (.4diege, Guelph.
Ahoy Miss Canada have many !nappy
returns of the day.
If 7011 mustgo to al eh,u'ivnri, y
man. IPate your gun at toms,
Iionnas•it is the "enfant bruit!," of
:he Liberal party tit Ottawa. 11e
should 1e spanked.
The extra indemnity to netulwre of
the 1 001111111N and Senate revue (+an-
alis atilll,llb n )'.ear. That ii not a
small i,.sur,
The menthols of IIle 1) Diet
(-4.1A-oration Turn ' tee are 10 la• con.
la ttulstel upon the '.oris, of their
efforts, They hat a helped In win
hack for Onderich the prestige it. used
to hat .•AN the great tempo. for Domin-
ion I),ry in thie distriet.,
The mere fart of asking King Fel-
waht to up'n the Fair eatnlrliaheet the
mi wriority of Toronto over all the
other faint in Canada that didn't have
the nerve to tnekle him. Toronto
Tlint'w right. When it romp.' to
nerve Toronto lays It all mer the test
of ('nna.ln,
The Toronto Star none; that IMmin•
• Day next year will be the fortieth
anniversary of i'onfel.•ration and
that it might 141 cl'lelrr41tetl iu a
special manner, "With honors to the
last, two surviving fathers of footed•
oration, if they at/. still with 110, and
to such veterans as Sir Richen, Cart-
wright, who ran give us pereonol
recollections of those troubled tInnre,"
A member of the British Clones of
Commons called attention to .t report
that there wan a movement on font In
Canada for national indep•ndenee,
Premier Campbell- Bannerman told
the member not to he alartned-the
feeling in 4'amnia was t0w,)91r ,'Ulmer
Union rattler than ii4.p.'ndetwe. Hut
what .11,1 11)0 m1)'mlwr im.IgL140 1111'
British tioler •0t Wa44 going to do
about it. anyway, if Ihr report were
A drspateh trove Guelph raga:
..Guelph has for la lung tittle been
0t•e11.1111 Wilt iis4.1es41 lot;), and.tb..
b)'blw regarlil artist -Mg x - beth! y
has Iwr15 Renner! 'r lit the Mental
than in Ihr onset -tame. A little
while Ago 1 he ,upttcil 1444lp. lilted 11 dug•
raider Di the Iwrsuu 44Jush11u I'r•tera,
41'111,14' dutir9 r11ulueie 4.44161)'. As a
result threw has been a great rush ft)
NNI'1110 ht'eitoes. for tm'L caudle.., Over
Salt) liter *trendy 1114.11 taken in lox
T ensurer Scr„ggie, w•lll•leas i11 yeal'
last not 11100ethawan eighth oda this
ns team ctelleetwl. 'I'hyre pramis•4 lit
lie softie warm doings When 1110 dug.
catcher gets nbuug."
\Vhere is lii.leric•h's J.rihui Peters )
The following information from
The,1Valkerten 'Telescope ' be of
some interest to many of idle rtatlera :
Mr. 11'..M. l):r'k, secretary of the
bospitil 1sal'l, has prepared, at am
ilU1i)e)l9V 11f labor, ,t vela
c plehensit•.' .tnteue15t of the Ir-
de•ipts 411141 expenditures under a
variety of heading, since the estab-
lishment oft lir 11,41141111444), 'rile (,.t411
iur11uu•, ineludiug the bequest ffunl
the M041114 estate, ham leen tir.KSI4.1111.
Of This amount the county hal con-
tributed IMAM, town of \\'alkertuu
leak71111. 111, township of Brant $1,Z" 17,
village of Cargill $1,14::..4!, tewu of
Kiurunliur:RCM 7-). and 1111,11111 11
tient. r•?ri vied (111111 Other 111 ''iptli-
ti.1. The 1111 11 1 11.11.i Veil 1111111
!Nat iell1N i. ;4,11411;.
There has leen euuaulrrahle 111111-
nlrul on the blighted app earane of
the Lombardy poplars this year, 'A11
Lhnlugh this district the+.• loll, grarr-
ful trews have leafed ant in a very
et1np(gling manner and hook as if their
vitality had been seriously touched.
From the remarks 1.f newspapers in
other districts it 4140111N AN if this eon-
11it14n were Nffeeting the tender
throughout it greatportion of the
Province. '!'here are vat- s specnh-
tiues as tothe rause of the sudden
ehamge, Ns the hat's appeared to he
perfeetty healthy last 144411411111. Some
whams. the theory that it Was the
warm weather in February, Gd111w.d
by the con' weather of March : hut
why NI Id this not have had a simi-
lar effect up41m other bytes:? Another
idea is that it may lw 44)1111' new in-
sect pest with n pt•cllier fuo.hless fur
the poplar. 41'haleree it is. it 100101
as if the trees were threatened with
extinction. .They are not ,1 very de-
airable her in c • respects, and yet
the stalely rows of poplars add dies•
tincticm.lu many a country landscape.
The Celestial Surgeon.
If 1 have faltered more ..r Ir --
1117 grcsl 1a•k of hapyin.•..:
If 1 hare. neo. (.11114)0)1(1 h.)' rave,
And .leen ungluriuu+ uclrming fare:
If beano Mutt tempt ham u1 rye.
Hesse moved nu' not : if morning skies.
Hook., and melfood, and sun11h'r ruin
Knocked on 111y .idle.,, heat In vain
I.onl, thy mod pointed pleasure take
And .tab no .pied brunt awoke
or, Lord. If too obdurate 1,
1 'hams• Th.n, before thatspirit
A pi'n'ing min," killing sin.
And to my dmf heart ram Ihem1 In.
Robert Inml. Sterenson.
Can't Beat Huron.
Clint m New Rol.
Mr. Allan. of Windsor. customs in -
specter. 41;141 in town on'SAtud,, , and
in the pourer of conversation h.• said :
"My duties tike u1• all over I lir Prov-
ider, but nowhere do 1 (Ind a county
thin, Inking it altogether. tan mut--
pans the county of Huron."
. But We
_ zari'•h Herald. .
Thr . • holidays are with ns
again. Thr hub. ones have Nil week
in which to forget what they have
learned tip to mow. Six weeks in rim
and play, go fishing, sw•iwmning, unit
the dozen and one tither selllt•nt44
that children knew so 'Well how to
play. .v No cares, no worries. 11111
nothing to trouble 4lw t from (boy 1..
day. ,Oh, if WP mold ,ilw:ly. le I'))11
and girl..
A Drug in the Market.
Nm.w'I- 1'00.
Som.. w'eekw The Posy receives AN
'h AN two cul of obilnntt•
)111..1 l'y allyl with the pressure 1/1 Int•
Vert is•menl, and heal IIIaI t,r1 1)11 1111•
spar)' we find it l uiteine)Neisible to
rite the poetry plate. It is no use
wending it. an we h:1Ve 'snide n alt• lit
decline its publivntlon, 1V.. w•ilp Iw
pleased to print it. in sheet. ,.r bard
torn! for any)NNly desiring it at a low
figure. •
Want Model Schools Retained.
Wv.farth Rxpo.itor.
At the meet Mg of the eminty ermin-
ed of Leeds and Grenville the rola-
' •P mit education, in their Iepoet,
which was uneniluou14l1 • Adopted,
mtrongly condemned the Whitney
Onvernment for abolishing 11,441e1
mention.. A majority of the council
are 4'omwrvittiv.s. The tanned are
tight. The model mehoN11m have ieeen
doing splendid work, And at m111'11
less emu than will h• done Al the ee•1'-
eral net Mal erh els, which it lo pm -
posed 10 establish, and which are to
supersede the model schols,
it's Not This Way In Godetich.
Koro Herold.
\Valker•on is an old Iran's town,
The young man reeei'ef mighty little
encouragement. therein. If a young
men attempts to do anything the olid
benrb politely leave him ,lone.
You've got to lar over fifty Nt least lw-
fore you darn offer any nth :ice or SOK-
has motes power here than ability
hluldicapped by youth. •
Hew to Ead the Senate.
Kinard!,,,, Review.
Outside the ?Senate itself thele is
practically a unanimous utoiniutt that
this 11111411 r could .Niggle along
wit' t it. rave anile money aqui be
e mite happy when 41 1s gone. ale thrul,'rlvls may he pardoned
fur opposing abolition. No one 111 his
,acre A0116/•N 1.000 hee:Ulle NIIt11U11artie
liter an :agitation tht had for its rule
purpose Ai i r self-effacement. The
ppooulterer'4'oi consulted his fowl as to
bow they should like to lie iterated,
could expect no other answer than
"Hitt we don't- want to he killed."
And the Senate can stand in the way
f its 11wu alwdiliun. A p,lion to
th.' Inheres! GoVrl•Ilnlrhl praytiing for
such a change in • ,cu1.titutiun
must have the allrsnt 0( 1/110 Senate as
411.11 as our douse of 4'ou!uunr, 1Vi11
they give that conNru! ? Nut while
self-pr•srr%1tiun lemlaims Ihr 111.41. law
of nature. How then 1;41 it be dune?
('udnuhtrtily, the party that takes fat'
its platform the ablih11n 1/f the Sen-
ate will command a tu•ge electoral
Purr, if the public a.'uulo ser that the
puolja•y woe feasible. The 'only way to
((o ala4ul II '21 fco' i 4)1111)' to pledge it-
self, if returned to powe', to appoint
no 1i)re slematul•s and pet Father
Time with his self -binder do the rest.
Clergymen in Politics,
Toronto Star.
The Winnipeg Telegram has made a
t•igonlu•s at tick upon certain minister's
of that city w'ho accused the Rollin
Gu'e'11uient of toeing in ,dli'ncr with
the• lit our traffic. Whether enillirtrrr
NI Id go roto politics, either in or out
of the pulpit, is :► tpoes ' much
delated, If they remain silent they
are incensed of cowardice 1/r want of
puddle slain by one party. and if they
speak they our aceu)ed of Moral Meta
meddling by the other. Sometimes
an effort i1 11141.11.' to slvr 1110 JiMetilty
by aren't-iw Gott the minister has ,a
right to speak two as a citizen, hot not
in his eternal capacity. tins this di1-
liuctiu1 is easier to hay down than to
carry out. A minister, say what you
will, is not two men, but ur, tool
when he speaks his chlnu•ter and
his peat ' Ore behind what he Nays,
%\'hen his twee -maces are twined 11t•
Ib.,s• Io wh they are acceptable, it
is always withthe addition that he is
,a Methodist.
or, 101 Ant/bean, 0e. ,1
Pi rsln•terien minister, apt this de.
w'ripliun is auppplsed to all to the
weight of 1he(141laration,
The v.rly rule that roan lw Laid do
in these cases im (11it the minim
1.' willing 14) Aeeept I he IeNIk
idbility ,and the eonasp it t .•. of
ar'lilrn, 11114 must not ex pet lois eli
to protect him from the hr•irkI
that are usually Hying about in
politit•:l contest. Parw•h.•4'. are g
e•rally pretty vigorous 1•.nitn.Vrrli
into. :001 wane of them have
rnnlltland of denunciatory "amnia
that the p,litiral layman alight en
One of the finest duel,' in the Mate
of this 1 menlry was fought b•twe
the pole Alrhhi.hop Mel 'teary and S
William Meredith, then lender I.f t
(pIoo,'itinn in Ontario. Politica brit
out all the 1 an 11Attlr• in ;► ma.
and the Ministerial profess' i,' 110
rxe'pti.n to the rale.
)ll -
of h
en -
there wee anything in connection with
the provisioning ,if the loofa 111Nt sov-
ietise the chargees of crookldneas and
Kraft : the minority finding on the
astute evidence. t hat prrl t y nearly every
Haunt. of the cel ' I rode has leen
violated, 1t 1t possible that under
tither yu elltlunr the majority might
have found something W eriticizr,' fur
nothing human i', above critirirm, but
the vicione end eltogether unreason-
able and vindictive attack of the Op-
ppwiR defeated its own ends.
When a Iran or an institution is un-
fairly hounded it is human nature to
come to his or its defence, liver and
over again this lesion the desperate
efforts of the ('onlervntives to find
minuet Mug upon which to attack the
Government hare. 11•.1 them into this
error lit the enexperieneel fighter, din-
gurting fair -Minded 11111401.04.014 old de-
feating the very object they, had in
view. Nothing has contributed fu
Chir rtilditinn of things so mutat as
the persistt•ut pooliry of dirty innuendo
which has been followed by certain
Members all 'Mr.' Speaker's left. All
manner of utterly alwwnl charges
hay*. been made in the Huusr, only to
iw gnit'0y dropped when the oppn•-
ttudty to pt'.,vr than) was git•e•n.
Even since the enquiry cloud this
policy has 1149.15 rlrorwel, ,old now we
are told that the Opp,sitic)n is peeper -
Mg such a string of indictments
against the Government. to be sprung
at the next or N future session,
that not only Caned* but the woo 'd
will stand aghast. This was what we
heard was to happen this session:
now it is postponedbut only post-
pmel. It re. ds 0110 of the pwt•iloli-
(-al pu•opher-ire of the r(o(ning .4 the
end (of the world --the dread
went is perp etnalIy put forward a few
}•rats AN the exigencies of the case
make it imperative to do so,
No Thanks to Mr. Whitney,
\1'hilr11ptsidr of Oat iutta) plitics, eine
i41 tempted no refer 1 to t tie amu liming effect
the appointment by Mr, 'Whitney of
the editor of Thr Tor,uto (!lube to it
140,14. ot1 the new rove ' g body of
Tole -min University ie having un tin'
'fury press, The Provincial P1'911ier's
artium iN quoted as inilie:ting his mote -
vellums fairness, hilt ability to rise
above nil part y consid,Mtione, and 011
forth, The simply facts, of course,
are that the Presbyterian interests
had to he recognized on the board and
that no Oman in that body hits done
ImoM for higher lea '. 1
tl /1 1
K 1 r take
n a
• rho
run 1y
b,k intelligent
est in the nlf:airs of the
than H.•v, J. A. Macdonald, and be-
sides what is more to the point port-
ably then,either.4 !hese• -there is nn
n11o.'y in it. Mr. Whitney is not
found handing one high -salaried posi-
t' s t.) his INditi.'l opponents : When
he done it will be time rnoulgh to talk
about his magnanimity.
Making Weather in the Yukon.
liittfield, the rainmaker. is pn44lur-
n ing the g110441N, a(-rtlndulg t11 the latest
Ke word h Dawson. Heaavy'raill% 101-
:y. towel his Iwgillniug •.pest' and
ry' report says that the people up there
en believe he will make KINNI. But noth-
ir •lug short• of a repetition of the deluge
110 would satisfy Mr, Foster : lwsid.'N, he
Ig nod in ally knows more *lend it than
It. the elan un the spot.
Government Bows to Popular W.Il in
Doing Away with Pensions, to ex -
Ministers --Question of the Indem-
nity -Opposition Scandal Cam-
paign an Exhibition of Poor Tactics
- Dreadful Things Are to Happen
Next Session.
4lperlal correspondence of The Signal.'
O'rT.lw.t, .lune 30t h. Two or there
weeks ago, in discussing the Sunday
observance bill, it. WAS (N,intetl 11111 in
111421 culutun that the gie111011 wit: nut
at party one, but there was great
dengel' of it14 elev.'loping n differeurrof
I lines, setting nue
aganl21t another. Aa the
debate has procreators' since then, this
Met his 111.111110 •,• 111111 more ap-
parent, until the whole (natter ram.'
p•l'il111lsly nein- a deadlock. The
popular views oat Sabbath obs•rvanee
,lie N11 opposite in different parts of
this wait (-wintry that there ds no hole
of securing any kind of unanimous
action, and there was therefore (only
one logicalIanI course fe• to pursue. lir n1IP
to leave each i'1•oylne ill et ranges the
matter as suits itte•If, ,.wo far las the
provisions of the British North
America Act will permit. .This is pre-
.elsely what the Government proposes
to du, and all parties rec.gij,Iive that
this is the pest policy. 'rl.,, iroVirii:"
anent haw shown, ii'y'and question,
an 1•m'tle•st drain• to legislate for the
Inst and strictest prier -fit -al observance
of a day of rest, at the lase time
giving the fullest effeet to the eru•dinnl
prinr•ipl.• of (Mag.:slim') a full and
thorough respect for Mew incial rights,
Pensions Abolished,
to t
r'om I
to a
at )Ia
V eio
the t
mnitiona that receive nay encourage-:117:11ntent. Take the town eounril, no- ,tan r
bol under fifty-: the Marl of trade. ohjer
died of old age; the horticultural loam
rmiet.y, fossil,' ; every government 11)0114.
official over fifty; the hospital trust,
the sonde : hoard of health, sehrsrl
Isanlw. And anything you can think
of, with one or two Pxee•ptioM to
prove the rule. Voting men in 1VAIk-
erton are to drive riga on election day
and attend iipworth League meetings,
Caned^ la supposed to he the eonntry
of the young man. Youth grew to the
front In soul, lines of (tanodinn ae:-
tdvity. in the comas of the land, in
the is of the church, the owe of
the lawyer and the age of the clergy-
man count for tn.tch It. in true of
Coined., as it is true of taw r.nnntt•ip',
that sire divorced from ability often
pnl•tiel concession ham been made
he dehiand that the hill which 61st.
ion gate annuities to certain Privy
0(11411 . should' be amended. 'I'he
eminent hes introduced ti measure
ing . the pensions to ex -Cabinet
Went. In introducing the bill the
iste• of Justice de•brlyd that he
ser no mote reason why jut .s
del n•'rit'r tension's than ex -Min -
w, anti he WAN oat tailed that these
r would be given consideration
day' ; but just now public opinion
lot appear to approve wf the pro -
I. and it WAN not the province of a
penmen!. to force the nwetter in
nee of the Ieadinees of the people
"c•pt. Of coulee this does not
me of th Jarger (petition --the In.
/41.11/41.11 inde ity which the Comtmmo
d to themselves anti their (sa-
ws of the Senate. There is no
rent introit ion to amend that pro -
n. It should he r.'n)0tnberel,
'ever. that the nptin nhjeet.ion
h hat Iwrn offered to that measure
not. been the inerense inself, bot.
manner in which it wan brought
1. Hal the innlr,00 beet) imide to
7 to the next Parliament, bur in•
c there would hat's Ioon hrt.little
lion to if.. Mor'4uv,•r, whatever
attache,. to the net non of Portia -
motet 11• 'shared egnnlly by ,All :
there was n11 h014i dory whatever on
the part of the 4)prptaitinn in milpport-
ing the proposed when it came before
the Home ; the only difference appears
to be that, after there WAN criticism in
the country, the ( 'tannery atire,' were
not ss willing to Accept the responsi-
bility for their anion they attempted
to crawl.
The Opposition Overreach Themselves.
The long-drawn-out Inquiry Into the
Arctic charges hen resulted in the
committee', htinging in two reports
--the nlajnrity declaring IMit no evi-
dence has been sddurel to show that
Western Fair, London,
The %V. -stern Fair of London. ant.,
will be held this year September 7111
rot -11. Over three Denham' prize
lists and several 1 It hangers
hove already been 111ailet1, 111111 the
I:u•ge INlslrrs will 1e sent ant in A len,
h.• h•Ap11 ate this year added
over $I,:.Iut,lra 4.0 he prize list, making
the prizes in all class's well worth
conn1ortiug for. !:Meir. are 4• ' g
It) Ijbite (1151 and space is being allotted
ar4s ad i ngly.
Over four thousand dollar): will he
expended on the buildings and
grounds this year, and nn entirely
new mud 111Ft it -dale entrance 1111 1/1111-
(13A street 115 111 conn' of erection.
The 1Vemtei n Fair has taken its
(Mare as the Iealdi1K exhibit' 11f
Western Onlnl•iu, and to ttttt t neer.
merchant 14 All. Mit dale- to N•1• the
advantage it affords of bringing thrix
g,.'.I.'whore Ihr public.
111 1 h arrangement of the prize list
tee interest,, of IIle fir ' g e.9
111111. 111,1. iei•u 11.411 sight uf, and
special inducenu•tt'4 will be found for
the enterprising farmer to show 'his
4111 N'k1
i�l1Die products Ir44ha'ts of his tarn!.
There will b' an exceedingly iutrr-
e5ti11g program ogrun of ,Ittr411lione Ibis
year, wf whish will les raid later.
The oweretnry, AM. Hunt, would
fes pleas'd to mail at prize list to any
W110 hive nut 415 yet. rt•eeive91 one, or
Kier any inforuuati.,n legal -ding tui•
exhibition, on applicatluh to the ofilre,
London. (Jnr,
Tenders Ole
014 ire being asked for the
Minding of concrete ahufmatts for
the new bridge at Dunlop. The work
is under cent iol of the. county nuthori-
our Anes'', Orr 1.111'11 larger than !her
'1"e.' n 14t.r ago. The outlin •
II'srn.d that the+1. the I.e.t pb.'C i , the
l'mvInee to obtain a connnen•hal
"doesoion or .hurl hand Ilwlning.
Stollen,- are r,lfring emelt work. All
graduates g'1 weal ttsr.11lon.. Writ..
now for '.um.Ingne.
We tench
al your home. Under nnr beano'
(ion thele 1s no experimenting or
waning of materials nod money. Von
born to do sorry step of the work y"Ili
self. Nnc9ww ltnaranterd, nnr 411)1.1' in
00111 pHae will Interest yon. , Write I,si:n
Col•reepInden,r I)(parhn'111.
A Great School
Ntadent, from Hrltish ,-dnmble,
Saskatchewan and Manitoba on the
won to k on the nut are
In et fenInn a the. yeHrtinswar. istan�M no
hln,ranne to thaw who wish to get t1,,,
hest.. nnr gr,dnal... are new:.)'. sur.
1b,wfun. nnr I.cllltles are i m tr nosed,
(ommenr now. No vacation. 4nitegw
Open entire year. Magnitrent ram
lellne free.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
(be.. y011110 an.1 .Urn.udr, 411.,
Privets were :ilk'. ASP and We, one entire table at Ise yard, J
your choke
1 JC
Mk) yards \Vault Muslims, good aslaortiuent 11f pattern. and
colon( fast, on sale at per yard . %C
3i)'rabl' Cloths, pure linen slain damask, sizes 2x2, 2 x 2), 2 x
Y!• x a yams,very slightly soiled or ituperr.'et, regular $2.50,
IRt:.U,in4 $1, ou stile at $1.90, $2.and
NO .111201 Indite white 11100V0less , Lisle Vests 12)e, at
:I f1/1 25c
Al dozen paint holier' fancy black cotton hose, sizes A;, K, re15C
K;. regular 2Lc quality ,tt ter lair
311.1 pairs perfect -titling, newest model summer corsets, beaulifell,
made and of very beat, tuuttrials, white o• grey, every size, 18
to :sl, at per pail' • 50c
:tui Mehra wide Whitt• dot Muslims, all size coin (lots and sprat
patterns, very strong and tine even thread, regular 2IJc, at -1
tory yard1 tit.
New patterns and effe•ctx in unattinga keit in, per yard at
' special s re. price it, I_.+,c, Lk and 20e
To Get the General
Effect of Furniture
will guarantee prices from
lig city sillies, foe the same
it vet Id le viewed after it is
arranged hat ly. and
Iplulewhut 141 it N11104I1d 1101k
in a room. Pile1 t Cher
in a stow it it not early
handsome. 111 Yet you
will take n t44,k at `aur
'u'tistie line of real mahogany
you will concede that they
,are beautiful. Send their to
your house and you will rave
over throat tied you will find
the priers n•11uarkahly IOW
for the Alas of good'., We
111 to 21) per rent. bower than the
goods. and 4.'11 will get letter work.
a five, black cheviot double-breasted suit for
$',1.5o. No matter how many suits you may
have�.-if 'you haven't ar black cheviot you should. get
one for Sunday tcear, and dress occasions, especially
when H'e offer you a, suit at so small a price for such
fine goods.'' The reason they are so cheapis just this:
We got that opportunity of buying these goods not
only at the oke prices, but at manufacturers' prices be-
sides, which mean.s rt big. saving. Then. we went to
work and. had them made up in first-class style, with
food trimmings and .workmanship.
These suits at $13.50 cannot be duplicated by any
tailor for less than $2o,00.
if you want one of these suits for so little money
move quickly. There is only a limited number. Sizes
,36 to 40.
Fine Double.breasted Cheviot Suits, $13.50
Five dozens of Shirts, all new goods, worth 75c, on
sale for
50 Cents
Walter C. Pridham
The right place tolbuy
Men's Clothing, Furnishings, etc•
Good Prioliog Always and All Ways at The Signal