HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-6-28, Page 10t 10 Tann(.., Jun. 26, 1906 THE SIGNAL: t=ODZRIU1I ONTARIO, LONDON CAMP. Huron Regiment Having a Good Time - To be Home on Friday. London. June 27th. - The mon of the 33rd on Carling's Heights are enjoying theme/dyes iu,,urowdy as a role• thounggh the work is now get tingcwusid• 'stably harder, and the weather very much hotter. Today the whole bat- talion .larches to the Cove Ranges with the other regiments of for 2nd Infantry Benoist... to compete for the Gowan and Leayi.u'n cups ; this mar.h of four miles each wey, dune in forly- flve minute: or thereabouts, is per- haps the haklest "stunt" of the camp. The 44rd has twen down to the Cove once already, sold tilt very gold shoot- ing. Among the 1.x(-eplionally good stored might l e mentioned : i'Iet'gta• Major F. E. Hector. I55 out of a pos. • Bible Ilii 1141 several :tinges); Sergi. Wan. l%hisholm. 146; Sergi. ('quit L (Winghaua, 1111. War medals are a common sight t 441 Oat•ling's Heights, but our Sergeant- Major wears three. and has sfwnl +Ix - tern years in the Imperial srryire. The 7th Fusilier's invited Ihr ser- geants of the Huron Rrl(inwnt to their mess in the Armories the other evening, and here the "S. M." got the "glad bland" front the city s.ldiers, and was made to slweehify and tale part it the usual "sink. • The elertrll•al ,store on Thurwlay did a (111 111 d bowie.. wlulr it lasted : the :tied m1..,+ -tent, Ihr Y. M. C. A. tent and a ler of others were bittern down, 1111orderly rM1(11 o1 1111• regiment Is•ing a rpary�letely put alit al lalainrns. Intrrr.tlllg services are held each evening in the Y. M. l'. A. tent. and 1 hese are will attended. A new and interesting feature of 1t110 ramp is ihr heli.lgtephiug work, in which chums+ ere being in1lnWLMI, as well as signalling. which is not sit h o is signal- ling new. trot. H. C. L 1111 p pro sight n o r :tilt. 7 1f `crrlfth lib ore s across the e�o messages Hashing b lwsag K Beide after dark lends a distinctly practical appearance W the work. The artillery work is now more e ee- tacular; the batteries wheeling at •a gallop make a pretty sight. Considerable interest has been aroused over is mall of the *h (Wel- lington) Rifles. who happens to be seven feet and four inches in height, " anal, in the hospital with appendi- citis. He wax about the ,amp long enough for everyone to become remit - ler with his wonderfully tall figure : it is now expected he will recover. The hops are having a really good time, although everything is not, al- ways what :night to desired. For in- stance, after long and careful shining up of helmets, swords and buttons for Sunday's church parade, an order came down from divisional head wa- ter at the last ntiuute that the ansae. would he "grey shirts and strew hate." Thik order wee productive of the most intense annoyance and gust through ut the bag d.: the o1.1 soldiers may at heard of iwfore dian regiment. ducted the well menta. Plenty of bron year; in the hand a three Blackstone, x and In One r p any at brothers. The Huron Regiment civet a ter- rible insult a few days ag . Hy some accident the n'ginlrntal d.' ante showed thaw horse's, wh gas four had been shown previously, nil the brigiule office went so far as to insinu- ate that the missing • ha.l go e the tree end illy. "bully f way of the Ily ) There will •toe is terrible n'trihutio thin No1m1• play. Well. the Huron Regiment hiss t best band. the handulmlest l•ulonr the most capable M,.rgeant.•Major. and some of the best shots on Partings Heights. lett it willed c to a11 end on Friday. when "the Ht,pimeit will he ready to march off the ground" at an early hour. -11 a thing was never in a British or Patna )Our chaplain con - fur the maimed 1r•gi- in camp this two Hl.u•k boys. 1 two Moores. how ',V est. nl ittt• "C1114111." Harbor Notes. The steamer Algonquin arrived dur- ing the night with about IMAM bushels of wheat for the Big Mill. The steamer Reliance value into pot t this morning towing the raft tor the Lumber Co. The raft started fr !Stokes Bay on Sunday. A switch from the O. T. R. tracks at the d..ek is being put in to run into the yards of the Lumlwr Company tw- use in place of the wagon road now used for hauling the slate tip town. The change i9 .tsar ltM•eswarq by tan location of the C. P. H. Maar. Me. Ewan Bros. will Iw able to unload the elate direct frorn'llwears at their pant twat' 1141. 01111 ion. ' The psswnger steamer Huron. of the star -Cole line. made her Hist van lent Tuesday evening, art i4 ing shoot 0::1i o'clock. She had on en excursion party, ...insisting of a ..whet of sehoul teachers from Detroit. (treat incon- venience was experienced in landing owing to the numbers of tinynepe..ple who crowded the wharf, (commands to the er.wd seem unavailing and some other plan will have to lie adopted. The barge Alwtrort has received a coal of paint. 11'e ,iderstand Mr. Bat le the breakwater contractor. is again all Ottawa and we hope '10 see him in town some of thew days to (make use of the Alwrcoru and the rest of his plant in resuming work on the twee&water. Inve'tiglllion.11re being made as to the ynraiun of lighting 1 ba iieakwe're and mirth pier with ele'- (t'icil)' IIs 11 motet:Bon to Ililvigati.u. The wires could 1w carried out on the pier and rum on the lake bottom from the pier M the breakwater. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. figureAll the hat in of tto reproduced i. 1 . the he fa 11,4 Wnir.&tl 11. It.n . sal 1o%. tern. out at bi..mde.. . 1',r all sorts of wnvruir. of liodr11.91 Ko to Wilmer Smith'.. )cast .l reel. 11e 4..,I -u head quarter, lot All .oil- of fowl sort ,rpplk•s. Victory framing alofie M. rurn•rlur.. cud oo 11.1Ir,I a.t r. Pow* e1 +t.-hn,p pr4Y. I. what 1141ena.l• the luauuf.u•l 00.1. but carr) laxly P. oil ere.1.114,, N caring algare' or cheap page• 10111 1111- 1- a'hal Priohanl the tailor offer. 111 al- public . rontbl,rl w -4W evr,Ilenrr of ay le and M. • The torero ruunril will upset 1411111 .r I'ow I Friday ) evening. Thu, .Inhnstnn 144 now the sole wtt- V• 1 • , )11 iMI •n1. hotel. Ir. . . e l 1 1 tilt 1 f th Bell having retired front the business. E. P. Pullin is having the hawnlent 111 his entire store cemented this week and is otherwiwe making 41141(1 ple- parat.wp to adding a plumbing ant: tinsnuithing business. The July meeting of the Goderich branch of the Women's Institute will take place at the home of Mat. J. L. Aitlirn. Hurn road, Thursday, July nth, at a o'clock. A full ettentlance is requested. Be sure to spend the holiday in Goderich. l' in your hundreds and thousands. Bring the youngsters with you to ser the county town and View the extensive works now going on for the C. P. H. Conductor Ntralton, who has been on the Stratford-Goderich branch, has been hr,nsfi•r1ed to the Port Dour branch. where he is -given a pownger 1'1111. Hr is siweerdel 1111 t1)144 111)1• h)' (conductor F. Raker. '1'1,e (hours applointel by law for the troilism 1' of postalnote. e)' oilier 1 savings hank latsinrss at rhe p'..tuHlre are from 14,a 111. toll p. Ilya and 4411 Saturdays in addition fI,, I 7::111 to *4 44. on. These hours go int ') force after July 1st. II. H. Beckett is having his furni- ture More enlarged by an addition to the front altllwOt1111 upstairs. The enlat•grnlrnt and imen oveulrnt14 will he ,• pletsd in n kw de)•a and will Make ata ideal show roan for the dis- play ieplay of upholstered goons,• A citizen malls attend h the twist of luldjti.inal drinking /W19111111111. dation on the Military and .it Har- I14rr. I',u•k for Visitors 111 11ir 10wn. On excursion dare it in hent puck to have to attend 4111 1 for a quarter of an hofq• wailing n 14(40 nt taw rap. Inst Saturday evening John ilea- c• 's trent luul it runaway and Mr. Bean ell was thrown from the wagon. i1.• was; run,.iderlbly injured hut is sans -wing well on the road W re- 'ery now. His sin ho*, been driv- in the water wagon. in 'the mean- tim' • A ellen party will Ile held on the even n of July 13th upon the 1 Mrs. (i nrgc ('ox. Britannia tinder lh' u•pices of the North s Epworth , Ile. There will be gelid ulnsic, ant reftes/Intents will 1)l' served. Ad is•<ion t o the grounds: to cents. A party of , mannites, consisting of four men and how women, was in town on JI Int The party rmnr from Wahilo '-o, qty and had been DOMINION D • Y GRAND CELEBRATIO AT GODERICH MONDAY, JULY 2nd, I90 commencing nl �1 7. Marv. /1.111 CALiTHUMPiAN AND TRADES PROCESSION ON THE SQUARE let PRiZE. 510.00. snd PRIZE, 55.00 Ira 1'k LI. F, y;on afire which the follow ing pn„gran, 1.111 L.• 1 .4l t „''t 4.111 CHILDREN'S RACES: all rattle, H years old and and.% ploys. 1.1. _nal, :IM fin All •• 10 Hoy., 7.5.•:1.k ill •' ,:.; / Mils, 7.'w We 111) '• 12 tin) s, i:M FIM 11141 lints, I:K :I k• 11111 e• II 111411 ilr'I.. illy%, ilk- 75e ll. ;Ik• Three.leggef Hare, Hoye under 1:. yearn, .i4 yds„ $1.50, 51.111 %tot Rare. Hoy* end liirls ler 12 yrs., Inst yds.. 7:s•. :I k• 1:3111 p.m., at Agri'ulInrnl Park : LACROSSE MATCH : Wingham vs. Goderich BASEBALL MATCH: London vs. Goderich e' '• Niels, .,- alk• :irrl. 2w' .ire: 2N' 2:11' :Ik' Illp p.m.. on the TUG-OF•WAR. Purse $20.00 ' ooe•n to 1111 ronlp'tilot•s. ADULTS' RACES: 1(11 -pant foot 111(4% . let. 5'd.U41 21141. *'2.013rd. Third -mil.' foot race, - - • 3,(14) 2.11, $1.140 1 Mile foot race, - 5.)14( :1,44) 2.111, .Fat Man's Race, 2141pound" or over, 1(141 yds, 2,1n 1.141 Run, Hop, Step and Jump • :1.141 2.414) Run and Long Jump - :(,111 2.4141 Standing Jump - - 2441 Loo Putting Shot - - 2.441 1.(41 No entrance fees for any competition. No charge to wit new. spot except at lacrosse 1411,1 Baseball Gaines. 33rd Regimental Band in Attendance All Day by pernlissinn cif ihr ('o. nnnndi ng Ofirer. A GRAND DiSPLAY OF FIREWORKS on the Square in the evening. Farmer bringing in the largest. load of people in one c.nvevan,r will 1* given 50.111 in gold. Farmer bringing in the lot gest, family gets ion lbs. ....Stitt Rrand Flour. W T MURNEV• Chairman W. LANE. Ser.•Treas Maaaging Cesm0ltee N JMorrissey. A M Todd. M 0 Johnston, Fred. Davis, P. J tdham, ) S. Hawkins, W. E Kelly visiting the Mennonite church in Stanley township. While in town tlwy visited Mayor Tilt. who was me. gtratuted with smite of the party, w latch included twit *preachers. Of the malty peculiar vafietieeof the eaclus the AI.r11o,a•kable WY here ever'41•e11 le (Me We Were %huw•n the .11111 suv nt 11110 vitae of 11'illt)rr (4.04±4 I. Mt•. Kmilh'h.11. bed the plant fur blame years and Inst year was the that time it bloomed. it is again in dower now and the.. bhesnn. while 4111111.1 ('1,11vru11ttl1441 ill its rtuforlua- tion. certainly has the attraction of oddity. The Hower looks salulewhat Tike a drawtng Boot n hunk of orna- mental design and eel, tirst glance IMO alight be furgi4•en for the pawing tbtught that it was a rouveutional Moral design pinned' there to deceive the ct•(vtidons. The Hyo leaves form perfect Hve.pt.11teal . star nitwit two inches in diameter. The founda- tion color is a doll -erns. and the markings are .d a dull sal k red. CH%JRCH NOTES. • Rev. A. F:. M, 'I'h,imison twetipi('d ihr pulpit of North street Methodist ('1101,11 4111 Sunday evening and preached an excellent set. The Orangi•men of town aro to al - toad l.rryice al North street Metho- dist . bulr►l on Sunday morning, std the pastor. Rev. (i. N. Hazen, will Ad- dress Ihrlll• Mies 7'h.wneom, of St. Mary•'+. the guest ..4 tIr. and Mr.. .1 •s Farr, East +U•w•I, gave a Iw,naiful render- ing of the solo. "A 1)11',,111 of Pala. disc,- in North street Methodist church on 4 lay eve • g. Next Sunlh44 evening a patriotic service will be held at Victorian atrial Steth.Mlist ,I eh• R.•ferenee will lie anode to Ihr death of Alex. Muir. the composer of Canada's national song. and "Thr Maple Leaf' will Ile sung. 1 M Supper 1 11 r i Irl 1' The r all e 7 h sacrament f Ifs will Iw dispensed in Knox church next Sunday mor g. The pre x►latury service will leo held on Friday even- ing at x o'clock, when Hey. Neil M. Leckie, B. D.. of ie)ndes4M)r/ugh, will preach. the new menllwl$ will 144• re- ceived and cards distributed to intend- ing cunamunicxnL., Collection on le - half of the poor. Lest Tur'dey evening :t very pleas- ant soviet evenhhg was spent at Victoria street Methodist church in connection with the League. Three vocal silos were given by Miss K. Hocken, Miss Rica Cousins ,old Alf. Cook, Clinton, and a recital' was given by Miss Dr.vl,on. After the program ire meow and rake were served and a very enjoyable time was spent.. Flower S lay, or (children's Day. Warr obwl'ywl in 11114 Methodist. Pres by ((avian end Baptist churches 1111 Munllay with appropriate services. At Knox church at the now g s r- vicl• the lienrral A.s•111bly reward,. for the q(art•r 4)4144• ending were dis- 11ilmtel to 'members ,If the Sabbath school. Mb's Annie M. I)1•vwhale 1r•- crivtsl 6he li1•nrral 3rernobly's red Meal for the perfect n•t•itatiun ttftwohun- drsl verse'. of Scri faun• : and again 1111' Assembly's veil seal for the Fw ti-it:a- .ol_ of other twill hundred verses of Scripture. The ("Moving received (hr Assembly's slop :a in colors. and also a ha:111,44511w Bible.. fur the perfect recited' of the Shorter Catechism : \tins j„illian H. Fraser, ('harlo.1.. Stirling, Luella A. Stirling. Florence .1. Ihoiingloil. M11su1 M. MIeNail , Cora (i. ('ureic. Elizabeth l'uriel1. Jessie l'. florid...et. E E. Y g. Margaret MI -Ko)•, Florrewe 1). MeLeen, Lillit& Me1'ic,u• and Irene S,uata. J. E. Toni, Nupwriltendett of the Sabbath scaled. m,u1e the prl•sentltions. Goderich District Summer School. A i last year'e summer w•h.14)1 Wax ,It•11 41 sprrndid sweetie the Epworth Leagues of the (iolrrirh district are arranging for is «inviter gathering of the young people this year. Herr is, e bitted in a sdltnne' outing an ideal condition of pleasure and profit to satisfy anyone who 14111)' attend. The progrlut is about .• plelr. and among sale of the special features Inlay be menti ttnMi the lectures on Bibb• staid).' by Dr. A. 4.. C -deco former editor of 'ihr Christian Omar - dint? : lectures on Japan by Rev. 1). Not•titan a Rev. Dr. Daniel. a former pastot• of North sheet Metlexli,.t church, will speak and several other specialists ialists are expected, and the. local tit lett( is of 111.- Vrr)• hest. gnllit y. First -elates mash. will he hu•ni'hest I het alikltttl the seined and al splendid coated will be given on Thrinsla)• evening, August thh-- SUMMER SPORTS. Five rinks of hxowleis go to Clinton this nfl"rnoon for a game. The Rifle Association picnic, will he held .It Point Farm tonuallow 1 Fr. 43.1)'). instead of on i►:,miuinn Dray an ,i11 first arranged. The luir>"Me boys should he (memo. - need h)• it god attend:Ince. al their 1 ' matches. 'They' have not (hevel- qlel a winning streak yet, 11n(1 pts. bay they 4u,,1 this season, but that is o a Ft,a1 reason 1n1. failing to Pt 11)114(14 their efforts to revive lac ee in O.Klelirh. The gatne wee allow 1 *1r•dears 111u'e for so mens. eery that It 19 not an rasp matter o get It winning teals to - gather•: 4 1 in time. if interest in the spoil can ' kept ,dive, we may hive s team that -ill hrhlg hark the glory of the old de when the Huron. of Oo11•rirh ran ( heat anything within reach. The eon in: which the towns- people ran help t keep np the inter- est IM 10 sill W h/11. 11er1•,I 4hrm9ehyei by attending Ihr 114*•s and giving the bort the enennl• • einentof their peewees. and their Inlission fres, Se, r.'nii'n;l.er the lands • and baseball Fatties al the Agriruhn ^ 1 Pork nn lhomi • Iley. PERSONAL MENTI Mrs. C. A. Nairn is v 1d1leg in (pall. 54'm, Sharman left last week on a trip to the West. Ire.. 5y. H. (anthem got. to Toronto til. afternoon. Miss Hells, of E*Her. visite( Mr.. 1'. T, Halls over Monday. (captain Malec .oda was up from London over Sunday. alnt(am Ilsalo) : 51I.. Ethel welsh 1. vldt - log In Undetich. Mew. w'nt. Lane has conn on 'an extended trip to the West. Mrs. Itlehard Mintier. of Windsor, I. vlsIting her sister, Mr.. M. W. Howell. Masa 3.Mutt l'Io.dfo o) has returned from whoop In Toronto for the Vacation. Mow Helen s4ephard Is !wane from Toronto. where she had been attending college. John pt.:shatnen w -a. home from Woodstock for a few days* Whiny. the past week. Mn. J. 1). O'Connell and children hare gone 10 MawfOrth. where they will Me In future. HU Honor Judge Ron has been 1) tinted to the senate of western llnl*en lty, rwndon, Mee. .1. E. McPhee Visited In i enroll. the past week, the good of her .4.ter, Mrs. atewart. Mr.. Hoed, of Toronto, is aguestthe reel dense of Mrs, J, H. Williams, Mnrk}t street. Mrs. •1, 11. Parnham, „f IM11r•dt. Is Visiting het mother. Mrs. 54'n,. Oreeu, Trefugar street. Miss Y.ieenle I(n0rtros reformed home from w atlarebers IgA night for the .ummer 116,4% 11(10. 55111 14Ilial/, of the sovereign Reek b al Rrtemeeld relic, Ing I ha teller at tem !wench *bare. U. T. 1 SItparlrl ' orient ArewnM..:.Ha and parte were in town for half au hour (1n Sunday evening per specie' trate. floadmaeter Ferrer son and Trninula,ter Nikon wane Willi thea party. - (4,'. UeYI'KC Mr'SI II1au. Hayagl. read. is 111e g11*a of lied .0t. ('ualuclur McMillan, Al,,, Arbor. Mts., H. Jack 411, of l'nlrulaa, and Mets T. 1 ''Miry. of Storni*. were the guests u( Mn T. T. Leckie Inst week. Mr. mud Mr. 1'. ?Jahr' snit 'vl41Idawn, of ' Chathaw, aro 11.111 ins at the reddeoaw of I', J. S. Salt.•). Mayfield road. Itev..1. k:. 81. am* Mn. Thuile otoof Wupl., lv. err v4..I(4 g Mr. Thum -ltd• parent.. air. MI. and airs, (leo. 'f1'o.-op. N0111, street. 511-• Marlon Inglis left 14rluout tat+ week fur a tritlJ.l 1 otl eemsat. 11.wrgia11 Hay and other pm,ta before caulng home foe the holi- 'la> +. Ur.,\y. 51'. Irwin. of 51,o•ejaw, Sask., end MIs. Etta Twitohell. of . limbal. were gue-t+ ihr+ week of Myo Ethel Sneyd, Colborne fleet . lleutfm)• Holt arrived in town w1 'I'ne+day eleu4ng tit+pepd vocative'u.in bolt. He w'a' areumpanled by Maw. Holt. who has been visit- ing 1n furuntu. Fred *:gene left on Statist ly for Toronto to supply for Geoffrey Holt .45 0rgnM at the ('4un•h of the Hadeniter, during *he latter's holiday. which he is .{ending finale here. Mande Tilt la home front the l'un.rrva- tor) of Nu -i', Toronto. tar the-itumll1er race. flan She was very .ur'•e•.h,l in the recent eXYWIlaa11ur1• of the l'ot-er.&fork% (skies' a high, .handing in her chi--. 51r.. 51': Hill left on Tneday afternoon on her return to Kanws tat after a vi.lt 111 1111• residence of her father... Wynn. She hurt bron on a vldl to Il. -too, and other 1101111. 1)11-1 and stowed here Olt her way home. The MkItigen )'rosbylr iau of la.t week III )kr+adea,ing m1'04m1'040414,eraer In Ilio work dune a? Fort 51'45.1' rb.tprl. !terrine. of whlrh ., 1 ,-e Stewart, formerly of (ilderlcl., f.' 4a.tor. The different religion. and 1a•uevul,nh urgent • v.w iuu- of the 1hureh err proem•+.aur favorably and area Source of great enrturagetienl, a. 1. 44.0 the increasing attendance at the Sunday .cn Iris. Among those renal,l) Ilal.t•red at Hotel (toilet WI, ore the lotion u4 11r. and 511•.. H. .1. I.a.nh, 1. odor: Ik. P. It. and 511••. lk•henek, 111', and 511.. A. rt. Aa -Ian, SH.,. It. It..An.(l,, K. 51. Au-Ui1. 511. 'f. 11. Tighe. ]1r.. H. Macron". •en,irolt: Woo. O'lallill. wife mod ehi1.1.'1• dal`; 51,,., 1 , 51. lirahaut. 411..• 1'. ).. Grisham. Mr.. \lode, Smiley. Ja.. 55. Smiley. 51r. wail Mr.. 11. I. 1Y•0lue, 11Y. Mud 511*. %Valve.. Mr. yin( Mr.. ti. A. Street. Mr. and 51rs, 55'. K. Hewiuoo,t, 11. L. 5VIILs, Mtny�A. CLdre W+,11, %Ir. and )Ir.. Hhounpr, 5fi'.t'E 11. Fortune. Mrs. Melina. 51n. Ila. Ira. .Nr-. I lark, Introit.; Ml.., 44..I,rks.Ko. Mis. Polley, Sonia: Mr.. II. INnunl. Mrs. J. welsh, Mn... 1 . U ,e k• al M. V H Ira IMF.. 1.a, Ills. I to M rate, and Air. and al Mr. r.1'. HMIM, Waalwk Mrs. Seeley And daughter. r. M: Ml. 1s.Mammal sal )horse iVileo. Mrs. V. H. POrtrr ;ltd Mina May Peen., U. w'. nett Mr.. lips. Heasley. IA•(roit : 51i.. nnwe Thomp.o.. Lulu Henkel. W.,.hlngton. 1). ; Karl Rulpernell.. Rel roil : 51r.. 1:. It/linen and dna,4thter. sh. twins. 5111.: E.14. Ayer. Sirs. Metkelham. Mr.. 1'1* ter. SIM. l'h.v,. 11. Saw yer, 511,.+ Margaret Sawyer. Mater Chas. Sawyer. Mi.. Hato,. Mi.., Alice Dibble, Mn. K. 1l. Ayer, Mire Auly? Curd, Medrol': Mi... Mary Mare Alton. Hartfonl, Can. : Mrs. IIa1y. Mi. "tut', R.11y, Iletolt : Mr. and Ohs. J,.,.. Smith. Clinton ; 1:. Kli ssman,51r- Kw'hule. Mr.,. 0. H. Arad. 51 .. A. M. Wat- ers. Misses Mae and Lillie Frasier. Mrs... K. Ayer. Maws K.0. Wilton. MI.. Mary 1:. Feeler. 511.,' Clare M. Shippy. H. L Shepp> Mrs. N'. Fairbairn. Mi.s 51. Anthony. Mrs. S. lwpla.l, Mlw M. Kelioe, 51n.. J. Rowles Mi.s,e. 1:.. M. 14, and Mabel Howln.. Mrs. w'e14s I)en•oiL BY•L.AW No. 13 OI'' 1900 D or 1.n, CORPORATION Or THF. TOWN (IF (i(IDERI('Hi. A D'* .Lsw To fit' 114 VTICR TNF ii..N14p tN 11FHRNTVRF.. Me THE MAIT- 1..\NR HIVRR Pow'RR COMP \\\', IdMITRI). wl/vex%A The Marland 1tl.er Power 1'ou, pally. Limited. intends to eon+true* %-dant .s the 111.er M+Jt hold alarm thaw talk. 'easterly front the said mien of I:,drrl•b, awl w'len 1111' tuwitatipp of 1 olboroe ;uta the lown.hip or li,deriel.. u1)miclpulilir. nd,i•went to the wad town of 1ial,rieli for the purpose of develop Ing lower and applying • In all .ueh tete. u• hefo I pprw-ticatbl•. including the tri. ing of •1 be machinery of the wate•rwi11.1. net( eleet 4'• light plant 0( 11m• aid tow,, of Code iguimmil rich And wher.a• the said Thr Maitland Myer Idiot in care the Unca mad. by the said oorpor- Ioo of it. rata systems shall iocreate to the extent of twenty Mae per cent. over and above (4e present noes thereof. then the Charge load. fur such lower shall In. rtaw• 114 yru;1001u, , u1a1 it u 1be Iasi. of lib.. :-;,,,rtc whk•h llu+.did..4411x. ul$7.411.U1 hoer+ larwul u1.•. Iller.wf. bat 1, any raw, I be old corporal ion of the tow u el (toilette!' stall be at liberty to apply the laid sum In payment of the auuual lu.tulmrnts due or &rename due uyyu the .cid hemi• or dram I umectiat staved by then. M. The mid flue 51at11Ym1 Iti1er I'uwer Cou•panl', Limited, .hall have the privilege of 5101114, the pre -cul Mehl 01 the luau of lluderlrh"a+ an anxillary 10 their propo,axl power .y+Irma whenever the moor -hall be required for that purp0-.o, during tau, cur limey of the said loud., provided Ihnialluey (b' said ('u.ipan>' ...hall at all tune. daring •nth period :maintain and keep 111. •aid 1\14Xillar) plant In a good and efl'lent .;late of repair and shall al.o repair or replace any 1'441* of such plan which logy he injured or broken during and • their operation thereof, and .hall further- poly all ,vel required fa' •1101 operatic...). an also all alai cool a. •Hall he 14gllire 1 by the mid 1V'a'1, for *he purpose of keeping up ste.teri in cumin.' ion with their +aid plant. %Obit the -aid 10W,, .hull be at llb.rl) to do. when and .o long as they deeua neer', ar!- dorita the .aid period. tut *he •std town . hall ,upph' one elan to bike care of the said 7plan*. Thi. bylaw -hell lake effect.14.4 clay of the lina1 pa.•ing thereof. S. The voles of thle elector. of the .ak4 town of Uoderirh +hall be taken on the bylaw at Ile' following time. and place., that is to se) 7 en Saturday, the mvenlh dal' of July. 1'114 con, it,w,ei144 al the lour M n4,,. 0i•Ia•k in the f.ar:noou and runt ,nld:gt 1111 Myr o'clock lit the afternoon of the emu dal'. by the following depot) rill 'testing oMlcrn,. •',,lung •,,d111.4o,, No. 1 at ThienWon µr0.' wagon, 4041. 4y Edgerton 1'. belch,. tiepin i• returning ogler. Polling .obeli,1-ton No. 2, at Tho.. J. Vidi..,' feed state. by ('harle, Mar^s. deputy returning offs e1.. falling s•lldiv bion No. :tat the '('bean II ill. by w'. A. H. 0 .1L deputy returning o44.,' . 1'ollillg subdivision No. 1. at s. Brother-' wood shop, by John F. thee.. dupuly returning urgcrr, Pulling-ublivl,4nn No.1, at 51r+. Walton'. 'len•, oro shed, by lietece t '. 'flack, Orient) returning Attica,. Itelll,.e •nlaliaislon No. It at .luhn IModtef•'. . hap. by Henry I,. 51'.0 -on, drpnl y returning talent-. June Half - Price Sale Mee 00r :15C MIIOW window Some Hues worth 50c and Me, 'leering at 25 cents. SHOW WINDOW NO. s. Chillier linos of pottery, flue English and Flelell china and silverware, closing out at one- half off regular prices. BOXED NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES Many pines at oar -hell off worked prim anti others at l leleiend005 millet • , from roe per box up to 51.00 per NIX. The shrove prices are strictly .u.h. *Canines hours 5:90 a.m. 1.1 I; pant. Geo. Porter Court House Square. lioderich Telephone No. 100 re es Power l' pony. Wmits.l, iug litted the +add town of Uoderl, h to aid them lit t heir, said undertaking by guaranteeing the bondy or de leonine. to heguaranteeing.•ued by the said The Maitland River lower (company, Limited. to the extent in the whole of the sun' of al '.11.0111101); \1d w'hereas it is expdicnl. to grant the said aid. eu4jerl to the terms 440,1 .,*.Brian. herein After set out Therefore he it ,',,„curd and It I. hereby en- artd, by the municipal council of the said town of llodorlrh, n. follows: 1 It shall be lawful for the Mayor and Clerk in the name and on behalf of the corporation of the town of Underieh. And under its corpor ate -cal, to execute and deliver a. the art and dont of the said cot loraUon the eel Men nt printer' gQpuornate.' or gRnarnntecs of the sold commotion. gnantnte•ing the due pevment of the principal and Interest of the bond. or de b•nrtlres of The Maitland River Power l'ou, pony. LimitpL up to the sum, in the a4ln'gar,' of $110.11111kol lone hundred and shy thoItsann dollars, for principal. repayable in *bin) annual instalment- from the day of the issue thereof. with intere.t in the meantime at He- r..t- of (orae old n halt per tent :u, per annum. payable yearly 011 the unpaid Iaincion' to the holders of the paid bond- or debent n n+ -o that the amount payable for principal anti intra. -r in any year .hall be equal to the '1(nnont "o payable in each of the other year.. such guar miter to be to the effe•t that lapin, default bring rn+de M- the -aid The Maitland K4. e, Power Company, Limiter'. In the payment of the p0.' vino' or 11,0 re.4 +.•ureal by the .aid boned. or drhen* nm. or any of them, the corporation M the loan of Goderich will toy to the IoMer the amount +0 irk dernalt. shoo demand. .nth Kiln ounce to be of hrrwiw In .nth font and to 'unh,h, +*ichor hera additional ).royi-nes 01 condition. a+ shall be approved of by the Mayor and -obi. icor lea 1 he said town. 2. Prior to the ever -orlon of the mki ganr nntee• or nm'of them. the +girl The Maitland It1ve, Power ('o'i, o).• i.,u,,14, -.hall. with the necessary apyroral of their 'harehnldt•t, duly given In meeting called for that parpo-c, execute and deliver to the corporation of the town of Materiels n mortgage a x/n theirland.. building,. plant, n.arhinery•. fixture.. priv it etre., right- and _easement-. whirl, said mor' gage shall be n Mr -t rhnrge upon all 'arh property. nod .15.11 15.• settled end approved of by the '04441tor for the said town and -hail provide for l he inden.nlflcalion of the corpora tion of the town of Goderich ngalnd all to rest.. charges and cxp'n•e. by mason of the aald lands or drh'ntlire+And the -,id 'outran. 1,•b thereof. and -Itch rnOrt3144r -hall further provide for the In-nrenco of the, said mortgaged Properly In favor of the sold corporation of the town of Oblcrieh. in an amount-10l1elen( *n Indemnify the said corporation in en -e o/,arae. by Mm ler h) hood if the same eon he nhtnitled 4. + a a row* n 1 In ,nth tom nk•• a• , 11 Ir d f r ihr •old mrpoirntion. and Iw polscle» cnnta4(,h what 1. known n. "the mortgage clause.'; It demanded by the •old corporation. and for the r•emtimrnnce of +n, h in.nranee airing the cur. rear)- of the said Menet., and the rine plynlent of the a•eminm+ thereof, and +itch mortgage shalt also s0nrn the dna performance of all other term. and conditions in thi, byte call.- (44n 3, Aed. s a condition Of executing the said `Ilariarlee nil motor- horrnwed by the ',14 The Ahtltlnnd ltlier Von e1. Connolly. Limited, mem the sernrit) of the aid hotels or drhem tate to beanemon ,'h)•rlrtneofthasb)'-law, 'ball Wald into the Hank of Montreal at (Ind. ental11 the joint credit of the .old The Maitland Kier wer pony. Llndtrd. And the said bnrpornt n of taw 101\11of Galerich. and shall e applieoble only. to the re,, of rm,.trnMlnu and eanipi(p the +old works,and to the pur .'hair of the !nod,. right. and en+em•nts In connection therewith, and slinil he pad out only nous the;kdnt cheque Of the -aid l 'cannan1 and the Major id the• sold town. and nnamamt +hall he pith Ito na exempt In the extent of MO, Ia'r rent. of a value of the work then done. or materia), tiehlnery or {dent then 111. nl.hd, or Innds, ht- and easement. !urn pnrchnsa( for or in. part nI the sell works. and then ally upon a ten, err* 'neat, of the engineer Or nrehltau appointed h' lice wail 1uwn le inspect *be said' work., and the balance shall he paid not only after the ran d. )nn of the said work., and after the wane ball have snppllnd power to the mid town and operated 111e said watnrwork+ and electric. light andent for the goer of one month In a satisfactory Meitner. (, The saki The Maitland "Meer Power 0)401 pan). I.ln,l*ed. shall 0, I,o?.d the sum of VOA - 4)4.0( In the purchase of land ars privileges, and the construction of the sold dam. end the Installation of plant and maehlnety, and the mune when constructed shall be nt the most modern type and shall have all the legnidte machinery and nppllanrm for the pulp** of complying sufficient power to the .are town to (lnebic them In 'rcwwrly operate their water and electric. light works, and also to tnrni,h power to all the manufactures. now In the raid town M who allay henMfterin"*1e therein. who %boll regnlrw the .ante. to the extent M at leant gall horse power, and the saki The Maitland Rhnr l'nwer Company, L)mllwl, shall *iso keep equipped 411143 maintain the said works In *gond .(ate of efficiency during the currency M the sold anal+ so to be guaranteed as aforesald. 5 The said The Maitland River I'nwer Can. pant. Limited. shall repel1 to the ,old corpor. *inn of the town of 11nrterirh and the ,aid town shall take from the said ('ompnn• .nOlelent. paw -rag to prnperly operate then waterworks end elect light systems at theIrier, of 117,441 pe r nnnnm for the tare oaf thirty years• and fin. saki compaoy shell aha, -0ppty all motor. and other eepltanres requisite to apply such power divert to the present machinery now owed by the 0134 town In their saki systetna, se IMI the saki taw n 015.1) nM he ah14In Intr. Mateo plant and marbinery Venter .lQQ eatable them to u.s the told power. I'rovldis' 7.1401) Chocolate or Tan Shoes Are the most serviceable summer footwear. There's nothing so comfortable for a summer shoe as a light, cool and dainty Chocolate or Tan Oxford Tie. Get Correct Colors Some shades in these leathers are not the proper' thing, and won't do at all. We are ready to shoe you with the latest and most approved styles. For those who prefer White Canvas we are showing all the desirable lines made on the newest lasts, Queen Quality for Women sots AOENTS Re pairing Walk -Over /0/ Men Downing &. MacVicar Polling •ub+llrl.ion N.O. 7, at I)anal. Nes ill.'. . house. by John 51'. ('raigle. deputy Mourning om.•er. s, On Thnrda). the fifth day of July next. • taw Mayor of the . ,id lawn .hall Attend At the Connell t 'hanb•r• of the mall town at ten o'clock in the forenoon to ,appoint Iehmw to attend at the various polling plows afar.+ala vote - by at the final Inc' u , of the t g I b the '1 , behalf u 111 peewits inter e l oak, w f t, a Y t 14, in and yrolnot ing u1. oype.ing the I,wluK of of this bylaw neon •t l vely. 14 The Clerk of 1110 mune)) of the .aid Iona of 1i, %, -rich .1a11 +.ttuod at his unite in the Town Hall at ten . r•Ia•k in the forenoon of Monday. the ninth day of July next to sum up the number of votes for and ..)aKgiann.* lute bylaw. Dated at the 001111th I'ha1utrrs 0( 14e• town IMIIIIIMINXIMMO SPEX Our optical. business 18' increasing REASONS t 'itr4'i'nl and core(')'r fitting First-class lenses and frames Squat' lll'i('es H. PARK J: welter and Optician Smith tii�lr �l 11,11.0 Ilf Uodertih the isth day of June. 115141. TIM'S. TILT. Mayyor, 51. U. ,JuHS819)5, lgerl. • TAKE . No T14'). we 1. a true (o. That the ab .f Y proposed ro 1 eel p b)Vw watch has 1141 taken into r on.idrr- rtfun xnd which will len Miall' 1•44•,e•1 by the .on14cil of the munteipwllly lin the uveal of the 1a.'wnt of the elation, being obtained thereto, after ore, moot h fnnu tau nrst publlral ion iu The ebrnal newsypaaper, the date of whk-1, M1.1 yynblkx.iw. aa. Thursday. the lith day of Jute, 115:1. anti that the rotes of the electors of the said municipality will be t/,kel thereon on the day and .m 111e hour,. aW/platen. therein Mxrd. M. U JOHNSTON, Clerk. ON DOMINION DAY! OR ANY OTHER DAY no handier place can IM• f.'und (hat Ihr CENTRAL DRUG STORE at which to supply your Wants in HOICE FRUIT CANDIES WEBB'S FINE CHOCOLATES, HEWING GUMS, CHOICE CIGARS AND PIPES,ERFU S AND TOILET WATERS, TALCUM POWDERS, or tiny other of your many SUMMER DRUG STORE WANTS. A rue e ing in 4hie week. Iietneml xupply of Webb'K Boxed Chocolat.- the soon'. S. E. HICK -/Central Derug Store Corner of North Str}Ft and square. Goderich. Ont. ate► A DiningRoom Suite at Your Service PrHE Month of .lune is the month of b les. After the wedding is over the next most important thing is to furnish the house. This week WP are going to help you by some " SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DINING ROOM FURNITURE. Solid o:lk Sideboard, 16 x21 bevel mirror. barge linen drawer, two small drawers, one pined. Reinder 517.043, for 515.51. lolls oak F.xten*inn Table. 1C ft. long, five nicely fluted legs. Regula' 512.4*4. for 51)1,1140, Nix solid oak ('belre. one arm and five email. saddle r oral. rum? intIons lark leg HOKUM!' $10.U1, for 5334). Quarter oak !tide Table. renter 53 :Il, for 54.1(3). THE WHOLE NINE PIECES for $38.5o CALL AND EXAMINE THE GOODS. • Ite,idenee,,or. Nrl•nn +l. and Phone I'ambrfa asst. a B. Beckett 89 'Plume IN Undertaker and Embalmer FORMERLY BECKETT & STAUNTON Via✓ Phone I'Jo. 25 C ourt Houu I THE H ODGENS O G S S T ORE Square Now for the Dress Goods and Silk Remnants. •••• LAST Saturday was cleaning -up clay in Cotton Dress Goods. For next Saturday we gather up all the short lengths of Dress Goods and Silks and mark them at bargain prices for quick selling. No remnants must be allowed to accumulate here. Stocks must be kept free from them all the time. That's why we clear them out each season at the very low prices you will find these marked next Saturday. If you can use a piece of Silk under 41 yards in length or an end of Dress Goods of 5 yards or less, come here Saturday. You can get it for little more than half its real worth. Dress Goods Remnants. The lengths tun from one to fit yards. There bur all shades, incl tdmq hlaek. end ell feshionabll• nniteriale in the lot. Ends !hot wood do for waists. .,tilts or children'' theses. All at abort one-third Ire% than regular• New Short Sleeve Blouses, 51 iso to 52.50 i Silk Remnants. The lengths are from one-half to four end one-half yards: You will find every kind of Milk we sell on the silk table. Plain black• plain colors snd fancy patterns. MuiUlhle for weiste or t.r•inmuings. All at about otle•thirl less then regular. New White Parasols, 51.5o to 53.75