HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-6-28, Page 9THE SIGNAL : GODERICII ONTA I;Io THURSDAY, June 28, 1906 atiegi tiiii 919949 ++ i4 -'i•. 44 `fir'i'L• cti';944++10'Jj`+ +•i'**++4' '>l` ,icsic 44+44444 4.4 The News of the District4.. 4. .4°++++ ++ ' +++++4s°�t'*e s' 44.3°+4 ° ' ' 4 +' 4, '' * 46*+* %`�=+4 * 1�''* 4'4 ' KINTAIL. MONDAY, June 26th. Frank Dalton hi horns from Battle Clerk, Mich. Mrs. and Mins Sloe are visiting at .las. Griffin's. Miss Flo Melrnd has returned home front London. Colin Metirego• has returned house DUNGANNON. uARLOW. I_ A. NEWTON, DENTIST. LIt('K• Tui'su.tY, June itith. t • NOW'. al house every • ay c;.wpt Thm•s - M-1NuNs AT GoLKKItH. A li days. New 'einem) for ext minus: teeth amu foram better than apo. it and bridge No,•k. et•. Aluminum plates mom breakable). N. H. --lion rat elwry, have viler work touch better dune in to dental undue --snore time, better facilities fur doing the work. more cone fortable tor Ib. Patient. ATOTICK.-THE LOCAL AGENCY from the Soo. 11 In Jiti uuon for The signal to at the of - MIK' Ella Johnston, of I /et rat, wlll'rrarNe [V order. for'uhi,.rl plinth,. wt,rrlt. visited friends here. • toga nd job work, mitt 1. authorized to gine re Mots for awwunts paid fur the saute. Mier Eva Urepnan has returnedrpgsuAl', Julie Sit 11. home ( Toronto. J. 51. Roberts wits it (iiwlerieh vis - 1 Misr Laura tiriflln hour returned i1e1 4111 M Ly. hums from linden-hilt.Miss Daniels war a visitor at Heu- Miii. Sha nmon and Mitts M. Carrick miller on Sunday. , are home fnm Duluth. Mists Sturdy 1.44k in the excursion Miss Edith Young, of PoHer'a Hill, to Guelph oe Saturday, • is visiting her cousin, Miss Iernetta C. A. Tetanal. is exauliner at the Young. examinations at St. Helens. Jam. J. Bowler has returned home Rev. '1'. and Mrs. Hicks are visiting @after spending a few weeks at New fiends in London and St. Thomas. Lirkeald. Mites T. Durnin. of Dungannon. was Mism (w•ask, of Toronto, is visiting visiting her sister. Mims M. I bitin, the Mi4 . Hulhrrful4) at ill., mot me. , Iasi week. Quite a rustler :ire writing ,1m the entrance exiuuutat.iun herr this week. See of J. 11. aid, J.P.. e,nveygoner, tete.. who Are. M. C. .McKenzie and her mister, Mitis Cl asi lens, are gun, on n Thos. J. Andesm has returned to visit to the S00. 1'lioton. 11e lits a good position The Minaret Margaret McMnrchle. there, Minnie Mclean and Sadie Griffin, of Mr. Anderson, of Manitoba, is the Detroit, ale visiting at their rem meet of his hint her, Win. Anderson, tive homes. the week. Mr. and Mr'. Knecht,' have gone Rev. M. Pentland and homily. of to Lorain, Ohio, where they intend Salem. 111 visiting at the house 14 his staying for a timer They are au._ parents herr. oumpanied by Mrs. Herrick and ,lack 11'. li. thrill, of Harriet.lrn, i. Knechtel. \ti's wish thein suceems in renewing au•gnainlxuee, fur a reW their new ,h . days this week. C. O. F..CKIACHeitioe. -The .1'. O. Mims ll,iy Mhlllough, of I►uluth.'im F. will hold their annual picnic at visiting iit the 1 • 4.1 her sunt, Mrs. Lake View Park on Dominion Day, Stephen St ethers. July 2n1. The prognsin includes 111rm. Thos. A'eleventh of IAte kmin', games of all kinds, and refresl •rats waits visitor with her son I{41. for n will he nerved on the grounds. few slays this week. 'rei mn,v. June 21kh. The Hank of Hamilton is leaving John Knechtel, of Lorain, Ohio, he, this week. Gaunt the Sterling lar been home for several weeks Hetak has • 1., t4uty. owing to him father's failing eyesight. Miss It khan' Reid and Mfr.. It.•hl. He accumlianird him father, to Tor- Davideon were visitors to Elora flit a onto, where skilled treatnient was few days' at the home of Mt•s, lobes procured, but the 1wm1111 has not ),ern wil.+,n. . very encouraging. One syr. being operated on for edlatact, gut cold airs. rapper \Vmlk left per in it and the other hexa me affected, 44(eauut• Otryhullnd kid Kri'liy fur and now the old gentleman is pre:- St. ('lair to vieit her friend, Mrs. tic*Ily blind. John purpoeeM taking I.iddianl. hfmfather to Cleveland. Ohio, where he Miss Mean` has returned to her hopes to have him sight restored alt home in Idlwlerich After living with one of the hospitals. her brither herr• for two yeaew. She will 1n• missed very •h, atm she eras PORT ALBERT. a very popular y g lauly herr. ' WgINKmDAY, June 27th. SiciAAN.i-or'r SALE. - S. • J.' Young Mrs. 4choenhalz and baby are visit- advertls•n gtraL' Iwtrg ' for sixty ing relatives in Milverton. days. commencing next 1oe-slay, .Illy :Irl. He has derided to depose of his James Hawkins returned front Kin- cardine un M Ly after a two grm4.ral bu.ines+. and is nrtkbng n w,wkt ci4it. c•liru•anrr in :lee limes. Seer hi+ all vet, Mrs. Alinnrhrn, formerly Mile Eva ti'eneint nn page "4 44 The Signet: Wossln,an, of Sheppmndton, iil herr ([nr collage t still progressing. The from Toledo visiting her many old 'Ad 11 XII aft IIf inq 111.11 up :tad •1 friends in there parts, g 111hlc 44 sti i. being laid tom lis ,1, flaw hirers slut` 10111P cruller of Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gordon and (•x11;4 s props iy. It certainly witsMr. and Mrs. James Hayden were he ,lemlrJ thee. Mr. r. -s Ford's Mimic. Br.lcefleld on Friday taut visiting Mat. is quite an improvement to that part Gordon's sister, Mrs. 111u04. Baird. of our village and Is almost 1•mllpd4ted. The garden party under the auspices Nricrl .. A very pn•tl.y but quiet 1f the ladies' Guild will le lieldi 011 w.4,141ing talk place :it the 1 • of the evening of the flth of July on the .lr. and Miss. David Sproul 4111 Janne English church grouud4 here. The Leith. when their daughter, tieing's, Blackstone orchestra, of (ildot•ich• was united in marring.- to Wm. Me - wall tarnish music for the evening. Clue, m.trhant tailor of this One. Tea will be served ft 6 until tt :old Th.. erre y sal. londu1tel ley Itev. everybody will be made heartily w.l- J, W. Robinson in the pn'wnee of ins- ure. Admission, 10 and 15 cents. nleli*te friends of led It parties. The CREWE bride's costume was cream lustre trimmed with lace and she carried a 'Ty mum Y, June 211th, mhower bouquet of white carnations. cOlynn gays Crewe * call 1111 The two flower -girls were ('lata Sproul, mister of the bride, and Alice *tulday Mr. and Mr. 4hepperll, niece of the groom. The gins took 11 trip to the n leer of beautiful presents show r,metal Fano. the esteem in which th.- bride is held. P. Sunda last Robert Guelph Ex The Misses and and loath. 'Pierce were vhdtors a the home of Mr. anld Mrr.. John Park near Iningannnn oil Monday. Mrs. Hugh Fi uagen and her Youngest stn left hexa• last: week for n visit to friends is ar Saskatoon. Saskatchewan. Quite a number of h'tends, who c:t1114. by eX4IIMn)n fro Detroit. visited the 111 tnm•m of Mrs. M.lhmald and Mrs. David 'I'huluw. Last Thursday Thomas C. gram enlarged his barn on the Finlay 4.m by adding it new bent to the se 4th end of it• with -'tabling under it. On Monday. the 34th. Mrs. Joh Templeton left here with her f 'lye of four children forMouerjaw•, Sank,. ., where she will join her husband. who hint taken up land three. LOCHALSH. NVenets.Aw, June 2TIII. Mise Lizzie DiekMln is h • f/n1 Detroit. Mhe intend.. snaking it lengthg visit.. Mrs. D. H. Mackenzie returnee) o1 Monday f • i)Ptresit, where she spent • d*yrevisiting with friends. John and Kenneth Mackenzie had (rife a lively time on Saturday even- ing 'lard. trying to train their two coursers to drive double. Miss Annie Armstrong left on Sat- urday to take the boat from Kincar- dine for the. Sault, where Mhe intends to Spend ROMP time visiting friends. Mims Sarah F'inlaysn, who took atrl•antage of the Greyhound ewer - Hien I*et week, wan oecompanied nn her return ley Miss lbfa MacKrndrick and her little nephew. R. Mingler. Rev. Mr. Roar, forester pekoe in the AMhfleld Presbyterian rhumb, was the welcome *4'i'tant of Hp'.. Mr. Miller during the communion season, the sacrament of the iwonl'I Supper having been dispensed on Sabbath Iasi. --- - LANES. Wow %v. .lane Lith. Mrs. Lidstone, of Algonut, has re- turned home. Orchards end fruit gardens give signs of an nhnndaol harvest. We are glad to know that Mrs. Sh Prw.od ie to risibly regaining her former health. The weather this past week has leen very- showery ideal weather for. the hat crop. Mr, and Mem. E.hnuldsum, of Johannesburg, South .A fries, were Hu llIP44te of Mi. and Mis JAM. Janne butt week. - A gRenlen party under the Auspices of Hackett'. Shodey 444hrol will le• held at, Joseph Hncketem horse on the 10th (ollra4mn nn the evening of the 2nd of .duly. An excellent. program In being prepared. eon4lmting of ad dn•se4'm, recitatlone and siuging. A need, enjoyable time le expected. Ad nliNmirm, i.. and Al rents. Everybody wele.,nit.. Either a mean im good and can't he Hever or he ie. clever and won't be gond.-New York Prete. MAFEKIN(i. \\'KUNa+o.1y, June :!fish. Tlne beef ring rununel/•e' 1 last week. Steve Stothers delivered a hots• in Paisley on Saturday last. The ft err have shooet 1• pleste1 operations.st the 1•htereli aht'11, Walter Hawkins spenta few daym renewing aegnni11innrrm hen- last week. 14r. AI. 1t. Hlnke returned (nun the Old Country let week to a isit his parents. The showery weather of the past week has greatly Mime wed the Yelps. Prospects of s lett ',Will harvest are i.i-v blight. 1'trw•s. League enoerinine•d the 11.64gsies of 1)ungalton and B14ske' m un Teit4iday night. Th a was n g.41 time at the Orating ,u4len ppO..u•ty al Zion on Fri- day hever 'ng. No 1• 51)11 could com- plain of h ting hail 1 dry t' . EEBURN. re:sti.ty, Jone 28th. l'11'NIr AT }IAN •1):111. - The 1 it,•rn•y Slcirty'* picnic al 10041 last Satur- day was at day of en' ,ymenl to all who weed. The tune was ileasautdy *pent in viewing the pretty resere and in boating on the river at i hike. The president of the Society, ti'sainted" by Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, ',asked after the whole party. which numbered a111an. thirty-flvr. The statute labor for the 4411 1 and th elide of this burg wits tin .had Iasi week, F:. N. Shaw,,1nd .toe h Henley being the pnthniostels. 1 litter, though for so 11,111) year-' a r4.• silent here, had never (wrote filled this important office, which he now does' ably and well. When the snow hanks e on the pubo.• read he propose, to treat them in a w,,v different from that of his predeeees(t' . Mr.. H. Helton. for many years a resident. here but now• of Windiest, wits here during the past week visit- ing her (3141 neighlses. Her -laugh- ter, Miss Mnry.now-M1•s. (Il P, 4f Windst• ,, will visit herr dnr1uy the coming mummer. Her nephews, Will and Albert Carter. w111 reeided here with her. ere now rlmdnct is on :he Grad Trunk and Michigan Cen- tral Itailway', reepeettively. DUNLOP. Tut Hsutv..111ne 21,th. Summer (•1111 Age,. 1114. being built by Al 1.0111. lialt and ('airy along Night -in gale at- •, n eonvenienl. Iteetimn to retch the st*gem gsoing into town They AM also near the p oetoffi a here and the telephone at the hotel. The gravel pit neer here wan the *CPn4 of active work last week for several days to mu )p!ly the twat" of Geo. Fulford, E. N. Mom and Joseph Healey. Teamsters were plentiful hut. shovelers were scare. A former plathm*mter trine Nome information on how to arrange space ace when the wagons were being loaded. of members of Morning Star l4 4dgi• No. 3110. A. F. dr A. M.. attended the Mimic service at 4t. (i1'ol'g. s 441111.1.11, G1lderieh, on Sunday morning and enfuyel very Much the excellent se by the rector, Rev. Al. Turn- bull. After the nervier the 1wellireti dined itt the King Ethvard lintel a4. 1144. guests of Maitland Lodge. (iot,- 1ich. S4'1141111. MArrKHs.-The trusters of 4. Sellge.1. 3 have engaged J. Krnrst 1{411 1444411 Its tearhPI ill suc4.s4101) 10 MIS, Courtney, who leaves at the end of the pn•ment tem: This. is Mr. Ite411c1•tsou's horde mection, where he received his that schooling, and 1114. people 141 the set• are pleased to Nee nue nl their own yonug mien in charge of the educational interests of the sect' ,A picnic for school sect 14111 No, :t will he held in 'the woods of -Howl-ie." the farm of Andrew Johnston. next. Mat Imlay, ,.Several pupils front this sett' and a ter frow No. 1 are writing on the en- trance examination at lindrrieh this wrrk There is a inset deal of diswatiefaction with the leeent Iegisla- t' regarding teachers' salaries. Even good Toriesc*nnot endorse the Whitney Guver nut's. action in taking the control of salaries out of the hands of the trtimbai. It 444 a much-discussed question just now. J(Yrrlxtls. --Miss Lizzie Buchanan. ,1f Gtitheich, is visiting( her sister, Mrs. Alex. Young - Edward Fisher has completed the new addition to his burn, which slakes quite an impnwr- mlent Haying has commenced. Andr.W Johnston did the first snow- ing. cutting it field of Inverse. last Thursday Roht. Bich,neu, Re. rouepenil•' by Mrs. 14111.11411141111 and two ams, 4•11101. up 1411111 Detroit ,1n the Grey' 1 last week and vlmitrd his brother, John B(1ehanan, ut Loeb Melon. Mr. Buchanan's (1r Ihews• Robert and Dau. H. MMarkay, also vim - art hila one /lay lata week Fur a roil,• and a quarter wecdl- of the Hill the new gravel is full hf loose stones. These should be broken. Its they slake very luttdl travelling. Pathneaster Hamilton's job Past of the Hill is a twitter example of maul -making : it was alt raked Derr soul the stones taken out J,1(1urs 'rabbi is very low. 1 we regret to report that very little hope of his recovery is enter- tained 1'h,• address given by AI•e. 11: 'Ilan in, the Presbyterian church . Sunday aftereeimi was. ,a splendid • and was li4t•nel to with great interest. Bouton \Vightn,an,- nt' (1.Mlerieh, •H•cu ,iel the pulpit in Hu ev,• ' g \�trn. Hendee -min ,u. rived from 114(14114141 today and is staying with her sister. )I►•M. A..lohn .ton.. - - ---- AUt1UHN. Tt'Keens v.June 21kh, Miss ,lean ltadcliffe is visiting her Wither and sister at present. rhe Foresters from this village al- trnde1 the service in Blyth list Sab- ha.111. James Young has leen cutting staves doling the lust week 04. so. Hr intends finishing this week. Rev..1. O. Millis pre chef his farewell rnllun to the Methodist congregation here last4abbtlh 1V4. ' g. Ile leaves this week for the Northwest. Mims ('ora Andrews, of \Wing11anl, is spending at few days in the. village. She leaves by boat at Glwlerich next Sunday on a }isit to her parents in Michigan. In the Prettyterieul eh inch last. Sunday Mem. It 'hon. of G.sleri,h, 1(M` 4111 ace t of the recent meet- ing 14 the \Vnlnnn's Presbyterial Soci- ety at W. 'peg. Alam. A. E. Collis, of the Anu•rie:un 4.44• u4. 4 s rived here las week. She 1 L are Pan 441 by her sun and daughter and purposes visiting friend' and re- latives far a few weeks. Basten parties, socials and what not are the upper of the day. \\'puttwill the people o1 the next century resort to 111 proem). furl to get up .Berri 111 riot the Glmprl ea triage ? Last week w4. had quite rad exper- ience wit 11 a wind slorul. Our of he railway lents was t.itoed over, il. E. Munr4.s awning de limlie4 a-Inrg!• window -pane. and George Howitt had *limitsixty rods of fens, which had leen up only a few days, turned over. Money is. the root .1 all Pelt -or, rather, the lure of il. I'otitieians an• sadly denounced for misappropriation of it. when • tax (11 - .-,-tors 4. • mound municipal co •its (mile in for their sh*us. of abuse., aril to judge front ti.lthentie report • of, our great I hun 11 (wanks de not above, forint.' . r.a_a a iSAYFIELD. it's the cheap skate that cuts t)0 IOC -New York Mows. TI•rsnAY, Ju ne: ith. Allwrt 1Vhitesides 41111.1,11m 1'atu•r- son, of Heilman, spent. Slltl111ay in towed. 'I'he cottages are filling tip and sum- mer visitor.':Ire non• noticeable on our Mt r ee't 44. Bev. J. Parke. of Amh*reth,,ngg will h►et services in Trinity church next Sunday. - Miss 'LIIeIIi Howatt, of 1,nndon, formally of this town. is visiting friends and argnaintsulrrs this week. Ale. Morris, of 1411111,111, who has leen doing ndseion wrrk at g the emigre• itkn of Trinity church, has returned !smarm. - hoed clone* on Friday and 4copet, ue•mllsy, September 4, flat prin- sheen in Dungannon pty.iding trance exarmine'inne. forget. In come to Idsyflelel on .11.1y d. Hemeteler the grand toothed! mat, It *t 201 o'clock. Seaforth Hnruns vs. ' ' field 1.ak*sides. The Shnnr•w•k1 of Ilensall will pI*y a football match, with the Bayfield I4114.mide44 111 Friday evening. As thee*. teams are 1141 (rivals It good game is expected. 'the law to take its. cuurre•. lei the atwitter of shade trees it is. right Shut thane w'w plant mid take rare of them Ishould be protected, and, as the law on that aunt is very positive. itis to he hop that such arts of vandalism will 1w stopped. ' ST. AUUUSTINE. \%'e:oNS:sti.%v. June 27tb. Myles Moir, of Calmest, spent Sun- day i11 the 14111x. \fill Brophy, elf S1. Michael's • Col- lege, Toronto. is 110.11P ,1n -14144 ((4. 1- 11on. Hev% retiree,'builon, of Clinton, was the guest of Rev. Father 1am.ndeau uu Monday. Nearly evet'ylssly took in the sll•:1w•- Iwrry festival 1(1 \Vol. Campbell's 4111 Tuesday eventing. Mrs. E. Mc(uire..lies Laii endw11t and Miss Met 'artily spent Smutty at Jein' Red 1 s. The MIRROR Troy, df London Notre'. sprat Sunday with their grand- itother. 51 es. Flyuu. George and Alis. Kate Brophy At- tended the Dalton 14114441 flh()i 1141,4 at Kingsbridge today., \\'e• 111e pleased til, see tllllt 1'. Kearney, who -was 111411 up with tum - ',ago, is able to he around again. 51r. tad M. Armstrong and Mrs. Wright and grandson, of Michigan, are visiting Mrs. NVAll:u•e at plwstall. The football g: • 4On Saturday evening t,rulinetel eery pleasantly her two 1,1 our young men. 14• 11114.- 11d. (ien•ge. not to I, -*I the young astray. - ST. HELENS. le TrItsD.a v, June all{h. flims M. 1. Clark is spending a couple of weeks at 'lintel'. Then• is 441)1111' talk of a picnic to lie held on Friday, .duly filth. Jas. Gunton. wife 111141 f II) are visiting a1 %V. S. Nle( n.sstie-s. Mr. and Mrs. Craw and children re- turned femur litolet-ieh last Friday. Quite a nunrlwr Lok advanttge of the t•XcntMion to Guelph last week. N11•. and Miss M1eGowan visited at W. E. McPltets•n's the latter part of hast w•e•k. John McGuire and two lady friends .f Lucknow, wile in the village AI lay night. Schein] edos•s 14're (111 Tuesday of this week. owing to the entrance pupil: writing here. Alis Mel'her•son. Miss Maggie Mc- Donald and Angus Mel/mink! spent SunduIV with friends al .1: •s- 1,1w•n. C. A. Tehlntt. of t)nngannon. dsi)re• siding examiner et the ex. • lions here un \Wldnesltty, Thursday and Friday of this we. -k. - . GODERICH TOWNSHIP. 1'es:su.av, .tuns Leith. '1'14e strawberry h•stival lama Friday evening ler the auspices of the:.111- 8uth s•hlol of ('144011 rhmrcll wits a fairly mneeensfnl affair. though the 14r ' g of Mr. McMuilh'4 barn had a •wh:1t dt•pn•s$ing effect 111 the tinct' '. BAHN lie wet. 111e line kern 'whing- ing to 4 •I McMath, on the 11hcun- cession. was totally dewtruyed ly fire nn Friday of last week, together with all the rearms. including a quantity of grain and farm implements. The fit. ewcmrn'1 about 3 o'clock and is s4ppos4l to haveresulted f mlllltt 14114.011M a herb'''. The flames were 11114t. MPP11 from a stark of straw 1111 the 44,1(1[11 side of the building and quick- ly spread to the :uljoining huil4�ings. l'here is all illstiraim1 of Winn on the buildings) and it further snug on the e• intents. •hut the loss will he 11 greater than the insurance and Ow•- rurring 41L (him srusm of 11e year it w111 Ise impossible 11) replace the Middl- ing in lime for the griming stops. Alr•. M.•Math w•,,44 away from hmnM• 411 1 11 time and 11 1y144 with great diffi- culty that the neighbor. moe(Pellisl in 511V ing the dwelling house. which is only It few yards away. .}t Kl'.11RINIi THE DAMAUF.s. - Of twenty -mix bridges and cnhrrt4 in No. 1 division washed out or damaged by the 1.e4.tlt flood tweet) f haul been repaired up to last Saturday night. The work is nndcr the mupw•rintrnd- ence rat H. L. Salkeld, the tom ieillor for this division, who hire displayed great celerity in getting things 11 rights again. He ha' been working at it every day mince the storm and ham had a rnp4i11Prable number of men working tinder his divert ion. At Brindley'., uu the 4th concession, Ia cement arch has leen const everted by Alessrs. ll:lw) A H •I, who have made it g.wol, 41111Gunt.int {nl which will last for many • years. rhe e•xuct rust of till then• repairs ennnot be figured rap, alt present, but it -is esti- mated that the two hoursi rein has, Het the township between 541141 and 53(1) in No. 1 division nlonr. The brunt of the .totem wee fell in this division, little damage being reported from other portions of the township. F belt TIl \\'H:UU,Na ANN!‘ ER'ARY. On Wednesday of last week Mr. and 11x44. E. Ruullall, of the 14th r(3nre•M- 44hmn, celebrated the fiftieth miniver - Sari' of their in:,tiiage. The day wee really :1 mouth• in ,ulvence 4.1 the ncrlal dale, lot their eldest moo. Hey. A1. (', it hall, of Morten. Alan., could not be present 411 the Lester date. A11 the 111rn11e1•, of the family were present except Mr'. A. E. Sin- clair, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, who Visited her patents last•:nrr. George, of Flint, and Witt., of Toron- to. Among the guest's prement were Het'. 1►r. sol Mrs- Stewart, Clinton, and Rev. F. and Mrs. Sys ann. of Hnlmeevill,. • The worth)' couple Were the recipients of mann lee(1tiful gifts. and utter rungtatnlnt.ions and a sunlptnln4 e•,•plsl 11 t e•nJIi i,I,le t' • was spent by all. Mr. Rumlall came from Norfolk, Eng„ 141 Ihim country with his perente abseil the year ital. and settled on the farm now tertopiel by T, Potter on the (i141ee-i,h 14x11. Men. Humball came f • Newton. Hamilton county, Ar - Magi). Irrhnld. about 111',2, Ind three years later she, with he 4.h,r, 11(1114' 10 C linton dh to her brt•r'-' Mark ('aseels. a well-known ern tructer end 'milder. Ilex.' Miss Cas 'elm mel, her fete in the yriling Huron farmer. They were married in (lode rich' by Itev. A. Markey, of St. An drew's church. July T.tod. 18$11. The eetttflcete hears the names of George stud Frederick Rumba!' as witneeeem They resided on the old horn -steed til the death of Mr. Rumball's mother when they went to the pprevent. Mole on the lith Conceselttn. Eight children were born to them : Rev. M. ('. 'Rum - hall, now of Morden, Man, : Mks Georgie. living with her parents: Helen, deceased ; Geo. W., of Flint, The garden party not rthe auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the 'reshyl1rian, church held on Tilslay tells it grand mnrt•Pma. The Clinton l'itvl•nm' Band furnished choice tuunic, arra nn another (noes mdent,) WANILSLI8M It.\MPA NT, - 40111e`,few weeks ago a plandRrtlle mw of young maple treesrowing on theroaul1Me mar ,tames \Yellin farm in the town-' !Hp mf Ooderich near 1iaajfield was run down during the night tittle, forty-seven trees being laid low by the 14X44(11 110111e nlie(reant. Who the per- petrator of this wanton act may 1e is not leflnit.1y known, but there nrr grave slmpiclonM mem w certain in• dlviduwl and a cask may shortly he entered in /duet, for there ham of late come sp evidence that may 19,nvict the guilty party. Mr. Wallis offers w handsome reward to anyone wh1 will furnish a clue towards bringing Semi -ready welcomes honest competition -even though such 'competition is but passing through its experimental mis- takes. It's the spurious kind of •competition our customers have to guard against -- that of the old-time ready-made clothier Milo thinks that all he has to do is to select a fancy name and advertise his old product as equal to " Semi - ready," This is the kind of fraud that. hurts -it ,turfs the custcrner most, and sends him bacl: to the last century method of buying clothes from the cloth roll. In this way it does not help us to prove the fact that ;the many who, to -day, wants to be really well-dressed wear Semi -ready clothes. Semi -I ady tailoring is bet- ter than i;ustom tailoring. We caneot persuade. all our cus- tomers in Canada tq see our shops and learn the reason why, but we give s- written guarantee with every suit of Semi -ready clothes that thio i.s so, A fes Pia: -randy Top Cast It rut ee!int rah,. -*ad it leeks dunk► pr•t*d al..ay1. $Erl-RRADv WARDROYU GODEIUCH McLean Mess. - - Agents Mich.; 4umie, Mirs. A. E. Sinclair, \\'iuni1wg, Man.: Jennie. Mrs. J. A. Forel, Clinton : W. H., Toronto : AI in- ui.-, Mies. W. Pickard. )lulnuwville.' Cornerstone Laying at Crediton. .la nee Si. ., The ,urnl4wennP laying in eonp.rd1ut1 with 1'reilit4I's new pnbldr sehtol sok plan atonality night at fi o'clock.. 1L was an event, in the history of the yillagl• that will not slon hr fiegniten.- '1'141• school (chil- dren werelI'enellt 11.1111 au1• dlll''st•. selene delivered boy \Wan. Lewis and other I-Ur/Ams. The 11ra1.'M hand played several appropriate se lt4•t• . Farewell Sermon at Exeter. Exeter, June lith. R. -v. It. J. M. Perkins, lector tit t h e Tri vitt Meiji, iinl. rhun•h, preached his tate- well ser on 4 lay eve ' g last. The 111111141 was eruavdew1 111 the doors. Hee. Ah•. Perkins hits fleet' re414,1e of this ,hunch for over thaw years. and by him infl(1pnre has err denied himself not only to him people, but to the citizens. Mr. Perkins leaves this week lir Ingersoll. wheel- ie. herehe hats au•reptd a cell. Siren.' 1 h 1)ny in (14Nler'ch. A man whose 1 • a joiner the railway kept a stoat tethered in his g:udrn. A friend a eked 1 ' • day what was the time of the goat. ••l's• of the goat !" he replied : '•nuu1, that goat keeps ale in coals. Never a train pa ISIS 11111 the fireman throws a bit of real at it." ' Mollie (aged mixt' "Oh. 1 Rev, do you know what may. governess lull me today ? 41w Gild that the world is round. Isn't that funnv? holly raged Nix :1,1(1 a half) "You silly ! t M reirse- the world in round. 1 could have told you that. That's why we say in our Drayer'', •\Vot•Id wit) 1. end.' SCOTT'S EMULSION won't make a I hump back straight, neither will It make 1 short les long. but It fuds soft bona and heals diseased bone and is among the lew genuine means of recovery le rickets and hone consumption. Strad for (r., sample SCOTT & BOWNZ, Mertes.Toronto, ria. pc. sod $..00 1 all draigi•t.- ewe INTERESTING -in INSTRUCTIVE "Correct English= How to Use it." A MonthlyMagazine Devoted to the Use of English. Josephine rurck Baker, Editor. PARTIAL 44,NTKNTm Volt TIIIM M11VTI1, tours. in K'gli-h for the 11.•1(4 ('nurse in English for the Ads/owed i'vpid How' In Ince-ear Ine:. Va•ohalNry, The .L ri of r'nn ver-entlnn, Shovel! and Would : How to 1'+e Thane. '01111,11444100... Went net' Dirt Imam I. 1'nrrar•I 1-nell-h in Ihr Monne. 1 nrre'-t Knuth.'" In the. Mrb.w)l. What In Kay and What Nov to Say. (tnlrw• in Letter welting and Punctuation. Alphabetic 1.1.1 of Abbrs.) lotions. H.u.hu•.s En,fli.h for Ilie Huslness Mane 1' !amend Worsts: (Inc• to Write Them. 8111d1e- he Ie:ng11441 leilrmntre. Agents Wanted. x1.1 a Year. Send Ik for Sample Copy, CORRECT EN6LISIi, Erapstos, III. TO THF: PUBLIC The price of beef rattle I ti rota/hem i the. I4ritlsh Emplre has dropped a not. -h o, a., a. and eon...anent.ly local terve. are down. We are now '11101y1ng all ruts at lower prlees, while the quality L. a. good, If not better, than ever. M. LEAN; 4 M MEAT MAItK ET handle' all khsl• of meats, poultry. }we.. and, while thanking the public for their liberal a we rnnage, we w,llrlt a cold lnnanr4! of the .ane. McLEAN EROS. • • °Feet Frit St. and Square. Undo, tele i The Palace Clothing Store Men's and Youths' Summer Pants Men's and Boys' Belts Men's Summer Hats Straw Textile and Fur Felts. Exceptionally good values, Summer Underwear in natural wools, balbriggans, t'te. See our Combination suits. They are becoming very popular. Everything for Men and Boys Pure Fabrics in Negligee Shirts Fancy Half Hose, 25 cents McLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, Hatters. North side (hurt Bough Square, (ioderich. Some One Must Be In The Lead We are ; because we give the hest materials, combined with style, the two essentials that particular dressers defraud and get. Frank Ne Martin The Tailor Seasonable Lines in Hardware , BINDER TWINE, HAY FORKS, HAY FORK MOPE, SCYTHES AND SNATHS MACHINE OiL, SCYTHE STONES, Etc. Everything in Hardware at the best prices. Give me a tall before purchasing. J. NICHOLSON The New Uaroware Store, - West Street. i Gasoline Stoves SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. THE drudgery of cooking in hot weather reduced to a minimum by using the SUN GASOLINE STOVE You may have seen gasoline stoves but you have never seen any that would equal the shipment of Sun Stoves that we received this week. Turn a lever, light a match, that's all. Screen Doors and Windows, Portland Cement, Refrigerators, , Ice Cream Freezers, Washing Machines, Binder Twine, Extra Quality Machine Oils, A FEW DOZEN HAY RAKES AT 2 for 25c. E. P..PAULIN Some One Must Be In The Lead We are ; because we give the hest materials, combined with style, the two essentials that particular dressers defraud and get. Frank Ne Martin The Tailor Seasonable Lines in Hardware , BINDER TWINE, HAY FORKS, HAY FORK MOPE, SCYTHES AND SNATHS MACHINE OiL, SCYTHE STONES, Etc. Everything in Hardware at the best prices. Give me a tall before purchasing. J. NICHOLSON The New Uaroware Store, - West Street.