The Signal, 1906-6-28, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICII ONTA RIO
THURSDAY, jln17r 28, 1906 7
Public Meeting Last Friday Evening
to Discuss the Bylaw.
Mr. von Schon's Lucid Address Listened to With
Much Interest- -Questions and Objections Ans-
wered by Dr. Holmes -Mr. Proudfoot Explains
the Terms of the Bylaw.
The public meeting called for Fri-
day evening last in the Opwti Homes
to discuss the Maitland River Power
Coo. bylaw was nos so largely a.
&iidtd,w the importance of the mat-
ter deserved. However. thosw who
were present had an excellent oppor-
tunity to hear what the Aolvocats of
the scheme hall to Illy, and the Meet-
ing no doubt ow . 'dished "s ulrh to
awaken a more general harvest in the
pessihilitiel of the development of
power in the Maitland. The in -invited
speakers were Mr. von Schon. the con-
ultitlg engineer of the company. Dr.
Holmes A11 V. 1'r hoot, K t'. MIs.
vuuSC1 gave A very lucid explanott'
of the method of Arriving at the fig -
urns got 'Ihis report uthe scheme
and spoke of the iuhanlages cheap
Ismer would Iw to the town. Mr.
1 11 the legal aspects
spkr f h 1
F ,ndf g
F'tr {
of the question and the effect of the
FF.r�oti'' of the bylaw-, while Di'.
Holmes opened the "sleeting wits► a
,hotel address it at the dose, in
mow s e iu ' the oh'1eer s of some of
r h
the audience. wulurd sip to au en-
*husiastic dee !Aral iou of what the
scheme would du fur the development
of the town.
In his one . g Address l)r. ilolmes
briefly referred to the steps taken in
initiating the project and waif thltt. the
'rill step wow to get the town in-
terested. that at the wish ,i( t lw cone
patty the sown solicitor - had Made the.
loviiew so that the town should he
safeguarded in every way possible,
and now the e parry a •eive•d it. its
duty at the earliest possible oppor-
u explain the molter ta t •-
�. r
(llnity t p
mighty to the pesople and give the full-
est opportunity fur objections to Iw
raised and questions asked. After
getting the town's guarantee of dale.
111 another $1:10.(1I1) would have to be
raiser) by getting capitalists intt•r-stet
in the proposal. and. if the eompnny
could not twtsuatle them that the
scheme was a good one that would
yield a fair rat urn on the •y in
vested, the scheme would drop, and in
that oliaie the town would hose noth-
ing, while the promoters of t hr proj-
ect would lose All they had expended.
In the other event. if capitalists
..odd 1w interested in it. -the town
would he in an equally safe p'0Siti1111,
,s the $11.31NI required annuilly to {sty
the principal and interest of the .le•
hentniri the town would guarantee
was a drat charge on the c -
pan.•'s property. and this awl the'
working expenses t:i enses wtil a 111 have to be
o,t , e
's w 1 t A
paid twiner the a» stale t 1
rent. The d7.*Mllpto Ile plaid by the
town for power for n ' •ipinl pur-
poses would go towards paying the
debenture* and an AaWitiwwl ••Y,dMI
would have to be made tip out of the
other revenue of the company before
the capitalist would get any dividend;
so that if the 'Theme went ahead and
'outside capital should oleo in it a pay-
ing proposition that was it good guar
utter of the Iw,undIMOD of the plopwii•
lion. The company's proposal t11 th •
town wits the c11ue :w if a farmer
should may. "1 will give yam :► 1 -
gage oen my >4f,I1011 faros if you will
sign lay note for 11E5 1," only that in
this c:we the town was to nap all the
benefit. It Was to get cheaper power
to run the•mnnieipal plant Iflat. rou1J
possibly Iw not Doul stearal anti iambi
increase its plant 2.i p•1' cent. wit hone
additional cost. If The• thing WAS a
total' failure the town would gel a
010,IM11 plant for $1:11,4NM1, and at
that irM should lM• n Mnl Ji11Y`
p l
concern. 'The tow
ron't lase any-
thing :Ind it stands tee win a gavot
lt•a1.' concluded the 'ha•lor.
W. Proudfoot, K. C.
Mr. Protedf.ut said the bylaw 'was
originally .Intel by 1 ' self. :11.1 he
went ever the various clauses to show
Ills, the town WAS safeguarded at
••very {mint, The lands the town
would got:ar*nler w01111 he paid off in
thirty equal annual instalments, no
that each year the town's liability
would he lessened. This was just
the Sallie as the elevator bylaw, rhe
total would have a Heal nulrtgage on
the plant, franchise, etc:. hit he
thought there was no (longer of the
downs getting a chance to take the
plant. Themlyney derived 'rise 1hr
Nair of the debentures Was 114 he paid
into the Bink of Montreal to 1he
joint 'relit of the town and the '•om-
11*11), to It. paid out only ter building
the dam And power hnime. Installing
Machinery, .•t(•., on the joint cheque
of the town and company, en float the
town you'd ser that none of the
money went into the pockets of the
shareholders The rainluny was
(sound to spend 4:It111,(IM1 before the
total auuount1ef the guarantee would
Ie handed Wee. hit the c piny
could draw up to fifty per cent. (1 the
vale,• '.f the work done at oily time,
while the town could Ineter itsown ap-
talint(ee to satisfy himself of tl r taller
of the work pletel. The tnnpoit
eau to furnish the town with power for
Von, ('ofuidPlably- tee* that' flu•
town was at, present paying. aft, t lie
lawn ruuld in '1 YAM. 11.1 eimsu„ptmn
to an additional 2i per rent. •ilhnit
extra roost. After that Ir' town
wrn11d put pro rates on the Neill OIIhe*t. The r pane was t tsar ih+•
44'14 the town's plan( s an »nsil-
iary if it n(sciel it. ••1.1111 A rode -
Payer," said Mr. PromiloA, "and if 1
thought it would ince r1e the taxes,
*1, 1 for one would wt. sop/ort it*
II was just, remit/1r tie town might
•-ustain mane loss if Ne scheme were n
total failure, foot tl'r• was it risk he.
••terythdng and th '•iek here was too
small to h+ ennetrrrrl. The way to
look *t the „weer wan : la it going
to be a means a pr apering the town ?
Is it going 14) P a means of helping
the town to •a ahead? "if mop." Mid
Mr. Pm11d(,.t. "'erne telt and trate for
Mr. Reeighan asked if the town
would n•' boo am ttttt ing lial4ity be-
fore thee wan any plant an pot a
Innrtgae on, and Mr. I'toudfoot ex-
plain, again that, the mortgage would
s all the property the company
wood have at any GGino• and that
?het womb! always he doorhle seenr-
it. In answer to Mr. Strang he said
tae company was to supply the road
seta• for keeping tip the Uown'a pees-
, t• Plant and that the town would he
1P"''tod to keep a man to attend to
M. von Schon's Address.
Yr. von Schon was grael d with sp-
pleur s as he roam. to speak. He gave a
brief statruleut of his gtuUifiextioos a14
All engineer. saying 1hat. Ile graduated
in lietmxuy' itt hylas and after a short
post -graduate course canoe to the
•nitetl States, where he had i.cen
practising his profession since 114X.
For the last warm years he had been
connected with • of the hydraulic
elepeu•tnrnts elf the 1', N. Government.
Fur the last twenty years he haul de-
voted himself entirely to the building
of water powers. He had built, many
in the Southern States told tart years
ago came north, haol'milt the water
power at Moult Site. \lard•, The next
biggest to the NLagara pose•, was
now building five water powers and
was ronsnitnig engineer fur seventeen
coheirs. When collet" Io
th t\ h • all u u m t di•
*gnus.- the first symptoms of a ,rater
power he did not go at it Tike a you ug
resthusiast, hut, on the reverse. with 1t
degree. 11t suspicion]. Niue out of ten
se rt es submitted11 e. 1
h h t hits h found
11 , 1
n ex a did tilt show o to
she• expettat' of the pre nos,
While more than fifty per cent. hp' le-
pw.r•ted up1111 Iadvervety.
'•F.n�mrrrulg is it science of pre-
. i. , rte said. "there is no guess-
work atom* any part Of it:" Mr.
v o n Schott gave ,1 most lucid
and interesting exposition of the prii-
eiples of hydraulic engineering with
reference to power development. and
then pltsscl 011 111 1Ile ronsideratiun of
the applitvtiu"s of t hese pi -In idles to
the \liitland River, whose watershed
he said was nut one of exeeptiunal
peculiarities at •dl. It count be
matched in \1'iseousiti, North Dakota.
Maier. Michigan and elsewhere... The
Calculations in bis report hal been*
made •I -so a •',s 14
mmol u t t Inst f lh driest usual'
in the shirt yeas• in a tikes of twelve
years, whereto i1 haul been fiend that
:t cycle of strain years resoles all the
variations with lhe-exception Io(one
very dry year in fifty. A. to the fall,
any intelligent leveller eiuld measure
that in a couple of days. Mr. von'
Schutt then gave the details of the
1ort•ipitat' for the (nest twelve ye(us
en the wan -rolled of the Maitland from
(layterunlent reports. showing that
1 he driest year wits Hitt, when the rain-
fall amounted to only a trifle over to
inches. and the wettest was' 12+107,
whe 1 it ted tae:ki} inches. Tak-
ing the How per 110.111 11 for Ibbp driest
year. he showed x flow' of 3-10 of an
itt pet wµtar• Wile of w.U•tshed for
the of the year. Aimgost,
whir. the highest was in 1h -.1 -Ii H1•r,
when the Haw was 1 1-111 inches'. :1'11•
other 110et110A of a puling the widow
flow was to mt.:wore Il. but this would
rs1uire to Ile dour every 111 y in t11'
In 1he Maitland nature h:ul 11N with the hest plan of de-
ter 1 i io tt_ Between a ali.l
t u t f w Hawtnlll r
s 14 I'
k t there was w fall f b
the Black Hole
fret, while Iwlween the Black Yule
and a point just opplisite where the
river Ment loack,on itself (here was at
blether fall of 15 feet. king:, total
fail of a1 Get. Thr w*terHnw alreaudy
given woo equal to :fit cdnic second
feet. and this, multiplied by the
weight p1•r, cubit - foot (ft'•1 !boat
tipliel by the fall (Stift.), gondol give
the energy in f.ot-poundtx A horse -
tamer was the energy that' would
raise :bil)1bs. a fort ill a 1e•oul, Heck•
14nittg at ole. effective head of 714 feet,
14) pwr cent . efficiency in too tu•hiue•s,
1)3 per cent, eftleieney in the electric
generators rayl 'o per cm. t_ • loss in
bringing the. pitlw•etr to 1io1-rich,
would give about 2,aM1 available.
horsepower. '
• development clop
r 1 a i. f J t l glint 1 1
Th {1 l p I 1
was to 'mild n d:1111 at the Back Hide
and dam the water hark to De 'ller-
a distance of flour ghees. There was
no t•oul,l.• to figure alit how strong
the dam would need tootle. Any s10-
cient h1 engineering to the, first year of
hi. course runld tell what`•'irce each
square (n..t of the dant wom}i haste to
4 e
s calculation'. 11 fh
withstand. In his I lir
;must safety tarter had bee' Plowed
for, the dam was to he built ao la t.'
resist tit least t.wo:Itnd n half :iue.- the.
would actually have s t h
forw it w 111 v
stand. Thr trick was to (nus��.aIrl the
Jaen. A slid maseuu•y dale t.iouhd l e
to) expensive. What %rota roopwel
was to put in a r•s•rvtlil• oleo over
which no water would How with a
1111 onry core and 'nrh side a 11.1.4 of
,earth (ianl{wnel and rolled. tuaking
the dam all feet wide at the base.
This dans would Iw as long its the river
was wide. while at Ione side of this nn
the plateau would lie it spillway for
the a111•p111N water 10 pass 4)11. This
world he of masonry. • 'rho esti•,•
would 1.• NarrtI S Ncroe the oxbo • in
four steel pipe to the spot where the
/Mower hole... wool(' ite situated. The
.Elul proper would 1w 2a41 fret long.
The Ilse of a I.Iaaekbooard a.ldet roar
siJerahly to the t-Iearneas of Mr, von
Mrhnn*' explanations. He ronciolled
with a few words nn the adoantag.•, of
water power. which he Neill had ben
the uulkirlg of many towns.. In 1145
Sault Ste. Marie had A population •of
only 2,1141 and now it had la.tmv). aril
water power did it, ile also rd•rred to
the water powers at Ottawa and Hull
and elsewhere. The 'comet of stein'
generated power was shalt Cal al
horsepower, while if stns* 1* r wilier
power Duet natio! not show Koo,l (lie..
depot: by selling power Al $:li :a
lpower. KIert•it p el s e r tlevo•Iope.l
• *-1,11.1' wits a 1Y•Iiahle VIM).1 : 111i•
1ioyrrnnitnt WAS oslttg 11 to iiin.1,11.•
the lock gotten at the Sault, work that
required the most t•elhhir of powers
Remarks front the Audience.
\1'hen questions were called for at
the chew of %Ir. von Whorl's address
Isaac HP/111 asked how glib !14l)11
there world he in the Maitland (liver
in ten yearn from now. Mtwara.'
needed a remervoir from which to 'draw
a supply, and. he olid, "When the
sw•alrnpne which form the traervuirs of
the Maitland are drained where will
Iw your reservoir?"
.1, 1'. Torn said he tinder:fo d it was
stated in the Government engineer's
report on the sehernt that the town
would he charged, in the IK7,00n, $IO for
what it was now paying only MI for
with *steam plant. He also wanted
an explanation of the statement of the
town engineer that- the company's
power wait going to coat the town
over $i,IMII more a year than we were
now paying.Ile Mao thought the
town ethomltl net. hind itself to t*ke
power for thirty years at a given
figure, hors lam. no matter how cheap
power mi ht become in the me.Otime
we nhnn1,f he bound to take it from the
company itt 111.1114111P tIgu v for thirty
Dr, HelRwe is Reply.
ha *mower, 1)r. Holmes said the
colutaty had nothing to do with
what the town chows to charge (•11u-
tuulrrs for Tight and that was what
Was referred to in the liu.rr • 11
report : that. though 111P town en-
gineer twt•koncJ hr am
'id save only
11,916) on 1'111111111K expeure0 by using
the electric power w hltr the cost do
the town of that power was Ill lie
$7,101, the saving 1n not salving to
keep up the t..yu's present plant
w0111e1 a great deal outer thou make
up the- ditf.•reitee. :114. Kelly hail
told hiul ,hitt unr of the town boilers
would have to N- replaced shelrtly
and if the cumpany'11 proposal were
accepted the town would out be at
this expense but the eompuly would.
Another saving to the town c11uiti be
elfeete•d in this way by slaking
,u•r,wge•me1119 with the ruutpanv to
use the tom 11 tam t'1 lasso.. as a M1111-
rtlti(u fur the deli. ,try of power to
cons utlte•s in town is well as sur de•
livery l0 1114' roll's machinery. and
the c. ptlny could thea pay half the
.11sl of operating. From the hest in-
formation obtainable the town would
he in it (osition to offer nese uaum-
titt•tnriug iodustt•ies power as i•hetp as
Nia;:tra power would eostat Hamil-
ton. ••torr ask you 111 bark is up with
your name, your power and prestige,
at no roost to the town. to help Its
make this town a city." said the
()o•am. Anti ecru if it were correct
that the town would be our $1,1111 it,
would lie at great thing fur the town
to lie table to otter cheap power to new
1 IJ1 1. Ine He referred fere) to the soh
industry, atter 1411 ' het'' bill
mow 111 1111 la b pants down the
rive • simply eon ,
r, . stn{ h nal t e f their heal --
new to the cod supply- : awl 4(1111 1*1.1 i.
tion in other lines Witold bring
about a survival of the fittest and"the
that could not offer lis rhea 1
pone!as wgtw tithe,' t.01,11 Was 1.001141
In lag iwl ' 1. Y\1'm. claim that with
this Iniw•et• we will 'he in as good a
puatiun As the city) of Toulutt'. And
we have got W demonstrate this to
the capitalist. If we. .':incl ,1,. that
where row you? Yon lone nothing.
Wan thele ever* t1r11t1.11I M. 1.11
nailing 111 its effects that asked. sei
More Questions.
11. 1'nnlelin w•anteel to know if
(:u.,•rieh was to get the benefit of all
the ismer t1 drt•rl11 we 1 if •o
soul t 111. f it
1 1
Wen. 11 1 • • t
t w N'Irel lIo Other towns,
w flet how t'.,• W11111d get the 1ie,n'fit of a
chrnp•r• rate than they would. Int•.
Ilolmes said that Ihe hvlaty provided
that the town orae 111 get all the power
it ...Alla Ilse lip 114 C,*1101 11u11sep.*.•i•
;11141 Mat 11 would eltat w ti Wire
1lie ppewet• 1, Clinton than to (lode•
rich, se. that liole•irh wool.: get the
ps.we cheaper.
A goestnn fr II. I. Strang
toonglit :mit the information that the
nolllicipd plan, regiit 1 about 2.i41
horMt•power, 111111 i1 was further Ile,• st ate,d
that Thi• Big'tIi11 used hitt hots.•Islwt•r
awl the organ farltery 1141 to 12.1
horsep ..wet.
Alex, Maunders, mit anger of the
u h Organ nn 1'0. sIlr a
h hail
141 the meeting with w • doubts as to
the wise! .1 the town's assuming
what he thought alight be a financial
bunko . s 1 1 s ,
1 an 1 with • one ubtsa t Thew
hoeing sufficient water to 'Oak.; the
sch.•tu.• :a pt•:u•tirttl one, 11111 he teas
leavin1 the meeting thoroughly im-
pressed with the peohsiI,ililies_ot the
wheelie amd he thought the town
would he losing a olden •, , Mmtlulity
not to pass the bylaw. as Thr knew
from experience in the Ho:otos of T'rule
that the Hrst question always asked
by it prospective industry was. -What
is the cost of power in y • town ?'
Anothow advantage to offer t1 pro=
itppc•five industries would by the fact
that with this power they would not
need to install a strait) power plant.
which cost about On taw horsepower,
wltt•reas it would Nisi only about $111
per howeepre•e• to put in the ap-
pphaours for using electric power.
The meeting adjum lust at n late
Modern System Has Revolutionized the
Tailoring Trade.
If a !wombat)! tailor 'uuld get is
journrynlah tailor who ronld d11pli-
rtlte the workmanship in a "Semi -
ready" *ivercouo, he w'ilubd gladly ply
that man $1l or $I1 a week. \Iotte•n.
system in tailoring as exemplified in
the Mtmi 'nails tailor •hops Ii ts. eyol-
1 a •lo business r
uh, nlz I the Lal l on u. f s
K1 »'
the (lund)•etrSlate show has dis-
pl;u-i.tI4ltr rislom-lube.• shoe. When
you buy Semi -ready the real ':Semi•
ready" you w0111t1 ;AS soon oinks- 1a
.ilk hat' mile 10 order as afterwards
hay a wail -lo -order soil of clothes.
111 This city ana district the exchlsive
,tele of Semi -ready is held by Messer.
.h•1.ran Brom., Gimlet -4-h, 1tin .
For the summer. I •Lr ono
with you on your vacation trip.
Write us for ,cur 61rna,
plates, paper and all photo-
graphic suppltea. Our airs k
a .lovas. atrocity trash ■nd
olteuscally pure.
We give spatial attrntwn to mol orders.
Wr+s far w 1906 Catabg.s'.
J: H. BACK & CO.
4 Masomo Tampk, London, ('.nada
Use The Long
Hales may be obtained from
the Long 1)istanre Operator.
The Bell Telephone
Company of Canada,
School Teachers Salaries..
OAS • 1)f • readers are inquiring
*limit the recent legiwtntiull Itl,eithlg
tht• ,dories of rural tt It,Mll learners,
we publish below the full text of ,1It•
elwooer of Thr revised Pullir Mt•hod
Ail relating to this natter. It will
11• ni,trd Hoot the 11murex .or any
school will receive *b)) fixing the
township towards the teacher's salary
dud .till he t.-quiiwd to !Ay hila or
her in :addition from $.;11 114"$,a„ -Ill :t
year, Nreuldingg to the asWsslutat,
Boiled down, the ehtusesmean that
the pl•incipul of a rural school will get
at least trolls"$:tial to $.1'111:1 year, ac-
cording to the wealth of the ,.-alien.
An assistant will ret•i%.• $:m.1). The
text of the i lausrt follows :
'1'1pk•eulaideipal roullcil or every
1 iweNhip shall lel)' and Sallee by as-
neakalli'nt upon the taxable 111Yllierty
of the public .shed supplitle1911f the
whole tn.t•nship, ill the manner pro-
vided by this 'Act and the Monks 11
:11141 Assessment. Arts. the Nolo id $'Lea)
tat least far etery puldie',rhti11 which
bas ita•,t kept open the whole year ex•
elusive of vacations. \\'hare the
srhm)! has lawn kept open 1141 six
months r Uyet•, 11. p
prouli intuit.*
l,mlt .11of the sail,. Nuel ole $1250at
Last shall he Irciet) aild collected la a
similar Hommel. glom the taxable
properly aforesaid. .\u tlilli10titil
sum of $I:al al least ..ball be itviei
101111411114•1••11 in A A11101.11 glosso. -r lip -
00 the smut' Matti +. 111444.11y for
evrl•y We:P.1.410 teacher engaged for
the whole year exclusive -of heat'
and n p1.lport' to amount itsouk as-
sistant leaehrr was eitg:lged tor six
months or over.
•L'ht: ,
tN levied tY1 NIIJ collected I.v
\the twspeeti .e coln(ihs of the I•I o111it1•
std Township shall be payable 114 Ilse
1t e'. o s
t t ♦ r 11 1•m. ' ,
u respect the public
schools oily on the order of the in-
toairloafter r, and, aftthe .•�pira lion of
te' • ttent calendar year, .hall be ap-
pdie.exelusitely to leacher: .,Hari.•.. '
lu 1 , dtlito ' 1 the provided bt•'
the 1, w'ushi omnis towauds emelt`
trader 'N nal the Urn ire. of every
rural 'hxsd s•eti shall pity ate-
•hualh', t.•i expiration of the.tLIIreni
a11etdai• year, 114 Lhe tt2arhei• where
there is only ant• and G. th:• heal
teacher where there are mime IJ1:111
at Iewt a he sum hereinafter men-
tionel isulljey1 only to a pt'Igtmtlunato
reduction 111 tvtw• the whole year's sl-'
AI•v dews11 • • .
n L Is 1, Ig- due.. Thal is to
o lit1 $17) where the :ws•sssl value
of the taxable 1 property I rY wren' o
t t the 1 6'e.:
h 1 h
school .11 1 N1' 1• a '
11 C in a• welkin's'
h 1. ,t
least $ilal,etxl...... .... . i
11.1 $'.1' 4) when Much :u(s'tsel ':time
is at least 1,P111,1114/11U1.It... than *MO,-
lc*1111 where such assessed value
is tit least $11,444) hot less than 4..41,1441.
Itis Spill where o11(•II tl"w'ssel valor
is at Ie•:tett 11131.01N1 hitt Tess than $1u,1M41:
(ti -411 wht•re sit,' assessed value is '
less than
Anil $I. -at
whatever 1411+•
i'1'he sail tri
1 estiuut
school It1111m•ys
baled Doul the 1
+•hide .yhilleVel• :u
ill liee win YYw o
Terry assistant teacher,
assessed value is.
stews in making (heir
and -i•esluisitel' for
be levied and rol-
tepgvrs shall iue
iat'r, .•111 . Is 1e.
essa ry to provide for s 4.11 payment.
The public whims i •1' ' 1or shall
have power to, *Ula shitll. o.p•t,I 11e•
ca•rtith•ate of any t.•arhrr in a ramal
school who agrees 111 acre a salary
ret Ipti' 111
.uu 01111 1111111 is her.•iu-t•oyidel l
nr who by r.•IsaU•, d14"sr inn nr 1
111 1114‘ smbtcrttow. accepts :1 leis a Naltll
in nettleulrnt of his ,y her cloth fur
oalu•y. Thr inspect or shall halloo •t It
report 1411(•h suspension to the MI •
iste• Iof Edu(•at ion, tufa the MIINpwlrslt
shall Iw eontinutd or dealt with as the
Minister deems expedient.
Cool,Comfortable McKi m's
and Chic.
Busy Store
'Phone 20
THIS picture illustrates charmingly
1 the must stylists and popular of
the season's shirt -waists.
Ideal for Summer silk Waists.
One of those rare HAPPY THOUGHTS
of the designer that is becoming to all
women. No. 4153 01
$5.000 ISMAlla will
be WiJ to any
prr•0w1 who prove. Iha
Sunlight .
might Soap tai any
injurious he,c.ilm
a or any
woo. itt .u1n1lyrat44;n.
is a perfect cleaner and will
not injure anything.
Best for all household pur-
poses. Sunlight Soap's super-
iority is most conspicuous in
die washing 9f clothes.
Common soaps destroy
the painted or varnished
surfaces of woodwork and
take the color out of clothes.
Even the daintiest' linen
or lace, or the most delicate
colors may be safely washed
with Sunlight Soap in the
Sunlight way (follow direc-
ur motleyurhe • -
a fYorom whom you buyrefSunndedl•gMby Soap you
find any cause for complaint.
5[toy it and
ca fol low dtrea . Sc.
Lever brothers Limited. Tweet*
"'Then yon h. a no sympathy for
thea leaercing 1111•x' asked the dA+raun
working for a tartly.
"Me:'" re ied the rich and great
Ivan. "\ V. Nie., I have nothing but
Nv"sItath for them." .Milwaukee
ntlurl. .
lather (lIc.nnutrnding her d:ulgh•
or service: Mary's N goal girl.
111 her the flower of the Dandily.
Want : Is she the self -rising
nston Transcript.
Tact is (wing slue not U1 lookter
solemn when your rich uncle makes Apr{
an awful flat joke. -New York'I'r'Ns, kind?
Men's $3.10. and $3.511 Shoes I
WI.: are after the I1D'n who want good-
lookin ► durable and s •
j„ t\ I I shoes at
moderate prices. 1Ve II ,lust � put it mildly
and say that
We Have the Best $3.00 and $3.50
Shoes this Country Produces.
Tu u4 on $3.00;anti $:1.:10 shoes: You'll
buy satisfaction here 114 well a4 good shoes.
Wm. Sharman 1
IMMO .IMt O 11111/MO
Tllli I30N=TON
Livery and
Hack Stables
The fine),t turnouts in tntyn :ole
well-known stables.
(carriages for every r141nirenie It
furnished at reasonable rates of hire.
Finest Hack service
in town
sltl►jllied at these
and goofs horses
Everything up-
Careful drivers furnished when required
All calls promptly attended to
Walker & Augustine
a>tr • t ';e.,1-,'.,,14
$r. p. N. 36. M. .o. N Inches bust immure.
The New
'10 cent Pattern s
Pure silk white waists. :t! to 10 in -
well and stylishly made, made fie
this sr:wun to bell at 1112.311 and $3.50.
about Pt in the lot to dear at
eitrti *1,76 and *2.26
White Muslin Waists.
Nicely uis\th., embroidery trimming,
:it 50c up to *1.76
White Muslins, 4c.
\mother lig shipment of fancy
ahi1.• mastitis. just right for her
weather *sear. at per yea.
4c, Sc. 6c, up to 40 •
Now is our time tee dear stock for
next mesion : at the saute time we
urn showing the newest lingerie
hats at the very lowest prices At
Busy Store
l 1
i \
Model by the kmrgoet Batter.
In 0 •
P . 'r Dh:A N
You can tat it trek at
your door ovary day.
la kneaded by atac
cry /boa, the hitbor
trade Yaaitoba
flour sad W planet
We Have
I Everything You
That is, Everything to be Found in an Up-to-date
Hardware Store.
1 Screen Doors and Windows
Lawn Mowers
We have several makes of Lawn Mowers.
We handle the famous DiSTON Scythes.,
Hay Rope
We handle the best American `pure manilla,
made of strands 12 to 15 feet long. Call and
examine. mne.
We handle several
other makes also.
1 Harness
and the other at
We have two sets .f 'few Harness, one at $7.6o
1 Hammocks
We have l lammocks at om 75c to $5,00.
Something New ' Ze oleum
Zenoleunl is a disinfectant pu up in bottles and
different -sized cans. One ga )tt of "/.museum
mixed with writer will make on- hundred gal-
lons of disinfectant. Use it roun i your sinks,
bathrooms, cellars, stablest out.hous.s, etc. For
flies on horses and cattle use one cup .t Zenol-
eum, two cups of raw oil and twenty 'ups of
boiling water. Sponge or spray on. it does
not destroy the hair, but makes your horse
glossy. • Cows not bothered with flies give
more milk and keep fat._
Plumbing, Heating, Eavestrough-
ing, etc.
We keep a large and competent otaff and can
give you prompt attention.
Binder Twine
We handle the famous PLYMOUTH Twine.
Gold Medal, 65o ft. to the lb.
Green Sheaf, 55o ft. to the Ib.
C ent
We handle the famous N1ATIONAL 'PORT -
AND Cement. Already- our sales this year
ha 'e exceeded the whole of last year. It speaks
for I self,
Sherwin Williams Paint
This I'ai t is knos n the world over. Our sales
were never , s'large as they have been this year.
When once t sed you will use no other.
'Phones Store, 22 ; House, t12.
emminseam•ima1•ommmas ode