HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-6-28, Page 4,.
.t' tt' z .112 ?htKft'ts.),;
4 Tet7YDAY, June 28, 1806
1-- -
Maitland River Power Proposal IIN THE EARLY DAYS.
How 'shames d'Halneur Were Sometimes
Settled Seventy :ive Years Ago.
Some Points to be Considered by the Ratepayers
of Ooderich in Deciding HOW They Shall Vote
on the Bylaw.
The following is submitted by
Maitland River Powet C
Limited, for the careful consider
of the voter of Ooderich :
Tile Maitland River Power
parry, Limited, toil a chartered
pony, RAO having been lend the
eminent fair it. chatter.
•goodPour hydraulic engineer+ of good
reputation- -viz , Memoir's. van Selena,
• of Detroit, Mieh.: Roberts, of (lode.
rich ; (incus of Montreal. and 1'10.
Meat, of the Ontario Ptw.i C
Non. Toronto- have investigalsl
have reported that the developt
of the project will create a tall
water power.
The present direciot•s, with the ex=
ee•ptiun of Mr. Goldthorpe, whip twos
the land in the lair' ' y, are not titian -
l the project,
yond the mune) paid and yet to he
paid for grousotion purposes.
At present, the evidence warrants
the statement that r gh lower eau
lw developed to run at 1h..driest rime
of the year fort)' factories of the .area
of the Organ Factory of thi. town for
ten hours daily : mud that this ismer
ran be provided at less rust than Ni•
agars INtw•rl• CNt1 be obtained at any
town ill Ontario west of Hamilton.
Or, to make another comparison, it
eon lie provided it'less than half the
cost of steam power.
The .net of development will to nt
(rant lig*N1,1MMt, MId the aid of the town
appeared to lw necessary in proceed-
ing with the scheme.
The piIters to asking aid in the
present form have re•asiin ►o bene'•r
that i1 w'ill'pttive a valuable factor in
the sueresstnl cart ging out of 1 hr pruj-
rel. while at the s: • time nut east -
Ing the tow -11 Anything or injuring
the loa'n's lentil in any way.
To ensure that the desire or the
ditw'lurs in this respect sl ItJ be ear-
nest out, Messrs. Peiauditsd, 1►irkin-
son, Cameron and 1311'4. Irma their ass•
sirtanet in placing in the Bylaw and
agreement provisions for 1 he full pise-
tertion of the ratepayer.
Of the cost of the development of
this power (which, as already stated.
will be at least $31111,111114. one-half. sir
$130,(11), will have to be raises) by sell-
ing stock. Thr Wye's. LI stock will
convince themteelvea of the feasibility
and probable sweet... of the project
before inverting their m((ney. If •the
stock cannot be sold the project Gila•
and not one pond of the Company
will be issued or guaranteed, and th.•
town will not be liable for a single
Should sufficient stock he mold, then'
the money is to hi paid out in equal
proportions from the 'Lock and bonds
as the work progresses, on the certitl
Cate of an engineer appointed by the
town, and only by joint cheque of the
Mayor and the Conepany.
A fleet mortgage ilium the whole.
property is given the town am sw•urit
against any possible less in gu:wan
tering the bonds.
• The stockholder will have no seem -
ity except his faith in the entrt•ppcis•.
The sum of 1)11,1/11 yearly for 't
years will pay off the bonds, both
principal a n d interest. Of this
iruount $7,11011 is provided* by the
town in payment for power. 'The re-
maining %,2111 and the working ex -
penned WIMP out of the earnings b.• -
fore any dividend is paid the Nt eke
The provision for' the payment of
the Nunn of $7,011I by the town for
power for the operation elf its water.
works and light plant was placed in
the Bylaw atter a full consideration of
all the facts, and in the full belief that
that amount is leas than it costs
the town at present to' ojwr.tt.• its
plait. The hallowing fipputws were
given by Mr. Kelly, engineer of the
town :
Coal LW) tams, at 1ki,.111 *...2.1l
Oil, packing and repai,t ;FIR
the in this county. 'Today it 14 dead.
palsy. (Salt is now manufactured only at
Gov -
Tidal #5.71114as the amount saves) ht• not
rising the steam pliant.
To this ma lir added:
One mans wage.. staved :1410
Other expwnles Raved Istu•h ns
demurrage charges. pining
eetnent Moor in teal shed this
year, new toiler nett year,
new dyne next year, rte..
etc., which will be necessary if
present plant is rtntinneeel.
W use), may Ta►
Further, the town is allowed lei in-
crease the amount of power nerd by 2.1
per rest. before any additional chimp.
is tl lw made by 1 he Company. Even
taking Mr. Kelly's figure.* for thepres-
entrust, $.i,7118, an addition elf 21 pier
rent. in the amunnt of power 11w41
wo iIJ bring the natures to $7.217, or
$247 mitre thiul thea mount to lw paid
the Company,
Hut admitting, for the wake of argue
anent, that the Company is getting
$1,210I A year more. than the torr.,
costs at pre.e•nt, would this be any
More than A retiwmthfe hones 10 the•
(I patty considering the great nal•
vantages it will bring to the town:.
The town ha. given direct aid to othet
enterprise., inrinrling the ('. P. H. -
Why should Any uhj.rtiun iw easeds, s to a small bona. In this rase, in 'which
'the town is ntherwi.e not a.kea to
runts dime a rent 'e •
The Company Ilndertnkes to keep
t he present ,team plant in gnus! repair
and to provide the fuel if it is (unn.i
necessary to keep Itp at rtittintiolrs
small fire : the foss stn)• to have the
privilege of liming the steam plane, at
its own expense, in rase of til .mel •
Aleut Ian-thinIn of ihr• total rust
of the works will ►w spent on the
gerund -half of this in re lug
earth ; the other half in teaming Ina.
r•hinery And materiel and in building
concrete Walk sold ui:atnttry.
1'hc windy .cheque presents adt•an.
ttges nt every point. cosh the town
nothing. e•xrepl 1 he t17,I11m for w•hir•h
full value ix given, and involves the
least possible risk of lows to "the town
in guaranteeing the bond..
It has been .taiMl that the Ontario
Hover •nt w'onld build this water
thrtnlgh Its Puwrr ('tnienissitn.
Although the (' ' tints hat been
authorised to undertake such works.
there is no intik at' that the (inv.
eminent runt erllplatm. any such
action except in regard to Ni era.
In any .Ase, suppaing the Maitland
River power works should he con.
strueted by tole Pmvincial Power
('otnmission, the town, instead of
simply guaranteeing the bonds for d
erre-half of the rest, would be liable
for the whole enter and would Hike "all t
the chances of pewees.' nr failure,
An Object Leena..
Not many Twee ago the mollifier- I
Writ of salt wise a flourishing industry
those places whes•e fuel can be gut
cheaply. The prediction iv ventured
that ittture many years cheap water-
power will close .up factories all over
the country in thole.• place: where
Nisch power cannot lie obtained, act•
ing in precisely the eamtr utannrr its
cheap find has in relation to the salt
Tnoderich Must Be Progressive.
Addis" al industries are 114.04,00111.
lis qhs town'4 r•tntitu.ot growth mud
prosperity, end t•hrap power 14 1110
011.• greatest attraction- tor factories.
11'0 st not only 'mike sioseof keep•
Mg the iueliIstriee we have, but by lie.'
ing able to tffw' cheap haver we ailed
hlMg other maulufactll1tt'` herr.
With a 4V411.111 if `radish elect tar rail-
wa •. a
) , 111 building 11f vthic11 is waiting
upon the trovidin • of .t italdr five
1 I ti a sit
'ow•,'i, and like aaddition,d 111.411 ,•.
lu1ing rslNl.li:butrnts rains ll it Will he
the great air of the Power Contltany
to bring heti', in order to Inotiiie
tisste.utels tut its. patron, Gudrricli
within a few• yeat•s will ie one of the
leading towns, or chic,., in \1'e•sieln
Ontario. (:i4e you* coir for Profiles!,
and the Hyhaw.
11-..1. It. HitLF:-,
1. A. 31‘Fat'.tx,
Annual Meeting Held at Point Farm
Friday An Enjoyable Gathering.
Owing to the rain 1111 Friday there
was n .1 the usual large aattend:owe at
Ih,• \lest limos) Vaunters' Iu.l it ulr
gal 'tering at Point Farm. w1 flu' as
alar W •n's taint ittte wars i •e•rnerl.
the p.utir was. deellretl .est, hill it roll-
si•Irtable number' of members '.1 1 h..
Feelers' lustitlur were i re•ood with
their wives and sister. and daughter.,
and they had n ges11 time in spite of
nu ,e•0 nsi40nnl shower, 11.nliwrt vete
present from many widely -s• luatwl
se etjuns of this barge riding. abuwing
0 r !able interest in Thr work
ref Hie Institute,
The - businwut meeting of
Parses,' Institute was held in the
�tailor of the hutch with President It.
I. laming at the chair nail N4•t't•t•tary
Bailie assisting.
The president in opening the wrest- w
mg toole a brief suldress upon the g
work of the pant year. Eight meet- a
lugs had leen hell ; these had
Iwr11 well attended and ,t great deal of
inten•st haul leen she tt o in the• ad-
dlwNet•s given. If the speakers secured
fur the coming year were as capable
ire thuse of the past year had leen, the
Institute would be well serves!. The
majority of the direetrns haul been
faithful in the' discharge of their
duties anal hid given valuable nteie-
tt1we in the , wick. The president
t gilt Ihr Instil tilt. might well
branch nut into the dis•nssitn of
wider ,range of questions. Flit• in-
stance, there was the subject of the
tariff • ssi . It might be soul
that this was a political subject, b,U, it
affected the farmers very closely and
discussion of i1 fetal. the farmer.'
stattd1Ntint plight lw n profitable ewen-
nation. There wets. tither [natters
affecting their interests with which
the Institute might deal with adtvtn-
I.age to the farining claw, alt ••the•
farmer pays the piper every titre,"
The auditors report eats ptee1•111is!
by ,Lohit 1)ustttw and shiner(' receipts
and expenses as fnllow't for the joust
year :
It F:1'in ere
lialanl e• un hanis 'f -)a $ t14111I
Member,' fere 1+ ity t' :CtINI
Comity giant
Legislative grant
Ite"t-iilm't4int rx.m•s' .. 7:0.:07
Au article ilk 'lain la() Saturday
Night trellis the ftct that during the
early part of last century duelling
was not.'infrequently rrwlrt.arl to for
the settling of disputes ttlutng gentle-
men in Upper l'auaula. A i ,,yttpn uf,
the article. which we republish, refers
to anus incidents of the sort which are
said (40 lace occurred in this ,iau•t of
the a try.
"A great orally of•the Hurls in t'ppwl•
Canada were fought h)• members of
ihr Hat' nod the blouse sit Assembly.
The knights of the bl wit rule wets.
not content with the Rattles of the
lunger in those slays. hitt followed the
mol r dangrl'uu • .i t „c 1 t ion sit duelling.
Many gentlemen lis other professions
also/N'i t'ii11Ui11It 110.1 1111 1114. 111•Id of
honor. (idttel .11111111• It'll/Lill. who
sal in the loll ('.lua.h•ut 11.111i:town',
and in the Ihst it. nuislion Molise of
l' las one•uder o1 I: -sex, wits in
six :tKairt,' 011,1. it is •.ti.l, rt.l,avut•rtl
to have a'sevetil with Sir Juhu 11ar-
dulutld. Colomrl I bi ti 1.10. who was
associated with John I. ;It ill the etl-
onuiug •-Hoch of the t' utidit Company
in Hne•tt vomits• in In'.'•, Was noted
duellist. Acrtratut r NapoleonicIrt/it
eono owe, :Ind the wear of It1I2, he
took great 41.•l,ght in fighting duels sir
in arranging details sit duels for tit.
friend.. H. w,Iv'w:ud1•n of the forests
for 111.' Canada I',ilnpany. and fought
watch t',,mmi•.ioner.luny. when the
reltitu• of the Canada C pang and
the 4 olhu,sic u•liyue grew strained.
••Onr4. John Gats, the (minder of this
Canada Company and sit the town of
Galt, which bears his nauise, had air•
ranged a dila. lie, Dunlop ane it
third p•rtun were itrt•ailing the arrival
yf, the other prinrilal• when it messen-
ger rode up at full spud to sot nettlmee
his illness. Dunlop w41.4 so fill '40114 at
the Io.tpatetent Volt he threatened
to shiest the messenger. A duel which
he took gerelf pleet.ure in iulangiog
was that between John Surrenal, a
lawyer and .etobhct..ter of tante in
Hurn conuty, anti Art hie 1lickseiu.
They quarreler at it dist'i i i,.uucll
d' el', NMI Jt meeting Iweaniene14•e-
srt•y, ,although ' Itit•k.on haul little
heart for the encounter. At daybreak
Stewart began 111 Wire qp eml dnw•11
in front of 1)1.kst011's window' nrulrtl
With it ew•M',I 01111 it pistol. Ihutiup
At•:l kt•lieol Dick/non and urged him to
tight. 111• utaule as hn1'r•iw1 thiel re-
peating with a grtuul, '1 dinn•t want
to [edit, but iia' uttlsl tt MUM,' but the
duel never came off, for the xi tnple
reason that Stewart had the only,
iit'ailuhlr weapon. -
EX 1.14:Ntavoittos -
Ex penises
Expenss for meetings $ 81.55
tallers' stlu•ien and .Xpwnlws, Shit;
D'o'ts ege and ttitiuuery 3.511
Print ing :mil advertising12.70
IA•et11rw1•ei expenses slid wages 111.111
Miscellaneous 20.00
Ifs lama. on IIN11d..,- 44.71)
11 was decided to have regular utrrt-
ingr during the r g year at Kin -
tail and Auburn, .1114 supplementary
mr`rtings at Si. Helens. Nile•, tittle -
rich, Hrnmillrr, Hobo,'-yille and
1..end1•ae.rto' ,
Thr elect inn of dort•lo, resulted it.
f4011owr : For Ashtead John Style.,
Kinteil : '1'h. m. Stofh.•1•. Inrl(nmuon;
Donald McLean, Lofhi en. N est Wa-
wano,h I►onml,l Aloud y, S1. Helrus :
\Wal. Haiti., IInn);.tnn.m : .lo-, Mal -
lough, Hltngemnn. IC ..1 %Vawnno.1i
Packs, Auteuil : %V ill. Brri•i'oft,
N'hitechuich : Audi cit a'u1Tie, Wing -
ham. 111nghant - 5\'. 1'. (irirt•som,
.1. A Morton, 0. ('utile, sus HIyth
Andrew 'sloth, A. H. Jaeolts. Frank
1lelcalj.. Hallett .las. Snell. 1. les:
bora' : John Vineland. :111horn :.1.
W. l'artwrighl, Londp•borrt'• Clinton
it • • Andrew., Ales. 11tKenzie,
Ur. Shaw. (in,ler'icI Township H.
I::uulnet•, (iodericll :.I.- 11'. Salkeld.
(l t,le•1It'h (ie•0 Telma,[. Holmest•ill..
li.tb-i u h-Nla yor Tilt. N'. 11. Rohm t -
.'n, .la.. Mitchell• Colts aow -.H. 1.
\f ntri+, Lot -n1 : 4'. A. Holer'hon, Car"
Ina' : if. 11. 1 onng, 4it t,.tt•.
•di:d.'l)- afterwa ids the three -
010. cwt tel the e•le•, 1 101t of nal res.
Thr[ nfllc-r. of I.1s1 '.sort writ• all roc.
Heeled, as fnllnw'• : I'r..ide uf. H. 11
Voting : vire-pie-1.1cm. I1. J. Mortis:
Necrrl:ny. %foto 14 110: auditor.,.lohn
Iht.tow• :ind ('has. (itttin. Nile.
At Ihr myrtle ion of the timeline
the mem ler. jninrel in the nMt1)
slaking on Ihr gi Is onlsiele. allot
at general )(nod (11111• w 1, kaki. S1Ip1w1
1%.t' 44•11.e•t1 in the dihdtg•room of the
hop j'1 Mid shnrih aft eyWa is the
etltp•d begat) to disperse.
What Troubled Him.
A well -4 'it Atlantan hate a wife
With a sharp longue.
.lones hail c • hoop• autos
etrlrrk in the ruing rather the
worse off for it few highballs. A.
sewn at be opened the dear him wife,
who was wading for him in the nt•-
(tea 1 like,. of the ion of this
.satins, where She clidal w'r11r11 his 11n-
rer•Iaitt ascot, started 11100A ding hila
for hi. conduct.
Jones went to heel, and when he
was almost nuleep could hear her .till
scolding h i m unmercifully. H e
roelssl off to sleep and awoke after a
couple of hours, only to hear his wife
"I hope all women don't have to pot
ip with such conduct es this."
"Anile." said Jones, "are you talk- I
ng again or yet?" -Atlanta (tete-'
Fenn Mallatul F:metro's Legal Answer.,
15', lis NI., Dungannon. --Q. -At
hat age is a girl of itge; (h,l 'an a
u 1 collect wages for working 141 h
(ter she tee •4 01 age.
Ana. -A girl is of age at 21. But she
can du many things Afteratt ining the
age of In and before she is 21. 12) A
soil or tltllghtt•r rtlttlltt let lent wager
from patents while lit/' K at honer
with them it Members the f '1y,
unless they show a ptsit't•r contract on
the part of their parents ttgree•ing to
pay wagers. Whore at son or daughter
lives at h • without any contract for
wager, the law Pres - es that qtr or
.he is merely wirking.as nlrutlwr, of
the family for hoard and clothing, and
the benefits of the Inane.
.1. S., Ifruss•ls, - 12. 1 rented a hose
two years ago, and agiwtrl to give tip
{Fos.wstinn upon 11 nlrulth's notice if my
Iimdliuly shisultl pree•utw a purchaser
for the place. She did not iwocure it
purchaser but she now wants to tent
the house to her brmdher, Will I lw
obliged fro leave un at lilt lllh'4 Wilier?
aur. - It all 41epwud4 upon whether
you are it •• monthly truant" or not,
'the fact that you have occupied Hie
premises for two years 4101.4 not make
you A yearly tenant. It you took the
place ns n Monthly} tenant, you bare
remainel a uualthly tenant down to
the present timeand 1h•twfore lone
nuintlt's noLirr is snlHcirnt tel put alt
end tit pair le •y.
are simply kidney disorders. Thekideilp
filter the blood of ail! that shouldn't lbe
there. The blood passes through the kid-
neys every three minutes. 1( the kidneys
do their work no impurity or cause of
disorder can remain in the circulation
longer than that time. Therefore if your
blood ii oat of order your kidneys have
failed in their work. They are in need of
stimulation, strengthening or doctoring.
One medicine will du all three, the finest
and most imitated blut,L medicine there
11ave 1,111.11441 ,1 11y1.t-y '1/t+d.• 1n
thi' 4110141 tin N,-tt-gnl.' street rep•
resale the 1'011001'11e• Hotel- and
have iltte•., it isilh
New and Up-to-date Rigs. New
Harness, and Gocd.
Reliable Horses.
111 1,:11140114 HIV 41441114.41 111e IN' •I
„f service. Yat, I'11'ttt tgt
s dicile41.
Knox Bros.
Opposite Colborne House
l'.tN.tDA'M AUNT P.tRMAt16NT.- T(11
few of the citizens of Canada, are
familiar with the stirring days of our
first Federal Parliament -days in
whirl hope and doubt hr141 notable
conflict. An rye -wieners of thew+
Keenrs trite, in the July Canadian
Magazine, of the fundus Hurl het ween
Tupperaud Howe ou the Hour of the
House. over the prxtspet•t. of the new
Con fed erutiun. 11'hr11 'Popper.
mete NOipling, appeared first on the
('umterlaud IN. li.) hustings against
the greal'Nuvit1e•otiat !raider, then in
his prime. Mr. Howe remarked to a
friend, "Thar -Nay -will Kiv.' its trouble
yet.- Years afterwards, they wet ou
de floor of the l)ttimik lions in that
Gluons first wast and Howe: pts
diction w'aM fulfilltd. In the ;;amp
debate p'Arey 1lelirr mottle one of his
fault 114 tlswrht•s And 1Ir. Nt (heady
limier srytrll t14t urns pnai:tges.
The author elide: "11 w.ts it great
alss•h, fu set•rra' t•eSneet- 11)e great-
est I was Wrinkled tao lisl.ul to while
inAttrmluu'. 1111)11 s've•tlee•11 of the
tau tier .rsa' of Parliament." J.
E. It. McCready, the ..ye witness re-
fu.rd 1p, i -i contributing -ix of these'
•r.tuiniscent articles 1.1 The Conailiau
O. and O. Railway Notes.
Saturday's Guelph Herald Nays:
"The new,engine for the ,4 1.i ick to be
used in laying the girder. ,m the t'on-
eslilgt Hirer midair has at i 1%4..41
and is
beim, taken nut to Court•.{A today.
1'he Laying of girders will c, grlueurc
early' next week. The ballasting of
that portion of • the 11111' bet We ell
Mid F bairn is nearing com-
pletion. and .the lair will 1e titl•n for
tr'Bie lir July and. The Guelph .In11e'-
lion Railway board had,! meeting nn
I'1iJay afternoon. A col uutiltr4., con•
si.1inguf the president and seerelery,
'yes Apia anted to tart iu r,n1junctiun
with he r 'tree from Ihr Heald of
Trade in arranging ail cactus' to
Iantiranvrt'the Runlets and li,sirrieh
iiIkerton Time's: 11'0 have been
inftermed on reliable authority that
roust Flirt work ou the prupesstrl
runte sit the C. P. H. titll le cum.
1nelf'141 at once., Olwratlian. ,till iist-
luedi:tely begin iu the t Hints of
Proton and the (road will he pnslusl
With all loseible speed ttrv:uds 11'alk-
rrlon. If t hr work lrrugre•sscs as
fivmwbly 14 we are leer} to believe it
will. the Best train should run through
herr [whin. the expiration of the prem.
Pelt 'car.
Thefollowing 1.n11.l'Gunthter` been re-
arm Weather Goods
A sortie! list at prices that will clear
them out in a shuit limina
A new lot just in stick. Ask to ser the
15e line. Others just or Qeeel for he priers
asked. They ore a fine ht Int ciliate f►u111
and exta 'alit•,
A big assail linen( of 1'irluria anal Linen
Lawns, Ilk-. 141,e, I3ee, ts', ak• :nut 1a•, s.
of this lit err fate value,
1'401111• and get Sulu.• ._ u; -t else
'tot•kings. •
A small lot of ladies' Silk Waists, loth
white and black, made of pure J.1,11411 taffeta.
Will not cut and gold weaves. R'' L1 and
$3.110 each.
In Skirl:, 1'oritet Waists, I)rnwerr,
Gowns, and ladies Waists. The neat of
these are a late purehAsr and the prices lust
NI t•Ie•k bottom.
We carry none but D. it A,' because
there are • au. good for the priers asked
ate 1). k A. Priers from :ti yenta to $1.50.
!)rah and white. Every pair guaranteed.
If they atw uurate gtmal as we wry Hwy are
return Aaron and got your money.
Corner Hamilton _ treet and Square, - - OODERICH.
front 11r. Leonard. of the C. 1'. It., in
reference lis t h e (y oposwl 11 r n o e 11
trunk Linwood to I.islotvrl : "1 have
your letter of Juliet). and you will le
pleased t 11 lvi•n I ha yesterday I
wired 11r. Peters -ill. our chief engin
err at li,slrrich, t.• atlekaiw for 1,11 -
dere covering:11m construction of the
branch line from 1.1 i,Wt.i,i to view
town. allot 1 herr no d•euht We will Le
in a illiiitinn to 1.. rtitlllinour train.
iwt Weell Liitintrel 011/1 1'ol'tnlu Is•fore
the close sit the present year."
Mental and nhysiral vigor follow
the list of 'Miller's t' pound Itvn
Pills, For .ale by Jas. 55'ilson. -
Special Showing in
Our Dress Goods Section
to Dress Materials
"It's pretty nicer time for ole to get White i'aSi1111Ores, White .Liistres ' '
a licking," he explained. ••'Rnis11rroW White Nuti's l•lotil,
N‘ 1111 ('rlspines, White 1, oiles. White Serges, White Silk
and wool materials are herr in great variety from 30c a yard.
I'll going ; to sit in it. "-New York
They told the youlgtier to 1411111: his
feet in a tub of salt water if he wanted
to tougher. then!. He soaked his
hands, taw.
PRESERVE YOUR EYESIGHT \\'e are agents for the
t have ensured with kit'llk t St IN. nlsnuftcl tiring
oloie on ane[ e)e4igfl .lex',e1i,.i. of Ttlronto, to be UNION TRUST
more on
Tuesday. Wednesday and Tsday. June 26, 37 and 28, �(
t sham, North
They herr been estahli.lte.1 vii Tottdd�)t1to.incrbra and during
that time over Imola clues hose labn sue•rr.wfullr sheet b)
them. estern
One nd their o that they here user g ma i. the tart 1r in in black and white:a Igi, 7.i well. The correct thing for dressy wear.
(her !grind their own lenses and by w duinrf,prorent env error in '
the isms•_of 14.11, making Lands e' LAST OF OUR SUMMER JACKETS.
MINI will bs ttloul to hove all tho.t• tumbled with defective r).
night eon
.end soon
Elegant Muslins Moderately Priced
(her stork of ntttslint Includes all the Idlest Olealiona in the nest beautiful
t'ulurings and designs. Every piece is this Season's goods, so there in no old
stock. Our tts•k of
4 very varied std the nattie tt s:y les we have ever shown are here this week,
A gwriitl lips in - -
f sour eye. trouble you in ansa wit). or that Masses yml now
wear ,re not comfortable. do not reKlee•t -tb(. up)tonuidt3 of
basing then, elopers). attended lo. F,:ae}' anal h,•11,1u1 i�Lua. The Ltst.frw remaining Jackets wast 1.. ..e61 at whatever the luso,
electric 1)pthalmu- nietto.•ope ueteet inpluakina all
All work attwtlttely guiwunteed. For references we small
Also for Special line in
bill., J. A. GREGORY & CO.,pureSilkGloves
WHAT ABOUT YOUR DRUG STORE GOODS? Real Estate and a and whit, black,
There are other. but we raw to serve you whenever possible.
Just n little better than other.. tPten a Tittle cheaper, too. Let Business Brokers. per pair.
us supply )'on.
W. C. .If you want :r bu.incts
GOODE, - - chemist', opening in Sask•ttch-
The Had ('mw. Drat Ston. ewe ll, ser na hist.
are recognised the world over as the Atandatd of excellence. They
are absolutely pure and do not require to be bleached, as they are 01 a
fine, natural creamy white color, the color of pure dour. . We give the
natural goods M the highest quality which the best raw material, to-
gether with the latest and most up-to-date milling devices can produce.
'•o \iiT A!,Low YulitsI:LF Tn H): NIMLIa Hl' A\ OFFER n•'
4n\tl.TtltNi 11,11 NtTtIINt; \vd' IN"AI;1.111►,\-
Lol.): IV TIIF: 1\I1,
Quality and Absolute Purity
are assured the consumer, first, last and always, and it is on this bast;
that we have built up our trade, commencing five years ago, until our
present daily nulling capacity is thirteen thousand, two hundred bags.
Buy Good Goods at Fair Prices
without trashy premiums and accept nothing that is affirmed to be
''just as good " "There is no flour just as good. quality and price con-
sidered, as the -'Five-Star" or the "Three -Star" brands of patent flours.
Mills at ,
( axiom ieelnr' The Square. Grdenrh
B. & C.
leading corsets
from 5oc per pair
have opened a livery stable in the
stand on Newgate street opposite the
Colborne Hotel and have fitted it with
New and Up-to-date Rigs, New
Harness, and Good,
Reliable Horses.
All patrons are assured the best of
service. • Your patronage is solicited.
Ol'l..••Ile Col Ile ilouse, Newgate Street.
Hardware and Stove Store
WE are overstocked with screen doors
and will clear the t out at the
\'et.1' lowest prices. We 1l ve ;ell sizes
and kinds. Only six
Woodyatt Lawn Mowers
left, and a5. we d(lu't.
need thein lanae can
have one l'or very
little money.
Spt'('lal price all
Screen Windows
while they last, each, 1)4, 20, 25, :35 and 40c.
We delve tri(+ newest and )lest assorted
stock of Hardware Tools; Refriger-
atgrs, Lawn Hos e, Washers,
'Wringers, Tin and Graniteware.
PARIS GREEN at 25c per Ib.
The - Snow -Ball Washer,
the Washer that washes clean.
We are never Undersold.
Worsell's Hardware & Stove, Store
Hamilton Street. OODERICH