HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-6-28, Page 2V, Juno fie, Sass
£i Oat
VANATTkit a HotliteTMaoe
Telephone fall Na x;,
Teras •f suneeriatien :
rpar anent.' la wna
the, 30A: novo awnlha. Lie.
e144 who tall to ree•eiy. Tem SIGNAI.
ly t4 mall wdl easter • favor by ac-
tr lag 0g 0s of 1 be fact at a. early a date as
When rs or addrdesired, bol h the
aid and Ib.e newnew s+ addshould b kl beM even.
A•yartl.lnx Plates -
Legal and other .tattler odyei tswnu,lQ.'e 'i(b
parttime for nrst en -ere ion sad Se put 14a. for
each sub...sinew in :eft on. Mea.ured by a
nonpareil Yale, twelve lines t0 un inch.
Lustiness rants 01 six bur: cud luster. 51 per
Advert iseusrnl s of beset, -t' 1. strayed, Sit •
11.1 lyes Yae•ool , mil nal Owl- w'aul ed. Hume•. for
Male of to /tent. )',*rill• fur W1144 01 lu Hem,
AH bier fur Male, rte., not et•r•ding eight
Ilnes, Lr eswh insect ion ;111 fur 1041.410111 h, Ale
for encl. sub...q.wnt mouth. Langer aalverllre-
meato in proportion.
Loral uWkrro in nonpareil type .se per line.
Ne. notice& Ire. 1 hall tie.
Annouuremenls ill ordinary readout type one
sent per word. Nu notice IWO. them t.11 .
Au, •L•'t.t 1101lee, for object oat wldrh 44 the
pecuniary benefit of any ndi. 'dual or assort.
maks.. to t, con•tdend u1 ndverli-rneent and
lobs cburped accorditlgl
Rate, for di,play and Nino -act adverb-.-
news will be given on applle+wou,,,
Address all communications to
• YANAITER & Hnfuetprs0N.
Ti,, S1II AI..
o,..atleh. on
The Signal haus already taken terra•
'inn tt, voice the regret flint js felt by
the people of 4111rrirh and vicinity of
the de•ise,i,i of the United State. tine-
0rnment to Aute jt+ 4'..111111114P at this
point. At the same time the United
States Cunnullt.M at a number of
others Ontario point.. are heirg clad•
imbed. the reason given for this arliup
belog the "ileal of business
dour by these °Meets. For this con -
dill tttt
undiliun ..f affairs. the. United
is itself. of 4 see. mainly
res onsilel... Canada .m 4a1ay export-
ing more goal then ever before in its
history. but the high tariff wall erected
by the United States ('ongrene keeps
them out of that entente.), 1 has di-
verted the trade to other channels.
Canadian products, much as butler
and eggs. cheese. horses, cootie, bar-
ley, fruit, etc., rowwand high prices
and ate in great demand --sal •11 sal
that ite Melee eases United Statesgleal-
era Iatwl their goods "Canadian" in
onler td, trap the reward of sujwritor
merit for their own coffers : but our
goads are largely- excluded from the
United State* by the high Gerd! and
markets have lied to be sought else-
Wheie. There ate indications that
not a few of the prominent hominess
men of the Republic apprerinte the
Moate of affairs that has been 'nought.
about by their own tariff legislation
and would wrlronu• the estahlishnent
of reciprocal trade relations Iwt wren
the two countries ; hill so long has
the commercial estrangement tawjl con-
tinued. and 440 snrrra"ful hem carted*
been in developing other inerkrts,
that the snggeittion of Iw'ipnpeity ire
not rlreiv..i .ole heartily in thin coun-
try as it would have Vern • venni
ago. The action of the United -States
Government bas al:s o heal n tendency
to strengthen the sentimentin fhb,
country in favor of the exelu.iun of
United States goodie by A high Guilt ;
Iso that directly by its own attitude
towards ('amide the 1•nited States ham
brought About the condition,' thief have
mimed it to withdraw iter r'tneular
agents from This nuntl•y because of
"nothing doing."
Canada's trade, ).0, ham just PPglln
to grow. We have our great agri-
cultural reamerem, including an hu-
tment* Western contrrtry white ell im
fitted to snake it a nest important
factor in the supply of bread for Great
Britain and Europe ; we have our
nugnificent forssta and our mineral
wealth in gold and •laver, nickel and
coal and iron th
hoe only begun to
be developed. As Sir Wilfrid Laurier
bat sap aptly expressed it, while the
nieeteenth century was the golden
era of the United States, the twen-
tieth century will be Caned'.. 'iVe
are receiving every year thin.eind, of
good, law -,.hiding citizens f1•40111 menet.
the line n whn,uw Milling in Western
Canoed/I. and tither Ih,m.ands from
the Old World are yearly turning to
tnlr.hnres. it does.rrhi an inoppor-
tune time for our neighbors.tn with-
draw their cementer rrpre•entntiv,e
and thereby to diviner more plainly
than ever their email interest in
the inrrea•ing trade. of this grow.
ung country. Mo far n. Goderich is
conrerned there ere .11.0 marine in-
terest% whish would .Porn to make it
partirnlarly ele•itable that n repre-
sentative of the United Stales .houl&
he permanently total 'mini here.
On personal grounds Ouse our town
will ble.orry to lose the United States
representative here. Deering the four
year, and n half of his re*idence in
Ooderirh Mr. Shirley hem shown him-
self to he po•se.apd of greedy t .nulitie.
and ham been a creditable representa-
tive of his great nation. The .roti•
merit of Precedent Ho omerelf's f,mo,e
declaration. that • sin man in above
the law and no man im below the lbw,"
le one thief animates, the President's
deputy here In hie dealing,. with men
he believe* in elipwn.dng even-handed
jeweler to all. and we have henrl of no
complaint fawn theme who have
had oreiminn to trammel' Muine's
at1•bt. Veiled Mtatee. Consulate during
bis incumbency. According 14. n
Washington detpateb :be Contigs
whoa* poste in this country are being
.uollsbeed Ars kiting sett to the end" of
the earth one to Corbin (shine,
another to Mervin, a third to Arabia,
end 1n nn. Mr. Shirley im slated for
the Fiji Iolanda. AVP under.land that
eh. teat i1 Ont acceptable to him.
owing to elimatir enpditinn", and
We Ulla linen. other disp oeit.ion wi11
he grade that will reengrels" more ad.
equately the. meantime awl ahilitien
which lee has shown himself teepow
ruse. Wherever they may go, the
people of G.derieh tender 41 Mr. and
Mrs. Mliirlry and abutter Byron their
hest w•lmhes for the futue.
it is quite mfr t, may that the ma-
jority of people in this ennntry-rvrn
of educated people--havevery little
conception of the uw•falniew of a taro
logical Survey. Other cnnntr•ies have
geological surveys, and a true Cama-
dian 4e loath that his lamina)" should
he behind in tuck a matter, but ex•
artly what matter it i• or what it
mutters is a question he would find
it very difficult to answer.
To extent. it haus been, pel
h;lpv, (he fault ul the (4eulogicel Sur-
vey itself that the Canadian dian public
know s" little of its work and its
ubjeets. Selene lflr men 44. 1101 as Al
rule combine technical attainments
with lousiness n,etluxls, And Ibis has
'MVO the case, fur many year., with
those in charge of t Canadian Sur
%ey, The a(ientifie rnind thaat novagl-
nizes the uw•folnt.s of printing seel-
tifie reports does rot *lwnys grant
thefurther eiselnloe.s of ...wing that
these repents are read.
The Geolt.gieal Survey cannot be
*ccu"ed of inordinately advertising
iia pabli,nti0tr. '1'►i444e in the
"know.' enol Ihnse w$m havenrre.s to
s:•irutifir litaarir., van doubt lees keep
track of the rep 411, Iwing produced,
but the ordinary iu,iyi.in.l.'luot in
t,lurh with motive -el les or teehtiie,1
inaitltione. fumy resit• Iw totally
igr11rant of the public,uion of a 1440.44
on Apel hap" Ilse vest•y .414(.4.1 Gin. west
e4411a1•t•n. hila.
Not yllally weeks ago the w ienlille
4I1.114 •'l .4,.' 4CMOs' )11./MIM 11.014441 with
delight a "eli.rovey' the t lout leen
made in I•unnectiou '.11111,,-.rten.1 by
as ['gaited Stales gee logiraIespert . The
'"diseovery" had. loom -eve', been made
and reported on 1wo years previously
by oar own Survey. Int it had been
hidden in nn uuwhntrwnurly. dry•
hooking blur-hok, which, we Are
pretty sure. was chucked straight into
the wants -paper basket by Host of
theme who received it. ,
1Vhatever may have hee•n the views
of the ss•veml peat lirectm•e of the
Survey, it is quite evident that the
lately -appointed director, Mr. 1.ow,
how no intention of allowing the use-
ful work bring done by his officers to
wisp• the notice of the public. The
piano. of Canada Is kept posted -and in
a way that requires of its readers no
epe•r•i*I ecientiflc aattainment/I - with
,any work done by the Survey that is
likely to he of general oar MVAlfrlie in-
terest, and the voluminous reports of
the, Survey are at the mrr%ire of any
raining nun who wi.hra particular
infonual• regarding any district in
which he bo working or which he in-
tends to p►•11141•1•t. It will he very
m(Iangi' if hr cannot find in these le-
porlm some Hawful hurts, ear smut. sutte-
we•nt. that may salve hire both time
Hud money. Any bate tide applicant
has only to write to the Survey for
any published report in which he is
px•rsonelly interested• and we under-
stand he will terrier the 14:1111e by re-
turn post. free of charge.
'rhe• 43..vr 'n1 Iola IIItYxhn'MI n
bill for the repeal of the legislation of
b111 wwmiem growing Iwn"imie to e•x-
Mini+tel•'. This is very good Wo for na
it goes and is n signal evkkiwe of the
effect of public opina•n when Iirrnly
and p•rsistellll• .xineseerl; but the
rewunt.ry will n o t Ile satiafl,d unlrwa
the repealed the •.,Pn,her' indemnity
increase arrompanirw the abolition of
P h e p enmi4n 5 •1 e•r-Ministers. H y
wiping exit the pension preivi"ion the
Government 'ubp.lantielly eiloaodvee it-
s 1
If but w ,
hat Ab 1
It IiIc privet.
member" who voted an extra $lapel
session into their own p'•kets i'
The Provincial genital election Walt
held in Nova Scotia last w,'e•k, and
the 'Liberal (ieverneneut n•n..oe-
t ' •.-I by the return of thirty-four
meeppxn•I r1'• out oat a Manse of thirry-
right. 'Ch.•te were Only hve ('"weer•
'eativr' nerllw•re in the 1. t 11nu.i'.
Thant their het ha. Ipe,., 4,nlhled
iu.4y b• .1110'' 4)11114 sant 111 rnnsolnrjon
to the Opposition. The Itibvrnle of
Nova SrM..t hid fair to parallel the
re -vont of the UINTll party of Ontario
in the natter of lung cnntinwt 114P in
office. For nearly a quarter of A
rentlry n 1.11wer11 (invernm,nt hes
been in power in the Province down,
by the sea• and no signet of disirlegt-a•
tion Ore visible so tar.
'floe 1Vhitnep Gavernnlent ion get-
ting deeper into the mire in it. appli-
cation of the .pril.'y.stene. The reg.
i.trer of Ea.t Nnt•thmmbrla net haw
been detente - wet on 11tttP trumped -lip
charges which he vp'cifleeliy dear.
and regardidg which there was 11r1 in•
yeetigntion tie n'rrrinin the farts;
and, to make thing% worse, re nephew
of Hon. hr. Willoughby, a mem-
ber of the Cabinet. ewes appointed to
the plmili.n ihus made vacant. It le
more then bunted, indeed.- that the
vacancy vevap wt•ented for 1he exprem.,
perpos• of providing a berth far the
Minill.o-. neplh•w. NPtolimm ix
'Ming for which the eleetot•n of On-
tario hare very little nim, end the
Whitney (iay.rnewnf rennet expect
to prsrtiwe jt Willi 1111p01111y.
In giving him artier, and powerful
ail in the pleasing of the Mnhletth ob-
servance MI1 through the Home. of
(Lon s. Sir Wilfrid lame few is en -
count eting the 5igoi i,s opposition of
certain unite or l•se Influential in.
termite, in hie eiwn Primitive of Quebec.
The charge (heel he has been in.
fluenced by the Lore'" Day Alliance
is one that would certainly not in -
jute the Premier In the. estimation o young hearts will he anxious until
the 4owlpM of l)oturiu: but Ln Qurlae for exanrimsti„ua +sr•e over std the 111-
prrjudier rain be more easily eppswled sults ale puhii1hrt!, lieere b a pathos
in the sewam which throws litter
14, un till. genre. )(p .'eking 4t the hill wehol*rs by the thousands into exam-
In the Ilona. a tow days ego. Bir 1VIl• inetlotes that left the fleet .kirwishes
frio sold, w'ntruliuepp{ly ; 1rl'his war in the Mettle of life. The trials and
nut the first liner he hart he" tr•itulations u(exaulinution time awprin
like pblentous fewwe,, to for grow,,
charged with submitting to outalde• test and w°luell who have wet and
influences and dictation. Inst year it conquered reel difficulties. Grown
was Slelretti: this W'asn it was
Shearer." The attempt 4o armee the
paasiens of . aerie( illt°leretire
against Sir Wilfrid laun•ier has hewn
made many timehi, but 10 far it ha"
had little effect upon his p,liti.al sur-
eens. and it i+ to he hoped it may be
so for tree feature. It ie n °trail
People who - live in the e, ivy, or
in town+ where a snppl• of fresh and
Wholes' •l.nal.hdf • i• Iwndily nvAil-
itWe, are not gre ally cone''r°wl with
the r•rrlat.itns of ,ulnlle•r:uiun .end
other iniquities in the pi••p.Irat- of
foods : I, I the dwellers in cities, who
use the greater pert of these ('.1nneed
conundrums. must he sadly dist wiled
by v. • of the recent diw•lomrre•s.
Following aline the ('burg° horrors,
a 11140.1 Slates Congressman has
her,. 1.•Iling how certsiu thing" are
made. The a enterec,nre of rasphr cry
jam f weenie. and figs be an old
slur), and the ('nngt•rs.mate tells of
some ether ennrtr•tions. Honey is
mall a Withtot.1he intervention of the
busy be. coaling straight fronsthe
glucose factory. (ironed coffer is
often adulterated Willi sawduvl s
tithes with bread crumbs. ('hw-ries are
pie lied green. Wretched and thenrolo,-,d
with 411 aniline dye. +nth as 1v m•ed in
the dyeing of Cloth. A lewder odd
too preserve meats bee posed of sol•
phute of oro la and reel coal tar dye.
Pepper sevens. are made amt of tal($*Ia
cuy''4.•el w' h bempbb.Ck. And ml me.
It is .lo w hoped that the Unite•ti
Slates has mosiopo1y of Ihie sort of
thing, un ole eontinln(, and that
Canadian mail°! urerm of piepuerwl
feeds 11111 11414 gen 'ear ah title.
A Prayer.
Door lune and )'ather of wankit
Forint r our fel Trish ways!
lie -4.10044••1• in our rightful mild ;
In purer lives Thy service find.
In deeper reverence. praise.
lu-iu,ple taut like theirs who heard.
Hood(' be Syri.la
The gracious calling of the,Lord.
Let us. like them. without a word
sorbs up and follow Thee.
4) M41.11eh re.+t by Moiler'
• 41,41141 of hills ,.hove,
Where Jesus knelt to share w ith Thee
The 'lle,e, of eternity.
Interpreted by bre !
With that deep bu.h +uMl.dng all
tour wool.. and works that drown
The tender whisper of Thy call,
.1s uul.e•lelw tet Ttn blessing fall
A. fell Thy uum,n, .,ow•u.
Uro,, Thy .t ill dews of q u tut no..,
TIMI OHI our atriv hulls tease :
T•ke (Han our .Dans the train and strew..
.1n1 let our ordered euro•, .00fes.,
The Immo of Thy pence. ..
Driest be through the pulse. of desire
Thy cooh,e,.. and Thy Nike :
Let .••0111• la• Annd,. 11, hest. expire :
Speak through the Mi slake. wined, and
it still small %live of 1:.1111!
J. U. Whinier.
Toronto Star.
A little Juura boy jn'Hau.ilton hes
been christened Adam Iaulrier, thus
lettioifa,tdrily spinning the history el
the world frons emotion to the prev-
ent day..
Making Room for "the Boys."
St rat furl Ika.ron.
rhe Whitney Government hats
,uldegl s1 emir nowty to the number
of the "hoed.- of Ontario affiliate" that
it now prupsew to spend half A mil-
lion d.Alara in the enlargement . Of the
Parliament beeilding to, give them
office room.
Canadian Justice.
\ adstock Sentinel Review.
A grope example of the promptness
of (llaI'nnjustice
when it L is inR o0
working ender sales furnished by the
trial and con+:icti,n id -the thew men
who held up the tinein near Kamloops,
13. C. Within twenty-five days from
the time the train was held up the
risen Were ready for the penitentiary,
two of them to serve life eentPnr•rs.
In tient time there %MP tau trials.
the jury having eli'.nrreed the flr.t.
time, Devine. If ie era to Ihr presence
01 a Srr•t:lli.f, who w'n. 44111x.•41•41 10
I 'skiing melt by. placing them in
prison. If Wits pru1l1elt• al levied
rev. It ought' In hen, gle,lr :dyer.
timenrrt for British 1'otuulhia inlet h'.,
,,l well its a warning to train rubbleM.
Lacking in Tact.
Hnealo Ex pre... The weather today must he in syn.).
Mime ('Inrn ('semens, Mark Twain's path), with the wood of the great (len-
brilliant daughter, war talking at At- enervative patty. This ie the dullest,
Nair ('itnbntt entertnining. darkest day Ottawa has experienced
"Tart," she said, "i• essential to in many moon.: it ie also the tenth
good entertaining. With the mast, anniversary of the Battle of the Hal-
hnopilahle .pitit in the world, one Intel on June Zird, bulbs, when the long
may, without tart. only render one's period of Conservative rile -misrule,
meteors eincomfortahle. Tart averts some are unkind rnnngll to suggest
hInnder'. ended. and the present Government
"I on,e dined of n hens., where the took np the reins of power. One is in-
ho•rr•' had no tart. Upp{xer.ile me sat cline l to ile reminiscent on such an
A modest, gullet gentleman. This .w•e,s'inn, and to dwell linon the
gentleman •nddenlyturned m• red a. rhanges that the past decode has wit.
a Inhaler and fell into 11 horrihle fit of nes.Pd. No country coin show a het-
rnnfuelen on hearing hi. belts,e may ter rend : no government has a
to her hn"land : mere rredi'Ahle atattement of work
, 'How inattentive you ane, bine. aecomplimheel,+and no people have
Yoe mum. look After Mr. Blank Metter. better remote to il. satisfied with the
Hr's helping himself to evet•y1 hing,' outcome of that memo;able day's
work : the day when, according to
i1 r. Fl eter's own edmiaaion in the
Noose a commie of *Peke ago, Ceneda
'tepptd from boyhood to man'. e' -
tate. There i• no ex'eaaion for idle
lonnting : sA Sir Richard Cartwright
sngely observed on one rier*Aien, le
1111411 /bees not need to have figure.
gmot.rl 10 hint In prove he is proximo --
mite, he feels it in him pp•krt. Cann -
Neve been feeling it in their
e1o.ket' "good nal plenty" this past
eeadr. and they are likely tn ron-
timle the Agreeable experience for
many a long day If present hK(Ma-
11one are to be filleted.
Captain Bernier's Dictum.
An incident of the "Arctic" inquiry
to return ie moment. to thief, exhdletat-
ingR subjeet in worth rwexlyding In thin
roltonn. The Opposition wow vainly
endeavoring to prove by the mouth ..f
Captain Bernier that there was frit,
t inn during the voyage between him•
reef end Major Moodie. Theo Captain
utI.,ly3 ;belied shin, although he ne:
'flitted that he hell never Iwrn under
an officer (n a voyage before and
would not do it atgeln. He bad never SUMMER SALE
quarrelled with a superior °!Herr.
You wee," le explained to Mr. Briemitt. him iage,isi4,y', "a good sailer FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE Y AND
must have three qualities : he
he as
Prices were lac, 5e and :I(k, one entire table at per Tari
your choke
43(4 yard, Nash Musijpa, good assortment of patterns told .y
1•yfast, 11n mle *1 per yard I
he not strung ,w an elephant, ha
st tech like an ostrich,. end
atnpid as an ass, so that he w
everything he is told without obi
for himself." Epigrammatic, hl
urn and women who face the prole the point,
loins of life are veterans. Scheeler* I
who face the pjobleuls of an examinee Dsahug wttb Divorce Castle,
time paper :(fr y g recruit's, A The proceedings in Ptu•liautent this
school exeulinAtkin is n0 battle of •emiol j,, connection with the dim'
Armageddon. It s..rnme' like a tee• Posed of the large and ever growing
ulrnd.us struggle to the child who has number of petitions for divorce have
never iefure faced a read difficulty. created nn uneasy feeling in the
Examinations ale it part of life, and minds of ninny. The present method
not the heaviest part or the saddest of dealing with this mast vital wetter
part either. Their weight falls upon ie admittedly very unsatisfactory. A
the urprepeted ehnudelows of children question which affects most closely
who can travel t, .(irngth only by the very deepest interests of the 1111-
1 11P aneien1 road of celtquemt over time i. dealt with in a -Iipshod. happy -
difficulty. go• eieky w,ty that snout but whoe•k
the better feelings of the eOulurufity
Take oe came in point : A "relief' bill
putes,rl the Senate and came down
to the (bnmuons. The oemmeittee
threw it out 71411 so , repn•twd to the
House: on motion' the hill was re-
ferred hark to eoufrjttee, un the
grbnnd that there had Iwrn only a
bare quo present when it 11011
hero previously dealt with. AVhen
the committee took it up the second
time, the hill carrier) by a bigger
`proportionate vote than it was
tented by before, and the divorce is
accordingly grantee!. iia it p oosible to
cnneeive of a re free and easy way
of handling a serious matter than
this? No wonder there is a demand
for reform, even to the extent of ad -
rocketing a properly -constituted di•
some eourt.
Will Manage Our Own Affairs.
The Seeret.wy of Mate made ,l'atis-
faetnry' 0unou eettient in the Senate
the other day when hr told the itm ore
that no settlement in reference to
matters in dispute bel Ween ('.41)11,10
411/1 the United Slates cuu11 Iw made
h)• the imperial nethoritiem without
refrrenrr to end the convenience of
A lineage in then east of poet este
of OIJ l'unnlr)' puhlira►tiuns unailerl to
('amdn is a step in the 4i1(14,1ireet' ,
and will he very nmch apptweiated by
the thousands in this country who
would far sooner retail the old reliable
pattern frau Ihbw h of the stuff from ,wiles. the larder
The Sacrificing Profession.
KImg.lon lyblt-
Here are we ('anadian editors,
grunting our collar 1411)14 mei off on the
lever that moves I h.• world, with the
rid handle flying 1111 every few days,
knocking out our 5''etll. laking fifty
per rent. oat the Iec.11 rate for preening
while the statesmen are taking Mil per
rent. of their pay : h.r..we are gallop-
ing up and down the earth carrying
other people's ham•il.ine, hearing other
peoples morrow, and taking our pay in
due hills on Ht. Pete:andall for
whet ? For the tune of getting the
smell of new ink in our noses : for the
toy of ripping open 'he familiar old
exchanges ; far the plens•,re of making
11 thews day' speech every ninety days
iet the note minter of the hank ; for
the delectation of getting eou.plienen-
t.try tirketie to church socials, end for
the sweet 'atl+farti. ,1 of laving ten
unptpeiler even t11 iw asked as pdI-
Iworers at funerals It is a great
business -- this ne.w'spa Wr,1141einesv.
And reforming the world is a mighty
happy diversion, aeol if Andrew•
('aenegie forgets us with. his here
medal• there is -smile comfort in
knowing that as we turn to the right
when we finally go up we have inn•
harp check paid for by the best line of
tree ads ertiking that 'has ever been
printed in the world.
Difficulties o f Sabbath Observance
Legislation --Unsatisfactory Method
of Dealing with Applications for
Divorce -Postage on Old Country
ublications Mailed to Canada to'
be\ Reduced - Reminiscences of
Junei .23rd, 1898.
ISpoeIal ., . ,deuce of The Siguil.1
Ottawa, Jun C',trl. After three
day.' strenuous we 0u the Sabbath
observance bill, the louse has le id
We matter over for 1Inst r contidPra-
tion until next week. Thi.. s perhsgs
the mom knotty subject the nm ions
has tackled. this session. Vie' . the
most diametrically opposed to one to
other have been expressed. On
ulenelwr declares the entire Measure
is an ahsuntity, another that it does
not go nearly far enough : party lines
are entirely obliterated. and every
nlrmlwr trkee the a w• (hitt w rinp)h
spent (o hint, 111' possibly that. sums
moat likely In make voters in hi" 00.1
constituency. There are even t1
that the bill will ie allowed to die this
ww$i0n awing t0 the dif11et111y of
leaching a e0nrluailm 'a5i'fu•lory to
,d1, but 1111" iv not probable,
Dr. Reid's Dilemma.
Having failed r plrtrly to melte
anything out of their "Aerie." melndal
invPttigatjmn, the (loits•r•eaUdi•e mem-
hers have lost heart and are 1101 PV en tak-
ing the tro0ble to attend the sittings
of the committee, two or tIII4ee ses-
sions having w Ile adjournedthis
week for want eif n quo , theOp-
p..ition being the delinquents. They
t 8011 make pretence. of fighting,
though, and .it im nunored that they
will bring in A minority report. It
will be interrding to watch the
coterie of 1►r. Reid of Grenville, who
undertook to trove that more goods
were purchased for the "Antis" than
could ps.ibly be packed on reword, or
resign 111. seat. He certainly hew not
done the former ; will he stand trite to
his undertaking? Wait and see.
Wheat Standards.
The work o
f th duo• cn
el w 'sn'n
y., ) ml 1 n
which investigated the grain -grading
bproblem in the Went last year has
orne fruit in series of amendments
to the Orlin Insperti.n Aet. which
pamee l through the. House this week
un the emotion of Mr. Fisher. Under•
the new Mw "4xtra ManiMdh► haul" ioe
dune away with, and ,1 new• 41(1911,
"Allper1/ real winter wheal," i+ added
10 the list ; the new el.,.. hive three
greulem. The general effect of On
changes will he to lower 1 he sanrlard
.nmewhlt, the c plaint. being that
the high standard met in Canada. gave
the United Stats farmer an advan-
tage in the foreign market.
Ten Years Ago.
Cause for Alarm.
Cleveland l'h,indenler.
The late 11r. R•onrdnnm. mf l'hilAdPl-
a(o da. any. The. Philadelphia Public
Ledger. nme•e) to relate this on himself :
'•1 pteneheol a loitered err rnv
time mild spoke. longer than wm• Hey
owed .
"sell•• undertaker was a man of ser-
0tn1' temperament. and ae the after-
noon woe g ' g 11r he'gen to he an•
xleme to be on the way to the eemp-
tery. He tinnily whispered to one of
my members : 'toes ynitr minister
always preach as long as that at a
funeral !' •
Well,' Maid the Another, 'that Is a
gond sermon.'
'Yes,' a*M the undertaker, "the
sermon is all HEM.. and i helloes in the
resurrection. Mit I'm afraid If be dries
not stop pretty moon i trill not get this
man buried in time,'"
Eorarawtisn Time.
Tanw,tn Telegram.
Young beetle will he Mlnletre+l and
An Art Which Only -the Rarely Good
Man's Tailor -Can Master.
Ute of the chief feature of the
8e•n,i-really tailoring i" that corpulent
figures are dealt. with as rawily as an
ordinary :ill -inch chest, and no other
syttenl ha" bee•t.devis,d to fulfill these
condi(ions au4 dowses t he. Semi -ready.
The great secret in cutting aell coats
is to .'cure the mei ures as they exist
on the figure. end en no difficulty
will Iw found in p tieing from the
Wardrobe Seeni•ready kar¢Pnts, large
or small, with this tinigde (Ilnd popular
Hy the Semi -ready systekl :.2i di Mg'
int suites of different sizes ft different
physique types can be made one one
sloth pattern. The chances a '',Li to
1 in favor of Semi -ready. In th' city
and district the exclusive fran.h - for
the sale of Semi -ready is bel by
Messrs. McLean Bros., Grderich. t t.
A-Great Treat.
T ' Siguel how sueveeded in cum -
pietist • an arrangement by which'
every p1 le taking advantage of our
offer will . •are the greatest treat in
mauling rat, r ever offered the Cana -
slum pu11111•. a Family Herald and
Weekly Star o Montreal ham lately
entered into n m)• irate with et few
others of the lwuljr urpwnt of Eng•
land and Anlrri,A by w , ich they have
Mem1•'11. at n cost of $1, IMMI, twelve
DPW st0ries ly twely of a world's
tett ea hot•, and the ' area appear'
in Thr 4, spy Herat before L' ane
issued in 'hook form. Each ste is
c plrlwl in et th, king true e
complete mturie., that would cite
eighteen dollars in l.uok form, inside
the year. It is certainly one of the
greatest feats in modern journalism.
and only the in -newest newspapers
reedit take the risk of the immense
We have mauls au'I•angements to
affrr The Signal and The 'Family
Herd and Weekly Star until Jan -
nary let, DM, for the small ei of
fifty rents, and in that. flute those
taking advantage of the offer will '•-
cure at. least six of the complete
otorie,, not counting the many other
interesting features of The Family
Herald and
their own1
Ileal paper.
' n
1' present twvrlet•, of The Sigurd we
offer The Family Herald for the bal-
ance of the year for only forty rents.
t(n►AM:riptinns should lie sent to'I'h,•
Signal office.
Oar ria+vs are much larger t mom they
were a rent ago. The noble' Wive..,,•
learned that phi. the hest pine*' in the
t'rnviurc to obis in 11 1.0111meNial
.dural Ion ear shorthand ,raining
.student, are entering each week. All
Kriel nate, get gad plitlnn.. \'rite
now for eatal.gtne.
Ihinrip el -
nt yns.r home. IOder nor jrt. trnr-
IIon there H no experimenting , r
wasting of maf'rial- and money. Isom
Irani to do every step of the ninth 70111 -
self. Snrrvw, guaranteed. our PIMA' in
gold prize will Interest yon. Write today
Correspondence Department,
A Great School
St Ode oat• hot. 11,11 3-11 1 nlnrnbi,.
1a.knlrhr w an and 'Innitnlni on the
w e41 to \r.r Hn,r,, mut on the meat are
In atlendanee tht. year. Il.tnnce is nn
hlndranee to thew• who at I.h to Ret the
Our gra.lrate. mil• ill way. .nee
e e.sfel. a/ear NOWir. Ore nnsopi1aae.
1'nmmencrnaw. NnrnoatInn. ('ealege
ripen 0.11,-. yrnr. Matnineent rata
livens tree,
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principe!.
t or. 1' noire and Alexander sits.
cul°ttttttt C
0i Table Cloths. lure linen satin damask. sixes 2 x 2, 2 x'25, x:(
23 x :i yards, very slightly soiled or ieutwrfect, regular Warta
$3.5u and $I, 011 sale at $1.4'o, $2.511 and $3 M
:at dozen belies' while mhoevelem.t Lisle Vesta 131c, et ^5w
- a for ... Bee `
:i, dozen tonie hake,' fancy black cotton hoe., sixes 81, Ii,
i15, regular e quality at per. pairSC
:MO pair.. perfect -fitting, newest model summer cwlwtm, beautifully
maule and of very lessee materials, white or grey, every size, Ili
to :Mi, al pee• pair 01.1C
:it . inches wide while dot Muslium, all size coin dots nod ,pray
patterns, very etI-ong and fine even thread, regular 20e, at 15t>-
per yard
New patterns and effects in ulattiigs hues(, in,
wplrriat slut ttttt priers, 125e, 15e and
per ) e111 at L.-birt
To Get the General
Effect of Furniture
it 'should be viewed after it i.
arranger! bar • 1y, and
soulewhat Am jt should 1.011,
in n 1110111. biles together
in is store i1 in not nearly
sal handalle. Yet if you
will take a look et our
ertistie line of real tnshogienv
you will concede that tht•v'
are beautiful. )lend them to
your house and you will rave
ewer them and you/ will flied
the prime remarkably 1.154
- for the else. of goods. We
will guarsg$ee prices iron, 10 In �t per cent. lower than the
big city storm(ell- t pee .;l 11 l.• g041114. And you will get better work.
a fine, black cheviot double-br • sted suit for
$13.0. No matter how many gut . you may
have, if you haven't a black cheviot you s iuld get
one for Sunday wear and dress occasions, es. -cialll"
when we offer you a suit at so small a price for . uch
fine goods. The reason they are so cheap is just t 's:
We got the opportunity of buying these goods no
only at the old prices, but at manufacturers' prices he -
sides, which means a big saving. ' Then we went to
work and had them made, up' in first-class style, with
good trimmings and workmanship.
These suits at $f.'' 5o cannot be duplicated by :ill
tileir for les'; than $2o.00.
if you,ll'ant one of these suits for so little money
move quicklt-. There is only a limited number. Sizes
36 to go.
Fine Doable -breasted Cheviot Suits, $13.50
Five dozen'. of Shirts, all new good), worth 75c, on
sale for
50 Cents
Walter C. Pridham
The right place tolbuy
Men's Clothing, Furnishings, etc.
Good Print;ngAIys and All Ways at The Signa