HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-6-28, Page 1(THE SIGNAL
TO JAN. 1, 1907,
rj/r?Y.NINTR YEAH -No. 907
Awrouncetnenta, Wedding
Cards, Boxes, At }Homs
Cards. etc.. printed from
artistically -engraved -t y pe
(aces of approved designs
on correct styles of Wed-
ding Stationery at
will always be pleased to advise
with you as to the best method of
and will treat your business affairs
with the utmost secrecy.
Goderich .Oftice, - Cor. North st. and Square.
C. $,•SALE, L.D.A., D.D.M.
Mcl.ean's Block
Turnbull '+ old -model
le leu nganiton \Vtdoe.day •afWrnoo 11..
1 A. T. e,'MMEIruo*, M. D.
W. H. Transit La. M. It
Meer. Han, jton Street. 'Intone ler(.
r '
Re+Ideo.phone IYI.
1\R. KM. KON B,
special attention l0 Eye. Kar. Nu.., and
Thloat. Cabe and rewldrnce, old Han kof Mee
real. opposite Podod ler, 1.1no et., liuderirh.
Telephone N0. fat.
euergRa aoieftsre, notwnrs, ale. ()Aloe,
Hrrulltoo St., third dooehow bq arm. (ioderich,
aa. M. U. CAMERON, K. C. J. L KIL-
L( ..
I -
barrlaten. mollaitere, netarie. public pro •-
'm.lu the Maritime Court, eta. UltIce. r'.wt sire
Square. next door C. A. 4alrr'a grueery. Prl
vete fund. to lend M lowest num of Intereemt.
s aallettmr. notaryblic. oomimdooer.
• Minor ino luso. Dao m. corner Hamilton
and St. Andtorew's Street*. Ooderleb, (M4.
MISTERS, ;attorneys, sollcttor.. etc..
Oorbiieb. Money to Tend at lowest rate.. E.
. rte., and eannlmdoner for inking and
receiving ra agrdxanoew of bail
or Affir ation, depoaitla. or + de 11111 IL•,'Elf a
Don. 111 or rorrtrning any actino, -nil or Inc
eroding In taw High 4 osirt of Juan, the
Court of Appeal for (Muria. or in any (Monty
er IHrlalsn Court. .% II I nul•wtlone carefully
aa4 promptly rxe nted, ltmeleKe and I'. 11.
addre0a hungulmun Tut.
Insurance. Loans. etc.
I MIN W. ICRAI13h1 , 1,11014,FIR1:
• and accident Insuran.e. Apra fur Hiding
out nal amt mtoek C0111atnlr-. lownrwr.• io all
line- effected on test p1.,ny and at to*'eel rate..
.11 at idle e, corner Weot Street mid Square.
or ;oldies- J. W. 4'RAIUII', Uederirb, Ont.
Ielc ,hour 21
- - For Sale
M I.
WR Al h. A LAIt(K I t)N
1 j
a rfe, suitable for I(lwnwhi reef!. Fur
part Woolen. apply 10 1'H41S. TILT.
.11111 SC AN('T, 40. -Vann find isolated
town property an.nred. Value or property fn
,•tired up to Jan. Ilam over s:tdb,len. 'Wren
and director.: -J. H. MsL.on, arse": 1'. Frnt-er.
vire prem. ; Jaw. Connell'', 45. Dale, Me l'be,,
0.1.1. Wet t, Jan. E...n+, J:O.(( rico ...1, lienee
pre... director. : T. K. ,Lay., Menton h,+errlar>
trra.nrer Inepeetor-. elan• -t director to hes.
J. IV. 1 ro. Holu,wvlll•, egrul for '.4,o'
Huron. Polley Milder rain pity owes Kesel•
end get their cant- nrr.fleet at Mr. 1.1.101.
Clinton, or at Mclw'an line.' Palace I IWhlnr
Store ti denrh
Marriage Licenses
1 uul)F:Itu'H.ONT.
watchfloker, Jeweller and Opt Irian.
• limner of Marriage }Jorma'-.
• AUK Items.. Uoderick, that.
Nand general auctioneer. ham removed from
Hsrnihou Street to new oMow. on South Street,
where he will he fend at all I in,•+ *hen not
crying ,ilea. Term+ reamooablr and Every at
Or: used to give you wudaet Ion. Phone .45.
V1 inset borer, ere Hamilton .tmet , leo erloh.
• 1), box 51(4. %11 +ale will receive epee-Jai:potion. I will buy your entire stock of
h n
Id odes for e s a will +ill you
1):o ee. furniture, nt ttremee, spring+. etc.,
Ow Call and see what we own do for you in
Phi. 1•In,. (1 El /RUE HE( 'K ETT. Cn rind
Shop, Yldler4•h,
HAM cow. tout year old. Apply to M its.
1. WICHII. to if
rim() HU6UI Ks. ONE ('uTrEit
1 .k 51) A tit 1011 I.Il1HT week', n.enln.
pun+h,wd from 51.,44 Howell for sale chomp.
Apply -at l'II AS. 1'. LIFTS hatrlwase More. If
1I •eeOlrtle(NlI piano fns rale, in llret eta+.
remittent. unison. snake. 00.4 e4,l1 when new.
11 will 1w oiteled very clump, n- 1 have o, tee
for it.J. H. 4'05.54 Int\ F:..
*eel lr state for bale.
]Market steers. near Carnegie library, a
Med de.lrable location. Apply to MRs.' J. H.
WILLIAMS. 14, •11
P being the mith half of let 13. coame.sion
1. Ashfield; Il uuled on gntvel raid bet wren
Ouderich and Imo know, t tree-gl:uter. of
nolle from Nile pa.toflLr•: chute!, and -tore. It
it ,on.ldend tone of the finem fano+ in the
.wont' of Huron.
Ars, fifty *Claw, 'mated On the .e,tod roe.
c salon of Ashwell, being the north half of the
nut half of lot 11.
There are two r.mnh,g Merano. on each
p1,ace. There 5s a barn :r; x WI. with stone
foundation. two frame buildings, x 30 and
20 x 10. a Mad frame hou-e and khehen and a
flue young orrhard ou the home4lra4. Ibdh
farm. are all w.odel down et pr.rewt. The
illecre lot ha.. barn M x :a on it. For male by
MKS. H1.OH tit KVIN. Nile P. O. 077-11
1 ANSI INst•ttaNce AUKN('V.
F'oK x45.5_
Fund9Md cottage to n•nl, 7 room, ,(redy
rltuat.d wKea y-.41154.4.
11-•tory frame dwelling. nine roomy, with geed
•r kia•h.•u, goal .table. 't 011 -il waled
on Keay. stn.•t.
31 -wort brick a,et,+r.Krnt 111.rou001.5wellna.
Large .lata•. a eat.. Finely d4uand
ort KM,'. 01011. Pat1. a«nap.
r.tery l4 *ore, Niece.. m•er1 and photo. arr aa akA gallery. MH,nale'a nil 5114511 .dart.
i(lylh. $I...
4 barge luf-. .orelrr P5.lnn and WNIIuglnn.
1'n•+•. sir, are the..
t -t..r>' brek, H roomed hour and 4 ogee. 04.
lend. god orchard. Price
or-Bartr acn 1 a near . /-
tnl inn.
e, room., .o
1) Macy (rauu• hoopoe,
Metal -tied, near 1'011.g0ate !let
Lot aril frame laundry. 20 (mu frontage on Ea4
etnet. near agnan•, M
r-r000wd (mule .10r a ale dwelling. large •table,
-Monter' ion Elgin avenue. Intnme from beet
now., inn annually. • 1{gartnnit' knock.,
but once at your door.
Money t0 Ism, liter rent.
Dank Of C'en uwne Bldg.
dalpro y belonging 50 floe e.1ate of the
•h ihal. , e ..nr 4111411•11 un the earner
of Wee 1)d \1'0I[140011 -u ret-. en,npnstn`
tote pi And 11. running number,. in the lows oat
(Aderick with gad 100 .101)• hri,•k Mtu-e, all
modern ,0.. onirm'ee. Thi -o- 011e of the tory
beet propenf.+ in the. tow 0. .4 leo loot I:f;luud par
M lot 12;. Hunchin+om'- Morse'. turn of
Ouderieh. 1I.pV 1 to SAM 1'51. IOlt'h.((IN nr
JOHN T. 111` Klu)N, rk-dor,h 1'. 11..
'bO!-t SALE OK RENT. -A F1>pRM
of 111 acre. of beet rear 1011111. Iw•10"g1 g la
111 n. lata I'ro r, Dederirlr. .it 'taint un 1.1 n
e,.wha,, I1oderk•h township. •4 tin mile- from
1 imrnch, nine iron, 4'lintun mod III a from &n
field : fairly ,mrd building -and Iwo on chard-,
Hea.onnble trnn-. For fnrthrr loartioadar-
appl>• to JAMES ('1111,1. .1.. Hlo•k+ -trot.
(lodeirit : or KI)WAKI> Al'HFIION, liodeneh.
• y.01.K. -L 415 acre. in 11",•-1 1Vawvand.h, 1 too
mile+ from Auburn : -oil 61101 linea, sheen NO
arnr order a ultivalloa, and :e4 10 01 own,
timber. A well end two •prong, of water. a
• Inoue fnue darning. a nal herrn, Coble and
driving .heel. Apply to ,'tit NO 41 RIIHKKT-
SON Iinderich
1 Estate end Insurance Agents. Heal ;--
tate for wh• or to let. Proper, her handl+., in
any pert cf the town and ...soar.- Fin, a.d
life in.urau.e• nlnI,ey to 'pert. eV...
11' on Ilny„eM road, with of fin. ICnpv1.1 Uih
w on', property. Apply to U. 11', TIIOMati %
IN(t>KPn0.% n to seertAt. .4(T OF IoMINIU!t raltusMKNT 'r
SAViNGS BA K DEPARTMENT. Intermit allowed on Ilepmits
of SLOB nil upwards. Paid every three mons l•
or eotnpoundl.l quarterly. ,
FARMERS' SALE Y)TES rallied or collected at reasonable rate's.
LOANS MADE. A - .nered honking husineaa tt'atcmeled.
A. G. GAMBLE, manager.
llAxbO1.Pr1 M*crone A1.0. Pro••.
D. M. MTiw 4,,1. I;1•-., \In'
YOUR IDLE MONEY can earn Interest and yet he as
h at pun. (All a0 if in V1.ut pocket
nr some other inrecnte .place. You 'van hair the principal 1111)'
day with Interest for the dialed time it. was on chasmic..
Oodetich Branch, -
-- Jonla1) Hlrw'k.
Band Concert Tomorrow Evening.
'rhe:5i'd Regiment Vaud expects to
be home L))ulorr41W (Friday), and to
platy a program um the Square in the
Tm mamas'. June "-11111.
1leli,rries ore very lIgbl this week. The
grain market show's a .14411 .t reugl kinin'( in
Fall wheat, pr bush, new.. . yI 74 to $ 0 70
Spring wheal, ),er bush, n.•w J 73 W 0 714
114.- per b,..h 0 42 to 0 43
Hu,-kwhmt, per bush to 415 to 0 40
. 0 :M, to 0:47
olti to 11 KS
• et
Ir W
It q1
u le
0 15
1 111
4 73
411) to '401
_ to le to ole
.. 018 to "0 1Y
... 124 to 124
.. II Ir to 04
... 0:11 to 754
.. NI to 7.,
O e3 to 013
11110 In 41 11)
11! 111 04
Plat., per bush., new
Pew, per hood,
IterleY, per bu.b.... . _ .. ... 0 11 Ir.
crening+, per too ... Is. 4n to
Flour, fmuily. Wrest . ... 2 511 le
Flour, latent, per owl .. 8 111 to
Bruit, per tuft..lr W 10
Tthnn', ler lute..... . - . }I In to
flay. pier sen . ... . n m) to
%Food. per cord - .. 5 In to
H olter, per Ib... 3.S to
CLeese. per Ib 0 12 to
Egg., fresh, ter doz n 11 (1)
Puuaton, . 11 ti to
Cattle, ordlu'y to good, per eel31n to
'Attie,ex cwt 4x5(0
Hugo, ieWrtu wedper gbt, p1)• apt::4 en to
!4 n1 1
ring Iwalllla.1
ahee>Y per cwt 4 to
118411, per Ib
Hato.,, per Ib .
Laid. per 1b
Tallow. per Ib .
I1M,., per opt...
Mhe•p akin. a
Turkeys ...
('l,lrkrn. -
1t naw bevies
111ul,kie marketm 011 tomer 10
Lost or Found
S / NOON. between the British 5xehauge
hotel and 1'. Imes rrriden.e, %Vyd .rroost,
a pair of ,wards les in it ea+-. 1,11441er pima+•
return to the Aril 5.11 and meelve rrwanl.
Situations Vacant
(1(►U1) GF:NF:RAF ME It V A NT
X wanted. Apply to 0 -. U. I'. BLAIK.
al. Vittoria 'Meet.
for high-elawe Au:an•lal for
111derfeh dl.triet. A(Idn•ae No. 11 Manning
('hall.ber Toronto. i
LS Immo printing. 14 or 15 gran' - age, fair
1Kt1e'atiol,. .t goat opportunity for bright
boy'. Apply at THE SIGNAL OFF}(
TR.u-ue a .4r Ps*io
Studio in Lank of Montreal Hook.
Fine_ Arts
1111. A140 WATER 5101.05.
Private tuition
UKO. F. 11 UuiITT, /411441.1411Uxw1
n:old I honor mw1.
Accommodation fee Sumtw•I'Visiton
rLWK SI.3 11ER \'1~17'()RS.
Its rrglw•.1 of the Hnnnl of Trade. all Know.
bas ing11 air 1)d Ilion fur - •r 45, 401. to
Iloleriel are tomer-meet to leve tM'ir mune.
u 1 I
end µen lrular at 1 hr urw+paler Malar. of Use
town. whirr li-t. MAI be kept whish will M•
available for enquirer,.
Nq' auldre.a•- -cul h," 1,, Thr ai,fhal of le•
will he properly r,eontel. JAMES MIT
('H E1,1.. Secretary 1104..n1 of Trade.
To LLCIIL - - - --
Jr. Kr/1y slnel.
% dwelling eurnl.h.d or n111, near lake frond:
modern cons el,le,ee-.
Fon este. - Two new dwelling. on Angle -re
-fleet : one dwelling ml Melon .Ira•' : al -o
building lot+ oh Elgin avenue, Ewe% +tree,,
cedar -I nil and fine -.tree'.
%4'.,111111. A few' fund -hell ho11+•- or tome.
near the lake: 10 rent for the monomer •..a.an..
10.11 V01. N11 A 414 HKI:Ta11N.
Notice to Creditdrs
Ali peram+ Fav ing claim- again -t the notate
O .5. U. 10'unuell. lite of the town of OdlerIrh
hank nanagrr. de'eean•
aa -.1. requested to mend
melee to the under -ivied. MH4, J. D. Ill IoN
NELL. Executrix. C drrich, lht1.. nr 10 1. F.
I)ALY . Kx,rutor, Seaton t b, llnf. 1t
Tenders Wanted
Sealed tender, will he MI6 vel by the ,ander
Igne•d up to a p, 1)4. Frida)', the 211th day o!
.hmr, 5140x, 101 the 10154 Diction of alt,oni
11:0; .gnan• feel le c1•na•11t 'Mew Mk+ in the
town of Ualerieh.
-01101 be Mllr xf 11... !1441 owe clerk..lt ln)' be
Tender.. will he n•ceivod for the whole or any
invoked cheque or other w.•mrn y *at feta,
tory to 1110 • 1)l for s14 per omen. of the
nmounl of the Irndrr nowt need 15*II)' mow.
No lender nee•+•+arll) ,it•omlld.
M. 0. Jfo.NsrnN,
Platt Town ('Perk.
peneltlr+ of the lkg Bylaw are to be
immediately enforror.
1144•11r. of deist+-huidd nt 01lee gall and lay
liev,.l• fel' andel Inst a4 wove trouble.1433.1'A 311'HKI.1., 5olkrt nr.
7 t n.gw.wing or earning Are Mm. III. any
port of nnr property will he errwlal and prow
coifed. ISIgn'b F.. 4'. and 5. 1'..1T/MILL
Algoma Central Steamship Line
Weather permitting
Helwegp Tnl.do ,end Sault Ste. Merle end
intermediate point-, .oIII leave lialcrl,h am
Northlsnrnd WWI p.m. Sunday
So tithlwolml 10,311 a.m. Friday ,
\VM. LEFT, -- Local Agent.
T. J. KENNEDY, fTrnflk Manager,
Planet Ste, Marie.
Will Sustained.
An action in the Surrogate Court
waw tried on Tuseday by' Judge Doyle
10 connection with the will of the late
Mr+, Fitch, a widow residing at Sea -
forth at the time of her' death. The
ground 4111 which it was ,ought to ret
aside the will was of mental inca-
pacity fur making a will. J. L. Kil-
loran for plaintiffs. the executors. .1.
M. Best and Mr, Daltutl, attorney, of
Detroit. for defendants. The judge held
that Pile will wits valid but reserved
judgment ase to cn*te.
Opened an Office.
The- Maitland River Power l:1)., Ltd..
has taken the office 1)u North street
formerly 111443.1 as (4141 11wr11 k' lirorr
Luau ('1),'a office and the town tlear-
trer'r,Arc*. This afire is provided
with the reports of the different en-
gineers on the Maitland River project
and also the **porta of the 1►uteri.,
power 0 !anion un the Niagara
,and Trent powers.. Thr ()Mee will be
open every day and evening until 1n
o'clock and internist i egarltng the
Power proposition ups before the
town will Iw gladly futuiehetl w any
Goderich'a Invitation to C. O. F,
At the recent annual meeting of the
High Court of the. C. 0. F. in Ottawa,
Mt, Thomas '.vita (lumen as the next
Mete of meeting. Gialrrichrecei%•ing the
next highest earl of votes. The
delegates explesowl their thanks for
the invitation of the Mayor and
Boase of Trade of Goderich and no
doubt another year Ooel'rich may he
selected as the plate of meeting. We
understand Sl. Thouuas bass lw•rn in-
viting the C. U. F. for three years.
'liar delegates front West and East
,Huron very much apple•iated the
courtesy of their Pall' rotary tepee
Auction Bales _
TOWN 1'Kol'KRTv.
Ther+ will 1.' nfirmd for 'ale at mobile
anion by Thome., (111045')', nuc, ionerr, on
Toorerto0. the and dao of .(,,Io . IV N, at 7'.91 DD a...
al Denrlry ...tabhs the hour, mut Ion on %fah
+ t n•et. Innnedlala•iy month of the Hrtrl+h Hotel
. 11n•rw'nt owned ,y Mee. U. 1'. Tour..
The .Ilnatlon 1. excellent, the holo+ Is In n
fell state of repair *04 the property I. In every
sea) a de.-Irahl• one.
The property will he offered .obirl•t to a
ro erv,d hM.
For further p rtfrnlar. enquire from Ml het
Of theureteral/nest.
So11cltor+ for Mn. Tonic Awl forager.
will remain here for a week °►e NO.
The resilient are one of the heat city
regiments i1) Canada. and their visa
tet liodrrith will be an event of great
interest. They ale expected to come
141141(11 :-iell strong, with a brass haled
and bugle (sires. Th e Stratiorl
people are c tang upon a viii front
the regiment -for our day during its
outing. It will bw the weak of the
Stratford old hu3'r' reuui0n x1)11 Ike
\Viudwlt• Kiddie's will g1) ;down from
li1slerich with a 'pedal- exculsi41n
114151. returning in the rvrninq[. Thr
anth°ril ies of 40W11 ritual InakO
arrangements to girl• the viait41ts a
fitting welcome.
Moved to St. Boniface.
1,t4)' Coates, who for the papa four
zrues has been connected with the
Western Canada Flour Milling Co:
here, left 011 liatulday lent, accom-
panied by his }laughter, !Hiss Gladys,
for St. lionifacr, where Mr. Coates
has a 511.011 position es fort -num of the
warehouse- of the Company. Mins
t'awtes will be the guest ' for
time of Mr. and Mee. Will Me-
(iaw. formerly of lioderich, after
I itsh oih ewill vis( ,' , Frank
• de '
wthe r
}tallows, at Portage la Prairie. Mira
Mai+ Ciliates lb 1)t present staying- with
her gl•:ul,luu.ther. !Nis. Kull'. Wa11ow'1,
Better 'erect, and willjoin her father
and sister thele time in September.
Previous 1° his departure Mr. Coate
Waw waited 1)n -by the tneulwis of the
Big Mill staff and presented' with a
handsome purse. The Members of the
staff expressed their regnyt at hawing
to part with him and their ;demure
learning of his ruh•anetnenl.
Wedded at Max
This week It is our 'deficient duty to
extend cougratubti4no tA) our youngR
townsman, Harry Kneeshaw, sou .1)f
ntative,, Messrs. Lewis and ('his-
t dm, in entr►'teiuing them to lunch-
eu during theirstay in Ottawa.
Hos Hands Burned
La t Friday sting Dan McKay
had nth his hands twiny- burned 11
4he•411 1111•)' hotel. nItrli• ill is work-
ing. I hal ext'egnislaed the light
of A 0, e' nen I WI's 0'4411inpf it
N ith ga dine. when the gasoline
ignited filo the heat of the burner.
Si'. M*KitNshirt sleeves protected
r er .it of hi..
his nru)s th quo n rim , K br-
sleeves neasel and 11) hands. w
ing unpl.\lA.•ta.l, were badly burned.
The ugemae>t of the hotel is pay -
Ing Mr. McKay's doctor bill :and 111110
his wages dui•it his enforced idle-
Love ---Porter.
Vest mirky *(tern 0 were cele-
brated the 00ptia111 f Miss Hannah
Porter. daughter of Jo n Porter. Bri-
tannia road, to \\'illia 1 A. love, Of
Atwood. The (erem(n • took place
at 1:YI1 o'clock, Rev. J. ' milturt (v-
i ng 4h knot, lifter N•hich„ nmptnoiln
spread was p;u•taken of v a large
gathering of relatives en( friends.
which includes} 'a number fro 1 amt of
town. The bride and groom W're un-
attended, except fin• the liltle• ' lwer-
girl, Gertrude 131air, niece o the
bride. The happy couple left or the
o'clock train for At wood, where .11r.
4,0440 in a` well-to-do farmer.
Appreciated. .
A recent i,sue'rlf The Gielph Mer-
cury had the following reference to 44
former Ggderich young man :
"This week wunewnes the passing
mit of hominess life in Guelph of one of
the most likeable mel known in the
husinews and social cilelen. Everyone
regrets that Mr. /i. B. Morrin is soon
to leave es. ('ommlrreially, -Mi. Mor-
1.Is ham alway'M been an acknowledged
Slleef'MM, In mrc1111 ('Ircies his popularity
has always 'wen unchallenged. A
column of writing is not, necessary
n let. 'a man know that he in
t I t tt
liked, th,J hr ha. }wen appreciated.
and that the Iwst wimhes of till who
have known hint are him- now, and
in the future that lies before hilt."
G. U. I. Graduates.
John A. Taylor. B. A., who has been
appointed its the principal of the 5)1544
high nehoul to 1)41 1p1•nel at \\'inglutuI
in Septenhwr, is a well-known gradu-
ate of the (5,'deficit (0l1rgiate Insti-
tute. He has Is•e`n for s ' years
principal of Dutton high sch('l.
Another graduate of the G. C. 1.,
Millon A. Finch:man, Will ham heel,
profeesnr in the 1'nivernity of ('hleago
the pant two yeat•M, has been appointed
(Planter in Spanish and Italian in I'ni-
ve'rnity College, 'borontu. Mr. lin-
chanan,is Well equipped for. the i11si-
(iou, having taken a brilliant course
nK A 41141414414 A( Toronto ('nit•ersity,
and spentt.N•n and a half yearn tali•
ing pati -graduate mumps in Pari.,
Madrid, and Florence, Italy. .
McCrae. -Hale. d
A quiet. wedding was veleta:ted
yestertley latern(WM at(hp residence
of Mr. and Mrs. H,•xekiah ilale, when
their daughter. Mary (kitty) Stewart.
wean united in the Nonds of mat ri
to i.rwls Millie. of Toronto. Rev. \\,.
N. Iirahein poi forming the ceremony.
'rhe bride sofa o, drew of fawn ('1114)1'
and ear•ie lew1MHo rosea And N•,1. Ifn-
ettendinl. Mr. and Mrs. Frank }lade.
e)f (inrlph, and Mr. end Mrs. 'Theo.
HAIe, of Clinton,l and F
wanl Mc1'r/ae,
of Toronto, brother 4)1 the grtem), were
present for the event but were the only
guest". fixe,, outside. Ttw bride Mae
the recipient, of many lwautitnl peer -
mom and the gift finrn the W.00111 weer
a gold locket est with peerlm. Mr,
and Mts. McCrae leave for Tnrnnt>
next Mrlrl/lat•.
Essex fusiliers Coming.
The news conte. from Windom or that
arrangement,. are being 5dvaniael for
the visit of the Essex F'u.ili.n, to
(ioderirh. It is understood that. they
will come by boat August lith and
Thos. Kne'rnhaw, on his taking 1:
himself a life partner. The lardy
of his choice ie, or Pal her was,
Miss Elroaabetll Rirhnrdson, daughter
of 11r. and Mrs. Thome. Iti4haldsm,
uud the es're•ilony'tok plate at the
residence of the bride's .isU•r, Mrs.
\Vestry F:chliu, Nile, Iter. 1V. H.
(irahnnl, of town. tied the km .1,
modeled by Rev. .1. 1'. Reid, of
Nile. - The bride wore it cost ' of
blue silk and ,nrried :a louqurt of
e roses. 5 . • 1
N'hll 1'( r hr sen. given nava r
K ! y
her brother Ti las. The decora-
tions were or 111.44 Mill orange Noy -
wens. After the celenony the wed-
ding party, consisting of only the im-
mediate relatives of the eoutracling
parties. partook of an excellent sup-
per. Mr. KnewhaW brought him bride
to town t he sante evening and they
have taken up their residence on Wel-
lington .street.
Death of Mrs. Logie.
Mrs. Walter Logie, whose death oc-
curred last Tuesday at the residence
of her brother-in-law., WiIliam Dick-
son, was ,a native of Inverness, Scot-
land, and a daughter of the bate Wil-
liam McDonald, a contractor of Inver-
ness. When quite a child she came
with her parents to this country, the
family settling flint in the town of
Perth. She wan one of a family of
thirteen children but when the family
moved to Goderich, between thirty
and forty years ago. only herself and
her sister, the late Mrs. Dickson, were
left. She was married in Goderich In
the year 1867, and her husband died
ver thirty years ago. She leaves
no children. The funeral took place,
to Maitland Cemetery yesterday after -
noon , Rev. James A. Anderson con
fMet lg the services. The pall-
bearers were H. I. Strang, \1'tn.
Warn ek, R. G. Reynolds, F. Jordan,
R. C. Hays ,and JAs. Wilson. Mrs.
Logie was in her seventy-ninth year.
At Osgoode Hall. -
in the Divisional Court at Osgood,.
Hall last week M. O. Cameron, K.
4'., for defendant in the action of Han-
son vs. Iwnnlor(tugh, appealed filen
the judgment of Mr. Justice Magee at
the triad 1)f the at ion at the lioslerieh
non -jury sittings. n 24th March, 19151.
in f,Ivor of Mai .i R, for $1.1[51,557.
The plaintiff, who i. A widow r.'Mi(ling
in the county of 41uet, sued the de•-
fendauntt on it pr 'ns y note for 111,•
(154.11l:ulr.0 33411 Apri it51:k due tvO
3,4.455 after date, benrir 4 titer rent.
interest. The defendant, :min -in-law
of the plaintiff, alleged that, he amount
in .51)1111 lI 5vas a gift toJti • to enable
him to purchase a burn, and that. the
note was given to plaintiff p nr to it
serious ill note% of defendant's fe, rut
that if she did not t•e'n%•er fro n the
i11nrrs the money would go be fr to
the plaintiff and not to the def.n ant
and him relatives, but thou. upon
cowl)'). of defendant's wife the n.,
became n nullity. Wilbi,hn Proudfls)t
K. 1'., for plaintiff. opp1w,,.1 appeal.
Appw'al di..mi.rod with coots.
IPostoffice Improvements,
George Rosa, of T1)ionte, an officer
of the Post/Are'Ih•partment, of C4tn-
pule, wan to town thin week on an nf-
Ileial rink in mmne0tion with the ppntn-
4ornl ('hanger At Oowlrrich pr)1ttof111r,
and es a result of his virat it in ex-
pected that, the ingeovrnlenls will be
carried out shortly. 'rhe plan thou is
spoken of ix to extend the hetilding
twenty fret to fhe rear. to a the
pwtnaatrrn private office and the
11101)1)' oiler and registered letter de-
bmrtlnent farther bark. and to place
oxes along the east side where this
department now ie. An entrance
doer would abet le Merril at the east
nide. Additional nom would 4w made
in the public office by' taking net the
pppnnftili between the office and the
hallway on the watt side and by with•
drawing the deliver wicket to a
straight line with the loxes. The
drop Iwlx wniikl he moved from the
side th the input, between the two
doors, and a change that is very m5)rh
needed will
ill be Mad* by putting in
new lock -boxes throughout the office.
J. J. Bailey to Go to Detroit. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS JUNE 28
Tuesday's Guelph Herald bin the
following reference t. the intended
departure front Guelph of J. J. Bailey,
formerly lea leer at the ttutierich Col-
legiate Institute. The news of Mr.
Bailrv's advancement will he read
with interest by his many friends in
(hmd,'rirh. The Herald says: "J:.1.
tiril'y, conuuerlal wavier at Alex-
audra school, has reaigneld and received
it• Iy crative p)sition in the teach-
ing pr'ofi+ss• His r•signaliou was
uceeptel by the w•h/s.l management
c 'ttee on Monday ete ring 'rhe
retirement of Mr. Bailey is n dirt inct
loss to the public school systema of
(iuelph, for he w'aas regarded as 11810 of
the most val,lable and useful ulrml:tete
of 111e.01ff. With the minders he was
most `oputer and they are ell awry to
10,441 him. The members of the bolted
ofeducation deeply regret his going,
but it was inesossible to pa- him the
high salary of $1,1100 which he will get
in 1)rtroit. His salary here was 1177:1,
as he had just been granted en in-
crea1e. The resignation goes into
effect today."
The Late Mrs. McKay.
Un M lay last .,c",,en's! tri• death
of Mr.. James M,Kay after an illness
of about two the duration. She
was an old lady, having petassd h r
righty -f •tis milestone, and had levan
railing for the past two veers. Site
wawa natit•r of Sutherland, Scotland,
and c)iue' 10 this try about sixty-
three yearn age, with her husband.
They settled Met i1) Ottawa and after
living thele for snow time eta to
Ingersoll and a short time later to
Uoalerich. Mr. McKey diel here °ver
Hfly years ago. 111s. McKay's
maiden nate waw Jut }taws and
she had Kix brothers and f1111(' Misters
111 the 0I4 t' try. Her children r41u-
misted of a fancily of Iwo sets and four
daughters : John 1 Frxucia, loth
dead ; Mrs, McPherson and Ms's.
Itrown, of town: Mrs. Horne, of Kee-
watin ; and Mrs. Rolwrts, deceived.
For tete part fifteen years Mr. Mc-
Kay had made her 4 with her
daughter, Mrs. Brown. The funeral
took place sin Tue'slay afternoon to
Maiden(' cemetery. Rev. James A.
Anderson conducting the services.
The pall-b'alm)( were Janes, Buchan-
an, 1►. Mtoddart, W. A. H. Cuff and
Wits. Warnock. Mrs. Horne, Miss
Brown and James MtPhe►senl were
sun run)neI when the iterioua nature of
Mrs, McKay's. (elms* war learned, and
with them and the other eel/divest iN
the eyu)pat by of many friends :111d
net nein tuns.
G. and G. Railway Notes.
Two derricks have been erect el at
the .foot of Harbor hill to be
usev1 1n the erectil,u of l 11 abut-
ments for the C. P. R. bridge which
will carry the wagon 11)+111 0441•)'
he railway track. The cunorete work
of our of the abutments iN tn'uglesN-
ing and 4.he ea,neMion for the
other Nan being deepened l h e
early part of the wnrk• and the con-
crete work will be gone ahead with
Oneone 1)'
right away. On day weer!
g )
thedet•rickei fell over and initsdecent
fell across the town electric light
wires. The Wires sustained the
weight but the poles they N',•re rtramg
on grave 0s.' , three 1)t' them bring
snapped elf. New lolls have been
elected to take their place. A pile-
driver in at, wnrk along the (sank this
gide of the river, along the line the
track will lakefront the point whrtrit
(tomes the river, and the Nurveyul's
are at work ahead of it. marking the
levels. On Saturday !welt the IKIne
girder. for the bridge across the river
were hoisted into px>eition. They are
about forty feet long and extend from
one 0f the abutments to the tenlpnr-
ery gtlpp°rting structure midway be-
tween the first pair of nhulmentn.
The derrick which will hoiot the
lxerntanent girders into position will
ill net out on them- false girders,
while the cars carrying the girders
will run on the track below.
Oedth of Mrs. Wm. Niebergall.
The news of the sudden end unex-
peetil death of Mrs. William Niels -r-
eal!, of Windsor, was received here on
Friday afternoon and was a great.
shock to her friends. Mrs. Nielw•r nll
hal not been in the best of health,
hut she wan about until the day ba' -
fore her death, which came with sllelt
suddenness that the phyairian tai not
t' • 1.. notch her liedside, Mr.
Nieb•rgall Witt up in the Cobalt ilin-
tri t e•xemininj( some timber I1an1111
anal :1)t he was away in the wools
some difficulty was experienced i1)
communicating the sal intelligence to
1 ' , Ile reached Windsor 1)n Mon-
day evening and accunlpnniesl the
lady to this town the following day.
Mr. and 1Nrm, Robert Milkmaid, of Itie
troit : Mts. Chin. Hawkins and Miss
Kate Nieb'rgall, of Windsor, and
Mrs. 1'. M. Molloy, of Aurora, also ac-
companied the ren !Mots. Mts. 41c-
l),,nald and 41rm. Mulley are sisters 1)l
the deceased. The funeral took place
from the remid.nce of I►r. W, F.
Clark yesterday afternoon. Rev.
;lame.. Hamilton conducted the per -
vires, and the pall -bearers were .J.
W. Vauutlter, George Stewart, Dr.
('lark, Janie.. F. Thomtnon, .John Law -
sit and W. 11. Robertson. The re -
mein(' were interred in Colborne ceme-
tery lesid,'threw of Mr. Nieborgall's
nett wife. Floral tributes were (lent
by friends et Windsor. i etrnit, (lode -
rich and Dunlop. The deceased wan
married to Mr. Nieb'rgnlI at Dun-
lop) in O'(,,twr last. She 1)nd fre-
4ently virit.Nt Goderich before her
t erring.• null wan much esteemed
)ui(ong her circle of friends here, who
'metre her untimely death and mym-
patllirA` With the hthobnd and other
rebut es 111 (heir great 141111.,
Attend Church.
Ambling Lola for tale Mr". J. H. W Wising.. ►
tier; rot Wanitd- Mix U. F. Blair l
special shoeing 1, Itnrw Good. - D. Malar
:a 4
Summer le N'. Acheson 41 Soo 8
Warn, Weather Uoodw-J. H. ('ulboen4.. . 1
selling out -S. J. )'oung Dungannon.. sees, 5
Uawllue Stover-- le P. Paulin . ... 0
Announcement --5. P. Paulin 1 '
Silk awl Mu.lbt Waist« --K. A. McKim . 4
On Dauinion 1111) -S. K. Hick 10
Chocolate or Tan Shwa -Dumont& 1 Mao-
Fenn for Sale Mea Hugh °Irvin, Nib 1
Esersthing in Hardware -C. C. Lee 7
Now fur the lore. Uuud,. and Bilk R.alnwte
Hodltm. Hi•oe.. l0
Safe for Stile - Tho.. Tilt sees, l
a1sa 1, ele. host. -British Exch1
Iltaek Cheviot auto -W. C. Pange 8
Joseph Hussey Seriously Injured as
Result of Charivari.
An unfortunate affair happened at
Kingsbridge last night. Yesterday
wtaa the wedding day'of John C. Dalton
and Miss Frances .Loan, of that place,
and in the evening there were
frstivilier at the couple's new home.
About midnight at chervar
i party
a appearance and Joseph
put in int n / saran
Hussey, n young man of twenty-five
or thirty years, whit was in the house
witb'the welding( party. trent outside
to quirt the dt1turbencr. Whether
through nccident or carelemineNs. a
shotgun in the kande of one of the
tharivau•i )arty went off and several
of the Aleut struck Hussey, route
In the side of the heel end some
in his sidle, The blood Howell freely
and It is not yet known- in Go ericlu
just how bull' injured the man is.
lie is lying in the Dalton house, Div -
ors wrrr sulnulonctl from Kintail and
4)r. Whitely wentop from town Chia
morning. Ln tespottne to a hle'asage
fr Kinteil Pra,vincial Contatab{e
Phelan left about 10 o'clock this
uxlrm'n for the went. and he has not
returned at time of writing.
Sin(Inilast seam St.. John the IMap-
tl.t'm 1hap, the• day the Mawrnie (hdeer
'always re anis' with eepvial hotuor,
and fi)Ilowi the )*snap enstnn) lb..local11a1 lodge eh' iia anneal rh1)r'h
parade In eellhrate the day. Eight
mendi'tw of M4)'ning Sitar isolge, Car.
low, joined with'Maitlsnd Lodge end
the orale of the bitted lodges.
numbered seventy-seven. The breth-
ren attended Mt. George's church.
whose rector. RTv. 111, Turnbull, is •
of the ,,Umbria of the Order. In ad-
dition to 'him the church werlrns, W.
D. Tye and E. i.. Dk'kinwm, the or-
ganist, W. A. H. (;uff, at least t hie.• of
Ole sidemen and two of the choris-
ters ere tnetnhers of the older. The
srrvirre of the day were in the mein
those appointed frit St. John's Day,
while the rector chow for him text the
word& : "Verily I gay unto you.
among therm that are burn . of women
there hath not, 7414011 a greater then
John the Baptist." After it few
words of eloquent reference to Fit.
John »1)d his vehement anti outspoken
dr utciati°n of Kim, the aurtertty of
his life anti Fir fear) ,snetaaa of the rich
and powerful when it became his
ditty to denounce their wickednea,,
Mr. Turnbull passed un U\ discuss the
)ymiolical teaching of the Older of
Ancient Fns and Accepted Moutons.Thr objects of the Orderhe said were
to *stake 11114 Ilett PT men, more con -
orient ions and honorable in their deal-
ings with their fellownwn, and be
showed how the various implements
lewd in architecture! construction
whirl' were adopted nit emblems of the
Order si Id t'ou't the members the
gavel principles of truth on which
they NI Id build their lives and ebar-
!WIPrK. Thr twenty -four -Inch gauge
showed how one's thew should he
properly apportioned among the
vtar(eme duties of life. the humoring of
Girl in the flint, Mate and nmaidere-
t' of 41410'.4 (whew-ereaturea in the
wetted. In c e c 1 withr
tiot the 1»t ter
he took occasion to refer to the mplen-
did opportunity at pr•nrnt afforded in
helping in the building of the hos-
pital. The plumb ayIlIhulirel the
teed of testing tour character building
with the perfect standard, the square+
of living heconorably with all men and
of squaring our lives with the truth.
the mason n hammer of the necessity
of removing the defects we found in
Hie building( we were erecting, the
trowel of using the gement of brother-
ly Affection and eonllideration of one
a4other, and NO with the various
other nym'ola. The musical service
was appropriately rendered by the Or-
ganist and choir And included the anth-
em, "i was glad when they said unto
nae, We ,will go into the house of the
Centralia Man Killed.
London, June 24. -While in the act
of repairing his barn, Patrick Barrie,
of Centralia, fell front the roof to the'
ground, it distance of thirty feet., sad
died a trw minutes later._
Death of Alex. Muir.
Alexander Muir, the author of "The
Maple Leaf Forever" and of other
patriotic "songs, died suddenly at hie
hone in Toronto on Tuesday evening.
Mr. Muir was principal of n petite
school in Toronto, hit wow widely
known throughout the c try.
Some Newspaper Bargains.
The Signal and The Montreal Family
Herald and Weekly Star to January
1st, 11107, for only 55 cent.(.
The Signal and The Toronto Weekly
(ilo'we to January eat, 113157, for i)llcents
or to January 1st. 1155( (a year and a
'mitt, loth papers will benefit for 112.00.
The Signal and The Toronto Weekly
Mail and Empire to January 1st, 1107,
for i/1 rentm.
Send suhsct•iptiune to THE SIn5AL,
(iodcrich, Ontario.
lung thread, absolutely pure man-
illa rope is the Hest ; that is whet we
sell. PA11LIN's Hardware.
WANTED.- E gn Mk;. Ptdlare' re -
vine(' tariff. 11M1 tubs choice grans but-
ter wanted at once. Geo. E. Kiva,
If you are troubled with Buffet°
Wont in y • house, get a bottle of
W.TH,oMM )4 m Illiffei• Bug Drug Store , st
Adjt, Bloss, of Mtratforl, and Capt.
Metier, of Clinton, will conduct a
very special meeting in the Motivation
Army hall on Friday night, June 29tb,
'There will 1e n w•rial Mir end sling
ing and a really profitable meeting,
:after which Bake and ice cream will be
sert'eI. 1h) not mine n good time.
ROR5ItTsl)N. h. Shelton!, on W,•dnrmdar,
.lone 27, le. 10 Mr. and Mr. It. a. Itolrrt.on,
It ado.
M.4( A1'. -In lioderfrh. nn Monday, June
.!,4 h. .Linn,( Ito.. relict of the late 184,aee
Mackay. aged 54 year., and I month.
NIKHKItIl.%I.L. At Wlndwor.lhlt.,oe Friday-.
June ttnd fella ('INwhl, ware of William
Niebrrgali. og.d Al yarn.
1/41155, -In Ool,Hch, ml Tne+day, June Pah.
Jane McDonald, widow of the late Wal-
ter IA)glr, aged 74 yowl . and In nlonlhe,
K lit K PATRICK. ;51 tt wellington place.
Toronto, on Sunday rl0runm. the 1(11
.Intoe. Elba Addl•o,, Stetnrw,n. widow of
the late John I nrke,oft Kirkpatrick. torn
erly of (lairds rh.
DAVIDSON.- In Rayfield. on June 111111, the
Intent non of Mr. and Mr..lohn Ihavldaen.
aged 7 month..
MURCH1(ISON. Al King -hedge. on June 01 h,
MARISA\ Mora won. aged at years,