HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-6-21, Page 6lttr't'I1. Y, June 21, 111 6
-.ab•.uld take "Ba -Jit " during
this trying time. The extra
Masa, weight and undue pres-
reysure on the delicate organa often
imitate and Inflame the krlaeys.
This not oily increases the dan-
ger of childbirth, but places the
health of the baby in j.opardy.
keeps the kidneys strong and
vigorous -acts as a mild tonic
on all the female organs, rid
prevents coustipstlou
A " Bu -Ju " pill at bedun a is
the best protection against Kid-
eey Trouble during pregnancy.
At all druggists, or direct on receipt
of price, sot: per box.
ramose*. ewe
are always
reliable ... .
1Ye lied a:disfortion in dealing out
pee, fresfi goods to our rust est.
The stock is sfecialI) well;/wv111ell fnl•
the • erode, and 1he Dural
1)11144•ullu' wised* of our p4Lron• will
have pt' gal % el vire.
Fresh regetnblis 11041 finite in
Phone 91 or call.
Copyright, 1904. by A. f. Barnes fe Cu.. Publishers. 136 fifth Avenue.
New York. All Rights Reserved
Rhe Mil not oleo It lit once, 1
tucking it into her waist, Menus
that ab.' must ruu upstairs lu ur
that Mr*. Snow might COLO down
sapper. Tbr housekeeper did (•u
down • few minutes later, and, as
wart Interested to know more al
Luther Davis and his sister, the t
became animated uud
7t was after Webs* when NI
Snow, havirig l nlshel waabing
dishes. -she allowed n,1 one to mea
bur In this operation Mitre the 11
'When Khe caught Cupt11H Jerry able
mindfdlY using the dust rag Instead
the dittheloth-went upsIaIra to
patient. Shortly afterward Elsie ca
down, wearing brr hat and Jacket.
"I'm going out fur it little while,"
she said. "No, 1 don't want uuy one to ,
Ito with me. 1'11 be bur► souu."
pier back was turned to the tb
captains es she spoke, but. as s
opened UM,cloor, the lamplight abu
fur nu fustian uu her frit, uud t'aptie
Erl noticed, or fauoletl that he dkl, th
e• w
she x err r
a r than usual. !t
mud again uffw/nre
wpuuy L
but met with ouch a aro refusal Ili
be could not Waist further.
"Now, that's klud of tunny, ain't It
remarked Perez. "I don't believe ib
bd.•u out abate afore after dark yew
been here."
"Where did yon gut that latter, J
slab?" asked Captalu Eris
• It may as well be explained he
that Captain Perez's grauduephew w
• thoru In the Meth of every our, 1
clndlug his iadnlg.nt relative. 11e w
a little afraid of Mrs. Snow, it
obeyed her better than be did uuy lit
else, but that 1a out saying u gre
deal. Ile was to mischief lis whoa
two-thirds of the time, and his report
made out.by the teacher, were auytbin
but complimentary. De war a good
looking buy, the Image of his mother
who bud been her uncle's favorite, uq
he was popular with' a crrtstu class u
yonugstcrs. Also, uud this was wars
Lis work at the livery etable hu
brawn lilts In contact with a craw
of mea like Squealer K'Ixou, We
Statuette -re aid others of their cla44. 11U
they appreciate! bra New York street
Iruulug; and wade h of Lim. Cap-
tain Perez, wdudf0l 01 his promise to
the t,oy''a muther„ did not use the Dec -
votary tnearurer to euutrul l,lIii, 111111
('aptalu.F:r1 uud ('aptalu Jerry did nut
like to Interfere.
Just now Le Was seated 111 the curler,
1)11(1 he looked up with a start, Mir
dells' folded up the tattered paper
Look h.• was reading. stuffed 11 lura his
',wile' and Said. ..W11111.1.
"W1111 Bite yon that letter that roam
for Osier
"SII a 4' uhe,on. Up at the office. it was
111 Mir box." 1.111.1 the Ins.
"Unulfdl: What are you readiu'
that'* nu tatereslln"i"
"401, within'. .t hook. that'* all
"1./'t Ste look et it."
JnKlnh hesitated, looked se though he
would like to refuse, and then sullenly
took t11e ragged volume from his jiu'k•
et and handed it to 111e'captaln, who
deliberately unfolded It and looked at
the cover. .
"'Fightlli Fred Starlight, the Very
Hover of the 1'aclfll•,' " he read aloud.
"Humph'. Is It good?"
"Bet your life! It's n relbot story."
"I want to know: Who was Mr.
:Moonshine- what's his name - Star,
"He was a pallor," was the sulky ,.n-
ewer. J.PNlnh wigs n,1 fuel, raid knew
when hr w'ns being ,.lade fun of.
The captain opened the hook and
read a page or two to himself. 'then
be said: "1 see he kn(s ked the skipper
down '
1 Putteei1.e emu' ul w
1 111111. Nle•
4pu1Ly chap. 1'11 like to have hnd him
aboard it 0e+414 Of radar. And be called
the old nein a '.•shift hound?' Awful
thing to ou11 u feller, that is. I'll bet
that skipper felt urbaul..t. Looks like
it Feted hook. I'll borrow It tonight to
read while pen- dint' y'umr lexmana•"
"1 ain't got any le-4wone to de."
"•1111, ain't you? 1 thought tbat WAS
a •ritl,til,fle over there"
• 1%.'ll. I kuow• 'en1 now. Besides.
700 ain't gut any right to order ale
nrunnd, Sin ain't Ins angle. p'an't I
read Ila( book. 1'nee Perez?"
one "Can't1rend Mot Look. Vert(
d r. 1
er, the head of the stairs to kuow if Elsie
had 4ro111.• back, fold where on earth
ab.' (vied be. 4':Iptuin F:rl'M answers
. were (•leery and to the effect that the
r'• young lady had ad erraud llptowu,
ee and would be h.lue pretty Mutsu. be
guessed. Nevertheless, It (night have
0- .. been noticed that be glaucfd ut the
clock every few Minutes, and grew
re More aud note fidgety•
as it was after 11.when Elsie came In.
ts• ,Mb.' hurriedly mud with some (Jufuoi014
as l(po )gizld fur- 1411:4' .o isle,, and
Id thanked' the captain fur sittu.q Up for
141 her. She wade uy offer to .vi!ialu her
lit long absence, uud rax she went up -
1 stain Captain LO mowed that her
IN face was. If unytt, 444. paler than whim
g she went out, and lo'r ryes looked as
11' the hall feet. using. 111 walit.d to
ask her some gne14110us, but didn't be-
d canoe she evidently, did out wish to
f talk. lir pondered uvcr the oaten
e. while uudresslug, and for u Jong time
d lifter that IJy ,.wake thin!: fug That
.1 the WO was In truublu of some Hurt
b wan llh'lu. but lee .aurid out under -
.1 motel wily' she said melting about It
or what Its rause might 1..•. She hail
been Ler bright, happy self all day 1111,1'
u part of the evritetg.- leen the 3.4,1
suddenly chanted. 'the ' nitrite won-
dered what wan In that letter.
1 ell:. when she came down to
1 ,,, kfast net 'memoe. sus
.1111'•n'r tIiaii usual, uud 10
the joking 111711717011. 111 1';111•
1.4.44 .1441H• :11141 111,1 111 Perez. W11.)
were emitter. ('4111e.. ! her "eT.rlld"
of the pret70114 e4eulug 711111 elm pre.
tended to believe That she had gone
to :e diner or "Dine" Willi 1.40111.' "feller"
muknl.wn. she gave evasive hat go*l
Inunnred replies. Cuptaiu 1•Jri was on
his 101101 tlshiug trip,_itn.l after I.re0k-
LI f was over Perez departed to lite
Barry phare nn11 Jerry to his beloved
sehoelh,use. The *writes., 1.11,1+,' 1111-
petallug ulatrf int d.nnl had not
been 111010 lllll for some time lo' the
frig Interested, wily. gnndlt:illy 110'0111.
Ing Ili+ own garrulous self, and his
prIm•i al topic of (•otiversatimi recently
had' been the couliug Marriage of. the
"upstairs tendler"-that Is, the lady
who presidlsl over the grammar grade
ore... school --arch the question of her
probable suer-esy.or. In fuel, this toot -
tion of who the urs teacher was to be
was the prevailing subject of surmise
and conjecture in th.' village Just then.
Mien Captain Jerry came hock to
the house he went out to the born to
feed Lorenzo and the hens mid attend
1 1' ailPI'
w toilet. Ile ons busy with
Our curry-rnmb When Elsle e:1111e0 In.
"eitirL•Ihl ,terry." she 11,141, "you have
neer told ale Jttst where you found
grandfather that night when he Inns
taken '1ek, 4)0 the hill back of the
f,IMtofllce, wasn't it?"
"Yes, jest on the top. You see, he'd
fell down when tie was rennin' to the
"Captain EtI found burn, didn't he?"
"Yep. Whoa there, 11an'I. Rtnntl
Ptlh, can't you? Yes. Erl found him."
"liraw •' r "
w.l IIe s
IPP M1Y •,••
"11.110? .10110? 1111, he Wile bare-
headed nod In his shirt sleeves, jest rax
he run .it.l,w r, when he beard the
bell. (peer Ile didn't (rut or, flint old
The Square, Goderich.
Single Fare
Iles a 'rn all -tnf 11.11.1.
JUNE 29th, 30th,
JULY 1st, ane 2nd
until JULY 3rd.
For tickets and full in-
formation call 011
Town .'Agent.
Ofnce hours: O::tla.
ii,;in p.m.
.1. D. Melhillall. District P is.
senger Agent, Tfu.$1111,
PHONE 15 on2
N noel • 1rr. West
11'lle11 you want 1 ,.4 Tani- ) (.,o'e :IINI
TAR .i 1,1 i. re
AI 1'14. •r
Ir 1 I I bed sur t nookel +'•nL
w •n •n"
�M 1 1 el _ I f
WM. LEE. i"
Poor Perez' ile he'sitatell• swallowed
re or twits' 1111.1 II IIM4ere1: "You can
cad It otter you've studied a ape1L
Order. left ill 1', e•, I,10::M Ihanlwan• Store
11*.t ,.td.' 1'.n.,.re. 1.4111141 offended 10,
Canadian Northwest'
Homestead Regulations.
Au! rl ,n mindwnd-velem of Ibnlinlnn
Iandn In Msn111d.M o/ 1411• Nath nest lhnr tin414,..
-here Ntns': 114 •!n, 1101 reser,''4. ma. 41' tonne,
*trade by ,,,,) In,ram 14'1111 H fee ea, head Id a
family. ut,op male., er Is rear. of age, to the
',cleat 71f .n„• quart.•, a.4t 1011 .f halm•"• more
Or ler.
min! M• (.lade ft .1'7011 1111 rat the limit
land .IRlru for 1 hr .161r1.1 to wh ie h Ike 1401 1+
The homesteader is r.pnn4 to perform IM•
m0401011. 14011114.44144.11 Ther *4th .141.-, One of
1 he. follow log ohm.:
114 At lea-, ,.i1 luhnlp-' redden... upon and
call 'vat dun of 111' 1417171 111 i41411 year far 111tee
Ili If the Lm brr nor n,.4 her. 11 the To her .4e
r.*,.er11 of I hr 1 •de,Nlet --•-.cage upon n form
DWI). r hinny .4 the Land entered far the n•
1./11nelel..nt- n+ 10 re•edeaee 111111 I,' Mt7-fled
by +nrh pa -nu M+idlne nllh the Coheir lir
Ina If the .et carr ha• Al. p, •tunnenl re -id,,,
noon fa owned 1 i. ho. bunt I n d hr Lim ni the I aria
ply of hi. home-tea/I. •Igals IM• regnit.•nlem- or In
reridenre tray he +MH•md L{ reddener upon
the said land. •
MR month.natierin writing 'horrid he given
to .he Co -dost .A 1',ninl.n land. :at
Otte *., M Intent ion to apply for ;angst.
ilept. of the Mint+err of the 1,11..i*r.
N. B. 1'1141111 hnrird 3.111111.44.1 10f1 M the. *d•
rertl.rnsn. •ill nut he I44111 r,,.
Copy of change of running advertise
m.nts must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
ou'11 let blur bare tt then, won't you,
Sri? Now tinkly, like a good boy."
Captain Sri looked a* 1f Ale woo,
kr to nay something further„ bit he
llpt(1ly thought Letter of It, and
tooted the pags•r novel serail to Cap-
tain. Perez. who put It on the table,
saying, rather feebly:
'There now, it's right there, where
you can have It 41411'4 you're 1 imit d
Your examples. Now pitch In, sob the
teacher run 1041 huw• annul you are"
HI• uepbew grumblingly gut hie pa-
per uud prh. il, tuuk the aritbmetle
and went to Work. No one spoke for
awhile, ('nptaln Perrg II irling his
thumb* and looking, as he felt, uuerom-
tertuble. Moon .Isaiah, announcing that
his oodles were completed. grabbed
the novel from the table, took a lamp
from the 1.ite•he•u thud wild Off to hell.
When he had gone 'aptaln Jerry mild,
"Pere?., vowel Wiles' that boy."
"I repose 1 am, 1 "'IU .' 1 am, but I
rant hour to be erose to him, somehow.
J'on' 1,17.111, she made me promise 1
wouldn't n'
t tuP mod I israt can't, that's all.
You ladentanl
1 bow 'tie, don't ),pa.
The eaptaln nodded. "1 nnd.rxtand,".
be sold. "I'm sorry I mild anything. I
ImdH't ought to be skin' orders 'bout
what'. 110110 of my affnlre. What time
Is It gitfin' to In•':'
Captain .ferry annonneed that It was
bedtime, and tint be was going to
turn Its. Perot, ailll honking worried
and tntlous, maid thnt he also wean go -
Ing to bel. Captain Eel Ihonght that
he wott1.3 tilt rap for 100111e.
Another hoer and ntlll another went
by, and the captain mat there In him
rneker. ills two friends were onund
■'..'tw thew Meow o'11M token from
white Ant of hla, 1 never knew him
to lie without It nfore:.lint o feller's
ll'ble to f.rglt most anything n night
iike that was, lout Er' 1..11 ytu how
Perez forgot /1111 shoe's? F' lest thing
1 frier Nee, that was."
Ile begun the story of h1'. frie'nd's
• oo ntruiileilmc'ss, but 11114 r'nmpenlon
did. Hot 449111 to•pay much attention to
It. She went Into the house soon after
and Captnis Jerry, after considering
the twitter, deceiled that 4b' was prob-
ably thinking of itazeltine. He de -
rivet mach comfort from the Idea.
When IIP, too, entered the dining
room Elsie staid to hint:
"Oh, ('aptniti Jerry! Pleate don't
tell the others that I asked about
gr.rodfother. They wonld think that I
was worrying, and I'm not, it bit. Von
won't attention It, 14111 yon? Just protn-
Ise. to ;dense nue."
So the captain promised, although he
dill not undentaud why It was asked
of hon.
When Captain EH carne IIomP that
and wan cleaning m
g 111 itch
at the *hurry he was surprised to re -
(vire a call front \Ilse Preston.
"Hellol" he exclaimed. -('orae to
Tarn the trade?'
Elsie smiled and disclaimed any In-
tention of apprenticeship.
"Captain Erl," the Paid, "i want to
bore n talk with yolk n business talk."
The tuella In looked at her keenly. All
bre 11111,1, however, was. "Yon don't tell
"Yee, 1 want to talk with yon abnnt
getting me a 11011111011
position': -
'Aril, I've been thinking x great deem
In 'sly. and, now thNt grandfather
lemma to be P tittle better and I'm not as
rrliH: �:It:NAI,: t:c►n>,;I;lcf1 ONTARIO
m'i'4 to he'll take cane of blah. I
want to do something to enIlly 11,-
".Kori, your Mein'? Why, child olive,
you don't need to do that. You ain't
n tnitr of trouble at the it alar; tact la,
I duu't know how .wired get along with -
oat you, and, as for monis, w'hy, 1
eal'lute your grandpa ain't NO poor but
when, If I let you haven little change
once In awhile, he'd be able to hawse
buck when he got better."
"But I don't want to use your moues
or his either. Captain Eri, you don't
know what be has done for me ever
alut'e I wear a little girl. Ile has
('10t1001 1111. 11114 given 1111' 1111 eluculiml
sad biv'u w► kind suit good that. hew
that he Is 111 and helpless, l simply
can't go on using bis oximes. I can't,
and 1
"AH right." call Captain Erl. "'I
dependence shows tl proper sfilrlt a
saves grocery bill*,' us old wan Scud
der raid when hila wife ruts off wit
'the til Meddler. What klud of • galaLM
Wee you thlukln' of taklu'?"
"I want to greet 111e uppolutment t0,
teal. in the grammar school here, 1111MNixon hr going to Ire married. and whets
she leaves 1 want her piul'P, and 1 Wan
you to help me got It."
Eel rl wkirticd. "1 want
)hoods) 1•:I ruing, June Is.
b 1 -it eriool wheat future,. cloyed today
l l hlahrr thou datulday. Cud worn futures
10 1bd hlahrr.
Al $'Irksie July wheat closed 1,e lower
that. Mrturday; July cnru, 11l,c_luwer, and
July pyla the lower.
t. Julie 1t,'uu, Jule 2.'03, June 19,'1x1.
Wbcat .. ...2tl.IW,uu 14;:In1,.s10 10.in_,f4Jl
('1111 .. ..... 4,446,4.1, 0,314,01 P.
10 a,'1,u10
to Lists .. 7,01/.1.40101,::00nw 7,14la,1.0
biotite the week wheat decreased 1.112q
(001 bushels emu luereas.d W..0110'Lti� els,
sad este dea•reeetil 4 * t. s1 Molten'.
...Jul). •••-t.t Lir'.
New York a4h
tlt. Louie runs eu+.
Llluth I7!,
etluneeputls b'J' a/
u ,Toledo 1t N!4 1475
"l,et'M see," said Captain Peri, "when's
toots inertia'
"F'Irnt Tuesday 1n tlereulber," replied
Mr. Beluga.
"%illy, au '110, so '111. elinin' prelty
nigh, ain't It? What are you Colo' to
gut off the school committee for?"
"Me? (let off the committee? Who
told you that?"
"Why, I don't kuow, You are, alu't
you? Seen,- tome I heard Seth Win-
gate was grin' to run, 1411)1 he's from
your district, so I thought, of course" -
"Ir Seth going to try for the evwwtl.
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Higher,
Chicago Levier -Live Stock Mar-
kets -The Latest Quotations.
know!" be exclaimed. Then he tend:
"Look here, Elsie; 1 don't want you
to think 1 nut trylu' to be cur'odr 'bout
your affairs, or uuythfug like that, but
are you sure there ain't souse rennin
morr'u you're told we of fur 7u11r
w'autli' thlo ptae•? I ain't mu real roe
l:luau of yours, you uttaerstuu1, but I
would like to burr you feel that yo
1 uukt came to we with your trouble
jest the mune or you 21'011141 Rs your
grandee. Now, haunt Lad true, Beet
here fume Is'%'
t th n bark of Phi..
It W:tM only for n Ii,uulent that E1 -
ale hesitated, but thdt rot's boo -
71 1111
711111 the manner its w'hieb she an-
swered went far toward confirming the
captain's anspl•lou.
"No. ('afituln Eri," she said. "It Is
hist as I've told you. 1 don't w•aut to
l.,- theebdent on • grandfather any
huger." I
"Saul there ain't a siuglc other reit-
sou fur- Of course 1 ought'to miud
illy business, lout- Well, there! What
W:14 It )0U wanted me to do -help you
git the placer
"Yes. If you will. 1 Luow Captain
Perez hue said that you w'creriut.reste.l
,ln the town meetings au] llelpel310
llon.4H4rle owe of the sele'lm1u;and
the .41001 ..011111311 lee, w I thought p, r -
hails, you used your Menem... you
might get the position for we''
"Weil, 1 don't kuow•. 1 11111 du a little
ele.•tlnuee 'u' for ane lir two fellers.
uud earls• they'd ought to be tonne'
to do sowethW' for ultr still, you emit
tomer tell. sk cat '11 jump 0414.1' your
baud," 1f she J;uuwr there's a piece
of hull r lo' afterw•ar,I', hilt when
.she's swallowed that l 'hI ti's a dift'r
Prat job u11og1•tler. Soto. way lith a
politician. But, then, you let inc thiuk
over It f..r it moot. and preps totoorruw
we'll NPP. You think it over loo.
Maybe you'll e1attg • y Ir miud."
"No. 1 shan't change Ilay mind. I'm
ever awl PYP1' 110 111/1/41 1.1410011 to you:
All that e\vuing ('aptaen Fal worked
8t the model of the clipper, anal the
expression on his fats. as he whittled
showed 111:1t he was puzzled and 111W a
little tr'nitel.
He came hack from his fishing next
ilay a 11tt1e earlier than usual, .1lnl,gslI
his working tl0tI,,' for his se•0ttd
hest snit, harnessed 1►nniPl into the
buggy nod (hep ratite Into the homer
amu Ilucfrl that he was gull;: Urge
to the Neck o11 nu errand, and If Facie
wanted to go with hint be should be
girdu4 of her r pony. .3s this WAS
hut part of a prenrrnug'el 'scheme, the
young lady de•Inrel that a ride was
hist what t114' tle4Mltd.
Captain Bei Bei M;lid hat little ns they
drove up to the "main road." 11P
seemed tribe thinking. Elsie, too, Wnn.
eery quiet. When' they reached the
fruit and cattily ohop just nr 1 the
corner the captain stopped the horse,
got down nod wend In. When he
(':II11P int he hail n. hi:11ulful of eiteire-
"Why. Captain Erl," said Elsie, "I
didn't know tint you smoked eig1rs, 1
thought n pip,. acne your favorite."
'Well. gli fatly sus•:*kill'. '4114," wax
the a see
1l1 r. ••but I'm Me'tioneerin'
mow•, 0414'101111 4 w•ith,ut cigars would
be like it chowder without any clams.
Ilitm gee's 44,11111401,' kind of politics.
but 1,•rliack.'r kind of chums lis with
all kinds. "fain'( always mare 1.r jelge
a w
antedate by the kind of cigars he
gives out neither. I've found that out."
They reachedched 111.14 part ,1f hhnm
whirl) 3'.cil: I r eltheN
. (r• k and pntlel up
before a Nn1n11 ltlflding bearing the
Mgt', "Solo itangli,+Attorney at
Law. Item Estate and Insurance."
Here 1 [ r the militant 1 tnln hRuel t0 his r�
pnnil11 and asked: 'Sure you hnec.'t
changed yoer mind. Elsie? You want
that mimed tenrhln' Job?"
"i hn,en't changed my mind, Cap-
tain ldri."
"Well, I wonted to be sure. 1 should
to ask 5411 Bangs for anything
and then have t0 hack out afterwards,
Come Olt. now."
5/14111100 Bangs was the chairman
of the 4)rbat1 s.•hu01 committee. lie
w'as 0 Abet: stout man welt sandy
aide whiskers and u bold heed. Ile
need vett thein 1411h becoming cunde-
wcension 1,1141 asked If they wouldn't
sit dnwu.
"11'ly, I've gdt a little hus'nes* 1
want fir talk with you 'hunt, Rol," said
the captain. 'Elsie, you net down here
out make yourself e0mf'tllhle, om1 1101
nth* me '11 go Iueide for a minute."
As 11e lel the way into the little pri-
vate office at the lark of the hulldlug
nud seemed to take It for granted that
II r. Pangs would fallow•, the hitter gen-
tleman couldn't well refuse. 'elle pql-
Petr twice was usually reserver) ror,)p-
letciews With *'1110,4 w'I1oee home-
stead mortgnge,i were to be foreclosed,
guileless Indiv!due is 441,3,0 hod Indorsed
notes for friends. . lir others whom, busi-
ness wag Unpleasant nod likely to be
areompnntel with weeping ur profan-
ity. Mr. Bangs didn't objet to fore-
ortcluing n mhrtg•ge, lint he disliked to
have a prosp$(•tili customer hear the
dialogue that pr. -,./del the operation
On tbls arasiun the dour of the sane
tom was lc ft ajar, so that P1110, nl
though 111 did not try to listen. could
not very well help llbarlug whet wits
Sh(' heard the enptn111 eomme01:nq
011 the Ince cranberry Prop, the eteep
tlounlly Mlenlsnt wveatlu•t of the past
month and other 1rr,lelnnt nlib Jr, i.
hen Ih. perfumes of the eamptezn rl
ra floated Out through the dootw;-
Lh erpoul, Julia 14.-1'holing -Rbeat.sp.m
INw,Iual; futures, quiet: July. Os Ikea.
W 11114.1;
VA '
Lr.•., ee 4 J. ("err,. or r
■lradl; American Wlxal, old, U 101,)1: f,.
Dore, olds': July, 4a' WO; Sept., W ►(,d.
t.urd, prllue 141atara. Needy. 4x: Awerl
can (eau vl. qui.(, 4e5w ('brew, Am.rl.au I
b..'1 "kite tile), 1477 OJ. Turpeullue i
sp:rlts, steuJ,. 414. The lmputts of ehrdt 1
lulu 1.1vr-pain Met woo14 were 00,T, quilt
tins tum Aclastic ports, and Ames/ 1,uW
other eerie
New York,
Jose 11. -Butter steady;_nr
cellos, Iliad. Street pare', retia 41rrwery,
.101tc to davit;. oracle! mho*. tlexu.'rv,
1 ea'a,"u h eater, Irk to %f146c; rtuu41ah:J. ,
lm.a.ou to extra, 12c to lac: Violeta ere -
trey, couscous to. Rests, 12c to lac; 'western
IW!iltlon,u'eemerl, estrus, lac; ares, 1110
to 171,
('he. se, quiet: receipts. ore. New ,tut,
full uvula, Tarte fancy. 101ke; de., fair to
g' -lid, 4We to 11ac: du.. small rand, Inc.,.
do fair to good. iliac to 44,- du., 1110110r,
1.4.6:. to bloc: skims, 11. to ar,
loos elite; recelp/r, 14.1040: state nal
Pemullra11.r. alid nearby fancy select et
white, :Y• ; do., vh.a.e. Aute 10 21e: re., mix-
ed. extra. 141,4) to :IM; 1(4111 11. Irate, 1ei,r
10 Ile; do, seconds, lee to Id'4 ;)euthenics
141,.• to Ib..
(.blee Firmer for is/Ile-Prlees
Lower at it hlrage and Hefsls,
Loudon, June 1. . ettle are 91111ed at
IW,c to 1394.• pee 11, ; re(rlprratur beef,
bl,.' *else We Ib : -beep, dre.se , 14. to
144 per
Toronto, June Is --Receipts of 114,:
stock at the 1'nl-n Stuck Yards eters
•1 car toads, vompseJ of 1404 C•ltlr,
44 sheep and 23 rate's.
'1 Nee woe •o".1, ry' ellty totonlamrd.
l':1.-.-• fur the Ise.( cuedi held rl.unt the
same ea ■ w rr. ern. 1.111 UW.1111111 CO 711e
■.-re easier cud It. Mort (w IN? -low of
frier," fur shipping rattle neige) from
1t lis S7.3. ( •r ' 0Ib. IJR„arlprier.o
Lit p.lir1J14fns ea4 Ff:ewpehre.1.wW1. ld1,1,. :1a4
40 Ie: me
Its 11e . eor1 ■rt•e114.:P.17111
f.e fra goa.aJld :eat
i to fl; C; rndh. u.. w.:al to N:el: stall
1.NI ..,w. al *:. t:.-1•. 14,..; *r1.. ,'.•W a, •t
.../:12.: 1* 1:. 73
r c.wr.
A few mit. h 4'p• s sold it 413 to 523'
gap i.
3.al Calves.
('rel calves sold al F• u, 53,50 pew Owl" I
‘ *beep lid Lamb.
Export sheep mold at 14.40 per Cwt.
11. K Kennedy reports priers nnelumetrl
et $7.L'1 fur ..•frets, and 17 for lights.
lloatrrrl, inn, 14.- 1111prr1e1.1--('.1,1. ad
;filer. from IJrrrpw.l sod Leedom on Caha-
lan rattle reale steady al 111. to 111Se. and
the Lila,"goo market was arm■41. The de
mend for item freight space hu tree good
..d r0k11drrable hudees. ha• been dune.
The market Is *trouser, and rat..• for July
are 2a 11.1 to :,. higher to ell porta •kept
Bristol; engagement* to Liverpool, 1;1••fow
:it'd w• n1
u dnter• tYa8Jna! eMd enR trade )
1 3.1d
ingest, at 30*. ziportrforrtNeiweek7e■rrlie
e010 riffle, 140
sheep; 0 r cel
h were illfl rat.
the :u all ..
c6 row pp
!xle) Iter 1
p and Ism.,. . :.e
calves (lid 1100 hugs. Of the bog., 7111
were boyish( In the west by tbe pa,•kers,
eonsegnently the anpptl on the market for
mile was email; but In mph* of this (art,
.114 stronger ,.hies au remedial, bacon, the
feeling ere* w rad yrlrM realnlnrA
lower. A few smell Iota of :•lois•.' •etre,+
were told .t 17.110. but the bulk of the trade
wan done at 47.30 to 17,75 per 100 1144.,
welshed uR can, The hatcher were reit
strong end trade was good, with the prt,r'
of cattle nod calves higher all around. frim,
beryea Bold at ,1 r tel
M1 . per Ib
'h -iter
good rattle 4e to 5e. awJ the common ata -k
at 2m;.' to :1%,e per Ib, Y1lkmen'e stripper.
were numerous ■rad sold at 3hr to 415.•
(looet 011th rnwn were In good demand nr
♦'50 to .f i
* The nth I• w "z
*4 .► o m•mel
d .t I..
tr�1'h. 40 a c
* • rest cslreti sold r
rack the others at 12.30 to tN -D,, to Sheep
oaf (1st 314e to 41yr per Ib, !Aloha at *.T to
4:1 each, Store pigs told at n to 1111 each.
and the young pigs at *1,76 to 1,1 earls.
Eget Buffalo, Jnoe 1t. -Cattle -Reelpte
ream head; fairly ■,'tire. 10c to 'Lea• lower;
prim.. steers, /pro to *6.00; o few ■t 56;
aktppi,g. 15 te1:.40; b1(eilr., 14.511 to
i..2'•: L..ffers, 8:173 t0 16.,1 ruse, *7 to
44.5x1: bulb, 1:.73 to 14.1/; 110.4 •IH •1811
fte.ter.. 13..1 l0 i4_ :; 4t.4 -k Laiden, 52.70
to **.50: fresh row,. and springers, steady
lis tr higher. 5144 to *61.
Ilurrite. -el As, 14.1*.0 head; fdr17 ns
tire. *bade 1,lgher; I,.vil and m1101, 10.83
lis 111,11); poker*. IMO to 1a 53; plgs, *azo
to *6.75: rough.. in 73 to M; stags, 14 le
4 7 .: d.lrlee 9.' (4r 1.. 10 .
Mbeep 1.1 1sm141 14..Mlipt., 1046 bead:
active, *11(4,11, lis•, lamb* Mclows;
Whirs. steady: Isiah*. OA) to 57: year
lees, *e to thee wetbera, til to 46.15:
*Wes, 15 to 54.50: sheep. m111d, *3 to 16.78.
New fort. June 18.-1) Re'elpt•,
11141. taern bte.dy to -Pomedium HMI
runoiva, stuff,; balls, steady; avwt very
dull: bulu4111 cows, unsaleable; steers. N
to *3.Mi; hush. 11 .to 14.40. Fapurts tumor.
row, 14730 meth. tad 3'•'W pnartet. of 4,.,f.
('meet Receipts MT; miket, steady;
arils. 55 to *1.15; culla, 40.511; Lntteollhe,
84 to *4.73.
Sheep •M tombs Recetp411, 17,717:
sheep, lower; lambs opened 1uc to 23.•'how
er; Bused, fully Ilk or, with some lets
rules of medtnm Iambs 30r• lower; year)
lugs. Gw• to Mur o0, :these, 84
to $.7*5
ebvtee bandy we(hersfta: isD■ 17' le
01 Ihult'earl7, ai I11.75 yearlings,
11,41*; market" steady
at weft to *7 le for 11•h begs.
Chlrag., Ju•e 19, Cattle Ree.lpte, *3.
000; 100 to 13c lower; 10.444.(1 to grime
14 to *6; cons, LI to *4.110; heifers.
12.15409.X; bulls, 112.75 to N 25; 111,0,,
$00.13 to 97.10; starkers and feeder, 82.73
1. 40.15.
Roes Receipts, 45,000: sterna to lir 1180
er; chalet. prime, 14.. , *6 as to Is,7u• al..
en' welghts,111 Silo to 16 70: good to rluira, Jo N •
bra,, allrrd. 1e du to 54106, p•rtlu . M.IM ,
to 141142• sheep h 50 or 1N 40: y.�irllnay
45 00 to 05.90; !Moro lambs, 16.25 to tY.M,
alma to good. Nary, 141 e0 to 5.441; but114
Expert Tea Blending
HAVE you ever tried to blend colors to match the
shade of the red rose?
Pretty difficult, yet an expert can do it easily. '
Why ? Because he can tell by looking at the rose
what colors are required to produce that tint or shade.
Ile can make that precise color every day in the week.
Just as the artist in colors lends the tints of the red
rose, so my artists in tea blend the "rich fruity flavor" of
Red Rose Tea.
With expert knowledge and intuitive skill he selects
the particular picking of rich, strong Indian tea and the
Precise grade of fragrant, delicate C'ey'lon, and by ski:ful
blending pro(luces the peerless flavor of Red Rose Tca—a
tea which for delicacy and strength is matched by no brand
of Ceylon alone.
d Rose
ais good Tea
T. H. Esttlbrnohs
St. John, N B., Toronto, Winnipeg
�i R
Q Ontbelggobn
LiX MENDELSSOHN (-BARTHOLDY,, born at Hambur; .
1809, died at Leipsic 1647, was one of the greatest composers
of the 19th century, and though not a bnlhant player, he
was an organistvnd pianist of high distinction. His career, like Bach's,
Mozart's'and Beethoven's, illustrates the power of good mu ..e in the
home. He began his studies under his mother, and first played in
public when only 9 years old. In his IIIb year he produced 04 cone-
positions -°:units, cantatas, dramatic scenes and trios. At 15 he com-
posed his fine Symphony in C minor (Op. 101. And 1„ vest was his
precocity that at 17 he finished the score of his Overture to Shekecpeare's
Midsummer Night's Dream," which, though more than Cep?.
quarters of a centuryold, is still one of the most brilliant aclllrvenlents
In modern music. is Oratorio "Elijah" and his "Scotch Sympbody,"
have added considerably to his fame.'
Of his piano compositions, the best known and most popular are
his "Songs Without Words," the scores of which were first published
in 1632, when he was 23 years old. They are full of a peculiar vein of
pure and charming melody and of simple sensuous harmony. Though
devoid of great technical difficulties, They require the aid of an inure
ment like
the ,CIL Bane
With its rich, SingingTone and its easy, flexible action, to render forth
all their
lovely moa.ls and
y beauty. The "Songs Without Words" are
pre-eminently for the home, and the Bell Art Piano is beyond all other.
Loth the virtuoso's and The Hos■-Lov■r'e Piano. -
Tb, toll renes or •• Utile 1e11 atoerapbl.••• la booklet fusel, Ittustrat*J. will
maned Oen ow request by
The Bell Nano 1 Organ Cu., limited, Guelph, Ont.
�;�_ OLD You TF
E ;1
111;, It is the one roof that is not affected by 1 I
1 1 heat and cold. It never leaks -never hardens -
It or cracks -rt. rain, snow and fireproof-e4d ) II
' 1'
s a lifetime. Cheaper than shingles.
1'ou will want it for every building
after you know how thoroughly 1.1.
' satisfactory it is. fl'
1 Our free booklet gives loth of , I
iufornution about it. Write for
• copy and free sample of the
hest roofing in the world.
llarlware dealers eveywh4re sell
I'aterson'a "Wire Edge " or will get
it fn
r sill.
•1 - r■e*Ml sae Toronto
it (1019 not reennire an
expert to clean out the floes
of the "Sunshine" furrlace-
the only tool needed is a brush
which is supplied with every
Clean-out doors are placid in the
casing, and the brush can easily be inserted.
This heater lush bristles with exclusive
automatic gas clampers, large double feed -doors,
double shakers and stool radiator.
If you want the best furnace mule get the 11 Sunshine."
Bold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Rootlet free.
feature. nob ss
WIRSIPOO. Va,e'011^rR.
sr. /ORE. FI1NTr.7'tllt.
WORSELL,, Sole Agent, Goderich
I•srtD. )l'e1M'•L,1a sold. weer 21.511 Myr � Goo( 1 In� CI
Alwayralld All Ways at The Sigoal