HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-6-21, Page 5At
Th, Now/ Good. ' .
"What le the real road r
tasked 111 mus*UI 414aa1.
"Order." salt IM haw ronrt a
"Knowledge," said the school : °.
'Trolls," sold the wise luau:
"1'letemi.yy " wild the foul
.1.046,"seal tow alaldeu
"Hreuty."sold the pate;
"Freedom." sold the dreamer; 14;:-'
"Home." sold the srse ;
"Same." said Ilse soldier ,
"Equity," the seer-
Simko my heart full sadly:
"The 'mower 1'. IwtJlerr."
Then *utile may bowel
!loft's'. this 1 heard:
"Koch heart hold. the secrrt ;
Kindness the woad."
John Hoyle 4) Reilq•.
1 ant a•hungeretl yet I dare not eat ;
1 know the d,wger lurking in the
meat: I've renal the •k 441111 fa -
lows' slurien through, anti know just
how those packing 114441NYX du; how
putrid meat., 'mule fresh by Armlets'
arta. are sold as la(m+1ge in the city's
marts; how rats have strayed into the
hopper bio, and c ' g out «add at 10
cents a tin. All this I've mad, and
Oho' 1 hunger wore I feel that 1 r•ould
f+asL fnteveisnore.
1 know 'lis arid 'lakes the (wase
hook green. and thrrr'N osdalteratiun i1(
the Helen ; and butter looks to ole 141
e 4o' 1
and t I loony tial it
jnlre AN 11111W. y
i' ohs.; soapsuds IN 111.41041 141 lighten 1111
the bream' and .4.•hint,ll 1.1 make the
berries rel: wind twinkles in the
sugar, and the 14a look', just like dried
rasplarry leaves to 1114 ; the milk is
chalk anti water• and no cow would
hawwly do that li.ptid revrlwmce now.
♦1'r'te hungry, but we'd better go un -
fed, or else rat gram. like bovine
quadruped. We'd take a smoke and
thereby etN)the 0014 grief. 144,1 there's
no solace in a cabbage leaf. liesuttjay,
cold world ; be still. my heating heart,
-1'11 leave my life insurance n 1 de-
Stori4M of the !tau Francisco di4n4.
ter and iia xfterutath conn • to be
circulated. A New York 111111 of
dealers in amulnniti0tl has re•eivel v
letter from firm in the busi-
nese in linin Francisco which illustu at4s
the spirit in which the 1,144i114MM'nen
of the,Lrleken city are meeting their
great reverse.
The letter waw an or-
der for goods to Iw rushed it, Oakland,
and the engraved heading read :
_(/Inee (temperer) 1
PHIL. H. HICK EA ItT 4'0.. Inc.
/3311 Alameda avenue
corner Park
LIAHILITIEel ... t :r
April In, lSN. not yet computed.
Yash. .. . . . Nearly IM •n
Nerve .IM er 1!el1.UR.4
Reputation About .31
Enemy and I'o...l
bllitles.. . . .... 1 ue1,YN.4r1
1 mutt ('lobes.
" Fancy Veste
1 Phur Hat.
I Illainagod4.
/he H•nh.
A satin gown.
All brold,,rral down
w Ilh pearls fair. pure and wilt,.
A mist of 1411'
Ab0411 the (Mer.
Clasped elate bs thousand. bright :
A dainty glove
That erre•pn ,b1)5
The elbow'. dimpled charm:
A snowy throat.
Not far remote
A .ho,sIder Mott and wenn :
Some Ink, Ia1s4r41
1 11 1,1 her bora. .
A male that hide,. a lour :
A 1Iny fool
In glistening NUM :
A Ria of lace. neer.
\ well bred 'rue.h :
A snh.mn
"A protn4.e• 0 •.ln•) :
A aokt.•e. 1141111.
A Millet -lug *land :
A Mlle wl.h '1 was nay.
An organ'4.l rain.
A three• -yard I nd n,
A fragrant. nee "rows path
A fend cane(..
F:t c. 11.a1 emit,.
The 'Most trod as hath
A kiss. A..uib• -
Kind word+tile while
F/nd friend. w ho cheer her o1
F4N1e good Mt t Ice.
A shower of nee:
We look mint -he 1. Irma..;,
Moine yearn ago, When the rent,' of
a railroad to Atlantic City wags losing
surveyed and the leen were drivi1141
stakes themggh the prAnise4 of an old
farmer, he a4ldte'tsrll the leader of the
gang 1111 follows
• 144)•111' out another railroad ?"
"ynrveying for one," ass Ihr reply,
'•(loin' through 114)• barn :%'
"Don't Mer how we (•:10 144..411 it."
"Wall. new, mister." sail the
worthy farmer, "1 ralk,rbtle I1..' g1 *
s thin' t4•w say 'bolt that. I avant
you !4.w understand that I've got
sl1111hill' elite few drew besidr4 run
sin' out few open and 4het them doors
every time a train Wants to go
Herr. in an explanatioh of the origin
of the hornet's pole : Orghlnlly 1114
halrb'r Was the surgeon of the to:::
people. When blood-letting was the
cure for all human ills, the barbel
was the handy man in the case. To
titin tiav smile )Harlot's mat. 41.('1111.11144]
incisions. The rel I while barber's
pole signified rel Mood and white
bandage. in fart, advertise] the 1111si-
11e's4 of simple surgery carried 1(n in-
doors. Signs in 1hose days f r
People were not reader,' did sol. bent'
T,rintel wools, but actually were signs.
he cobbler hung Ont a W4lwlerl show.
the watchmaker a watch. the tinker a
dish, and the surgeon with his red sand
white pole got as near 114. real thing
as he could.
IMe'a chief compensations do not
come in psy envelopes.
Fish in mare.
detain' on a log
An' flahln',
An' watchin' the cork,
An' wishin'.
ios'eett in' mind home
An' sighin' ;
Jus' aettin' round home
An' lyin'.
John frrou hs says : All the hest
thing* of Are have mune to ,tie on
SOIlRht, lstt' n not unearned. A
plan does nM., In the long ran, Re
wages he hoe not earned. What
mean b that most of the good things
M my life --friends, travel,. oppor'tun
itY-have trtllkt unexpected. r do not
feel that fortune has driven sharp bar
PhDs with Baa I am Bot a diesp'
point -et' man. Hleaw'll is he that ex•
Welt. little, Nut works AN if he ex-
pected :h. Sufficient unto the day
W the glww1 there of. 1 have invested
myself i1( the Krum!, uluulrul, in the
thiigw near at hand, in the things that
all may have lin equal treads. 11' our
seta unto+. 114.411 1111 the exceptional,
the far -01f .nl riches, 4111 (ane, 1111
power the rheums are that he will
he disappointed ; be will waste his
11111e Reeking a shoat cost 141 these
things. There is 1141 short rut. For
anything worth hitt {ng one must pay
the prier, 1.1111 the ps k' is always.
work, 114ti411ce, love, a•If•sarrifice
n0 paper currency, no promise to pay,
lout the gold of real service.
1 .1111 11441. 411.0)11141 31111111i4111, the aim-
ing high, only there is nU use aiming
unless you Ore 144;411«1, 414(1 it is 1Ile
1041410 1g, and 111,' kind 11f lII1411.6l to
be used, 1ha1 tone is fist l,4 he solici-
tous about.
,,s, 414
1'u, al the toenail of nl 1 . kiss
Hakaw. 1 Luna
1111 'sa,u 1'11 beim lop. you het
An I'll .l , Ihere 411 well.
1141.4' ii ' to rt.auj the 1141.111141 rule.
API' mnkl' eta lo,.uu. 111e,
An' thus,• .4,44 re right *ill then be rung,
Au' nitre hu're roug la' rue.
Meeting of West Huron Teachers' In-
stitute at the Agricultural College.
The twenty-ninth annual Meeting
of the ))'.,t 11 1111444 '14'414'lIl'l',' A4s,4.h1-
1io11 %:444 111.111 at the Ontario Agricul-
tural College. IMelph, ,lune kith and
lath, when an most enjoyable bole was
1. item! was 44.45144 pi p1.1) at
12 o'clock, after which Principal ('r44.1-
nuul addressed th1(w' present stetting
forth the advantaage% for farmers' 84114
and daughters i1( the va rio414 depart-
ments. of the 44. A. I'. I n the 4• est.
1(4 his remarks 1(11 the experimental
work carried on then•, he told of 1110-
feN.411 '.null/.'. receiving a handful 41f
)lanch(orilt b,011•y i1( Isms, which for
ye 1.a hos Kivu on the average live
bushels per 4414 11)01.' 1111111 the next
last variety. This iu('n•1us• on the
acreage sown i11 burley in Ontario last
Serer• would give a pndk 1(f r62;4e044e1,
enough 1(4 laay the expenews lot 1111111'
'hall twenty .' gricult11(•al Colleges.
like 1i!.•Iph.
After luncheon the 111411•dog4d(1 In-
. 1i111t.• wasvisi1ed,slid Pr of. )Ie1'ready,
director of the solute study depart-
ment, delivered an 14411114.4, in eX01an-
444. of Ow work of the Institute.
I11 the manual training department,
a41d,N W0041 31111 11'1111 W011, 11.4y4 Bane
too he taught in the new building mow
i1( enure tot erection t10 take down
machines and put them together
again. In the d0,014tir selene.* ,114..
11411111.4111 there are 114murisons 41(11'4('44,
a three months course fur faruo,•s'
daughlr,'14. -.year and two-year
('11411'44'N for teachers, a one yea, 1 •
11l4ker'N coarse. etc. The cost is $1.1
for three 111ut1111., besides lased. The
torment class consist.. of fifty 111111114.114
(11!11 1'. E. 1 . N. If.. N. S., Quebec,
Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan,
Considerable interest WOK mnni-
(etlel in the Ianndl )•' room, experi-
mental kitchen, to oils 111 a 1 school
kitchen, reception Tann, etc.
'Tile Institute and M4414114. for lady
.students were built t)• Sir NV1n.
)bm•Ihnald at a rust of 11141,• than
gbo1,4440* and presented to the Pray -
111 the forestry deportment hun-
dreds 44f t sands of laces Ihr• grow-
ing, and next spring the authorities
will 114 ready 1444 send, without char g4.
young treys to those who 4•111(n41e 1414
41111' fur them, bot application must
to. 110441« benne 1 'll 11411414)44.
"rhe experimental plots were, visited
next and the work 4xplained by 1'r•f.
McCready, 4.1)44 made then, very in-
terest ing.
At 1114 consolidated rated 4(1)1411, R''II•
ported by live school sections. rein•
cilia* 11. Zein gave 1111 a1111r•44, i1(
which he claimed the following a(1-
5vuItages for the school :
1,, Thr total attend+111c, was in-
2. The average :
cre aseel.
a. An inrr4'ae•d
4. The inrte414ed
great in January
any taller months i
palet Ila•tl1.
:,, )Imie thorough
1 r. 41, art, don
4 104'11 1114. 1thu1141 11111/41$44111.•
din.0 y rural school.
*4. A batter •111
high school Work.
It Caine (alt loci,
sation that the soh,
•h , as formerly
Wulddn't pay hal
maintaining the .c
F:vENO \1(
At the evening
'rem took the chair
chosen remarks
Met 'ready. who
gllydenM. His 4111(11
following Iine4.
This is 1 mal tel
the thonghl. of rd!
4%to hundred )ern
made great progress,
there are 11(i
Ontario there are 4
of eat let on node,'
officer 4pNH411• 1 1
du*ld. 111 NI(54
lilts' is given to he
ducts a successful
11 t'II(I+1111'1• 4'(mI 111-
percentage in al-
percentage wits as
(1111 February as in
th,' pri11wty' 114-
a1(rk to in: al
11.:11' W11'Im'l'. I'll'.,
i1( 1144. 1(1'-
o11nni1)• to 14.44411
1•ntally in
1.1 serf tl,114 1.1111 :(4
and yet that
f the present ('1(441 1(f
hes h'+41 rt1.
44v4i1(n Inspector
and in 41 (455 ttPll-
101*1411unit Prof.
spoke on srh••I
4.41 444 (11.14 the
that 11,44 engaged
ethical for (51.4-
1'• (1111 yet 1p11411'(
ss In No511*4 ,11.,
,drool gardens. In
1 (.'ss- 111 *1)41'(11114)•
the control 1(I' an
v Si:- t4, ilIno,, )I Ir-
4*1'1(t 111 (1 41111114 1(1
r teacher who con-
ducts 14(1111,.1 garden.
541114 in Ontario gnu i,. granted 11( th,•
srh(ol section that does similar work.
The 4(111(111 Will 11.11 111 the con.11i
tinted school was explained. 111•
thought part 1(i' Ihl• (,In(14tott 111'
etl•ry chid) s11nn111 coni,• 111,11114 11 111.'
cuhivnlion of the soil, and then ex-
plained the important work 4114111' 115.
the F:x4s'1'{nlentd 1'1111111. ('uh44111i41K of
u5414 ON 31 111en1101•' controlled *1)) 111
It. A. 1'. He thought. as school gat
deans were not justpracticable, in 4M-
t(Irio at the I'"'''nt ' ', holow gar-
:1( -dens might Ia starlod with as'.isttlr,
from the forestry dep:m•t111'nt 14 1111
O. A. 1'.. where all who wish
have )'hung trees 111. 1 14.11 441441'. f111- lh,
In the 441'440114 1(f ( 'Ievel4ml 1140e14
packages of seeds 11r1` d141rihnrt4.4 1•41•11
spring and these have worked mir-
acles nnlo'g their rl:nrst'4, besides
creating wklespreal inter'at in the
homes of business nen.
Inspector Toni 1(111(1 a whelp t'a.1104
Ln Profeewr Mr('ready's address and
then intnslucsel 11r. A. 11. Aldntt. o*'
Toronto 1'niversity, who delivered an
able addn's' an p4eychoNlgy. He was
not surprised to find *his 'subject
In 111 reptile among teachers, 414
tour h of what has passed an the
teachings of psychology is not
psychology. He showed that from
the demons and work of early
alchemists much useful knowledge
in'chemiltry has toren gained.
Psychology, which, as A violence, i4
only about sixty )'ears old, has made
greater strides than any other owlenl•e
and yet we are. Only at the Ileginning
of what we may yet know : in fact,
he thought psychology wan now in
about the sante position as chemistry
was In the seventeenth century.
$5,000 1*, paid
peer rho • Korea that
,� Sw,l.4hl Soap contains any
1 4.41„115 damn/rah or any
form of adullerstioa,
is equally' good with hard or soft water.
If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions)
you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better
results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way.
As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly
pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be
washed without the slightest injury.
LOVA, Brothers Llmit.d, Toronto
5cFly a sr/ follow
• dwmews ✓ •
Tour money refusded by
the dealer from whom buy
sSunlight Soap if you find any
cause for complaint.
Dr. Abbott made his address N• in-
teresti11g that ('1„(1(11)' 5.4144 141ade fur
the hour when he 5t,,,dd le•cl lire lafore
th1• 113th4' 4111(14' r1e.. 111 1(14141 111111
Ito 1 elo•h1.1•s 11111(111 .tt L.•It11, A (141
Il(•+uiy votes 11* thanks 141 Prof. Mo -
1'1eady, ,11141 1)I•. Abbot! th,lulvtiu{;
4+4111e 10 a 4.1,4444•.
4.'.'1'14101A V Ili 441411 Vo 44V 114l IN.
At 11 o'clock in )N,ss.•y 11x11,
Ih•o•s{dent )to•Kay collet! the Institute
11( order.
The Miall on motion were tikes
us 11va1.
The audil1(rs' 1visor! showed p 14:11-
:411(4 141 $Ir.;. I 11(n hued and 1(u Ielti1(n
was towelve* and adopted.
The election 1(t' olYll(ls was 11(1•n
proceeded with. ,54illi the following
result • l'r4sidl•nt..1', H. Brownlee,
liayldeld : 1st -vice president, Miss
I.i,,z,,' 4'uuuiugbnnl, lielgrav4: '_'nd
viee-presidenl, Nis" h'. IteynoIds,
11lnsa11 ; secret* 11) -1 reasurer, N\•. 11.
Johnston, Itippen ; (uuneill.irs, (:r•.
Iklirl, Clinton :.1. 11. 'I'igerl, (bole
rich : L. 1'. Flemming. I•:x4t,• : . Iins
,11.41 )Iustau,l. Ih u('elN Il : Miss time,
1'r.twford, Port :4,1611.
It tv414 luoc4d, se...306 1 :11111 ldr4pt-
e1, 1h4tt in Ieeoguitiun of the large
amount of work require) Ihis year :4n
extra live d,4llets Is• paid 1 he seer4-
It 5.4114 moved, seconded :Ind carried.
that the 1eg11la1• membership fee be.
Ilk•, in future for those who alto note
wish 414 cop)' of 1 hr Proceedings anti 2.-o •.
for tilt will, (141.
The s.•ssiou ons 111411 ailjn4l•111•d In
join 1 h H41din0uld 11•:u•h4rs in the
Ilhtar), 4(441 441i4h 111th. l(1'reauly
(.4141(111411,) the teachers of In it num 1 -
Liman for'(ugb the biological. dairy.
{oullry and Imo ticon oral depart-
ments. 'Then at 11 o'clock all re-
paired to the )1arUon,yld. I04tit1114,
wllr14' they listen4d to as spl,ndid
1,rt(n4• by lir. Abbott, a runt inuntion
.a the previous night's address 111 psy-
)Ir, KI•tNh111 111411 414444 :4 practical
lesson on out, in whirl, 114 4x441411('1
1114 tondo u1.*4111,11 work ill Waaler
HP 11114114 it 4o ihtl•I4Mtin41 and attrac-
tive that ,111 present felt at desire to
In the aft,l,os,n the 4(4railionof
the city chimed the intent' of
m umv, and then all 1.111 S1 1111I VAMP Ih,'
11011r 1.. 1.1 111'11 Inoue.
The tvarh.,•swho'111t•nd4d this in -
( 1.14 111x1. it was 111111 4 t' the
4114,111 I'llje.ynbl.• 414 well as 1114 rlo•l
instn.414.1• they have haul the privi
lege of attending.
1'amploelltl,i.. N. I1., lime 1•41 11.
(4peeial.i )Ir. NV. 11. 4\'ailar,•, of thi.
place. is a builder and r1(nt.I41u1 :1111
is very well It moan and respected.
The (,eels of his 1:11", %vhi(h 411' III 1st
14.11(54. show how'spee1111)' 1)04111's Kid
!my Ihlls cure kidney trouble.
^S1(4n,• 114111• ago," Mr. 1Vnllac.•
writes, il.•s, '•1 wan. .engaged 111 11105 111L :1
54'1•) 111-414 GlAlily r1•.i11rncr aft 1)al•
111(4414', 14 diol:4114( of three miles,
*•.411)• two miles 1(f 5'hieto it had to
he conveyed by water. 1 11:11 to nether..
day .4111 nigh) and th4 1ons,•,1n1,n1•''
was that 1 4.41111(111 a very scab« cold.
Thi: 41'1 1141 in 111)- hack o11 414)' kid-
neys - and 1 bee:tem . so had I could
hardly e. A friend of Irvine 1,141
401• 1(t 14,11111'4 Kidnr)• fills and Kate
ow half a 1.1x jnsl 11( give 11n•u1 a 11111
and atter 114411 taken *hen. 1 telt t,',)'
much nal ler. I then IInnrchns.•,1 141 -
other lox of 1)1441414 Kit they Pills and
after laking them the pains had en-
tirely 14•ft Me 111111 1 3111 1104' (41014•
Thousands Die of Constipation.
NI. 1.0111111 11111 (:,1141`.41/ many inr•ttr•
:ode diseases a, r1(l.dip:,ti"rl. II 11111
0014' pn•t,•n*s the• kidneys front 'dim.'
Bolling the p1(isom•ns writes, ant
causes atln•111111, 41 111113111 t•u1111e not
indigestion. %V11)- 54o0 you use Ih-,
111uni11•n', fill.. and g.•l clued
excellent medicine n•st,41'r's normal
14IW41 111.1 i( 11 in one night.• Thom
s;n1414 1'1(111 4t"te111 Will 14•
Iwo re (11111 rlea n, you'll be flee from
headaches, no 111.11' 441111• 'l1(uur(•h i1(
.hurt )(''111 have jovial spirits 1411(1
t11.11111•1 beak II. 1)r. 11: ' Il Mi.,.
'ills *He sold everywhere, 2:11•, a box.
l 4.•4 the genuine.
1lillet'.1 lirip Powders rouse. F1('
stale by Jas. \\'ilson.
1Vhen a fellow knocks his Innny
Isms• 114 11441•.11'1 I:n1Kh in his Avert..
New York '1'1111,4.
Rich, 1411 tll,(nl is I/0141W, •'' l I'v NEI -
lei's 1'onlpl,41md Iron Pills. For sale
by Jas. Wilson.
Use The Long
Distance t=
Bates may be ohttined from
the 1,mng Distance operator.
The Bell Teiephone
Company of Canada,
Men's $3.410 and $3.50 Shoes
WIF, are after the sten who want good-
looking, durable and stylish shoes at
moderate prices. We'll jest put it mildly
and say that ,
We Have the Best $3.00 and $3.50
Shoes this Country Produces.
Try us on $:,',v0',and $:;.:)0 shoes. You'll
��.buy satisfaction blare as well as. good shoes.
TI11usumr, June 21, 1106
It's this way. \1'e alt' about to have our store enlarged
to accommodate our growing business. To do so part of our
present store must be ren►ove1T. \1'e will have to move the
clothing and the only place we have is in the millinery room,
which is not very suitable. The best thing we can do is to
give yeti suclt " price inducements " as will move them out.
'What's the use of giving you a list of " were and are
prices." Conte and see the goods and prices. Be your own
judge. The midget price tickets on the giant values will do
the talking;.
All Our Men's and Boys' Suits
Knickers, Trousers and Overalls
are iu('ludt.11. \V, want you to move 1114 chillies for 11s.` We do not want
Iht•m 01 the Illillilll•1•)' 1'.141111 111141 41'1• W1(111 It now Ntll•k for o r new Nt4re. NVe
think these 111e good reasons for using a tine pointed pencil l n the prire ticket
1111 will interest 11(11 ('11411ag1) to induce a call. \\
The season is advancing, so with-
out, remorse we can sacrifice these
exquisitely dainty creations of the
milliner's art.
See\our window of Specially
Trimmed Hats at $1:.75
mB•� Sharman
Livery and
flack Stables
The fine,! t111nouts in town are supplied at these
well-knOwll staldos.
Carriages for every reyuirenlont and good horses
furnished at reasonable rates of hire.
Finest Hack service Everything up -
in town - to -date
•I'lI()N I::I1
Careful drivers furnished when required .
sa?g'� All calls promptly attended to
Walker & Augustine
If a mal ran write a',l.,lle•r book.
preach al better scrotum, 41r slake a
tooter 111. rap IIlan his neighbor.
though he build his house in the
wood,: the wot•Id will make a beaten
path 1l, his door. Emil -sou,
.- l.(;( )\1:1 I'ENT!:.11,
MITA 111 P 1.1 N
1) 11.T! () r1
For $ 1 . O ( )
S. S. KIN(l 1'.1)WAl I)
Ion regular trips leaving
Jour 1:all and
:44 141:'111 11.10.
(lost to return te:lting I►1:-
Tito'I' fool of Third 41 te41
1(n r44nlltt *rips
.1 one 111th, 1 i th and
For lurlhrr infut•umlion
apply to
\1' NI, la r: E.
Oe 1
, t
For the nam .4r. T.I,. one
with yes se year verel.on trip.
Write to for your film..
pbm•. serer sad all photo
ereshic supplies. Our neck
is always strictly Fresh end
elasicany pers.
W. giveel attention to moil ordorders.der
Write for err 1W13 CNebon,
J. H. BACK & CO.
4 tlltl..sis Tensle. t.wiee. Cesrde.
Any 41144 of the 4h't11•N Mune {M w01't11 more.
They 1114. 1104W. 'rhe trimmings sue new' and
the work is not slighted.
Older 'lath at .-'-N', :alk', Iia, 1•t C. \ ....
1..' at141 t.' Ribbons at Ilk. and 1:41•. A11 new.
No price, .quality or quantity exaggeration.
We say we 1.1111 Nrlte you money on three and
W4. 41111. It. IN (1.111•.
Do You Want To Make a Dollar Do
Double Duty'? It's Now Up To You
We Are Very Particular
We always insist on 111141 always get first quality in everything.
We lite might)• 101141 people to snit, but the harder it in W shit us, the
' lMier it is to please you.
The (4nality of the following gossip is sure to please :
Davies' Horse Radish at, per bottle,
Quaker Puffed Rice at, per package,
Heinz Tomato Soup at, per can,
Forest City Tomato Catsup at, per bottle,
Try at
10 cent package of GUSTO
the new float. A toy for the Children 111 every package. •
P. T. DEAN, The Grocer.
It was a Big Success.
THE great clearing sale of the Howell
Hardware Stock is over, and the
store is being re -modelled so as to make
it and our present premises one big store
in which we will be able to display to
better advantage the goods in the several
departments of our business.
We believe there is nothing too good
for our customers, and we are endeavor-
ing to provide the most convenient store
in Huron County for them to shop in.
We can meet your every requirement
in hardware, stoves, tin • and sheet -iron
ware, plumbing, heating, etc.
Watch this space for announcement
next week.