HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-6-21, Page 4•
littler, Jaw 21, 1't $
sera •
uty Court and General Sstlsigts ia
Progress This Week.
The June erasion of the fount,
(`ourt and 14190001111 ut 11w1 Pear, 11111.11C•1
on Timer/.µ afternoon O1 last week
before His Huuor Judge Doyle.
In the caw of the King v*. tiohie1•,
which was tried hist winter at Esker
by Magistrate Humber, Kppli.411Gu1
was med., by the Crowp attorney 0W
behalf of the'nivetr prosecutor, A.
H. Devitt, for leave to present :au
indictment littrile the grand jury.
Devitt w:ta a driver fur Holier, the
prop' term .,f a butter factory, end the
c plaint %V the' w • 4)t t h e
patron. of the creamery Ilud horn
defrauded by not Iiciug credited with
the proper (wn•euGtar their milk
fraud. Tho caw• was trier at Exeter
and after a Tong trial the magistrate
acriuittell ,Kohler. 1).iv1(1 made ape
(cation t, the Auarneyi,;tlieneral for
,ave to preaedt „h indict Went t
have* new trial And the Attorney.
General referred the matter to the
Judge here. His 11 r 1411,rd 114
Kraut a new trial on the glouu(1. tbat
there was no evidrne• (o1 fraudulent
intent and that if any of the patron.
had been unfairly treated they could
enter at 'mit in the civil c.1(11.1.,
The grand jury visited the county
, jall and made the following preselu
went 1
Ye grand 4iiror. bolt lease to pure"!
1 they a, o lnoiretd for o.nunv ,1411 0.s1
tpwid the 'sons. 4'' 0hµ.,0•• .1 a 1.1) .41.1. of
µrah of er.wr-, Mr. tnMtn .,. 1,111.1 amt Al.-.
Ur1Au ao ,fat too 14•m4 e4) rllrla 44111r141•.
Wr fund the All Mer) perfect coedits.. er
rfea11111w'-+µ14I wua m a stool. Iyr would .1144.••,
that 111 proper aur le.win,•. creel :. •411µh1,'
addition lo the lea Jn 11. mlh %anl for lir
st aver, of .Yµ11 mei .4.44.1. "flier, are 11,4.
131.1.1111c1,..rW11'r. ,1, the Ido. Imo for 11hY•11, 1.11. 114
tbesat . nwroid,red to 4.,• d.tigernn• to he el
latga and three bit Io...uo, .: 4I u,alr pr, rimer..
We 'nngrunhrlr war Ilouur w, lir ale. -fire of
µµthou. • rime 141 11.,. large ..nnnt) 114 we In -g
to theist ,,,at Memo fur the Mer)' Icr..1 r41rW
to us at Ire 4444.911444 of 1h{e menden, All of
w►11.11 i• m,.•1 /rupee, 41A•.r1n,11. Jots *.
PLATT, Fmeinno liraid Jor).
On \\'wln.sl*y 4.1 Loft week flaniel
Hardie appeared hrfore• the judge, on
the charge of toes -jury At ,t Arial of hihl-
self and other„ on a charge "1 the „ages fur the Ins• of Iota sow T e 114••
theft of some .lucks, which wok pit''' hoidente (wilted •egligriie, whether
at 1VroxeLer but January. TIlnIIIgh in go 4)r management, and Ort
his counsel, Dudley Holmes, Kook.. up that ilecedsw1 w,1..1 volunteer upon
elected to he tried by the judge with- the o-1'vIce• i4) whir', he wee rngagwl
out a jury, and the criiii ilud court „Alt exit..wd 1 ' df llll 1110 (11,ulgr..s.
was adjourned till Tu4.d*y. J • lett, 'Phar rase was tried Iwfu)e ,t jury at
at 11 o clock e, in. for the trial. t%tal.ril'h, and on their findings Mager,
Of the ten civil actino,. .ntere( J., diwmiseed the artiun. Frank Ar -
for trial. eight jury eaw.'. *rel two ,,Midi. K. C., fur (rf1•nd,tnts, opposed
for trial wit' a Jury. the first the appeal. Appeal dislhis ed with -
case, The Hobert 8.11 Engine Co. out 0.m1µ,
et a1. vu. Andres n, 44•µw 444 411-' litderich Engine and Bicycle ('4). v.
Linn on 4 pn °sMv Holt', the prier Menzies-- i\'. N. 'Tilley, for defendant,
tri a ttwt'l.ion engine. E. 1.. Mckinnon 41gwalw1 1 thus ju(gulrnt 111 Mage,
coam1Pl for plaid it's. H. S. Hays .1., 111 the 111 h March. heli. Thr pinit.-
solicitor fur p',ainlifl*. 11. E. Hose tills. Mol inr.ng4a'n:4491 rohgwny 411411141
. sei fol• .Ir(.11(a11f. This "se 1111Yi114".'. 441 (i.nI.-iie11, ,'l1Irn91 into a
opened 1114 Tao -slay ltftern.sln and waw contract N'gjli 111.- feielan4• a mann
ronclodwl 011 Thursday•41.'" fa,lutY•r in '1'nl•/mto. In construct ,4
(hi"'"' hi if 1.1414grlhly14'.1l•nrk y:O•ht called t he 1)ri,ula, (certain
out the jury notice and directed Ih,O „114-1•,11..11+ 44'rIY• IY'g1111YY1 i4) til.• plans,
judgment. he entered dismissing the 141141 the oa 0.1 w'an 1f11'relw ilicrr:e4.(1
artlon With east". I'r.w9YYIings.Lly.''I 'Elm def,•11,bhu took µ0w1' 411,• yvu•hl.
fifteen days. 'Ma action was mitered boil s r•fuTYl 10 ul4krpa414,en1.4111(411.441
(. trial al the June sessioyear.44 last year. ,hat i 1 4411'1 nut ,• plrlwl as .4)11•
when it was 'mule n leuu14u WI• AI 4191.14.1 for; Thr „Adan w'&I' I1irY1
the Dee, dwr ;•94414)414 all 41dj,01114)- he 4I.1g.1, .1., wbo
XSenL was 111"de 4111 1110 "'The"' i"1) of ,twanled pelgn.•n1 t.. 11o• plaintiff+ for
drfrmdant on the ground 441 the µ1r 1:7t.thl;hulr,.443, \\'. I'i'cud11011. K.
eenr4' 11f is material witnr... 4... t111' the i'1„IIIIal,. opposed apo',d
WY111 Iv". 11.11. An 440113)11 fnr in- and 314414.up$w.l1011 :a ell w.svapw•a11'0111
MPorch•* 1" PI ' tiff .nosed by -nn a1- 1 h jlld41usleeking king 114 it.s• rre;the
eiw1 .tirluus h4.1'w 14 14.n41ing 1(o de- 444w11111- .Im(41.4.ru1 rrs•rtwl.
frndaut. J. M. Hest "'onset fu1' Visite 111 Single Court, 1.•14.4'.• Chief Just.tiff. H. S. Hchrlts.411 "um"' (or de" tire \lereslitli (1.• :smith Infimt.,-
frndaut, The jury were cit Inn 111114• W. l'11.1e(4,,.4, K. 4'., fur 11e father.
n!rs and return"' with 4 vrnlie•t fnr moved144 commit. %Villian, I'oll.w•k for
1 1141in1irr (4)r 011:.t1.. 4)44 Ihr' jury.' lint. 41.114411111 of court in :titling his sister.
ng Hi, Honor (irt•tYd thatsifter 111••\Ir9. S ' 11, i4) . 'ell4tig n4. 4411')'in41
teen dap. jo(gmrnt he rat -921 for the out ..f Ihm joirisolirli4., SmitWoo chtl-
p'ai/l[Ilt i.r $1:144. with 444."1+ in II"' ,bell, r,nllaIl•y' 111 Alda of 41,1100'1. ('.
Comity Como Neale, inrin41in)r em1 or Ilarro44• for 4'111ck. 11.1.1. that this
exaulin*tion of plaintiff and defend- 't+ to s IespwY•In lir Mama• nM 44
ant for dis•overy. The plaintiff. John ,y.• ' I proseg41t' , and that the
Wyatt, is a farmer of (billet t and the sane rules ought to apply NM if he w as
detention' a well -driller of Stratton!. charged i4) a erintin„1 court with an
law:, September the defendant wax 10114'111111e offence, and therefore therm
drilling rivwell for the pI*intiff and the should 1w no Hooting of guilt unless it
plaintiff in getting the defendant'" is rxtablisheol Iwyonl all Ieasmable
ore t1. o 111 LondraMn9� 1otvoateri.l 11,40•14(hat 1 hrte is guilt '('haat it
sustained the injuries complained of. c4nnol 1.• Mai41 In in, 4.c. rstilhli.hwd,
Searle ve. O.Pl*II. An action for ,41111 thrlefor, the tM dismissed.
damages for sale Uf nn alleged inferior 11111 r1,onudrht'. ruu.lnrr w4. op/1•n In
carload of corn. H. \'„nstone, e sospictoal, and therefore he sr, (war
e el for plaintiff. W. Proudflwd, K. hi. ow'n wµ1.4 the• eppii,•nt14n,
l'rnun4P1 for defendant. The jury
hn.,nlght in a verdict for the plaintiff The County Engineer.
and $143.85 damages. This artiun
was entered for hist at the .Inn(' s•s• Thr Seaton Expositor eritiri1,..
*ion last year, N'aan ldj0urn,4d till 114.- 111.• air 4111llnrnt made by the ronnty
ceudoer, when n wt' 1 adjuur •111 '' 1 to the position of 19,1141 111141
woe made to this enlirl. W. (i, bridgerorlmiss' 'r. It says :
14nrlr., the l„int141, 1s, mill., of Hi •.1.0-ap,w401111141 au engineer tnmu,
ley, and 1h,• defendant, .lames Glow. (1141 Mr. John Ansley,'the roomy
*11, x pr.wlurr c .sign 111,1,(4„114 1'11 •ii, at Ih4•ir rrr.•M "e"04,011. pro,
• Toronto. The 4)1„iotiff „binned l is•d that kind o1 tr11n w•1141
*311 lani*g.t' owing ton r:lrIIuld of saves at 114,4 spigot and wastes ill the
corn.hippYI hint not 114-11141 111,' 4Il34IjIy lnnghnl'. A• will he 44'411 by til.
ordered.In',w•m.(ing., which we p1161.-11 in air
!wiper vs. Story. -- An action for ''Ithrr rnl . the cnnnri1 11441,1' lip,•
the price of building
as cement wall pointed Mr. Moonlit Patterson. of East
and floor of i.4rn. '`\'III. Pr/1.dfuot, %%14W41nn.11. '','rlgtn,Y4', a1 n "411lly 4)1
K. 4.., and 0. F. H11ir for defendant. `41,911 1"•4. year. 110. Path•rson. no
1. M. Idlest fnr plaintiff. 'Print 11f this doubt, i. all im4/h1r gentleman, and
bet iun .11,11.41 un Friday afternoon and in lids sphere in 1111 right. 11. hall 'Peril
cont' ed -11lµ:1''). n,, nn Sat Imola y ,I 111441111;•1 .1 111 council for several
when the jury re1hr11. At 11:55 p. n1.. year.. and 1. rather n big loan both
His H r discharged the jury till Ihysir4Ily 1114,1 Iurnhllly'. Hu1. IIA'
Monday inc)? ' g *4 i9 ,i 4.p, w:k. The• �u• h.as Ihr n"es.:u p l 1 Idlral loos 111
jury returned at (1:211 on Monday k1101114dg.' fnr 1111• ol.,d..n 1" which
;morning with a verdict Icor the plain• h. bas Iw•rn 11(1(4114111.11; we "'IN' 11111.11
tiff for 111_14. Mr. Blair *41 ell fnr• ,l.ubl. 1odl'e1..'tt•, know that he ha.
jndgm.•nt. Mr. Host contra. .Ihd1• t...I- 111' is not 111 nrny'4wrs,h,1 len-
11144411 r•./•rvel, The PMinlilt 111 til* K 1111011i•
4. 111."-11"1)°' .• 1 4". 11
/lethal in .lahlrs Leiper, Hnllelr, end 1/1"1 t til roti f . +
n, h no
the defendant John Stony, 4 farmer of of h.iel. If 11m wee h. w 0111I n4)t en -
Me K Mop.
n•McKillop. (rage 8l1'µ salary of 411.•111(,1.1 year. It is
%rata') I"Imd4y4'n., Ltd., Ye. Haul- different now 1rnn1 what it w.. (116een
Ilton.- Thed,fen.I*nt, A. W. Hnmil- or twenty yens ago, wh.n 314.. Ars•
ton, ie a hotel -keeper at S Inland, 1ep was ap(1l r
11md. The work now to
Ontario county, an. pm -chimed a range be d • requites expert k '1"141.•
the plaintiff., who a1,' shore and Ir,tining, 1114 only to bay it out,
maltuflrtmer. at 1\'ingham, and the 1011 to•snprlvise it ns well. 110. I'm-
n(1i11n is fur 031:d1, the rust 1µf 1 h lees„11 doe. not p o.sree this knowledge,
range MIA ere'4w11.1444. The dere/mom 14"1' has he had 1lie rr,lni+i44 41 4inin4
whim. thm r,ulgr ens not safilugm•y 1,11,1111.11.0. 1 h t0 • 111111161 41111111
and. by way of (.0mller,•I ' ,ask ,n'ol' haul• apjxnnl.•d 1 ' Thr a 1ri1
d4n144gru allege) to he sit,Mtlinid in n1141111 plus• lana nn ant• 1041 each 3'111
not (wing able properly 111 w4.nd„,,t item they wilt .41 w. bet Well the tuatry
his bustle*s. 14) ,Anwar Iriel 4)1 Ihi+ they 4(o'-o•'.'4ug \I r. faller -am nn.1111111
action Wil" tuljolmne11,1,1hr 1lee111lwt- w1)1,111/11') 4',111111 11"v" 1" 11µy n prn-
erMaioh., fessi4nial engineer. 'ITw piers ed she
Hamilton vs. Stn•tion. The 11114111- 11Ayfl4d Bridge are an examine (of
tiRsi* H. 1i. Hamilton, n plly.ici„n, 1111'.. And 111rr" 341''ll1e4" rx„mpl•s
and the defendant, James Stellun, i* *1°141 rnnld I.. (44.1111491,In who're
a hula-:egw•1 in the flown*hip ',f 11111111'! h„s la•en 11*1 to lie room y
Morrie, and the action i* tor 4,24441,141, In like un •r. 1114• day ix now here
balance alleged to Iwr due for prnfen wilco Professional skill is n9plil1d for
aloha( ,wrvires, This within was ;41-\ the propel' 11(crinlendwnce 11 work
journed frons the March eeesione, urh sax w i11 e • untie,' the super -
owing to til. Hlnw*. .4 the defendant's . Pioll of the county engineer, and the
wife. Hy cnnlw•ut ,Judgment. wee 4.l 1,11y en,ineit xhoWld he big enrolgh
entered for el112.50 for plaintiff. to '1gnire this fact,"
siding In Hru.rlield, and the defer
dente, Elim Ann 'Turner and (►avid
11x11, lath rending in Tuck.rslnit14
are executrix and ePe•ulor of the will
of the lata It J. 'fainter, dated June
Lit b, 10(5. The statement of rhtlm
says that on IA•4Y•11,Iwy 12. 14/2, 11111
4411(1 H, J. 1'111'1)10 141:1414 a pro '.,lay
time to favor of plaintiff tow $5111 with
interest at ,i per ''44111., aid that 1111
defendants ludo' Ito' interest up to
4liecen ler 12, 111111, after the death) of
the 1114414.',' of the hole, 4411 lurid With
11441 4)1-1 the principal. and I hr suit was
brought to 1reo'r1 111r principl of
$5111 µ11d interest from 1 who -tither 12
1910. 'file defeu(.l1115 say 1Iwy dt.
int Make env payment. on account of
the 1111(4'. either for piin4ipal 4)r in
tl:rest, 441(11iti six years pi•..reeding
111e 4'nlnn IIIel,.en,r(o1 Of 1111+ 1(41 ion
land claim that liability i, 1•µ01e1 by
the 911411110 of liu,irafi.1us•
of 'oo.l.d..1 oa rise P,
Huron County Cases Ilefore Division&
I4) 11µr Divisional Court at Tla'onl,
two ac1Ions lrir/1. I.y Justice
Marry at the \L111h sittings o1 doe
'High (' t for this (' 1y ('141114' up
4)W appeal, 1014.1 • 4' 1114.(.141..ice Mete -
dot h. Jost ire 1'rr1/el .toll .1iodi ;e Ahtr•
MI411•gran v. Poi t 4lnrwr41 Fish
1\ 17oodlon(, K. 1'.. far plaintiff. ap-
i eled' front ludguorf{r id \141414.4.,
moon he 111dmi4as ..1 the jury at the
11411. The 141.,1(1111 i. llu• lather of
4ienrge Slul•ge1o. .1110 .was a tlshe4-
(1n111 i,, 111.' 1.1111.101' 01 IIIc ,lef,•udaut..
1111 No. r/1µh•1• III, lin., 4 ir,.l'g,• Sllii gem'
w44.1411 the 1141III4( 111g. 114' Kry,
4.1gµ41"1 i4) fishing 1411 Like Erie. ' (In
that day the lake was y.•ryrough. but
the drlmn.1alrls' manager 1:1. allegeoll
Ill:WMlel 4)i, 1 lie Illi; g..i114( tett to lift (114-
defend:1111.e' nets. .NM,ut tum' miles
olT Port Damen the vessel wa..lru.k
In• a very her y sea and St 11'41es111 44a1n
1•44.41(91 U4re•14.1.1141 and dlvwn451. The
plaintiff alleged that the yawl was
drfycli%'e and ma .Ilphhwt with proper
IYJ II Ip1,1P11t1• and sued for 01,0111 daml-
Grime, va. Robinson. The plaintiff.
John Grime.. in a labour residing in
Clinton, and wan a•nt•kln4 for the
plaintiff, \1'illiam Rohin.on, a farmer
o1 O,lerieh township. The /teflon is
for $30) damages sustained b • the
plaintiff in falling fromthe defen-
dant's cart when being driven to din-
ner. Thr jury brought in * venlict
for the defendant.
Hell vs. Hatt. The plaintiff, Robert
Anderson Hell. i. a well -driller r•*id-
InRpp at !ltratford. and the defendant,
'William George (tart, a farmer of Mc•
Xillop. Thr plaintiff contracted to
drill a well for the defendant last July
and brought cult t1/ recover 1µ121 and
interest thereon from October 1, 1419h.
which he claims in due on the eon.
tract. The defendant says the plain-
tiff did not dijll a good well and com-
plete his roamed, and claims' he is
not liahlr for any sum.
Nimpsnn va. Turner et al. -The
plalptiff. Ann Simpson, it a widow re-
Coal In the West.
MIM, ('anndlann are aware that we
have in hl* Ihnniniun supplies of coal
to rapt. the lunonnt of whirl' our
language falls IaMrnt„hlZ abort,
"Emanuel " "tret)IPtl(IIIIIM - each
worts as 111 • only trebly rxpn•aa the
tonnage of I nit. lying beneath the
t) *ands of square m1M1 in the
Western I'rovil 4.o.. Unlimited in per-
haps. the roreve•t 'rd. for the supply
is certlrlly "11 'initial" for many
hundreds of yearn. A billion, to the
ordinery pennon, in I Ur • than w
figure of spa-e'h. (x11 a tonof real
in Alberta alone are , Ilu11ly repr0.-
aentesd I. hundreds of 1 lions.
'i'hnugh 111e penance o thin ,o;I is
well known, ,1.nd 11.1. been known for
some time, Ow fart that in only
has hien saf ('tent to indn,
most people to believe that. its 4.,o.
anuric use IM c.aupsratively
An ',aeration has. however, *wen
The Equalised Valuation for the Various
M umc mahhes.
Al Ihr recent "teedoei 4)f' lir 4.1411114.
r 114 the equalim..1 as+0Wt11wl1t bio-
nrIhr vat1411e. ,Fbliutili.. of the
41,1111 y 120110 Hlt1.41• 111 1110 Ilg111•r41 re -
Ashfield a.
l'nl Ir n ne
4)..1.•rtr(4 1'nwrshlp•
1;11•.' . ,,,.
H.luirk '::
M. K atop..
\I••1 4.i+
Tie ker•shlilh
W.4 wool
West \\'n4.nn.1.',-
1144 field
Hrtissela . .
Gimletieh .
Win41hain .
'4Vi 1Istlet'
lwa•tel by the%Ablator•; e rintell
ast year for tide purprw., Ttn• fo1-
1,1N'i1)41 1.1141e 44(41111, 1110 a.K'asell
value of 4.:1.411 i.illullty ,u' flew'
by 1114• vulual0lY., with the 11115 *Mwe.e•
ull•ul for pulle...a. 1.1 ro1111wt1'14041.
'1'11. assY4snlenl of 1.y..y'11411111.ilulil3' -
i. in/•fee+el, Ihr inr11•:I0.4r1, ranging, 4414
44 ill 1a• ,Iw11, f19411 111 to 1111 per cent.
:!▪ 4417,1111
▪ 371,1111
',11741 44101
3 I13,:111
1'11, 4411
:aYM,'J 11
Nat 14x,-19+• nwv r0111.'
(1,4411.1)4 !J1
2,1 441,1111
1,Ic1tw 11
1,94 4.4Kt1
1,1r23,21 4
:ki4, 1111
Nil. 1:11
patentY1 4.141,'6 has all the 1.w a 111'-
1ties o1' 1 elhlel Mg Ihi4 lignite .1011.• 414
11;.4•11 a. 11.011 \\'.I.h anthracite.
This novo-filial. known as a 81114 pr. -
du,'et. has 11rrn put to very .'erre
lied.. owl has prow"1111,11 1.041 similar
to 41441' Western lignite rah Ile 11144111' to
(1I1w1114'r, 131' It" Aid, Ian 4110141111/ of
44,45%.0 11114111 14) 1 hal produced i4) Ill'
ordinary 4'41• Ily 1144+1 \C4Is11.
Mr. 114.54.111144, of the 44,'.Ilogieer Sur.
vev. lately r,.31.1. talon. the \I' ' g
Institute, a 11111rr 111 w•hieh he gave
;11114• remarkable !twin... 'These show
that in 414 or,1 11114steam plant the
amount of coal is' lar to that (.1,11)4
111 311141i11114. HAI) res411il•w1 to w•4willle
one horsepower Iwr hour is six
p01111,1s. N'hele,l4 ill the )(µs pr,hlee•1•
a S. 141 111,1111 in 411t1nw1 from less
than hyo and n -qua rter I yrs. This
test was Imide me what is known as
-wet"r.nl„hut if the coal ).e dry the
variation is wimpy startling. These
ext111or1inery results open up a Held
whns• limits are practio.ally lw.undltas.
The Dominion Geological Survey
has n•e>gnizel the tree endotls (4(10131-
1.1114.4.. I its repo'eaon the Weetetn
(4 41 414-1141 will P• r•„( with 1111)11'
then 1141(141 int -gest.
Reveries of the Night
illy a Hanker.,
Achild of earth• testing after the
toils of the day, is indulging in that
A 11111ing hot perhaps invidious! (,ver-
sion of building e'n1si141, in the air.
4)l'11du411y. these shadowy 4iµ4111144 an-
t 114 id reality. 1 1 h
fascinating creation. of - his fancy m
bee, • e114141weil will 11 194111 rxjsl l•urr:
while lie 1 ' •11 linds (hal he has cast
.1T his 4.31.1 h -t•1 ' Is and con Via III
at wi11 1111Y.ugh/1i11 the firmaiileiu,
N405%. with the stormy 4wln•ls. he is
g.misllling and curvetting ' 1st die
111111ng billow's of the wild ocean. 1.
vault Mng11.111wave too wave. dispxort in;
I self on the foaming crests of til'{'
cowling breakers, or dicing down int..\
taw ch4ml1rs of the deep 1ni(st slimy
tris, great seal serpents, and 1
41rluw4111 forests and gardens of the',
Now he eine: gee •e a into the
light 4)f day, and, ski lnulhog along the
heaving surface/flights upon the
shore: noov le ling npwanl. to the
edge of the lolly cliff. now shaking a
.1clieionw plunge (loran again to the
411111• Iwne•.th : leaping far up to in -
*4 4"44i111e• ew,I,,lws in the jagged
rocks, never visited even by the
11•11111111401111. And rerkle•xa of climbers,
and levelling in as naturalist's Per:Misr
of the rare and the beautiful.
And them, with the -flalsh of a
thought, he rperls 'upwards into the
tether, thim earth of oafs at flt.4 a
might.• rolling glolw looked onsup-
ientell in space anti CAI veiling
at a lel rifle peace on and o4) into the
abysm of the infinite. Hut. espying
beautiful satellite he alights upon
its arid plains. and i1 nd+ that his is 1111
a 4144111 world : 1101 31 vest ig4 of life, not
as blade of grass, not a living email 111.e :
110 air. 110 writer. no ..'114,1: not a
w 1, not as spark of tl.e, not al drip
111 rain : naught bort theft" each opples-
sive *Howe of death : a drear• and
ravaged. wilderness •( ruck with the
lethal ;(writ Of 11.x.1,,. .1.1)41 there
above 11i111 bangs 1h.• great earth, 11'l -
1i4111 in the fill glare .4 the solar rays:
thlnhhing, ns Ile knows. with life and
vigour. adorned and embellisher with
all 11141 is Iwinti111 and attn5(1%1%4041
the hone 4)4 a race of beings capable
of appreciating all 1111 snperahnnuding
loveliness. Then, aghast „11(1 4(44,4
.1( *,.,'k at the sepulchral desolation
around him, he wants again 11pwanls
intending to return to his native
!planet : hint only to realize to his
11,111 .t' that lien hopelessly w11tabling,
Inst in empty spare. And hr awoke,
411,1 behold it Iran 4 111 era t(1.
Mat a 1111144 will mine when those
who have ervwl and obeyed their
God, and who have not 44ilfolly re-
jectY•d 111s offer of pardon through
t41111 111 the atonement 11411de on the
Cross Icor all IIPIiPwel. by 111. well-
1100ve1 Sim, 11111 be nhle sanely to
roam at w•111 1 hrongh.rt a he nnivetwr•44.
414(1 to visit 1111 4,og••1-wing all its sub-
IhnP lent
and all it. xtllpen.1(ous,
n%PFWll,'l ' 41 11141g11tft4enrP and
grnndem'. -_ ^-
Clark's Corned Beef.
One 4)f the tno.ttMdry' of mold meals
---Ind slwny. ends 14) serve. ''lark'.
Is the kind to get. Don't get any
(other kind.
of Dodd's K.dnwy rills are
legion. The Mix is imitated,
the outside coating and shape of the
pill" are imitated and the name - Dodd'µ
Kidney Pills in imitated. Imitations are
dangerous. The orig;n,,l is safe. D,d,l's
Kidney Pills have a reputation. imita-
tors have none or they wouldn't imitate.
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There
i• only one DODD'S. Dodd'. la the
original. Dodd's is (be name to be care -
foil about -
How to Cure Toothache.
Any aching to11 h ran 1.w relieve.'
inaantly with Neil -dim.. Fill the
ea %•11 y wi1h batting dimwit in Nervi
line ,ow1 nolo the 811111. with N,•rvili.••
,111.4). If the face is swollen hold .41)4'4
hat he the (painful parts 6.0 Is Nerviline
nod cower with a 11. •1. TIP' +•%01'1
fait became. Net'viline kills 1 1u4iny
ow right and prev,•Iusit front 1
Stronger. tlui''ker.9• 111.-
fa14•tor • than any tthrr 1' t, Pul•
113 been the 111 est
seller for nearly fifty eve*I'9 try it
Didn't Disturb Them.
Jack wax making a visit to his grand•
patents, who owned &large d*ivy. Ile
1)11(1 been forbidden to touch the tempt-
ing 3)1µ11M of Lich rte*111. One d„y ))id
grand the, caught 1 " e ' g hp
with a re1'y suspicious while 1•i11) over
his upper lip. "Ja.l." she said severe-
ly, "1 am afraid you ha 144 hee1 diatorle
ing my pane of ('00µ111." "No, 1
haven't. grandma : I just run ray
tongue gently over the lop."
The Signal to Jan. 1st, 1917, for ale.
Hack YmJ colored dream Milk,, 2. inches wide.
Pure Japan, French Huish, will nut CUL 1 good
lo wet•: ,Lust the thing fora 441114)11)441' whit or
waist. Black coating sill :111 inches wide, taffeta
11nieh, good weight.
Organdie Muslin%
White sheer organdie drlrl4 SI 111.1i1111. a spec.
French make, thin and Hal•, 15c, 20c, 25c and
30c, 111110 values, Colored, 12 i and I5c.
Cotton Suitings
S pier, cul ton Suiting., hl444k and while,
chi,mpitigne. green and whit,', blue 1µ1d white and
lightblue. regular :Sit• fur 15c.
Cotton Hose
In all 131111-1., tall anal whit•, have fronts, extra
values for prices naked, the.. lot better that,
ever, 16 cents or 2 pairs for 26 cents. tattle.
Iter„aoLs of alms. goods, all shod 4nda ,t1.
shoot h.11f-price.
About 3511 yard,. of 121 cent prints for 10 cants.
(food .1111(4 and rotor.
Corner Hamilton Street and square,
What Causes Snoring.
When µ44b44(. 'mwgde that s •
hrralhe through the Month, instead of
the 4)o.4t'ils, which are .hokeYI with
catarrh. Just use '•('at,u•rhox,aw" lie -
fon. retiring and you'll quickly cute
the snoring habil. liy 11W11 ruling this
cause of catarrh and healing the nlrul-
brAll1,, ('*dart 114)111/)4' Illak41 a1 coin
Prete cure in every came; it gleans the
nostrils, atolls the discharge 311441 pre-
vents dropping in the throat in a few
intik... Nothing K1. pleasant or cer-
n to cute snaring, c,ttairh or colds
119 ('at*rrhoxlme-- (hat's will 111 11• -
Ale dieting.
Ne v life for a quarter. Miller's
Cons . 1 Iron P1lis. For ,ale by
Jaw. l ikon.
■.•k1.+• our glasses right? Vision
cbangen . 1411 things du. Ser 'rank. at
Son at (it le's drug attire on Tuesday.
wednesola and T(4unehq', June 2114,
27.th and h.
Parnell'; Bread
Every one wbo hat tried
it will have o,, other.
au a nutty palatable.
Mud. wheat flaror
that is peculiarly ib
Our name i. labelled oa
.very 4os4.
It 1a the Some Price es
the Inferior Kind.
P. 'I' Di P.N
4OUl4 POPULA4 4wI,�FK. A'*I:NI
are recognized the world over as the standard of excellence. They
are absolutely pure and do not require to be bleached, as they are of a
fine, natural creamy white color, the color of port flour. We give the
natural goods 01 the highest quality wh.ch the best raw material, to-
gether with the latest and most up-to-date milling devices. can produce
to NOT Ai.IANt' YoetteeL1' To life: MI1+LEH til' AN OFF1:1: 3"
131 T Y.' yr;I). -
Quality and Absolute Purity
are assured the consumer, first, last and always, and it ,s on this basis
that we have built up our trade, commencing five years ago, until our
present daily milling caprnty is thirteen thousand, two hundred bags.
Buy Good Goods at Fair Prices
without trashy premiums and accept nothing that is affirmed to be
"just as good " There is no flour just as good, quality and price con-
sidered, as the "Five -Star" or the "Three -Star" brands of patent flours
Mills at
Custom Tudor,
1 h.- Square. Gotten, h
Lash • of cur Summer
Mantles, Jackets and Cape:
On Saturday and following days we will offer ou
remaining stock of Mantles, Jackets and Capes a
ridiculously low prices to clear. 'There are only abou
eighteen in all which must go whatever the Toss. Our mutt
is no carrying over of season goods.
We have just put in stock this wek•k a very large range of
Ladies' Ready-to-wear Walking Skirt;
navy and tweeds, price's ranginejfronf $2.00
gm in all the newest underlain and' effeectm, in black,
Extra large sizes in black *(ways in stock.
Hosiery Hosiery Hosier3
• Our stock of Hl'iiery is 'now complete inlevery detail, Our
range toeing very extetleive we are able to Alertthe dr114,hals
of the molt fastidious buyers. %Ye !hake a specialty of
children's hosiery.
Gloves Gloves - Gloves
We have 11(11144• summer gloves, in all styles, in all color.,
xt 1401 priers.
"51)" Millar's Popular Store ,P 56
have opened a liver' stable in the
tand on Newgate street opposite the
lbonle Hotel and have fitted it with
Ne and Up-to-date Rigs, New
Harness, and Good,
Reliable Horses.
All pat 1 s are assured the 1)est of
ur patronage is solicited.
Opposite Colborne Hone, - Newgate Street.n
hardware and Sto e Store
WE are overstocked with, crown door,
and will clear them it at til
very lowest prices. We have 11 slier
and kinds. Only six
Woodyatt Lawn M
left and as we don't
need them yo' can
hare one for very
little money.
Special_ price \',on
Screen Window/
while they last, each,\ 144, 20, 214, 35 and 4I),'
We have the newest and best assortf'•
stock of Hardware, Tools, Refrigei
ators, Lawn H o s e, Washers
Wringers, Tin and Granitetr: ar('
PARIS GREEN at 25c per lb.
The Snow -Ball Washer
the Washer that washes clean.
We are never undersold.
Worsell's Hardware & Stove Store
Hamilton Street. UODERICH