The Signal, 1906-6-21, Page 3Xews of the Sistriet.
(filbert A. smith, inn of Na I
Smith. of Seaford:, has been apiIolinted
principal of Yarkdale Collegiate
John Kerr, an old and highly re-
sppeeccted resident of Meliillop, died on
1Veelnesday evening of last week.
He was nearly eighty-six years of age.
William Henderson, who lied been
a resident of Meaforth for over thirty
Wean, died at his home there recently
In his sixty-first year. He had leen
m failing health for over four years.
Scaly Shan Diseases
-Eczema, Sak Rheum. Teller. irk. -yield quickly
to the heal." lower.of Mu. Ointment.Why suffer with the burning sad tchila?
Wit) It dm 'hies ((o on ? Don't be taieecable
Mira cern only 50c. a hos-6 b4- $2.50.
Cat one to -day. At 61111: -or km Tb
Chemins' Co. of Canada. Liaised. Haaiho:.-
-A /err horn, flier lhefirst rt,.p/irat.o*," wrote;
1,,. Correia., a l•Yrp.we Au.. N., UowiIt..,
IJd1 til ',he" Moa hos 4-1.., d.d uv.d,nfa,
mt.'. We had I:. regale for yea. 1.
hire. wane the p..ic with nis rearmark-
/111111kWL trot 0L•iert.M1a.
lM�0.0)N EKY S�
ii, Sdes
t,;o(I:w[reIscuK 8 cGN -
y c
STRLTFO4O t.:..00,3A
Prom the
• Ovens to You
We bridge distance
with our moisture -proof.
dust -proof packages. Hali-
fax and Vancouver are
brought to the oven
doors. Farms and small
towns are put on the same
plane wish the big cities.
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
m pied in Ile Fitt air -sight
pedleaaa hada vim delrioeee
end reach you is dla maw tan-
dem no meow where you live.
If yeu wish to tont
one of these Racers
without RISK or
your port, apply
to la for
details 1
Peer la f{le
Loonier Cone
ve 8214
leery Iwdi
"Carbo.Naynene t:Ia.l lc
()wallow 11ropm, *1.00
Pres asekin 'weds se Hlerera."
For sale Iv
C. LEE, - Gouerlcb
t•Pli twoo
� I�II■��_. 1,:r...
imeomu•.I rowoaaae11111110:11111,. so „ 4..
1-�=%� '-�wi •• .a . f
1 _._..••-� I LLON
•,18T 4. An 1811-n nein, - 4741 4-3n. • .,
n, it.. M. •rn,mn-4-0341 plan. ren No r 0r.nd
.. 1,. NO
.. nrm*t. of iw.nty ,n,o• kon•IrM
pvun.H.-.a 411(111 centime .111.4 Air. 111.,.
..'M motor..^ M. -uIw .e4 -.,t. wo10r•1
For sale by J. NICHOLSON
North ern Navigation Co.
leolgiaN Ray, Salt Ste. Marie,
Part Arthur aid Northwest
For See, Pert Arthur. Fort William
and Rehab
IP,eve tilrnl3:l::t1 p.m.. May I, 1. 7. 11.
I1 in. 21. LI :.':11, :OP and roar 1, 1. It. 11. I: 3.
,.tiling.: May t. 111. i:• need .lune 1, 13 lot
Icahn h.
Far Masiteells Inked, See sed Way
1.1, 1
1.481%e Paella wood 1;:tl p.m. 11wrn
snood, 11 p.m. on Tie• -.t * Thnrsd.l
•s1, . 1,l etre tit•-•,
For Perry Soiled, eyeg Inlet end
French Raver
Lena,- ('oleinR wnml s a.m., l'rnetang1r s
p...1,.. Midland1
9:14• Iain Inside
'noel Momin, . and Thursday+.
Paewq*r Acawela$M Uwrathd.
Lowest Peale w tare.
Tlrketc and informal ion from all rad
w..y agent.,
11. 11. Gildersleeve, Mrrr.. ('ntllnrwnml
C. M. Michelson, Traffic Jlgr.. N.1rnt4.
1 n111 prepared to hay this season's
slip of wrist an usual, at.
1"4- highest cash 'price, or in exchange
for m*nnfeetind ertleles.
1 have alnrge import men, of
far IMie4' I) and f 'ma nm n.. The lows -eel
111141 line years. 104044-1 . me 141 140 0rterIm4trly
lnannfartnre of 1111. pnpur .lon** of
Vow Patronage rewnet/utly anfiohed.
Seemlier WedNe Mlle
A widow, two daughters -and one wm
Miss Mebulah May. daughter of
Samuel Stitt, of LeeulMu•y, was re-
cently minks' to %Valiant A. Morri-
son, s prosy mins young farmer of
W. E. Mullin, whose father w iun at
one time statin agent at Clinton. haul
been appointed general manager of
the Costa Reid Railway, with head-
quarters at Sou Jose, South America.
Mire Isabella. only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Williauluulop. of Kiuis
tino, Sask.. formerd Hullett town -
atop, war recently married to Mal-
colm Burgess hsplin, also of Kinistiml.
H. H. Gunn has Maltose(' of his met -
centile business in Heart tali to M.
%%Hiituns, of Dublin, and James Pur-
cell. of Meafot•th, who will eerry, it on
tinder the firm awns of Williams &
Pur 4411.
Rev. (1. M. Munn, who has been
• 1
pastor t f 1Vhit14.•hurch and languid..Presbyterian ehi1cheti, luta resigned
and :u•cepted at 41411 to Kidgerflwm.
Hie present pulpit will be declared
vacant on June .It 1.
John 1'. Gould, so of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard (111uld. 1.1 Ex ler, diel at his
h • in L011511/11 4111 Monday of I:wt
week. He had been only about
Lw,. weeks. Ile is sur red h)• his
wife and two rhildr•,1.
(111 Tuesehty of Lost w4 k Charles
Edgar Sehaeler. of I'..111 w •Ii, Noc-
e hell to :ii. al lark Of syph, • 1 fever
after a short illness. Hr •.,w•:t Indy
t went )•- • 53011'i ,1f age and A 'Iv411•-
it,• with his .04,404'1,111.P.
Dr. Agw•ty and family, who ad
I8•e(( at 1 einisfail. Alla., for s1 4-
Inunthl., haft 4-.•,111. 1(81 In 1 •till 11
t1'hile they emjo)'rd 1hei1' ex'WI i.•ul•e•
very •b. they are satisfied to Ir•
slain in 4)nt:u-is,. :1, tieing c.u,lili.ns
3114 111 ire•?ay.,l:11.b• Ilene.
W111. R. Orr. 111 ulrrly of 1 'ingliam.
was married In June 11111 at Malmo.
111 Prairie 141 Ali„ Katherine F','I(o61;
laughter If Mr. and Mrs. .Itis. Fail -
bairn: 111•. Orr is enlphlyet in Ihr
11i•n1nlre deparlhuent 111 Dr.ovrl's,
Limited, Pore age I t Prairie.
Peter (Ma'an., who has taught su•-
essfidly during the past fifteen yea's:
.11 S. Y. No. J, 1'sINlrue• has tenderer
hos resignnt 1111 to the (Hoard of Uv
rem, 11 takee•fl,•rl :It the close of the
mesenl terra. It is understood (Ir.
i1e Soo.
Her. F.
ans will
1' 4uto w1I. mon of T. K.
Powell. Tu•ub:•r-t'. has a ported his
./its and tbeoloyieal r(1u1lie, 4vim1i11g
1 he' Huron C11114414/. gold rmedal. Ile
4r4114 recently ordained at SI. Pro'',
'atllelral. London, by Bishop Wil-
lia1114, and Ilav been apI oint...1 inc 11111 -
bent of (Fronton passer.
A 'lt1lrtt y wedding Wie1 eelebr:lt rd al
the 114111114 of Mr. and Mrs. William
Northilt1, lay, on Wednesday, .Mme
I:ith, when their fourth daughter,
Mitts Sarah, Wan rntl'riel 141 fins.
Pierre, n prosperous young Comet of
Inion. The eimoony was p i•rt.:rmled
by Rev. W. (bidet'', of Ex. I.1.
On Friday, .14I(4l Soh. ,I4-,. John 51c-
11lrrulid passed away at the Maur of
her daughter. Mts. Ah•t. 11elleath. of
stratlley. She wa.4 eight) eight yeays
of age and had ho.,•tt in poor Mall h Ivor
8111)0 liar (11511 Iter dell 11 45 3.• Int. m1-
exiw'stell. 11er h,'.hand 414.41 several
)-ears NQ. but 811e is '.111414411 by Six
A former res'.b'nl of 1111114.11 died
itt the 1 • of Iris son near lirig•l,•n
rrently, 111 111e 10.4.51111 If James
ljuiglev, longbow of 1hr late I'h,lnuts
(juiigley. 1hreus of for at time owned
what is known ns the Itrr1111:14- (arid.
after'w'ards mowing to Auburn. where
114- kept hotel, and; flat,' there he
moved to Hrigilen. 'Ile Iet411s 41 large
Inst week Reeve .1. li. Ar11IP1'osm
1141 Mrs. Anderson, 44f 1.11.•kllnt". had
glu•ot8 M4r11141.1 Simons, ex -Mayor
and just Mren('hepeace. oflila8gotv,and
ti, 11. Shuttlewnf•Ih, of LlverpNN.1,
Eng. The gintleml,11 are 114P1111884 44
:lie firm .f Simons. shuttle'wurth &
1'41.. of London, Liverpool and Oht.s-
i(Ity, the largest flint 1 '8845)44
dealers in 1 hr world.
Sale of Farm in East Wawanosh.
5.,I11•4t S. Kirin. of East N-aw:ulash,
has >,,1,1 his farm properly end prop
.11 the Bclgreve road, Ileal' 's i11ghsuii.
to Thomas Hutton, of Clai mss. Mr.
dein gives poneeration on .duly It11 111111
amp e•4 Iterating 'somewhere 4n the
Formerly of Blyth.
11. NV. .10414011, n rrslivelyd cil41a•ll of
Melita, Manitoba. committed suicide
recently by rutting his throat. The
lerensel had resiled 411 Melita for
eight years and was chief clerk in ,a
4en.•ral store ther e. H.• w118 a former
resident of Ulyth. Email- troubles
are supposed to have pr pled the
11481. lie leaves it wife and a ern and
.1 daughter.
Lightning's Results.
During the severe electrical storm
recently the horn of %Vm. Spotton, on
the •end rntlressiirl It I1lwiek, was
struck 111111 Init•nel."Ile hog -pen of
JohnMrlllyt41. pruner)•, wits
struck end hunted tit :t number (if
hogs and about ane han61-l(1 hens.
and the barns of IL (indkin, of 7,et-
141141. .1. Shish and It. McDowell, of
Fast N':mollusk, weir .truck, hot not
Death of Exeter Resident.
The death Intik place on June 7th If
Charles Perkins. • of 1•:511.1'.4 high-
ly r•8p4l'11.11 residents. 61 the age of
-.event•.4 hree )•wars, I ,or the 1!1391
twent)'-41wr yearn he hail i.esidel in
1•:54-1e• and peel' s to l hal followed
far ' g 4n I'siwlrne for many years.
11e was a native of I)rw,n4hit•P. Eng-
land. Resides his po11111er in life for
lt.r fifty vines he 4s s11I'VIV,81 by
:144-11 children.
A Wingham Wedding.
on N'edn(•wlay of List o•ek apr•Ity
matrimonial event took place at the
residene• of Mr. null Mrs. 416.4ge.
Wynn. Wingham, being the marriage
of their dnnghler, Miss Melissa 1 .1., and
1)44416 Wetter& also n'f wingh:ml.
The rep y was p4•rf4r•mel by Ret'.
.1. R. (holly, D. 11., in the pres'nre
of al.nil forty guests, relatives and
friends of the bride nod groom. Mr.
and Mrs. Welters will reside in 11'ing-
Death of J. J. Elliott, of Seaforth.
A highly respected chi/en of Sea -
forth p),I8s9I awayy on .1u11 ;11) in' the
person of J. J. SIli.d 1. Thr drn'110ed
wits forty-three years of :age end had
reskled in Seafort.h vicinity for over
twenty years. For a number of !irises
he had been employed with F. (;ntte-
ridge, having eherge .f his rnn4true-
tion works in vnrinm twirls of the,
try. Death wits dme to pneu-
monia. ile 'wives a wife and two
young eine to mourn his demise.
A Perdwick Wadding.
The residence of Mr. and Mr..
James Rowe, Futdwich, was the same
'I'lil'. SII;N,11. • IaIi)N;I1011 I►v1' ]cit►
of A quiet haler welding Wednesday
evening, June 0th. when their eldest
daughter, Mitis Hentied tit o.. mitt
Charles W. Rotten.' V. IS.. were
united in the Minds of tuitrlmony.
Only the ' trliate ir.letiyl•s of the
contracting parties witurswvl the
cetruouny. which wan performed by
Bay. Jades Neisser. M. A.. pastor of
the Meth(sIiut church. Mr. and MIs.
1141Itst11 will make their 1 in
Exeter Man Meets with Accident.
N e . Snell, Exeter, travellin,(
agent for the McCormick Machine
Co., met with nn unfortunate occident
rOCeutl)', which will 11e•essit:ate his
being orf duty for -m11111e seeks. Ile,
in r pony with (.nuttier agent. was
driving in,J'lantfonl when the horse
took fright aged started to run away.
bit•. Knell thought It lent to jump from
his perilous position and in doing mu
broke his leg. lir was at 11114.1 con-
veyed t the lit ant ford hsapital,
where the injured limb was dressed,
wad Ile :ill now doing as %veil :as can be
Wedding at Hensall.
A pretty house welding took Marc
at theo
ehme of 11 r. and Mrs. (1. F.
1'uungblut, of Hensall, at high moon
nn Tuesday of last week, when 1 heir
daught•s, 1448, Itose, ler; • the wife
of Joseph Hall, I'iiG.burg, 1St. The
welding maned ryas played by Mi..
(inure Smith, of tioderieh, and the
clieitem was perforiwd by Itev. E.
Medd, a.siolel b)' Rev. %Vitt. Baugh,
under a wi,1,l*ale of ul:ugurlite•4 1111411
ferns. The ete•w•Iy-wedded couple will
iutke their 1 • in Pittsburg, where
the groom is engaged in ,a teal estate
Lucknow Wedding.
A fns: ' :(1,11' wedding took plan at
11e• 1'reSbytrlI11, chUrrh, Lurk
on 11'elnesday ey.1)ing„Ione 41411,' t lie
lade :I)1 wing 11is4 .4 . 111•Kenzir and
the gt,1111 .Cohn \\'nisi.. 'Phis bride
vats given .4 )' b)' her dein h,•., IL 11.
. rK,•mzie, ,old the rr14-11on)• was per-
inea by Ilea. 14,'4'. Mrl4err ll. The
14,14 •,41111(18 t 1.11' yliss•N Ethel Reid,
Tern MIn•rilf and liWendtdine 11eI r'Nl,
with hisses Donald, and 4irnrie .11c -
Kenzie :1. 11.05,1 girl-. The groom
was sup n•t,•d by 11'. I.. 11sKeizie, 411
Toronto, I41ther If the bride. After
the velem oy 111•. and bit.. Watson
IeI't for (11e ;..t on their honeymoon.
Thr)' will en k.• 111i•ir 1 • in Long. -
Formula of MI -o- . a Made Public
A Cure for Sto h Troubles.
our leading den,(,(i,1
ions to hat,• \Ii -n -nil, m 1
they sell as a mire
trouble.. 10,1.61 1,'i illy in
of hearth 4-n, :trite 41',,4.(•1 et, wind
4,11 the ,101113th. 1(1.44 of :1118 ire, Ale
mo)ingdreams, sleepde4+urs., me•raI
w.•ak11,'.' :111,1 ,I,•1411i1). 04- 55114 .tth.e
111g.•stit6• 04-..111, Ion 11 .1 :01 tl5 4-•y
114-01111 4s rnnlpos4l of bismuth s1
g:lIb1tl', by all 411Id', the very I1r:
medicine I. 'n tor Mies' M Mal diseases.
11 rumlb1me' 44ilh the free sulphur
4 ,.I(1184111111, In tit,• bott•,ds, forming :1
4111,1 ;I 111.1. tyhi,•h i. passed utT
111111 the 1.Hly 44ilb"nl harm. 11 :11.1
has a ....thing e•iTe•t .n 1 he m.15e end-
ings 4n Ike.sImo:wk.
%Pith Ibis is combined ,•,limn ox-
Itl.r,•, a M.in1111 11311e1y elle
Iteal,'l •til ul all inn Loons 1yi the
sto1)111rh:tn,I diges14ve• ingaits
Sodium bir.n•h.•n.lte is theca added
l0 ot.•reolll,• the •xeessive :with)
usually prrs.iit in stomach I....tildes.
and nix %mi nen for its genet al tonic
,111e1 hero '-s4 11151 h,ni115 movers.
This C 'Million of reliable rem.
...hes makes 1Ii-4.-n:1, a positive cure
for all stomach troubles, :11111 Ie.1•illgp
Ili...lily one that ,'.i,1 1e1 sold unset• It
gmIrani et, (11111 it rusts nitllin; Imlrss
L'u'gs• 1111x of 114 -M -tut t; I,Iels is
8411,1 for ,.(1eent8.
11 y1,1 08111111 ob111111 114 -113 of
yutir druggist. i1 will be went by 111141.
pout paid. ,,n 114eipt of pricy. wrier
1184411'1111Viee 1411 your ruse from a I.•ad-
ing shunned specialist, tt'hirh •c411 Is.
sent free. The 11. l'. !tooth Company,
Ithaca, N. V.
Searching for Husband's Body.
K4nya14,1nnr HrSj,wv : Mrs. I'. 1..
Tonkin,. of I'.linsvi11.', Rhin. is hen•
on 11 very Mil mission. endeavoring 11
lied the body of her husband %% lei was
captain 411 ih4.:Ir. K:.Iivnga. wreekel
on lake Huron 441 the stormy of
HetoIH•r 1')11, Iasi. She hall a dr,'anl
111211 her• husband's IHNl• Ir:ol leen
111/114-/1 !tills a clomp or rrJ;n'41 ;rel has
srnrrhel ehe.hon• here (lo the trees
s) vividly pirttir.rl to herr in her
(Ireton. Only five of the seventeen
lives Inst inti IH•.•n reel 'v.'r14d, The
1,51114 of the captain may he identified
J:v an eagle and Anchor hlttn,•d 111) his
norm in Indian ink. The ship was
wrecked in :.,til billion's of water. 11
54148 reported th,lt the life assurance
paniees had refused 10 pay the in-
Nunulr,' on the 411.41tyned 111111 until
their 11181104 had 111.11 Ipeovl'red,
nolle• sufll(•Irlt %m•oof 11f death haul
toren ln•1111ueei. I'his is tool rori.('t.
Mrs. lonkins sats the c patties lost
no time in sat1sf)11)5 the Maims.
Those Annoying Blackheads.
I•:stern:0 applications will never 4-r
move 10111111e. m• hhtrkhrnds, 1 1151y
by of1nn11ntin); r•ireulnlion mid pttt•if)•-
4ng the hood ('iii 4t 1e 111114•. For
quirk. sure,r••IIase from them. pests
l'.rr,z,,ne : it drives all hlnn/1•s
from the 1.1,,141, makes the skin
healthy. times up the system. 11'itlt
the pntc nutritious blood made I,
I'etrozon • it's illposslbl • t1 sufTeu
from any .skin disease. 1'.n'll hate a
smooth, delightful skim healthy color
31141 beautiful r0nyd.xion by 114ing
Pe'nnz • and t•nu'll f •'I ' rawly
letter as well. Thiry '.•1114 buys A. box
containing fifty rime d.ite-mated tab
lets at any drug stmt..
are y.•4-)' 11115-
(1eel' which
.1 arh
.(very 14481•
What He Had Relatd.
An Irishman, say.: 'lite HIH•hrsler
recently went before .hedge
Step,' ens ti he mit tor:llizrd.
"Have 4011 real the Declat•wt' of
Ind,'len(hmre?" the Court, naked.
•'1 hay root," said Pat
"Ha ‘.e yon read the ronstilnti(n of
the I'n)ted States?" -
"I hut• not, )•4-r Honor."
The Judge looked sternly at the ap-
plicant. and asked :
11'rll, what have yon orad?..
Patrir'k hesitated Mltthe fraction of
a rr4"nd heron' replying:
"I hu' r,sl heirs nn nor nrr'k, yet.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury,
M inerrant, w'tn '111141) 114-.44,4 the .rn-e of
rmr11 and enng4144el1. 118r18g0 the whole o)' 4-n,
when rnt.'rhnr It 1141 nmak the morons niirkee
Knell .r11.1.' -h,mld tie%.4 le• 11.041 rv'rt4 401
former* or Inns foam repot 0nhh' p11)4(rinns, M the
danulgl• 4hey' 4.111 40+ 1.•nfnkl M the good yon
Mn po...lbl• deltic from thrill. 11.11 ('4tarrh
('nm mnnnf3en11441 by P'..1 4'henl'y R 4 "n.,
Toledo, I1„ enntatn.. nn un'n•nry' awl M taboo
Internally, /wring dln8•ll) upon the hoped and
HatrIIIlllaits ns carfare,. of the q•Mnl. 1* Anyl,
ll'. Catarrh I'ere be mere you get he guanine.
t le taken Internally and made a Toledn, two,
by F. JAR('hyem). it 6.'n. Miter
Take Bina FatMb Plq. her'%npa�tioe.
Of Huron Convene at Clinton Sohn In-
teresting Addresses.
cul'N'rY.1'. F:.
''he thirteenth :1111111:11 4481ye111 iun of
lite Iluron l' t)• 4'hristian Endeavor
1'1145)11 upwtlet at ('enema In Tuesday
morning, J 4 121)1, Rev. \V. 1), Ma-
gee. of Clinton, (eluting the devotional
exepises of the first4,•N4n111. 'Che at-
teubance for lite past year or Iwo nut
being considered all that was desit•-
able, it was natural that the first sub-
ject. under discussion was "tt'ay' and
Menses of 111cnrtsing the I'setulness of
the (Minty Convention.- N', 11.
Kerr, 'trowels, and A. T. Cooper.
l'Iintu11, led iu this discuss' , which,
with the nppuiutulent of 110111inilflog
and resollut committers', occupied
the whole sear .
In the afternoon se,41111 1,114- de•vo.
1i4411:11 exetcisw well' led by 111v. 111',
Strw,l,'t. of Clinton. The Ipps11•t of
lir• ling ruulnitie(' was Ie-
I'e4ve6 411111 adopted, and the following
were •Ippoinied 4,theers for HMMN7:
President.' Rev. W. I1. Magee.:'lin- I
1 011 ; Let vice-presidrnl. 1'h,u'Ies Mr.;
vitt, Nile : 'Lad vire-pre•,46ei(, Mi8. "
('3.1•4-, Blyth ; secretary. S. whM .--
11)1116•. Rrirefirld : trr:wure•r. Miss 1'. l
Tyndall, Tarlov. Et...eulit,• 1V. 11.
Kerr, liruvs•Is ; Rev. l':. It. 1'i1/11,
1Vilig11:t114: *. 'I'. 1'15115(4.1, 1'lintun. I
and Rev. 11'. Marti,, 14.:1.. of Exeter. i
A /•.a lt.•r'1.11ee 1111 missionary %vi1 k was
led by. '414-. Kerr, .,1' 11.s o'1,., Thep ;
fooll,wed 11 most instructive and useful
address by Rev. .1. C. Heid. Nile, 4111 I
•'l'ultivat" of the Nue1a1 ►'.,wets, I•
and Their ('on.e1ration to Christ."'
That well-known and highly-I,rllermel
14111.'.11ub•mt,'Le•v. Elmoree
1la4-is, fol-
lowed with • of his exquisite studies'
4111 the Holy Spirit's ismer for service.
14.•5'. 1L. herr. of Clinton, opened I
the V5'141111)4 Meeting will"' prayer :told I
r 1 I
s• 4 r Cal nl / 'r e4- 8
1111 and 111 IIIn w1
1111.11 III 111 11148%1 111 ell.illy ( 111• earnest, 1
practical 'addresses that t1,Ihlwel, one
by C. It. Keetlley.sile, of London. on
"rhe Hight Use of Nlotie•." the other
by 11'%.. Mr'. 1'r4.111ar1, of 5ippe•u, oil' 1
••I.s,)•:Illy to Trued and I'ritriple.- 1
The pr.grant WAS A41414•41 14,, to the de- 1
light of the audience, by the rendi- 1
tion tit' an anthem by the choir of i
1Vesley church and Iw41 selections by I
a male quartette.
4. 4, .trosot I.4T111\•
Ila 11'ldie•sday. the I:Ith id-iinie, al
%Vr'le•v dowel), l%lot,,n, wits held the 1
thirty-third annual convention of the
Heron (.1,11111y S:Ibb.11lt School As.,.- I
rine iun. The,tttelidallee W118 nut ver)' I
large, but 11eleg311•. Were present f •
1(1:111)' 11111111.5 in 1111• 1'1111111\-. After I
the appointment ill n41tnilustiug and'
1esolurion r 'Iter-, Idly. E. 11. F'411•11 I
44.1, 1•allrtl 1111111 411141 Ir,IN.t1.14-,1 With
til ad,tres, 11) '•1s I1 11'ml-i4, ‘Philo?" tieing made ,Iwr ially to the I
mopes. of Ihr convent ion. -
I11 the afternoon :1 not admirable
and impressive address was delivered
15 4'. It. Keerilev,ide, London, .,n.
•• P4 in Service The Place ,,f
Power anti Lhe PI'ire'." '1'1):11. old but I
alwa)•..pre.sent midden' .•4'eThr Itov"
0'1.4 S11eke•11 to by the rhltirlu:ul.
Luer Mitchell, .,f iii>lerich, and by
le'..•el•el 115, Thr latter. 11 is. Elder,
n 111) 1h. is it lonelier 411 a 4ln5s of hey..
an, :,,•e.11'di11g1)• ,',,Stell give 14
111:1)' pear -
1 ie., lints as to I he most Ile'Ipful 1110:1118 1
in ga ling 141141 1elaiming 1111• infe•rrst 1
111 1'n
P1.41111.5' 1•13••111.401 444
e\1'lihi14`si11 111.• 11•.4 ding 41f ,. 111841 of i
hit c 1ot . by .'41i,s tenni.. 1hn'ls:l)•, of I
Ilei sale. ••1' ,nhje••ty1l. "Rriu•ue
h.•4- 1'rrnln4-.1 " :nal it owe 1111-
fn141.61 and it 441.511.ed simply and bean-
'Imo:e Il:ris, id'a Tonal- j
1'' Training Institute, ,
101 herr of him liihie 1
1,•1 of 1114- M4)11 of
1'4 lionliel."
'In ml 111 another
1a1 gentleman,
l ifidly. Itew
t.,, 1>1 p•sid,r11 411
then delivered
.1 ,,li..' •••Thr lin.
(i(1d : a Stu1y in .10
\t tit • we ' • 414-8.
:1114111444 w',1N 14154-11 by'
041 "Thr I?t•nng.'Iization 1f the 1V41rld:
a Study i 1 the Acts," Ni Lill 4.11.1•111t11.
near)' of 11•.4- addl'PSM•s w, 1111 le sat-
isfactory. so full wen• the of Sct•ip-
1land truth andprartiral 1141 i.ntiun.
Thr Iv s •lati41ti r ' tee r4- oiled :
1. Th:,1 tele• -joint exrl)liivv. the
('hri.tain Endeavor ('ni1n and Su day
Mch.,,i Arw141(1111) he rev •11 ell
11 protmle• 4t :t convention of f"
,e441.,11 to, berg ming will: all e•s'nill
se.s4,1n, nnd 1I at the meeting he held
4n the fall.
.. 'I'ha the t :inks of the delegates
In the• 1•n11y1•.tt 011 Ir' 34011111el to 1114-
c11Ii',.•ns 11f Clinton for their hospitality,
to the speakers• 1114-41• addresses and
to those who as811de1 in any way in
helping to make the (convention it
'riles• 1e4(Ih14limit Mer1,Ippl'11t'1•/l.
The ruminating h0pnnittee.gnvp in
a report, which was alrepleil, and the
following ''011rt•s will. ltpp4.inlel for
ltfl':47 :
President, 1V. If. h. err. I11.1181/44•18 ;
4111'4--ptpsjd4111, .Iolul 0111110W, Nile :
secretary, Jades _Mitchell, (bide 'kit:
treasurer. 11 ins Stevenlp, Clinton;
executive Bev. .1. 1.. Small, l4. A..
Auburn :.1. Kerr, N'inghaie : W 11.
N'idlis, Sell fort h.
If the children require pv'ie none
arts Ho 11416' 118:filler's IV Hem Pow-
ders : very pleasantto take. Ivor sale
by ,las. Wilson.
When Tnnlo• & Son attend to y0110
eyes, you get the Iwn.tlt of over
1114rt )--Ilvr yr:lrs• PI IH•r14.11re. (*All 111111
Anand 111e111 at (mese,'a drug singe un
I''tenant'. N_eilnesd,iy and Iliiittidity.
.1 • 21 it .1111 and both.
TruoioaT, jure 21, 1
Twenty-five Fears ago it was difficult to
sell spring N'heat flour for pastry at any prjce.
People didn't want it -they were using
soft, winter wheat flour, and saw no reason
for changing.
But hard wheat flour was persistently
pushed and prejudice has been overcome.
The women tried it, succeeded with it and •
appreciated it. -To -day hard wheat flour is
the favorite for pastry as well as for bread.
The flour that 'is doing the most for
the reputation of hard wheat flour is 'the
brand known as
Ogilvie's Royal Household
It is hard wheat flour at its best -milled
by modern methods, retaining all of the
good of the wheat and' lone of the bad -
it is Without an equal r every kind of
baking in which dour is d.
Talk to your grocer ab ut it -if he
isn't enthusiastic it's only be use he isn't 'ti
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., LWOW,
"Ogilvie': Rook for a Cook." contains 130
pages of excellent recipes, some *4*res before
pub:ished. *'our grocer can tell you bow to
ml it FREE. 4
A Talk to Men on Value.
Custom tailors buy from the wholesalers
-get only enough cloth for a single suit.
Of course' wholesalers and jobbers have to
make a profit. " Plastic Form " buyers go
direct to the mills abroad, order in enormous
quantities -pay cash -take advantage of all
discounts -and save intermedt to profits.
Every man in the "Plastic Form" work-
rooms is a specialist on one particular part
of a garment. Naturally, he does BETTER
work -and MORE work-tharna tailor who has
to complete an entire coat. •
"Plastic Form" Clothing
There'is a ccrr �ponding saving on everything else. Just
compare "Plastlij ,drtn" VALUES ‘t tut the cnstow tailors.
lastic Form Parlors, Goderich
Reg. Black, Sole Agent
1 have neem. 1 0 lilt TA 1-114: a w)V. mann/art 'ring
nptielan• and c)'. hl speeintl.t, of Toronto, m he a1 u.)'
store on
Tuesday. Wednesda and Thursday. June 36, s7 and ed,
and will he ghul 441 1014'1•
right 0311 31111 ...imam thee
They' luta,' leen e.tnhli• 1 In Toronto simr IN71 and dieing
that 11114e• over 1o1,41u c: - xte IN8•n rasee6wf111(V rued by
One ail%nonage that they ha . over others i. Ione (stet that
they grind Ih.t.' 410'11 14110.8 amt b - doing torrent any r•rrrn to
Mia prom,. of Ira. making.
1f your syr, lf001,l4. toll In any w -. 411 the glass.s you now
wear 341• not 10111 fnrtnfde, do 1101 1: Met 11.1. 0101081 rally of
hnting 1hem en14.'rly til fended In.
The new electric 1pl lulhr,o-reel row • .• nnd Inlenaklug all
.411 work alsoolot,I Konya meed,. For -•femmes s•4- small
those troubled with clefn•lite eye
There are tither. hal w4 aim 111 %Cryo inn oh ever pps.Ihle.
.1 not it 11141,' better than others, often it 111111• rhea •r, t•H1. 141
11. .11Lpl' you.
W. C. GOODE, - -
The 11.1 1' 404. 1 1111 41 nor
\VI. are agents for the
Easy and helpful plans.
Also for
J. A. 6tE6011Y & CO.,
Real Estate and
Business Brokers.
If you wall n business
opening in Snskatth-
,•%,111, Mr' 114 first.
Labor for painting costs
abou\t twice as much as the
paint' vused. It pays to buy
paint that wears the longest, because
it saves expense for both labor and
paint. RAMSAY'S PAINT lasts as
long as paint can ast.
Worsell's Stove an
,hardware Store
Hamilton Stree4 Goderich.
Al1•E ?YOU MAKING 12,113.22 A
YEAH 11 it tiring Aon* Erb our anode,
Wolk is prams, permanent and proatabIS
used In every house. every day. lee lake,
and so need W crate the deauad, l.egillelate,
reputable busker. You a■ start witkaal • one
of capital. wool today. 41 Mall/MALL i Cie•.
Wholesale Teas. and Culeen. Loudon. Oat.
Wick1essB1 ue
Flame Oil Stoves
Gasoline Stoves
Watering Cans
Garden Hose and
Best American Oil
and Gasoline
Contrails for p1 ding
I heating pnom4itly
att:•ndel to. Esti-
mates l'he•rdully given.
Repairing a Specialty
Fits Well
Looks Well
Wears Well
Yin' It NI•:I(iIIDOR
Newest importations in
medium and light -weight
clothes for spring and sum- -
llter wear.
DUNLOP, the Tailor
wt.., street, • liederich.
Keep Your Old Iron
Rags, Lead, Brass,
Copper, Feathers,
Skins, Wool Pickings,
Rubbers, Bones, etc.,
u11111 -I call for thecal. 1 ask any old
rust •4-s not l., s•11 I heir truck to
any • representing himself out my
agent• 414 theme pertoone ore dealing
for themselves aid nut for me.
Kane your mtulf for me and 1 will
best t N Nt. 1
1e ) the p r,• Is going. !rave
your Mlle! Ili 111y hoax,- and 1 will tall
tout take 1 he goods Away. or 1 will
pay lw per Cent. re if the goods are
brought 10 my place.
Highest Prices paid for HORSEHAIR.
vim min street. - - (1,slerich.
al Directors
ly etlenad to at alt
e4- day
Livery, Ilack
'Bus Stables
(1(14)1) HORSES
Nell- pointed
!locks . nd reit-
able dr •era in
charge 4 / the
'Rupee, whir will
meet all tri . 11
and steam h1