HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-6-21, Page 2400"
-,,,X0PRIP$Ffiri, ,Mf,11',41i4. . ,', , ,,,,rivliferrelktg 'Fozzarlemt,,,70: Tr- rliF,P,Or'''''''"'''''''''''-314‘-'1'''''''"'''-'3""''''''''.""- ''''''''"acTift',17774 !AIWA ',;. , ,,'-7'-' . -, - r r
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litr•t•nav, June 21 i'' SINAI:()I)VlCH ,
4/4.101t14 4.
v aNATI'Elt & laitHEKTS4IN
toaeolssie 4 all Nu,
,Yeente of AlleOec rimless :
91.4111 pot *nesse hi anvatie... •
rill bane lo, .." Mom iiiO4.1hs. re.
sutsooritorts olio; fail 4,, reveler 'fur sliestl
regularly *.w 141.41,1 4% ill vomiter at 1,,u, lay 1.4.•
414104144W( U. Of 140 4,44.1 Di• rally a otoole es
When a change, of ouldresa bo desired, toot b the
old and Ilse Ile* &dolma, should b6 $t4 .'It.
•d•ortosio,‘ aging
1•160 and al bet ',intake 3:14.D.111.11014.01 4, Inv
per ime tor Ilt.I liloIIIOII 141111 AS 1144C. 10i'
1,41.{1 41111.4X1 woof novellas,. N11.0•01.4.3 by s
Islol11141101 0,411. 41411,14 10 on Itil 44.
Huston...cants of -ix line. and andel, 1, poi
Sett entseuicnt. of 14.1. rOUlet. stvirti.
11 11100. *cool, Silo .401.. \ 11,444,.1,,e
M110 Or 10 14. ki, Fill ill, for 'kite to to iteitt.
tai sale, .4 1., not role:sting eight
laws. leoen 4..i. al 01.1 110.11(b.
far esch hated arl t rti
14141111.1 10110.11 101i.
Local nostros 411 nonpareil tripe he per line.
NO nal u'. 3.'...
A v111,41164 ill 04.1114ary readinrivre 011Y
Coll (WI aslant. No notice le.(10414
Any 444'w1141 inn Ire, litt.olsowt of o kick the
roeunioirt hence' tor any Indio idual or 41•1•411.1•
611011.10 b' 644.1•1118/1•41 1111 6141N4111.01116.141 &O4
to be rtiorgoi
H.4•10• 6.41. DID•piny 0101 e001r,413 iti1ver11-41
111en1n Will W10 \ tot oit opplito1i0o.
rooiniunIcao inn, 10
V ANA rTnIt & 111.111.1111 ..11‘;
Til Di.
1-.01" h.
13()1)1.3111 H. TIIII'RhIM V. JUNE SI. 11,10,
There 14101114.1 he .4 full attend a• 11
citisetts at the eitemnittg in the 4I4Mera
Home 1.0111b11.1111.11W r% • g for Ilw
mission of the Alailland 'River P11W114
4., piny loyhtw. As wr untlerstand
it.. every ettmeartainity will Ise Kien for
the discussion of the itropoesit.Kin In all
its plums., and any citizen what Iters
objections to mike or who wishes fur-
ther inforsuatitin on any point he thus
provided a eemovenient openmion for ex-
pressing himself or for making in-
The propositlem is the most serious
that has been before the town fur
num, years. and should be approaclyeal
by every person iemeerned with n
sincere denier to discover Just wht•re
the town's best interests lie in relation
to It. °Merit+ wants cheap power
for the encouragement of mantsfact ter
ing and for the elleveloi •tet of elec.
trie railway tranaportntime. and the
yaromoterei 4,1 the l'ower Company sili.
mit a propose(' for the feernhafeing •
the. power. The questing' 4.. on
the 004• Intnal. Can I hi. town afbad
tie pledge its cretlit to the aumunt in-
volves' in ilte adoption of this
whom.. ? and. on the other hand. ,an
the town afford is let the opport y
g.. by ? Tht•re stiffleient gritimel
here for tt very intereating discussion.
Antl every citizen who has nitything
to eontrillauto• to the omieidera 444111 oof
the question sheath' be on hated los
morrow night.
Tile Signal witeeld serge that the pro-
posed he given it thoonosighly sympa•
thetie hearing. Th.. pis ter.. we
believe. 1111. actuated by ot desire to do
something for the *sl'. movement .1 11..'
town. and they have eilissuly gone to
considerabh. expense Anal Imre given
a great deed of t • • 111 the prt•li eee ;nary
work widen is otecepentry in the ,I.',•1.
04 •nt scheme of thi. kind.
Moinehnely st 'be this prel
walla...HMI, having done il. al their 111411
expense and having worked out the
most fAvorahle premewition fur the
WWII which they eiensidt.r it hi pus.
B ible to subitsit. the 'tramplers have is
right IP :Ink for consideration. ma as
• ipittilista meek ing t heir owita.i vatetnge,
hut HU progreanive anti mele•rpri.ing
citizen. meeting for the interest. .1
the cot iiiiiii nit y. If th.• scheme goes
ahead they will eertsinly lee entitled
to have their expenses reinslesirsed.
and in fairness they 1111441114I also re-
reive 'thing for their
411.441111.1 1114* 1 he selienie, MIA °Mei& of
this we miderst.11141 1411')' will he Oh an
even footing n it h any either citizen
who. n ishes to lake stock in 441,' emit., -
pre., let 11'. give their melee' y
posadde, keeping the
par t inlet c,t• 11)!' 1411%11
palwAya in view.
A Philadelphia paper lantent14. thnt
reading. writing and .pelling are lin
longe*' thoroughly taught in the pill -
lie scheme's. Thr tromp... of Cooper
in New York, deeliire that the
young own And women who (111411. 114
them for instruction in telegraphy.
Menogtaphy need t)'pewriting. though
o! gond ability and general informa-
tion, MS I. .11 a Illy cle•Iii lent in the
fesnelsment/111.1 of the English langunge.
They especially numb eqs 0. (4111 .41
thirty or 144)4 4' won's in ordinary Ilse
smitellinea one-half or even t wiet hitch.
are misspelled. Perhaps this indict-
ment cannot he made in the '.4111441
degns• against 1411' 'truant.' of (nu.
On.Pirier schools: but eettainly some.
thing 1144.1110 tee be larking in neer
w him& in *411' limning!, teaching .1
the entninon How many
graduates 01 14 high schema (medal, for
instanee, write a paragraph 1,1 loll
sentenees in ciente, eitireet English.
with proper punctuation ? ‚1)441 fact
seems to be that in trying to till 4041
Man y thing% the 14.1104.1.4 11,' h ti 444*
nothing thoroughly. The teat uf
good conk i. not her abilit%: to mak'.
ninnherleas fancy dishes, but her
*bili* y to make A good cup of raffles. 01
to get just the right An& of color on)
the roast of beef. Yto it is with the
w heat's : the most useful school sys-
tem he that hy which 4.514.111 are
taught 40 do eon thing* well,
not that. which gives the hop. anti
girl. a lot of frill. without any solid
mindat ion of thoroughness.
Additional prerantions ape being
taken for the pent ...then of l'retaident
licemeveles life, In the fear that a
eltiettgai towed tin may be exploded
tinder 4• .
Dr. Well041er ha bilked lit for
tlw prositiency of Tuiroubl Fseivermity.
Hut isn't he over awe? ' •
Viten you Nee It man wiwking at Ithe
business 411I Sunday, you rim wt. him
down as a jew. either with or Wilh011t
a capital letter •
NO 4' will traveller. Iron, the
%Vest have 1/1 1011 *4, 1411 of ••Iteginat
1." The capital eity Saskeiteh•
«wan to to have Its street. paved.
Geiderich weed he have a 111'pi4al
ler its big Domini tttt I way ....ban at ion
We live that 1111* ye/41'N relvliralimi
will mark. a renewal of the 0111-litite
ent husiamen.
, Mr. Aespeith, the Htirbelt Fleatteellor
P: %.• a.. r, WA% 14)4'
day by w lllll suftrage agita-
tors. The 54 ttttt en thits elemental rated
their li4 44o.. to r sett -is* the Initialise.
11 ViIIIIIIN just like Sir Charlet. Tup-
per when Mi.:4 .11/1 11111erlal in predicts
that *4,4' Liberal lieverninew of Creed
Britain elected a fee 1141. /Igo Wilk
11 trementIons sienjotity will mg hett
mere them 11 year.
The Globe t the York lamest
Ileum II 1,,U 1141.1, 1/1 1(4.1144 1.4 4,11 ‚44,,...tot
ing only 1015.111111 lit the Tor4.111.) general
l000pitel. 1.1111,111 1' 4.41 iiiii 31
lestilkes1 al $1,1111,1 for the bete
41111,1 111 1111' Pointy 1 kW 11.
The Mayor 44 '1111)1 has Imam
ainisirest that the 4', P. R. will Intild il
road from II 'I*..s to Guelph 011
certain conditions. This would give
Ilatiiikun an additional 1.4 i *et Dim
with Underich 'anal through it with
the tipper lake ports. and the advittst.
MCP. 111 Gimlet ich are obvious.
W'ineton l'nderFtecietary
for the. Colonies. mid in a ta•ootit
speech : -People 11 1 14 WO 14111gOt 11111-
vine4441 that the triode of the won 141 44
14 fixed opinutity, and that what
milieu. get. is taken swny (,'nit, the
others. Let um remettelwr flint lite
earth is a generoms mother. nod that
sew will torodure 4.114Higli for all if her
ehikIrrie it ill bot dwell tigrether
The 1 'ludo:, Nen' Era atteiethen
tie the nalitrie. paid 111 44,,' 'WNW!. 4111.1
the neatens' of the 1..11111tY how, of
requite. Mr. Fiend, gel. $3•15 n Year
anal Mrs. Simpson, the sisal ton, $275.
Even 1 onsidet ing that they ha vs. 11:4
114111144 111' 1 41 /dr 4.141114441•094,, 41.."'
111114 ts are 4111411 fool oftber, 54 11.
have esintitantiv eight, eer more in
woolen in 1114.11' ebarge. The y1011111)*
Miglii well itoollaiiler her
inereasett itt these snlaries.
Since the welt( disaster of .1pri1 114
only three persons have 410 lllll
ataieille in Mali Francisco.. liebas. that
*Ile os %sera ge ot was t net% to a
week. 'Mi. bear. 0111 111,.' 1 y that
1111*4117 * 44 4111111 5.a', 11411 114.41144'.',
conditions. %Vittorio the whole pop's -
love was overwhelmed will
I Oltle 1 limy 14it541141 lie et general feeling
of larotherlilleVu anal setup:alley which
OVell 11,,' 11111141 issiseralde *could feel, in
contrast with the desolate loneliness
of 1 he 1)11(01 111)1841' in limes of general
pp...merit y. 11 avittpathy 4*14
gienter fnertme in hAppinews than ma-
teriel' nositeamient. •
The 2:14s1 of this mindli will be
1h...tenth Anniversary 1.1 the eh...that
which placed the Liberal party in
power 111 Canada. The ten yellers leave
wit named a remarkable i•xpansinit
05.111.trial mut ial tit it,,
here len. been a great. awakening
the lismibilities of the Mime. and the
1141111. igloo1 fill114. c441111,18 W4111
olidnia,, 119.01goirim5. party in
oppnsit ion el flint "the (inverts -
Meld ha. lapin Nei y ;" but Sir' 1Vilfri1
Laurier and .41, 4'.4' who have been his
rolleagoies eluting theeee len rears may
certainly vieW with 141111144 petaettal
pride the achievement.. of tleeinle.
The Department of T1.1111' 111141 Cons.
meree collet let liehlien to 11 11141 111.4
(11114114113.111011. 111111111111111.1• to Ca midi 111
eXprI1 ter., randila lise llllllll e•r•
chi :went'l in the l' • .4 1.11.111.., 1.1)1
6111 1114411111* 11 114, a..4 et.
that Ow 11.11 1.1, to..seints lii 11..' Reptile
he nre generally wally 1.1 nil oo their
services 11) the interest. '.1
who ma y (Ikeda I- 1 hem. I 'a isonliane /1.4
41 1.1111. 1141 VeD44•111 is% 4 4,44
of 1hr seesistiince of the Ile ish 01)11'
'.1111)1 141 Vire the Mee belt mew
that it 14 elt.titte tilt tin.1.1 ii.pod that
liwv mat' 111, .0 our mantifiset mei4
mil exporters will 11.11141e.. take
greater advantage of this opportunity
of phieing them...Ives in touch with
the Fniteil State. market.,
There are rantplaPda eigain.t the
management of the T. k N. O.
W457 tIte railway owned Ity the
Ontario llo overflown, that the rates
1111' (.1.)high RIM 1 hal the 111441 441
being operated • with the purpose
of making it pay Ilenn of serving the
people. This is not. llllll roue
plaint against rilil Ware tinder private
ownership. anti it is a good, miller
than a Dud the e
sinner. are, running *hie. moblie road
with the idol 41 making ends meet
rather thnn attempting to win' pope, -
'aril v with the penple what me it hy
ying them and their freight for
les. Limn 0,'.• . The people of North-
ern Ont... in must be given to under-
atatel that a government rtillway
not Yam for fliti any more than any
other railway, and the e lllll liliniti44101111
M11011111 be 1444 J441'.1 tett in Ifinilltbilling
t he mime 4' 4445'.
I's osoiolo.nt 11.orsoeveles act bit) in the
Chicago, packing Rife it is criti•
r444A11 loy the part y teenier.
tw.eause, they any. 1110 decline in Ili,.
In mine/. ot tile taita•kere. 1(,1,1 ...emote.
leniently it) the price of beef cattle will
he NIA NI the door of the RepIllillea 11
pai I ) ainl injuie tho• "mit). ill 5454'
g election. Thi. is the way 01
Oat natykl. 'llat it former who cx-
poses $1414141 444 141.1 1111 execration
14,84end of the .p1.• who are impute-
ailde for them. A newspaper 44404
..ty malting island Wrnutz 4.4411411( 11111•1
ill its town las Anse it may frighten
4*'. 144)1. 351 DI Y 111 1.111 *4..' IIVIA II 41 Wan
111.45' Hot l 1 11 1,1/0 ilar 34•1 611 111.4
41011 y, 1/4.1.41141. *41.' fellows 011 the
'ether stale 11.4.,44 111.4
4.1,11114 to their OM P. I1,l5allt4Sge."•.1141.1
1111: T114.1 0 are 40411141 4411111410 111.01.14.
15,141, heti i'Ve should be re -
rather than ('11541141 tip : that
Hien ate elected to nell'Ve the
MIA hid 1 Ina party Mal that
when wriengalning es exposed tl...
wilitionloier, not the Mall ('4444.414414
II AN 11, stiMilA WM Ili,'
Itmoe•Vvil eViel.•1111y '
111i4t . I aroili.11 iple W111 hold
the tura Ogickers; issul Il..t leineeelL re-
apeonsitol.• for ativ 44 eonscquences that
V follow the, discloo -tires ,titade 41
his i4)1.41111(.1..
141. Oevertad Schoolhouse
Hy towel. F: 411 Tb,' 45"...11oiliister
ID i Di ...114.14 oti•11.11:4. 4-034,
.11,e 1114, 1 141 In.. ,
nal 11‘.14. ol.1•114.1.11 iii• 44,44"
044.1100 of 11,10( 14144'.
• riling- eq. 1.•11g 6.4•1111 -1•1400 -NY.
1.61 criDilk .41411 1:1•4443:
11111,i/11.ot • 11181 • file 40'11,
.5114 111.41 11, 4441 1 114,3 .411,4,,'.
T144....411 14101.• lonnig14 1ln. 111.11.
A. if 140 44.11,11 o in genie
rhe wind .1114• toe. -1,e• 041.
. 141 •4 448 II' 4111-1 4014.41114. sot 11'4 11.41411'.
Ilse enu•k .101 I. lb 1 ile
Of1rt1 ',riot .1 r:tight tom ro.1 : -
How herd it ass,le lind
%Via to • ring...111% 114..11'
e %Vine •Isaft•twe 41 at 1111414.r..4
iiifraibeitiii• joie peer Ilirusigle tiie
Faint •••• bee. (roil. 114. S.Ipica, gusto.
Illoov whisper erfl in lite 10(1414
1,11111 ocluoce (M14114041r lkielry .4111.1‘.
1171 4111114 farailf forgialial prAi) 43.
41ay rise or fail like lisle Ismaili •
1 puss lie 41.•114.11 bevelling Mere.
titian... 1111e4.
(il'It o'llA‘vA
Prorogation May Be Expected Within
a Few Weeks.
TM Preteen's Clagnifien1 Coarse Cing•
Mars Afram -Traddions. of the .House Up-
held Remarkable E epansion of Canada's
. Foreign Trade another Record beenktng
este, tst cart, pinotenre 4g The 48ignal.1
01 Nista. • Italy St range ,thiftga
happen loot few haVe see1'-
4445...1411 111 101111.11g4•111,6 kr. oolim,t,
31.0.1,111 1 54 1 he I 'onsert.ative
Wyo. 1•4 gr:14.1411141y bestowing ilti Sur
W'ilfe 4.1 1•3111rier ki• sinus, ay
/W114011 in I he now notorious rind'.
Mar. Vine. lis' 11114 ll i lll els fa inset)*
51,,. press gallery represent at
I... Press.. had bee.' guilts.' of rrificiz-
ing a member of the Douse in 1 °WM.
••II hat passel! 1154' bound» of rea.onable
cril icissts. .1041 eons, 1 ed Ihropudi
the privilege, of tlie Ilities.." -to 11.44*
t 111. 1 FO1111i4404 40W11 words -and Sir
‘Vilfrid. as the leader of that llottse
and the vonstil tit honal guardian of ito
right« and privileges, called for the
1111 lll i ii 1,41411111( of 3 11.1,1114O 1 oD 511
oolfenoler. Aleonliers .4 the Liberal
party had laughed al. Air. Fester her
1.1444 .mi 1.fel :11 !ye ije teo, if, is *4,.'.11 g go 4,11N4 1.•„Dis - hn
affsir Might well he laughed
: hut am Alc. Foster %%as
not amenable to such influviii•es their
nos nothing for it brit too 111)111)141 the
tradition, of the House. This the
Premier itiol with dignity and in
exeellent judgment, ,it the satin. time
Jul 'stering 41 rebuke Mr. Poster
I .14'. which it is to Ise Isoperi he
141I1 lake to heart. Tli.. incklent has
iinfionlgosIlv etelianc4s1 the Pi • 'I's
•amottling 111 1104 ('51111114)'. if that. 1104
1/11•1431/11% Ana the Opp...it• realizing
this. are eltagrined It im
4.13411 hinted flea( there 54441 ll)lll in
the Liberal rank. when it a a. learned
the 111111.10 11,.' 14114111,41. wiled to
take The laser 1111 he ..*I, r..01 --
I I), reseentment im among the 4 *1 ln.
serval ive membet ee toward.' Mr.
Fo..ter, for making theta all took so
in (1)1' eyes of the
It restate/0y is . einem to .elf -
i espeet lag 1111.11.
Such a Pretty Take.
As ..eine1.11 other Hz:,:le. on*,
and charge. pater 1:11.11544' 1-1.11111,1. Ito
gentle,11.•ii 1.1a Mr. 40(.4 lett Med
if died eith to ple.esant. mad their
mot...paper .1414.111145'. 141:11. 11.14111.
11144111 141 11)111 out good and accept able
4414 )4' hie b., it Consery Hive
.ti lei Is siteree.lefl this wiwk 111 mat-
Ilerod, in ifs rantb• efforts
to say s 'thing effective. It 4111 -
II• el.. gra va•ly Item rmegervative
1111.11114.1,, 111 1' in piet.coilen in(,)* ong.
1 bin that, it made publie. wergild 1141 1.1
he (lovers -men! from power quick
Iv 111.44 111,''.' wetteldn t have time to VI r
pi eyes, : Mit high reettsialereeti llll s
of pan Mason prevent the a w-fiel dis-
eloateres ! Ye god44 and little liatte.
i'011(1iiimghte the 0 peed -
inn in *etch a preelirament ? Ailey
their holding back Anything that
would it minor to Idler the slighteat
itillee le f doing the thevernment
any baron 1 No, 1141: l • better
story *liken that t lee nffered for
Opposition Getting Tired.
In the Illyani 141w, exhaieded with
their realities.. efforts In 1111.1 wrong•
doing where 1141 54'rO/11/111DItig
thi. ),$,, 1.41 hen are Appaventl•• ready
to invent the imvitable Anal eeillir•
t heir bickering. There has 'teen
'II teen Inellnallfrel to waste lime in
PlItilileelete. *Mk IMP Week, N14{11(401
heta been permitted to make mason -
/dole progreeta, 117)44 the proapeets of
wor.tgret it m this mernth are bright.
Morning sessirMit tlela
and t hitt is tin manning sign of the
approach of the end. TIIPIT will not.
he 'hinny legisIntorte minim! Ottawa
after 1k...onion Day has gime.
Tremendous Growth of Trade.
.thsoltetely the hest on terms, in the
history of the 441 is the de-
seription that applies to the report of
the etistann14 department for the
t 11 44 1.1.4 7. At t he present rate
of going the total triode of the ...sultry
for the 11 (1.114 year will lw
$P10,111111,111111 better than It was last
year. Both exports and imports are
;4411111 Isit the foormer are
making the greater oilrirlos NMI are
fast memehatifing the latter. The *014.
emotion of imports for the eleven
month. altvadv gntie is $21.1 01.0111.
and of exports $4111,Namett ; while for
the month of May the tigeirem are
Alettstottil And . Ygl,11144,00d: rowel I rely.
The total ligieres for the elet.teri
le- ate : I input t 0. $257.121.127 t
vgport r., ; total triule 01.
t lie 141 lllll ry. 11141C1.234.fil4t. The 10181"
Netted I welt*' titotithet of last year
remised mtly $1711.4141ttss5.• 01 ,asseuriste
the good woes. lllll VIII of the past 1011
Yeat's M.44 had nothing 111 1141 51 44141'
at upend. 411,4 i114.1•144.44 4 l'f llll not,
Ali.. I•Ne.ler ,:iya 11 1111.111: 11114 114'011
*he 1111..• 110.1..141 1141 1114 special vote
this week that Mr, Foster te. 111411411'.
71/1111' 1117411
the Lord's Day Bill. '
The 4.41411.;: (hay observance bill ia
alsolt the mealtime of lirst im-
p.' lance that 'till remains to he dealt
141111. NI14 it Will 1 1111 for Often -
Ilan HON:* Wo011. 101111y /1.1 YO
114411 44111110111 HI 11 D0111.1` it 55,4'. sent foi
Coto llll kW.% and the hien& or strict
sabliatarianisen will piolialey protest
al some of these, 41 st 1115Viiy4
Ise 1 ellIellalleted 1 heit the laws :ire her 1111
I he people of leis Vat\ 1 1101118111. 44(111 '4454)4*
of them in Liewcee l'anados. w Int have
PIM, 1(14' Sallie rights AY (Ii' 1 4.141, 41 rt.
not in 'sympathy With 11111 ,1•Y1•111
141410:111.01. II..,* ever. 1 1141 '.405 4.. stilt
open :os local aohlit kris 1.v Ilse varivin.
11.1.14i41;111141 if they 14441. 111
10 l ki' ahem.
Milting Ends Mast on the I. C. R.
A smith's f.a. the Intereolonial
Railway ie. • of those t 111114;0 5.1111
41114 4111 /111,111t. 1011 IllifIlly 041111444•1 10 Kee
III 411011' ant MI f0r111. :mil yet
here 1. 11r. E •resieti, Minister of
Reailwa a - 11 11 111 inswing 11)11*
this yeao detleit W.I4 wiped oat loy
1 he esel .4 last April, and that
through the tetietining emmet h. of
the tiseill vear 11O ,'x i*'''" 161 gather 11
sultan.. Of OD 1111"ne *111' country has
often been told lw the Aliniatei• in
eltarge for the time being hat he
Impel' next year III hare a good re.
pert, 11n111 he thought. WIWI) sitsh and
4454.1) changes hail' 14441 1411114% 1 fry
would *WS kWh bievt„ 111141 1441
forth: but this thew WY MY i'l1 1 1
141 11 11 ('41(44 11415'P already net. and front
ebbe mit flies are going to ovetialk- -
and eenlly there Wendel Appear to he
mine molest...Hi ial gr llllll eta fe' the how
t Ind is in hint.
Pew 04 441. Old Guard Left.
Sir 11.4*' 'r LatigeVin's deal lo has re -
dined the "Fathets of Confederation"
still stet viviqg tee three -Sir rharlem
Tupwr. Senettew Mardistudel and Sir
William P. Howland. Of the Feinted -
414,111,54) S4•11/I (ON only one remains.
These and like facts help one to real-
ize that Canada, is begin to put on
Fined Two Dollars and Costs.
The trattehle between Mn,. Halm.
1/111•Ier .11141 Mrs. fleere which wiles
noted in tirese lllll ns 1.1441. week
resulted in fine 'wine, eta
the latter .4 $2 anti 41141 113, (4,,. poiiee
Kicked in the Face. •
the Sat unlit y eveni.og Rieharol
of lioiderto It township, sattfered it bold
accident. 'wing k bled 411 f face 10- his
volt. Mr. and Airs. Pi Prt er %5''r•' alit,-
ilig to1 town oit the fourth voiseession
41114 ninny of 1 lie rill Verls eio 1400111...
1114111!f11.1 I 111. Irevont olosin 5' g 144
1111 lis4lirlilget1 .'us -.-k 1 he roll 11.1 114151 to
go. through 411141 when the whip was
appli..1 it retaliated I 51 4'. Por•
ter 4434 kieked squarely in *1..' face,
*11,. boors 4.f the fare 'wing
5,4)444,11 .0)44 book. n. Dr. Whit el% at •
tended to Mr. I'4 544 injuries.
Change at Sterling Bank.
It. Jeffrey, who has been manager
et the Sterling Dank here minee it.
summed Mildness, and who has 311141
moperintended the eetalolishinent f'
the miler branehea of the Rank in this
neighborhood. is being trio naferred to)
another part of the Province to do
▪ 'bir work 4154.41r. Though he .has
been here only it short time. Mr. Jef-
frey has made many friends and ham
dime g000l service for the corporation
wine,' he represents. lie ha stiereeded
in the management of the (inalerieh
branch 11 y A. U. liatithle, late of
Ilriti.h Columbia, who 14 a Ireeuly w.•Il
kon..vn to many • Iieslerich people.
Mr. Ja.ffrey left yesterday fell. T.0.
The Coming Examinations.
For the ' Istionmer high whe.' ey-
e mime. in We.* Ilinsui inspector-
ate the following will beIlite presiding
1.X4 lll i ll ..114 1.:114.1 el% %%'m. IL John -
.1.01) : 1 11Klerielt, I ts.peet..i. T and
4*,. rt. The billowing will
preaide ett the high echoed entrance :-
Credit..n. P. liowana ; lbougannon.
lVoods and T. H. Brownlee Exeter.
McKay and F. E. Met. •an : 0041e.
• Ins lector Tom 111111 Print:inn,
: en.))(, (1. S. Howard Kin -
4.114, F. 1(11014 1. St. !Helens, C. A. Tel.-
varni, Geo. Rom. yr..: (3.
W. !More. The elotrance exesniina•
and 2fPh, and t he high ...hoed exam
in iti
ons ce.emat ogre 1111 !toil t',-, Jane
:tiiltonhs. %rill he held (III 27111. 413th
01( 40 Camp
ill Sal today morning an ad Vallee
pai tV of 4' peony f lett boe
(inn In get 114D,In 1111 31111 .01 forth. /and
1,41 41011411V 151,11154 1114 the main hotly
of lie lioderich and 1 lung
'monies ).oft on special train at about
if 141111111et to 12. Her lllll 1011111•111 Metier
reg nral hand and 4 %dome! Young
stoll Aoljoloutt Doindry. The (indent+
puny wa. 11,11 et 'tong! h. forty two
men, and the Ihinganmen eumpany
had 1 WI l'ite •
t. 1)I1I1'ers going with the men
were Lieut. 1) lop wit h the fiewleriele
e mospany and rapt V Imo or with the
Dungannon compteety. Including the
adannc, piirtv, the hand, and the two
c ponies, eight renin.. men were t ick -
et 11. The other ta nistoa 1111.4 ief the
regiment Joined the 1114 y 111 Clinton
and Extoller.
New G. T. R. Timetable.
On Monday morning 11 ..new time
table went into effect on *1141 (3. T. 14.,
whieli makes three eleanges which
;Meet Inalerich. The entit•tilty lt min
formerly leaving nt 7:15 now leaves at
7:1(1: ..afternon111 1 ti11/1 formerly
leaving at 3 'o'clock noow leaves at 2:511,
and the, train formerly nrriving nt
1 4.,5 p, in, now at•rives at 1:25. The
7:10n. III. and p. un, t ra ins art
▪ Mt.1.11 1 r0111 41 the same 'Hoe 4I•4 1
7:15 and :1 o'cleirk t rnin. did, while (h,'
125 p. nt. leaves Stratfind finer inin•
latex Jitter. The intention of these
chines ite evidently to phovide
in, the mute from here to Stret-
ford. Quite n number of penman.
have mimed their trnin. mince the
change* came into effeet and «rift
cl.nt .1 the (4, T. ft. for not adver•
timing the new timetable in puirtinee
Guelph & Godericn Railway.
Messrs. filitteridge k Edge, enntrac-
to.a for building shat ion, On the
Guelph & Itoderich Railway, are la
1111.4,111 1'0g11144141 111 work on the Milver
tam Rant inn. The cement/gang have 1*,,'
Primal** inn work partly up And will be
followed short lv bv the carpenter
gong. The Milvettor station, includ-
ing ticket "flier. waiting room and
freight shed, will be 1112124 feet. This
riViittatt 4,0 441,t14V
is the sante alto eta is being built at El -
11111n. Litewoutilauut
Onelple Mercury : Official notice has
been received ley the local voutroietori•
from C. P. H. head officials that the
stations ion the 11. & U. bet W4'4 -II here
11115s1 ready for traffic
ley Jury 2a,l, intimating that penmen-
gers will he 1.1411.6.11 11.11d fr lllll
'stint on and after that able.
will lie no diffletelty ,1.. tiontplying
wit le the order. Ant alwr elf the
giiil71(ir t h.. 1ig1111tlru,;0ec0,44bha.1:iy.81.i,
AY 111 reptill Iles.. KWh ,If liner
girder:. 'is 1311 feet long awl 12 feet
deep. The steetite shot el 1111 the G. k
D. Railway ha.. born shipped frosts
West Montrose to -Eltetini; mid the
work 411 filling up the dation grounds
there will be proceeded 'i(ti rapidly.
Additional Telephone. Subscribers.
'nee following Miliserihiltra 114 re been
added 111 the 1144 of the Hell Telephone
C. patty at Underhill mince the issue
of 1114 ii1111 telephone dirt...tory. These
141'1' 1111 110111C.11141/111110 1 eleithon401.
173 litstoet. Samuel. batty. SsItforol.
8141 Srry, O. I41'.nittnUo41. 451, sieorser-
171 Freetown, he. Vet Surin•en. IIrcr .4,
114t gala. Js., ke.0414•444.e. North
413 hno, Moe.. 1.i Newg..t.. sorrel.
.11 AS 11111554, 1.041.1.
1 17 Nichol-mm..1.. Hardball., 11'1,141 .1 reef .
At. *104(1,4. Ile ‘1 are, Court 11::•vsm.i.
1:7 1'u*,.., b:.
11711 Hutt 414')'. Mr., lksidencr.
sengri .
14YI rola
\11: 1611k. 4 'Olin It1611.1. SI411.41..
MN Stelling Illank. Vont Ileum swam.,
1.141 tilud:131 t 14 Mt Kleinon. libslem•ot Agent,.
11 .aat
.111 W011.41 to Ali4,n-111W, 1,Iverv, 44.4 n reel.
Mlb .1111..74..A1 11.4.... its-klybos. buta 1.
1:4 JUlob. tionsr,z14:/,144, eh tint
1.N Bo mit, H. 11., Ite•1114.114.1.. 1.01.. N.1.11•011 J.
and 1'41641d:1A rand.
141111104.1.11114114 should eta thi. out and
paste it 11) their alireeheries.
The Guelph Ea:torsion.
Two ,perial trains 41111 ied 1.1111 I•Xr-
ctirsionists from Ilium to lletelpie 111.1
1:1.141.1y. 11. WAN 1111. lllll 114Il 1•14SIIP114/11
to the Ontario Agricanmem
and wa4 lee the nie.pices of the
Farmer.' Doted te tea 1A'est 44n41 South
Huron 'Moe 'iray• 11111*
(4111•11/11 Anti the 5' 4'4i( 111 the College
And experimental farts, W415 thieraptigh-
ly enjoyed. Na.
Laken in the MeDroi %I.1 Institut.;
awl McDonald 1111 I Ithe splendid
buildings erected within the last few
yearei Lite 111141 training
of y g women in diunestir science
and kindred subjeets. President
Creellisan wele ml the visitor/I in his
bright and hearty in. lllll et:, and mem-
bers .1( 1114' •ollege staff c heeled par-
t kV over the grounds and expli ' '.1(1,.'
met bode mod results of the work tibil
is being carried tete. Even a short stay
at the College in instructive, and no
one %vhoi visits it. can fail to he int -
pressed with the valise of the institu-
tion to the Provinee and eapecially t.1
the farining wit y. teachers
41 %Vest Huron held their annual eon -
vent hen lt the t dirge 4111 Friday and
Saturday I .4 report of their 4)4...
"4'4'4111544 • jiislolished in another
Dooley -Logan.
From 'I'I." Nor* h 11,..kotai
Nen s vt.• take *4s.' rollioWitig
110.11Y tti 11,4' attarriatge of Miss (
hale .1.144•441 • Log:Vity g1.3111111311g111
111 Alr. sinil Mrs. Alex.
t oov 11 : ••Ifoscinoull Farm, the
braiitiO11 llllll • of Mr. and Mrs.
4try1.'1116, alp:mit 14111r Miler
north ' od this ell v, Mar • IH 'scene
of a very !Pretty wedding 'I',,',. -
.4,,','g, June I:3 11, when their
evilly ilanghter. Mims timbale Jos-
ephine Logan, was 'tett in marriage .
to Mr. Jeremiah iheole•y. The loride
wore MI elegant. gown of white paris
crepe over white taffeta. '1'l.' trim-
mings were of white 'mint Ince and
she carried 14 shower bouquet of bride
paws. Miss Theo. ThollibAM, Sm4M1bi11 of
the In•iele, was bridesmaid and trery 41
stylish enst • link green milk
ea dienne. tr• 1 with lace, and ear -
tied bionotiset of pink roses. Mr.
lame 1 Poky, brother of the groom,
Wan grooms . After the cereimmy
414)11.44 •' Iwt
1.4 er g.111 lllll . Wheys 34
ing about fifty, re-
f --einirse 'nipper was served. The
bride is a charming young lady who
has been one of the faculty ief tht•
Leeds high whim, the past year. She
has resided heist from early childhood
and has many lug friends iti this
city and vicinity. The gismini is one
of the most poptilar y g men in the
city,. 11e WAN deputy postmaster for
48 ' 41''.ienim until a year ago,
when he Iva... app.. jilted post
Suicide Near Kincardine.
Eineardine, June 15. .10Im Gaunt,
a respeeted fa taller living, on the south
line. took hi. own life today by hang-
ing hinowlf in his bYrn. AVheti found
life wan quite extinct. lie had been
in ill -health for elbow a nioni h, the
only re.remen Assigned for the iirdi art.
_ .
Get Tom- banners ready for Dotnin-
ion Day.
II.ToraTitooto, weti
lair via*, 41 1,141,1, IA ricer 1*1,1, lbw:
nese 44 loaf Rpm 'I he Naas ho, e
learned Mat 1111. b the lc-. 1.1 64 •• III 111)'Pro, In obtain 11 lllll woasl
MIS ation or •11::i t Land 1 r.t
MI bfb•n1•• e ot., Inn' m 18 er1• All
gradlistes get MOH Write
41014201 t...1
Photography ,
et 114111 1101011'. I•noter 0)11 :11.11110-
lan there 41 'velment Ian or
wasting of terinie 11114 1(111114 4. Volt
team to 410 PI ery 314114 11? 1ln. womb %noir
.4qt. S11114•146, 44e1141'ant•1.4. f air SI . in
geld prise will Interr-t ton. VVritc Imlay
( respondence 4 /4.111%14 ti1e111.
A Great School
nri, 11.- ft., (Nimble.
....laxkot. ill AV/Ill 111111 MAilitOhni 4111 1110
44,1 lo \,'w 11ton.. 4.4, On OW PIM( are
In attaenglaatior 1111. )'ear. 411.1.iner In am
hindrance In thaw.. who aa tall 10 arra Ihe
104.1. 4/10 Krodiln1t, nro 41\•.•
444111 tillr 4/41 Mt le• 1111.
1 nennvenoe now. No s'neol ton
"pal entail" yratr. Magatfieent wale
kerne 5,,-,',
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal,
vane, and AleYnnirter
, . •
"let folt,
W. Acheson & Son
English Oxford Suitings
New and neat .5.11 terfis k1111 III foul KIlig1141111. Ogfols)
suiting. in neat at ripest And eleet•ks attitable for children's. hulloes' or
isten'ii garments. Colitis warranted perfectly fa it and 121c-
materials:ire very tetretteg. Regular vidtse 15c, at per yard 2 _
Exeeptiontil values in hullos' ready•to-wear
\Valens. Daintily made they are and most
Perfes•t fitting. A very large ellIbii.44 III l'erai41111 lawn, 111411A 11 11141,
lustre. nti silk, ranging in price, $1.00, $1.35. $1.75.
*sot; $2.50 *he. $3 00
1.5110 pools Knglit41) and
Frenrhdress Neat
sheer and beautiful in i llllll emu. range of colors. patterns and
effect', we win nod fast. Itegtelar 3k• and 25c -1 ,„
ryti alit le s. l'Istelt•a•at per yap!
CORSETS this week $10 pair* mminner corsets from 1110/4
151411 1,11' 1111(1 eXillesiVe llllll faellirerft. lilt MIMI r
Evei y mite, ln 10 let at per pair $3.0o, 75C 1144 xjftlyt,
entire Beier -
ti 1,4 coats i11 special dise.entit wile. 4 .11)11 full length coats. New
and stylish (att, very exi•Itasive itnal very sinart anti in high Plass
inatet Mk $7.40, gat» and 410.00 mats. sPerisl $9 00
lit $5.50, tr.00 and
Butterick Patteras for July and Delineator now in Stock.
Coal ! Coal!
Very Low Prices
for Coal for
Next Year's Supply
For Cash
All orders filed by June 20th will be
filled for $6.50 per ton ---best coal.
'Phone 70
Homespun Suits
llomespitus in light grey shades promise to 14*'
more popular thiA season than ever for summer wear
in fact it's going to be dtflieult to supply the detirin,I
f, or these pf pular goods.
thir $1(1.00 homespun suits are of an exceptionally
good quality, of cloth, the shades ale just what are
demanded and the make and fit all a persen would
ask for. There is no use paying $15.00 to $1 S.00 for a
17.1$1117:0044*.tit. when we can give you such good value
The best dressers are wearing our $10.00
Boys' Play Suits
.41141?. the thing for the small hoy to play, in, so nice
toil cool and save their good clothes. Call and see
them, they are a new hind of togs.
A Dining Room Suite
at Your Service
mllE month of June is the month of, brides.
' After the wedding is over the next most
inipoitant thing is to furnish the house. This week
we are "'oIsiler to help you by some
sAid oak Sideboard, 10 x 21 bevel mirror, large linen
drawer. lay., small drawt•ts, one lined. Regular 11117.411,
for $15.5n.
Senliti oak Extension Table. 8 ft. long, live nicely Hided
legs. Regular s1,2.$111. foie 410.011.
His solid ..,k Chairs, one town land five Pintail. saddle
tient, eonti lllll mis back leg. Regular MOJA for WM.
Quarter oak Side Table. regular $4,:',i,, for
ete-eatmese. eat
Nel•on +I. mail
H. ma
(*4stallarlat mast I I 89
B . Beckett
Undertaker and Embalmer Ph' one
• •
Coal ! Coal!
Very Low Prices
for Coal for
Next Year's Supply
For Cash
All orders filed by June 20th will be
filled for $6.50 per ton ---best coal.
'Phone 70
Homespun Suits
llomespitus in light grey shades promise to 14*'
more popular thiA season than ever for summer wear
in fact it's going to be dtflieult to supply the detirin,I
f, or these pf pular goods.
thir $1(1.00 homespun suits are of an exceptionally
good quality, of cloth, the shades ale just what are
demanded and the make and fit all a persen would
ask for. There is no use paying $15.00 to $1 S.00 for a
17.1$1117:0044*.tit. when we can give you such good value
The best dressers are wearing our $10.00
Boys' Play Suits
.41141?. the thing for the small hoy to play, in, so nice
toil cool and save their good clothes. Call and see
them, they are a new hind of togs.