HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-6-14, Page 4,T411-w'1111-Mlrq ► 4 /braves', June 14, Iw THE SIt:NAI.: t,OI)I':IUCII ONTARIO Duron County Council. Proceedings of June Session - Goderich Hospital Is to (let the Grant of 81,000 Donald Patterson, of Auburn, Appointed Road and Bridge Commis- sioner -License Fee for Transient Traders to be $200 -Valuators' Report on Assessment Adopted. The June NMWila1 of the county Council upenwl on Tuesday afternoon present. of Wt week 4'l the 'itemisers 1 t'onul omit o' x ,u front the!�a t 1,f r grant 4''9 g !lanitar' Arwa•iat 0000 was went to the executive e '(tee. Natio of applicxt• fur incur orali ,'f the railway rum auly id which Me.,'vs. Prondtot, Du n, lirlwt nut Skrnnr are the solicit to run frau Male - rich smith, w,�,. sent to the a a+eial r 1, p c •tor,•. A notice of the meting of the Chief I unstable. Associali WAN rent to the executive r • let•. Metar.. \\'illis, Mayor of Seidman, and Thos. K. Hays notified the,ouneil of the a went 1a Mt. John'.. In- dustrial Mchlol 0f Leu McNamaral. A 'Muskoka o , 11' 111 reN'urrt for a grant t Fire Hotspitll was tient to the execu- tive et ' ter. Statements (rum the Listowel and Parkhill High Sonatas wen• tient t, the ext.( mite a •tteM•. A petition from the residents of the police village of thralitou, H.king (.'r change 111 In4'orp.l'at loll, w'10. ..el( 1) theex'.,tivt• r • 'lore. 1 past' • f wl lie). F:. Kssrry and thirty -right of er ratepayers of the .'blot Ne•ti)n of ','. 1, township of Stephen, a4kijlg for change in the *WHIM htMInd ars. referred to the ed,l/•N11.01 4','111 - alit . A pet iti 1141111 Juw'p11 M. (ler nd four other ratepayers,: ask- ing fu change in portion ba brie•, A AI 1 sent to the elucatio11 c 4'u lire. Alfred Morris!) and others by petit on staked for it grunt to build a lorku5) t (trend Hem!. Sent t, ex- ecutive e xnmlittee. Tender• for jail supplies. •re went to executive tnittc . Transient Traders' Licenses. Moved by Niema se Miller and ('am tenon that 511 liceuw• fee for transient tendert. in thi ronnly now la. $1115), and that the 'ex•nw for; residents of the county ren in at the present fig- ure, lira ittal t at n bylaw 1a• pre- pared to this eff. •t, 4'lullel. The folloWing were applicants for the fosit1'.,. .l( le int y engineer : .1. Lewis ThonuuW, T1n1111u; .f. Giant Met; rr'g .,. (ii•tller-it h : V. 1.. Bice. Hrinsl's.: Frank J. Na.g,•Ir, Henna ler ; A. M. 1;1111e,`,.;Alei sten: 4;,'u.liib- won \wle)xetet•:\ 1). 'itt term in, Au- burn. These wets!. 1 (errwl to the toad and bridge rad e4'. House of Refuge tters. The 1rHlw• of venue 4'1 1ler 4'r ported that 1,1 new 1o.1,.iug range was. needed ; that Ill. physic, a should be paid a1 bast for npfilm111r needed in nvaking olwr:11ioni.` CI' is Nos bru ought ) by the fart that it pr.a •- tion had 141 ell err, .sal') '.. in 1 a• 4.3Se of A. Haley, of Ttiekers •i, wI 1 was • • time ago admitted to he l use.) Regarding the purchase 01 Is lid 1.+k 1.11 large the Garth the a 'lir • 11,11 1.0 rerr/tun,entrlinn 111 makeSI , little,. acting for the e4 ly wdiril,U, war present at a ('orlon die,• meeting all Also His Honor .fudge Holt. :sod, papers nrrr ex,rulet fit ransf,1 o1 prowt•t)• 441, li.11iws: !Nora %Vest!'ill, real estate valued ,1 $1:,41: Elijah Walker, earth. *till; John Diu.lev. cash and insurance, I5:177. The 1)111 1111' a 111 ,' mitt/•,' said : "II appears t other inmate• who Myr s • 111e:141+ for their support and further .•ngni, v will la. made.- Simee Inking octet Ill• pp meet u( Iha•n N'.slfall and Elijah Walker a.few a'r)unls again.! Thee parth•s haul 4'a • in, 11 high 11 ere Ie ferrel to the frnnnr.• r 11.4'. The old team h•ul Iain sold and a new sale purchased at a "4)145 to the vomit y 1,1 $1MII. The tv,,rk 4)r the 1 • .111 pointed to inters iew the lines oral with reference to the 111,ulge. in 1h. Horse of Refuge Art wens merest el 5e with comen.udll . Ficery depart meat in the houw' Wns clean 111141 tidy. The rep ort said : • The West fall prop arty :.t Selfurth is renter ,4'I $:111: 5 hi,. and the Walker property y 1,1. Londe, bons' should he sold as 44141/11 +1'. IN.. Whir. We find that Alex. Kairn., an initiate. is 1) very dnngrr)mperson and advise that he la• 4 (5441 to aN AN 91011 As o41''ble." The taunt ng of the outbuildings :old an in crease of $11151 to Manager French were recommended. In council this 1,.t clause was clanged to an in,n'a.e )t $ ill to Mt'. French and nn inrlrase 111 $21 to the matron, ,and the report las amended was adopted. The jnil"r reported seyl'n primmer., the need for Ifo) fret of hose for water- ing the grounds and the need for set- ting up the Large iron gate in the west wall of Lhr wood yard. 11.' nt.o asked thnt the council 44h4)ld emit • • the grandit.hie walk which the town wasputting in, films the jail'to the front door, and that an ,awning be put over the front door. t,ounty Engineer's Report. The county ro5nni4444i)ntr reported as follow.: The small bridge at %'•5• land has been completed ,u•.oeding t) contract : Iwo small bridges. )set lyssa the ronnties of Huron ,aid Perth north of Dahlia, have been . played mnd.t contract 111141 the ron1rIeot• ie nt pres- ent erecting the nhtitnenla ; lenders for two bridge's )n the I,omnd,n•y be- tween lir•y And Elan have been 1e Ceivld: 1 have 1111(111' arrangement 14 to have steel joists and new floor put on pert of Manchester bridgpte, lbesau11' I) be done ate stun a. 110441lll•• : the 111111 1i abutment of Mt. Joseph lai kilo. was undermined by the spring flood and we have mode art•nngeine'nl 141 how,' a c0ncr.t• abutment built to repair the old bridge anti he there for n perntlul- ent steel ba idg,e when it is requires : a new bridge will require t.. be built at Dunlop this meson ; t h e small bridge w,.141 of Black creek is in an unsafe condition- 1 think the bridge 1 notne5nird rind would suggest that the place Ire Tilled with earth and gravel. place reference to hilt A Stewart's. complaint at. Illnevale 1 would Gay that nothing cats be done at ptr1Pnt.. They reeentl)- brill e new dam which somewhat change, the current. but a new bridge will be regtsirel prob'ahly next swoon and I would recommend that the new hridgr be then trade 20 or :41 feet longer. The spring floods last Apring passed without doing any greet damage to county bridges. A water pipe at the Blyth bridge, the report said, should be changer) or the safety of the bridge would he endangered. (onaiderehle work would need to be done in the way of repairs. Remeasurement of the Strnlake hridgr had not revealed any reason for any further allowance to thea�t trar:tor for cement work. This repflrC was sent to the road and bridge somntittee. A statement o(Mr. Harty, showing w►sawnteatente of eonerete work at. Mtanlake bridge. was sent to toad and bridge committee. Nr. Hardy appeared before thecoun• all to mimeos to work on St. Joseph's bridge. Mr. Duff addressed Illi 'maul- ed with n1,1 e' • ,• suer to damagevitiatedruwel foliage nd- i o• n r comity q all u tueaN f lh jnr.•111 to his properly. Hot 11 these matte., were t•rf,•rl.d to the is and In•idg.• r 'stet. Collegiate Institute Trustees Appointed. On lion of Messrs. ('auleltu and Few., It.' . 1', H. hollow was ale pointed taste of the Clinton 1'ol- legiate Institute. icelbws of J'': PI - steel, resigned, and on Heal )11 O( Menses. 11e1.1'an and Ishistrr, 1t. N'. Whelan. wits appointed tlatteof the hoale•ich Collegiate Institute. in posse of the hate .John Arhesol. Lient.-1'111. Young and lieu. Ladle 44 (15,• w1it'l un the a 'it with refer - eller t, a grIlit to the Huron Hifi,. Association. The exe•1111V ' eonnlittee W11. 144e1 5.1 felon on the um1114'l' Goderich Hospital Gets $z,000. Ila Thursday afternoon a 11epul:t- 1ion, consisting of a down u4' 1114,11. of the ladies of the Ihtughl.•rs of aIle 1.:u1- pil.•, 31111 s • or the (•11414 .4 of the h,Mlerich li,•ner l :and Marino• Hospital. with Itrv, flwt•ph Enna t. 11.'. I buttor Judge I►oyle and 111. Ilouor .1 nag.. Holt as .p )kronen, wailed "n tilt. emitted, :taking that ale motion passed ,at the last meeting rescinding the grant of $1.1511 to the hospital should he retaliated. ►14'. Elliott sgok.• at w. • length of the 114.4•1404y 111 hospitals :tool the ad- vantage not only in having skilled surgical treatment but Also in hr1vi11g the attention t frailest nut•w•44 and in le tying.. 11111s.• for lie, foliating 4/111.1.44- t i ,fol11uiogo5ae'a- t1nn'. *lulls ,'Hold IW Ihor.nKhl)' 44t.ri- liz.d, and spoke feelingly of 1114' many deaths that could be averted if such eiil,lll loll'. were readily secesNIIle 11ot only to the ale!' but to those who (amid not afford to go to the cities fol Ireal 'item in the hospitals there. His Motor Judge Royle wade an shells t appeal to he h,.wa• of the rululeil 0f for ••grandest rot nnly in Ilse 1 - •• nal to 1111,444 the stigma of going 'r,ek 011 1114 wl,'11111 plelgr to 11.1.11 1.1 the vomit v. of whish Hirt. WW.'1,tIh.• islet s•nt,tiyr.. IL. said 5 Fie muted of It41r2 that lats''l the group n Ihr teaI plus• was eral•Ipy 5l • 4.11111• 1•el'1M,I'+111• IMsly :1. 111r peesr111 maned. 11,• stall el 111.11 he Iru44lees ,.11lie hospital. relying "11 the grant !hat the commit of Nori had pa.se1, 101,1 1.1.444.1•r -41e1 w 11 h the %irk .d Holing up the 'Slitting which 11.111 I..e•11 p11r•h.,4.'.1, ,11141 11141 .Is soul n4 t hr 4'l uucil ice .1 11n1.11'y 1a.1 had rescinded the. vole the work 11:111 been MI 1pJMel and nothing had I4'e" .1411.• 'ince Is•. valise there wins 110 rll"o,•', 1" go all w1111. ('hr sl:11.uu•nl 111 1t the novo, 44 1Ls1.• rich had 1.4441 vihn1.'1 11.111i11( to the I.uildiug %la. not 1,.4• : the liwva .1.414.4 l,,, lot s 54 Ihr 5'u.t1 .4 14 hirh Weise 11'..1'111 bel wren *dist 111141 $71111, 4151.1 111• 1.41ie-. - had IMe•o working night a11.1 day, in season and nut of .r,t.Inl, ice fair poral her and foul, and by '.uhs,•rip(iuns and gelling tip ,'n'ertain• mesas of all sorts hail raised tom.• sunt while 111 nhll).1 every home or hosing lett a small bag WAN hanging (" 4.1.11,• cum ribiO 1,11114 to the project. V„ ,1,11,• •' Is•41e' anything else but that the ••X5N•riI•nce of the hospital hen• mild be I he • AS e4vt'yw' tete .•L1. .n that the 1))111 would hay.• 1,J ,'01111' 1 , IIs :11444141 alive 1101 "flee 1.111 11.u1y Clues, told flys ,he ail W0111,1 11 1V1. 541 g1, .1ow•0 inlu Ihl•ir 114.rkel., it' .Ihr)' 11:41 .111e.41)' olour. f)t. +. hoped ..•1 end yl 1,'s, though it w t h l 1 1114' 41,11 11111 AI would beeinur self-sup- porting l•If-slip•porting in 11 ', enlnw• 411 . • 1.1•,11-4. Hia Honor edge Holt spoke along somewhat sin 'l+u' lines tend said al- though 511m r,',l(t!y 4.1011114il if Ilnr4u had 1 Ile 11 1111 15 ie$(1- .11 Ia•ing hard to get .111)11141g 0515 "fl believed if any pr"-, position hail real Heels in it it would (seely. 511.• 144'.44,1111 y of 5hr 1.11111 y. tin \I" Hull's rest ),ling his welt Jnr. 11i111.1'1n4)ye,I. 41.411141 by Mr. 15.'11551, that the malt' of s1,.. otllll be rescinded and the ori final grant re - shard. The moyer staled 11at he had voted to rase' 11 the grant 1,111 he now th•Inght he wits w)1 stlg :55)41 51)11 the (,latter alu,llld 1N• settled la•f,'re the council rose. The Warden, howevei, ruled aha the mat- te! L 1 • before c ole. and JI r. Hryans was asked to 1 ke the 'hair, Mr. 4110544,m was the pt.' •ipal speaker against the grant. A $ ,1511 4,11141 ion had been mute to the house of refuge and hospital mer hal inn provided there. 111' was Irppwel In the grant because applications would be cooling for grunts to'hospitnl, in towns all oyer She 4' 5y ala won a14 the principle was established I the r"un,il would feel in fairness bound to treat all applicants alike, Jur. 31'14e11zie 4•ellt un record as strongly in favor of the grant. \\'hen Ibe vote was taken right ,.f the roomed voted for the (ion to r•srindlNle motion 5).14144441 in 131111/1.1'y .11141 right against, and thechSit'm m of the r• •e gIe•t111h• clapped his hnod44. 110 Ihr Warden's 4'N ' g the rhnu Mr. Miller. (following A auggert' ft flit. Warden, ml vel. w•condsI by Jlr. M,'Kenzi., that it grant of $5.1151 1.n movie to the hospital when the huildiug is c pietist. Chis W114 referred to the e4e41111',' r - ulMttee. The ex,rllive eomnnMee reported, recommending that the prayer of the police village of 1'trditor, asking that the loan) of police trustees he me. r- poratel, he grnnte.1, and that a bylaw he prepared ; that l'. A. Nairn'a ten- der for jail Nn 'empties be rrepied : that. no at -tion be token with reference to the request of a farther grant. 111 the tlravenhurll !tanit ori et the pres- ent t' •: that the 'tidies of Leo 111•Namat , e ittel 5,l Mt., .John's 1nil ustrial 11. , from Meaf.rth. be paid ; that. no N•I.ion bre taken with reference to the e ' mlion front the l'onatahien' ANsociatiou, Waking payment of meml,erahip fees ; with re- ference to the petition from (trend (tend to the township of Stephen. ask- ing help to 11111111 n 11.ektip. that the petitioner's mend it to the ennlcil of the township of Stephen; that the grant of $1.141411 to the Alexandra. General and Marine Hnapitel b• not given ; that the !trent of (1,1441 to the \Vingham hoapltal he not given ; that a grant of $75 to the Heron (bounty Rifle League he made. When the report was taken ftp in committee of the whole council the yyneation of the grant to the Goderich hospital again came -up and Ills Honer Judge Holt was again allowed to address the commit- tee. A motion to amend the report by making the grant wail introduced and this time the Warden voted for the grant sod its a roll the report was adopted as atneoded on the follow - tog division : Yeas -Messes. Gardiner. 1 I,auoul,McLean, M 'h.'n tie, ,lIM ghto Jla.41101411 a 11 d Steck lllll it. :\ a) 41meows.. liryans, ('xutrlon, %stage. 1) I'4•Iris, Grieve and Ishistrr. Estimates for the Year. Che ,'Nliu•atel 4.11.114•1141111114./1 and re- ceipts for the year IMI 1411• ns tallow's Adluinistralion of justice, $5,:11411 ; jail xrruUlll, $t'-:41.1 : Division Court t 1'4 1,111d, $1111 ; schools. $111,14111 ; s1, col 11tl,tgrmeelt, $2,11511: grams, $2„11411 ; municipal toyer lllll eta. $.1,:1141 ; sta- tionery. printing. etc.. $!1141, ; 1 i1 3. and rltarltie•.. $.-IINI : intere,a, $5,141411; county property, $''.5,'.1111: uuise11:11- em., $1111 ; 1114111. 41'4d 11 *44.141411 : s :teal bridges. .� 1)I.!l • sterling N te14411111es, $,,,:,l1t: gurtrn•v dela•n- 1111ers, $!141411; dlH,'it arr.. $14.111111151: lollop. $704,:I0•2.52. Iteveipls It.gist•y office. $►4411: li,cmw•s, $1,'x411 ; total, $'2,14151. Moved by 51r. \tiller, seconded by Mr. 1'.tllthtet. that in the ryeutof an Millen! from the 1rps.11 of the ,elualix- ,1 lou , 'I lee the appeal toe referred to the vomit judge. 1 arrie1. Mu4el by Messrs. ,\Irtjuilhul and 51.Kenzi,•, that, w'heneve' the iuspr• for of the (louse of refuge Hods that any inmate has any property, he and the \\4 I111en and the keeper have Ihr I 1 1 •1• tinware fe made. Carried. \lucid by 91rMaIr3. McQuillan 111111 I.hist•r that the drain at I(l)•throunIy bridge he left in eliarge of the roomy Rev. 31r. Elliott. reptes.ntin51 111,1' council I,f the town of lilNlrrich. +felled fora (.11111,',' grunt for Mowers for the nasi haus,' grounds. This was re - balls! 1,, the executive r ' ter. Moved by Mastro. 11,arlimrr and I Ih•v1tn" that the salary of the co O. engineer 115• $14411 pet. /Ill unll , MI/vet ice 111nrutr,Cnt by Messrs, JIeLeut and ( :ultelou that tier engila•tr be 'still *SIN) per 1411111111. Thos,' m4lions were sent to the ,•xe•utiv,• r ittee . Equalisation of Assessment. The report of the equalization 1.0111- 1141 tee wa4lrrs•u1e1. The • -tie- re•ouuu.mded that the report he adopt tsa which is the nasal )f the riuuty valuator.. 111 council it ,'iI 'el by 11,•. Ishistrr, seconded, b)' Jh•I►oig, that the townships of How irk. lire)'. llorris, Stephen and Hay la. redulld Irv,• rota. rent. This was 10411 1111,1 11m• 1r•IN1t'I WAS 5111.11 :,.Iople1. 1'h.• ruunty pro(a•it)' rnoauitle• re- P4inlall4111141 that no art' be taker w'it11 vers.,'uce to Om jaih•r's request for lets feet of hose, u4' the phlriag of lbs iron gate it the :nvning ave• the (14.111 .111411': With l'efrl'1•lle• to glallo- ht hie sidewalk that u" ,1,1' Is' taker: Walil the town council retrad the walk 10 111,' jail. The jail, registry 1f11ee lull roust bons• wile cepurted to be in gist repair. exceptthe repairs still to 1a• made :144 ordered. 'Chi. wits 1'11,' 4411111 ,,u,liI,,t 1••111111.1 the rash t.•rripls for NMh, iurludiug 1111 - Alive )m II:111111' 1911, :14 $17:51:;11.'!' lit ! 1 , '.bu .rt mels :e I . PC. 27. and h I I # leaning balance on hand ..f $l,55411,2',. Other details id Hie acinit also, w'1.re given. Further Improvements at Court House. :\ .supplementary report of the comfit )' 5ru(N•t'I4 r doll ill ter re')1ll- ua•udel 11,1. wi11, r1•frl.•nr1• to the Ielle ,'!ling of the .calls of the coot. 11.41111. I he 11' 4111 be .11,11,', 111 11 V. 1st 1)( not mole than $1111; that the wainscot- ting loud h.uldrniling on boom stairs he 111411e, 115 11 1.1,141 "r slut 11101e 1111111 $311, „Is. 511111 oilr•I411 h x1141 witminw shades 1,s• got for the w'itnes's' Anal and that repitir14 he n,ult• to the e.11xr d, Ma', the SI,l•k till lie 4.1'rl:W4.11 11)' fount -illus 11r1.ran lend Ihr ('111101)• clerk. Educational Matters. The rdneati,n committee Ircome r4•ndel that the prayer of the iwti- lion of 1•115r1i3yer4 Of 14r11,411 we•ti,111 NO, 1 )f the township fo(St•phen, ,1sk- ing the runuril 111 appoint arbitrator/. 111111 (11111 11 new schtol MIS 1)u, to hr L1144111 1114 srhlol Neel inn No. Il, by dividing school portion No. I into two, be granted ; that 11" 10111)1) be taken With r1•frtenrr In the el of the Listowel High SI.111101 (64' the tuiti,/m 111, pu oils belonging to this r (y that the 4'11 ' of the Parkhill High Seh.ol be paid, in accordance with clause leen of the minutes of the June ..•salon of 114101; that the grants made for r.ntintiali.0 rhtAS work hr made ill c4)nlin51 to 44111ut4' : that the prayer of the stet 15 ion o1 31. %il•r and outer twh•pavet•a of the !ales it section of No. :S, township of !Inv, tettuagiting the council to appoint arbitrators in regard In the boundaries and fixing of a site for the new 444•11001, the township of (Lay having I1fu.el to do w1, 1H• granteil. This was luloplel. Donald Patterson Engineer. The haul and bridge 'annuli•.' rr- IIM1.Ie1 that the two la idgea O11 the lo11ndaries between Heron and Perth had been contracted for, the tender of Hill ar Co.. of Mitchell, being $117 be- low the tll'X5 lowest tender, being ;le- 1e5)t4441 fur the Mupristrurturr, 111)11 t. hat of T. T. ('ole. I?thel, for concrete work• his being the most favorable: with reference to Dunlop bridge the committer drove out to wee it. and 11. - !meted finding it in very had 4' lir Min and res. ended 11411 tenders be caller for at once to put concrete abutments in at Once a('('1111ing I) plans and 44 Mrifi('atiun14, the old caviar strh)gew to be mad for a tern of years; that the engineer's ad1•jhe be taken with reference to the small bridge went of 151uek (Torek and that the pine.. be tiller app if not required to take the writer 'laity fin council this wan anl/•odel to the effect that no action be taken at present) ; that no action be taken with reference to the claim of Duff & Mtewart, of 111.1e - vale, rot 1 tee 1 '1 Ilia con- sideras 1,h n nit U r n 1 11- sideer the county liable for the 144,1441,' out.: thatthe corporation of Myth be notified to Ir•nnve water pipe at the Hlyth bridge, SA it was damaging the county bridge there; that the crock in the south nbutneht at, the Hayfield bridge he filled with Imre amid and cement ; that the contractor of St. .lu14Pph bridge had not placed the abutment according to specifications. The mitt.e• recommended that. the lomat' of the allotanent lie in eharge of Mr. Lamont, he /deo to net as insists -tor while the concrete work is going on: that IMnald Pattcruom he appointed county engineer, and rommen('P work at once, and that all lepers and eOmmunihations in clmnec• lion with all bridges he transferred over to him by Mr. Anally at once and that a bylaw he pn'pnre) to this effect. Adoptee!. County Clerk's Salary ',creased. A supplementary report of the ex- ecutive committee recommended no grant to the Provincial Fruit (rowers A,iaoelation ; no htrther grant for flowers for the spurt house park ; en increase of $1111 In salary to the minty clerk ; that the tender of F. A. Holmes. for cost' be accepted, his hying lower than the only other tender, that of 1L.h1. KI)iott: that the salary ,nf the (smolt), engineer he $Mfrs. This report was adopted. Bylaws. The following hylaws were pawed ; ?Ptd. 4, to authorise the Warden aml tleae1res to harrow p*),1100 for current rx54•IlN4N : bylaw (1111. .5. to 441u1114C 5l. sow'Msrlentri of the different umwnicl- palllli/•M fur the year : bylaw No. lis to raise by raaeasrlleut the 4411111 of $70,- 5112.52 for the year )515411; bylaw No. 7, to appoint 1arlitrrtl/1w in the matter'of the 'N•(1111,11 11f I.11tel1a)•1.1'N 11( *1'1114441 Neel 14113 N,'. 1, WWII/11141 of -Stephen (the arbitrators appointed are .11111514' 1.101t. .1. E. T and N'. 'ache); bylaw No. 54, to appoint 1(5 4111'ton+ in the i'.xtt•r of the pwtition f1•I,111 1•atepa41' 4 of S. S. No. it, township of Hay ; bylaw No. 11, to ippon'', l►. Patterson county engineer: bylaw No, In, I,' incorporate III.• board of police trusters of the lutist. village of 1'redilou. Moved by Messrs. Ishistrr and Mc- Naughton, that we adjoin/1 to inert 1 ;,M e'ic 1 11 the e Meat l l l J u l n h again olio in 5,h 1 w forst. Tuesday in Decent1N•r. ('xrriel. A Trip ea the Lake, Uu Weln•wl11)' evening eleven members of the 1'crlll 4' Ly who arse herr 10 r4ufer with the 1 1111111 ,'O110e y 14111111.11 with r,•flernrr to bridges on the boundary between the tau counties, together with the uleul1s•rs Of the Hawn ruuncil, enjoyed A trip on the lake in the tug Horton, as the pe'''14(N of County Tnewurt•, I lolml•.,. \liller'M 1rip Puwdeis cure. For wale by 31114. \\ ils/ul. . 'I'hen•'14 u lot u1, sati.Gu•t ion m being diss::lislie•d with eveylhing.- -New 1 irk Press. tial) rhe and all a z,uhal(us eon- ditions of the skin All. cured by the• use of Miller's Compound Iron fills. F'or soh• 1'Y Jlw, 1Vil'ou. CASH OR PRODUCE SWIM SPECIALTIES Colored Dress Silks Another lot of colored deem silks. Regular 31) cents for 39 cents for Saturday. See our win. dew Saturday ning. Organdie g Muslims White sheer organdie dress Muslims a special French make, thin rid fine, 16c, 20n, 25c and 30c, rate values. _ Cotton Suitings 5 pieces cotton Stallings, black and white, elninnaigne, green and Whitr,Ihlur and %•hitt. and light blur, regulars 2'4c for 16c. 'PHONE 86 Cotton Holt In all black, tan and white, lace fronts, extra vahtes for pricer asked, another lot better than ever, 16 cents or 2 pairs for 25 cents. Ladles riser. 141 tu'1 k'�C'.t�.irl !amu I.) ' ^p• P.rpld'1 Remnants i Remnants of dew gouda, all short sods at about half-price. l - - Prints About 350 yards of 124 cent prints for 10 cents. (;tool cloth and color. . H. COLBORNE Corner Hamilton Street and Square, -1 GODERICH. It Is Not ''Too Late! k: tl l You slum have done it sooner but it 's never too late to change. Make :t start by buying a grey worsted. ft is the new thing tied will add to your appearance. Frank H. Martin The Tailor 1 THE BON -TON Livery- and flack Stables EAST STREET The fittest turnouts in town are supplied at these well•known stables. Carriages for every requirement and good horses furnished at reasonable rates of hire. Finest Hack service in town Everything up- to-date Careful drivers furnished when required All calls promptly attended to Walker & Augustine 'PHONE 51 EAST STREET LIVERY SUMMER GOODS FOR MEN SUMMER VESTS, SUMMER HATS, SUMMER TIES. TWO-PIECE SUITS MADE TO MEASURE AT VERY LOW FIGURES. FANCY HALF -HOSE, 25c AND 50c EVERYTHING IN MEN'S SMART WEAR REG. BLACK Cesium Tailor, - The Square, Gederich. 'PHONE 56 D. MILLAR CO. Just to hand another shipment of our ladies' PHONE 56 Readyio=wear Wash Suits They 'come in white, white and black, and in smart tweed effects, and range in price as before from $2.5o to $3.50 a suit. As this will be our last opportunity of repeat- ing thli.) suit;, wt) w.)uld eip:eially recommend any lady desirous of securing one to call at once. We were very fortunate in securing a nice lot, of Dress Linens, Muslins, Vestings, etc , at about half- price., We will put these on sale Saturday morning at very tempting prices. Silk,Waists Muslin Waists - ; Lustre Waists flat 1'4111gP fof bdbei WAlrt, IN eery c ple•te• and "0ntains all the Maga nuvrltiea; 4124•,, :4'l !n 111, 111)5)1 7:ir. Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Indira will find no difficulty in having their hosiery wants supplier at this store an the stack fN very large an.I contains almost everything that (011141 111' desired. Parasols Parasols Parasols \\ r have thio week added Many new •shies to ter stack of parasols and sunshades. Children's sunshades a Ietdingltte•ature. P ss NE Millar's Popular Store PHS N E r You � ARE INVITED to come and see the ins provetnents we have made in our store and to see the newest and .17) best assorted stock of Farmers' and Builders' Hardware, Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, Screen Doors, Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers, Washing Machines, Wringers, Tinware and Graniteware. The largest assortment of STOVES and RANGES in town. Worsell's Cheap Hardware and Stove Store Hamilton Street - - GODERICH ttlhk I SUMMER TIES I +.'c5fit' HOW a woman can get through toe corning summer seastZn without WHITE FOOT- WEAR is more than we can understand. This will be a season for WHITE AND TAN SHOES. We are ready for the rush. Women's White Ties, $1.25, $I.SO and $2.50 Women's Tan Oxfords from $1.23 to $3.00 Children's White Ties and Slippers at 75e, $1.00 shd $1.25 WE DO REPAIRING AND DO IT RIGHT. NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE SELECTIONS. Sharman GODERICH t�liall��� 1 1 ,. NEW LIVERY ....._„.........,..__________„_,„_. KNOX BROS. have opened a livery stable in the P° stand on Newgate street opposite the Colborne IIotel and have fitted it with fi , 3,a New and Up-to-date Rigs, New Harness, and Good, Reliable Horses. All patrons are assured the best of service. Your patronage is solicited. I. -----.---_ -r�---------,-,,....c._ ,; N X BROS. O I opposite '(:oII)orne Ilease, -- Newgate Street. It Is Not ''Too Late! k: tl l You slum have done it sooner but it 's never too late to change. Make :t start by buying a grey worsted. ft is the new thing tied will add to your appearance. Frank H. Martin The Tailor 1 THE BON -TON Livery- and flack Stables EAST STREET The fittest turnouts in town are supplied at these well•known stables. Carriages for every requirement and good horses furnished at reasonable rates of hire. Finest Hack service in town Everything up- to-date Careful drivers furnished when required All calls promptly attended to Walker & Augustine 'PHONE 51 EAST STREET LIVERY SUMMER GOODS FOR MEN SUMMER VESTS, SUMMER HATS, SUMMER TIES. TWO-PIECE SUITS MADE TO MEASURE AT VERY LOW FIGURES. FANCY HALF -HOSE, 25c AND 50c EVERYTHING IN MEN'S SMART WEAR REG. BLACK Cesium Tailor, - The Square, Gederich. 'PHONE 56 D. MILLAR CO. Just to hand another shipment of our ladies' PHONE 56 Readyio=wear Wash Suits They 'come in white, white and black, and in smart tweed effects, and range in price as before from $2.5o to $3.50 a suit. As this will be our last opportunity of repeat- ing thli.) suit;, wt) w.)uld eip:eially recommend any lady desirous of securing one to call at once. We were very fortunate in securing a nice lot, of Dress Linens, Muslins, Vestings, etc , at about half- price., We will put these on sale Saturday morning at very tempting prices. Silk,Waists Muslin Waists - ; Lustre Waists flat 1'4111gP fof bdbei WAlrt, IN eery c ple•te• and "0ntains all the Maga nuvrltiea; 4124•,, :4'l !n 111, 111)5)1 7:ir. Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery Indira will find no difficulty in having their hosiery wants supplier at this store an the stack fN very large an.I contains almost everything that (011141 111' desired. Parasols Parasols Parasols \\ r have thio week added Many new •shies to ter stack of parasols and sunshades. Children's sunshades a Ietdingltte•ature. P ss NE Millar's Popular Store PHS N E r You � ARE INVITED to come and see the ins provetnents we have made in our store and to see the newest and .17) best assorted stock of Farmers' and Builders' Hardware, Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, Screen Doors, Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers, Washing Machines, Wringers, Tinware and Graniteware. The largest assortment of STOVES and RANGES in town. Worsell's Cheap Hardware and Stove Store Hamilton Street - - GODERICH ttlhk I SUMMER TIES I +.'c5fit' HOW a woman can get through toe corning summer seastZn without WHITE FOOT- WEAR is more than we can understand. This will be a season for WHITE AND TAN SHOES. We are ready for the rush. Women's White Ties, $1.25, $I.SO and $2.50 Women's Tan Oxfords from $1.23 to $3.00 Children's White Ties and Slippers at 75e, $1.00 shd $1.25 WE DO REPAIRING AND DO IT RIGHT. NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE SELECTIONS. Sharman GODERICH t�liall��� 1 1