HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-6-14, Page 3THE SINAL: l.Ut)E)IC'Ir t►Nrl'Alllt►
T■VIIIDA•, Jess 14, 1906 3
thefe£istrict. caued by a eumnpliewtion of t)'phui
ver and Tho uuidecetteedWee w
in iter thirtieth year and was 01,
youngest daughter t1 \Villimnl Mar
Mra. W. Colwell and daughter, Mims
Ethel, have removed (rout Hensen tt
make their house in Regina, Sask.
N. H. Henry, of Clinton. has suld
hiso u ph business e • .to
o t to n there .1
1 K {{
of Paisley, who Roberta, y, h hue taken
1V. 11. Mandel*, of Denver, Cul.,
formerly of Exet•r, was married ori
June 5th to Miss Catherine O. Brande-
bury, of Deuver.
William Stewart, a former resident
of Turnberry and \Vingham, eau re -
Scaly Shin Diseases
-Ecaama, S.k Rheum, Tater, etc. yield (middy
to the beeline power of Mus Oictmemt.
Why suer Wath the burning and keine )
Why let the th.ng go era) pawl b. moterstie 5
Kra eats oaiy 50o a box - 6 lor $11_50.
Get one to -day. At dorgo, or from The
Chemise Co. of Canada, L ,shed. Hawiko:r-
-A few hour. afar. M.,f nrapp/ucNm., ' 410.141
101) (o'lago., r7{ tr.:wool Ayr N iiamtlyoa,
I felt rear d eta J. Mira A,n rw, le I ae.es ilr Jur
w..' (110 A.,J l..rnna/o'�m„)
1..1. sum, air wearies vn11) dr sadstark-
✓ `+
Appetite comes with eating
and each square of crisp de-
liciousnrs seems but to make
room for more.
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
are different from any other
cracker. Nothing heavy or
doughy about them but so light
and crap that they are trans-
parent. Maoney's biscuits will
be a regular dish on your table
if you will try them.
Say-Mooney's.' to your grocer.
Sold ■
on 3 Sap l
Trial 1
1"•,I r .Hooey 4etura A -/
red in every way.
evrauR!he "Carlon- Mtagn talc"
rr rarensiy •o..predaand
;I ground a: to awn
beadles way. AN .•h
dinar careful Gas
use. it will hold -
, is edge ter
eke •..u.r r la 14SO
Dewble mean sZss
we w., 7..ren-
"Carbo -Magnetic" Slae-
tic Caahron .Sennas, 11.00.
Ina booklet "films te Shavers:"
HeS. C. LCF. - Gooeer1
• ~ ����� �ccccc ' got
�. ..1 iMt
��i •//seseiiii ;i
.r r•11alr'
'N�'�` I LLON
R +s/1/ .r+aL4 R
MINT a 71.. M11•, henylt ? a TAY lardFOC.Y Will
Plop. rrnr In r h..,ll)r pLeaded and air
strands ars .al al)a e:Aaan5 tY1041el. IlgI.
I1 t4W (LWagar
.rent .ul.•I.
For sale by .I. NICHOLSON
Northern Navigation Co.
ieorgiaa Bay, Sault Sic. Marie,
Port Arthur and Northwest
Far Sas, Pert Arthur. Fort William
sed Duluth
Leave Sarnia a::0. p.m.. May Y, 1. 7. 11.
4. Id 21. n. Y:i, :ti and .Ione 1. 1. 5. 11. 11.
�alllnp+: Mar 7, In, TS and .Iuue• 1, 11 for
Un1au h.
For Manitoulin Island. Son end Way
Gave ( 011111gaMNI 1;1, p.,0., uwen
wind. II min. on Tni'wiay.1, Thntwlays
.11111 Satunlays.
For Parry Soiled, Byeg Islet sea
French Elver
LI'nve ('nllin wlmel a ,. m.. 1'enetnnaaef
I. m.. Midland t:5, .1l.. n"la Imide
unmet Monday. and Th"rwlays.
Plaaagar Acce sMllaa UsauNIN.
Lowest PrdgM Rates.
TI,.kets and info, ua•' t Mil all roil
0) meats.
n. R. Gildersleeve. MgrI.ollingwnat.
C. N. Nlcaalase, Traffic Mgr.. awnba.
1 nate prepared to buy this IPaaon'l
''lip of wool as tuned. at
for highest cash prise, 0.t• in exchange
for notnnGactnrnd articles.
1 lin re a Large nssortmt•nt of
for I.dlt..' 111',eele And CNN unto.. Th. .metre.
'miner rase. Indn0as me to gel oxtendvel
elle man'ItaNynre 0t t lila popular attlete of
Vona Mat rnnaa, ra,.IMrtfnlle .44.1401(1441,
Benmiller Woollen Mills
• •
coolly killed at W' 'peg by 1a heavy
dray upsetting 11111111 him.
61ill1ert Meltunald, of near Kipper,
panted away rectutly in hie w,venty•
etre Ile
w 1 r
Y wits n if the ++
t n tori
plummet* of Stanley anti was highly
esteemed by his friends.
W. J. Fawettt, late of the IJrigde'
agency, "hes ,assumed the el gement
of/.he Metropolitan Hank at liruawle
Mr. Fawcett ie an old Huron toy, haw
IIng been born in Ilowick township.
Mee. Sophia Mollin, of ('tr•tliton,
jammed away on Friday. Juno lot,
uftt•r at share inners. The deceased
WAS a native of Germany end w'11s
seventyrane years of lege•. She is sur-
vived by two mon. and one daughter.
A former highly teepertd rewidelt
of \Viighanl, in (he person of Thomas
I*'alie, peeved away recently at Lis-
towel, to his eighty-fifth year. The
deceased watt engaged in the tailoring
business in 1Vinghaml for many year,.
The death oveurretl at Forest )n June
2nd of Mee. Hobert Pickell, daughter
of Mev. 1', Elston, of Exeter. The de -
erased watt in her twenty-sixth year
and had leen married about three
years. Besides her husband she leaves
a little sten,
1)r. Lutz, late ly in business in Ira-
et•r. has purchased R drug store busi-
ness iii Lansdowne, near Kingston.
Dr. Lutz and tIt*. Lutz have been es-
teemed residents of Exeter for some
)eats 1 their remove' is regretted
by the citizens of that towp.
]Ura. J. \Varl, a former "resident of
('linden, diel ieeently at Clinton
House, \Vest Ilau•ttetwNII, England.
MI's. %Vane w.as'amister ofthe Messrs.
Thomas. John nod Isaac J,u:kaoi, of
(lintel), :sof Amery years ago con-
ducted n Milliner)' business 1ht•re.
At high noon on Wednesday, "June
0th, a happy event took place in Car-
mel church, Hensnll. when Miss Jean,
eldest daughter of Willett McArthur,
of the 2nd line of Hay, lwcxua/• the.
wife of Peter 1L1nsnq )t near Blake.
Itev. E. F. Mel.. Smith pwrfeo•uu«I the
On %'tiolneetlay morning, June 11114.
the 1 . of Jauues Lin(lsuy, ('hesley,
was the !scene OI a very pretty event,
when him only daughter, .I 1y, 1414•, •
the wife of Christopher .1.'rebbutt, 0t
Chesley, formerly of ,Clinton. Only
the iniriediate friend, were present.
Mr. awd Mrs. Tebhutt will reside in
1)r. 1I. E. 1V.'I'emllyn, of 1Vinghnne,
met with an :evident merely which
alight have leen attended with much
!lure serious result,,. Ile had 110ea1-
to go ilito the -National hotel to
meet It (1101111 Anil in going thi•otigb
the hall he walked int) the cella'
w•a1y, the 1111pok1Nlr being open. He
lel•ei V141 several bruises and was badly
shaken up and was confined to bed for
st•v4rel days.
Seaforth's New Mayor.
In the mayoralty' contest •alt Sea-
forth hast week Mr-. Balmier -1(A was
elected, mayor by a majority of ninety-
s•ven. Alexa\Venter wits elected lot-
acl•lau)atiun to take \I1•. 114,slerick's
place ('1a the 1.111111(.11 (41411111.
Killed by Lightning.
Zurich. June 0. --While standing
finder a xhe,l'alLl.e•ilt'11 to the Intro two -
moue of 1:.')I•5e E'se'nhavh, 11th OM'.
Mda1i011 Of 11)1v town - 11111. were stt•u.•k
by lightning 1111 int 7 o'clock 1401
041111111,[ Mille it +Pte111 1111111401 40110
Was in progre me. Arthur Wats imttntly
killed :his brother will rec)ver.
Sesfxth Nuptials.
Miss barna Bright. eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. A..1. Bright. of Stet -
for: h, w•aS 'tied 1111 \Vt4hiIn14V of
hast week too 'l'h)na le (::do Ashh4ugh,
,.r Aylmer. The i'-I111uuny 1.01( place
at the family remi'lonre and wits per-
t' reed by Iters. A. K. Birks, pastor of
the Seaton t1 Methodist i•hulcl).
Golden Wedding Celebration,
\Ir. end Mrs. Jou'ph Hudson), of
Hellman, celebrated the gull ei unni.
versary of their wedldibg on Monday
)f Inst week. 'claey were married at
b:guarolivine and tut many )ears re-
sided alt Hills Green before loving to
Hensall three years ago. Among
many Ieeutiful pr cents le.eiveol 11118
x purse of gold tram their family, who
were all present for the happy event.
Fatally Crushed by Wagon.
A sad fetid accident befell Andrew
D egad, of Heitman. on %Ioudx)' even-
ing of last week. Mr. Dougall and hie
little s(11) were returning to Meisel'
from 54..Joseph with a load of sand
when the former fell ;trivet) and wars
jdlttdl off the wagon, t we. wheels of
which passed over his head and
breams, erumhing out his life. 'rite de-
cenw'd was forty -live years of age and
leaves at widow and teen small chil-
d ren.
Stephen Township Wedding.
A quiet wedding took place at the
Exeter rectory on .1 a :and, the cnn-
tructing pert iem tieing 31 ism Clara
Maude, youngest daughter of Inhn
Stan lake, of Stephen. and Wesley 1 lea r-
ing, else of Stephen., Bev. it. .1. \L
Perkins wan the officiating clergyman.
Mr. and Mrs. Dearing left to spend
theit• honeymoon et itingseine and 011
their ('torn will make their home on
the grloul'e'arm on the led concession
of Stephen. •
Sir Thomas Lipton impressed. i
shall, of 1Veat \Vawauuah, formerly
of Morrie. She leaves to mourn her
death her husband, to Whom Mlle twos
uuirriedl ,bout eight )'ears ago, and
two children.
Clinton Will Have Music.
Clinton town council has vutd $1:40
towards )pato-air baud concerts dur-
ing the summer. The citizens' hand
(gets $_MMI soled ill return ie to plot
every Thursday aveuiing, while the
teethe' Army 1141111 was voted 930
and is also to give an open-air cuuce•rt
once at week, prob4bly 011 Saturday
evb'nings. Theat• art not to be the
towel atrttet col•Ilet' (Meeting,, but the,
Me to be furnished is such as is
given by Salvation Aruly lends with
shall -1r engagements in England.
Diedin Detroit. -
Mts. John ltathwell, of Sexfurth,
died suddenly a1 the house of her
sister in Detroit, on Monday night of
hoe week. For some time Mr.. Reth-
wee had been in plot• health, but was
improving send about three weeks ago
site went to Detroit on a visit. The r•-
111ai111 were brought to the home of
her brother, %Val. Taylor, Bayfield
road, Stanley. and were laid to rest
beside those 111 (ler late husletud in the
Hayfield cemetery. Mr. Itethwell
died about twenty 'years ago. She
leaves 0:le. daughter, Masa Rathwell,
of Seater/h.
South Huron Punters' Ieatitute.
The annual meeting of South Huron
Frit -mere' Institute was held at fleeted!
on Monday of last week. Theile was
a fide atttendalnce. The reports of the
directors and auditors. were very sat-
isfactory and showed the Institute to
he in good( financial standing and that
the lue,•lings held during the year) haul
been well attended. rhe .following
directors were eler•ted for the current
year : Tnckersanith-1'. Kelly, JUMPS'
Patterson,. l., 1{. McLean, !leery Hor-
ton. 1'mlorue---A. Mitchell, 1'. Madge,
H. Hunter, J. Allison. Exeter -Ed.
Christie. Stephen - W, 1'). Sunders, .1.
Kellerman, 1V. Ise vis, Stephen Webb.
Hay --E. Gies, H. S. P'hillips, 1t.
7'a1141b11ll, John E 1 d e r, Hensatl -
S;touel Smillie. Stanley H. et
don. 'rhos. Fraser. W. elurda•k,
John Keteheu. Hayfield -1). Mc-
Naughton. Seeforth- M. Y. %1clw•an.
John Jluir and Win. Monteith,
141(4111111•, were- reappointed auditors.
This part of the business being
plttd, the meeting adjourned) to
a vas:int lot near toy, Where it demon-
stt•ati•,n 111 horiee awl cattle judging
WAS given l.y P1ofessor Arkcll, of the
Ontario Agricultural College. The
new fennel of directors met and elected
otHrers Re (hews: President, W. 1).
Manders, of Stephen : vice-president.
H. S. Phillips. ) f Hay : secretary -
treasurer. Hobert elatrdinet•, of Us-
I41orne.' The regular meetings will be
held during the year at Hricefield ttud
Exeter, and muppltnlenlary meetings
Will Ion held at Elintville, Crediton,
(:rend. Bend, %ut•ieh, I lensall. Bar-
field and Strng' s hell, 'rucketaurith.
First Canadian Maaufactgrers. to Adept
a System of Private Freight Cars.
It takes a lot of cnnfidena• in one's
011100+0, 11011 :111 abiding faith in (Mum
prsperity, to invest the money neces-
sary to rtplip x lire 111 pI irate freight
cars in t•on11rrtt•ln with 0110'') h1)siness.
Yet that Is just what the M,on0y Nis-
cantand '.11 1' • Company. l l 1 t) l all .ul)•. L' "ted, of
Stratford, Ontario, hey» Ilene.
Ezell in the Culled States, only a
few of the largest cunleaos own null
operate, their town eu'+, m, lhat, it
speaks vellum's for the 111o11ev Com-
pany, who have ieen ill business only.
three yars.
The new cars are of the *tendert'
aline, weighing :E,,LNI pN els and•
having a capacity of 4)1,IMM1 pounds
1:t) 1011.1. They are painted 11 rich
cr•eav11 (')1111). 1111 ertrh -side of t he
dors is the ratllilb11' 1,1)1exnd pmrple•uf
"•MIOW't''a 1'eavetio11 l'/•e:uu Sodas,"
The Min m'y Ca11goany :ore the only
concern in Canada o411110g end oper-
ating their own freight eau's : and their
bnsineei hes to increased in three
years that they have 110011 compelled
to double the size of their preoli+es.
The first private car of the JLNont•y
C ploy to be loaded left the bakery
at Stratford for Edmonton last week,
over the Canadian Northern Railway,
end will doubtless attract merit at -
tent' 'n route and on its art•ivad at
its destination,
Hyomei Has Been Known for Years and
is Guaranteed to Cure Catarrh.
We have given Hyomei a motor
thorough atop remarkable text.
The remedy has mule so mealy
cur's that veto have urged its use in
the poet chronic ,lases of catarrh.
Breathed) for at few minutes four
Bliley it day, through an inhaler that
r)e(•s with every "ntllt, it soothes the
ir'r'itated mucous membrane of the
nose, throat, and lungs, kills the CR -
14111 -hill get me, and restorem complete
health. its heading. antiseptic fra-
grance penetrates to the moat remote
air eissages, as no medicine taken in
to tine )tonla('h cath possibly d(4. im-
medialte relief ;Whoa, always follows
the use of Hyomei, and great benefit
a meen after a few day!' treatment.
The complete Hy 1 outfit costs
only 811, and consists of nn inhaler
that can be carried) In the pocket or
purse, and will lest a lifetime, a nled1-
rine (h'nppet', and a bottle of Hyolnei.
if this is not omMeient forroe bete
cure. additional lefties of ITTomel can
be 1Il10ln(dl for .-401 cents.
Compare this stroll expense with
the fees Clu1'g(d by specialists.
If you cannot, obtain Hyontei of
your dealer•, it will 1•r forwarded by
1)rnil, postage Paid, on receipt of price.
Write today for consultation blank
th,at will entitle you to services of our
medical deportment Without charge.
The H. T. !Toth Company. liyomei
Building, Ithaca, N. 1'`
.1. Sibley. of Landon. England. son
of H. P. Sibley, ('linnet. is the in-
ventor end manufacturer of what is
known am perforated muter. similar to
the pinnoba music. It has become
very popular In the Old Country, and
Sir 'Thomas Lipton was so mueh inl-
pressdl with it that he recently
ordered x spd•inl- quantity of it, end
had it forwarded am his wedding pres-
ent to the Princess of Bsttenhurg,
now the 4111441 of Spain.
Brussels Wedding.
On Hondalest week at pretty
George Thmnpson, of the gravel
meal, Hallett, suffered ,t serinua lost
nn Senility night, of Intoe. week by the de-
atrnction of him house by lir'. The fire
Matted in the rear pert of the house
A1111 served so rapidly thnt nearreIy
anything watt leaved. the family tem -ap-
ing with little inure than their lives.
There was en inatraneP on both house
and enntents. The origin of the fire 4
Is a mystery. es there had been no fire n
in that part of the house for a long
Death of Mrs. McCall, Morns.
Church Paw Mirrltirs.
Small mirrors on the hawks of ellen h
pews, to enable the worshippers,
while bending to pray, to see if their
heti are nn straight, are the latest up-
to-date church impmventent. A New
York firm pntn in the sonl-5lttisfying
equipment for 8:WR1. - Thu 11'est-
mingter. - -
Water in Your Blood?
Lots of people have thin, watery
blood-theyeat plenty but don t
filgest. When digestion i5 poor, fowwl
isn't eonvertr(I into nonr•ishnl011 in
enneequen44 the hod y- rapidly loses
treuglh. To positive y renew health
othing Pglnal5 Fen'naone. It excites
harp appetite, mated, the stonnerh
igRest, forme lite -sustaining blood,
hundantstrength is sure teo follow.
f you need a vitality, extra
nergy, better nerves, then owe Ferro -
zone, the tnediral trinmph of the age.
'sty ghee, Mmys a taps of fifty ehoco-
nte-coetd Ferrozone tablets.
After an illnees of eeveral weeks
Ml:.. John 31e('nll, of the fah (70541144*•
*ion of Martie, passed ewes- nn \VMi• F
needay of but week. Death wen 1
To the Macao( The Signal. '
NI it, twill you allow 1110 1111 141.1,,111
of LIM }beak rulw11ittere of thu public
library .to Invite the patrons of the
library to help the committee with
sugges ons and i11f111.111m 1o111•egarding
bunko y wish to have :Oiled to the
',leek book k h t
1 , • I
cutalu e 1 A w/ u
pt11%Aided In which the librarian will
allow anyone to write dawn the title
of any book he wishes to add: and if
anyone will take the trouble to nuke
out a list of desirable (Nooks end leatve'
it with the librarian Ile will oblige end
aid the committee in making their
next eelecti)i, as they are going to do
this cooling month. 1'nfortuuately
the amount at the disposal of the coin-
mittee' for the purchase of new INNILN
is small, and therefore the selection
each 11111e host iN' a1 .• promise, 11)
which 'several considerations have to
he taker into \teemed. Fr what 1
have seen of the committee, howev(r•,
since 1 was elaciel un it thio year, 1
feet Mule they all desire to do the best
passible: and while they 40 not object
to criticism, end will try to profit by
it, they would be still more I,enefiteit
by definite informal ion regarding the
titles, contents, and. if possible, pub-
lishers and prices of suitable books.
Yours truly,
11. L STIANei.
(b*Iet•ich, May 31. -
WHAT w'.t\t.t NI INTI.
1'u1'1(. /AY, May 3)th.
('ollnl•il met as at court of revision
et 11 o'clock and., heard the several
emends: The us.;cucwent of Chas. S.
Dentin was lowered to Simla and J
411cKnight's to WIC, the rent of the
appals tieing dismissed. The maN!Nm-
rIt•nt roll was then u•('eFottd, )u
tion )( Meslrs. Mtdld and Ander-
son. The council then resumed
general business. -')'he minutes of the
last meeting were read I adopted.
On motion of Messrs. Anderson and
Murrity, the Reeve 4111(1 tluuncillnrs
Medd and Thompson were appointed
to meet the tt•nstees of the police
village. of Manchester ts• the expenses
of manatgemel1. A petition of J.
("dukes and others was presented, ask -
in tohaveue H. 'Taylor changed from
H�I). No. 10 to It. 1). No. i). Moved
by M11r.:1ledld that petit' be granted.
No s lconder, Messrs. Elliott ,and Bell
waited nn council re drain et Dungan-
non. Messrs. The''' I"' 1' and Medd
were appointed to examine the same,
un motion of \lexsrs. Mnrraty ,and An-
derton. \V: Watson 'anti J. Heid
asked for a grant to Dungannon Agri-
cultural Society. No al'tion was
taken. On muthin of Messrs. Ander-
sson :1111 Tho111p$ein, the clerk was
appointed to look after the tteatnut•er's
140010ess until next meeting. The
Reeve and 4'11•I•k• were 111lp(everedl to
berme the 811,1) of Ott for township
purposes. The fallowing eheo les
were isolate!: Awealelr s salary, >it(11 :
J. Woods, culvert, 92; S. Echlin.
tile,$:CtKf : J. Henderson. tile. 91E75:
J. Anderson, culvert, Nay. ; 11. Naylor.
tilling washout, til ; 'Thos. 'Ihvlor, haul-
ing dile and tilling washout, $Y. ('o,n-
ci1 adjourned to meet an Wednesday.
June ;doth. at lo o'clock. \V. S. M('
Cuo,erie. Clerk.
Teaching English Literature.
Toronto Star.
A writer in the Aron ('ora 3lains that,
the schools a111(1 ('tollcges of the United
Stats do not teach English literature
in meet it way 1W to be inte•restili5 and
valuable to the ord' •y citizen.
TIn•le iN tun •h analysis enol limo
little inspiration. A trowel' is studied
as '1 (lower is studied. not by the mi. -
let butt by the botanist : am the human
form it studied, nut by the sculptor but
by the murgl•on who wields the knife
at a clinic ow nn au ropey. ..lI the
beauty of it piece of literati a is Pnrsdl
Rid analyzed away. College geaduatt'm
often may of surae masterpiece that it
was ruined for hint t,y Iw•ing used 110 11
('111145 di 111.
This sort of inett•nrtion in literature
may he suitable for a student who in-
tends In hake a long and s•Vere (' 5e
in English : jllst 1441 IL•Ilty be w•,•11 for
much a student to learn meek and
Latin :and eat ly English. and other
sources of the English language. It is
hot imitable for the average boy or
girl, who neetis inspiration rather than
artah'mis : needs to k what good
literature Is, And where It 1s tel be
found, and in what age end under what
Cir('umetenct'S, it was produced. Col-
lier's English Literature. long ago a
text book in the high selttanle of Oe-
tario, was on the right lines. It gave
a sketch of the life end Linden of each
writer, the social and political condi-
tions, the general atnompher(' in which
his work was done ; this was folIowcd
by an illustrative sele('tion from his
works. Severe ,scholar* might find
fault with l),! Collier'm diction or with
his judgmental, but it Ives a dull lacy
or girl who would not drew from him
look Koine inspiration. some love of
literature, some desire to know more
of the writers whom, he described.
Taine'm English literature is a 11101`e
smbitionm 110111 of the memo. clams.
Objection might i0' made to some of
him theories es In the effect of direst,
and environment on literature. But
he makes the men live again and
speak, instal of laving them on the
dissecting tx'ble. You may agree
with him. or you me), (1istgrte„with
More (4r less ringer or irritation: hut
you are forced to think and to feel.
Our boys ,and girls who will leave
school' in their- teens went such an
education in literature es will lead
there to the inunortalm for strength
and P01,/tee and panionship.
Them is little use in esteblimhing great
free libraries Ilnlemd the people are
taught hots to 11144' lh('tn. A public
library should not ie a little rtrearn
at whirl) a few scholarK may drink,
but a mighty river bringing power
and refreshment to millions', 7'11 love
good 11teratun• and to knew how to
IMP a library slundd be the chief ends
of school edie•ation in literature,
You Can't Stop It.
Port Felix, (iuy5horo' Co., N. S.,
.1 ' 11th.--(Special.)-The following
letter is another instance of the ex-
cellent work Dodd's Kidney Pills are
cuntinuidly doing and how friends,
relatives and Itelghbors recommend
them to each other.
Mr..loseph David elites: "About
four years ago 1 wan templete•ly cured'
of kidney trouble by Ihdld's Kidney
Pills. i sent for a supply of Doxld',
Kidney fills (or a friend of thine who
wore meiffeting from kidney trouble and
ant pli'nned to sty they proved joist as
suereseful am in my own case. My
wife had ieen ttemble11 with het kid-
for a to ag timeand ba14f full tern(
into n hospiln4 when' she weal tr,'ated
by the dnrtors for name tune, but they
failed t/ do her ,any good. Since 0.h,
returned home she has rrnmenral
taking Doxdd's Kidney Pills end is de-
riving great benefit from them right
One of the sardonic things Af 111P i.
that, when a 111611 is Reeky t1 die. he
i.n'then to enjoy it. -Naw York
szfrits.„,' fee
Sunlight Soap is better than
other soaps. but is best when
used in the Sunlight way (follow
directions). -
Hard rubbing and boiling are
things of the past in homes
where Sunlight Soap is used as
Sunlight Soap will not injure
even the daintiest fabric or the
hands, and the clothes will be
perfectly white, woolens soft
and fluffy.
T he reason for this is because
Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure,
contains no inlunous chemicals
--indeed. nothing but the active.
cleansing. dirt -removing proper-
ties of soap that is nothing but
Buy and follow
Sc. ditaat,ons 5Ce
by the denier from whom you
buy Sunlight Snap if you end
nay caws for cuulplaint. 165
LE tit I3JoGji '
a )
Q finljuin nn
3tiOBERT SCHUMANN, born at Zwicka • 1810, died near Bonn,
1866, was cerebrated as a composer a • d as a critic of music.
He might have become a Pianist of the ' hest order had he not
crippled the third finger of his right hand in a attempt to make it
stronger and more facile by some mechanical d vice. This accident
proves that there is no short cut to this end; it is ruched only by per-
sistent finger exercises in the hard old modern way at he keyboard.
11 Schumann could not become a great pianist, .e did become a
(;rest composer. Although he wrote an opera, chore and orchestral
works, he will, like Schubert, retain a high place in the ' usical world
by his songs, pianoforte pieces and other short com'.sitions. His
style is very striking and original. And all his songs an pianoforte
pieces are of the highest excellence and beauty. There ilk not even
among Schubert's vast collection any more perfect song than Schumann's
"Ich Grolle Nicht" (I Do Not Complain). And for a pianoforte
piece, strictly such, there is not in the realm of music anything so
ravishing and haunting as his sensuous "Traeumerei" (Dreamingl,
Schumann's pianoforte works have this virtue also -they are
indispensable to the teacher and the student. To the young pla7er
Schumann had said -"Make Bach your Daily Bread," to which we
add, and
Vie £cll Vilma
With this perfect instrument to study and express the thought and style
of Bach and Schumann, the young pianist is well on the way to become
a virtuoso.
The full ...ilea of' "1 It)e Hell Biographies" In booklet form. Illustrated, will ba
m;tiled free un 00508.1 Ly
The Bell Plane 1 Organ Go., Limited, Guelph, Ont.
For Every Man -
(e Plastic Form" Clothes are for
every man.
The large, stout man -short
stout man -"big" man - tall
slim elan -slender man -man
with sloping shoulders -all can
he fitted just as faultlessly in
1e Plastic Form " Clothes, as if'
they went to the best custom
tailor in Canada.
When you choose
"Plastic Form" Clothes
you see exactly how the Suits and Tor Coats
look ON you -and how you look iN 1 HEM.
You get the EFFECT of the GARMENT -
not of a yard or two of cloth.
All the new styles -in dozens of elegant patterns -
are ready for your choosing.
Plastic Form Parlors, Goderich
Reg. Block, Sok Agent
11 is not the price you pay for a furnace thrill makes it sheep
or expensive, but the fuel it afterwards consurno(a
A common furnace may cost you $5 or $10 Iasi; then a
" Sunshine," hut if it eats this up the first winter in extra fuel,
what do you gain? Nothing, hut all the annoyance and oaten
work that go with a poor furnace.
The "Sunshine" Is in uge•from Halifax to Vancoivor,
and we have hundreds of testimonials from pleased users.
Sold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Booklet free.
Wick1easB1 ue
Flame Oil Stoves
Gasoline Stoves
Watering Cans
Garden Hose and
Best American Oil
and Gasoline
contracts for plurnbing
and heating prom sly
attt4II(lldl to. F.ett-
tem cheerfully given.
Repairing a Specialty
Fit's Well
Looks Well
Wears Well
Newest importations in
medium and light -weight
clothes for spring and sum-
mer wear.
DUNLOP, the Tailor
)"'est mI ret, - - Goderich.
Keep Your Old Iron
\Rags, Lead, Brass,
Copper, Feathers,
kips, Wool Pickings,
Rubbers, Bones, etc.,
until 1 c II for thein. 1 ,wk my old
cunt oll)et not to hell their tt•uek to
anyone n resenting 1 ' 'If Rx my
agent, K as nese nsmK x4.0 dealing
for theitsely and not (0.r me.
Save your sot ff for ale end 1 will
ply the IN's" rieeN going. Leave
your otllet et my 01)141' and I will call
rad take the good away. tSr 1 will
pay 1: per cent. mo if Tho geode are
brought to my phare
Highest Prices paid 1•i HORSEHAIR.
Victoria street,
2 DOSS la Detroit
Write E. H. AVER. Agent, DETROIT,
for particulars.
--7416 LEADING--
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orden carfully attenod 10 .1 all
Ileum, night or day
Livery, Hack
'Bus Stables
---RTC., A T-
Well-eppoint Pd
liel•ks and rel'-
ahle dt'iye•1'M in
charge nip the
m, tm w '
hu• b will
meet all t rain to
and id eat III 1,0 alto
J. H. WORSELL, Sole Agent, Goderich Hal Tlt
WOW,: F"1 17Y