HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-6-14, Page 28 rurmmr. ne 14, 19U6 .ffeisfatotte Cell o. :Tenni of Subscription Skutt per annum II. &ovate*. Ws mouth., ; three mouths, tW. Subecribens who fee to receit e TOE Siff Nat regularly ,by mail will meter a favor by , me- quAintleg u. of the fact at us early 11 date as Whet. a change of addresithidesired.liteh the old And the new address. eltould ging,. I.egal Nita ft( her 1.111111AP *11%ellteeuents. lee per liar for ars: isensies wet as per ter noupareil wade lady, 11114) nit Inch. , theditess. mid. of *ix line and under. SI per Advertisements Of 1.0.1. Vound. Strayed, Wil• Ust ions Vaeolit. sit nation. \t'alited. for hale or to Rent. Parte. for Sale or to tient. Article. for SAM, etc.. not exceeding lime tie reel. insertion : et fur dee month. • m. tor **oh .ubueluetit mouth. Lancer advertise - Melee in proportion. Local notice. In pareil type Jr per line. No notice lens Man tsie Atinpuneements lint Mary reading t ype Ong cent per word. NO notice hes than tie. Any special nonce, the object of whirl. is the pecuniary benefit of atik Didividual or associ- ation, te te. coneidemd an advertisement and to he chArged aocordiegly. Rates for displAy and contract leiverti.e; Meets will be given on applieat T10: Seism. • leGODRRICH. THURSDAY. JI II, lug THE POWER COMPANY BYLAW. The bylaw to guarantee the bonds of the Maitland !Liver Power Cont- pany is published in this Waite of The Signal and al 141 lie carefully tenni(' ertal by every qualified soder of the town. The question a most impor- tant one and should he approached with open mind anil with the mole de - mire to do what Iwst for the town. A full and free discussion is deairable, and the col llllll of The Signal an. open to all who have expressions of opinion tO Offer 00 eit her m. any side of are kept within reasonable bounds. THE HOSPITAL GRANT. lo 4.1' fair play and gond faith, will ag that the e ty council has done we in reversing itic action et the Janitor, v sem.' rescinding the grant of $1,1 i to the 11.ispital which was voted by the named 41 1102. True. the c did 11.11 set itself right in it very g one 111111111et, and the method which took suggi.sted that it was loth to rie nowleolg.. that it Inul been wrong 41 its etion January men' . In.:tend of rescind ing the thin of that us it in- sisted up.111 1111 entirely 1114W 111 (hill t.11 vote the grant. whii.ls it passed majority of two. Hut it lake.. 3 1111/111 aeknowledge that he WaS the wrongs All hont or to the tomtit. - men whs. owniel up fairly and /44111:111141y that they 11/111 take!, the Wrong stand at the .1. ars• sessitin and who took the first importunity of putting them- selves right. The reapionailiility la 110W 1111011 the pr111111014•1.41 Of the hospital. They should complete their preparations and have t he institutic on opened tit the earliest possible ante. There s Id be no fut•t het. delay. THE PLEDGE OF SECRECY. The Herald, an indepen- dent journal. takes a view .of the North Atlantic Trailing Company affair which strike,. its a. very nell- "It was wrong in the first place for of :secrecy to the persons who did business as • 'gist he. agent e ttttt ler t he name .1 the North Atlantic Trad- ing (7.intiontiy. lint the pletlgo. was given, and it 11111y haVe hewn tiet1:111141 hey relied upon hat,..pledge that the miknown peramia in 4111441111111 14411,11 to carry 011 Intent...se itt European eountries ott some risk to themselves. The 1)04k:trim' of the lllll of these peraona wonld be Mkt' tar the attend pledge. and might !heat to danger. "Would it be right. ler the eir- eumatancea, for the Government loilis- not think NO. If it were poasible to let he Canadian people know who theme men are without. having the in- foimat • remit the eata of the tine et altn Of the l al 111•11• the men i 111101illests egad retry to law. then Sir Wilfrid Laurier might be justly 111, 41 for wit Ith.ohlitite the ill- formatitel. 1111t of mimeo. the! im- potedble. Either the secret lllll lot lie kept absolutely or 'Published too the world. and to do the latter in violii• lion of an official !Pledge would be db. "The blunder was made when the pledge Was given. Ilas ing been given it ought to be re:misled. lint it in hardly probed& that any blow - der will again be mule by ,a member of the present Government. It hae interred t he (lover lllll rites pried ige end proved too costly a hhinder to he re• BE A HELPER, NOT A KNOCKER. The Hamilton Spectator recently gave ita readers th.• following gest advice : "Follow the lead of the people who are invent ing t heir braille mail for- tune* in the development of their home city. What matter if they me making re than you out of it ? Through their etiterptime von will if roll ea do no more than mhow myna- thi• aldermen to he hinter than they have been by c lllll mending their good deeds, as well aa conde Nig their bed. Make things Peas, rather than difficult for the railway promoter, the man with electric power at his call. the ateamiwat man, and all others who have at their dia. petal theme scheme.. and iitilitiem that retake for municipal greatness...* And The Stratford Beacon follows thie up with worse remarks that may have an application in the affairs of one own town. "There im growing mani- fest, here to retard progress frit fear nomehraly will make anmething mit of the connessaiona given for the emetion of new industries, ati the:nigh anybody detotes (Mlle 111141 111e10111 111 the flir- t herance of such enterprises Without wow hope Of personal ro•warol. The people .who take *lila view coerbeik the !milieu that be who makes. I 1.44. b1/4114•14 44 grass grins whine only my prises. The man who prOVilled (WO days' work where only one Wrel 1110 4'01441 liefnee in 11011e the less a wadi.. benefiu.tior limailse lie 1111114401 s4 .- 1 hillg 010 i:f that label.. What ben, fits him benefits in a •e or 11.01s de- gree the llllll inky. and it is the to he looked to. • Let 104, helrefikte, ell - e lllll Age ill t•Vety fair 141141 legitimato. way the 1111011 wino are seeking to en- large tin. field low employment, rather than throw obstacles in their say." EDITORIAL NOTES. Let to. 11414 e and frank ilimits- sjon 41 the Maitland IN Vet. IlloWel* lie laughs heat who; laughs laid. County Councillor Cantelon has stopped laughing. Tlw Chicago paelsing-house revela- tions emphamize the that ••cleanliiiissii iv next to godliness." Vegetatill1114 11110111d 11411 chuckle 1041 h over the tlieclosures. What about the canned vegetables 7 Chances are sixteen to one that %VII- eandidate tor the United Stat.* Presidency. First thitig he knows, Mr. Whitney will need a • • • to keep track of all the Other e •saions his Gov• ernment has appointed. They say Wet ill I.:111101W that ten." Here is Oile ease ill Whieh Ca- n/Wham' emphatically protest against being Oa...ea with "Americans." drink there. Hamilton Spectator. 1Velloisn't the lllll who it. brought helot* the her e0Mpelled to swallow his wools? Th,. aiming for (.1mrelt llll i ll Kr..wille altar*. It is a' sign that the chinches are awakening tii the fact that (len ttttt inntional differences are of minow consequence in. th.• fave of the work that is waiting to be 0 The death of Sir Heinior !Angevin. tit y f Quebec on Menday 144..4, re- cant. the political sensation Id' fifteen yeara /00, Whig+ restated ill hin retire- ment front public life. Sir !Lector Confederation 4111ys. 31111 fot many yearos after he was tine of Sir .1.ihn Macdonald's most trusted lieutenants. Of late yearo. he had lived quietly it; Tlw resign:it' by Sir Edward CI he of lois seat in the British House of I ttttttt because 1114 at! itInle gorgligi tariff- questi.ons was nig to t he likin of his Comiervigivi• tenant it - nettle, III its 41 iliffetseice between ramula. fere nothing but an raft hiptake or ; job with an »Orme- member from his sea fusee he hits gilt gentle's/ill who has been l'ausula 14.4 say ing that lie win. strife* 't h the her of "tall, Ilne-betking ii•• saw in 1'1111111141. 1 1.11111,1. th. if. 1110, and raisins 1 1 1 t Ile 'Form .1 I 111e1,, W1111 liverlook the evident Net\ that I he Old 1' try gentleman t time, when the little city chaps are el 1111)letely IlVerfalill110Wea 113- the ho e • in from all parte of the Mr. KIIIIIIM191111, the Minister of from thia peter business (in the Inter - Railway. Ile sa ya that to at- Inin *hie reault lio. road has: tint been stars ed. Ind t he ...trek,. lute been kept tap (As public requirements. S been effeeted :mil freight rate,. have been inereamel slight's% resulting in increased earnings. If Mr. E .1. - paying lauds he will have a large -size!! feather in lib. cap. .ttipointiaents have been mach. to the Previncial hyoltaceleetrie power ..1 lllllll bosion and the Provincbs1 rail- way end municipal board, whirl' were created at the boa NeSsi011 the Legi4- Ilendrie. member-. of the Provin- cial Cabinet. ;mil Cecil 11, en. gineer, of Toronto. 'rho. tailway and mitnicipid board is made up of Jame:. Leitch, K. C., of Cornwall, who is chairman ; Andrew ingrain, of St. Thomism, M. P. for Eant Elgin. and 11. The appointment of NI*. Ingram will tweetwitate his resignation ?rim' the of a new election in Eaat ',Although the date of the next Pried - (lentils' election is more than two years off, our ni•ighboni tn the smith nre already. earneedly discussing the matter id moulidAtes. told ranee:ming the v.:trim!. smisibilities for the high- est office in their gift. Prevailing Itoonevelt having declared that he will not again be a ..andidate, it (Entreat to piek out the man who in moat likely to ettereed him A* the Re- -its thean nominee. On the Demo. cratle Mile Mr. Ilryan minims to he again in the /41411411Pnl. 11b1 sincerity and his unmelfish patriotism have long heen recognized. and his dews not appear In be 110 terrifying mince Mr. Roosevelt has shown that a Republican President can he sufficient- • THE SIGNAL: GODER1C,I1 ONTARIO ly tinctured with railiertliiim to booms - tie. Mr. liryaii hare e to the W141314111114 coasehis• the( there 11.) 'denim. for Om adopti.111 of his *deer currency ideas, and in dropping poasibl.• for the Delsioet at iv party to give I NI undivided support. See - (nal State convention,' have already named him am their choke for the candidacy and if the gigot. de pot fail he will lis. the 1111111i - Pee Of hili part y Over the Hills. tinder the. blossoming seek' 1 ree Ili. lien and lie rennet of t be things to tre : If Willie. height and of vieteries Won, of wrong. avellirOwn and of diva* deed. of the talor teal he -.hall 100% e wane list . liver the hills and far 114411Y Over the bilk and f.sr lotto le. 0 fort he toil then* clung day ! Hut It lonitensi nut to the ..0111 %Valk a *or,. fur riche, and !sorer and (*nee ' Yonder where Ightselif the 1100f1 of 0. flir hilts find far away. 11v el lite hills and far away. - .11, uld tinders at view of ; Noe that hisjourney i.1111110.4 done. tett t fought and his victoria. woe • The ..1.1 time hone.ty and truth. The trustfulnes.red the friemis of youth. Home and mother- e here are they IT the hills and hir 311.0yt 11. cr the hill. and tar aWay ! AiCASE IN POINT. The Sigma has no desim det:ry in The AValkertoto Telescope of Imo week em role gratint /0 definitely sonte rentarks made in these el lllll 111i last week that wi. are constrained to it. It may be out ex trisordin ary, even a 11114111e. Came, 1111t it ShOW'n tlitatio for the %Vest dotes not strike lurk. The Telescope :sr.'s: "Alt. Alex. Anderson, wit° tonk up land in Saskatchewan last fall. and who, with his son. left. hem a couple lllll nth. ago to settle out it. arrived I . 4111 Smut -day night, pretty ilea Imichly disgusted with the Whide try. His land was located a limit twenty-five miles from nety kind ot aroma), and Serell 11111er (rem water. Ile started out with a 110111 of furni- 111i11st /1. SIMW storm that lasted them claya. When he got to his des- tination them was no shelter but n tent. 114i shelter of any kind for the The hind waslilasl, hut dry. an.I the prospects .1 having t.1 settle MO far from a railway and of waiting for years for line to be lottilt 44:04 Nit 11 ll i ll range, hat In. finally decided to I !MOW 11 the Whole thing, and leave the (1•11.1111try. Ile hail no trouble in diepos. ing of his land, his lumber and his One team which cost him *LIM here, he sold fin' $1:10. while he mada profit of a I Inal dollars 1,11 it is Almost illipossilde to imagine the dime tenflirte of iugoing settlers, and hundreds of them ate isitty they ever saw the clammy. 'ries land shark is ,•tiese to the country. and thi. tit the limit. lite !vet& being hal to obtain a homestead anything lik.. ?oriel liwality lad 11 the 'west • . almence of them. ate t ht. great draw- backs, Fur water the settlers. dig a hole in the gro I, disc to a 'dew. If the slew happens to la. tilled with alkali satin, the st uff he sett ler has to drink would kill a dog. Only rail- road's will aolve the fuel In (doleful. 111141 Antler -sin Ise. had the %Vied he eVer another farm. if not in (him ' wants to have. and intends tioilinatiy, vieinit Y. at least Malle placer in this ROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. \ The Inevitable Exception. All 111.1viirld hives a lover. except till. la miblicr..Welli, Sowing With a Purpose. TO11111 11/ star. Th.. Isinil-hiesrttd woman with it gat - 414.11 Will try tii illaisiverw hat kinds (If Converting the Heathen into Corpses. ltrist Ian if fiaritian. \Ir. T1140111341 A. Miami is evidently clever with hie Nitwit.. as well lie Walle othei war.. tieing :inked by a lady joarnalist the other day if he only do i think MI. but 1 think wc• both live 1.. it. inst. book at he way t he big impr. 'veil 'bine-guns are wiping out the heathen." Un- fortunately that la inetleal of "Chris- tianizing" t he W4 glr111 1111t still rather too much in evidenee. A Game Two Can Mai. of the Tory party to be a Lilieral. The boa heed to be eitt 411T is that, of James Bryan, lieenite inspector for Centre lintels He eras a faithful of" firer end no I' plitint could be nettle, except that he was Liberal. Mitch :union hes a tendetwy to make Lib- eral,' retaliate. AVe know of two or three jobei right here in Kincardine that co mild be Iva ably filled hy Liberal. 101 he Tories who oecupy t hem. Sup. pose we were as mild -blooded AA mit 1tppolietit and nettle a dead set to eliarged with unkindness S We think not. There is much a thing as „lint re, titillation. However. we are opposed to (Bandaging men who do their duty Limply bee/111111) cif their politica nstid refrain from agitating soch a pro - They Just Took It. • Tlie tog nit that 1111,31Inis not n sufficient penssition to the mem- bers for the time they devote to par- liamentary ditties is not relevant. Tbe outstanding fact bi that, the mem- bers voted theineelves an extra thou- sand benimie they hist the power to take it mit of the public trees/nary. These men cheerfully admit that they are the "tierviantm of the people.'' They lomat (of it along about election granted the privilege of fixing their master. It. customary for servants to concede to their masters the ritfht to he roma:thee! with regard to he t amount of pay which the riervant *hall i receive. In this rade, however, this •• miyiniuster hat nothing whatever t may about the matter. not having Ime City Life et Delusion and a Snare. SOUllIalliplon Deacon. The young( 114/4/1 4111 W.11111411 living i the verage ....unto' town hinge for the city life. It bo not AI1 41 the ik- on e for improvement in their imitation, an the 1140111. to revel in the gl exciting /11111 phr/01111 able night14. ;Stay Nand timea oil% The writer has t went v-Ilve years of TortUlto and after ten inontits4 of country life and a !retinal 1.41 the city for the last t weeks I would not come back again for a kingdom. The awful octruggle fin. 1111100, Mid to Lien: 111g appearallee14, is driving into bankruptcy lllll I insanity. I motive hundreds or [KIP, wan girl (+e.t.a. in the Oft1ref4. 011 lite ra reels, every whet e. Every nerve mid muscle of the voting man Or WO 14111.111e1 tO 111111104 ill 01.1141' tO keep pact. with the fast city life. Stay where you ate, voting man, 141111 young woman. City life 14 mere bauble, 3 delusion and a snare. fiat - there la Ito pnwlotia little wool u for all the crying and the proapeele lime are improving again. Op- position hail 11114,111 1111 the N.11111 Atiantli. Trailing Co. inquiry MI Mb/ led to en smell a result that they MI6 egalehliling to let it 411:011. Mr. Bor- den's leefusal to accept Sir WillIgid's offer IS examine Om names of 1 h.. 111191 composing the Company, with the temper proviso that the (lover- ment s. pledge of neeteey he resperted, gave away thi. l'ory 111.11e1104 10411 ecorrectness of the charge tInst the were not :diwere in thi•ir allegation It was clever tactic* on the l'reinier's 14111 HMI it caught the enemy unpre- pared. it.,,,also taught them mit t key with the buzz -saw. and it now lookii /114 if they have learmel the lessan :mil are preparing (11 1111it. The 141 1)1.11 1.11 111 of the debate 4111 till 11011111illidt rtili,ork of I lie Northwest lands, to the Opposition, leaving 414 it 11111 at the finish than at the start. Changes in Cabinet and House. The Calii tie, dimities foreshadowed in this column last week have taken plan. I the, Weal .1 of the 110V- erf111111•10 readjustedHut all the changee are not on the 'Abend side of the elm inber. Yeaterday it 'Wan an- notate...41 ,t 11 t Andrew Ingram. frn";11)61.1toct hail resigned upon ernment to ot seal on the new railway i•minitission. What mimed that in born objection of the 'Tories to n mein ber'e elepping front the Howie into a of which go much has toren beard inakeic all 1 he difference who get- ting the jolt, Thell ll lll thee member Grenville. hiss ileelared that if he eau - not prose Hint gn04114 \Vete rherges1 110 t Ill the Ar tbati email the eeidenee tuts been favorable 1.) the Government. and the principal wit - misers have test ified. Mr. 11 cid* friends have quite a cola 'sort to save the WOO Ily hilet111.'n neat for him. Senators Discussing Thernsehres. The Senate ia !may Oiling t with a debate int how it enit reform itself. We are taught that, ist always beneficial. so the exercise cannot do ninch harm : far it t he confessoil it does not appear to have 114)ell 1111.04111Ctire 11 /111V very matte ial t of good., However, the llll provides,. eertain llllll int id' agreeable oceiipaa' , mid it hooka like working. Marine Department Estimates The estimates for hethemed ing the Ibinm. filis mow. of the time 1 1 their ahatird attempt to mistime it arge ameekt of lime in an aimless' v Mtn the affairs 40f tide Depart med. the Oppowit ion hay erten Mime! out that has been see p 114 sot at flan Its eft 111 elliphasige the wisdom of the deeiaion lif lite House that there was nothing the management 0f he Lefewnent that called fin special Found Their Church. Atchison They tell of too.. young nap. brothers, sho went to oittange city to find work. Thiele. 1111311er Wan 3 teligi4111M W01111111, 111141 she told them, before tlwir departme, to 111111 their church the city mid attend it regu- larly. "lie mere the right (lunch." elle said ; " there are 1111111y illlitati11111. 01 the trite church. 140 attend tvgtilarly. and be good boys." So the first S4 lllll IA 4. morning after the arrival of the boys iti the city. they started out t4I t11111 the tIlle church. They enteied one, and f the pastor saying t hat s ll .thing must he that the attendance sots not what it should : that the member.. were losing inten•st in church tillfaitie and should I* ashatinat of them:selves; that tint e gh money svas, contributed to young Whinpere41 in his !another. " we ha‘ e found the right plare." Keep Up Your Insurance. 1 Mil let your insurimce policy lapse. AVItatever may he maid about the life insurance companies you may depend upon it that they ate rare enough for your 11111:114feen. They allay 110t. catty OVer to Y41111. credit an lillfeh an they hip wild in the way of prodits: they may dabble securities that the 13W !Mpg they t not I ; hey may give their direetoirt4 the inside track in some mallets ; they may pay unreasonably large salaries m llllll instances and hoist their 1.1111 ll ll g ex. awaa• Nashigh. but the polies. - Ito dder may rest Rosman' that he would be a very fooliah 111311 to 411131 hes pcilicy for any of these 11.11240 1:14. r01 plIkeY 1:1 Weld : the esent investiga- tion sill make it better. Agitating) i 01) t his frialijeet has 111111e .11 already I lei their Methods. hatVe liegtill ply 0 Illg the and are Mow 1..r I t he inspect ion an Instils:owe Departs r nista that is most anxious to snake good. Di. not let slam policy lapse. Sit tight. OUR OTTAWA 1,E'r'l'Elt. 5. Doings at the Capital During the Last Week. La Press* Correspondent caned to the Bar of " the House of Commons to Answer Charge 1.11srepresentIng Non. C. E. Foster OP position's Hunt for Scandal. Has NOS Been Successful Andrew Ingram's Rettig. nation WHY WE LOVE ART. A love of the beautiful and sym ivat ion of tine innate hive makes it n roomed, well-.1reetied man, and we wee that the Semi-rendy tailored tan ham the advent:tie... There it4 the certain style and distinction in Semi- renily clothes whieli make,. for the self.possesaion that achieves MIreens. In this rity and district the exeltisive franeh hie for the sale of Semi -ready is held by 'Messrs. MeLean Bros.. Gode- rich. Ont Seaforth Votes the Bonus. Seaforth. .r it. hvlaw in *tumuli to establish a elute in; lllll fact uring eetablishinent in Sea - 341 (tie and 15 against. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, 'well :did elinipletels demure the whole.) deo. hen enduring it through life limemas wirhare, Stich art rr he tees* exeept pre-erlet ion. from n•enitiolile the ran pirrnibly dells.. b. 1111 1 114411. FI411. 1 'Mart 11 rtier. matinfact fired hi henry 0.. Inleritnily.avling flimsily upon the hkeet Mats 4 'aterrl. 'nee be sure yon get ihegehiline• It I. taken inteehally and made Toledo. Ithio. by cheney Ft Co. Testi inls fret.. meld by timeliest, Price 7.1.• pre lad fir,. Take Hall's Family Pills for constlenti• 10. The liveet elem. of printing done at reasonable prices at The Signal. decidedly interesting incident ;wen pied the :al tent of t he !louse of tary representative. of La Press.. lif Moult real, 11111W/1 tell lietigrt• the lair of the House to answer a charge of tube reptesetging 11.m. lion. Enka Fowler. the member 1.01. NI11.1 11 TI11.1.:ito, in t he had said all kinds nr 1111..ty II.. had tied:teed that Mr. Et eget. la• - longed to 11. nt politician,. that reply -sewed t he Frencli-Catiailians 4144 "fools steetwd in ignorance" and their clergy aa "fanatics and hypocrites. (.1•111/111 of lying Itypwrisy and niward ice." Mr. didn't like this Many of his fellinv -members PX1/11•10(4•1 surprise that he of all men elioink squeal when he Wan hit, and hie leader. Mr. Borden, remarked that any man who Wm. so himmkingte41 Hutt he couldn't eland the ei.verest criticism to 'set out of public life at ini. C. she tvilfrici, however, wise 11101.P r011. addend... and assured the aggrieved fendi's:: scribe was ealled upon ap- pear and explain. The Journalist at the Bar. ll'he proceedings in the House par- took tof the eat tire of a wen ig farce. lYheri the eulprit appeared, iti (nick\ coat and black lid gloves mid earrying it silk hat, but looking very palei 1 (11111(1 of laughter and ap- plause greeted him a 4141 Lecithin, by the way. whirit wns not confined to the Government aide Of t he 1101141e. it put "the gentleman at the bar" at hi4 Pane. however. and from that out he evidently reidized that he vemild nod lie sentenced to loe,hanged, drawn and quartered atm. all. Mr. Foster Iiinewlf appeared to be the most lin- en/1y mail in t he audience : he sat tug- ging fit his monstache and glancing furtively from side to aide. Ten in' es was next constimed in reading' the article in which the of- fending matter oectirred, and it was, of e lie, in French. An English- speaking member lance on its. ....nein- :non and requemled that it read in English. isa he ...mid nnt lllll "pretend what it Wall all about. Mg there Yea.; no tranalation available ma the mo- ment, and at mire there wita tinul lock, until Mir Wilfrid again tattle In the reacue, /11141 proposed that the trann- lation might be put in later. Then Mr. Foster ed. Mr. !hor- de,* aeeonded. end the Hone(' rewilved, that Mr. (Infinities he naked what his name and occupation was. The reply CAMP promptly enough, hitt when he waft next asked if lie Waft 1 he n•pre- sentative of La Pinar in the Parlia- mentary gallery he replied that heron. eel, end desired st week's adjournment for that purpoae This WAIN knock- out. for it indicated. apposrently, that, juatifleation would be pleaded. If ;inch is the intention, is very interest - ng Wealioln may he looked for when the hearing mounted next Thurs- • • No Fish to be Caught. Apart from the Cininian. incident, here has really been vet), little doing 11 the l'otnne.m. this week. The scandal" campaign is falling very IMBIATEOW Qs 01111t. were a real ago. law sews lin se learned that 1111+ k the hest lance lif l'enrilier 10 0111 011 I% CUM Ile/Mb. 1 ...Meat ton or .11•114 hand training% now for centime... ELLIOTT St McLACHLAN, Principals HAVE YOU A CAMERA? We teach Amateur Photography n1 pita home. I nder our insole. !Ion there 1. nn experimenting nr onding of Inalerinls and money. Von learn to fit) 1.,ery step of the work soar sof. Sneers. gionnnleed. Mir penal M gold prise old Interest von. Write *who CENTRAL BUSINESS CRIER, A Great School ZLLIOTT TORONTO. ONT. Saskatchewan and Alanttotre on the west 10 New Firenewick nn the en.? nre In isiien.I.inee thl. sews lot -taws nn meter, entire year. MR1t111/1(.0.nt ent.• W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. nr. 'envier anti Aleea nee. mt. W. Acheson & Son Sale of PRINTS and MUSLINS Saturday and Monday about 1,800 yards of English Prints and five dross Muelins, light and dark colors, and a great variety of patterns, all this season's goods, regular value 12.1c and 15c, one entire table at per yard gc. HANDSOME WAISTS Ladies' ready-to-wear Waists made from litie Lawn. India Mull and Linen. daintily trimmed with embroidery, lace and fltie stitching, every size 24 Ns SILK WAISTS Hands new stylea in Japan Taffeta Silk AV/Notts at C5 00 SALE OF CARPETS We place on wile for June all our Union and All-Wopl t•artoets at cleating miens UNION CARPETS Re. enrible yard -wide Union Com- pete, regular 311e, 40eand at per yard arid 45c PURE WOOL CARPETS and valne 85e and IN* at Ric 75c JAPAN MATTING Japan Matting 25 pieces variety of new patterns. regular values sAte, 25e and 35e at 9g, Lie, Ilk. and L1/4111. - DRESS ORGANDIES Imported Freud] Organdies. and %pray effects, apecial An, LADIES' SKIRTS Light l'weetlii, • Linares and Cheviots. medium' weight and well niade from selectwi 'cloths, neat, stylish anti well fitting $5 00 LADIES' COATS Nee our display (of ladiea• Covert rloth and Cravenette Coats in full length, very fashionable and de. freebie at this season, greys, (await and olives at S3.00, $10 00 LACE CURTAINS Irish Point, Swiss and Nieting. ham Lam CurNsitir. SWISS CURTAINS tains. in white only. MI! size and special. regular SIM for NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS paino white Nottingham Curtain's varda long iind inches wide fit 3 patterns, all pair „sw, regular 411.35 at laq' RUGS Ta pest ry. Velvet and WW1 lings, 3x3, 3x3s, Mai yards. Rang. Selling at $12". PRESARVE YOUR EYESIGHT 1 let) I. er.1111(011 with TA SON. manufacturing optieien. mei 1.1 of T01.01f10. 10 be At tny' store on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday, June MI, ty and 311, ,11,41 u ill tw srinil to have isll true., riiiiblod with defective eye sight III 11 41111 /1111//111 1 heel. IlaSe beet, eetablinhed in Toronto since PIN and detente flint • ()see 11111,111111 CIU•1214 /1111 II bet'll IIIIeee141411 11). 111 1011 by 1 llle a111,41114141. they ha, e over other. is the feet the' they grind their IIV II iellre/1 noel by so doing prevent any error fie the pewee. of 11.1.1 lllll king, if tner trout/1e you In any way. or the iglu* you now *far lyre v Net dble. do not begleet thin opportunity of sso ieg thee. rropetl) al fended tn. All work 116.01 111 el) :Marl II1 VW' refetelleSW see WHA ABOUT YOUR DRUG STORE GOODS? , Yitt• are 01 hers but :n whenevi.r pofteitile. I We are agents for tie. 'UNION TRUST North Western Lands Easy and helpful plat, - Alan for Real Estate and Business Brokers. 11' you want a tonsils,. opening in Saakatch- ewats, see us first. 1 ! Coal ! Vetl\Low Prices for\Coal for Next Year's Supply For cash All orders filed by June 20th will be filled for $6.50 per ton -best coal. ROBERT ELLIOTT 'Phone 70 9 $10.00 Homespun Suits Homespuns in light grey shades promise to be more popular this season than ever for summer wear ---- in fact it's going to be difficult to supply the demand for these popular goods. Our $10.00 hontespun suits are of an exceptionally good quality of cloth, the shades are ,just what are demanded and the make and fit all a person would ask for. There is no use paying 115.00 to 118.00 for a fsourmsnrormosu.it when we can give you such good value The best dressers are homespuns. wearing' bur $10.00 Boys' Play Suits Just the thing for the small boy to play in, so nice and cool and save their good clothes. Call ttnd see them, they are a new kind of togs. PRICE ONLY 50 CENTS WALTER C. PRIDHAM THE PROPER PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS