HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-6-14, Page 1THE SIGNAL TO JAN. 1, 1907, TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS FOR 5o CENTS. vIrrY-NINTH YEAH -No. Jllo) GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA :. JUNE 14, 1906 10114 WEDDING INVITATIONS Announcements, Wedding Cards, Boxes, At (Home Cards, etc., printed; (low artistically -engraved t y p e faces of approved designs on correct styles of Wed- ding Stationery at THE SIGNAL VANATTKK & ROBERTSON. Pv UPJ1xlle Financial SYSTEMATIC SAVING is something put away each week from your income. We encourage this excellent habit and pay FOUR PER CENT. interest. You can begin an account with $1.00..1loney can be withdrawn at any time. THE STANDARD LOAN CO. Goderich Office, - Cor. North st. and Square. W. L. HORTON, MANAGER. Ioe Dealer I nRAIOIE BROM.. 1 !UK MKIU'IIAXTB. 4,e odd and delivered promptly In small or loge tut... We slake a .puedalty of ...on lint,''. Leave your Arlen. 1(1 utltee. 111111 dour e.4 of Norm. Wed el reel.. or at reoldona,•, w Mom etreet. Uudurkh. Ti 141111% 14 U. UUDKItl('H, ONT. 2111810 A. ROY ADAMS T.cA&•nkbI (fr PIA.; Studio in Houk of Montreal Hla-k. 1) Fine Arts HAWING ANI) PAINTING 1 N OIL AND WATXR IvWK. • Private tuition and claiming. Uk:U. F. H ARUITT, Casubriw Road nloldthor w. row,. Dentistry (l E. BALK, L.D.B., D.1).14. )(cLean'4 Block 11).. Turnbull's old stand., lis Dungsntum Wednesday afternoon-. Itedlcal )R.M, KMMKR$O'( k TU'RNBULL 1 A. T. Knutsww. M. D. W. S. Trams( u.l.. M. 11. 1161look Nonillion Street 'Phone tee, Heddoesee 'phone 121. ft. A. H. MACKLIN. M. H. JI PHYSICIAN AVD 4( RUPCIIN wwrW on attentito Eye. Kar. Note' and Montt. Defoe and ri Mrmve, oM Hankof Men. reel. opposite Pu taMee, West .4.. tiadrneh. rkpbone No. 1182. laejlal i 1.1M 'ICON & KILIA)RAN. IIA it - H1 •. RM InllcItoN, maarlea, etc. refire. Hnnllua . . third door from Mquan% 4 )oder*c h. tint. M. 0. AMEHGN, K. C. J. Le NIL - 414.4 N. DROUD' ► , HAYS & HLAIR, A. timetable*, Itorw. notarie.. pubile pn •• _Austin this Marti 'ourt, etc. IMke,r.1( arse Swank pelt door C. 1. %air,,'. grocery. Pei rate tondo 1,o Ie4rd at weed nto. of IntereaL W. PROUGFOOT, K. l 1t. C. HAYS. U. F' JLAllt. 11 O. JOHNSTON, ALLe smart 1 nbl Hr. Money to In. I mice. I and St. Andrew'. Street., U BARRISTER. o•, ewu1111miouer. neer Hamilton Gude h, Ont. DICKiNSON & GARRO HIIITERS. attorney'.. mullc lialerleh. Money to lend at lowest L. 1,11 KINBON. CHAKLI:S UARR U1IIAR- rs, etc., to'.. K. I.L.H. O. WARD, ('ONVRYAN( U • etc., and comnulwloner for takln 1( receiving re. ognlaalnof ball, or aftlrnatlone. depositions or solemn deviantt ton. In or concerning any action .nit or par reeding in the High l ova of .ilea,. the Joon.. tens of Appeal for Ontario. or In any 4 bmny Ir Menton Court. All (rsoo..rtfon. carefully and promptly executed. Residence and P. U. whirrs. 1)ontannon "lel. 1t, wl •d 1psuranoe, Loans. etc. TORN W. CRAIUIK, LIFE. FiRE e111(1 areident Inpuramx. Agent for leading m114 nal and stock conpw oleo. lilnarance in all Lee- rffxted on sea plat.. and at owed ,oleo. ( .II nt .Ince, corner Wool Street and Square, es. 4114re.,. J. W. ('RAMIE, Uoderitth. Ont. fele .home 24 ikf(K11d.OP MUTUAL FIRE IN. 1y11 SURANrK C(l.--Farm and tainted town properttrimmed. Value of property in mind tap to Jan. tinkerer Ipl,On,un. 1(4414( rs and directors: --J. H. (McLean, pros. ; T. Fraser, 'lr•.prn,.: Jae. Connolly. U. Dale, Mr. (ho.- . her. J. Watt. Jas. Ryan., J.U. (1ries e, J. Reline. well, directors ; T. K. Hay., Seeforth.'erretary- (remoter •Inspector., nearest director to loss. J. W. Yeo, Holme,vllle, agent for Wed Hilron. Policy -holders can pay awaewwmnnts end gettheir osrls reoelpted it. Mr. ('oats'. r at Mclean Bros.' Palace ( lothing Store Clinton,doder*ch' Ammo Licenses IVALThR k. KEf.l.l-, r aubRftlCH, UNT. w'atehmaker, Jeweller and Optician. Issuer of Mnrrlagr Liven-sm. w• LANE, ISSUER OF MARRi- AOE Iloen,e.. Uederlch. Unl. Anotioneeant _ THOMAM OUNRY,LIVE141Y Dx'K and general auctioneer. Ila,. removed from Hamilton Street, to new MTh -coon tooth street, where• he will be found RI all times when no crying wiles, Term. nwwonable and every ef. on (ped to give you sat iwfartion. Phone 30. f'4KOKOK 13E('KKTI', HENKit AI. l'.3 auctioneer, Peel Hamilton wl areal (16ilerlch. }'• 0. box Irl. All wilco will twelve epode! attenUon. 1 w111 bur your entire stork of ham M hOMyou good, for e41wh and will sell stove., furniture. natlreases. *onion. etc.. rheap, ('all and ,we what we ran 110 for )'all In this line. GROROK BRII•HIrr1'. tsurlomi,y Shap. Uoderkh, ,44/11.11 A000mmodetion for Summer Visitors ''11111 P; AHEItI)KEN," N!;1:10N 8T.. 1 to now openfor . hudneo.s hat -1w MI re vel !real Nortli o r/S.1 Islay, n01 14noe. e'omfurtahlr room.. fireacLu.. Roost IN•rumnuut or 4riunl.nt. hates, $1.100 per (44 24 FOR S1'NMEli VIMI'IOK8. Hr mound of the Bikini of Tra,le, alluwers n - leo MgMgeununlati for s •r Geller. to liuderiel, are ,+111.1111 10 leave I heir mune. 10111 pert 1r111140 41 11ee movepl4•1 tittle.. 1/1 the 10101. 101014 1101+ 11011 he kept which will he ai ailnbl.• for enquirer,. Any wldn•owv .lent in to The Si n111 urtll•.• will be properly rrro.Jel. JAMES )11'1' 4'11F:1.1e Stm-n•Iary Bikini of Trade. . for dale 1(3OR Nth l E. A i.ARGE HOW - 1' 1M 1A'I' ; also a large punt. Apply In JI IlIX OA KLKi'. Itidgewu.ol lark. x124 1,1OK HALF:. A 1VELL-HHKI) 1)I:H- J' RAM now, four intr. old. Apply to W14104. IM 11 ri1NV1) BUGGIES, ONE (•1"1TF:1t 1 AND A til14111LIGHT WAGGON. recently pun•hs.ed-boo,,. M. W. Howell, for ode rhino Apody lit 1'14AS. 1•. LF:K'S hardware stare. if IFIANO FY)K SALE. A (400I) 1 menet hand 11111111/ for '.ale. in eel-alt-- IIa1H1•NL .,I Ilan• 0n4k,. twist SLY, when naw. 11 *1111/0 olf.rid ice) +Mena, a. I have nu us• for It. J. H. (' )i.H'latN K. To 'tent S {/ TTA F FOR RENT' 1' for 1 tins• months from Judy Id : +lx moans. tintot•li ng nal b room. +itaa(ed on Kao wlreel . Apply at SIGNAL. OF VII'K. 2I rr o K ENT.--sFVMN-R(7OM Kit 1 frame n1(! ire 1111 Trafalgar .turf. -enable fur retinal inutile or .mail family ; chime -nun llun. Kent $nlodcn11Ae to .ultable Irtlaut, )a-• 'motion Jul) 1.1. .Ap1i,l) to A. t. JAX E. lir I:r11rfe•rsln nodTel Y.11/1111". ottlee. 11.1.4 Jules: 131h: nail L OR RENT. A DWELLINIi ON V Ken w •iela. A dwelling tltrrtflahed or soak Nar lake front; Modern .ams eaten+;. FON SAux-Two new dwelling. on Angles+. deal : one dwelling on factor .tree) : .doo building lot. on KIR`n, o. crow, Emex street. 1'ader sand and Pine elnel. WANTED. -A few fund -bed house. 01 room4 near the lake. to rent for the euuuner .lawn. 1t5 -f ' V01 N4 & Itt(R1:RTIION. LIult RENT. -"A COMFORTABLE I' and tom anima 040411 roomed house to n'nt, trorner of Keay. Brei and Britannia rood. .Apply to MILS. Ul'1?$T. in volt KENT.--FUKNIMHKI HOUSE 17 on Nrwpor street : N ,Seta : gond fruit trees• 1111 property. Will he rented for two month. or longer. Apply to MISS HEAL'• MONT. Newgate street. Seal Estate for bale. IOK MALE: OR: RENT. --A FAItM of 111 acroo of hest clay lows. lo'Iouging to M. 1(10 Fewer, bio eri,•h..it 1141111 011 1.4 es. e. 1011. 1)Iwlerirh township. 41)1)1 milt. from OI rich. nine from Clinton mad Hct from Bay- field . ably gold bldldln(t-aid two orehnnle. Heine ole terms. F11r fel tiler )ort lr'Ilan• apply. .IAMI.14 l'ULw'F:I.1.. Hinck. street. liodelsh: r F:UWA111( Ai IIES(15.(iolrrikh. 1(1-11. IOTS IOR MA I.E. FFw J choice lots for wile (.11111)1. on the Ikly Held road, never Hr)lAnnla road. N. T. M IHN F: Y. r11HK Ot)DEK 'H REAL. EMTATE 1 AND INSI'KAN 'K AGENCY. roe I.1:. 11.•tory Mom dwelling. ne roue, with wool .ummner kitchen. gloat Mile. ern .11 Holed Oil Ke.l •s street. 1, -story brisk and cement 111 ..mrd dwrllhla. lane. stable.. N Int.. 'Indy minions! 00 Kew..410(4. after. 1i 2 -dory' Irick .tore, bakers non and photo. graph g•.Ilrrv. M111a4-11 on 9n .I revert, 141,11. •I,.444 2 !erge lot., corner J'klon and W Lawton. Price. IVO.. See thy.. 2.dory brick. H -toothed hna.c nal 1 m• of land. gond orchard!. !'rice 112.:sok Y ole-Lgnarter lure lute near 41. T. H. station. y.dory (name boos, 9 norm•. 411901011 0 14r1011 .410(4, near 4 oll,Nfla41 11.4(114,1,. 11.:1•., Aromned frame hone/. and 21n14, Angle.esl .cert. $1.990. Two bark 101', fat each. 1.01 arid frame laundry, Si foot frontage on FAe.t mar rat IIRM1`'two 110 (, 1 1 to edablr store 'ilw.11iug. emmnl frame 1 n no R 1 .ftu(te.1 on Fagan 410411 0'. I!1.nnrfrom 10101- 1,44.4, Von n.l-14(0.4,-Von annuals'. Ilpl.nlunity knacks 11111 01104 at )'Iar door. Motley to tau, :,Isar real. HAMLINK. hank 01400111 ,,r'- Bldg. AN EX('E1.l.EN'I' F A H F' 0 SALE.-'dn mere. In '..t Wawnna.h. two m144, from Auburn : +oil N. la) lar.!, about In) acre. .Older cultivation ,owl :11 10 141 00010 timber. A well and two • Ning. of Wafer. R new frame dwelling. a good tarn. debit. and driving died. Apply to 944 544 & tt0I*P:ItT- SON Uo.1rrl.h YDI'NG & ROBERTSON, REAL Notate and In.imnrl• Agents. Hes) et- toteforwiltor to let. Prooert110 handled In any marl, of the town and count)'. Fire and life ineurnno•, money to loan. rte. POR MALE. -F(71 'It TOWN i.(YFM 1 on ikaye01d road, eolith of Mn. (('14pp(.4 (4444 +on'. property. Aptly to G. 1Y. THOMS4)5.1 & SON.f. >®aaM111Rc THE SOVEREIGN • BAN I OF CANADA RANDOLPH 1t*cno*AI.n, Pres. { I). M. B•rsw %HT. Gen, Man. • A OKNKHAI. RANKING RI'SINF:SA TIHAN/IA(71W SAVINGS DEPARTMENT giro OPENS AN ACCOUNT YOUR IDLE MONEY can earn interest and yet be 11. much at your rail ps If in Vunr px,ekct or some other insecure plate. You can have the principal any day with interest for the actual time it wan on deposit. iNTKRF.MT OOMPOUNDSD FOUR TIMEM A YEAR Onderich Branch, ANDREW PORTER, • Jordan Black. • MANAGER. GODERICH MARKETS. TorMN1/AY. J111)0 11111. Fall wheal, per boob, new eo 77 to $ 0 77 Spring wheat, per boob, now_,0 77 to 0 77 Rye, per bush U 46 to 0 45 Hurkwhout, per boob U is to 0 (N (hu., lo'r bush., new, ( 0 3H le o 37 1'ea.., per boob 0 1(5 to b Its Harley, per buo) .....r11 11 to 0 11 Scretinlllgw per (011 48 in to 4 W Fleur, fatally, per tort .. Y 511 10 2 30 Fluor, patonl. per owl ... .. .j Y tel to 4 81 Hrau, ta.r ton i Ig W to IM W Shoals. ler ton 31) nal to 1111 UI Hay. per ton - 1 00 to m W 19'001*, per axed 0 3 ills to M W Hunur, per Ib LS to U In ('hone. ler Ib U lY to o IY F:ggo, fre.h, perdue 0 11 to 0 12 IbUdwe.0 Ai to m ('*tale, 0n11o'y to 440nit, Der cwt. 3 In to 4 in ( 1(1*1e export, percwt 1 22 to 1.75 H0110,111 a weight. leer awl7 Y:. to 7 22 4.4//11144 latish. 4 in _ to 5 W Sheep. pear cot 1111 10 '1 U Ha'Im, tier Ib 0 IN to' 0 Ili Ikuou, per Ib 0 13 to o Is len, per Ib 424 to 1'H Tallow, ler Ib 0 IM 1p 0 t Hideo, per cwt 41 y1 to 7 9) Sheeti •.11(irl. St 1,41 75 Turkey.,. 0 13 to 0 13 ('hickeno .. ..... .... 0 (a to 11 10 Strawberrle.. 1.24 to 121 ((ut nide markets of Image Kt 4. STERLING BA \ I OK CANADA HU.UI 1141.14. - Toroth INCORPORATED i4Y SI'F:(IA1. AI '1 OF DOMINION PARLIAMENT TO RECEIVE DEPOSIT. Ile;n Le l 1 11t1tp:NT ItATF: (1F' \ I Eit1.4T 1•.911 IV 44114 SAVINGS RANI: DEPART1 NT, U. Dkf'IMSITB UI IH 4511 (71 ARD= 11 Retest is id oi• cotta •.I Is po un h four timet a year. IIIIAVT$ BOUGHT AND IN)1.1). A GENERAL RANKING HI'S(N1Sr4 NS TIt.1 Al'Tkl). (a)DEItRCH liKAN(41 R. JF:FFHKv. Nrimoretj 1 Notice to Creditors \'OTU'I•;. Alla+unha :r1 ch,Wim. Wim. against (he eetao of J. II. t fa °mien, bate of the town of (lote, les. hank 41wn11grr. deceased. are requested 10 .1•rld same to the u.ad1"rsigned. AIRS. J. 1). 4r(l)N• G.lderirh, tint. e5-0 Tenders Wanted rf1KNDIERS 1VANTED. ''ENDERS 1 *111le• reivlied by the undersigned up to the SIM Ind., for {painting the brick work of the Cant nil olitiol itwo toaeo1 1 flouring room. No.. 1. 2 and N of the wore .rhool with maple. The lowest or any lender not nevem- -only am -soiled. H. W. BA1.1.. Socrrtary. J. IL it A10IF:, Chairman Colt, Com. 95.21 Navigation Algoma Central Steamship Line STR. KING EDWARD Weather permitting TOLEI)O-SAI'LT STE. MARIE DIVISION. Between Toledo and Sault Ste. Marie and Intermediate )ninto will leave Godertch n. tallow's : Nora hbouml 11:4*) p.m. Sunday 8.nthlo1110 141:411 a.m. Friday LEE. [twat Agent. T. .I. KF:NNF:D\ , J 1'nlffir Manager. (Sault Ste. Marie. Restaurant Privilege for Rent III II WTI /ER It'll HOTEL. COM- PANY wl.hw. to n•nl the privilege )f welling lee 014101111 water, fnury gg tel. 4ou .,nfr spoon, .Urs lone).eta„ in the lobby of the )11/1 el for Oleo w•ainn June to Sept umbel, in- rludve'. The Axton-. condi: of a Hue vomiter Ind .how nom, a Hest-rkwsooda warm fountain. syrup hot tact.. Rklssw•er, etc. Tho ought to be a good opportunity fon( Indy with one or two daughters. We 04100 a i(11011 1(4110011 and many Southern Getters. Apply plume at the HOT Fa. immediately. Auction Sales EARINO A1'1'1'ION SALE OF 1 L':F:H01.11 4.1'HN ITt 11E. Mr. 1 r ('oars p111 sell by piddle aunt ion at Ids resod. .e. Tmfalgor 0(10.4. Goderl.h, on \% IIes.lity, .lune d)th. ,I I::1() .Mork o n.., sharp, 4111 1111 11011.4110111 (molt are 1 f. nkhl,, .: .onsi'ting of : 2 hers mom sidle., psi . and 1•10111 1•001 ; Id.•toanl: 1 Iron Md. spring. nd Malarl'..; •2 lounges ; Y ,'ten -Ion table.: L .1o0+ Gm motel 1 )xfnnl mullet 3 rmkiug Anil .), 1 .n.nll rocker. I ru . boon!, I 11•4 Hug 1110111 • 1%1'111141V('1, Y +Toni! centre table., N )arbor •hnir., N dining neon Il 411111(00! 1 Im,kr•aek, 2 w'a.11 rlafrl, 1 ns. . lenl•h,•., :(.moll ladle+. I +h 1 ibis, .i kln•hrn chair,, 1 clock, 1 comb ant and nom,•ruus other artl.le., Tenn+. cad). KverylhinnX melst dbIw*p•.1 of ISAAC COA1'Krl, TH401 1)4 ('N I)1(V, Proprietor. rtioneer. Public Notice (JEALEI) TENDERS AI►1►RES/WI) ►J M the undersigned, nod endorsed "Tender for feet (Mate. rte.. nl St. Mar y'., Ont.." will be matted nt this office until l'rldny. June W. talar Inr*.nivrly for the .onwl rnet on of a Cost I1Mne. rte., 0t SI. Mary., 1)141. Plans and oils Mention ran be wenn and forms of tender obtained at thaw l)o4wrt rural anti /n1 nplllrai Ion to the Ret mast ;,• St. Mary's, Ihit, Primo. tendering ore notified that tenders will not he eon4Mrrod onions le on the p,101441 form emptiest and signori with (heir net mil mignon nnx Emoh tender mud he nrlx,mpanlnl by An accepted cheque on n ehartend tank, made aynhle to the ndrr of the Honorable the MInl.ter of I'ohlie Work., equal to ten per cent. in) `4. ea of the amount of the tender. which will be forfeited If the p ernn tendering` decline to enter Into n contract when called npnn to do wt. or If he fall In rnn.pl.te the work eontraet.ed for. If the tender be not nrrepted the ehegqwe will be returned. The Ileprtment done not bind Itself to 440 oeptthe towed 01 eny tender. By older. 1 44141). (JELINArt. Deportment. of Pnhlle (MI awa. May :11. Ileal Newspaper. Smarting (kis all ves lament without authority from the Department .till not be paid for 1t. LOCAL 'TOPICS. Public Meeting. A meeting to Moselle. the MdiLlaul River power pp.wrop ositio11 will be held in the Opera H011w• 1141 I'1•idav evening of ilex1 week. All .i(14(114, including the ladies, ate invited to attend. Annual Meeting Farmers' Institute. The annual meeting and picnic of the West Huron Farmers' Iuntittlte will be held at the I' ' t Farm on Friday. Juno 221M. The 11' It's Institute Will jolu in the picnic, /mil the usual good time is expected. The G. N. W. Exhibition. Che (•nnv4o0iug r ' lee in 1'u11- 14(•0t1ou With the liude•rirh fall show are about through with their work and have met with Very encouraging stiect'i14. A number of special pri'0H have Well offered and more than the usual Interest in bang taken in the fair this year. The 4)114,• list is now in the hands 4/t the printtos and it in expected it will be insne1 in 11 short time, John McKay lead. John 1.'. McKay, sun of the late I). C. Mc1.(1, of town, died hist night in Toronto. Mr. McKay had heel, ill 101* the pawl len yours and the nears of his death will be reeei veil with 4)'I.144*tt het 1)' inl.ereet by the y friends of the family in U.Nlerich. rhe body will Ile bran' i( to Ileslericlt 011 the 1::11 p. Il) train L(1110r•nnv, for interment here. Merrill Whitney. The 111,uly friends of 31iss heals Whitney. who some years ago 4144141111iO4 a p ' eat place au 11111si(al circles in (44rlerich, will be pleased to learn of her utarrimg,• 4/n Tuesday. J •:nth, at the 4 • of her mother. Ahmitn. Man., to .14181111 Merrill. real estate !agent. of N'inngleg. 1 •11i- 11te1)• of ler the eele11lony Mr. and Airs. 91,rrill left, Via St. Paid alba Chicago, to take thest.eauler Tunisian today for a Trip 111 England. On their o ve- lum to this Cntl v lSeptember they expect to visit Gotitg 1(.h. Former Goderlch Lady Wedded. The marriage ..1\lira. Kathryn NViur)ifnel 11tOsll, daughter of 51r. and 51rt.-James H. McCall. of \Vest- mounl, Montreal, to c ha, -les I). Hodg- ins of East Toronto. was solemnized NVedntslay evening' of last week at 14 ch(rrh of St..11uu094 the Apostle. Mon trap, the Rev. H. 1'. Al Abbott 4Atria 'ng. The brick• and groom left epi tet• rale the (erenou)' for the West and will Lake up their resi- dence in egoist, Sask. 'floe bride was a Annie organist in North street Methodist ch reit and 11t41•watyla in Knox ehur,I, fitnierledl. and(her many friends 1n a extend their best wishes. Launched Yesterday. 'rhe Lilian tars- is isle (111)honious 11111m• by which the latest addition to the pleasure ertft that will enliven the wader's of the harbor and lake this or is to he know11. The yacht was launchlel yesterday morning and will probably make its (1414 trip today, and the deeiguer and hn ler. 11arold Taylot•, is to be congrntnle 1 on the graceful linen and proj.pon-tin of his boat. This is not Ibarold'o firs attempt in the boat -building line but is his motpr:'rntiouM effort at yt•t, tieing 'LI fret in length and 9 feet, in width, and it will carry about. half a tun of ballast. The mast, Raaila and rigging were pit in place yesterIay evening. Blow, Breezes, Blow. 1). McLaren haul the contract re- cently of'moving the water-towpt• and tank at-Itidge•weoll ihu•k back about :1M) feet. Thio WAN trade necessary by the innruls the (1, 1'. It. work vets making into the bulk. Mr. McLaren figured out that if the wind was glad to run the apparatus when the tower was standing still It. should he all right for aurp/14440 of 1 1' tion also. Ile rained the tower up and placed it on rollers and waited lots the wind. Hp had four men ti guide the tower. 4/1114 at welt leg, and Iloreas did the rest, without the aunistance of tackle of any kind. \Vho will have the harlilllwwl to speak oelirnfnlly of Olalerich br eeya•s after that ,1 Women's Institute. The .1 alerting of the (i.alericl; branch of the 9Vo11)0n'0 Institute was held at the home of Mrs. I.e•witt, W111•11 a pleasant afternoon WAS 441(4(11. 'there was a gored attendants., showing that the ull•m IR•rn are interested in the work. After• the business of 111,' Institute 111111 been 4ransau•tw1 the el)'(3ion tor president took place, when Aire. Lewitt was mien' 1)' elerte11 to that. position. The program was 14h)o't lout interesting. NVe Lind 1(t un the oldeel 4 t » ' r v sl be that I p Ip (1 11 and I jict* many naw ideas and plans are su4geetee1, which prove of hep) Lei e present. The ni,'u le.1's of this brunch have 'wielded an invitation from the Farn.re' Inwtitnt.' to join them in a picnic at Point. Farm on .Innis 2211(1. Meiticrs wishing In go 1)1.111.1(• MEF;rING. A meeting to dist,-0 the 11(0110-0 1011 of the MAiTLANi) IMIVEI( POWER CO. 10 apply el'rtrteal ower for the 'fown of liwlerkth will lie held in Victoria Opera Kollo+ on FRIDAY E\'ENiNO, Ji'NE 22ND. AT 4 O'CLOCK. 11 rili/ea. aro in, ilea to anima and lake no in the 41een0i111.. This incitation 1. extended especially to the ladles for wimm the 'ornery will be n• -,m4 nl. 51 nations Vacant `'O!'NO L )1 l'I,EItK WANTED. 1 with wan. .x .'rine•, 111 dryglpwl.. Apply D. MII.t.AI '0. -- Or WANTED 1'PIIEN'I'I('E TO learn pelnlleg, 11 or .5 years of :We. fair nrot.lorl. A, good opt tinny for a bright boy. Apply at T1114 SIHIN. ....'MIL, Warning AKE NVARN' NG. 1'hn pimento. of the 1k.g Bylaw are immallotely enfnn•ed. owners 0(4044..hnnld at Dorn ,real 'and /teens+ fee nod get tag and ?MVO troubk. N NI. CAMPBELL. ('ollecto,. WARNING. ANYONE FO11ND lwep4awt044 ns. .saying fire -5e . on any part of our pro rte w111 he arrested and Prep: outs& 444I(n1dl K. C. and IL C. ATTKII.L Ito ban,I wagons will meet at the resi- dents. of Mrs. A. 0. Mahan, Elgin avenue, or Mts. M. Mw,Orvuu, Hrucr suet, at 1 ei ch,l•k. Huron Old Boys' Excursion. 1'he renal )'Xrursion of the Huron Old Iluym' Association of Toronto to the 110111e ('011111)• *ill hake place on 4mm-Lay. July 70h. The exeur,iml drains this year will run to lioah•ric11 and L11rkn,w. They will leave Toronto at 7:111 a. 111. and 7:15 a. 111. respectively 1 are expected to ar- rive at their (lestieation About noon. The fate will be *IAN for I he round trip. Thiele, will be goad 7A4 rel urn 110 any regldlu' train Saturday or Mon- day or 1111 the specials that will leave lioxleri.•h and Luck mow at n p. 111. Monday. July nth. We Mope to see a large t•e•presentatfon of Toronto II+11- 't)•s and their trieuds in town on the exeunlilln days. The Detroit Excursion. The 41)1)1):4.1 • trip of the ole: •1' Gre)•hou,)14, which is always looked forward 1.1 with pleasant expectations, is to take place next week. The steamer willaurive here on .'ll many and will give an ex(nl'sion 1111 the lake in the evening under the auspiees of the Musical Mia•le1 y. lin 'Pard;)• g at 8:401 ei 1.In•k it will leave for Ik•4r•od and the• return trip will be on Thursday, leaving Detroit it at 1 41.111., !'entrap .4(8104141111 _ (4111)', Gum glvi11g the ex. tarsi 114 two dayt in the pity of the Straits. The• foe for the round trip is only $1.111; rhil111ri, half fare. Trains will leave Stratford and Wing - ham 'flll.0(llV morning in time to 1'011- 111.1.1 with Ott• lout here, and on the arrival of the steamer Thoireday even- ing 11 1441eeinl train will leaave\ for Clin- ton and way stations to Stroll. ord and \Vi11ehanl Dominion Day Celebration, A Meeting WAN 114441 de the 4UN11\liall past evening to arrange for 11 U In- ion 1)ay celelrn(t• in (4(111•rich. An execul.ite 4' tbs. was. chosen, 4'o1U410$ed 4/t mayor Tip. NV. T. .'.1u 1t• C. A. Nairn, U. M. Elliott. 11. l' 1n1'!gens. NVm. 1«uu', Rev. .111.. Elliot \V. F. ('hark and AI. O. .loh11- sum, his to 11111 t11t.lee IN to Meet this evening r 4o ,I •a W 11 1 44 1 4 and t tL n 111U1 In 6 1 1 K make other plane for the proper carrying hitt 11f the" celebration. Another committee 'F': .1. I'ridluun, N..1. Morrili'ey oval ♦V. '1'. NIut•ul•v -- Was app10an4e41 10 c,,Ile•ol funds. The earl are u t today and should n1(111 with a Iibeeral,response. If they happen to miss any persons in their cativ11H$ they tisk t t such plertoltl1 flume forward valuta. •ily with their contributions, .. a 'a nt 1 1 4 ns I1( t time 1 shut•!. 1111(1 the work 110sbe dune quickly. A good exes:u4,4%I4 conunillee has been chosen, and an ` tractive insignia' for Dominion D. - in in jm)apc1'l. Humber McLaren. A charming .lune wedding look plate at -the home of !;has. Milaren, Highgate,. on ,lune nth, when his daughter, Anneta It.. With united i It nlan'iage t to Henry Howarth H Inter, syn of M,tgistlmte C. A. 11 Iw•t•, of (4ode•ich. The erre- was performed by the Rev. S. 13. McVittie, brother -in -Law of the bride. Resisted by their )stir, itev. Geo. N. Long. The l.ri(le Was 4liVeil away by her fisher. The gather - nig of relatives' and iW111fYliat1 friends was large, the pr•s•nls nunl'rous and nod Gnat the cost 's elaborate. 1 a little Hower -girl was the only child of Hew. Mt•. AleVittie, 1a lovely little blonde of live, summers. The ht•ide'stist•r-in-law played the wedding march. After the erre: y, the par- taking of a well -spread table, and tunny toasts and good ehw•r to the bride and ;trot ml, the; couple left for the east. They intend to return and visit friends blefore leaving for their home in the Went, at Red Deer. Alb•t'tl, where Mr. Hu11,lwr has an established jewellers business. Mr, Paulin Honored. Before leaving his Fuente, hone, Ihshwrax1. our new hardware 11100 - chant, E. 1'. Paulin, eras wAi ted on at his home by his N hay s441001 c11u414 and made the t•et•ipient of a flue 41( ny .hair and an appreciative outdrew". 7'114 pleasant (occurrence took place on Slay :4401. Mr. Paulin although to n b)• eurpris' made a► very suitable ls.pl, after which the evening was spent in social antemoting.. The address ens 1(.v f,'111Ivvt • 1/4:11 It Sia. l'AULIN. In '44w of your nit - 'mooching departure from among n., NV, 111,4 rin•IIIIn•e Of y • V. m. 01144., *11(41• n.N'lll1111•11 tonight hi onler 10 .haw our n airetinl tun of your htltlifld went fella 11wan1 00 dnrh1K 111e 1140 I 11.44. year., .1rw1 111.0 10 rxpre. our .),Iron! regret That rintunlstu:cee will not permit you to remail longer ;aunty n. and also to r11nv)•y to you our appreciation of the Interest yen have ever nuanifeoted it our welfare. temporal as well ns +piritu*l : and no a token off our troth tide we *duld ask yen to necept fhb gi0 in the hope than It May WINN 10 revall to your mind pleawnt nletnonn• of 111e least, and we I net that by the gnus. of 4hal w0 may nil I1,• eabinl 10 •e• onward awl upwaM 1111 We reach thateav 1 h enh h nnc'w hrne mining. lire 1111 •. W. WW1 011 nc•(b'I ,1 In vo1 new, enterprise and that Ihn ble.sing of God may rest noon you and 90)11 (a,nlly. whenever you limy Ko. Mr. Ntisbitt's Fatal Accident. • A feeling of horror must alw'ay's at- tend the accidental death, end 111(11, 4.1 .I. S..Nesbit t, thepropt•ietot•of 1 hen* eiu0 real hoist here, wan no 4xeepti4n 4', that rule, while on the part of those who had come to know Mr. Nesbitt. f • having business relativist with him the feeling of genuine regret and of sympathy with 4b• relatives was even keener. Mr. Nrsbitt'n hoist was ,i1. work 111 Monday list unloaulinq the coal boat the d ' Laura, and lifter the men hsed haul ceased work of r , 0clook Mr. Nesbitt. went to 4.M• lop of sir mnrhim' to 'bake sone repair or other and apparently fell f • the top to t he ground tweeath, falling on haw head. No one appears to have 14(1'n the occurrence but ft • mhorl. tJppie after young Freddie 'ol'ilt hnppenetPIn he passing and found the 1111111 lying ins•n.ible 00 the Kr 1. Iles. N\'hitely laud liall)W Were . lel and 111r. Nesbitt wan taken to his hoarding haus•, the 11urnn. Hie none and cheek Ione web. badly ) t•oken. The following morning at about. :I ,.chock he pas1td away as the lewnit of haw injuriem. Mr. Nesbitt 's home wan in Sarnia and him ;rife WAR wired Im- hof did not romp (1p, pending word for her hmhand'4 baly to be sent to Sarnia, v•hich was accordingly done, on the 1 o'clock train on Tnenday. Mr. Npmhi't wes well liked by 1ho44 in town who had her • aril ' trod with hint dish,,,; the past couple of seesonNv. He Wag a man rather past addle age and, we understand. 1044x014 rown-np son and daughter. Trd9lble In St Andrew's Ward. Thilf were "doings" down on a hack street in 8t. Audtew's want last \Iouday night, which culminated in ('un,tthle (,undfv'N being Newt for to preserve peace between MPH. Hearn• and Alri. Ilaualander, who ata next- door neighbors. According to the evidence given ill the polite court this morning there was a good deal of language {miming, Me*. Were, c• te, acor . hog to V1.. Hauslauder't evidence, 1Mowing all sorts of taunts. running (rout such an expnwaiou its '•11-- Salva- tionist" to the other limit of the gau (ll. 91r. and Mrs. 4lauuslander and f 'ly are. it apnea's', immi- grants brought 10 this • try by the Salvation At•IIy, and, al(huugn Mrs. Ilauslauder says she haul always been civilly treated by Mrs. }teem till the evening in quest , matters raffle t1 a1 pretty paha that night, judging by the express' that, according to the 4videnv., wets. Made use of. ' 1111'. Gundry watt sent for by Mr. Haus- bottler and on arrival at the Heen4 of the trouble sought an interview with Mr. Beets., when, to use the slang ex• MIlehsi0t). Mr1. Herne ••butted ill" and Ir. Onndryy found it necessary to forte Mrs. Beere into the house while he spoke to her husbull, 'Phis' I-- s111Ad in a suit for assault against Mr. ll icy teeing instituted by the Weiss:, 1(1111 the original tralllle in sine Aaiun for using abusive and inenIting language being preferred ,lgadteit. 911•.. Haudanders by the Bee).. The Hest action was dismissed and in the second an adjournment was made till tomorrow. at II '.clock, when the magistrate's decision will 11.4 doubt be given. Died in Bo' in. Last Thursday, .tune 7th, occurred the death of Th u. Morrish, father of Ma's. Alex. Davidson, Waterloo street, after an illness of 11110111 ten days. Mr. Morrish !vas eighty - years of age and had been ailing for some time. He had been a1 reHident of Hoi14swain. Mau., for the past seventeen year., living there with Ilia 84/11 Daniel.. Sid -Viet was hell! at Ili,iiis•vain the e1-0111ng before the r'14li1141 were brought to (4odtrich and the funeral took plate from the residence of the dece,tsd'H sl -in -Law' here o Al lay ult•rn,1011 t11 1'oi- 1or11e eater!;, Rev. O. 11 Hazen e luc'i a .e••'• pall- bearers the t•v u rn. The xt I 1 hearer+ wwtee William Treble. .1. H. Millian. Ko%ert V g, Alex. Stir- ling, J. C. Martin and Jaulen Stevens (Clinton). \1v. Morrish cat loin ill Kigluud 1(11(1 canoe to this eou11try when i► child of eight y'ear's of age. Thl• family settled l'o 11 to • u• town- ship, I tl t ow n ship, of which the doleaue•tl was it resi- dent for the greater pawl of his life until (4 ' 14 to Manitoba:. though for a time he lived in Michigan. He was Married nearly sixty years ago and his wife (formerly Miss Annie• Stevens) dhoti x1111• year's age, when MI'. and Mrs. M.rri,h were down on is visit to the old 1 . Mr. Morrimh is aur• viv(d low four 4101114 Saud (111,1. daugh- ters : Erwin, of Portage la Prairie : Paul. of Alabi naa ; 1) . 1, of Eloka.e- vain, Man.: Thomas Jaynes, of Ore- gon : Mee. Davidson, of town : Mru iliss•tt, of Straticona; Mrs. Ring. of Washington State, and Miss Mot-- tint). The last named and her brother Daniel went here for the funeral. The Maitland River Power Bylaw. Two special mt''tingl of the town -1 were held this week to deal with the Alnitluud River Power Com- pany bylaw. ane on Monday evening and one on Wednesday marring at 11 o'clock. and, nn Mr. 14lair'H motion, wrunded by Sir. Clerk, it w,no derided t11 Marna the bylaw to the enactors, the Company t1 pay all the expl'nw•.. The bylaw is publiohed in this week's i.sue of the local patient and the vote will he taken on Saturday, July 7th. Hi.. Worship the Mayor said that the proposal was too h involved for him to ser anything in it for the town. anti that he won't! be only to pleased of cepit.alistr were prepared to finance the whole scheme and leave the town free to purchase power fr the Com- pany the seine 1)14 any other user alight will t the town Icing Mixed up with the proposition by ggllnt'1U1toelllg ponds. 11e had Hever heard of any town the size of Orwdet•ich being asked for a guarantee anywhere near the amount named in thin bylaw, and he considered the MeeuriLy cat out large enough. Mr. Elliott was in favor of delaying the matter, believing that furl her informal, ' could be obtained in nit the Government ower eonuniR- si)11 )toy t, t he 1ulvieabilrty of the town Making the guarantee. He 'tel to put the matter off till the find meet - Ing 111 October and Mr. ('lark seconded the motion, but later this motion wan withdrawn, \1s.. Goldthorpe objecting that the t•fft•ct of it would be pr t.- tr•aMy t1 block the achene. nm it woulhe other! $1ailI1M)ke 11tto needed. Nit' Blair thought ohltt if thelets ronld Hid threw eapitelin to take the /• n heu'ilk and d ) n ' r vu the other 1 th r t 111150,(s01 it Wound mean that there W1( e gh in eh proposal for the town to • out , I right. A statemet)t ft the town et inter of the annual saying there wont be by the ruhiption of th.' electric Ion •r 1howtvl 11o, 114, whereat the charge t. e4' piny is lowed for the power 'n 1$11,I711, whir W011111 mean $1,4111 add; 4011;1 expense to the town. Attentln wino drawn, however, to the provisio in the by- law that. the Company tau t furnish any additional power the town plaint would twist, up to l i Menges. of 2.5 per cent., without any extra rli1Pge, and that h(4 :o t Company Man wan obliged 1 Y tall eel to keep the town plant. in running order ,and keep +team up all the time if the town asked for it ,no ,ulditlone! protec- tion in the ease of Ihn. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -JUNE 14 PAU* Houc..token' Excursions --V. F. Lawrence.. J *1.10 to Iktrolt and Return -Bar. King Ed- ward w'IIl Neier Feil -Poulin. Hardware 7 Elie lion -Tun Livery- Waaler & A 4 Print. and Mu,.11us-W. Aebeaon t &NI 1 ' udoral Suaunur Suit. .Hodgelte. Intoe s ro s Sumuler pate. etc.-- clown 1kaa 7 White M4.lin--W. A. MCKIM a Colored lira.L1lkw- J. H. t'olborne.,'...,i The General Erect of Furnituro-Wllnaer Smith • 8 !towboat and Pout for Sale -John °skiert 1' heir Clerk Wanted -D. Miller t.1(. 1 Summerood. for Men -Reg. 141aaerk.;. ..... 4 - Announcoment J. W. Broderick. 1 Preemie Your K •,w4ght W. t'. Goode June Halt !'rice lSaale (leo. Porter s A nnu'In1e111eats- Tnult•t Sou. .. . 147-8 Notice to( 'ranters NI e. J. I). U'l'onnea _ • 1 I'rufor Rent. for for Sale ■,ld Wanted Young t 7tolertwu 1 For item A. S. Jane . .... ... 1 Anal Ion Salo Tho/.. Uuudryry• .. 1 Notice to Debtors G. M. Ninolt1 Stllnly'1 Gm/Jerk. Sturdy & l'o - 7 Announremunt--GOO. W. Thomson t Sou.... 1 Public Mooting -Maitland River lower Co. l Hy1aw- fown of Uuderich ll I Furul+bud ('ullage to hent-silgnsl office. .. 1 ing made in the boiler of the. Horton. The send -annual meeting of the Oount ' 1.. 0. L. of North Huron will Is. held in the Orange Hall, \1'inghanl, o11 Tuesday, June 19th, at 2 o clock 0.111. 14111(1141. Last Friday night was a trying one for the nothing tugs Evelyn and Petrie, the big storm giving them a taste of pretty rough weather. They came into port after the 941(11111 101(1 sulioided. Prepu•a1 •• are luring made to handle the steed girders for the C. P. H. bridge /tents the river when they 'arriveSome steel work for use in placing the bridge is alreetly on the gn 1 The (ioxlerieli Lumber Co. expect to bring a raft down the Take next week. The raft will contain about a million feet and will probably leave Stokes Hay on Saturday, arriving here the middle of the week. The Oalerich Cement Brick Co. haw,' It 1nnt7ICL (uta their product lobe shipped t11 ' ' Heed. The brick wilIprobably1w next week, wait from MacEwan's salt works', going to make up a vessel -load with the bri(•k. Thee• ste,Gller Fink cleared last Fri- day after unloading a cargo, of coaI for the K Still. Intl. Tho Leland cleared on 'I'ue..iay morning, hound south, after discharging her cargo of coal for the Big Mill. The mill men unlooulp, the lend. I.tast Saturday a trio of boys had an upset in the river. They were in a boat and in an attempt W reach a fish- inKI s ole they upset t their twat. The were levegi pad hy their : Y The toys wets. Will Downey, \Vill Anderson and Jiu•k Heck. M 'thing ought to be done by the Coen to pat the dock in a reasonably tidy condition before the tteameer Greyhound arrives next Monday. First ilIlpre0sion0 are usually, lasting and it in a poor pliluent to visitors. be•tideet being a )x31 ,ulvertisement for the town, to ask 111001 to disembark at a dock in the untidy condition in which things are at pnstent. The cement work on the elevator was completed) on Tuesday and prep. aration,, are being made to start the `brick work. The elevator at the weed. end of the building is being taken down and one will be erected in the int' -hoe of the building t, be more cent: I for i 44,ing the brick. The twilit) and other ofr th fittings of Re the elevator have arrived and more of the machinery will arrive shortly, so that the buildingt can be put in readiness for work as .o.,ll as p„aihl•, On Sunday ruing the keener. Annie Lama with a cargo of coal for F. B. Holmes arrived off the harbor and in ett.etnpting to enter ran on the mashie breakwater. The atmosphere Wain somewhat minty and the captain, it some, did not know of the existence of the breakwater. The. Annie Latina remained font on the cr•ihwork till half *ay through the afternoon, when the tugs Evelyn and Horton succeeded in freeing her.' Abut twenty tons of her cargo of slack coal had to be thrown 1(R into the water to as- sist in freeing the vessel. Around the Harbor. 'I'hh hlnom-IIoh1I1K w'ason opxens on lune 14111,. The Annie lama elvers, yesterday about mem far Nand ie•ach, Make your prepardion' to .111.111 DollliWWOO lhav in IOwlerleh. The Point Fours hotel is being fitted 01) for the 114340 Ill amt will 1e op•nei ill It few days. The 1'. P. R. cont r et)rm are fitting up a hoilit at the foot of harbor hill for 11111 111 the erection of the abut- ments there. The steamer 'Turret (boort arrive, on Mnldny morning with a cargo of grain for the Big Mill. She cleared on Monday after unloading. Th.. pile-driver 4/n the hill at the end of \Vafrrlon street has .started work on what, ie to he the C. 1'. R. track this Aide of the river. The tug Edward Blake is at preeent bring nitrld in connection with the dredging outfit, while a change is. be - C. L. A. Matches. 8eaflrth, June. I2. --The Hent inter- mediate C. 1.. A. match of the season woos played here tonight between Winghaun and the Heavers, of Mea - forth, resulting in a score of 13 to '' in favor of the h team. 1'onlarrow, Friday, June 15th. the Gode•a:. i1 Wale goes t, Meafotth and NVinghani plays at Kincardine. Next NVldnesl(y Clinton plays at Wing - . I ANNOUNCEMENTS. Highest cash price paid for ,0(71 Ib. of wool. A. J. CIsn'Klt. W.'Srrten.-- Eggs *lo. Pedlars' re- vised tariff. 1111 tubs choicegrams but- ter wanted , r at un .e (hot. K r:. Knot, Wingh . Royal Household Flour, Victor Hog Feed, all kinds of the hest varieties of weed corn. gels, turnips, carrots, at A..I . ('IMII'Kll N• It yon are troubled with Buffalo Imgn in your house•, get n Mottle of oma Buffalo Hug Killer. only 25c., at 11,'W. Tnoylsus's Drug Store. Bargains, rattling big bargein0 at • (ioxderich bargain store. The t cheap sale still 44008 on. An- 'pe:ial bargain day on Sallo- w lush, J. W. HRolKtln•x, tone still in deht pleas' settle wit Ile of at the Maple Leaf • i'ocery het July 12th? After that date *croon 1(o )t 1 n will e handed in t. a 1' x briar• for c lection. i ti n. (. M. EL - it 1' t1T, Geo. W. Thom4t)n & Mon, mueie deall't•m and ..tionet44, have Marts' in stock a line of piel4vlaI papeteries, three views nn each sheet of paper, full quire poxes, which are proving t. be fact sellers. They have a1841 re- ceived as new tuck of souvenir postal cards of (i,wlerich and vicinity. GKo. W. Tumour.: & Mn,y AUCTION SALES. WI. 1000I,,v, 401)44 9t Alief inn sale of hon.ul.old farnitnn! Al the rn"idenl(4- Trafalgar start At 1:311 airlock p. m. 114.t A1' l'41,17141.proprietor. Tioo*l1'NmRr, An4t Mincer. BORN. ('LARK. In (4w4,rlrh, oil Saturdayy, .lone Rh. 1.1. Mr, and Mn. It0ht. f lark, a d41mghter. Mil'LURE. --in Colborne township nn Mon- day, Jane Mb, to Mr. and Mn. Joon Ntelln,0. • mon. 0{10. 1)19145110,1 to 4an10w, INS.. on June 134, William Many Grenfell. M.IRItISH. At Rnt.sevaln. Man . nn Thur. day. .tune 7(h. Thome. Morl.h, aged SI Foam".