HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-4-19, Page 88 THURSDAY, April 19, 1916
The Big Mill
Five -Star Patent and
Three -Star Patent
are recognized the world over as the stan-
dard of excellence. They are absolutely
pure and do not require to be bleached, as
they are of a fine, natural, creamy white color,
the color of pure flour. We give the natural
goods of the highest quality which the best
raw material, together with the latest and
most up-to-date milling devices, can produce.
and Absolute Purity
are assured the consumer first, last and al-
ways, and it is on this basis that we have
built up our trade, commencing five years
ago, until our present daily milling capacity
is thirteen thousand, two hundred bags.
Good Goods at Fair Prices
without trashy premiums and accept nothing
that is affirmed to be "just as good." There -
is no flour just as good, quality and price
considered, as the " Five -Star " or the
"Three -Star " brands of patent flours.
T. 12GE'S
Vested Choir Proposal Not Largely Sup
ported by Congregation.
The annual Elude!. vestry meeting
of St. OeorgP s church was held an
the archool
Kiat in
toom ith n faiattendance.
The rector, Rev. M. Turnbull, in his
report, paid n tribute to the faithful
work of the various rfrerr and
Members in the different departinenta
of church work and referred to the
inct•rast• in1
11h• number t of e
cants and innd cr
he attendance } an at the
church services. During the year the
wtrtatnent of towboat haul beet ad-
ministered to fifteen poisons, five
marriages fperformed and the funeral
n r111
n 1 Il(I llrt Pe for ,
l ix members .
t of
the congregation. Mr. Turnbull also
reported the result of a circular sent
out a few weeks ago to members of
the congregation ,asking their npini•in
on the question of introlIUIlag it
vested choir. It will be remembered
You Have,
If not do so at
what the farmer
Actual facts
show that up
to date this
year there has
been more
Ideal fencing
sold and de-
livered than
all the others
sold locally
to build unthing llnt.
once because IDEAL has proved to he
or fence builder has been looking for.
A strong
A durable
Once up al-
ways top.
The fence
that has
stood t h e
test of
severe win-
Think of it, a fence of all large size hard steel extra
heavily galvanized WIRE for
32 cents per rod.
No roan can afford to spend time on any other fence but
that a year ago a resolution was
passed by the vestry looking towards' •'
the adoption of it vested choir. A few
weeks ago a siccial Meeting of the
vestry was called to consider the
Matter further, when it was decided
that bettor any further stein 'i%
taken the congregation ant at w' hale
,huulll Ile given an upisJet tin ity mit
expnc+sing its opinion. ill view of the
tact Ihalt the change would necessitate
considerable outlay in Ilse building of
a larger vestry than exists at present
:and in other Wi)•N. In accoulauce
with this (kidskin :SMI circularswere
sent out asking the tcelpients if they
were in favor of the change and it
the)• were willing to contribute
tmw•ards the expense. Fitt y-tWI/
suswer,i only were received, fuurteeu
of which were in favor of the change
while thirty-eight answered in the
negative, ea • of the- latter explain-
ing they would he in favor of the
proposal after the mortgage debt was
wiped oink
The church -wardens' statement of
the HILtlnes of the church teas ex-
11tanned fully by the people's warden,
sludge Holt, who in the as• of hi,
remarks said the outlook for St.
George's cougtegation was never
brightest'. The receipts for the pant
year slimmed at substantial increase in
almost every item. Nearly $111l lila
hail )leen received in pew rents than
the last year, white the sinking fund
(started to wipe mint the mortgage
debt) showed an increase' of nearly
$11.11, owing tu.the efforts of Mitt, W.
L. Eliot and \Ins. Wm. Lee in secur-
ing new Nuloscriliers, The principal at
the mortgage indebtedness was re-
duced $:111 during the year besides
•111.511 interest lasing paid. ihuring
the twist eight years the debt had been
reduced by :about $2,4,111 and only the
sma►11 sunr of LOIN) wits now remain-
ing mutt the property. The expenses of
the year were $117 greater than those
of the previous year hat $:411 of this
was made up of the $:d II increase in
the i•Nettr'N tit l x•rld and the extra $1111
paid on the dThd.
'The rector's and elturch-wardens'
reports were'plmpteal.
Mr. 1'urnhull renominated Oeorpe
Porter as his warden and a lip it loll
wens' introduced tin uitit .fudge )hilt
its people's warden again, but Mr.
Potter explaining his inability to
act, the seleetiuu tf Both wardens
waw deferred for at week. The
following gentlemen were appointed
sidt•snien : W. I). Tye. W. L. fl-
int. E. I'. I:awrenee, f)r. Hayden.
Or. Sale, F. Jordan, I). 1. Nortek I.
II. Tigert, James Holland." E. Woxl-
cuck, J. Platt and James ('aerie. '
Judge Holt and W. L. Eliot wets.
appointed lay delegates to the synod.
an motion of Oeeon'ge Putter and F. F.
I,aw I once.
.1. i:graer was an town for Raster.
J. that was Op from London for -Easter.
Mies -Parsons visited in Toronto this week.
K. N. Lewis. M.l'., wan. In town daring the
Harold Tailor i, home from Toronto for the
Mi., lint -y \t;rs•ly W.w up from Toronto for
ToMrs,ronto..1, F. Baits. is visiting het daughters in
Mn. T. T. Leckie visilt,l wt Clinton on a
SnJ11d.s A. Laois waw up from Toronto over
Mr.. iW. I.avis meat ..undey with relative s
in t'hntOn.
.1. I.. Killuntn wee in ('bot the past Seek
on business
Mlle Mabel ThtiriOw wa. bo from Turouto
over Keefer.
Mrs. Gen. ('on hes returned fro at cleft t..
I.eamrhegto n.
Mi,,, Lena Harlaurl wits horn f 1linton
ov.'r Sunah,y.
Fred. Munro was goose from Toronto ur the
Easter holidays.
Mrs. Wm. Peacock was up from uuelpie
during the week.
nNMneu.s andfor lu - Mar, Glet. om,je Porter wore in SI. ('au h
Miss Bertha Milian spent part of the Kastrr
vacate/II mil Toronto.
MIs.. &lith Wiggins I, spending a few days
with friends In Hit-th.
Mrs. L. F:IllolI has returned home after a
11+011111'm v/ail in Toronto.
Nile Weenie Robertson Is home from RSI-
lace burg for the vacation. ,
Phil. Horton, of the Bank of Montreal, Hroe•k
yule. was home for Easter.,
Miss Jewle Thomson. of Berlin, is spending
the Easter vacation In town.
Mi., Florence Graham. Laslnvotxi, is spend -
hag the schand vatr+ation at house.
Mr. and Mrs. James F'ritxlry and infant sun
v kite) friends at Exeter this week.
Fred. Brotihey is at Detroit Ibis week attend-
ing a cool cotton of phatugru Meer.. Ethel Farrow. teacher at 1'rediton. has
lawn spending Easter week at home.
i - Mi. Grime String is Mom from the Nartell
College, Hanliltmn, for tile teratutt.
Eel. Lawson hu, returns) home front the
e Wearies .\griruluural College. (7 uclph.
Mr. and Mr.. ('. A. Nairn nee away on n trip
to llandlton. Toronto and other place,
Mr. and Mn. Arltuir Hates and child, of
Stratford, were Ender vidlnrs in town.
Joins Sr ilea, enunclllm' of Ashfield township.
left Monday morning on a trip to Het(6to.
Itens,ll thserver: Mn.. 'Fox, of tioderleh.
hate taken a pataltion with N. I'. L''arriner.
\Ins. P, .\. Malemsc n. :of Los -know. has
hewn stair irag at the old hoose the past week.
H. It. Long. teacher at Furtwich, is spending
the Easter vacation at his home at Be:mailer.
Frank S, Hick. accompanied by his won.
Walter II. Hoek, was up from Toronto for
Fa ter
W. Lane at tend.,l a meet lug of the western
1 Ih g Association at .London on
Mr. wisp : s
dr N. H. Smith are again making
'their I • In u.derie•h. hating Elven up row
de'teee'al PlVLatall.
Mi.. Je ue annon has ref termed to Toronto to
resume her studios. 'after spending the Faatrr
holidays at hone.
John Elliott. H..\., principal of Leemington
high ...hoof, spent a few days with hos brothels
here the past week.
Mrs. Wen. Wilson and two daughters. of Ben -
sell, arc visiting the fanner's slater, Mrs. John
Prang. Victoria start.
me!. w. II. cos and :Nis, Mildred (on, of
Leamington, stent a few day. with their re.
hat Wes in town this week.
We are glad to "cc Gen. W. Thomson el hie
store again after ht.. Hines -a. lie Is not quite
recovered yet. but will .eon, eta hops;, 110 as
get as ever.
it, A ugw.Hne and family have re tet from
. Ilmngaynun to I Ow -II and have taken tip real -
deuce nt the corner of R'alerloo utcet and
F:Iglu et cline.
F:rnest Heaton, of Toronto, was in town for a
few days the last week. Mrs. Menton and
children accompanied him to town and will
IX'nain here for the slimmer.
Inspect or Tom left Monday morning for Tor-
onto to attend the annual melting of the
t )ntario Educational Association. and I. I.
Strang. ILA., amid Principal Tlgert left in the
Mrs. Carleton returtosi on Tuesday fmm a
visit to her son. Itohert Rutledge. el Detroit.
Mr. Iterllelge bawl a stroke of parable's a few
slays ago hot. weary glad to know, is sottewhat
Improved since.
a, a gond t' • to get rid of that unsanituy wuexl lav) and we can help
t mai by giving you it nice
Iron or Brass Bed from $2.75 to $35.00
Our nuittress department is one We take a great dead of ,trite in ;
he best is none too goal for our customers. We have the famous
Osterman. Felt at.. ... .. .. ;1$.00
A Wee Horsehair at ........ $12.00
A sanitary Wool. guaranteed not to nat. at....., $8.5o
5 -Layer Mattresses with Art Ticks at.. $4.50 and $5.00
Also a nice range of the cheaper grades. III)N'T F(111(1E'r
The Famous Hercules Spring
gnarauteeel not to sag ar motley refunded. u U
w•N••N •••••N.•••••• •
•. ute"Undertakers and Embalmers iteddennre'eer.
a\r1,11 4.111111
a 1,
few any, in Lufralw Luring their absentee
they visile) every town of Importance in Italy
and -nutter Mama in France.
\\'. H. Robertson. of The Shrual. wont to til.
Tiuunia,011 3101111.W to hula the l'nductionof
"The Crucifixion" muter the direction of
George Lethbridge, formerly miry vita of Knox
chinch, lloderieh.
\t', Stuart Lane, of Sslhariuea, spent a
few dt, e'
ales in town last week. and left on Mon.
day to attend the wedding of a fellow -b11.171 Wr.
L. A. McDonald, of London. Stuart left no
wont as to when tic exported his own turn to
Frank Edwar.I, eommen•iat speel flat at the
Woodstock' I'ollegiate Institute, was home over
Sunday, and left on Monday for Toronto, to
attend the meeting of the Educational Aw..N•ia-
tion, bring acting secretary of, the commercial
John Hick, of Belleville. spent et few day., the
past week t• 11.11.111g 111,1Mother, t eilter Hick. of
the H non road. Mr. Hick W.Ya in Model ich fur
e mae n meths lust fifty years ago this summer
nd n, tl• the fact that lie helped to build the
present Central .school building on North
..t r ct, tt dolt W.V. erected during that year.
Fred. T -nn bas returned after spending
plc wiutc • monde. at Stoke•.. )los and Lion ee
H nuf. M Thomson has gone into partnership
with Mr. (i utlu iu a general stow and tailor
shop. ale° it the telogniph sad telephone Uusi-
Icss, In )don (lead. It i, w live little town and
a splendid mit sine.. Is being done therm. The
family will re lain hare for the time lasing.
Millet's (}'ipp Powders cure. I ar
s ill• by alae, Vitreus
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is best when used an the /unbght way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directwaa.
Wall ' - per
WE are showing in wrest
variety, very artistic Im-
ported " Wall Paper, for
Drawing Roo
Hall and Dining Room
also a number of select designs for
Bedrooms. mit dainty stripe and
floral effect. These Papers are all
borderless and range in price from
r5c to ileo per single roll. \
Several new and very pretty de-
signs in FRENCH and ENGLISH
Washable Tiles
for Lavatory, Bathroom and
Kitchen. Price per single roll 35c.
Canadian Wall Papers
Large shipm•-nt just arrived,
choice patterns, ranging in price
from 5c per roll up to sac.
Telo.ephonetoo.16E0 PORTER
IICourt House Square, Goderich.
A splendid full jewelled
watch in a ,jointed
nickel case for only
-Money refunded if not
Mr. atilt Miss Atmr111 and Miss Helen At trill Jeweller and
have reached town again after their t NIIthrscl,
Miss Melee!! Alt roll arriving the middle of last A,
week and Mr. and MI.e AI till rr )ting fur a
We have some of the best values in nice TOILET SOAPS we
have ever seen. A lot of new lines in lately, including
Field Violet, Heather Honey, Elder Flower,
Oatmeal and Glycerine, Almond Cream,
3Cakes inmaosadmmboboxd
for 25c.
Our Olive and glycerine (3 Cakes for toe.) iris re.alae.arkably
ood m
Splendid Carbolic at toc., 3 for 25c.
Sweetheart, Infant's Delight, Pears', etc.
S. E. HICK - Central Drug Store
Ooderich. Ont.
Require no
((Breaking in"
ONE characteristic of the "Queen Quality"
Oxfords is their flexible fit. Too many
shoes are like the wooden lasts over which they
are made stiff and unyielding.
They have to be '1 broken in."
When a shoe is broken to con-
form to the foot, the original
lines must be changed. The
shoe thus becomes loose and
shapeless. " Queen Quality "
Shoes "keep their shape" be-
cause they fit perfectly with a
flexible fit. The shoe yields to
the foot as does a glove to the
hand. We have many styles of
these superb shoes to show you.
Phone No
25 SqTHE HODGENS STORE CourtuHareouse
Carpet and Curtain Stock
We are ready for house-cleaning time with the largest and best
assorted stock of carpets, linoleums and lace curtains we have ever
shown customers of this store. The carpet department is full to over-
flowing with a stock that would do credit to a store many times the
size of this. Stocks have been bought direct from the makers in Canada
and Britain. You will find the values good, patterns new and variety
large. All carpets over 5ocut, made up and laid without extra charge.
20 Patterns in
Brussels Carpets
For any room t hat gets a lot of use
there is no carpet like 'a Brussels.
They stand the wear and keep their
color. We show twenty halndsome
patterns in these seii'vicrable carpets.
At $i.00
Heavy English Brussels carpets in nice new
designs, fanv,ns, greens, rte. sitecitl at per
yai '1111.017
At $I.15
our Brussels carpet at $1, 15 is exceptional value.
We carry a very large stork at this pr ire and ran
show solve splendid new designs in all the popular
colors, emit, Made up and laid, per )'ata: $1.15
Al $1.25
Extra heavy English Brussels carpet, choice
neW designs and colors, close heavy pile, a carpet
that will wear for years, per yawl $1.25
6 Patterns in
Tapestry Carpets
Our tapestry carpets are imported
direct from the makers in England.
They are good and \\'ill stand lots of
wear. Patterns are new and we have
them suitable for almost any room.
At 50 cent
(Nast quality 1g'stapestry carpet. strong
back close ptle
ill wear
half u dozen n gxx
1attet4s, special at r yard
At 65 cents
English tapestry carpe
from good quality wow
}mind or conventional,
thickclosepile. e
many new designs,
•�x'eial value at per
At 75 cents
Extra heavy English tapestry carpet, large as-
sortment of m•w 1nttt•tns suittlrlo\ for any room,
greens, fawns and reals, floral or oriental patterns.clove lofty pile, special per )Red \ '?Sc
Union and
Wool Carpets
The best mill in Canada made every
yard of union and wool carpet _In this
store. It made them on te best
machinery, used the best stock money
could buy iuid guarantees the colors of
every yard.
At 3o cents
N Heavy reversible union carpet, full yard wide.
iii shades of ted andgreen, good patterns, fast
colors, per ye 30c
At 40 cent3-,
liaasl .Inality-union carpet, reversible patterns,
colors will riot run, new designs, reds, greens, etc„
extra %aloe at ier yard 40c
At 5o cents
Extra quality heavy union carpet, a splendid
carpet for a room that gets lots of wear, nice news
designs in greens. wood shades, reels, eta , Gust
colors, per yard 60c
At 75 cents
solid wool carpets, goal weight, firmly woven.
new patterns and colorings, full yard wide, perVaud 75c
At go cents
Extra heavy pure wool carpets. none but the
most stock used. dye ntatolitudy fast, mitiiny new
and up -Go -date patterns in greens. reds, idues,
fawns, etc., suitable fap' dinitag-rorme,• living
el anus or bedrooms, splendid value at per
yard Oc
Tons of Linoleum
Linoleum t
u n u growing more popular as a
floor covering every season. There are tonsof
at in our carpet department today. All imported
from the maker. Dozens of patterns in four
q ualiues.
1;nglinh Hoor of lcioths 11i inches to 2
yards wide, (*1
square. 25c, 30c, 35c
yard. ... ,
Scotch linoleums, 2, 3, 4 yards wide, per
yarde 37zc, 45c, 50c, 60c
Inlaid linuleunt,, 2 you -0s wide only.
iNuT �dNlitlalre 90c. $1.00, $1.25
Iluudreda of pairs of laea cu
land. New and handsome arca••
values here today such us we n v
any former year. Hero a two
At $x.00
tains imported direct from the makers in Eng -
s, strong nets, lock stitch edges. There are
had before, and a stock double the size of
three specials.
New lade curtains. strong firm net, v y wide,
:f} yards long, lock stitch eolgtes, now sty) h pat-
terns, acurtain that would Is' good value at $1.25,
severed patterns to choose from; very special ,l
per pair. $1.00
At $t.5o
New Nottingham tailorint:tins ingx,rtssl darer
from the makers, extra wide, full Rt yards Inng,
choice new patterns, at per hair....... $1.60
At' $2.00
New Nottingham lain enrtains, handsome de-
signe on tine strong nets, full IS yards limp,
sporhtl value met per pair , ,,,, ,,, •$2.00
At $2.50
Ilandstuue patterns in Nottingham lace elm -
tains, the hest votive we evrlr had to sell at this
piie...:f} yards long. gond ssldtit. lock stitch rdgua,
npe•rial wt per pair $2.50
$3.5o and $5. oo