HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-4-19, Page 5THP; i;IGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO
From 'rho Preebyte kan.
A etiuvrntlwl of the Aswr'iatlal of
hamlets of Nova Scotia was held
early this year in the towu of Truro,
a es
at which important were
pea t a
discussed hearing upon the interests
of the agricultural portion of the paop-
ulation. In his opening address the
president of the association made a
plea for a stronger effort to keep the
boys at home and to prevail upon
more of thrum to ehuoee the noble and
independent calling Of tillers of the
.oil. 'Let us," he said. "encourage.
the boys to stay by the farm, and du
the best they can. I believe the
termer is the must independent wan
in the world today. While he sleep.,
his crops grow right along; while In
Many other professions, when the
work stouts, the pay stops too." One
of the things which make it difficulty
for a farmer W keep his boy. at h
holey is the strung pull in the direc-
tion of the cities. Thu young people,
both boy. and girls, find life in the
country, on the farm, too quiet and
telenOWnou.. They nave for a more
exciting life. A few young people
from a community go away to the
cities of Canada or the United States,
get into business and prosper, and
their m1CCtlNM
raten lY
e at-
life iufecta'others with the
spirit. of discontent and the desire• for
change. There ha no doubt that the
drift to the cities is general, not only
in our own laud, but even to a greater
extent in the older countries of (treat
Britain and the United States. In
Nome sections of .these c tries the
increase of thin drift Is itecoming ale
normally rapid. and is causing no
little concern among thinking people.
Not only are many of the ' grants
in the United States bxeatimg in the
but the drift of the o
cities, I {tulx
front the rurel districts continue -s.
The statist lets us of the lenge m Bureau
estimate that f • years hence, when
the next national census is taken, the
papulation of the ten leading cities in
the United States will 'Mow an in-
crease of from 'i'1 to 7' Iter rent.,
which is out of all proportion to the
general increase of the papulation of
our newer count
the sour t •. In r
I n ).
this drift hoe not developed to such a
degree. but the tendency is iu this
What then is the remedy!' There
can iw no doubt as to the desirability
of keeping a large proportion of our
beet young men on the farm'. An in-
telligent, industrious and prosperous
agricultural population is essential to
the purest life and truest progress of
any country ; and no effort should be
spared to encourage and to perpetuate
n chase of this kind in every Province
of our great lhauiniun," front the
Atlantic to the Pacific. No doubt,
one way to *retire this is by making
life in the country, on the Garan, mor•',
attractive. let the yoking people i
have the ail antagre and the enjoy -I
mrnts in their try h est fur
which they crave, and to obtain
which sr many of them leave their
hooses for the city, and fewer of them
will be enticed away. Our agricul-
tural schools are doing rh to .in-
t1•rest the young men in more. mien -
title methods of terming-. The gen-
eral adoption of fmodern machinery
for terming operations, the introduc-
tion of improved st ark and the in-
creased facilities for shipping to the
1 n ,
wet markets aren ito
t 1 ug Make
farming not only more interesting,
but also more profitable. The move -
meta to cons lidate, the schools of our
country districts, and thus ttu•nish the
advantages of the graded city school
to every part of the country, if carried
out generally, would improve- one of
the moat serious drawbacks to life on
the farm• Itca nnut be denied by any
thoughtful lep'w,n that the comltry
hate immense advantages over the
town jte many direN•tiuns in the rent,
fug of a young Gamily. How is it that
so many of our great men have come
from the quiet country home? It
canted be a mere accident. The mei-
ditions have very much to do with
this striking fact. -The country is no
doubt the beet plate for the develop-
ment of brain and brawn. This was
eulphatsixed by the president of the
l'aanadian Medical' dation, Dr.
John Stewart, in his very able auldress
on the relation between public health
and national character•, before that
distinguished body, in the city of
Halifax, last Muutaler. .To quote only
a sentence eat' two, Dm'. Stewart said :
"Will it be thought very much out of
place It I say. let us honor the farmer.
tis is the only natural, the original
and eas•ntii work. There is a mural
in the fable Herrulets and Antaeus,
It Was not till Hercules lifted the
giant isplily from the ground and Si)
broke the magic contact that he was
overcome ; 1 the pres•riptiotl' for
many of the ills of the body and of
society is the cry "hack to the bund."
The lack of educational facilities is
often more than compensated fur' by
the freed,1 '
tom the many ItNU'+u••
tions which ilterfere with the studi-
uu+ habits of the yutumg. The roentr%
home is an ideal place for the [v ia•It•-
directed education of the child. As
ht• roam+ the fields and the weeds,
what opportunities the country youth
has to study nature it first hand :
while the quiet evenings in the farm
huuw,, free frau 'the distractions and
enticement,' of city life, nn• admirably
fitted to foster the trading habit.
The religions phase of the question,
tea, ought net to Id• uverlokedl.
Country life is undoubtedly free from
many of the temptations whirl, beset
the young men in our cities and es-
iaMpecially Ily in the a Ilei town*. There
s always a virions elewuent with
which our children are compelled to
a+sa•hite in the schools and e,IlI� the
streets of our cities and towns. There
is, to say the hast, lest, danger ftuu,,
sue -h a source in the country : end
ehiidren have it letter• chattier eat set•
toiuimg the physical and uuu•ul
strength a'his•h tutu-' need in going
forth into the world to take up its
sen loos tasks and too 1011113141 -Over its
evils. When all, then, is taken into
at -fount. life in the country will not Is'
seen to have s, many di -at -Iv mit ages
over that of the city : while on the
outer hand it has many and great ode
vall tagss: and the 'neon- Ih1{ '.- are
realized aid appteeiaated, thi' More the
drift to the cities will he arrested and
the• tide ofmputaation legis to turn
bark to the land.
caned*, Our Country. or the fond of
the Maple, is one of the—overly parts of .
the world that belong to (heat Britain.
It has large et 'nsionsand papulation,
while its prormlerity is increasing
rapidly in the lona of settlers and
The scenery is st beautiful in cer-
tain places, while, ,as a whole. it is a
very I tltimlpnrto 'God's creation.
Although at pretty and prosperous,
there is one thing that could be dune
away with, this is the liquor truth'. -
('aneuls at its birth in our history
was settled with Frenchmen. but, as in
everything, there have hewn many
a -Motet s for the better. Befits• this
time it was settled with different
tribes, some which we do not know,
the most well-Irnoetn)wi-esl being the
Indians. Many A pleasant evening is
,pent telling stories of their, attacks
and savage ways.
This beautiful r try has many
prrslucts, including minerals, cattle.
grain end wheat.. which she ships to
all countries of the world. Until
lately that part of the country • -
minify known an the 2Qrrthwest has
been setticl, for the tutxit lime by
Indians: hilt these last few years have
seen many a white man's face in those
vest plains.
All over- thecountryare seen stores
of all elextct•ipl ions. Postoftices are
nlso scattered every few smiles in the
more Nettled ports, where not lung ago
the people who lived in these parts had
to go mitre for their mail every day.
Our r•ountry has also good education,
whish Wan founded in 1841 by the Rev.
Egerton Ryerson. Since then it has
been greatly improved, and every
child tufty now go to epbool, at the ex-
pense of the public.
In former years, there have been
many battles fought in • beloved
county. But we find in a few lines
which Collins writes that o.
victory also
manes effete faithfulness.
H w sleep the brave who sink to rent.
lty"•hi their ronntry'. %lithe. bleat'
N hep Spring. with dewy anger. cold ,
Hetirpa to dark their balk -teed nitend,
elletltltre shall doe•. a sweeter sosl
Than F nes'', feet Imre sear trod.
Hy refry nil. their knell Is rung;
Hy forme neeen their dirge Is sting:
Their Hon . comes a pilgrim ggrot,
To Me.. the turf that wrnps their clay:
And Freedomhall a while. rester.
To dwell a creeping hermit then,.
Lir..% M. ('A.NF:wrs.
(Age, 12 years.) lu slerirh.
A ityestirn Bel's View of It.
I think Canada is a very gonad
amide to live in, as there is fitly
tel fresh stir, which every pet -
mots shouldhate. We are nut lalh-
cru d with togs much as they have in
England and other places. We hiive
good water in most placer* throughout
the country, but in mono cities the
wetter is lint .cry good. Canada is is
conn:4y where there is may ruununt of
work, and lined for those that wish
to earn it. The people Ile. o f Canada
have a good and f ait•ly free govern-
ment. It inn, fine country for x per-
son to come -to that wishes to start feat•
hiw+eIf. 1'hii is why we are getting
an uumy new people in the country-.
It is very pretty to see the leaves
showing on all the tree's. The grana
is very green in the spring, but on in
the sunuuer when the weather gets
warm it dries the grass. Then there
are great prairie files r•uuu• which
burn all the grass offThen the next
o ei,y the grass e •s op green. and
the prairie looks very nil e. 'i`liere is
not very h brush tel sd • Om em of
Canada. but in others there is a great
deadl of hush.
I have been in southern Manitoba.
It is very pretty in some parts there.
1 herr been to Ontario twice bee
ranted remember •h abut the
country,' but I remember seeing the
It in not very lily here when it
Coins. At Winnipeg it gets very
ditty. I was there last snmmt•r after
it team, and I aur sore I got any share
of mud. i have been as far went lam
Indian (lead. There is moms fine
country up there with many tine rnl-
tivatell groves of trees. From what I
have heart and read of, up near Region
it is very ddy latter a rain. I have
heard that it rains for about f
mon[Flit out of a year at Yaticdllaa'e•r.
Out heir there are not many ponds
fur skating on. but we hove no lack-
ing of frost. t We get a great deal of
snow here most every winter. Wt•
have from two to throe feet on 'he
level. There are some banks in the
trees ten or fifteen feet deep. There
are no listens here like in Ontario.
Barns iter• are frost built strong
enough to hold some feed. They
don't build them toning enough to
hold a threshing separator. 771ee
are nota great many ferns barns ort
herr. Most are built of poles with
sods honked at the sides. I will clone
hoping to see my essay in your piper.
WItime Pt rl'rue.
(Age. 14 years.) Montgomery, Sask,
Be Uone With Catarrh I
'Why allow this filthy disease to
poison your system . It drains your
strength, ruins digestion, pollutes the
breath, kepi yon repulsive. The
ons certain core is '•I'nlarrhtrzone :"
it cures iso -some it destroy, the rause
of the disease, entee thoroughly hr•
i'esiae it goes where the eater -rah Is,
cures every rase hematite Its vapor des•
trays the catarrh germ instantly. To
get well and stay free from catarrh
get rata rrhozone and illicit ; satisfac-
tion gunrnht•ed.
A Dead Loss.
"Ser her•, Aunt, Dinah, I seat, two
brand new shirt, of my husband's to
the wash lsst week, and you have
brought. only one hark. Now, what
Miss yeti .lone with the other 3'
"Yes. Mise inthl, nla'arn. 1 wan
coming 'mend to the ques'inn of dat
fla,- shuu,'t. You knows dat I ain't it
pal'sett dot pretends to one thing and
pretends to antalder, so floe agwine t,
tell the trnf 'hunt plat shift. It was
die-a-wity. My ole rens he up and
died las week, and de ••ltalr'al San-
siety" dey didn't do nuthing but
cnvort'tound. an' i licher hod any-
t'ng to lay dal nun out in. So I helps
myse'f to tint Shn't for at fee'. An' oh,
Miss Lulu, honey, 1 jes wiehee you
meld halt swan how that nigger mot tint
shti t ori I Aprie Lippineott's Maga-
$100 Reword. $100.
The renders of this paper will Ie pleesed to
learn that there is at least one dreaded diveaae
that ,Arose has been ably to core In all Its
stagess and that le(•ntarrh. f till'sl'wtarrh('ore
In the only po,lt(ve mire now knmtn to the
niedlewl fraternity. ('aterrh bring a rnr.tttn-
Iinmtl d trete. retentive a const It unmet treat-
nienl. Hall's t'atwrrh Care is token Internally.
ailing directly upon the blood and emeriti.
.nrftwes of the eyetem, therein etc-teuying the
foundetitka of ohm dlsrn-e-. and giving the
Wien[ et ratite It by Melding lip they -met lint inn
nMt ns-Ieling mount In dolug els work. The
fIitt M
powrt t ey hr Oho;mi d I,dlenn
tiny ,-ass 'hal n fall- tO elite, Reed for list of
te-.t irama,lals.
Address.. F. ,1. VHF:NEN' k t n.. Toledo, 0.
Sold lir all IRt x tie 7.k-.
Take ifall'. F'an ley Pintos for con,upsrion.
Livsepool Closed—Chicago Wheel[' Ilse
tures Close Lower—Live Stock Mar
kots—The Latest Quotations.
Monday I.:vrulug, April it
Liverpool gratin and prude. -c warkelil erre
*dotted to day.
Al 1•hirago, May wheat shitted lye lower
than Isalurdn \lay cora r'
clay oats tee lue.•r. Kc higher. sad
Apl. 10,016. apt. 17,•03.
N'he at 43.[547Iam) 30,972,101
1'uni 7 Wams► 10,370,010
Oats. 1N,N13,UW 15,015.1.0)During this week wheat decreased 3370
Its) bushels rori, decrea,ed 1,s 2,0.10 bush.
els, and oats decreased &ia,Uw burhuia.
May. Juy,
New fork feel` $0
lfluuea{A,IIa 76 7p4�
144, Luub s 71% . 709(1
ir,ul 'erre• �'� 61
Duluth , 7yiyk tont
Wheat, aprlag, bush... .10 74 io 6..,
Wheat, fait, bush u 7., 0 77
Wheat, red, busk U 7:, ,...
Wheat, goose, bush, U 71
Harley boob, o LI 069
oats, bush, 0 4o!y 041
ley*, bush. o 7s ....
reamIsiah. 0 77 .. .
Hs.•twlleat, Lush. U 33 ...,
'New York,
I ,
♦ r1 l lU. - Bu -
Butter M lr
m r'.•
erlpla, 4:.2u.Street VM.vy ; Extra •reala-
ety. 21e- to 2111,c. °ith•lal prices : Cream.
erg, common to extra, 14t 4, 21.-: Ito., held,
14r to 3Jihr; renovaed. romw
au to extra.
liar to 16e; western factory. cunnus a
Gree lam to 13',4c; western imitation cream-
ery, firsts, l7e.
Cheese—Firm; receipts, 077; state full
cream, large and email colored aad white,
fancy 14'.+1'; do., good to prime, . 13%.' le
1M; tie„ common to fair. Ile to 13e; skims,
full to Debt. 2tee le IU'ye.
Eggs-Lnsettled; rerripts, 10,454; state,
Pennsylvania and nearby, fse.y, selected,
white, 20y; do., good to choke me; do.,
mixed, ext 3 ; w to Sra
f extra, 1 c to tic est ro
1740::'du sesoude 17c t e• wuthtK
tsysc to 17e. to 71(4 ea.
Cables' Vseba.grd—Cala'os sad
ll.is Are Lower at 0►.fal..
Loudon', April 1st Cottle are quoted at
toe to ily.- per It.; refrigerator beef, N1he
per lb,; sheep, dressed Ise to e per Ib„
1am40, 17e. dressed WeiHeght.
Toronto, April 16—Receipts of live
stock at the Itn[on Stock Yards were
12 carloads, composed of 641 cattle, 42
sheep, 34 calves and I horse,.
The quality of fat rattle was fair.
Prices for exporters ranged from 61.No M
6C.1.:, withshout two or three lohds st
$5.20 to 15.V, the bulk selling at $5 to
$.3. Cyt per cwt.; erten., bola gold at '63.7$
to 14.25 per cwt.
.$.token. -
(mrdbutchere'tattle were scaandrce.,
morewould have old (holt.- Ir rd lots
snid at $475 to 1'r per rw't.; loud. of the
best kohl art. f13 to $4.00; butcher rows
at 63.30 to $.5u per cwt,
veal l'slwea.
About 40 veal moves sold at $4 to 60 par
Sheep and Cambs. .
ltece•IpLg were sot large, but prices were
nem at $3 to 1:e. -y for export 'ewes; year-
ling Iamb, at $7 to $7.25 per cwt.; spring
lambs at 64 to $11 ••arta.
II. P. Kennedf reports bog pee.. ]tk
per cwt. lower; selects, $7,13; Herts sad
fate, 15,50 per cwt.
iluutreat, ♦prll 111.--tSpecie l.a--GMee
front' Liverpool an Canadian cattle were
Linnet- at ilt.c, to 11 tie: °tarts from 1'rrt-
bend and at. John, N.B.fur were were
:5913 elude. it- t sheep. rte. •*Ipty. sere 2710
rattle, Pt mit-b ...ow.. 7; tea Ivey and 151)
hogs. The markkt for bop was weaker
and prices declined he M 10.' tier cwt. Of
above number eta) Were bought Id wast by
two parting companies. Iesvlug only 2200
on the market for sate, for wbf•-h dressed
was very slow, Rales selee ed lots were
mntie at $7.7.1 to $7.90 peer ewt..we eche l or
errs. The trod* In 'little was stow. es Is
alwa.ys the rase on.Fastet•,Monday.as tinter
era generally had anode akPplb•s on hand.
l'r,tne ',Aeon, were b -id to 304e;
sholce. at 4%e to Si; grad, at' i'ae to 414e.
Udr. at 3fee to Si-; eumeten. at�:tpe to "'4r,
awle Iuferlor, at' ^tyo In 3d• pie lb. Mltrh
sewe sold at $23 to $50 each, .lid Calors
rt 61 foo to $3,
East Buffalo, April 10,—C5tfle ite•eeipm,
440n bead: slow; prune and .hipping steers,
10e to Ifs• lower; others steady t the,
steer., $5.25 to $55.73; shipping, teal to
113.13; butebers..4.r.. to 1:.; heifers, 70
to 113; tows, 13 to 64, We: hulls $3:1 n
4 .' ; e
. 30 stock ro and mrd*re :t f%1
if s to• 416:
stock belfees $2.73 to CLIA:,• fresh enwa,
and springers, $2 per head higher, $20 to
Iloge - Ite.eipts, 15,211.1 hind; moire;
to 10e lower; henry and mlvnl, 611,11:, ynrk,
ere and Alga, p.ex, to $41,1:.; roughs, j0 10
Mi 25; stags, 04.25 to $4.73.
Sheep and IAmba Iteeelptn, 23asa head:
artI,.; rbi.•p steady: Istubs /3,• {ower;
lambs s6.'13 to $7.11); yearlinge and 17,4"..;
lie to $6.03; ewe., $3.50 to $5.73; sheep,
Mixed. $3 to 15.75.
New York, April 10.-11erves- lterelpte,
411U; steers slow and roc to 13,- lower; memo
wine We lower; helogne Lull, steady; lot
bulls HA- to 15, MT; row, Anw; fat owe
easier: steers. 44.25 to $3.00; hulls, 413.40
to $4.50: rows $1.e5 to 1.1.73. Experts to
morrow, 710 cattle and 107N sheep,
t'alves - Itecelpte, 643e; market :ore t. tic
101101: weals 64 to $7,25; tic,., $7,2.1; gen-
real e.m sit to 67• tulip. 63 fol
stealer; seems sachet to a armee tower;
clipped sheep, $3 (.r 61 na: wooled sheep, St
to 6:3.7a); no sitrioly prise sheep offered;
clipped lambs, 6,Y to $5 c51; tea , hnirr, 1:. ,...
%nshore Iambs$7 to $7.:55; uo prone Itich1
lambs here; Kentucky epilog Made, +3
plugs-Heeetpts. WI24: merkct higber
good state hogs, $7 to $7.10,
(llrago, April la. t'attle_Herelpes.
OW: slow; common to prime steers. $4 to
ea. Hl; cows, $3.33 to $4.*.e heifer*, $2.75
to 65.33; bulls, $2.00 to. $4.23; celeste, IL:7s
to 1LLs0; steakers and feeders, $.75 to
Ilags---Recelpte, 6:,000: strong to 7n' high•
es; choice to prime heavy, 611.70 to pt73;
:tedium to good heavy. p{.e(i to $0. in; puck
log, 6:3.110 to $570; butcher 'relents. 6a,i0
to $0.73; good to choice brary, mlaed. N{.g3
Recap-Itecelpte, :'.t.I,i5 ; steady; ste..ac,
{4 s to 66.40; yearling*. $3 to 16.•.2; lamb,,
14.75 to PIM
Hyoatei Cures by Breathing Medicated
'l'hc popularity lite! iucrrtese In the
sides of Hymned iso unique ill the all -
milts of medicine. Mush astonishing
entrees have been amide by this mcmedy
that its st-le is steadily increasing
every year.
- The complete Hy •i outfit rusts
but $1.1M) and collsiets of am inhaler
that car he carried io the vest poeki t,
,e weslicine dropper, ii ml u hottle of
H of e The inhaler lasts alifetime.
u I. et I at a
and if one bottle doss not elites, an ex-
tra bottle of Hv •i can be obtained
for ell cents, It is the must econom-
ical of all remedies advertised for the
cure Of catarrh. and is the only one
that follows Nature in her methods of
heating diseitss of the rempitatotey
Breathe through the, inhaler for a
few minutes four times a day, and
your catarrh is cured. That's all.
If you cannot tihtain Hy i of
your dealer, it will be furwmta'deel by
mnoil, {sciage pada. on receipt of price,
Write today for consulta ' blink
that will entitle yo►a to servircs of nor
medical depuu•tnu•nt wit! t charge.
The U. T. Rooth Company, Hyoutei
Building, Ithaca, N. Y.
Editor's Son Loess Arm.
7famllton, April IL—Word was re -
/rived last night .that Alex.('ameron.
a sun of .7. R. Cameron, Polito of Thr.
Spectator. heal a hand cut off to a elm -
m111 at Guelph. Dr.. M00111lvr y wit
leave for `Guelph to -dry.
Are You Costive'.
If you knew bow tett kit• health con-
stipation is you would 1w • care-
ful. Irregular bowels camse appends.
citis. j. Ilei.. aturuli,t rind a thous-
and other diseases toot. Stoner or
later it will bring you to a sick ted.
ter of/.
The I I t.Hamilton's i s
rivulet•+ all this quickly. They are
mad. to cure runstipation in one
(night. land 'alw'ay's do met. By taking
1)r. Hamilton m fills pm are sure of a
keen appetite. splendid realer, jovial
spirits and sound restful sleep.
Gentle in notion : wood for men, wo-
men or (+Mires,. 25e. per lax, lir five
for *I.,111. At all dealers in medicine.
Miller's Worm Powders sure •fits in
children. For sale by Jaa. Wilson.
I.5 'T1 ser 1nl:..n 111�,.a ,T 11 1-e,.�. Hurl,
, 111311.'11'1,1\ h.,, sr. -.l sir•. o,.1
,. ..trv•1 It rnm, it."55..-,..4 e..,in•„„n 1.114 e
T. aw oe.. Illustrated catalogue, (res — ler. +55.05
• 4.4
wits! PONCE C
Keep Your- Old Iron
Rags, Lead, Brass,
Copper, Feathers,
Skins, Wool Pickings,
Rubbers, Bones, etc.,
until I call for them. I atilt my old
customers tot to sell their Oleic to
anyone representing hinlst•If as my
agent,, Its these persons are dealing,
for theiuselves and not for ole.
Save your stuff for me and I WIII
ply the 'test prices going. IA•aye
your order at guy h.utwe and I will call
rad take the goods away. (►r I will
pay III per dent. more if the gaols are
rought to myplaee,
Highest Prices p�itl for HORSEHAIR.
sheen land Lambs—Eeclptr. 5111: ',beep Vii !olio street, Goderich.
Spring Suits for
Particular People
The new fabrics for Men's Clothing this
season have never been equalled.
New 'Ties, New Hosiery, New Shirts.
Custom Taelor, - - Th. Square, Goderich
For Want of a Horse
it is 'aid, it kingdom was once lost. The noble animal
Is equally important in the pursuit of money es of
It's welt worth while' to keep
him In good condition.
Give our
Tonic Condition Powder
a pound to each hone, and you will he pleaseel with
the result. it imnpt'ove's health, strength, spirit.
25 cents, 5 for a $1.00
English Healing Oil
gatest thing for healing all ruts and some.
Yat,. money Irick it It ii,e.n't sllrt•eed.
25 cents, 5 for a St.00
Dyes, Disinfectants, Furniture Polish
W. C. GOODE . - Chemist
Local Agency for Tenho aeon, eye-elghl, rpat•IaH3d,. All outlets.
,Inst received a nine
line Of
At. it, mine address, elute 1$U.. Also
Stencils, Steel Stamiss, Pries Card ma-
ths, White Enamel Letter, &c. Writo
us, we'll clothe rest. Chao W, Mack
►11-i3. King St. West. 'lbrbn;o.
Write fen teatimu,ialme,
Box 173
THU CUA[', April 19, 1906 5
l'Ina W. A. ivi: c K I M li `>duc`:rla
Specials for April. g
Twill Sheeting, 2,4 yds. wide, 19c
I2ic Black Sateen Tor - - 10c
Floor Oilcloth, per sq. yd„ at 20c
Solid Oak Curtain Poles, 25c.
with elegant fancy ends. at the price of the t'
non imitation kited. We are going out of these•
goods - will lint bums' any more. You can
have Iht•s• while they last, I'otuplett• at 25C
Black Peau de Soie Silk, 53cd
The unrut+ahlee, unteat•ahle kind -not the cheap
sort. Elegant for witists, skirts ani 53c
suits.. Special et, per yard
MILLINERY . More new goods to
hand this week.
Extra value in
Men's and Boys'Suits and Trousers
and Boys' Knickers, at
Four Big Bargain .Days
APRIL 21st, 23rd, 24th, 25th
For four days only. Big Cut in Wall Paper. All
new stock. The latest designs in American and Can-
adian Paper to choose from.
All :lc Raper, worth .'c, for
All 4c Paper, worth tic, for
All 3c Papel worth 7c, for
All 7c Paper,' worth ,l Oc, for
•'c All tic I' per, worth 12c, for
ac All l0c aper, worth 15c, for
4c All 1. Paper, worth '_'Oc, for .
:rc All 2 Paper, worth 25c, for.
Ilk Iron Ilandles for 7r
ilk Scrub Brushes, worth 1' , forMe
5c Tooth Ticks, :ic, or 2 for ix•
Carpet Tarkt, 2 for :x'
Glass Tumble's/4 ' :A•
Carpet Beaters . 111•
:e Bottle of Vaaaeliuc flit•:it•, ot•'2 fit :a•
7c Packages of Toilet Paper, worth
I(1•, fear - 's•
Nail Brushes, :i for
Baking rowels'. ... 11
filial Seed, worth Ilk,, for 7cC
:d' Box of Matches for t 4c
•Bottle of Extracts • lc
Ilk: Chair Scents, worth l:x:, tor, .. Pb'
Rolling Pins - -- ilk
('hul.pping Ktives y ilk•
IIIc Bottle of Ammonia for 7c
Large AixA• Irtlnp (iht+st•s for
Medium size Lamp Blames for Ic
Curry ('unto 101.
All Pillow Sh Holders, worth
25e, fru. i:,c
Tin Cups, 2 for :s:
4 Dozen Clothes Pitts for... mu'
Wire Clothes I.inete ..15t• and •Lis;
(iirdcn.Tn,wens,.... $ :x•
i)i1piers ' :e
3 dozen Alerts of Shelf Pieper for:e
('tat Hooks. w'or'th :SW doz., forto
Table Oilcloth
A big cut in Tattle °Ben th.
BI patterns to ebonite fr 1 the
plain white, all Ault•rican Oil-
cloth. regulate pint. 25e per yd.,
for 2flle
Mrs. Potts' Irons
Nickel -plated Irons, worth $1.25 a
set, for ►Ile;
The pilulae Wash -Inland, Worth 25e•,
for 1:e
Solid hack Board, worth 255, forilk
Toilet Sets
All dccnrlttions. 10 pieces, Our
regular $2.23 mete for. $1.13
All our gilt and gold sets, aegnbtr
price $3.811, for. $2.731
Ladies' Hand Bags
Before you pearc•hose volar Hanel
Bag, we hl►ve over 11111 to
rhoosc front fot• 2i(: up to $1.225
A hie .snap.
Egg Cops, worth :ik lit,,., for
Egg ('ups, worth 38rdiad„ for
Big Bargains in Soap
t-Ilu lst• of Gold I )est Soap, 3 for... 25t•• 7 bars of Richards' Pure Snap for.., 23.
13 bats of Electric Monique fur 2.1s.All our :x• cakes of Toile Soap for 4e
or 7 boars for 2s•
7 hats of Tar Soap for 'bit:
7 bars of Carbolic Soap for.. lllll C'oa'x;
Large bars of pure Castile, hell
Inxnd, worth :ilk; a bar, tut. ilk
A Big Cut in Tinwar
F feel n n
xII , I quart. for 41.
Fla ref Pails. I1 quart. (Or.... 12c
III q i)ish Pauls, worth 13•, forIlls
• I I qt. Dish Pans, worth :llr, for:Vie
114 qt. idh Pans, worth 'tic, for20e
Bled,. 1 'eh Pans, worth :1k•, forlir•
0 qt. Milk Pane for.... ik
S gt. Milk fans for ilk
le qt. Milk fans for.... Ile
12 qt. Milk Pans feat 1;,,,.
No, 0Granit' Nettle,, worth $1.3.)
fur. 011e•
Nn. it Copper Keot,tles, worth $1,:,11
full -
\\• $l,(Itl
L 1'lra ry ('stns for (Ilio;
Uippo rm ,k.
7c Unst Irons for... ..... $c .
Granite Pie Plates ..... ... Ilk;
Large take Tins, worth W. forhe
Popper-lattpu Boilers, w 0 r t h 1
$1,311, for $1.13
Copper -bottom Utiles, woe I[ $2,
with extra heavy tin and et tear
pau•t way up, for $I.INI
Flour Sift•Is, worth 13c, for
(bushel 'risme!s
Gravy Mtraine•t'n for
1:e Milk StTainets
1:x• Cullenderm for. •
Before yon purchase your faint
we have Duce orf ,the lenthran h,
of Paint, every call solemn t,'u.d.
ql.. cans.. '{;,r
fleet Coach Paint, a can. 25c
plats, x.lack and white, a ranIlk
Paint Ifnnshcs for 1c up W MSc'
Lamp Glasses
Levee size for
Medium,,, six.' fur
Lantern size for......... ,
We have a big nsNtrtnent to choose
from, imitation cut glass, all ado{
P(eeu-* .
Window Shades
Plain,hatics, regular piric•e 31e, forMc
lie With fringe, for 5e
Jk, With fringe lave ..,.. .... . rials
With fringe lace end insert ion.... 7:x•
Slop ('oils, worth nuc, for . ...... Vie
Strainer Pails , x Hanging Lamps
All our gilted Pups and Saue*'re, Ft III 1•'ui'iI DAYS I)NI.V
tefest r Plate's for.price Mk: per i doz., for 1
Hr,'uikfast. , All our $1.7:, Lenten for........ .$1.45
Dinner Plates, regular price IMh for\
I } doz., for. I,i,. Ferre)• litre Collimator pe,
Toilet Soaps Brooms
A big rut in Brooms.
(Treat value at
25 cents a box
All our 20e Brooms for
All Our •Lire Br ort, for.,:,
All our 31; Marson, fur , .
This Is a soup to get a iroKmm
doing your housework..
Granitewa* e
All our :Ric Teapots for 'ra'if.
All our :6k 7'eapotc for - Iglu
All • e:re Teapots tsar............ :9qc
All • 31k, l'eaalots fur 1115
All our (Ric Teapots for elk $
Blue end w•hiteri rxnit'I'ails, worth
7:x, for ., .hr;
All our fails worth ilk•, for, sic
liranite Dish I'ats, blue and white,
worth 73c, for. .. , bac
Window Screens....for 20e, and :fib
Best Spring Hingess for screen door Sc
Odd Dishes
volt FOUlt I►AYH ON LY
A 1 ' cut in Odd Dishes.
White ['ups and Sanrcre. worth
711' day , for. INk
Blue, gs' n and pink Cups and
- Sauget . worth Ilk it doz., for. Ole
Plates to t • ateh.
Pie Plates, t z. for - ..... ".. 23c
Teat Plates, } tit ,, for...........' ..... 31k:
Bre akfust., flats, .} doz. far....
Dinner Plates, , c , . for 40c
All Lir con wed Ho + for.........',10e
Sets of Di es
A big cut in Sete of Dim s
All our $41,515 Nets for..
All our white end gold sets, t'egu
price $8.225, few.,
Ail our gilt sets. shaded pink, blue
and green, regular price $6.23,
for $7•'
Garden Seeds
A big cut in garden eetdmu. 1'o ali-
ve •tis, the ,e1Yds we an, going to 'tell
31 Amgen for :x•, regulate :xe packages.
Every- package gunrantead all new
A big cut `-In whips, for four days
All our 13,, Whips for. 10c
All our 2i1• Whips for IFkI
All mar 35t: Whipptee for ........ 'Lit;
All Rawhide Wltipe, worthtlur, for :tie
Berlin Wools
Now in the time to get Berlin Wool,
all shades, 2 fold, I fold and 8 fold and
Shetland Floor and variegated, all goes
at 5e per oz.
Just arrivtel, a new stock of Wrap.
per, for Abe, upward,
' . Ribbons
Silk Collar+, for ak, 25e. rand 35c All shrines for Ir, upwetds.
All tem •Lel• Cushion Cords, :t yank
long, with tamed on. A Wisp for lite
2Ik• All Our 5C Mottles of MnrhineOil for :he
25t' All oltr 7e bottles for 4e
for All our 18c bottles for
This is a bargain.
Our new stock of summer Vests Mitt
team• in, We have it niter• litre of white
Ye-ste, worth 211e, for. ilk.
(►lir 111• Vets oto not he lent, they
•are worth 'bit•, for. 1:N•
IAulies and Children', for......
all sizes.
We have a gleed hoer for nuc, 2 pair 25e
Nude right lip In th. ' i
high ecturitte 5e est a rs U I I a 11'
un de right. u rhemrd.
retain, eta, attended Is) hen.