HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-4-19, Page 1[..
when a home without The
Signal missed so much good,
wholesome local reading as
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to your home ?
Announcements, Wedding
Cards, Boxes, At tHome
Cards. etc., pruned; from
artujrcally-engrave.I . t,y p e
faces of approved designs
on correct styles of Wed-
ding Stationery at
At Goderich aim in every way to protect the
interests of their clients, and all employ(rs
are strictly forbidden to impart any inform-
ation concerning the business of its depositors.
Call or 'write for our little booklet entitled "SOME
Copy of change of running advertise-
ments must be left at this office by
Monday noon to ensure insertion
in issue of same week.
Ta.uaan t ,v l'a.ta,
Studio in Hank of Montreal Nkat.
fill W.11.LMOTT 111(1NOItSCEIt•
.. ' TI Fit 'ATE Trinit y ('ullego, lundun,
hug. ), organist and 'heiriot.l it of K ion
rhun•h, lialerich. teacher of piano, organ.
singing. theory end hart y Studio tit Mn,
Sia Donald... n1. liii' id . noted, t a d.enC wr•,L
of Victoria street church. 73-3..0
Fine Arts
Tt uAv. April 111th.
The -mull deliveries' of hay .Ii,, ' soul the
price up as high it.,3/4 and further Increaasee eon
he looked for. There 0'44 119 shipment of hag.
111Ia week.
Fall wheat. per hush, new ' f!, 73 W $ u 7:1
Spring wheatp+r bush,.aew ... a 71 to it 73
Ilya, per bush it Ai to 0 IS
thick wheat. per bush to Or to It 114
OM., per bush., new It St to • u tet
Peas. ler hunk.. . , .. , it 7.1 to it 71
Harley. per bh w - ... ' 0 41 to et li
Srroenlnlrs, per ton ..., Is Ot to IA lit
Flour, family, per cat - . 2 .k, In 2:r.
Flour, latent, per cwt .. .: . 2 en to "ria
Bonn, per t ,, .. ... . Is m to iii to
Shorts. per ton ?, Irl 10
Hai% per ton 710 to
Wool, per cool .. , . „ 5 on to
Hotter, per Ib Is to
l horse, per Ib - 0 13 to
Eggs, fresh. per doe 0 13 to
l'oat.a•... tL he to
Tattle, onliaiy to goad, per cat 3 nt 10
7 In to
i al to,
l til to
0 13 to
121 to
a IR to
a ii to
rya to
013 to
('tulle. export, per cwt .... .....
Hogs. live weight, per cwt .,.
--- Y wing I.aaneh.
IANI) PAINTING IN Siuvp. p•rewt
// OIL ANI)'WATER COGOl(.I H. , per Ib .
linen,,, tar lb
, Private tuition and (144•0104. hent, per lb ...
UKO. F. HAItU ITT, ('and.no- Road 'Tallow, per lb
IUoldthorpe-. rows. Ilidi',,` t.- eat ..
She.' .$kins . .. _.. -. ..
Turkey,..... . _ ... .
Dentistry r --
• E. SALE, LD.S., D.D.H.
McLean'.. Meek
Dr. Turnbull's old stand. t
�T. EMMkina,a M U,
'T IkTt'IL(Mt'LI- M. D.
Offices. Nonillion Street. 'Phone Int
Residence 'phone 121.
SpecW attention to Eye. Err. Soso and
Throat. ()fake and,eald.nce. old Hank of Moo -
real. apposite PIe,tofcc, sea( .L, liederwh.
Telephone No. 14V.
1A�aa •
' KISTIGHS solk'ltor'., notaries. etc. 1 mice,
� M door t ri ua Ulderlch
HaRll thirdfrom to
Ont. M. U. CAMERON, K. ('. J. L. KIL•
barrister.,Helton'. notaries public Orr
'onr in the . lme Court, etc. Office, c ,sl side
Square. asst dune C. A. bairn'. grocery. Pro
vete ferule to lend wt kw so nates of Interest.
W. PKOUDFOOT, K. u. H. C. HAYS. U. l'
1' ANCEY, L0111 OS E., BAkt-
I! FOSTER. solicitor. notary. Speial atten-
tion given to Marine Court work. Money- to
thio. (Moe: : North St and Square, Uolerieh.
owlicitor, notary public, rommbodouer.
etc. "Money to Cyan. (Mice, corner Hamilton
and St Andrew's threats, Ooderleh, Ont. _
DAR -attorneys, aollcltors. etc..
Goderich. Money to lend at loweel rates. E.
tl • etc., and romndssioner for taking and
receiving ret ogniourees of bell, tMaffidavits,
or armations, depositions or entente doctors;
in or concerning any action suit or pro-
ceeding In the High ( ourt of .lustieu. the
1'ourt of Appeal for Ontario, or in any County
rr Illrision Court. All transactions carefully
and promptly executed. Iteddunce and P. O.
addrds.-I)anarannon 'Int-
Insurance, Loans. etc.
and accident Insurance. Agent for loading
'tonna! and stock companies. Inenrwnte In all
lines effected on beet plans and at lowest nose.
('all at oMoe, Dottier West Strait and Square.
or addteeas J. W. ('RAIUIK, Uodorlch• Ont.
fele ,hone 2/
S U it A N C E CO. -Form and Isolated
town property maimed. Value of property hp
anted up to Jan Ityn, over $3.tttr.,nMt. Officer.
and director: --j, It McLean, ppeeeers. ; T. Fraser.
vice•pre..; Jas. Connolly, 11, Dole. Mr. Ches-
ney, J Watt Jan. Evans, J. O. (irierP. J. Benne.
web, directors ; T. F.. Hays. ttawfort h.serretar)'•
treasurer • inspectors. nearest director to loss.
J. W. Ver. Holmaevillo, agent for West
Huron. Polley -holders can pity tassessmonte
sod get their cards rselptlwl at Mr. Porte',
or at McLean
cl n Hrw.1wlncot lathing
Store OolerlOh•
M (gKAnataoneering
snit genre/41 auctioneer, hoe removed from
Ha Ilton Str.netto cow offices on Strath Street
she he will he friend atall times when not
Ing les. Tonus rowsonahlo and every of.
art u
10 ales you ewUe[aotron '}'hone 30.
snetioneer, nusitamltton street Urderirh.
P.O. box 161• All sales will receive special
ttention, I will bay ,)lonr entire stork of
toehold goods for rash, and will Boll you
Moto.. furniture, mattresses., springs. car„
cheap, Call and son whorl we can do for you in
this line. OKOH( , jiE('KETT, I'tniosity
Shop. Goderich,
It tut «idc. kala un sago
k'or Sale
H ERKFOK1) Hl'Ll. FI)R")4AI.E.-
Year-old purebred, will be soh! sub/e.'t to
n'gf-tnil ha. A tory tins' animal. For lar.
Iteeters apply tolttISRItTl11'AID. ha 1, COI,
aa•.alun 1, 1' borne•: Dunlop PAK -
/ (' honed anal ant wood. ice fair...... ohm,
A» owner has left town will be .,.Id at a low'
prier. Apple ar THE SIUX.tl. uYFf('K for
ft,rther tarty alar-,
Meal Estate for sate.
• property of the Isar MrsMe Kiane,, West
street : valuable lot, large 1 -c1nd good stable
AM marriage house. .tpph' to 1'Itul'1)FOOT.
. __
✓ lanwsu brick dwelling un Nelson street.
1100' being rompletel. All modern eimreu•
loner.: a vert desirable n.sldrncr. Apply to
J-5MES 1ItCHASAN. JR.. at liatcaich
Planing MIII. s1 if
Fon sate,
2} -stir)' brit k and cement learn,,,.
"t dwelling.
Large stable. a lot.. Poorly situated
oil Kray- -t nets 13,1601, n .11111•,
2 -story brick store, baker's 04 ell null photo-
gnq,h /gallery. :Situated un Main street.
lily h. tq..srt
2 lame lots, owner 1'b'I on anti Wellington,
Priv.'. a+6'- Sew thls,
"-Kar)• brick, fa -Limed hour and I acres of
land, good orchard. 1Ti. a 112.'ru,
2 one-quarter acre lots near G. T. It. -Latton.
ll -story frame house, 1i ,aims, sit m,
1'Ictun street, near l'ollrgiate Institute.
k- omnet brie house nod 2 lots. Anglcsea
street. 56.316'. Two bark lot.. et(6' each
Lot and frame laundry, !t foo frontage on Hast
Ansi. near Square, 1!rz.
9 -roomed frame store a dwelling. targe stable.
attuned on Elgin avenue. Incnn,t• from bu i
new., peat annually. Ilplsni unity kopeks
but once at your door,
11 -story frame dwelling, situated on Keays
street, engirt rooms, near High School.
Money to lain, .i per rent.
Hank of Cowmen,. Itklg.
X111 good frame story and a half dwelling•
quarter of on acre of land, stable. gout well.
Possession cm, be given any time. Appal' to
MRS. ALKX,SSI,Elt M1'It.AE, Kintail. 114f
SALE. Au) acres In %Vest w'aw'anonh,two
toile. from Auburn ; tail a ray ban.,, rbont 101
;WT. under rnitivaUoh end :al to MI acres
timber. A well and two springs of water, a
new frame dwellin good est, barn, stable and
driving shed. Apply tol}•UI'Nti Is HOREItT-
80N lioderich
I have for sale several new houses. each run•
tattling hall. parlor, dining room kitchen.
pantry, wtshroo,ut l hem bedrooms and clew.
Koch has a goal cellar extending under the
whole bonne,
Those houses have all been recently flnh'hed
and pun•haaen will fled them thoroughly satis-
If you are a tenant you -lrnld come end see
T w se. than to ,a
buya a u Y
s cheaper to I
me; KI
'I tl - J_ T. GoLi►THUItPE
F:atate and Msuranne agents, Ill -al its-
'cs boohoo to
to let. Proper? title for of or 1
• n Faro and
1 Io Int •.
•any art of the moire anti )
life (n.nrnnce, money to l,,uO. oto,
✓ nn Hayfield mad. smith of
son.%property. Apply (0 U. %S\
)\VN pi1A17'M
(reloaftai)N &
✓ being north half of the end bole of lot Nn.
l)nngnnnoti. I,
flood bu hiding-; wo two wacn'st e
orchrnl; well nnderdralncdi 0111 clay hand.
For particular. apply to UMitOE: HARRIS,
Uolerlth, Ont
The very lest kind
ItE as well am t PRESENT- is a Savings At t
in 1
Fnsormnee - I i',, provision ft the
$1.00 Will Open an Account.
Put your money in a piace where you can gel it when yon
want it.
Gnderieh Branch : Corner *ware and ('odls,rne Skfyet
.r. I). O'('ONNELL, - - MAXAtEB.
A. N Meyer Appointed.
The Collegiate Institute board hes
appointed A. N. Meyer, H. A., its sue-
tttlror to R.' N. Merritt as maths.
matcel specialist at the 0. C. I. Mr,
Meyer is at present'engaged et Beaums-
ville. He is a graduate of Trinity
University and has haul several year's'
Electrician Ward Injured.
On Tuesday aftertt�J�on Assistant
Electrician Ward utdMvith an acci-
dent in pameing a couple of rigs. Mr.
Ward was on a wheel and was
knocked off by cue sof the rig. which
turned out the salve side as he did.
His right shoulder and side were
what bruised, mai he is now tack-
ing an enforced holiday of as week or
ten days.
To Water takers. ,
It in intended 'to ,take the connec-
tion at the pumping station with the
new water main, which has been laid
harbor hill by the C. P. It., on
1( iday next, es the tomtit of water
IL r i..its i L u thatof
1 1 1 at w nun ern n day
the week. No water will be punlart
that slay and takers are 1191110.1"1 to
be economical in thrix use of it, as the
.apply in the standpipe will not allow
of 'avid' nee. J. B. Ket.t.v, Sup er•in-
tendent \Vaterwurks. t
A Zurich Morse Deal. -
Cruw•n Attorney Seager was in
Zurich un Tnteelelity in cowmen mn with
the trial of George Thiel for the theft
of it sorrel mare from Charles Welker.
Thiel was trying to arrange a horse
traule with NVelker end air exchange
was mink. foe the purpose of \Velker's
trying Thiel's'hor'se, as Welker states,
but Thiel rehrdrd to give up the horire
when Welker said he was ant satisfied
with the other. Thiel was s-nt up for
triol at the June semsi,ns of tae peace.
New Hardware Store.
new herd ware stole has 'ern
opened out iii t he Dunlop blo•k, West
street, by Jasper Nicholson, who asks
a share of the hardware trade of the
own. Mr. Ni,hnls n is well known
t o the petiole tit G0110rich and vicinity
a d hayloft grown up ,with the haul•
wit r. business in Goderich Ire has a
go knowledge of the wants of the
peep • in that line. Ile has taken a
spec 'n The Signal's advertising col-
uultis t keep his busiuttw Before the
p"ihlic e, e, and makes his opening an-
nuoueeni tit this week.
t).ed in Bu ; alo.
On Moeda hat the remains of the
late Mr. , l'at 'ek Davi., a former resi-
dent of the to it. arrived on the 1:311
p. in. train fr n Buffalo. where the
deceased had Ia. n living, since the
death of her husl Illi a few years algal,
with her son. I'. . . Davis. T,he de-
ceased was an old fully pf prol.ably
over eighty. The •nt•nnent was
made in the Ronmtn Catholic cegue-
tery. Calletrne. and t e pall -learners
Lost or Fon
r atTills OFF'I('K.
Situations Vacant
j jAXTED.-STE.A1►Y .BOY 15 R
to yyear'. rid to help coachman. Aepf to
F. C. ATTIiILL m,-tf
1) learn ptinlinic. It or 1:1 years of age, fair
edu.:atlon. .t i(rmd orlon unity for a bright
boy. Apply at rIlE SIuNAL OFFICE.
To Ment
were Wm. Tighe, John McDonald,
Edward Acheson and J. J. Kelly.
Open May 1st.
The management of the (lealerich
branch of thefr+ta•Iing Rink announce
that the brooch will he open for buai•
tress on Tuesday. May 1st.
The Bunk is issuing a neat telephone
directory of the town, which, lbeing
on at card, is very convenient:for hang-
ing by your 'phone, showing the •
hem's of all local mutat:Olers at a
Brother Dickinson Honored.
At the meeting of the Royal Arch
Chapter of the Masonic order on Tues-
day everting Grand District Deputy
E. I.. Dickinson was presentee) with i►
grand superintendent's regalia, " the
presentation being made on behalf of
the chapter by Right. Ex -Comp. It:
Radcliffe. The affair was entirely of
an intproulptu nature and Mr. Dickin-
sod was quite taken by surprise. but
expressed his a preeiaUun of the gift
in appropriate language.
Harbor Notes.
The schooner AJ1oy has leen painted
and otherwise Htteel up for the season.
and, it is expected, will leave on
Saturday for Johnston s Harbor mei
load it cargo of white pine.
Thi• three iron steamers that win-
tered here cleared last week.
'►`lir schooner Coaster. which win-
tered here. begins to show some signs
of life. The p ps were going the
other day.
Tile new tug on harbor island is
about ready for. launching.
Choir Reunion.
An event of interest to many took
place um Friday evening at the I'niu t
and 1. eebu•ti inmost., East street,
where present and former members 6f
I'uiun clun•ch chair, Goderich town-
ship, held a teuniun. The chair has
been iu existence for twenty-five yeaars
and many of those who wets.nt one
• rurnitpt's are now in homes in
far -away parts of • owes land or in
the United Stats. From some of
theme ttess;tges .were received that
were of great interest to thole who
were able. to be prets•nt, nunrlaering'
some forty persons. Soule of the oldest
la•rfot•ny9nces of the choir in part -sing-
ing were repeated in a manner that
showed that these had not leen for-
Three Steamer Lines for Goderich.
According to the present prospects,
(iolerich is to have three passenger
stet •r lines this year. The King Ed -
wind will run rte its old route from
Toledo to the So), and in addition the
White Star Line (Detroit) and the
Northern Navigation. Co. will each
Have •a steamer tgunring to this port.
The. Northern Navigation Co.'s boat
will be the !Arnow'. Britannia, and its
ro}rte will likely bef • l'levelaud to
Kibritrdine, making p•rhape three
round tope weekly. The Britannia is
a good side -wheel steamer. It is ex-
pect d that the White Star people
will place the Darius ('ole on the route
front Cleveland to the Sim. Ik•finite
annuunceunents may moan be expected,
and if the. three lines are in operation
this season Goderich will haven letter
p,twcitget• boot service then it has had
lir same y'e+u's.
C. P. R. Construction.
Thr'C. P. K. contractors now pare a
large gang of men at work on this Nide
of the river. The greater part of an
inclined trestlework leading up to the
top of the, abutments at the• rivet• has
�1ee•n erected and a switch it1 beink put
in troth the G. T. K. tracks, 'eluting on
to the embankment aer ns this sole of
the river. to carry thecarewith the
steel girders for the bridge across the
F'I,'KNIMHED -COTTAGE TO Maitland. There are eight abutments
A It ENT.- Per Ibe summer, near Ib.n•ntro
am' piers, which manna seven spans.
of the town. All modern r•.mtcnicnees, Ap d)• The stead, derrick is at work this side
at THE SIGNAL OFFICE.- al-tl. of the river raising the clay an it is
(big from the batik, where one of the
idea ments fon- the In•idge over the O.
'I'. H. tracksis to be 'milt. Thea mate•
riot is being added to the embank-
ment in the river. On the hill below
the lighthouse a number of graders
are et work cutting down the lower
part of the bank.
trespassing or carrying fire -nun. (litany
part of Our proper f will he arrested and prose
cuted. ISlgneda Fs C. and K. l', ATTIt11.1,
. _ Manage Licenses ---
Watchmaker, Jeweller and Opt (elan.
Litter of Marring') Licenses.
t . AGE licenses. (lodsrich. (Mt.
Auction Bales
ti ur
Air. dames F:Nt�crlesnn will sell by public
portion at his re.idrnee, Kest street, (l derich,
amt \VEDNESI)AY. Ai'Ki1. 2.TFIT,
nt one o'clock harp, all III.1 household furni-
I ore and furnishings,, consisting of pint tires.
carpets...retain•, blinds. I Art Uarbmd base
hornet and pipes. I coal rook stove and pipes.
new', I sidelmord, I dozen kltrhrn chairs
p dozen dining elates, 1 arm ,loaI rocking
, -hits, 2 parlor tablets, I extension table, 1
easel. 2 Zinn hdst•nds, 2 c,,nnad,.., 1 oak
bedroom salt, 1 toilet set, 2 kitchen bibles. I
ramp chair.
air. 1 stepladd
er, 1
.. I hall lamp. ,
I hall rnekwash'.h 1 washboard. 1 boiler,
I granite kettle..1 granite pall.flatiron...
I hem. 2 large crock.. 1 allcrock...
damn e,t't.l'rvc cans, I large Dieter., spring.,
nw,lrowos 1 carpet stretcher,
her I tea ketl a:ya
numerous ooh r art tele,
The most of this farnihrre teas tonight new'
within the past tan rears. Eiery'thhtifrt most
he disposed of, as MI. Eagles -in is leas' log
(loderich. Terms cash,
Public Notice
TENhEK14adelrr-sed to the nnder.Igncl and
'whined. "Tenter for Dredgr1ingap," will he re-
ceived no to and including w'clnewle3, April
Is, Mk for the dredging required al thefoltow•
Ing ph,„, Inthr I'mvtoe,. of I Intarlo ilnring the
present year: etcnrtangmiehrne, Mcafod, Feer-
,-suns Goderich. Point I.:dweM, fort. Stanley.
Port llarwetth }ttedreu, Hie erThamesuno,11u
Owen Motmd, Nigger Islam) Channel, and
('olnhin.d .pN'tMnntions and forms of tender
e m
be nbatmeul at the I)epart.meet of fable
Works. Ottawa. Tenders most in,•hde the
towing of the plant to and from the works.
( Only dnrlge. ton be employed which are rearis.
treed In 1 'a,oda at the time of tiling of tender,
o,t ruler. most be tread)• to begin work within
thirty (lays after the date thy hare been
mailed ofthe acceptant..• of their tender,
Thr Department 1 mo Mooed to *'sett the
lowest or Any of the tender-,
iy unlet.
I RFI'. tat 1.15 AS. (egretsry.
I Sport meet of Public 5% or ks,
tutor, a, April a. erne.
New spacer. Inserting IM• advertisement
without authority form the I )cpartln.•nt will
not he paid for It. 1111-21,
The H. U. B. kxcurslon.
Frank M. Hick, of Toronto, was ill
town un Saturday making arrange-
ments for the annual excursion of the
Huron Old Hoyt" of Toronto, while
W. O. MUTagg,o t went to l.ucknow•
on the lune errand. The intention is
to run n verbnl'Irain to (bidet -lett I
one to Lucknow on Saturday, July
7th, at -riving in time for dinner, the
return trip being made the following
Monday evening, the special leaving
here at S p. til. It is expected the
emelt/don this year will be the largest
turnout. yet and there shoarld be a
general homecoming of Huron's
farmer residents fr all along the
line. To make the reception as waren
as possible it is hoped ,merchants and
private citiu'ns will do what they can
In the Ivey of decorating. No doubt,
as in hoarier •etm,arrangements will
be made to have the town (rand hive a
concert on the Square Hntntr'tqq even-
ing, and anything that can be (lone to
give the I ,tuners a royal welcome
should la• done.
tette, Winnie, Edna, Josephine and
Annie, and two sons, KI • and Roy.
Mrs. Harry Morris, Colhan•ne, artd
Mrs. U. J, Howell, of Des Moines.
Iowa, are sisters( of the deceased, and
Richard Pointer, of Parkelale, j( a
brother- Mr. Pointer was a resident
of Dungannon for several years and
then 'eat to Wakefield. where he
took up the manufacture of woollen
goods. He rose to be superintendent
of the Wakefield woollen' mills, the
Pembroke woollen mills and other
stills, until he was laid amide by illness
which proved of a protracted length.
Mr. Pointer• WAS 'a mitioner of the
Methodist church. The funeral took
place tin Tuesday afternoon of hart
week from his late residence to the
Pembroke cemetery, the services le-
ing conducted by Rev. R. Smith.
Married in Napanee.
We are happy this week in extend-
ing congratulations to Willism Wes-
ley Treleaven, formerly of Wm. Ache-
son & Sun's store here but now with
the Gordon, McKay Co., 'Leta.roto. on
his marriage nn Ihr• ra enin of E1ast•t•
\londa • to Mhas Ethel .Mind Vine.
urn• of Na pare's most popular young
Ltd, Ts'
he bride is an ex-a:hod
1e9e1'. and had won many friends
Is,th old and y F. the many eustly
presents she recetvt,l toeing an evi-
dence of her'populu•ity amongst those
wit() knew her. About se•vtnty-five
invitetinns hint Igen issued for the
wedding, but on account of sickness
e ' g in the h of the bride the•
festivities !itab to be withdrawn and
the cella muily was quietly sole 'coal
at the Eastern Methodist parsonage,
Natutnet•. The beide-wore het• travel-
ling,trstume of light grey tweed with
Cr•nm1 all-over lane and hat to ubat•h.
The Iridal party left at .1:10'4 -amidst
Klemm' of rice and the goal wisher of
a host of, -friends who were at the
depot to m•t• them off for their
future home in Tomato. Mr. Tn•-
leaveu has matey warm frit'nds in
tiishte-ieh and arttuud Dungannon who
wish him and his bride unalluy`I
happiness for the years( to • e.•
Death of Mrs. Buchanan
After an illness which eonHntd her
to toed almost cunt' ly since lost
November, Mrs. James Hurhanan• Sr.,
passed to the Uns.•t•r1 aaorkl best Satur-
day in her sixt?'eighth -your. During
the th of Fria :nay shi• was able
to be up for a time, but t he last few day's
she failed rapidly, her death being
date to general break -down of the
constitute . 'l'he funeral took place
on Monday aafternurdl to Maitland
cemetery, Rev. James A. Ander-
son, pastor of Knox church. con-
ducting the obsequies. The pall-
bearers were lieorwe Stewart. It. it.
Mallows; I). Stoddart. Wtn. 'Warnock,
James Mitchell and A. Saunders.
Mrs. Huchen,ui was luorn in Scotland
but came to this country with her
parents when quite' young. the f 'ly
settling Hest neer London, Forty-
nine years ago she was married to her
nowbereavedhusMuul, the ceremony
taking place at. (Tinton, where her
brother at oust time had as store.
Ever since her uotrriage she had been
a resident of Golerieh. She leaves ,a
fautily (of seven surviving : Jnmra, of
town : Mrs. Sharpe (Armlet Toronto:
Miss Alice and Miss Emily. of town ;
George. of Cuba : Walter and Miss
Olive May, of Toronto. The family
were all here for the funeral- with the
exception of George. R. H. McKay,
of \' alkertcin, a (brother of the de-
ceased, also came down fur the funeral
and is still in town. Resides her
brother, Mrd. , Buchanan la Muirvivts1
by a sister, Mrs. Alex. Campbell, of
Alpena, Mich.
Prize List to be Increased.
The inland of the (heat North-
western Exhibition met in the town
hall on the lath ;net. and dealt with a
nunniter of matters of moment to the
exhibition to be held hem this fall.
,tipventee•n of the twenty-one directors
were present. and all heartily entered
into the spirit of endeavoring to ,lake
the (i, N. W. n slim -es, in 111)11 and the.
Mast three-day fall fair in the Prov-
ince. The collection committee re-
ported very large increases in the
donations and nn extra large number
of special prizes promised by citizens.
This, with the $ltSP epode' grant trent
the town, puts I he Society iii n plmi-
tit in. its they have passel n tilt 'lit ,n to
do, to add :11 pet .rent. tr their prise
list rend•to'anthnrixe payment ne moon
las possible of the, prizes withheld in
MM. Special committees were ap-
pointed t, revise tha prize list and
increase the seine an ordered and to
arrange for the printing of the
lists nn as to have seine in circulation
ae MOM) as Immeihlr,
The Late Brunswick Pointer.
(bn Smnday, April Nth, there lammed
Iwvar'efnlly away ,at his residence, Pelt=
Broke, (int., itrtnswiek Printer, a
former resident of this county. The
dereasid ares born in Churrhviltg,
Prep Bounty, on •lt,nr 2nd, 1lkirl, He
wA9111a1'1'Inl to Mitts Itacheel Pentland,
of Dungannon, who survivest him,
along with five daughters(, Misstep. Via
$711,e1Mi,1(M), He said that he was sorry
that Congress had passed such a law
and that there was a Isere poilikility
of Congress rescinding this lair that
is if Camel* made at taming protest
fr each hoard of trath• in the terri-
tory wheal, posts were alntudoned by
a strong deputation in person to Con -
west' this conning December, 11(111.
The law recently passed guts into
effect July 1st next. Mr. Shirley has
not yet been informed Ns to what [Most
the Government will assign tohim
after he leaves liol'erich.
It: It. Mellows will bold hi- nunual "baby
day " tadn year on Motsfay, April Jath. Babies
under eighteen months will be taken free.
The .pright lone,., of youth and the stateliness
of age all ire Mud their mora art stie t real ,tent In
Inr,niume al It. K. Sallow.' atudlu. Amities
w'it It I ' for it sitting wad be ...dolled.
At huuae'e'loanslyg time w'flmer Smith'. is the
Alava of the careful bun-ekreper, Thr Mar
shall aauit.uy Mal mass load• till riva s and the
handsomest 'nutlet. flet. in brass and iron bed -fouls
are shown there, flet ure framing ail, ,phot
,.tering rurtw•tla' dune,
.• In Ihr sluing the young loo's Laney
I.iiht l) turns trythought. of love."
is all right inn poet • mouth, but what Pridlwu.
the leitor, has observed in that nubbly tailoring
rttraets a share of the young man's fancy, too.
Lute+t t,aterials anti ,mast et) Mmake ake at
l'ridhaua the uatlor's,
The Daughters of the Fs►pirt• wish
to thank the TI ' ble Biel( for their
very geurt'ous donation of $1G to the.
hospital fund.
S. E. flick last Saturday bought
from G. M . Elliott it well -situated lot
lin Elgin awe a pn•liun of the old
(Jarrow hltx•k. Mr. hick may build
OIl it.
The frame store that has been
'cel back from the Square where
the new block is to be Guilt has lee6
added to the hack of J. H. %%'orsell'N
At n meeting of the Dominion rail-
way cuuuuismiou at Toronto ter 'Tues-
day the• plans of t he Guelph &
Golrt•ich Railway fur the ler-cross-
ing at Harbor street in Golrrich were
lf,it is the intention of the totem MI`
thuritivn W e'nfons' the new dog by-
law ,after the 1st of M,ey. would it trot
be well to publish the new regulations,
so that the owner's of dugs may 1e -
'le aegl,alllted with then,
A meeting of the directors of the
West Huron \Vumen's Institute was
held at Clinton on Satistlay last,
when arrangements were matte for
holding the annual inet•ting of the
Institute at Clinton' on Thursday.
May 17th, at 2:311 p. nl.
An organization of p,mtuiaatert of
the Province nudes• the title of the
Ontario Postuuaaters' Asseiat.
was formed at Toronto I his w•tee•k.
Thunt'ta Farrow, of.Hrltsseels, turas elec-
ted honorary president, and James
SCott, of Clinton. a vice-president.
It. Holmes, of Clinton. ham been
appointed i 'gt'ntiton officer for the
e'uuuty of HUron. His duties acre
ehiefiv, we understated• to attend to
the piacing of immigrants who (some
to thin county in charge of the
Dominion 1ration I)r arttu n e- t
K I .
John ('rat it is again in the ice and
K K n i nl
fish business for the coming aruarin, in
partnership with hes briet•r h-'uetl,
and asks for a share of the.public pat-
ronage. His announcement wilt he
found in this issue. Otxlrt•s loot., be'
left at the oM(e on West 'street and
will receive prompt and careful inten-
A Successful Production.
The nacre(' cantata. "The Crucifix,
ion," which was given by the choir
of Knox church a year Ngo tinder the
direction of Mr. Im•thbridge, was
rendered Last Monday evening in
Knox rhumb, St. Thomas. where Mr.
Lethbridge ie now organist and choir
ei.ndnctor•, .fN1, F. Th non, of
town. titok the bass solo parts and the
St. Thomas paper(' speak very highly
of his singing. The Times nays : "The
principal -Nolte'. taken by Jarues F.
Thomson, of (i('det•irh, were excel-
lently rendd ed, Mr. Thomson has n
baritone voice of re than 'ordinary
range, with it ruined(' tenor quality in
the upper nntea, and a deep Ise(nce
in the low notes. His method
ol is goal
and his singing its tvithoit apparent
effort or ostentation. It with it Piero•
seine to listen while he gftve so fitting
nn interpretation of the solemn
theme." The papers unite also in
congratulating Mr. Lethbridge upon
the success of his effort and The
Journal says : "As this'woe the first
public entertainment given by the
choir mince Mr. Lethbridge has been
appointed organist, considerable in-
terest ,eo Lo1 the manner in Which the
choir would acquit, themse-lops was
manifested, not only by Knox itjnrrch
people, but by the ic-loving [k ple
of the city. The opinion of all was
that Mr. Lethbridge and the el sir
scoriai a vet•y decided 'meccas. Kul
char ' has psu extremely fortune,
in their choice of ,in organist. Miuec
his taking charge it very ked
1 •utero a in o ,
nn 1 i timIlei work of the (-heir
is evident. The managers( of the
1•htir•h recently frond it tiece•smary to
enlarge the choir loft owing to the
growth in ulcnilermhip.'
Mr. Shirley et Washington.
While in W+sllington on hia recent,
visit .1. II. Shirley, the United States
Cowell here. hail an interview with the
Mecn•tery of State. with teferenee to
the recent'ogiulntion pastier! by ('on-
gt•esa cutting ref ten p ate in Canada
whet't• ,a ,'lllisuila►• "%Tylee has been
maintained in the pat, The Secre-
t m y of State 'end the Department of
Slaty would take caret of all the (•on-
euln whose posts had been annulled by
Congress. ' Hee also, 'mid to Mr.
Shirley, "Your poet 4M not. do morels
hlislrle'ms." Mr. Shirley 'rid, "No ;
but the C. P. R. railway building into
Goler•ie•h. which will be completed hI
the tient' future, will bring new indite.
tries, and the proeper•t of two new boat
lines in and out of (h/alerich will In
the near future make Otiderich one of
the best posts. in Ontario." Mr,
Shirley also had an interview with
the Senator from Illinois, Shelby M.
Cullum. Who said he had no Idea that.
Canada war+ mach a country in /trope
and width, also in agriculture, timber,
and mining, and that Canada was the
best customer of the United States
according to the population thet they
had on the tore of the earth. I'ana-
u s'. ``i"irt.hnse lent year brim the
iTnited Stales wan ithAl.(11I,(111 and the
Cuffed States purchased from Canada
Robert Mclean ham to •eel the
fence fronting him properly nn Ihr
Huron Iliad, whieli lute the effect of
showing off- his handsome residence:
with its well -kept lawn end Hower
beats. to advantage. Meort
people might follow his example; for a
gall -biking place is of (betide benefit
when the mildly are allowed to me it.
Charles McLean, brother of the
Messrs. Mclean Brom., (if the Palace•
clothing store, who his been eonduct-
inpf a clothing store in London, is
going to Montreal to engage in a
similar business -there on it large
kale, while Frank McLean of the
Stratton! store goes to London to
sneered his brother in the manage-
ment of the London house. The
Messrs. McLean are enterprising bred --
nem' nen +and we wish there increase-.
ing pewees...
Clinton New Era : Holge•ns Bros.,
who run stones at Clinton and (Isle-
t -lett, are firm believers in the efficacy
of printer's ink and are probably the
roost extensive advertiser,. in the
minty of Huron. They certainly
spend hundre'd's of dollars annually
for newspaper advertising alone, and
it would he ,t thankless task tl try
1tod,, COIiVinrr them shalt "advertising
dorsh't pay." Their faith ie shared by
o r business men, who are also li-
t Is( of newspaper apace.
ngelistic services in Nnrt•th street.
Methodist church are being held every
night. this week exc•eptSatsrvlay. Mr.
Mnllanly is an able, faithful and
fearlessreacher of the Gospel
and bas
batt me wide and successful exp•rience.
Everyone should hear hint Goll
singing help( to enliven each sepvice.
He will pte,o'h both morning and
taming on Sunday. On Monday
et ening next he will pmach upon the
art 1 'f«• 1
t 1 f "Popular Am mnnt(.
' will be
meeting for
xnd telIown)i1 Manu ,w
morning in the 'velure noon of North
street, -Methodist church at 10 o'clock.
A mass meeting of all interested in
the lord's (hey Act, at present. "inept
consideration by the Dominion Par-
liament, will be held in the lecture
11111111 of Knox church on the evening
of M lay. :\pail Zhd, Int•trwting
addressem will be delivered . by Item•. ,I.
1.. Small, II. A.. of Auburn, and Rev.
J. C. Reid. R. 11.. of Nile. The subject
chosen by the former of these gentle -
own is "The Teaching of l'hriet in Re-
load do the Sabbath" and by the lat-
ter, "Hindt'snce to the CMintirm
Sabbath." The well-known ehillh of
the speakers gives guarantee of it
at helpful unsling. A cu"e,tior
will be taken in aid of the Alliance
broom. •
The Nortllw•t'stern Sinter pb1ishe'd
at Minte•a obs, says : '•l'uhe floor
lraude of (il,sgow, and p,artit•nlu-ly
the importer'', rter'', ane perturM•el at at uir-
cular signed by sixteen hokum, among
thele leading men in the trade. Thr
circular Is ill the following effect :
'After 4/111110 expl-lefl e. of Iho use of
flour which haat been subjected to a
li nue,ss of artificially improving its
color, we are satisfied that fur larking
purpee•a it. is ant improved in any
reepet thereby, and we prefer to have
it. in its natural state. With the view
of enabling the werl•bant and will -
.1, Great '(c -hoot- Elliott Mosinee*. college.
Toronto ... .. ttttttttt S
took log Stove for Sale -The Stinal ..i
The Fel1011 That is Guaranteed --Char C. Leo 4
We l butt l'oun parlson--Frank H. Atartlu.. , . Is
Lu- al .tgeucy for Taube I Son -W". c', lleode 3
Your Big 14u1/ariui Days --Parson,.' Fair. .. A
}ta,iisey it Heady -tolled Paint., - J. H. 0'. orsell 4
Women's Italu t'oats-- W. Arhaw,n Is Son- 3
Mantle's, Jarkete and ('apt". -1). Millar leo.. 1
Queen Quality Oxfords-I)oaa•nhag k t
Mao -
Buy Your iprim/. Sufi Hen -W. C. I'ridhaiis s
The Create t I.
amt and curtain Stock-ito5
Slax-irIs for April --W, A. McKim 6
.taction Sale --James lsson . I
}forefoot Hull for Sale -Robs. Qurfd
Days' Clothing. etc, -3 ,-burn era .. , 7
Iou.e-t'IeauingTime -lleckett Is Staunton. a
To Cnlifornla--ti. T. H a
Announawmeot - A. J, Cooper ttt 1 '
Iteoader-U, T. K. ' ,,, 7
Owen Sound Wire Ferree a n ---.,,,..i,,,,,..., 6
New Wall Peeper --(leo. l'orter " x
At It Again - l'randr' Brom 5
Spring Sulla for Particular Peoplo-Itug•
111.. k, i
The Mg Load Kind -western ('snada Flour
Mlllsl'o 5
Hoy slanted --K, l'. Attrih. .... _.. .. 1
To seater -takers- J. H, kelly..
New Hardware Store -J, Niehol.on R
Announcement -J. II, Hawkins... .. l
Fur Mull' Found-ThisOfca• f _
e1's to take up a 'million in the
,tatter. we will. when buying. give a
preference to flour which can be guar -
Mitred as tint having been NII
tratteel.'" t'Nt•tw of flour Much as is
made by the Western Canada flour
Mills Co. have the setisfat'tiou lit
knowing they are using what hart the
approval of the largest consumers of
that staple.
Ihltytield," Iirrissels acid \Vingham
forte' group :t in the interntediat•
...Tien of the Western Football Asuexi-
On Monday evening'the Argonauts
baseball team played the tired, game of
the a'amm against lire Thistles. The
playing was fast and the score was 7
to (I in favor of the Argonauts. On
the Thistle side, Monkey Ilayle played
the star 'ga • by his pitching, Lite
return genie will hue pheytal Thut'sday
night beginning at 15::11, '
Seaforth Bowlers.
Sea forth, April In. The annual
meeting of the Meaforth lawn bowling
club was held here today. The fol-
lowiitg officers were circtxl: Presi-
dent. Jas. McMichael ; vice-presiiMnr,
\V, Pickard ; po•t'e'tary-treasurer, W.
D. McLean ; 'attune. H. B. Gunn,
M. P., H. Einer, M. I'. P.,
and Geo.
).f Enoeti, ex -\I. P. ; chap
baiu, (leo.
Munlie : referee, W. Ballantyne;
ronitnittee, G. E.. Parkes,. W. O.
Willis. it. S. Hays. .i,' C. Greig, J. M.
Best and A: Wilson. The dater fixed
for the twelfth annual tournament
were Wednesday and Thursday, July
nod 5.
Good Friday's Rifle Shoot
On Good h't'idny a friendly rifle
shoot took lulite:e at the lake shote
range here between the invincible,, of
Goderich township and the (loderich
town riflemen. the result being a win
for the h tram by a majority of
twenty-six points. The conditions of
the shoot were five shots each at the
doll and NM yard ranges, and the
sones'mule were as follows :
...mote 11 TeAM. 0111/111111-11Yr. 'MAK,
E. It. w'aaeon . Mt li. laithwalte f6
J. 41reham . 42 J. Salkeld... • .. W1
M. 4 Iti•holut . . 13 J. Newcomb*, Jr. ,• 111
'1 Km•a•..tut w" 21 s' Whitely 31
W. Sonlan.l. . G It. Rundle >r
W. 51 Lille... ..T7 J. !Furter 36
Oh. T041.11. . 3, Mr, Rundle, or......s
.1. 1 'hiioloa ... 311 11, Ulan ix
I. Stratum.. .. Al J. Nuwrninube, sr :Ks
It. ('mole . B C. l'rouae 11
301 3ba
Extending from Coast to Coast in the
Dominion of Canada.
In the cities of Canada where really
goal thing, are quickly aen'eptAd and
appnsiated, the ••Sinai-t•rauly • stores
have been established to the number „
of flitp cu)•,
Met pular have they become With ,
the best -dressed men that it is the in-
tention of the Mend -ready Company
to open more than one store in the
larger cities. This los been 'thought
necessary in view of imitators who
coin namea with which they hope to
make capital old of the Metni-ready
Carload of Ogilvie's Royal House-
hold 1'1 ', All kinds of field and
garden seeds. A. J. Coolant.
H. \V. THoMmouN, druggist, is having
is sale of sponges at half price, for a
few days at his new stone. All first
M('l.At•nll Llx Rt•oei1FJ1,--Call at my
warehouse, Newgate street. and see
the elegant Mel.aoghlin buggies just
received. The finest line of buggies
ever brought to town. \VM. Kxox.
The selling out made of hardware
stock at Heiwkiti continues with un-
abated fury. The r ' Itch is have
mrlly. We
are informed.
however, that revere' hardware men
are trying to buy the stock en blot•,
stud it they su:ctrd Ifawkinn will be
mit Ilt bushman shortly.
Clark's Pork and deans.
A good, rt'.•t• ready hot, or cold dish.
Tasty and ru,urishing. Plain or
flavored with !chili or tomato sauce.
im•. end le. tins,
.i are Nnay, Apill 21st.- Anet ton sale of hors:-,
cows, budgie•., rotters, harness whip•, etc., at
t ho livery stable premises on Nttwgnte sleet.
mow/die Co hot til, Ihder4•h, cnnnne neing
at I n'rloek p,n,, D. 51 Ifni EV. proprietor,
Tarns. Iirx,Rv. auctioneer. At the some time
and piare the nal torn, ...untimely known a,
Ili.' narrow barn, will be offered for .rtes
w't,vpa.i,v, April 2'dh. Ametima sale• 'A
household furniture and furnl.hietgs a. Ih'
residents. of James Eagleson. E:ut street. al
I n,dlek "harp. 3 aMKs I' ,Iy.►.s,v, proprietor.
Timm as (ir roar, meet irnaerr.
NeTa Rt.ev. April 2mth, Auction sale of
dwelling house and three tots and a gnnnl it of
bnewa'hoM furniture at the pr-neisrs, (',Interim
it reel, at gni-heek part. M50, A(u t'. NI, 'nnl.
.0v. pcpriel teas. Tarsus lit vmml,aneUm,-
111(iIHNS. in 14tyMeld, net April 11th, to Mr.
and Mts. William HIrwin., a son,
(esti.\hDF+TI,N. In Undrrieh.tnwnship, mt
April lith, the wife of Harlow( faibald ental;
of a daughter. -
(JINN. - In, (todeu'u,,'h. no .',pr11141,,at the rta1
defier of Thos. lilulhill, to Mr. amt Mn.
Oswald (inn, of (hderich township, a
lit '('NANAN. -in (lalmIth, on •'tatumlay,
April Ilth, Jsnet McKay. h•lm'ed wit* of
,lane, IturhaMwt, •... agr't 57 scan, 4mudh-
a11 .t, don.,
Pmol'tTI.It t Pembroke, nn Sadpv. .\poll
5th, Itrmrwick ILinler. agr't In ytsar. s,ml
M months.