HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-4-12, Page 7THY: 'SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO THu euwy, April 12 1914; 7 4+4444******4444 +90,44444444444444444,. The News of the District. 4 5 �*� �*� ,*�,*� %4444464445456464464544464545.464545464545. 4444464 V P•4"V•' 45444645[ _4645454645 46444 °9r` 45 4646,4,4 'V"0".' i C p"b4:"0" 4.41""0"i�D"C"° 4,36 54646W The Signal's Clubbing List. 1 LEEBURN. titin/ttrtIiiIFIIIIiIiitltM/tMI WESTFIELD. Mo QAY, April 9th. 1M ONDAY, Aprillkh. Roy Linklater and Wm. and John Head the New Story Promotion examinations were held Now is the time to elwo a your Chisholm were the that in this neigh- in this school last Thursday and Fri - reading Matter fm• [(;aloe Look over boyhood to begin their spring plowing. day. this list and see the advantages of- Joseph McGraw, a former resident. Mrs. (Dr.) Gordon, Miss Rena and feted to Signal sularcribeta in getting has come back to our midst and will \!aster Huntly, of Lucknuw, visited the leading papers at reduced rales. reside in the farmhouse of James Chis- friends here last Thursday and Friday, The Signal and Montreal Weekly11('1' at laeeburn. Mr. Metiraw will N'e utr+ vevy sorry to learn that Herald 414.00 work in the neighboring ing burg of Dim- nl �� l'harlie Retnloud id I sick with lop, havingIN•en engaged ed byM. .1. pit a �': the grip. \Ve hope he may soon 'tae The Signa , Weekly Herat' and I• K Kt1,1‘01.1 E K' P• 1 3 Sea (Toronto/ i 7S Tobin ads his foreman for the next ea --(round again. Weekly (elghl months. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ainslie, of beam - Toronto Signal, Weekly Herald and Toronto Daily Globe 4.50 BENMILLER. i Commenced in this issue of ington, and Mr. and Mrs. James 1'h, signal, \Veekly Herald and i I Easley, of llullett, paid a short visit to Toronto Weekly Globe 1.70 Tt-tesuAY. April 10th. " The Signal. friends here one day last week. Signal, Weekly Iirruld and Miss Mary Snyder is visiting at Nil,• i '1 ,'1�1 ,� '',,''ll " John Redmond has secured through The K this week. Zi1l'u luN4 1uNN11N the Government immigration depart - Montreal Family Hera 1 d and t John Newell and family, of Godericimmigrantsent • of the immigrants recently Weekly Star 7{ PORT ALBERT. brought to this country from Eng - All subwre riberw to Montreal Family II ml, visited here last timidity. I land. and Weekly dear receive rhe Mreat premium A humber from here attended the TuwanAY. A reit lit. pirparo, user AWx,tndrn, Her liru,Auh14 wedding of Miss MIilliam last Wednes- Mr. Sehoenhalz returned trout Ilan- Hiram Campbell returner home last dreamed Dogs. Tuesda after spending the past three ••-erne Fanner+ Manual and Veterinary day, over urn Alunday. Y tulde"mwY be cul 1,1 connection wit!. mis,an Service will be held at lie [;miner Miss Bennett is in Mount Budges Oeouths with his daughter, Mrs. neer is to al. Weekly or a weal of it.ixr' (church as usual next Sunday eve ' g this week attending a wedding. Hoover, of Pigeon, and son. Dr. The Signal, oVeekly herald told at 7 o'clock. It hatingEaster tinsCampbell, of St. Louis. Michigan. World (Toronto) 5 304 There will INe divine service in Christ lieu. Finis, of Regina. preached x Fumingchoir will furnish /pedal music. g chul•ch ou Friday afternoon at 3 The Signal, Weekly Herald and very excellent ser on "Christian Weekly Mail and Emppilrfe! . ...1.70 Mims Nellie fkreughnn, youngest o'clock. Pntri"p'sw" W a large anti uppretiaa .ep-ole.erihert for w'r, kly ..%W end bantams, daughter of \Vol. Strawg ban, is very Jas. Hayden attended the stack ythe e,ougiegntion, Hr is it rising .vi „• Ile premium,,rtograt,nm, The guar of ill with pneumonia and plea risy. Her show in ('Iintnn last week ;and carried Ii'it and all aspirant to some nett lrhe(u." many friends wish her a speedy re- otT a prize ['trellis team of horses, of the best pulpits n11f (pi rtlhau to 'fl .• Signal. Weekly Herald and covery. Miss Roselle Sch(lenhatz is in Alil- Toronto Daily World 3.25 'Che topic for the league next week verton attending the wedding of her disuu, 'Fit'- Signal, Weekly Herald and will be "Christ's Life," ticket( by cousin. Miles Schaeffer, W Carse' Toronto Daily Stu ....... ..... .1,80 Arthur Fisher. Thu meeting will be Slevulan. of Pittsluirgh, The Signet. Weekly Herald and held on Thursday evening at K o'clock. Toronto Daily News. 1 90 Everyone will he welcome. II I, SuFu,l \Week!Y Heraldd and London Daily Advertiser a 40 COLBORNE. 'I'Is• signal. \\ rekly Herald and THURSDAY. April Sth. London Weekly Advertiser. 1 60 tei(tmoLHBtriIT. -The following is The Signal. Weekly Herald and the retort of S. S. No. 1, Colborne, Presbyterian 2 25 for the month of March, for general proficiency, good deportment, etc.: There will ll l• service in -Christ 1h,• Signal. Weekly Herald anti!lass \.- (racy Rtsr Edith Ac- churchon Good Friday, at 2:30 o'clock est' W roster : 25 u h. Senior 1 V. -- vuI u Jones,l the afternoon.non. The Signal. Weekly Herald, Pray- Howard Jones, t'la(rencr Potter. byterlan and Westminster 3.25 Junior IV.--Iteta Wise, Unzip Jones, The Signal. Weekly Herald and Hobert Dean. Senior III. -Nellie Farmer's Advocate. .2.40 Crones, Aubrey Waite'. Pearl Young. Miss Eva McConnell returned to ttub:. ra to 11,11)y TIhe Farnices Al ,oivatd nor e reader, Juniormtery to III. ---'fait !'lark, Marion Glen. Senior II. - Ruth Potter. Edward Goderich Th'after a(lay spending is The Signal. Weekly Heraldld and vaudanburg. J m u few days i or n. -- Edna y with her pat•ents here, Montreal Daily Witness 2.50 ,tones. Edith Olen, Bessie !'lark. Sen. The Signal, Weekly Herald and for Part II. Violet Taylor, Harvey Montreal Weekly Witness t 60 Fisher. Junior !'art 11. --Russel Pot - The Signal. Weekly Herald and ter, Dave Bean. Millie •Y g. Rube World Wide.....................i.85 Young. Senior Part I. --Harold Wal- ter. Jean Mallows. Junior Part 1. - Violet McDonagh. (lttAce K. CRAtt'- FoeD, Teacher. MONDAY, April 9th. Miss Annie Weber, of Berlin, isstay- ing with her sister. Mi's. A. 1). 6 isrhlet•. The many friends of Miss Maty. Young are pleased to hear that she is progressing favorably. I FruUI 5101 Ile urre-plauleuL, McNI.av, April 0th. Wilfred Quaid silent Sunday in Goderich. . Douglas Mc Kem. ie and wife aree tis- iting friends here. SI m's. John Stevenson, of London, is visiting friends here. • McMillan r urn's t 0 Miss Jessie t t .Usm J Goleri('h on Monday after spending it few months at her home here. Send postal not THE GODERICH, remittances der, by or r'x pN,st /Mel• order pre--. SIGNAL, W or- ONT. LAURIER. Tuuotu.\Y, April 10th. Miss Madge Grant, of Goderich. was the guest of Miss Lexy McLean on Sunday. Miss Minnie Durnin was the guest of Mrs. Duncan Mclennan fora couple in days last week. Janim. McLennan. who has been in- disposed the last few weeks, is, we are glad to etxt, around again. Mise-JFannie McKenzie, win has spent the winter at the l4ltidon ( Sin - siert Awry of Music, is expected 1 this.week. - _ __- LOTHIAN. IloND.aY, April 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McKeith, of the 12th concession. Ashfield, re- turner( hoit)e on Saturday ae.1nn- panitd by Miss Annie Robinwrtn. of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. McKeith hav- ing been called to Toronto to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Hamby. Mr. Kontos it is expected, will, in the coulee of a few weeks, return to his former hone. in AshH'ld, where in the early days with his bather John. who is now- in his eighty-flfth year and is hale And hearty for his age, he hewed out of the then unbroken for- est their comfo.table homes. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. • MONDAY, April 9th. Georg' Mellwain is recovering (tutu his attack of appendicitis. Mr. .and Sirs. N. Trewartha, of lit visited at Wan. A4 - M ath's other Sunday. S. R. MrMath returned on Sat- urday front Winnipeg, and will settle un his farm on the 4th coneeasion. Mr. Atonk, of the Huron road, has sold Ilia farm to It. Chambers. and will 'e with his fatuity to Goderich. A re -union of the members of the choir of the Union Presbyterian church will be held at the manse on the evening of Friday. April 13th. About fifty invitations have been is-• sued, hitt ads a great number reside. a distance away it is not exported that all will be present. Digo tN DETsouT. There died in Detroit at the residence of her daugh- ter, Mrs. L. MacHenrv. in Saturday morning, March 31st. Jars. Ellen Proc- tor, relict of the late Win. Proctor. Deceased wits a daughter of the late Hugh Sturdy. of Goderich township. She had been in poor health for the last few years, and lately had grad- ually failed till she p eat.eMlly passed away. She leaves a family of nine MONDAY. April 11th, children, five sons and four daiighters' St. Qninten Williams, who has lively In mourn her loss. She wits a sister been appointed to nil important pits[ of Mrs..1. Kernighan and Mrs. W. E. in the Petoskey (Mich.) postufltoe, Johnston. of (ioxlerich. Her brothers was b1' to lie• present at the funeral of his tither, the lite ttaby Williams. P. K. Williams, who haul been nt his hoose here for the past sixteen months, r•ttrued to Petoskey Inst 'I'hursda.y to AUBURN.resumehis p ositiyn there as local agept for The Detroit News. !luring his • MAFEKINU. MONDAY. April 9th. Amy Reid. of Lucknow, visited here last week. John Mallon h is home front Hats rist ut for it visit. Don't forget the entertainment in the church on Good Friday. J. Aiellotgh and C. Stothers paid 'a visit to Goderich on Saturday. Quit' a n her of persons attended church at Hackett's on Sunday night. Making maple syrup is the order of the day. The season No far hats been a good one. A number of young people spent an enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. Weida, on Friday. Miss Ruth and Flex. Harkwell, of L(s•bdsh. and Miss A. lie l and fieerge Brooks, of Ripley. visited at the home of Mrs. W. Htothets on Sunday. Fk H(wl. Exams. -The results ed paro- mntion exauiiniuOmit of last week are as follows, the senior til, hying tilc only class taking the exnnlinntions. The follow itlg woept tel W junior dotal marks, 50 to [MSS/ :375 :1 ('Mennen Slot hs, loft; Maggie (1101• 3115; Fanny Fitzgerald. Ugh Ieilut Blake, 45:3; Willie Alton, kW: l'enrl Saunders+, lit; ; Mary Saunders, 13 8: Wallace T}riuui'y.:342, Chatham incutatnts are all right. Mrs. W. E. McConnell hats e .that hatched eighty-eight chicken4 out of ninety-one eggs. • ST. HELENS. Ter:sOAY. April 10th. Mr. (:aunt is still very li w. Miss Mary Rutherford has tetirned front \Vinghauu. The farmers ate ptepnring to build up their fences and will 1301.111 start M''ding. - - Miss Charlotte Took is on the sick list this week, but we hope she will soon be better. Miss Hennas who had been visiting at the I of her sister, Mrs. Allan, returned Ii,rnm' last week. Aliso C. H. Gordon returned un Sig- urd:4f from Luektluw, where she had hern nursing her aunt, SIrs. Angus McDonald. Stuart and Miss Chrissy Miller on Tuesday went to Goderich„ where.the latter intends staying until after the Easter holidays. HAYFIELD. WEDNESDAY, Apr. Ilth. Misses 1. Elliott and Ins Fowlie were in.eaforth on Wednesday. Si Ntuna Bros. are busyrafting logs down They hate quite it tui • lthe fiver. it n fiver.1 Luxe gang on. Harold Pollock, Robt, Bailey and Miss Aland Pollock, of London, are home fon Easter. William and ('hats. Ferguson and Harry Falconer left.L on Tuesday for the uu11uK er's sailing. . tl J. N. Tippett was in Marine City Mich., last week attending the funeral of his niece. Mated :dep.'s. Professor Burgess, of London, will preach and hold courttunion services m1 'Trinity church on Sunday. 11r. Delgaty, of Stanley, preached in the Presbyterian church in the morning and in the. Methodist church in the evening last Sunday. School closes on Thursday and will reopen on Monday, 231-d inst. Those tidying children to commence should send them after Easter holidays, so that all may start together. A Sennee CALL. - We have to chronicle the sail death of 1.(rftus Wes- ley Et win, who died very suddenly last week at St. Joseph. The cause of death is not k at. A post-mor- tem ex: uninatiun will be held next [reek. Ihrease(1 Wits thirty-seven years of age. His remains were in- terred in Bayfield cemetery, the ((m- etal bring largely' at Mr. and Mrs. ,Milton Sher•itt spent part of their honeymoon at the home of the former's parents here last. week. The y ping couple are undecided as to where they will sect:Ie clown, last thee will be followed by thee good wishes of this co 'ty wherever they gel. - C.iN('KRT.--The Scottish concert on March :30th, under the auspices of the public lihrnry, was n great success and was well attended it) spite of the hud condition of. the trends. There Was at good ptsigrsul of silos. duete q tettes and ekoruNes, rendered by. Miss McDonald, of Detroit ; Mr. Mc- la'od. of Ripley : the Laurier Imperial Quartette, and local talent. • DUNLOP. are John. of Auburn; Robert. of Dun- gannon : Thounts, of Revelstoke. 13. C.. and Si I, of the old houuestead in this township. TrEsnav, April 10th. Rev. Mr.,Fallis, son of Bev. J. F':allis, (it this village, [returned to lila house in the Northwest this week. The bridge across the railway on the Blyth gravel maul is passable now, and will be fully c plctisl this week. We believe it is the intention of the Rev .1 (I. Fall is at the close of the conference sear to Never his pastoral connection with his congregation here and try the Western prairies for his future home. A MATRIMONIAL Or(.aiION.•-One of those events that, will happen occurred at the home of Mrs. Arthur. in this village. I it m t 'Wednesday evening. tier daughter, Elizabeth. lessoning weary of treading the paths of Single Ideaselness, entered lite wider sphere of text' ' I uselilnet.s, .lames Jackson hieing the happy bridegroom w'h she promised to love, cherish and obey. We wish them joy ill their new relations of life. MHauT !Lav r; Htytex Weiner- The twit Miss's, Me1)onnl(l and Master Wil liana bad (Wile an experience la Saturday; Cooling fr Blyth 141.1 g the deviation at the railway cross' tg, the horse fell and rolled liver o'er the I nk. The Wire caught the baggy mho • and prevented the buggy from fol .wing; rho filen employed on 1,114. brie a ca W their atssistaancc and unhi c ied the horse from the baggy• he horse rolled to the bottom of 1e cut. A slight break in the hurtle-. and broken shafts constituted the d, mages. HI•rcesetet' t. ENTER AIN MRNT. The rntcrtainntent in the let.holist church hat Friday ewenit ' was at success. The Westfield '-ho and a uarttte fur- nished the music part of the program and the ditties f chairmen devolve) upon the Rev. G. Fnllis. Rev, .1. f.. Small. Rev. Mr. Faith', jrane! Miss F'al- lis also assisted in the first part of the entertainment. Rev. H. Not, nf,God- ericts gave a loett)ree on scenes to the Holy Lent!. illustrated by the aid of a magic Inntern. The clewing part con- sisted of c. clip of cntYere and other req- uisites nur'ssary to sustain the inner man. The proceeds amounted W about $:%l. Potter Painter, hearing of the whereabouts of a guest who had de- camped fromthe Palmer house with- ehis bill,sent him a note going through of paying"Mr. Dear Mk,- -Will Yom send te amount of your hill and oblige, To which the deliniptlnt replied : "The amount is 813. Yours respect- fully." KINOSBRIDGE. Wgni ,sn.ay. Apr. 11th. Wedding hells are ringing. Miss Maggie Connor visited in (lode - rich on Sunday. Miss Bella McRae has returned hone from Goderich. People around here are preparing for their spring work. Toni Wallace and Mat Hogan left for the Northwest on Monday. Philip Austin intends to take pots maxim of the store after Easter. .line Buckley and Tom Connor are leaving for a season on the lakes. Adolphus Long and Herman Lam - berths spent a week In Goderich. Miss Hattie Young returned home on Saturday after is week's visit in (.rxderiih. Tom Sullivan, !tike Dolan and John Connor have returned home from Hamilton. Sunday is Easter Sunday .and we expert to see every girl out with h'r new birds and flowers. ['has. Moses and family Have. inmost Of/ to their new farm. We wish then) every success in farm life. Miesea Hannah and Irene Stiles. students at the Onderlch Collegiate Institnte, are spending their Easter vacation at their h The Signal and The Toronto Weekly (;lobe to new sutsserihetrs for the bed - strep of the year for only $1.IM1. vend in your dollar and get some good rout Ing for the remainder of lu0i3. absence his brother had chat .gee cif his business. The Brussels Oil Company, Limited. The above is the name of the c - p:uty now being incorporated, to prospect for petroleum in the town- ship of Elute, m elle county of Perth, anld who have.for this purpxwe aecuteed some 2,1100 aures of valuable lands. in that and adjoining townships, upon t itivuutsgems terms. 'F1' recent discovery of petroleum was 'mule during the summer of 1905. In drilling a water well upon the hands of eine \\'illianl Bailie, when at the depth of some sixty feet very pro- nounced showings of the crude prod - net appeared. and steps were then taken, looking towards it thorough develupuluut, but their right to Io so wits questiuhed by the owner of the property, and an action was at once la -ought by members of the present c puny for the purpose of asserting their rights, under the ler.tse which they had obtained. The act' Was disposed of at the assizes in Stratford, and resulted in it judgment in the plaintiff's,' favor for damages, told a perpetual injuuct' restraining the defeudaut from fur- ther interference, but from this judg- ment the defendant appeetlel, tum it was not until recent elate that this appeal was abandoned, so that with regard to the property upon which the oil was tint discovered, its well ars the most of the lands covered by the company's leases, their- validity has now leen fully establisher i no fur- ther trouble is now W be anticipated. The company has leen capitalized at 1111110,11001, in shams of $1.01 tau•h, fully paid nun -:assessable stock, $Li,- IMNI.INI of which il:as been placed up- on the market for the investing pub- lic, the 1nearel sof which will Ise used for the purpose of developing this new butt' ) connsilK held. A large port.' of this stock has been atlteauly suhs(•t•ilieed +anti it is con- fidently expected that by the l:pth of May the balance will be disposed of, the company's plant and machinery o t• cur I and dentin placed upon the t 1 b•1 ux• •ext ions in full swing. i '!'hero is no preferred or watered Mock. and ...over not nuc dollar ran be made by the p term until such titue as the company has been put upon a dividend -paying basis, neither can the interest in the project, which the Instuhtets hold, be sold or dealt with in any way, until oil has been found in paying quantities. '1'11e officers and directors of the pony are well-known IIusihe•ss men in the vivage of Brussels, and the public can depend upon it that under their management the inteteats of the shnheholders will be properly sa fe- guarfevl. All orders for stock should ix• ad- dressed to the secretary of the com- pany at their head office in Brussels, NILE. 'Cnt'to<U.ty. Apr. meth. John Linfield haus returned Inane after spending the winter in Boston. Clifton and Miss Lillie McManus. of Snitfo d, visited friends here on Sun- day. Herhx'rt Harney has. engaged with- .1. ith.1. T. Goldthorpe and is working in the sawmill at the Falls Reserve. Miss Maggie Kirkpatrick is twine from the West on a. visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Kirkpatrick. Robert Young. of Gimlet-iehs occu- pied the pulpit here last Sabbath even- ing. We should .be pleased to hear Mr. Young agitiii. Trusnae. April 10th. Charles Girviu was in Clinton on Friday attending the meeting of the executive committee of the C. E. As- sociation of the county, of which he is president. LEAtlt'E OFFte•KRS. -- Theatnnnota elec- t ion of officers took place at Nile League last Tuesday evening and resulted as follows :--President, Charles Girvih ; first vice, Miss AGthel Bailie; second vice. Miss Grime Linfield; third vice. Miss Mayts•Ilc Murrey ; f •th vice, Miss Minnie Currie : cnrtr•spr,uding stcirtxry. \lis'. Flora Currie; record- ing secretary, Clarence I Imstow : treas- urer, .1. 11. Moiehund : organist, Miss Myrtle Ryan. UUNOANNUN. NOTICE., -TILE LOCAL AGENCY in Dungannon for Tho Signal It at the of. tic- of J. 1:. Ward. J.P., .•enrveymncer, rte., who THE LATE lt.ttt s' :\' Lt.t.t M:+. ---I will arrive order. for '.utaaeriptlona, advert lw frig fuel Job work, and I+nut.horlsed to give rt. mints for amount+ paid for the tante. After an int•t•val of only eight the, death again dited the 'IV U. hiituliM hump on Snnd v of Inst week and called to his IV 1 th' venerable head of the burue, ltaby \Williatns Since the death o his beloved wif.. mime eight the +ago, the decasd had gradually fa} ed. and for the lest six months had been eu11flned to his bed, although muttering no pain. .\ day ler two b +tore him death a change for the avorswens noticed and on Sun- day ..venin he passed quietly away. The late h'. \\'ill' i early days W101. sp tit in Kingston. Jamaica, where i s father was at large slave - Owner •('arc the days of the ailoliti,in of slut cry. From Jamaica t he family rem. -ed to ('auutda. mettlipg near St. 'I'h,. tins, , and shortly afterwards \Ir. 1V• hams' father was ap�xtiut,sl at j, mgr for the county of Middlesex. ' he d'c..n:Nrl was' edncatt•d At St. 11nm111A and later servel his time as a druggist under the Int' Doctor Salter, of London. .\s It brother•in•law of the late Judge Ackland he wits at fee- quent visitor to Goderich in its early days and mew a favorite atthe swill gatherings of those days. For it sear before and for me • years after his marriage he lived in Stratford, where lie held tic plait' of clerk of the Division Court, and was asarrciat(d with 101110 of Stu-atfotrl's pioneer citi- zens, P. R. Jarvis., who still resides them, being one of then,, as were also the bite Thus. Mrl'arthy,htiliff. and \Willirun Green, who died in Goderich last ,lanunry, in IRV, the deceased with his family cane to Colborne township, where, until'inc,tpacittted by the infirmities of old age, he tok his part in taw affairs of jhe township, holding such p oeitiuns ats township auditor and deputy returning officer for many years. The funeral services on Wednesday afternoon were con- ducted by lire. M. Tnrnhnll, rector of St. (leo,•gr'm church, Go(lerich, told the beautiful by "Rock of .\gem - was sting. Interment was nimbi in the family plot. in Colborne i•enlet'r•, the five sons of the deceased and the eldest grandson, Harry T. Williams acting as pall -bearer.. There was a large attendance of friends and neigh- bors at the funeral, aiming them being Townahlp Clerk F. \V. McDon- agh, and the venerable' John Bu- chanan. AMBERLEY. Tum LATE H cu tt M ul lox.[ t.u. -Ther• diel in Detroit on dlunelay. March AR h, +t well-knovtn resident of Am- Is•t•I.y, in the pwtrun of Hugh SheI)uu- ald. aged ninety-tw•o seats. Ile was lard on the island of Mull, Argyle - shire. When a mere lad he shipped nn at merchant vessel and visited neutt•ly every inhabited a entry. He cause to Canada in 14411 and settled in Ashllrhd. where he teak up farming. He married Enphemiii Ale Kenzie, hat- ing a fancily Of three lely-s and three girls. His wife ptedecease'd Ilius by several years. His sones, Sxutui'l and Daniel. Loth ilt the United States, and daughters,. Mrs. luhn Cameron. and Miss Florence, of Detroit. survive hint. At the tune of his death he was visit- ing his daughter. Mrs. l': •con, in ie- troit. The dece'atsed was It whole -smiled neighbor and an exceedingly interest- ing conversationalist. His re•minia- t•ence•s of the sea were always listened to with pleasure. He wets at Liberal in politics and a Presbyterian iu re- ligion. The funeral took place nt Pine River on Thursday, Match 2111.11, .and was largely attended. TUESDAY, April 111th. UNwr:Lt•. Ymn• humble scribe con- t ratted a severe cold eight or ten days ago which remitted in an attack of heart. weakness and palpitation. but through Wtiusutking attendance he is gradually' convalescing. S•ril(t.Ixn HANK. --B, .1. ('raw - ford is nano[ to r 'ter the (Tee - Iion of .a haulm'' brick banking of- fice fat• the use of the Sterling Batik n[ (:dude[, The building will adjoin his store and will be pushed forward to rouaple! dun aN rapidly as possible. Ht;Iter•' NiTE+. - Thorluas McCann left her' last week on x visit- hi friends at London and other points. We wish the gentleman a pleruutnt visit and safe tetanalNext Sabbath being F:aster, it sermon will be preached by the pastor, Rev. !Rutherford, especially W the children of the Sabbath school of the Presby- terial ch(Itch, light shines In the darkness, and tier' is no darkness mo intens. that it is impossible for a light to leaven it Easter Notions Hats, Gloves, Ties Shirts, Hose, etc. FOR Men and Boys Spring Suits, Light -weight Overcoats, Fancy Vests, Made to Your Measure. Everything for Men and Boys McLEAN BROS. Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, Hatters, etc. (petit side Court IIouse Square, (;odt•rich. WEST WAWANOSH. Moen+', April 9th. ADVICE T(I POULTRYMEN. --An ad- vice to poultry -keepers to snake hens pay well : Yon should make six ;lens' curse together and place Nix hens in each pen. 'Then the hens go to work to a.1. wade'') 1401 clad get filled first, Notes. -Mr. anti Alts. John Young and young John visited friends at Poplar How last week There is yen more Scuthulan in this neighbor- hood Seeding was cotuutencert on Monday last ' I. Young has at colt nearly two weeks old. Good Derry flown Thomas Shields' is busy making maple syrup Mrs. T. :shields nuttier has arrived from the OId Country .lint Smith is wear- ing a lustful smile these days, as two sl taut gel' called the other -ting and intend to etty. Is marriage u failure A good number of the \\'est \Vawanites took in the balms. at the Metluxlist church on Friday last Miss Startles Mallows spN•tnt a few dutys wish her sister_ "Say, hat, can you tell me where the Rockefeller building is 5" "An' how did yore, know utename war Pat's" "Gressel it." '•Ve're good at giessin', sur Y' "Fin'." "Thin guess where th' iloockefeller luildiu' is."--I'leveln11(1 I e•ade•. STORE NEWS. William And'i•sgn, Our lopolaa• hardware merchant, is issuing an 8 -page pamphlet of hatd- ware store news t hat makes interesting reading. The pamphlet also contains mplendid articles heuled ''Von" and "Progress and I'rraaperity," taken ft• Che M'gnugt:un, which have an added significant' from the conncc• Ulm in which - they are place!. Ask for one of the pamphlet' ; it will in- terest you. Ltu-runic."-Out Monday evening Mr. llotrl, of Mitchell, gave an interesting lecture In the Methodist church int the subject of him trip to Jerusalem. Mr. Hord has %;Nuel the pt•ineipul cities in time world and is well posted for at lecture on such a subject. Mr. F'r'ancis, of Mitchell, accompanied hint and rendered two or three solos in good form. The audience, though not large owing to the inclemency of the weather, WAS wellpleeemeed with the lecture and musinal entertainment. The choir gave good service. A rollers tion wan taken to assist istdefraying expenses. Truth is as impossible to ire soiled by any outwanl touch as the sunleam. - Milton. "This," remarked Mr. Hanpyhead, ''is my photograph with tiny two French poodle's. You trrognize ole, eh i" "I think so," tend Miss Snlfnrie. "Volt are the. one with the hn.t on, are you not? -Houston Chronicle, FIFTY CENTS IN some conditions the gain from the use of Scott's Emulsion is very rapid. For this reason we put up a fifty -cent size, which is enough (or an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children. In other conditions the gain is slower -health cannot be built up in a day. In such cases Scott's Emulsion must be taken as nourishment; a food rather than a medicine. It's a food for tired and weak digestions. Send for (rev sample SCOTT & BOWNE, Cheinida, Toronto, Omit SSC sad 5'...'. All &osi.ta r Selling Out,! Selling Out ! a Gre sacrifice of amagnificent STOCK OF HARDWARE a It would take ii good deal of t' • and h v:loable spite' to tell you here the numerals teas ins for this move on any part. For the present let it suffice to sat• I'M GOING OUT OF THE HARDWARE BUSINESS FOR EVER AND EVER. This immense stock roust Is. ',old and sold quickly. \Wo will cut the price sit often and so deeply that there will Ise VERY LITTLE PRICE LEFT. Slaughter ! Slaughter ! \\'e will start the lull ;willing by nR.rimg built) rods of Page Wire Fence and Page Gates AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES If you :are going to erect at fence it. will be worth y • while to get our price's. High Carbon Cleveland Coiled Spring Wire at $2.50 per hundred lbs. BUILDERS' ATTENTION! We have us big stock of builders hardware, including Locks, Hinges, Bolts, Nails, Ready Roofing, (class, Putty, Paint, etc. Space wont IN•rntit us to (1111)9' you prices on each article here. (' a in and we will quote you prices that will capture yams wide•+•. Six only JACK SCREWS with hors, r•guluu• price $7.141 each. We will clear them out at $4.50 each. WOOD FIBRE PLASTER, WHITE ROCK LiME. ()lik- e few tuns left. Regular Die per sac -k. To clear at 47 cents per sack, whieh makes it acttially cheaper than r•(Iturlots lime and sand and TEN TIMES MORE DURABLE. Four only REGAL PERFECTION COAL RANGES with loth coal and weNl grit's. The t•ange•t.hat is *Ire riitely gatar- antt•el. Fenn ;2I.50 up. Six only PERFECTION SELF-FEEDING COAL HEATERS. The beet appearing and 101011pie t rfeet working heater made. If you intend tit get a heater next fall hely now and Nave at least II per cent. on your investtuerlt. Prices front 118.0o up. POULTRY NETTING A Trig consignment just received. 'Coo tonna- height., to quote prices het., but, if it is poultry netting you aunt , I Iw1.4eM ave eat) sell It to you when you hear orlr pt•it•em• HAVE YOU A WASHING MACHINE ? IF NO.I', WHY NOT? 1Wr olT'r you it golden opportunity to pner /1.1,1' on'• al n very r'asonmlrlr• per(•, 13.00 up. A CRASH IN PRICES. COME AND SEE THE RUINS. SPOT CASH ONLY. Sale will cometo'Owe Witco yin' n•ad this and will sseitintve until the entire stock is sold. J. 13. Hawkins The Hardware Man 41111.11.11., IMO& rttoil�r �� a� a�