HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-4-12, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODER1eII ONTARIO TUU 6sAY, April 12 l9O6 j TUE TOWN COUNCIL. M. O. Johnston Appointed Street In- spector at 11200 Extra. Water Man at Dock to be owed StandOpso- ee inspected More Mho. e Town Should Payalks Council e Agree as to Per. untag ods Day Les. labor Approved The Mporl (crit. The regular meeting of the town rotund! was held on feriday evening last. with ell the members present, Dr. Clark cuiuing in after the meeting had opened. A rewire' from Je ieeph Btophey, ea•c- tetary of the fire company, tor rubber (sots, etc., for new members of the company. was referral to the Mayor, who is chairman of the fire co Raw, to get the gams if they are needed. A letter from the town solicitor en- closed a stateulent of mortgagee pur- chased from the Standard Loan Co., February Jltlie as investment for town sinking funds. The principal of the mortgages aggregates $11.2.111 and the interest accrued to February •A)th aulutints to $1tN).50. The mortgage, all emirs• within the statutory require- ments and the conditions fixed by re- stitution of council. and, on motion of Messrs.. Blair and Elliott, they Wen' ai eell)tel and the payment of the ram - mission offered by the town for loans was authorized. Letters from civic officials of Uuei+ and Toronto, asking the eppointuenrt of a delegation to join with rwlarweenl- stives f • the viu•ious munictralitieea int Neatest in interviewing the Pi -min- ds! Premier, on the question of Ni• agars 'tower, on Werinesehay, 11th hist., were filed, it being felt I ielerich was rather out of the limit its which Niagara power could is' pr,tlt:ably used. A c plaint from C. A. llumler, that he was charged for water for it cow, whereas he did not own "smelt all animal, wax referred to the engineer to report. A lettet•lroin W. It. Robertson. cum- pl,eining of the flooding of his eviler to x depth °of seventeen inches, owing tel the street glitters being too low to the aster, wits referred to • elf carry the public works c • ter with power to act in this cane and also in the ease of s' tar trouble on North stetter in front of Mrs. Halls' and W. A. H. Purrs properties. A letter from Henry Clucas of the termite, Paint Ceompany, with refer- ence to inspecting the inside of the standpipe, was left, with the engineer to arrange a suitable time at the end of the month for such inspection. From information given by the engin- eer it appears that small runt balls form on the inside of the pipe'uwing to the' action of the water, and that if the• rusting were allowed to continue the Thpipe would eveutaiwll be destroyed. e Paint. Company have what they tall a filler to apply before painting. which would prevent further injury. The standpipe. it will he remembered. was painted on the inside last year, the paint alone costing SOIL , Alex. Saunders wrote, asking that the granolithic sidewalk on the east side of (:aminda toed. the contract for Which was let last fall. shosmld Iw gone on with right away. It appears the contractor, an outsider. failed to put in an lip watanee, and new tenders will have, to be asked for. Petitions for granolithic sidewalks on the east side of Victoria street were pest std. one for a walk from Mont - calm street to the south aide of Nelson street and one from Newgate street to 'Elgin avenue the town ti pay itt per cent. of the cost. The petitions were referred iotck to the petitioners to endeavor to get thesigmatures.of prop- erty -owner„ in the intervening block's and have the walk made a cototin one from Montc•alln street to Elgin ave J. H. Worsen ;spoke in sup - pert of the former petition. • The water and light con llllMee tee - ended as follows : That J. H. Worsen be allowed a mer•nnel water service. he to pay half the vest of in- stalling second service and play se•he'd- tile• rate : that the McPhail street light he replar•ed oh incandescent system : provided sufficient light be taken to warrant trsnefortuer being retained. that the request of the O. & G. Railway to have electric light pole on Harbor hill moved be granted. Diet!. A G. Rail- way to pally ell crate : that the tender of C..1. Harper ter lead pipe at $.11.72 per cwt. for one ton, f. o. b. Iioderch, he accepted: that Its) tons of slack coal he purchased from F. H. Holmes at $3.5() per ton delivered as requited in the Rhed at the works : that the re - putt of the engineer on the moving of the water main on harbor hill be adopted : that the report. of the en- gineer on the water and light arrears of M. A. Pigott & Co. be adopted - that the enpinyees of the public works department level up the floor of the westerly coal 'sherd ; that • tent ,via be naked for the construction of a r•ement floor in the coal shed, con-_ etructed as sidewalk crossings and also without a facing coat : that in view of the unsettled condition sof the coal market no action be taken on tion of the town's water supply. Mr. Roberts' letter was as follows : U. Y. Malt. Ksq., t'bialrluxu of ; inuttofh'. Work DRAM Slit. -In under to carry out our work on Harbor street crossing it. will be necessary to move the water main on Harbor street to the north aide of the street, lowering it so that it will pass under our tracks. We would like your engineer to take charge of this and lay the 'pipes with his own awn, as they tyre all ex- perienced men and we have no turn here experienced in this kind of work. The Company feels that it would he in the interests of all parties cou- cerned, especially the town, that this work should be dune by experienced men and men who are thoroughly Ac- quainted with your waterworks eye• tent, if dune by inexperienced labor an accident might occur which might deprive the town of water for situs tinge, and in view of the necessity of avoiding any accident of this nature we beg that you will give your en- gineer Instructions to do this work, the Company, of comae, supplying the Material and paying all expenyes in connection therewith. Yours truly, V. M. ROHKRTs, Division Engineer. The public works committee per commended its follows: That M. G. Jeibnsum, eleik, he appointed street inspector abd have genet's'suleet•visiort' of the streets and sidewalks of the town and the construction and en- giie'erir g of the cement walks, etc., under direction of the council, at a galaxy of $'a)I per anuuui extra ; that up to :.4s) suitable shade treat be procured for leteeet lend park tuMatta.* and that teudeets he for first -cleats trees only": that the c •II take up the matter of percentages to be al- lowed on anowalks. The report was finally adopted, Mr. Blair and Mr. S.tllowe diese•nting to the appointment of Mr. Johnston as street inspector. They weenes1 to leave the appoiutucnt of an iusfeee'teir civet• until the' tt r. dealing with the defining and m:u ',auge•ulent of. the duties of the pollee reported, as the duties of inspector might lie wnt•kerl in with throe eef slice. Mr. Blair thought the duties of the clerk were enuigKh it) keep one it n busy, and thought the clerk shoul be bet- ter paid for the work he is not doing. 'rhe cuuucil all seemed to lig that an increase should be mule to Mr. Johnston. 111 i t »•e n The new local sup n est y b• w was given its third read i ter al Harry Edwards and Norval Davis, on behalf of the Iicrseee club. asked for the use of the Agricultural grounds, which was grunted. Residents on the east side oh St. Andrew's street ureide a vigunms pro- test against the use of the sidewalk as part htthe street and Were promised attention. Messrs. Mallows and Blair moved a ic-sedotion, to lie forwarded to lino. Charles Fitzpatrick. expr•Nsil' f ap- proval of the 11oropxsed - l.fnd's. 1)aty legislation, and 31r. Elliott also spoke for the thin. which was earned nee nimlousty. The purchase of the nectssauy dog two tucarry out the rt_eptly-passed bylan• was ordered. The quest' of the percentage of the cast of gruuotithic sidewalks' that the town should pay was next brought up, and the following t•esnhrtiou was •ed by Mm. Elliott. *retinae' by Mr. Guhlthe,rpe: That the town pay a certain proportiuur of the gnanulithic sidewalk,' to he put down this year, the puoport' tic lie on the fulluwing sliding settle : For a walk li feet wide the town shall pay :i0 per cent. of the cost of, laying the walk : for a walk 5 feet wide, 23 per vent.; for it walk 1 feet wide, 'Jt per cent., anti for the others in the snine'proportinn. That those who are now paying fur the entire walk which has leen previously laid receive the benefit of this law for ,all future payments, but that this law he not tetreactiye, that is, that the town do not pay lack any amounts which have been already paid for walks laid. Others ut the councillors thought it would be w heavy financial borders to put on the town to require it to pay easy such percentage on all the walks that might be petitioned for, and Mr. Blair stud the property -owners should pay the whole cost, except where the council decided to crake the walks wider, in the interests of the general public, than might be asked for, when the council should pay for the extra width. The matter was left over for further consideration. The Meet ingconcluderl by the Mayor's producing an old picture of the ('utlet House Square. which -he wanted hutq: in the council chamber. His generous gift was received with as hearty vote of thanks. THE MARKETS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Close Higher -Live Stock Markets -The Latest Quotations. Monday Es ening, April n, IJrerp.il wheat fuhurs .•tos • l :today tial le 4.01 higher thou Saturday, ant cute futures ted higher.' Al Chicago slay wheat c1os.••1 e,r higher Onus Saturday: May corn air lower and Macy oats Sic nigher. THE VIalSLE SUPPLY. April 9cMi April 10,'es. WI•eat eI,:L•S; ane 31 dte7.uu Coto.... U.211 e.etI' s.tls/asso Oat. 110,417:1.1•0 11.1114,11110 During the Ward; wheat decreased 146,- 0.5 hualwterara derreaaed •L1:11, ka, bush- els, and oats decree ..1 1,111511,0110. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. May. Job'. • led a6 Vito 7x"4 Ile% 71e'.i 77v, oar seta - NI e11 ai 110'y lresent tenders but that new tendert anti have been paying for the same out e asked for se seen as the strike is Sof the. funds of the township• is this 'settled.Ie• aI? .3newer--The councillors haul The engineer's report in the Pigott no more right. t, take the funds athe better was to the effect that he had itninie•ipaality to pity for The Municipal been unable to get Mr. Pigott to utak- World than to nee those fiends tel pay a reasonable offer, and advised shut- for their clothing. They must pay ting oft the aervicees and onn ectitlg hack into the township treasury the arrears. it was in this connection ey leo illegally Iaaken front it The that Mr. Pigott igott. Rinse time ago sent in (!acne stetted to i g h t justify even a claim t) the town for work he had tiectttger It'eh iii Itire th:i t have used. had dune in connection with his scat's and sewer connection. It was stated A PAPER OF INFLUENCE. in the council an amicable settlement was expected. ---4 As to changing the water main the Eminent King's Goosed, Expresses engineer's report was ate follows : His Opinion of Canada's National ()whist to the excavation and filling for Newspaper. the railway 'tracks near the water- works it will be necessary to move in addressing the jury at Cohoorg in our water main in order to keep it in the recent libel anion of Coyle v. The 4 pmpuer depth. The proposition of the (Hobe, W. R. Riddell, K. I'., counsel & U. Railway Co. is to lay a new for this pl. R. !, gave utterance to the main *long the north side of the street our water and when completed following sentences: - There is a paper without interruption at tonnert It in known as The Toronto Globe, it paper known to everybody in this country. service, all to be done at the expense known hits ,an enornsoue eirt•utlation sof the railway offer. pro . Phis seems throughout. the length and lireeolth of a work he reasonable p'oviding all the the civilized world. It hits an enot•- like he done in a good and workman- mons influence : ft is a paler which at like manner. I wish to call ynnr at- ve alleast one-half of the grown lndivid- vn to the necessity of a shut-off mile in this coufltry desire to see, wnd 11100 Reward. $100. valve on the' water main at the aster- works, This valve ie to protect the upon which w very large proportion The readers of this my,r will ha' plea ed to ,i their faith So influential wits it iearn that there Is at east one dreaded disease plant in rasp of a burst or leak in the hat of the Reformer's said, in- Its + Ionil thihif t.( stat hcf It er.a�rh i'tiee Alpin in the buttals This own he Y Is the may positive ran now known to the g R strati of '(live ns this da our daily cheaply done when the water main iey daily open, and I would therefore ream- bread.' 'Give as this day ort Itonnal dl i�en'eiSiresatasiron.!In13g �nwn1 tarsal: (ilmire.' ' e,irnt. Hall's ( Mortis ( •are Is taken Internally, mend that a valve he ordered at once - set Inc Alrtretly upon the hloewl and morons and pat in when the G. & G. Railway Miller's Cempoan,p Iran fills. Osly "airfares of the system, thereby destroying the foundation M the disease. anti giving the opens the anter ronin.by patient-trength by build) op l heerensaitn &i cents for 50 doses. For sale as. tWrS The remtnitt•P s recommendations \Vilenn. coil esslstlngh oaten. Inmark �Aryang Its work. The were' approved. V. The Signal wnd 'I'p0• i'erntlto Weekly powers a110 an U1ey Offs Hlimind'Solle nes ter A letter frau ltnhrrta naked the g any rase that it fops M cora. Send for Ilst of town to do the weak of slanging the plohe fir al &tut' cif heel to new sub rlmfonuM. water ronin at the expense of the .s-ribers for $1. inAAANw-i i'. J. CNiNRY t Co., Toledo. o. Company, anti Mr. Roberts' wan heard ladies! Take Miller's t''impoomnei sold hyw0 �hlir, in support of his reffnest. Mr Kelly, iron Pills if yon would have nice, Tette all's tis for constIlration. lowcveer, wax unwilling to assume the clear complexions. For taale by Jas. responsibility of w Wettable inttrrmp- Wilwul. New lark sl beau &fella II I111h iii. I,s'ulei U.•Irot t Toledo Orala- TORONTO PRODUCE MARKET„ Wheat, spring, bush10 Ti to 8.••- w'heat, fall, bush ti 7 0 77 Wheat', red, hush e ;-. .... Wheal. goose, bush •0 71 Marley, hush 0 31 069 Oats, bush a 31114 .... Rye, husk - • a1 T Is. .... Peas -hush, 1 0 77 ... wuekwheat, bush. 0 53 LIVERPOOL GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Liverpool, April 11.-11aeun Long blear fiddles, light, arm, flies: lung eleur mid- dles, heavy, arm, ill. fill, Land Prime western, In tierces, arm 42e Al: Amcrlrfu relined, In falls aria. 44s. Ilups-In Lon• dun I l'arifir •oakO quiet, el to ':1 Ilk'. The Imports of wheat Into Liverpool last week were :iii,:oae quarters from Atlantic ports and 7s,400 from other porta NEW YORK t1AIkY MARKET. New York, April u, nutter, easy: re- ceipts, 41114; street prier. extra creamery, 21e' to 21 tie: ufaetal prleea ereamery. rnen- uanu to extra, 14e In lie; do, held, 14e to. yes; serosa ledr to extra, lie to lh, ; western fii•'tor). e••mmewe I. firsts, tic! to lake; western imitation creamer', grata,' 17e. Cheese Firm: receipts, 2122: state. fill ere: on, barge and await entered Sand white, feisty. ' I41et; Ao„ g,sd to prime. 1:t!yr to 14,-: do. ...Minton In fair, Ile to l:k•; skims, fou to light, :k• to 1o'44i-. Eggs Unsettled: n.•ee"pts, 1:.46: stet'. - P'r i.nsylvnuis and nearby fa',, selected w•l Ile, •$•; in.. elude.% 20.• en 21e; de.., ucix ed extra. LW; we•ste•rll firsts 19e'do, see. Broods, IM''4r; smothers., 17' io Poe. CATTLE MARKETS. - Cables Fatales-CW.•aao Higbee os (lose and (value. iAbfou, April. to,. Cattle n 1 A fl arae li e owned r r rd it leer,• In Il%r la's lb.: tefrtje•ratorlbeef,k%e Is•r It,: nhs'te. dr,•+seed, 15e In We per lb.: tombs 17e, dn•we, l wvltht. TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. Toronto. April 9. -Receipts of live st ck at the Union Stuck Yards were 3t arm,' rnnslettng if 7011 cattle, 24 Ghee., 22 hogs. 37 calves and 3 horses. Kaporters. Pries• ranged from s4.; i to 8:11.1:✓,, the beak WI lit pt 54.s5 to ive I''r cwt. Export buds eel. at t<:: 7:, I. ai,l2'a per cwt. larlehers. • The J•nte, •ri' satire offered were ant r g•s.d los, iso rally speaking. I'Iekrd lots i..;,' at $1.7:. . 14.9.1: lords of Relent $4.e:: h5 i4.IA.. m,•.1111 udvsl loads sold nt $2.e3 to Sten, sus.', n ta.27. t.' $4,2:. per cwt. M/ le ('awe. A few nulmh co wbleb were of me. Jinni quality, sold n a:s. In $45 each, . - Veal Ives. V. al rake* s,.1,1 •e1 4 to 911 each, or 83.:sa to $1111 per rat. Sheep gar albs. Esport sleep are worth on, t to $e,75; yecrllug lambs, sold•ii. 10 .:e11 per rwr. Nage. l'nrn Sr.,.at $7.2,' Sur s i ts, and $7 for lights and fobs, are the grit liens glv- en by II. I', lt'nnedy. GOOD LIVE STOCK DISPLAY. Cliatua's Spring Show a Success -- List of the Prise -winners. The promoters of the live stock show held at Clinton on Thuuselay last are to he congratulated upon the success which attended it. There wits itrwhat- did showing in loth borers and cattle. and the chow brought tel town a huge her elf pasta's chiefly larlleett front the awn ding district. me judges were R. Haiti'. Bowtuauville, for heavy horses : Dr. Routledge. Irauu- Ieth, for light horses. and 'I'. Rummell, Exeter, for cattle. The exhibition was held right on the main street. giving everyone a chalice to see it, and much interest was displayed in the unag- niticout animals which caarue up fur c petition. The✓prize•wluners were Its follows : Cl.vulatAwca ... Stallion, '3 Years and over --let, Leiper & Moon, Hallett 2nd, Hell & Sphul, Mullett ; 3r1, Jane. Snell. liullett. SHIRKS - Stallion. 3 years a n d over--l)utuinick Remolds. Hallett : 2 years and under --K. Disney. PnitenientIN STA LWON-lst, Attrill &Davis 1J. P. Fiehet'l (loderich ; 2nd. J. Chastisers, Kipper. HK.evl• DatAUoliTs - firmest Mare, :i years and over •.las. Vatttr:gunnel, A. Innes. Brood mare, 2 years and tinder -J, VanEgnuond, A. Inure. W. Nott. Osiding, 3 years and over -Jus. Itcynolde. Belding, S yen's and tinder- W. Dale, A. Challenger, VV. Connell. Teaui-W. Brock. G. Carleett, J. Hayden, Four cults --N. Horton. SWEEPSr.1KKse-Beset heavy horse, Leiter & Meon. J liel.tnterxns---Stallion, 16 hands and under, 3 year* and over. let $3. 2nd $3, :ir' badge 1st, 1'. Murdock, Hensell: 2nd, S. McPhail, Porter's Hill ; :3rd, J. Mel'aoghey, Clinton. • Stallion Ill hands and over. :t years xud over -1st, P. Scott, Brrr- reds; 211d, 11.:ioveides•k. • Te in harness - W. Doherty. J. W. Elliott. J. Caldwell. ' Single horse in harness -John Tor - WHAT ABOUT THIS? Are Councils Illegally Paying for Peri- odicals for Their Members t The• following qucstinu and enterer, which are of an intercating nature be. cause nearly every municipal council of Ontario is guilty of a similar charge, xppw•/ar•d recently in the columns of The Mail and Empire. Qcteeatien--The memh'ra of the c allot the township of Alnwick have hell taking The 'Municipal World for several years ; MONTREAL LIVE $TOC $untr.•al, April 9. tilimelal.l- from I.Is.•rpa.l and Loudon on ('ana rattle rota. steady at ll'1e; exports f l'oltlnnd and at, lubn weer asiO matt Amour Comhuy have, renewed entrap• w'ii, Thompson St outside Liao' for all Lola lob spaee for one year. Caundian l'a- on.• line hare let 311, sparse. on Loudon heats for May and Juno to Aineriran arm; and prspecta are otherlarge n,ntrsete will he clewed with Au:erleau exporters in the near future. First re.ss sailing from Porile ud to Liverpool in 'tiny olive ts'-n LY for ranch cattle at .1-s. A ably netlre trade Was. dozer In rattle and situ.• hlxk priers were paid ter honey Easter stn.M. one steer, lotto It,,., segl'ng at 47.:1; per e•w•t. for shipment to ynebec; one heifer. 1se11/ lbs., sold nt 81• .: one salt. a.0 lbs.. br..arht 5't.• per Ile: one, 7:n lbs., lye: ether male,* of parry steers were made at Ae to 7c; prime, Styr to 3%e: thole.•, : • to 31,rrt • sport, 414,- to 41'} e; e'w'er grades. 2%e to 3',f•. Keee'Ipta of lung. were 1152, of* whI"li 41,4 sere h.ntgltl In the west for two of the hirer meters, eousequeolly the sup- ply for sale was stunt]. temend was good and the market strong. ,Cris.•4 senting an- other n,hnu.w of 17s, peel. rest. with -riles ("rt., $7.4, to pe per ,t., weighed nT resit e'ahlus (mm Lindon nod IhlIstnl on Cnna- ellau, patron were strong nt au nds,nn• of 9w to 3s. but IArrrpool was easier with %11. es cid to In raster than a week stn. 1IIrh ,nos sold at 8.5) to M)) each; cool to a antes. 'sties Sit to $17.: common, r.: to 81 .nth. 1(hnep, 1:. to $7.30; lambs, $4 to $7 sorb. It.eelpts were USC' cattle. IMI tidbit .•nos. 15•1 calves, 50 sbeep lad lambs, snit 120n bogs. EAST SUPFALO CATTLE MARKET. Etat Duffels,, April 9, -Cattle- Receipts,' Can bead; opted slow and steady; elostig firm: venue -'tris., K.2:. to (Air,; shlgpinc, $4.75 to $5.2.; butchers $4.25 to $.S.10i hefts -fa. 53,7 ; In $5: sews, $3 to $4.65; bulls, i c2. •to $4.70; sleeker, and feeders, 8:t.2:. to $4.50; stork helpers, 12.75 to 8.150: ere sit rows and springs re, steady, 818 to 862. ling. Receipts, 14,500 head; slew: piss, it shade Maher; others sleadY' heavy, rola- ed sod ynrte•rs, 84.70 to M.7fla pigs, 8f e0 to $5165: rfwagba, $5.00 to W; Muga. 14.23 to 3475. Sheep and Lambs-- Riveelpu, 15,000 head: Plow and steads: Iambs, et$A.2. to $6.50; To rungs, let to 4111.5; %ethers, N.78 to 8n: ewes, •00 to $3.75; sheep. Wasik N to 53.75. ht's Ian m Nome W. A. McKIM ,sir rpt I: When you plan your meals you never think of bread, yet yoat,always have it, and if it is left of the table it is the first thing that is missed. You tart live without bread, but you can , live without any ,other food with less hardship -think along these lines and the absolute necessity of bread tomes home to you. And because it is a necessity, its quality should be the best -quality in bread depends Largely upon the flour. Royal Household Flour has con,tnrccl the ic omen of Canada that it is the best for pastry as well as for bread, Try Ogilvie's Royal Household. Your grocer recommends it, because it gives h good re<uts. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co.. ted. MostreaL "Ogilvie's nook fir a1('omk." COM Ulna 1Au Pages of excellent recd PQM never published -M•forr. otay' gb4�can tell you how to get it FIREE. wits understood to suggest it I ty. lie said that Canada hail great ad- vent agem f lir at great uta•rchatit two in., that - the -largest newspaper building in the world Was Nil uated ill limn°. Acres. and theft Canadians should build sod man their• own sbi ts. "There is no greater 'ulissjunitry >tter ranee, Gundry tiros., ,1. Sparrow. trade than a Canadian ship." said he. Alit ettLT1'ItAI.- - I3t•eNNI nave, ;r When the Mons*. lassie Mr. Lewis years or over -A! I noes. Jas. Ma haffy, had sixty -four • cubic indict', Of notes S. (:haulers. 'remit -Jibs. He•yuulds, unhnrruweel. \\'. Elder. Fair BEIM. SwxKl•s'r.aKtts --liest mare, any age Rend the story, Capi iI &Lon page a. u5 class -Jae. VeuiEgiiueiild,- S.tnut.K Houses- Dr. J. Gunn, J. W. Elliott, H.'Davis. PONY IN H.tINi:es--H. Scut', M. (i iliailps. Semi AL PRtzK- High Stepper -H. Graham, W. Dale. Dipl for tarot light horse -Peter Scott, Brussels. Su4H,'uuaNa Ball, 3 years and uses -\. Doherty. Jits. Snell, Shoblrr Jolt. Bull, 2 yeata and under years -A. Elcoat, L. Tyndall Hull. I year and 'coder 2 years --J. Cowan, E. Wise, Jas. Snell. Cow, 2 years arpl over -1 and 2, W. Doherty. D.aisv Cow -Jas. Fair. Possess Aeore-Cow-- E. Butt. MKRKvouu Bt'I.L-a yeast and under ---I:.UFaruhanl ; 1 year and under -S. Dale. G. Middleton, • H1•atvreRU Cow --0. Middleton, W. Stanbnry, L. Farnham. MweetaT.a K Rao -Shorthorns --Joules Cowan: Feanale-A. H. Jacobs. $1.00 RCU*I D TRIP GODERiCH TO DETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE 19 tt[TURUwtali Astec 21 • St'r OREY1IO(V(D 2 Days la Dairen Write E. H. AYLR, Agent, DETI101T, for particulars. RUBBER STAMPS E. N. UNLOADS HIS SPEECH. At it, same address, since 1891. Also - Stencils, Steel Stamps, Price Card out - West Huron's Member Gets His Blue fits, White Enamel Letters, &c. Write Paper Craft Into Port at Last ns, we'll do the rest. Chas, W. black. The indignation with which the X11 19 King St. West. Toronto people of West Haran learned of the .. attempt to extinguish their represen- tative in the House of Com ntons will now subside. MI'. Lewis got his chance mu Thursday last, and the unbent heart sir colla have heard if ley had wanted to --a speech which ha. ceired culysideruable attention in the p see. The Toronto Telegram'., report ass follows : Many eeys ago Lewis, of Huron, cane tut house specially prayed fur a mon ntous oration, and the' House, Ikecalt ' it was otherwise e'tt- gaged in for ring the Minister of l Agriculture. w• I41n't let hint get a Today he carne lots whose mind a speech was of tinge. There Ir itnnedlate' a suitable for "the NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. New York, April 9. fleece's.-Rsedpts, :Nhn: steers, slow to lee lower; hulls alertly: mss 1:r• I» 23e off. Steers. 44.66 Io 1:•.75: bulls, $3.39 to $41n: Brows, 81.75 to 1:I.6. F:xpnrts to -morrow. al30 rattle 107:1 aherp and :Wal gcartere of beef. a:airrs, tb'er•1l.ta. 11111x: rents, ".r to $1 lower; reaps, $3.50 In $7; few choice, r7.13 to' 17.23. Sheep foul Lembo -Reeelpts, 6502; pram hest 'steady; unshorn lamb% 10c to Illo higlwr: clipped lerehs, plow, but steady ship, clipped, $:1 to $4.73; so sales el wunlled sheep; unshorn lambs, $6,110; few rLN:is, $7: clipped Iambs, pan. }Ingo- -Receipts 1: market firmer; State and l'enn'OW;ylvanln hog., $650 to $7. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK, Chicago, April 9 Cottle Receipt.. 16,- t10n; strong, to Pic higher: rnmmon to prime Moors, j4 to Wei: coop. l:i 23 to 84.511; heifers, $2,11 to t6: bulls. 12 no In $323: (salves. 52,75 to 80.50: stockers end teethes, $2,75 to 54.75. lto,ts .Receipts 32,000: strong to (e high- er. Choler to prim.• hi cry, et 15 to 1.11.1): mediums to gond heavy, sato to ar;,15; bctrlwri weights, $6.140 to 80.30: crest to choler heavy mixed, 56.441 to 1(1,43; each, '15.,61 to $11.45, leheep-Reeeiete. Z,011-1: week to ton [cwt.; sheep. 54.110 In an 47': yesraui% to 1111,98_ Is.bsa 14.75 to S0 ell word in elgeway dit:geliserl aae at man the notion of ntakin all things the utast were no notes visible in neighborhood. B u t at t he leached Ott floor." The Premier saw him. got suggested that he, Atte Huron to wait till the House was ready to to supply "today or tomorrow." Hut Lewis, of Huron, would wall. He wrenched from an ins' pos'ket the biggest bunch of notes ever got together on any one subject since confederation. Nearly all of it wean oil blue paper, from which, and the remarks of Mr. Lewis, the House discovered the subject. to be sea -go- ing. Mr. Lewis had in truth culled from various statistical works a vast her of figures to show beyond peradventure that Caluulian shipping was in a rapid (hcline• and ought to be helped by the Government. . • i don't make epee'hex, 1 quote facts," said Lewis of Huron frankly. The figures showed that since Itli)3 ('anaula's shipping had decreased by half, that I' his fleet was recruited by woe t ships from other nations, and that on the Canadian lakes the carrying was cheaper than in any other known e' try. The opinion of Mr. Lewis was that shipping ought to be protected. Ile West street, 1p, and niter, in - The Signal dues good job minting. TO THE PUBLIC This pries. of befratt lethntughout the lirltlsh Kgnd to has dropped a pots+ or two, and essn.equentlY heal pries arc down. We are now ...implying all cues at lower pricer, while the gilallty Is lir good. if not (letter, than ever. Me I.EAN'S MEAT MARKET handles all kinds of !Mato, tinnlf ry, etc.. fo,A,•while thanking the • public for their liberal patronage, we solldt a continuance of 1 he same. McLEAN BROS., Corner joust St. and Square, Ooilerlch. We don't! care' where the next Lest Millinery is, we have the BEST. Our 'showing of fine Millinery this sea- son discounts every previous effort and the more you make comparisons the . surer we are of your order. \Ve are making a speeiad feattuue of lrinuuing hats to order at popular pi•icesioul rca►dy•to.wear street hats at prices to suit the leanest press• New stylets coning to us every week. The least proof cit out• mieetss is uuC ever growing track. ' .1 -bilenient of men's and boys Suits, Trousers, Knickers and Shirts to hand :it popular prices at McKIM'S BUSY STORE DUNLOP'S TAILORED CLOTHING THE AND AB Fits Well Looks Well Wears Well NLY KIND WE SELL T WHICH YOU LL TELL Y( 'It Nl'l(.l11tn1t Newest 1 medium and clothes for sprin titer wear. )ortations ill light -weight it11(1 sum - DUNLOP, the Tal 1 r I :isle c HOUSE=CLEANING TIME MEI We are headquarters fres all requisites For the house- cleaning ning season : Brooms, Brushes, Soaps, Powdered and Liquid Ammonia, Pearline, (Iillett's Lye, Borax, Washing Soda, Disinfectants, etc. Pails, Tubs, Washboards, the ''King" Washer, none better. Everything in Garden Seeds Highest prices in cask or Fresh and true to name \ trate for tarts produce Prompt delivery. Prices rigiIt McEwen Bros. Maple Leaf Grocery and China Hall, Hamilton Street. WHEN YOU BUY WOVEN WIRE FENCING get full value for your money by purchasing one of our three styles of.galvauized fence : All No. 9 XX Railroad and Farm Fence, Stays 12 or 24 inches apart. Extra Heavy American Hog and Field Fence, No. 9 Lateral wires and No. 'it Stays, 12 inches apart. Regular American Hog and Field Fence, No. 9 top and bottom Laterals and No. t2 Stays. -In all the above fences the Stays are with the BINGE .JOINT, and are impossible to break with the weight of snow, etc. We carry in stock the following styles : - All No. 9 XX Railroad and Farm Fence 6 wires, 36 inches high, stays 12 or 24 inches apart 7 wires, 49 inches high, Stays 12 or 24 inches apart 8 wires, 42 inches high, stays 12 or 24 inches apart 9 wires, 48 inches high, stays tz or 24 inches apart Extra Heavy American Hog and Field Fence 8 wires, 32 inches high, stays 12 inches apart 8 wires. 45 inches high, stays 12 inches apart 9 wires, 39 inches high, stays 12 inches apart 9 wires, 45 inches high, stays 12 inches apart Regular American Hog and Field Fence 6 wires, 35 inches high, stays 12 inches apart 7 wires. 26 inches high, stays rz inches apart 8 wires, 32 inches high, stays 12 inches apart 8 wires, 45 inches high, stays 12 inches apart 9 wires, 49 inches high, stays 12 inches apart to wire4, 47 inches high, stays 12 inches apart 11 wires, 55 inches high, stays 12 inches apart From the clove you see that we have big variety MI choose from, prices ranging from 25c to 5oc per rod We also carry a full line sof °then• wile. No. 19 and 13 Weaving Wire 4 ,and 2 -point Barb Wire No. q . Coil Spring Wire No. 9 soft Brace Wire No. to, t1 and 19 oiled and annealed Wire To give you an idea• how this fence is selling we have 'Vee've'll I Wn cars C Ilia :spring unonoting tic .+1111) roils, of which over ".9851 tesla have already Iwen ccdd, • \Vee invite you to call and goes this fence and be your own judge anti yon will Agree as all others have done that it. is rho best feel:'e no the market. 'We know ,all about. this fence, the I'uulsunj• tou►ktse it fr the iron toll.' up to its plot'mil we do not hesitate. to guarantee it in e've'ry particular. M CEMENT \V.' have the nge•11e' fnr,the celebrated National ('cement Mfg. 'o., at.1turbarn. \te have contra earl for '2:.483 barrels, of which shave already sitlel seven carloads. -Tinia maks;for • it- self. lb • salve of this re'rurht last year serves 17 cars. PAINTS (Vi' hase just ret iveil our spring consignment. of Sherwin- Williams Paints. This the paint evet•yhod y km; ser I every• hotly wants. it rovers ore and wears longer Chats any ether faint on the Ret. Ca and get color cauls a ml itifor,u itiem for anything you re1nire in hie line. We carry the la at and malt complete stock of eneral Hardwar town. Plumbing. Heating a1 Tinsmi,'hing given and all woe vara steed. special attention,g Chas. G. Lee flows 'I'honc I1' vl,,,, 1'I0 tie •11