HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-4-12, Page 3Figgi Molders are simply kidney diaottiers. The hiOnim Alter the blood of all that shouldn't be there. The blood passes through the kid- neys every three minutes. Lithe kidneys do their work no impurity or cause of disorder can remain in the dreulatioe longer than that time. Therefore if your blood is out of order your kidneys have failed u, their work. They are In need of stimulation, strengthening or doctoring, )ne medicine will do all three, the Anent and most imitated blood medicine there r Dodd's Kidney Pills CURED HER BOY OF PNEUMONIA Newmarket Mother is loud in her Praises of the Great Con- sumption Preventative "My son Laurence was take. down ' with Pneumonia," says Mrs. A. 0. Fisher, of Newmarket, Oat. "Two doctors at- tended him. He lay for three months almost like a dead child. His lung, became so swollen, lis heart was pressed over to the right mid Altogether I think we paid $140 to the doctors, and all the time he was getting worse. Then we commenced the Dr. Slocum treatment. The effect was wonderful. We saw a difference in two days. Our boy was soon strong and well" Here is a positive proof that Psychine will cure Pneumonia. But why wait till Pneumonia comes. It always starts with a Cold. Cure the Cold and the Cold will never develop into Pneumonia, nor the Pneumonia into Consumption, The one sure way to clear out Cold, root and branch, and to build up the body ay that the Cold won't come back is to use PSYCHINE (Proeeined Slaws) 50c. Per Bottle Larger *lase Si and S2 all druggists. DR, T. A. 8L000M, Limited, Toronto. NO NEW BLADES. NO ANNUAL TAX. if you wish to test one of these Rezore without RISK or OBLIGATION on your pert, apply to us for details! irjetr t• Cr (J MINES MagaMk gzig Psi, is use Later Case wale Gestate gigs ter tlsor Ream "corr..- Magnet it F:artal ,. e'v.lu..n Aangw, $1.00 Fns e,eklst "Slats M Slaver. M W NOVt)ELZ, - Goder THE "LORNE" REMEMBER We build bo idea good w.eon Pinuehe of ell blade, Meerews, Sell.,.. Manure Seconders, Stuffier.. Wheelbarrows. Ste., Etc. .a Si pleased to nail yes our cataloger The Wilkinson Plough Co. LIMITI;U TORONTO • OINIDI Packed at the Oven's Mouth We do things right at the Mooney bakery. Crackers are:packed piping hot from the ovens. The moisture -proof paper and as -tight tins retain all the freshness and crispness, ntarter where or when you buy them. They -come to your ta- ble just as inviting ancl de- licious as though you ate them at the ovens in the bakery. At all grocers in Reed theater,. Copli 120, es MP. e• 'i'ttF; It; Ns1i 5 r t>;Ol iI.:K leFt I IN A l 1( ► Xews of the Sistriet. The treaters of 1Vingitam Methodist ,•hutch have purchased au individual communion set at a pat of 111115 - Constable Vatntot•man, of Wing - ham, hate received notice of his ap- pointment its Pro viucialconstable. Mr. I Mrs. J. U. Sterner have moved from Zurich to El ' •a, where Mt'. Merrier haus opened up a general store: 1'idcr the . auspices of the Pres- bytery of Maitland a suunuet- school will he held in Lgcknow in the ll, of June next. Thi Sovereign Batik has opened at brand% at Brnc.•tleld, with T. Dunlop, sun of Rev. J. t'. J)uulup, formerly of Clinton, in charge. H. Cochrane, of the Wiughaul marble works, hos sold his interest .ill the Hrusse•ls marble works to Joe 11unler,;of that place. ' Mr. Mcliregur has disposed of his chopping mill in Winghaml to C. H. Rintoul. Mr. Mu(ilegor's III•heulth was the cause of the el ge. Mrs. John McKeuziea, aft old re.i- deet of Kincardine vicinity, Iuiamul away recently at the residence of her son, Jude. A., in Kineanline. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Campbell, of Kincardine, recently celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. The worthycouplehave been resi- dents of Kincardine sines IMO. Plans are luring pep,ued fur . the emelt of new driving sheens for the Onturim street Mithmdist church, ('lin- ton. The sherds will be of cement and cnclorred. . Witighanl AilVallee : '1'lic question of a htspitxl in Winghaut is is•ingF re- viv,rl, and action slung certain lines propised. The uuettet' haat not ani - s 'II definite shape its yet. Sarah Robb. relict of the late David Mc('illloch, passel ii way on 'Thursday fur ' g, .tpt•il 51.1i. at the reside•rtce l, f l,cc ran -fn law. Alexander Stewart, .• Vorth, The deceased was ninety i'e :Jtt•s of rage. Th 'many friends of the fa 'ly in thi thin will regret to learn oil the d lth of Mils. 'Thm11uti Hitellby, lis•• rt'Iv et Ashfield, at' Ia:f 1.enunx street, T1114 flail, Which tlei,: Illitee 1111 Send/1y evening. April' 1st. The dwitli Gook place on M,Wrlt U' kh of M,x .1. 31uKev. of Hnwielio' f}v1, n short illness. Mr. McKee' prtedieei•asud her alsutt fourteen years. "The de- ceased was sixtvttwo years of age and is survived by one son and two daugh- ters. John Walker. l+riprietor 'of the Walker House. Kincardine, died on Sunday in hir seventy-eighth year. He was a resident of Kincarline for upwards of fifty-five yen... Ilk wife. three sons and serest datrglitt•rs sur- vive. Allan I). 14uinnt: of the township hit Gni. and Miss Margaret Riley, of the township of Morris. were utiitu'd In marriage at the 31i thi,slirt pat son - Age. Brussels. on Wednesday after- noon 1)f hurt week by Itev. T. Wesley Comm.. John In et and A. T. Davidson h tee awarded the contract of building their block of stores in Luck now to Jan -line & Robertson, of Amylw•rlev. 'l'he front of the building is to hr of block cement, w'iIii concrete in the back and centre walls. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Andrews. of Clinton, mourn the loss of their nine- vc,u•-odd sun. Otto. who, died nth S1111 - lay, April 1st. Death Naas plumed by interlard bleeding of the capillaries and • 'I veins, followed by hemorrhages •.f the nose antitomacli. Rev. Thorn. Col, i former pastor' of she Methealist chcn Scaforth, died at Toronto on Wednesday of 'last week. of diabetes. fir en which he had • offered fur some t' He WAS a I ative of 31anchescr. Englund and WW1 st•tcntt-tire rears old. Onu' it the oldest residents of Bruce inwnshiti passed away recently in the Im•t•w,n of George D. It'Kay. in his .ipaty-eighth year. Mr. McRae 'n As siren in Zon.b t • ty of Oxford, mid v , to Bruce township in l+ii'_'. ,there be resided till his death. The h of Mr, and Mts. WV11t. t nfhngwtaal, of Exeter. WAS Iwr'aved hast week by the death of their daugh- ter. Annie May, sit the age of fourteen veers. For several months she had been afllietcd with diabetes, which rf - s,dted in death n11 Tuesday -utuI) of last week. F. I'. Allcnrk. whit has been a t't•si- lent of I lirt4,n for over thirty years inti fur two dcu teles a 1114 ill in the foundry, intends ]cds'ing there in a few weeks, having deciderl to give np moulding on account of ill -health. Mr. and Mrs. Allcock will prulatbly :mike their home in 11 'lien. Samuel McIlwain was up Indole Police Magistrate Morton, Wingham, recently on It 1•h4114.7e of assailt and battery. The charge War laid by his,. daughter, Mabel, who bore marks of rhe ill-trcntment.she had received. III. was convicted 1 u n Alen to the jail at Goderich for sixty days. -After an illness of tw•o nr1nt.hs Mrs. J. Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, of Blyth. passed away mn Thursday; Match 20th. She was twenty-three years of age and leaves to mourn her lints her husband and a little daughter, besides her parents and several brothers and misters. On Monday, April 2nol, MrS. Huck, wife of W. Huck, of the 16th conces- sion of Hullett, passed away after Iwing in failing health for some time with pulmonary tuberculosis. She was in her forty-seventh yeat• and be- sides her bereaved hushed le'as'es a family of three daughters and two sons. Ripley Express : .Manors Bryan, license inspector of South Bruce. says he will not, be surprised if the 1Yhlt- ney Government gicip hint the -walking ticket." Mr. van is popu- lar with both patties, smut this will not interfere with the outer to go. There are only four dher Lilw•raI inspec- tors left in the Province. A quiet wedding took ilatceat•the Exeter rectory on Saturday. Mauch :31st, when Frank Sweet, win of James Swett.. and Miss Ida Mitchell,young- eat daughter of John Mitchell, all of Exeter, were united in wedlock by the Rev. Jt. .1. M. Perkins. The young .ample were unattended. Mr. and Mrs. Sweet have left fur Regina, where they will take up their resi- dent -P. Word was received in Clinton Net week of the death of .luules Nesbitt, eldest son -of Ali. Nesbitt. formerly of f}etderich townships. He was Pam- ployed on the C. I'. R. as a baggage - man, running between Medicine Hat and Calgary. No partirstlnes its to how he met his death were given, hot it is assumed that he was killed id a collision. He was ahwnit twenty-two years ,ukl. A pretty wedding took place at the y,rl(denim of Charles Weeks. Parr line; Stanley, on Thursday. Match 11th, when his daughter, Miss Charlotte laalxel, became the wife of David W. McAsh, it .prosperous young farmer of I the Parr lane. Rev.'rhos. Davidson, of Varna, was the officiating cletgy- wan. Mr. and Mt•s. Mi'Ash have taken, up their residence on the rw gwu's tine farm on the l'ai'r line. On 1Vcdneslay 11f Lt:a week the hemi t,f Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Davis. 1st cuucussiun of Stephen, was the scene of a plewutnt event, it being the marriage of Mrs. Davis' sister, Miss Alin• Harris, youngest daughter of Mrs. M. J. Harris, of Exeter, to Hub- ert Dalrymple, dee-It-it-Mu of Ilensall. Only the relatives of the Goutl•actiilg parties were present. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 'A. II. Going, pastor of J: •s street Methlalist church, Exeter. Mr. and .Utes. Dal- rymple will reside ill IIrua,►11. On Sunday, April 1st, the death :took place of Mrs. Conrad Bobbin, of Zurich, in her eightieth year. She was staving with her daughter. Mrs. Strlck, of the l tt Ii t•oicession of }la)'. when elle passed awry after an illness of Alaut two weeks. The tleveitrnl and her husband became residents of Zurich fifteen years )ego. Mr. Bolden Spis-deceit/441g her by Al t eight years. he is survived by two sons, flenry and Edward of Manitoba, anti two daughter, Mrs. Johnston, of the it entic •ss' 'of Hay, mud Mrs. Stt•lck, of the lath concession, East Huron License Commiisioner. By the removal of .1. A. Strang ftr,ni'the riding of Er;t Haan, a vacancy war created in the buarl of license enmuuissioners. and %Vie. Wil- son, of 1Vraxeter, has leen appointed in his plats% Their Golden Wedding. Mf•. and Mrs. 'l'm.uuet( McKay, of Hittite'', Observed the gulden anniver- sary of their wedding on Thursday evening, March St h, by a social gathering mf is number of t heir friends. During g the evening Mr. and Mrs, Mc• Kay were presented with a compli- mentary iuldress and at handsome easy chair each.. • Former Clinton Lady Wedded. The Toronto Globe gives nnamount of the marriage of a, former Clinton young lady, Miss Mildred \'iclot•ia `'1111 Passel, daughtet• of the lite J. Van Tassel, Party Sound. to Sandford J. Met:Alum, London, England. The marriage took place in Turotitll let the residence of Richard Mitchell, tier. J..14u11e•s, rm-b mu' of the Churdf of the Redeemer, officiating. Later Mr. and Melt Mu•l'adlu11t left for New 1"ork en 'matefur London, England, where they will reside. Death of D. J. Aitchesoc, Mcl(iflop. David J. Aitchestu passed aware Veil suddenly at his rwsideuce in Mc• Kilhi1e, -neatr llarput•hey, in Friday, Slatch :filth. Mr. Aitches,n had been an invalid for several years, suffering fri'In a species tie paralysis, the re- sult of an injury, and recently sold his farm property atndxuchaset1 a large truck of land in the It_dtnon►um district, with the iotenliun of going West with' his sons, hoping to be henefltted thereby. All arrange•tte-Inn held been made for his delatrhuw 1u the West when he passed quietly away in his sleep. The dw•cas•d was in his Miry - eighth rear and leaves it wife, three suns and two daughters. Sudden Death. .Lis. Hopkins ii,. of Hallett. died seldenly on Thursday. Much filth. He had not been feeling•ve•ry well mal drove into Clinton to consult his physician, at)elhall just started On his h •want journey. when he took a weak spell and suddenly expired in his beggt•. Mr. Hopkinson, was born in Yorkshire, England, and first settled ill I 1 n l lett about t thirty years ago. ow n- iug a Unlit 1111 I he 70h naso asimtf for • yews. mnte• years ago he sus s•paraterl from his wife, who. with One.' soua, yow resides in tit• United Stater. Helios swcnty-nine yearn of age and was it quiet. indurtt•idnr till - len, we'll liked by his acquaintances. Death of Mrs. O'Brien, Hay. Last week another of the pioneers of ii.s township passed away in the strath of Mrs. O'Brien, relict of tile late Henry O'Brien. in her seventy- sixth year. The dete,uxsl had been ill for upwards of threes years. She was ts,in in Ireland and at an early age came to I'anaula with her parents, the family settling near Clinton. F'ifh•- four years age she was married to her late husband, who predeceased her thirty-seven years, and they settled on The farts in Ility on which she lived till her death. She is survived by three lenun and twe tia tighWrs : William ail Ifenry, on the home- stead : Jahn, of Exetet• ; Mrs. James Gould, of }lady, and Mrs. II. K. Hus- ton, of .Exeter. Presentation to ex -Warden Miller. On the eve of his ,/departure from Witixetet• to take ill, r•sidtmee in; '1'o: onto the ,neudwns - of. Forest Lodge, A. F & A. ML, No. 1112, M rnit- rier, took advantage of the 1,w. anion to present. ex -Warden Hebert Miller, an ell member. with a kindly -worded address are twlnied by a tine past toasters jewel, suitably engraved. The Brussels Post gives the following in- teresting sketch of Mr. Miller's life: "Mr. Miller was (worn in Berwick- shire, Strained. and came lib Canada in 11.611, locating in this section of Heron /minty. then an nabrnk,•n wilderness. S e rears afterward were spent in chopping and clearing up land. In ISIll he bought the farm in Tim/Merry township, near WVrnx- eter, which he recently disposed of after a residence open it for over forty-one years. He has been inter, e+tel for years in the pmchivae of ties and bridge materiel for railway aGaugecoin- Iitleit. For the Narrow Gauge in n7a hi, hail a tie contract from Wlax• eter tte Hamilton ; in i,0111 he had a entriet for building the deviation of the Toro to, Orey & limp at Wroxe- ter at t e time of the transferring of that railway to the C. I'. H. and wideningthe gauge. Following this g he bought and shipped Innrher and ties, assorted and inspw tel lumber for the score compan and was in charge of the loading an distributing of lies for several year's on the Ontario dish Mom of the C. P. R. west of Mon- treal. fast year Mr. Miller tweeted bridge timber for McKenzie & Mann at Depot Harhxrr. This in Mr. Miller's tenth ronset'utive year in Huron county council, being Warden last year. and it is doubtful if any occu- pant of the chair e'er spent more time over it than ex -Warden Miller. Although removing fn9tn the county shortly he will not likely resign his seat at the board, ars he will he hack and ftd•th during the balance of this year and this will obviate tin election and give the county council the hone- flt of Mr. Miller's expatiator." Miller's (trip Powders care. Mot sale by Jae, Wilson. AiP 5.000 .° eaoi t whlly o w•a w any r1,m w prove. that Sunlight Soap , onta,ne any fens of9 chemical. or ally (erre of adulteratww. is equally good with hard or soft water. If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be washed without the slightest injury. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto 5cSe, a ud foSaw5 C e d,reeswa • Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you bud any caws for complaint rfs AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. New Act Makes Some Important Changes Respecting Them. The new Agricultural Mu ieiet k's Act which has heien hitroehuctsl in the la.gislnture by llun. N. Munteitii makes me • considerable changes from the conditions under the present Act. The teethed of dividing the grant mode to si m'It•t ie', I,. entirely changed. Hitherto district societies have drawn $*11l earl,. While the town- ship six•ieties ill eachdistrict have divider} g theuis•Irca the. s f $1211 in proportion Ill the fact• of paid-up members., Hereafter the en- tire grunt mf $711,(55) will be dividedpro tutu g Al the agricultural societies of the I'ilvince in prop er- t• to the at t of -y ex- pender in the previous year hoe agri- cultul•atl pulp aou•s. 'lies Is specified gin the et as being for the. holding of spring stallion shmws, prizefar agri- cultural pr thu•ts, •y spent for agricultural and hullicultura p erioli- i-ala, for the importation of pe r' -hied stock. for ph.ughittg matches. ft • teed fairs, crap cnnapetitions, and mat funis c pt•t it ions. for the dertruc '4111 Of noxious weeds and porn icitem '- sects. It will out include the rennin expenses of the society, officers' std= cries, or any t I I tared in paying for special attt•at-tions. infer lion in regard o this expendit ere must lie set forth IF :tffldatvut an or la -fol' the first duty e Mat This will enable the gran to be distributed P,enlier than formerly, so that societies will s•curc lie '.tnonev long before the short's are brhl. No society is to re- ceive 'note tl.:t i 1151 except inNew $I t Ontario, where grants shah lie 4111 the basis of double those of the organized counties. - Regarding, Horse -racing. In regard to horse -raring, the provi- sions of the act remleii, its at .present. with the tidditiun tof a Clause which provides that in ease their is any con- viction under this section a society pagen to have permitted hone-vac- thall be deboned from receiving n grant in the following Veal*. - 'rhe sig- nificance of this claws. is that Biala of ped, under the t•eguletion,of the of- ficers of the soc:et)•, un'etwrmitteetl, but horse -racing is prohibited, and any Ipers.oh guilty of A violation of the law is ladle to a heavy tine. Thus officers permitting horse -racing and pwr.uns lutl'tlt'llatting ill hors•-r'acng may be tined ms before. 11111 it, the event of at tine (wing imposed the society will hereafter he made to suffer by at teni- 1wwrary withdraw I of its grant. The old agp•bcult re nth/ arts act has been divided into t separate acts, one respecting age 'aural societies, tone respecting hurti•ultunel sx'ietics• and at third resp actin'. the Provincial *gric1110ml atsuticiatic s. Heretofore agricultttratl societies ole 411•gamized according to districts a • d townships. The present act slakes n i distinction among ?gaie•tits. Each ' ill now Is• known according to the pl cent which it holds its annual exhibits' u. This Ite•t will not go into force un- til Fein • y 1. 1957. so that ss•ieti,•s may hold their next annual neeting under the old act and edited them - /wives to the altered circumstan eat. • Croup Is Deadly I it roost be stopped quickly. N ing so since as Ncet•t•ihinv. (live it (tumidly, and rub it on rh..Mt.and throe croup SI/011 vanishes. NO doctor cat write a more efltcient pees ription than Pols,n'w Nert•ilime, whirl, reaches, the truuhl- 1 deer guirkly. The mar - yellow; power 41f Net•viline will surprise yon; it's the best I s•hold teineely for coughs. colds. sine rhe•st. a -roup, nail internal pain 'of every kind. Ian•ge bottles have leen sold by all du-,tlers for nearly fifty yearn at 2i u'. t I t t 1 S oicism. , Georgie, aged ive, land gime iptai the pantt'y ,against. his thet's orders and picked the frosting BromBromthe cake. Hii. they spanked him. Georgie t did mucry. 11e wasn't even angry. Whet, it twin 41ye t• hie mother dropped I ibu at chair. (iroe ie stored leekiig o t of the window. There• was it deep mil nee for n run dr• of Ireb11mem. Then (ice gie I,x,krd aa rutr,d at his Int them' and ip,hetnnly said : "11,'s a mh'e• day. ain'4 1 hur •'—The Pilgrim. I' ep the. Bowels Rbgular. If you bowels didn't •r for a week yet would be prostrated. If than one• day got -till von bee languid. lob 1 gets lad. ht•eath hor- ribly offensiv •, you feel sick all over. To remedy th s take Dr. Ilainilton's Pills, which re Witte the [vowels and cue u-oustipuili i . Taken at night yon are well by morn g. They purify and cleanse the system prevent headache, bilious/mem and she' sttenach. Prompt and certain are Dr. • wmllton's Pflln of Mandrake and Rutter nt, Lie'. per box or flee for Win at all • *lees. Surely. Little Girl -"Mrs. T grin, Itis mit her wants to ken if she n borrow mi dizze'n eggs: she wants ter ,it tho• u allow it hen." Neighbor - "Mt, ye have a hen siltin', hart• ye didna ken ye keepit hens." Li I WISH OUR OWNER , WOULD USE PATERSONS WIRE EDGE ROOFING AND KEEP US DRY. If you don't want sick poultry, keep (Mon under Paterson's "Wire edge" Ready Roofing Leaks and dampness arc boun'l to creep in if you roof the buildutgs with shingles or tin. • PATEasotr'S "\Clan EDGE" make, roofs air -tight, water -proof and tire -proof - and lasts a lifetime. It keeps barns, chicken houses and tool sheds always dry. Cheaper than shingles.- . you can do the roofing yourself. Our booklet tells how. Write for it and a free simple of the best rooting made. . Hardware stealer,. e.- rywhe,e have it or will get it for you. PATERSON MFG. Co. LWOW. Toronto son Montreal The public is warned a nM buying ga es that infringe against patent, a purchasers as well as users Sr. laving themselves liable. FROST STEEL GATES The strong features of Prost Vence are combined in the Gates A special feature a the Game of eoslimtons steel tubing. This is vasty; stronger than s lame with elbow tor- n.rs and malleable wi.tings. The henry wire filling in ,gain,t sagging Pest Wire Peace CO's Pnr, sale by J. J. MOORE, _ Benmiller W. M. HOWELL, Goderich FRED. LEIBOLD, - Zurich W. H. STOG s ILL. - ,' Varna Y the Girl "Neither we doe, but Mrs. 'Wu in',. gann -to gie um it len' it' a hen t at's Bann to sit, and mat mither thoeht t at if ye end gie us a len' to some eg • . w'i•nd find the nest tiorsel's." Not Sleeping Well. Without sleep there can he no bodily or trental vigor, rrinsequentlyslt•eple'ss- ne•s is dangen,rs condition. Noth- ing sip purely restores sleep as Ferro - wine ; it's harmless—Jona nourishing. strengthening Moir. Fetmzone vital- ises every part of the laxly. makes the nerves hardy, completely rebuilds the system. The venose of sleeplessness is removed -- health In rnstoted you can work, eat, sleep, - feel like new after using Ferr ttono. Don't pot on'- Fut. rayons mute ark. per hes at all dealers ; get it today. 411.- Or— AND r COAL AND HARD WOOD ALL KINDS TRY MY PRICES FOR CASH before ordering this season's Wood and Coal. f BEST QUALITY OF COAL BT. ELLIOTT '137(7n` IIIK11UUl1JU11111U111U1111111U11111111111i014i1111111111ti11U es— JustAbout Buggies boggy nary be dt•scribell as •';t hex un wheels;" but you wunitl never think of ,lying Knell a desript' to the elegant ;turmoils manufacture by - WM. GRAY & SONS, Chatham, for whom I am the agent, in (Iuslevir'h. Their earl jigger are Ila,• acme of skilled workmanship and good taste, with the ,solid foundation of a long and sunxsful experience in the making of high-grade vehicles.. Some Points in 11'hcn you hey a "Gray " rnr- u ff triage you ate putting your money (fray Carriages. , into as flrmt-,'Iasi... investment. 'there is nothing hist. "good enough" in a "(fray" buggy ; every part of it Is the result of careful. honest work, with special attention to COMFORT iN RiDiNG, STRENGTH, DURABILITY AND Tuoasuay, Apr11 12, 1906 3 It is much more Important to do right than not to du wrung ; further, the one is passible, the other has always been and ever will he iw• possible, -H. I.. Steve mason . It will be to your Interest to curie and see regarding tout Maisie you are gibing to build. If it. is u FURNACE Wo hove 11114111 to suit all places and the prices are right. For the BATH ROOM we have everything up-to-date. P.AVETROUGHING, ROOF- ING and all kinds of METAL WORK done in first-class style by goal ntechuuics. al A gostock of RANGES, GRANITEWARE and TIN- WARE to chtoruse from. COAL OIL arid GASOLINE Always in, hand at W. R. Pinder's Successor to G. N. Davis • PIMPLINE PIMPLES Pimplim•' is absolutely guaranteed to cure the worst eilltefl of piiiiplem and other Snell skin (diseases that can be found, F11111' Or liVe applications have entirely cured mild cases and we guar- antee one bottle a perfect cure. 3loney refunded if not satisfactory, To Whom It May Concern : I wed Pinipline and can highly with pimples and a skin disease for yeara. 1 used leas than a bottle of Pinipline and I am per- t lllll cured ; there is not a pi lll pie on my fact.. It is a wonderful cure. Tilt is. Co us Guelph. Ont. Price 30 cents, postpaid GUELPH, ONT. e THE FARMING WORLD CANADA'S FAVORITE FARM AND STOCK PAPER. Ptibii.h..4 at Toronto on the 1st and 15th of each month. 00 cents a year, two yeat•K for $1. lhovidell to the fat•ns and its interest h. THE FARMING WORLD and THE SIGNAL tHwth papers fur "" $1.30 A sample copy for the asking. subscriptions taken now will be ilitted from January 1st, 1111111. N. B. - Above offer includes also a tb, year's subscription to The Mont- real Weekly Herald. J. BROPHY & SON 1111? LEADINO-- and Embalmers hours, ,ight or d•ir Livery, Hack, 'Bus Stables (1000 HORSES CAHRIAOKN PHA KTONN RICAMONABLE Well-appointed Italia and reli- able drivers in charge off the 'Humes, which will meet all train 04114 my warehouse, Hamilton stiect, Goderich. if you want to nee wane II ill. buggies. A pleasure to show them. L. W, LAVIS ALL CALIS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY FROM HOTELM AND PRIVATE 110U8S8 GU NDRY BROS. sotITH STREW!' 'PEONS PITTS