HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-4-12, Page 1'S ti. THERE NEVER WAS A TIME when a home without The Signal noised so much good, wholesome local reading as now. Is It a weekly visite. to your home ? TRY THE SIGNAL FIyTY•NINTH YNAR-No. subs LWEDDING VITATIONS Announcements, Wedding Cards, Boxes, At !Home Cards, etc., printed; from artistically -engraved i.•tly pe faces of approved designs on correct styles of Wed- ding Stationery at THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA : 'APRIL 12, 1906 VANATI'kR kROBERTSON, Pusir.tstrtear Financial THE STANDARD LOAN co. was the first, institution in Goderich to (Mort CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSFI on which interest is paid at liberal talon. Let us tell you e about them either by letter or a personal Interview. ('all or write for our little booklet entitled "SOME CARDINAL POINTS." THE GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZES US TO ACCEPT • DEPOSITS. W. L. HORTON, • MANAGER. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ensure insertion in issue of same week. Zu111C c ROY ADAMS A. ToAcllsu lir Sn Studio In Hank of Montreal Mork. fit W. W ILLMOTT (HONORS CER - l1 TIFI('ATK Trinity College. hoodoo. Eng.l, organic( and chotrn.uter of Kon. church, (iodatich, teacher of .lane, n singing. theory and haruony. tudio at Mn. ' Mei kmakl's, St. David's stied, two doors west of Victoria street church. 733m Fine Arts • i1KAWiNG AND PAINTING I N If OIL AND WATKR ('OLOK. Private tuition and classes. OW, F. HARGI ITi mb Reed 1 Dentistry CI. E. SALE, L.D.S., U.U.S. 1 McLean''. Block Dr. Turnbull'. old .tand.l Medical 1)104. EMMERSON & TURNBULL. A, T. F:,. .nuns, M. D. a%. H. Tutool u_ M. H. (glees, Hamilton Street. 'Phone IDN. Residence 'phone 121. 111R. A. H. MACKLiN. M. B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention to Eye, Ear. Nesse end Threat fatter and r•.Idenue. nil Hank of Mon real. oppocite 1 oetofItce. West 4., Oolerieh. TrtephOne No, 151. J aega1 tIAMEHON k KILIAMIAN, BAR- ' 'LISTER/1, .olleltor,.. notaries. etre. a Mace, Hamilton SL. t hied door from Sq man,, l ialerlch. Gots M. 0. CAMERON, K. C. J. L. KIL- 1A1RAN. DHOUDFO(yr, HAYS k BLAIR. harr'erste tthhe Marginte Court etc. Oc. ffice. totes. rbst nide Square, next door C. A. Nairn'. grocery. Pel sate hinds to lend at Ir w vet rates of interest. W. PIR)UDFOOT. K. C. IL C. HAYS. U. F (LAIR. .. 11AN('EY, LOrIlIS E„ BAR - I/ SiSTER. nollrttor. notary. Special omen - tion given to Marine Cunn work. Money to can. (Moe : North St. mi Square. Uuelurtch. O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER. woo solicitor, emery albite, comnlbs.lonor. rte. Money to loan. boor. corner Hamilton amort Andrew's Streets, Goderich, sent. DI('KiNSON & °ARROW, BAK- It18T1CItS, attorneys, uollcltor,. etc., hiodervh. Money to lend at lowest rate... E. L DICKINSON, CHARLIe7i GA ARO W, LLB. G. WARD, ('ONVEYANCEIt, 0 • etc., and commisduuer for (eking and receiving.' recognise'ce. of bail, allldaviu nr afllnue5ons, depe.itionx or solemn declara- tions in or concerning any notion cult or pro- ceeding in the High (ourt of notion, the court. of Appeal for Ontario, or In auy County rr Division Cour, All trsn.act(ons carehillyr and promptly executed. Itu,ddenee and 1'. O. addru w -Dungannon Insurance, Loans. etc. 1OHN W. CHAi(iIE, LIFE. FiRE rand accident Inouraneo. Agent for boding mutual and stock companies. Insurance In all lines effected on best plan. and at lowest rate.. I all at. °Mee, corner Went Street and Square, nr address J. W. l'ItAlUtE, Uodorich, Ont. role 'hone w McKiLLOP MUTUAL FIRE iN- etURANCK CO. -Earn, and bobsled town property tenured. Value of property in- sured up to Jan. IMO, over 413,tr11,i80. I Meer. And directors: -J. It. McLean, {{nee.; T. Fraser, 'lee Pres ; Jas. Connolly, (i. Dale. Mr. t'hoe- tteY. J. Watt, Jas. Eyans. J. O. Grieve, J. Henne- wotn, director, ; T. IC. Rays. S.aforth, Aecrctery- treasurer • Inspector., nearest director to In.... J. W. leo, Holmenvllle, agent for Went Heron. Policy -holden can pay a.seuu.mente and get their cards recelpted at Mr. (route'. Clinton or at McLean Bros.' Palace tlothing Otero (ioderich! Auctioneering ff'I4OMAM GUNDRY, LIVE STOCK A. and general auctioneer. hen removed from Hamilton Street to new once.' on South Street. where he will be found atall times, whet, not raying melee. Terms reaknnehle and every •f - on. lined to live you satisfaction. 'Phone 30. (EORG) BECKETT, GENERAL auctioneer, INN Hamilton street, (oderlch. P.O. lax 183. All .aloe will melee special attention. I will bny your entire ,.leek of houmchold good. for tooth, and will well yen stove., furniture, mattrea,e,, springs. etc.. cheap ('all and moo whet we can do for you In tats line. OEOROE HECK ETT, UnHow ty 'shop, Ooderich, Notice • VOTICE. IN ORDER TO SQUARE 4.1 up with my creditor., I mull havraw'ttle- mnent with those who owe mc. All pelS01 x n^ debte.l to me are no4aested to cell at ury reel - /•acre, North str et, andicy tip :.othcrwiso their account., will he _placed in mien'human for collection. u. N. DAVIS. WARNING.---ANYONF FOUND II Oospes,lns or carrying the -anus on any part of our property will tar,trreate,t endnaw toted. (Signed, E. C. and K C. ATTEtl1.L For Bale L1OX TERRIER FOR MAI, E. - • ibout two year. oil and"IlleclY marked. fond of children. Apply to J. T. NEWELL or at THIS OFFICE , tt IVOR SALE. - GOOD, HE A V Y working hone for wale cheap. Apply to N. T. DEAN, Urines. (iodermch. 8:2t -DULL FOR SALE. --I HAVE FOR 1D) 1111.111 a shorthorn bull, eleven taunt h, 01,1 : :.•oral rod calor. Will be sold at reasuunble prier. No trouble to show hum,. Also a fresh ndlch row. ISAAC SA LKKI.D. Hayfield Ruad Goderich P.n,t Hitt Beal Estate for bale. I) ESi I)ENCF: FOR SALE O'H KFNT. L Two-story fount.. daplling, with large lot, on I'Ictmm sl rect. Jena ext of the ('olle;gbatu Instituto. Apply at the PRREMIsi?I. 1e00R SALE. ---LOT i84), (iOUEUICH, F property of the Irene. Mrs. Mr Kinnon, Wua street : caivabl, lot, large house anal goal+table mei 1arrlayYuu hoose. Apply to I'Rot'DFIIUT. HAYS& BLAIR. 1491 L1OR SALE OK TO RENT. NEW [' 10 -room brick dwelling on Nelson street. now being completed. All modern cone en• Ivor•..: a very de.iniblm nrsldcn.•e. Apply to LAMES Ht (HANAN. JR.. at iaterteh Mining M111. sl if lLJARS( FOR SALE. ' The oudersigned will maty,, tendene for the tabules• of west half lo112, umm..ion 3. 1t'.14 a.hfield, the property of the eclat,. of the bee I leery Finlay, up to tlw I.i111 flay of April. Inn, The property contain. Ito ac... slpasa entirely r beard and latterly red for pasturage. The suit in clay loam, turd it tc well watered by a -prior creek. No building• except a small ,vasluu dwelling house Out of repair. The Insist or any tender not n^cessarlly stewed. IA( 'XINSl1N & 44Alt1tilW, Guderich, Sollcl tort for Vendor.. os -it fI1HE GODERi('H REAL ESTATE 1 AND INSI'RANCE AI1EN('Y. FOR Seti-;. 21-ctory brick and cement lamented dwelling. large stable, It lot•. Finely sit mated nil Keay. •trent. tit,urr.. a ..Lap. 2-ntory brick store, looker.'oven and photo. graph gallery. Situated on Main street. Rkth. 111.5111. 3 tome las. corner )Toto,, :seal Wellington. Pric, . Iv''. Sue this. 2 -glory brick, h-r,omed house and I acres of land. good orchard. Price $2,310. one-quarter were lot. ,mean' lis T IL station. 1i-dtory frame house, to rams, shoaled oe, Melon ntrect. - near Collegiate institute oromed frame house and ': lots. Anlenaa drtr•t, N:9n. Two Mork lots, ♦9n !each Lot end frame laundry. 9t foot frontage on Eeut amort. near Moan.. $0 404 %roomed frame store end dwelling. barge stable. situated nu,Elgln avenue. lucotnc front bu,t- mew, $081 annually. Opportunity tnu•kx but once al your door. 11 -story fraur: hoe.w will ti lot. on Elizabeth nt rw}- Mouey to h.m. 3 per rent. CAREY. HAMLINK. (tank of l'ommen•c Bldg. HOUSE ANI) LOT FOR 11,11.E. ---A good frame story and it. hall dwelling, quarter of an acre- of kind, stable. good well quarter cam, begiven any time. Apply to MRS. ALEXANDER M(itAE. Klntail. 04f + N EXCELLENT FARM F O it ."1SALK.-8n acres In W11.4 Wawanrrh. two 11,11011 from Auburn ; salt s .'lay 101061, ale.elt tat .wren tinder cultivation and :at to MI acres timber. A well and two springs of water, a new frame dwelling, x geel taut., stable .nd driving shod. Apply tojYOl'NU & KOHF:ItI'• SON (ioderich HOUSES FOIL SALE:. I have for ode several new hooses, each con- taining hall. parlor, dinhhgmroom, kitchen. ipantry, washroo• three bed conn.. and •beet. vu•h ha. mree a good cellar extending Under the whole house. These house,. have 'all I,',-., ru.'nl ly Hnlxbed and pun:hoar* will and them thoroughly satIs- factory. If you are a tenant you, should come end see me: Il In cheaper to buy a hpn.e than to pity tient. sr tf J. T. (IOl.DTHOItI'E YOUNG k ROBERTSON, REAL Estate and innumnee Agents. Real ae- t.eeforsaloor to let. l'rtp•rt ice handled In my part of the town and county. Fire and life Insnrenee, money to loan, etc. FON SALE. --FOUR TOWN LOTS on Hayfield med. month of Mr.. 1('atl,1 ti(b Mon'. property. Apply to ti. W. THOMSON & SON. x1-tf. LIARM FOR SALE -FIFTY ACRES, ✓ being north half of the coot half of lot No. M eOneemolon 1, Ashfield : two Tolle. wort of Dungannon. God betiding*: two acre, orchard : well undcrdrninwl :. oll clay loom. For particular. apply to GEORGE HARRIS, tioderlrh, (int. INS t'RAN( ill: The very hest kind of insurance-i.e., provision for the FUTURE as well ax the PRESENT -is a Savings Account in THE SOVEREIGN -BANK OF CANADA INTEREST PAID FOU It TIMES A YEAR. - $1.00 Will Open an Account. Put, your money in a place where you can get it when you want its Goderich Branch : J. D. O'CONNELL, Corner Squat? and Colborne Street. MANAGER. LOCAL 'TOPICS.. J. B. Hawkins Selling Out. The iu,uoungemeut that J. If, Ilaw•- kins leu( decided to hell out his hurl. wale bltSine,n rotors as Somewhat of a surprise, for Alt! gll Ile has been oily a year and a half in the business he has succetded in building up use almost phenomenal trade. Hut hav- ing been for upwards of seventeen years travelling, all ever the t•unti- uent we might hay, he finds (wing tied dowse too irksome and has decided on making the- change alone mentioned. Hix sutlingrtut announcement will 1n• fuuud on page 7 of this issue. A Bit of Local History. We are glad lu be able to publish thin week it brief history of the town- ship of Colborne, which has been prepared by J. Ernest Robertson, a sun of the township who is at present a student at Goderich Collegiate Institute. Mr. HulerLa.rn has alreeuty written a sketch of the history of Itullett township, showing an interest in the early records of the district which might well lw a laded. His sket'h of Collorrne's pioneer days. which will 1w found (en page 1, should he preserved by residents of the township for futpre r•efer't•nee. The Women's Institute. The regular monthly meeting of the Goderich branch of the Women's In- stitute took place het Thursday after- noon at the home of Mt,Swanson. The attendance was large and the meeting decidedly int•re,.ting and in- structive. Much valuable information was received from the answers to the questions that had been placed before the president. Several good recipes amid sonic glad readings were given by members. During a general talk on packing away winter clothing and furs for the summer one member ad- vised. after the coal stove is thor- oughly cleaned and put away for the sunuuer, to wrap the furs in paper and place in the stove, an the moths won't go near iron. Mrs. Swanson GODERICH MARKETS. Tmt'Iun.t T. Apr II 12111. The hot unarket on Monday was unusually hrisll, 1t13 annual., weighing 33:0.. II..., and sold at 7.11 per hundred, being shipped. The Lmge-t shipl•er was lie,,. Leith%;ante. of the Huron toad, who bad 'li hogs. weighing 3,111 Its:. ]le re ••hell therefor Ole handsome sum of eon alio will way after that that there Is no money in raising learn. Fall wheat, per bush, new pi 73 to ! p 73 Spring wheat, per bush. new .. .. 73 to a 73 ltye, per bush n tato o 43 Iwektvheat. per beexho IN to 0 ill Oats, per bush.. new - n 3t to o :C Pews, per bush .. - 0 73 to 0 73 Harley, per bush - - - m II to 0 II Ikereeningx per ton - IR (11 to IN 01 Flour. family, per cwt 2 MI to 2 :e• Flour. latent, per cwt 111 to 2 1t Hran, per ton le IN) to 1e W Short.. per toil ss as to so On Hay. per ton - o ill to 7 m Wood, per cord 5 tin to Nat Rutter, per lb Is to a AI e •hone, per lb 0 12 to ' u 12 Egg,. fresh, per doe o 13 to 0 13 Potatoes. 0 MI to ki Cattle, ordtll'y to good, per cwt3 1r1 to 1 In ( 'at t le. export, per cwt 1 •li to- 4 73 Hops, live weight. per cwt 7 0110 7 Ire `tering Lambs 1 0I to i 10 Sheep. per cwt - 1 nor to 1 Mt liam. per lb a a la to h 111 Macon, per lb n 1:1 to O IA Lard. per lb III to ' 121 N Tallow•, per 1L n to it 111 Hides, per est .. ... . 8 Ad to 791 Sheepriklns 0' to 73 Turkeys n 13 to 0 1.3' ('hicken' 0 (B to n 11' It lut.idc markets on page 3.' Lost or Found OST. --ON Tt'F.tDAY A SHORT - ,J HAIRED yellow terrier with white collar. bread and feet wino. II •yl, Finder will he ..,drably rewarded. A. M1'l/LLEY. ' . Bituatians Vacant 1JANTED.- -A GOOD GIRL FOR general housework. No washing. Wage. mem per month. Apply at PHIS OVER 'E. TEACHER WANTED. -FOR S, S. 1 No. 2. Mnutettb:small M•bwl, dlltl,w to begin May Int, 1911'. Two weeks vacation In midsummer, A ppb• to C. C. F'A liltELI., t(ar- rctory, Axe fake P.O.. Parry Sound Ili,trict. WANTED, -A GO)D, H.IALE lady to take order, h5 our EItailor-,,laHde nsltame,. and nklrt.. write quickly. IN/MIN- ION GARMENT ('IJ„ (oelph, Ont. ai21 uOY WANTED-API'RE NTI('E TO I) ,lean. printing. 1/ or 13 yeah of age. fair 01111.1a1011. a good opportunity for a bright boy. Apply •at'I'HK SiHINAf. OFFH•K. Tenders •Wanted TENDEKS WANTED. Tenders will be received for brick work and carpenter work on the liorlerirh Baptist church lotto Friday. April 8n h. at 7 p.m. Plan+ and s`xri Motions may lw seen at the office of the (lcalorirh Knitting l'n„ on and after Monday, April 11th. Alt lender, to be nent to J. E. LI;WITT. rhoirman of tot thee. To. Kent FURNISHED COTTAGE TO A RENT. -For the mumnrer, neer the centre of the town. All modem conveniences. Apply at. THE ATONAL OFFICE. aaf. - - Marriage Licenses _ w AL'T'ER. M. KELLY, (OI)KItH'H. ONT. Wat ehmaker, Jeweller and Optician. Insurer of Marriage, Limrnos., UT LANE, ISSUER OF MARIt- VT . AUK licenses. ()Mooch. (Int. Public Notice rl1ENDERS FOIL 1)REI)OlN(3. TENiDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed. "Tender for Dredging." will be re. relved np to and 'minding Westnewlay, April Ix. nee for the dredging mother' al the follow- ing placer, In the Ihovinee of Onterl° during the present year: l'enetenkninhene, Meafor, Fen- menen, Uoderteh, l'olnt Edward Port Stanley, Port . Harwell, Hendean, River ThamesMmrstho, Owen Wound, Nigger !Mona Channel, end Trenton. Combined specitleations end !omen of tender eon be obtained at the Department of Public. Works, Otraw-s. Tender. must mo -lode the towing of the plant to and from the work... (only drdgee. can be employed which are regis- tered In (anode al the time of filing of tender.. tent rector. um.t he real) to begin work wit hill I hin day. seer the date they here been notltied M the acceptance M their tender. The Depot meet is net bound to merle. the lowest or any of the tenders. FRED. dEI.(N AS, Secretary. Department of P'nbtir Work., (Stows, Aped 3. I91lt Newopoper, insterttm thin adv ertlsenwent without authority frob the Department will sat be told for IL tint s hes again offered her home tot• the. next Meeting, which will take piece the first Thursday in Slay. It will he the annual meeting for the liuderich brunch, when the election of officel% will take place. License Commissioners' Meeting. The annual meeting of the license couuuissitmers of 11'e t Huron for the consideration of a Beat ions f o r licenses for the ens • gilicense year will lw held in the court house, Goderich. on Friday, ApPril'J)th, at Il o'clock a. um. The number of licenses issued last year was twenty-six for hotels and two for shops. No license will he is• sued this year in Mast Wawantsh, owing to the passing of the laical option bylaw. N. G. Boggs, of Car- low, is applying again ; so that the nieulwr of applic44ti s Is the ,allhm' as the number of licenses granted last year. The inspector announces that any petitions against the granting of licenses t be received by him at least four days before the meeting of the board. , The Power Scheme. - Mr. von -Schon, of Detroit, the en• gineeer who has leen engaged by the Maitland River Power Co. to report upon the proposed power develop- ment scheme, c owed work yees- telday in the collecting of the neces- sary data for his statement. The directors of the Company would like as many as passible of the members of the h oatd of 'Toole and other citi- zens to meet end have a talk with Mr. von Schon regarding the project, and have arranged that'he will be et the former Huron & Bruce Loan Co.'s offices on North sweet every evening this week and may lw ,keen there by any interested citizens. The project is ono that should lw discussed intel- ligently and with sill the inforntatiuu at hand that can be obtained, and an interview with Mr. von Schutt will be one of the hest available means of se- curing the desired information. The Rush to the West. J. A. Gregory, of North Bat.tleford, Saskatchewan, will forgiver us for quoting the -following fr at tette(' a'rr'ived from him a few days ago. It was written April art, and he says : "We are having glorious weather ; in fact, for nearly two weeks we have had no Rte in uuroffice. the result be- ing a deluge of American bond -seekers, Toth h rear:uls'rs and xppecMeters. The lamellar resort tot• thaw Men seems to be ;lung the projected Gr I Trunk Point., about every enquiry (wing ebott the mute of this roael. We will have such a bane) this year as no country ever saw. I fancy the Oklahoma rush will be it pigmy in rntnparieon. I fully expect to no's is b.mhit1 locate in this country this ',recon. Strange t o say, Ontario then make pct settlers, as they do not know a good thing when they wee it and. have no speculation in therm. Most real estate men shun them rather than waste time." Goderich Elevator Company. The annual general meeting of the Goderich Elevator and Transit Co., Limited, was held yesterday at the office of 1V. i.. Horton. There were present John I. A. Hunt, of London ; S. It. Stuart, of Mitchell : N. Dyment, of Barrie ; M. McLaughlin. of Tor- onto ; Jaime; ('lark. George Thomson. Charles Neftel and W. L. Horton. of Goderich. Among the smatters dis- cussed was that of enlarging the ele- vator, and it was generally under- stood that after the building now tinder err'tion hits been tilled and has proved to Ip' to suceeav it is altogether likely an addition of 5011,0 00 btlsltels capacity will ii' proceeded with. Officer's for the year were elected au. follows : John 1. A. Hunt, president ; S. R. Stuart, vice-president : W. L. Horton, inaneging director. tw•ctr'tu'y and trealtitv't'. The prospects of the 1Nompany are excellent used the direc- tors are Inking for R good w•ah(tn'h business in the splendid new fireproof elevator now being completed. Real Estate Changes. The residence property belonging ti the estate of the late Mtn,. Robert Hen- derson was sold at auction by Thos. Gundry en Saturday. Col. Young be- ing the purchaser at $1,370. A house end lot at Port Albert lie. longing lei the estate of the late Mrs. Graham was sold by Auctioneer Gun- dry on Tnetelay-, Mrs. George (iteen, Port Albert, being the purchaser at Young & Robertson, real estate agents, report the following transac- t' • Sold frame house and two lobe on Keays 'street to If. W. T1llllnnon fit, - Mold the former Strachan maiden,'" on More street t, Alt's. Webster at Wall. • Col. Young ham }ought from the Goderich Planing Mills Co. two new houses on Anglesey nta•cet. Messrm. Young & Robert/son have al - ',n solei Vacant. lots on Fames, South and Bruce streets to different purchas- ers, A Fable from Owen Sound. An item in The Owen Sound Sun would make it appear that the Mayor and two other citizens of that town who attended the Orange Grand Lodge meeting here last tit were Ihiscotlt'tellllsly treated by some of our hotel -keepers. for the reason that they hailed from a "local option town." The item Is given with a good weal"of circumstantiality, but the main state- ment, that the. Owen Sound men were retuned acronunolation, is declared by the local hotel -keepers to be absolutely untrue. On arrountof the large num- ber of t•isilnrs in town that week spwt•ial ar•ang.•ments were necessary for the accommodation of some. end it wF(a'tinpowelble to give every guest the attention which in a leas busy time he +night have haul : but. outside of this anti the feet that the Owen Mound men alight have been eubjected to a little "jollying" on the local op- tion question, they were treated with every rotrt.esy due to them. Can it be that the Mayor of Owen Mound in making up hie story was seeking t, [[gQ' titaunne cheap popularity with hie local option supporters ? On the Lecture Platform. The Hr'awels Posit has the following reference to a lecture given at Ethel by Rev. E. F. Armstrong. eon of Edward Armstrong of this town : "The lecture delivered__ by Rev. Mr. Artnetnmgg im the Metbodliat church. on Tuesday evening, tinder the umpteen of the League was • good one. The subject woo "Getting Cp." It -etude ointxl loth wit and wheel The reverend lecturer made three sule- divisious of his subject, viz.: - Ill The ('rewlet' ; 121 The l'rutt•her : 13I 'flit' Climber. lie shower) the first Ra the wot•Idly man. getting all the y he can and canning all he gets, The "Crutcher" wa', the man who leaned on others and did nothing to help himself, while the successful upset with higher aspirations than Merely getting this world's goods was ready to lend a hand to others and always leaked tip. Rev. Mr. Armstrong is at I • on. the platform and has the happy kuaek of holding the attention ofhis- audience by his oratorical powers . inte'rwpe•rsed with humor. `Ve lerstend this wits his Hest at- tempt, but we hope it will not be his last, as hr is one of the climbers who is sure to lie successful." J. D. O'Connell Manager. • The announcement is made of the appointment of J. D. O'Connell as manager of the (iodet'ieh branch of the Sovereign Thank. Mi'. O'Connell has been for over nitre years deputy - registrar of deeds for the county of Hulot', and in him'- official and other relations he. hie, won the entire confi- dence of the people of Goderich and vicinity. iu securing his services th.• Sovereign Hank has !mule it shrewd move, for Mr. O'Connell not only combines business :ability and energy with solwr judgment. but he is intim- ately acquainted' with the business people and the busine ,. iundit' of Goderich and will readily meet the demands of his new position, Mr. O'Connell ass es his duties as man- ager today. and in doing so has the goodwill of friends whose• number is legion and who all wish hint success in his new sphere. At the Harbor. Hoy Thomson has purchased the schooner Julia Iarson and has gone to Port Elgin to take the vessel 'p to Cotckhurn Island for a tool of posts for the Goderich Lumber Co. The sawmill started up this morn- ing for the. season. The steamer Paliki leaves today for the Seutlt to tool iron rails fur Fore William and the Turret Court ,and Turret Chief leave Saturday to load coal at lake Erie ports. The tug Evelyn, in charge of her new owners, the Murray brothers, opened navigation at this port last Thursday. She made the first lift on Tuesday butltheleactll was rather light. Bruce's genuine. boat t and the tug "Two Slacks' have also started opera- tions for the seaman but have not lifted their nets yet. The cement work on the elevator row about :,ix feet during the week and it look', no if the work might be completed next month. ('onttu•tor Pigott is again slaking preparation for the construction of a trestlework approach to carry the noel girelerm tip to the abutments for the bridge accuse the Maitland. The Mystery Tea. The "mystery tri' entertainment last 1'hmeelay evening under the auspices of the Macliillivrety Mission Band of Knox church proved a very enjoyable affair and. in spite of the rather disagreeable weather, ea grati- fying financial success to, its pro- mote•rs. beside',, the aulntission fee' the tale of holulens:ult. candies and ice creamy added as fair sum to the funds of the society . An excellent program was tendered, ronnisting of two choruses by members of the Bared. vocal solus _,y Mimeo. I'att•rson I i)nisy Fisher and Mr. Sutherland. a violin solo by Mims Jbtls•I Doty. an instrumental duet by Misses Agnes Hamilton and Etta Sault.., recitations l.y Mina Mary Tont and• Miss Conlin. Lpant • by Misses Adelaide and eena Clark and at prettily -executed fairy 'drill by eight little girls, !tenders of the Band. Refreshments were served during intermisdlon in • of the class rooms and upon being presented with the menu card the significance of the "unymt•ry teal' was realized, for fr the fallowing items of mystery (mile had to choose sonic t•efre'shnent : Staff of Life. Cereal Compound with Churned ('ream. Gold Curl end Cookies,' Mmttriltlnrly, 1'otnty Uousitui Comforts. plea. Gok's Curious Compound C Chip OR the Old Block. (:heeerfu l Cup. • Nature's Te,at's, The bill of tare in plain English was an follows : White bread and butter, brown bread ouch butter, rhes:wt wafers, eland wichen,.. doughnuts, cake, toothpicks, coffee Anil cold water. Money Versus Character. The G, ('. I. Literary Society held its Lust meeting for the present term MI Friday evening. and during the re- mainder of the Collegiate year the young sten and women whom heve' ler. giving a portion of their time to the "Lit." will be. aide to tiev.ete them- selves more thoroughly to preparation for the grand wreathe with the exam - hoar paper, in Jolly. The, doming meeting wits 'larked Ity an intetenl- legiaue debate, two students from Clinton coming up to try conclusions in arg mt ,and (watery with two G. ( I. lay's. The subject of debate was, "Resolved, that. character has more influence than money." The affirma- tive was taken by the visitnr•n fr Clint On. Neil Room and Walter Stew- mrt, ,and the mewed a -u' by Will. 114ntelnn and 11'. Taylor, representing (lode - rich. The Clinton young men had clearly the bent of the erg 'nt. Of wl I,es +,hi' histone) write of the gnilliomlire or of the roan of cheraeter Of what does the post sing of men or of money? And though the Goderich young men told of the mighty deeds of lucre, t the of creation to these days in which Carnegie and Rockefeller dispense their lountiem, they could not sleet these questions. The orator of the evening Was Mr. Centrism, the others showing some nervousness, the Clinton boys probsb- ly feeling at a disiulvantage on a at range platform and before a strange audience. However, all acquitted themselves with credit, and the de- bate wan well worth hearing. The judge's were n. i.. Cranston, uaeth- etnetieal neater of the Clinton Colleg- iate institute, and J. H. Tiger+ and W. H. Rotten bum, of town. They gave Qlinton the decision on argument but put Goderich ahead on style, and g up fauna that Goderich had woe by a narrow margin. In Radio t' to the debate. thele were vocal solos by Mr. Pate, Sir. Merritt. Sir. (':sereno, S. Belcher and Alis, h'isher; n violin solo by Frank Doty ; a drill prettily executed by eight girls ; Edit- or Surt't h's valtdietory n her of the lI. V. I. Journal ; an instrumental selection by Mr. Adaute, and an muddrraa by Mr. Strang. 1'hen presi- dent of the Society, W. Fingland, occupied the chair. Bought Woodstock Studio. It. It. Sallow•s was in Woodstock East week and its R result of lois vi,it he in now the owner of the leading pho- tographic butsine'ss in that city. Mr. Mallows' son, 1). 1►., had been asso- ciated with this studio during the past four years and he will now take charge of it, and as he leas shown himself to possess the qualities neees- wiry to success in his calling we pre- die•t a continued record of prosperity for the business 110W placed in his hands. Mr. It. It. Sallow,,, we are glad to he able to state, will remain it (itoderich, but will stake occasional visits to Woodstock ion account of his new interests there. The Woodstock Express records the transaction thus: "The citizens of Wo,slatoek will be pleased to learn that the well-known phutxographic business of the late Mr. Clues. Milton Its to be carried on under a management that will, it is believed. old to the standing and reputation of this popular studio. The lousiness has leen taken over by Mr. K. K. Mallows, of G.alerirh, who is known through- out ('atlallu as a of the leading pho- tographieroe iii the Dominion. Mr. Mal- low,' reputation has laeen gained largely through the rept O&M( ion of his work in lawny of the loading Wile - trotted saxppazinew loth in Yamada and the I'nited States and the fact that he will be connected with the Milton studio will give greatly added preeN- tige. He has leen in business for the past twenty-flve• years. The business there will be in charge of the sun, Mr. 1). I).1Sallow•s, who was largely responsible for the artistic work tetmned out,at the studio under the late Mr. Milto's regime. while Miss •McDonald will continue in her old capacity. Under these favorable auspices the public may depend upon the hominess being than kept top to its old stan- dard." "Things Are Not What They Seem." And ta, it is all a mistake ! The years spent in leat•niug the pritu•iples of science, in acquiring the alts. or in studying the manner of growth of plants and animals are all wasted. Sunshine and ruin are no longer nec- essary to the raising of topical fruits, nor greenhouses to the development of rose's and carnations. The. former ripen to perfect' in the 'Mole of it hollow crone and the latter blossom pr,fuw•ly from an empty cornucopia. One no longer sets a heti or buys an incubator; one simply unbuttons his coat ser looks in has hat, and full- gaown chickens or quacking ducks appear. If one im hungry he gather,. hen's eggs off his coat collar. %%'hen we go travelling the changes of apparel for the whole fa 'Iy age ear - t'heed in ones hat. IIto we want a loath, we extract the tib and four or five. bucketfuls of water out of our pocket handkerchief. Do we ran short of rash, • I ' •, now sir th proves it veritable titbit. V.- pity • rlebte and find OUP hands Ito 11111 Ili cont eon la•forr•. 1Vhen an unexpected caller drops in, table linen, cutlery and tasty viands are produced fr empty cylinders. In short, the fairy tales are all true and I,.oks of science are relics of the days of barbarism when one imagined that their' woe such a rela- tionship as coulee and effect. An apostle of (he new older of things, in the person of Dorno the :Magician, gave it demonstration in the Opera Ifouso nn Monday night before a loge audience, the affair being +u•ranged as the last of the series in the Popular Entertainment Course. Whether the new methods are go- ing to take any (hold of the practical everyday life of the people remains to be seen, but we have not as yet heard of any of our horticulturists, Horists, poultry tendert. house- keepers, etc., going out of business, so that the probability in that we shall lie content to plod along in the old way and let the pmft'ssionat magi- ciauns, conjurers. illusionists, ventrilo- quists', etc., quake um itlmagimie w1• %PP things we do not lice and hear what we tot) not hear. Dorno wan aecotuppanied by an ato- sistant, Will Baker, and by Carl Her- mann, violinist and irritator, the hatter of whew grebe uoany exceedingly clever imitations on the violin eif noises, musical and otherwise, includ- ing the melolion. bagpipes, old I p, banjo, sewing ni';hhine, popping of cert), wpucaling of pigs, darky camp meeting, and many others. Him ar- rangement of "Thi. Shocking Bird," in whie•h the songs of many distinct varieties (mf birds were heard, was es- prielly good. The e've'ning was one of mystery and mirth foon start to finish, tot the bast pert t of the fun toeing the hnnror- tills sltuUatiuhIs some Of the antlienre found thenls•Ives in when haberdash- ery or live stock was extra( ted fr their cluthiuv. 10* OBITUARY. Beggo. much '..synlpathy'is felt for Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Hezzo in the los of their eldest (laughter, Venn Victoria, whose death occurred me Monday morning the little one being only in her fifth yeah'. She had been sick for the past five munthu but won confined to barn only since SAtutday night. Ser- vice was held at, the house on Tuewlay afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. %V. H. Gather'', and the body was taken 10 Clinton on the 3 o'clock train for iuter,nent. Sharpe. it wax with sympathy for the be- reaved widow that many friends in G.de't•ieh heard of the death last Fri- day rnnrning of 11. F. Sharpe, law of of James Buchanan, of town. Mr, Sharpe teas the head of the well-known photo steeply 1 se of H. F. Sharpe k Co. He w•,on forty -mix year,. of age and wax a native of Hastings. He was married about twenty years ego and had since thatt.in,. resided in Toronto. He spent three or four yearn in Mon- treandnring his conflation with a Mon- treal house. He wax a member of Blom street Presbyterian chervil, a 32nd de. gree Meson and a Member of :the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS APRIL 12 - pass Tender., for Du- dgi.lg--Fred. denier., Ottawa I KasterMillinery W. A. McKim 8 1 tree,, l;llke--J. H. Colborne ttt 4 l'errin's (Doves -D. Millar Co .... .. .. I 7'h.. isorder-H. Park s Footer Kid (loves -N', Aehexou & Son 2 Koster Hat.., etc. - R'. l l'ridham. Exeter Notlonx-McLean Iron 7 Selling Out -J. H. Hawkilu .. 7 House and Lot for Sale-l'rosdfoot, Hays & Blair 1 Koster Ties, etc.- fang-' Black V Toilet Soap Values -S. E..Hlok Dunlop'.. Tailored Clothing -Hugh Dunlop,8, satisfying Shoe,- Wm. Shama,, 4 Announcement -J. B. Hawkins I Reading Notices--Semi-ready Clothing r Announcement H. W. Thomson 1 Tender+. Wanted -J. IC. Jowitt... . 1 More New Jackets -14041, in lira. , Imunune The Sovereiirn Hank l'rugse•tus -The Hruaaels Oil l'ompany.iLlm Red 7 Announcement -Woman's Auxiliary of lit George'.. l'hutch Fox Terrier for sale -J. T, Newell Itesldcnoe for Sale or Rent -Apply at Premises I Girl Wanted --This Ufser, 1 Terrier Lost -A. M. Pollee.. ........: .. 1 Independent Outer of Foresters. Mr. Sharpe had been suffering from a slight cold NIL cram in coolpil-mtis'ely good 'health till a few days before his death. Early on Thprsdayy morning he was stricken with apoplexy and he was in an unconscious condition until his death occurred twentvdour hours later. The funeral took plaice on Mon- day afternoon. Slattery. On Monday last occurred the death of Mrs. Edward Slattery at the age of Info' -six velum and four months. She had not been well all winter but had leen confined to bed only about as fortnight previous to her death. The funeral took place oft Wednesday morning front the family t't,sidenee. Newgate street, to Ht. Peter's church. where mass was said by Rev. Father McRae•, and the interment was made in tip. Roman Catholic cemetery, Col- borne. The poall•Iwere•ur were ealwanl Acheson. J. C. Martin, Wnl, War- nock, T. Page, 1Vut. Tighe and James Ikean, Mrs. Slattery was a native of Stanley township. iter maiden nave being Olive Tellier, and her mother is still living at Tecumseh, Ont. Her father, who carte front France, died Nome twenty years ago. She was married over thirty -ons• years ago and for most of that Gni, was a resident sof Goderich. She leaves, beside her werrowing husband, eight children - David, of Cleveland ; Albert. of Wind. f o,r ; Mem. Robinson, of Detroit ; Mrs. Dean, of Tormto : Mrs': lodge, of Goderich. and Miss Mary, William and John, at I •. Mrs. Slattery is Nur- vive•d also by two sisters and four brother Mrs. label and Mem. MMs- ran, of Windom : L'rkel, Joseph and John A., of Windsor, and Edward, of Cleveland. Lane. The death of Mrs. William Lane, the aged mother of County Clerk Leine, occurred on Monday at the h • of her son, Janice Iwne, at Lanes, •Ashfield township. The de- ceased had reached her ninety-second year and died simply of old age. She writs a native of Devonshire, England, and came to this cuuntr • with he hlsband and their family in 1853. After resitting east of Toronto for sonic time they c • went in Dell and mettle' in Ashfield township. Mr. Lane diel in 11(lio. Three sons and two daughter; survive, the Non. being Jainem lane, of Ashfield : William, of (Insterich, clerk of the county of Huron, and Richard E.. of Huron township, liruce county; and the daughters. MO's. Wm. Real and Mrs. .1. F. Andrew, both of Ashfield, Mrs. Luse• was very highly respected in the community in which she lived, and her death makes another break in the ranks of the early settlers who did M, uwch for the development of thin county. The funeral took place on Wednesday. Rev. W. A. Smith was the officiating clergyman and the pall- bearers were- six grandchildren of the deceased. The internment was made in Luckuow cemetery. Mr. and Mem. Wm. tattle and mon M. 1'. drove up from Goderich to attend the funeral. ANNOUNCEMENTS. The opening chapters of The Sig- Mt.l's new nerlid story are in this issue. Rene! theta. H. W. TtlnMatoS, druggist, is having a male of npongrel at half price, for a few days at hie new store. All flrnt. quality. The Woman's Auxiliary of St. George's chinch intend giving n mis- sionary ••at 1 in the eschoolron of the ,'hureh on Thursday evening, April 110th. at M o'clock. Adu,innsiun Li cents. I'rogIgtm and refre'ohmments. AUCTION SALES. 111111As, Atell 21st Atu•tion vdrof horse-, rows, boggle., cutler.. bar•te•.x, whlpn, etc., at the livery 'table prrmtaa.. on Newgate .treat, otgee.ltl (', A erne hole, liulerieh. commended at. 1 fetlock p.m. D. Mr/isms. proprietor, Too. Otsu•y, auctioneer. BUHN. M. LEAD. -irt Haylteld, on April 2nd. to Mr. nod Mrs. W. J. McLeod, it daughter. OEM INH.AItDT. In Bayfield, on March 311th, to Mr. and Mex F. Ucminhardl, is daughter, SMITH -In Lurknnw, on April 2nd, to Rev. tar. A. and Mrs. Smith, a daughter, 11(PfPPER.-Wednesday, April Ith, ,et 113 Moor street west, Toronto, Dr. and Mot. K. Ralph Hooper, n on,,, CIll'l'. In lb.alerlch, oa Thnrwley, April .ti b, to Mr. and Mr. Cherie., 1 ople. East street. a non, MARRIED, ItUKoEit OIttFF'IN.-I n (ioderich township, en the afternoon of w'eednevlay, April IIth, at the nsldenee of IRaMllel Meltwater, mode of the bride. l etniel Rneiferrto Elise Me Math OrltHn alI of Gorierb It township, by Ire,. Janne. Hamilton, H. A. DIED. Ht.( K. In liulerich tnwn.hip, trn Monday. April 2n1, Sarah A. Huck, wife of it. W. Ruck, aged 17 year.. ItE%%AJ.- In Goderich. on Monday rnnrnlnRR, April fah, Vnna Victoria, eldest dough ter of Mt.4 and Mn. (', M. Verso, aged 1 veer+ and n mons h+. f1. IINHV. -Fell onleep In Jesus. at her late residency, 1x1 Lennox 'treed, Temnto, on Menden pril'Ist at 14:311 m., MarAnn Edwards. wife of Thome. 'home. Hamby andrelict of the late David Robinson, eget 711 yawns. Safe In the arms of ,esus, JOHNSTON.-in Oodeaich, on Friday, April ,1th, Hamilton, Intent sot, of Mr. end Mrs. Willis,,Jan. H. Johnston. Month street, TOWNMRNI).--In Clinton rot April th, 16111.4beth BtanMlry, relief of the late Jo., Tewn .end, aged 7.1 veers nod In months. MLATTERV. --In (iodcri,h. on Monday, Apell Ilth, neve Tellier, wife of kwlward KIM -Wry, aged a years suet 1 month..