HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-4-5, Page 8R TlIussaay, .April 1$, 1904 THE SIGNAL : GODERIUII ONTA RIO LOCAL TOPICS 'Continued trove paste 1.i the 'bus was negligently or carelessly managed and says that the party driving the buggy could, by the exer- cise of reasonable care and diligence. have seen the 'bus approaching and avoided the collision. The accident occurred November 5th, Mil. %Viii. Proudfoot, K. C., appeared for the plaintiff and E. L. Dickinson fur the defendant. Judgment reser v e d. Ellen Ilavidwon vs. Isals'llo ('lenden- ning, an action for c peneation for services in nursing the defendant and in the discharge of household duties. The claim was for $131. which the de- fendant disputed, saying the plaintiff bad iseeen cuuspenseted for an • services rendered. H. Vanstone, Wingham, solicitor for plaintiff, It. L. Granell, Blenheim, for defendant. Thin ease was adjourned from last Decemiser owing to the illness of a witness and now stands adjourned till May lith. Antos \Villis vs. Geo. Totten. an action for warranty of a horse, which the plaintiff pnrchesd from the de- fendant for $157.511 and later sold for 1168. The parties are residents of Howick. Anson.Spetton, Harristou, plaintiff's solicitor, A. G. Campbell, Harriston, for defendant. In this case neither the parties nor their counsel appeared and the case was 'truck off the list. Aged Eighty -Six. On Monday a norniuK occurred the death of Mrs. Alexander Anderson, mother of Matt. Halsey Park, of town, at the advanced age of eighty-six years. Eleven yeaus ago the deceased had a slight stroke of parulysis,'which, while not affecting her understand- ing at all, resulted in an inability properly to olonstruct 'sentence's in con- versation, an aMicticn which re- mained up to the time of her death. Mrs. Anderson was born in Ireland, her maiden name being Rachel Mc- Clelland, and came to this country with her parents and their family about sixty-five years ago, settling first at Peterborough. A few years later she was married to Alexander Anderson. After remaining at Peter. borough for some time Mr. and Mrs. Anderson about fifty years ago moved to Kincardine. where Mr. An- derson was in business for a tune, Wee moving to a farm near there. His death occurred there many years ego. For the past twelTe or fourteen years Mrs. Anderson had lived with her daughter, Mrs. Park. She leaves two other daughters, Miss Rachel An- derson, here, and Mn. Boyd. in Min- neapolis, and a son. Rev. James An- derson, of Valley City, N. D. She is also survived by a married sister, Mrs. Tait, at Amherley, who has reached the good age of ninety yearn. Mrs. Anderson was a member of the Metho- dist church and service was held here on Tuesday evening, conducted by Rev. G. N. Hazen. The body was taken to Kincardine the following morning for interment beside the re- mains of her husband, Rev. Mr, Smith conducting the services there. Notes From the Harbor. The cement work at the elevator is in full swing again. It is Mid the Paliki will make her first trip to Sault Ste. Marie to load railway ties for Owen Sound. The new tug being built on the har- bor island will be ready for launching in a few days and may go down the ways next week. Ice reports from Mackinac and the Roo indicate that no vessels will be able topt through the straits before April loth, and the locks before April 20th. The stables and other outhouses in connection with the Ocean House have been moved to their new loca- tion some distance to the went and the hotel buildingsitself is to follow. Lighthouse -keeper Campbell thought he would have to start his lights this week, when the two Turret boats got orders to leave about \Ved- nesday of this week for coal cargoes. These orders were countermanded, however, and navigation has not yet opened set this port. The to owned by Robt. McKay and Angus McDonald is also being fitted up and had the flees started this week. These two tugs and J. Bruce's gaso- line -motor boat and possibly a couple of tugs belonging to the Niagara Fedi Company will constitute the fishing fleet at this port this season. The tug Evelyn has changed owners twice in the last fortnight. First Capt. Craigie sold her to the Domin- ion Fish Company, Capt. Ganley, manager on the Georgian Bay for the Company, being here to effect the transfer. Then the end of last week she was sold to the Murray Bros. (Collo, Neil and Angus), who will use her in fishing from this port the coming season. They are getting the Evelyn fitted up for the season and this week have had the fires lighted. CHURCH NOTES. The Methodist congregation at Hay- field has decided to erect a new church. At Victoria street Methodist church next Sunday evening there will be n special sermon to young men. The young men et the congregation will give special music suitable for the ,occasion. day of T. W. Willmott, organist o Knox church. Fred Egener will have charge of the organ. Goumirs an thein, "Come, Unto Me. will be sung in the evening and Mr. Egeuur will render a solo. The regular meeting of the A. Y. P. A. of St. George's church will lie held in the who'd -room next Tuesday even- ing at ti o'clock. Rev. Thomas Hick, of Dungannon. will give an address and there will also he is program. Silver collection. Large cougregstious attended the mss. y services in the two Metho- dist churches last Sunday. Rev. Ih•. Henderson's presented' of the claims of the holes' work of the church was eloquent and convincing. and his efforts were ably seconded by ltev. G. A. Cobltledie k, of N stud- sto ck. A forty -hours' adoration wits held at St. Peter's rhur'h this week. starting on Sumbey anti concluding at high miles yesterday morning. Rev. Father Hanlon. Clinton ; Rev. Father Leron- deaux St. Augustine : Rev. Father Normans -Dublin, and Rev. Father Mcl'ornu ck, Ashfield, assisted Rev. Father Melee set the services. , Evangelist Robert Mellarly, of Tor- onto. will begin a series of special evaangelistir services in the new North street Methealist church nu Sunday next. April Lith. Mr. McHatdy has eweetheart! meetings in such large and important ,'hur:hes its Dundas Centre. London ; (citral Methodist. Strat- ford, and °therwi with •h -accept- ance and success. He is a gifted preacher and c es to Goderich with highest testimonials. These will Is• good {tinging. Everyone corliidly welcomed. On Monday evening a very success- ful enisaiouary tea was held at the residence of \Villiatu Blake, Trafalgar street. The affair was nue of a series muter the auspices of the W. M. S. in connection with Victoria street Meth /saint church and the attendance w•is' specially gisaf. The regular business seas' was held from 5 to (1 o'clock. During the evening is piano solo was given by Mi -s. Walter SHIP), it vocal duet by Mr, and Mrs. W. Millin and missionary arvediugs Ly Mies Etta Devise. Mies Edith Milliau and Ernest Rolierteeni. The Epworth League's( North street Methodist church has elected officers as follows for the six months com- mencing May 1st next: President. H. 1. Morrish : vice-president, Mrs. Hazen ; " corresponding secretary. Miss I. E. Sharman ; recording set:- retary, Miss Sybil Knox : treasurer, Arden Aitken ; chorister, Miss Hattie Harris : assistant choristerMiss Grate Robertson ; pianist, Mies Annie Arlin : eonvemerr of r airs*-- prayer meeting Ethos FdItohidsnl ; lookout. Miss Ruby McLean: social, Mies McLachlan ; miss' ry, Miss Campbell; literary, Miss Laura Shar- man. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. March let to It. H. Sallow.' and then you call March 4th ,onuldent that 'You will get the lest Mhoto that is to be had. If you didn't do thle in arch you May do it in April. Nu time like the present. The a -part of nal lire I. al way. nes, but nn - fort moltelylhing-about the Mev have to be fr•.-heneel up o,.•.'s-lnnally. tt'itti r Smith's East street. I. headquarter, for uphnletering. picture foe g. Marshall Sanitnry Mattress. metal bed.rcels. etc. Give dine a tall. While the.• laliem have been wandering from one millinery opening to another, deciding where the prettied hat. were to he had, the sten hay,' heels sayer) that worry In ,'electing their spring -mite. They .imply so to F. J. Pridhem,+end know they sic getting the right thing. The hollows in the harbor park are being filled up with earth. Read "Cap'n- Eri." The Signal's new serial story, to be commenced next week. J. H. Worsen started today to put up the metallic ceiling in the court maul. A stone foundat' is being put miner J. C. Mclntosh's store on \\ est street.. Work is in preigress on the chang- ing of M. Caere brick warehouse into a residence. An -evening of wonder arid amuse- ment at Victoria Opera 'House next Monday evening. A. J. Cooper is shipping five care of oats to Tillsonhttr•g to be matte into the famous Tillsm Oats. C. W. Th peon, M. B., of Clinton, hass leen appointed an associate cor- oner for the ty of Huron. Mime Fraser has taken a Position at the Bell Telephone Co.'s exchange. staking the third day operator at the office. The Doty Engine Works this week shipped machinery for two boats to Neplgon and naichinery for two boats to Kenora. \'entritaiuisrn, gic, illusions and astonishing imitations by Durno the Magician est Victoria Opera House next Mondry evening. There will a meeting of the lit• crosse club sit he Bedford hotel on Friday evening it s o'clock to organize for the corning season. Judging from the number of sub- scription lists in cirinlatiun, Gisdee•ich will have a junior baseball club on every street corner this, year. The West Huron license c sinners will meet In (iisierich on the 17th inst. to consider applications few livens s for the next license Year. L. \V. lavis is getting in re car of machinery mud a car of buggies this In the absence from town next Sun- week. He has an interesting talk on You Have Decided If not do so at what the farmer Actual facts show that up to date this year there has been mor e Ideal fencing sold and de- livered than all the others sold locally combined. to build nothing but IDEAL FENCING. once because IDEAL or fence builder has has proved to be been looking for. A strong fence. A durab)re fence. Once up al- ways up. The fence that has stood t h e test of severe win- ters. IDEAL HOWELL'S HARDWARE Think of it, a fence of all large size heavily galvanized WIRE for 32 cents per rod. No man can afford Ideal hard steel extra buggies in our advertising columns this week. One Stubbs, engaged on the C. I'. It. works, was fined gel and costs yees- teslay morning at the police court for disorderly conduct on Hamilton street the previous ev ' g. The store and postoftice business at Aurherley has been purchased by Levi \VildGtug. Roy Bry•dgew, the late owner, is returning to Guderiob. and will later on go West. - The Signal and The Toronto Weekly Globe to new sulatcritwrs for the led- ance of the year for only $1.44). Send in your dollar and get some good read- ing for the remainder of 1011. A special meeting of the Daughter s of the Empire will lac held ill the Law library of the court house Monday next at 4:15 p, tie. The 'Hembree ate all especially requested to attend. -- S 1(C. The county auditors of criminal justit•ee accounts 'Judge Doyle, C ty Clerk Lents and County ,Councillor W m, l.a t) islet at the office of the clerk of the peace this week for the quarterly audit. . Remember tlutt every subscriber who rays for The%i!gtial IMO year In advance nercn•os '1' 11 a Montreal without \Verkl)• Herald any extra charge. Two papers fur $1,IM), if Paid strictly in aoivance. The cause of Armstrong vs. Inglis, which was left over from the spring jury sittings of the High ('octet, came up on Saturday last before Judge Iktyle but was sidjourued till the non - jury sittings of the Coert in May. For the first time since it• hiss been built up as it is at present, there is not a vacant. lot on the Septate. The mete ent season will see the last vacant list built up, and then there will nut Is uu idle foot of apace all the way around. The store or' the Square lately oc- cupier by J. W. \Veathet•add has lawn torn down and the awijoining building is to be moves) back to make nom for the new stones to be erected. Mr.' \Veatherald is now located next to I1. Kemp's on .Hamilton stteet. Of a number of case's entered, for trial at the April seesion of the Divis- Court only two were disposed of, the unsst important of whish was The Coulthard Scott Co. vs. William Clarke of Goderich township, an ale - tion on a note. Judgment fur plain- tiff. - Saturday's Toronto News mid : Meeerty. James Battle and TI s Coulon, cuntaxctlr's, Thorold. who were at the Qnrc•nb yesterday. stated that they would resume work on the Goderich breakwater at age early date. The (Meer nu<ent heel nut fully decided on their plans, but instruc- tions were expected soon. Thu, meeting in the Temperance Hall last Monday, evening war not largely attended, which was a mutter of regret. as the , address given by Rev. A. F:. M. Th on, of Merlin, was of exceptional Merit. An sddress was given also by Rev. W. H. Graham. G. M. Elliott occupied the chair and Rev. James Hamilton opened the meeting with prayer. Clinton New Era • J. G. Stanburv, the well-known lawyer of Exeter, was in town on Monday. They say that lie can have the nomination as the next Liberal candidate for the Local. if he wants it. We don't know who may he aspirants, hut the Literals could easily do worse than Io put Mr. Stan - bury in the field. He is as cordial personality. and should' be a winning candidate. The following officers were elected on Tuesday evening at the Meeting of Victoria street Epworth League for the ensuing year : President, W. E. Davison ; first vice, Mime Emily \Vhitely ; second vice, Miss Ella Blake; third vice, Mise Vida Bell; fourth vice, Harry Belcher ; record- ing secretary, Miss Etta Hai -loon ; treeiiiirer, W. E. Elliott : organist, Miss M. Hale ; representative to dis- trict meeting, J. H. Milliken. The article by J. J. Wright in a re- cent issue of The Signal. dssrrilingthe Fenian Raid scare of '66 in Goderich, has attracted widespread attention, and no recognition has been gratifying to Mr. Wright than war in- dicated by the publication of a gots( portion of the article in the magazine supplement of The Globe last Satur- day. Mr. Wright has received letters from a number of his old friends', ex- pressing the pleaanre with which they had read Isis well-written and inter- esting sketch of that stirring time. Mr. Wright is to be congratulated upon the success of his literary effort. Legal Note. ,From Mall and Empire'' Legal ('ohman.i D. (i., Hnlmeaville.—Qu.--i ant is tenant on a lake shore farm. My tenancy will expire in the spring of 11417. Can the owner prevent ole from taking the driftwood or un- branded tinnier that washes ashore? Ans.- The owner of the property has no right to go upon it at all dur- ing the continuance of your lease, un - lens the pease gives him permission to do so. You can take the driftwood, and the unbranded timber. Hut re- member that the owner of the timber•, upon proving his ownership, ran com- pel you to give it up to hint. But ho must pay your "salvage" charges. All That Is Left. "Whet it lovely cullectiou of odd cups!" e.x1•laitned it guest, peeling into the china closet cabinet."Did it take you long to get so many ?" "Oh, no," said the hostess. "Those are samples of the sets we have had iii the last two years !"—Detruit Free Pres's. -- Differently Exp d. Two groups of people were slotted in the waiting -rotten of a inilriued sta- tion. One consisted of it you're( ran, and two young holies dreetsi?d in the height of fashion ; the other• a noun snot his wife Slut so fashionably attired. 'fiery had been there only a few minutes when a girl 11011e in whose complexion was as nearly perfect an anything in thin world ever is. While elle was buying her ticket this young tsar remarked to the Wiese with hint : "Isn't Mies ('ransforl a beauty :' Her complexion is an perfect es a nine." At the seine time the other twin clutched his wife's arm and whisper- ed: IAini. Nan, hasn't -that gal gut• party hide ?" _-- April Llppincott'a Magazine. Of course it win an Irishhiloso- pher who said—"If yore would keep your head above water you ntnst. not let the green glow under your feet." The only faith that wears well and holds in color in all weather is that which is woven on conviction and set with the sharp mordant of experience. J. H. Lowell. Many young huller, who were sup- posed to he going into decline have to spend time on any other fence but Msen restored to health and vigor by the site of Miller's Compound Iron ('ills. For sale by Jet. Wilsn. PERSONAL MENTION. An Effective Cure. I'. A. Nairn le in Detroit this week. /tat in tittrn baa guru to Nem Liskeard again ee'ne..tnty was home from Ilruntford over Sm,dey. Fred l'raigie left this morning oil a help to Buffalo. Miss l'eter..on left this morning on a trip to Teootu. D. Miller in. in Toronto thin. week on a bust new slat. George Crabb returned) this meriting to !Iran Uonl. J. H. Shirley left on Tuesday at a trip to Wash logten. Janie, vserleson left but week for Aberdeen, South Dakota. (lenge. Rlsek and P.1'. then wade a trip to Mitchell this week. Judge Ito le and Wei Nolen Doyle are awe)" on a trip to Buffalo. Mr. and elre. lis Mwltscr have reUsrmat hone thrir visit to Michigan. theorize McUnterer, of L oilier. sea. III [own tsps week vWtiieg friends. .'s. asunder., Is at Motel Ude week on budt mea. fur the Uuderieh/1rva4( e. Mies lawns Jacked!. of ): Orr, -pent a fuss days with friends in town the pest week. Roy Br dge• and W. Brown, of Anatomic), visited friends In town for stew Jaya laet week. Mimi Evelyn Itutubseli, of la iiduut has. been v4.ttl,tg her parents. Mr. and Mr.: k. J. Mune bait. MM. Emote.. w'1ggpns bow taken a position as stenograpler in theLew office a of IL J. N. Cooke, Hewell. v Mrs. W. V. ('lark. MI. Pena end Master Rob. suede brim visit to ftWuii... at Chilton Inst week. Will. Elliott, who sae. with the Sovereign lima at Hensel!. le how ua this.- .tettl of the Uel evict breach. Mir Florence Turner tetten testes for Ness York to newel the Eavtur soetsou with her brother. Harry. Lout.-( oi, Vareoo, ltegi.irar ['owb.arsl Thu.. (lucre's left thin ueruiieg to attend the stork show sits'lihtun. U. ta','t•h `nem is recovering siowly from an illuu.s whuth ersndnd hltie to the house for a week or two. We shall ell be glad to see hint down tows' again. Dan. .ictlpnand, of the Uoderieh hockey team. left this morning to eke a monition at Marquette. Vteh. Blyth StandaM: Mice Jennie McKenzie, of tie+derk•h, is the crust of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McElroy [hi.. week Mr-. Knight. dater of our dry geode mer' chant, D. Millar, lo/ on Tuesday for Metes: yUlu, Alta.. to join her brother.. Mn, Turnbull and Mirk Emily Shephard are attending the annual meeting of the w•uuwn A ui:inary• of Huron dies ii, hoodoo. Mit. Turnbull will visit in Petrone be•furo return. leg to town. E. Shaw leaven (him n sur+cane at her return to Eucleod. bring celled hither by the Bine. of her hu.ba,et. She wits on Sat unlsy. The- merry ft -u nit- of Mr. and M Mleaw will holes Mr. dhaw'. moans way nut p s•u merlons. Prot A. li. Ml.purr. M.A.. timelier f Mr.. Ii. It Beckett, east. nest Monday fax Lei ie, tire- ntany. to .perwl a year in the study of the langunise. Prof. Misner graduated t art. from \ tetoria Unlvrtwit> three yeerw and now hulle the pnifeeerrhl a of Oriental n- gtsssu m at the t'uhvereity. lir I. being tent. to tiernwny by the faculty and will retain Ill. chair during hi. abwertue, his eatery Icing tai Untied and a sides ane pros ides(. KITCHEN APRONS. They Should Be Made Pretty an Well as Serviceable. When mukiug kitchen aprons be sure to bring the gathers well round to the back, so that the back or sides of the dress will be protected. Have the belt loug enough to tic, for If it is short the needed pin is generally missing, and a button soon comes off in the laundry. Make aprons long as well as wide, and the advice to add it ruffle to the lower edge Is goo. for a ruffle will catch most of the dirt and sere the dress be- neath. It Is a good idea to ornament some of the work aprons a little, for some- how when one has a starched gingham apron with a little cross stitch Title worked across It she Is twice as care- ful of it as when an old faded print apron is worn. So many of the soft, fine wide cottons are now made that the stock of aprons ueed never be low. Make them at home, for the flimsy cloth and coarse macblue stitching of the ready made aprons are no credit to the wearer. One cannot wear the handsome white aprons such as cook- ing teachers wear while there are pots and kettles to wash, but more of the daintiness of the lecture room could with profit be adopted In most' kitch- ens.—Chicago Inter Ocean. CULINARY CONCEITS. Prune juice on dry cereals makes nice change from cream. Cold baked potatoes sliced thin, then put in a baking dish with snit, pep- per, butter and milk. make a better scallop than raw potatoes. Heavy streaks through a cake will undoubtedly appenr If the butter and sugar are not thoroughly beaten or If the butter Is not properly rubbed Into the flour. I)o not dress salads wills sugar and vinegar or salt and vinegar. The lat- ter Is au admirable combination for scouring brass, put it is not good for one's stomach. Use a mixture of oil and vinegar, lightly seasoned. Cauliflower should be placed head down In cold salted water for ten or fifteen minutes before cooking to draw out insects. In boiling slightly salted water should be used, and the head should be placed downward la the ket- tle. 111100 Reward, 111100. The reafers of thtm paper will be plow -ed to learn that there I. at bast one dreaded d1-oaw that ,science ham been able to min: In all It. stages, and that le Catarrh. )hall's eat arrh Care is the only podtive earn now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh bring a een'tilu- tional di,eamc require. a nonst.ltutinnal treat- ment. HaOY. t atarrh Cure la taken Internally. acting dtne'tly upon the blood and muesli. nowhere. of the aymlen', thereby demtmylrsg the foundation of the dieenme. sad givinngg the patient ettongl.h by building no thecnnmlltutlr.n and a.elmting lifetime in doing Pe work. The proprietor, have .0 nnpeh faith 1n Its curette' power. that they offer One Hundred Ituitra for any ease that It fail. to cure. Send for list of testimonial.. Address F. J. t 'HE:NEY It Co.. Toledo. O. Mold b y all Dotgggglsts, lie, Take Hall'- Fatally Piling for cottstIpatlou. t•• ••••••••• Naa•tte••••••••2 4 Popular Entertainment Course VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE (loderich Monday Evening, April 9th DURNO the MAGICIAN r Magic, Mystery Fug and his ('urn any• in a program of ssl A nanrvs•Ilnoa cons- binatlots of illusion, ventriloquism, mirth provoking tricks, muss cal entertainment, etc Prices ; 35c, 50c. Children, ?Sc Plan open at Kidd's Book Store for subscribers Fnday morning, April 6th, at 9 o'clock ; for the pub- tic Monday, April 9th. N• •••••••• •A•••••• • •• • 044 is a certaiu village church the con • gregation had leen greatly disturbed during the singing of the hymns by *certain set of women who would persistently gossip in a loud tone. At host the utinister devised a plan tis stop this disturbance, At a given signal by him every one in the choir was to stop singing abruptly. So. during the singing of a hymn, he gave the signal- at thin every uue•stopped singing. One of the offenders who was unable to check herself wan Racal to say iu a loud tune, "1 always Iii mine in lard." "As we now know,' sinnouuee'd the minister, "t hot she always frye here in lard, we wi 1 pro- ceed with the 'singing." Arid there Was silence after that, Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, bat is best when used to the Sunlight way. Buy sunlight Sep gad follow direouoas, EASTER GIFTS Many things both use- ful and appropriate The 'e ty er's est in EASTER CARDS The ver)' latest pro- .Isietiealtm in Swiss Mark and w' hit' Easter Postal Cards Prices range from 3c up Watch this space for WALL :PAPER ANNOUCEMENT e ' next week i GEO. PORTER SPEY We don't do i ourselves "Professor". but ' e know how to assist de = tive vision if lenses will ) it. Try us—examination free. He PARK Jeweller and Optican 11 -- — THE "Walk=Over" SHOE for MEN ria 1pggs The shoe that is distinct- ly in advance of all others. Around it are focused all those elemental qualities that make the highest= type of men's shoe. Even style alone differeu- ilu9 lit6 BS NOR Rot COI tiatos the "Walk -Over" shoe from all others, while the character of the materi- al, tit and workmanship gives comfort and permanency to that advanced style. DOWNING & MACVICAR SOLE AGENTS FOR GODERIGH PERFUMES FOR EASTER! If ter yourself, luring your empty perfume bottle and get suutethiug nice out of sur many CHOICE BULK ODORS. if you wish to make au Easter gift to a friend, we luat'e at great variety of handsout. BOTTLES OF PERFUME Penne in fancy cases and bonus not 1. and at all prices, from roc or t5c up to Se.00. The odors are all of good crakes. NICE PERFUME SACHETS in bulk and in fancy envelop -'s. S. E. HICK - Central Drug Store Goderich. Ont. er Spring Furniture Opening We have lawn doing a gird deal of unpicking lately; it is nearly all over now and the goods are on exhibition and we are sure that you will like they. We realize that you have other things to buy at this season of the ear and have put the prices at the lowest figures the goods will till eve, Seasonable Specials Springs from $2.25 to $4.00 Mattresses from $3.00 to $15.00 Sideboards from $10.00 to $55.00 Iron and Brass Beds from $2.75 to $35.00 We especially recommend our guaranteed Hercules Spring anil. Ostermoor Mattress There is none better-. You are cordially in cited to call and inspect these gouts. All calls receive care( attention. 'Phone bra ECKETT & STAUNTON Undertakers and Embalmers; ,011;"',;',, Cabria ne : *'hOOe 5 N THE HODGENS STORE I c7:.1:7 Our .est Silk Bargain . 90c Summer Silks for 55c Last January we had a big silk sale, when we sold silks that were worth 75c for 48c a yard. Saturday we have a better bargain for you, for the saving is greater than in January. A few weeks ago we cleared a jobber's lot of fancy shirt waist silks at a price that lets us sell goc and $1.0o silks for 55c a yard. All are good colors, good qualities and good patterns. Had we paid regular price, goc or $1.00 would have been our price today. Because we got the lot below value you can save 35c to 4oc per yard on a silk dress for summer. That's enough to pay for the mak- ing. :4$) yards of slnnmer silks suitable for shirt tpeist suits or fancy dresses. (food qualities,`) neat small designs in shades of green, blue, lirtiwll, vert• etc. Made and bought to sell at IME: to $1.00. Saturday morning your choice of this lot ter 55 cents per yard Guaranteed Silk Underskirts $5.00 Guaranteed taffeta silk underskirts to sell for a five dollar hill go on sale Saturday morning with the silk. They are brand new goods just in this week. Perfect in fit, the newest style and guaranteed by the maker. A silk skirt adds much to the effect of a summer costume, and when you can get a guaran- teed one for $5.00 you should not let the opportunity pass. (Julies' silk underskirts nettle from guaranteed tafettn, good size, perfect fitting, black, cavy and shot effect', on sale Saturday morning, your choice for five dollars Shames not in shack nnids-tu-order in a week's tiros. DIRECT IMPORTERS GODERICH. -1111111111