HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-4-5, Page 7'rilE g11:NAi.: GOl)Elth:ll 11N'i'Altlf►
Tsv.aoav, 4141 5, 1904
X +0/44++ +******** *i***i ,+**440..*+* 9tsi , ea
The News of the District. as
4,10+4,40s, 44
The Signal's Clubbing List.
You wan .ell one of your row. and at ill ke
more butter than you did before If you use a
Now in lilt, time so l'hn/a1H your De Laval cream separator. Send iona earl
and I'll bring yeti ouo to t ry, r. U, Allen, Dcuu-
r•ading utaUt•t• for 11445, Look over gamma.
this list and bee the ;ele,amt,grs of- T1nUla,lU.l]', Mar. Alth.
feted to signal sulwe•ribers in getting Miss Mary Mackenzie visited relit -
the leading papeisi at reducer rates. tiers in Kintail bast week,
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Mr. Crawford, M. I'., of Nun wit,
Herald1.00 Manitoba, spent' Sunday with • itis
The Signal. Weeklyekly Herald and brother here.
Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1 7$
Thu Signal, Weekly lLeruld• and
Toronto Daily Globe 4.50
The Signal, Weekly Herald and
Toronto Weekly Globe :1.70
Signal, Weekly Herald and
Montreal Family H e r a I d and .
Weekly Star i.7
All .at•rlber,. to Montreal Family Herd
unit Weekly Star receive the groat pruwt
picture, ' ueen Alexandra. Her Grandehil
drat, and Roan"
Tho ILrtuer's Manual and Veterinary
Guide ' may be had in ruune.•tion with al,,,c
otter tot 1•i cents additional, or a total of {LUt
Thr SiKnal, %Veeklj' Herald and
Fanning World ('lorotitu) 1.30
The Signal, \Vre•kly herald attd
Weekly Mail and Empire... .. 1.70
All subacr b•r, for Weekly Midland Empire re.
rico the r.reuaiwu artognev ore, "The Slat of
The Signal, Weekly Nereid and
Toronto Daily World 335
The Signal, Weekly Herald and '
Toronto Daily Star....... .. , . , . rite
The Signal. Weekly Hendd and
Toronto Daily Neevs... , , .. , 1.90
The Signal. Weekly llerall tint'
London Daily Advertiser, ..... s.40
The Signal. Weekly Herald .and
Lando° Weekly Advertiser. 1 60
The Signal, Weekly Herald and
Presbyterian 2 35
The Signal. \Ve•kly Herald turd
Westminster 2 35
The Signal. \1',•.•kly Herald. Pres-
byterian .and West muster 3,35
The Signal. Weekly Herald and
Farmer's Advocate. .4.40
We strawy n.onunel,d our readers .to
sub, rllw tic The banners AA% male.
The Signal. Weekly Herald and
Montreal Daily Witness 2 5o
The Sigrid. Weekly Herald mid
Montreal Weekly Witness...... ,r.6o
The Signal. Weekly Herald and
World Wide 1 as
Mend remittance% by tn,sGifle or.
der, postal 'note or express order to
The Signal has a splendid stat
of correspondents, to whom it owes
much of the interest that is takes in
the paper ; but there are a few
\ localities in the district edge's are
not represented by a correspondent.
Any person who would be willing
to act as correspondent in any of
these unrepresented localities is
invited to write us, and we shall be
glad to furnish the necessary
The number of 4e Laval creat, separator,
sokd each year i. t`•n tltne,. that of all other
makes combined. wake a mistake when
you bur any other ki . 1'. ti. Allen. l'ungam
non, arils the la• la%a,
Ftu'It a Y. Much :4th.
.Joseph Quinn. of Toronto. is at 'wee -
era visiting his t4ier,. Mrs. Ihmiel
Miss Bertha alh•tr / , l
I • on Monde, blot after
long Absence.
Threw bust few days we
to think that spring is elan
hope such is the case.
• Mrs. William Lane, sr.. wit
at the hoeof James lane. '11
very ill th past week. We hope for
her speedy revover3.
Quite a large number of people at.
'tended the sales of W. J. Agar and
John Farrish. Both gentlemen intend
leaving for the Went in the nett
re inclined
0s. We
TriWn.1Y. Apr. :tel.
Svuoot. Rxre.ay.---The following is
the report of S. S. No. 9, Ashfield.
The names are in order of merit with
percentages obtained by continuation
and entrance classes at monthly ex-
aminations: ( hint imeat ion class --
Herold Treleaven, 714, Bailie othere,
7K ; Finlay Reid, 74 ; Worthy Kilppiaat-
rietk, 71 ; •lease Stothere, (tfi ; •Mclviu
Reed. Entrance- - Laura Fitzgerald,
711 ; George Treleaven, 70 ; Sam Fin-
lay. 07. Senior III Maggie Gleam.
Willie Alton, Fenny Fitzgerald. Car-
man Stnthe•rs, Pearl Saunders, Wal-
lace Townley, Mary Snnnders, hails
Blake, Bert Rivers. Junior . III.
\Vat. Alton, George Sounders, Ernest
Hall. Henke ii. -- George Glazier,
Effie Johnston. Mary Glazier. Eldin
Twanlev. Junior I1. -Willie Gluier,
Agnes Kearns, .leesie Mothers, T
my Glen, Miry Junes, Edith Johns-
ton. fart 1. '• ida Glazier, Willie
Fitzgerald. Number on roll, :Ci; aver-
age attendance, 27. Thome !narked •
were alssent for part of the examine -
lions. J. C. S'rlyrHktw, Teacher.
Tvian.sY. Apr. 3n1.
Maple -syrup -snaking is the order of
the day at present. -
Mien M. Campbell visited frietills in
larcknow lent week.
Spring has come with all its glory.
according to all appearances.
Mr. Hardesty has 'secured the sin.'
vices of au English' (grant for the
coming summer. Ie
George loathe, of Regina, son of itev,
.1. G, pallia, took his father's work tel
thin appointnt,nl on Sabbath last.
.1. B.Jefferson has been confine) to
beer) for 'mum days with congestion of
the longe, but, we are pleased to know,
is doing as well as can ie expected.
This week its to be a week of mine'
ing around the Westfield corner,
.1ecknon \Vight.rman nlovesto Gralerich,
David Ratnsey'nove•ls tuerosn the nein
to the house vacated by Mr. Wight -
man and ,hones Wo,,ls tnmves into
()avid ltamsey'a honer. Mr. and Mrs.
Wiglttnan will be munch missed in the
\Ves.Held church. as they been been
faithful members and active workers
in the church for many years. They
have resided in the neighborhood of
\VentUeld all their lives and are a
family whose place will not be filled
very soon either in the church or
Rebid every page of The Signal.
Miss Alice Hawkins spent last week
with her sister, Mot. Will Vroinuett,
at Sheppu'dluu.
The Sunday schools in both the
English and Presbyterian church
will be re -opened next Sunday.
Miss Lottie Bennett returned on
Saturday last from ('hieago. where
she has elent t winter with rela-
Semen. Itelee,RT. -
the report. of Nile ppu
the th of March.:
McNee, cot ; Willie Girl?
Mi•Nee, 54J. IV. dwis
5013 ; Ernest. Mel
Senior I I1. ---Mabel Wilson,
Kilpatrick, i01 ; Viola You
Gertrude Kilpatrick. 5l2. Ju
--Reginald Glenn, hili.. II. cl
for V g, ($Li : Olive McNee.
Worthy Ryan, Sia ; Harold Melt
SNt ; Ernest Glenn, :1K5. Part
Lloyd Young, 11'2; \'ielte McWh
nay, 41E4 ; Vern 'rifnu, '30i. I., clan.
Marguerite Glenn, Lill. EANNI
GRAY, teacher•.
YY, Apr. ;Irl.
e folluwin is
lie school fur
'. class- Eva
, lith ; Vera
•canard Mc-
ain, 0ti.
i t Lorne
g, M2;
for III.
MoeitaY. April 2nd.
lle/•tur Mclean drove to Goderich
on Monday.
Miss Annie Mclennan stent a few
days in Goderich this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Boyd stent it
few days with friends in ISyth last
`week. -, •
Mr. Sted:drutuer, whistles spent the
winter in Gode•ich, has been visiting
in this neighborhood the past week.
It is to -Med the ntauls are Mt had
tbat a of our young men , had to
walk to St. Helens hast Friday .'ve•n-
Itlg, ` •
Donald McLean. of Atuls•rleywho
has lawn laid up with pule 'a, is.
we are glad to state, nide to be around
Mr. and Mrs. Park. of Ladysmith.
B. C., intend leaving for their home
this week utter «lending tea') tits
in our neighborhood. -
Alex. and Kenneth Mclennan,
(ie•e,rge \IcGngor. ('has. Hoyt' :and
Miss Annie McLennan took pact in
the concert at St. lielens last Friday
Mosn.av, April and.
The township assessor, N, Johns.
was in our • 1st last week assessing
the (antis around here.
Mr. and Mrs. John iI. Barker enter-
tainel the young folks of the coun-
ty HI a social h .p on Friday night
of last week.
iT ('Age Opt -.-Not the long -talked
of sawing contest with Goderich town-
ship. but Messrs. Hyatt and Thoutp-
son's second wiesI.cuttiug hex•. The -
proposed date. St. Patrick's i)ay. not
Icing found suitable. the' bee was held
on Thursday tafterrio tm of last week.
There was a gird turnout of neighbors
and friends. among them being a
quartette of sawyers (rem Goderich
towmhip, who came As spectators.
No contest took place, as one ofthe
elm lnpinns fro/11 the eulitwnter town-
ship haul a afire hued: which prevented
• from inking n part in the work.
During the afternoon there was n
quilting be of it muster of the women
in the section and after t the I t it,sr
sop er at the Ryan residence, in which
both rjuilters and sawyers joiner, the
evening was pleasantly spent in euchre
rind dancing.
WEDNESDAY. April 4th.
Ax OLD Rl's,uexT (host•, -(baby
\Villiatns, an old an.l esteemed resident
of this place. passed away on Sunday.
The deceased. who was in his eighty-
lll•st year, had been in feeble health for
a ,render of year•,. and Chi. deaf It was a
release from ',Wieling. He was a well-
knuwn uuun.amd before the infirmities
of age carne upon hint tic took bieynnia
in the affairs of the township and held
the position of township auditor for
many gena. The funeral took place
this ntternex,n and was largely at-
tended. Rev. M. Tionbuli rector of
St. (i • r• e's chute+, Goderich, eon-
ducte services, the interment
being m' ' collimate cemetery. A
more extent notice will be given in
there col next week.
= YTH,
M xn-aY. April 2nd.
.1. T. Carter 1 us disposed of his
harness itehmeet to Edward .14th '1st on,
of Clinton. who is alretedy in poses -
sum. Mr. Carter will retain the collar -
making branch of the business.
Mr. and Mrs..lamee ('r ter of Mel-
bourne, the parents. of rm. J. S.
Golden, of this village, tee idly epic-
I,tatel the fiftieth acaiveratr of their
uparringe. The guests inch , ed till
their children, gt•andchildte and
about sixty Invited guests. Mr. and
Mrs. Cooper are both in the e oy
went of gnat health.
Mies Ada Mills, youngest laugh
of the tale John Mills, of the 2nd can
cession of West Wawansh. was otter-
riel nn \Vedeeselay. March 21st. to
John Logan. The relenonv was per-
fumer!! by Rev. J. C. Reid. of Nile
Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs.
Logan will make their benne near
Arcola, Saskatchewan,
WEDDED IN T,ntuNT,i, -- The mar-
ri,age took place in Toronto mit Mauch
14th of \Ven. T. Crawford. eldest non
of Mr. and Mrs. 1'hnutuer Crawford, of
this village. and Miss Isabel Clifford,
of Ottawa, the cerenonv being ran,
formed by Rev. I). McTavish. The
bridesmaid was Miss Jessie Long, of
Toronto, while J. r. Hamilton, of
Blyth. supported the enema Mr. and
Mrs. Crawford have taken up their test•
dence on Jervis street. Toronto.
l)KATI1 or MR.. Henries, -The sud-
den death of Mrs. Holiest Hughes
came es a sal sut'pria. last Monday.
She had been laid up for 'some weeks
with a broken thigh bine, raused by
a fall on the icy sidewalk, and was re
covering setiai'actirily from the ac-
cident when death ramp suddenly
from heart weeklies's. Mn. Ifughes
was In her sixty-ninth year and had
been a resident r,f Morris township for
a number of years before removing to
Rlvth. She is survived by her hes-
hand and several children, ,Mrs. John
Wheeler. of Morris. twine a daughter.
Internment, waw made in Brussels
Canada is situated at the north of
North America. - It is bounded on the
north by Arctic Ocean, on the west by
Pacific Ocean, on the 'south by the
l'nited States and the (creat Lakes,
add ou the east by Atlantic Ocean.
The there part of Canada is very
cold, and is peopled by a few ISMk-itlieos,
whit live chiefly on seals : while the
southern part is moderate and the
summers are long enough to glow
fruits enol graliue.
In no part of Canada is there a win-
ter witout front and show, as in
countries farther south. The chil-
dren in Canada long for winter to
once, /at that they can have a merry
t*ne skating and sleighing.
ur• country is well situated for the
exchange of goods with other parts
of the world. We trade across the
bander with the United Staten on the
south, and with other parts of the
world in ships.
Canada, has many baps and gulfs
slung her co,astIilie. '!'hese contain
tumbrils: where skips load and unkeul
in safet •.
Gang i, rich in her great fat' g
lauds, forests, and fisheries. Theta,
give work to thousands of her
people each year. In pert* 0 f
British Columbia, Quebec. Ontario.
New 73runewirk, Nova Scotia and the
Yukon district we ilnd valuable du -
posits of gold, silver, nickel. copper•,
lead, iron and coal. Most of the
people living in theme parts ate oc-
cupied in n • • g.
In the northern tarty of Cauada, we
find valuable fur -bearing aniutals,
such alo beaver, otter, mink, marten,
bear, skunk, raccoon.. The chief oc-
cupation of the Indians and the few
white men living in these parts is to
kill these fur their skins. which they
sell to traders.
Canada is well supplier with rail
road a. The l'it !eel ban Pecifle tuns
faom hat..John, in New Bellnawick,' tin
Vancouver, in British Columbia : the
Grand Trunk from Montreal, in Que-
bec, to Windsor, in Ontario; the' hr
tercolonial flow Halifax, in Nova
Scotia, to Montreal, in Quebec. Thr
Grand Trunk is now building a new
line to run across the country. We
have also a great number of canals,
the Sault Ste. Marie being one of the
finest in the world.
Our Do - - is a very attractive
hand. People from all parts of the
world are settling in our great North-
west by the tbouwands every year.
Canada is governed by a Gove
General, who represents King Edward.
and a Parliauleet representing the
people. These are appointed every
five yearn. The capital of Canada is
Fume:wit Yousu,
(Age, 11 years.! Carlow, Ont.
Once in a while a budget of news
received at this office without
signature showing by whout
it sent. It may be very well
wri and interesting, but with-
out thsignature of the writer it
lacks on thing to ensure its publi-
cation. o nless we have the name
of the writr we have no means of
knowing w ther the news is sent
in good faith or not ; and for this
reason we so times have to con-
sign to the -te paper basket
what would o ' rwise be good
' material. We are nxious to pub-
lish all the news th t is available,
but every newspaper •ust use pre --
caution in regard to anonymous
communications. Ever) ..dy who
sends us news or other co •munica-
tions is requested to sign or her
• name --not for publication, • as a
guarantee that the matter is
t to Dungannon for The Parti, t is at the of.
fico of J. G. Watt. J.P., conveyaaer, vie.. whd
will receive orders for subscriptions, &draft's.
ing and job work, and in aullwdzat to glen re- I
rein., for amounts paid fur the stone. -
le,tter male from ire Laval skimmed crease
has taken :ill higle"t prizes Atal an.t award. al
every butter wring contest held within the
hast twenty-five nacre, Wouldn't it pay you to
buy that kind t T. G. Allen's pekes are *lout
Ilea lower than they were a month ago,
Tt'm.IAY. A.pail std.
CHrRe a NoTM,-R. T. S. Boyle, M.
A., B. IL, recently appointed as in-
cumbent of Winghaut parish, is to
conduct Lenten services in St. Paula.
church here un' Friday evening next.,
commencing at 7:30p. lit.
Wgnnt!n,---On Wednesday evening
of least week Miss Eleanor, Davidson,
m( .1shHeldRi
, and chard Reid, of.
%Vent Wawtum(osl, were united in the
bonds of matt •, C. Ruthter-
t ael tied the nuptial knot. We, ale ig
With their uutnerou,t friends, ex
t, the ea k-well
ed couple
cotlgratillathins and lest wishes for
a long, happy and prosperous life to.
gi-the-r. ,
NoricA. .Since- our, last the month
of March has gone and owing to
its having leer) unpleasant we bid
it geld -bye . with a "goo d rid-
dance." The month of April has
c • in quite springlike. and robins
and Other bins have !tut in tin appettr-
ance. Evidently inning thin' of IROS
is here O. Augustine reports that
he is kept fairly well employed. and is
therefor• encceeliug well with 1 his
grain chopper, Quite a bet• of
y g urea in this vicinity are leeiaving
to seek new homes in the prairie I
l'eftstiN.at..--Mr's. Jae. Siena, of ('ort
Albert. alter it few days' pleasant visit
with her dtuightel. Mte. M. McNally,
returned home on Tuesday last
Mime Laura 13rydges Is on at visit to'
her grandparents, Mrs. and Mrs. C.
Pentland Master Stanley Walk-
er, of (imdet•ich, in visiting hie grand-
parents. Mr. and Mrs: B. Augustine.
Miss Clara Stothers, of Goderich,
returned home on MI ndny after visit-
ing her grandmother. Mrs. Roht.
Davidson, for some imps.. , , . Master
Milton Mtotee•s. who hits been for
about five years in the employ sof 13..1.
Crawford ne ate*!n tint clerk, has se-
cured a position in Toronto. He will
Ix' greatly learner by hie Ilnrllenllle
friends and tat'jaainttences, and all
in wishing hint the best of success
in his new sphere of tu•tion.
Seueol. ltmest•t.Ts. The billowing
is the report of the public school here
for the month of March, based on
egnitu•ity, grill deportment and
eneral proficiency : Junior leaving-
unetle Kirke. lona Stewart, Jean
Meted'. Harvey 'Treleaven. .lanie
&anthers. Howard Case, *Pearl Brad -
font, •Enmua Sproul.- Senior IV. ---
Alma\Robinson, Holdall Walk
Ethel'ase', May ,tones., Stuart Mal-
lough,kc'lith Truleeven, Allan leers.
('htu•lie wler, Harry Anderson, Ed-
gar Thompeon. .Iuniur iV.--Ethel
Glenn. Gladys Mclean, Vern Ilurnin,
!toy Medd; Irene Oliver, Mostyn
Sands, Maggie Risher, Lorne Young.
Melville Glenn, Clara Sproul. Pearl
McNally, •Emil)' Smith, "Fred Pent, -
land, Viva Bell, Leslie Pentland.
Junior 111.- Ian Mellough, George
Cane, Cern Allen, Hazel Johnston,
Verna McNally, Clarence Smiley,
Martha Begley, Lautrwnee Smiley,
*Those taking part, of the work. C.
A. Te-mn'TT, Principe!.
,Innior Room : Senior IL --Laura
Fowler Myrtle Allen, Howard leer.,
Ste -them ..Medd. Junior 11. Lora
Smith. Riley $radion, Gertrude Hpg-
Iey, Ralph higher, Arthur Roach,
Mary McCourt, Jarvis Anderson, Mar-
vin hnrnin. Mentor Part iI-Fred
Errington, l'laytm Sands. !Iowan!
AtVerson. Linnfield Anderson, Jun-
ior Part if. ---Ray Stot.here, Pearl
(vera. Myrtle Oliver. Victor Erring-
ton, Hazel Parr Lillian Pentland,
t(enitw I. C. H. Robinson, Olive
(dean, Scott. McNally. Hazel August.
lite, Alex. Anderson, Harold !Sproul.
Junior 1.--ia•ary Carr, prank Glenn,
Edith Anderson, Franklin .TI • peon.
Reny A. Roulrsa,N, Assistant,
'l'rissn.av, April 3rd.
John Hueter is another (rake Shote
tsar] farther who intends to enlarge
his lawn this year. ._._
\VF. me:sitar',.April Ith.
Jitutes Titbit. after three months' se -
veto illness, is able to be out again.
A her of ;our residents attended
the funeral of the late R. Williams to-
\V. F. Young has purchased tl very
fine lot of steel's the peel. winter.
which he intend'. to put on grass and
prepare for the British market.
II. Brindly his disposed of his two-
year-old filly for a handsome sum to
kr. Pfriutuer, of Benutiller, and A.
Wise. of the 8th. has sold his two-
iyear-old filly to a Belfast fanner for a
fine figure.
4 \VEnslo4uesY. April 4th.
Gtel. Fowler hes recovered from his
severe illness.
Geo. Mcllwain is laid up vith an -
attack of appendicitis.
We :air gland tin sew Will. Andrews
in -multi again after his recent accident.
l'hristoplier Johnston has purchased
mw his hmther James the eighty-
; •re lot lying between his own place
a 1 the lake.
JIM. Amy has purrhttsed from
Chit N'aret f the forty -acre lot hie -
twee Win.Bichan's and his own
place. . t the Hayfield roto!.
Mrs, Win. Bichan and daughter,
Dorothy, Hayfield mad, left thin
(Wedne- v) •ping to visit the
former's in her. who resides et Speed -
side. near (: elph.
.10w. Cello • I, 'Lw, Colwell and
daughter, of ). e let concession, tire,
we understand. moving to Hayfield
reside. Roltt, 'olwcll will remain
on the fare, and believe there are
weld prospects of a getting
a house-
MuisnA Apr. 2nd,
H. McKay and Miss L. ':Ilett spent
Sunday at Setaforth.
We are sorry to learn the- Rev. Mr.
Holmes is not recovering ver ladt.
Miss Lena Erwin entertained a few
of her friends on Friday evening.
Mrs. (Rev.) Jemning, of Kingsville,
for•nerly of this parish, visited friends
here over Sunday.
Wallis Johnson entertained a -
Fer of young people' on Thursday even-
ing a last Week. A pleasant time
waw spent.
Julia Wannsle , who returned front
Detroit, hospital a few days ego. is
still pretty low and there is not much
hope of recovery.
Prof. Burgess, of Western L'niver-
eity, will preach and administer holy
eon rruuniun in Trinity church• on
Easter Sunday. The -Professor is well
known and a large attendance is ex-
h'uarru.t,LL Ct.um Iticuni,aelxkt..
The Hayfield lakeside football club
held their annual meeting on Wednes-
day evening of last week in Dr.
Smith's waiting menti. A large And
enthusiastic crowd was present. The
prospects are even brighter than last
dear. when the team al t won the
intermediate ch piotiship, ending
third in it race which is not derided
yet. The team wicwon fr y
Held played men whit did not belong
to their town. The following officers
were elected : Hon. president, H. I.:a-
lier, M. 1'. P. ; t . viae -presidents,
11. lb. Gunn, M. I'., and Dr. Metcalfe :
president, A. E. Erwin ; vice-presi-
dent, hr. Woods : secretary, hr.
Smith : treasurer, F. A. eklostsls :
captain, 1'. H. Brownlee ; managing
committee, D. Cranston. N'. Whitt -
dim, M. Whiddon, 1'. Mnsttanl, A. Mc-
leod. Peens wishing gnutes will com-
irete with the evetetary.
Semen Itrn'RT. -The following is
the resort of the Barfield perdu
school fol• the til of Blench, liaaeel
on attendance, demeanor and general
Nproficiency : Senior V. -Great Me.
eil, Jr. V.- - Lizzie Robertson, Nellie
Biggam, Alice Tippett. Senior 1V. --
clam (list sin, (.leave Erwin, lours
l owlie. Junior IV.--FoKin
Ruby Woods, Maggie Mcnfk,nald.
Senior Ill. -Amy) 'McNeil, Percy
Johnsen, Maud McI,-,ud. Middle ilii
--Wilber Erwin, Willie Brandon,
John McNeil. Junior 1i1. -Winnie
McNeil, lama Currie, Ernest Towns-
end. Senior Ii. -- (lienge Turner,
In'ne Roos, Maggie Mclweiipl. Middle
II. Evelyn Pollock, liberael Erwin,
Herold lir Ion. Junior it-- Kath-
leen klliett, - Annie Elliott, Fred
h'nwlie, Part ii. --tesla King, Willie
Townsend, Floy Edwards. Senior
('Art i.- -Aggie Mchonakl, Annie Mc-
Neil, Albert Leitch. Junior Part I.
Bessie Elliott., Kate Little, Alae
Brandon. Number n on�roll, 141 : aver-
age, MU. F. M. ATAYRt-RY, T. it.
li ulwatate, Teaa•here.
This is a ticklish job, as the fly re-
marked, while it was walking over
the old man's bald heed.
Special Offer
for April
To New Subscribers
will is. sent for the balance of
114111 for
Send your dollar at once- to
Vanatter & Robertson
tlo• i" ; n. 1. (,sl- (tet.
Mosta% Y. April 2nd.
Miss Maud Taylor, of Mullett, is the
guest of her couail), Miss Attniu, Tity-
lor. •
-Mrpurrish has had several nice
outings on the lake during the past
nu,uth in his new sailboat lie built
last arraunel'. •-
Roe. H. \V. Wright, pastor of the
Baptist. church, lhole•ich, and Mrs.
Wright visited among members of
their congregation hero recently.
At social dancing party here the
other evening a popular elderly
couple. who were only a few years
short of their golden wedding anni-
versary, danced several widows of
their ileac old Fatherland with almost.
the same energy of their young days
at sex'ial guetlyrings in (iernuauy.
'l't-Ken-ay. April art.
Mr. h'rog's ntltsical (?) voice is hewn
once mute.
Sugar -making is the order of the
day, Loch Melon farm being one of
the scenes of operation.
The farmers in this locality expert
t, eunitnence their ploughing this
week. Tee land is in fine condition,
Col. J. A. S. Vlu•ete has engaged
thorough a Government • igratiou
ofiicial at Toronto one of the - '-
grants rex-.'ntly-brought to this coun-
try front England.
elfURctt Nerrttrt-The matter of
building a new Sunday ech,ol rani
has been postponed until the annual
meeting of Smith's Hill congregation
next January The hour of meet-
ing for church service here lust been
changed from 231 to 3 p. ut. for the
e months.
Fon Tests WEST. -J. H. Teasley left
on Monday on his r•etut•n to his home
at Yurktm, Suskutchewall. He was
accompanied by his brother -in -haw,
Hugh Rose, who purposes taking up
landinthat district W. \V. Wel-
ters leaves next Tueeluy for Yellow
Oras, Saekatehewau. where he in-
tends to take up land.
Sanas tie EXPORT (t,aTTLIL--R, M.
Voting has sold his export cattle to
Mr. Yuunghlut, of Auburn, at. five
cents per pound• the aniutals to be de-
livered at Blyth on April 14th
Joseph Bell also has sold his heavy
cattle, N', T. Murney, of Gode•t•ich,
being the purchaser at five and a
quarter cents a hound. Mt•. Bell de -
fivers his auiuuale at.Goderich before
May 1st.
Geo. Fletcher, the Ripley Incendiary,
Sent to Central Prison.
Walkerton, Ont.., March 30. -George
l•'le'tcher, of Walkerton. who 'deleted
guilty to looting a bat•Ier shop in that
town and then netting it on fire, with
the renult th, t several building( in the
vicinity were destroyed, Was today
sentenced by Judge Barnett to two
years. less one clay, in the Central
Grand Trunk Telephone System.
Montreal, March :20th. - Arrange-
ments ane being Made by the Grund
Trunk Railway Co. for it telephone
installation of their own over their
entire system.
The central exchange will be at the
general offices of the emnpaanv, where
the 'switch -board, with all .the nevem-
eery terminal facilities, will be erected,
and the wit -es will run from Montreal
to i'ortltand int the one hand, and
from Muntteal to Chicago on the
The installation will mark men en-
tirely new departure so far as Cana-
dian railways aire,•oncerneed..
It is rr•g:mdrd its a highly important
undertaking. involving an expeudi-
tureof biter -est three end four hun-
dred thousand dollars, and the con-
struction of many thousands of wiles
of copper wire.
It was &fated today that it would be
some time before the management
would be able to begin the actual con-
struction of the system, as the prmject
is difficult mid complir'ated and out-
side the mrilinary lines of nail way ex-
Thele newer wits an /angel who
wouldn't take off her wings and intik
for the matt she loved. --New Orleans
The Better
The tissues of the throat are
inflamed and irritated ; you
cough, and there is more irrita-
tion -more coughing. You take
a cough mixture and it eases the
irritation -for a while. You take
and it curet the cold. That's
what is necessary. It soothes the
throat because it reduces the
irritation; cures the cold because
it drives out the inflammation ;
builds up the weakened tissues
because it nourishes them back
to their natural strength. That's
how Scott's Emulsion deals with
a sere throat, a cough, a cold,
or bronchitis.
• sawn! este.
CI -tens loots,
Tamara, eat
100 Sample Suits
Keg ulat $5.0o and $h oo {
Kill( suits New patterns in 2 -piece Nor-
piecefolk. at per suit
for $3.75 I� iron �3 to $6
Everything for Men and Boys
Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, hatters, etc.
North side Court 1Itit1 l• Siiva1'e, Goderich.
at this store. A grwal thing,r you Mr. M'euce-builder that.
-the price is low at the very tit a you want wire. This is not
inferior wide'hilt the b.srClevv nd High Carbon Coil Spring
Wile. Don't delay. The pricewill never he lower and is
sure to advance. - Our In -ire now` is ,
$2.50 per i oo pounds
Weave a little leo much of a fe styles of Page Wire
Fence. ft the style suits you, the price utely will. Come in
tend get a b again. A little hard cash w 1 buy a lot of it..
that sum tee gave you in last week's aulvi liseunent7 No
doubt you found`(hat the coot of - painting ur house was
notch heathen yo expected. Ni, prettervat •e like paint.
It pays to paint. pays best to plaint with
Elephant Remy -M ixed
Every can guaranteed.
Portland Cement. Wood Fibre Plaster, White Rock
Lime, Glass. Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Tools,
Elephant: White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Weaving and
Barbed Wire, Guns, Rifles •and Ammunition
and everything etre which should ale found in ,t first-class
liardw,are Stotx•.
The Hardware Mart
before ordering this season's Wood and Coal.
r 717
411414 N 1000N‘44144441iif1N00tl14a“iNNaNiI4K
Just About Buggies
A baggy may be dee't'ilevl as "it lox nn wheels:" tut you
would never think of applying such as des:ript• t, the elegant
turnouts manufactured by
%% M . GRAY & SONS, Chatham,
for whom 1 ,tit the :agent ,in Goderich. Their enrtiagea are the
acme• of skilled worknutnship and good taste, with the mold
foundation of a long and nueceesflil experience in the making of
high-grade vehicles.
Some Points in -When you buy ,a "(fray" ear
» riage you are patting your ,honey y Carriages. into a first-class investment. There
is not hing just "good enough" in a
"(fray" boggy; every part of it is the emelt of careful honest
work, with special attention to
Their rubber -tired and cemsleion-tirexl rigs etre models for easy -
running tomtit her and elegant style. .%,e for price -well, give me
e chance to talk to yews.
Be sure you ride in a " Gray " carriage this year. I have all styles*
Runabouts, Road Wagons,
Phaetons, Mikados.
Call let, my Witrehom.r•, If Until! on Street fax •r
( Leri h. if you
enol to sees w sire buggies. A plea &n n+ In) shoe t hent.