HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-4-5, Page 3THE S1G.IKA.L,; (.()T)ER1U11 ( )NI'A Itl1I
THURSDAY, April 5, I''. 06 3
II' The game on the green that !lits
! taken such a hold on Canadian spirts. I
O S I A. H. Heater; managger of the few )hays, illness of pueulnuiiix. 1)e- teen, and which will have a further
Traders Hank at Kincardine, has been ceased was well known and very , fillip that year in the tltwt visit of an Old
transferred to Regina, where the highly respected and enjoyed x very I Country team to this eoentry and the
Bank is up g a branch, ' large practice. He had, resided • in
The 100 -acre farm of Michael KI•au• \Vioaeter for upwards of thirty years.
ter,` Oil the I ith concession of Otey, Ile is survived by his widow, one sou,
has leen purchased by Ikon and John Or. Mamie, j1., and one daughter, Sirs.
"Bowleg" or "Bowl."?
Yews of the iistrictt. I NOTES QF SNORT.
• ■
of Dodd's Kidney Ma are
legion. The bog. ls Imitated,
the outable coating and shape of the
pills are imitated and the name-Dodd't
Kidney Pills ls Imitated. lmltatlons are
dangerous. Tb. original I. safe. Dodd's
Kidney Pills have a reputation. baits -
tors bare nose or they wouldn't Imitate,
So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. Ther"
is only oats DODD'S. Dodd's V the
originaL Dodd'. ha the ruse Se be ease-
ful about--
on 3
Von money returned
not satisfied an every way.
bast the '•Car1..Mag sent''
is el tr Wally ow ndfa fes �od
,on altar way. With
..rdina careful
use It en hold
its edgel
Carte- 112.•
suras $fists
tau. came•
Rosa. Craw •2N
In ism haste.
"Cartes Magnetic" Etas-
tk Casks. Strop., $1.00.
Welk" 'Illi uacbbaym:'
,•,„,,• Ll
4 W HOWE L. - Goceric''
W. build beadaet, good wagon
Plorah• of all Ueda, Navrew., Resin.,
Nanton ssr..dera, Meantime,
Wheelbarrows, Etc., Etc.
to raj you our utalor,.•
The Wilkinson Plough Co.
TORONTO • min \;
Dielotconsumpdon,butrt tis Darn
lady used Psychine and Is
strong and well
" My -mother, oand
brother sister
died of
'I 1
tw a h la 11 .
Cr! of Lin-
den, N.s., "and i myself suffered for two
e m from a distressing cough and weak
lungs. I suppose I inherited a tendency
in this direction?
" But thank God I used Psychine and it
buil: me right up. My lungs are now
strait. i enjoy splendid health, and I owe
it all Psycbise."
Coe mption, whether hereditary or con-
tracted,., cannot 'attend before Psychine.
Psychine kills the germ, no matter how it
attacks the lungs. Psychine builds up the
body And makes it strong and able to
resist disease. Psychine is an aid to
digestion and a maker of pure, rich blood.
The greatest giver of general health is
rronm,n.e.t 's,.i
50c. Per Bottle
opening of the gloat new greens of the '•
Ontario Jut•key Chili at 1Voodbiue
Hark, is variously called "howls' and
"bowling." The latter is the usual'
Reuther, of L'retnbrok, for $3,5111). McI*311. 1 appellation here, its well as with sl
John -Murchison, of Lu:kuow, has Died After Operation. . Scots and Nurthcuuntryuten,, but an
leen appointlrtl secretary of the Kin. \loch regret was ex erased intense• I English Writer•, discussing the correct.
lass Brunch Agricultural Society as
successor to I'. A. Malcounson, tee
I)r. E. A. !Last has sold his pruc-
tice'u ('pts I _ ) • ' Me('tie, of
field when it was, karma that Alista usage, p/iuts out that the fact is inion -
Joanna Muni., daughter of the late
Juin Munroe., of 'Pocket -smith, had
!!arse:d away. The Bout event occurred
on Sunday of last week at the Clinton
tastable that it wvs us "!owls" that
it rolled its way Mutsu through. vete
tittles at time. In the ever -talked -4d
game upon Ply11n)111k Hoe, Drake hits
N eu trv'utrlelI its •' phi lug at
Wet "k'tlowleitge'nf their atle•"nntter 1110
same title. "Those who play at bowls
expect rl ille w " e
Y 1 all trefer-
t t t tnl Lh
uena! in"Waived !!."til cols"
may well be quoted, for it not only
refers to the tecrl•atioii in that way,
Ina also that hi lies Intik part in the
pastime. The distteasd (Inman, ad-
dressing her lady attendant,. said :
••11'hnt sport. shall -we thrive hen• in
this garden to drive away the heavy
thought of cam'?" •'Miuhuue, we'll lusty
nt jowls," Wsfii the reply. Tit this the
Queen unswe,•: "Twill (make the think
the world is full of rubs, and that tey
fortune tuns against the hies." Petty's
and Evelyn, in their famous Diaries,
follow the saint. rel• as Sltitktspvur•,
and the latter, making a note of u
rontewt iii which he Valk tract tit what
is Dow tier! It t'hti•ry's well-known
seat in Suite)•, says: "We weld. to
Illu•Mans to a challenge match at
Isovls, for tyle, which we won."-- Glnlue.'
The Ripley Fire.
Walkurlon Teluagvym,
A .t.•ange• turn was given to the
Ripley lire Moines. immediately anter
the trial tit' Fletcher here last Tuesday.
Indeed, it seems that before
the trial
Walk place he s IL c l
nfess' in
the course of which he implicated two
others in the burning act. '1'hP.ether'
Lou, like himself, are barbers by lest-
fessiom, e•u that. if 1'letcher's story is
true the whole thing has Ilea x Intr.
Is•o+' conspiracy, As we hats,' Nth!,
F'.'teher's Iris.1 took plate iu '1'neN-.
day and the next day I'0nelahle
Jots}rpla Art 11 iu'tested the
al her
114,0 men, by autos Kee: -
u••111 MOP:0A ll and Mutdtrh Me -
1 The peel' ' •y hearing be-
fore the 11uagistrate luck phaee•
nI Thm•s0Lay itnil lasted from telt
i,'cl.ak in the forenoon to six o'clock
the afternoon, The prisoners welt'
Mefeinl rl by bar. P. A. Malettrlsutt.
while (';'oven Atturiey Dixon looked
after the interests of the II 'linen. M'•-
1`aukill was a:Matted with conspiring
with Mudoch.Melmlis and another
person iii summit. an indictable if -
epee., to wit.: to wet fire to a certain
building ii Ripley with intent to de-
fined, A like charge was laid against
1lelnuis, Fletchei's stoney mat' ant Is-
true, but if it is then loth NIrinuis
and-Met'ttskill atm a pair of limit fowls.
If' his story is true, thew' t men
suis.criIwtl to all agreement to born
this ban•is•l. ship, aid left this agree-
ment in the hands of Fletcher to la•
used in evidence against thein should
nt. any t' desire to do Nu.. He
says that the (hiss. of them entered
the barber stela by the (nark dame,
muthnt tuff all the eaitent,c, which
they (list depo.atet iu it buggy in the
hotel shed, anal afterwards (isik it out
into the country. According to his
Still y, while taking the (dear apart,
senna nil was spilled, a11,1 at
lights it match accidentally` fell on it.
This started it fj)s', but 'ltlil gli the
Ihree of ihetn were unable tau put it
out litter on it went ant of itself. 'They
made this discovery :after 'getting
some distance out into the conntrt•.
•k as he said
tlie- con-
tract," air in tithe• words to set the
SIP 1pi dot fire. A little later un,. Flet-
cher eaays, he saw the reflection of the
fhe and knew that McCaskill hn
1 i1Ycnr-
1 1 111Tt
L hisa '1
ntrlct. The magistrate
u ist•atp
Ws tabi •
u unable t oI plat. Ix
Iinnthc Iir'st dire, natal t'1•I1ir11It'1 Ikith
pr;saes until Wednesday slay of this
week, bail being accepted in the sum
of 114,(111 for their reappearance.
Are Your Snapshots Caricatures T
The following from The Mail and
Empire's answers to legal questions
will he of interest to iuutatt•ur photou�
repliers :'
W. ft E., Guelph, Ont.• -Qu. --1 ani
an amateur phntegrapher.' and have
been taking snaapshot+,rif everything in
sight, and hate'hii'Pn welling thephuto-
graphs that I have marls. ('an I Is.
prevented ft selling photographs
of persons, with11nt their p•ruissiin 7
Ann. --'!'here is no law in Ontario,
that i aur aware et, to prevent per -
wins from taking nai
s • r
r a kI
y photograph. of
buildings or persons, and selling copies
thereof, 1 cannot pvuvent another
fruit larking at my building. or from
tusking a picrnn', drawing or photo-
graph of it : • can I prevent him
from making a picture. drawing 4)1.
photograph of myself. If lie "cavi-
ratures' ins, I can sue him for libel. If
the phi are not caricatures I
think yam will be safe in selling them.
In the saint' column two Unruh
comity correspondents are answered
3111111101414 :
1', NI., Brucelleld.--Qw.--I insure!
11ty lire in as life insurance company (ver
a year ago, and took a twenty-year
policy -end paid the first premium.
t'eceive'tl n notice f • the agent that
the second premium would ramie clue
in November hist, and I sent hire
notice that the insurance was too high
std asked him to cancel my policy, t
then received at notice from Ihe c
pony demanding payment, Can the
c nit it ny emigre' me to pay it :'
Ans. 'l'lle denten • cacompel y((
t pry. The phacon is it cintracl
we'e'p yiii anti Ihe company, In it
Y.(1 e11etneetcd Ito pay theph'iuiwnsat
!site! it. intervals. its they should
due, and the company rain
•uu to perinea your part cif
aeric. --Qu. •1 sold my Tarin
living in a house which I
loge, nhd have an ins
f;rnut the money which
farm. Must i pay an
llr.•llaket,inbinsileseeisisieit.ttlRA)WL r•' .jiff••- a" oyi))t1itif. RStftl1
to Hamilton. for the removal of to amen..
operation was performed snccewiftilly
but her system was tumble to bear the
shuck. She was fart y -six yews tit age.
Golden Wedding Anniversary.
Un March 21th Mr. and Mrs. John
Brirkinden, of Clinton, eelebrnted the
liftieth ntnive'rsery elf their marriage.
They were man ie.l in Enghtud but
were residents of ''ucket•sunith and
Hallett fur a great many years, and
for the last thirteen years have re-
sided in ('lints. 'Plus family riusists
of Mrs, Joseph Taylor. of !Tinton;
Mlw. K. Rrslxw:ty, Stapleton : !film. C.
Adair, (ilmfitngwoo d. and Gag). T. Brick-
eth,'n. of Loudon, who were all toes -
eat with their huslimtiids sued wife to
participate in t he happy event. •
Wedding at Clinton.
SI. l'ard's shores, I;lintal, was the
welt• of a happy event on 1Vielneaday
of last week, the Peas' being the
marriage ad' Miss Alice M. 1Vaan,
daughter of iitIln \Vas, 01 Tucker -
smith, and 1Cm, II. Stevens. of Mul-
lett. Thi. 'Nide ass litt•11,1id iip',Iler
sister M'ty, while the groom was sup -
1) of
nest! hisc assn! W. H. Daly. I )Y•
,' N • • r• ,1 ' a e -
1e abn•lt. rifler the ceremony Uy 1
estate was held sit the 1 • of the
bride's father, after whi.•Ii Mr. and
Mr,. Stevens went to their new host•
in Iluflett, where the 141.0 01 i, a p•o-
goessit•e and pupuhu y g farmer.
. Accident Resulted Fatally.
fide', C. II:giver, of Crntlitnll, died ton
_Monday of lust week front pug unimitt.
she was lutty•ttru years of age ted
huskies her hnslstnd is survived by
two young children.
Mts, Jehauna Mt•Ksty, relict of the
hate Jahn aliKuy, diel on Tie silav of
Last week tit her residence in Kiu-
csurliut•. aged seventy -ulna yearn,
Mrs. McKay was tilt told resident of
Dr. and Mrs, Ferguson. who, •afte'r
residence of ten years in Ile(salI, are
rt. •ing tl (ilvn•getowu, were Pre-
sented with a hands/mit; cabinet of
elver on the eve of their departure to
t heir mew lotus.
Hey. Dr. (iiffotrik at former pstatur of
/iamb Mei hi eluur•h, Ielan-
on, hits twee eoiip .fled tto give up
olive work an :account of ill -health.
It is exp•eteil that he will tae snper-
alnmitell_at the nest Meeting of Ieiilt-
Inn Sunday u,.rlui;. Nardi 2.1111.
Ir.. P'rilue, wifeuf the' sl
ter at Brucefleld, passed away after a
.uulnl ulnl,-,
wan r,ut,'tu, She teat
it wl• . "1 agebesides 1e• •
l fi t 1':1l' I 11 her
',wham! leave, t daughter. ill
warn her d,':tt11.
The death °evolnd uta .I:ur:h 2•t111
d Alettaullt'r Monsen. it, "Ill :aid
lightly reeps•Ii'rl te.idemt of I-.Ionue,
it the lige of ,uvl'nty setyear's.
1'he 41er:hoseil hail been :a re,ideie of
-�.►«rt-rte• f,ae-soiree-(iffy-r.s'a+..•, II.. -is--
art iced by tiara esons and boa llaugh-
Mrs. Andrew Miller, et 'iViughaul,
died recently at the home of her
:.tilghter, Slr.. I'udcrwawl, in flew -
,..k, aged eighty -live years. Mau.
,!ills• mold her hn.hand were: g
le early planners et Huti iek, Ism
lad retii,vl to N'inghaul wore years
Neter Ketreh, sue Yr:N.1411141 resident
1 Grey- fur 0144114 liter years, diel
ildenly on 'l'ues•Ixy. blares 271.11.
...al 11 tr•sulting from apoplexy. The
1ee1•36t41 was in his sixtieth reit,' I is
orvived by his wife, Mr. Keefer wit.
Libien1 in Isaialit's'anal t.suk aur so'-
ce ititeter.t alt pnblae alf.lir.,
The hone of Slr. awl SL's. 11'. I).
211d r.allc•Qssual" of 'Pecker -
mil h. was the sce11i Of :t pretty wed.
SI ii. 7.n 11ar•,'2sth,When Iheirdangle
"r bla...Alberta, hs•c: ' the wife of
11:•x, Ilrto:elhot, •uf tine s: tlwunIlip.
he guests 1)115I11N•rrl about fifty 1
re•r•ul•sy.was perfumed by Bev.
I. `lessee's.
NI s. ll'l'oriuor. relict of the late
. Ls. ((('onnor-, lash rimyessili') of
aa -sed away one day last week
ane•tit•tii year. '1'h, dccrsaw•d
cons gh• husband .rated in Grey
irly-six year, ago, but Mr. Ot'o11-
pr' 'e.rs,•d her taanty-tAd
;onto. Ski I. surslrcd by three wars
i nil tko dnu term.
'.tltett.tIon mail exlroui•Iv painful
!toe.:. Asn ls.s by eat leer of Ill('
of the 7111
in her
An unfurl lnate accident Iw•rrtlird im
Khitless om Marsh 1711k tr'sulting in
the death of ii, W. Yuuug, •i son of
Mr. and Nits. John l' g, :tel range.
S. D. It. Ile was up in the mow
doing same• work, when his father
'al lel hien to c e ill to supper. He
implied that lit•• would lie in in a few
minutes, \Vhcn he did nut melte in,
his tallier went mut and found him
lying nu t 11 barn thaw, h:trillevi-
�tently fallen ell a be;uu. lla was
ataken into Ihe lion..• aura rulrdit'a aid
seal let.. lint hi. injuries were tuit
that hi; tlii,l mese Its -e days latter, a ter
suffering great pain. is \
Farewell Supper and Presentation.
On 'l'nes.hly evening of last wick
J. C. Stevenson. of Clinton. wits ten -
Ailed at farewell Iutnquet by the mem-
Ike. nt 111e 1. 0. O.• F. inthat town, of
which eider` he haul been a ni•iuhw•r
for eighteen years. On the fallnw'ing
evening the 1(101I1s•ls of the 1Vesley
stimet S1l'thtsli-rt church Waited upon
Mr. Stevenson and presented him
With an address together with a hued•
-.ante quld-heuulid cane. as teacher's
Bible and a fountain pen. Mr. Steven-
son 11.11 (Nen a, resident of ('linlun
Millet' Ixil and always took a deep and
a .live interest an the al welfare
and prosperity of the 'titan. Ile
earrh's with him a. his new home in
.thuueda. I'adiforo ie., t he best wishes of
a Wide circle of friend".
Western Foundry Matter Settled. .
The trouble het weer) the 11'ingh,un
town i•nunril and the Western F'oe1nil-
Largo. oleos elt rand 52 all drutel.te.
OR. T. A. SL01IUM, Limited, Toronto.
A Ba'ker's Triumph
The Mooney Baker cannot
produce anything better than
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
The very best of flour, butter
and cream - the most modern
plant, the veA' best baker in
Canada. A biscuit superior to
any other you haws ever tasted.
Say "Mooney's'" to your grocer.
"Laugh, and the world l•nghs wit Ii
yam : snore, and you shoep nlonp."-
tin It....l all I
Nark hard' for m toy ye nes INe•u a
e ident 11f --lite wnalip anal wets
Id an high •'Nt•cur 3csld,N bar hits -
y, daughters
' � r ha dew ht 1
• 'r sul•wtt l
stud silt. n K
soil 1 ort• tons.
\ , 1
1 '11111 11 L
t INI't
"1�aI1K•if .11. .
Sla,'sha of the 211111•onr lou of ('nl-
;,1+•, oat.+ Lc scene of an eresting
• Il
a 1\'l 1111'wlN
r .1
1' 11
1 •(
.% heti Ihe•ir\ "eldest Weigh •t•, . Suis
%ggie N.. eat niu•rie•11 to (: dl -H.
'il enc,
Pi '1'1 m.wfold. 'flu
uany was p•11'ul lel! by Her. 0.
it. It. nf''eeswate in the person a' of
a large number of uests f • (ie. le
it. hi, IA)t1111111, I.astu •el, Tb 'rift 11
nd clw•e•hee•. Atte an extend
isit in Michigan 31r. \unit burs. Mc-
Kay will make their home near
I'h: 'staid.
Bank of Commerce at Wingham.
The Canadian Battik of Ci u niece
has taken over the baulking bns'ness
A. E. Smith, of 1Wanghaul, nd
open in the annus premises . am .i,
is ahrt•sliins can he -made. Mr,
Smith will be Ilse tuniawget•.
Dr. Holmes Leaving Clinton.
IM. 0, E. ltullo•s, dentist, has
.old his practice in Clinton to Iir. F.
1. A,- , if Caledonia, who takes
', isseSsItlll about the tett!! of April.
It is Dr. Holmes. inU'111in11 Io go t"
the West, aural he Will plrlhably
locate at Saskatoon, Sask.
Farms Change Hands.
CuunciH.ar Gavin Wilsons of East
Water sl), has sold his farm to Jelin
\ut•uim, of the iIth eincessiun of the
:mile township, for yttt,lsrl, and Mr.
Vlit•11nan 1131. tall!l his sheat to Hobert
aid Henry S1tGee, also of Ellst Wit -
canard'. -l'osw•saiim will not be itiven
.n either came until F'clinutry if next
Building at Wingham.
W. 1e, 1'anstmie, of 11'ingpnnn, has
:old his pts Telly on the corner of
tosephine and 1 ste'a'k streets to W,
II. Oren. Mr. (limen intends conn-
toering work at once on the building
if a good Hawk of Mitres. It. lux been
u'ratlgi'il (hat the (hldfellows have
half of the second story for .t bulge
New Jewelry Business for Wingham.
A. 13. Kaiser. for thirty years a resi-
dent if'Walkerton, has opened up a
jewelry. Issineis in %Vinghein. friar
in his leaving 'Walkerton for \Wing•
turn he wits tendered a ironplimpn-
tar)' banquet Ile his fcllew-ritimam
,tni1 presented with an address acceut-
penierl by at handout. Suit caw and H.
pure of a50 in gold.
Died in Manitoba. '
Word wets received in Seaforth of
the death at Milestone, Manitoba, on
Friday. March.x4trl, of Thomas Mc-
Donald, sun 11f SI,1. It. McDonald. of
the 3rd rntlressi(n of blsKillnp. a Mr.
McDonald 'lied Just tetn•nc'tl to the
West as few days when he was taken
ill with fin is and died after a
brief Muesli. He was fort y• ane years
of age and leaves an aged mother and
it stns!• NMI ht•Iith.r tr mourn hiM
Death of Dr. Stnale, Wroxeter,
Dr. S. B. Amelia, nor of the oldest
physicians in the counts of Huron,
dile at his house iii, Vroxiater /s
Monday evening of Inlet week after a
1• e•
'1'ai -
It was decided that the council of
1900sle old carry out the agreement
with Ilse ,••'stint• • blade in lirri,
provided the a luta} give Is•rs.m:ll
I. I defend I ' suit brought
'weds t1 fit f u 1 ant
• , • slat ter anal
n the 1
:against the rimmed in h
ptect members of the eoenril from
loss in Ilist111s1N4ct. It was ('tilthot•
tesolisl Reit a)Iy proceedings against
the Western Foundry Co. respecting
atones owing the tutvn Is' withdrawn,
In the agreement of 1451 the company
pr posted to extend the. buildings rural
employ Ione hundred hands, on con-
ition that the nut t expended up
t d:I,1t,rI •heilld lu• dedu"le•d from
the rigititl price of the foundry ptll'-
chow (ran the town, The i'anlpnnv
went o anal le the improvements,
iwgh ey slid lot employ the one.
It mined Ib nil.. Subsequently the re•
siu'tinn the •onn'Wasliav 'as Pals] to
w' zed at " 525, hitt this want Bever
etas, and it •runs ; diwlgleement
we whick hay settled n s eas ideate.ideate.int
et Med.
Death ' J. S. - R Seaforth.
After a illness extent ' ig over saes
1 th ('atelia .1. . Ru1N•rts,
Sento hb t prl•(r lle•ut re-
.. st.sru away on \pit duty mf
ei< . Th deceased wens h n in
ty of astings in hell. At
',event, 'n bebeenlisted in
caviar • and saes ed in Ili
American c •111 war ntil its chase. In
1117:1 he leennhe• atest ant. of Misdeal',
where be con mewl ch i'itg hii,i li'fa
until Ifs flint s cin a upon him,
.\fte•r catling to calor h he joined
the Seaforth smut( ny rolrnt•erM
,old ruse to the rat •t recite, re-
his cnnissi years
age. He always'took at int roast
in military affairs. lie w N active
polar Han, being a strong Co ttise•,
aril in religion he Wits a n 1111 •r 11f
oak nn
ke t
the con
the alga'
New. Not
the (church of Englaand. He
au-t.iV' interest in sports, lacing ,i
carter sued howler, and was ill
ready to give his :'npporL to the
ions slaps in the terra. During It
bang leiidetc,' in seam tit. he 1131 or.
Billies! III nlerOON import iant,-pNtNitOnM.
aat the council boar! anal (hr('ullegiate
Institute !Noma , and he nlw•ays took
an 3clivc inlec'st. in :..rlything that he
considersd was for the !salient and
advancement of the town. Ile is stir -
s'it'ed by his widow, there Nuns and
three langhtertl.
In Dodd's Kidney Pills How Mrs.
Hughes Suffered for Four Years.
Sbill•y, Ont., Apr. 2.--LSpecinl.l
Mrs. James Hughes, of this !Mace,
beets it her ditty to pct, her infusing
sisters 1111 over Canada know that
they can full relief in I1Ntd's Kidney
Pills. t
'•i was it great saltence Par four
years,'. ways Mrs. Hnghes, '•1 acs
1rralci1 by font. doctors Hwl tried
nearly every medicine I cinld hear of.
but nothing warmed to do me any
gaol. I was in lad for nearly three
yeah suffering from pains up my
spinal column. In my haul, over my
cyt's, acres my bark and through my
left side. Dodd's Kidney Pills entad
nit• and now I am strong and able to
do s good day's work."
religion is like Imre brawls the
harder it 1s rubbed the brighter it
shines. --Mrs. '1'. N. \Viwlom.
the ran
\V. R.,
and sun no
own in the v
of &kill a year.
t received fora
income tax?
Ans.- The "item Ieexenlptaune:' are
only allowed in Ott `ease of 'piwtsa(nl
eiarein s.'' and in r• a the inc • is
. and the party
atssessmen t ."
here the in-
s invested
p'y other -
den'i'er! h,m1 it btlsiti
IS feest'a.cul fur "Maine
There is no exemption
come is derived from ml
on mortgages, or from 1
wise invested. _ - -
A Olad Surprise for Love
"Oh, !.ropy I" Pxeleiml',l . r S.
Yllunglove as they* embraced nt he
door. "I've 'thing splendid
tell you."
"What is it, darling ?"
a "Youreniettltw•r mr new cook, who
canoe this morning '"
"Vas ; what last her
"She's still here !"--(chimp!! Record -
Behind every grey !ward theie is the
face tela child . -J.-. M. Barrie. •
IMPROVED machinery
will not, of itself, pro-
duce good flour.
You may be an excellent
cook, but you cannot pro-
duce 'light, wholesome
baking unless the flour you
use he the kind that permits
such results.
So in the milling; machin-
ery alone cannot produce
Royal Household Flour
out of the wrong kind of wheat any more than you
can make the right kind of bread or pastry out of
the wrong kind of flour.,
Ogilvie's Royal I household Flour is made from
hard spring wheat -a wheat that is rich in nutriment,
that grinds fine and white, and produces bread and
pastry that are wholesome and nourishing as well'as
ght and crisp -it's a flour that begins to be good in
the wheat fields, not in the mills.
Your grocer prefers to
sell you Ogilvie's Royal
Household. Flour because
he knows the value of a
pleased customer.
Ogilvie Dour Mills Gee Ltd.
"Ogilvie • 11,.,k for a i ,.i , con-
tains ext isms of excellent recipes,
setae 'lever published before. • 1 our
grin.'" cartyou hon' togas it FREE.
Leading Consen'atolies, Colleges, Schools,
Theatres. and in thousands of homes where a piano
Of distinctive merit is appreciated. The ikil is the
only piano with the illimitable Repeating Ac non,
Swed foe 1)eeull1u1 (f•.$) Bseki.l b to
The BELL PIANO ca Orptsri Co., Limited
I crumble the marble palate.
I cut off men in thein prime;
The monarchs of the form
Fall before the scythe of Thee.
nut n,v moot destructive efforts
of snow, and heat and cold,
stave es a 1rect nN " Wire
It hop fur years untold,
Paterson's "Wire Edge "
Ready Roofing
costs less than ordinary shingle. awl lasts a
lifetime. It is rain, snow and fire proof -insures
dry, comfortable quarters for live stock and
poultry -and makes the ideal roof for borne•,,
barns, chicken houses, etc.
Sample and booklet free. Write for (hem.
llaralware. dealers everywhere have
P,ATiittsos'S " WIRE 1?nr:g" or
will procure it for y"u-
- Paterson Ms. Co. limited
Montreal and •
Tsro to
1.. Make a Fence of Strength
The heaviest, strongest wires made. can't snake a strong
fence unless the lacks are as a,trong as the wires. A fence,
like a chain, is only as strong as its weakest spot.
The New Frost Lock and Frog Wedge lock are the most
unyielding parts of a Frost Fence. They make the whole
fence as strong as the strongest wire. •
We guarantee to repair -free of rherge--
any Fco,t Fence that goes wrong
J. J. MOORE, _ Benmiller
W. M. HOWELL, Goderich
"r; FRED. LEIBOLD, - Zurich
W. H. STOGDILL, - Varna
With Tann Drones and strong algid
runs-. Sign•- inlprovemenln are : gravy
Steel A llr, Mirk Heavy Merl elate.
brume Rustled up to stand any strain
Italie, Meerlaga. thine Ilk. a Aird. Fall
wartlrnlnr. frnn by mull, or oak your dealer.
None I.:m.1,w 1Ilhnnt thn name •BIS•
hdek mut for It. Address
Write for Booklet. " F: "
When you tiny a knife for it'stao'e, you
etwisider the quality el the steel in the
blade. The biggest and heaviest knife isnot
necessarily the Is' -I,. Now there is jled as
much difference in the quality and rt rrngth
of steel in fence wire es
there is in a knife blade ax
razor. ''he Page Co. lust,
it high carbon steel
wire, which though it
costs yell hut little mon.,
is fifty per cent. (ro"/.)
stronger than wine in other
fences. The lightest PAC,E
fence is e.s strong as lbs
heaviest of other makes.
Notice the lock in PAGE
may have noticed also that
others ars imitating
t. That is a good recommend for jt, to use oth,•r•-renres,e.M though you could
'here we lead other. follow. buy them for one•half lb., prise of the
II PAGE wire is "COILED." not PAGE ? Rat, really ours cost You
d. little. if any more. toe
ct pricer before placing your order for F Gates er Lawn Frau.
Resides the extra sercn;,;lh and snp'rier
workmanship, !'AGE EL NI-t:s art' dip-
ped ins special white paint, st-li,, I, on
top airy be I of gilvanizeng, will lengthen
the life of wire for years. And, also, this
whale cording makes Wire
ouch more sightly.
Owing to the great
•Irength and elasticity of
I',1OF. fencing, one-
third less posts are re•
spored, thus riduting the
Lost of the fenting.
As you get in PAGF.
FENCES one -hall
more fence strength.
!greater protection against
fist, Netter workmanship,
better appearance, use
less pests, ren yin afford
Sold and erected by J. B. HAWKINS, Goderich
mo ilk
It will be
to your Interest
to come and sue regarding that
louse you are going to build.
If it is* FURNACE we have
them to stilt all places and the
priced are right.
For Cho BATH ROOM we
have everything ult.lu-dxte•.
ING and all kinds of METAL
WORK ti • in Hremt•chtss style
by good mt•chtulics,
A gaol stock of RANG ES,
WARE to chlst,e flans,
alwayshand at
W. R. Pinder's
Successor to G. N. Davis
1'11 III( u,• i+ alas Mutely 00arautPe•i1
(o ne uthe worst cases of piinalples and
'eller ...itch skis ttliw',t'. that can be
fa I. F'nur or Ih•e5appliratiuns have
rutirely cured mild rases noel we guar -
Mitre enc 114d lie a IN•,'feel 1.111.•.
Niamey, refunded if 11111, sail isfxl•tory
To Whom It,fday Concern :
I used I'i''line• I can highly
reel 1 t. I Was It•unfticd
with pimples ,cud a skin tliw•aw
fog years. I ltwrl less than at
hottle of Pimpline I I pet
Iuanently suns! ; 'there is lint a
pimple on my facer. It is it
wonderful cute•,
'fans. Cur.scly,
aleph, Ont.
Price 50 cents, postpaid
(itil LI311, ONT.
Get it at
March Winds Roughen the Skin.
The cold, danap Windmill' March
are rrt•
Jeet•hinII>' hard un the
l4ulies who like to have their
skin soft aid smooth and their
cail plias ion clear should use
Almond Cream.
It is wonderfully heading anal
soothing. allays all roughness
or irt.itrian ntel itupmrts to the
skin k t Hutt headiness
lout velvety
siftnetss w
•esired. Price
Our stock of Drugs, Medicines.
1'I I•., is hlr•gi', pure and fo•shl,
\1'e will give you a To per cent.
discount ton prescriptions anal
family milieu. Every t h i ng
Try our splendid specialities
fur spring at relhlleerl prices,
Cod Liver Oil, $m,00 bottle for soc.
Beef. iron & Wine, St.00 bottle for
75c. S:Irsaparilla, $r.00 bottle for
75c. A splendid bath sponge for
s5c. was sm.
I Of 1.1::hast!
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders ruefully at/enoed to at all
hours, night or day
Livery, ilack
'Bus Stables
(:OOt) itORMES
(AhtRI All EM
.._.IC T C" A T----
--It A':'ES-
Harks and reli-
able driver's in
charge of$the
'Buses, which will
meet all train N
and stcarnh°atm
AL1, ('AI,I,K 1'i"I'F;NDEi) 'f11
i'itl)11h'TL\' 1'IiOM HOTEI,
it'Tll a'rItErf N'HnSR FIr9'Y