HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-4-5, Page 1THERE NEVER WAS A TIME whim a home without The Signal missed so much good, wholesome local reading as now. Is it a weekly visitor to year hoots f TRY THE SIGNAL 4 IFITY•N15TH YEAR -Na dots GODERIt,H, ON l'ARIO, CANADA : APRIL :►, 1906 naL WEDDING INVITATIONS Announcements, Wedding Cards, Boxes, At (Home Cattle, Me., printed; from artistically -engrave 1 i try p e faces of approved designs on correct styles of Wed- ding Stationery at THE SIGNAL VANATTKR t ROBERTSON. Pususnaa, Financial THE STANDARD LOAN ('O. wishes to have its depositors consider, theineelvea at liberty to consult it. when desiring advice or information regarding their investment. Intermit paid +)t the rate of 4 PER CENT. per annum and money can 1w withdrawn at any time without notice. Call or write for our little booklet rattled "SOME` - CARDINAL POINTS." THE GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZES US TO ACCEPT • DEPOSITS. W. L. i iORTON, :MANAGER. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS Copy of change of running advertise- ments must be left at this office by Monday noon to ehsure insertion in issue of same week. A. Muste ROY Ai)AMS TKAciten IIV Plan., studio in Hank of Mwareel Mock. In W. \V I LI.AIOTI' I HONORS CElt- 1. TD-1('ATV Trinityy tLllrge. landoo. Faog.n. orlfanis( and choirmaster of Kum' rMinh. b.derieh, teacher of piano. orguti, wg'ng.thwlyy and harmony. tai edlu at Mt-. McDonald*, nabs, S. Davld'e street, t wit Moore west For Sale. Lit)R SALE. -- (1(5)D. HEAVY • working he+e for -ale eheap. Apply to P. T. DEAN. Group. Goderich. $.i -St uULI. FOR SALE. -1 HAVE FOIL 113 Wale a ..hurthorn,ball, eleven month, old go od red color. trail to .,1 Wt reesutaabin ',sloe. No trouble to show lind. Also a fresh tnikh cow. ISAAC SALKE1.D. Haydeld Road (Uoderich P.O., Kitt Beal Estate for bale. Li0R SALE OR TO RENT.- NEW ✓ le -room Inlet dwelling on Nelson start, stow' being a pietist. All 'modern souse,, h•rees: a very 'loanable reeideuce. Apply to TAMES BUCHANAN. JR., at calerich I'laMeg Mill. KI t( ' of Victoria .treet church. 73-34u 1 FARM FOR MALE. -- The undondgned will reaelvc tender. fur the purchaw of west half lot to. couce.lon 3, w'.D. Achdel,, the property oLlhe estate of the hate Henry Finley, up to the 1'tit day of April. lu4 The property contains Its, acnes. alum o entirely altered and latterly teed fur produrege•. The soil la clay luam anal it Is well watered by a spring creek. No building. except a smell wooden dwelling -house out of repair. The lowest or any tender not tesi esarllyy auvepted. DICKINSON & UAItRUW, Uoderlch, Sulici- tor- for Vendor,.. M4.3t File Arts iiRAWING AND PAINTING I N LI eat AND WATER Cl/LOU. Private tuition and classes. GEU. E. HAIW ITT• 19imbria )tush IUuldthurpe's rows. Dentistry (_ 1 E. SALE. LD.S., U.U.S. . Mclawn's Block W. Turnbull'a old ,Wnd.1 LOIt BALE. --CHOICE HI'ILUI\G ✓ lot mart of the late T . of tet fronting on beet street : oust of the chuhuest lot. in Gale rich. Apply te easier. V. I. STAII EKER. hast street. - 012-tf Medical 111/11.: GI)I)ERICH ILEAL ESTATE - 1 AND 1NSCHAN('E .DIENt'Y. Fain SAtr.. at -story brick and cement lamonted dwelling. Law. 'stable. ti lot•. Finely situated ,m la nays .lreeet. $(.axa, a snap. 1 la and stable. .0114.e.1 nn Lighthouse street. 2 -story brick store, baker's uven awl photo- graph galled'. Situated on Main -street, Myth. 31.3o. House. one lot and stable oil Lighthouse street. 3 large neves. $NII. 1 large int;. ,outer Paton and Wellington. I.1... lite See this. ser)boa k. Y na xi I se and 4 acres of lend. gold orchard. Price 112,35) Y ane -quarter acre tote near 14. '1'. It. station. Ii+,tory frame hob.e, k roans, situated on IMeton street, neer lull,tate Institute. $1,310. *roomed frame hour. and 2 lot.. Anglosen e. $1,114.. Two back lots, ten each. Lot and frame laundry, pi foot frontage on East street, Meat Square. 5060. Money to loan, 3 per cent. CAREY. HAMLINK. Hank of Commerce Bldg i11LS. F:MMERSON & TURNBULL. U A. T. EwaaN.o,u. M. 1). W. 14. TrKvacu, M. Ik 1 t>mIxs, Hamilton Street. '('hone nal Residence 'phone IYt. 7)H. A. H. 31ACKLIN, M, FL l PHYSICIAN AND St'HGEoN Special attention to Eye, Ear. Nose mod Throat. (Mice and ree.sklencc, old ikank of Mon - real. opposite Poetofllce, toot .t, Uudorich. Telephone No. lit(. dl.egai tAJMERON & KILI.OILAN, BAR - I`; MISTERS solicitor.', notion., etc. Mike, tiSmitten St.'third door frau. uare. Uoderich, tint. M. 46: CAMERON, K. C. J. L KIL- LORAN. PROUDFO(YT, HAYS & BLAIR. barrister, sollelto , notaries public pr. •- 'erste the M tit(• Court. etc. Deice. reel eke . Square. next r a'. A. Nairn'. grocer'. Pri rate fund. to sot at lcwsel rater of Interest. W. PROCDFOUT, K. C. R. C. HAYS. U. F' il.Allt. llAN('EY, L01.'14.18 E., BAH- ItiSTER, solicitor. notary. Special atten- tion goer to Marine Court work. Money to oan. Office : North St. ant Square, Goderich. MO. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, solicitor• notary public. oonmtb.•louer. etc. Money to loan. ()Moe, corner Hamilton and St. Andrew'W Streets, Goderich, Ont. Di('KiNSON & GARROW, BAH- HISTERS, attorney., solicitors, etc.. (kdeMrh. Money to lend et lowest rause. F' L DICKtNSUN. CHARLES GAItMOW. LLB. G. WARD, CONVEYANCE;R. U • et„, and commissioner for taking and receiving re-ugnlws.). of ball, amdlavits or amrntations, depositions or solemn declare - Ron. In or concerning any action suit or pro - reeding In the High Court of Justine. the Court of Spited, for Ontario. or in any County er Division (00t. All tra~.1ons carefullyr' and Promptly executed. ite.Wence and P. U. addreee-Dengannon late Insurance, Loans. etc. 14/HN W. CRAiGIE, LiFE. FIRE - 0 end accident Insurance. agent for leading muted and Mack coin wnles. lnstlronaw in all lines effected on best plane and at lowest rates. Call at •*Mee. corner Wast Street and Square, or white* J. W. CRAIUIE, Goderich. Ont. fele .hone $1 c'K I I.LOP MUTUAL. FIRE !N- ita A oft A N (' E C O. -Farm and isolated town property insured. Value of proper In- sure% up to Jan Wover ta,tloffers, O oere and director. :-.1. B. McLean, ``pros. ; T. Framer, vl'-`ores. ; Sas. Connolly, G. Dale. Mr. t'hees- ney. J Watt, Jain. Er J. (1. Grieve. J. Benne- Weis. ditectmw ; T. iC. llwM Seaforh.Waemtery- treasnrer ; Inspectors, nears* director to loom. W. Yeo, HolmesvWN, agent for West .ren. iolley-holden oar pay assaa.mentr Ind get their cant, recelpteel at Mr. ('cote'. or at McLean Br,' Palace Clothing Store Clinton, Brat" oderich' Anctioneering THOMAS (WNDRRY, LIVE MTY)('K and general 'auctioneer, hes removed from Hamilton Street to new oMcse on South Street., where he wit be found al. all Omen whmt not "tying talon. Terms reasonable and every .f- en meed to give you taOsfactIon. 'Phone MI. U•E()1LGE BECKETT, (iENEILAL. PP..1O.aboxiI I. All- walle.11willpl erre.. vu�toleelal attentiam. i will buy your entire stork of household goods for rash, and will 'sell you "coves, furniture, neettreases, spring", et•., , rhelap. Pall and sae *lug we can do for roll in -thie Ione. (ikO1WE 'BECKETT, Cork/elle Slap. Goderieh, 11OC'SE AND LOT FOR Si E. -A 1I I good frame story and a half dwelling. Quarter of an acre of land. stable, good well. l'eaewdon can be given nIIV time. Apply to MRS. .ALEXANDER Ms RA E. Kilned. .9-tf A A N EXCELLENT E' A It M F 0 It tAI.E.--aoscree in Weal w'a•.xanoah.two tiles front Auburn : soil a cloy Inuit. shoot 1 141 acre. under cultivation anal St 10 141 aerie timber. A well and two •'t,rings of water, a new frame dwelling, a trona berm,table end driving shed. Apply to,YOt:NU & ICUHERT• SON Ouderich HOUSES FOR SALE. I have for ,ale several new houses, each con- tenting hall. *riot, dining room. kitchen, pantry,we washroom. three bedrooms and rlot. bash h ts a good cellar extending under the whole house. these houses have all been recently tlnishsd and purchasers will find them thoroughly vol. factory. If you are a tenant you ,hmild conte and sae me: It is cheaper to buy a house than to pay rent - 411 tf _ - J. T.'DOLUTHURPE. VOUNG & ROBERTSON. REAL Estate and Meunier.. Agents. Real es- tate for sale or to let . Properties handled in any part of the town and (mainly. Fire and life Insurance, money to loan. etc. 1•Ri,l'ERTIEre FOIL $.t LE. A tonsforieblc frame dwelling on Essex stn•cl. with modern conveniences. A stable and driving honse. A e0111111041 1011. frame dwelling on South and I'icton struts, with stable. etc. A frame dwelling on Keay. st net. - Vacant tots on Bowe street, on Essex street, on Montreal street, on Britannia road. on flume awl, on Cedar .t net. Farm. two mato from ('arrow. tis acres, super for hnlldings, goal water supply. orchard and timber lot. Farm In Woe Wawaw.h, within thrcodlc' of ' .tubnrn. An acres. Good buildings and water. Farm in Colborne. bake Shore, four miles prem Goderich. I'll eerie. Farm on Hayfield road, four miles from Gude• rich. lel acre.. Mein mil Huron road, one utile fruit' (lelerich, Nl MTV.. For further information np`dy to Or'NU & ItsiHEItTS(IN. Heal Esante and insurance .Agents, Gderirh. (Metre: Next door to Hell Telephone lHOrc. the Square. 1)rkrich. VOR MALE.- -FOUR TOWN ureal r on Mayfield mail. mouth of Mr.. It'441t,I.1 Olh .nes. property. Apply to U. W. THOMSON f.& 8l)5. FARM FOR SALE ---FIFTY ACRES, being north half of the rest half of lot No. M rntcexrdon L A.htield ; two «tiles wood of Ihtnpt(wson. Ootid hulklines: awn arty, anisate wellunp For pwricutars apply toGORGEHARRI`�, Uodnrich. Un. . THE SOVEKEI(;N BANK INCORPORATED BY ALT OF i'ARLIAMENT le now open for Ilwioess in the stare formerly occupied by H. W. Thomson, Druggist. BUSINESS AND PRIVATE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED.. INTEREST ADDED QUARTERLY ONE DOLLAR OPENS AN ACCOUNT H. T. RANCE Acting Manager LOCAL TOPICS, A Welcome Donation. The 1►atightero of the Empire were very much pleased to receive this work it donation of $5 towards the hospital fund front George J. Fergu- son, of Carlow. n't Miss It. he concluding entertainnleit its IomIar Celeste will he given byno the 1 rat 'scompany th .1 aglua t mid l hl at Victoria Opera Ilolwe next Monday evening. The plait will be open at Kidd's hook store for suirscrilx•tx to - 1 ow morning ut 11 o'clock ; for the public on,Monday. lio early and se- cure youseats. Football Club Organizes. At a meeting called un Tuesday fur. the purpose of organizing it G. C. I. football club for the u,tuittg season, the (allowing officers were elected : Honorary president, H. I. Strang, 13. • GODERICH MARKETS. ' T1ctueu.tt'. April alb. Fall wheel, per bush, new lie 73 to e e 7:1 Spring wheat, per bush. mew .1 71 to 0 73 Rye, per bush 0 t) to 0 13 Buckwheat. per bunk 0 04 to 0 It Gats, per bush., new 0 'Ito it 'te Peas, per hush o 7a W u 7:1 Harley. per bush 0 61 to a 41 Screenings, per tat It on to 1, OI +'lour, family. per cwt. 2 .+a to 2 :x) Flour, patent,per col' 2 a1 W Y NI Been, per ton' n1 en Nn 19 to Stulw AI MI Hay, pet ton .II :o to 101 Word, per cord 3 0.111 to M W Butter. per lb IS to 0 it Chet' e, per lb a 12 to a I.2 Eggs.. fresh, per dos n 1:1 to u It l'utatoes . ' • .. . 0 4.1 to 1.i cattle, ordin'y to good, per cwt3 m In 1 111 t'at t le, export, per cwt 4 Si to 4 7.5 Hugs, lire weigbt, per cwt7 OI to 7 ter spring Lambs 1 tit to .i ue Steep, per cwt - 1 Iso to 1 .o Ham, per lb 11 111 to 0 It Ilton. per lb - 0 It to 0 is lord, per lb lit to 121 Tallow, per lb o ,ti to o I.i Hide, pyerr cwt s .Nt w 7 Ys Shr•pSkits - as to 73 0Si1elt to '(I nIl(03to lllutside markets on lenge 11.1 Shorts, Per wit Turkeys . .. ecce.. t'bickeus Lost or Found 1)011E FOUND. --A SHORT TIME It ago. nn the pnsl oaI of linden, h. north. a dra,eng robe. Information at THE S1GNA1. OFFICE. M -2t - Situations Vacant• _ fi1EACliEat \V-\N'fED.--F'Qlt S. S. L No. 2. Monteith : small school, dutles to begin May 1st. 140. Two week. %avation in midsummer. Apply to 1'. C. F'ARREI.I., Sec- retary, Axe Lake P.O., Parry Sound District. I`TANTEI►.-A GOOD. RELIABLE 11 Lily to Wke orders for our toiler -made co.! athe. auul skirts. write quickly. 114,311X- It4 GARMENT t'11., Guelph. i Kish L)OY WANTED - APPRENTICE TO 1) learn printing. Il nr LS year. of age, fair .sl ucation• A apsWl opportunity for is bright IM,>. Apply at THE SPIN Al. oFFlt'E. TO Bent 1' FURNISHED C(►1'I'AGE TO tt BENT. -For the summer. Muir the centre at the town. A11 modern e,i nveuiettoes. Apply at THE SIGNAL OF'F'ICE. Kitt. Notice ANNUAi, MEETING. The annual meeting of the GalerieiYtp Curling and Skating As..•la:ion will be heel in Dr. Halmes' oMee. court 1 w•. 60411.114211.Muer tiny eveningg. April lith, at t oi•lo•k. for the election of aliment, and other general hns)aluss. '1 -St- WM. CAMPBELL, See•retai'). 'OTIC E.- IN ORDER TO SQUARE up with toy creditor,, I must have as settle- ment with thaw• who ow a me/ An persons Im drbt'isl 10 ma• :are rc.tacstvl to call at my dente. n•si- deme. North street. andtoy up : otherwise their accounts will be placed in oter hands fur collection. U. N. IIA 1' IS. \'UTILE. All aemunta-owing the estate of the into Jame. 1'raigie are payable at the office of J. 55'. 1'r"igle• to est street. Payment i- requester before April 14t -h. is,. 1111 accounts not laid at that date will be bander in for collection. Al.'' ell pert ire having claims against the estate are requested In present I holt immed- iately, ns no melee Taut be taken of ,rrmet. not lamented by the above-mentioned dote. • J. W. ( 'It AI(IIl: WARNiNG.-- ArYONE i•'O Ln' N U lrtsge.s.ing,ir retrying ere -arts,. nn any part of our property will be ...vocal andHuss• trued. liIgnedl F.. I. and E. C. A'IiliULL Marriage Licenses `!ALTER EL K I.r • 1 UUDEHI('IL 4/NT. w'at,hmaker• Jeweller road Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. WLANE, ISSUER OF MARRI- , AGE licenses. Goderich. One. Auction Sales A. honorary vice-president, J. M. Field, B. A. ; preildeut, O. A. Robert. MAI, B. A.; secretary -treasurer. \Vie. J'. T. Taylor ; manager. Mr. Robert• eon ; captain. Wm. J. T. Taylor c 'tree, A. Boyce. A. Anderson, G. Stratton, Foster, W. Matheson. London Camp June 6th. The :Gird (Huron) regiment is to go into camp l at Carlin 'e IleiK hts K Loudon, on Tuesday, June :,th. Ofll. said ounce has been given to this eife t. The following orders wet, gazetted last week : Lieut. J. S. S. \'arc,.• in rmitted to resign hiss co 'esion. p pe'rov'isional Lieutenants G. Stewart and II. J. Pringel ate permitted to retire. Our New Story. 'I'ite Signal hatheeinsl the right of publishing Joseph C. Lincoln's story, •'Cap'es Eri," and publicat' will com- mence its next week's iasa.. This is a highly entertaining and i ing '+tory and grows'iu intertest from t the first chapters without ttly undue sttai t i u g after scna:atiun ur excitetuen t. It picture's in quaint beside') some of the people of the New England coaast and has been styled by sonic eritien "the David Varum of the Coast." It is it good story. helot it. Well Done, Boys I The treasurer of the Goderich Mu- sical Society acknowledges the re- ceipt of a cheque for 1947.9 5, being the net proceeds of the recent perform- atives by the Gimlet ich Minstrels in laid of the Musical Society funds. This sebsta'tial addition to the fupds will be a great help to the Society in its work of maintaining the Itegiuteutal Hand, :and this. nar,ubies of the suits- strel company doa•rve the thanks of the whole town for their generous and public-spirited effort.. Temperance Convention at Wingham. A general confetrettce of the tem- Hperance workers of E est and Went iulon will be held its the Methodist church. Wingh,uue on Monday next. Mil inst.. at 111 o'clock a. in. The, call is made bt' circular signed by F. 13)1- ehimsan, \Vinghaill, secretary pro tent. The object of the convention is to take into cuusideratiou the condi- tion of the temperance cause in On- tario, and every church. every relig- ious osgallizat' and every temper- ance society iu the two ridings is urged to pend delegates. AUCTION SALE OE' FARM STOCK ANI, IMPLEMENTS. Messrs. Monk. Marqul. & Co. will sell by llmbe,. onetime, at lot 22, Manhood toncesslal, Taylor'. isomer., on THURSDAY, APRIL 12th. reek cmumeneing at -i ti lo•k shut: I draught nsare. nine yearsold:l good driving horse ; 1 mem% fn nal to I.:ntleld Maateruusn t elly. rising three year. old; 3 ndlrh rows, two Is:avlug nal% ed ; 1 row, 11ll a 111 calve In May ; I (arrow encs.'2, teoysar-old .lexecs 1'hroe-yeat- old heifer; :1 heifers. rl.ing t wen pram n1d:3 veer ling.,Y noting waives, a 11 amber of hen.: 1 h'r ort & `V. Inbinder. nearly new I Isn't & Woad mowing maehbn•. 1 horserske, I combined see.l drill. I fanning mill, I t wet%. hundredweight scale, 2 heavy wagon., 1 pair of bob -Menet., heetd.as. 2.10. of double hat nem. 2 sets of .lig)• 1 rows., 1 land roller. 2 set. of Iron Moment, 2 oral purpose plows. S Iron plow., I, wheel 'wow. I kantaror,low, !mot *niftier, I wood rank .torr, I hay rack, I %amd ra•.k. 2 Lagging cholas. forks. rake. and other article+ too num- ernes 1001011 1011. Ts,,N-.- All .ams of !114111 awl under. nob ; over that ame mn1. 7 moat ha' ..reedit will be given IM furnishing wpprovd Joint notes. A dis- count. at the tato of a ler cent, per annum allowed for mesh on credit automata Everything mod be disposed of, as the farm has been sold. MONK. MAHQy,I'IS de CO., Proprietor.. THOM AS (mu NDIt\'. Auctioneer. 1,1X 10111.011i4' MALE (IF VALU- e ABLE TOWN PROI'ERTi'. The executor. of the estate of the kite Mn'. Agnes Henderson, deceased. will offer for sale at public auction on Saturday, the 7th duty of April, 11853, at Y .'rink in the afternoon. the following property. namely : Lot number ere hundred and eighty-one WI) in the town of Roderkh. t'pnn the lot I. a two-story frame'dwelhlng in a goad stale of repair. The Meet Ion Is convene lent, being Joe nit North .treet and within Irv. minute.' walk of the square. Male will be held on the premises and t M e will he offered sobJert to a reserved bbl. Tsars: Tenpin rent. of the parehnee money at the titan of ease• the balance within al days. row fort her puKlcelars amply to either of Me nnslerinlgnel. biCK1N!!QV�14 GARKOW, THGMAlt Ui'ND wY to 1 tY. RLNMetterssw, fee Peter A, Asetieeser. Me askeh awed T Bit sseo Tomorrow Night at the Collegiate. For the last meeting of the G. C. I. Literary tomorrow them will to a very interesting program. 1h ere will be an intercollegiet.e debate. Clinton sending up their best speakers against H. Taylor and \V. ('amtelon of our awn school. A (mesial program as be- ing prepared. bets being given by Misses Fisher and Walters, Messrs. Belcher. Pole, ('arson and Merritt. The girls are preparing one of their pretty drills. A smell charge will Ile made et the door, proceeds to be ap- plied in aid of the school librnt•y. Mr. Merritt Leaving. A special ule'etiug of the Collegiate institute loanl was held on Mendel. to dead With the resignation of It. N(. Merritt, B. A., from the teaching staff, and a 'lotion was passed ecceptiug the same. Mr. Merritt leaves at the end of the month to take a position n' the staff of the Peterilbru' Collegiate. During his residence here Mr. Merritt has been a favorite in social and uratsi- eal circles and has always taken an ac- tive interest' in athletics. and, while regretting his departure, we wish hull the best of success in his new location. The Sterling Bank. The fitting up of the Sterling Bank premises is being pushed along, end the (Soderich Nandi will be ready as soon es the heed office commences businessatTotonto. Although thept•es- ent stand is only to be a temporary one, the fittings which are being placed are sulstantial, and the office when c - pleted will have a handsome appear- ance. Mr. Jeffery, of Toronto. is still here attending to the preparations for opening the Golerich and Dungannon offices. The Dungannon branch will be opened int Scam as possible after the Bank commences budtness at Toronto. Reid Sentenced. Yesterday morning Menge Reid, who was convicted of the theft. on February 19th, of a gold ring from the residence of John Smith. neo' Brussels, and of it pair of fur gauntlets belonging ti, Wm. J. Caister, of the seine neighborhood. and of the theft of, it Buffalo robe from D. McLennan, of Ashfield, was sentenced yesterday marling by His Honor Judge Doyne to twenty-five months et. herd labor in I.ha Provincial penitentiary. From the invsutlgations conducted by the Crown (Meets it wee learned that Reid had alreiuly served terms set loth the.penitentiar'y and central prima'. To Add to Their Plant. The Doty 'Engine Works ('o. have acquired the Rothwell property, ad- joining their works mi Brock street, and catntrnlplate erecting extetlpive additions ie the briar future to accent- 'uklatte their increasing busine,es. In addition to their uterine work they are taking up the rtenmGu:tu'e of mining machinery, and have arranged with an 'American Hem to mauufac. tore mining machinery for their Canadian toad(•:• Thia will neceenitat' the enlployuleut of an tulditonnl mmmilw•r of hands and is another evi- dence of the energy and enterprise of this progressive c pant'. C. P. R. Work Resumed. The C. P. 11. cnnt•nctori have started work on changing the grade on the harbor hill. a n bei' of teams and grader being engaged. The stable of the Ocoee' House has been removed to its new location. At the end of Waterloo street a way Ia being constructed down the bank through the cedars for delivering the gravel from the pile on \Vaterlo o street to the work shortly to stall on the abut- ments. A cement Mixer has been located on the bank. An engine has also been mounted on the platform of the pile driver• on the hill and it looks u if opsen'►tions on this kid. of the river would soon be in full swing. A Big Load, On Monday, March Jetb, l.he !ergeet load of saw -logs that ever peeved through Stokes Bay wits hauled from John Mclvor'g knelt to the Gnderieh Lumber Co.'s Stoke' Bay mill, a dia- ltattce of two miles. The emote le IRoy Thomson. the Colupauy's scaler. cunsisttel of 3,100 feet, all sound and goad, but Ned and Pete. the Com- pany's best team. driven by Mesut Teamster Frank leenacke, found no difficulty in the job. The load mu- tilated of seven logs, three green elms and four hemlocks, which were loaded by \Villiaut Gardiner, formerly of (1belerich, but now manager for the Company at Stokes Bay.mid \\'alter Eliot, head loader. All the goose tim- ber is not off the Bruce p enissule yet. House of Refuge Matters. - A meeting of the house of rehigte '(-tee of the et ty Council was held at Clinton on Tuesday, when it Ioer of matters in connection with the management of the boost• were disposed of. The bill respecting hoose of refuge which is at present hefole the Legislature WKS disctisslat, and that poetise' of it dealing with the control of the pony and other pmp- erty of inmate Wae considered eat is. factory. The committee did not ap- prove, however, at the clauses deal- ing with Goren .1st inspection. There are at present ninety.two in- mates iu the institution at Clint en. Inspector Torrance has sold the old tout of hulwrs and has purchased •tn- olher teea', the exrhaoge cestiug CFO. 'WPM 1 is uuw rusting $3.04 w•r hundredweight and meat $11.75. The your mitte'e will Meet again on the first Tuesday in June. mere, rutile and the tIR`1pwNatedf Death of Mrs. George Crabb. After ant illness of tett day -M from in - II; tinu Mrs. I Labbe wife of George I'rahb, formerly of titele•t•ich, an- swered death's M at the lit... - pita! in Hrantfurd last Saturday. Mrs. t;rahl wan formerly Miss •tneie D.'evrs. of near Dungannon, and Mrs. .Its. nerdy told Mrs. Alpert Lusk. of Goderich, and Mrs. Carroll, of leen don, are Mister. She was mart. sl six yearn ago and about a year laatet she and her husband moved to Brant - fund. The deceased leaves one littte girl to 'n the loss of a moth'$, She will Ix• 411011 ll by her aunt, Mrs. I'errull. The funeral tok place on Monday from the tesidenre of Albert Lusk, beset street. to Mieitland .cetu•- tory. Rev. W. H. Graham eondtict'd' the services Hod trip, pall-Issvrets were Sa I and \Vitliautt Cook, of near Ilelfast. Hugh and Jaulee Harty. George \VestI'raok and A: Lusk, of town. The deceased was only in her thirty-fourth year and in her un• timely death the , sympathies of all will 10 with the bereaved relatives. Power Company Organized. The Maitland River Power Co., 'r i s IM a ar.'•x with Limited, tied has been 1 u 1 the i following offlrers : President, W. J. R. Ketones. M. D. : vice-president, W. L. Horton : Manager, J. T. Gold- thorpe : secretary'. H..1. A. McEwen ; treasurer. J. A. Itnullall. An it is de- fded to secure a further authoritative evert upon the company's scheme. it has been decided to engage for this purpose H. von Schon, of Detroit, the gentleman who was here last week and who upon enquiry has been found to have a very high re{{rotation as an hydraulic engineer. Mr. von Schein was for nve years chief engineer for the Lake Superior Corp prat' during the period of the construction of the great works at Sault. Ste. Marie and he has been engaged in other very iut- hertnt engineering work. He. is at present Nnperiptending the construc- tion of a power dant at Eugenia Falls, in Grey county, and he is con- sulting engineer fur the Georgian Bay Power Co. Mr. von Schen .is tit re- port upon the wholeplojecl., and if. es w confidently expected, his report is favorable it will' lie of material value in placing the scheme before the pub- lic. Contracts for Bridges. A joint meeting of representatives of the Huron and Perth county councils 'was held on Tuesday at Mitchell, for the purpose of *weeding contracts for the construction of twit bridges tie the county boundary Ie'- tweetl McKillop and Logan townships, north of Dublin. Walden S )ackutan, Councillors Cantelon and 'Morrison, Clerk Lane and . Engineer Ansley representee) the county and the Perth representatives were Metiers. Donald. Nun anti Hammond. Fume tende'r's were reteivecl for the concrete work, and thea of Hemsworth and Eckntire, of Ethel, being the lowest., watt tw- eeters]. The figun' is $l.21 per cultic yard. Two firntM tendered for the steel Mlipelst•Ila'Ltires. and the tender of A. Hill & Co., Mitchell, at $.,sial for the two bridges, was accepted. It, was agreed that preparations should he mule to erect two other bridges on the boundary, between limy and Etna. the 'pans tip 1/4. Hilt II) feet (Ind gal feet and the abutments tomtit in feet high. Mes.sm'. An'4ey and Donaldson are to prepare plates and etweiHcations and these will be placed before both county councils at the .Mille meeting. Death of Mrs. Peter Nolan. Another old pioneer resident of Gederich hen tlast(evl away, in the person of Mies. Peter Nolan, her death occurring at St. Joseph, Michigan, hast Thursday, in her eightieth year. The family we,'. 1'esids'tlt.x cif (i,eleril•l till M .where ovet'-twenty Year's ago and weir among aur best-known 1•iti- rens. Mr. Nolan died nattily rare Mere and the eldest MITI, \Villiem, was killed au the railway white the f h' were here. John. Nolan, of Mil- watukeer, and Etlwanl, of Mt..Ioseph. Mich.. with whom Ills. Nolan had been living latterly are the °thie•M ill& The slaughters were the lar. Mrs. William McGregor, Mims Priscilla. who diel while the family were res- ideets here, and Mrs. Harry Holies.. who diel in Acton two years ago. Mrs. Noleu's remains arrived on the 1)1: -Ill a. hut. train sat Monday and were Interred in the Boman ('athelia cem- etery, Rev. Father McRae officiating. The pall•Isotreis w•eti. J. Kell y, I), Neville. P. McCarthy' and .1. Mr• Donald. The deeeeaseel's two sone and two sona(-hrlatw were here for the fun- eral, John *rid K(lwarl Nolan, Harry Holmes, (I. T. R. st►fien uageht at Acton. LCapt. William McGregor, of Windsor. The Story of a Corner. For some reason or other dntg store« and banking establishments appear to have a peculiar claim on atrees cornets, and wherever you go. especial)= in the cities, you will find the hest ('brners taken up with either one or the other. What would hap- ppen if tiro din, store and the Flank g lewd, try l iibutlld CCM& tow c011l to6 its seekiog the sante cornet' might have been a 'latter for speculation and conjecture. and perhaps the issue between the two is not settled yet ; but in at least one il/st,tnce the relative claims of the ton partied have beets tested with a decisive result. This was when the Sovereign Batik rime. to town last week and cast envious eyes upon the corner of the Square and Montreal street. An it- ha trot this corner was occupied by II. W. Thotuwon's drug store- Greek lite!; (trek. Just how it happened wt. don't know, but the Bank has the corner stud the drug stun' is in the middle ul the block. It is worth nnting,ttco. that the drug store was by 1111 means it 1te'Wco111e'1•. It had been thele for thirty-six year's, Mr. Jordan uluviug his drug' beefiness to that cut'Ilt•r i' the year 1570. The store was built by the late William Savage, fruit whom Mr. Jottderl pur- chased it. and was occupied contmu• ou.ely as it drug store from that time until list week. A Former Goderich Boy's Wedding. The Signal extend' congratulations to a former tioderi(•h boy, Albert H. Reid, sou of David Reid, ut town, on his entering the matrimonial estate. The happy event took place at Brant ford and is thus recorded by The Brantford Expxailor : "A quiet but very interesting event took place set Tuesday, March 27th. at the residence of Mr. and lbw. W. E. Duncan, lea Park avenue, this city. when their sister, Miss Meltt l'la11sattl.. youngest daughter of Mt.and NItN..1,oet• thClal'- sattle, of l'einsville, was unite in the holy land& of matrimony to Mr. Al- bert S. Reid, Phnt. B.. ut I lawsun• Y. 'I'., formerly of Brantford. its the pres- ence of a few immediate friends. The ret y took place at high neon, the drawing -nom being beaut.tfully dec. orated with flowers I palms. Rev. Mr. Collins, of Cainsville, officiated. Litter an adjourinnrnt wits !mule to the. d• ' g-roout, where a tasty de- je 'r was enjoyed. The pt,eeeots were beautiful I costly. Miss Clap - 'tattle always took a very active part in church and kindred work, and will lee di miiateetl by her IIttsnenets friends+Mm'.'Reid will lie remembered here as taking a ;u-ominentpart iu Athletics in connection with the V. 51. C. A. s ten years ago. Ile was va'r'y popular and hits a host of local friends. The happy couple left wt the -1:11) train for Hamilton and Toronto. after which they will continue their journey leisurely to the Yukon, where Mr. Reid. is conducting a large beta. newt. He is a brother of Mr. Robert Reid. of thie city." Colborne Township Nuptials. Yesterday afternoon were cele- brated the nuptials of Maitre Millie'', daughter of Mr. autd Mrs. Andrew Millian• lith concession of Colborne. and Benton Cox, of the same town- ship. The event tou,k place at 4 o'clock at the residence of the bride's patents„ Rev. .1. G. \•el - land, of Benmiiler• tieing the knot in the presence of 1211 guests frau► Clio- ton, bioderich and Colborne town- ships, Goderich and Teeeswat•r. The happy couple stood beneath en arch of flowers and ever- green's and were attended by Miss Addie Cox, sister of the grant, as bridesmaid ; Min( Luella Feagen, cousin of the bride, as flchvrr girl, and George Millian• brother of the bride, as grrousmati. The bride wore a handsome costume of white point d'esprib over pale blue silk and earned a bouquet of white noises, while the bridesmaid nod Hower girl wore white silk. The wedding March was played by John Million. brother of the bride. A arious forms of merry m,akiug were kept up till a late hour and when the happy"party broke up it was with heartfelt wishes for many years of luappintss and prosperity' for the young couple. The bride is a very powder young lady. as the man} beautiful presents she received testa Heed. She with organise. of Zion church and 'the choir N gift was a beautiful Mantel clock. Mr. and Mrs. ('ox will make their home on the groom's, farm in Colborne, w•here.tbe best wishes of their hosts of friend's will attend, these. Public School Board. The regular monthly meting of the pithlic school hinted wan held on Mon- day evening, present MesMGs. Acheson, ('awry, (suit, J. H. Craigie, J. W. Craigie, Mannings and McL('an. The seen.tnry'N stet (Orient of payments for March was as follows : Mrlwan estate, coal ........ .......5 11 its Temperance Hall, rent A, m AI Is. Dunlop. leaaching.... . I N1 J. Better'nape• etc St 33 C, Blake, building fence 2 Io (Gro. Porter, stationery :12.vl Monthly pay roll IYL t7 Toted . .. Site :r2 Previously Is»IIf... .. - .. MIS t; Total to dale 51.1157 77 The principal reported an average attendance for the th of BSI boys and Ilii girls out of a total enrollment of 2:31 boy' and 0517 girls. He also reported that Miss M. Rutherford sulwtitutel one day dosing the sick- ness of Miss MuEwan, and that five new Bibles and four towels were re- quired. The report wits adopted. The fells account' count' were entered paid : Signal, 11:3.77; George Morrow, $1 : MeE wall testate, $3; (i1Mle'neh I. bee Co., $t.11); Star. $$.75. Prin- cipal Tigert asked for his usual annual it CIVsuit- in salary, and, on motion of Mr. Munnitigs, seconded by Mr. Wfc- i e.au, his salary was incn'asel to 1111011. Mf. (suit, after reporting om Mine Robertson's claim jos eatery for boli• days, 'leered, net( tided by J. W. l'raaigie, that the chum lie pail when the holidays c • end that the sen,. tail no notify Miss Robertson. Thu bearer then adjourned. l'ounty Court. The statutory non•jury sittings of the county court were held on Twee day, Nis Honor Judge Holt preeld. Ing Three case", were entered for trial, only • of which, however, was tried out. This was the action of Elizabeth Ficflty vi,, Alexander Orr. The plaintiff -is a-type/letter residing at \\'Ingham and the defendant as hotel -keeper at the same place. The plaintiff claimt'd MD danmaagµea for in- urles receiver in a collision of the 'Limey in which she was riding with a hits belonging to the defendant„which she alleged was recklessly driven. The plaintiff was thrown out of the buggy and dragged is considerable distance. The defendant denied that NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- - APRIL 6th 11 Lady Agent N'autusj-l)outiulott Oarme1.ut0► Co., Guelph ........... .....,..... his- Want of a Hone -W. l'. (saode Wire Is Down -J. B. Hawkins ... Announceuleut-J. 14. Hawkins 1 Reading Notice -T. U. Allen, Uuuganllmt7 Don't )'urge) -- P. T. loan 1 Shill for Wyle - team: Selkeld " 1 I t a 1'sua Job- l' Hard J PriAlwm Y Sprint Stock J. 1i.1'olburnu ( Tear her Wanted -C.('. Ferrell. Aen Leku.O114 1 our Hunt S11k ikugatu-Hmlgens Brae Reception Igtye- %V. A. McKim3 Durno, the Muliciau-popular Kuterteluweet ('uuruse . s Ju.t About Huggies --l.. Aa'.le%is. .-. , 7 Perfumes for Easter -S, E. Hick s single Fare for Kesler F. F. Lawrence. a Furnished Cottage to tient (bili..,. 1 Heavy Working Hon... for sale-- P. T. Deem Reading Notice- Sotlll toady l' patty a tiering Furniture Opening -Beckett t Staun- ton ..., Housecleaning Tlum-- Me :woo tins.. Handl- toil street . .. s Coal cud wood for rash--ltoht. ElliottY How lied lion) Tea Is Grown --T. iI. Esta - brook.. St. John, N. H II Hueter Gifte--Uou. Porter s .Umonitarment- A. J. Cooper .. ... 1 ICereledsd w Mite e•t - - OUR TIIID ANNIVERSARY. The Signal has concluded its third year under Its present man- agement, and the proprietose again wish to thank their patrons and friends for their assistance towards making it another year of success. That The Signal is still growing in favor with the people is shown by a further substantial increase in its subecnption list during the past year. In three years the circula- tion of The Signal has increased by nearly 75 per cent, and the pro- prietors are looking forward to the time when they will be able to an- nounce that The Signal's list has doubled. During the timing year The Signal intends to hpld up its standard as high as in the past, and confidently expects to continue to issue the best and brightest paper an Huron county and to give the patrons of its job printing de- partment the best service to be had anywhere. Terminus in Bruce County. Otttwa, April 3. -The railway eons- mittete of the Holate of Commons held its first meeting this morning. Amur{ the bills reported was that of the \Vest Ontario Pacific Railway Company. The company .purposes to extend from the present line front London to Woodstock. in a northerly direction to a point on Lake Huron. An amendment to clause one, slaking it clear that the terminal of the rail• way will to in Bruce county, wee adopted.' ANNOUNCEMENTS. (let a little red wagon for the-Itoy at IlAWEtNe' Hardware. The Seaford) rare meet will lie held .tune 'Ji and 21. The purses amount to $2.1111. The program by Durno the Magi- cian at Victoria Opera Hoene next Monday evening ptomisem to he one of the'b est things that ever happened in Goderich. An attractive offer to new sub.critr els is that of The Signal and The Tor- onto Weeekly Globe- for the balance of the year ((Sr only $1.01. Nobody who is not already taking The Signal nhould-'uss such a chance. He'adq'uarters for all kinds of seeds.. Heed tate, parley, pease, clover and timothy. Three earliest varieties of fotatsws. All Held and garderi seeds. Also the bet patent flouts, including the celebrated Ogilvie'M Royal House- hold flour. A. J. l'lml'KR, Hamilton street. Clarke Meats Have Coal and trouble. &For 'something extra dainty try Ulnrk'spdicet s ked beef. Fine beef, thinly slked and ready to serve. AUCTION SALES, Fnln s.. April at h. - Auction sale Of fame lock and Intp�pernans. RI lot 2, rs or eedon i W. D. AslleeM, commencing*, I oe'lockt.harp. M1t.. TIIOMA, WAKE, prapretreee. Titoism% Urwrote. aucti •ere \VKi,.rvsn. V. April lit h. -Auction sale of' household fnrnitsre and furnishing.. and a tract building lot I]n. Melt on Minions street mmmencing ole 1•311oielol•k sharp. June Gorgon. proprietor. Too!' API (it' 1. OR v, snot lancer. Tau N'UA C. April IYth.-A uct Ion male of farm .tock and inmdcmmttn at the pretni.e.• lot 22, Mae land cnnrvwimi, Taylor's Corners. com- mcre•ing at I reelects .harp. Moak, MAeutls & Co„ proprietors. TIIOMAP Urnoa., awe. termer. BORN. s AMI'HKLI..--10 Clintun. on Wednesday. March Orth, to Mr. mist Mr's W. Glenn Campbell. a son. JQHNSTYIN.- In Uodorch. m' Wednewlay. April Ith, to Mr.. I Mrs. Jamas JohnetreL a sunt. MARRIED. LINDSAY--SWiT7:F:1(. A the bride's parent.. Gal.. March 21st, by Ices. T. A.. Armen er of Jannis, Switaor. the realdenre of -h township. en adman, Slim. George Lind. STEVENS- W(NIN.--In St. Paul'. church Clinton, on 31nn•h Yash, by Iter. I. H. 'Dunne, Alice Mand. daughter of Jahn Wann. of Goderich tnwn.hlp, to William Henry Stevens., of Hallett. DiED. ANDERSON.- In Modern -h, on Monday. April Ind. Rachel Anderson, relict of the fete Alexander .tnrter.m,, aged M years, Bi.A(K. In Fwst Wawann.h, on Match 27th, Mrs. Thos. !Meek, aged 01 years, CItAHH.--M Hrantford. on Satnnlay, March 31.t, Annie lleeves, beloved wife of Oeorge hl I'ra). formerly of Gnderkfi, age 10 years. 11 mouth. anal Al day.. HIO.ARN.-In Godmirhtpwnship.on MatehInt.h, Issuance Albert. monof R. A, Yearn, sett ►s year. and 3 months'. NONAN. -in Rt. Jnscpn h, M1chlgttn, nThen. day.. March:Alt Mrs. Peter- , elan. In bar 11th year. l'It(KTOR.- March AI: et. this neMeme of her tlanghter, 301 1.1* he ire, )blydt, }en. beim ed •leleei mother of Mrs. Allen M Vel15r-. Margaret Hammond, Mrs, puul. MseMenat•y and Oswald 1'nx•tor, all of Detroit ; lira, ('hares Nelson, of Sarnia ; Wm, Procketooff 1'Iereher(; Sinter' C., Ernest K. and clef A. Praetor, of Sew(' le. Nash. WILLIAMS. --At I.uncles•sori, DMtk,p• net Reit stay. ilirati s1ed ye. e woman tied 51 dm.- /►