HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-29, Page 5'1'tfE SIGNAL. G(111E111U11 UNTAItl THE TOWN COUNCIL. $100 Grant to Great Northwestern Exhibition. Victoria Street Residents AO for • Grano Ith,c Sid.walk A Street Inspector to a. Appointed 1 Councillor Elliott Says Large Expenditure on Sewers Needed Toronto. Guelph and London Ask Goderich to Co. operate in Petitloni.g Legislature. A special meeting of the town coun- cil was held on 'Tuesday evening, the first meeting since March 2nd, owllg to the regular meeting on the 111th being withdrawn on account of the changes hl progress at the town ball. All the councillor. were in their wrists and His Worship Mayor Tilt pre - The supreme secretary of the 111wa- than Order of Houle l'iraes wrote acknowledging the town's invitation, to hold their next annual sheeting here, and stating that, though Tor - unto had been chosen for the next meeting place, the Supreme Circle aright itt some later date come as far rust sax Goderich. A report from the engineer stated that the supply of coal at the: pump- ing house would not last than two weeks' and that the claims made • in the complaint of Messrs. Marshall and Kernighan and Mrs. Arun were correct. A letter from the city clerk of Tor - unto asked the signing of It petition to the Ontario Clover mt., to Ile fos•- warded ths•Dugh our member, praying the legislature to establish a plant at . Niagara Falls to generate power for dietributiiin to ulaniciplitios at a reasonable rate, as the rate to be rhargel by the existing companies wits too high. A similar. c eat tion from the city clerk of Guelph en- closed a copy of a resolution peered by the Guelph c it and loam of, trade. ','hese letters were filed. A letter fr the lieteMagni•tii Clock Co. stated that the watchmen -tee elrxlk ryeteur could be put in order at sural) colt and if the cyst'..t were properly installed and properly at• tended to it worked successfully. On tion of Councillors Mallows 1 El Mott, the clerk was instructed to write for pricer, it iwinp>i suggested the vont- patty might quote a better price than one submitted sole time ago. A letter from the city clerk of Lone don, in reference 1141 the propertied of the. Bishop of Huron to have the Western University made an unite•- uwtninational institution and removed from Anglican control, asked co-oper- ation in petitioning the Legislature for a grant towards the maintenance. The communication was filed. A letter from the Mayor of Berlin suggested that Goderich should ar- t -range its civic holiday for August 0th. the first day of )Berlin's centennial and old boys reunion. Although we have a bylaw fixing the 'date of due civic holiday some of the councillors thought an•angeunents alight he made to change the date this year. as Aug- ust 8th it very near the date set by bylaw, and the clerk was instructed to reply that the council wetted take tip the matter later. • In answer to it claim for compensii- tion owing to the quarantine plai'exl. on her isoarding house a short .t' ago. the clerk was instructed to write Mot. McLexl that the conned could de nothing in tam matter. A petition for a ft -ft. granolithic walk on the west side of Victoria street front llatnilnon street ti, the smith side of Napier street the town to pay 41/ per tent. of the coati wits refer:1s to the public works CAtninlitte/ . The request was supported by William Holland, who claimed, a. reasons for the sew that the the tel 1 t grantingof I business 1 �a 1 1 street RM e Paine utte•t street, and that the sidewalk would serve a large number of people. Over bedfithirty homiest in the bed years haul gone tip in the vicinity. This was re- ferrusi to the public work.' a 'tow. A hill of $1. nominal rental front the G. T. K. of the Neale site where live stork are weighed, was ordered paid, and it payment of $_hl tin account to T. H. Hawkins, who has Ism working en the improvements at the town hall. was ant horized. A deputation from the West Huron Agricultural Society. consisting Of C. A. Reid, J. H. Hawkins and John Sal- keld, asked the payment of ti• SIM greet voted by the council in h.'et,rtr- ary, Ititi, Mr. Heid explained that tit' that time the Society was Cat in debt and the grunt wits math. tri help it. along with a special canvass for sub- scriptions. to raise the indebtedness. Mr. Hawkins also :uldreseed the conn- .•il and said that the last annual meet- ing of the Society wits the most en- thusiastic for years. that now the Society was clear of debt a great awak- ening of interest in the Great North- western Exhibit' was taking place. the hotel sten were contributing tiet- • ter this year than for years past and utany merchants had *Impiety prone •Ise) to make displays at the. fair. What they wanted to do was to increase the prize list and induce more confidence and interest on the part of exhibitor,' and make the show what it ought to be, a big success. The eil seemed entirely in 'sym- pathy with the idea of assistance to the fair, and on motion of Mr. Elliott. sen aided by Mr. Blair, the payment of the grant, was aulhiris Mr. El- liott thought the township councils should also be molted to rontribrte. The water and light committee. rev- i- onmcndel as follow!: That the re- quest of the ti. 1k G. iHallway for rwo- ommendation of their iippphtatiern for le:w1• of wetter Iota lx. further con - sideral ; that. Mr. Stirling's emotive - Lion for allnwenee in water 'raters roll be allowed, an also the chain's of Noselm. Kernighan, Amy and Marshall tor allowance on ' water rates roll : that. tenders Ibe asked at once for ficoring the cowl shed with eetnent in accord with specifications to be. pre•• pared ; that. tenders be asked for coal supply, coarse slack and three- quarter lump, to be in before April Itch, fr both Iaxl and outside deal- ers as known. for from WI ts7181 tons f. n. h. Goderich harbor. The report was adopted. Mr. )flair asked when the remain- ing paths through the Solemn. were ening to ise coated with cinders and was informed the roman the work had not, yet been done was the scarci- ty of cinders. - Mr. glair also brought up .as adver- tising proposition which a representa- tive of a lithographing tnnceru in Ham- ilton loin left with him. The advert ise- relent, is in the nature of a calendar and a space on it wrwlld eat the tarwn Will for an issue of 6,11911 copies or $73 for an issue of IIt,0111, Binns of the fac- tories were taking a space on the calendar. The hatter was referred to the special committee for report. 1 %rrtinrillor ('lurk urged the appoint• Tnnit of a Street inspector et leant for a few months to melee a thorough in- upertiorl and report as to what work should he done ,n the streets and sidewalks. Many trees, lis.. Wi'el'd the lower branches pruned. AI. Young suggeesttd that this wits the proper time to wake arrangements for a supply of young trees for the reason's planting. The talk of iulprrven'ents to the streets suggested to Councillor Elliott the need of serious' attention being given the sewer systems and he thought the oversight of the work that might be decided on in that connec- tion could Inc coupled with the other duties luentiexted of at street losteste. tor. Ott hie motion t It e public works co 'tire was asked to report on the appointment of an inspector and was given authority to provide what young trees might Ire necessary. The council then aedjoun-nd. OPENING SERVICESCONTINU ED. Rev. Jasper Wilson Preaches in the New North Street Church. Lest Stec lay was another day of in- terest at North street Methodist church. 'l'he opening services were continued and the pulpit was occupied by Rev. Jasper Wilson, 11. A., of Iwnuu- ingtun. ex -president of the London conference and a former beloved pas- tor of North street ehiit•rh who during his term in charge here mlrule a halting impress upon the congr•gatien and upon the whole community. Much ihtrr•st wits taken in his visit to his former charge•, and there ,were. g.eel audiences at isrth mor g and even- ing services. Mr. Willem -.rongntu- REV. JASPER WILSON. M.A., Former Pastor of North Street Methodist Church. latest the rinlgr•egustiun upon the work they had err Illishell and cxpre•ssed his pltastn-e sit acing again amongst Ilteut. lie missed, however. some f. 'liar faces. and he mentioned the staples of quite a, he-,- who since Iris pxtntir',Ite at Gidee•ich have e In join the rhaD•.h above. lie spike of the spiritual rwviv,ll which bawl fnl- It weil upon the npsenlugl.if the ue•w• 141111111 st la•aulingteen and he hoped there would be at Mimil:u• iut;athering her•, for the chief work et the church was to build up the church of /Road. Mr's% ill n has least nine of the f•imam fill earn antras which drat•, cte•rizesl Iris try lune, and hisser ttttns on Sun• day were le giu'al, dignified and ilnpm/- site presentations ret his message. the. morning he. pwaihel Iron' I . 'rine, thy 3:15 ''The eherreh of the living lilt:, the pillar and gnamid oft he truth," In the evening his text Naas fr Isaiah 9: 7 — "Id the increase of hits govi•cnrt•nt and p•:u'e there shall be ISO end. spun the. throne of David. and upon his kingdntu,inler it. anal to establish it withjudgments d with justice trona henceforth eveufor ever.•' ;,red his sermon was ai description of the character of ('briar's gnve.rnulent ant a vindieetinn of the pmiI,hecy of is )progress through file years, ('heist's Beaver 'ret- w•.L, a goverlr- merit of !wart- till earth and g.eslwll to imam, a government by the principle of the Golden Itch: it gievernrlett for the uplifting of _mankind. lids it made ally pn.grees:• was at question that Sas atl,swi•1-'uI by an outline of the church's hi -tail y fr tha' time e f the'ap.stles to the present dry, when tine (:,•steel is received by one-third iaf• the ss-or'd'n pgndatitiu and is snaking its impress'I;sin all the nations of the earth. Is the world any better for lhriats ruleride was another ee esti on that wax aliawen•d by a flintiest 131 the civilization of anti -'ret Mime tInc highest type in existence at the begin- ning of the I'hrtstian, est- wills that hof Christian c"untries sit the piesent date. IletWeen I'hcistian and nun• Christian c tries of today also it contrast was drawn, the infiiinre of ethristian teachings toeing witnessed in the humanitarian institutions of I Inristian lands, the spread of enlight- enment. relief from Neter wrongs and cruelties, and nutty ether cv,- denees which notie eould deny. Evils still existed• but these were runt runny to the teachings of .issue Christ, and gradually they wnild be conquers). A better, 'ley was runiing and the w•nrlt was surely tending towards the golden age. At the morning service the ehuir rent1'rd Hopkins '1'c Ihann and '•I Will Sing of Thy Prover" (Sullivan In theevening 31urart's Gloria in Ex- re•Isis was sting by the choir and H. M. I'artuoti gave the soli "Lead, Kindly lefghC' IPinsnti)., • Sabbath Scbool Rally. REV. J. C. REID, B•D., of Nile. dirt chinch, Clinton. and Rev. J. C. Reid. of Nile, and 14ev. Jasper Wileon also irlroke Ilriefiy, Clarence Pen ' g- to11 gave a cornet Melee ' and Sid Belcher a vocal Sulo; rind the /singling iii the primary class was a pleawuit fetttnn• of the proceedings. The sing- ing of the ••fluty Sting" coni luded the program. At the otlemling of the ss- sion the rites of Wittiest' were ail iet•nal to the little sen of Mr. and Mrs. St. (L8n•ge Price by the pastor.Rev.li. i.'tlaize•tt• The Orgaa Recital. din Al lay evening ,a tuusiatl 111111- grans reygrams was given in the ,•Touch by W. H. Hewlett. organist of Center- airy Alelhislist eheurh, Hamilton, and Mrs. Fiona Mul•ur-Craig. id Toronto, ,1u. Hewlett., is an ackuowletlgeetl master of the rirgait and he Witte heard With interest mud plcasuiu by an air,' p•.'e•i:ttive audience. His s•Iintiius included "Vesper !lolls," by Walter Spinney. flue overtures' to ^ti'illi,uu 'tell." ••Funertl Merck tat a Marion- ette," by Coined. Fantasy Pastorale and Tetu s•st iia the Alps IIP. .1. }bei Ie n leteill, the overture .tis della" 11''. Nun Fliotowl, a fatltasia ori "II Sweet Home" and "Rule Britannia," Se•hnlx'rt's Ser•naule, it sweetish %'ellhng March by Soder- maim. arid the HakutIzy March. Met. Mclvuld rxi+;, who ants lint a pt ranger VESSEL APPOINTMENTS FOR 1900. Gesle•rieh, sustained leer twpnuttiou i as rine of the most accomplished and j The fulliw'iux , ointments of trf- pleuring of Canadian vas•alists. Her d I -3 3 3 Do not let anyone'persuade you that some • crafty fashionable garment is "just as good" • as the real 3 SEMI -READY '3 for there is not in Canada' it tailoring business 3 which ill any way resembles the style and system 3 of the Semi -ready tailoring iystents No mall wants an imitation when he can get the original. e - SUITS -3 that sold at from $12 to $20 all now at the • one price per suit s 3 0 VERC0.-i TS at sold at $25, $20, $18 and $15, all • n wat 10 dollars Come and see' and save 3 while you see, for the 3 \sale of "LONELY'' gar - 31 ents is on this ii'ec:i. 1 SEMI -READY WARDROBE 3 i • Agents, - - - Goderich. 1111lf1 ill TIP ill Itoft op 10 dollars McLEAN BROS. Tru .au*r, March 29, 1906 EA ,� W. A. McKim ' 1►."' 1906 MILLINERY 1906 = sc� S a r TTIVNtNtMtfPM11 1111.110f1% lt- A 'complete stock of everything new in that line of heailwear for the lady, the hiss or the child, direct from the world's fashion centre, now awaits you, As usual our idea is not to have a whole lot of hats trimmed up in the fashion of a few weeks ago in the large cities, but we are always ready with the very newest, not the caricature or exaggerated, but the kind you like to wear and at the price you like to pay. • AlitstSmith and Sect• efiiciemt staff are ever ready to attend lis y • every want, and at the shurtcst native. White Silk Shirt Waists, $1.85 and 445 ','hese ate English w•xlrt*Irntde if -the hest waashltlg Jap silk, just IMI in the lit, it jobber's I 'entrant is htt•11 we s e- -ueed at nni--third off. They are well nook, of gime! uut- terial and nicely trimmed, Jackets The natty:uew short jacket. eithorcloau, tilling acini„o, beauties fr 97.50 up. • Raincoats - All hew•, nal an old one 4i he seeen at McKIM'S BUSY STORE so No ■ � • ' - ' J -''--, , -„-- —P-- - +-1 l _i__ - i__ - --'11 ---- 0----0—_--1►—.P--r--_-e---s_—, •-4•�itat sem. _c___ -a_ r�r____i• ^ +r+M.te•eWl.r,tAte law;.nrn.l y1/00/...eattr, :t+M.e t ort.. . R+W triter d: - lien{ were "The taint is My Light;' a Marsh), "'Thee Better Land,' 'Cowen', "Itesus, Lover of thy Soul” IMacdextgitlla.''•Abide with Me" ITor- riugioql, "My Ain ('ountue," and its ensure numlxet•s ••fits•Is IannonQ" auna ficers of Take vessels are repented : St. l.uwfence A I'hicagn Strain Navi- gat' l'o., 'fig•,ntu, H. Hagerty, manager--Strauu•r W. I). Alattliews. C.ept. J is Ewart : E. .1. O'lk•11, en- gimlet•.. Steamer• imagines. l :apt. iV. "I'he Glory Song." Owing to the in) N. Wright: %Vm. Harwood, engineer. pleasant weather the :tl,ulie'o•e W1111 Steamer- Algonquin, I'apt. John iYil- Mit MI/ large as otherwise it would hams : J. 5V, Taylor, engineer. have been, but t those who were • there Steamer Itos-tl ale, )'apt. Peter .1. were well tvyu uId fur t gout by Shrew : James Findlay, engine ter. hearing as program of rare int•rit. H. O. k 5. 11. McKay. Hamilton Both 51r. Hewlett and Mr., Mc Ivor- Steamer Neepawath, )'apt. O. Patten - Craig w•oAld be heartily welcomed should they i•iturn to (ieaierit•h. Financial Receipts. The gross receipts in eollentions and subscriptions at' the opening services, including Math Snedxys. arununtel to In the attt•rnuson the Sabbath who'd held its first session in the new chnrh and telelnvttel the orrasiun by it epee - 141.1 order of service. The meeting was held in the auditor' and was at - Welded by many of the parrots and others in addition to the members of the whiol. The superintendent, W. Ih•ielhum, presided. Interesting addresses were glen by lieu. W. E. Kerr, pru:or if Oidatin street Mettle'. REV W t KI• -RR. Pastor of Ontario Street Methodist Church, Clinton. astute : Andrew Leitch, engineer. Steamer'Vahanda, ('apt. H. /extend: Jots. Walker, engineer. Steamier Stt•atlicuna. ('apt. J. Irving : 5% uui. lineman, engineer. Steamer Ikrnna- eonx, )'apt, J. i\'. Aotwdesley : J. S. Duguid. engines•.-, Ste: about $I.Y2•i. iI addit the gross ll•pt H 'c ti,Si.,,ter-. H A tt ,. K 1 sx:iit were all(mt $L.i. 2 l'atpt. Jolter Mulcnuwru : Robert Alachua. engineer. TEMPERANCE PEOPLE The N.irrthe.rtl Navigation Co. of On - NOT SATISFIED. twist, Limited, Cmsllingw,sxl, C. A. Weil Id, matinee'. Steamer Hut - Criticism by Rev. Dr. Chown and F. S. mile, rap:. K. I), h'uite: 1(. Hrishin. Spence of New License Bill. engineer. Steamer Alinarch, Calot. H. "The legislation introduced by Alt. Robertson Sig 1 Beatty. engineer. g Steamer Saronic, )'apt. A. L. Crimp - 11""'"" 1, ' in11• H 1 f ' eMll 11 ll+uina in tan Steamer x• Hugh Myler. en inrei•. tr rents t11.Hnl K K ' a Chown teat Assembly."a Atajostic. (1npt. 0. H. 1'l'yter; �i1n. week in reference to the new Ike"' 'Vhipps, enliineer, Steanlei•Gerrnanie, kill. •'is net satisfactory to the Lein. rapt. it' G. •Cox :.los•ph Astec, en. •r Guhkie, rises is for the leulit•a+ Aid mime., and en intent. Mh•amer P. Main netts N perxncelaeloplc,particularly in its tw- gineer. Steamer fico of AHJland, txtion to local option. )'apt. A. 31, wt•ight ; Stephen Hurlers... "In the. first piece. the in•nexse in I engineer. Steamer Britannic, beam IIce•tnes' feet'. web%h may be selvis- i uely. engineer. Ste 'r ('ito• of Tot- I able from the economic standpoint. man, Capt. Paul Iheonie: Johns T. will tuPepmr• extent tinder the Ado's. Wier, engineer, tion of local option. • rid much nnute Midltul Navi ation Cu., Indian) sIt of a favor- R e• tel oiretu able vote e the t I Steamer :Midland King,Capt. W. H. able vote rif sixty pc rel . of the votes P • fast in order to carry the bylaw. So Feather teni h : hl1. Abbey. engin- •e car- e•r. St1.nnlet• Mir l2ueeen, C»pt. r now is vi•t•y suuall, coni will 1e au- ✓ ly decreasing. ,lira 1}.at,uANE. `. (Ire• if "the Invincible Anconei' under Ih•. I rnlop. IKi7, now in illy ninety - 11. -t y , .-. e "Wheezy" Chest - Means y1 mt• trouble in deep-seated. To delay i elatigorons. All the in- d,tuunatltnn till be drawn out in one day by app •ins; Nerviline. It pen- etrates throng the pot'es of the skin, milt.% es inflate utti and thus. pre - tents serioud' e.msapue'nri•M. h'at' sow thru,it. wv 'k chest and ten- dency to colds, to prescription is hotter than Poison Nerviliuc, " n nest -ll' fifty years has been an- aell's great household . reedy: Tw•e•n- ty'-five cents buys a lar• a bottle. Credit is a convenient ',emetic, hest it is liable to setons a hitt too tight fir fter erten[. $1.00 1500140 TAP GOOERICJ-I TO DETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE 19 ecrMlenNG ,nr1eE 71 St'r OffEYteXPID 7 Dais in Deleon Write E. H. AYER. Agent, DETROIT, for particulars. tau the temperentl tempt hat au _Frank ,Burke; George -A, Smith. t -n - incl 101 • pelmet'. f ntt 1 off Ldi licenses. Triter the propose reit- Kin•t•r- relent they would have carried only II J.' K. Fairgrieve k Co., Hamilton • mutNcip+tlitie•s. cutting rel( 1101 •enses. Steamer 5inbian, )'apt. Robert Me - "Another Amendment le-"Anotherannendmnent to the lis LI up- Masgh ; 'V, C'unei�gl , engineer. ti 'law which the temperance- 1 olole Camelot At11antic Ternsjortation Co,, !strongly • resent is n change by w Is'h Montreal, %V. H. Smith, Inane ere • taken wi h- g the Vote fore repeal may o t steamer (ieartgt N. Ot•r, t 'pf. win. in two years after the act has •c - Baiter : H. H. E'u'ans, engineer. into force. Thu. objeetinns to this Steamer Arthur Orr, Capt. I1..laenke: litrry lshrtl arra that the inc .the dues ohn Murnan, engineer. Steamer not hat's an 'opportunity of proving "emerge, (lam, John meNcil: A. A. its valuit to the lir t33•. and a eon- niotl. engineer. Steamer Ottawa, clition of t and bisulfatity is, un- t. Alex. Nettie:tem. Paras, en- ne•essau•ily era'ntt•d. r. "'The legislation pri•iding for the sale of Minor nil vessels other than ferry- bots, and on iliru ng and bullet mins, is deehlel l> twactieatutt•y, and sure- ly cannot receive the support if the Legislature. "'rhe provision in the au't width provides for licensing bait (olden' seems to rule to be open In very great objections. Unless we have further amendments the effect would be that the Imt•Irnde•t• would be a buffer be- tween the taw and the pre go?ietor. and that the I:Isernkeep•t• would in many rases wenn• the penalty. Tilt 1111 111, exa Aires 11118 part of the nteasut•/• Sts it now ,ulnds time more objection- able it het • •s, "Shonlal the provision for permit. ling I avi'iiie to sell liatnhue at Meals in Sunday?' prove to be the intention of lite Iinve•nnent. it will arouse ei storm of protest fr thletengx•rnce people. 11. is mitt, however, upon tett ho i r ty, that it was not the intention of the Iiuvernment that this should appear in the bill, and Mr. Hanna was under- stood In sty in the House that this was one if the doings that after con- sideration would he remitted. ••'rhe• Inexslrt, as a whale, falls far short of whit was expecte)." said F. S. Spmre, "It is not simply it car- rying out of the tinvernm ent's trolley of improvement and enfnrr anent of Ih' hircus• system. In some rm114.e12 Ihi.' new hill el ntrlins provisions in Sen y with that policy. On the other hand, it has fetirwn that are decidedly retrogressive. and that can• not be test strongly rondo.t I," ('a gine When Seven Men Die )'tail know at 11'n+t nnc of them had consumption. At first it was only catarrh but it way ncgle•te'r1. %%'hon i'4',rta,tt•rhovine" cures sn quickly it's foolish to sprier -it's it'theme to go on tapiftellmg amid hawking. ('at.arrhn- zone goes (Greet to the raise of the (beeline, -that's why it's so /lead rer- tnin to core. it steps the c%mpfh, pre- vents that disgusting discharge, cleats phlegm out if the Ihnntt in five min- gles. Very pleasant, and safe tea; get I'attxrrhoasme taunt your druggist t"toy. The Veterans of '37. The if lowing letter appeared in a recent is. le of The Toronto News : Ti the• , litor of The Nest•.: I no- tice that t e Hon. Mr. Cochrane has brought in . bill respecting the set. - viers of the v ter•atos if ItItt. I regret. he has nut int deal those of IIC17, for *hum the late hover ant had no eyinprathy. The n rule• for govern- ing a 1• 1111.11'11 1'11avince 1 the flet., n•sllesn, unrducutel settler% may have bee a distasteful under changed circnunlstnees by the influx of at higher end better elucatal class of settlers. But the remedy nealed — --- _ - not object Mondale force - hot judicial ns j .----- measures. A skillet surgeon tries to puwuxervu' an injured limb by puller remedies, an nnskillel • anpltatt.•. it. Civil war isie last extrT9nity, end i - a severer test of true Ioytllty IIuuJn I Sent with it foreign enemy ' I hope the present (iovernnierlt. iuul many of the rinpimjudirld Oplpesit' with a enlarges( ideas. will meting , shire the pi 'r veterans of IsC17. Their ' recugniti n would not only be a grail i•', tying highs. to them, bol would be a. preventive policy In view of the r•1•vul11- titinary spirit of the xgl•. Their nai Remus. of the meek man, for meek lea.'' is the murk of might.. - The Bohemian, NAVE YOB A BOSS? or see pmt Inde. pendent11 you are making money for some one else, quit and make money for yourself. Get out of slavery anal he free. Write G. AtasansLn, & • •1 you the way. They Ion. Theynil show Co., Ip y have carted thousands on the road to freedom. Seven dollars ■ day. every day in the year, to be- teg mate hendling their goods, Write now. Time is money. HE' DACHE Neuralgia •o Nrrveusnrs..sir, .I q„'ataly by AJAX A a NCU ALO A EACHIL No heart depression. Greatest cure ever J:ren-ere. • Take nr. a the,..a and sac. All Jeak,s or direct from AUSTIN ri Co. Sin.coe, Ont, MOMS/ ac& if sot satiaN.J. RUBBER STAMPS At it, same address, since 19:)1. Also Stencils, Steel Stamps, Price Card out- fit., White Enamel Letters, Sc. Writ* us, we'll do the rest. Chas. W. Mack, 541-18 King St. West. Toronto. TO THF PUBLIC The I.r'l.se of beef' .a - la a lionghna the it,iti.h Y•nlrlilr. fine dropped n notch ear us-,,, Mid i'On'..e•uMel, lr lm•MI I.i-i.1? hie dnw•n, tt•,• are nor Il gdyin:r all end. MI loser brise'., shire the gorilla) 1p.M, if not nedlu-c. i Senn r•, '•r. LK.\N?I MK.%T M.t1IKlel' handles all kinds id renals, poultry. eli.. and. while thanking I he pantie fn- their liberal 1Mlnrtlalare, we Mli,it al e,rr,t111,/Mle'e of 1fel -acne Mi LEAN PROS., earner 5_ i .t. .11,1 - n 11,,I. • ' h. THE M A N who appreciates having his clothes fit properly and with all the details that it tailor can give, will enjoy this' satisfaction by hi:v ing us make his clothes. - Frank ti. Martin The Tailor WHEN YOU BUY WOVEN WIRE FENCING got full value for you r'money by -purchasing one of our three styles of galvanized fence : All No. 9 XX Railroad and Farm Fence, Stays 12 or 24 inches apart. Extra Heavy American Hog and Field Fence, No. 9 Lateral wires and No. II Stays, 12 inches apart. Regular American Hog and -Field - Fence, No. 9 top and bottom Laterals and No., I2 Stays. In all the above fences the Stays are with the HINGE JOINT, and are impossible to break with the weight of snow, etc. We carry` in stock the following styles : All No. 9 XX Railroad and Farm Fence 6 wires; 36 inches high, stays 12 or 24 inches apart 7sirell 42 inches high, stays 12 or 24inches apart rt 8 wires, �inches high', stays 12 or 24 inches apart 9 wires, 48 inches high, stays 12 or 2.1 inches apart Extra Heavy American Hog and Field Fence 8 wires, 32 inches high, stays 12 itches apart 8 wires, 45 inches high, stays 12 inches apart 9 wires, 39 inches high, stays 12 inches apart 9 wires. 45 inches high, stays 12 inches apart Regular American Hog and Field Fence 6 wires, 35, inches high, stays 12 inches apart 7 wires. 26 inches high, stays 12 inches apart 8 wires, 32 inches high, stays 12 inches apart 8 wires,'45 inches high, stays 12 inches apart 9 wires, 49 inches high, stays 12 inches apart 10 wires, 47 inches high, stays i2 inches apart Is wires. 55 inches high, stays 12 inches apart From the stove yon set• that we have at big variety to choose frnn, prices ranging from 25C to 5oc per rod iVe also carry a hill line of other win.. No. rs and 13 Weaving Wire 4 and 2-pein't Barb Wire No. 9 Coil Spring Wire No. 9 soft Brace Wire No. to, rt and is oiled and annealed Wire 'I'.' give ynu nn idea how this fence in selling We have Mee/Yell Iwo ra Nes G'IS. sflt'lllg 'until nil ing to .d IllI nods, of wh irh- neer :71Is) reals hove already been Mdrl, iVe invite yam to call and sec this fertee• Mill he your own judge• r and you Will agree as nil is hers hove dine tha it, is the )amt feurc• on the market. We know all about, thio fence, thi• 'mummy makes it front the Wan ore up to its c plea inn and we do not hesitate tot lona ventre it in every mietirulir. CEMENT iVe• hns•1' lht• it tome for the w'11•hratel Ni.tinn:d ('entr'nf. Mfg. Co., at Denham. %%'r have tontt•ae'tel for Si/M1 Istrrtl of which we have already ?odd seven carloads. This siil•athss for it - ."If. (Pit sale. of this cement last ye;n' were 17 tears. PAINTS iVe lu,te.' jpsh levet veil our spring uun.igrltnenl lir Sherwin- Williams Painttss. This is the;stint' ever) hotly to, hind I'Very- Issly went... It rovers milt 111111 We/l1,1 longer than any ether paint on the market. ('all and get (-ohm calrll. :thii information for anything you napnim in this line, We carry the largest and most complete stock of General Hardware in town. Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing given special attention, and all work guaranteed. Chas. G. Lee 11.•,..-• I'1,i, I I '