HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-29, Page 4• 9.1 ate TBUItWWAY March 29, 1908 FAMOUS PEOPLE BY FANNIF. M LOTHROP W. A. I f RA$$IR etwo-ey►tros Terente Canada's Author, Artist and Engineer. Knowing the life of William A. Fraser, the books he has written seem in- evitable. leach is the harvestingof certain distinct r ( aro of his living; yg, tel. revivified noel transformed by his individuality. The nervous intensity of the writing, the ic1tvPforcefulphrases, the keen observation, the humor,the origi- nality. i- nality. the sympathy with nature in all its phases, the artistic genius in catching instantly the essentials of a scene or an episode are characteristic of Fraser the main, as well as of Fraser the author. His !seeks are himself; he writes because he Imes to write, because he cannot help writing. Bern in Nova Scotia in 11439 of revue' luan•ntage, his earl',' school days were spent in lineerm and later iii New fork. His unusual artistic ability earlyTweare manifest, and it enema that he waselestined for a reulptor's life, but the death of hiefat changed his plans. Ile now paints scenes in his novels in vorabularic• colors instead of with a brush. It was with rcgn't that he t'niporarily gave up the oils of art for the oil of commerce and made a specialty of petroleum; but he was thorough and a second time Mastered oil In ism he went to India as an expert for some English e:v{ italists, and later the British government employed him on semi' mission in lk-luchistan. Nine -•' he spent in India, Burma and the neighboring countries, not studying the country idly from an armchair, but in nine years of constant travel, where he saw everything and forgot nothing, and it is the splendid fruitage of these years that is garnered in his stories of India In 1889 he returned to Boston and married Miss Barber of Toronto, and the year following, went back with hin wife for an eight months' stay in the Orient. ( In returning to Canada he settled in Toronto and for six years went each summer, surveying and doing other engineering work in the North-West. It was far away front the whirr of humanity; lonely, often having no roof but the starry sky, no heel but his blanket, no restaurant but his pouch. He met trappers and guides sometimes, grew to know and love the animals better, and his splendid stories of Canadian life and charmingly sylmpathetic animal stories would never have been written but for the payment of pate in mouths of isolation. His first story was published in the "Detroit Frey Press," and a few others soon afterward gave him that first rich taste of literary creation. He went each year to the North-West with greater reluctance as it cut out his time for writing, until finally reluctance led to rebellion and then to revolt, and he turned his back on it all forever and consecrated his life to literature and art. Mr. Fraser has had the honor of hav- ing his paintings hung on the line with the work of professional artists. aawaetiiratt• act Wow ranaant of Canada.. We rear aim. by W. C. Mack. at ta. Iapta.eat of Apecult+Ms The Falls Reserve A Bit of Hitherto Unwritten History Relating to That I Historic Tract of Land •f When the surveyors of the old Can- ed* Company were lope -eying the townships of Colborne and G1lderich, somewhere about the year 1825, they came across, at a place on the Maitland river dividing the two townships, two small falls, and at a shott distance front them found a natural bend in the river which suggested the ptmsihility of damming the stream) to obtain power for sawmills or any other in- tatry that alight present itself, %% .h this purpose in view they re- aerv•• a tract of land, some PM acres t more in extent, which land was ente • on their• map and has always lee known as "The Canada Company R. ye." The lands in the immediate vici 'ty were ell taken up by actual settlers d for many years that large tract .rt) by itself an un- broken forest. It w the intention of the Company t) reset ey the prop- erty, reserving is town prowhen the mill site should be develo I, ,with park lots of ten acres rar•h, n' the Goderich side of the river. Al his. be itremembxeretl, was some sig y years ago, before the age of electric' ty, and before it wens known that motive power could le generetsi and transmitted to a distance by wire. Company Appreciated Its Value. ,lust to show haw match the ('onl- pany valued the pt•ivilege, and how tenaciously they iulhert•el to the re. ipo{rrts sent, in by their first sut•veyor•s. tinay Ix• of interest to note that cern as late as the year 14711 they had ltn intention of parting with thy pt'tgs•rty except as as whale, for during the titre of the Ralf ex(•it•ment in Ci,xlerich. when the inquiry was made if they would sell one hundred acnes of bush hod on the ('nitx.rne side of the river, the reply nre•iveel was that they would not divide the property, hut were op'fl to s'II tau' whnle tract at. the unset price of $1151 per acre. This price N•ues far in execs( of its valine es it timbered lot, and the incident clearly shows how' is the. Cents xtny veined the water privilege, Sawmilling Operations. Early in the 'st1's thy late s •I Platt enMtrsl into nn NgIe atett with the Company, by port:haw or other- wise, to cut the timber and erect it sawmill and he was the 111141 to malt• a br•e•ak on the property. After rtrel- ing a mill and damming the river with a temporary weetden structure, ',lan tei digging timet a flume e abmit a mile' st of the "Hog's Back," the work of cut- ting down the magnificent timber went on fun some time. hut, probably owing to the low figures then ruling for hardwood lumber and /•unlw,xxl, the Mpxrulation did not prove is profit- able one and ultimately the property fell balk into the Company s hands Again. The next person to exploit the pro c,ty was an enterpri-ung sews mill Ulan by the name ..f \nein Harrhler, who uetne Belled the (saw- mill, built a monster lank barn spanned the river with a stbNetentiel bridge rusting over $2,155) and built several hooses and a large I' a -kiln, The speculation did not prove. a better paying one than that of his prede'ces- mew, and eventually the pt•nperty re- verted once 1110 1111 to the ;NMs•N the Otnnpnmy. After having been de- nuded of a large Is.rtiou of the grow• Mg timber. The property remained for some time in an unpl'cductive state anti was afterwafds tented as a mulch to a pang of cattle-dt•ovet•s froth veaforth, The Company Sells. The ahoy,. little sketch brings us dowel to about two years ago, when the l'urnlumray resurveyed the prop- erty hitt) Iut_a and sold thein, mostly to farme•t-s having land in the fin - Mediate neighls,rhtssh The last plus chaster wits J. T. Goldthorpe, who be- came the owner of the greater Part. of what truutiniml of the timbered por- tion. including sxtle valuable river Hats, in all alsmt 4111 acres. For the Past two seasons it portable sawmill has been at work cutting the valuable timber on Mr. Guldthutle's lot and this season's cut will amount probably to Rome :Melee elect ot• 3151,155) feet in ad- dition to 1,1101 feted,. d, of wood. 'Phis elitist the early- history of this historic tract as far as the Company is con- cerned, for this once powerful issly at one time cowred till the land in these and the neighboring townships, this last sale including aNnu all that re- mained to thele of their grant f the Crown in the early history of the Province, The Power Project. With the passing of the ('nnquuiy's shirt to the lands a new era has wn,sl and it flew generation of men come to the front who; viewing reject- of damming the ricer in t of otheri developments. see xtl(1i of a great irides - biking. They have looked ibilities effeted by the Urges iiisce•t•ned by the Iry ,reale. ago sold • ronclusiau tletl. the betel w•utetiug its energy long enough d that the time his ,arrive& when this 'thet•U, worded energy sl Id IN• Ions' awl to !Way - Lira' purposes. ►eennlil I • a com- pany has been formed nn' is now seeking a dealer from the •gislit- tore to permit the emotion (1 dein : tel ihi• inr•Itase ..f such of them tin - mg latxls its it may Is. neuessa•y timid to raise' Iii.• required heed e waiter. The pt•(1ltintern of Lie scheme het•e apptonched !lie different nwnern HMI Obtained option. on liberal terms, no nn difficulty will be placer) in their way set far as the urihas+ of the land is eameernt'ti. Te company aeras, tyre nndtrstmb. nlNont 1,1551 rules of lend, outside of the prolet•ly upon which epi inns ane held. A Natural Dam Site. The site clown fair Ihe dust that eau' • patty memories le build is militated ht whit is sidled the 11,1//1( s Hack," a!meniall bend in the river projecting filen the 4'olls)rnr shore in the form of a horswh,x•. A • e•onvenb'nl or seitable place for the Tpurpose could nntpuMNibly- le desir'ni. he river' just here marrows to a few yard., with sides hewn out (if the solid Iimest • trs•k by the tirti of the Walters for tut11nh1 ages, and the re- taining wall to be built of cement will have the bricking of the wind Iank on either Nide The itoi,,,srl dntn is Its hi' sixty-five feet. in height .ural he watetn will Mewl about 1,0151 unrres, .and Will come up to within a short (listener of li.•i)niller brittle. a elite lance of over tutee nils'- The retain- ing wall neeessnry todaum up such it large body of wooer will of twee•NNity he a very solid ,affair, end will entail considerable re ens• for labor. ee• Ment, ct•., Intl the Its is• aerial, sued. mu, gravel 1 !Molders, foe filling in in to be found oil the spot in itn- h the I the• h + in it t 1 trial unit into the 4 natural tele sot velem,. of e' t hive r • It, t (1101 Maitland hes n TNI STGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO lyense quantities, And this will con• siderably reduce the expense of con- strue ' ,oti1FNlrrd with what it would be if tfue material had to be proctored wured from as dishier. The lunge body of water to to held up •by this dam is cabkultttel to be simply sufficient.am a reservoir in the event of it shortage iu the rainfall, it precaution, by the way, that doers not tip{eu' to be Absolutely nret'5Mry. for the natural How of the river is large, I luul we time • the water will be' dammed just to give the necessary head for the turbines which are to be Ii.eat.Ml jllst below the high laud near the Hog is !lurk, whence the pewee is to be transmitted. Theeculiarlorm- ation of the hind at this place will give an additional lel vantage. The river leads hack up i n itself in such a way that el a distance of it few hun- dred feet front the site of the shun t herr is it fucehrr fitll of fifteen feet, giving a total head of MO feet, Early Industries at Benmiller. Shortly atter the Ii,wnships were surveyed 1 h e Commie Company granted it tract of land to the east of the r•srl•ved,pott le an mitt apris fag settler mimed Benjamin Miller, who was tolmiid al saw and grist mill at the limit of the stream (Sharp's creek, that empties itself into the river it shot•( iiisttuo'e absive the site of the i'tinemseel dam. The Company glee gave him the privilege of cutting bane 1s•r on tiny of their 'lands by way cif induct•meiit, for very little value was played en the growing timber at that evu•ly date. On the ('oullslny's rebel -ye there were the only pine trees known in the neighborhood, rhues], and what is still known as the Pinery tell lefun• the axe of this truly settler. The trees must have Ix•em o u f immense u o , - II 1 ) lions,lte•h ml 1 a sta •r t 1 that illt• rtx' N Nr- anee '- Aucrufr s Istill t t ms v ill Ln beseen fully justifies. Old Ike.. Jlillt•r, the f der ofe village lh bLtgy [hut IN•itl'N his mune, erected the hest saw amid grist. mills aeemiling to his contract, and they erre a ghat IMam to the early settlers. Although the seituiII has disappeared lung ago, the grist luill with 111711) • Irl 11 ,it e` Illl•Illn' intim { 11 Ihr• Best rudriv•co,sti•urted affair is still in e•s'demo i; also flourishing woollen Mill, both rum by Hie welters of the same sluing rice►, which empties into the Jttitland near Ibet•nt•t'I bridge at Be 'tier, develupiigt•mmergy esti- mated at over 1151 hereepi iter. The Reserve plroperty was idle flit. many til ley years iin1 it became a favorite picnic ground for c: uulie•rs and tout= mats Who cattle then. to enjoy the wild aceuery. Guying the• sue -ter -Haling seaseon in the spring the Isinks of the river ou Is.t11 sides mete the u V, pits of the settlers, who ra • thele to fish by trirrhlight, sparing the fish ars they came up to the hells. The fishing was generally attended with good success, and it wits notelet -minion thing to returfl after a eight's fishing with as catch of many hundreds. Benmilier Will Boom: As a result of the 110Wel' dt•selup- inelts the village of Brnmiller, which is renowned for ' the pietnreslue scenery to be found iu shy neighbor- hood, will be made ' attractive by the presence of such it loge INdy of water near by. mud when the waters are stocked with fish it will become a veritable paradise tar anglers. No doubt it stem') launch or s • other pleasure craft, will he plated on the waters, and when a convenient hostelry is erected the village will he come more than ever a favorite resort for picnickers and summer tourists, as it is only the short distance of six miles ftoln the town of Goderich. The Practical and the Pic-turesque. in conclusium, it cannot but be ad- mitted that the surveyors of nrerh' three generations ago were far-seeing men, their wise foresight being shown in their Netting aside that tract of land with the water privilege with the per - pose in tiew of creating a Power which the natural advantages of the -'cheer 'suggested to them. They little thought the Motive• power of elects -i - city. an altogether unknown thing in those dotes, was to r•culutionize the industrial world. \That has beeen'ac- e plished by peever companies rat Niagara Fall( and •other• places pt•om- hieeN to he tepeeted here, but of inn raw on it smell se.le :,still, x fall of (Li feet, with it Meal elf lMl•jeet, isnot to be found every day, And when the water are rushing over the dein to the level le - low there will he at combination of spectacular grandeur Roth mechanical energy that will have its attractions broth for lovers of the piu'l tresetur and tar those who will view it\fur Its ixa- sibilities in dollars and rentsx,, Lit Tr•It'zet,, The Difference Between Succe4s and Failure. Toronto .Mat rd ay Night says: The trouble with this country is that is is full of people who are turning out work that they consider "plenty good 1•nough." From the man who cilia the grass on your Pawn lir builds you 0a hark tilled, up to the men tyho aft in I'au•liauwnt tine] rule the country, nevarly every lit el y is aiming to tender such service its will be grsxl enough to answer the purpose. The car- penter who is Ixptr•bing his job in the way easiest for hirnit•If will tell you that it is good e gh. IMIthose whose nlakeshiftt are not so readily detected will inform you that them way is lest and that any ntlive way wield not answer at all. 'rhtomgll the ranks of these gine,-enuughet-s, Whether they IA• IalNners, uuum lianics, clerks. lir professional nen, the one man in a hundred whomakes it staunch, uuplx•r•t•ivetted job of Any- thing he undertike•s drives straight to stlrcesti just as if he had is track under hire exclusively his own, and it Colley eiverhead. The gtxxl- enotglrt14 call hits lucky, but the secret of his progress has Twee that his not jetted the nerves (1f every- le verylie he haus tendered service to by lea handiwork calling for that shade ptrxl,n inK remark, ••I p{ossa it will a H0• is a matt who delivers the got els eatly packed, rat the right. ;dare and o time. There is as kind of man tvho Wo (hill why he duxes not storeyed and y be tweet• uwile+ed it jack-knife Wit 111 t breaking its blade trying to lake 0 , screw-nails—tin kind of tarn who rte' •r has the tight UNd, • the right a sorer, nor the right opinion, nor thi Meeteat- that will serve anylrody's Imirpuwe at the moment. If the, tearing • is in a tantrum, in Ihis roan walks ..d gels the sterna, \\'hon anything roes, this matt lows a Heger ur a t.x•. If his haus• bunts, veep know with( asking that his insurance lamMe•, a week berme% How's. This ? w'r ower tiny Ito ml nal Ronne. Ituwanl far alit . n -s of i ,,iarrh t116 ,annot in, crier,' by Ilan'-, starch en,•. F. J. Ulf F:NF:V k 1'm., Toledo, m. We the rowlet*tina,t hitt, known F. J. ('honey M1, I he last to) rale., rad Ia+Iles a tubo, er.rf.r•1 Iy I,onnetble in all hu.inr.o, t ragwort Ina. and ane n bINII)) able In earl), out ,u,y obllgat lint. m:uh y hl,• Arn.. . ',y.t t.nrnO ittyxay k MSlat as, W11011.4111. I liellgighan, Toledo. I1, Hall'.I statrh ('nre Is taken Internally art Ing rtInnetly'manhe blond soil /r nll.ns surbie'e.s M Ihr .ylrnn. Testimonials scut free. Price Li went. per leek. motet h1 all Antxrl'la Take Hall's Vomit) IMlls fur mint fr µ-. , ,-r' • $5,000 REWARD WARD sill person she pr es that S alight Soap tams any in nanous chemical. or any' form of adulteutioa. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps. but is best st when Used in the Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals.' Sunlight Soap is pure soap. scientifically made. Every step in its manu- facture is 'watched by an expert chemist. Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing fabrics. 5 (sly and c. follow directions 5e. Liver Brothers Limited. Toronto IIY HURON'S POPULATION, Rush to the' West Shows its Effect in Rural Municipalities. That the exodus to the West which has leen se marked during the !net few years; is having an effect in the dect'ease of, this county's rune popu- lation is shown by the figure. conn piled by County Clerk Line from the returns furnished by the assessment tolls of the various municipalities for It$Li. In' 11511, as -cording to the its- stetson.'figures, the total population of the ,ownships of Huron county was 111,1447. lit 11145 it was :i1,1ki7, a de- crease of MI. The total p.pulltiern of the towns and villages Inr•reasetl •± l iter he your, from 16,101' to 10,:-4I, The sggrgate• p epulation of the, comnty in 191)1 was:/l,ti:il and in 11513 :11,:1141, a decrease of t7u. Jar. Line says that in tet yearn the PN)pulatiun of Huron Mut decreased by about 5,0111. We give below the -figures fot• the two years for each mmmicipalit-. it will be seen that Ashfield, Goderich and Turn - berry townships are the only aurid municipalities that show an increase. Among the towns and villages (lode - rich, Heafterth, Winghan, Myth and Hensel) are growing, while the others are stationary or are falling behind. etwee,iTtuv nF tctto( xcxu•tr.vt,. IT! nix, 1915 1901 Townshits. As flew '1916 ('olbi,rne in) (ilxler•ich 24(54 Grey :11110 :i1e4 Hay ♦61.i Hawick\ , ANNHallett 21541 McKillop MSS Morris Y851 Sanley 1952 Stephen „ r :1755 l'ucke'tsntith 2173 'l'urltlxet•ry ---------- I sh or 1,• 21',11 Kist Wawathsmh 173,1 West .Wawanush. \ISM •11111 18;0 32FA) TOW ,nt Rad V ilktges, Hayfield 3111 3111 Hlyth , ',Mei >4/51 Brm s+1N Mil 1221 (linen" , ''(7 237)i Kxet•t• 1rtt:o 1817 (ieelerich 1295 .11111 Hemsall ... , .. , 1$C1 7tti la,•afo•tll 2211 2177 Winghaul , 221(1 2213 1J rosette. 111 1131 1081 181141 5(1541 ilflki•i :1135 :-1177 2721 31711 ml ''arta 3118 2170 11551 2131 171r2 21)13 'rntat I The Even Temper Wins. - iAink ,intend your farmer neigh• bons said take note of those who have sueeeedlrI hi their basineee. Im•at•iahly you will final them to be cheerful 1 hopeful men, who trent about their bosinens with a smile on their bees and took the changes aid charters of normal life like Mien. facing rough I sm/x.th alike am it rause. Your hien'', aorrying farrne.t• seldom does •h good for himself (1r others. He is either lalsn•ionmly idle or making h auto nlxet nothing, slwnding time over the incontwd neutiel than the essential things. The 'sen- sible fernier taken things as they come, is not too much elated by sucresa or cast down by failure, Mut keels on an even keel both in fair weather and foul,-ExchAnge, "Yon say he has grown whiskers Mier•,• hunt you raw• him (•' •''i is •• "How did yin' rerogrti,e him 1'" "By my nntbeetle," Milveankete Sentinel. 'PHONE 86 Je H. COLBORNE PRODUCE Bargains for Saturday I )n Saturday we will other the following goods at greatly reduced prices Prints, Ginghams, Wool Hose, Sateen Underskirts, Flannelette Mill Ends and Factory Cotton Mill Ends. A DRESS GOODS. A -Niall lot of dress tweeds, 3 to 10 yards in a piece, to clear as about half price. GINGHAMS. ,fust a small lot of ginghaui. lilt Salur.Luy :old 111 ley at 8 cents Good value for In cents, Suitable for children's ,aprons, neat fast calors. PRINTS. \Ye will felt tin our tables alxiut 15$) yard: of 1'21 cent prulls, it special lot at so cents Good cloth. N 1' I ts statist Illi s best est iso is •K 1 make. English Ixk all 15111 pieces et selected erten , 1 r m-txk. SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS.- i•• NDERSKIRTS. - 1'his i. a shall lot direct fr the makers At clear -out Itch es. Ask to mite what we' are selling ant jt.00, $t.25 and $1.50 The' are fully tete i f l 11:1 ter y I Il 1 less than I1I'ive•N. 1 1 1 I 1 FACTORY COTTON MILL ENDS. Thew ends are from IS to 2 cents a yard less Li regular price's. (iexod, clean and free from alecks. 7'he lengths run from I yard to 15 yards, 'dere lee about M;k1 yams of them left anti they are all 31 invites wide. Just the thing fur shet.te and pillow covers. FLANNELETTE ENDS, rhe lest selection ..f these ends we ever had, free front team and damage and fully :MI per; vent. Ives than regular priumes. length's from 2 tin lit yards. About 3151 yards still to sell. WOOL HOSIERY. Ween start today to clear out all our lett-ave •s , t e W001 r e 1 t skin \\' gs a are putting lheNr Luse• at prices that sl W make ready sale for them. The siaels are from 5 to 414•inehes and all Are new gossls this winter, SILKS. Another lot of dream silks, 27 dretlars in 13 v :lid elide r 1 dtl00 two : . t like 1 . at ,11 cents. All shot rftes•lti. regular This lot is easily worth 85 cents, We got them at ae bargain and we ask you only 5o cents for therm. - - J. ft COLBORNE Corner Hamilton Street and Square, - Write flim (est intoned,. A di l res. Box 173 Goderich Ont. Faith You caned be expected to have faith in Shiloh', Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, u s cure for Colds. Coughs and all diseases of the air passages, if you have not toed it. We have faith in t, and we guarantee it. If it doesn't cure you it cost, ou nothing. If it does it costs you 25c. That's fair. Try it to -day. Shiloh has cured many thousands of the most obstinate caws, and we do not hesitate to say that it will cure any Cold, Cough, Throat or Lung trouble, If we did lot believe this we would not guarantee a. Shiloh has had an unbroken record of slccesa for thirty years. It has stood y possible tea without failure. Further Proof is found in the many testimonials of those who have tried Shsloh and been cured, Mrs. Archie Taylor, Asaph, Pa., write : — " I hassle • home d Shill.'. Garsnptinn Curr nod Iwnd it very bm ekriaL I benne° ch.ldren, and they had • ane -the cough. I gave them everything I could think d. Moiler int no buss, uone ntil 6hWei my husband hoo,1,m whotel of + e gave it a the children when they went a bed, and they slept all night It rurrel them compkmly. I shall ahwry, keep it in the Iwae." bu SHILOH 25,. with guarantee ,.her..., medicine ,. old, POOR PACKAGE DYES MAKE WOMEN MISERABLE AND CRASS, Diamond Dyes Have Made Millions of Wives, Mothers and Daughters Happy and Contented. 'Women who hay and use any of the Alhlitir.ts•d, weak soul worthless pack- age dyes pill up in imitation ref the r,• - liable and never -failing iIIAMONI) I)1 - EM artist expect to meet with sad trials and disapp ,lntttlenta in the home, ('ride pu►rrkag,e Byes with only fancy nnnes to tw•umhend there, 1 weld by soils dealers far the sake of large pr.fils, are the (lintel rause Of lunch of the feminine bad temper and itritablent'ss nuahifestesl in ninny homes, if our women anti girls would avoid tmettle, lone 11f goemis and hani cash, they mutt insist upon getting ' Ihe DIAMOND I )Y Ks whenever harm .• dyeing work is to be done. Otte ten - rent package of the tine -tried 1)1A - MOND) DV KM will ielwa •s color more gondol then will two package m of other dyes, And give brighter, fuller, r• brilliant and re lasting shades. Ones used, DIAMOND ()YRS become the rhtren dyes for all well -regulated houurs. Mend your none and atddresm to \Vella k Itichardsnn Co., i.inlitud, Montreal, P. Q., And you will receive free of rust new dye hook, rand of dyed cloth wimple* and booklet in terse, entitled 'The leingjohn.i Trip t1 the Klondike," QODERICH. D. Millar Co. New Spring Goods FOR Easter Tide fr We have received our new importations of latest 'de- signs in silk coats and capes. new ;twee(! mantles, both in 'sells and checks, three-quarter length and new empire shape. New Pony Jackets very special. es.00, $6.50, $7.75• :red rap to New Wash Goods $15.00 In all the latest designs ,and up -t, -date is ea tees our stuck is y.•ry • ulu - pl•te and will b e found second to none both as regards variety and pi iii'.. New waists in print zephyr, lustre, lawn, linen and silk. New cotton utuderweau•. Sper•ial liners in tweeds at 15c, vfk, 75c, and upwards, Perrin's Gloves Perrin's Gloves PINE Millar's Popular Store PTE Springtime Brings Joy Also some dangers Medical Herb and some needs. TH.A'I' If y nor Iona'. aro• +yank lune up with un, Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. None better and only 40 cents. We would like to supply your spring needs for Disinfectants, Furniture Polish, Pipe Varnish, Dyes, etc. 15 cents or 2 for \1 e'11 trey hard to suit you if you call, 25 cents. Tea still selling at W. C. GOODE Chemist Worth 25 cents each. The Red -Cross Drug Store, Bedford Block. Red -Cross quality is always the highest. Italy tie few lett, a Worseil's Cheap Hardware and Stove Store is pt('11:Ir('tl ti, fill \ntu- (mkt. fur HARDWARE. EAVETROUGHINO, BUILDING PAPERS, PLUMBING, HEATING, ROOFI NO, VARNISH. GLASS, PAINTS, OILS. We make the price that gots your order. Worsell's Cheap Hardware and Stove Store Hamilton Street - - OODERICH