HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-29, Page 3'l'!II': Slt:NA1t. t;(►1►N'RIVIt (►N'i'Akit ►
THuaaoAT, March 39, 190G 3
BRIGHT'S dews of the Sistriet
Is the deadliest and atone
painful malady to which
mankind is subjects Dodde
Kidney Pills will Durr aay
case of Bright's Disease.
'Choy have Dever failed In
one tangle Cape. They ars
the only remedy that ever
has cured It, and they are
the only remedy that east.There are im tatloas o[
Dodds Kidney
box and name -but Imita-
tions are dangerous The
original and only' d.e
cure for Bright's Dleease le
Dodd's Kidney Pills are
fifty trots a box at all I
/•I'he Hensel! f'sundry and untwlHne
shop will be offered tor sale on April
Jatt•phiihaw has disposed of his 1110.
acre farm on the :eh concession of
Grey to James Turnbull, of the Ith
cornmeal's"), ler *Slim
The euttgtr•galiun of Coven ebun'h,
Winthrop, conteiiplates the erection
of a hauls , and Intsleru ehltrr 1
building during the eoming summp•r.
William Clark, clerk Of Morris, had
sold his faille uu the 11th runresaiun to
Robert Newcombe, of Newark. New
Jersey, at former resident dot Morris.
Another Lt inewa change pais taken
place in wiughauu. L. A. Ball & Cu.
have sold Lheir stuck yf I•uruiLtne, etc.,
to S. Graacey, who will take possession
on I he 111th of April.
Walter Code, who has been con-
nected with .the M'I'liertou, Tlluvey
1' pony, of Clinton, fol•. N11111e years,
cuts taken n pi mit as salesman and
collector with the Bell K")gire and
Thresher Works, S.•aforth.
'hill lain Mels 1 t 1 ( soil
1.. •tea ha. 's
tet II hl
farm uu the 3tlu •otco.ssio, of Tucker-
smith to Alex. Gimlets of Egmunpl•
vine, for $SI,y1111. It is a find faarm, with
'_ I good buildings. 11r. Grieve ullt•uds
Mooney s Pcrfet bon Cream
Sodas are" crisp squares
cf wholesome nourishment.
They are the food that
builds strength and muscle.
They are as easily digested
by the child and invalid
as by the sturdy workman.
They contain ALL the food
properties of finest Cana -
jail wheat flour, in a form
that delights the appetite.
Always fresh and crisp in
the moisture -proof packages.
At all grocers in their •
hyg,m,c packages.
Ilaldimand County Councillor tells
how Psychine cured his
Lung Troubles
"1 contracted a series of colds from the
ehang ng weather." says Mr. Bryce Allen,
a well-known resident of Jarvis, Ont„ and
a member of Haldimand County Council
for los district, "and gradually my huhgs
became affected. I tried medicine and
de, ears presoteed for me, but got 1 no
relief: With lingo and stomach diseased,
nrvous, weak and wasted, I began to use
Psychine. With two months' treatment 1
regained my health. To -day I am as
sound as a bell, and give all the credit to
There is a proof of what Psychine does.
it not only cures Colds and kills the germs
of LaGrippc, Pneumonia and Consumption,
but it helps the stomach, makes pure, rich
blond and spreads general health all over
the body. You will never have Consump-
tion it you use
. Pr.n,.uncrd S-kcc,,.
50c. Per Bottle
Larger ware• Si and 112 all druaa.et&
DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto.
We Medd breidaae good wagon
Plough• o/ oil blede, Morrwe, Rolleri,
Menure Spreaders, Scorner%
Wheelbarrows. Ste., Ftr•
e ...VI pleased to mail yew nut cntahkne.
The Wilkinson Plough Co.
ifyou wish to teat
one of than. Razor
without RISK or
Your part, apply
to us for
tcern sap
Pair laamina
Laminar Cue
oe h,s COMM 110111
is.. Peary Swig
ners. Mame# le 1.:taattd
(Wrrnnn WI',rim, $1.00
Pres syya siga lst1 'lists Is gbnara."
HOWL- - Goderich
A Wu4n, forgets nearlynvl rrything
she ...vet knew. Inst lea awful easy tet
*brach her again. -New York Prem.
.nt ere x11
rc")pwing tit Meatball to Ii vg.
Mrs. Hold. Harr, of Ethel, died on
Tuesday of last week after out illness
of Intel• three months with Iuug
trouble.. Mlle was forty -ane ve:u•a lit
age awl besides her Inislpuul is sut•-
vivel by'sn.. sou and three daugltltrs.
A former well-kW/WI' trsident of
SCiugrha,l diol recently att his humlein
Ilepwocth. in the Iverson of Junes Mc-
Alpine, utget# sixty -sit years, A
widow and it family of Lima. sons -and
two (taught ccs are left W 11011111 1115
death. •
.1. Ii, Sluser, who has just r
pletiii thirty-lavo years in thelittrl-
ware and tinware bilsinrss in Hlyth,
has taken into partnership his win,
1V. F. M,ner. Tho 1•hat1g1• Look place
on Sbu•ch 1st, ate! the ars ,: ;h.:. 115111e.
Is ,luster at `tun. .-..-
The gemernl store Notifies, fn lien.
'atll i 'ur,l by \1'111. Ifawdeu and rum•
Ilct•, by his sett, S. Minden, and
Wm. (, At wit.,ltst. week Imre•hased
by Thus. Ilq•le atted Wnh. 11'ilsnit, of
Exeter. 'he new, utanagemleuL Mil
take eharg after stbek-taking has
been rumple, •d,
Harold Hiss t, ledger-keeperfur.tht•
llolsnms 'lank at Exeter. "nllsh.w•d
one day reeentlt while 111 his wit -k.
Ile haul been %vot Mg oveaiur'•:uta
Gm ,, he. shunwas too it nett lei' 111111. lb.
Wits tutcunseinuts (II • two of three
days, shut it is hots he• will some
wound all right.
Miss. Nellie Kell', w , had liven
lap for the Jarkso NIanufar-
tut•ing Company of Clint( It., the
past eight yeah.. reeenthy Meet •r•t',1 her
simnel ion with the firm. As mark
f ',pprr•"iatiun of her efficient w -vices
•he Hann and condostaes presenita her
with it i'.tl.jns't of silyer.
The marriage of Suss Mand !lisle
nal Edward liarm.•-, hath J,rn/et•l' in
hinrau-liie, took place it, Winnipeg
an February 27th. Tip• bt•tdr is at
laughter of Win. Hishop, formerly
nlp!rietor of the Queell'i hr'tel, Kin-
irtliie. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes will
ii.,ke• their Ili on;• in Winnipeg.
(ht Ft'idaty tv ' g. March hath, a
lau•geltll,uls•r of the friends of Mr. and
SIts. W. Jatrk'min. of Clint nn. gat het rd
It Iheit I • iii releht'atl.e the twenty.
ifth anniversary of their maua'iagn',
Many handsyne presents were re. -
..rived by the worthy couple• ant' a
:ens. enjoyable evening was silent by
a L" company.
Miss Edith S. iiahalTy, daughter of
lames MuliatTy. of the _ood cun-
...ensiom of Si:Utley, was recently mar-
•Ciel to David, E. Iiislg•e,n. M. II„ of
Patron, Sask. \ The marriage ttstk
place at t he Ilorite of the bride a uncle,
lames I.'sinpia'n. of S 't side. till.
,•t•n•muny being performed by Bev.
Y. Mclean., of Mo .snejuisv. Saask
A quiet wedding took perste at the
manse. in 1?giuon,lvill,•. on 'Tuesday id
last week, when Miss Net ii.- -\Is'rliitrt.
delight's. of 11'mn. Abet -hart, of h:g-
h-ille. and Mate. Weasllet', Ofit•„•
forth, were nmt.1 in muu•riagc, the
ceremony being petite -toed by Bev.
Neil Shaw, Sir- and Mrs, 1Vo,alley
will snake their home in 1 osst•Is.
1111 Saturday, Match 17 h, an old
and highly restos-Did resident of Cnt•k-
tla,w'tossed away, in the Person of
Iusepil Anlrraln. Ti.,' dceeasel- was
,unotgst the eldest del Ilei a :and was a
painter hy ti -mi.'. Ile hail been in
Ivor health for some time past andliis
.tomtit wasa telt unexpected. Ile was
t 11WI111M•t' of lite I kldit•firow's (1144'1%
Trite deu•eat.s'd leaves it Widow and title
son. James A nd,'rsm. of HtM AIO. who
wets pre•se")t at 1 he funeral.
Ml's, John \lit t'egul', of -Hensel!. a
pioneer r•sialcttt of that s icilily.
passel away un Saturday, SIarvh lith.
rhe• dl.•,'asn.I was lout -it iii Scotland
sixty-nine yours ago hoc had lived in
this vomitry for als,rll fifty cent's.
She ss•as n ,'.Bleat of the 'Sn,l ems-
. ---ion of Tuckersurith for many
,e',n., tell fin',Ih• past live yearns hail
lite.# in Ilensall. Besidesher la•-
os.ir11 hrasl-and she b•nyes it faultily of
!Ire sons and two daughters.
New Business Block for Lucknow.
John #Drat, of Luck •, has pm•-
•hased the prnpa•rly belonging W Me-
henzh• lb -int,. whirl. was recently.
horned. Mr: ,Iuynt. intends cri,•t ing a
large arta handsome block of 'inures.
Clinton Nuptials.
A quiet arddin took place in Clin-
ton on V. aneelav evening of Inst
week, when Mies Margaret S. 1\'ash-
ingtnn 'meanie the wife of It.. els 's
South,omlfa•, a pt•a,sprrna' f ltilor of
the lith rola I./441011 of Bullet I. The
cereatony was performed by Iter, II.
M. Manning. and after the wedding
breakfast the happy comae dray,' to
their home in Hullett, tutu awed I,y the
,sal wishes of their friends for apt
future luappines. and prorgs'rily-.
Death of Mn. Stretton, Belgrave.
After an iIl,in'Sk lasting for 11PArly it
year Mrs. Stretton, wife of James B.
Stretton, of Belgrave, lswsed,atw'ay on
Friday. Mauch 111th, in her (Wets -
eighth yemt'. The dttceased was horn
on the nth concession of Morris, her
father. the hate Thomas Clark. being
Iof the pioneers of that township.
ne oMrs. Stretton was a member of the
I church of England and was hell in
high e.t,'euI by a wide circle of
friends'. Besides her hnsb,un; she is
sm•yivel Icy twit son.. her anther,
three'listet•s and a brother.
Presentation at Exeter.
The trnntee board elf Main street
Methodist church, Exeter, mel at the
residence of Mr. and MS's. II. llast.nn.
Exeter, •'evening recall-, to hid
farewell to Mr. and Mrs. W. 1', Ilns-
ton and homily, who were on the es•e
of their depart nee to it tight'. North
Dakota, where Mr. 'fusion leas • •
intention of engaging in business.
Mr. pastor wits presentee,( with a
hamisenne travelling snit -case and Mt',
• Prof. Dean On Factors That Should
Be Carefully Studied•
lu discussing the 'question of eco-
nomical milk production', l'ruft•ssur
I)eutl, of the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege. says there aril several factors
which should be carefully studied. In
the following he makes seine very
goal points which are worthy the
close attention of readers:
'rho first factor which to a large ex-
tent determines economy of milli pro-
duction is the man handling the cow.
Men who are accustomed to handling
etet'ra and would rather teed steers
than milk cows are usually the sten
who will not get the milk econooal•
rally from the cow. There are some
meat very much like the old maid whti
said elle hated men as., much that she
..1.1 1, ....,., 1.....4 a..
and ;Sirs. ll+wlun with all addenda, ex-
pressions appreciation of their work in
connection with the Main street,
Leaving Brussels. '
On 'l'htn•aehty of hast wreck 'Si's. F.
J. Haines and Prof. '1'. A. Ilaevkius,
1both esteemed reside")ts of Brussels,
were quietly married, lies. T. 1V.
(aitl•IIS performing the ceremony.
Mt', anal Mrs. Bata kins liar,• goon tin
J ..tuna, N. Y.. where they will
mud, their home,. I)n the t•vtaii")g be-
fore the welding the members of
Sleltille• IhrslyItri,uh church choir
pre.kvltt'tl Mr. Ilitw'kims with au ad-
dress :and a neatly framed I.but,g caph
of the 11ICI 11IIOW of OW eht,ir,lanil g
Mr. Hawkins' i"),'tlmhh,'")ry its urgaulist
fur the past six seats.
Doth of Seaforth Resident.
Out' of the pioneer residents of Sea -
forth passel away tin '1'uesttay of last
we'k, in the person of Story Ann Dunn,
relict of the late Andrew l'atregichatel.
SI rum. Iarotduaul was apparently
tering f• to particular 1t
wits just, a wearing out of the systema.
She was horn in Lower Canada eighty
years ago, and after her Marl loge she
e: t west with her Itusl ,tad, settling
(list in I.uutluu, anti forty•set•eu years
ago they moved to what is Wow• Sea-
1'urtIi. She issurviv,'d by three children,
Mrs. Cu urge Whitely null Mrs. It..be•rt
I.:Mil:tits of S,'.tfurlh, mid Hobert Car-
michael, of 11'ashiugtuu State.
Disastrous Fire at Fordwich:
11'adkey Bros.' furniture factory at
I". adwich, sciila .t Iatr u- 1,s•k 11f fnt•-
tlitun•. WAS cunlplrtl'ly deslruyet Ir;
lire un'I'nestlay evening of last week, '
'Phe lire broke out between the engine
Ramon and the factory, amj spread at,
ralthily that the building was in Hats
iu at few tuinnones. '19he rptiia•na made
a 'gallant light, and saved all the
neighboring Luildings hat \Vat.
Lace's residence, w•hieh was cul,nunlel
by the fames, lite contents benig
staved. The loss ow°=t'he- XacGiry aud
content.: iN over $'h,ltkl: insurance
:-.42.700, loss on the haus•. SI,IAN' ; in-
su',tmt•e on house and contents, $11.1).
Death of John Senery, •Kincardine.
One of the oldest saa most highly
e•steeule'd residents of Kima:urline
1 Ia,.e.1 away on Monday, Starch 111th,
in the pension of John Meller v, The
deceased Was lot'") in the Isle of I
Wight in 1+418. In 11412 he vane• to
l'atuitda with his wife told three chit-
-duvet .autd after living for a few year's
in Lanark tanurty he canoe west. and :
settled in }knee; ,Irving -Lia !part aa. one.
of the pit me•t s. I n the emelt' days he
moil (ii walk to C.sleri,ht to'wool at
his U•,ule• its .t hums• ill IarlVI' Lu slake
enough motley to support hi- wife rued
f: 'l'. He afterward, hail a turnery
nn his farm, whirls h,'•:inti some of his
.Ins worked conjointly stith the (arta.
Poe the taut thirty year;, he had lived
retired nn Kineauline and 1'ornrN0.
Sii-s. 'ie•Ilery diel M•vente'u yealn ago,
but he is survived by a Gamily of
."ren sow; nil three daughters. (if
Ilk wins. John, %Niihau, Hobert and
'ranch" live in Kinraurtine, Sainted el is
p, .tor of Wall atr.•t :Methodist
ell ch, Ht•ocks'ille•. and intim' and
Alfr .1 live iu the #'nits# States, His
i st g new, Siu•a.. Iia, Fisher anti Mrs.
w, G, "emjdt. reside in Kincardine,
wail SL N, G. Fie ' Kin 'I'oronl,..
Mt•. Solt -v Was one of the oldest
Sftein. in -triads and his funeral was.
eon11uctrd a ler the auspi:•es of that
Sudety. - - -
Another Case - of t Mast Advanced
Stage of Kidney Di s Yields to
Dodd's Kidney ' ills.
Mt. Ilrydse's• lint., Slut :/'I. -(Site-
lial.a Mr. Hobert. ht,nd, a ell -known
resident of this place, ata•. ne heal+rte
In stay that h• owes his lire to Doald's
Kidney Pill..
"My physician said i was in tit last
stage, of 'fright's disease aud t 're
Waw 114 huge for nee," 11r. Ii ,nil atits.
"1 th••m r III 41 using Dodd'
Kidney Pips ar,l no other rcnlely.
used in all ;Moat Iw'etty hoxr., when►
HIV doctor pronnunvel are .'lite well.
I have had nn return of the Doolittle
1)0i111', Kinner Pill, always r•ute
Bright's dim. I.t'. ,any other form of
kidney disease is easy for them. •
In Lent.
A teacher in o certain F.pist•upai
Sunday whom' huts IN't'n impressing on
her girls the need of nlakipg seine
permitted sacrifice during Lents,- Ac-
cordingly on the first S lay of that
penitential s•nson, which happened to
be a neem spring dray, she took txrit'
41111_0ut ask each of the "Lass. in turn,
what she hill given np for the wake of
her religion..Everything went well.
and the answers wen. proving highly
-au)isfitetnry. until she canna to the
youngest mentio•'. "Well. \bury." in-
gnl+ral the trencher, "what have yon
left soli. for Lent •
•'I'itasc.$ Shfnnt, sl:nnn,'rwl the
ehiitl, s1/1 11 (411 1,t ctiIf' twrl, "I I've•
left "(tiny leggin's. "Exeltatig..
Fd1IovJ Thins and Health, Happiness and
Prosperity Will be Yours.
It one ,....iii I. • he•allhy, happy anal
prosperous, follow I hese fn11 simple
melts. (I. keep the• Isola.). ola'tt esery
day. 12- Chew your fool; slowly-, and
thoroughly. Sit Avoid indigestible'
faasls, III If then• unto any synhfit,nts
of stomach troublea, take Mi -o•"):► be-
fore each uhr.uJ until 1:ut•ol.
No 111:i11.11:how 1 tarry years you
may have Merril with • •stoma►ch
ti-uuhles, ilei how' w'r,rttir I,, Piletpless•
mess, nervousness, bees of appetite,
forted tongue, specks he re eye,
headaches, in,ligm'st' roil other ilia
that are roused by as wrak\ sat itch,
you ran Ial rued by the faithful use
of Mia -nit.
Take one of the little tablets' before
each meal with the ftxea dntd'ipnina-
tine to get the must I,•nsHt, out oT it.
Mi-o-lla is not it fin.iful exp erimti Itt,:
it is not, a p►tA'tlt medivine, it 14 „tut, a
can• -ail.- It is a scientific remedy t
r ended hut, for one troulde,-
weakness of the digest is'.' organs,
When Mi-o-n.t has been 'Neil for as
few days, the digestive !system will he
sit greatly Moe -owls! that all the fuel
eal.e•n,in converted inlo nutrition, sot
that noui'islnm'nt and health tire give
eat to the whole systn1 11 111111 three is at
rapid int•naot in weight. strength and
If you c,tnnnt obtain Mi -o -ns of
your druggist, it will he mint by „hall.
post-paid on receipt of, price. Write
sir for ad vice on)alr M froma lead-
ing sWnhach specialist. which will be
sent free. The It. T. Booth Company.
Ithaca. N. 1".
Forming it; go rod character is (setter
than reforming a had one
I,aldiesif yon aul,ld Is' 111 rung and
healthy and have good cotnplexinns,
take Millets Compound Irot. Pills..
For sale by Jas. 1V#Isem.
church, and there are some rutin who
hate cows so that no, matter what
kind of a cow you give them they
would not be able to produce mill;
eeonumically. A 'stun „lust first have
a real love for his cows, he must be
aide to coax the milk out of them: 1
Cever saw a. better Illustration of Ibat
lan in our own stable at the present
time, where we have a man who can
litet;tlly coax the milk out •of the'
cows. They are girl,* more milk than
they ever did under any other man that
I ever had; the cows nlilk better than
they have done for years, and I will
tell you how he does i,. fie goes
wrong the cows) and talks to them
just as he would u human being. He is
a man who really loves cows. Ile was
receiving $100 a mom h, and ran, and
worked for sp for $JC a month. I asked
him why helid it, and he said because
he liked cows.
I,hold that the dnlryinen of this
country must give more attention to
thell:airy qualities of their annuals, or
in other words their power to produce
milk, and I think these shrewd Scotch
farmers are beginning to realize that
they hate made a mistake in their sys-
tem of judging cattle at their showssin
Scotland. I presume they have realized
the truth of that statement made by the
great teacher when he said, "Ye blind
guides, who strain at the gnat and try
to swallow a camel." or as the old fel-
low raid, in reading that "They strain
at a gate and try So swallow a saw
mill." The time has come when we
most change, and the', man who 1s
breeding dairy cows must breed them
not for their form, but for their power
to produce intik- Otte of the cows in
our herd produces milk at a cost Nat 71
cent. per 100 pounds, another cow
costs us 79 cents for the feed to pro -
more )110 ponds of milk, and If we were
sending her milk to the cheese factory,
and getting s:; cents per 100 pounds
for ft. how many cows would we have
to keep ihefore we would get .rich" And
yet there are a number of cow's In this
country that are producing milk that
costs about the same price.
Homemade Seed Potato Cutter.
Many, machines have been devised
for cutting potatoes Into sections pre-
paratory to planting, However, com-
paratively few of these Shave proved
eminently successful. in an article on
potato culture In the last year isok of
-the United States' Department of Agri-
culture, J. Max Clark describes a mar
chine used In the Greeley district of
Colorado' which comes viery• near meet-
• A race IiAu, rt:Kn rotAtu t l rite
Mg all purposes for which designed.
The accon'tanying illustration shows
bow this potato cutter may be built.
Any farmer with a mechanical turn
might easily construct this at home
during slack hours and thus save him-
self time when most needed in the
spring. says the Orange Judd Farmer.
A wide bench is boxed in on both
ends and one side. It is divided into
two or three compartments. these be
Ing open in the front which corre-
eliwnds to the side boxed in, To each
of thea. compartments is attached a
ck on hooka, and along one side of
iench In the middle of each come
tent and right over the opening
sack. is Axed, 1n an upright po-
shoaemaker'e or common steel
to be cut for planting are
the compartments of the
of th
table kit
,t sovelcd in ,
box and in f ,nt of each compartment
a man takes h itositlpn, being seated
on a box or St •I for comfort's sake.
li Sween,. the Intl •ru In rapid sneers
"donand by pullin them against the
blade quickly cults ch one into ns
mans pieceit PS desire, the pieces are
then dropped into the n sack- It Is
rL',tmed that by this inti net method
of lining the knife two fair! good rat-
ters can putt cath day all th'- sotatoes
ordinarily required for the us; of one
Most farmers In the Greeley dl let
rare very little how small their N d
potatoes may be just SIS long as the
are perfect in form and true to type.
A very small potato Is often planted
whole, but generally even the small
mars are halved. Thong coming next
In tiler are cut Into quarters, while the
potato that Is just below the shipping
Rize Is usually rut into eight Mecca.,
Twenty-five years ago it was difficult to
sell spring wheat flour for pastry at any price.
People didn't want it -they were using
soft, winter wheat flour, and- saw no reason
-,t for changing.
But hard ss'hcat flour was persistently .
pushed and prejudice has been overcome.
• The woolen tried it, succeeded with it and
appreciated it, -To -day hard wheat flour is
e favorite f)r pastry as well as for bread.
The flour that is doing the most for
the reputation of hard wheat flour is the
bran( known as
Ogil e's Royal Household
It is ha d 1vhcat flour at its best -milled
by modern nethods, retaining all of the
rood itf -the 'heat and none of the bad -
it is without 1 equal for every kind -of
baking in 'Lich flew is used.
'Palk to your grocer about it -if he
isn't enthusias c it's only because he isn't
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limned,
"Ogilvie's Book for a look," con in, I,tn
pages of excellent recipes, Soap! never 'lore
pun: vhed. Your grocer can tell you its is to
gee it FREE. 4
f -
..:.....«.r s 'ea,cta
Write us' for Free 1 onklet "ft " eon•
kilning photos of leading musical
to bell Piano SiOrgan Co., l.faniteJ, Guelph, Ont.
en .2Piano
Exclusively u.e d Ly
Teacher of Piano and Violin
"When purchasing a piano far exclusive
use in my studio my choice was a "Bell" wit:;
the illimitable quick repeating . Claon, lam
very much pleased with it, the Ivne i, beau 0 -
tut and the most delicate child can use
the piano for hours at time without
fatigue."_ _._
.!f Treat from
'Cc Won
It will be
to your Interest
to come and see re'gading that
hung#• )'1111 um going to #mild•
If it is a FURNACE wt. hate
I!WIN tan suit all places and the
prices are right.
For the BATH ROOM we
have everythint; up-to-date,
ING and all kinds of METAL
WORK dune ha first whom style
Ity good mt•r•luulies. -
A good „tuck of RANGES,
WARE to choose -f -
.Sissy 1111 11.11111 at
W. R. Pinder's
Successor 't G. N. Davis
I'ingdiue is allw,11uttly g11a1YtIltYal
to cute tilt' worst cases of pimples and
other such skin tdist•.u.,•s that ran Le
found. h • or five applications have
tinting). curd Mild rases and we guar-
antee one Isltth• it perfect carr.
Money teftuplel if not satisfactory.
To Whom It May Concern : -
I ureal l'impline and call, highly
ceche mend it. I was troubled
with I • ales and a skin disease
for yeast's. I used Inns than it
#slain of Pingdine and I ami 1/4.1'-
1 1 14 1 1 I VI I Iy
M'r•l,hantnlIy canal ; there is not a
pimple on toy' face. It is at
w• lerful rune.
Tilom, CoMaar,
Guelph, Ont,
Price 50 cents, postpaid
GUELi9-1, ONT.
• a
Get it at
ed Feather"
March Winds Roughen the Skin.
The cold, damp wintfh of Slar•h
proverbially hard on the
' ILnulie iowho like to have their
skin soft and smooth and their
c mplexitn clear should rat•
- Almond Cream.
it i wonderfully healing and
sufjthin allays all ruughuewN
or irritation and .imparts to the
skin 'Intl fr'shnusn and velvety
waft #less NIa tttmh desired. Price
Sh•. \
Our stork of lei lags, ;11aHcines,
rte., is large, pure and fresh,
1Ve will give you a to per cent.
discount on pn'w•ript hens and
boldly recipsw, Ever y thing
'rl'y alar sph-")did sp eritlIties
fir'. spring at reduced prices.
Cod Liver Oil, *t.00 bottle for 50c.
Beef, Iron & N ine,'Sx.00 bottle for
75c. Sarsaparilla, $t.00 bottle for
75c. A splendid bath sponge for
s5c, was 50c.
Why the Skin Chaps.
Everybody knows that, generally
speaking, the effect of cold In to con
Tract and that of heat to ekpanrl. This
general law of nature finds no excel
lion In our bodies. and when any por-
tion of the body gets rnld the blood
vessels which traverse It contract, with
the result that the flow of blond Is di-
minished. Suhsegnent exposure to heat
causes the blood vermelg to resume
their former Mae and, V anything, to
slightly exceed It, owing to the reac-
tion on the effects of the previous cold.
The result. of these different ol•'ra-
tions is very naturally to crack the aur.
face of the skin and form the tin.
pleasant little wnutn&R which wn call
"chaps." This annoyance may be pre-
vented by exercising care not In ex-
RON% the hands to the extremes of cold
and heat- if the hands do get thorough-
-1y chilled, care ahotld be takes to see
that they are warmed again as gradual-
ly an. possible. Anything IMP potting
them to a hot (Ire and thus Inducing a
rapid change In their condition cannot
fall to Induce ."chaps."
Her Mistake.
An alment-minded Woman one Sun-
day n111n•ning walked into rhnrrh, track
is front at, and if in the service
%igneousfy. Then the eidlecthon bas-
ket watt pleased to her, and. putting a
rain in it, she hokul alxsnt. She rant
glances in ...eery direction. her mind
cleared. and NO ex treixion of nIII azie-
menu oversim•Itd her fusee. She got
nip. She overtt k the man with the
collection -basket. I'm in the wrong
church," she whi 'ted, and, taking
out the coin she hal put in, she hur-
ried forth.- - Kxrltan„
Millers Drip IFor
MIR by Jae. Wilson.
Coo,' dyn -e reuu.snn to mak„ the 1-,d1)eat (rein of Rubber
TMgb ore nose, dead.-. of Rum from which Rubbers ant
made -Nmo a nbt.med from stoat, ,'lent, rr,•tror.onl :one•;
more .t free. ,,mall lure in swot country, but the bob
tourney Doty from the. testa Pin. *newts .n near,'
Oum from plants and yon', reaher. soft, 'moody rubs..,
eaesatt,n to w„athrr eond.eonn. inch,, wearen4 411.4.41,1 14.
Para gum has bear. her, nel1,'ltr, cemMned w,th per.
feat elaet.ra, "
Merchants Ru!.bnn are nada from Par, dura
that's why they one tatter t hon edmarr
Ifor ^
r u oboe an
m ,'Man t oil ellen
,• tat se brew.
arnnt.has nt -
TMB LEAtrrv'
Funeral Directors
and 3mbalmers
Orders aerially ■ttanaed to it all
Resort, night or day
,••• Al) n -
Northern and Central Omar to Agents.
Prompt attention given to Telegraph, Tel ephone and Mad Order't.
Specialty jobbers in all classes of High 'Grade Boots and Shoes
Telephones : Main 5706 ; Main 117. 34 Front Street, Toronto, Ont.
(3l7NllRY HROS:
Livery, Hack
'Bus Stables
1:111111 Ill wwww.a.
('A It ItIA1lES
I' HA El'(INs
i EAMONAIt1,1-:
'lacks and reli-
able drivers in
e'harge ofath,•
'Humes, which will
meet all train N
and 'de a t1l h n At a
weer-li te't'her ,1'',.S t, h ltT\-