The Signal, 1906-3-29, Page 28
TUUH$DAT Mardi 29, 1916
VANATTER & it l ;11TI(UN
Telephone Lull No.
Torras of Subscription :
Lw par annum in etv.uur•.
ix utonths. SO, : three mow hs, •Lir,
Subscribers who fall to :write Talc aiuNat.
regularly by mail will confer a favor •by ac.
gnalnting us of the fact at law early a date as
When a change of Adam. is desired. both the
old and the nest address should be given.
Advertising Rates:
Irgai ami et her wlwil*r wli crlax •ins. Me
per Hoe for tlr.t In.urtlon and Je• per line for
each subsequent insertion. Measured by a
nonpareil rile. twelve Inlw loan inch.
Hulme«. rands of six lints and under. $.t per
Advertisements of Lost. le a1, Strayed. Sit.
wan into gasser. Sit nil tons Wanted. Houses for
Sale or to Kent. Farms for :Why or to Kent.
Articles for Sae, etc., not exresdhng eight
lines. tic each insertion : Sr for first month, ter
for each subsegnenl month. larger aadvertise.-
ruents III proportion.
Local notires un nonlaretl type Je per line.
No notice leas than 'Lk•.
Announcements in ordinary reading type one
cent per word. \o notice less than •Ls•.
Any special none•. the abject of which Is the
pee ry benefit of any lull ret cal or assort
atIon. to hs considered nit advertisement and
to be changed Sue,, dingly.
Rates for display nod sentru'1• mals mit;
meals will be iciecu On apl,hort lona.
Address all communication. to •
V ANAITtat t itohFl1TS4)N,
Il,aerich, (tint
In the sketch of the C. P. It.'s con-
struction program, a p iagraph from
which relating to,theG h-U.alerich
line we published last week is me state-
ment which deserves more t u pass-
ing notice. Apart from the grain and
other through traffic which the new
line will handle. "it will nisei wake
Goderich a favorite. suuutier resort. on
account of the new fast service to snit
from Torun to."
The C. P. it., of course. did out dis-
cover Goderich, and this town has
leen a favorite s11nuler rest ut for It
good many years : nevertheless the
C. P. H. connection may 1w exleelel
to bring us a considerable additional
summer trade if we make proper pro-
vision for it. Inded, with such facil-
ities for rapid and easy conanlunica-
tion, with Detroit. Toronto, Buffalo
and other cities as Galerich will have,
this town might soon he placed in the
very front tank of the most popular
tourist resorts in Ontario.
The question is,"Are we going to do
anything to provide for the tourist
trade that might tw attlectell to this
town ? We have the prettiest town
in Canada : we have a delightful sum-
mer climate --hut other things ate
needed. It is not aquestion of provid-
ing accommodation for the 'nuhnlwr
that have usually tonic to spend the
summer with us : but of preparing to
accommodate the h larger trade
that might easily be brought hen• if a
systematic, energetic effort were grade
\to encourage this business. Half -
'hearted efforts have leen mauls in the
pike., but if we are to take advantage
of 'the Opportunities that now offer a
definite plan to attract and retain the
summer tourist trade should be de-
cided upon and pursued in an intelli•
gent and persistent tnanne•r. it is a
matter which the Board of Trade
might well take in hand. Nothing
Mitch can be done for the canning sea -
ani but it is not. too early to start in
on a hetne to make 115)7 a new start-
ing -pm n t in the town's summer resort
G. W. Rosa '.. d his troubles over
the liquor questio . it in Mr. \\'hit-
aney's turn now.
Whet promises to a very busy
season in Gotha-1th is co ing with the
opening of the spring of It S.
John U. Rockefeller loran' like 1w-
ing cartooned. But, then. the c tam-
ists are not, trying to please Joh
Some unwise speculators in N
Ontario mining stocks may have Co
halt huts when the excitement is
over. _ _. -
isn't it about thine for the Dominion
Government to repeat that shipment
of flour to Japan :' The fsuuine is still
The astuuithing activity in the de-
velopment elf Western Canada con-
tinues to be one of the nxost striking
features of our national life.
T h e industrial enrpliiyment of
water power has become a great is -
mote. ill Canada. letlit IsoeI.•r•ich it in line
with the Maitland ltiver lower
scheme. _
It is expected that the next few
days will settle the question whether
the United States euel •111 are to
strike or not. The t ' w1
11 be
Now a wisau•te •.e shrug and
tells us that calendars for ISNoI will du
equally well for 1:551. Thr infornul-
tion comes six year+ tae 'ler to It, of
any practical use.
The papers are %•ginning M
gp•uuible abort the contributions of
spring poetry, but we doubt if many
of them have had to reject it single
line of it. Poetry we said, mind you
V1'. F. Mal'11'an h. not our political
ideal by several points, hat he' will
deserve the thanks of the country lir he
foxes the members at Ottawa to place
themselves mm record on the modify
quest Solt.
Col. Matheenn's hair exploit mems
to indicate that he really believed
those dismal speeches he used to
intake nitwit the Provincial finances.
Hut surely he should take off his blue
s ectaeles now that he is ill office.
10 reporting the anteprnt 11150.)flt1
'nehulrsl in the Dominion estimates
fur improvements at Goderich haeha,
it was not mate clear that this was
simply a meow, being the unexpended
balance of II pte't1ousappruprialiou of
Such strong oppoieit' has been
manifested to the popaual in the new
license bill to authorise the licensing
of bars on steanllseets that the Gov-
ernment has decided to withdraw the
clause. The Government was poorly
advised in Making such a proposal.
Even The Hamilton Mpetator,
which hardly data's breathe anything
but a party btaatli, Isomks ask :ante let
the new county c •its bill. Ita oh-
jee•tiou is to the ism raves• in the num-
ber ut county cotnu'illors, and with
an alallogetit•air• it asks Mr. \\'h dewy
to take another Bark' at the hili Ie•fulc
passing it. -
The statement that he MitoiLdaa
health atittenitits will be asked to
take au•tiun Ieganding the bad apples
xhippowl to that Province f • t)nt:ario
is at sail hefleeti ii upon the fruit -
shippers of this Primitive. Ontario
pes.hrie• are out ns me rnleg dirt est, but
one tieiecrupuluux packer ut dealer can
spoil the reputation of a whole. dis-
trict. _ _
The British House of (' a has
passed as resolution in fevee of the
payment of a mitis s of Parliament.
but the pteipte:1J is not to lee put into
practice itt present. The people will
to given time and upptrtmmity to pro-
nouurc upon it. III. Great Britain
they cling to the old-fashionel motions
about consulting the people who put
up the ' Is,
One feature of the new liquor bill
that is objectionable from the Maud -
point of public interests is the ptaivi-
siun (list me lova! option bylaw may be
repealed in two yens, instead of three
as at present provided. Whether
heal prohibition i.or is nut it glad
thing may le disputed, but when it is
put into practicc it ought to have a
fair trial. anti two years is not suMh
tient fo?Ihat purpose. •
Not Mr. Dryden alone. but the
Provinee of Ontario as well, is hon-
ored inthe aelestion by the British
Government of the former Provincial
Minister of Agriculture as A naerhiler
of a comuuimmsion to inquiet• into the
agricultural condition of Ireland. it
goes without saying that Mr. Dryden
is pre-eminently fitted for such a task,
and it is a satisfaction to know that it
name which to Canadians signillew sr
h of intelligence, effirie'nry and
thoroughness is also so recognized le-
t I the wader.
The hill introduced in the; Legis-
lature to impose a tax Of *111'on out-
side Commercial travellers diving leasi-
niesue in this Province should be buried
along with the prolxxwl of me %neuter
at Ottawa to requite all Masters and
mates elf Canadian vessels to he Brit-
ish subjects. If other Provinces and
other countries want to indulge in
narrow-gauge legislation of this sort
to their own injury let then% do so.
hut it is not necessary that we should
imitate theta in all their foolishness.
The deve•lupment of the spoils sys-
tem untie!. the Whitney Grover int
is still proceeding. The lav which re-
quites that the sheriff or registrar of a
county shall le the totut•niug officer
in a Provincial election is to be done
away with. so that the (lovermnent
may pick its returning officers from
the party workers. It was to the
credit, of the• late Government than
pernuueene officials were given the
charge of elections, and Mr. Whit-
ney's decision to change the law so
that party nominees may have the
"jolly is me step in the wrong direction.
The new license bill is criticized both
by the liquor trade and by the tem-
perance leel ply. Objection is taken
by the temperance people especially
to the provisions in amendment of the
local uptign law, which they claim
will kill the linrvrutent for local pro-
hibition. The• liquor Melt do not like
the incl•enee of fee!, which, they say
bit. than tiro laud. Neither is the in-
crease of fee, regarded with any en-
thalehasm by the 'temperance people,
who re afraid it limy 1110.1111 that
liquor- •!lent will have to ;mall their
business tore vigorously in (miler to
maintain t fir business on a profitable
The Gal Hep titer ways:
"Smut) municipalities isill
again have to take lesson (tom (loll.
The assessment m of this munici-
pality is now in til 1 Is of the
printer. A sum iewitat hesitating at-
titude upon the part f the town
council. the finance et 'Iter of
which was deterred by con. 'iterations
of Isco ' fr reconuncl ling the
oullicat11th of I lie roll, lel In me de-
lay, but the u•lion taken Was re erne('
immediately oil strung s•preM ta-
tiuns tieing made to it that what he
ratepayerswantedwas Ifib
The e'ouncil, with is • ,alu•rity.
granted the petition of electors and in
a few weeks them will be (spread
Irt'teeei'a.t Amer the ' plait the
little batiks that will tell esactly how•
our rtsmetei le•htts have leen ndjustwl,
'fist tone. the ratepayer will, gen-
erally speaking, rest iatisfiwl : ll gli
e 11nIU1 nutted
if • ginting m p are no
the ieassessment department will not
1•M'aups' critb isnt."
A Word to the Wise.
The moat turre•stful sdtrr•tis'ts of
this rnuntry mire the steady .xl'rr-
timers; : the 1111.11 who plan enngpaigns
in great detail: the men who have
started advertising in me modest way
and have increased their apptoprlt
lions. These main have never been
fextlharly e•nnugh to believe that they
could sale the heights of prosperity
at a single bound, or could count on
past advertising to carry them gong
on downy . bade of ease through
the present. Advertising gathers
forte am it goes : stop It for a time and
you have to make up for A hoax of
Momentum. The merchant or Menm-
facturer who drops his advertising
daring dull seawall' is dropping his
oriel. in midstream end lit ling t he rue
r•ht lean him heeckwardie.
\ow lu the 'u u'the tear
Jlervh, wags weathers.
Fires eecry bird his dear,
Lapped all in feather..
lit hog. ve er) dole her leer.
Woo{ lot and cawing.
%VW dreams that Love uiiey rove.
I rends his undoing!
Hr) •ho, the daffodil,
Golden horn of plenty'
Shunt., the wind over the hill:
Eighty's like Twenty.
Hark, hoar the singing lark
From his high station,
shout to Hymen Hark.
lases exaltation.
Nua•h brings the birds In showers.
Flu, h, linnet, starling
sing through the brilliant hours
song• for their darting.
(hark its the Iactvenly lhru.h,
1 ,lining his lever,
Telling the I. Slight hush
lave is for cc cr.
I bark. and the blarkhird sung.
hi the act isrether.
lake to pal's folk on ming..
Slinging together.
Snow on the blacktliova. snow,
March winds are suoaiug.
tt'itidllnwl•rs all ill It new
Mowing end growing.
Hey -tin. the primrose Isle
in the diol places
bights nisei: as .he•Iterod ,.dr
With hair tale grimes.
Sec. the )emelt iambs itt pit).
Leaping aiii5slarlillg'
hove takes the wmidland w.'),
Insc gears a courting.
-Kalb/whit Tynan, in The Tribune. Whileu,
Newspaper Discretion.
St .it font Herald.
,a m.itt•r lit filet. newspaper men
e • into the prlast•ssiom itt luau)•
secrets which wuuhl IuNbtedly
muaket••gaxl reading." belt• which, fur
various leau.n's, are never giveet to
the public. 1'ity for those in trite de
and sympathy for tit Kftikiel pit)• 1
greater p.1mt in the suppression a
news then the public imagines. Trust
in it newspaper is sell betraayel:
but a spirit of deft •r in refusing he-
lot -mat naturally puts le•pxertrts .eu
their mettle. and Gets s times
become public because of this whit•li
would bare g • no rut tiler hail the
newspaper leen taken into cunHdenre�.
The gooks That Breathe.
Toronto Telegram.
Eternal is the conflict trrtwevn the
theory that people ehuuld teeth fiction
and the theory that people sl W
read fact.. The iulp,esihatity of roiling
this conflict in all intelligible decision
that everybody will accept is compar-
atively unimportant. People will
beaud the hooks they like to lend and
not what other people think they
should read. 'flue r•t•utd of dreamswritten out in the tilt try of ideals is
Mate edifying than the record of
deeds wrought out its the Motel and
tears of actuality. Ficliou. the t•w•osl
of what ought to be true, is often
• inspiriug than fact, the record of
what hos hen true. 'I'h•' Iitrpa n e of
life i. always If psopli, will not
read living history let them read tic -
t' or any other variety of hooks
that breathe,
A Demand for Action.
Tondo Weekly Sun, '
It is acarid' two years since Mr.
Whitney and his then followers in the
Iw+gislatun•, by voting for the Petty -
piece bill. formally pledged themselves.
if given power, to et•ystallize• the gen-
eral principle•% of that measure in the
form of Iegiu.htion. Mr. \\'hits[•)• hits
for over as Year •leen heater of the Gov
eminent of the Province. with the
Largest majority ever enjoyed is any
Premier. chat one sesatem was al-
lowed to pats without making good
the •ooeinre art
lieu 1
m 'w I
•-tie ill
L e 1 1K
h Kpeople 1
to taxation was not made a matter of
serious complaint. But we are now
over a Liu in the second session :
(our Government Illeethtleeh, .met least
woof which the lit ense I (minty
council bills; call for no particular
urgency. have hen introduced: and
still the bill for the (Nitta Haat ion of tax-
ation is in the wont') of time. Every
day's delay in this matter !OPIUM
leaving 1441 horny dollars in the coffers
of the railway e panics that. (should
go to the Municipal treasuries cif the
Province. It is time the promises of
two years ago was insole good.
is It a Chance For the Cons. ?
!Montreal Star.
The report that the 1.ilawral ''tildens"
Iles derided to stand by the "indem-
nity grab' will lie disappointing news
to those who had hoped that the will
of the people in this matter might. tv-
eeive s • respect ,et Ottawa. Their
is a possibility that the report is an
('11111, amt that the ••maces hits not
succecdwl in reaching a (Imbibe' which
could only have been ,w'utrd by as
vast amount of "caucus' pimentos..
Thee may ler gh men with wills
of their nwn in the Liberal Parlia-
mentary patty to defy even the
greediest majority.
But iT the .iteral party hes decided
to commit its fortunes to this policy,
the Conservative Parliamentary party
ha%c the import 'ty of their
Pxrtilimentary lifetime lwfmre them.
They hive but to pronounce for the
popular side; and they will have :un
tme thatlee (lover int candidates
dare face in their stringiest taamslittl-
encies. Of maria', the Ministerfalists
Wumld retrmt lefota• aush a de•isi,n :
but this Opposition would win the discussing licit fire. An ent0.rpria-
credit for this ai•ceptselcc of toe lxrptr inaat{p[[[t•'i'ankce sought to relay (Imran to ex -
lar wish.( hiltit A9 ctlrfxe : he won't gel. them ---
Horse Speeding at Fairs I that much at any rate is settled. The
British authorities will seer that they
are prenervel within the F:mpits, hint
whether l'ruiulst or the Imperial
nmthoritii•i, will take the custody of
therm has lint yet been derided.
The First Division.
The Hest division of the session wins
taken the other day rpm the motion
:o • v •vac member of at ( ase xth m m r who de-
sired to pledge the House to an e•x•
meted llll of t he opinion that Mollie tee-
tgttitinn that is, souse eiln1enset iron
---should be given those South Aft•it•an
volunteer. who were totally disabled
in the war. At first blush this larks
tram nablc enough. but the Minister
of Militia reminded the lionise that
Leaders Co-operating to Increase the
Usefulness of Parliament.
Itahef mrem T•lepho,•s Nonoil, looked For
I. Germany Getting TiraW of the Tariff
War 5 Captions and Mates of Canadian
aunt• to ba Bnluh Soh)avis Senators
Mase a TIf1.
lnlepiul exorraWudcuce of Thu alguul.I
Ottawa, Manch its. Evidences of at
desire among the le:111e•s un 1.dh
sides of the House to co-operate in tie
enacting of gaol legislation and not
to waste time in olrre partisan quib-
bling are multiplying. The first
week of the srssiuu was lea by
the eutemle eurliail• in the Mattel• of
thi• pis animis to, amucud the election
law, and now \Ir, Burden's prufioial
to make an effort to secure a tui•
futmit)' in the uaatimiliz,atiou Etats of
the vaeiuns parts of the Empire is
duct with expressions of endousaatiou
f• the Minister of Justice. who has
promises' to bring down certain neces-
sary deer utenls :rod render all assist-
ance in his power.
Naturalization Laws Need Amendment.
The need of • •ndurent of the
ualur lizati law- is evidently press-
ing. if the statement of a certain high
mflirial urtarss the lender Iwvutl ' pule
lashed le current. He is reported to
have said thst "it is cunarrt:ui'vely
estimated that •If1,I sit last Ii sN mu tel 1ht-
mtalizeel , itiz,erts (it tin i imitOeI States
h:)te taken up the ',retitle wheat Iambi
in 'Manitoba. i e the hist five yrnls,
sane buying railway lanels, hut. ule11v
entering upxau Guterlolenl homestead
lands as British subjects, while still
retaining their certifrates of t'nitd
States citizenship and exercising such
rights when in this country."
This question of n.ui,'ln,lity is for-
ever mmp ting up, 111141 :ehvays means
tlauble, Last week Mr. l.auullstur.
the meuler for Lincoln IOnt.I, had
his bill rep which rs1mires all cart sins
and Mates on Canadian Inuits to he
British subjects, ,old at nice protests
up heard that t here are re Cana-
' els running Coiled States boats
th mu Tii•r venial. Upon, the (Iter of it
Mr. Lancaster's aester's proposaal in a gaol
our, tit it would appear that its rn-
fmxeu int will hurt our own pteople—
and the • you are:
Telephone gislation Awaited.
The pros 'moil telephone legislation
is being awal. I with interest by very
many, for the elephone rat poly is
lea_aNuing 'rksnune all the time,
esps•iany in the rural districts. In-
dependent colupan' s are Itiplying
in all parts uf'w•ttI Canada and the
greater the available acilitiei for se-
curing relief from the uonopwlists the
toile galling are til restrictions
which that monopoly t•, ur'cem. The
\linisre• of Railways has a bill which
will deal with the matter, I t it has
but fern intral m•exl yet
Excited Senators.
All the fun has blot igen within the
l'umlillons rhauuler the pea w• k.
l'he Senator. had al livl•ly half -ho
one alight where Senator• Miller, til
list-urvivor of the ltonfederat'
Senators. mot Senator Ruse, both (teal
the Maritime Provinces, ex -banged
Aliments and expressed their
opinions of each tithe• in terms not
usually thought to le parliamentary.
But no hones were broken. A couple
of days later a veteran Corumciner,
Mr. Cochrane. of East North her -
land, furnished a little excitement
when the horse attached to a ruttier in
which he wao about to leave the build -
Inge txaltel and raced madly through
the erowdel city streets for nearly a
mile helots. h• With stopped. Happily,
Mut nowt Marvellously. nobody wig
hurt. Finally. on Friday night great
exciteuhe'nt was created by the repert
that the Geological Mew was on
This is di • i.ssiti
disaster the ..1 rhe
fire. t a q y
of which is ever in the minds of the
lpeople of the capital. and it will
e an intense relief to e'e•rylisly
when the new National Muaee
now leing built at it cost of
over $2.h$Mt.INM), is finished. The alarm
on Friday happily turned out to le
unfounded. The Hee Waft three doors
away ill the Government marine
stoles. and the, 41 age was not seri-
ous. Only the ciunbination of good
water pressure•, no wind and an effi-
cient brigade. however, averted A
nutinnail eat ,astt•ophe.
Newfoundland and West Indies.
Newfoundland can come Sulo Con-
federation as soon its she wants to. but
we are not encouraging any undue
fa Unity with the West Indies, be-
yond being ready to trade with her to
the full limit of our tea possibili-
ties. Such was the purport of the
Premier's reply to an enquiry upon
the subject II few days ego.
Germany is evidently getting tirt'd
of her feu in Li)•ing to retaliate on
(. The sl ',ulAda in trade utxten ch rotas
whirl] this Government imported it few
years ago and which was NO :h
Celiteis'l rel the t' • has done Its
wink and the Kaiser's people would
lie glad to have it removed. A repre-
sentative of (icrurauy hors hewn In
conference nit h 'the Dmiuiitiiuu Gov-
ernment ,tell kis proposals will be
considered in the revision that may
be draft ed for the consideration of the
House next session.
Yankees Can't Have Them.
Theme gunboats sunk in the 'fh.unrs
in 1513 still rest in t.heirenntery re
lre+t, though three Governments are
London row !'res..
The gets of county fairs will
I reiicved by the hint that has found
et ncy that the slxe•diug of hovers
at 1ch gatherings will not jeopardize
the itovernnll•nt gonMont
tinieeo it i.
found to ltxd ant fetus•."
e •'n lm
That is x wcirome!WAWA nee, tend will
Ht in wit the views of all concerned
whose opi uu i.e worth considering.
Where a cot ty fair is a mere ex(•uw•
the Government
fo � n h lrltt.' t
amply justified in rutting off the
bonus. That is livery different nutter
from allowing nettled animals to he
speeded ie, an incidental attraction to
eight levers.
It ie of illlplrtxltl•P to the horsemen I deism Who went ant enlisted ars
W •stOntario ' t show a
line-- of a et n ie Ln x•t•iel Bolters, made their contract - —_
Imiking nag ,at fair timetrt admirers' withthe Mame nuthoritie•. and have Start for a Good Salary
pedis. At any rate they ask I
wore questions than all the rest put
together. The other day he balked,
and to seas• his voice in reading :ill
auswrr cove'l'iug,sevet•al pages spike
in a low lune, -Meyers. foster at Co.
obje'tel, whereupon the Minister de-
clared he would not. make a meg.e-
phune of himself to please those who
were deliberately inattentive. They
let 1 I ' after' that.
Ill Aslleeell fonowing the ilitbalite•
li by Hun, Mn. Hanna of the new
license bill ill the Legislature. Hun. (1.
%V. Hees eougratubateel the I'ins•iucinl
Secretary on the good features of the
bill and pointed out Benne feature's
that were had. Sao fill' as improvements
in the law were concerned, Mr. Russ
wits gleed the liuver cut %vats follow-
ing in the fleutatgas of its pl'edece•sMur.
The Liberal Go% et 'lit 111111 dune
thingg for temperance in its day.
It hub eetliucssI the nuWller of licensee
in Orltal'lu (rent 11,155) to a,gMl, and tilt.
clewing of bears oil Sundays, uu Sutter -
day eve ' giaml on election days were
steps in advance which haul leen taken
Joy the Liberal party.' lie waassafraid the
low was not being enfota•ed muter the
lpresent. (lural 'ret ,as it should
ie. The great Literal convention lad
delateel against the issuing of any
licenses in mwr'g,imiiit'd New Uutariu
He df(1 not Vail• Iu express nn ill '
regarding the increase of fees, it
alight prate to be• It backward step.
'I',, make up his license fee the holder
would be more anxiuua (Al irte•rrAse his
sales and alight tin ice oleo to drink
end 411 moody things he would out feel
Ii,' a) Id d•. under low license. III-
lesenut' to this' municipalities
world lie ,tel :144.11.41 , 'fliculty iii the
Why tut the passing of acid Oletiot by.
Local Option Provisions. �\
lm respect to local uptiliu, Mr. It.tss
said the Government wits fuliowing ill
the footsteps, of the Lite•ral(ls gen tm' 2
per vent. of the ratepayers having the
power to seen te:t vutemi'twaal opt is um.
lbe regretted, however, the termer
in iliue' for a rule Ole cheat of a
local option bylaw•'f three4l.o two
vests. That was a Iuu•kwara step.
He objected to the provision for (lurw•-
liftlrs of the vote polled fel• the passing
or repeal of it local option bylaw.
This lie regarded 144nut earr Imiu•kwii el
mute•. The in uvihion euipow'ering
. •'italkies to appoint offers \to
aid in the enforcement of the law
would, he Ix•lieel result ill it dit•i-
sionl u( 'responsibility which would lead
to difficulties. This had been the case
with the Scott Act. which that' )t
ion Government al Id have enfur•ed
themselves. . It would he letter for
the Government to enforce the law
with their own ufllciaals.
The Numbered Ballot Still
Mr. Pens', the ulendx•r for King-
aton. sprung ,t surprise by sitting that
the numbered ballot, which was sup-
u p-
pmise i to have been ahedishea h)• the
bill of last session, was still in rogue,
I had been lied in the Kingston
bye -election. In that election the hal-
lotto were lere:el both un the stub
and on the It.aly of the ballot.
VenslIens of they Guye•nment trityl
to controvert Mr. l i•nse'a statements,
but pi 'seal to produce a fee simile
of the ballot used. Mr. Ross urged
the adoption of the iA ' ' bellut,
vhich was afaadutely unidentifiable.
t a seesinn later In the week cllpie•e
of e halms used in for Kingston and
Nur. h Toronto bye -elections werelaid
min lit table, and they burse out Mr.
Pense"s •untl•ntiun. The ballots were
beet on the heck. with aa corre-
sponding 'umber on the stub- The
actual litre •nee• f the okl practice
is that the nu uler is not entered upon
the poll -hook. 'fltut a memorandum
might be mad in another fashion
gees will t st 'thg. and 'the ')+allot
could bw easily ids tilled.
Col. Matheson's Poor manning.
'flue .prnloosal of he Provincial
Ttensutet• to imam. it len in Englund
for N lit Slot',. wit interest at
:i} per cent., is meeting 'th strong
critiriem. It is pointed ut that
Ontario (inet'rnrnent land should
hold a strong position in the t arket.
owing to the splendid financin xmsi-
tiun of the Province, and that to II
them at !Si, is a tettki.'ss transacts
The suggestion is made that th
bonds he offered to the p[eople of (in-
built. who would he glad of so solid an
investment at Rt per cent.
A hill intl•odueed by the Minister of
Public Works provides for an t x•
tension of time to 11117 for making
applirali for the Government goad
roads grant.
Speaking with reference to a bill "
amend the Assessment Act, Mr. \Vhlt-
ney expressed the spin' that it wits
inadvisable Um intercom with the Ari
until it had teen ill foeefurasufflcient
length of time tothow clearly how It
was going to work. If the Act were
altered to suit one pat fielder interest
other int•tests would want further
changes made to suit their purposes.
,..u,.‘11 fre larn. telegraphy, rail
ay, ethos., telegraph I ticket
rnnnit,mg Tin new .end (411110,1v -,-tern wleteh I mash Kite. a thorough
knewleilgn iet lonokkeepinq. lactic
n•rira Sia I more ler is.
A. E. MATHESON, Principal.
PFle'11'g 17, w'. Thorn- mi &
•iScum .
NI a ,• Storrs. un till' Sur urs
Spring Term opens
This hoot stand" tMnv I,•f,•tr the
piddle with a lven cell n•c,mnl for work
done and .rllxa. e'°Chlrecdfir
. II m+-
pea.-wd ell
prev tau+ rnlxanl. In altcral
enc•. obarlreg Krid nates ha
g Slite.
.11111 doinepno
al me ,rk. Enter w and
Is• rawly Lu, ?toeti a found pewit lop he the
fall. College (mei; entire year. flirt
freuluers are 'rec.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal.
( or. Ylmge• and AMxander
of hmrsefiesh and intending buyer.' a1v had the torus of that contract carried
not to le put, elf with fine honks. 'lile'y ant. Moreover, they have been AS
want to say the animal in action at its iw-pIl Cl to those what defended
lest, and this is only possible in the Canada in MINI mol 11015, and they
could scarcely expect to receive re
consideration than they have done.
However, the Opposition insisted on a
division. The result was: for the
Government 117, against no, pairs IS,
and •L-, not pttsent. • paired. . Ry taking nnr of oar H stlml♦ teen
Itcosts bel n Irmo, and only rxlnfn s )uur
Not a Talking Machine. .tare time, Write tlsb,y for rvaonrotiar..
Hon, Mr. Oliver. Minister of the in rtwrx.iandens•e hrpt
tering, is apparently looked upon by Im ono Hndne... I nllefe. Toronto,
the Opposition as a waking .M•ynh- W. IL rill W. Principal.
speeding trial where both horse noel
driver ur rider hare me spur to effort.
and a goal of ambition.
If eitelt c petitions, however, are
permitted to bee e n amain element
of the show, a11th the caumty fair de-
generate. into it raring alert, the intent
and purpose of peddle aid is drfeeet•rl,
and the appropriation should be with-
held in snrh cases. Most people will
agree in that vis•w of the matter,
New Dress Goods
The choice is varied and immense in the very
newest semi -light -weight fabrics, beautiful, crisp,
pure wools and in a range of the very newest shades
which will appeal to our women of taste more than
ever before.
Fashionable Grey Suiting.
Every shade and weave, won•
steels, taffeta suitiugs, chiffon
broadcloths, laawuult s u i t i n g s,
lime tweets. Lal per yam!, $125
II), :ol), 7:0, fl.IMI gaud
Tan Covert Coats
Shot fitted heels :old hese
'suits, tailor strapped :eel trim-
med, very handsaur. $7.50
new I very special
Kid Gloves
Direct importation e
f France, browns,
whites, blacks. 2 dim
and new• backs, xf, iD, 7,.
Friench Mullins
i)teess nr'pandies ill lit tyres :cued
rltecta whm•i an, proneuucnl as
exquisitely beautiful pi !actions,
floral l spray pater Is, very
new and, exclusive ati' . 35c
kid glow.,
aux, Krr)•s.
• t.1a rums
Shoal. 2,
and 4 burrs.
haw made a great. record thronghoat all
('•nada. There are good reaauas why TI,
in su. SataarN Meal — Doss not hump
rep- Improved elate--('ute and turns eel
mer. 11111lebes 11.11 Bask - Easy draught.
This lq-k tars several Imitators but no
a urn. None asnuale without the name
•Ihi'e'SELL." iurSailsbyAgents. Manu
faotw'ed by
(31 J Ask for Booklet "L"
Miss Iianagh aulnuuuces that she is prepared
to meet ,all requirements for special Raster
trade, at her opening
Sataraay, March 31st, and.April tad aad 3rd,
uud to 111 .lolw' part{eular•Iv )4l„dI designs its
Ismth Atue•t•is,ue and l',enadinn m11alels,
1.11111:1111 I1. is\
. • j
• Grand Spring
• • •
I Millinery Opening
• •
Saturday, March 31st, and
following •
• tI I, si . illi.. L. 'I'ts,• `
As usual I have a full stock of the most popular shapes
and trimmings for ladies' headwear for the coming season.
The latest fancies and shades
Trimmed and untrimmed hats
Hamilton st :erg
(iullal a I�
1 � �
1 Y i‹iti)
Extra Trousers
- The wardrobe of is wc•ll•llt'esel'1I
i an is incomplete without two of
i n •t. pair's of separate trosers :
the robing the life of a suit can
eide'i'a y and are indeed a real
tultessit if omthits regard for hi.
personal Bks. There is nothing
more inveigh y than baggy, shabby
tmimetic. We have excelled our
selves in Salic ng such a choice
collection, and til . broad variety of
i hould make
fabrics I design s
sIp choosing here a pleas' o.
r I 2tt,h('entuy'frousersc nnot be
.. 1 :1 -class
beaten b the hi -CI
ars n an of
Whirs, in (sect, our custonte tell
Its they are the "best (illy h v''
ever hued." Every waist utensil o•
I inept and leg length. Prices range
$1.25 to $5.06
so,. r
s 1,11111,11'11 111,11'11 I,h- ill,' I,e.1 ,l1,,,,•1••
C. Pridham