The Signal, 1906-3-22, Page 8R THUasUAY, March 'S2, 19011
11111; SIGNAL : OODEK1UH ON'I'A It to
, 1 r(►' C. '
t1 II M 1.
Ian 1
"..144 toe -A" II,RSaea' 10
A Canadian .tythor Itoti i11 India.
In Simla, Ih,'It (1111101111 1111113 444111, {s•rrls41 1.0 :irillge c.".!, .1 1 t'.... L, ,'.s
of the Himalayan aryl h lf-hiildl•n by its nea lili o) tall Mirk 11- o t.,, 4( t::•,t.
Rudvanl Kipling mlyertl•.41 as no oilier 1.'1111 has veei fsrn 11% Ili lint. 1'.%Or.u.l
Illation Cotes, the ta.i.ular ('atu014:11t leiter, totter known 1(y 11.1.11li4cn 1111111.',
Sara Jeanette 11une:ul. t
Mrs. faten was ls4ru in,' tut.. iii I.tei.. rhel4leet d:ul,111.'r oft hart a
lhmran, 1'sj+ and n14s.*yei her •dust.. 1 411 the pehhv w•11o,41.:OA t1(.• 1 01111;ia:.•
111stitote 4(t her native town. She trial :,china 'or a time, but, .4444..44,Iv)vcrr1
that she Iwd talent for writing which ,ca,. :Marring aur 411.1.1111.111'-4(t., so Nilo 1,3do
the rhlldren 111.• with 11a(h..s 411 her t tie.. 1.111 :r !ohne of jm:e`ts relief in
.her heart and started into lih•ratere. vane in lit erce• sn..,•.e. 111 a 0nl^11. i14)1 4,
br41141ln 11(141:,': to otls•ros lite publishers tad .ulhe ,awrelafer oily .It.e r a fomg•
hard siege as MN. ('otea found. it. -IL••r Al na'• Ill '44r(•u4.4 to 1E1%V 414.• Un-
erring instinct of the houlihe pigeon, ter %%hewer., he Alit thea) 11(. v .daces cattle
back. Then she detenuites1 to enter literature I. s Pack dicer .0mm:di.,'n. She
w rote n 4.141'.41 of a 'n'ryata(11 4's aof,t the \4'N 11r ailsa tomtit l
.•nt•on4:(1 which
the :equally sold. Thsen, atter a 111.414..1 ei ..hi.44114 t 'lining on the "Atashington
poet" she returned to Toronto and contributed 4.'•4 r adiwl paper.. Her work .
asM 4'llae
nt ncorrespondentudr1therf "
attracted aQuntiou
some delightful eS.) ,. for •I., r. showed her in new v'l ls��
with \iii LilyIA•wla K made u trip amine' the world,e' 'tine ttvt�te
arta lei
along the way 111111 4n Iset) first hit the targ1t4,4f literary s4(cess t. it her umo,m-
ventiol:rl book of travels '•.\ Soria' 1hgx.rtune Bow4►rlh bide 4.t e 1 I Went
Rounda World." the first of her ten nr mow •Iai4I*,, all bn 'x14, chatty /dodo"
that reflect her p•namality us naturally as a rote -jar suggest, et ,s.
\\'hike ginlling the earth she dound what. determine.! her lite. She +net in
Calcutta, Mr. 4'rit.'n.:4 protossr.r who had a 144ienti6r comiertion with" tls',1idian
Muhrculll and had won repute non in his special field of r, .'arch, Indian cots•
mtrlog •. She returned to Canada. lett. in Istel they Were Married and \It..: 1.14114'4. 1t•�)11ek to Indra.• Helr Writing has vivacity, wit, burner. brilliancy and the
charm Of frank naturalness, Nitta 41S' lkapiry knack of hitting off a eletts,tet4.1 or
II MOW(' 111 a few '.ick'strokes. the saute r•flar:n't•rlitir• that mml,,•,. l !pling•'a
,sketch.'n /silent. graphic and seemingly spontaneous. Irl 1mdi,'a Mrs. fetes has
lora r•ngag.d is (.liturial and general literary work, and this trtn.plunt..I Can-
adian has lust none of her sparkle, energy alai charm in the new life and mniant*c
wetting of old India.
Emerge we wawa auyact.( W Neuron .f C+.a40. le the
Judge Doyle Hears Cases Not Disposed
of by Hon. Mr. Justice Magee.
1'1(,' business before the jury sittings
of the High Court, which opened last
week before Hlitiol1ble Mr. Justice
Nagle, was unusually heavy. Ills
Lordship presided until l:311 p. In. on
Saturday, c ple•ting the heat ilig 4.1
the lloderich Engine It Ilieyel,• 1t4'. v..
Kenzie and Sturgeon vs. fort Bur -
well Fish Co.. Ltd. Ile then handed
over the hearing of the hr,1lain ing
cases to Ilia 1t. Judge Doyle,
county judge. who held sittings on
Monday aftet•non i :lad 'Tuesday 111111 a
brief session y'est(4dIV 1111it•Iling to
nr•ange\ for an IUIJIlurn:neut.
The actu,n of the G.sleriih Engine
At. Bicycle Co. vs. 31e11zie, fur the pl•irl•
of an e'ngiW fot• a steam yacht, 'wen -
pied the could front 114:110 a, ,1n, on
hntx4day to l:: 1 p, 4(l. on Friday, with
an evening sessiiiyl on Thtirs(Liy up to
11:(d I. Il. The IainLiff's witnesses
were )avid Ti sou. George Higg4n-
son, Robert Jones, Villiaui, Watson.
Alex. Si dela, John Ihal:'s..txlbert
Cunningham and 3\'illi:ti Illau•k. His
Lordship directed that jt. gamut I.
entered for the plaintiff company for
the s of $:i,1l0,tl), lacing *I,l»till
. unpaid 011 the contract price' and
;1111.:10 for interest thereon at ir\pr
rent+ since Augua 12th last. Pr.n•ee'll-
inge stayed thirty days. %Vnt. ih•oud
foot. K. t'., for plaintiffs. St 'sultan
Johnston for defendant. In this rase
the jury wan dispensed with.
Sturge>u vs. the Port Burwell Fish
('o., Ltd., an ar•tion for 41aoutg.n for
the loss of t1( life of George Sturgeon
�111 Lake Erie.NVm. Prundft.t, K. l.
for plaintiff. Artlultli. K. 1'•. for
defendant. Trio of this .as( com-
(a -mencel ,t ::an p• u. on Friday, was
eontittneri all niter., on and evening
up to 11 tl. 111.. and opener again at
11:1111 Saturday morning, eontinling t ill
2:15 p. in., when the jury retired. Al
4:211 p. )41. they returned wit h the quo•h.
tion,. suhnnittel to them answ'e•ted,
and His 1ot.114hip te4(rry411 11111V/111'111
on the effect of the answers of jury,
counsel to speak to the answers 4)
retentions in Toronto. The general
effe•1•t of the jury's answers was in
favor o(' lite planet ilf.
. Draper 14x. %Villis, ;t) netinn for
damages for /wilful ion. %Wal. Proud -
foot, K. 4'., for plaint1T. E. 1.. Dick-
inson for defendant. 1'he jury were
out an hour and n half an.4 1et(ru411
rowah6. by W . C. geek. et tie 4Me.ra,- a ..r e,lk nlla•
with a verdict for {t,he plaintiff and
$11011 damages. (In tye Hinting of the
jury His Lordship dire11.144 dolt in Ig-
Inent be entered for the plaintiff for
the 1,1111 (.1)ittsMh with full costs of the
actual. The p1rtil•a (II 41*4.. act 1111'
3Viechnick vs. I'igott el 'oil, •1'Iiou
for damages under• the- ‘Vurti.nu111's
Compensation Act. E. 1.. Iticiginam•
for daintiff. %Vm. PI./IIIIf,....1, , 1'.•
for defendant. At the rnnrlusiort of
the evidon., Ili' lordship withdrew
the ease from the jury and iliteeted
that after thirty l 4114. judgment Is -
entered against the plaintiff• disumis,-
ing this anion, with .'tots. Mr.
I'g•outlf4n.t lertaking the lealx111n1-
hilitj 1.(a -41111. Thr plaintiff in
t his rase is it l'lh• 411111 Itis (•'.idem'.'
N'llx gl\'1'11 411.1 41 01 1111 'nt el peeler..
Ifniee V14. 1►„4111',141111 I"ish l'1.. TI14s
11114 WM. aljournrd. .•14441144 to the
illness of the pldinlil. till the next
non -jury sittings of the 11igh Court for
the (minty.
tlaus(rn c4.. !Amish.t•ungh. 4411 us -
tion oil n protnissot y note. 'Phis nr-
Gm will Ip• fr4.,I be 11on. 3141. Jnstir.
Magee at T411un(411111 14111.111.1111y.
.1rnlstrong v4.. Inglis et al. This
action will be he:1111 by .Judge Doyle
nn 3lnreh:Ilse an,uljmu•nnleit 1,f the
Court till that date (wing noun. on
Wednesday morning.
tee. 11(•. H, 'Itnn, of SLraifor•d,
or" pie! the pulpit of Knox cltueh
. u , nday 'Hing.
Rey: \W. U. Magee, of Clinton. will
1/rea1.11 lit I4(111 'ring nn(1 evening
orreices of the ilap4ist church next
unday. The 'v1s.or of t1(•• church
'err lakes Mt'. `olgee'n appointments
for that day.
Rev. 4'. R. (inane, of Clinton.
preached Ia1s1, 114 .t. et St, 1i.Ul•ge•;1
church, Rev. Mr. urnbull lacing at
(')intim. The even g before Mr.
Tirnbnll adrhrsse4 ,1 ming of the
Clinton A. V. 1'. A.
Rev. (': ('raig. ., 1'ettolin,
•Hrupied the pulpit tat hot 'ninfg
and evening 4.('41.'7*'.'s at. tit 'e414'g4.
(.111(4411( hast Snndav and was netted
whit much ap4reeiation by 1144 Con-
gnegation. The reverend gentle, 111
bier ati etuphatie style of delivery a 1
gfrts down to t'll'tnental`y prineiple
and forces the issue, in a way that
carries conviction. Hitt morn 4 n g
Hr•HF: AI:F: s(,MF: tor THS: HI:Aw,N+•
It i• eight wire, high and every ono of thew• In•. 1- No, H 111111 .1 ,4'l. 11 I.
'trona enngh and clone e teh and high ran' h to tion tor) h'w that 111441,.
4'011 know No, n is pretty near the 1(envie 1 wt. ever nest In fencing. Nu't
Ott nnfaetneve+enotten net' it at All. Their mw•hkn•. a'm't hen%e It. Ideal
ern. ' 1. All made of No. it wire. It has no .o„tl oprlghl wire. to Wen 111'41 11. If
•1 have hal 1x pre term: with Omer yon 11 naw whllt the. moors. Win. nil
,,ily gah*nla..l and •'110001 rn't. 1..r•kr144 At 1' *y 11144.1(14 ,n mart)
,1 it (salmon lie rooted '•' 1,1111.111 111 twi't(.1 out of More. 11 m'III fel per
r„ 1144 All let ,•I nr hell) ground. The wire- are .1,04111 front 7.444 7 (nehe.
inert, fr,n•ing In the tittle on. a0 well it. the Mg one.. Yon no. hkre the
.atne.ty441 fence a couple mite. higher. nwklnk the 1.e.t wil•pnrprw• fence
de. Whale 7041 nee en Ing fear w'it• not buy for soot' 4 "4,y not Ant...
gtw,4. heavy. permanent fence Hite the ideal, nod 1'11' your knee tmnhL'.
w'.' wookl like to tell 7011 more *hem? 4hi. Ideal fore•,. 41'41 inelinted
a 11411.• Mark to rend out. 11 -how. a .4 tic roe c' ,'t4 mil no., 41 y1111 an.
inlcn+ted in fencing it will play you ferret It. Wet' f.n i' ' '.14.).
Ht7WEL1.'S HARDWARE, Ooderich
1111(1144.5 watt 011 111 110 subject Of (11
mission fund of the diocese and it
the evening he spoke on the'subje(.
of 1,' 1111 :a 4(d(1/110W1114/ 4114.1.
alg Ian (h
4'ongregali)nai singing ane inle
(111'1.1 Inst Meek. fur She first time, it
St 'letter's Cathedral, !Amami, (Int.
when between 444111 rod 7,444 .4.'11141.,
1' the sepal -site schools juinol in 11(
Ila 4(t' the 4'1 ' • at the H4sho1,
1113a14. " I wish to 111*11Ou,1ce In you,
e.:i41114'4.1((41, M4•E}ay, "that it is 444
4x1,)'l's4eel risintin df the 1'14{1*• that colt
gregational singing be one ntraged 11
the l'athulic ebonite, in the world."
'Elie 1':pw((LI 11 IH•/14(1144 ,'xo.tit4ye of
(:lsirlirh dislrr•t sleet at ('1'1)14111 4(u
3Iu,1,Lty to commit in 1'ega.d to the
holding of euul,1l(I 4.441144(11 this year.
It was de•4de(1 to hold it w•hu,41 again
at le)nleri(h, the .lutes fixed being
.\ugusl 44th In 121 inclusive. ,('ur-
respr411.11ellee is i4( progress with a.view
to seducing specialists for the treat -
molt ill the vier' subjects 1411 the
prop rata. and it is expected that some
HI'st'dass t,lellt will he engaged.
i .t soe::11 evening was spent at Korot
chw1.14 mill -Way evening last, when
a goodie nwula'r gathered to enjoy
the program provided by the Young
Perp e'4. Slwiet y. Alex. 44x(4(411.'1'4. 4401•
111(:(4•4ell the duties of chairman in
pleasant iu,ulner. The progl'aw in-
' luded le •itatieos by Miss Etta Davi-
son and 44, (lean : viten' solus by S.
Re•Ich41• hull 3)4.4. Hosken and a liuet
1(y 3lisses Smith and Stoddllrt t piano
solus by 31iss 3lrl.,nchl,atl and 31'4.4.
Agues, Hamilton 11111 ,t duet bV 3141.
.11111 311.. IVill1111,1t : a 11%1111g by \\'.
Taylor a 1 an so1.1e4.s 1444 Rev. 11. 31'.
\\l•ight. 1,1,111' 1,41 speeches mete
given by 141114• Wiggins, Wilbur :1n -
dermal, 1V.Iny-14)1• and Gordon
N'iglt Ulan. linwes were provided far
mental 4'xctcise and the fut•Ihe'ance•
'4(l sl4(•i:a)41411, nod last, but nut least,
relied 'ods 11.'4141 1('(•1'.'11. It was ti
pleasant 'evening for those' who at.
tended. gaud the young ladies ill
charge of 1 he progr4uu ,are to be (•uu-
gralulatel upon their success.
. a.
.l gps11 ekhibitinu 1111111e tiff hockey
is promised for tonight, wipen '4)4Ato -
Iuou, they wiunern of taw Northern
ieague. will 1(•y conclusions with
Goleriih. This is 'the laid ..'Rha•
game this season and will I., the last
tripoli only to.. -4, -the local septette of
w1. " wv,snu. together. Skating t411
14 :et p.,u. .\,tulission, 21e and life.
Ott Monday evening '401 el ting.
g e of I414key was played at the
rink, it which the contestaute were
at ' of Ie. young ladies and gentle-
men of the Ion ii. The y g bonen
slit 111141 •cu sidet•nllle skill OM their
skates and pl. vel u good game. 'rlley
1(11'1 plenty of sed and skated 1
played very gr: .'tulle. Harry ('ar-
m 111 kept goal to the belies. l'heir
opponents were a 1 ply enough look-
ing bunch but mer . u tpl yeti 1(y' 11(.•
ladies. The line .Ip wee 114. follows :
H. l 'nr.em 41,wl G. Prins) father
Mi. Tom point .1 r. IAIr{4.,0
Mi-- M' 'ter pint 1 •
544-.r. Itetc. 1 I M Arrlll
ud (,'
• u,,Waal. M. 1.,11(4.•
141... s ley*. I I Leo ' lot
Iter ria• .. . e,,it-dare',.
ch 12. Adaa Craig 2.
The AiIma ('raig hockey team in t
hate victinnof the Go1,derieh Kalinin
181 4 played an interesting, though
141 her one-sided, (xhibitiu,1 8,1111)• in
of Intl'n on Monday 'evening. win-
ing in •a walkover 4(441 ten shut,.
The Craig* boys. though -not eon-
t)4'('(d with the (►. 11. A-, 'met. beton
in' the game all winter, and 44'•
plact411111y "41" 411 the .111101.'4111
ties. They have beaten such
tenni.:(. Parkhill, Forst :41141 Sarnia.
and did not stop until they had beaten
:1 fast team of Stratford seniors and
interntidiates. Thr famous 1'L 7th
Regiment team. of i4,ndou. was .01,11-
len4(•d to 1 • null 1 games for
the eh,nnpiunnhip of Middlesex
county, but would not accept udder
any 14 1114.11111.111t1011. \t Inst till' loan-
ag'•mrnt at•r11lged for a1 exhibition
game with e best 'West.
t Ill t1( t teuu in the \� (.
K t,
and suce.•eisd in getting 1.111*' of the
crack Sailors,and teller• junior., to g4(
down f • (ieslerich. The 1,(4(444 ap-
peared to be somewhat of ,(Il ('y1-
(Ipe•11l'r 441 the g011 p•a lie of Ails:,
4'raig, :end they I4tnoted that -there is a
cast difference IN,twerII 1 h Style of
h."'ke• they have 10.11 44(1ustouiel to
Mid the article se'rv. Fi trio by the 1•
experienced Sailor*. .1Vhat was nut
(11.44 than an onlinnIt'il' Ntle11114 eft.
g11ule was indignantly frowned down
by the follower., of the wino. 44( ('raig,
and they say they have'7s•ver seen
Melt a Hugh g • on their ler. True,
the much aup'rjor .size and Weight, of
the S.ilotr wits a great' source of
trouble to the smaller ('raig players,
but the former did not make so) Hauch
use of their weight as they have mono -
time( done on their own ire. TIre,y
had no elt•C,a1i(u t'. (le unneces)1,•L4ly
rough, foir they uutdawle(1 their op-
tsine•nin at every doge of'the game.
and at half-time the, ',Gore 1(11(x1 5 to 1.
e wns not 4(U ane -side) as 'the 141(41'.'
1 w011l11 aWua 1.41 Indicate 1 the Brit-
t ish I1au1 had the puck up i4( their op-
. {.bents territory a good part of the
r time. but Lied Davin. 141 goad, was (1141
, manly for (heal 111111 they cau1d out
44.14141. While 1111 the players put up 4
1 •(t4 4x1 g: cuuxideting 44ve'ythi114,
e ' Harry 1',t'suu, •111 the British seven,
s wads the fastela skitter 111111 sl Id de -
e 1..11.1, into a► first -chess Iua'kel'isl if Ile
'1i114.4' to -hrtulch out i4( that 14,1,'. The
atf eisstaMee was 111,4 Ilth•ge. The 1,10-
, 1114.14..(41 to the Iua•iue hokpitnl funds.
The band was it attendance ati.I 11114.4'
lhr gauge thele was skating till 11101
jt, 4(1. 'rho line-up and ontela1a were
Moroni. IHY aroma.
IL '1'1( Ieon goal Fred Dacia
4l,N'kel4 1+41111 J.111c..
'I'.,111 covet 1+44411 Pennyfallier
(.11'1411 11/1el' $*iig.t.'r
Irani ce'nire 4ttrlll ,
41411,411,11 loft Willa 4'I.4+.1"
Malay right wing Pee. .
0 1:. 11. 1'.44s- Halve, n'ferrc
Nil. Saari. (timekeeper. It. S. Williams
Will. Lee venally timekeeper.. N. 111141'.
4.1.'..411.1in goal unwary NI r. ln,kit son
H. fi. coapt .et') I1(•. e'. 41. sate
liens Swart .Mr. Wllherlaud
Jack., watts „1„a,,, ,ala,.' Mt'. )11+1.04,
How They Play Hockey.
Very few penalties were imposed,
only four men lacing given rests of one
minute for )nixing it. Norinlul tie -
Ivor. of G,wl,riih, was referee, but the
Sp ctalora did not seen to ,appreciate
his work. and raise) 4.11111( a kik
at half-time that "tosser, of Albin
('raig, was tooled ituted. The• second
half was even faster than the Hest.
Meech titles the Mal luri forward line
got through their opponents' elrfence
for n 'minter. ,and only Once did Ailsa
'raig find the Grannie!' nets. "rhe
t 4444 junio114 put u) 4a splendid game
,Il) \444'41• till the job .'•.'4.1.44' Minute.
Pat •r•, of the Alin* ('raig seven, ire
their St player. Fast and n great
stick -ha 411er, he would, with n WA -
son in fooa pang Ind an -large ire.
iH• ns g.ssl coat of the intermediate
player's 411 t • O. 11. A. The lineup
WWI as follow',
'nil I1. 411,1.1 CRAIG.
M,I,eOd -d
idoam 1 'at
1 Antigen Mier tint
Mei inw COO
Mcl,or moor
I1. Mel humid light win
D. McDonald left wing
Junior Game at Clin
The Tel•um,eh ho key cru pia eed
the return gars' wi the Clint Col-
team 411 ('1 ton on Tit htv
evening and were defeated by a s 1''
of 4) to 8, In in fast and rtr•iting gam
The teams were very evenly 1 atehts
:ltd the victors did not 1(.'e is safe
lead until bate in the last half, when
they section! two gratin. Then. lyre.
Very 11111.' a hin:etton work. the
rink being t.1,) ,411,111. 1 hough de-
feated ill the g the Tee «'bswin
the r011J1d by 7 goal.. halving (fefetiel
the (litlton iu, ',, oto (i.slerirh lee II to
1. "Suet' Melvur handlerl the twit
141111 kept the game well in hand. The
tram. lined op no fn11nw1
Tr( 1 wrglla ('I.rtna
Melen.M gond ItornnM-
11yke (4414111 yan•toln•
IMlelocr r�e0r 1,11111 ('n
Itmmhxll mler Manning
44.'1'41'1111( '.nIr. John.ton
SIMllrm 1.1(11?. wlna She 'paid
l xrHa h'fF wing M.'KcnxM
Bedford vs. British.
On Tne,elay "Welling the long -talked -
of match irelwee•n the Redford and
ilriti.h was player at the Went street
ring and resulted in a win for the lied"
ford by :l g.,.in to 44. The scoring was
all don In the Hrat half. The play
11ederieh. March 111..
To the Sporting 1.:41110rof yhe .`:4Y11x1.
Ur:.'.14 tint,--. geeitig it 11u4! i4( your
v(111111111% last week oi ,I bale)' (t.1
to 14(• `Bayed on Friday night between
the ••INtchel4trs' uud ••1.14 maids" of
(4.Hlet 7111 1 thought 1 would go and e
if I could {'ick up a few printers an how
the game is 'daps'. There w'd',at fair•
si4(14 crowd present. but, for Lhe•hetO••
lit of tine.- (.1 your readers who were
not thane. I will, Willi Vont• tr•rulissihu.
try to descries' what tout; Pharr. Tjle
caste of ch+u•a(•lers was puhlishel in
p.m- Paper last week. so i4 will not be
accessory for rue tuna)' who the a1ton4
were. '1teplay a watch of Chia whir 11
epp•anr,'requires seven "old maids"
who have given •Ila 1111 hope of making
a oat l'hi11411i,11 '•IWlteh," and seven
online•)' Iwchtlors. Then you have
11 supernumerary, whose lane,, dee to
look wise and ring a cow -bell.
1'1(, 4)14144141. ha'•e 11 stir apcow-bell.e arta a
(hn,1k of rubber, which they call h
Pluck." K thecal. It seemed it
pity that there N111 lu
It. 1 nv( heel'
111'rte 1111c k1 provided, for each until
S1'14111t1 to want t•1 get the pm!:"
.. • r
tor Irl-w•If. and :1 acct devil r
f tint+'
Wali spent' in this ten • which Might
1 ) h
have'lwru 4.,1141(11 if 4 bore had leen en-
ough pack's tat g • 1. The way the
''dear things.' clusleietl around the,
poor four k $ligge•l4d liens a ' I a pill
of sawn. The bachelors wets. "butting
in" tor.. and whenever any of the
pltyei1 gout a ('11x114',' )111`44 would hit
the puck with the sticks they carri(rl.
Same ' 's the stony heart of one of
the old 1)1.1'1144 would soften towards
the puck 11,'(•11114..' it leas getting
k,ioeked about sr. ,11, anti he would
make it gallant ,'Hurt to Iea•u4 it and
take it away by hereelf tar awhile.
'1'hebudienre always applauded these
hnntau,' ;Mt -mitts. showing that their
-yu,4althie•s .were with the pack.
fh4411 When the park tout rest1Y1 she
n,*ilei lake it down the we and t4•y
put it into n s11rt of saga they had at
each end. This was called eshooling,"-
and if our got toe puck Into tau• cage
it was a "e:eml.•" and the nun with the
era -11,.11 nntt'ke41 41 in a I4.$)k and the
anthem/. cheered. %%lett sIlI'prise'd
m4' most wain 1111' I,'hieViot• 41f a until
hitt kept standing in front of the cage
0 'Articling the game. . Ile mala'-aln,t) ,
in he way when they wanted to pat
the tick ill the cage and I e..uddn'1 w4'•
Why e•v Ie't hint stay there. S
liters he 1111111 with the cow -bell
would 4'i g it for about ten 1111111114,
as t1 gh a wen• afraid hr wonhl get
lout sight o 4)f c .w• t hate was w inle
(excuse for ''s playing with the. ie'II.
,ince he h.tdt't a stick to play with.
When he rant the bell the boys x11(1
git'Is would Stop :tying after a tvhi1',
and they would ' 41 oft 4nlo a cornetr
and have a "face•off. ' 1 di 111'1 under -
.stand what this !lien : it ,veined 111
ale they I. • cut of ch enc ter.,
with their oases 1,n al right. One
tune rale 1t the ills
kat OM
but thev didn't ring the lief for that.
44y t by then. hell r ng
everybody rushed on to the i.e m 114'141
the players. but the latter so .41111)•
stoppedand 1 wa4. told Lhe "old 1114 'all'
had heat en the •'isiclhelo,.t," 44 M 1,
whatever that mems.
Yount truly,
Instoeh1n'44 .\Itncial %
John Cooper. of Clinton. +aunt Smuttily In
A. 11. MCIA.011 n11w1e a trip to Landoll Mb.
Mn. George Fewlet, 4(l Srltfotd. lS.' lt•ltina
in Toronto.
ht . 11. Long. of w•iugham. *idled friend. nit
low a I,,.t meek.
SII.. IMngya[i ha. ri•tut nett from „ In -it to
I4•troit and T..rontu.
Mr. and 311.. J. 4'. 1relic of Sc.dort It. "veer.'
tidton to Guderlrh the wen week.
P0n'y Parker. of .411., ('0x(41, 1. , 1.,4414.41 At
-the re.ide ee of Iia. aunt. Mr... Carrie.
's Mr.. J,l,n W, %%natter was in whighan
T111•wlay 4111(1 q'el110e.dxy of Ih1. week.
1IIw May F:aN. of ('llntun. .I.tta,l 3)4..
F:nntta Young, Park .4x•01. 11n Sutnlay.
Floyd Johnston. rd I'arry Smoot. 1 vlsillnn
hl. rondo. Mn. Is.tne Coate, Trafalgar street.
31rv, ,) ..,e• Cnak, Ilor1n r.ald. left ;Sat unl:o'
morning for S1. lone-. 310., where .he 1.111 join
her child 14en.
Mr.. 44111144.', Ihdfuld hhwk, k.ft for Detroit
Wel uc.dny.'o1114 expert, 111 Ise adrenal fen n
•mtph' of month..
31114 Kat lavish 14mann, of llolnn•sv11M, ,sl.
t•ndel I
be opening ,.rtiee. of t he North ,l reel
Me111r114t clnln•h.
Mr, nod 34,.. 11. Sensor left Inm'n Mnt unhty
neorning for a vl+it of a.'1111ole of tlusttl . with
their .enl. In Michigan.
W. N. Hlrri-o,,, of IAl.know. .pent n few
dal, in town the I""t Week. hl. 1'Wt lacing
esperltny frlr the pur1xoso of attendinpg 44'41
011)1111441.f the 1"" MerhwUd church. 511,
H4rr1..o, 11 1., worthy 0f n•mnrk. w.i.U,d In
We don't dub ourselves
"Professor" hut we know
w to assist defective
vi'' n if lenses will do it.
Try s- t-examinatpon
Jeweller and Optican
Ibe building of the old rhurel, hack 1(n 111111 '.4(d
hew 811141st a halt "tottery'. Interest hl the
X eel' tercet cungregat lull.
are Ir u '
t l 11 4111' �
Y I that .1 1'
t r Lara 1
who 1(414. tarn 111 for the pain two ywar.. d.Ne' nut '
a4(►ke Wuuh llatrotesiie111.
MIw. 1,018.11, of Huhue.%111.', 4111(44(1(14) ala'
rlx•uioq ser A lea'. 01 1118 nc%' Vurl11 ,411»'1
Mr 4.4( i'l+•6,,41,'1( 011 Sue1110).
NI.. Ida Hoboes. of 1'11111841, ratite up 14(
attend the eulel.alunu:ut l4( Ninth street
Mrlhoalis4 chun•Iruu 31114441.64 4•1(141(,g.
Itev,.M. 4) 4414*, 41044 *xll. , (.nal in Won le,
11 eek. 100(114 101 Y1(11.1) inr SI, 1 olumbtu,.
where leu Nb, to .Wli,(•r:1 feet lire on 11(0 171 h.
Jm. 11u04han luta cert ,d from %Van..•rl1111 l4( I
Lake It 1e(111t1 4(1 111e Hig Mil*. nr,eidlua
Hugh 1'al1{j.14111. *elm I4.1• reitio'ed to 1111
niwY .
441+„ I. It:. 'llal•I•.H11 WW Ill 1.'14,111 4,1,1 week
.t tcl)dm,( the gr•4(tuatIou exarelso, at 114111.,'
16.4.011(41 111 N Inch her niece, Ali.. Maud Slott
111411. grplml1014 44. 0 11111.11•,
Y.Illeat 1(41 te.141)1,) morning for
li,1elliti t11 attend the 411114141 laset l4( of the
Na.ul l' p W011111111.11of the Wur111, a. Iho
dt•Ieg.tle of t.otterieh ('amp.
Ah.. Cherie» !knights., who for 1440 past Lines
11lonths 11:01 14.4411 11(.• 1101.1 of Me. xmt MI,. 1i.
•A. nob. rl.ou. Waterloo .nrcl, left on Tull oto)
morning for tray ('11). M/'•h.
111as Jrs.le Itolarts.h, Ms 4(4,IIned home
(rein Itrus.uls, having gl%cu up her 4.11(,x11
work on account. ut 111 -health. She will /test for
u while w older to recuperate.
Mr. and Nes. Mkt. Holmes, of t 'liot11 1. were
in Mull uCer Sunday l4( attend the op'ning of
14,11 11110 North .tre,L church. 'rhey wen• the
guts:. of flow. Hank. Nelson strut.
HexekgJa Hale left on 'rituality morning (((4(r
Monett l'lemens, Alleh.. l4( see ht. 011. Y1 ry
W1111 wa.,huC or,•.l. 111110 Aga. 11111t who, wt.•\'11
ulplerstuut. 14 hl a W1/114.0 ,•;/(4,1111(4(4 11441in.
Woo. Treilable •, South Atreel,left for Toronto
Ire lint ncdayy, being called there by be death of, 31 r.. ('hArlen .Nurnln. w leu diet un the
Pelt. The fuuurul took place in Termite 04(
310114.4,' uf14rm+4u.
J. e'. Lati llw'nite to in Toronto attending 1I Is.
alllmlal meeting of the t1raud lodge of the A.
u. 1'. 11'. John Fowler, of Carlow, 1. al.o at-
tending the l)nuld 4alge meeting nn a dcle-
gute Drool Sheppard Lodge.
1' .11. AVuldar', of Toronto, who 4.n. beets 1st
to Wu this week rolling 4(0 01.1 friends, w'4(.
•iolnet' by hi. son. animate. of Torontu, 4yn1-
1(esalay• stud together hey' are r ins relative...
told frie,ul, in lhp neiYhlwrhsaod nt 111(41((4111
111 l4( .110 erigaRad when x Iroadeul .h •
en � "
winkle epochally le the manufacture a
11 1. stall haul ing for the leather tlr
,out Akin i+ travel
wtlh 1
4111v 1 el ing for n New York nnll
kw/rat/mate for/ea/thy
/JerfPc /viper/lolledfeet,
arrdat/hesame time 7/kes
ar/gab satisidcf/0 f1.
!f a yA aItd,4(a/i/yasa
madefo ordercrl/oa/1/109
for Spring
have just
(%`S., GODERICH, :;oral 111(11,
1'4 41 1►ItU.1T6., - The IlelNte hast
\Veduewlay err ' g lie•tweeu speakers
representing the l'.0. P. and S. 0, T.
lodges 'was n very interesting event
and brought out a good :attendance of
Ow members o
1 ( IwHh beige's. The
subject was, "Resolved. that it is ill
the interat1 of the Dominion to 'ex-
all ft, e'
1 I n'
K.. N.
Kern' 'l4(
h r. \
is l . Alex. !Malloy. 11 1 Lentil.
4441 and Chita. Treble. reprcw•ntiug the
Forestr. took the affirmative side,
1 Arthur Fisher:- .b,Ftiu Stewart,
Miss 1','11,11141 and )1'4.14 Ada 1•'isher,'fur
the }ions of Telll1w,'a11144, argued for
(lie negative. The • tidg1', were
Gonion Toting, J..4. .Moore 111111 Peter
Fisher, and they ghee their den 61
in favor of the negative.
Fire at Lu,know.
L ,.'know, )larch dl. -Puss llc•
in the dwelling of Slims 1)uyle 81. peon
today, The bete•*, sucr•ede) 411 tow+
s fnrnit,re and a ''41111 of hills
coma rig several h bred dollars.
1111' flee Wil14 rxtiugui,hrd. with par-
tial I.4.+« of building. • The building
was uw•nel by Mrs. N,•tw•.al. "o[ (l(sle-
ridh. Calls' of fire 4utk ei.
'Organist Hewlett in Demand:
Hamilton. March Ill. IV. H. Hew-
Iett, organist of the Centenary Met Ine
dint chntl•h, has received offers 01 the
position of nl•gani.t of the .nal•: is
street Baptist church, Tot/onto. soon
to Iw 4..4•x1.'l by A. $, Vogt. ole has
1114.(4 been asked to te(•epl the position
of organist with the %Voodwar.( her-
. Pr•esbyter:an ehulrh, ilet roil.
where 11:(4..1.1 Jarvis t, the soloist.
He has declined both idlers. preferring
remain in this Pity for the present.
131 r. Hewlett in to give a recital tuna
Monday evening in the new North
street Nrth.slist ehureh, G.slvielh.l
Have you ever noticed that the man
W1111 boasts is always waiting for sl •
one to give 'him 11 11411)1(1 i - Chicago
Moat w• 4 luxe those men 141.1
W1111 {4ws1'ss that n bimat Vat id
41rfert•uce and Ir•nde•rite•/is 411141 we call
Clark's York and Beans
the kind you like. The pork gives
them a' nice meaty flavor. Plant
11r with chili 1 tomato woce._ ,
\\-(riding invitations and announce'
metals neatly printed at The Signal.
Maple Leaf Grocery
and China Hall
1Ve have par !lased the business klrmerly known :I1.
the Maple Leaf t3 °eery and China Hall, carried -011 'for
a ,long time. by Ni G. M. Elliott, on Hamilton street.
and we wish to hal le all, kinds of Farm Produce.
it our China Hall will he fount)
trry 'a full line of fresh Groceries
The .ashortnunl
complete. We also 4
at right .prices.
McEwen Bros.
Maple Leaf Grocery and China Hall
Hamilton Street
IPhone No
Court Houx
S »arr
New dress goods for spring are nearly all in. A stock at looked at
frany standpoint easily eclipses any you have ever seen 'n the store.
Fasbion's favored fabrics for suits and dresses are e
here. T materials
that have been stamped with the seal of her approval. Many f them are
our ow
great enoughh
Values a e good,real good. , 1e
in Mohairs at 3oc, 50C and 75c.
Fancy Mohairs at 30C, 50C and 75c.
Plain eorietta at 40C, , 5oc ' and 6oc.
Granite and r
( 4'a a ('lo
at 50C and i GOC.
Fine Broadcloths at 50c, 85c, $1.15 and $1.5o.
X' oiles,.and in materials at 5oc, 75C and $I.00.
New light gre 'Tweeds at 50c, $1.00 and $1.35.
Wool Shepherd' Plaids at 50c, $I.00 and :1.25.
Fine Grey Tweed itings, no two alike, at $11.00 and $1.25.
Mourning materials, ported direct, at from 5oc to $2.0o per
The Yard -wide Prints. �\
The yard-n'id• Pt intn we are selling at In cent
a yard :4(r a renal h:,•gait. If we Mull not bought
pat of w'rnpper fou tory'. surplus, we 4(4)444 not .
sell them for any such money-. ,a 12'. and 15 cents
are the teal taalta's. A couple of hundred d yards
still to Nell at
10 cents yer yard -
Hand Crochetted Mats.
1)(wens of hand er1'hett d toilet mate to felt at e
this price. &oily worth donhle Vie looney. km
*awl direct by rsuaelvem. Done in Irekand, four
2 for 25 cents
Sample Curtains, 25 cents.
t)i'er 111441 sample ends of Nottingham :Lave Cut' -
tains tor Sat inlay selling. Each sample show,
he full lower end of the curtain and is Hni.hel
t ax well an if the pxir were complex. All
are 4111 l; to 2 y'arin in length and nor maniple,
of Cli>•twini that would meal at from $1.:44) to
.111 Lai pele pair. Of tunny there are two ends of
the Shine ttern and thecae we have matched tap
and they 144(I be sold by the pair only. Just
the thing to ,,,u*Il windows. Price of the
telt ,
25 cents per end
Netc 111ring .Ineki•t, m ' herr, 1(114144 azul light. diodes. Correct styles including
t hr new "Pony 1 (•4411. 4''•t (''et flit ing; U.14711111ls.
$7.50, $10.00 and $12.00.