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THE 1`IGNAI,: Gtll►1':Itlt;ll f'NTAItIt►
'l1U bLA1', March _'.), 1JO6 7
Y` ' c+4 i 'i"i`i Si"s"s`S R'` ,''i„i'S Ir,0i+ I AUBIWfN.
\V1ln\xe n.al', Mardi 21st.
I The News ofDistrict. FIeSe1lal ,If 11. .itlutt.thrice 1(1st
the jSablutlh iu liodetieli attending the
`ulM,uinK 441 lhv u.•1v Neh/rAist clutch.
I He'. Jas, 11auu111 of Leeburn.
y, 4` ` * *40*
, *, ` y ,, y *,,yk * ,*, * 'y ` , *, y ,, , officiated in the lh't•siwte•iui chut•ch
e 13,0414 * 545-V 6 td ! 0 8 0 0 V b ,4646''W`•V-' 046."II„"k,0 5 0 'W•' ,'' 6'0"'11`• '9"** 'V''S3'W'W'e, firer• (1(41 14"1 ' it; Hev. J. 1«'Sum"
, being +thsent.
The Signal's Clubbipg List.l C:OLBORNE. a UUNLUP,
'IT EnuAY, A1u'. 'JAIL 1't'Issu.av, Mau.9►th.
• \Vu are
abut to say that Het; A. I). Jwaes Y g, jr, whorl we spoke of
Now is the bole to ..11440*/• your and Merl. Gischler and Miss Mohring, several weeks ago as having passed
rattling clatter for 1111N1. Look over who were hurt in the runaway ac- his examination as a marine engineer,
this list and see the advantlsges, of- cidenr lard week, are doing ms well left here on M hey of this week for
feted to Signal subscribers i1 getting as can Ix• exim,v4041.• Depot Harbor to enter ulMal the
Die leading pattern at reduced rales. Service,'at ,the hvuugg4eli'a1 chur•I1 .res nits sailing. 1;1i14 season he takes
The Signal Anil Montreal Weeklywill Ile culphietlre
1'ou Malil+ttli nxt M1111141M111114111Clt14ry, of Leebuiti, who
Herald 1.00 by the H.vfli. Nott. of G,Mier4ch, in wishes to bee • a sailor. \\'e hope
The Signal, Weekly Herald and 1 interning at 11) o'cloek 1 hl the both will have 1 11111.14.1.141111 season,
Weekly Sun (Toronto) 4 75 evening at 7::9). ,t11 are welt , marked by 'o disasters o14 'the deep
_- blue %%Ater,. of t i.
The Si34uu1, \1'okly Herald and • lake..
Toronto Dally Globe 4.50 i PORT ALBERT. - -
The Signal, \Veekly Herald mud N111u1.aY, 14111..11 191.1i:
Toronto Weekly Globe 1.70 144111 au. Its:is/mt.-The following is 441, 1 '4 Mar. 18th.
'1' Signed, \Ve.•kly Herald And the standing of pupils iii S. M. No. 1, A \',1'11"1 ut •M;1•%.\ l r1mt.Y. ' .\
Montreal Family H e ra I d and \shH'I(1. hust•11 on general prolieieney. eery ad atf,tit• a•ruriell n t11is tow'n-
Weekly Star 1.7S •1'be •. 4ue 111 older m4 tureen. V', ship last week. Hobert Wilson, , stat
An •'l1..l'ri1e1" to Montreal Fondly Hetv13 data SVI41ni•• l'unningluon, lila milk. '; 441r,k 'V11sm. 01 the vieldty 'It
,lust Weekly titer matey. the great 'woman*. (Meer. Seuim. 1V. cl.to Pei'. 111)•- 1 1lsIICtI:y, la y g loan of tw•enty-
oeturv. -queen Alexandra. Her t;raudebil 11.11 J m4.1/ilixn. 4/0114441. I\', twill years, had INrn atllieled with
lire''. and Itr:ule mteL ticholia. Ihn•iu TIi(Mbty Hight
.2.1.4."-4. Fl.rnwr'. Mr11 nal tool YclevD/xry ,el(1eM.-stank, 1lt`vdell. Hegira ld M', K K
Lo111x)' he INs1 f1: er411144411414 NII II 14Mi t• (ie.., Jul• PI•llow, \VIII,. S1m:tIl.. „cm. Ile left his home and next 11111111111X 111111
otter fin 1:,e cat,. additional, mea total of stun. cur Ili. ")bas-- I',d(1i0 44..14 •nhals, 4 4•ores• w'aM found ill rim• river.") 4r4ig'.
I (Fanning signal,
I11 .'rout i and 1.30A4.11_I Ali~h't11. 'I o'' Young. T l:ova:4. f tn '011)10,ra-di his 111 sttlieigs t mls hethe
lhreaau1 ne-
1 clans • -I 1,441. tiehe..•116:'I., swat( into ill.. water and was drowned.
The Signal, \Veekly Herald. and Otway Hayden, 1•:dith Fielder. Victor ll. Was u y g 1111111 of good char•
Weekly Mail and Empire...... ..1.70 Owe.....1a ie. toothy. milk, 4414.4)4.t•,K
\II.a11..rnl,.r, for weekly Mall 41111 F:nydre n•' .I;u1144 Slry.n.4111. 1@114.)1. 11. 11,1'. 1trlcl' 1(11(1 4111' greal,•.4 sympathy i. hail. ..114434,• of Ihr :1. 11. 1, 44\.,
.. i,e tux, Premium artugravnto, "rhe tar of %VMILue l'unuin haul, 44144 Telt for lis parents in their disltr•4s. which 4s IM•in34 heli in 'Toronto this
u.udehcu,." K KF:ieS.•l.s•n- Ih'1'um•radl1Mrk dee. ho 1hn1 11mx,n week.
'I Signal, \1'ekl • Her -I l 1 11x114, Evelyn 411•.."14 .l'niur IL .Less I K•
PORTER'S HILL 44V411ixw Ferguson, after a shunt.
M1N4.av, liar. lith, I Visit nudge• the Ilxreutxl I1N,f and
John Tither has returned front the tenewi1434 uhf ms.u'iatious o1' his
Sim. ',Vont h. left here last \1o1(11y for his
;Hrs. Allen, of Dattlo11, 141N•ul Suttle l 44' 111' Norl)lwrst.
day at Hrulwidr, Joh11 IL4lntold ,old his sister, whim.
Alfred h:rwin, of ILlyftel., spent l M1%4'4:4'11;11 r'skdid 141,11' W"14111.111'. 1141•
Sunday lit the home of 11. Ite'acu4,),
r general eouM• oeMgra•
t' this week 4111(4 111tcnd 11):4kinK
(heir flame 1 414 the Prairie
.1i.. Ada hills, daughter of Mrs.
Mills, of the '2iu1 4'.1114 4 &. of 4444 est
\\'aa) anos11. and 441r. lagan. 4)1 Iilylh,
panned under the matrimonial yoke
11.41ry Hastings' tu• you,134 .laugh• 1last \Vehle.day. %V, 1..•liter that it l
(et.11rr very ill with 41111: :trio a 44 is their intention he make the Nurlh•
the lungs and so 1, Ho. daught['r •( west thei4' future 114411x'.
Alts. Peter VclkluK;1IL
Ge,. 14. (.ox and Gamily left for their
new home in Stratford on '!''!:slay
Me14sr's. Chaul'sw(11•th and McIMiss-
all, of h:gmeindville. spent. , Sunday
with friends here.
1'1 1:.1.4 4 . luau'. :.'41111. 1.
l'luu•li' Redmond has g • to Luck'-
lnlw'1114 assi.LAnt station master.
55' E"'4' neat'. a\oat.
\VF;INF:.,n.a v. Mai . 11.
ILMutedl Met as per adjournment.
• .114)11. Rogers lots Imo.( into 'l'hum• ux'ttt1..'r, 411 pr'will' Herv,' Ilaulii• in
4414 IJIIHIfmrl'M 111111*,'. 4444'' hr' tad he the chair. 441imites of last Meeting
I. not leaving elle 11/•Iglus ll'i11NM1, were confirmed. '4141 nuolh al of Messrs.
4444'. 11. Yalu IIs -11 is +1.1,1-codingthe MurlSav ;11„1 .4411,1er.44n. the 11..,.-
1• 111'11',1.1114.'111,•1,1. ..1144540134 lial1lle' 1111.1
114111.1 of tRlot.al, wa, tiled. l4,: lino I
of Messrs. 'I'hnlupsou told 4411,11, it
%Vias derided that this township pay
rjghl routs per y1(1,1 for gravel. and
in. damage for IImitway roto• gravel
grippe. It Mewls to 110 111111' 1111 !pi- pit*. 'elm following cheques were is-
dl•14, i r.
.\ 1''11• from these parts attended 1 he
opening of the 1,,•w' Not th .Hetet
MMeth,1414s1 church in. Gu.clerich un
Sot1'ei:ty last.
H,•S.,LI;. Fadli. i.lxlNra'd tlelelia,l,t, 4141hnlasters were appointed 1 Fe nce-
u lecture on his a ip to the %4, .144, 11111114'eu•w•.•r. John Al ills, John Stafford.
the au1441i4'44 o1 the NV.•.Iliehl League. :\1's.' Uuruiu, lolpl I'urdon, lieu•
'1'. 4444'
11• 1evening.J Poun,1-
r x Irida•
k1e11`r. It441x'rl H41N'1'4"1 All, 4444 111.
4414*"),I. ' • IL(ndord 11 41 yl•a1'11I fuer. 44\'..1..1:1
for Toronto, while she intent. d,•1.. 441',11. Iluuyohtr), 4444'. Metjnilt 11.
siN•ndin34 a feta' days. 14(1,1• w'hi'p •L'' 1'411 11111114.11.1 1'. l:irvin. S. Kerr, I1•
mantel brother John intend leaving llel'11'e. .1, \ 4111143;, J. Willard. 31.
(04' the N'csl• Sproul', J:1., Bailie. A. Kit•k, 1\sil-
BELFAST. 11)11: (i. ltoutledg,•. I). Phalen, .1.
Stemdm,lgh look play.. on 'Tuesday, - F1'rkel•. .1. I"'414i1n, ti, 1.•otl. Wen.
441m11 '5. March Intl,, Hyatt, .Ir Redmond. 11. Simile, 144.
31iss semi' Sherwood 1110'1111, 11.'- II'nde•r..m• 44. I'ollu'cl. 1'. 1'1i1114n, 11.
North Bay. 441'.' Mc.l14rch4 it 1 sou ( tu•n4ng to K4ni,ss this week.
King. h'.
of 1►on:d,1 M,44futr•hy, 11f Ih'* plea., .\l•. 1(111 N1r.. 441 41.,.. ..F N41e•. ltulrlilfe, 11. (.1,uu. -I'. eillsguw, '1'•
mel his many friend.. wish lin, nor- 1 sung, lis Ile'n. l•. Thom 1"11. 11•
is4trl f ' d* heel• L1st. \V'•lu'*day
c1•-.:wd prosperity through life.• lir:\Iliaet•. J. Ikq•le, 4444'. \•Alli4trr,
and ss- M..%Ili
BAYFIELD. Ali.* M) 5111ster :11111 :, frlrnd f •I. 1'hartm ey, '1'111 "). \\'111144*, ('. 1►urmiu,
liodet5,•h tow'II.hi r .1x•111 a 41.54/ days 4444', 4':uurnm..1. motion, Il hrrr d, •.
'11'F:.ue1. \lat.Sab. with,• I )
th 11 tttiwul '1414 \
a Speer
KK 1'
t h, a '44 o•• .
.I. 1 1 .I a •r
u n 1 1 1 af, 1\'. !trophy,
1.:41""111" as 1
1 i le h
\lis:. Ethel I44u341•rs IAtt for fort 4444'. Sn.eltrer.'I►. Hid Mullin'. A. Hat
in los 1111 Llst'we1'k (lope Lis! Saturday. She intend, to per. 1'. lll•Ihrgald, .1. Dor
441x. and 441rs. Itobinsu,, of Sevlforlh. 'isle: ...one time with her mull, who !'.std, \V. .1. Todd, N'. Taylor. .1.
the the guests of Mrs. Little. resides then'. - Harker, N'. 11011. Ed. Haines, .1.
s\1'lu, \\'aylnisley, -of ()wen Sound; A s.n414'r eei' i3,•r•nu. bola h'1.. Bowles, 1'. Gaynor, N. (:un bell. .1.
',1111 has beef. 1 • 114 .' a his 1':a111•'r, ,dlvtr1'11 the•rol,"'1 044 the i•:pw•ut•th' I.)•un*. J•:. '1'iln14a.. AV. l'. V6'11b, J.
el11rned hast ave•e•k1,•x34111• held at 111atk,', 11.1 '17xus,lay. tuhrw111. Itis .11151.. 11. '1:,)1141.. I.
11r, 114141 Hes, Gadder, 411 Ill•Igt':('Y•. 1141,11'eplll't that .t w,IM9 grand mu14e4s. Ia1idL•ttv..1. N.I t•t411, I'. Su1'Itze•. P.
spent •( f.a4• days with else Mercer'. x('441(01':) 114)x. In The Signal of ll .. i1hn1. I1. 441r1►on,dd. H. 11cllu'.I
aint et, 441'•. Jas. Fet•gusml• \larch 34th vhr follow'in34 clew w14. lin. .Jas. M111ui11i14. J. Nixon, Fred
Ali.. Nary 1'.'t'tii'll. of 44larn.44•),, published under the )h•IG/4t hl•,uling : 44\'1.66. 'I'. I14gIiM, 41. 'I'hnnglr{)n. J.
returned h••nu• on '1''1..13x) after a "1444 bet yrtuug 114crple ys•nt a h::a411•slo.r, G. Asquith, It. I 'writ.,
Ih's 1
...it with fl'w'nll.. ,Ie14.14tIt (11111. 441 the )lour 441 111. and o reed '•• , nit,'"'I cook, 1'uuucil((44:
1 k Harriain, who ha* 114ru ,cur Ir.,.1,1111, Ha/•keit ou 441elnd:n' even- ems" 114 laurel 4411 441+1) :illlh. ,1s 111
ploye.I 411 G.MIe•rich all winter. ha. 4114 of lase w•Iek. The ew•nin34 ens x1141 4 441 neral business.
ass•1 1u'nt „Id!
tutored his family t., that her. 'They sl14,rt1 in li 111p111g 1lie !wilt ta11414444 ' UI and Clic general ba.ines., at 1t) a i•hx k.
I' i\1'. S..MrI'rtorrlF:. Clerk.
\5111 be gnrltl) ,oi.Msl. 1 x: strap.. of. the villin played by
1 a • igna . ) 1 and Jennie AII•li,vHem, wilsou, le .a ('1'lu'tery MI' Ena)• d 1114 5, )• r\
11 '44e'ergreat many N•lh in alai- 'icjnil
Toronto Daily World... .........335 %Nilson Tom 1 ieks)u, Huy Frilzley, 1xrgely curt 1111,11, are eo1411ned to the hou a with la
'Die Signal, \V.•e•kly Her41d and MAy Dickson. fart I. etas* -- Melvin
Toronto Daily Star 1 30 Sehirenli lis, John Me1tt'i.l', Ton KINTAIL
The Signal. \V'.•1.ly herald and Simile. A • V'4lson. 1). I1F:Nto. AIr, o', , March Lith.
Toronto Daily News 1.90 Teacher, 4)ur stag,••triV,•r i• at present mules.
Si , . I 1\',.,. 1, . - - - - --
n. 1' II ,
a a oil d mail I'll k 141 1. •,
the weather. he
London DailyAdvertiser..:... 2. ST. HELENS. t 1'
40 Alis Lillian 11elee:ul :old '31 11414 ,les'1•
'1'614• Sit(11:11, 11'erkly Herald and 'leer Ksm.at', 3l:(1•. 'Jab. 3tl•31 mvily Paid a flying 5,44441 1)4 G1141c-
London Weekly Advertiser.. 1 6o ' .1o1u1 14aunt i. very 111141tty this rich on Friday night Leat,
The Signal. \Veekly Herald and - Matthew 31.1'i -right 'h as starter lel
1 . Took.. I ke , r e
111 , sr
Presbyterian 1
a. implement, o
h , in '. v.
1 u IILa i•. Ki14-
11.' Signal. \Veekly Herald and
Mulch implored this week. tail .leu+•• to 4N' growing more or le.:.
Westminaterl:....................2.25 Jim. Met:l ure took in the 141111(11 at 'every day. \\'e• w i-11 Alt. M(4'11'44111hl. Augustine on' 441oudmv alight and „5.•I')' "'wren..
'flue Signal. Weekly Hernateild, Pres- 11. x11'1. Gavin h:al .1
byterranlindWestminster 3.25•• K Ku..( •• M.11W1r11v- Syvstit%run. '1'11'
The Sig11:11, \Ve•k'y Her:dd' and \\•141.1 4lupl..•II had a .awing•IN'14\
• 11 marriage of .. .1. 31e31.....11)., met -
IR Farmer\V,'hu:wlay of 111.1 week. One or 1Lr ''hard. of ('oholt,' t o 111it4' 441x)•1''s Advocate. „2. 0
we ,Ironl1trl)' 111,01..adult 1411r ro:Mlvr..lu yuulryl'1.•U hall hi. (r'( nearly frozen..,,!,•, -rib.• 10'rhe Panner'- .5.11 U4.1114I
'4 4,.- Sii;nad. \Meekly 11.4x111 aril
Montreal Daily Witness 2.50
I'h,• signal. \V.•.•kly Iferdd :old
Montreal Weekly Witness.... 14 . , t .150
44'1,.- Shoal. Weekly Herald and
World Wide 1 35
51.1111 1'!•11111 4A111441 ley 15 4•41114114. 111•
111.1% pel4tal note 441','x(1.•.• 1/t4114' to
44losn.av, 4411)•1, 111111.
Into. McGregor 4s 1111 the• jell' in
O./de/rich this week.
IMmdel Boyd, of (itxl'rieh. was vis -
ding his sate Alex. and funnele., last
Mai. Linklater, .of \\ inghxui. 414
1i.iting m this neigh114ahoodl this
Minn Grace and t'harl.•. 44latbi•snn,
of Arwuw, .pent x few day. in the
- neighborhood.
lli..'Annie 441:o•Kenzi.•, 144 L s•h44Is1,.
was the 34u•41her a(.lnt, J11 -s. Ken-
neth AIcl.entlall, ell Sunday:
thine. 311.1 A.11111111 and. Frank 441e,n•
1114' were ii))i iir•n*ell t1 appear 11)
coin( today iMinielaa•f•444 4 itxl'i-ieh t.l
identify the 4'*i p who stole Dune.
Mcl'nnan's roti' and Neil 31eK'nr.i.•'s
whip. -- '
4444 LANES.
Mosu.ay. 441..,. h IlK11.
I1.nn' Mullin and Edw•1td Johnston
:n4' attending the assizes at G,Nleric•h'
a- Jurymen.
The '.'ther this last aykite 1104 ((111-
111111111 stormy. 'We may yet, hear the
m1.ir of the 111•11,4.
1/411.11 11 number of lags are tieing
- taken to the Mill laud'. considering
th.• scarcity of snow.
use pl,pnlar young merchant.
Charles Mclionagh, attended a meet-
ing 441. the Orange .414•it•ty 411 G,Nh•rich
boat week.
The joint meeting of the Ibtek'tt's
and Blake's iweaegues was :t marked
w111rss. Ite...1, lel R'iel .pok' very'
acceptably. We hope to II.•at• hint
again in the near future. 4 h.i- p tMl41,'.
Rev, 4444' A. Smith. occupied I he Omar.
11144 Jennie Johnston. of ',ueknow.
sang a II mph• of .010. whirl[ weer•
much appreciated. and Miss (imitate,.
f Lu,know•, grave 4wit 5cry suitable
recitations, which were splendidly
31(1N n.a v. 31;11.. 11)111.
lir. and 31r...1.4a 'Treble, of Zion.
.44.1,1 Sunday at Nil,'.
.II's. Wm. TIwon, of 13tu.sels, is
%l1titing friends 1t Nile.
Miss 44lanlil• 6444/),,, student rate
I:lNle'rieh .('3.II'gl4le Iled itlit', spent
Smldaty at home.
A nipntx•r f • here attended the
opening ea•rvicl•M of the Methodist
smirch at (9 9,'1.X11 ,1n Sunday.
.\ St:wot's AI1-IDT•:\T, A v.•ry
serious ncl•id,•nt occurred near hrrr
4444, 4519 k. AM Mr. and Mt's. Alines
Elliott and daughter Flossie were
returning front church the hors'
t.x,k fright ,at a passing rig and
their buggy was overturned into the
diarh. 441t•. Elliott, who was leftism -
scions when piekel lip, sustained 1
a1. t• •
r rill, on lthrh.,adwfirequired
her ' (1
Reber; dome. 'alike,.
I 111(1 ;dim a 1.r keli
leg. Ie•side.. minor injlirir,. Al ins
Flossie's shoulder was dish x'ated, but
Sirs. Elliott, atomize to sty, escaped
1.1111011 N.T►ta.--Ilj v..1. 1'. livid
preached a splendid temperance ser-
mon hast Sabbath eve g, taking
114 Ilk Mahle•(, "441.•11 1N•fm'• Mnn.•a•."
Next Sunday afternoon there will 114' a
special temperance service in the Sal).
bath school. Addresses will be given
Blair a 1 .Lanes Mitchell. of
411Mler4ch. Service to commence ,It
J::NI 'iclovk Epworth Ierupt'
topic next. Tuesday ea•enin3,-will IM',
"Bow to (:ngner'l'empt11.ion," taken
by 'Miss Carrie Potter. Iie•ginning
with this week the laaagnt seri irks.
will lnlonemce• 11 K .'/•Meek 41141'114 144
Listen for the Bronchial "Wheeze. -
11 1111.1111
I111119111• L1)11 11 k1.11/44. 54/ 411 140011 111 •
I,.ek the 11111341., \Vheexing 4s distr.'s•
ng to the sufferer and :ultluyitlg..
h friends. Nothing half 414 certain
in m/'hil4s
and throat ir/111h1e an
'4'itarrliog,lne" ; it gives instant re-
lief and ('1115•4 even he wort cases.
Hrineh4lis fairly flees tinder the magic.
influence ..f ttntlrrhozone which cures
sal thoroughly the disease. 41'% e5' tre-
mens. other renudies may relieve,
I.nt "4'atlrrho AM/'' 1.1115''. lit'/lllr
catarrh, and throat tremble for all
time to come. Sold every oilier...
sued : N'. 11. Wilson, sixty-two
yards grayci. 441:,2.11; It. Irwin, b+d:uua•
1114 g(•a5.•1 :'•Anent. 7)4'•.: lieu: \I:Is.on.
Ia'W 1111.111•. .71k.1414 Th,.
fe•n4,'-5'11'('.'1'.. 1N11111e1-kl•e'1N'I', x u,1
\Vin. 7',..1.1 wa, it, 1411/ 11 11.1 1..1•411,ly the 1:1111, 441 Nurlh•1444)', The knot
and Saturday loading ;trims. Will is accts tied by the Itev, 441r. Stewart. of
avnl1ing 1111 11 . large" 4411 ' 1.11.411/s-.
"1141141w11011 41.110, a'Mvipll4,"aura he
kei4s "only 11.1 Is••t 1x'a,lI, of soap.-
-orders In ear lots, will hail' our
1,111..:1111'11111 1."
A'ronerrt under the iul.yljres of Iha
public library Will 1..• given in the hall
here oil Ft Way ral•ning.' 441:1,.1.11
1.111111'1'111.11114 +e( h 111'11 eek. .44 34114141
1a•o34rmu 111114 114.1.11 sec:'rel in 11, M'-
,•IMI• H4p11') : 31iss441/11uu:dd'. •moist.
f Detroit : :111d a qual't.•lt,' fl-
I:11n•ier. 1'1111-isting .1 111••44..
(ir•g,r. McLemian, I1,.v,I cunt 111•i,eI-
1.111.' These. 'dung with .'.nae 111411
t.deut. a 144 make a good r1.•tt411gx
entertainment. 114. F.s1.11'lM841)• r
11445(1..aa. duel 11,4h.
IG'rt heed • 11144 reurned from 1 he
441iss LuellaTreleuv,•n-lending a
few day. at fine Kivl•r 1144. 11 14.k.
441is14 .4434344.• Kilpattiek 1• a i.iliug
tt ii'u 11, nt %' 4hi'. week.
144'x-. lir. and 11r4.'I'hompson are
guests at 'the h14•(•u,' of \44'ila lint Illake.
Quite a 1m1 hen• :attendee!
.1. Frrgus44l's sale on Friday. Match
4414** Ex -a and- Ren Ferrier. 11 • I'inc•
[liver, visited friends in this '.4.•init)'
I:rt week. •
441iss 11i114,• Webster. of 1.uekuow,
visited at the I • of her sister. 144•..
'rhos. !Slake. last week.
The Leaguer meeting on Sunday
night was well 4tended. An inter-
esting and ii,tr Live paper oil the
suhjt•ct •The Christ Life" was given
by \Vitt Finlay. The topic at the
next meting Will 'be taken by 441irs
L. lilnkr. Everybody wen•
ebur e,,rl'rt on Thursday night vv.,.
,1 3411111 snrel"., '1'11,• .•hut•c11 W,r,,
.roweled '51111 141"'i''', who enjoyed
0111 e•xxe411.11t progran provided by the
joint 1.eagurr of Hiak,• s (111,1 1lackett's
rhurehe., consisting of music, tab-
leaux. ri•ritations 111111 an address ha.
Het. ,1. 1', Reid. of Nile. 7'11,• pro -
$21.5n. will he .'',,lel 10 the
F./rivals! Movement,
, s nV. 441,1'.
Listen for wedding bells thin week
o11 the 1)111, concern 1411. li.Nlr1'ie b tow'11-
4415. llnlholl*nil left 1111 1V.•.lne.elay
of hast '.',1.•k to visit her daughter.
Draper, of Aylmer.
Many of 114)1• young people attended
the Opening of the new Methodist
church at G.xh•rich last Sunday.
7'11,' Epworth iw•ligue 411 '44unert'
with Het he! :Methodist ,'Lurch ayill
visit Ilolme•svill' 1w•434ne March 213tH.
Herb Heat.. of Toronto. and 1''r•v
Whittington'', of Stratford, spent
Brutal• at the home .4' 4411•s, .1. Tn-
Thm•sd:q• •nin •• 4414...,. F1.,trnce
and Edith Lm5i4 left for the \Vest,
44111414 I''Inrrnr' for Vancouver, 18. 4'.,
,Ind 4414).., Edith for Selkirk, 441111.
Some .4 the farmers 411 4114. %ieinity
Nerve sold their fit eat 1.• for may
drl45rt y 111 .i rents per Isn11 ,1. This is
about an good 1 price an hast year'M
high prices.
An interesting, 34K41411. of checkers
was Mayes' hast Friday .•venin34 1t 31'•
Swallow's. of this village. between fly'
e 1 m and 1.n n 1f r. 1i luu•ea111,' luI an a
lumber from the 114 l'1 cernulla
6,KIe•ich township. 'I'h!,' 111911111 w1114
111 1411.1/1. 1 u the 111th player' by 1111'
g '1.'he return nlatrh -will lee
played Friday.
On Thursday. 3I11rc1, lath. the
11tdn1Csyill.• branch or the %Vomen's
Institute held its thla• 'te'ting at
311.s. 441u1ho1L•rld's.. Two exe ll•nt
riper. wen' read ori •'111,45 to NISI.
A1x•nM'v and \Vast'. 4n the Kitchen,.,
and "The flat and Arrangement, 1.f
Kit'ht'n and 4:ll)1ry," by Mrs. tweet,
and 441x., Betas teslx•'t45,l•. The
menders present asked that theme
papers be pn•s't•vld and 3445ett again
111 some future .1441'. .
The \V. N1. S. of Ilolniesa'ilI' Metho-
dist 1.11111.'11 "11•hntt'd . 141i 'I'll/4/413V.
Manch I:St h. the silver ;omit •r14ar)' 14
the Missionary Society in connection
with th' AI'th,sti144 1 •1, 411 4'an:111a.
After a program. cnn.istMg of mis-
sionary readings. rhnl•u.''. by Die
114ssi 13s11, nn address bt lee'. 441).
Ith,sl's and :1 solo by 114.. Wilma
44!'M,tth. lurch ens WI.%141 hy ih.•
metes of lh' MN•ietl-, and a silver
offering taken. All enjoyed the pro-
ceedings .4 the afternn,Itt.
Sunlight Snap is hotter than ether reaps,
hat is boat when need In the Sanlitht way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
l.v The Signal and '1'h,• Toronto
N1 eekl)' Globe for the balanee,e4 the
year- to new suheserils'rs note $1.25.
I Hw o 1 \ ti '
lu 11 I 11 uu 4444 1 1
L 1111 .
4444'' aur sorry t.. 1"1 ..f illness
Ernest Renin.'• %V..ha\t• *coir.• learned.,
How's This ?
111111 rho 514(1lsi)•It'4 in the Last sent -
141 J4111"111311Peek. 1.4 1111""w. 1(1* fence of this item111'1.' entirely11114)1" We oder 'toe 11 uld,•rd 11011113.14.411111 (01
tithe], 11. Pw'k, of the front ro:md. legit. \V' have learned also than this 4411) w„e of r44tarrL dent `:'""1014..• 41111.141 b)
lilt fur the %V. st last week to 4/11 1lall'• ra444rrh run•.
paragraph. which pr'su'l
hill. 4444'. I. Peek ;old hi. nndbe, left adll' ('111144•
t'. J.4tH+:xF:Y ik t'4)-'1'uh 10, n.
from our regular 1•orrw M,ndl•ilt. was w1 the u11derd,nwl 11,11,• known 1•,,4.4'11411.')'
4441 '4'm:sLly for their home 441 the 1 fur the last to )ear.. toil iM•Iie'.v hits
1Vlwt. not written u1' sent by 1 but c: ,-
ft'm114 seta•.dip•1. 14.nit cc. 'Phis rut'teC• h(.;;:;;,"..„4,4;.,„uabllu ell hu-in.•••Ir44nvu•rfon•,;;;;1"(t;;'):.1.
The 11'1.11 taxied ivrn h)• 1h' I..ulirs by 1ar1y nut x11)' obliaat' m:,de
K (lull lb le 411 the Illt'ly'Mt, of the by til. 111.11..
Aid of the I te.hyleri:ul eh111111 was persons mentioned in the paragraph '45.11.181x). I:4''A. A M1It1IN.
11 . 11 llil 'P • ., ,44'
Wholesale 1
11 f them t su( e. fol ever given. and of one cor)r•sp.ndrnr as well.- 11 hale 1 nlxxi-1-. Tu1151n. U.
11.dr.1'atarrh ran• i- token internal!). art &','. ,,f
There eras a choice Irish program.- En. SioNvt„1 directly noon the 1111MN1 and mu. marine., .,t
consisting/ of readings. 1•eeitd 41411+. the •)•teal. Te•lirum,l,l. -sent free. Price rLuruses And solus. The her • 34 of Iu tuna Yuf4u - cent. per issue. sow 114_ all drugel.t..
• of l h.• mortgages mi the chutrhMar. ---
Was one of the f19(l11rw 1111111•..vetting.
but lh'M44•t i'nte•ms1Mng Anti of 1h.• Iwo -
gram, w.4, the Irish 111111.11 111111 OW
11114144' buttermilk. The proceeds
,rrluunted to about 51:)1l,
IionKitIcll 311',"r,14:,. h:NTKI1T.1144
M14NT. Under the :oupiec•s of l'uurt
Hayfield. Ni. 111:1. 1. 11. F.. :a grand
concert Will be al%cii in the Hayfield
hall next Tuesday, 441ur11 270h. 11y the
tu4u,1 legilelat of the (irxle'irh Minstrel
Co. 7'11e entertainment will include
Irish specialties, 34114.1, 1•I1rl1 444)113414.
'*14111 1141111110114, 11)114.' Mill 14 :end :1
111•114114111111,1•1• by 31,111s1111 Alexis Lor-
aine, 11111g1'Iaan *1111 c•onjlr•r. 1)inwr.4
open at 7:1:. p. 111.: roVrrl't at 44:1.,
.p. 111. .\111111",,1. t) 241'. mid :15,..
1 1 1•.• ' 15. 11:11'. 2'1(11.
i(iclmlrl Foley h.i• g"Ile to 1'h4eago
foe• 11 11111,•.
Percy Stewart was a juryman at the
assizes held in (4.xlet•ich lust week and
thiti week. •
M:tur•i'e Carney h+as anise to follow
sailing on the lakes for this year. ile
gee's with .1 •M l'.u11g. of Dunlop.
:Matthew lkde.. a one.)him 4 liar
fait. g (1114. 5/4411134 folks 14n Butter-
nut How oyer 1 quarter of a l'nLury
ago. was up f • his 1 • near Hay
Held 1411 x business tripe recently. buy-
ing •t'ers from the furans in the nee -
Don. N•hile here he S'sited his old
friends. Percy Stew(/, lohn ('lurk
and other's, for a social chid o5rr th.•ur
boyhood dans 1111 4111• famous Hutt •t' -
41n1 How in the. Tong 1340...
1.IT1:n.anV Ste 1 Mr,' 11 NET; w,. -The
hast Literary Society meeting saw aM
111.344. 1111 attemlance a• at the ivies -ions
rnte•1 ' ruts. The duljen of chair-
man were ably filled by 11..1. 31ort•is•
.1. P.. .4 loyal. A tg 114114 Net,
ap41'4114n34 at th 4 s entertainment
were 11iss Ella 1'I,u'k, se )11 played
r (lite :a number of account Malvin*
during the evening. :and 'clncth
1 I o broughtdown
r l
Foolish, of Kinhail wh t ), a ow
Kt 1 n
the house with hin .election, on the
bagpipe.. .\ number of 114,1.' ,u,, idet,,
Of N4). 1) school. Dunlop, gave 1) pretty
march under the, direction of their
teacher. Miss Camelot.. and with
()Tan and violin :'r pMtni11x•n1.
\11114 1'iitA lou gave :t ptr•tytj doh.
swinging exhibition, which Illp•ae ad-
tnited by the nndienee. 1)4a1ogm•.,
r•1.ita1 i4,445, '(4ltli.. songs 411111 Mltll/•
111111•14.111• selections 111 11111 pro-
gram a5hi,h 114171 excellent from Is' -
ginning to end. (4114(1. 111.111*' 4. dee
11111 nrla'aging r '(reg for their
I heirs., allergy in preparing and
arranging for such Hn,' entertain -
melds. 11n 44%'eslnewlny of this week
the Soeiet)' will 1111111 a soiled supper
al the iuill_as a farewell gathering Po-
llee ttll•mle•rs who Iunk part in the
season s programs.
Terrible Back Pains,
They fairly' 13411ni'/a' your life.
S thing powerful anal Ie•n'trating
14 1111•11441. 1/.11e111'* knoWv of nothing
so swift to relieve as N'rvi11ne, A
strong, penetrating liniment made to
cure hist. such 111111)41 :Ua yours. Ner-
a•iline is very emi e'nttated, about
four lines more powerful than terlin-
ary liniment+. in the worst eases
Polon'* Nerviline is extraordinarily
g.ex . All muscular pain Iters IMd,,4 '
It. Neatly fifty years in 114' 1 good
rrrinultemlation. surely. -.
UTi('h:.-TH4: LQ('AI. AG1:\CV Her Own Idea.
1 in lmulgannon for The Signal kat the of. •
wiof J. 1:. want. J.1'.. roma)'eneer. tete,. who
will merle order- for •ulsierlialaq.. 44dvrrn.- Angry Nut.' (leading small n14s-
Ing id job work. and 4. nuthor{xe.I'o dive ry Crean!. the 111111(14--'•1 dm W11111.Ma
lx• pt. for 4411101)411.1 141 ill for tht. ,an••'. ma am. you would punish Miss Vera.
'I'rgsn.av, March :.111 h. 1 can do nothing with her : she has
344••. ilnss11. whet of the late hitt- now taken to making faces at Ire
thew HuMs'li, is very. i11 ,at present.w•hPU she i. 1.1.44•. " 44144(1)1.1 gently
AS .he is advanced in years and very soothing hack the ta(1)341e1 eurbi)
feeble her rr•,5i•ry is IIou1)1ri,l, " \''r(1, 1 cannot imagine why you are
AsM'$Ml,' \Ve•Irb is making an official s',h a naught)• gu1.1 : 1 15•44111' think
Visit to the ratrpny4•tri of \Vest 44Vn• Satan must teach you all these wicked
alun,/sh, laking an inventory 111 the
V('1at Iltonightnfm11) 4 "1'er-
h*ps hr' dors, 1111 r, s • of them :
but. at any rat', slaking fneew is quite
Ala- own idea. '
real tweet' and personal property.
\\',,.t. OPEN SIMIN. -HObt, .I1•tT,r•v.
of Toronto, re•prese ntativ' of the
Sperling Hank. is hell. making prepar-
ed' .4 for 1• cueing bu,itless iu the
n1111' future.
Quite ,t large number of our rit1z'n-
*ttetlll',1 111' olM•n1nW of the new
North sura. 44I'tjo' li't church 4n
Gode ' !art 'Saliba, 11 h It t .S a u►I h. 1). Mc\.cin
drove in +) darty of -twelve of the fail
. 1MI'Kovs:Mts:s.rs. li..1. 4'raw•ford i-
uuaking pr.pHr:114ona to construct :1
''inane foundation under his stn,.'
1 house, also under the building!{ r•'
1'1111)• In•1•unied 11s 1 jeweller's shop.
NV hen the latter store is renovated 4t
will he us,•,l Its an 1/1111e by the 'Si,•1
ling !kink. 'Ilse work 4s tieing p114h1d
AS Much as possible. - .
Soil.% I.. The Irulies' Aid Society of
Erskine chutrh held u social on Tiles -
day eve ' g Inst week in the baMe-
I,ent of the church. 'T'he're was a large
attendance Anal a grad program .441
.41' :11111 t•.1'itati1us w'mN rendered,
After which iefre.hments weer• *.,ryas
TIm proceed. wets- quitesntisfxrlo,•y
and those present had An enjoyable
44(11rNitte.si. ( '111'N11I.. 'l'hi' 11un141i-
Ilal fathers of West \\'uwnu44•h met
11) the township hall last \Vela.«hey.
\11 the 111441111 w•t:44 wets• present aril
'Reeve \44'. Haiti.. presided. Among
the bt s' 's, s '
1 w leant.,, 1
1 t 51 was
elle ,a )-
MI .1
mentor 1111'1' c1. .
n yore•' M ,
1 n nn.1-
l<eE 41.1. uu 1:
i e I i thtnorle5+ for IfNNI.
The next meeting will Is, held 1111 the
:ON ,1f May. it a 1 •t ca ri•a'isjon 1.1
LII") :issessIIII•ut (toll for 111'1•••111'1•••1411.•ent
14 KA 1, EMT.a'r l' 1)14 11... 1 1.11411•
1111111111' 111114 it 111x1 1111141.(1 her 4)f
Gains in this vicinity are living le 1411
111)11 .old The village prenTerty 1,f
the ('dile• of the Ilse John Ih:uxilton
wan sold by Au,'tione•r'1'. (4 try to
1'e5•y Sanderson: haa•nesel nxlker. for
$11)1 ...... John 11a.1y's sale of fain.
stock aid implements w•:114 held oil
'1'desl414 44,441 551' :t suectsla, 44111n'bdly.
T. litlnelrv, the !similar auctioneer.
w•i'Iderl the hammer.
AE above picture of 1 he
man and fish is the trade-
mark ofcott'sEmulsilm,
and is the synonym four
strength and purity. It is sold
in almost alt he civilized coun-
tries of the gl ,e.
If the cod fish became extinct
it would bo a world-wide calam-
ity, bedtime the oil that coney
from its liver surpasses all other
fate in nourishing and life-giving
properties. 'Thirty years ng('
- - ' the proprietors of Scott's Emul-
Darnflda to Wingham Station. cion found a way of preparing
\Vinghar,l, Marelt D4..TIi,• new (i. COd liver oil Bothat everyone Carl
T. It..ration, which has leer) in 11,41• take it end get the full Value of
t -he oil without the objectionable
taste. Scott's Emulsion is the
best thing in the world for weak,
backward children, thin, delicate
people, and all conditions of
wasting and lost strength.
only ,a few Meeks. was damaged 10 the
eltt'nt 44111N1it 111.4301 at an early
hoot,. (his mottling by the expl:sio1 of
the avatar tank in ennnectiun with the
heating apparatus. Thr tank was
forced up into the attic, through the
ceiling. and windows %vete i)144ke•n in
all palets of the Inlildinr1gThr lag-
gage.ise 11 and Hl ulllllll[Fte' Pe'relrr M
office are s1 badly 11111111341(1 111:14 they
will hays• t., Is, rebuilt.
A dos' of 11411.1'1 441'ornl Powders
.e'ra,i Iry will keep the a li11lre•„
healthy. For ru► t)• Jas. W114rm,
S•n4 fir 1.M sample
Tosern., WT.
Me. tad IL* Al dtutllw.,
Tlu1 uI'WUSt ilupol'tat,lolls 111
Scotch and
Canadian Tweeds,
English Worsteds,
Cheviots, Serges, etc.
New Patterns
New E flee c t s
Made 111► 1!1
';latest styles
Fit guaranteed at
moderate prices
Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, hatters, etc.
\oftll 1-111. tenure Ilutlsc Square, lioll4rich.
,1111 iti iWiltiilwiwiui ttbtbUiilluiltiiwiliiltiiltiit iiltii4 1 iii tWtu
Lines which are now broken.
size in some line so that we can fit
that sold at from $12 to $211 at
10 dollars
sold at $25, $20, $ I S and $15, all
10 dollars
If you come today you will find a better
assortment than if you leave it until to-
In buying a Semi -ready garment you
are purchasing that which is better than
most tailors can make and equal to the best
of the better tailors only at a great saving
to you.
A Semi -ready Lonely Sale is the chance
that comes to the man who waits.
McLean Bros.
Agents, - - - Goderich.
10(1%10fp'0ff ff! f.” fp N! fl! ry! ry! fw1>, /1! fi!q! fl!f f!f.0 rye (tyle pt R
gran supq 11 II
Iltual Including when spring fencing . onun'ne'. that li awkin,
ply yon wi 1 Il k'
Inds of toeing ml1-
High Carlon Coil Spring No. 9,
Barbed Weaving Nos. 12 ancj,13,
Black Wire and Page Wire Fence
.•I 1'44'''. .c, I',4% 441 1'1wer lI, ,, tit(' 11,141..4.
A hill st rk•of Rudders' Hardware in'I41ding
Locks, Bolts, Glass, Putty, oils,
Nails, Paints and Varnishes.
.lack Screws for sale or rent.
The Hardware Man