HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-22, Page 68 Tuv.iway, March 22, 111(6 SPRIAG CLOTHING •• 1 u.•vrr had a lu,' t eoulfor(4I1 w a better -fitting mat,- Haid it ratan who gets his clothe, wade mt DUNLOP'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM WEST STREET. A full Stock of medium atm! heavy weight clothes fur fall and winter Weill Suits and Overcasts made to measure on short notice. RPMy.to-avexr ClothinK--Kloxl +111(1 $tivmg--made un the premises. DUNLOP, the 'Tailor WEST STIIEET We Can els itvs rely , n ,our rn-I,nn,•, gatisfae- tion with our Canned Goods Inrxuse we handle only reliable brands that we know all about- Every 1 *- keeper k'noves how notch difference there ie in thee. Ir *whole! necelssitie'. And it is not always the price that ire sures the quality. We are aitolting a tine 1.f canned WM AM that we are sell - ng very hey indeed, so low in fact hat you will 1e surprised it ' good he Are when they aP1wer on y.sui ah ie. GRAND TRUNK SY'S EM ISpecial One=Wa}Rates to Billing. Ni` mt.. heaver. 1'olorad. Mprin s, Salt Irakr City. NelwntR1 hand..1'are cooler. Port rad, Ore.. Kau Francine . T •krt on male daily. Special Settlers' Trains i to Northwest haci 'I'l4'slay 11 11 ring March and .t rt)riI a special trait) with colonist . Nlt''•p'•, w•ilt,leave Toronto at 9 p n, for Manitoba and t In Nortins est. Ya tinenger.. travelling without livestock should tak! expn'vs heaving Toilette 1:1151),In. For tickets and 'full in- formation call MI F. F. LAWRENCE Tutu Agcot. Office hours: 6::11) a. 111. ter 901 p.lu. JOHN MTRA!TON. Depot Agent .1. O. Jie1)ottatld, Di.tt•irt 1'as- sen$er Agent, 'fie,inlo. 1 sir► 'PHONE 15 oP 24 when) .0 want TNF: ISF:' r tt.,rr6o+a.c r< ". tic -t 1 1'nrrt. j \ yowl and 1 1t hock liquarc! COAL LL KINDS ()F COAL L WAY S ON HAND g .All Cool wriKhrd un the tuarket -cal.-, where you get :'rep Ile. for a ton. TNM: NAlit GOI)RRICH ONTARIO Iler Guardian By (RANI M. SWEET Lbulrl4At. loaf. by McCune,PAlgi/a t Co. i ..-.�----- els-'---r------.-_.�� 'Then you Wink you have everything you will nerd, may need:'" "Everything? Oh, Mr. Barclay!" The girl's eyes were misty with tears. "What makes you so thoughtful of me? At ac•hool there was uo other girl who had such beautiful and dainty things. And it was not money, for many of then) were wealthy. They said 1 had such exquisite taste, and it was not I at all, but you who procured them and ' who Influenced rue auto the way of wanting suet things, and It used to be the salve before I went to school and has been so since I graduated end can* home. You are always -influenc- ing ane toward what is most beautiful lu life anti then bestowing It on me, s0 lavishly." Mr. Barclay's hand mored uneasily among the papers. "1 promiseri your father"- he begin, when she Interrupted hint with an in - pelicans motion sof ber hand. "Yes, yes, I know, but most guard- ians would (tare beeu satisfied with keeping a general oversight and paying the bilis. You have been my most in- timate friend from the time my father died, when I was only twelve. Why," laughing, and ber voice quavering a lit- tle, "1 have told you'niy secrets and lore affairs as few of the girls 1 know tell their own mothers. It has seemed perfectly natural. You were interested in them, or appeared to be. and never requested me to keep away. from the boys. Indeed, I think you always fa- vored my going with them, only you were careful to inquire about their habits." She was In a reminiscent mood, and, though her eyes were still moist and tender, her lips were half parted In amused recollecUou. "What a lot of boys I must hare told you about, Mr. Barclay," she went on, "all those of my early school days, then the ones I1met at college and now She young men wbo have been calling on me during my six mouths here. You know about the ones I like best and those I just tolerate." "I am afraid you arca sad flirt, Eli- nor." he said. - "Yes, I am afraid I um," she agreed readily, ber face becoming clouded. "But what can, I do? The boys seem nice, and I like them, but some way when I come to know than better they all fall a little short, and 1 bare to let them go. 1 hare felt awfully sorry for some of them, but there was no other ready.' At the door1 "You must excuse my talk about your llln'rulity, Mr. Barclay:" she said Wist- fully. "But --but 1 could not go away without saying something." . Halfway' up the Matte elle Inward Again. She bud forgotten the letters of introduction, and It would be more coa- veufent to put them lu ber beg before starting. When she re-eutered the library Mr. Barclay's face was burled lu his arms upon the desk. 11e was tired, she thought, and perhaps grieving 'a little at her going away. 1t was not until she reached.the desk and was about to pick up the letters that be noticed her presence and raised his bead with a quick, surprised Mo- tion. I11s eyes were frank, unguarded, his lips trembling. She gazed at him a moment; then her womanly instinct in aelIash compre- hended. "Oh, Mr. Barclay -Robert -do you"- But he had controlled himself by a great effort. "Forget this Elinor, forever," he fu- ehe caused, looking back terrupted harshly, "1 was weak for a moment. I thonght I was alone, and you misunderstood." But her face was radiant. "I bore been mlaunelerstandiug you for months, Robert," she said aottly. ,f ;a nil saw. IMP moat farmers are too "but not now. I[ was all la your pies- 0 75 ••• • busy with other work in June; conae- Have you never thought why I was un - NEW I "" gnently the larger proportion of or - able to dad my Ideal? 1 didn't know NEW YORK DAIkI MARKET. charities do their pruning In February my own heart then. but I always cone New York March 10• Stutter-Irre.ute': or Starch. Hut there is great merit In pard the boys and the young men with receipt., 11rlit,r Street et', I:'aten ryes"- June pr)Ing.-Farm Journal. you. and the fell abort. I know now Yry, 27 lu : ,3•. y y cry?mot om to extra. tor to Ire; do., hew, Skim Milk Calf Unattractive. that I hare loved you for years, since 1 emioli n to extra, lie 40 2'r• 11:1114 dotty, k are first went to college. but I have not 4;11.7,1.1,7 1 n. sea 1�'Sr''t40 I1'( .'; w'Ya11`ro *.116.; rotiOrat 11 Most uuatves btrMC(ihvto lfrom six p on nnto 4wthr fully realised it until within the pant . ,.',",,,',',1.1,',."1„11'4:1' "ullaun a. a.$11 Irk' 10 IM•: w'•at months of age. The Idaho exocrine: rat few 1110111111a,Sud, Robert, I have been ern Initiation a•rruulrry', exlrlt, .Ilei do., station reports: They develop a stone so-so unhappy at your-tboughttuluess erste 17e. cheese -Firm: rw•eipt., :$115: 1111.•. fill act out of proportion to the rest of Of m.." rreaul sats1410111111 large. sol roil and white, their body, and their coat is not quite "It was the only thing I court do," fan.,'; 10' 4,.'; tin., prlut". Its smooth as it is when calves run 1R+,c t^ 1::1jr:.do„ „0,..,,,,4:'",°'01,,:i..". 11. b, !w groaned. "[ was afraid of myself,with their dams. However, the calves and -and I am so old. Elinor." I tk' rLluw tau 411 ugh., :1, t1 4)4' fikgs-arn,ur: rwequ,., it -,Lia; mot, 1'ron, have learned how to eat and digest "Only fifteen yeurs older than 1 aut." sylvanla nett n•'arl'y. fatal, .'trete l wb le, coarse feed In larger quantities than She said happily. "I shall unpack m b I" t'' : do„ ''I"..j''Y• m" 1.. 2I4•: do,. Mk calves reared on whole milk. The dl• pp 1 y 1 ,'d crags, 17. 1.. I7'y.': 84.11.'.'l1 41144, 1•4-; gestive organs are better developed for trunks." I tin„ srruad.. 1.'.r; wrnrh14nl New Fie; practicxl feeding from this p5'rlod on to Once more be tried to command ban- Self. jr paw,. ' P,;, id • or f+.0+i, 'lttrNfk a Lk; 1M►1, maturity than In calves fed whole mill;. Self, to summon the mask to his face. p.'- t" Irk.; old. 1.' to ie { but he was too weak. hie held out his arms. THE MARKETS. Liverpool Wheat Fu:urge Close Higher,. Chiogge Unchanged -Live Stock -1 is Letist Quotations. Moods? F:. e»mg, Match 18. 1.1, crp.sd wheat felar•, cloned 10tiny1%4 to '.d higher 1114,1, Saturday, a11.1 eoru 111- 1 .r.s '.ti to ',d higher, Al 1'11143150, Slily 33•11n,11 .10.1.1 1111- 1 ha ugv,l fr.11 Saturday. May O'nnl 1b" 1,lgb• cr, 11101 May owls list 111g11.4. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. ' The f"Ilowwg were the 'Inslu: gnolut:ou.1 to day ut this market • March 751..0. - May i'.e11ay' 7G'., btu July 7"'.r sellers; THE VI41BLE SUPPLY. Mar. 10,011. star, 20;03. 11 hent 11..a.„;.090 Corm 13.741,,1+' 77,167,.4444) 11a1. 2:4 1.11$ 111.1 17,1(11.0151 Inirlug the week wheat decreased 1'Jt1;gN beshels, , urn d d b• 7 fast bushels, aad oats deereasd 742,011 bushel. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. 1051. ,44j, Nee' fork, D14trolt 81 MI, faded., eery Duluth 77% 701. St 1.004 7(1+, 7118* ?lluuala111s 76% 7s. TOftee f0 PRODUCE MARKET. Gralse-- %rheal, spring, bush....50 75 to 1..•• Wheat. 1111. bush 0 7, , 0 73 Wheat. rest bush a 71 0-15 Wheat, 5'401•, buaki0 71 Marler MIA, 0 St . " ,. oar 0;e1 1:11., (11.11 11'.' burn' Peas, bosh. lte,La twat, bosh, ge.tat to el. flop. k.e Ipls, Sous. Market blgbor: state hugs, pito to 57. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chicago, Slarve ie, caul, -Itw'Mpta, al.. 000; steady fo Ilse hewer; .mnuaawI 10 Pring steer.. 57.8.. an 1111,10; rows, area to S11W: belfen, $22.75 to 54.23;bull.•';'.MI to 54.24: calve. $3 to $7.75: .la•kes aud feeder., $2.77 to 14.75, ' Noss-lterrlpl., 441151; S. In U4 Inwae: rbolcr to penny. henry, 11173 to Mt,12'4; mr'diunt 1441 g3w„f, heat). 11.1.311 to 111. :43; Sit. cher w eight.. pL311 In sot to: go"i, to r'•o e • hen. y, aimed, 1611.311 to 511:0,; )aeklhi; 1$3.:411 to 411.:14. 1 Sheep and 1.11110. }terrlpl. 34,1144): ids'e, steady; lamb. LL :.' }e• lower; whoop, $1..13 to tu..3: entire. SI.to $d:73. Trimming Fruit Trees. Cherry trees nfter the first few years and when the head is formed need practically no pruning. Simply cut out dead or crosacd limbs. Peach trees need much trimming: Cut back at lelt81 one-half of the new growth each season and thin out the centre of head. Applies. pears. plums and quiuces re- quire moderate priming each year. Avoid cutting off large limbs, if pots- alble. Cover all wounds with thick txtint. Broad, low down trees are easier to spray, thin, pick and trim. Cut out those higti tops! Compact, low trees suffer less front storms. "Prune In June for fruitfulness, in the spring for wood." This la a wise Crushed this Lawyer. Some years ago in Alabama oue of ' the most talented lawyers practicing In the south was the Tate Colonel Bragg, but he had a peppery temper. ti Not only did Colonel Bragg's disposi- tion involve him from time to time IS serious differences with his colleagues, b t It Iso led him to break off amica- u a ble relations with a Judge Robinson, a moat estimable jurist, who while pre- siding over a suit In which Bragg was Interested bad by bis decision incurred the reeentnleut of the advocate. So for a long time the colonel (ik•clIned even to speak to the judge save when It was absolutely necessary In the course of business. way. Two or three who are coming Finally, however, his better nature tele now are really talented and will getting the upper hand. Colonel Bragg ' detertnined to apologize to Judge Rob- inson and endeavor to effect n renewal of their former cotuparatively pleasant relations. ;Meeting the Judge one aft - make successful men, I am sure, but have a premonition what my verdict will be. They almost reach my ideal,' the lurking mischief again returning to her eyes, "but not quite." • "Perhaps your ideas is too high." "perhaps," demurely, "but you fixed It for me, and you have trade 11 so much of my being that I cantmt stoop to a lower one now." "Well, I am glad. The Ideal will come along some day, and then there will be no mistake. Are your trunk', all packed,,?" "Yes. I can get ready int a few min- utes, and there is over nn hour. That 1s why I came down to have a -a last talk with you, Mr. Barclay." He winced eier so alightly. She had always called him uncle until the past few months. Now It was Mr. Barclay. She was older, of coarse, and was growing away from him- And she would be nbsent for two whole years. 1('hat would it be like when she re- turned? "Yes," he said, his voice a tittle dreary with the thought, "I was wait- ing for you to come down- It wiO be a' long; delightful two years for you, and I hope you will enjoy there thoroughly. Mrs. Carruth has the reputation of be- ing the best chameron in the country. She will take yam everywbere, and you will meet nice 'people. 1 will give you letters to +Oma I wish you to know. Dr. Laurens Is going abroad on the same steamers I bear, so you will bave a chance to sleet him atter all. 1 was sorry for 11N. peremptory summons to the hospital that day I invited him • CATTLE MARKETS. t able. Strom, for tattle-111aht Cottle and 110x■ Maher et 11.0.10 lanulon, Mortal 49.-t'.41,1.' are quoted at Marc to (2e per Ib.; refrigerator lo^•f, lac per Ib.: sheep, dressed, 121y' 1.1 I:Pye per Ib.: laud., 11:1y.. dress+l it right. TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK ll.r'•ipe% of live 07.,'1 at the Tama Sto•a Pan). were 37 earlaads, c 110.41 of (4 8 cattle, d .beep, :a) .•01re. and 17 horses. , Exporter,. Expo: ler. sold at from 54.75 to $5.15 per kr the lyllk going at between 15 awl 4 *.2:. 1.•r ewer.: export 1.011 sold al $3;71 to $4,12t, per cwt., wlt11 au odd '.u. .1 prime .pulley al 51.23 tier cw* Mnteber.. Few Cool harriers' cattle were on .ale. The . holo. plotted iota of those ofere•l old at $4.8.77 to $4.84. web an nc.Msb.ail at as per cwt.: the bed road. sold 1t 144.' 40 $1.70 per rot.: the medium! ut 5:1)4 to arm per .'wt:: rows 111 $:1.•-',-I to et. 5 pey r•wt. Mlle* lows. A few cows .old at 133 to FN each. Y'eal Calves, Prices raucetl from 14. In to 57 Icer cwt Sheep wed I..,.8a. ernoou on the steps of the statehouse, 7 Esteet sl"“ p bold at $1 1'4 per cwt.; lamb. Le impulsively thrust out hes baud and at tai n• s; per .84, said: Hogs. I1. a Kennet)' rrl5,rt• prices an 4,m "Ree here, judge; let's he friends choug.d at Wit: to 5" 7 Ln h, cars ,n again, This thing has gone ou long contort manta. r $7 for fed and watered enougb." I at .tu0•Iion Market. - "Why-er-Bragg." asked the Judge . MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. ,In the meekest and mildest way image 'Slant era f, March 19 ISIer111.' ('shin ad !liable, "what's the tnatter?" rte.. from Liverpool and Lna,Ion on earn• "Simply thin, judge." continued the Atari eolith. were .. firmer, and prices-wcre I admire 110 1m- blotter at 11Gllygnw glinted averse' fiery Bragg-' you 1 etc'• realised for Canadian retitle Ott mensely that I cannot for my life he i Export. from Portland find HI John, N.11.. content to remain on bed terms any ' were 2i" ''tittle, 1n sheep, Kt. tree" Tat '•acne, :511 ralr.'s 1iM hap, 10 mile" longer. I bit that I collet speak t0 rows _'.. ,'11.'.'p and lambs. Thr bblcb.'r• yon" i were out strong, but trade was rather sine, "Why-er-Bragg," piped the .judge as blither prices tyros !wring asked for near I fit 111 arta of ruttM. prime tore, snit In the thinnest of voicco, a WCII feigned 11 4'r,n a, %' it• .Ia•r Ih.: pretty g°a'1 .44111.', • look of astnnlebment on his face - , :sae to seg'•, and the common stock 2',. br {y,.. There worn ■ number of nnpert" why -er-Bragg, haven't' you licca I rows brought from Toronto, and from tv. speaking t0 ale?" to 870 was aslant for thein, but the buyer.. At this the lawyer wilted.- Lippin- ` s.4 r 1,01 appear psoid willing r� to pay Ar pair 'che COW. , large wires were sold for 540; the other. were young, which sold at 52 to $4 curt. Court reed. Sheep sold at 5s. each, at Hit. Por 1", Ire relpt. of hot. were {Seger,. but, ax fatly half It is said that, although the celebrat- of them ware d.'nlnved on .natnrta mal.' ed advocate, Lord Erskine, was some- � last week, the supply for sale was smaller limen jocular and occasionally a little than a week ago. Tar demand wu 01 hr enol, owing t4 the fart (hat 511 !skie hag unfair in his treatment of witnesses, p,.ling .nn•'er.+ wren ailed rap wlfwbat no man was better able than he to ^nR �Iuwer,nl ut to •trocted for rtnn rtonthetm5r mak them realize the foolishness or ! ler w.,.. arrndy nn'I galea of Minrte.l lar. utter irrelevance of their replies with- ware mad.` at i}7rn, and lower gnAes rat out giving ofrenee. AL one time a wit- $7.:51 to $7.1., per la, Its., welshed es ran. nea5 obstinately refused to be sworn ! EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. in the usual manner, but stated tint, t gist tuffslo,Mar•h la. - Cattle , --Receipts although he would not "kiss the book:' head: heney slow: others settee tint be would "hold up his hand" and swear. 1t F7mg r"hip11pi4• hng,lgh14$I,K, r; prlmein54.1ste0;ers,bas..,5te/hrr+ro .t14: ,., •Inexperience May Mix These Up. When your horse Is sick or for any other reason is down and unable to get rap alone don't try to raise him first on his hind feet. He is not made that way, ns an exchange reminds us. Put the front feet up first; then do your lifting behind. But 1f your cow needs such help begin the other war around. I.ots of folks get things mixed when 1t comes to platters like this. 1)o not be one of them. Erskine asked him what reason he had 51.:0 3.. 5,,,2,,; betters 5:1.41) to $4.1. a"w1 bete, but of course has professional du-. for preferring such nu eccentric way to 5s. to $.1 7.: hang, r:'7'. to $4.11',: 1t1.k.r-1 ties should come first. I shall ask him,ale ordinary method. stet feeders. ret..-. to $t.:0; Mock heifer.. to look yott it and request Mrs. Car -$..74 to $;101 arab cion and springers p "It Is written In the book o[ ltevclu- el,w: 52 v,, �t h,.t et, sin to $420 ruth to present btm. Dr. Laurens is tion," replied the obstinate man, "thnt Vwd.- limeppt,., N11) bead; o.ure, 8)30 oue 01 the most brilliant and noble men the angel standing on the sen 'held up to $n; 1 tow, 511 �.PIP 1 know send Is making himself an en- hugs-Itr,etpla 11.10 herd: settee; *vr, bis hand.'" Idle higher: others i,• 10 10c lower; hears, viable 1' putatton, and he la oufy three hie Is very true," said F:rnklne, mixed and yorkrn; 641,04; pigs. Skil rt years oaf ,er than you are, Elinor." with a .Mlle, "but I can hardly see $gall , r"ugh+, 1:.•") ro *wiz,: "IM, 44 -,,ito 11.75. "DWI., lir. Bareiny!" she implored. I how that applies to your carer'. In the sheep and Limbs - tteeslpts. ta,an hoed: with tog dden pain 1n her voice. "Please 1 fleet platy, you certninly are not as nn- sheep :utter: IamI.a nlow: lambs, 51127. '" do nal talk that way. You mean well. I g you can- 57. a.: y,mrungs, Mt 111 ,ritn,; weth.rs, 114.0 el, and, In the second place, , t1 N:.2:•: nor. 5:'.:1) t1 5:,.7ih strep. Sala but 14 -I do not like it Just now. This not tell -you hnye no means et know'- ed, fl:: r1 f5.75; western lam , 57,10 to , \ WM. LEE. is Mr e only home I remember much 1 Ing -how the nngeP would have sworn 57.'=•. "or t, and I am going away fora It he had stoodon dry ground as you NEW YORK LIVE STOCK. Orders I& rat a i. ,,Elea Hardware b M.o. rely , long time. Let us not talk of krmt side ltrlUwrc. promptly attended to. d0:' • New Yolk, fllreh 10,-Deerea-Rerrapt+. elf er people. When I lett college I There was no flippancy or Irreser- 121.1:' nteern slow; .cancanY 10e t1 1:11• les, b d 1 home and i .. -. , .� s tone anti after a mo- er,, esrrpt far Yxtra 4?.,' ; hntnann L,dla I [ war when we read books and played yielded the point, impressed y 'English Jams. 4.Vhlle English jams have a large and enthusiastic following the world over, much of the manufacturing Is done In France, where the fruit pulps consti- tuting the base of many of these sWeet4 are prepared and 'shipped to England in hulk, where they are compounded. Among the contributions of Fran'e In particular are hlaek currants, cherries. raspberries, apricots, plums and similar small fruits. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations., Any even numbers) 'set ion t'( inn, ions 1 1amloInMAnitoh, seIheNorth•w,-.t Pro see exrepllnR 111111 ffik not n•N•r. 44 . Intl)' Is- 1 ata' by 1n)' pers.n, who Is the sok b.ad, ,I ,t lwanlby, m any mole over 1s year of aloe, sots e extent of .,sw.gnrrtrr '('el ism of 101 .trrts,.,u o or be,., Entry ,say be nmd'' per -.molly at tl telt,* latxl nfice fur the db.? vitt lit whhih tom •Mn$ 4 bites/to. sot( I he homes reader fleshy, le.ray r•,. on applt"nl lot, to (he Minister o1 1113- 'Manh1 1, /Rttw.. the (',mtn.issloier of inn atsMette 1, 4S4nnlplg, m. 110• loyal agent 4s-tt'Ivr• Atnholi y for some one 10 make entry for hire. Tt1e horn.. testier 1- required to psrferm (1 • nnrnN rnnnr,iwl then, with nasion Osw . of the fnHow'Ing pinna: !4) At Yeast six motes n• -Recess ,ps,. eft d of these 1a her standard of ma nlinese. ewlth•ntloho( (he land in rs.b )•r1.1 (6.' tb* • Perhaps jut outatde her limited area years. IP 11 the father for mother. If the hither gado there are a hundr,d who are stronger .rarest) of the bfinestender reside. Arson n agent and nobler In every way. 'rbcs gtrl has In the) irinit) of fit• Iae' entered I'm tar n• been Cleated. Ido not want yotic life ouirements a+ to resbirmee may lo. .ab.4gd }'y •ash carr -,on re.kfing with the father or 1 like that. I have done the bele for "'ocher. t y0* 1m the way of an education. As a re If the settler hr+ hl.>sf•rn.anent rw. Mrtw! ,ked turgor to coming to a once n *aeady. r:t 1,4,115 11nw'; 'n w. Mealy to l ow: it ring quietly, as we did before I went merit's reflection the stubborn w!tnefls ,eta•rl, 51.;11 t1 t61; haus, 5s.. t5 to 54.U): t4.w rs 1) the 8d- flan.•. tin.. 51.70: , raw., t•: to $.'15. Export. •viewto` l. 1,11 .lire+ ed trier x• And talker things. But yoocnte.'s common Benne vieof the (ti'rrowIt er. r.r•449r51rl.,n _;111; Rood realm 1trn.lv: thought i should go Into seseiety and matter, sod took the oath in the usual other'. 11147^ 4,. a fraction lower: bnnn'nr•1 meet people, Ito you left your hooks and insnoer. took ale everywhere and 1ntrssluced me -- to everybody. I think I must have met Ateles. R..pI(alIly. al, the noted people, especially the young men, in the whole city and sur- rounding country. And how I rain to go abroad to meet people find people and people! I suppose it la ftog the best and my good, but i am not brilliant enough , to appreciate it. 1--I 'Mould have llked the chess and books so much better." His face was turned away from Ler now, but his voice was 'steady. "Yes, tt Is for the beet, Elinor. It H right for a girl to marry, and she should know men before she J5 ready to make a choice. Nome girls are ac- quainted with only a few, and the lest noon farming Innrl oo n.d 13, tin+ In the skin +rrtarlent1o1111 gnardhn mold 1 do less hl,. homrsrewl. the n`Oltittimeo• n- to lloapitnllty may be considered ns one of the eharacterlslies of not only the Vela, but of the whole African race. It 1s con.ldered the duty of every cltlsen to entertain strangers without the smallest eompeusatlon. Places of rest when these apart always open, end w t are found 0(•copleil by stranger' a man goes and tells hes wire, who will send her aervauta with water for the straw gars to wnsh their feet, for, 's+ they wear no shoes. they naturally need such an scrnmmndntion.' Afterw•ar(t rooms and cloth wrapper' are 518010 them, food I+ brought from n11 quar- ters or they are Invited to eat with the people. They r'oullnhIO to be ren provided for Preen if they stay months. Their garments are also washed and retitness! to them. 011 Tenting they. generally make n *nodi girt to tho wife of the hast, though not more than two or three cola nuts or two or three English pennies. -Century, RJ'ef for the rest of your I1fe? It is not that re 'donee may lie w11I.fi,d by net-ldrrwo' spore theme] lan.I. I T wart you to go, Eenor; It 1s not twat Hie inne31M notice sl welting 410m0M t. Kites 2 tare any inclination to be 1 mlFikrh- to the t'nmm41'ioner of I'n,nlnwr hued- r Shaker. It Is be!'auf�-because 1 e•ai Ottawa of intenitih on to ripply for potent. w, try I edit. do nothing els..' beteg nsys511." 115 litepse-y 3d the MIul.tcr uStlse Interim looked at his watch abrupt y. "Trleen• N. 1L- IraaalhoMwvt p".''.- lam' of att. ■s ty minutes," he suggested. , vsdiae.Mnt win not he mad run L "Se lats',i' IVVeil, I will ge and stet Red the Hones Well. Don't make the horse. sleep on the hard, cold flnnr, but glue them plenty of bedding, and It will pay yin,' In many way. or, not put 54(4 tlnnoo.loary ernelty on any of the faithful animals Redding makes the manure moos valu- e_b)e and the horse looks better. calve%, $3 to 51. $beep and Lambs Iteeelpts. 917o: .beep Moody: Sema* .Mw bus firm to 1.k• higher: 1heea, s1 l f$5: uu good 5hrv'p here; lambs'. Cutting Tree Limbs. When cutting off fair sized lambs saw the underside of the limb about one. third of the way through or till the saw begins to pinch and then saw on lop about one-half inch from the 11n- derc111, and when sow,"t down almost to the nndr'renl the limb will break off and not peel down the side of the tree. ('tit chafe to the tree and saw off the projection that remains. Leave no stub on the tree. Dear Mother Your little ones are a constant rare is Fall and Winter weather. Theyy will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tone, and what u has done lot rr nany ? It i; +,id to be the only reliable remxly kr all diseases of the air passages in children It a absolutely h ernien and pleasant to take. It is guaranteed to cure or your money is retuned. The price n 25c. per bottle, and all dalets in medicine sell SHILOH This remedy should be m every household, 1 r i 3. „,„ms .oct 1 `- 1re aRooting-� a IyN'T worth something to know that Barns, - &ticket' houses, Tool Sheets, etc„ have fireproof roofs ? Paterson's "Wire Edge" Ready Roofing is absolutely fireproof and waterproof -and practically weariuoof. It is cheaper than shingles and lasts a lifetime. We will send you a free sample. Test it yourself. We will also mail a copy of our illustrated booklet. Hardware stores everywhere handle Patersou's "Wire Edge " or can get it for you. Insist on Staving it. PATERSON YPO. CO. L1.1TIt0 - MONTREAL aro TORONTO 3 Cents a Day Will Cure Your Kidneys ;r a day for a specialist -that will cure you of every trace •of kidney Trouble. That's all it costs -34 a day -to take B'ti-�JT1 THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL And " Ru -Ju" cures -remember that. Not merely eases the pain and makes you feel better -but beats and strengthens the Kid- neys and completely cures. • Take " Bu -Ju "on our guarantee that they cure or money refunded At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price, 50e. not CLAPLIN CHEMICAL so. worry, wtn1Meet, awe. • THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST a knife for instance, you Reside' the extra strength A»d.ulx clue When you buy consider the quality of the sleet in the workmanship, PAGE FENCES arc dip- bladc. The biggest end hcatlie+t knife new ped In e'.pedal white paint, whlkun necessarily the best. Now there is just nn top .trio Fw•st o(gaiv;l m zing, aril! lengthenh much difference in the quality and strength the life of wire for years. And, also, this of steel in fence wire a+• white Boating makes wire much more .sightly. Owing to the hereat ,tre,ig1I1 and elasticity of PAGF, fencing, one- third less posts are re- quired, thus reducing the cost of the fencing. As you Ret in PAGE; FENCES ons -half more fence strength, greater protection against rust, better workmanship, better Ippeeranre, use less posts, can you u cord 1t. That is a good recommend for h, 1011.48 ether fences, rven (hough you could Where we lend others follow. huyy them for enc -half the price of the All PAGE wire is "COILED." nor PAGE? Rut, rt•:Illy Ours cost You crimped, bate. if Any more. .4og Get prices before placing your orJer for Fence Gate' or Lawn Fence, there is in a knife blade or razor. The Page Co. use A high carbon steel wire, which (hough it costs you tett little more, is fifty per cent. (so"/,) stronger Than wire in other fences. The lightest l' At: E fence it an strong as the heaviest of other make+. Notice the lock in PAGF. "EMPIRE -FENCE. You may have, noticed Also That others are Imitating 'INC LOCK IN PAGE _EMPIKI" FENCES. ill's easy to buy MOST rs Nces Our prices for Prost Fence arc only an meek as the heat fence in the world is honestly worth. And we mak - the terms ,o ea.), that *eery fanner Sao Hoek man can tats- advantage of Them. - Mere's 111--a.ay wa wil, let you May el. lbs Front Fence you third cash on lsk,ee,•. pre third by note. du. Oct. tat w. Os_ third by IMI., dee Alar.b tot, 'r,. Five per rent. discount tor cash if paid within to days (row dale of inroiee. And retaetnber-should FROST FENCIO go wrong, from nlechauical defect; or workmanship in building, they are repaired, free of charge. J. J. MOORE, - Benmiller W. M. HOWELL, Goderich FRED. LEIBOLD, - Zurich W. H. STOGDILL, - Varna Sold and erected by J B. HAWKiNS, Goderich 1\one g.n'ilno without thl. nam.) Thu i. our .Penalty. w'.' ve been at It Marr, year. a04 g"a'g to ►rep on longer. For gnaltl.y of work sod amount of work• that 'tisk Is (3n004. th101igh1.41 .I1 Canada. Construct ".n is alasple, comport. limas. 81111 tuunr a,.o e.Mwelly, ral.erltes and Take. a rine awe.) 1.1. 1.1581 of era.ghs. ♦. %eek wNiht. Auld by our Agents. \lanufsrtured by T. E. BISSELL, ELORA. ONT. Write tar Booklet •• E." 1 a. m. ., r 1.,,.. s u 09"1.4 . Ole m. reel. fur tar l he s,.e human mother Iced. h.r teres .m Putts Hoare Made Bread It )m,IJv muga, sharpen• intellect, lays I..sauieo for s p s..., manhood. P . ` T Dh:A.t YOUR POPULAR GROCER. A0041T WINTER FOOTWEAR � MUSTGO MUST GO For i� ten dayswe• going clear our entire ��M4 of felt footwear �t nt For the ne:ct are going to clear our entire stock of felt footwear at 20 per cent. discount. discount. 1 he following list contains some TOW, Men's Felt Shoes. I)ongola foxed w'i1I1 Ieal lice miles anti heels. III all r111111 li U/ 11. Women's Slippers. 'fhe remainder of our st,.ek of women'', fnney house slippers t fro. Men's Felt Shoes. With heavy telt soles Mill he.is, .Instthe thing to w•r•m' older a flair of our meet shoes, I of the good thm;;s we have to offer Men's Felt Boots. Iif the hest makes and leathets.. We haven goisti as- sorUuent l you will bp wi•'• In w•('llt'e al (Nir. Women's Felt Shoes. \t'. ti,.ve ,1 large ,.9'•"f•t uualt of these gloats; 1sd1) lightnod heavy weight. Misses and Children's felt $ I1I(*I11 ami show's ant also On thin lint. +old include a variety of styles. Come early and you will save money on shoes that will add to your comfort. WM. SHARMAN Cor. East St. and Square Godrru h. Ont. asalawalammitajfisimaaraiamiammasAtil 4iiiofiiiiirlletillUft!lfiriiiiiiMillii iiiiiliiiiiifibiiiihilidirgeill r iPIANOS a =' j t ....r When huying a piano consider the merits IF of the famous - F Newcombe Piano! 4 . iFor choice quality of tone, durable ac- 1tion and stylish cases' Winner of gold f medal at Paris World's Fair d other E groat awards. Call on or w1 , to t I.OARS F 3 C. H ' E 1 Trinity Wholesale and; Retail `1an11ger I' E 3 DISTRIBUTING CIINTRE I 1 AT CLINTON, ONTARIO F , C