HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-22, Page 41
Ttlut(sUAY, Maroc :2, 11106
'continued teem l.t were I
}the congregation %slim) the olti church
vvaa erected in ISM: the Alt her 1,r
memory of the bate 1hvi'ge Cos. for
many years a elx$$•lea41rt in the
church. Eleet'i4'1ighting is rut) ,lu)'ed
and there is go,'d provlsiim for it,
there being eighty -Iter lampk..in the
Aud itori 4,.0 atone. The a t 44 44 4 4. (wont t hr
\/alley Senting lheadas, and
will nee hate comfortably 1(1Nn11
one 11 stand people.
In the basement the 111a114 IrN,111 will
• sent 1Ar.lk(hh' tt%r 111111/1)4411 people.
On the north side :4,e the prima')'
('1441144 4444 11114, 4.rp1A1'a4441 (111111 11111• 11114441
4(0111' by uovalde glass punk 41 ions, and
the Multi). 14444111.: ,and in either edit•
(lel' Al 1111• .'1414( side 4. 4l ('lass 41Nu111.
There ,4,r also (w4, furs eV 1444 11144.
1301 11 the xn1(iturdu41u and the )44(44'•
ment hare metallic /7•ilings. 'rbc ear.
'pets are not yet .1110.1. Billie/els rat,
pk't is 11.4044 pr4wul7rl 1141111 \V. Ache -
Kull A Sett. ' and (trigfrom
Malted's . Iloet. '1'!e' pipe -organ 111144
leen renovated and a watt')' -111/114x'
has berm led in for the supplvi)lg 4,4
power. A 11.udsume pulpit lamp is
the gift of R. J. 11eg1(w : the pastor
has presented the pulpit Bible and
hy •1.1441. : 1(1111 1411 the W111 "f the
IU,th Irilllll licks a'11x'k- that is :a
donation frau) 'ell Huek.tep,
It might be mentiou(•1 here that Ile
4ta41144(1 81:4-44 wheloW4, 1•)4(4'(14 ,IN be-
fore mentioned, were pr'vi4 far by
the hpwut•th Iwwague• : the Lit its' Aid
Society .'ontt•ihuted $1.144( xud. in Itd-
dition is furnishing the cat petting
And the Sutnday 4.41144441, IN•,idr44 at-
• tending to the farnishim( of the Sun-
day school ittoms, •I44.l.4.4.I'.l 14144 .4)1(44.,)•
wise with funds.
l'he eash outlay on the new building
has Iwen slightly over 21I14..141. A
Iu•44e amu u( of material was "dyed
from the 010 C11111 ell. and, adding the
41'g1114 and the (hoed
•r1) estimate Ihat .4 hey
property. lash anti
bend up to 44ntnnll%
all but $'.372 of the
nett wits tedur •.I by
4•x1114' of t1)
site,.lhe Irut.
have ,1 $•Sieg
sutweriptiulrs in
Inst provided (e'
asst, and this r4,
11144,11( $.'*(i 011 Sit
Monday d.durt,d 1.444) front 11114
Nt114)U1ll In Iw still pr vid:•d for.
The truster. board of the
under whose 144)nlyd t 1141 i. .king wits
erected, is ('4ot ""4' I ;eery r A• 'he -
son, R. W. McKenzie _ly,nc(t :11,'
Lean. Wm. Aehe•N11. l :`•- 1:1 kr•
:. Downing. Jacob mt, I "u. •
1-31 et Iseer4IAlyl, \\'nl. :hunt. .1.
P. Brown. R. J. \legew. 4(I)icsuu
. Reid. Geo. Tieens4n, 11. 13. Hoeetl
[ • • n 4 1\', 1'. 3', •,,h,114.
1 4,as4,•ett and 11
)un"11itle4 4,t the bond ltd el. iu1-
,ur,fiat4) nupel•yisitlll 4,f the 110 '. no:.and the both-fatlg,lI) (1('or gay. hi -
constant attention `J.4, the inns,
Nhle details in conth..'tion .9 1:11
work. Added to the demands ds 411' I,'
ordinary work, the' building opera
tions have gI'w1 Mr. Hxzi-pat) exceed-
ingly kitty and trying year( •
The work has herrn well and faith-
fully dune and the t' .luplr(e41' huil.d :tg tin
• is a standing toil(ncl• of the (h•M-
mightiest' and. Akill of the ('4N4tI'ui1,ii11 1•o1
and of the. workmen en:p:nyetl\uih,n and
it. Thr building 40114,4, (tar :out ell
others who 6:01 .4 stare in the •(('(43,.
ate 10 111' C0111tat1111111-11 1111,1 the .144.
• ct•N11141 outcome of their 11(1otr. •
Dr. Carman's Morning Sermon.
and forty-four, '"There," said I. I 1)111 don't give �le anything 1 cannot 1 without 114,114) or rnlulu4Ns, and Out of
-I've gm1 the whole thing mew I" But use. ll, 4,, be A wan like ,loins Christ!' eight of lend. This Outwit which had
it wasn't long until 1 learned thirteen there ii.. mi 1 • 4,u the earth to; Iwcn built as a twupl41 of (1411) was v
times thirteen. IW: twenty-five 411411(4 rUlllpxl'l•with it.
demon.)4•1141 • of the 14,I1;41'rgation'N
tweftyhve, 1135. and- x mittinn timet) ••that of Z' tial dotal Nt ' " It.1fafth anti belief, not) in the Manner of
x million would wake' it trillion. , is a de114,1;str•alion of (hid. 1 walk in • its building some. artiel444 of their
and 1 began to Ihu41 that multi• the park sometime. in Toronto and creed entail tat discerned, It ((•4(44 also
Wield ' table broadening 1)u l 1 14,0k 11171(11111 un the 11.111411e 1,1111411113(44 q4, index 1)1 the congregation's N-
ine) trillions nod Iprulrilliuns. And and educational institutions. \fell, -I vxucrluent in wealth and °lilt1ue, and
1, • I•
could 4,1 4) 4,•w• things " • nu h t1) ):1111 d • (tell• u erect, 'I 1'
• 's v s: t f (11 11t t t 1 t plate
•" •4414' Christ 1 1a
4,t ukMa (1).1311 1 (h
t v . Well that have I old 1.1111111.11. a e o ,1 • • '
• IIS. 1,l u • that wind, ,u 1)1111• • I n It d file u w 4,t �m 4( 14,
urger have diel for )I 1t for )., I
capability for the fiddle itiuu table. sl,,.Al for what fluty 1k• there in. the I hue with the iulpruvcv1 condi.
and 17ipahilily of logic and grammar ..0 k. 1 Ku lig London nod stand and tions of 4 Wow.e people who were l4, wr•
and philosophy ? '11tis illi4Mit:1Ile look with adlllirltl'iou at the mount 1 ship within it. w'a11s. Incuhs aglee-
wol.1( 11144341.', I can measure this; 141••441 to Nelsuu and Trafalgar WW1 Zhu Intent with God way udmiruhly bind -
world outside with thousands and I Nile. Out. 41( this, 1 say. Nelson .dull 1 nesslike : 1111' conditions 4,u loth sides
millions, but this world in'.i41e can I shine, 111111 out .4,1 this the generous erre briefly and plainly stated. pt
Will 1101 measure with 1111 the lived- 1 gratitude u( the British public shines. Neelit rl11 rhos' 11.04ga44l tti put 11).• 1.4.1'11
lions of the :Igo.. A loan's .Ippr•heu• 1 I go 'into I:tu1'N(. I', IAlndun, off with only a W ilt14, sewing that the
siun of the world I.ylsitle ought l4, 111' and walk )(lout, taut of this Sir e:111h 1uu104(11 its rollers/4 were III.. hot
1N•Ucr (11:11 a their• :luilli:ll'N ,pplc114n- , Christopher 1V4en shines, end it if nil the I eople would only emu.. lip
.lou. 'Their is a word.) +4up erislwtle, ; seems almost. a. if 1 haat talked with to Ja elite Wander& the needs of the
illinliliI4lr, pl•dre1t•Ns, in -,11.• A 111:111' 111111. 1 g4, inlu SI. I'ele•r'N. 1t ', and elmeel would he w'r11 supplier). and
that uulkea the w'r1d „ur.i.1,• inarchitecturet- look at the wa tulerfuarchitecturethe grout work of 111i"s1ou.4au1(1 1w
4440%1,1 in V111414.111111 114e, 110• bu11..ul .11141 p:(iul141g44, (111 131111411.14111 :411iev.'- ))11.6.71 worn ag1n•s,,d1ely forward,
race what it 4.. 'Phar are those olio meet of a ;cleat lniuel. I 14.1y, not of 1144, few were wf11i1114 •l4, 1814148e 14acri• ,
flees tole the work of 1i1N1. J14e111',
411'1.11311( (414(4 1111. $1.31111114 (4444111 01 his
e4 prlspN'ril y and he Iteeitu , a %yeah by
man. A 11 investment %%111) (4,I war .4
44.11441 1)114': in 1.011111)4 the only in-
vestment wlur.e 44.4.141144 Were 14114e
and 1.1.461.4. (lm' 14,111-31141'ie4 tve1•1, '
built 4,1 1111' lhilito Mat 11444'11 ln!
l.• Ile (;411(1)' homes. I bar
churches. the 44 0.1.1011 -114 .is of
the past : and from the .(feels of
the present ' 1 w11ild c • in•
fluences whirls would increase and
Itiply through ting ithil eternity.
'1'llis healiliful s:4,lctuary wpwhl sp.v1:;
of the 1•o llgr'4'g141111'14 pro lgl'r•Si%d 1.1111-
.htion 41111 of the pr. ' •err thiel
they believed should be trivet' -t,, the
work of (14441. 'f,,ei4' desire 'wits that
it 141(ou!d be to theist the gale of
itreit, shoo in.4 ea for 14 (1441.' 4 b
Ips r 111111 l- tllu•i011 of (he v'o1141 and
1.1111{in4r t„ 4leo( son4e 1131(4 sol the
(wale. of 1, :Iveu. Su might it be 1
The Evening Service.
At the evening service, in 4444(11(1'1 1
• to the etel.cy(1,epi present in the learn -
1n„• :t'• i4i. Il:lmiitnn .4( Str:4tIoh! ;
11• , .1. i.. 10'.411).. 1,1 Ault/um IL ;111,1 Bev.
Jath." ll:u11i:1nl,pastor of Union And
1..•ehca'n clou't•h.•,. 4o' s ffat1 in the
Ite•t•. 1)c. ('0.114,41 pr''a411o11. his 44(110 1
jeet I,eiug 11)1• sa.'rlli, es of :kiwi and !
Cain it :"te.is 44, :11„1 the main
thought the uc'ce44x y of 11),1'44 bring-
ing Iliulself into Dire right 11.6(1' hip
towards God. In re tett to the ca.l•
Jof •11s•l and lain, eau It. (44'4p14 eel t.
y(ri• quick to cry 4111 . Partiality '
Pail) w':w ail sincere as - bet in his of -
think the matter of he :1.1)' i. w 1,..!1%. 11,1 • M i••11ael Aug4 to (4)1(1)474, 1 4'4111 feting • els if sincerity we the whole
outside': and ther( ale (hos.• \,in. re el :eel sec it :111 a alt. And 144,1 (natter. ('41u's sincerity 11•x1) 4404 111
think that beauty is wholly 41,,,n 1 ie. come into this w4,11d ld 1 look all 41(e•14tion. but 1intterlt • 111, c wuuid
:t 11.11((
General, Super(nt »•dent of41 a Meihod:st Church.
who coaduct•-d the D.d:cato:y Service.
inside. The 14441411•1• (4,.141,1 I .. the :t,.nn11,n the 111.1•j••.ty .nd splendor not make a way into h44lyrn
' 'N ' ' very alle\ N"
uuatwt•iah u e 111144 l.t 1 \ 1 h utt 1 tv .d .;.,l's creation. and 1 11 ( of r► u. til 1
(14t be sin4rrely told glor•i1)u+) ' right
44ty, tears in 1)(1 mermen the "n: •1 le. say, urn of the heavens 1 sl shin'•s, 'rhe p:►..wtge- mus one of the natty
i a411 nothing Myself. 14,1 11.11( i- and, out of the earth 1:.141 whit(! (. O:d Tr441 'Ill 1)1184411g 4'N 1hat we , en -
what tun Many meta mak.. of them- then. we must ire stupid if We do nal dur.rd by that New 'testament, N .)a• -
t4 sot•1.. I ala r (thnl,,; ; •(tanto,...;. ser r,. I► w' eels ,cot 11111x( have our mg what the tw'o T.•stanmul,, wl•re•
smoking, 11)e fullitt of Ihr ,%orad. 1111• ,' I •d and 11e very inathod ty,' if ,liswdull)• w•r.v(•n tlgelhrr :w„,,” Ionu-
All tdo he aonuu'I 11o.in44 in the war
actual good ;in the so,
everything. 1 nit nothing. 1 :4,u n....3 , 4,11 Nee It. '(Int o1 all the'se the of God. tin 1':1111 inspired,41, treatment of et1 (11(111 troubles unless
arquud 111134.•41181,11y to pi 41 , what •loci• „t (4o;l shine. As t .1'.'ar nl \ 1 I N
I K the history oethe creation of aur first the mew and throat are cuiupletely
going. 44.11114• vyiult1111:(ko 11 A quality y'rote: parents : sot ('heist spoke of Altnh:un (( from
rn.1wt4u•rwarm, •rm, 1111(1
k,1'the ;-
I'll t" ill "li them. .t ii11,l1- .
- ••1'1)eat inn* finnan...al 114argument, Well. In Ills with the Pharisees : i Won that they pr1441n48.. 1 Silk Iv1oreen and Sateen Underskirts
*hal is sl '11 tllr,,l 1, 1111.444. 14111 I 4t 341..41 the. blue ethereal -ky. .,.41 l 'heist errdor,wl 11at(•., saying• 411111.1 is \»)burr's true 4'(111' f.r•
nk the ',erect 'statement 1. that 941 •(1l n(r1e71 heaven'," she 44 frau*,'._ )
" aloe•. 1,141WIN)tr o1 �Irt(Il and 11, Mir l (t, r1) It 11t..trm'. call 1 rats in t1),.
e• i. :1 k41 erty in l h.• cxternap rheiulgn.a ItriKinol tt,ra•lanN. 44 • .
I 1 fhe � ,wearied -un !rom d:W l4, dry. Lord ulrntlunod the stnl•)•,4,f .I,,u.Ih its
, a quality or prop...14. mit -id... U'N•.his ('rc.aur..power ,hyd:y
• The following goods will be laid out for next Saturday's and 111tlnday's selling.
'l'o sad' that they will be real snaps is not saying all that alight be said about this
1Ve will put o11 • tables about (MMI
121 eon jl4 lI4s, a special lot at
10 Nip
y:url. 4,l' \\'r Nlart tedity to elem. out all our leftovers of
e wool )llekiIt)'. \Vt• are potting Blest. how at
pliee44 (hut should unto. teddy sale for them. The
I4.NNI cloth, geed colors. Ik•NL, English 41ulk1' :,11 sizes :4,•u from .i to 9j inches and 1111 are new goods
odd p4, ees swiveled fr stuck.
1'1111+i+>(.1.11 (.K direct ft the 11(aker44 141
elem.-mit mites. Ask to sec What 0•e 11171 sclliug
$1.00. $1.25 and $1.50
Thr)• etre fully one ,(u titct lass than tegulu'
►1st .1 small lel of giugham44 4111 SAtu•dny and
1I lay at
8 • cents
(iekxl yrllue for 10 cents. Suit:1)114' for el, ldten's
aprons, twat fast colors,
These ends ars. from 1st to 2 rents n )'art Itss th.ln regular price.. 1:,44,11, 1•Ie,ul and flee fr sfwek-s.
The lengths con( from 1 yard to 1.i aids. 'there are :(1,/1111 Kell )a(rd' of them left and they 4111. 4111 113 inch,,,
wide. Just the thing for sheets :114,1 pillow' covers.
1'hi�lk•a sel,rtion of these ends weever had, free front tears stud 11tnl.lge ,11nl fully :to per 1.1.111. i.•.s
111:111 (egoist. III'1res. Lengths from 2 to to 111 )anis, A(l.nit.:YM4 \:41'11• still to N.•II,
1. 1-1. C
Corner liar ilton Street and : Beare,
1 H in D•is eat Air Reaches Ev r 4'T
c Co•
)_; Y
of Nose, Throat and Lungs.
is sign of 11is gees Tenth 41111 rr.urree-
:1p4•e:,l. 101i spiv 14 o it his no•. 111,1 1'ab11•br* to e, .0. haw - Don. \1'4'• :(11, l•.pN•1'lall)• :18 Britons,
There would 114,1 be ...iv .,•,1.'• of 'he %"rk ul nal 04,441113' 141,441..
� hel(oc(d hi n c41nstituli41n nal in
)'whit y\ '1 it were not for w1, .I i. '.'.4m a, 1144• et,'14ulg.ballr. pm* A., % eonflf it al government: w' hen
,,ut.idr. Thur wuuid 1,.'t b.• :11iy ••'M)4' I114wn t+N:4. 1444 the wv,Iklrou. .1.•, 4)(1)4'(1, law failed w,' rr'lt•ted to
sense of IN duty if it were 14 sl for Whitt ire utgbt1)' to 11)0 lt.t-n ala Ir,rth
44.1,4411-ut•storyofherbenh:• the cilnstiUuiuu 1111 it d(r•L•an►tion of
Is inside. • 1.1)11 1 1st of 1'r U
n t1) n t
(nide 1• .
K nlr all t1) ales 111)11( nun. her Lme ,
rightsht .'u [he speaker e
xkwr hi-
tt-toile" Ire( 4'r. I►d pmever ems. "tnd all the Id+caret. In tMit tI rn
lic,ed that God in Bi. attitude to. sidar the one; tion, my friend. when (.47,1:1",4,",‘'!.11';,'..•11114177,,",7,47,,,,,,,„
i31.14idrS Be'. /:. 1. H,v,•n, lbe I
Imo 4% , Will 11,4 rain"(Tering Kant the human
pasture of the church. Rev. W. H, y0tt trent up t :t the to waren your race .1 clear, (nuclear-iedica(ti4n of its
tirah:1111, pastor of Viettein street hand.• and yn rulol :1 them with ,,1r4t:hemielhi lm,h,lrk111.7-n1,•IrIa11.1..r duty, its ;wiv(1eges and its destiny.
church, and !tee. It. Nutt 1144.isted in s+'lisfactiou, w1)( her )ht. heat mus i)1' Gll.0 4houah h.. se.l tour, nors.eand, Smite people objrrtl,I 1.1 the •'narr.,i'-
tlte morning service, Rev. I►r. t''4,•- the bole 4,r In y u? Iloli •you ever,' Auud.tthelen44(iaatorb,:144•found.' news- of)eligion, 1)W the speaker wa44
HAW'S x4141ress was i4, Nu4, t ftdiuw'4: :11'444,,' out whet her the color um the I Yn ted ,n'.c,r ohoyy 1111 reielet. 41 little in favor r,f witr"wnr4(4
i 1,11 nterfnrlha. 11,1')',4(4, : in 1. 1,1111
Ttslay m anis the magnificent closing
rim (1f that I..ok wis.in you ar in the. .F"„n•%rr sihsing, a. thry'.h1A[., • eases. 1f be used :4 knife he wo 0(I :a
Of grand 1•ffol•1. It con. (tion hrook? There are pe phr(1nlolh'1,14•8,t •I'h411tudIlia' wal':u*t•dtvine:• uart•ow edge, 1% 1t11 44414441 Sterne)' 1
that has been long and deramtly tout I think that 111.' title Are r'i44h(. Dip 1•(441 old -(4e,• it, )41)• ((41)41,8,8. it : the Itipli'•xtinn (nide was a11•
wished for, that the Ilene people here andel Are right, n1 ,Say (hell' is x m 40. 114(, aid do you hew! it ? 1((1,71' instance : 41,• was 11111 r"(t' The complete H' •i ' unit, eon-' 11,1(34 of torten. A han(441n
should have a house of Ood worthy of pm)wr4)' throe (1)184 e,41i •" n srn.1. 4,t ::1111,1111.,,«heavens ((('4114,4• t h 4' •• 11'::',4.4.4g1.11.1 t4) went oil' ((1111 41(14 10 11,4(4,'
themselves, and, we ought »leap,� In 4ulm heir• : ,t hliud Marl mi3;ht eon,,,„tor)misting one
of inhaler.oftuu•d'3. • is oil , black and other color.. Spec iii
gg L nil,” said the I'.Almi(4t, aril mainl.(it that :r peer crow. 4,u and one Iottic of Ht i, et to only
add. worthy 1)[ the Gal we worship. to that n million tilers an he would the firmament showc11, hie bandit 8144, was exactly $.i.IM(, .Inst x, EA. $l (41, extra IolIles :111 cents.
And hy the intelligence and liberality get ' no color (1111 of il.'und t tors r 111114' work.” . A(1d now• 1 4o'i' to %11)11, cit' titled ' -1ho oh'"1•11o11 to If you ,•»(plot abtlin Flynn 8i .of ,
Iso N kat room 11) out. ':1,' there ,1sT \,'x:leti 111 i4,.
and loyalty of the people thin 1).u+ been 1 1 of I hr great 1:1x1, city wit :1 wit lls fume- •these ',Tatters was the 1 1)rctun 4r your (Ioarr, it will be forwattle b)'
accomplished. 11'1 are alsw•mhle l in N Win IN• no 11.1/1111,1!Wit1111, .1 11:4,•,•, with tilt. Iwrly.• Iter of earl. 1)141 wne8s in religious dl mu(. The mail. NN.ta a paid. 111, recei )t of n• •.'.
house today. d have Wer doubt, the And so 1 vegan! this leant . The
I K+ 1 I:nvs u( Oal rondo a %vu)` 4 4. tato( I K 1 j {
vitt• with (ho ricer 4,f life and the tree 11 -rite today for cnnsullath baa
product of 'h thought and 'many »(Nestit hall these three a:rn ' : the of - life: 0+11 .f %ion - .'tot' •ing that wits not the lyond wa to hell that trill entitle you t1
1141(. the Ix ant 1111, the good. - The srr'icth 11
prayers. And now 11 ro but Ilk.' a e K (bumph, li,..l doth shine. :1tr•�h,•y how the way to Heaven: n our medical drpartnlent without
y.mn44 ;man who has • 4411'(41 hes hors :All your se11lp1c)•s, all 4,r• (here? 1I,,•„', :11141 Ih1vid, (,1ui sied.• rhe hnv or Host. was pl(cevl 1. (4(141 ch,ttge. '('ht. 14. '1'. 111)41(1) l'ontpi4wy.
lxuu7s•xt college. The world i. before 1)8:dh1n,ttirs, 411 ' I n r p13/1.,ll (4111(11, aid 4x111,11) and Ihr (3 '...I right into the laws of our twit . it hyu(uri Building, Ithtct, N. Y.
him - magnificent o p p 1) 1.1(1)4 i w. )'. 14''14'144',., ,are based oil What i. tt'i :('heist. (1)4• lin114(4 4 : and the hob• w4,.. hill/hinted in the very nattily 41f • -----_
abounding privilege, the world is be-
411.11:4I Is the troll i It i. )ht. :( err apostles amt I1).• p.'i '''• and the thing.. 11•11 o!,jecled 11) oho d,1,. t• Well Matched. 1 lar
fore 1 . and though he has a ((lent , f the 4,i deista11 ling. 4.o tie. 1,41,• M11tyem chit of nil (his tight the ,'x11(1 of the !tool',. Ilay n. ono 41f (tile
pletcd his c11114ge course and has Ills 'Thole i. +4 fa' 1 : 1111"1 media;; "1111• .r,.•t•nle,,t 1:11.1, the bust (iloh (111 narrowness•. o1 11 lig' • dogma An Irish soldier wanted In get a fmr-
parehulunt, a thing he'mi(hlt well le. 1•rehemb. it: the torr is lice", yon get (1 ing t:,Ni..hiuy1(4 'I'li gluey of the l.ut let them tuft religion .'side and ' lough Mid trluuprd up n story that
proud Of. it i. Nimisly a bw44inning :' i, !""1.t"'" 44rt l 1 Rath :1 l • K.', -l) rte 11.11 te,s1 shines resplendently upon just kie.p find A holy day ,144 ile ire ids wife watt ter)• Sick and had written ,'PHON
life for hint has simply opened. siiupby %,1 int•e et. 1ht. grip of amp.. .rn,linx• 1111• . 1, "1 Well. I, it not for 1111? 1. tended it to be kept rand the world hint to cont• hn,l Thr rnptait i 56
started. And it is 8ohere; though 11(,. the set, p of flat w"ell wtt (,' a )'nn ! it Mit f,,r 11 11 do the Iwst we ran it
would Iw straightened out. So with knew Iarnl(• 1)f. Pat s tricks. so hr .14,11
preacher his labored iln,1 11).• people Haw hrond 44 1". 1.1•4"1"'tlnn that our rn'thly pilaf image to ps•rf,mt in t1)" law of holy n1:84tiuumy I t1)(•
to hits that he had re•re•i1'ed N letter
have 1x111110(! and this good work hie. heavens and deeper r than t1)'• .' a r1). t,. lh4 I ,'•..,•d fadal ? Inti( 14'wotehilo, o11r.•rw• and 1)"1,1 the frons, the lady and that she told him
been accomp1'shed, it is, only th,•start. The hr11utiful is found in 41.1• flee 1::: a nrlinanees which Doll had established not to Jet 11(14 4. t home. *14 he gilt
if only means I)IN• g, IN•gNItlllg. 111 poetry, in sung. in. a41111I e Afternoon Meeting. i4, the eery ron.tittti"n of things and, drunk,. inky the furniture and nal -
Mole than matter IS before yen..1nnre 11111(41•. the sense of the bean, 1411 4- without hnth,•ring about "religion," treated - I. 41) 'filly. Pat s,llu4,0(1
than do111inilns,- -the kingil,iu 414 the has !deed in lion) Sol' 4 b high' -1 le•, 1 In thea 'noon Ret'. Joseph Philp they would reform the earth. rile.,' and start ril to leave the roost, hilt on
mighty Owl. and the tl'iueq,hant pose". \1411 thee) 1vleor• is the ,'.1 (.
. Fore: heel fret the words of Genesis orlipancl•4 were all in the world door 40
►e• rr(hing t1) door and said 4--
, glot•ir. 01 the gospel in .le,n,, Christ. and thisis the best .1 all rcliKro,,, Ano 't iS 140111.,w'IIIIh 1 1)341/• (Ilse He matte t he 1411,1e. lie started "Sit, may '1, peak to you -nut as stn
It is the starting day, and we ought the earth with men and tvonl111 ;dn.! officer --but. A
to be flushed with hope. and stung their constitutional requirements. 111111, Pat : wh14 is it
with courage, nd mighty in faith, . 11 hawing estnhli.hed the 1)ivine ideal, I'm atter Nxym
and profuse in liberality. 1 pity the the 111Me I other trvelat1141)8 ere Pat, going close
soul this morning that does not feel • " t given to show the ((ening-and the in -
an uplift: you a4' poor enough if you , tent of the original constitution. 4o
do not feel helped. rptickene 1. In 1410- when 1:(11 hili respect to Abel's 0(fet•-
eneal cheet'wl and invigorated lo: :111 - ing, but not to p'ain's, the speaker put
nereni411 of this kind. And so 1 pray '' • tIli, 411(1.11 as (14'14144 11/ the t•ter1nl eon -
that. the Spirit of the,;night)• 1:111 may , fl "3' 1 Nti1utiun of thing.. ('vin's 4ITering
he upon us, and 4hat I lie s441111). of Gal t' had no reference 141 sin, to guilt, t"
may 111' 1)3)5l41 1,i humble sett an; flint ii +, the promised Christ. It we.; not
h.' may say 40 the 11134p11. 4401111 (I iw( 5: '" ' t• 4411 Ihat we Should bring (1w' per -
that, ought to be said. - fumes. • pitli4h.d girth, to )31st with -
1)r. 4•(t'llmn thein turtle,! 5" his test. not4,tn neo Iedgment of 41111. 1.1/111
Psalm Ito :2 -Out of Zion. theImp- }"' that through the Maud of (iilii( 111• lnr,,, ,lfori frnn1 „mime,i i,iyii re.
friction of 'wady. (3/x) hath shined." 1 tech) is purged. (:nddrew 11141l.igl1l• of Canada points to the filet th t
The world outside of 111): that is what liar what th!'ough the:1g1'1 has 1ivddr0(1 many w1Yiu'n ha',. Iwen derei"rl Ins
most people 'me after, and ' at 9'111 yf men nn one side or the other -an 41114 1111111"1'11 111 11.1' 111,• weak .1)441 011111'
not go very far nor very long until d -. ids those who teotif •44.1 Christ as the tern(ed package dyes put•np hy me
you find that i1) (('11,11 the`beas1, of the.. eli.pru.nble Marion,' and those who skilled ,Ind nnM,.uprtlnu' 11u11m:tc
flrld, the, biWest orders ,d ('I)'41 1.11,, d 1111 So i•evognize Ilion. Ily faith orel'(4 to mitt. the pnp11131• I)I.1-
art after. They are atter 1111• outside Al .1lIT(rcd r1 more,kreptnbdeslrr'ifi''r' JI ON it try Es.
world. 1.41.1 ar,urding to its nw'n roll. that Cain, acknowledging that with- , Ott 4',11o11j:a1 woman, thoroughly
cep(1on of it : and this is a wonderful out, 11' .h,dding of blood there was aroused, tiller loss of too,. 11ori"y :((111
congr•R1tion if it is net so with the no re fission of sins 4 and in the valuable (natt.ri,ls through the 11.,4 of
majority of you. After the Outside' Cht•isUl 1 evononiy 97•.111tve c , to bay. Notchy and weak /)yes, have
world. Jesus • t• mediator of the new roe. directly laid the blame tor their DOM*
Now theta- is a (41114 inside 11 44)(11. - 1.111111t. AIN til the blood of sprinkling, "n the retail nmreharts w'ho:old them 1
rind the world inside it roan is in1(1. thaat speak t1) 1,•tter thing. 1 hall t114' (hetlrreptivedyes.
itely larger than the world outside. ,,tieriu44 of Iwl." Tineaetiln of indignant women 11)114
The torte) outside is n glorious 4v,t liI' REV. G., N. H •1ZEtG, B.A., Thr I4rvie,e vas ('1181•,1 with 1 he eon- caused many of our retail and whole -
Thr great (31x1 made it, 444)41 it i•, 4111811111 of the 8 retool]y of d1•dien1i1 in. Milli. deniers to pack up 1111(1 rrtnl'n to
worthy of the groat (:ad. It ,,ugh( to 11 s'.o: of North St: e': h:,thodist Church. The brief erre (mkt 01411' ..011(1114•1 ell 4 he IIk1111fartrner•, fe•*pans31,1e thrix
lift every man's heart up in adulation t`_ ) by Ihr. ('Henan, lxdare wham 1)(4111) W0111111.,44 /11111 dnn44elros (344(44,
to the great (3,441 who le this the members of r trustee' board. 31)1111.: 1V hen ladies deride to Ian
, wonderful world. And if you ,4,e a"-• IIs the Haute of t'4' Ik1(nl (:eery(.• hone dyt.ingo
work, it llryys fo nee w1),•
going to 144• blank 11(iMtN or 441.4188 1.11)1141, 4(1nt•n1i1 r.., ''i •I •.t. „ I sr :I 4,' n'. Ai ii tx• Glkl'', bonne : Acheson, the oldest ievntxh, hande'1 rt.lt.lrrnt(rl and popular IIIAMO'44
materialists, the IAasl help you, 1 on the amd.,lhe ' •'c' I g4 • I. •„ I "f ,1 ' 1):11 then shalt gi' j• ole ( over the new tehlir,h t( (w ms,l for DYES, which have hem the home
nth you would get after the whole of trite, the !want del and the gar .1 .\ ••, 1,. . -,.l' the lent 11 anti) Thee. •• Ihr w•orsh1(4 •of Gal, n the S. - -nl fl'IelI. of the ladies for over twenty -
t e world, instead of getting navy This amt eternity for• you. ';.. 1•i•,i4• in 11nwer)• term, des• supet'intet4drnt re(tie)d It 1,11,1 ern• II't. 0.8484,18 48. When hnyjn4, 81.1' 4Ina
wh t little 1)4 it you (':au put inside. There are t'at•i.tie+ of 14,tvl'4 , bled the „en,. on the horning "f gratlllated the trustees d n the cry)- smelt paeking.. handed to you bears the
you awn pocket. or the little .pmt's. physic,i1. architectural, moil. spit 1.- 1, .,,Ns lovetam with 1344, fotllowing summation of their great • rk. wools::!.\110311)
Al' 'I' 1►i 1):S.
MOO t e world has soule for deposits oats I:nthrr t 11 r III NW a1'hy.icol 1111' rt•rning of hand is loneliness se) deco- The musical Sercirrs of he d 44(
ay 1'•1•, Of 111:1 J11)N(� 111'1•:y Senn M••
Anmew ere else. (:et after the whole beauty'. n14turnl beauty. let 1hem1 all Intim anti the night during which the were under the directi tf the ('1111' exlwrl. in the (n'linnlil3 work
of it il,•ratew no man gets the be in the t'egd.• of the Most -High angel, of his 'Ireton descended to him i organist of the thurrl: A. /toy 4$ h ' volee'fng. and find 4ha1 a ten
world that dl*, nut get the whole of 13,,41. The fortuity of Mir art. nothing on their mission 4.1 love and kindness' .)dams, 1)11(1 erre eflh•ientlt• not rent paek14Ke 44311 renew the life 41f
It In his conception of it ---the grand- is too good for Ilio house of the !toed : and (4,,l'14 y.i•'.. slake its tm8Sage 14 dueled, The choir was assisted by Any bated and dingy suit, 111)148, skirt,
ear of heaven and earth, the sweep of no mise. lino good. it,, :I,',-hj?,','I 111-1' too comfort and .leer. In 111e pine! 1111`1111448(•1nf other choirs of the Alm 1, blouse., jacket, pith. or hu.hand's .i'
the MOO, the marvellous forces, eke- Rood. nothing too 44(,,)41 tor the 64111141' whi,-h 14' 4l011ght a wilderness and In the ping the anthems (('('(1, NOW, coat, ((i'.1 nr Damsel,. Allow no
trieIty. Stearal. light, heat. 0, the (1f 0011. ' where he 1ho,ght'hipl.,lf ftirgntten, "('orae, iw•t 1',..1,101- (('hurehilli, and dealer In ali.•r yon 1111' ho .thing he
44)rdidnr(4 of the mind 1 Is. the dark- Moral iwiu11y. Where 111" yo W 14,• lomat that it woe the house of0144), "The Lord is in Ili. Holy Temple" tills ".11'ST .AM (301)1)." No other
seals 111 understanding 4 That a man going to find it if 1101 Among the .len- the gate of lienv,•n : and with a gr,gr. ;Simper). (4ranier', "hosanna" wens 1 ,•es 'spiel Mas• 1)1AM4N1) 4)3'1''~,
will mark out n little cirele and try to igen,. of the kingdom of ('hriH• and fol helot lie ended the pillar 1 s a sting by. Misr K.•lirown. In the after. . did your name ,Ind nddre8S 10
get what IS in that 4'Irnce, and appro. (1 g the men who are the follower's )4uvrfori,(I and p1111g.d himself to the non the choir rendered the anthem. W. h lt- lti.hnrdson Co., 1,' fed,
print, it to himself. And it 3,. A of the NAgxlell/•? It is y • highest 44,•1''14'1 of 0,111. The ereetl'0 of the •'(3t", i and (Iarvellons" and '0 Taste Mon 1111, 1'. (2., ,4,,d you will 11.141.1'4'
idrsd.•41 thing the e,rr•Is• gets a little dignity and honor nod pri%ilege that pillar WA., .14,011. oxpr•s'ilu tot his awl Seep' (Mir John Goss), and A. 1', lee t vont ort• 11yr honk, "1)m of
1 *asd he gets'
4Mx11 better
head x ChristeWA. Von .
rS 11(Nw( oldk,• lire ora linvM with nod his ,reed. ft is t is In hxvr Harland snn44 ''Th1• Pilot Song." , dyed 4• t1) ,4,1nt 11.•1 And booklet. in A .'reed, said the ptvMeher. Moine The evening service included the I n• terse, ten 'tied -The 1tmgjnhn.' Trip
little primer with the (111114p1,e,tion ernment ofliees 4110 your paltry offer- people do not like to hac" written 'honk "i 31'i11 Sing' IIh(rnton) Anel I to the KIt, dike."
table on the nut.lde of it. 1 started at ing.. out of the public rn«1Rr es creeds they seem to be ashamed 111 see •'1'ongnerinpt Kings" (Mmm�,1el), And - --
that and 1 Kot. along where it "Aid flue Give m(• prl+mnrily, constantly, perm- then) in print-- tat evn poor even11 or re •' ed the solo • S O' -- -
times five, twenty-five : ten time. ten, anently, and all the, time, this I is letter than hone: it .rr(Y•A at least (Ano iRk1•8, „'
A hund11.1 : 11(1(1 when 1 got ,Ip to 11n he a elan like .1'8 i ('twist, HA4
nd A working basis. Mil 1 t .hutch.
,,,,,,,,,,,,„1„,.I• wimp,. Iwelve, One hundred the,' give ale t'11411 you like lifter thatof film faith N than ii-14(tB-1)nrtt At Aea
an. ' 4s4ag), 111111 lung., 14lwdh.. :1.1.144 !1 Saturday and f0110W111:; days We will make a sl)eclal
1)4':11)44 tt• irritated •ons miulhrat''• display of new 'spring 4flllll'Il+klrts to hand from. one Of
and e•
squally drives from the 11)'14• 1 n .just 1)111'. following
trnrull m4r14 /f t11, putlkrn. Whew the lent lig (:l'tlalllalt 1)1:111t1tdetllr('r,. o are a
using the Ily. •t t(u)nes( 41br an• few of tI1 ,111.4111' lilies :
you bret11h. is like that on the 1(8,11(1'
tabus. high a sees the sea, level, where 1
the pine. was till the air with pn4,d- ,1 No 1.
1 r
tying and ilea n qualities 1�
rs lh;t 'c( Miele u good K t 1 .1 1 f kdlr•('1� 4441
K 'tiny, ft finish, • '•i• •''
I K t 1 nn o t .•
r 4,u 1 4'r• w.
sattwit K 111) three •
1 r
health and stye h 41 0' • s
t ( t those, offer' S
1 m frill.. .41114 s •'/ • .
( 1 li
K t
from Ihw•,1s1•s o 111,• Iew %11711dry 01,1 �� ��
44,11)x. Hi:wy`ttiest (1),-'1414411 the IN711 I Na s.
144 n'k.•l. 11111441,'(' that u441es 0 it every I made of soft utility° 1
outfit. 'the healing air .d If)• •i 1 The colors- a vt, navy,
reaehes every tissue d nose, throat prier
and lung., and 'issue la"' relief 'i.1
given. and m permanent lett((• is soon.
made. 1 No. 3.
Slm(s, 111144 1 11 /4 d sat 0.1•11, wilh'd(,•p shirr(,) flown, ••.
grow is. green, red 4tr11) black.. tillt'eial $1.50
St splendid wearer, in $2.25
I)vryj I2dilfere style. 10 select front.
• .\.k for • 1 Mgr:tied entelugut•.
With tIteaove we til
I ..!>,, ' hr'iw• tYsc new Necuwdion pl.ahl! lustre Skirl.
'11 grey. navy, mein! and Ma4k, ttIdyll .1 to be sots fitshionrrble thin season.
SIw('1aI cetera and ,4ir.'•s 1111e1e Io'n del ill a (4'w days time. -
full lunge of ladies' lblck and 1wee0(1 wit king and 41n•sn Sk(1414 111 1/411.31 -
mon to mon ?" "Yes,
'r" ••%lith 4404'. what
is this, .'(•marked
1) 1111' r;aptain and
illar's Popular Store PT'
Also s me dangers
and so e needs.
If your Inn44" :4,r ((":I1. 4tne up with our
Emulsion of Cod Liver • Oil with Tea
lowering his ether, \ that you and 1 Hypophosphites.
Brings Joy
T i I .,'1'
Medical Herb
,4,e two of Duette"-, "1111g1111t liars 1)1e1.
the Lend ever plate. Fen not x mar- - None better and only 4o cents.
111011."WI. w'nW111 like t(1 supply caur .111 11114 111 for
Disinfectants, Furniture Polish, Pipe
Women Angrily Arousea ' Varnish, Dyes, etc.
All Over the Dominion. \\'••n I1v 1:11,1 to suit yl,ll if toe call.
no, Signal red The Montreal %Neck•
-rald for One yrnr only $1.00 in
' Two ,_yy(pere for the-
me. Mu .rihe now.
The Red -Cross Drug Store, Bedford Block.
Ited-(:fuss quality is ,lhvays 11),• high,-st.
still selling at
IS cents or 2 for
ZS cents.
Worth 26 cents each.
Only a fete tell.
We defy competition,
Admire opposition,
'And under no condition
Will we budge from our position
that we sell more for your money in the line of
Eavetroughing, etc,
than any other Store 1(1 town.
Worsell's Cheap Hardware aa4 Stove Store
Hamilton Street - QODERICN