HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-22, Page 300ddlIS ate the °aly
medicine that
Kidnewill erre Dia -
y boles LikeV Bright's Dis-
ease tells dis-
•ale was M-
PIIIsd curable•ntil
D° d s Kidoey Pills
cured It. Doctors
themselves confess
that without 4)u Dodd's
Kidney Pills they are
powerless against Dia -
hetes. Dodd's Kldaey
Pills aro the fires Inediehte
that ever cured Dialates.
Imitations— box. name and
pill, are advertised to do so,
but the mediclee tact am
le Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are
filly cents a box at all
t Mother i
Newmarket s loud In her
Praises of the Great Con-
sumption Preventative
My sen Laurence was taken down
with Pneumonia,' says Mrs. A. U. Fisher,
of Newmarket, Ont. •• Two doctors at.
:ode him. Ile layfor three months
almost like a dead child. His lungs
became so swollen, his heart was petered
over to the right side. ,heart
1 think
w1 paid $14o to the doctors, and all the
tome he WAS getting worse. Then we
commenced the Dr. Slocum treatment.
The effect was wonderful. V. saw a
difference in two days. Our boy was soon
strong and well.
Ilere is a positive proof that Psychine
%till cure Pneumonia. But why wait till
•nrumonii comes. it always starts with
a 'old. Cure the Cold and the Cold will
net r developPneumonia, h into nor
I'neuillonia into Consumption. The one
sure d Jy 10 clear ou t Cold, root and branch,
and to build up the body so that the Cold
,nit come hackie to use •
(Pronounced ,,..keen
50c. Per Bottle
larger asses •I and $1 all drugg Otte.
DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto.
We build brides , geed if •1o"
►lnughe o1 011 kids. Mee+ews, Roller .,
Manure Spr•eeen, •.eutflen.
wheelberrewe. Etter Etc.
rayed to nail you our rata..,('
The Wilkinson Plough Co.
LIN11T1 1)
on 3
Voir money returned
I •va+.,Isned miery way.
i x rfrr fru,114 le met', .lnd
h"II,,w pound in IIs nn1
peculiar way. With
ordinary careful
use, 1t will hold
its edge for
09 -
Cube- spa
MM•etfe �y
'sorts foe
leather es•
Double Concave 1251
ter beayy beers
"Carbo-Magnebr•" }lac-
tic Cushion Strop". 11.00.
Pea booklet "Hints to Shavers."
M W. HOWELL. - Go'ericb
better f o r
you --noth-
ing more
than a
meal of
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
Mooney's Biscuits are an evenly
balanced, wholesome, nourishing
food, equally good for young and
nki. Made from Canada's finest
wheat f oiir, rich cream and pure
hotter Baked by the Mooney
raker in the Mooney' way
Say ' Mooney's 'to your grocer.
f'l'it I; 'II•NA I.: l;014:411:11 I ►\'l A I;II ►
Yews of the. Sistrict.
Ed. Joh,itou. 411l'liotuu, 114ti, fought
out J. T. Carter's harness but inern ill
John ltarli,, of l'ulroee, hots Pim-
clouted the passion • lard of sixty
acme in'1'uru1N•rr)'.
John 141eMon, who hod heen cuuieeted
With the J4u•ks011 Manufacturing Cu.,
of ('Iiuturt, for the past five year's; hued
revered hie connection with the Oran
to take at position in Torun W.
51r. and 11re.'I'homas \Vilson, of the
12th e4iceeniO11 of Huron, celebrated
the /;olden lailivtartry of their nl+u'-
riage it) 1111ntlay of last wt•ek. Fifty -
wit descendant., of the couple were
William .1. :McIver, sun of 141r. and
1411'14. Angel 11,'Iver, of Kiurartline,
ipassed away 1111 1144t)da)• of Inst week.
(ewarsii his 1 hl thirty-first year mkt! had
been ill file some months with con-
s ptiou, •
Jalne14 Canopied', of Varna, passed
awns. 4411 Solidity evening. March 11th,
after N short 11lnees of pneumonia.
He leaves a wife, •tbr(e daughters and
two sons. The d(C•1•:Irell was sixty -rix
years of ego.
.1 quirt wedding took plus recently
,t 41'roxeter when Mos. seam, widow
111' lige lett. Alexander Solt, of Saskm-
t(Na1, S�nsk., and daughter of 111•. and
Mrs. Thos. Smith, ttVi•Oxeter. was
married to .1441111 Bodiertron. of 'Porro.
tin 11ar.h 1'i Mr. 111111 11d's.•'1'I1o,.
L. Johnston,°of Clintoncelet)r,ttenl
thea weedy-hIth anniversa y of their
marriage by at social gathering at their
hoi,•, During ;111 itoeir 4u:u•ritel life
Mr.1.ud :Mrs. Johnston have been
1'011 e N 11 ,
1 1 alt t t'1111t 111.
miss .� • '11 \
Its Il lit , .11
..rutin f Lucau
221111 1141 l eel, t•aelling at Houle
Mines, hs been appointed
as‘. N1MIN(-
4111in the,N111inl dep:u'Un1nl ,d lins-
rl. puh14r s,huul. shoe, ding Miss
Jerrie 1111be(tup1, w hu 144(0 r.•'igned 1111
account of poor health.
'I'11r dearth oremnrrl on Tuesday of
la. war o Altars IdA. C. teie
t k f 1 4 1 11,
daughter e of .1. t Ileid; 11' Kae \V: -
1 .(I t ed 1 1 111, t t 1
w:11141011, .lis. Bent owl leen 141 poor
Ilealt h for 0141414' time. Heat• dearth is
nut by .1large number of friends
in eh torch ,old 44orid circles.
J. J. Writer, of %urieh, has sold,
tlitougtlo his ag.il; -n nl'rtilII111' 1:,1111.
•too mites, in the High Itiv,r ills! 4'i, t,
Alberta. • Ile purchased the haul t wo
)'realer ago snit 11.114 realized the .,1111 of
\1' '•r still
1 t h• '4 \ .1 In 1 II
*LOBO ) tin sale. sill
twits\Iwo rind one-half sleet hills in the
1115• Iargaret, Nee( d. daulghtt•r of
111•. and\ 314.s. Paul HAM. 111 4'his•I-
1111114, w4A 4/ Georgi.
Simile. of Saskatchewan. 'Clue
111111V was perfo1•IIu44l 4(1 they home id
11ti 1814.. l,}^, Bev. Witt. \I:)rtin, of• o': ..1'x1• c•i111-
I:rt�•l,i'.intho lI .I „
pan)' of guests.
The nlarriag4\ls 411u4)nnr,d • of Di.
.1. 11. Gil 1, iltrly 4)f l.uckn.w•,
11111 !hiss Kliueln•t C. Rayne, prin,i-
oal id the Ih'itina 11 wadi, sehiod.
'bieag11. '1'114' wrddi took plat. at
St. Bernard's rhurrh. 4'bi':ego. only
he ' dla(te frientja cif the contract -
ug part les b,ii}; prese•ul;\ '
Ihu• erasing rrel•n(ly i her of
• h''fti,'n'l-:old neighbors of Mrs. II
di -lime-. of (free. g.ltller I it her
41111• 1'11441' 1,4 her deP.11't11' to her
sere 111IPt in 11,4! \Vest. and pr1(..••.t..-,1
soya wit 11 ,1 gold water, .1 1114111eI.lo,k
Intl an :address. ,as a marl: of their :Ip-
ae1ialion of herself awl (duskily. \,
Mr. and \I1,, .4.. F. Hallett atm' te•o
langhtet '.l 1;miscall,. Kent WA
ai 52'1•'•1. 1.,.,41441.1N•1n1.re'nt r.•.1d.•nt.
f '
1 \ .1 t 1 r 4111'•
r,•afo, t h. . I 1. 11 ,11••I t 14 n
1, 1
11.t.,d Ill, grur4'r0' basin,., hit het to
•arrird . u 1.1' (iill.',t I':nn•re•. )Ir.
!fallen i, all old Se..fottIt Loc: hot ha,
t.am residing in the 1'14i1,d St.tt•,
w ooliet• 4)r )'tat:,.
\\'iley• r'e'lict of the kite Medi
11.'t. 4(l' 1111• Vi'-inily of Vol not,
,.as.,•d :.soy ten Friday. ALO, It 1lh.
' 41•.1 e•ighl y eight c. 44'.. The de
'4'a w•,1 way
born 111 1'Vt kill(! :Old 11(1114'
'.r this 4.11n,111'y with hill• p,or'nt44 when
. ytonug girl: She is snkciv,11 by sec -
'•rad sons and dautghterS.,1nd grn11-
•ilildlen to, the fifth genual'
Ili the aflernlMm 111 \1�%.1it wluya
datrrh l lth. (u 1r,ppy t•Vett tl,4-.k Wave
IL the home of S. Scales.ulle'tt.
ideal his daughter. Miss1.izri4 1N•-
':use the wife of 1m,µ l':utwri ht,
(144,1 'of Willett, Bev. N. Leckie. oof
Ien11I4sls,ro', 111•rfurm.s1 Ilse ('ore• 114411
tor. au,l \L•:. ( 'Art w•righl will sonde
of the 14111 ,unce$0pm of Ilatll•tt.
K''1rhe,, 1Vinnipig, to ori rl)-
of Stanley, 11,14 lately 10•ru ',tiered the
p..itiiu 1.f 1h•pie • :Minister of :1gri-
'ultiur' 1.1' $:taka1,h.'tr,1t : he hats al-
drw(ly Ie04l a similar posit' in
)Mario under the Hon. Mr. Uryde11.
'If he nervus the IN mil iun lie will have
Itr111ltweirl(rs in Reginal. He is at
purest rub -editor of The 2411111it11b4
U)'. rind 111.5. \V111. 111(2ltill:in, of
\Vert \\'4(w•11trish, o•eleb •at14 the
1,11111 anniyertetry of their Marriage
'n 110114134y evening of Inst week by 41
- oriel gathering at their home. A
pleasant f,'atur• of 1b,.'14btrltinn was
the presence of the two unbroken
families. those of Mr. 141eQiiillen and
4.1r. 11,1inr0. the fathers of \I r. and
\11.44. )1eQiliIlan.
The Springfield Ohio Sc'.'.". of
resent dale gives an x.1.4)11111 of the
ordination to the 11'I.1tl.Nnl if he
I•.pisropal Howell of Ilev. Rolk'rt.lsule4
!telt. a native of Senforth. He will he
•seats of St. Pawl's pro radh,drnl.
"pryigHeld. Rev. Mi. -firlt was ed14-
•ate 1 in Detroit and for Mini• time wear
.1 member 4)f the 24114'hig:ln Isar beton•
he lµ.udi,, theology.
A 11. 141usgrivc.' 1111nripnl of \Virg'
haus pnbli4 school. met with n painful
elidrnt one ,evening hat week. 1n
leaving the town hall his foot caught
in luml4thing and he was thrown for-
ward down the steps on the velment
walk. Beside, bring considerably
bruile&nne knee win, severely injured.
The accident will necessitate his ab-
: rnce from his duties for some tint..
The remains of the Luted Mn.. fleon•gt'
Snellgrove. who died itt Newbury 4)n
Tnes(,l ty of last week. were taken to
Lurk 1111W for interment. the funeral
laking place from the residence of the
deee(Lsed', lrothi•r, Hugh Findlntct.
The dereanrl wasn daughter 4)f the
hate J,unlr l.indlnter and lw•sider her
husband she leaves three small (•hil-
al en, the youngest n babe of a week
old. tithe ryas in her twenty-ninth
A Generous Action.
When the lust 4.4.4125* Witwanosh Agricul-
tural Society ceased holding Nino at
Helgravc some few year1 ago. the re.
tattier' membership Irmo ney then still
heck 1.4) the nlletnbers,
remained in the ted• entry emit'' 11010,
One evening r•retltdv the .• mit tee
noel and derided to divide the money
equally .rnong the three Sunday
schools at Helgrarc.
Business Change in Chilton.
Another (notifies- .•lying, fakes
piRre in Clinton 4(t the end 4)f this
month, when Fred It hall retina
from the well-known mud 4141-est,o•
• lining! firm of IttuUatll & 1IeM41tir.`
1141r. Iluulball's 1)1(1ce will lei taken by
his sun -ill -lies, Arthur' 'Tyndall. 111
addition W the presentarriage-ulak-
iig busi1twu+ the mow firut purtoees
sleeting u iiurn1Lurt• and undertaking
Death of Resident of Tuckersnuth.
ltobt. Peacock, of the Loud • toad,
Tuck.errlpith, expired ver)' suddenly
of Friday,, \Lurk thh. He had been
in his mond health hit Wesel la•iZed with
m 4414,14,11 attack of heart failure. 1.1t -
ceased was bort) in Sadhnrg,'. Eng-
land, and came to this, country about
Mu and Nettled o4) the 2nd concession
of Mullett, then a ttilllt•ruess. .11Nnit.
thirty years ago he removed to the
Loudon road, 'I'uckp'smith, where he
resided till his death. 1L•ar. Peateoek
died inane years ago. 114. Ieatvt•s fiveons and tato daughters. 11e note in
his eighty-third year.
South Huron Temperance Workers.
.111 .nthuniahtie 111111 l:u'gely-at-
*11414•d ule(Vhog of "'14resentmtier tem•
frtn'nu44' workers of the south riding
of Huron met in 111e 141.th«heat church
at 1I4.nM:d1 o4) Monday. An organi-
zation known :s the •Aiti-Ila1rlM,ut
League was org(uiizevl, With Bev,
%e.Pito..ltrtii, of Exeter, as president,
E. 1'. I'14111in, 1)IIe11w-INNI, ,/1 0t•1•lr•ttl'V,
and Vi41•pr•4idertts were elerl4.d ft•
the different mmiieil4tlibit N of the rid-
ing. A. T. Cooper, representing the
Dominion A1114411rr, Wag it).utr1d,nce.
Several intonation 1 M111161/115 IN•:11'111''
on temllker•anee work were passed.'L
Death of Wm.
Mo tClinton.C
\V 1 \ ,
i..I..Ld a
who resided .Ided d•'1tl 1
Ills mother in Clinton, t 'ed soddenly
om 1'hursll)• morning of l: art week. He
had !teen 4(l work the day before andretired in hill 11011111' 111.11111• I/
suddenly in'the• early ening. He
was slXtl'-t111Yr• year's 4)r age and has a
wife and f 'Iv residing in the Shoal,
i.:ake district, II ll ll•t t,
111 til 1 'r
11 N .
Ile 1. N111'-
vi't',l Ily 115.14 sirtlrs, Airs. tieing*.
1'ir•kett and Mrs. Thos. K:lst, Clinton :
Mrs. 111
ram1au1 ht1
1Nu.Nits. John
Juhnst41), %%Olin, 11111i11ra. G.(,. J11hn-
4trn. 14144 114d,a, rind 1524)1 hrotlte•t•s,
.1ihi, of KIowa). ani( Sailtlel, of Lon-
South Huron Agricultural Society. .
At a meeting of the oflir,•rs and (1i-
r,•,•turs of the Sololi Huron Akrieul-
tur:ll Soeh•ty heli at liens:ill tecentl)',
it was decided to hold the annual
spring show foot• entity' stick at Bruce -
field 4414 Toes,L1y. .\ pail _'nth. A dele-
gation firma the St••ph.•44 nod 1'sJ",rll.•
i,ran.'h Waited upnu the Siuth nitro it
soviet y ti make (u•ralgeuelltm t,, hold
the enmity fair its conjunction with
the•In•nneli at Exeter thim fall. to shah
111, dalertfi1,, 1.411 111114•41: `•
n (152 1,. 4)'
I I. A f Ito
•leleg,ttio11 WKS also pre'M''It and asked
fo1' a donation of Slat towards their
building fund11s a similar amunnIt had
Ik'.'I given the Stephen and 4'.INt•ne
branch 14(441 %ti:ar. 'I'I1i' roiliest was
also r.rgdit•d with.
Snake in Stomach.
' For soum• mnulles a dough' or 141
1\'n,. lUeunul, \1',•t ward. .4.11!.•II,
has nal foetal in"gtoto41 health and iul-
a.Aimed I41,1 1here . was something
'.1it'.• in I1,4*. •Ioi,a,h. :1t lilies she
rou141 14,'1 it 11.t'.'liig up herr throat
,,d %%uuhl hat 4- t„ lake focal ted, 51.1411
it 1..1..k. '1'h,• 5,•llsatfon 52•,10 ally(hing
11111 p1,',saalt, hat 1•,11,1 race ' day
r(„illy when the young Is41V was
Visiting in the ...toothy and,- drinking
t glass of eye:un Wiliest 111.1 Rol agree.
%vitlt her, took :1 lit. if ,ou•'hing and
p r; • at milk '411114.. no•:1sn'ing f4nr•
1e •u 1la•14'S in length, and still :lite.
.foe •ill a from • o' l
ft n lh•• siz' I h'• reptile it
nnt.t have been in 111'•. e•irliw's
•ton,a,I, :hoot two year,. and not
l4nlat eras swallowed whir drinking
front a pond of tamer,
Demise o Mrs. McEvret, ` Wingham.
1'h, d,:, h 141414r1.ea on Sunday,'
,414 1111,.1) \\'an ll l4(,, 111 4'..
\\1I'-1I•:we•t1, :tit„ si\I V -lit, 1,4•:1\1,, sli1V.er
01 illnessr or atlN 4)t :. 111011th. '1'111' d.•.
2'•:1,1(1 W1114 :1 daughter .,t the 1:<!,•
4,uuncl Bold., •gisu'ar o1 North
Verdi. She wens IN 'i in the (fore of
iAownie and or -aided hest' Iill hat' mar-
riage to \VIII. 141,' Ewe• . as gr+tin-Ilu)',•r
of Stratford. She It r a resident of
ford 4(d till :thou( rle'rn years ago.
when she removedto/ 'I velaud with
144.1 sister. F.List 114E f: I they I,••
rd from Cleveland 140 Viighain,
here she died nn S,nal: y. h•r,:..'•,I
is\ u1't'iv(d by ono brothel*. • x111111,1
liolrh, if Stratford. and tone sense.
i$4(, •, of 1Vjng1n,1n. There t is a
funnily of fotes• vhiirl,en, but the rue
1111 41.�a11. 11er 14u4h:rld I•ted4•re4; 4'i
her al bnu t t went)' years,
\Vestcr:l Foundry, Wing -ham, Dispute.
There is a ' asipeet of trouble:mil,
perhaps, Iitigat in Ie•tween the town
of %4.'ingh,all and he Western Fenn
dry Company. It wears that in 1111i
the company erten . ell to ,•x/,11,1 the
buildings and ,11111111 one hnndted
hands. 4411 et nditi,m tit) t the ,11,111unt.
expended up Io $11,41(1 honld Ile de -
dueled from the original pi ice of the
foundry wirehaired 1 • the town.
The w11111pains. went on and at •111(' the
improvements, though they 1 'd not
employ the. one 1 led hinds. \Sub-
44eqnently the r•erlu.t1..,, the .'lj ploy
was entitled to was fixed alt I*.qi .),
hilt 111114 WAS nlVet• clonal. The ngr'
meat w+lr bll1) verbal and the pl1'
ent council seems diaplr14.41 to eenf(itee
a settlement at the of igi1Lll I','1 ase
lprice. Twenty -Hee handy have been
aid off at the foundry,unl morn have
received moth,,
Sudden Death at Seaforth.
Andrew Young, one 11f S,:lfot•th's
oldest and most prominent, business
Wren, died very suddenly last Thnrs•
day night. Although he had not. been
in the hest. of !width for a few daps he
wale elite to attend to Maine.44H (%•('4'y
day. On Thnrsbq• while silting at
hreekfest he war taken with a Neeere
Nrain in the region of the heart.
othing methane tilts anticipate(1, but
he went to Iced, end et night. shortly
after I!, he rnmpbtined of 11 Nevem
paid in his heart and died 4(l It im-
mediately. Dere/wed war t native of
Blenheim. Oxford county, and had
been in h1141n4nN In S1'af(Irth for over
thirty years. He was Iifty-nine y.•nro
of (1g,, He was for several Veers n
member of the pulls.: school board,
t,w)k a deep interest in puhlic affairs,
war (t prominent Liberal, was vice-
president of the Hell Engine k
'Thresher Company. n Pr $1.yl.'ribui in
religion. and a member of Die 'tints nK
ing board of the Presbyter' church
for over twenty year's. Ile leaver it
wife foul three daughters.
If to girl's father dow'on like it tnnn
Nhe• is write he Is Hire. New 1'nrk
1'1,11.. -
(iie-e us courage and gaiety and the
quiet mind. (live its to iteake with
N radia'. (live us to I.thnr sniille.I W e. m the pit.
('sive to food.health, fr, brig1rht. we'ttff- Take the Alt between vont' teeth
and light heart. —Robert l.mlkl'lown I or these fnr.ty days. Thin same jolly
POO. - eenset.ioe co es to
>n t.1)0 horse.
7'HU1111DAV, Murch 92, 1906 3
Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps,
but is beFt when used in the Sunlight way.
To appreciate the simplicity and ease of
washing with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight
way you should follow oirectior .
, After rllbbi2g on the soap, roll tip each
1/71-1---- piece, imnl'.'rse in the \vat: r, and go away,
Sunlight. Soap
will do its work in thirty to sixty minutes. e
Your clothes wi!l be cleaner and whit,;- than if washed-'
/ in the old-fashioned way with boiler :.red hard rubbing.
Buy it and 4.‘w
5 11 omit ae•1M$11
Lover Rrothoro L'.'nitod, Toronto
,est .1
The Terror of the Desert. •
div n Ilu,h.r•a
A journey over the desert, even
though it be the short more 11cer a
corner of the Libyan desert which
[11u1•ists Who Ire not afraid of the 4)u•
fainly uu)ti4ft of the camel or the
irritating jerk of the 44544 114)52 f,'.'
qu4utly traverse, i.• a weary and
11101111141110 41S expel items. f14.4111riUy
m:tended by rr,und4'rahle dis,on,l'o tet,
and, except tui those who revel in ab-
solute outthink. at moot dreary end
u,t•I:nehuly underlektug.
(stetting the fertile plains of the
111x1 N
newt .Ile•,
valley,leaving the
1 •4'luful groves of o
graceful 'tend/tit fronds weaving; t4)
and fro in the bre, •, and leaving 1111
l e ',44 11
f the mighty h
uusl which for decades of centuries
•, t t '
So many Institutions devoted to the higher Edu-
cationselect Bell pianos? The tact that ti:cy use
and prefer the Bell is evidence of distinct merit 1
One follows prufemidual advice in acquireµ( en olecattoe,
why nalfollow prol conal custom in buying Bell piano. i•
I1,e okly pianos with the Illunitable Quick
Hrprattnt Acton.
,5er4 for f!iewlif,Ll (free) Deoklei to
The DELL PIANO 1Qraett ,. Limited GUELPH. ONTAR13.
riot, withstood the 1 caging hand 4)f'
time, the• traveller. I a few hours,
Hadk himself in 114.• t 11f the etl•r-
na1 end mhos�1t,itald( s1 •f11114./. Of the 1
wild,rnks4. ')n it I 1 les sand ; i
nothing visible but wand, lid, wad
It N111.111/, Of ed tree, not f ( 1 vestige
4)f life : it)l.•0s - be s • Ilmths
h' y o' )
4) l t n Ito I iii +dill •o 'a ,
prey K
11 114
gloating 11
tl t) hope a 14'1 ,
f 11 ,
a. lit out
(, K 1 1
colic' 4)1• :1414- 51141*11th. Ilene 1 1 ox -
lewd tat flat plateau 1tit11 naught to
the monotony 4:11'1' het • and t ere
the nkrlt•tou of at camel le to IN•r'4h
,in the desert. Ilei• m loft and 11 -
/ms44 h
It tins .
1 0 0 '
unl 11 i' •
h 1 piled hi•
by 0uree014iVe a111111 Nt01211y : tut' there e
cleft 'r •holluwesl ,lepre�/,.>it•u ill the
uhilplituus, intermitiatallr4:tieki} •
1io1 mow the tra11 atteudaA*, %titlt
nn explv404011 of a181,1, anti fear. points
to a lolirk ,'loud in the boriyam, mut-
tering something n11in4•Iligibl•; prob-
ably a n41'Il(lirtion, awl in broken
English telling or Diad we at
Metas fill to the p:t•ti:el shelter of the
r1r14 aesi 4,:,1141 hill. 1':Ver blacker :old
I111cker. ever nearer and Ile:arr 4ul-
Vallee.. the e• 'elan 4I I, obit ken
int; the air 1(1)41 of 1•rspreot(ling all in :1
disuud o1N+(rurit c. :\1141 now, With IL
harsh; disiserd,1,t :,mina it is upon
us 4 4( tut•dr11144, aillimK and entitle:Ithog
hurri,aue of wluu•p, gritty '.411141: 141.111•
1,141X and pricking its though every
grim were .1 pointed thorn : :1114 ralt-
.4ling like hail upon u.. '
.1t 1.•mgth all is o4.•1 : we relrn 111
our r: 1. 114' ass.•.. :out as the., tun
sink. .. al '.
ctrl t ,angry, Ii1•r\• .•loads in
the %t. .l ter ern"11 4411,,• • (11'.
114(1111 griyes nn,1 ar,ria 1..n•dered t•.N1,l
of civilization.
.1111 5o with the morels ,4(f life ;l
beers lieu ' 1g lis in a deluge of sh1111),
tt.i; sots) h'atlarb.s, and .driving ns
(o 1144 for r.dnge fr11u1 the piercing
blasts. Rut those whit 'take shelter
beneath. the 'lock, of Aged, who
11,tliz1 by the :till 111 the Body Spirit .1
God that the Saviour of 11).• worl•I
lane their griefs, curried their
rnws, 1111,1 sutfelrd. the t•h11411is,nu(,t
Ju'• 10 th,il, and who ea.( t7eulselves
as :.uppliants al His feet, find that
those storms pass 11111'1I11,tt1V .ter
that,,, 111141 1 hat Nleit Nlll'I',,tVN 11.14' e•x-
elsanga•d for joyous gla(ii(ss nal ex-
ultauo juhflati11o.
.4 Treat from Ceylon
"Red Feather
Makes the most o - 'tself e
l't'R KM
f'i111pliie. is atbsdutrly goalant'rl
t11 ('1111• the worst- eases of I ' pies and
Other nurh skin'di4.+1t1ls 1hitt eau 111•
f d. Four or five applie(tiiuN rote.'
entirely curie) tufld ease, and We gm►r-
ante a 11111' 114,4114. 40 Ik'rleek sure.
11 y refunded if not 4atiefacttn'y
To Whom It May Concern :
used l'im,4)litl, and can highly
tec44u11nend it. 1 was 4t'oubltd
with pimples and It 14ki11 disease
for years. 1 used less then a
bottle'bottle11t I urpline and 1 1152 per-
manently cured ; their. is not a
pimple on mly fan/'. It is a
wonderful cure.
'Finis. ('oi.'os,
lfuelph, tint.
Price 50 cents, postpaid
GUELPH, ON•i'. •
Ile Kept Cool.
1 111:111 and his Wilt' tt('re at it hotel.
ellen in the night they were :aroused
front their sl IN•,"1 by the try that
I hr hotel seas 11111.e, •'Now•.
paid the husband, •'I will 11111 into
4.111* i4 .• slop 1 11:121,' 4)11,11 pr.:41•h,d.
I'u1 on all Vogl indi5pensahlk apparel
'Ind keep r4Al.” 'Pres he 011 gnrl Iti14
witch into hi. vest. )N4•ket and walker(
tt'il1, his a ifs out of the hotel. Wlit•rt
all danger eta: past he said ••Now,.
you me' holy necess:a•y it is to keep
Neil." The wife for Die first time
glanced at her hash:1111. ••Yrs,
Brun." she snide '•it is a gland thing :
but if I were you 1 would have put on
4(y a'nus'es."
,•end The Sign11 I o 141,41 y fl send..
Irl L'f3LR 1 UU 11 LAI? 01 LVLRY STYLE
11 you weer Merchant. Rubber real 1,1. t nu *an depend on
hay mit the base mode, 'n wed , style. Lt, end wearmg
Made en hew &shinned and popular teal, only. they are
excellent Ltpn, a strengthened- and n mforcd at every
pant of mxtle stn. or wear, and hare a natty appearance
that n •actye114411y t 4)r ewe.
The Merchants bber Co.. Lmuted. have 4an• 10
enormous •'pone, give w nrt,,:lo a I -R1. hotter
than you 1520 been deed, without ddmd to the
selling pace. •
11 your Shoe„• demon I sell Merchant•
Rubber let ma knew: \
Get it at
March Winds Roughen, the Skin.
The '•4,1d, damp winds of Mardi
are prowt•rhinlly hard l on the
c p11•xiun.
Ladies who like to have thrix
skin soft and smooth and their
11XI v11 1
Irmt se1
4)hI 11„
Almond Cream,
It t. wonderfully
hen '1 .I
Il 4'g and
soothing, allays all roughness
4(r irritation and inyatrte to the
skin 1h4tt freshness a11111 velvet
softness 011 111114.h desired. 1'1•ic r
Ow' H AN* of Drugs. 11trlirines,
etre„ i.4' large, pure anti fresh.
\Ve will give
h you at to per ,est.
discount on prescriptions 1
faultily ,eeiptm- Ever )• t h i n g
gnat motets'. 4
v our splendid 41N•.i.dities
fur sprint; :t tether' priers.
(God Lever Oil, $r.eo bottle for 5oc.
Beef. loon & Wine, $I oo bottle for
75c. Sarsaparilla, $r oo bottle for
75c. A splendid p d bath sponge for
250. was 5oc.
If you
in Need
i •tOLINr11:lrr}�j
' °S
Northern and Central Ontario Agents.
Prompt attention Riven to Telegraph, Telephone and Mail Orde
Specialty jobbers in all classes of High Grade Boots and Shoes.
Telephones : Maes( S7o6 ; Main 117. 24 Front Street, Toronto, Ont.
0 umyIhing in the line 01
Tinw - re, Graniteware,
Stoves and, Ranges,
Coal OI Or Gasoline,
call at -P Nul:1t'$. . H(•
keeps ugly •o best and
pries are nigh
Let hi111 figure'
Plumbing, IIeau
I Ills lllth111g.
5.\ rfr.lt"rION (;e sol•.
R. Pinder
"Maple Leaf” Long Rubber hoots are doubly
strengthened at points where the wear is greatest,
' nd are made throughout of only the toughest
ring material.
insist on " Maple Leaf" brand rubbers for all
s —they fit every shape and style of men's,
ad children's shoes.
Are w rift, perfect fitting and lasting.
" Maple Lek— brand rubbers
please the dealer because they
satisfy his customers and,
increase trade. �i 1
1 111: L1'.An1N11
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Order• cerlully etleuent to at ell
hour., Light or d•.
Livery, hack
'Bus Stables
I (3(0
I) 11011MK1t
(A 11111 A (3 EM
Hawks and • reli-
able drivers in
charge of the
'Mules, which will
meet all train s
and ate/Lill boR14
A1.1, UA).1 v A9TKNIM:O Ti)
44)17TII s1'It 1: ),'I' .119 1111 \'
1 1