HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-15, Page 8R THURSDAY, \larch 15, 190fi
ltl�'isi. •�•
Three Hundred Delegates from Wes
tern Ontario in Attendance.
of Alex. N'. Burger's. Toronto : A. M.
Todd, Goderich ; Geo. liof(IIrgau,
Anldon : Walter ('1)u t'w' •, 1.III Itll ;
',Vin. Vining. Severn Bridge ; C. 11.
brush, 'Pursues ; Grand Chaplain,
•v. \leen. 1VNIrb, Brant ,ton; IIeltnity
(rand ('hNplaiu, ltev. VIII. 1Vlnjte,
Severn Bridge; (frond Pureuivant,
W. B. 11'alker, London : authors, J.
J. .lithatfy,Stee't:vine, and William
Cook, Medford.
The election was conducted by Past
(;null .M:utet• Wm. Lee, of Toroutt,,
and the installation by fast (irand
• 31astel• Lieut. -Col. J. 11. Scott. of
Grand Lodge.
The attendance at the Grand Lodge
is one of the greatest in the history of
the Provincial lodge. Among those
present are E. T. F:s44try, London, U.
; Robert Hirnlilghxnl, Toronto,
P. G. Secretary: 11'nl. Fit zgeiald,
Toronto, 1). G. Secretary: Wal. Lev,
Toronto. Grand Secretory : John
Hewitt, Toronto. Brand 'I'r•asuree:
John McMillan, Toronto, 1'. G. 11. ;
Itev. %'Ill. lows. Wiugbanl, Grand
l'haplt:,i ; I.t•l:'1. .1. E. Brlrhet•,
Dtayor of S4mt han,ptou ; lilill'y- Love-
lock. Totonto. junior 11. G. M. ; Rev,
E. C. Laker:, Toronto; H. C: Hocken,
Toronto, (sting. id The Orange Sen-
t i n e 1': T. Wallace. Weicdlridge,
Supreme Grand D. O. l'.:.1. S. Leigh-
ton, Toronto, Sec•retu•y Orttng4' Dlu-
1ual Benefit Society; J. S. Duff; M. I'.
.1'.: Cookstown ; W. M. Lockhart, Atli: -
ton, Supreme (irand Secretary ; F.
1V. Lewis, M. P. P. OrangeVille: W.
J. Parkhill.. 1idland, Someone Treas.
ores • D. M. Jermyn, Wiarton : Ise( -
ward Ellett-, 'Toronto.
Lt. -Col. .i. II. Sc..tt Walkerton.
Grath! blaster, opened elle session of
Gt•and', iodge on N ethittalty after-
in opening his address the Grana(
M:wtetto "the referred in coulpl' cutesy
U'I'nls ancient and picturesque
town of Go(1e'rich," its important
position as a centre of r erre and
industry and as a leading lake (sat.
and its 1)415! 1)14(144V 11) rotltle•e•I 14111 with
the opening op 1)f this •Ihw•r,tet•n
p. )I'lIi lfl of 1 In' 4141 Prov thee of Upper
Can•pla. '1'61• Grand Monter then dor
voteff :tome Vigutou1 se•ute•nces t1) w?nate
he termed an "outrage,- and '•a gross
abuse of power." on thepart of the 1 mit Ido-
)))) Lot• l 4'1nm nt 10 connection
with the Northwest autonomy legisla-
tion '4f
egisl -
tion'4f last ser ' . The Orange as-
M)('iation had expressed its disapproval
of the proposed violation of the con.
stitution, but the protest was Wit Mali
Avail—the autonomy bills become
law. To M. W. Bro. Dr. Sproule ant:
the faithful band of t'onntunels who
opposed this legislatiuu in the }joume
the thanks of the Orange association
were dile. "The session of the Dn-
minion Parlianlent'for 1110.i •nay well
Ice characterized as notable for the
utter abandonment of principle and
the absolute subservience of the mem-
bers to the demands of the ('hun'ch of
Reference was made to the develop-
ments in France tnwlrlW the complete
separation of church and state in
that country.
Continued opposition to Irish 1
toile was alffit'll led.
In view of the recenl announce-
ments by the Jlinister of Education of
x p'liry of a plete revision of the ex-
isting schff,,N1 laws, watchfulness wag
m•ged nn the part of the members elr,
the soler. Already the Romain Cath-
olic nuthoritiett were preparing , the
way for further demands 111(111 tht•
w•gislature in the direction of extend-
ing the scope of separate schools, and,
roan present 1414111411(' s 'it would not
be surprising if a claim for the estab-
lishment a
nt 1 f Nr
r(rite highh schools
Inm 15 (eNl upon. Inn. 1
t brewed, l d t•i
lheie at e
especially opportune that the nonose
vigilance should be exercised in scrut-
inizing Any e•xtenai0ll On. amendment
of the present school system.
,ttt'ntinn was directed to the need
f organization and of securing 4144 in-
re•ase in the numerical strength of
he order, for Jtic strengthening of
tN influence in the cnunti•y and the
note widespread recognition of , he
Largo Attendance at Hoehn( or Grand Mack
kora Chapter on Tuesday Grand lodge Ger resod
on Wednesday and Is (11111 In Mssion. ..Public
Sleeting Last Night. —_ o
The meetings of the l'ruvinyi:el
Grand Black Chapter and the I'ru-
vinc•i:.) Grand Orange lodge 1)l' 1)11•
` t.at•io West have hnnighr to tiodt.I•iell
this week about three 1 fired mom -
inert nwmlwrs 1)t' the Orange order.
The Provincial Grand Black Chapter
convents! un Tltesdxy afternoon, and
among those who responded to the
mum' nunr of the Grand Master were
many pt. uminent uie•1111wrs of the
order, including Col. Ilelchea•, South-
ampton: Mayor J. T. Joyce, Owen
Sound : W111, Lee. Toronto; Bev.
N'In. Walsh, Brampton : ' Fred B.
Purnell, St 1',Ithau•iues: E. A. Fen-
nell, Toroulo ; Chris. Armstrong, Tor-
onto ; Robert Graham, 11 'Iron
Edward Metcalfe Toronto : J. SN'il-
liams, Toronto : %Villia it, Wilson.
Petiole*: W. J. Johnston. Aylmer;
T. E. Milburn, Toronto: A. \V. Bur-
gess, Tot•unto : J. A. P,ltterbon,
Orangeville; N'. J. S4underson, J. P.,
Toronto; J. F. Hanger, Hamilton: J.
J. Dlahaffy, A. losing, 'Toronto Junc-
tion : Jt'seph Nolan. Owen Sound :+
Ilio. look, Dleaford, and Rev. Chao.
E. Petry, Toron(u. T'h.• atteudauce
watt close upon one 11)It1dled.
The Grand Master. John Scarlett, of
Leadhury, in retiring from the lw5i-
• tiu11 at the head of the older, ex-
pressed the opinion that there was
plenty of room for branching Out,
ra in for organizing new pteceptoriem,
and greatly incensing the 'member-
Fred. Parnell. Grand Registrar. S1.
Catharines, reported new prec4'{uuries
in Tomato Junction and Orangeville.
The membership shows a net gain of
141, a small decrease from (he' pre-
vious year, which will probably be
1101414' up whets the full returns are
Lieut, -Cul. Belcher, Mayor of South-
ampton. Grand Treasurer, in c•ot ipli-
once with the order made at Midland
last year, furnished each delegate
with a atatement of the fln,4nces.l
This year ham been the lest of all.
The surplum ,leaks foe itself.
A. M. Todd, Past- Comity Mateter,
and chairman of the local reception
committee, welcomed the (brand
Chapter and extended to the visitors
the freedom of the town. For the
Grand Chapter, Lieut. -0111. J. I1. St•ot t,
Of Walkerton, replied, and referred
briefly to the well-known hospitality
of the brethren of Huron.
The election of offices was held on
\Vednesdaymorning. At the expressed
swish of the Sir Knights, John Scarlett,
of Leadburs', cOnsehted to re•eles•ti€n,
and No did Itolwrt'liraham, Hamilton.
Deputy Grand Illabter. W. B. Srigley,
Toronto, Associate Deputy Grated
Master ; Freed. R. Parnell, St. C.ithar- I
ine4, Grand Registrar. and Lieut. -0i1.
A. 1... Belcher, Southampton. Grand
Treasurer, weir also re-elected with-
outPp iI
u .Irl m.
{{ )
D. J. I ,
attet•son. London, was r
n on, x hnm4n
Grand Lecturer ; W. J. McCausland.
Deputy Grand Lecture: E. A. Fen-
nell, ToLecturer; Deputy Regi -tear, and
Irwin. 7'lmnto Junction, Deputy
nd T'reasurer: T. E. Milburn. To-
mo /' John 1
xIow• 1 leafn 1'11, are fl
the (.nd Censors : W. M. Lockhart, c
Allisto and Hobert McLean, Toronto, t
(irand S dart -Bearers.
The Gra Committee is eomposed r
Maps Leaf Grocery
and China Hall
We have purs;hased the bu. ' ess formerly known as
the Maple Leaf Grocery and Chin. Hall, carried on for
a. long time by Mr. G. M. Elliott, ' Hamilton street,
and we wish to handle all. kinds of Far ' Produce.
The assortment in our (.'hina Hall w be found
come.. We also carry a full line of fresh Groceries
at righ , prices.
McEwen Bros.
Maple Leaf Grocery and China Hall
Hamilton Street
BEET 8003 F»NCL.& Z
1) la right wise high And every one of thc'e wIres I. No. 1' herd Mee!. It. FI
Crying enough and shoe enough and high enough to torn any hog (het Ilse.,
Yon n know No. it In portly near the liar M -t wire ever ispd in fencing. Mott
nnifaetiree. cannot nae II at All, Their machines won't weep a It. Mod
fence L. all anode of No. m wire. it haw no mina 11 upright wire, to weaken It. 1f
you have had experience with fence yon know what thi+ mean.. Wire ell
nlnvlly g.altnnlra5l and cannot rn4t. Locked atevery crowing )0 Drolly
Ant It ennnnt be rooted or polled or 1441.1151 out of place. It 9III ft per
h5•tly n11 level or hilly grlemd. The wire• err "sand from 1 to 7 Inehe.
apart, fencing In the little ones as well a+ the I.Ig .mn. lens enn have the
swap style Tenor it 1-mtpte wirr higher. hiking the M•+) t;l-11'arprew fence
undo. w'hlk yon are inly Ing fence wht ang bus for good t Why tint Any it
tools heavy, parandunant fem.,' like the 1.I. i, anend your fence
We Wmil4 like to Inti yon more shot thl. Mewl fence. 44'e have prepared
a tittle book to send nit. rt .how. a .tyle for ,eery perp '. 1f yo„ aro
a dereeted )n fencing It will poi) yon to get it. Write for It to -day.
1(1'1114I11el and purposes of Ornngeirtu.
The reports of the Grand Auditor's,
the Grand Secretary and the timed
Treasurer also were received.
A plea for It grant to met.t urgent,
e'xpeuses in connection with the new
Gnome Hall at 11au1Iltun w14.6 wade by
A11.'Stewart. and a 1ubecriptio0 was
*tatted by Will. Fitzgerald, Totoulo,
Who collected ovrt• 81IN) frown those In
the hall. The petition fur help from
the Mond Lodge funds wan t•efellred
to the lluaure 'tree.
Liattooel, Orangeville and Mount
Purest invited the Grand Lodge to
meet with theist next year.
The Evening Meeting. '
In the evening a puhlic Meeting was
held, ,and the Opera House., 111 which
the Grand Lodge is holding its ses-
sions, was crowded to the doors. 'rho
gallery was reserved for ladies, 111
whom a large uetu1lwr were present.
Grand Diaster Scott presided, and
with him on the platform were uu111y
prominent leen of 1 h order.
Aelells•tses were given 1)y fees. F: l'
Luker, of Toronto; 1V. J. Parkhill,
1'. G. DI. of Width America : D. M.
Jerulyii, of 11'iartou : H. C. Hocken,
editor of The Orange Sen! i let, '1'01•
011(4): R. H. (Jamey, M. P.P.: Ur.
Splollle, M. 1'., Supreme (limn(' Mast
John Hewitt, Toronto. Giant! Toot,
ut•et•, and others.
Vocal numbers were rendered by
Bro. Elijah Miller. Kincardine, and
BI's. 11. Mail llde151oi1, Tu'o11t1,
Tile Grand Lodge. it is expected. will
conclude it'k sittings this (Thursday!
Opening of the Parliamentary Session
Last Week.
Legislation Forecasted in the Speech prom the
Throne -Tariff Rer,s,on Postponed -An.
other Session to be Held in November ---
Several Important Measures Ind,catell,
Wpceial correspondence of The Signal.,
Ottawa, March 12.—Parliament 144
once again in 5451+' and the capital
18 'tilling up with members 4)11(1
their families and sessional visit-
orsThe regulation state ceremonial
was duly observed on Thursday in the
peoetwe of n large and brilliant
pony and in spite of decidedly
unpleasant weather the usual crowds
gathered on Pat•liament Hilt to sero
what war going on. -
'l'hi• Kings speech. or more 4-11-
re•ct1)', (erhaps, the slier 41 from the
throes', was 5lelmewhilt more letlifthy
thou usual and its principal interest.
of course, consists in the forecast it
contnfns of the proluable business of
the session. It had been generally
PX1k•cteel that one of the chief matters
Gibe taken up would be the repot( of
the tariff commission and the twssibl1
readjustment of the tariff as an out -
1.1110e theleuf. Jlost unfortunately.
Hon. W. S. Fielding, the Minister of
Final,',', met With a painful accident.
Mou,i three weeks ago. falling on the
icy sidewalk and spraining his ankle
so badly that he halt been confined to
his list ase- since, and the Premier
informed the (:onnI1 ons bn Thursday
it would probably be three or tBoc
441rks Inure before he would be
at 010111 again. 1n the absence, there
fine, of Minister Whose Department
is so drawly connected with and c,H-
crrneel in the tariff it would riot be
possible to take up the Mattel' at
resent : it as thrtefnre th.light
eler to shun ten the present session
by dealing only with necessary. and
uugl•nt legis atinu. 45ith the under-
standing that there would L.. another
session in N4)Vctlllwr'. The (opposition
expressed { its concunrnce int this
arrangement. NO We may is.k for a1.
)•ompxrativ.•Iy 'short session, though
even Own it may run into July (1041
probably will.
Legislation Proposed.
So touch for what will not he done.
As to the business that will Is tak41i
qt several important Ilna!llr•s are
the:uly foreonstevl. The :Minister of
ustiee has x measure tontwill affect
rite a number of ine•mll'et•',. it pro -
ides that tot member of Portia •nt;
en11lur or Commoner, who is a
au•rimtel• shall receive any compern L-
inn for services rendered in connM'-
inn with any prece5',ling helots.
'iu•Iiament011 behalf of any company,
of poration .'r individual. A nle•nlla•r
,and guilty of doing sec will be liable
t, two year imprisonment or a fine
1 Alike N#, and will he disqualified for
member of years (loin / bring a
'ember of either House or of holding
ny public office. This in a pretty
r•a114tic measure and will affect x
umler of members very closely:
has been stated. indeed, that, nm -
lily no member of i'arliau)ent will be
ffect•el more than thet•Minister of
ustire himself. if (Maio the case it
the more to the credit of the Hon.
Ir. Fitzpatrick that he is ready 50
romptly to recognize the growing
Rentiment on this matter in the
ountry. The surae Minister will ask
it the appointment of x 51111(11 co111-
rittee to take into consideration ce•r-
lin matters in rnfet•ene to the Elio.-
on Act• mattes which have in secs•
cal instances been hrnnght to the
ttention of the House and (het' 004-
•nment. by MI'. Borten.
Mr. Fitzla trick hem also given
n cc of a hill pe-eviding for the better
ohw• varve of the Lord'sDay and one
dealin' wtith the very live question of
The Fruit
ks Act.
The 4linist ' of Agriculture will
bring a measure •for',• the [louse to
make more effect! the provisions of
the Fruit Marks t. Previous at-
tempts of this Dhrnrt rut to put a
poop' tofrand talent p,icki ,lad tnauk-
ing hav4'• 101 pro' el a15 14rlee RN
they should lee and tic ) inter is
determined that his effoits it that
Ricca' (16,111 nut Cra54• until 4) rip
hnR.be'n made to n pl.ulie,' which
rapidly ruining the trade nod reputa-
tion of Canada in the' Ohl ('ountry
:Intl elsewhere.
A Forestry Measure.
Another mea4utr of great import -
mo which is foreshadowed in the
speech is one to provide for the setting
aside (1f mit 141)all forest, reserves. The
recent 1,1restry •'nnvention herr has
mooned public 0P1111on to a sense of
the necessity of instant and effective
action to save 141) invaluable n national
Theme and other matters of equal
m0nlent a1+ on the t4pir. There will
be plenty to do even without tariff
The Maclean is en Hand.
Alre:tdt• 1he 1)p ,4
1linn is showing
ns .f life or at leant one of its lively.
members h. W. i''. Maclean. the
Irrepressible member for South york(
taker\exception to the action of the
Goyerthatent In appointing an in40r-
an••e cot mission. Ile otints •t com-
mittee of\the House to hlvestlgatt
InNnr•anre matters. There - is, of
course, notch to he said on Moth sides,
,Mut it is the general opinion inside
and outside of Parliament that l'arlia-
menlnry conlndtt.ees hare not proved
ap.-fticaclow;nod antl.faetpry in the
past Rw commissions. In oily event.
the commission in question has
Matted work and its pe ri onn,'I Is of a
character to inspire i'onfklehce.
The Provincial estimates were ru1b-
ulitted to the Legislature Last week.
The total amount milled for is
th:a(l23,543.13, compared with a total
expendilmre last year of $5.:110,111111.7 I.
The incr4ia5e's err spread pretty gener-
ally over the various services. In-
creases of salary are provided fur
many of the civil servants, and there
are increased grants to this Provincial
ve•Isily acid fur agri('ultwul pum-
Opposition is Vigorous.
he Opposition showed couel terable
energy i1 r
Hefei n 1 Gua• 1
K. (officiating the rIu urnt's
method of dealing with Ice • timber
lots. the Buller laving sold by pih•,►tu
514114 instead of by tender. The Got'-
eruuemt'm defenet. war that the lots
were ►u 44111411 that 1,0 all Veil, 11l, tar
tenders 441)11111 have eaten up the prtf•
its. It wets the flrst opp t•tuuity the
Opposition h*tl had i11 this nese' of
showing its mettle, 11(1(1 5enue of the
v Ker Members dkplayed 1111 ag-
gt'ssiseness which promises well :for
their future usefulness. -
Gamey Wants the Money Back.
DL•. Gamey wants to get Zack the
money typical wan iugs led by the
judges during the in41141igation of
1911. 111 reply to his inquiry of the
(tot eminent, Hon. 51r. Foy staved
aline the Government had not yet
collo• to an' conclusion as to what
showed Ice ;lone with the $'VN) t•a.h
awl the Marked cheque 'for .*1.3(k4 i1
which\he judges had taken posses-
Be4inning to Get Busy.
'I he Legislat um has leen proceeding
leisurely tin far thioe;5,wn, but ,t
Humber of 't iove1muwntn,illn, includ-
ing the new•`cnnnty councils aact, a bill
for the re•gul tion of railways, and one
for the organ - ',tlii of as Ilntllicip:1l
,and railway 1 Irl, are (wing brought
down tido wee' and it is expes'td
that the uew lie • lee act will he intro-
duced in a fe•w d. vs.
Manager ('laigie . f the rink is arc
ranging a tansy dors carnival and
series of rarer for next Werk.
The animal match between the
13ritiota:Int1 the I3rdf nil will be played
early next week. As t • hand will
ger in attendance and the 'layers are
*note ('Xrs'rt than -Ver. as at event
is expected.
Manager (h:ugie is work' g rip a
hockey match fur, probably. 1a week
from friday, between the Old Maids
and Itte•helnrs. A game with ors of
fun is promised. He also tin s to
bring• on a luafrh- bet wren the (1 -
ford and British 4locks.
The Tee uulKeil hockey club go
Clinton (0111.111044' for 41 return mutt
with the juniors and will he pleaaseo
to have as large ,'crowd of ••r.sote•rs"
with 1 11141 ap possible. Anyone wish-
ing to go do44m with the biym should
rtnumunieale with l'barlete Levant
f11te 11,a)n tomorrow, s1) that :orange-
mentscul he made. The result of -( he
match hero was 11 to, 1 i1) favor of
Geodetic,' and the Tecllnlschs hope to
evil out in Clinton. Binh tennis are
prwtically Collegiate Institute sett.
The Sailors Did 1t,,
lirrlitiafelegt•aph : - The Berlin O. H.
\, settiot e1 pions regret to report
that owing to wounds received in a
contest with the Tot„ut° Argon:ult5
they will -1e unable to engageinan-
other battle for mupl•eluncy against
the Teterboro c'haulpinns. However.
the Berlin intermediates wool(' be
Nippy to play P1tel•hoto. and are
confident 141 they
ran tleteat them. B
'of these te:uu4 441,11' only defeated
liner this season, (11Nlerirll doing the
trick each time.
Goderich Ladies Win.
An interesting game of hockey wens
at thetink last night 1
the 1Oale•t•ich apd H4•nsnll ladle:
hockey teaunS. The lorngn had hat(
only one prlleu,•e• this year, the even-
ing before, but they put op a splendid
game and the resltll its quite 541114far-
torv, the 444011• N.1,11,11,02 to 1 in favor of
Goderich, neer,' at half-time 1 to 1.
N'hik• all the 1(x141.5 played their posi-
11008 well 3111414 Bahl 44,414 easily the
star player and scored the Iwo goals
for (sode•ricb. Miss Jessie M' -D nmtld,
also, (might be clamed amm�g the
stars. The line-up Ivan am follows :
)ionclo. 11
(iertle roe geed Miss Staley
Bose Fox point F:. Nevinnds '
Heat rice HAITI -on et4t cr Win? M. Ihaute
Kate Babb 'rl,1 le Maude Petty
Jcw.ie McDonald ro er Miss Buchanan
Teresa Chisholm left wing 1. Habkirk
Mollie Neville i•Igh• wing 41. Hengougll
It,•fen•e, Sandy Hamden. Hrisall.
Tin. 'return match will probably I,'
played next Moodily or Tuesday. .
Old Maids vs. Bachelors.
The funniest hockey motel: ever
sewn in Gtxle•rich is billed for tonmr
row night at the rink. the pto.1eed5 t1
he devoted to. the Goderich hospital.
it is rnthing Tess than 'a match be-
tween the Bachelors and Old Dlaids,
Sl'r dlfFVfloUN;)
2 Days in Detroit
Thu game will be called at 8:13 and
the Iiue-up is 114 fn1101v1 :
&tent(tons-. C. S. Pule, Hiram
Green ; C. It. Pennyfnth,•r, Alphonse
O'Flyun ; 1'. E. Sale, Gaston Doo-
little ; Chas. 13.411, Weary %V1111e; 1..
DI. Mabe, 1'nele Pike ; H. Caiwnl,
Happy Hooligan ; C. Lewitt, Ili
Ho ler,
Oro Monne- Harry Irwin, l'irry
Wiggs : Fred Hrophey, Lizzie 1)ann ;
Harry Stools, Minnie Finn : 1.. Pat• -
N41101, Carrie :cation ; 11 . 1.. Turnbull,
Aunt Mandy : J. Pigott, Sir Hopkins:
A. Dlc1vnr, Aum Anteyk.
Fred Platt, Fury Grandpa, referee.
Tecumseh* Win Trophy.
The final gen,,' in the town- hockey
league WAS ,hayed at the rink on Slow
day night before N Targe crowd of
spectators. The contestants were the
tvio(1rr in the two geoupm into which
the tritium in the league were divided.
the 'Tecuulseh, and the I'oremit-s.
'rho game WNW la r111rtudill exhibition of
hockey and then• was plenty of gout
4• bintinn work. The gamer was
Gast acid shows there is Intal (1f g(NNl
material coming to the front from
which a senior team caul be drawn i11
futnle years.,The score at half -tiler
We+ :i to :3 bur in' the sernnd half the
TeruulmrbW setossl :i to their oppon-
ents 1, making, the result of the 5111(4
N 10 1 in favor of 1(the Tecutusehr, and
giving thew the l'rnigie tl14phy fur
this year. The trophy. a hana1Wume
sih•eI- cup, is donated by Manager
('('1415ir of the rink and is to be com-
peted fur each season, :my teats sur-
ce••iling int winning it tllt1444 years in
soccer:i:m acquiring permanent pe
session of it, Dna DleUunald was the
referee and the Iilte-alp was atm follows :
"1'1:l'I'MNIC IIS, 1'1414M1T)M.
.\I. McI*oo4;d aur1 h:. Mclw,o4
1,. i4yL•e rs,bn
H. Ikdrht•r eo1'rr suint J, Nirhul•m,
N. Mewls 11 1'V1br U. Mc11u111dd
H. Ml•l'reN.t11 1.1111* McGuriel4
lie mtremul, right Nheg h. Mcl•enn
1'. ('alaye tort atm( la. McLean
While all the 7)Iaverl showed up In
.gond fo11)1 particular mention might
he 111441.• of (1. lkelcher for the Tecuin-
sohs and Gnrlon McDonald for the
Carr -Harris Starred at Toronto.
The result of the all-star glom. !be-
( ween the Hast and the West on Sot -
Imlay night i11 Tonna to 44'as at 44.111 (De
the East by 41, score of 8 to 2, Nettie at
hailf-time 4 to 1. After the game the
players' were laanquettt•l at the King
l-.lwatd hotel. About two dozen rat
duan loud x very pleasant hour was
spent. The winners were+ presented
with suit rases and the lope's with
gold cuff links with the players'
initials 1)11:
The Toronto N'oeld makes the fol-
lowing comments:
"The,scoe is no indication 4'f.. -the
141.1y. as the pluck w'as handled about
rgllally by both Hides. How'rs•i•r,
what ht•Ipd the East mad144•►utt the
West forwards couldn't do anything
ith •gas the i111p1egnable defence of
e' E,u.t. let us say right hoot. that
T ter, 1lamuler and l4. a as N defence
hen •; we believe, no leer a1ywhere. 1
Thr forwarl lines eltee•kletl back well,
the East perhaps having( the letter
balanced ort-.... ..If N hiteroft and'
Carr -Harris x11• intermreliatr players,
501(1)' T'orQnto trams should have been
playing junior this year %`tire
l'au•t•-Marcie met it was ..
rase o1 G1'( k and Greek."
flambee and
/sairvt/W ale for/W/Noy,
ar/d atIremine thweg'nes
es much sa//: s fvc/%n as fo
s/y/t acrd eaa/ilyasa
made /o orderoato,qfnce
for Spring
have just
Mail and Eli:pirc : "V1 hat I.sok, ti ubililius had not been overestimated ;
like an even break ream developed that they were quite toped t/ the
into n run -sway affair, with the one- senior c patty i1) which they found
ridrllneue occasionally relieved by big themselves placed. Whitcroft is' a
('our -Harris' s4•ilitillating rushee( uuu•vellously tine stick handler and
1Vhitctoft and l xrr-Harris, the two c ports himself with a great deal of
intermediates. mtarred snore for their jmdgulenr, while Cxre-Harris got about
respective (einem. Not bad for inter- and did stunts that it would bediMeult
mediates lean' -Harris was a little for nlapy men his size to accomplish."
slow in relieving and in starting, but Toronto . Star: "Big H. H. Carr -
once he got (11111er way Go one could Harris of Gerlet•Ii-h at point forced his
scot, him—but Gould." , way into the enemy 'N territory a
(Hobe : "The West. got the last number of tirme•s, and the second goal
goal, Carr -Harris making a dash and. was due to a rush hi• the higgert man
t hen ps-.sin¢ to Eeinnuids." on the ice. Herrn. only fault was
TorontoNews: "White' Mt andCarr Nlownear in getting hack to his (101(1-
11111-1 1* 44,'inons(i'.tti'd ply t hat their tion."
The Orangemen Are With Usl
1f ally of thea) 1)r their friends herr want anything in the Drug State
lice, we 11141(4' 1b4u4 to THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE.
• We have Cough Drops, Butter Scotch, Boxed Chocolates, Chewing Gums
choice sc and roc Cigars, Tooth and Hair Brushes, Pocket Combs, Perfumery, and
everything in the line of Medicines and Drug Sundries.
- Central Drug Store
Goderich, Ont.
1 ■.
amiimam 1 ,
We don't du urselves.
"Professor" but w know
how • to assist defer 've
vision if lenses will ala it.
Try us" --examination
Court House
at 10 cents
These prints
itable for shirt -waist suits,, separate waists, wrappers, in
fact anything you use prints for. All aro full 36 inches wide, which is 4 to
6 inches wider than ordi : ry. They aro part of the surplus stock of one of the
factories making wrappers rid shirt -waist suits, that was left on hand after the
spring orders were made up. The qualities are good and the patterns this season's. •
If bought in the regular way r: tail prices would be 1'2! cents and 15 cents. Satur-
day you can take your choice o over 400 yards for
I0 t ents a yard
New Navy Prints. •
A big; shipment of C'runl's
famous navy blue prints to
hand this week. All fast
colors and fine ,strong cloth
that will 'tand any amount
of hard wear. Neat pat-
terns in dots, stril)ftil% and
small sprays, the bcst.2-'.
print on the market today4
I21 cents per yard
The Lace and
F,mbroidery Sale
started in with a rush last
Saturday. It will continue
until the /end c f the month.
.We (10 not exaggerate when
we say that thousands of
yards are on our counters
at prices away below rept-
lar value. Buyihg then)
direct from the maker all -
two -store lots snakes the
low prices possible.. Ilero
is the way we are selling
t help.
L ces at 3 cents
Laces and Embroideries at 5 cents
Laces and Embroideries at 7 cents •
Laces and Embroideries at to cents
Corset Cover Embroideries at 25 cents
All are worth the price
marked and half as touch
free. `Again•
Jeweller and Optican
ery Fine• Embroideries
D you want nice embroideries ? The
dainties , prettiest and handsomest real Swiss
embroideries and insertions that have ever
been in the store are on our counters today.
They come to us direct from the z fakers in
St, Gall, Switzerland, where the world's
best embroideries aremade. There is no
profit but ours between you and that maker.
This accounts for the reasonableness of the
prices. Plain embroideries, plain insertions,
allover embroideries, corset cover embroid-
eriea, tnatched sets. A collection you will
not see duplicated in town.
15c Ribbon at ioc per yard
Saturday morning we put on sale 1,000 yards
of ribbon. The width is between 11 and 3 inches.
The kinds aro taffeta silk and satin duchesse.
The colors are all popular shades, black and
white. The regular retail price is 15 cents. Our
Saturday price
to cents per yard
.lust the thing for trimmings and fancy work.
When they are gone we will have no more as good
for (bis money.