HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-15, Page 7THE Nil,h,tl.' 4;01)E1:1( II ON'I'Alhl(► &Cie 444 **i+4* cinici1 44** *49494+4949 4014 itv9i99t *i*' The News of the District. it e�1 'X4646+46+ 4645+ 5' 6+46+446*446454444 0 4445 64645 **46464646464544636' 4546 +46463144 4 The Signal's Clubbing List. Now it the time to choose your reading clatter for HIM. Look over this list and wee the advantages of- fered to Signal subscribers in getting the leading wipers at reduced rat VN. The Signal :old Montreal Weekly Herald 1.00 Thr Signal, \Veekly Herald and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1 75 Thr Sigunl, \Veekly Herald and Toronto Duly Globe 4.50 '1'11,• tiigunl. \\'re•kly Herald and Toronto Weekly Globe 1 70 'fit Signal, \Veekly -110.nld aro Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.75 .111 .uhs,riber. to Montreal Family Herald and Weekly attar revolve the great premium picture.queen Alexandra. Her liratidchll dere. and laws " ••The Farmer's Manual mud veterinary made" may be 11.11 iI corms etiou '4U51 abeme oder fel 1.1 coots additional or total of ,1.t41. Thr Signa, Weekly Herald and Farming World (Toronto) 1.30 The Signal. Weekly herald and Weekly Mail and Empire ..1.7o All subscribers fur w'eek1Y .1.11 .old I.:lut11re rut 111 e the p,.,uoium artogral neva "Thr to' 44 Bethlehem. " The Signal, \Vee•kI%' Hrold and Toronto Daily World 3.35 The Signal. Weekly Herald and Toronto Daily Star .. ... ..... .1.110 The Sigi111. \Vrrkly IIt.rald and Toronto Daily News t 90 1'h,• Signal. \Veekly Herald and London Daily Advertiser...... 3.40 The Signal. \Veekly Herald and London Weekly Advertiser t 60 The Signal, \Veekly Would and Presbyterian 3 25 The Signal, Weekly Herald and Westminster ass ;rite Signal. Weekly Herald. Pres- byterian std Westminster ...3.35 The Signal. Weekly Herald and Farmer's Advocate. 3 40 %1e .t movie men u°aend our reader. to -ulrcrllm' to fisc Fames. Alt wide. The Signal, \Vrrkly Herald and Montreal Duly Witness 2.50 The Signal. \\'e•e•kh Herald and Montreal Weekly Witness -1 6o The Signal. Weekly Ilerald and World Wide L 85 Send remittances by pslstoftict• or. • , 11 .• • a 1' (Y •.. 1 Inlet. d y, ,e .tl n t t � r ) I It THE SIGNAL, GODERICH. ONT. • CORRESPONDENTS WANTED. The Signal has asplenlid stall of corespondent, to whorl it owes much of the interest that is taken in the paper: but there are a few localities in the district whist are not represented by a correspondent. Any person who would lie willing to act um cor- respondent in any of these un- represented lovalities is invited to 4vtits us, and we ,.hall IN• gluul to furnish the necessary sup- plies. I J DUNLOP. MtIN D.t Y. Marr•h 1201. H. Quaid is drawing gravel at pres- ent •tar cement work in his cellar after the spring wu,rk Is over. KINGSBRIDGE. TtFat.%t, Mar. 1311,. John Courtney and Miss ){osvlla visited their father, Mr. Courtney. 1 ictoe street. (iederich. over Sunday. Mi , .Iran .i. J. Mullicnn, e f this village. it Mist. Katie \\'kitty. of Kintnil. spit t Sunday in Goderich. the former visit Mrs. Hogan and the latter \ .Ita1.. evil(,•. LAURIER. Tr6sn.tY,. Mar. lath. Hiss A11111 • B)1rplsa visited friends in He1•vie for ver Ia week. • Miss Julia hnston, of Carlow. is visiting IIs. • oo d. Ian in 1 th K K Mr. and Mrs. A c. Hoyt!. j4'.. spent a couple of days in xlerich bast week. Mims Tena Dixon .t. the guest of the Misses McIntyre or a coapts• of days. Apex. Boyd, of Gode 'eh. has re- turned home after sleuths a wt•ek in our midst.' Tan and Miss .Dies Harris, of Rip- ley, wets. guests of Miss le•xy ie•an 011 Sunday. • Mina Mabel Parries spent two w •k44 NINA a Annie Mclw•nh,n and MI 44 \bay ',McGregor. M)sten (inaeie and Margo ret te Mcla'h- tnln Brant Saturday the guests of Mims Mlorenct• McGregor. John Mclennan, of Luck now•, and Mr. Boeck, of Clint ham, were guests of Mies Annie McLennan on Monday. t John Dingwall and 1). Mr(if11, of Myth. have returned home after spending ,t week with Dano•. McKay. HOLMESVILLE. Tr Kao. r, Mar. 131.11. The men who are drilling a well for .1. W. Yeo have now 111101141 It depth n r f .-il► feet. \V. Stanley is very busy theme II.ys selling fence. He mays he has 'old Mimed two thousand tsM already. The C. 0. C. T. had their annual myater !nipper in the Hoh,tesyille• 1 se last Tuesday and ,all (njoyel themselves to the tit t. The Epworth League 11,141' sent an invitat' tut Bethel Kpwnrth 1..•igue t1 visit theta s • tiler th.• Inst ty 4'.•k in Mnn•h.to a ' 4'11 1'he I•an n i r K upon will L• gi 444) later. The buries of the Mimsionxt•y Society ••f the Metlnolrst church are vele- twitting the .elver li nivrr-airy of the Soviet thin itft :mon. An estensive Program has been pt 'pared which he gins at 3 o'clock, ,after which (4',a will Ise served i51 the beset nent I INTI %TK. - In the boll to 'Intraday nightIt delNlte sok 'ba met WPI•11 thee.• ladies of the \V •n ditto,. :mad three men 4 11 tlw Vell Mn'.e' Ih•hafing ('11th. 'rite llelwle 4...w, •'R4'• snlh',sl, that the pulpit Lias newt. in• Haeme.. in )molding l'hxrarter than the prem.." the Julies taking the affirmative. MIs.. Jenkins. Misses T. McCartney and .\. Swan upheld the p1,Ipi5. while .1. !toss, 0. 1' Id ,and 44wnllow argu,sl for the press. The judges were J. i nnnolly. N. Tr.- wart.h,t and .1. Lowery and thotigh thr)rmnitwan nearly N lir the perms wont by a spoilt Margin of tan points. The Signal Rion, all The I11•a1 news. 1 LOYAL 7'U KNUA Y, M8.1•. 13L1. MI's. and Mier Clark wet•e calling on friends in Auburn a few days ago. We• are pleased to tante that Jas. Tabb is recovering front his severe ill- ness. Miss Olive McPhee, of the Goderich , Collegiate Institute, spent Sunday at A number of our t•erideetm'attendrd the last meeting of the laebu1t Liter- ary Society on W(xlnestlay. hast. The \Voirnt'. Missionary Society of Smith's 11111 Presbyterian church men -At the 11,41111' of M114. Thor. Satll,w% last 1Vednelalay afiret•ntoc. Miss A. 1V. Green is 1 • from Aylmer, having .complcteil her work there in emineetiuu with the Aylmer Cheese and Butter Asi(N•iatiun. GODERICFj TOWNSHIP. MIOxUaY, 41vch 12th. Marti 111' MI Ha. MC'l'.tlrl'NEY.-- On Reids , March 2nd, thele passed away one of the early settlers (if this town- ship, ii& the person of Mrs. Me('at•tn,'y, relict of the late George MuCartivy, of the Ilith commission, who diel about nine year's ago. The decets,'tl was it untive of !relent), (out for the past half century haul live) on Ole 111th mitres- • . They had net family. The 41e• - reams' (vats a me•mlwt• 01 the Church of England and the .w't•vice, w•1y'(• con- ducted by Rev. Ma•. Rhodes. The pallbearers; were : John Baker, George• Hill. Charles Lovett,' 1'1 :an Church- ill, W. II. blab) amt) Si •1 Merrill. 1'ae44unv, Mau•. i:tth. \\'. 11. 1e•II was up fr Stratford over Suttday. ,las. Yuill is aIle to he utt again. atter his severe illness. Wel. Andlewe, Hayfield timid, was( severely 'hurt. last week by falling from it 'mid of hay. A very pleasant evening Iva.. spent los Thursday at the home of Mrs. 14,4ri(1snn, •Hayfield road, where a bee of fiends, ga.Iteted to hid farewell 61) Miss Gordo,. who leaves shortly Tor her f • in 4aulitoba. COLBORNE. • Mo1c.ty, 31u•. 1211.. A Sreettiss 1'.su'rv. -The menllwt•s of the Evangelical ,•harsh, ('oil%sur, 11 which ev. 1 i M' ,••is past. t' f v h h p{ . A. I.( 1 hl 1 n t e. 1 together with it number of friends and ceIghlors,4f 31r. and 4lrs. I'aiti3l 14'4 4'l and family 41S.,1•111 bled at their hum,' List Thm•,Nlay evening and pheia•nted Mrs. M1,u'1e•I with ,t handsome inva- lid's wheel -chair. 1t is over thlet' year, sites. 31ts. Maesle4 teas first $trirken with Om ..... atic trouble. ,std shirr that 1 hoe she has heel' unable to mingle with the community in which she %vas for 111.1114• ye•aarm 1111 active esker with he .td and heart and rumor. Her neighbors and 14'•-1N•i,ue% in tae church i.f which she in 11 member have felt the loss 111 her fne.rnee and coun- sel in their homer: and in their chmvrtl fellowship, :11111 e 'rived th.• idea of giving sate tangible tumid of Ole love and esteem in which she is held in the eon l4IIlInit )•. 1'wanls of one hundred people were poenenl. and 11 inertia s gathering ham not been known in the n,eighlon•hlsal fur runny a day. A g111.11y her of those ton•sent first assembled at the , i,tI'ch. and f' the•I•t• repaired to MIs. Moeller'% lionise, joist Opposite, hearing the chair with I orn. It wan a surprise sty, ars neither 11r. or Mir.. ,lnedeI had any intimation of the affair until the throng took p osse.Nitm of their 111411114 for the t' • being. Mrs. IRey .1 I:isch- ler twain the addn•sul. • which was as follow•% : To 4,1r, Paul Maedel. Itt•I11nI11er,IM1. Ile:alt Mits. MAP:DE _-wee. the' niellihels• of rose 'c church nn friends o the h. nngelio•wl 1 d gathered And du hereby dr-0re In Leann.... our unbounded sym pat 1p• with you In your store, dug• and ailment.. which you hale collum, with , bristlan fo 14n tide for 11w last 1hrer 1 `at holt o f the Thisn I- n1 ir,dk ) year. Kathy,Sal K esteem in Which you an•�hcNl liY your fih•nd+ nod neighbors. 114' hate 4,, nriably found you tribe very kind. ronrteao, and obliging. always rami)' unit w illlnit In hint it helping (hand When- ever ever help wits needed. We as a ehnrt'h hove -n,laineil 50 untold loos In your Inability to take an act lee pArt in her Ant -ions deportment. s. In former yeti. Vino untiring effort. ami rungrnial disposition have won you a plod of friend.. In your 'of- fering you have 111,1 fc,levl the .pmt of the " Marl of Sorrows and eon tinted with gt def." Remember that a 1•hri-t inn who .utfcrs with n4' 1'hrist Is as -erre) that Ihe.1e .arteria s n od f g 111 "d h.4' more rsrls•din saltwork out for lino w 1 mall eternal weight of slats. ' I,4' In the word. of the Apostle Paul. Fur 1 reeknn Mot the -..Tering' of this pave-rnr tinge are not worthy to he r 54.nm1 with the "Rory whirl, ,hall la• reveled in IOC ••1)14 (Are, (are w'II h trouble. Friend. eve have often stunt, 'fn learn that plain lids wectne.s. To know that (04 i. gond: 1 rl-e and meet the daylight. Ike strong and do )'max bell. with an hoots( heart and childlike faith That (loll will do the rest. - The da) will some when. looking Ian upon the path by which you Intl f• b•^ti rat. the dls (ildine through whir to you have passed. yon shall lie Moll' gratl'fllll4 t1) acknowledge that (rod lust h done " all things wel1.'•••.Inst %hero )•oe are, Illy silo. - Just when• bud 4,1,1' )1111 .tilld, Though dawn In the deepest shadow. Instead of the sunlit land, vuu into tarry a bright nws wit h )olh hot nu Vinous nor d.rkac.s ata mar, F r the I ht of a ('hri,t-Ilk, spirit. w'i 1.• .h rang where, e4' )ma ale, A. n s ht token of on?. esteem and sytossl, h) for you kindly ,t -k yon to ,weep,. I hi• inv14114114e Ir and no hal%• and 'Wily that i1 Will afford yen mit and comfort of which you Alit very mite al med. Praying 1 hat you noir be ever attend by the Wind.. of (tali. Ide.. 1nK. Ove refila . )oars v 1•ry sinrenely, 011 behalf of the cors loot 4011. M.. M Mits. M. M('nwA,.xz, yl Ns. 4' M. 11111,1.1. Th.1 (•(1111.1 Omit it) were larger by sev- eral do.Ilal's than nv neremstry for the p)1t•chase of the chai1'. 0101 Ihr serpins 'n poises, 'mem ' be- ing divided into I (%t handed to )I1•. .liltdel And ,the other to Mims 31aedeI. ' Mrs. n Mnelr l w1, unite overcome and wits :some little • • before she 111.1•x1 a wholly co IShem /t the comfnrtahh sealed in her new rhnir, greeting 1111 whn %dere fortttnate enough to get mar enough to speak to Iter. Mr. Mordel replied to the lid. w m e >. lit' ') thanked the d e r ,11 111 t dress ud r •'1 present. ' •)1 of not only far Ill pts, n nlanitl tall I of their kindness. but tits° for their s44443Mlthy and thonghtfulnesm for3Ir•s. Nlited''l mil himself in the pest. year's, And badethem e4e1•yon4 a hearty wel- t to their hone. The evening was vent in s. tidal intrn•ourse, 111)1.44514 And games. The Autoharps were played l.y Elia Dumf. and Edgar Kul•aehinski. h'°•Inoni'A% by. John Ihur1 nod Albert Kmschinaki, awl the organ by Mist. Ella Kuiw•hineki. Nits. M. M,•hwAnx 110t) Mtt.. Win. (Older were the collec- tors for the rhnir, which wan (furnished by Me.mrs. 11e•ke•It. A Staunton. of G.mlerieh. --. ... - _. _-- Ladies Look Younger \Vhirh is the decile of one and all. Take the trouble of viaitlug Prof. 1)or- rnWend's pri vat(' show tooter. At Hotel Wilford, (ibdrrieh, on Thar,. do y. March '_'ud, and see• the many beautiful inventions in ntyde'a of human hair coverings, wig's. hangs{ mwitrhem, ,4e.. and iorpwct him nevi patent etntcture. . �TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS. \Ve shall he obliged if corre- spondents will notify us prompt- ly when their supplies of stattiou- er)' are exhausted, sl that we may renew (11en1 at (10144'. Our • orrespondt•nts :tie doing grand- ly, and we wish thein to keep up the good work. The local news is looked for not only by the resident/1 of the locality, but also by former residents p.•t•haps hundl'eds of miles away. Lei each cori•spl111rnt feel t hat lie i+ depended upon for a faithful leconl of the doings in his local ity from week to week, and that rltatty I '''111, at al distalnce are eagerly watching for the weekly 11e(4s of the old 1 1 WESTFIELD. Mosii.tt', NI:'. 120h. Miss Hilda 1314)14'. of, St. Augustin,•, is spending a few days with friends herr. MNss F. 'limner left last week for a than visit to her siker, MI ins Olive, of Crediton. MissMary ('hatu)e•y i•4'.. wp• tale pleased to kt.w, able to he -around again after her recept illnew.r. . Inhn Fuld, of lwfsdoil. paid at Hying visit to 11141"sister-in-law, Mrs. W. 1•'. (':wlplwll, is trw days ago. The members of Illytlh 1$pw44r1h League were (•ntt4•taiu,•1 by the West- field )League ,4n Friday eveming IAA. The eve g Was spent in ..1 ttos. duets, quartettesl 11.4 duns and social intercourse. After partaking of lunch they ;ill returned to their 1 s, feel- ing that mune .ociatlity is • thing which we might have it: 1e•:agues. LEE,BURN. Most/AY, .Starch 1.21)1. 311•. and Mil.. Owen Mlton• and Lundy. who have leen visiting their relatives here for w • tiuse, returned to their home in Mauit.ba last sve•k. Mo writ. h 1 KNI- (rutem do Y o \ i might t hart week . a and Macs 1 . Fattish gave a Iii dancing ,(111,1 eUellre party at their home, Lakeview. Besides the cheery 4101)11 0 brat•4 of lainnie Highland h:tgpipws played by Kentetb Fairish, iaf Knaafi. furnished music for the dancing. The heat and litedess ally . filled tln•ir tiniest to their guests null 'rvery4Mdy present lout Ito enjoyable evening. FKNLtx 14 .t , U REM INI$l lt4,F:s. Agail esu• genial friend, J. J. Wright, has written no. inler•stiig remem- brance 05 forty years ago, treating of the events of the Fenian scare in Goderich with the names of those who were in COuttaueol of the volun- teers in the town then.- The Del Iarriste'tetrltioned was the guest It( the venerable John It:tl(1au,e, on the evening of him capture by the guard.*. °uri neuun•y of our boyhood day's res- ells 14).' ,.I,i,,teet,. (11444411144 Ihr• trench- es 11 1 be ready for the Fenian. should they route. At la•ebur1 there 4.4144 at tight -watch o1 the Height/ins ailing the hake Attire, w'ho took turns at (wing on duly-. It WAS thought the invlule,t alight land Along the shun• to avoid the cannon and rifle pits prepared for therm at (it,derich har- bor. BAYFIELD. • \\'F:s iloin.%V. Mar. 11th. Rev. J. .1,'N 'il preached a Nrr•tlon to the sailors 1111 Sundae evening. 41iss Ethel 31ark entertained a fete (1f her friends list hr iday t'. ening. • A tier from here itre at U od. rich this week nttthdieg the comity - a1sa17A•s. 3Ir. mill 41•s. John Fergusn re - 414,•,,d last week from their honey- 'moll oneyIa••rl (rip. The Methe>,list Sunday school will lie held at lit o'clock u. 1n. hereafter, instead of 2 o'clock (fool. Spencer, the worthy taster of \1 's inii L. O. L. ,. Y1 1 ( dericl thin week. Attending t 1'lrovina'l (iIa nO I .Nlge. .1. 31 11o11tit, of patello College. premien! in '1''-inily church hast Sun- day 'ting and will abet preach next timidity . The hulks of the Presbyterian church intend holding an It•ish movia1 in the lare•mentof the church on Fri- day evening. A good Irish program will be furnished And also "a rale '4)iri.sh toy." "Fait( tot' don't poll fur- git it." the luIlIission is only Vie. The 1,1(41Ies' Aid of the Jlethlxlist church held their minted meeting at the limn(' of Mrs. Parsons. The fol- lowing officers were appointed : 1're•sidemt. 4lrs. 11. Little : vice-presi- dent, Moa. (leo. Erwin : secretary. MINK C. Mussels : t•casnter, .1,'. 11. Erwin. IUNOANNON. N(YTI('E.--ITIS !AXIAL AGENCY in nnnfor The Alined la at the'or- ate of .1. 11. want, J.1'., eonceyatlrer. etc.. who will revel.c orders far subsrrlptions, adt•ertts- tug and. fab work, and I- ant horlaal to give re. Mots for ,amounts paid for the saw. Tr grin Mauch lath. l'F:Its,INAI.. Mrs. It. .I. ('rawfonl, Idler a IAvo wek' visit with friends in the (Re ity of the Straits, tendon, Ingersoll and other points, m e rc�tAurncd h me yesterday r<hty (Monday)adi reports having enjlyoml her trip. Ar1'ru,4 Mate. On I•u'idny of hast week an 1►urlion male of Stork and far g implements was lel 1 on the remiss of 13. Augustine, Aehfield. l'hcre %vas a large Withering of fartnprm mid rattle -dealer and AIIe- tsr Gundry, of Goderich, eon_ ' •1 he sal i44 dolt 1 th h with In. usual gemNl suttees*. 1'he pram e•elm of the sale anlSlted, as we have been ieforulel, to onward). of 1111,1K(1, which ahow1 that the sale financially was a sn('cess. Mf'. Anpfustin4 hat. mold his farm and intends Logo into to other !Avidness. We %vial) him strctss. No'rKs. Qufit.' it number of o1)r young prr)ple and ()therm in (him vicin- ity took in the hockey match held last week at the ',minty town and report having had i1 8q0011 Meting.. 1,a.at Sab- bath Mrasrm. Atrdet•.Ma, M'•Kenzieand 1?411,111 were inductedto the office of elders in Erskine church. there INeingat present five to conduct camel' mes- sIona1 services One day last week Mfrs. It. Hands presented her liege with n daughter and ht conse- quence he is nearing numeroum mu131ee. IIMe is now papa to six children, three mons and three (lnoghttrl ..Thr month of Match is r11Alnhtining the reputation established by .In nary and February for vnrialde weather. • AlitSOHN. l WKUVKsu,.t5. M,u'eh 11th. The revival servicer in the .1rth. odirt church ale well attended. Rev. J. 1.. Small visited (floods in the township of Arthur this week. Hobert Leech mull family left here last N'ednesday morning for the Northwyst. The chopper has undergeue exten- sive repairs this week and next week it is expected to he runnings again. Oliver Clark :and \Vet. Paterson are assisting at the building of the bridge tuavma4 the 1x)11.04441, of 1111' gravt•I1ax0) to {Myth. John Knox has stat•tel oat with full line of harness: He 11115 seated the services of as practical mechanic. \V4' do not export him Co anaomlee that he will sell below ,)'u%t, for it w,4u1(1 rNpnlle :t faith strong enough to repave mountains t) believe it. Thr township assessors in this IleighIN)rll(xal are making their an- nual round%. 141 they are to judge by the number of farms for sale and the psiet•N realized, they will arrive at the conclusion that 1 h /•onuty valuator% were un the tittle 1.1 high (i last year. M of our citizens set.in)r a1 large O • to tate east of the vintage fully expected the arrival of the first train on the new t•ltllr.intl. It turned out to he the straw shovel °n the top of riser's Bill, getting into position to make a0.:stack on the hills Between 11It'th and Auburn. ST. AUGUSTINE. 'l't'K,U.t v, Mar. 13th. Phomas Carney is on the sick list at 'resent. 1V,• are tnrryto lett•, that Mr.:11ex- ander. is Very 14 1w. Mlie.COI i1111e 1.:111 •udeuu is visiting friends fit Strathn ,3•. Mlieh,tt•l lihtsguw, tit Monday at his Surat• her( .lass. Ryan, of Seafor•t today at Ctrs. McGuire.'s. Ma's. P. Tt•oy, 3Vhite:hutch is 'visit- ing her mother, 3In.. Flynn. .1,_ Desl'oll spent FI•i(hty wit Mrs. \V. Kinahan, of Prosperity. Miss Hanna. of 1Vingh , fm guest of Miss .los•y McAllister. Owing to the high M11114 ) winds i Brophy s w 11 1 11n tothisluus ! y m I lxehr. T. Curti lium 1s wearing a broad mile over the 1(1115al of a bouncing lora T. Davidson, muthcr and sister left today for the \Vest. We wish them 1uc(s•44%, T. 31el'ale Also left -for the \Vest to - (hay. Poor \Va1wtol(sh will soon be deserted. 1\"e are pleased to hear that John \Velsh and family ace Iecuvt•ringfront la gt)jppe. (ton. Brophy, accompanied by hi. sister, Mins Katie, sprat Sunday in \Vent$cld. A. McGiirt• is busy cutting wood. Ile has a contract of one hundred surds. Hurry up. Gus, spring will soon IN• Ilrte. Miss Maggie f.ethly has rt•tn•ned to G(xlrrieh fifteen two weeks' visit with her parents. (fel. Smyth had at ver:}--)ucra•iedul ale talar' of cantle 111111 hot•s•s. '1'lo,st• who had the pleasure of (wing acquainted. with his son, David. will be sorry to hear of his departure for the \\'ext. ',1th•t•il•h, sp.'ut spent Sat - 1e CARLOW.. Tritsn.tr, Mar. 1311i. Corium NKwm.-There will be at meeting at the Presbyterian church on Thursday afternoon for further discussion of the school room ques- tion. )rev. ,lax. Hamilton, of (ialerjch• tell preach here on Sunday afternoon. Het•. Mr. Mma 0 will be in lls etumhlhxtOav• . Pguieesm. \ V IV. -- SPY. J. 1.. Small pa visiting this week at hit old home at Arthur We are marry to learn that. Alex. Kilpatrick, of the nth (Inlet -lotion, is very low. HP has Iwen 111 poor health for sane time and m few (lays ago he suffered an attack of paralysis which has brought hire to a critieal condition 4ndle4v John- ston is on the sick list with an attack of he grip. 1. \V • o 0 t r t ho t ear r t is R Ix ht h speedy recovery. F:'HM Sulu. -Maes. Tew•sIey, of the lith c1 tneensiun. has mold her farts of fifty acnes to Councillor Thos. Rolwrt• son. 31r. Ituluerts,n a few years ago purchased the ether fifty seem nlll) now ham splendid farts of 2011 Acres. Ilmgh Hose, who haul Mrs. 1'e•wslev's place rented, will leave shortly for the \fest with his wife and futile. au•- coutpNlnying his hrother-in-bow. H. Tewsl.y, who is tetur'ling to York - ton, Mask. They will take a e,tt'I(1aet of hlg'sw.atnd other effects with then. Ilgrntivu---W. E. Ferguson h n s mild his imported *mins. suite stallion to Albert 31hrbell, mf He•t11Ii1ler, who in taking it West with a rau•lond of horses. This wan one of the Inst horses in this s•rlion, and the sale km M11•. 10'•rgii44)tl', retirement from the bnkin4'a44 tl horses which he Fins carried on for the pied thirty years 111 cube. Mr. Fergum4t hen keen one of the must enter )riming and surc,•msful hotmenlel of the district, ,and ha.* (1 • a great (deal towards the impnlvelueut of the )Lox•k in the dis- trict. Ile will now confine his atten- tion to his farm. . 1 void _ _ 1 rt'rl. N Johns, the new asses- sm., harm lawn vimiting the petiole of lht )8th r rasion in his ()Metal rapacity. He 11,441 nuuie m • ehxnges, raining sone, lots and herring other, and on the whole will prolahly strike it about right. ... 'Thom. Hams has engaged John Jardine An foreman for a year. \Ve lost. that Alex. Y g has invested in town profN'•ty in Oodu'. rich. The enmity town is booming, And Ma', VoteK has 'doubtless made 11 140(111 invemttu41 The einem a• factory will not run this year. ,\ creamery is being started at Humour tem, whil•h im too' close to Allow of profitable 1pets,i0nt here ('Attie thele s are homily plying their trade At present. They Are offering grunt lpride., am high atm n cl•tlts for May (le - ivery : but, the owners( of the rattle are holding off, expertitg something still latter) -" Five Maxims by Jefferson. Never Spend 1110ney 1144011, you have it. We never repent of having eaten too little. Never t.ronhle another for what pm can d0.3',""elf' Pride costs its In)14' than 1 ger, thirst or cold. Never buy what yen do not need IN•- Cant.eit IN cheap: it. will he dear to yon. Reset 'lite Signal's aulvertiricg (1,,) 111111)8 (his week. CREWE. Tto t11.tY, Mar, 130h. Isaac liauley visited iii the vicinity utt Sugday. Si ti ney Miami, (1f Lucknuw, was in the vicinity last Friday. J. MtMur•hy intends moving tip lb of Lucknow• this month. • George Dorian is going on a busi- ness trip, leaving Tuesday for Passel= ton, North Dakota. Ttiostesox-McQt'etn 11'KUUIm i. On 1\'etlsesdaay evening, Mauch 7t1. at the residence of 3111.. J. 11'1 uilid. there were 1l *'Int over fifty guest, the occasion tieing the lu,tt•r`itgr of lit daughter, Miss Mlc(juoid, to %I Thompson. of 1)teloraine. It, V. 1 \ I Rutherford, of Dungannon. official ),I 31r. mid 31 is. 'FIoson left 'Thur, day for then. 1 • followed by the good wishes of tris people iu•the vital, it y. ST. HELENS. NI,'NoSY. Mar. 1201. 311•. Tooke st ill keeps yet•y poorl)•. Miss Mli oat Huthe•fut,l and Miss Miller 44 ere 1 • over Sun - Ge(1tg1' McKenzie. sof Hat Portage, visited his sister, 11rs. hyla•, this week. (ie,. Salkeld, of (iuderich, visited relatives here Friday Dight and Satur- day last. All eiltl•1•t,li11t11Pllt under 11N• :tits pie'c% of the 11111111e library will be given on hriday evening, 4larch 39th. Furth•, atuuuneement will In' given. next week. OtaMos,' .3vial 1.KF: \1'F:outuu. Un Tuesday evening, 11arch (141,, a large gl(atlel ,.g of the eta fit iruds 1 lmigh- lola t,f 31r. acid Mrs. •'Hugfiic" An- derson' assembled at the hums of MIs. and Mites. Ti as Todd to do lemur :111(1 offer rongoalthalitosis to the worthy couple, 4.1111 later enjoyed sixty years of happy wedded life. 31r. and Mrs. Anderson •'a • front "mild Sentra' in the early (bays of their lt11rl'A1 life and fur a than thirty yeaa•s have been highly re- atpe•t•d members of this r •. l'he party tits o1 a purely utlC4,tiv,•u- ti all 1(51(1 spontaneous nature. Rev. H. W. Plenty orcupietl the chair and Mesta the following address, while Thos. 'Timid, upon ls'hnlf of many friends, })resented the venerable bride and bridegroom w'itft :a handsome Morris chair,kllt l at 'fronts' photo. graph of the aged couple with dupli- cars for their eleven chilar•n. The whitens is as 'follows : nt tit p•'n°:x101.--4. • of your Many ft ten& who herr long known von, havhlg herons.. ware lhatlld.e • Ya c e 1 1,11 , tMy, .l h 411.1 hr .i4lielh °Beer-lv)' of your 111arri,yte, fell that Iht•o coats ant let Illi. loeceohs, tw•• ail hes) in • eta) 4'p,vsinuK thew appreciation of our f4'Ym .h, The h:eve therefore 1.aped herr tonight In express their goo l .Iles 141wv101 y1111 and to exlrlal to yon their n11111at ion. and 141 wl14 yon •h jut' on me da) of your diamond we'tlding. 'You we wow the earl)' pinoe•e•r.}lf this ,11.,14,4. •(11111: froth Old Swain. the land of your 1 111 furU"nvr yeas(. ,ago, .tos1 have re- g us .hi,l' that tune. Yon, twig tong us, % ' sterling diameter, of heart and hel{lfuh,c„ to Ieat4d you to 11. and we then^ rc rt this Motif. chair and Mt rot pontess a, a slight token of n1 , yelear Many good g 1411114'. hb,r. Ihvyhlrnee• Is,. I. ' Idle many of the friends al ana+,gylaie. u bvg a day. lave been cared away. you have t wits owl bleach other dor ing.lxly lung yen of 11 ore wedded life, Andnow' u. the flays , go ,K hope)' we hope and tiled that the sunset lay. your life may be )rumbrwd :old i,) pa -d. 11.111yt ('111444 i kit/ 'I:I.I: wl%Nara. After t•s the pltali n Ian in1- ypptntleptu progt• I 411' icon. 311•. (at111ge. a4., gave ear ten nis•enee1 of the old land and first. tcqua'nlan1e1 with the guests, of hunt) Mr. Thum and 11r. Clark ails, made lictt.ot re- marks. Sung' wen.sung, minx the. (wing Her. Mr. Crit \4', McGregor. Miss Ella Taylor nd M 4IAt.44'y. 1'3le sleeting 'mune to clone After ••Should Auld Acquaint* He Forgot- was heartily sung h the whole circle of friends. Ih hue birth. ,idahl Ir -idea your 11 other. b '('4 fore ask )e 1 t a framed Hort al our,mpneei,e an friend., 11 been kind to v1 1 ne 11 n n How Pneumonia Starts. Von catch A little told today, hp t row it has'rein:heti the throats next day the lungs are sffeeteland y(1t wish you had Attest '•l'Atlrrh- ozone." w•hi1h loll. holds in five min -- toes. 111 the Hist phut• ('ataa•rhozone noodles the irritated membranes and telIeve.congest' then it cuts mit the phlegm destroys p g 11 NIM 1111• germs. It enables the Sham! to retain ,t natuca supply of oxygen, lung -food, and vitality. In Any rough, bron- chitis or brig affect' '1'44 gulr,u)tee(l to positively rote. 1),clite• ,any nub- stitnte for •• l'ltat•rhortme. " "KO 111! IIFE" -That's what a prominent druggist said of Scott's Emulsion a short time ago. As a rule we don't use or refer to testimonials in addressing the public, but the above remark and similar expressions are made so often in connec- tion with Scott's Emulsion that they are worthy of occasional note. From Infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying im- proper and weak develop- ment, restoring lost flesh and vitality, and repairing waste. The action of Scott's Emulsion is no more of a secret than the composition of the Emul- • TUULYDAY, Match 15, 1906 7 FINE TAILORED CLOTHING for SPRING The newest 111111111'tltti(lls ill Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, English Worsteds, Cheviots, Serges, etc. New Patterns New Effects Made up in latest styles ,Fit guaranteed at moderate prices McLEAN BROS.. .4 Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, Hatters, etc. North side Court !louse Siluar(r, (iotleriPll. :J�11/Ib 1111 lb 111114' 1111111111b11i1 IW1111� 1111111111111 III Ila t1111111� IIbiG 3 = "lonely- means off lines which mist be• cleared oat W keep what every m,•tchant desires- x clear cluck. It is a Soni-Ieatly•t•ra by 11};ht of coinage and Usage. sis - 1 TAalort Encyclopedia. J It was Elbert 1lubbard, the lioycroft bard, _ aild our incisive plaster of English prose who said : "The 1111111 who uow+ul:ay:; . 4.4(411.44 1'o Io• re1411y a well dresser weals Semi -ready apparel, rand looks • tit we that the rel uncle of the makers im on the lag." • • r Z • • 2 3 •3 • • •3 •i ow141 lma• $10.00 you 11ll1 boy :i germine SEMI=READY SUIT or O• VERCOA T finished to yon(' II*Ca.,ltle in two I •s after your purctase. The geol./more of the Menti-re;uly goes with'tho garment. hot the tr,ule mark label is takl'•ii off. -Semi-11%4.1y" ie tots proud A name to sell I*•Iuw pati'. OVERCOATS that sold at T2.,, 1421, (Slti:(n&$1.,. all now at $10 dollars 1 SUITS that sold Resent $12 up to $21). all now at the one price per suit . $10 dollars 1Vith this store all the odds and ends of n surct•saftl season go iota this SEMI -READY LONELY SALE Agents. g ttl, cLEAN BROS. - Goderich. e. S tl!1111. Itif%M gVI! 1 1p1 1 1 1 1 . �1!T!1�M M.. M. n M M. 1 BEAR !N M /ND i 'lyhen spring fencing coutnds(nce% alai 11aw•kins can sulq)ly yr,u With all kinds of fencing ma- terial including High Carbon Coil Spri No. 9, Barbed Weaving Nos. 12 nd•13, Black Wire and Page Wire once I11 'riles its Inw tit• lower than the le esit. A full stx•k-of Builder: Iaudtvmue ire ludin Locks, Bolts, (class, Putty, Oils, Nails, Paints and Varnishes. Jack Screws for sale or rent. PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT. J. B. HAWKINS The Hardware Man 1 0 4r sion itself. s if What it does it does through nourish- ment -the kind of nourish- ment that cannot be ob- tained in ordinary food. No system is too weak or delicate to retain Scott's Emulsion and gather good from it. Vs will send you • sample free. 11. we '4") it ie pl. toe. M M. Nen, el • 1•1•11. sn the .eeppee ni ewer, Mat. J P.rn,.l•Inn 4'w �7. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists Tomato, Ont. 60c. a•1 51; all d nfb4 . verything for Lent Wt. Ate well prep /11til In slipply your wv1 1.1 with 1. 1414(e 11ssmr1lll(n1 Of sutoke11,'s(ltesl, dried 1(1111 cnntne•1 11 .41. \Ve 1194,• n t111hline of Labrador Herring, Canned Salmon, Canned Kippered Herring, Lake Trout, Cured Had - die, Canned Haddie, Bloaters, Canned Sardines, Quail -on -toast, Canned Lobster. The old reliable Maple Leaf Salmon at Finnan Noddle at 15 cents per tan. To cents per can. The "Brunswick" Saradme at .5 cents per can Oriental Salmon at to cents per can. Genuine Quintal Codfish at. q cents per Ib P. T. DEAN, The Grocer. PHONE ono. COR. MONTREAL ST. AND SQUARE, GODERiCH, ONT. 1