HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-15, Page 6• TSIIMIDAY, March 15, 11A 6 for 33 Years Gosemiptios Care. the Linz Tent. Ism bees before the public. dn. toothier with the lett that its odes hive suathly biassed yam by yam. ate bset proof el dw awe of Shiloh es • awe for Omsk Colds. mai AI Gnaw ol the hogs aod purges. Those who hive und Shiloh would sot be without it. Then who hew stem wad it should keow that every bottle is doetal are you. the dialer will reload what you paid loc ie. Shildt Has Cured theursock ol the MOD obstians ones el Coughs. Cold, amid Luag trorkiles. lad it cure you. NA/ wee« I ovssird fel dor rade me el esdan444. led mains did as nor moil I mod SialollS Gattotoollen Gam Ger hail. reed ese This swear I Lod a vas bed seld. were st.l. so resat. rev me wall awn. lore Fere a se remr41 isd 0•441 044 Oi than halm . SHILOH SPRING CLOMING '• I r bad a mom comfortable to a better-fltting suit." said a man who gets his chitties made at DUNLOP'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM WEST STREET. A full 4tock of medium and heavy weight clothes fot fall and winter wear , Suits and Overcoats made to measure 011 sin wt.. not ier, Horruly-to-wear Clothing good and strong macle int t he premises.. DUNLOP, the Tailor NVEST STREET GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM 11 Special One -Way Rates 11 to Billings. Mont.. Denver. City, Nelson. Ittmslanti. Van- II 1.1)11VIT: P111.11111111, Ore.: San Francisco. Tickets on iatie Sptcial Settlers' Trains to Northwest Every Tuesday doting MarCh and April a special train with etdonist sleeper will Wave TorantAt at 41 for Manitoba and the Northwest. r ass.. tigers travelling without livestork ohould take express leaving Toronto 1:15 p.m. The Short Line to Cuba Leave home Thur p. ruha, early Monday morn- ing. Direct erinnection. Tout ist rates in effect. , Make or t Break by Harriet Prereott Spofford F the mediaeval titly11 wet,. full of today has molly of them conceit. mon Of uurest. It iewsessed Charlie Harding in his shop in ihe• I Wage, the wills, the depot, the meeting house, be- ing hard by. and all the gosolp of the burg about his counter. And the world But it was thought that a rich dud of sliver had been 11111410 ill the neighbor- hood, and at once the price of every old pasture that eveu the sheep them- selves would have disdained to i.Top bad goue mooring out of sight, nod the Maid old parish that hail followed the way of its forbears fur 20i) years and over bad gone wild over its potentiality of riches. of course Captain Hariling-a train band captain of militia was he -bail not been in the center of all the talk without finding opportunity for: bond- ing aud . buying and selling land, and be had. am he phrased it, melted, down a good pocket piece through the vari- ous transactions. 10 the 'twinging of fate's peuduluni, however, It WAS pres- ently found that the silver wao not of a paylugisort, and the boom in land ex- ploded like a bubble. Hut It left Char- lie }larding full of eageruess nisi the wild spirit of adventure in moury mak- ing. "Why ain't you contented where you be?" askis1 his wife'. grandfather. 'There's alien; ben silver here settee fore you was born. Why should it udden now? Trouble is ye have to gut It in to get it out. Crags 'ntore'n t comes to. There's folko I know has ilver spoons made of it moren 200 ears ago. But, bless ye, them, spoons cost more'n gold. There'n gold too. Idn't ye know it? That Californy eller panned some gravel out, I heed ay, an' got what he culled 2 color. ut long's spring pans out hi the grass ther color. As long ns the bloodroot MPS, an' the marshmaller, an' thi- oat heollie salve, an' burdocks for esters, lin' crambries to draw out ulcers, other folks may have their Iver. Ef you au' Grace wants toil- er, jest keep to work. An' the sooner rain the better it'll be for you. You t a 'rowan' hominess', you're poplar, 's over to your snore when you can't se yer wheel. My king! Here's Rioting nd, all excitement, the 'old naturalist rgot his stlek, hurrying and halting d :gipping anti stumbling. but mak- m• ain Hording looked miler hitu and ontlered how n reasonable being could eontented With 81101 rt ilfe-tio bet - r, he thought, than a inolecs. Grace Harding. through monk un - own freak of descent, hail developed great deal more worldly ambition n any others of her family. She had heed ou going to school when her ter Louisa preferred staying at home d drudging with her mother, and she 1 read novels' and taken a fashion per, and on her marriage she had ne to housekeeping in nii old weather ten farmhouse only as a prelimina- to something altogether finer. It st a pretty place, under a green hill, h great sycamores and a brook use hanks were lined with blue for- mennto. They had built a little zza where they could sit at night king down over the marshes, myste- us In shadow, enehanting In sun- t, and on some day. he rode over the store ou his big wheel, on which loomed a giant figure against the -it was before the ilays of the safe - and on some days be walked, and store thrired gently, and Grace had flower beds and her row of sweet s and went to meeting In lier rnyrtle n silk gown, with pink mites In her net -looked upon by -Louisa In her wn delidne as very much the fine • fe then was Bowing ou serenely, h now and then a tea -party at the ge and every day a s-loit with her her end with Louisa. who was now ried herself and Ilving at the top he hill. When one night her hum - came home and threw down his in a temper. "Well, I'm nick of 0 outelde the store, you know. But the boom's gone up, and there's In' more In laud round here. I've ell over quite a few properties, oh. and made my penny every . But thin lo the euil of it. Ilow'd Ilke to go to Colorado?" • es. • I'm like the wild besot that's ed blood. Say, I could just shut the RR it attinds-1 took p'ento; moo' liar today turf the key gin' put It ty pocket an' git ont there In the of Mingo, an' If I didn't ganke (intim en' NtrIke pay dirt I'd put whet wan worth flontin'. An' I've glee I could make my Inninge. 1 ed II tot fmn them fellers flint wen tooth)" over the lay of the Inn& 1 em tryin' nut the allver buttons" - on maw," Mid firrice celmly. atm them. An' now I've a little n' to the gOod Romaine we plot the tivo keys On' try it. The worst nn do la to come back nitnin." il they did. t,nplain Harding with ree-htit gay determinntion, end his with a beating heart rind a duster- ee, but with * sort ef eager curl. 7 ft co lo si go an In fo fo be te tha Ins sis an hat ben ry WA wh get pia loo rio ligh to he sky ty- the ber pea tree boo bro lady LI wit vino mot mar of t band hat this littl nnw noth turn thou time 7011 store In n thleit out out tin I lenrn here anthi turn ri fie wife fn osity 11 For tieketa fell in- formation call on F. F. LAWRENCE Town Agent. Office hours: 631n.. 111. to JOHN STRAITON. Deixit Agent J. D. McDonald. District Rti. ( and Yards ..rreet nod) et !fork Square COAL ALWAYS ON HAND gOTAII onl nvightsi on the market study, where you 70 2.11111. Ito. for n ton. WM. LEE. th•vlers left at 4'. 1'. I-EE'S Hardware Store Keel side Koltun,. promptly nttended to. SYNOPSIS OF Canadian Northwest Homestead Regulations. Any even numbered velum, of Ihnliulnn Lands In Manitoba at t he Borth wr.t Proftime.. excepting a and 31, not n•.er,,,l. omy 1.• 1 .headed by nuy ie•r.on win toot hr ."h• hra.l 0f a family. or nor nut, mer Is>ear. of 4ore, to the extent of one gunrt ct .ret ion of In nets•. Iron• or less. Entry may he meth. personally at the heldland oilier for the dl.t flet In which the brad Is situate. or If the homesteader desire.. he may, ttaawa', 7 he C unin.he l•+�Ionet soft the Immigration. Winnipm. or the hs al ,.gent re, t• anthorlll for Som0 ane to nuke entry for him. The Mwlrostcatoris n•gnirnl to perform the condition. eonnerltd therewith mater one of the following plans: 111 At leant six months' resident* norm atul cultivation of the land In each year for three years. I11 if the father for nlnllter. If the father Is de. 0.RRrd t of the home.toader reside. main a tarn, In the r•Irinity of the lend entered Jot the.re gnirements as to teshdence may is. *toned by emit person nettling with the father or 131 if the settler has his 'permanent residence tine. upon forn:dna band owned by him In the yfrin- --- - - - the retie wanton) as to raeldenoa may be aatisfed by n'rldenee upon the gild land. 141x mont#u' moth* In writing .hmtM be given AO the Commiserator of 1)nminim, lands at Ottawa of intention to apply Inc patent. • 's jest tomfoolery," said her moth - Pr. with weory olab, no idle *whited her sparse find hay eolored hair Mit of the nay. "Why ain't they suittsfied with tblnim as they are -the More tin' the other. nn' all? I don't Charlie Harding 11 ever grow up rap'n Bard' log! What's he vap'u of, oteeptlif it's Orace Is cap'n, then," maid her "I can't toll whoro Greco got bor am- us sporrlt." saki hor mother . do' know," said her husband. as mns crazy to gn to loos. twit Nost, the %flower 0t the itiaerim. v'Y'lfe. But OD* good wrock cured me, Pt. Ift.-VnantharIcon ptiblication of nits s,1 on' Wraps 'twill them." • iforticsassat wm rot be paid h*. "r•lb" Mkt the old grandfather. 1 laughing half to himself. "I gneiss he'll be glad to git back US to the land "1 wouldul wonder if it all turned• out for the beat," saiii Lotilaut, who bad eume down front the hill with her sew - But Captain Harding hail no doubts on the 'subject. "Eirat thlug, some clothes,". said lie. "I've heard say there's nothlu' succeeds like suecriug, an' M0 y011.Ve totter look aucegoisful. An' I'll say one thing ---If there's any- body that'll ite a credit to tine clothes it's my wirer* And yet, as him wife walked through the corridors of the Fifth AVenue hotel, after returning from the fur west, It little awed by the velvet carpets, the sotto curtains, the gildiug, the tier - revs, the splendor of the s$Uwr women, she WWI 41)1114e1OUS of romething about herself not Its it should be. Her hus- band was all well euough, • bluff and ready mau of business in a buslueas suit. But either she had ou too inuch or she didn't know how to put it on. She felt she was unlike these grander dames who talked and laughed and moved at ease. Iler hauds troubled her and made her uncomfortable; her hair lacked the touch. But still she knew it WAS ouly a matter of time; she would catch on. Charlie, anyway, looked at her with admiring eyes when he had any tune to look at her at all. She *SS more lonesome than at find, fur her husbaud bad become entirely absorbed in his schemes. . Meantime she.was seeing the world. It went by her In the begiuning like a panorama; it almost' made her dizzy. Yet, although at last mho was a part of It and as eager in the rush as soy, she was never quite at home In It. Captain 'Harding had indeed bad some measure of the luck he had hop- ed for, and he was floating the 'Wires of the Nimble Dollar mine in a way that made hie wife hold her breath when he reported his successes to her. He had been on the ground, he bud 14.91:1 the mine, he knew what he was talking about, he was not anxious for too large a price, and he came Mit of the transaction with a small fortune. folks and your folks would approve that Means interest -and go home and build s house with bow winders aud a Freuch roof and be the rich man of the region." "Yes," bald Grace. "But you believe in me, don't you?" asked he anxiously. "Yes," said Grace. "You'd like to pee me one of the mil- lionaires? I've as good a right to big money as the best of 'em, and I'm goin' in for it. I'm goin' Into Wall street in earnest!" And Captain Harding had a oense of assured success which made him the happiest, beat untured and busiest tnan alive. "'Tain't luck," he said to his wife. "It's a long head. I'd look pretty hitlin' such a knack of busi- ness In the voriter store, wouldn't I? Anil ae for you, I'm proud of you ev- ery day:" But Mrs. Harding was not proud of herself. She would not le her busbnini know it, but she felt herself wholly unequal to meet the WOInatl of soeiety brought her into same associntion, in- vibsi now and then to their houses, to their opera boxes -women who had ae quaintanee with each other, with for- eign, life,' who knew what to do and how to do It and who without the least 111 feeling often overlooked and Ignored her and made her feel herself ont of it. She sent home boxes of gown, aud oth er things to Louisa and her mother which In their private talks they aid they would have preferred hyt own thlugs to make over for thOmeelves, without dreaming how uuonitable they would be, and she sent grandma a gray silk wrapper lo whose males and lace she would look like a little old flower, as Grace pleased herself by thinking, and she sent her grandfa- ther a fur coat and a wonderful meer- schaum pipe. She had a feeling that sueh things were, as her husband phrased it, so rourb to the good. Now and then she sent her father a little money, but she did not have much money. Captain Harding needed rill Ids ready money, bnt she had generous credit -and bills'. "Pile It on!" said her husband. ''One must look success- ful In order to be successful, you They still lived at the hotel, where they had what seemed to her royal rooms, although she never grew toted to them, and, although entertaining there those who accepted their Invita- tions, ohe always hod a oenoation that one day those people would find her out for a fraud. She laughed sometimes when she saw henget In the glees, with her bare shoulders and jewels, her satin nnd laee and rnernbou, with A kind of moekery. But she never let her hum - band know that thle wax not whnt her soul longed for, that she was afraid of the other women or that she felt all their own new way of life to be of very tineertain tenure. She did not have so mnch chance as once to let him kbow her state of mind. He woo orotupled from morning till night; he wys writing end telegraphing tind 'teeing people And gown In the lob- by trilking with men till midnight. the hotel lobby being a minor Well street AGO THE Slt:NAL: “ODERICH ONTARIO Things' stemmed to ber to be to Ruch a whirl that sometimes she wondered if she were not /dreaming. She :wrote home, but she said very little of her- self end her life. She described Imper- sonnl things, like pictures and shops. "Louisa," said her mother once, 'it's borne In on me tome wept that brace ain't floppy. She'igot the detlre of her heart, she's out In the world seem' things, hut she ain't happy" "Thet'a he•auee she hasn't any ba- by," maid i.ouisa, dancing her boy on her knee and then letting him pull her curio All about her face. "I'm cure 1 don't know what we done before this little person eame." "i'd like to see your baby," Grace had written her mister. "Some time - just for a look -1 may drop In upon you when you least etepect It." "1 wiah't I could drop In on her," said her mother. "You wouldn't know her," sold Lon - leo. "i wouldn't wonder but you'd think It was the queen or the presi- dent's wife or suthin'," "1 guess 1 should know 7.p own child," geld her mother, "If she was ever so doe. I'm glad she sin't ever Pont for Tommy the way she said she was goln' to. I wouldn't want to stand In hie life, Ant s®chow t feel'* tbongh fawn ether Was better fee him thp11 what Man' and where she goes. 1 "I'll bring my sewing down to the Captain Harding. wialet she'd Nu I Prefacing after another across uer (dee, I { Mere and visit with you myself. And 1 every day 1'11 see father and tho rest of them at the old place. And I'll have so much to.tell mother aud Louisa that they'll think Pui making it up. And Louisa's baby --oh, Charlie, it will be just too meet fur anything! I shall feel as if I'd been born over again!" "'Aut.1 If We dud a silver mine lu the' bare yard we'll board it up." sold be. SUNLIGHT Wash alclodis and linoleum with warm water and Sunlight Soap, rinse clean and wipe imp dry. The colors will be preserved and the surface unharmed. Common soaps fade the colors and injureIge surface. Sunlight Soap cleans, freshens and preserves Sunlight Soap Washes clothes white without injury to the mon delicate fabrics. or to tbe hands, for it contains nothing that can injure either clothes or hands. Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps. but is best when used in the Sunlight way (follow directions). THE MARKETS. . "10 Wheat Futures Close Nialii.- at Chi- cago and Liverpool -Lite Stock -The Latest Quotations. Moeda/ Eveulag. March 12 Liverpool wisest futures clotted to -day bi%Aellirightiliands:tueordriNirfutures %•I to %d At Chicago Iday Wheat closed le higher then Saturday; May corn %e higher aad May Oats !•ie 10Wer. WINNIPEG OPTIONS. I The following were the closing quote- I Owns to -day at thin market: Mareh 731,geli bld, May 75%elit sellers, July 77.'011 bid. 1 ince THE VISIBLE SUPPLY. Corn /ilareh 12,116 Marcia Mall oate decreased 73,0110 bushels. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. New' York Mays.r. Julm.Y.is 777716;z_ 577%. 7514 "fhat's what mothera' backs are szat, sots made for," said Louisa, laughlug nod kissing her mother. Kiases were rare upT:i0h;::::fr:PhIR.OstiDU..C.$,E1 It: At: KiE..T... nutting them, but In those days Louisa !,iviatbri....i0aityt,: frbsui.1,bbusb 0 75 felt as If she tnust be (Irace and her- self too. days went by with Gritee, and la their eourae she Imean to understand through the little she saw of lier husband that they were critical days. "It's !mike or break," be said to her ouee. And rls she saw his preoccupation and his anxiety day after day and the breatii• less way in which he lived she felt brealliless herself. She scanned the market reports and specials; Bile listen- ed Ile She could to the talk of Mocks and !stints and margins, yet she could make out but\iittle, and It was all very harassing. Sheohought she had nutlet, stood at last th on an arrangeme If It could he lir wealth beyond drea ed, and, if It couldn't, It was going to be br atand business of this so t; oho mnst possems her noul hi patienc Anil elle tried to do as she watt told. But she knew now that her hominoid li 1 every- thing staked 011 0110 throw. She,lea nett over Ilyll IS his switches of sleep. mut- as she entombed the lock lightly front his foreffead she felt she would take air the ntlxiety from lilm if she mild giro in tither auceesa or pence of mind. Ile had grown white and gaunt of late, Y - "ads of prim, 1.111110. th. hull "I'd look prrity." don't make out the plow', L0111411. y011.11 never, learn that child to walk if you carry him so. And it's bad for your back to carry tonal 111111•41PLI." everything dependol called a deal, which, ght about, meant for n11 conceru- eant ruin. But tight about; it Rye. bush 7ft NEW YORK DAM( MARKET. New York, March 12. -Butter. jrtegolar; 2.74. to '-'7II4.e; official priers creamery, eon. Won to extra, lfie to '-'7e; state dairy. f•eui mon to entre, 13e to 211.-; renovasrl. eon, men to extra, to in west..rti fite tory. clannlon to firsts. 13.• 1(1.-; 0ust filatta 17e, 1.1ft1111. large 10,1 h01411 colorell and white to lIte; aklma, full to 11011: 1. Tent sylvattla and nearby ?alley 44rle•-4.-r vvidte. 2tie to 21e: do.. choler. 1ue to hie: do . mixed. extra. inSve: 14%e: do., seconds. Ile to 1110; soutberus, 1214e to rigae. sem CATTLE MARKETS. Cable* Steady -Cattle Firmer, Naga 1.cudon, Slareh Cala.. at, quoted nt lb.: dressed weUit, TORONTO JUNCTION LIVE STOCK. Lefelpts of the stock at the Enlon Stnek Yhrds were :10 car loads, tstinit0setl 73ei rattle, 2 sheep. 11 Valves .11111 17 MT.., PrIrea of shipping fettle ranged tram $4,75 to $5.25, the hater prier. Drina paid Zithe piano] Dr. cummings. tor. write*, Approval at THE GUILDHALL SCHOOL OF MUSIC London, England • GUILDHALL SCHOOL OF NUM. "I have owl fee JOAO steafhs. 4. Gail/bon School Oho "11,11.. Grand Ptanotortes,m44* by ti .1 notable mann,. "Thry holt, Iwo tried by 4 closilrroblo lumber of 11 foss vs, era Rave breA groerally admired tor Mot, :oar, eating nothing.. waking before light, sit- sold •t saw to $4 2-i. Sing lost hi' thought, starting at slight Butchers. Taken altogether the quality of t•uteher at 114 Ia. to 15 15 yver cwt. Hulls soundo with all hi • nerves on edge, hur- eattle will the wor f .t1 as If be pursued ii;vvita from him. camp to replay th•• dem• and. and dealers 11111011 Inter for flintier had to get supplies f• the export class ever before. Early In fte tu supply orders taken. rying as he wn something flyin lie was ve one day tha afternoon !wen Itr lPiccram had Mile and had deal sold •t - Eleven scut calves Sold ■t Ar. to 777 per ht up L) her 'feiv�;t rlre cwt. usualJ,t' Went to the dntl`nhowu desk, She Waited, expecting her husbnn.1, a g while, and th•'u, as he .lid not come, she opened It. She said it might I* from home. Hilt she w-aw cmisc:onx that that was not the reason she open - edit. It wax a very simple messnge and In very terse language. "Gone up" not she knew in an instant what it meant, and she summoned all her forces about ber. Her husband -sante in niter awhile rather more boisterous than commonly., "I)o you know where my old silver watch Is?" he asked while making his toilet. "Why, to be more; in the upper draw- er in my dressing vase." "With the two kepi," he laughed. "You're a sentimental woman, i sup- pose you have some fancy or other ultout those keys. You're all ready for tilt di,:ner nod look like 'a prineess, Tof;ery's becombn' to you. Yon like It." "1 don't know•," alio said. "I nse.l to like my old pink aim:hante." "So did i!" he reclaimed. "Tiresome work, this going .out to dinner business. I'll be ready in no time. 1Yl'h•h Is It tonight? Harder work than -I)pn 1 went trninin' 'ith the ndlitin." It was several times in the course of that evening that _Captain Rnrdlug looked, nt Ids wife will' a smile of triumph in spite of tireuul.Itutee', With what 1111 Sit• she .at•riel it tiff, he thought. Plow she bernme wer'Ih and splendor! And yet the girl in sue pink gingham dress Icor Been 0r pretty. The truth was Ilint far the first time pas thio career (:rare felt sire of herself and on her ow•u ground. "1�'ee," be said to her when they were agnln In their rooms, "I doll's Ire- ilr'r, (thy of sliest• men felt as proud of their wives nm I did of yon. This is the sort of life you were meant for. it's too bad -1'm sorry. But noir brace up. i'r'e something to tell you." "Nn you lutven't," she (41)1(1, In 'tatting. her great blue eyes blazing, It seemed to hint joyously. And she drew the tel. egrnm from under n book. "H7 Georgy:" he cried, gazing nt her with fresh admiring pride. "You beat the record: 'That's what I call sand! Anil you knew It n11 the time'. 1Ve11, there It I7.. 1 ain't 110 match for these Hoge. Only a few bog. brought In by rimers were on the market to -day. 11. 1'. Kvn. hefty reports a de,•Ilne In prices of 2 per cwt. as follows: Selects, 1(1.75; 1171,1., $6. ) per ewt I:est tots of bothers' - offered sold at 14.10 to $4.,t,,; medium hoteliers', $4,'21 to 14 40; "ommnn rt 77:1.11,: to $4.2(t; cows, at 13.50 to 774.2: per cwt, Millets Cows. Al out half n dozen tench cows sold at 133 to 150 eacb. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK. Montreal, March 12.--1Spe.•ial. )-('able ad- vleer from Liverpool and lundoa reported the market for Canadian cattle gently et 10!.4 to 11e. At these prices shipper,. are losing from 1141 to til: per head. There le prartically no demand for ocean freight /pace; the best blri obtalhable from Ameri- fen shippers for slits week's shipment was .tits for Liverpool spare. with 25. a,k.•11. The exports from Portland and St. John N.H. last week wore 1711 cattle and 129, "het'P• Hceelpts to -day were Han cattle _t1) esteem. 75 much cows, 25 ',beep ao,J iambs 11.11 bogs. . The butchers were out strong, and titer.' was a good demand for the best rattle, and prises remota towbahaert Prime nervet cold nt 4%, to 5%,- per 1b,; pretty g,s'J. 3%•• to 4i,se, find the Moon stock 1)t "S to ;tuts% There were• 40 large halls on ihr market• and they weighed from 12!11 to 2310 Ibs., and sold at :tute to fitic. There were R number of superinr mile!' cows sold at Virg to 1x10 each; the .there at 772: to $47. eseh, l'nlyw sold at 772.2: to 1111 rash or 1114e t0 M1,• per Ili,; sheep sold ■t 41.e, '1111 lambs at (k• per 1l'. 'There was a firmer undertone to the tiler tet for hogs on account of smaller mhppII' and rooter weather lint prices 'Mow no actual advance es compared with theme of a week ago, owing to the fact that rain ,e. ntlop between pnekers for ruppll.•. was n0 keen, as *drives from Enrapenu eourues on t'anadian baron still continue to be dlarour aging. (lite or two email Iota of '•hniee Mlerted afnrk sold at $7.t0, lint Ili„ 11111': et the trading was done nt 777'0 sod I nycr grade. sold at 17.30 to 17.40 per ten lbs, weighed off cane EAST BUFFALO CATTLE MARKET. East Hnffnlo,Mnr.•h 12 -tattle Hw•ell'ls 3,1:0 head; active tile Hither; printf steers, 776.:,x) to $5.M; *shipping, 11.x: to 775 )o; butchers', $4,44) to 775.2:; Itelfers, #tl. ail to 15; rows, C: to $4.5,t; bulls, 772.77. to #4,S); strykers and feeders, 1.1.25 to $4.50: et•yk he:fere 13 to 14.44t fresh cows and tiring• yrs, steady, or good, Plow• was coma,,,,,, 77114 to $54. yeah.-Iteeelpts Ids) bead; active, WC I• wrr, 77G to 7701.5.1, liege--Iterr•ipt., 14.5(7, head; tai ri}- at- tire. fir 10 lets lower; heaver and naked 1,1,:0 to so-rs:, a few $11.110: ynrkers. #11.45 stn to N. TO; 1117., 776.44); .rou,gbs, 115.75 at 777.; 7s. 14 to 774.7,:, Sheep alio! Lambs-- Herelpta 1.:. Ira head: ■hnep, active: iambs. stow: Inuit:. to 17.11: yenrungs• 111 to 4177:1: ue'hoi- , 77.:.7s to 141.15; ,wee, $51.70 to +:.75; slt'ep. *and at to 1:.7.:; western Iamb. mile In 17.ln, • �• NEW YORK LIVE STOCK Nest* York. March 112. nerve. Iterr0044, jewels and turn we'll get out whole :111.1 ,. feller'. Hy selling my wnteli :Ind your ling* enough to lolly n little stack of no Ma toaaerron, ft•Ti tattle n*Iel . Iff21 1 elves Receipts, 41n3; market firm, lint Whtep end !Arnim het Mott,. 14;32: abet.n, "Then we'll go brick and hod open tip to 45.50: r1111., $3: tombs, p; in 117.311; few had Imppened. MI If we'd been out ta ile to ae.70; elivolf.e IAEA: $7.1.71 l▪ 'o'eft.44." bee the world nod linti erten It nod wno CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. satisfied and wnx brick again to the old Chlealtn March 1:2. ,t'sith Iterelpta, '17, Mend with tvonie nem notion's," he said nun: innriet, bent steady, other* 5e lower: "And 1'11 give you robes! bloc -Mtn and ito's. Heciapts, 42,nivi; ninrket 7.4. to tor doughnuts' for your breakfast. And feed my chickens end have iny plants buteherve weights. 1114i.L.Vt in 101,271e: good VII have a jack tome. Why, Charlie, to rhniee henry. mixed itli.1:: to 1•11,?$: we'll ho rent !nippy yer" paekIng. lirt.nn tn AR 2214. -"TOO better believe! ADA with thie : liemths7rol'nnor71 IlifiOn'fit7.-itRin'toeirPl."12N770"11;11"11107. yoor grandfather, though." "Hell like to hear you talk. He'll be ;, Iron in 1.7 -he lal-nod ix necessary. W- it the stems early and Into And ao a ler's Compound Iron Nilo contain that dayo." wild Greer, 'ale glad but... I For male h J W fregth ;footle for the store. Anti- and - whet tin you say?" "'not we cen't start an tient too nen n f IP most amisitatiloblo form. ',- The Bell Write us for free Booklet "8" contain, Ing photos of leading musical Piano Zs Organ Co.. imilva. Guelph, Ont. Bread You can get it fresh at your Joor every day. Is kneaded by subdue- ery from the higtent flour and the parses , Mods by the Largest lbakors In Canada. rr .012.A YOUR POPULAR GROCER, AGENT 1 WINTER FOOTWEAR MUST GO For the next ten days we are going to clear our entire stock of felt footwear at 2o per cent. discount. The following list contains some of the good things we have to offer Men's Felt Shoes. Men's Felt Boots. Dongola foxed with leather Of the hest Hinkel+ and .oles and heels. In all sizes leathers. We have a good tug - front 6 to 1 1. • sortment and you will he wine Women's Slippers. • Women's Felt Shoes. 'f he remainder of our ittlal ' 'We have a large aosortment most go. womett's figney house slippers of thstse goods: both light and heavy weight. Men's Pelt Shoes. Misses' and Children's With heavy felt soles rind felt tilipper4 and shore are lieeis. Just the thing to wear /don t him lint, and include a tinder it pail' of ottc ()vet shoes. ,, variety of stylea. Come early and you will save money on shoes that will add to your Cor. East SL and Square SHARMAN Goderich, Ont. When buying a piano consider the merits of the famous Newcombe Piano! For choice quality of tone, durable ac- tion and stylish cases. Winner of gold medal at Paris World's Fair and other great awards. Call on or write to 0. HOARE, County Wholesal ..ttd: Retail Manager IF" DISTRIBUTING CENTRE F AT CLINTON, ONTARIO E