The Signal, 1906-3-15, Page 5rrtlh: :;11:\ AI,
(:t )1)1•;1:1('11 (1N'1'A Rl1►
TH U' roar, March 15, 1906 5
It la easy In the sunshine
Mid talk to the man I(1 the shade;
fits Mort out he places letorimined wade.boat
It w easy to sit In your carrion's
Med counsel Ilse nun uo lout ;
But get down and walk and you'll change
your talk.
cls you foul the pier In your boot.
It ks easy W till the teller
How test he can carry Ills pack ;
But no nue can rate a burden's weight
Until It has been on his back.
The upended mouth of pterion
Can preach of sorrow's worth ;
Hut live It a slip, and a wryer 11p
Was never made oou. earth.
The story of the introduction of the
sparrow into Cutlet's is told in a
varle•ta• of wayla. A Winnipeg man
gives this version of It:
"It was in Quebec in the year 1?f M
that I saw the first three sparrows
that invaded Canada. They gut out,
of V ►Nix ear in which they haul (leen
concealed, having doubtless crowed
the Atlantic in LAI' hold of the ship."
The informant was in the freight de-
partment of the railway company at
that time. He x11(1 his confreres),
Hurling that the three feathered
su'angeas had taken to the shed ,as a
shelter, carefully ted thea) every day,
Mr. ,and the two fatly sparrows. In
about a year the strangers had iJuite u
e01(41y of ehildrt•i end grandchildren.
'rhe following year the farms around
the city had sparrows galore, (mil iu
1111C1 su great had IN4411 the ineream.•
that all the towns. on the Si, laawtenee
to and iuealuding the city of Mi nt real
had Honks of s{0tl-row•s, They did 11,41
appear in \Vinnipeis until the large
Manitoba, hotel was in running enter,
when one day as vanguard 1;1444• 1114 by
rail without the preliiuimu')' and
usual courtesy of pitying 1',11• their
ride. 'Thele are now hun(1reda of
thousands of the 'Arils in that Prov-
ince. ,
There is Nneh a thing as being too
Indite, according to this rainy 1,
Die Chicago Inter -Ocean :
Senator Proctor, or Yet • t. is in
the habit of elating ul) overalls and
boobs and making a tour of his State
e,uh fall. TWO years ago, lie was in-
vited to take dinner with n farmer
The wife of the farmer. whip was to
have hawon and cabbage, was sea ex-
cited 1144 auSe of the high position of
er guest that she allowed the calx
.ptr to scorch.
I'll have to apologize for the calx
f " she began.
o1) , don't do it," Senator Proctor
said. 'If thene1w any One thing 1 di'
like, it to have my cabbage burned
just a little."
E4'e•ry"armer'» wife passed the news
alom14, stud whenever Lhe' Sen*I1II' aki'Ia
dinner will as constituent he is obliged
to rat hunted cabliatge and look as
if he enjoyed it.
.1 Fllay.y A.M....,
Sweet William w'r.. a bachelor. elor.
And led a lonely life :
He thought he'd fro a+•"ort ins.
.a114 and hlnit.elf a wife.
S,. hr rolled on B1sok'Eyed Stmatt.
In her humble little rot.
And whl.perert "You're a IMlsy."
She o. ••Forgetune not.•
Ile kis.esl her on her Tittles:
Ills heart beat G -t and nstar.
Said he. "111 have her for Int wife.'
And .o he up and ,later.
"Now when .hall we be married r
She blu-heal m rosy red.
-W111 June, the month of Hope., dor'
'14 cnur.c it w'111," he void.
'.Ind gladly on that happy day.
My wedding clothes 111 den.
.Uel or, er in the 'more -ew
My HachelorL Hnitma. on.
Their wedding day dawned fair and
The Morning Glory hone :
Ja'k in the Pulpit tkv1 the knot.
He had Ills Vox Gloves. on.
Then they n(1 .at in a Irmlgl4et.
At exactly Four (1'llock.
The are.( votim • Wm a .oUp, 1,1a1,'
From a Ten Weeks' Stock.
They hurry to the carriage,
The rice eon.. In a 'Mower..
Away they 10 as the driver blows
A Mart on a Trumpet .I lower.
"1'd Live Forever by thy side."
Sa)'. he. -and never .4T)'.
We alws . will be happy
And drive dull tearaway. -
Here is an interemting little problem
for those who like to exercise their
wits :
A mon living near the Mexican bor-
der in the United States found that
the Mexican dollar was worth only
tai Crrltm' in the United States. and
similarly that the Mexican would take
Uncle K 's dollar only at as diNtount
[ tie • Going a em-
s my per cent. Ing int a t
busn,lat onthe 'Mexican side one (lay,
he ordered drinks coining 211 rents,
and threw down in payment it Meal.
can dollar, and, instead of takin14aiu1ll
ehmnge, nsple1ted a United States dol-
lar, which, being worth only Nit cents
there, aval given to him, 'Then he
>leered over to the 1'nitld Statism side,
look the drinks again, and received n
Mexican dollar in change. This pro-
gram he repealed. drinking a14nin on
tooth Nide« of the line. and Hmlly
ended, after having paid fur eighty
rents worth of reftw1hnlentm. with a
coin of the mnme 114.1)0111illeti/In >14
when he surfed 1a Mexican dollar.
Now the problem is : Who paid for
the elrinkm ?
1'o the person who 4rndH in -(he first
correct Volution of this problem, in
writing, n year's 'subscription to The
Signal will 4*' given.
It was in ancient Egyp1, that the
•tory of Cinderella originated. Mud -
erns, however, owe the familiar
nursery story directly to the French-
man, Charles Perrault, whose "('en-
drillon" «p434144 d at, the end of the
seventeenth century. Perrault took
his Cinderella froni eaat'Iier versions,
which came, no doubt, from the
story of Rhndopis' bath. That Kgyp-
tian twituty had prepared to bathe,
when an eagle 'swooped on MP of her
Slippers, carried it to Meinphh, and
dropped it on the top of King
Psammetichis au he seat adnsinim-
tering justice. He Admired it. haul
Egypt searched for its owner, luarriel
her and lived happily. ever After.
The ?miner ane. hl. rr'np
And hi. gond wife era, his clot he.
The Mnner dam, the weather
And hl. gond wife Anon. his hew'.
The farmer pushes In the hien:
nut shnnM he crew her whim.
HI. wife Iwy. wide her work
And pltehm Into Mm.
Ieons bearing Dickensian names. 'rhe
result was interesting.
Huston contains the only Oliver
Twist in London. There are only two
of the Siker family, but the creation
of the dirt'et)utnble "Hill" way be
held responsible ibr thin, as many
members of the fancily changed Sikes
to Vykee. Mr. Pickwick hies it moue -
sake in North London, and there are
six %Yellers, one 4)1 whom IiycN near
Mr, Pickwick. Other I'iokwieki+an
character)) comprise one Winkle, nine
Trot tens. Harden, thirty-seven
Sawyer's-- none of whom, by the way,
are doctors. -tool 1 wo \Viudles. Two
firms of Calibre in the city are known
res.p ectively -its. Duullary dr Sun and
Paul 1Anu1N,y, and the'Chick• family
has eleven representative'.. London
Io)41IN of six Tapley», four trudges,
four (imp )y:. and Lhirty-se'vell MI.i.
Harris'. The Hattie' are teal enough,
but as for Mrs. (1(imp, "there ain't no
sells a pet•ss,4)." Perhaps the greatest
surprise of all is that 141110111( d
the ress=
utakel•N there HI►puld be a Mamlalini.
The recent anntver.ary of Charles
t)inken,i Mr�thcleyy induced a march
through the London directory for per•
Project for Direct Connection by C. P. R.
Meeting with Encouragement.
Hamilton, March 12. — The 1.1re•al
capit aliNt> who /rop6Ne to build •.
direct line front Hamilton to Guelph
J !Om and there rnnnuct with the
C. 1'. It. line to Goderich, which latter
line in now• under construction, are
meeting with every eticuuraagemeut.
Since the project kith 1 1 111441,' pull-.
lir the consensus of epi 1011 N1•em1N to
Ise that the road would • the right
thing in the right place for Hamilton,
opening up a direct mute to title f:lril
lands and bake purls not Ito's, Lomi-
ta)), to Hamilton.
A prominent C. 1'. H. otflc'ul, dis-
cnNNing the matter this murni g, was
satisfied that on the (ass. 6f 11 a pro -
proud rhe mew line would he a very
g,NN1 thing tor Ilainiltun. I1,• is, lied
mit that the C. P. R. is ru11..ta let Mg a
line from Guelph Junction 4..,l:, le -
rich. The proposed line from Him 'I.
tor) would make direct runtiecti. t
with the C. P. R. at Lhi* iM0111. the re
i.uit teeing a Ilir'c•l line f • Lake
Hymn to Ilamiltun. Not only this,
but it would give Hamilton a splendid
!met on Lake llmon. Grain vessels
Fall at fit elerich and •h general
shipping is dune there. With 11alnil-
ta111 at • end of the line and Gale -
rich alt the miser, there would be 4'011-
NideraMe truffle of particular berth
not- only to the two cities but to the
intervening country and such. places
as the Junction,' Elmira, Illyt41 and
The ')m('ial ())lintel out, !However,
that a gots! dead of this would depend
ort the couatruction ,4f the line. He
i :
th ugbt It a possibility shut if tit,
1>.eal capitalists e•unNU•u4'ted a *tend-
Hixl gauge. first-class railway the C. P.
It. might run trains diteet 11van (i(Sle-
rich to Hamilton without 'the neces-
sity of a ebange at Guelph Junction.
If. however, the thing was dune on it
chwaiw'R shade, them wits io pilsability
of this.
Of Your Kidneys and Your- Health: Will
Take Care of Itself - What
Dodd's Kidney Pills Do.
1'Augd,relllent, Ont., Mar. 12th. -
t`io•e•ial. i The uoau)? forms of disease
that are caused by dimonle•ed kidney's
are shown lay the curies wade• by Or)dd'r
Kidney fill's. They simply cure the
kidneys, tial by that means put an
send t,4 sntfrrings of many' •kbids. The
CAM, of Mr. James Atwell of this glace
is snot heat• lOsl:l11rr of than.
"1 bud I la14o and hl:ul(1er
trouble," ways Mr. .‘t well. "In {Nass•
ing. uq• urine it would hurt ulr so as
to al t rause teals lire to Indy
ryes. I used medicine and a bandage
prescribed by the da'tur but 140[ no
relief. Then I trust Ihxld'm Kidney
Pills and they colied toe for good and
Take care of your kidneys And your
hearth will take tare of itself.
It Might Have Been Worse.
••\Vhat is that number on his motor
ear :.•
••\\'hy, Jennie, than is the nunil'.•r
or Iia uuu•hiie."
"Indeed ! I thought it was the
uuulbN•r of people he had ran over...
Meat Method of Killing the Animal—
How to Insure a Clean Carcass—
The Process of Skinning—Hanging
of the Carcass and When It Should
Be Done --Cutting the Mutton Into
Proper Sizes For the Table.
Farmers' Bulletin No. 183, United
States Department of Agriculture,
gives the following explicit directions
regarding the killing and dressing of
a sheep on the bent:
Much of the sheeny flavor of mut-
ton comes from the generation of
P10. 1—I iil$La Or STICKING a sisal'.
gases in the stomach after the sheep
is killed. For this reason they should
be dressed us rapidly as possible. A
platform six or eight inches high is a
convenient thing to work oh, and aids
In keeping the blood away from the
licitly, insuring a cleaner carcass. A
clean dry place is necessary for 'neat
work. Water or blood on the wool
makes it very difficult to dress the
animal nicely.
KUling.—If the sheep is an old
one It may be stunned before bleed.
Ing. If a young one the same purpose
111 served by disiocating the neck after
cutting the throat. This Is accomplish.
Get More Vim 1
If you are tired. nervous, sleepless,
have headaches and tang , you need
I)r. 11 'ltun'a Pills: they tone the
stomach. assist digestion, lira 1. e
you up at (ewe. Taken at night,
you're well by morning. Sieknemw
414(1 tire(i feeling disatpiIwear instantly.
Vim, spirits. happy heaIth, all the
joy's of life come to everyone that
mem Or. Hamilton's Pill's. No medi-
cine Sf1 IHI.jNfal(tOl'y. 1;e•t 1)t•. Hamil-
Wife Pills today, 2.i4', per box at all
Use of a Roll-top Desk.
An Indian belonging to the Navujo
trite, asked for a Intl -sup desk.' The
t'eepuet seemed rather Peculiar to the
agent, and he +Lskrd the Indian :
"•\\'hat do you want the roll-top desk
f o r ? l'an vin write ?" "N o."
"Head ?t" "N(>.4' "Then what do you
want it for ?" '' Vell." hxplailled the,
Indian, "I went 1a swirling chair to go
with it.. 'Then i will sit before the
roll-top (leak, cock n,v feeton it, hold
a paper before buy face, !dick ,a cigar
in my moots, And say In whoever
eo,tlen to see 111,' : 'Go w11)' : this I-•
my busy dryNew York 1111 e».
When You Grow Old
Tic body needs pNltehing wasted
themes must be t•elmilt, played -out
organs restored-blrodl nisslm extra
nourishment. Elderly people need
Ferroxone, -need it he.eume it vital-
ises and rejuvenates as no other
remedy can. Ferror)me builds tap the
kind of strength that mak.m one feel
gaol, keep'. hack the decay of old
,%g.' ,and makes, you Irak young +old •
handsome .,again. Forget nervous
exhaustion, renew your vital energy,
again re-enter the life of youth. \'
remedy Is Fo'rt'e . only fifty cents
pelo hoz, nt all dealers.
Whose Dog ?
A motorist, who ens tmiring
through the (amino-. slaw walking
ahead of 1)1m n man followed by a dog,
As the 1111(hine dreaa' Ilene thrtn the
8014 Started m)I(Identy 4',,'tot, the road :
he war hit hy..1(� the rev and killer im -
mediate•ly'. nip motorist stopped him
machine and approached the num,
"l'nl very marry,'
men, that this
has happened." he raid, "W4U a
sovereign fix it ?" "Oh, yes." maid the
man. "a sovereign will fix it." Pocket-
ing the money am the ear disappo•Hr•ed
in the distance he looked down at the
dead animal. "I wonder whose dog it
was ?" ire said.�
Miller's Worm Powders correct. All
such troubles as hack of Appetite, hil-
ietlenvas, di'frw'.iness, sallow com-
�ttlon, et•.: nils( (o take. For gime
hj►Jas, Wilson.
Y10. Y—"L
ed by putting
top of the hea
under the chip
uptbard. Lay II4e
the platform, wit
over the end. Gras
left hand and stick a
neck, just back of the
cutting edge of the
turned toward the epi
the flesh cut'to the bon
it is possible to avoid
wind -pipe.
Skinning.—Split the skin
back of the front legs front
claws to a little above the kn
001x0 OCT" a SHEEP'
ue hand on the poll or
er hand
side on
and the of
lvfnlg a sha
sheep on 1
its head
the chin In
nlfe through
aw (fig. 1). T
ife should be
I column and
In this way
utting the
ver the
the dew
es (fig.
21. Open the skin over the windpipe
from brisket to chin. starting it slight-
ly on the sides of the neck. Split the
akin over the back of the hind legs to
the middle line and skin the buttock.
The skin should also be raised over
the cod and flanks. Skin around the
hocks and down to the hoofs, cutting
off the hind feet at,the toe joints.
Runthe knife between the cords and
hone on the back of the skins and
tie the legs together just above the
pastern joints. No attempt should
be made to skin the legs above the
hock until after the carcass is hung
up. Hang the sheep up by the hind
legs and split the skin over the middle
rlU. 5-41>81111D CS/WASS of MUTTON.
marketing It Is best nut to spill the
breast. Reach up Into the pelvis and
pull out the bladder. Wipe all the
blood and dirt from the carcass with
a coarse cloth wrung nearly dry from
hot water. Double ep the front legs
and slip the little cord, found by
cutting Into the fleshy part of the
forearm, over the ankle joints.
Cutting Mutton. --First s``)Itt the car•
cuss (fig 5) into halrYs, then VIII off
the flanks and breast, 'following the
line to A 13 C D (fig. G). the leg
at the top of thesouud, A to K, just
touching the hip joint. Remove the
shank below the fleshy part of the leg.
Cut off the shoulder between the third
and fourth ribs and the neck at the
shoulder vein. Remove the front
shank at the elbow joint. Where a
r s?Y
) TaaJ9 r�
F10. li—N1TNb0 OK *({TYING CP . •KC8(S.
"saddle of mutton" is wanted, one
nlllmt deviate from (him m.'Ihod of
cutting and cut the saddle . In One
piece before the carcase is split Into
The leg of mtuton is sometimes cru
Into steak, but Is usually roasted
whole or boiled. The loin may be used
for chops, the olives being cut parallel
to the rib, or It may be roasted 1f de.
aired. The chops should be cut "one
rib" thick. If used as an oven roast
the joints in the backbone should be
be (rucked with a cleaver to admit of
easy carving at the table. The rack
is used in the same way as the loin.
The joints In the back of the shoulder
should be cracked and the ribs broken
across the middle on the Inside, when
it may be used as an oven roast from a
young mutton, or as a boiling piece
if from an old one. The breast and
flank when trimmed aro used for
stews; the nock and shank for soup
Gentlemen Who Are Bald
Or have thin hair. should call on Prof.
1)otenw'1•nd at Hotel Bedford, God -
rich. on Thursday. March 22m1, and
wee his wonderful devices i11 toupees and
wigs worn On over 75,051 heads. Ex-
)I:8118ti0D and de !ration , free.
chats• apartments at - hotel.. Don't
ail to see his new invent' , patented
all over the world.
"y .Slightly Confused.
('aissidy--Man, ye're drniik.
7( !est,' -Th4 +) In' y, re spuekirl'. Cas-
sidy. Ye it not dare to say that to roe
iv Ui WAS Hob er.
Cessidw--Iv ye wiz *ober ye'd hey
aijnce gh to know you wise drunk.
How's This ?
\\'eoffer s)n,' Hundred 1N,Ibv-'Reward for
any crus• of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
HNIt's l atarrh Cum.
F. J. ('HI-NEV & Cit., Toledo, 0.
We the undenlimel have known F. J. ('here)
for the. but la year-, and a,l lle%e R' twrf"rtlF' Goderich
1,1, in all husine-s timma'lions and titian-
elan.- able to ratty out any obligation.- made
Nothing Relieved
His Kidneys
Until He Tried
Bu -1u
Maa=BAM, Ont, Dec. 1, 1903
" I hid suffered for seven years
with kidney trouble. Could
scarcely walk and was usable
to attend to my farm. flow
" Bu -Ju " advertised, and after
taking the first few pills; felt
much relieved. After taking
Half a boa, was able to do a
full day's work. 1 know one
box of "Bu -Ju " saved me
fqu,00 doctor bills,
It costs only 3c a day to take "Bu -Ju"
—the kidney pill that never fails.
All druggists have " Bu -Ju " or will
get them for you.
11/Iaaaea, 00T.
Neuralgia a,,J Nervousness cured quickly by
No heart depression. Greatest cure ever discovers-,
Take ne.c the,. ,a, anJ ay-. All ,l.alerstr direct reran
Assns & Co. Simco., Ont. )tone/ luck if nor
At it, same address, since 1991. Also
Stencils, Steel Stamps, Price Card out -
Ste, White Enamel Letters, etc. Write
ua, we'll do the rest. Chas. W. Mack,
941-18 King St. West. Toronto.
\\'rite tut 1 estinalnialm.
'Phone W. A. McKim \"W• U"
1'ulterus Ilk
Filo14tert thi. spring StitISuli we will have our usual Linen
ode. We are a little latel> than usual but we will
make up for it in value. Our linen ,wleN are sO well known
that it's only necessary to give you the date. Ends of
tabling are our special table knell ends,
1'. yards nt. Sac, 15oc, hoc, 65c and 73c.
1 J yards at 38c, 6oc, 73c, 75c and 87c.
'9 yards at 4NC, 69c, 8yc, 87c and 98c.
24 touts at 48(1, 78c, 95c, 98c and $i. 1a.
_r yards at Sac, 87c, 98c; $z.o8, $ and
up to $3.00.
yards at .55c, 95c, $1.20, 91.35, $z.33
and up to 3.5o.
:t yards at $1.00, $1.32, $1.35, 91.45 and
up to $4.50.
A1) kinds of ends at all kinds of prices and one piece, of
double bleach Irish damask, $1.25 for $1.00.
W,• have about 95 dozen
of extra high quality Nap-
kin.. on which we will give
you genrtmlm cuts to
Ends of Towelling
Any lei14t11 you want.
at any price you want and
any quality.
Dress Linen
Shirt waist linen for alk,
butchers linen for 25e.
Putt, linen, 13'27, at Se
or 50c a dozen. 18.34
creek, ilk or :i for 25c. 18x
a4 buck, )Sc or 2 for 2&.
20.40 buck, regular 35c for
23e. 20.42 damask regu-
lar 'Lie for Ate. 91'42
damask, special value at
:its•, to clear at lie. These
Towels are all new, being
bought specially for this
Don't forget that the place to save
ley just now iv
Springtime Brings Joy
Also some dangers Medical herb
and some needs.
If yvnu• burgs :41,• ) toile pili with our
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil 'with Tea
Hypophosphites. "
None better and only 40 cents.
\\'e would like to supply your spring needs for
Disinfectants, Furniture Polish, Pipe
Varnish, Dyes, etc.
\\ell try h1(1,1 to .nit y"n if you
W. C. GOODE c�
Box 173
by his arm.
w'.u.1INo 1(1x)))0 & MARVIN.
%t'holenale hal Rads, Toledo. (4.
Hall's Catarrh lure Waken internally. acting
directly upon the Mord and mucous surfaces of
the .y -tern. Tealnannhdssent free. Price
cent. per bottle. Sold by all drugari•n..
Take )fall's F'a1110)_PIIIa for eonstltwtlon.
A good way to make money in not
to lose it_ New York Press.
Diamond Dyes
Have Made Millions of Wives, Mothers
and Daughters Happy and
Women who buy end use Int' of the
;stinkers t ed. weak and worthies, pack-
N14e dyes put up in imitation of the re-
liable and never -failing DIAMOND
I)\'ES must expect to meet with sad
trials and disappOintmentm in the
Ct'tule package dyes with only fancy
names t1 Vee I theta. and sold
by Mone Healers for the make of large
profits, are the direct ramie of much
of the feininine bad temper and
irritableness manifested in many
1f our women and girls would avoid
trouble, loss of goods and hard cash,
they t insist upon getting the
1)iAMON4) DYES whenever home -
dyeing work is to bre done. One tens
cent package of the time -tried DIA-
MOND) i)VN:S will alwa )'m color
goods other
will two packs es of othein
dyes, and give brighter, fuller, more
brilliant' and more lasting mh:ules.
Once used, DIA MON I) DY EN become
the chouen dyes for all well -regulated
Vend your mune and asddreen to
Wells it Itirlua1(1son l':1., i.imitel,
Montreal. 1'. Q., and you will receive
flee Of coat new dye book, rant of
dyed cloth samples and booklet, in
verse. entitled "The 1umgjohnm. Trip
to the Klondike."
4.40. 4-14100vtw0 THI! 1xTr1Trgls.
line. Start at the brisket to "fist off"
the skin. Thla Is done by grasping
the edge of the pelt firmly In one
hand, pulling it up tightand working
the other with fist closed between the
pelt and the body (fig. 3t. The "fist
ing off" should be downwsr,l over the
fore quarters and upward and bark
ward over the hind quarters and legs.
It. Is unwise to pull down on the skit
over the hind legs as the membrane
eovering the flesh is sure to he rup-
tured and an unsightly Aplearanee
given to the Carcass. The wort should
alwAya he held away from the flesh
for the sake of cleanliness. The skin
on the legs should be pulled away
from the body rather than toward It,
In order to preserve the covering of
the meat. When the pelt has been
loosened over the sides and back it
should be stripped down over the neck
and cut off close 1.0 the oars. The
head may then he removed without
beteg *Maned by entting through the
atlas Joints.
Gutting.—Regan removing the en -
trellis (fig. 4) by cutting around the
rectum and allowing it to drop down
Wilde. Do not split the pelvis. Open
down the belly line from the cod to
the' hreestbonn and take net the
paunch and intestines, leaving the
liver attached to the diaphragm. it
the mutton in for home use split. the
breastbone and remove the -heart,
Lungs and dlanhragm together. For
The Red-Crotis Drug Store, Bedford Block.
Rel -(Toss ,Ituality in always the highest.
-till selling; ..t
15 cents or 2 for
25 cents.
Worth 26 cents each.
Published at Toronto on the 1st'
and 15th of each month.
00 tents a year, two years for 81.
Devoted to the farm and its
fbo0th pnpe•4,11 1,30
for.......... ..
A sample 'op.y f,.r th,• asking.
linty ,a G•av Ielt.
We defy competition,
Admire opposition,
And under no condition
Will we budge from our position
at we sell more for your money in the line of
Eavetroughing, etc,
than any other store in town.
Mnlseripptions taken now will he
(bated from Janne! y 1st, I1Msi,
N. B.—Above offer includes also a
year's subscription to The Mont -
'real r ee ,Herald.
Worsell's Cheap Hardware and Stove Store
Hamilton Street - - GODEt. ICH
sal W kl H
•• Good Printing at Low Rates at ' The Signals
i s S-cis-i-it:***+**4*'44 ''z»''444;
ki. W.ThomsoncSon 44_
are headquarters for
•Srt TURING the inany
�\ L years m which we have
z been engaged in cater- I t °• ' o f
i* ing to the needs of the
-=)• people of the greater part of - ('
. p i!t K 7 West Huron an Musical
,chi In -es, _ 1 '
1\ _
! v. _ struments, Sevin Machines,
etc., we have been favored * '
from year to year with con- _ BELL -7_.77-..1---T.',"•"•-
<tfy '� ` _ stanUy increasing patronage. •,
We extend thanks to all our �"
customers for their many a yr 1
favors. +' j
We wish to announce that
we were never in a better
position for the handling of
marketable goods )n our line `' t --
., '•+
than at the present time.
„ Not only in the larger instru-
ments are we well prepared
demands upon
mrnts, such as Violins Cuitars Mandol
We Can
always rely on our rural 'rs' Satiable.
41011 vvilh "pie
Canned Goods
been Ilse we handle o1-4 »•liable hr,11)da
that Wekorweft ;Perot. Every house-
keeper Loon's how •h diIs(,•4pce
there is in thew household nw'essltiet.
And it iN notalways the price that in-
a11rPm the quality. \Ve are showing A
tine c.f reannel goods; Ih,tl. We Are Nell.
ng very low indeed, go low in feet
hat yon will be eut•pr'ieed how gond
hey are when they Appear on your
a hie. -.-
to meet Inc t Prettier
mos pa ins.
Flutes, Clarionettea, Piccolos, Accordions, Mouth Organs, etc., also is our stock for the coming holiday season well
assorted. In fact our entire stock of Musical Merchandise, including the publications of all the leading composers, is
very complete.
us, but in the smaller instru
* 4,
Edison Phonographs and Records,
Berliner and other Gramophones,
Empire Typewriters,
Fountain Pens,
School Requisites,
Fine Stationery. etc., etc.
We 1nrdially invite you to make your selections at our Music Emporium.
quare Goderich.,
STU RDY & CO. 445 444 44'44 X44 4.4' 44-4 +4'4'3 4 A6-'6 *4 4444545X