The Signal, 1906-3-15, Page 3SU;NA I.: GODERWI A/N'I'Arl:ll ►
Tuu,wuAv, Mars h I:,, 1906 3
Is Ude Acid In the blend
Unhealthy kidneys are the
cause of the acid Wing
there. 1f the kidneys acted
as they should they would
.train the Uric Acid out
of the .yatetn and rheuma-
tism wouldn't occur. Rhee-
metiun is a Kidney Dias
WOW. Dodd's Kidney PWe
have mode a great part .f
their reputation curing
Rheumatism. .So get at
the rut's* of those f..rful
shooting_ pains and stiff,
aching joints. There 1.
bat Doe sure way -
Died of Consumption,but this Linden
lady used Psychine and is
strong and well
r• My mother, brother and sister died of
consumption," as s Ella M: (rove, of Lin-
den, N.S., "anti 1 myself suffered for tau
))ars from a distressing rough and weak
lungs. 1 suppose 1 inherited a tendency
in this direction?
'• But thank God 1 usaf Psychine and it
►retia mo right up. My lungs are now
strong. 1 enjoy t.fdendid health, and I owe
it all to Psychine.
l'ousumptton, whet her hereditary or con-
tracted, cannot *stand before Psychine.
Psychine kills the germ, no matter how it
attacks the lungs. Psychine builds up the
body end makes it strong and able to
resist 'disease. Psychine is an aid 10
digestio+n and a maker of purr, rich blood.
The greatest gin er of gen.n .a health is
50c. Per Bottle
Lora.. .taes St and 52 alt druggists.
OR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, Toronto.
Slip Food
That Builds
Maybe you think of
Mooney's Sodas only as a
toothsome tidbit. Don't
overlook their food value
Cream Sodas
are made of finest Cana-
dian wheat flour, pure but-
ter and rich cream. There's
nothing else of equal size
and cost that cortta:ns so
Muth wholesome nour-
An ideal food.
AU grocers haw liar--f*dt
end aiq in I t. 3 16 widower
"I f o
',SAMt elftCor'C,.tr •
W. build bridges (.od wawa ,
Pleeshe of all Ueda. Merrewe, R.Ner'..
Manure Son eders, eufflora •
WheNAemsre. Ere., Ete.
Ahnya phased to mal n. ourestalesse.
The Wilkinson Plough Co.
1f you wish to teat
one of these R..ors
without RISK or
Your part, apply
to us for
details 1
Mss e'*k SZ"
Pair 1a tea
Warr Gov
whit Comae me
tar Es.ry bawds
•'l """-
'who- Alnwer le f•;Inatin
Cw.Mnn tsars, 11.00
Peso asshtsl "Mb ls Steven.••
'A W I'Dyl% Lwle tu; (nderik t,
Xews of the Sistriet.
11r. Ferguaon, lately of )1unaalI' has
neaten in (ieoi'getowu to practieie hia
proles ' .
Peter Ktit•Itlet' ha8 sold his tine 11111 -
acre f+u'ut just north of Zurich to his
son Oscar.
The Kincardine school hoard iv :tak-
ing for tenders for the proposed new
high school building.
Fast Huron fall fair will be held at
Brussels on '1'hurabty and Friday,
Outola•r. Ith mad 5t1t.
W. J. Allis, of l.ueknow, has taken
the ageti•y at t4eaforth for the Frust
ek N'tae! agrir'ultieral implements.
'M. Gracey, of Leamington, has re-
turned to 'kViugliam and will again
engage in the furniture aid undertak-
ing busine.s there.
'I he hotel property at 1Vhitcchurch
is being offered for wale, by l!tethlic
riuctiuu at the Itemeiwiek hotel, `Ving-
h,ui, on March 'lith.
A geieral eunterenee of the tei1la•r-
unee wurkt•a.. oY Suitt h Huron will be
•held in the Methodist chutu•h, Henwtll,
at 111' t. uI. on Monday, Alai eh hitt.
Ed, Peat t, son of TI as Pettit, of
11.11:11l1. died at Ilia 1 • at I'ut't
Arthur recently of typhoid fevct. Be-
sides hitt widow he leaves nue rhiliL
The (hl tatio Gazette states that the
▪ Mru'y's, Kirkton aid F:xeler Tele-
phone 1'+ttnp'ny of Kirk ton has been
tttt•orpora.&i1 wit!►a capital ut $111,111111.
Genii. has cur
13leM1iUlan, let
Ir. 314•\1illni
lug to Sea -
The golden .a1f will always 1ri• wor-
shipFiod, though It wenr the tail of a
monkey or the ears of a0 lam.-- Attn•tl-
can Magazine.
-tritium Forbes, of
chased the farm ut Jai
Ituxlsa'o', (1)1' $7,I1110.
:aid fa •ly purpose tit,
forth to reside.
A. Blyth e.rreeponel1•llt 't)'s that
Contract/IT 1'igull has gttt his rat• -
Wittig -a to work to build th • bridge
bet welm Aiiburn and Myth. Their
has been a long delay at this Is, tt,
James I.t id law died at the re.i t•utr
111 bit 1/1.01 11(.1% It. 11. -Laidlaw, in .lur-
114. 1 n tiuudn;•. lI:u•eh 4t11. '1'h,' L ly
was taken to 1beirgetnw'n for tit i-
ntent. The dereased was eighty -fu
yiwra of age.
11. Phnusleel. of Clinton; has t•lu.ts(
out his hushes+. l here and will remove
the Iutltuii' of his shark lu !Il.srs.•jaw,
Sauk., Lt here he purposes :*gain t•n-
g+rging iu hu•iue•,.. Mrs. 1'I ttv1
Will 1rii:n11 ill l'Iiutom for the present.
On 1Vethiesday, Febrinry _'stb. S.
Bnrehitl. of East \Vawvtoosh. wits
united in marriage to 31ist Ann 31uu1-
•ry. of '1'etruleerry. The iitttent-
mg eer•iiaty w'as liet•furmeel by Bev.
Will. Lowe, in Sit. M.itthcw's church,
Ftivl 1)atel's has purchased tete floe
IIMFnetr farm .1 John Johnston on
II, It h eunee.siun, 11.4y, the tam-
.. i.•r+ttit►u Iaying $1,7111. , -Mrs -John-
,I'.n gives 14w.etts-' next fall. when
he will retire• t.. Heusall with his
family to live.
W. A.- 1Vebb, who haul Imam 1ne-
eh+utie+d superintendent fur' Hatl:trot
ling.. Clinton. has oceepity) a sitta-
lion at, Elgin. southern M3011thi. and -
left fur there on 1Vt•tlneset+ty of last
week. .intim litre.. ,.f 'rotmlu. stir-
( twig Mr. 11'ehb in the 1latlattd es -
titbits! •it.
Thyro died in a hospital in New
York. on February Dtilh. Alfred
\Latins, wen of the late Thomas
lratlrio. formerly of Lueknow, aged
1bit ty-eight years. Deeease.l wax
Isom in 1.ucknow mid o served. his time
on Th. Nevitinel stair. Death was
nnscd hycon.untption.
On Wednesday of last week 311.444
Lizzie Itieletrikom adopted dang-liter
of Mr.. glioi treed. !Myth. was
united in marriage to John C -
',wigs, priaperous young farmer of
is. Rev. Dr. NIeLeati performed
the 4,1..111.111y. -Weir the wedding
breakfoitt the young 'ample drove to
of Mori is, Lt hile 'Allying at the %%1.11
fell int.. jit. when her weight bri.ka
decayed plank. Very strangely in-
deed she did init pat•t with the piece of
ohmic lint was tonna by her ri•scutosi
sit; ing the floating fragment
and hugging the 11.g of the pump for
th•ar life. Thetas were sevi•tal feet Of
A large timither of the friends and
neightmirs Hulled ond McKillop of
Mr. and Mrs. John NVyittt, of twar
Ilarloek, asaembled then. home One
iNelling recently to spend it social time
before their depletion. to their new
home' in New Ontario. During the
evening Mr. 'end Mrs. Wyatt were
presented With Snine bombe ortie gifts,
SVC ponied by'', complimenotry ad -
Prior to their depot too. I•si their
new I • in Manitoba a large 1111111 -
Of the ft-4.nd.. and tivighbeets of
Mr. and :Mrs. Douglas Fraser gathered
at their le ttttt in 'I eiruherry one even-
ing last week and after reading them
eompl ntary address ()regent ed
them with a purse of gold. Short ad-
esses were made by several of those
for die future prosperity of Mr. and
_Altos. Fraser.
.A quiet Init. very 'pretty house
wedding took place :tt the house of
NIr. and NIrs. !Muir, Exeter,
when Omit. flittightei. Nliss Margaret.
wits married to John SWittl,
tills farmer of the :MI Clairession id
ducted the cerentemy. whieli was wit-
nessed only by relatives of the happy
(motile. ND.. and Nits. SW/111 will
mak.. their home in Vshortie, where
the groom runs a fine farm. •
husband and five children. wtio hare
the sympathy of the t uity
their bereavement.
Fatal Accident to Creditoo Man.
Richard Sands. it highly -esteemed
resident of Cri•diton. accidentally Owl
death ri•eently by being thrown front
a load Of hay, which Wall Overturned
on him. Hu was la•vt•nty years of age.
and leaves oue 14011 and three broth-
ers to mond* his entiniely death.
Lucknow Merchants Organize.
A Retail Merchants' Association has
been organized in lent•know with the
following offleem : President, D. N.
Lawrence: 1st vice-prewident, There.
treasurer. W. 3. Little; secret -41'Y. it•
D. Cameron; auditors, W. J. Earls
aud Joh. Agnew.
Seaforth Wedding.
plaice at the, Metherdiet tiarsotinge,
geitforth, on Thursday, March lea,
when A. _Scott. lit the Huron rotul,
Alma, Wall CO Ilra S. A. Moti-
f d, daughter of the late lattieelot
Tasker,, Harpurhey, the etavonony
'maim performed by Rey. A. K. Birks.
N1r. awl NIrs. Seed havi. taken up
their Et•sith•nia. iii Mr. Scot es comfort -
Died in Early Womsnitood.
The 11.. sr.( the. death on NIondity of
last week of laatir A.. t•Itlestalimghter
cif Sir. and Mrs. John Wontsmi, It line,
Nlorris. PeCeiVed'Alin1,11 11111141 re-
gret. M ism Watson had Mit .•tliosaal
the hope of prolonging her life an
operathin hail I well 11014101111111 but to
110 She Wile ill her twenty-
eirth rear Anil WaS by it
wide eircle of (deeds.
of Gorrie Resident. •
• After a brief illness of kidney
trouble Richard Ross. • .1 die most
away on 'I hut -milky. the seventieth
ear of his age. Dereased. Who With a
:olive of Ireland, hail lieell a resident
Gerrie for nearly half a century.
a I in. tee the. time of his illness was iti
1 le imphouent business and With till•CV7
'ty of tax e.illecter.
th of Seafteth Resident
Wean.. y List week of NlEs.
1 1erillisl. 'heti of the late Matthew
Niel ft -tient. I/tap/wed had lomat ill for
ri•sulted in het leiti h. She haul been a
years, moving here from Bowman -
vine: in Willett to •0 her husband pre-
decemsed her. Leas II eilithislent
Of he I'l' shyterian
will was •11 resj.e ed by her neigh -
104,r, and 'friends. g e was seven! y -
Death of a Pio
Friday. March 2ntl.
an old and highly esteemed
Nattire's debt. having MCA
almnit eighty years. For ov
years he had resided hit the I.
WAS 11.Speetell by all 'who
him. Mrs. Yiiiing («vaned away
Years ago. Fit sons and th
remitting in th•• %Vest. The
lett, condurted by the Itev. Dr. 514. -
Lean, Presbyterian minister. of Illyth,
goo, was deeeiosars pastor for many
yeare. Mr. Young was a nein of in-
tegrity and was always fo I on the
right side of •al /1111-1 rcligititis
Arrested at Ripley.
Investigat ions ley Priivincial De-
tective Ji W. Ntut•ray into the eiccligli•
slit fires in connection -with the de -
various Milers and plitees of business
in RipleY have led to the arrest of
George Fletcher. tam .1 a farmer in
the vicinity. The entire outfit of the
burned. and ft winerly owned by
Fletcher, Wits found the room oc-
cupied the iiel•liso41 in his fill
house. Fletcher was brought im.fore
the magistrate al. Ripley, charged
with larceny, and remolded. The
further charge of ineendiaristo will be
laid later. The priaimt.r. who is
t Idrty-two, bad Imam living in the
f.we he opened the barber shop.
Death of Former Brucefield Resident.
The death is reeordt.(1 of it fiirmer re-
Nlis. Baird. relict of the late George
Baird. t he fift e• -t hied year of her age.
The ilea t tOf de place at t he h • of her
son. DE. James Baird, of Ilenulling-
ford, Quebee. With wheen she had re-
sided for ntatrly two years. Ih•ath
was•the result of a second stroke of
paralysim, the first, having Isom re-
ceived, about three years ago. The
deceastal was h daughter of the late
Alexander McKenzie. 111 1S7:i e
WWI 1111111*Ptilhi LO Cietitice Baird, teacher.
and they took up their almmle in Bruce-
fit•141. Mr. Daird's health failing. he
gavt. up his seltiml, No. In, Stanley,
and opened IL store in the village.
Losing her husband in 18811. she, et on -
tinned storekeeping until she wax
stricken with paridysis. Mhe mut.-
rived by three sons, Itr. James, of
Gill College, NIontreal. 11101 Cleial•ge. Of
Patin" (401111111. She Was a 1111.1111WE Of
the 'Presbyterian elotrelt. and an
:let ive worker in the NVoinati's For-
eign Missionary Soriety of lirmetield.
Besides the three sons nit•ntioned, th•-
4...ase.1 leaves to mood' her loss a
Lennan. of Clinton, and Mrs. J. Mc-
Donald, of Calumet. Mich. The '1'1••
Main!. Well! brought to Itrueetield for
interment in !Worm cemetery.
4tt. paid
mil to
A prt•Ity wt•dding took place at the
home of tit.. bride's lirother, Thos. h:.
limiter, Kincardine, on Tuesday even-
ing ef last week. When
limiter, youngest daughter of the
late Jas. Filmier. of Huron township,
WV. Mr. My les, reef of the .Angli-
ran performed the eeremony
Mr. and NI rs. Ifollands will take iip
theIr residence near Kincardine.
Miulge. lit the !Oh 1•AN111.11•041)11 or I's.
borne. wits the scene of a y wed-
ding en AVednewitty, Nlarelt 7t11. when
Was In,111.1111 in Alin IS 11. V111111'41. of
the Sallie tint !Ishii.. The ceremony
was performed by Bev. A. II. Going,
liSh ivy. and ferns inter gled with
White !ley. Colin Fletelo
t erin if chinch, and 141-V. Mr. Fair,
Eliniville. were alma in attinelonive.
Mr. and Mrs. Fraiteis will reside in
Wingham's New G. T. R. Statiern Open.
W heehaw's 110W Grand 'honk Belt-
way !dation ie now completed and in Ilse,
The building le A hnnilsome one vvith
interior fittings of ticorgia pine and
seats of the latest design.
Death of Mrs. Mann, Wingham.
After an illness of *copra]
Mrs. R. C. Mann ItiliSNISI nevi; y ot her
home in Winghent on Friday, Marah
2nell. Mre. Menti'm death wee eine to
Practice Makes Perfect.
Miss ling Haile, with the mid of it
n Ir.,. of her tat her'e English friends,
has opened n t ypewriting Mlle.. in
ftti Atm -flout jonrnalen. calling
em.tited her on her skill.
•"Nly skill. much ALS it is, due to
practiet•." /Mid Mime Bret Bette. "It
was acquired pitigiinlly, like t he.
manship of • (if toy father'm west -
"My follo.r toms! to tell ionn
California. James., in a leer one night,
dreW reviilver and shot the ashen
frinli the vigor of a frieinl the other
side of the rout)).
The friend bombed and ealtnly
drank off the remainder of his cock-
tail. My father said to Itedweeel
qbat, mutt have required coneider.
n1.11. pract ice.'
" 'Prat -tire 1' Redwood replied. '1
Amid say so, voting man. I goes.. I
liornin' that there trick.' "
A Well-known Character.
Arch. McDougall, of Porter's Bill.
writes to The Clinton New Era :
The reuloval of the late Dan Me -
Inner liy death calls for • • than a
passing notier, inasmuch as he was a
human being, and, like other men,
created in the image of God ; and also
on net:omit of Ina awful sufferings
prior to death, for he was heard to
say that it WIta like having his feet
burning ill the flrei the result of hav-
ing them frozen (Lour exposure+ while
under the influence of liquor. The
drink anaconda alowly but surely
coiled around that great constitution.
and etsialied the life ord .01 thatt at
well-k,nit frame. Let the 'youth of the
bind who are inclined towards taking
their gloss and cigaf -for, generally
speaking, they ore twin brothers be
warned that it is at the last dud it
all 11.4111e1Y.
He Wairi a native of Cape Breton. but
Spellt the I/realer part (if his life in
Dime and doom, /111i1 his name was 11.
household wool Jibing the lake 1,110113'
1 it •1101.11 COt1111 its. mud far inland. Be-
fore the binder came into use his ser-
vices were in great demand iii the har-
vest field, and he used to say that any
sheaf he liound nt•ver Caine loose mi-
di ,the knife of the baud eutter t•atne
upon it. And where is the farm
w her.. he did no chopping, rell-si.lit-
ting. (Melting. well -digging and eller-
ing 1* Latterly, for some years bark, lie
made his home in a sham y tin %Vim El-
liott's bush land, oti the :11.41 isomer...ion
of ti. mierich township, nod liad t he sym-
pathy of the people, of the whole.
neighborhood in hi- lonely and fot lorn
er'n Hill. entreattal him, when there
hentat. of re(uge, to which he con -
sewed. and it Was arranged IOC hilli til
gil bark ill It ft.w days, when Sir. Me -
Donald would take him theiv•. Hut
in the meantime he fell in with his old
enemy, and it fell to the It d, of otheiu
to have him conveyed there. In vi it -
Mg him et. the house of t•eftig 1
toward.. the attending physician, and
had kind worda to say as regards the
management (if the house, fot• he said
"they Illeither freeze tior starve a mail
here. ' 1 thought to myself that
Burns' •*Main*s inhumanity to man
makes countless tlemsands mourn"
did not apply Ilere. and ItS "thel'e With
it 101111111in opened up in the house of
David for sift and towleatitii•ss," and
die dyitor thief saw that fountain in
Ids ibty 1 hare hopes that- lie saw the
atone by the eye of faith.
114. Witti neve'. married, and eonse-
quetitly haul no wife to idand by hini
ow better or Will'se. Hut for years his
brother Hill aind he used t.L. "clititit• to-
gether." awl shared their jug, their
toys and sorrows. 'Hut one day Bill
Mot the misfortune to have his leg
badly se:titled in a pan 41' boiling bt•ine,
at a salt -well where hi. was working,
when lie Wail under the necessity .if -
going to a hospital in Toronto for
treatment : and to would neither sub-
mit to having. his leg amputated, nor
would he Mildly the seissopS till his ACM
for grafting motet ial, mitil the .S1.
bared het' anti and shOWeil I • the
example. TM. 1.esult was that he so
far IlLeinliCell as to lie Mlle (0 gliSt(il
Britiall COI Ilia, tit a' well-to-do
brothor. Dan them had to hoe his
row alone. For years he walked in
:1, bLtiotted visit' . ...mats! by injuries
received from falling through a sea-
felil to it barn floor. Ile could "size
iiii. people iLs well as moat folks, mid
had many queer experiences. On one
a detective with a party of
men WAS he ing the woods. .in of et titan who ' heel escaped
tom the asylum, and for whim' a re -
aril was offei:ed ; Clinking suddenly
it, in Dan,- the detective thought lie'
.1,11.14a. blivsiiiitt.nati, but was badly "flattened
odd. that he WAS crazier
than he man he Wats Ilitilkilig for.
cos, gef living is
an iiiiiisgrunt thing
in most hoMes. You
may have to figure close-
ly in these matters. sA
little extra on a bat
of flour may look big to
But there is a differ-
ence between spendirg
money wisely and spend-
ing it foolishly.
Someimies it is econo-
my to spend instead of to
save. it iS in the case of
Royal Household Flour.
Those fdw, extra cents
a w.eek, that give you
Royal Household Flour
in preference to inferior flour, buy health.
N'othing contributes so much to the food you
eat as flour, and therefore nothing should be more
carefully -bought. Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour
is the whitest, cleanest and most nutritious flour that's
that is absolutely pure.
Ask your grocer.
Ogilvie Floor Mills Co., Ltd.
"Ogilvie's !took for a rook,"
contains Lin pages of excellent
recipes, some never published he -
fore. Your ges•er eau tell you
how to get it FREE.
TO MK siri7ft
is the cheapest you
can buy
The filia cost may he ttyste -but the .tat ciist the cost.
Ruppose one fence costa jet, and la.its, say, for A , P:171. That feure costs you is a year.
sueisoe !he risme tenet', of Prost MettcP ^..i• pi. Dot the Stott Fence -made of
High Carless Steel Wire •1141 haired with the, Pro,I. Lock -lasto for 25 )rst..-at • cost
of only ja a year.
bet the Fro.) the ellearrot VIM c411 bit) ? Friel I.eiters ale t.a sale hy
W. M. HOWELL, Gocierich
No Need to Alarmed About Stomach
Trouble If Yon Use Moo-na.
The need fi (went affection the
stomach les cat: .1.11, om the delicate •
membrane which ines the stomach is
easily irritated b harmful foial or
overeating. Ket.P atriet watch for
the first symptoms stomach trem-
ble. Takt. this frien ly Warning in
the spit•it in which i is given and
profit Ivy it.
Sh011DPIld 11 breath. .tek specks
before the eyes, furred ti 'Igoe, dizzi-
ness. belching of gases or . mt. food.
weak nem.. and ilt•hility are id signs of
eatori•li of t he stomach. Thes is no
need to be tinduly alarmed, r this
disease n be cored by Mi-o-na. 'It is
the only remedy that strikes a the
mot of the evil and aetually (-time he
disease. .
It does not contain opium in a
form, acids. alcohol, OP ally a PI'
(II1MC or chemical.' It
puts. remedy that heals the irritated
mucous mend wane, mt. latem the so-
lar plexus. and aitlit digestion.
Mi -o -nit costs wit no cents a box.
If yoli cannot. obtain Mi-o-na
your druggist, it. will be sent by mail.
postpaid, on reeeipt of price. Write
um for advice 1111 r0111' case ftion it lead'
Sent free. The 11. T. Rooth U parry.
OP about
nnot work to the beet siventedl in tie lumber wimple
farm in the severe C•nedien winters unless.11, eAct
end dry.
is Rubber Shoes must be able te Ore &mit snail resistance
Provide sure footind.
Iderehante Moose Brand Shoes provide all these qualities.
They sre.rnsde from pans Para rubber duns, amentifi.
tally and thoroudhly impreStastsd into etreng. twisted end
oleselyiwoven cotton duck fibre. They Ann li••ed merle,
by sk.11ed vrerkmen, under careful eupervinion, and
Inspection end vulcanised with •Anct.nd cnro..
It your Shoentan doesn 1 ball them let ss
Branches at
Northern and Central Ontario Agents.
rompt attention given to Telegraph, Telephone and Mail Orders.
S cialty jobbers in all classes of High Grade Boots and Shoes.
Telephon : Main 57o6 ; Main 17. 24 Front Street, Toronto, Ont.
It Is rong
To Suffer From a Germ" Disease. When Liquozone is Fre*.
In the nisei few years, seores of diee
eases have been traced to germ attaeks.
They were thought to be due to other
causes rhea old-time remediee were
made. Can you not We why you don't
get well, if you treat a germ disease with
rermelies thnt can't kill germs?
The remedy of to -day is Liquozone,
and the first bottle is free. Ite power
he best told by teat. We ask. ye.' to
try it. as milliona have done, and learn
what it menns to you. Learn what this
gas -made germicide can do.
What Liquozone Is.
The virtues of Liptorooe nre derived
solely from TIMM. The ford -luta is sent to
each user. ['he procese of making re-
quire* large apparatus, and from g to 14
days' time. ft is directed by chernistsj
of the highest clans. The Object is to ed
fix and combine the Ka/leans to carry into
the system ft powerful tonie-germicide.
Contact with Liquozone kills any form
of disease germ, bectimee germs are of
vegetable origin. Yet to thehody Liquo-
'cue is not only harmlees, but helpful
ia the extreme. That is its main dis-
tinetion. Common germicides' are poison
when taken internally. That is why
medicine has been so helplesit in a grallt
disease. 's Ligunzone is exhilarating, vi-
talising, purifying; yet no chemise germ
ran exult in it.
We pun -hosed the American righte to
liquosone after thoteends of testa had
been made with it. Its power ha been
proved, again and again, in the mos dif-
ficult germ diseases. 'Dien we offer to
supply the first bottle free in every
sense that required it. And over on
million dollars have been spent to,an-
flounce and fulfill this offer.
The result Le that 1 1,000,000 bottles
have been Ivied, momtly in the past two
yeare. Today there are rountlese cured
ones, scattered everywhere, to tell what
Liquosone hive done.
But so many others need 'it thet this
offer is publiehed still. In late years,
enee had trarod scores of diseasea to germ
attacks. Old remedies do not. epplv
them. We wieh to show those sick one"
-at our cost -what Liquozone can do.
Where It Applies.
Three ere the disen.eeee in which Liquo-
zone hale been most employed. In these
it has elem.(' Re widest reputation. In
all of throe troubles we supply the first
bottle free. And in all --no matter how dif-
fietilt -we offer eaeh user a two months'
further test without the risk of a penny.
Asthma Goitre Amu
Stemma AMMO& Ylonorrhoe Alms
Rrovvhltim Nay Yawl. Influonsm
111noit Naos la gems,
Coombe Orilell ,411•11.11111A
Coosittenottol, Poem- Quinsy
(sneer Cstanh Arrornl• Siphons
Dysentery Diarrhea 1110, Illessmos
Tevers-41•11Wows Throat Troubles
Alm) moat forms of Me following
klitnoy Trouhls• LI wit Troubles
1•4•Pr, ii,ftenitn•tInn or rat•rrh monism or p16 -
armed Mood tonal' v loritnal• • loom •uai k
50c. Bottle Free.
nu need Liquosone, and have never
trie it, please send us this coupon. We
will t en mail you an order on a local
druggi for full-rize bottle, and will
pay the druggist ourselves for it. ThW
ts our gift, made to convince you;
to let the prodnet itself shoe, u white
it can do. In justice to f, plates
accept it todtcy, for it pleads you under
no obligation,' Whatever.
Liquozone erkts Me. and I.
7111 a nut and mail It to The Llettoseas tan-
Wor,41.1-464 Wabash Awe, Meade.
My Messes la
h•vo never tried Lleonienno. lint If Toe *In
Supply woe 6W bottle tree t will take It
1 2 nisi. fell address write pistol,.
Nom ih•t this MY, outvotes to now loon may.
Amy phyttei an or Mitre • I not yet using Llsesuele
um be Wary supplied foe %Mt.
l'impline is absolutely guaranteed
to cure the worst cases of pimples And
other ant It ,eklti (diseasem that can he
found. 10 or live applications have
entirely cured mild elutes and we guar-
antee one bottle it perfect
Money refunded if not eetisfactory.
To Whom It May Concern :
1 need Pinipline and can highly
with pimples and skin diseime
fot• years. 1 used less than a
bottle of Pimplint• and 1 am per-
matiently cured ; there is not a
pimple on toy face. It is a
wonderful cure.
Tiros. COLSON,
Guelph, Ont.
Price 50 cents, postpaid
[Build •
1.y getting.
Bea, Iron $1.00
bottic for 15: -
Cod Liver Oil $1.00 bottic
for 5k.
Compound Syrup Hypophos-
pinks $1.N bottle, 5k.
Any of thest• medicines wi
put yom in good shape for the
H. W. Thomson's
If you
in Need
(if anything it) the line of
Tinware, Graniteware,
Stoves and Ranges,
Coal Oil or Gasoline,
call TINDER'S. He
keeps only the best and
prices are right.
Let him figure on your
Plumbing, Heating and
W. R. Pinder
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
hou.s, 'light or day
'Bus Stables
Hackie ana nib
aide driverm in
111Nea, which will
meet till train 1.1