HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-15, Page 2Toro.t, M 16. 1906 oont;Rtl'll. ONTA1t1U. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY rr IVANATTER k HI)HNItTSON Telephone Call No. 33. Terms of Ilubscrlption 1.10 per annum in advenee. ix month.. Sue 1'three months. •:,lr. Nubaa•rlben who fall to r44 ho Tux $Io9.1. ratubtrly by mail will confer a favor by .w• (maiming us of the !Act in awt early a date as powlble. aVben a ehange of address ie desired, hut the Old and the new addaxes; should be given. Adwrtlsing Robs IAv11 and other similar ad vern.etnent w. l.k• fuer line for lint insertion and le per line for each euhwequen Ins•HIl M0u.10w1 by a nonpareil .wale, twelve lines to 111111101. Hushes. oar& of six lines and under, $3 per year. Advertisements of Lost. Found, Strayed, klit- uatiwls Vacant. tllt untioo. %Vented. flower. for Sale or to Rent. Forms for Sale or to !tent. Artie).. fur Nile, etc. not extmedlug eight ileus. 'Gil• .each limert1011 ; in for tint moulh.:OW for each autw•g11unt mouth. lairgt•r advertise- ments in proportion. ion. Local notices i14 nonpareil type 3c per line. No notice low than 24.•. Announcements, in ordinary reading type one cent per word. No not We low than •Gk•. Any spY•Inlnotice. the objets of which is the peeun(ar y benefit 11f any individual or easel • aliwl, to lit cunelder.d an advertia.tnunt and to be charged weerdillgl .. Itates for display, an4 contract all erose; went. will be given On application. Addis,. all communication. to VASA I'TEIt k ROHEHI'N(/N. Tall tlIGNAL. /:; .erich. (hd (IVDRRICf. THl IttiD,1Y. HAMAR I:e nett LAST NIGHT'S MEETING. The Members of the Orange lira l 11 bud ' should feel thrulaeh•re un B' obligation o 'st.ileo occasion for t )n• Signal agreatest adisph of eathusiasm at lea evenings met Ing. This paper's remarks hent wit in respect to Mr. Gamey plovok (r•••1 that gentleman a 1118410 such might have Iwen expected of biro, al it 111,1nt be admitted that he appear to have the hearty sympathy of 11 fellow-Oraugemen, As wan also 0 pe'cted, Mr. Galley did not care throw any light upon these passlg in his public career regarding whie the people of OntiN'io `sirs still ratite e'urious, but brazened it out with x onthurst of abuse and nastinenr. The Signal freely admits M Gamey's right toonie and go whet he pleases. Its remarks lest wee were in the nature of 811 enquiry an t whether it was Mr. Galley's poeitio in the Orange society or him peculia rvices to' the Conservative part w ich gained for him the invitatio to deem% a public sleeting in thi tow The Signal has its rights an( its d ies, and among them are th right a d the duty of discussing th public a rs of then who place theta delves be re the public: the sigh and �ty o examining and discussiu the po Waal haracter of an institu tion which p esses to be non-parti san and yet in rtes to a cOnapicuou place in its publi proceedings a ma whose prominent: is due not to hi position in that inn 'tution hut to hi conduct as a pliticia' and a partisanand, further, the ri ht,, if not thesn duty, of questioning t e wisdom of n that institution's coursemaking a hero of as man whose cond ct in con- nection with public affairs s held in the utmost detestation by a I por- tion of the community. This ."insig- nificant rag' has no concern with Mr. Gamey but it does regret that the Orange Grand Lodge should take much e man to it. bosons The Signal is indebted too Ur. Sproule for an opportunity of placing itself aluxre with the people of (lode - rich in regard to another phase of the affair. The Signal did not refer to Mr. Gantry last week in any spirit of wantonness, but only after the announcement in the jnr*I that he was to give n public address here and after enquiry locally as to the ronect- ness of the announcement. The Sig- nal would regret eery •h' to he in positionthe of extending any dis- courtesy to the prospective guests of the town and ns a matter of feet hesitated t) place itself apparently in that position ; lint it held its para- mount duty to be to protest in ad- vance against a proceeding that would be a distinct affront to a large section of the people of (itelerich. Guests, as well as hosts, have obliga- tions. It is to 11e hoped that the next time the Orange Grand isxlge convenen in thin town it. will be careful to avoid giving offence to any section of our townspeople. old e•1• lig Iy •t• •k ed 4144 1(l ('1 im x - to (4. 'r n r. e k• ) n y n e e g n a 44 KEEP THE IRONS HOT. On the Opening of P44rliemnt•et last week it was .5nnuunced that the work of tariff revision would,not IN' under. taken at the present seeder]. in crnnet•- quence of the' accident to Hon. Mr. Fielding. it in the intention to hold a short session, and to mlvet. )gain in Noventtwr, when the tariff bi11 will be taken up. Probably no legitimate interest wilt suffer greatly by i.he delay : lout its any .'ane it is well that the change.. to be made should be thoroughly con- , eiderrl before being s)bnnitt.'iI to Perliauu•nt. The Ministers who con- ducted the tariff inquiry daring the fall and winter have a trem•ndnus task before then) in weighing end sift- ing the evidence prem-nte'd to them from so many conflicting quertet'n, end their work should not be done in a hurry. Thome who believe that the pt•eNent tariff is at least high enough are well satisfied with the strong lepr•Ps•nta- tiorla which were made before the commission against any ineress•, and it is reasonable to suppose that the :11,1e addresses made by representative farriers and others in opposition to the high protection policy will have their due effect with the Ministers; tot it would he as well if the case were not allowed to nest altogether with this. The pedee i'l inle•mote • THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO will between now and November use every possible Influence to induce the Government tp bring in a measure elf creased o 1)i protection. They were .MN/n dlsensshonhe but by kee del, aP 1 > F K 1 l he pre issue. on the lioverunleut they may, as alley have done in the pest. exert t au influence out of all propor- tion to the righteousness of their claims. Pile conn •1•s u n d all whose iuterem'al lie in the direction of a low tariff t mut rust 011 their (taro, bet by public discussion and by emus munieation with their r•pr•seutetive44 in Parliament., and by any other mealns available. they sl Id make it increasingly evident that they are de- termined to press the 1 'nside•ratiou of their interests in the foaming of the customs laws. Keeping everlastingly et it is the Naomi of success, 441:4 -It use be dour b1e•tw•teu now and No- vember next In Making effective the low tariff sentiment so strongly shown et the siltiug" of the Ministerial rout. lunation within the last few months. liths, ONO THE UM/STY COUNCILS BILL. _ Ilan. Nelam Munte1tl1 has intro 111,0441 the new c h' 1ou1tils /let in the Legislahue, It provides that 410 h toatunlelpslity shall Mice a repre- sentative in the (Mouldy 1 •11, which shall lie avmsti{Merl es follows : Kerry towel not separated from the commit for umnicipal purposes 4111 , every township and village .hall be ny e' - Ne• nterlb'thrA• ecce r, and, in addition, by deputy reeves ,ts follows : over 1,(M0/ and not Mole than 9,114) names on the voters' list, ones deputy tee•vr ; 2014 to :1,111) names,• two deputy neves ; over :1,114) names, three de- puty neves. In townships the n ber of ( . 'Mors is to he de- creased by the Inv of deputy reeves elected, but this provi ' does not apply to town orvillages). Reeves and deputy I'Ce0e' are to he elected by general vote. Mr. Monteith stated that tinder the proposed measure the numbjer of euuu- ty cmunciHurs would be til3. Under the present 44y44teul then' are .il(I county councillors. The new acct is to go into force in 191)7. EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Gamey forgot tel uti•utieln last night thate tof themineralproduc- tions o -tions of Northern Ontario is brass. Andrew Carnegie says that mil- lionaires seldout laugh. And yet there are Many of us who think that wecould laugh quite readily if by anne turn of fate we should find our- selves possessed (lf a bank' balance of seven figures. It was strangely inconsistent for the head of a sliaiiety which, as he himself claimed last` night. Moulds for the freedom of the press to suggest the intimidation of this paper in its utterance.- as a public journal. Evi• dently the freedom Dr. Sproule would grant would le freedom to do as Dr. Sproule wishes. If Mr. Gamey had had the manli- ness to lead to his audience last night, Wooly of whorl were strangers. The Signal's article to which he paid lel 1110ch ettentiuu, it would have leen .what more difficult for hill to )lake himself out such x badly -abused man. Hut the Manitoulin man has his own ways of doing things. Among the new Senators appointed )amt week is Robert Jaffray, president of The Toronto Globe. The epp oint- nlent is a well-deserved one, but it is to be hopped it will not lead The Globe astray in its attitude towards the Senate. Even with the Boss in the gilded chamber, we shall expect the editorial staff to take a whack time- sionally at that expensive. nselels end nonmenmicel institution. 11.4' art• requested by the Veterans of 1)1N) Association (Toronto) to urge the discontinuance of the practice of using the llritlsh or Canadian Hag to call attention to Atietion sales or for other advertising purp)sem. We had not noticed that the Hag was being so employed beteaIN111ts, but we 11 Oslo High Constable laundry to see that the local auctioneers do not misuse the n,ttlnn'1 emblem. Now that the county councils are to be cones wed of nu'n1IN't•r of the town and to councils, why does not somebody ataart an agitation ter have the Provincial Legislatures made up of rl,lmty councillor44 and the Domin- ion Parliament cnnntitnted of 'item- ises of the i.e'gislatlres? Then we would settle the whole r•pr•eadation of 1pllr11 January elltint tot each aiRyealr. itt to ihr The opening debate in the (1* (i ',r;, Hoxlse brought out considerable dis- cua . of the indemnity hill of last nessimn, 448(1 ne'veral ttlendoers ex- pressed their r•,ulinems to vote for its amendment. W. F. Maclean wen the chief (14141c of the measure, although he admitted that he 1uw1 an much re- npnnsihility an any other member for the passing of the bill. Nnne of the liuron nu•ntwrs took part in the dia. (amnion ; but their ewnstituenls will Ies,k to them to cote right when the time c en. It was the hard of Matti al(1 who winos: "And surely yell he your pint movie. And sorely 111 he ),ine /mil it in ,host pasible that .he member for North Toronto, who haw a Mac t his nettle end Is preetunally a Scot. in inspired by these lines In In:rorhlring his hill to abolish treating end make every ligan be hie own pint-stow•p. And whet an example of m(xler44tiou in drinking Sent.enlen have every where Not, ender the influence of N(oI.hi•' Mee' sentiment ! That's Iright, McNaught ; make the Euglia' seta and the Irish do their drinking It the good old Scottie!' way, and nm Iell1'tlbe about it. Senator Miller, of Nola Scotia, one .1f the leading Conservatives in the Upper Hous)', has revelt.'i against Mr. Borden's Tradership and declares that hereafter he will act independ- ently. (hying to illness, he tvvas not in his 4)11(4.0 ill Parliament last session when the salary hill w•a1, passed, and he declares has strong disapproval of smile of the features et that Measure. including the special indemnity for the loader (of the Opposition. That salary bill may have most unhappy couse(Iurnces for those who aur responsible for it. ' With the Orange Grund Large and the Seventeenth of March cooling in our week, it might he well to invoke the Irishnaul's Gast for St. Patrick's Uxy : "Fusion of hearts, and con- fusion of color's'" "Tho white and the orange, the blue and the green. buys, 11 en blend then together in concord tonight; The urangu molt sweet id green 1(11 es is M•el1, ho 'w -' Pile roe el '.t uses% Is blue and wl.ile. The light of the day . 1- It 101des away Nita.. with °rouge the whale cloud. phut 11010 111 tale .vest. And the billows that rots Hound our own Wand whop• Lay their green heads to nest 011 ,he blue net. en's bosl.ul. Where sky 0110 sea Inset i11 the di.tan a away, .t. Nature thus show. us how well she cal fu',e 411, Well blend.thein in love iii. St. Patrick's Dar.' 1- hes stated that It would posy the Prov - 1 ince to give a large salary for the 'ser- vices of the most cat:ble man that could be secured for the work of ad - silting icing the Leglallature of the effect of new ul0wsore44, and of their relation to the laces atlr'a(1v enacted. %'muse in N Ie111Ie we beer of ,a uloovment for the reformation uv English spelling, and new it is re- ported that Andra Kartiaygie is giving of his superabundance to burr the expenses of an organisayshum haling this object i)11 vu. Pr inent men of afters. as 'll .as leading met) of letters, at• tak114( the mania. tip ; and Irmo they lav a big job on the re hands it is w'underful what ken be dun the! 1 the mrgnnizn)'Nhun of urn th111oly nr,wsr/t to the need of re- form. Mr. Kauoaygie Iwl.eves that the simpli(fkayahun ot• Eugliah .sIN•11- hlg would Ill an influence tunas yyjeulivers„I pewee and perhaps be is As fur eeeeu will: a dikshtinar•y at hand peeper will kworrel a1(ominuhly ever the proper tray o f sp.'lIing. .%n(1 while he is at it, Mr. Kurntygie mite allsu giv u.5 teemed pronune- eyshun, which wild luau as grafter influence Gorda levee and harm' my (•even than reformed aorlling. The Exeter papers are et 10gge1•- h.•, els. Laxtwce. said ")Lush cline in like the pruverbiel lion. s11 that we eau expect a tomblike finish for it," And The Adv.:tette said : "If the old (annilioe adege regarding the involuting and outgoing of Mauch counts for anything we will I'e up against a bowel fru ye gods of the storm elements at the end of the m til, the ole ' g day being of the 11011 perstla.Inl ." ('orale now. brothers. get tngrther and don't exhibit your differences in public in this fashion. Theme, violent disagreements are calculated to throw discredit upon the newspaper pro- fessiou. The Stratford Beacon points mut that Hon. N.'Monteitb, who is father- ing the' new county councils bill, when as member of the Perth county council a few years ago warmly ap- prove,1 the present systems and ex- tolled it as a great ilupr)vement op the cumbersome x r n 1 rx mer .5' I 4 1vr body which formerly controlled county affairs. Mr. Monteith low felled to give any satisfactory reason for his change of attitude, and it .looks as if he. like Mr. Whitney. is •(d only by the desire to show that the new Government is in power end can do things differently from the Liberal Government, whether the changes be for better or for worse._ Perhaps the whole came in regard to the teachers' salary question b44 not c(ivereel by dechainling against the practice of engaging the "cheapest" teacher. If trustees are to pay higher salaries. couldnot some means be de- vised of aa.isting thele in the choice of teachers, so they may he assured of getting. if not is "cheap" teacher. a good one) Any trustee can tell the difference between $'MN) and $.i01) a year: lett front,a hatch of certificates and testimonials how many can pick out the most competent of the appli- cants:• If trustees and ratepayers knew they were getting something really goal fur their ey. perhaps they would le' more 14.11y to pay fairly good salaries. 4 The Brussels Post, whose editor has haul ,a long experience in county coun- cil work, says "There is to be legislation along the line of the County Council Act in the present Lcgisleture. Very few who hate load experience in the coun- ty council under the old and new Acts have much difficulty in arriving at a decision as to the more desirable plat. Ili the (opinion of The Post the latter is infinitely superior. We have no particular kick over the pri oral to include :all reeves; and mayors but out- side of this raring an incentive for men to enter the municipal arena we see very little advantage in it. There has been no wholesale outcry against the system now existing not are county (•nnncils (even anxious to press 4)11 the Government for legislation. The abolition of the county council alto- gether: as minae contend, would not alert with genital approval by any memos." Th.• Minister of Justice is introduc- ing a new Sunday observance bill In the !dais' Of (•onunonl. It prohibits the male of goods on Sunday, the carrying on of a petwon'm ordinary calling or the employment of any other person to do his Ordinary work on Sunday-. it snakes illegal Sunday gums+ or contents. for gain and per- formances for which any adnistsion fere is charged, Sunday excursiollk and Sunday shooting. Front what can 11e gathered from the telegraphed - unary of the bill it I(H)ks no. if the run- ning of trains on Sunday, except each as are clearly through tra10s, !Meld be nett' easily checker muter the provi- sions of the new hill 44440 is possible in the present condition of the law. And no clnls torment more urgently needs the protection of a Sunday ob- servance law than do the railway employees. Hereafter the law clerk of the Hotter of U m i% to review all measurer. introduced in the House, "to see tint they co)forni to l'xrlionlen- tary unages. and to note theie• prob- able effect." A Medlar 'nnrie sl 1.1 lie poranrd respecting hills intrwdue4d in the 1.egialature. Coneti (ly en- artnluts are being made to meet s411110 'special case, wit! t the pre- rnution of observing their effect upon the general Iew : amendments( are IN•ing tours tvhilh render Ambiguous mega/0m.• 40111111 when passed were deer enough in their Purpx)s.•, hand no on, until littlest confusion result.. (tee of the lending jut ists o1 Ontario ST. PATRICK'S DAY MARCH 17th. Ireland. 1110 dr•nll, of s lied. And t ha' mum Id of H • Mimi, Plum o1) shook h k n4' ath His s Uvka•. Thai you trembled Ind bloke To this beautiflel land. Here He lowed from His 11.1,144 A brown tumult of uMg., Till the wind on the. wen (lore the strange melody (11 au island that si, r,^, He male you all fall, You In purple and gold. a Von in silver 4(1x1 gree u. Till Ill bye 1 hat Me...#)T Without love can behold. 1 hn,u left you le'hiud hn t pro frac h of the past. With the white brim' h of nosier, With the bust of that's hour.. I [.ave left you at Inst. Don. Sigel -eon. FROM OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Publish the Assessment Roll. Striation' Beacon. The 'Prudes and iabor ('onncil of Guelph want the assessment relief the city published. Thele 144 nothing moire conducive to an tmitutliketi assessment than publicity.\The roll at present is open to inspe':titlout who takes the trouble to exau,in it, for inequalities? Publication of the t II would hying to /jewel! inequalities (r favoritism that they exist. Wouldn't That Be Interesting ? Philadelphia Ro'o,41. For some yews engines have been taking water without stopping, and 111a11 cart have leen picking 1 i mail sacks from posts without so Mtn( panne. Now an appliance for et engines without stopping 4)14.5 been vented, and experiments with it Mkt 10 have been euatinfactory. Th next improvement (m 111100 the running time of trains will be ,a device for throwing passengers on hoard and off without stopping. No Better Than We Ought to Be. Toronto Mail and Empire. Upon )L•. Gamey The G(slettich Sig-, nal makes a furious attack. in the course of which it alleges that "such a titan" ought not to be teeaje(1 with any respect after "what he did." This critic evidently holds that Mr. Gentry ought to have kept Ihr money and to have given the Ross Government the vete which the cash was intended to huv. Yet it is altogether probable that outside of polities The Goderieh Signal is hunorthle. Don't Steer by the Cow. I. Mount forret Confederate. There is a story of n farmer who started his boy to fere his first furrow by telling hint to go straight to a cer- tain reel cow. The father was busied with 'thing "Ise for x few )linhte%, Ind when he looked up to see how the lad was getting on the plow hod mlerk4(1 out a course felu•ful to beho1J. Tile old red cow had move.) in the mean- time. So it is with men who pin their faith unreservedly to party lemiern or party n44nlen, and 1104 to the inlntov- able stake of party principles. The re- sults are all the more grotesque when the cow changes her color ate welt its moven. Where "Cheapness" is Folly. The I'r''byterian. There is no ranker kind of telly than that which akr% e•henpnesl one of the primer% ronsider44(ions in the engagement of a teacherThere is no elute that hos a direct sed potent influence in molding the ideals and character of our (mitre citi- zens than our teachers, and for 1/1)• nurseries of (:itizcnehip the (111154 have teen and women of the heat bread. A broad -visioned end liberal jetties. which will put the teaching profession into something like the same position orthe other "learned prefers' " will tell very directly on the future of our national character. Didn't Tell All He Knew. I'I, IAdetphia Press. Little David had always hese te- RRxtded by him father and mother ars being pat•ticuhrly saner( and clever for x child of tender years. One day'while he was playing in front of his home', x rough -looking tramp appeared and asked David leery sharply where his (ether kept his money. 11e replied that it was all in his vent in the kit'heu. A few minutes hater the trump came through the doorway in a hurry, vet•% much battered up and looking mad, tiering: "Smart kid, that. Never said 1a word about, his old man being in the Vest." A Visit from the King. Mnnl teal %Viten.. 11'e mecum! the ro pposal of Mr. Hel- court that an invitation 1e extended to the King and Queen to visit ('en - 41(11a and open the (I4IPM•e bridge which might, from that event lie no '1 the 1e:dw,rfl bridge. answering I.) the Victoria hedge, which His Majesty opened in his mother's name forty-six years ago. Whether the King is allowed to cess the sex Again or not, we are certain that nisch an in• vitwtion from the Canadian I'erlia- nu'nt will give hint slneere plennur' and na a hien very anxious indeed to c will she give great pleasure in ell (parte of the empire. it. would eert/ally he n great thing for the worifffor the King to collie to Come. de: He won1.1 not be able In ('slap*' 11 visit to the United States, and til e (teatimes that. he would get .tiler would he a spectacle .for umalki). Hut it would involve Feasibly greater flax upon the King s physic, Dowers [flan it would lie prudent t invite. Loyal Citisenship. halt Reports.. Not long ago Mr. John Peunlun, o Paris, gave glo,IM4I towit,ili• the con %telethon of a V. M. C. A. building it that town. Before snaking that (10 nation he haul contributed generously e his 11)00101 Ito the pr 111111 111 11011 4{)1)11114' end semi-public projects. Hi listed get is told in the followlug 11114 lake) from this week's issue of Tho Paris Heview „Mr. Peuuuu( teventJ)• acquire( $911,(1N) of stock in the Plow Co. and it was cm•reutly reported had presented it to the colli pany without cost for cancellation. The Review exiled up Mr. Harold. the Ia1lagel•, and was in' furored that the item was correct, and the stock h.ul been cancelled, )!r. H1014,1 lidding that this 'is tone of the many things Mr. Penu,anluw done for this 1 arty, end is a matter att t ceunpai•141 with whets.'" There's 101 exhibit ion of loyal eitizl•u ship for you! Evidently Mr. Peumatl believes in the motet: Uu ell you van for the town in which you live. Grand 0 enin Dis (tI pla y of Fine Goods Continues f Importations combining assortment variety with correctness in styles and exclusive selections. •M Niagara Falls. London Advertiser. They are sordid sootily to wl the 1''x11 1Pllrlu- only as a sauce• of energy, and who would willingly see then) obliterated am x sublime 1,111.1.- 1411.14', i,i urvlet• T hat uer(' factory (wheels Iulght I. turned. !Nilotic. opin- ion In the United Shoes end Canoula has taken the nobler view .and de- mands that the utilitarian us.•s of the twin cataract shall .end heft ore *hey le e 'in to IIYIW ( I 1, 1 a 1111411 ' INh 1111011 .• { nth majesty of nature. It is to he 11011ed the Canadian adian peopk' will also take the brsd-:ninded view (het the accident of the format' of 1111 channel. Which aorta'. t of the water to Hew over the ('anrulixu 'x1144, Is not one of which ('amine shot d Hake_ ad- vantage to the de•trimc t of the t'oile'd States. A' h g otter de- velopment is possible on the 'loneliest side then on the other, but t hi should he leguletel with regard to its clfee•t upon the American Frills 11. I •II us upon the l:aoadi4(8 Falls. iw't eta' he equality in sharing the indent int and aesthetic benefits of the cabin •1, as as matte}- of good neightorh.od. The Militia Camps. Toronto, March M. -Brigadier -time era! Otter, C. 11., has returned from Ottawla, with definite moles fur the training camps of the Western On- tario ('holt tut The camp for the Toronto, military district INo, 9W will again Ile held at Niagara. front .1 • 12 to t'.1. 1.1111au1 , military dist l rt (No. swill have two (•augs, loth at Carling Height`, ,ouutieneing)Jutic .1 and IH respect It was with feelings of (perp dhow - poi Ill Meld. that the military amtyj�ori- ties at (Ottawa and Toronto decided that they I0n51 pot lip with the glar- inginadequacies of Niagara and Carl- ing Heights for another season, the negotiat.' ' for the hu•ge,' rimming grounds having fallen though. NAVE YOU A BONA? or are you mite. pendent • it you are nuking, money for some one else. quit sed snake money for yourself. 1 ;et out of slepery and be free. Write 1; Ma1511*4a R Ca• 1.40111/011. They swill show yogi the way. They have alerted thousands on the read to freedom• wen dollars a day; every day in the year, is he• made handling (heir gsu.1. Write now. is money. TO THE PUBLIC The prier of beef • :so le thro•lghoet the IIritieh I:npi • has dropped a notch or tau• and eons loently local prlees are down. w'4' no. ow supplying all cute at lower pries. IIIc the quality i. as Woad. If not twit r, til in ever. Me LEAN'M MEAT M (tKET handle. all kindwof meats, poull -• etc.. and, while thanking the public or their liberal patronage, we solicit a'i °utin*ant•e of the Immo. McLEAN BROS., ,,rubs E,.t and Sgn.11-e e;,.le r1. b. GODERICH 1ELEGRAPIIY SCIIOOL 41n, -mall fee learn- IcI,gi;iph r, wN). express. Idea aph and li, kr) accounting. The new .and a anplrte wy.trnl which 1 tar-hy Ives n thorough knowledge In bookkeeping. hues+ receive gin and 1110IV per moil h. A. E. MATHESON, Principal. WWI( 'E (1. 11'. Thermo,, k ',,, . Mu -14' `tory. °n lily Squall•. Spring Term opens APRIL 2nd ELLIOTT TORONTO. ONT. 7'llis .1•hn.rl sUnd+ i)sdf)• IN'f,,re 111e piddle willt n clean-out 4111104,1 for work done and 11111.1.11.1. nehleved. It hoe any. pa. -w4 all pre/lolls m0nds In Ad tt('n• :tree. olivine graduate., In pNlitinnw and doing gaol work. Enter now and he ready to erupt. A gaol peen km hi the 1All. a ollege "barn entire year, (nor 11tAr- rt10 (rm. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ('nr. Y11111j0• .111,1 .Vrv11u1,•r "11.. Start forma Good Salary Hy taking oar of our /louse Stud) 11/1114•-. It 044. hot a trifle, and only Icahn'. yunr .pare Ilene. Write today for faartieulnn. ( orro..pondence ()crit, ('entrap Business ( allege. Tomtit n, W. H. !HAW. Principal. CENTRAL (a/2)/ STRA TrORD. ONT., nm. ,,lwe..h11amtnri0)',)min the )Njta . 111 .1It1111o11 14 ,lofng mom In thnrnnghly (+,1ap ynmg people for remteinsible mien lone. )ler /•nur.,••1 Orn 1hnrnogh rued prnetieal whllc sl rax teaching I. 1 • by ..1 1111.14.11,4%1 1,,- \"bneto,•. A ll grad tint., gel gond In*ItIons rata may enter :it any time. %'rite foe ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, New (Jo Cloth and Dress Goods, White Wear, Mattings. KID GLAVE SPECIAL 1Voi em's line kid gloves, 2 dome fasteners and embrliderexl hock, "1101.4, Guns, black and white, special 59C W 'ax's choice Hue French kid gloves, 2 d tuttenel's and stitched i'aris points, tans, special ods all received, Dress Suitings, Tweed Linen Suitings, Fine Silks and Fine Wool Embroideries, English Prints, Muslins, Corsets, Jackets, Curtains, Carpets, coin..., in.., 75c DRESS SILKS Illi) pairs. 'i' , yards long, ISO inches [NMI yaeds of 27 inch wide Japan wide, Nottingham lac* curtain. ill taffeta. dress silks, in (allots, ivory, half dozen patterns. fine treill 11441 ere) , navy, sky, pink, swab(, card. ledges, regular price $1.:15, (141• incl, ads., black and white, beautiful pair at 95 quality and lustre• and weer warranted, at per yard 40c and JtJ( ALL WOOL. DELAINES 911 pieces of tine French all-wol delxines and challiebi in dots duet neat figures, sprays and floral pattern, neat /slid new, special 354' CURTAINS C W. ACHESON di SON 1f Treat from Ceylon "Red Feather" Te Yet to meet its equal. One Pr, re - 40 NEW CLOTHS PRING SUITS in nadian W r ste ds, Made up in CaII afld sec and Imported r o ted Tweeds, ds Cheviots and Serges latest style to your fit. how well I can do for you. Everyth g in Men's Smart Wear . BLACK Gents' Furnisher and Outfitter Goderich wir 11 New ine of Spring uitin : s now ready for the :: rly trade. . All kinds of materia in the newest designs. Ord early and have our best att tion. Frank N. Martin, To Be Well Dressed is to be carefully dressed from head to foot. But after all the important feature of a loan's apparel is his suit. The man who, in ad- diticn to being correct as to hat, shoes and neckwear, wears a suit is always known I)y his exceptionally "smart" appearance. Careful dressers all over Canada are now wearing this fine ready- to-wear clothing, in preference to patroniz- ing a high-priced cus- tom tailor. They've come to realize tilat none but the most ex- pensive among the latter can equal the style, fit and finish of this brand of clothing. Walter C. Pridham Sole Agent for king flats, English. Borsalino flats 1 � Italian. I '