HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-1, Page 8s Tuuisusr, March 1, 1905 1I IS GNAI.: GODER ell ONTARIO THEY HEAT THE DUTCH. Sailors Como Out on Top in the Semi-final Round with Berlin. therm at Borten a to 1 in Favor of the Dutch Company Al Oobrtch 1.110 $ In Favor of the Sa•dor. 11/21w -borough Neat -gaster. *.a., The Atternoon to Plav In {.{torn Town Tomorrw, Night. last Friday evening the Sailors went down to 'Hellin for the first of the games in the setup -finials, inter- mediate 0. H. A. The ice hiul a hand Ixttt heir Wan covered wit1* wpact an inch deep at the four corner., anti that is hardly the cunditiun tit atfair!s when the Sailors do their lest +York. Notwithstanding. "Berlin's lead on the instch Was ou1)' four ggals, the score Iwing N to 2, sore at halt time , to 0. A. dispatch from ltcrlin, t•ep *•ting the g . made this e ant : "If the Dutchmen stay as the]' did this, eve'niuk and Referee Muir haialles the Is•l1 there is little doubt but they will at least hold (*ode- ric) down :laid may even win in that town on Tuesday, However, Time - day has r and gone. and the 1'ts111t fs given below. For the,ceder match here un. Tuts; day night the rrot(I of epeetatirs (though possible not the liug:-st that ever witnelsseil it game of hockey in the %Vest srtr•et rink, telling it Mitre short in u111111wls id the maws of teneitan1t1 that la11 ld f o (jet 'inside the doors at the London match+ was one of the pse.t entitled/why we have Ken. The diens were open a full hour before the game was billed to start allti till• heat positions were rapidly taken up. and !safer the match eonmeneerl window females. ratters and other points of vantage. were passed into regiiisit• . The• gargle wait only between five and ten minutes late in starting but the crowd was impatient to see the ixoys un the ice and get 11 chance to size them alt), and had it not leen for the music which the hand tliscourseti from the centre Iedtony the ernes to "hurry tilt" 0111d, 110 doubt. have been even Vociferous. - The Berrie, •teanl are a w 1 -built, husky lot, and though probably their opponents would over- top them it trifle in weight it would not h. t tiou)th to put the ihltehies :at a disadvantage. Hurry McGaw made the first .gooal that Referee Muir had to chalk down in his little notebook, after about the minutes' play. 'Another five miitines brought a second. and hair it minute snore a third, the visitors seeming to flnQ it impossible to get the puck past the centre of the ice for a than a second or two at is time and the play hovering around their- goal all the time. The Dutchmen, however. won got their bearings and scored the next two during the next ten minutes' piny. It was going tit be no walk- over any way for the home train to change the adverse score of last tell into a favorable one, and several times during the progt'ess of the match it was doubtful on which side of the ledger the balance on the round world be. "Suet" Meteor scored the next for Goderich in about five minutes. after a scrimmage near goal. but an- other minute brought another tally. on a long lift, for Berlin. About this time Harris got busy with one of his greased -lightning rushes anti Wig- gins. coning down the ice almost abreast of hint. was ready W take the palsy and Scored in a twinkling. the neat work drawing forth rounds of ap- plause. Goderich scored again iti an- other minute and just befele half-time landed one more in the net. This tmah the score at half -Mine 7 to :i; tie- ing the teams in the round. Towards the end of the first half a Berlin player had to leave the ire owing to A skate conring loose and McGaw went off with him. A short time after this Wiggins, in an attempt at checking, was given a minute's test for Lapping batt just a few seconds later one of the Dutch hunch had to climb the boards for exactly the same offence. and for e time plav went on with only five men a aide. Earlier in the game'.11cIk)nald was off for is minute but a Berlin man went off at almost the stew time. In the second half the visitors took an enforced rest., On the whole the game was very elneer. and Referee Muir was keen on offside+. The players started off with re- newed energy in the eec'und half Null the enthusiasm of the spectates, which had nt'ter flagged. ruse it notch or two higher. Goderich scored after fifteen minutes and again in a Iinutr more. This didn't suit the visitors, and becoming desperate they de- veloped some speedy going. Goderich responded with redoubled energy hut. for a time "Mephisto' M(.Ivnr had a lively time in goal. and he miule s magnificent stops. Berlin scored I twice, Utxderich •e and then All al- Iegedescore by lie•rlila interrupted the giuntt for ten minutes while the referee tried to get setiafting evidence one way or the other. If this goal WAN W le Allowed the wore on the round was again a tie. If not G•sle•rich was one ahead. %%lieu the referee at last 1'atut: his (x•11 the I)ttich- uten refused to play until they were giveu of_ the alternative of losing the round. After day wast esumted liat•ris let himself out on his rushes. He took the pork down the whole length of the rink and tallied, three minutes more and he repented the 11er- foi muutet'. and lwfort• time was called grouter Was added to the hiuu, teamt's seure. Allowing the disputers goal to 13et•lin the result of the match was I:( to 11 and sof the semi -fined round 13 to 12. The official score wvta 13 to 5, so that the 1 residual 15 to 11 in favor of Goderich 'their wean not to man on either team hilt played it q•p x( gallie. Jock C:ar(tp- IwU was a &lever defence player and his long lifts usltally Landed the puck away down the ice. The 110x11'1'irh forivstti line sustainer its reputation for fast hts•key and played 11 soviets game. The visitors goal-kselwr stupprl some hot ones and evidently knows his husiuess, while their •fur- w•auds aur' swift skatt!ri, good shots and hand rhet'kers. litiukert was the star on their forwarl line. Their su- periblr team work, however. which wrote of the papers e s 14(111 such stress on, \Vt' evidence. ' nlf 1 e lead y /ltd all seem R • )a ,lean • aul\•xut n e :a they 11 e K cnn'twr•[h t ) over :bidet -tell in that respect. The ice thratghtillt was ill goad shape :111d the match was :a spleridid exhibition. The lineup was as follows : i iter xl• 11. 10:141.13. t \I• -lens some) F:I L l pbntl pusna H•1-a•halt It. H. t'an -Itit ri- toter `t•ibert J. Wiggins rater mrinkert 11. I tiaw rent Is. Pu(lochnlne niatt D. M. isa•aid left sing M. l'a issue .t. Heron ' - tight sing The London Fret Press is still Moe on the defeat *ilministeteti to the 7th Regiment team in (1ixderich, vide the following eeumneht after the Berlin gins• here on' Tuesdat) night : •'Ti the hts•key 'Gain of \Vestern On- tat•iii, who are hosting to see the three 0. 11. A. ch:itupions ramie w this dis- trict this year. the defeat of Berlin at Guirrich bast night and the entrance of the lake shote seven unlet the finals will nut he welcome news. Not that Berlin is the more popular with them. It utakes little difference which wins the cup. so long as it is peon, but at the same tittle it ie felt that Berlin would have had the letter- iianee against the winners of the Peterlewo- P:u•ry Sound series. Should the ex- ecutive decide om a sudden death game at Toronto for the honors. (kale• rich's chance. to go in Ir pxerturn- anee's in the big rinks in Berlin. Strat- tird and luulon, where Park tit lr they were defeattrl, would 6. worth very little. Away from their •Melo ice they i11a\e Ileyel', despite them' size and mote than ordinary ability in Willie branches of the sport, 'proven to lie very dangerous. Should. however, house and home gamer be decider] upon, it is 'dollars to doughnuts that the silverware will form one of the sights for the visitors to Goderich (lur- ing the *text twelve the." The result of the hockey Match be- tween Teterboro' and Parry Sound at the latter pliu•e Inst night, which re- sulted in a scute of 9 to S. Riving Teter- boro' the mond by Hee goals. 1111.31114 that lsexlerich and Teterboro' it the cutnpetitots in the intermediate O. H. A. finals. The Gielerirh trans leave this afternoon for Peteriort, where the first of the final gauzes takes place tomsutrctw evening. The return game here will Ix• on Monday evening. _Godet•ich's chewier of winning the ehamq' ship should be fair and no doubt the game herr on Monday will draw- 41 record-breaking crowd. Judging by the following trout yes- t.erlalzs Globe the Teterboro' triturate not the cleanest of players : " Referee Lou Burns, who handled the Parry Sound genie at 1'eterhira Monday night, reports that the latter team''ust rut loose, and world have wenn handily but for their men icing on the fence as great pact tit the time. They were penalized for a total of one hoer and fifteen minutes. Morgan hit the referee over the hack with his -stick, end got 1+( tttinutes tti fleet --until the end of the g •. \Vhltcroft wits also heavily penalizwl. Last year when they came to the semi-Hnala I etet•Ioro' dettecttdetb to rough -house tastes. and used Berlin sal badly that some of the lest men in Telrriot•ei interested in the game threatened to wltlnl' •tw their support entirely. Iletter things were promised, but the go.xl tesolutiun st•euls to have weakened." This is in marked eontrast to the work of their element.. in the finals. TI -IE DYEING SEASON ! At the app»each tit spring. a greet many p-t•sins have sane dyeing to do. either carpet rags, Article's of clothing or for hind•hild »sc. We carry in stock all the time full lines of all colors in the DiAMOND DYES and in the REXALL HOUSEHOLD DYES. With the letter the same package des•s all kinds of goods, Wool, Cotton or Silk. flood, rich, fast colors. Clilne and seal• maniple carers. 112 kinds and colors, lot per packet. 'S. E. tIICK - Central Drug Store Goderich, Ont. IDEAL FENCE WHEN YOU FENCE, FENCE FOR GOOD A good fence add14 Its price to the value of the land. A poor fence son bee •s unsightly and worthless. The job t be done ovf•t• again. Yon untMt go to till of the ex- tenme of erecting a fence again. Thin mats Intl of money in time and latter: it tueantt piling expense on top of ex• i»'n t'. It pill, tit do the job right, in the first piece. Put up the Ideal woven wife fence and you will have dune with that piece of fencing for many years. it's not going to runt out in n few years. brew's• it is heavily galvanized and it elwa)•s b ttka well. it stands tip. It h/lltla its shape per- fectly on any surface. hilly or level. There ie n reaatm for this, and the r•ae n is that Ideal Finer hits the weight. it's all made of No. 0 hard steel wire, and has the fainou. Ideal lock at every wine renaming. Slipping wills are int possible with this pock. Any strain or prssnre is dbtrib- uterI and borne by all of the wires. Thnt 'teems strength. Thele is not a domestic: anitnel living that can go through or over it. And there is no trouble idiom het or mid weather. It adjnsts itself to all trtnperaturea If you can- not he Imre of theme things. investigate. Let its mend you a book giving all details glom Heel fence. Itis free : write for it. Howell's Hardware East Side of Square - Goderich. The Berlin match hereon'l'utselay w'an described by st • of the visitors to the cleanest game the Berlin intermediate., have had away from home, and even should (.uderich Gail to land the chant• piinship we may felt•! proud of the tu•hievetuents of the towns re resent atives ill the 0. H. et., and of the clean and clevt•t• play they have put tip tht•otigi t the season. Port Hope Junior Champions. Toronto, Feb. :xi. -]'ort Hogue de- feated \Volxlsto ilk II. here tonight in the final g•titte fur the junior O. i1. A. championship by it store of 7 to 1. 'rhe g- • wails fart from the outset, Mit (he western seven wee 11u match fie• the eastern team. Senior Championship Coma West Berlin, Feb. 211. I1y A score of 4 to 3 the "Dutch ('nnipanir" of Berlin to- night won the John Ross Robertson cup and the senior championship of the l)nterio !turkey Association. Town League Final. Lest Thi mdse) the Tt'cutuse•is w•tSn from the Machinists by a wrote of 15 to 5 in the town htx•key Ie•atgie. This crakes deems winners of their group, as they have went alt their gmules. In the other group the 'ttet'mites are the winner's, s • of the games going by default. The final will ole played a week (trent tomorrow, Friday, March 11th, fur the silver cup, which is on ex- hibition in 1'. A. 'Humber k Bon's window. Clinton Juniors Didn't Show Up. A game was arranged and adver- tised between the Tecumseh htx'ke)• club of town and the Clinton jt ' for Friday night. The ('litttoninus failed to show tip and the Tecuuiseis naturally frit somewhat aggrieved. as the following letter to The Free Pleas shows : Sporting Editor F'r'ee Press : For the second time in ars many sensors the junior Clinton hockey leant have demonstrated what kind of sporting blood they are made of. Fur' the steam, time they have made arrange- ments for a game with the 715•c seep hockey club. end have loth tine's failed to appear. What kind of sports are they % Ih, they think it a juke They made art•angenlents for a gauze last Friday evening, and the 're•kunt- seli s pl Dees were on the ice *waiting for them to appear till nearly 9 p. tn., and then were not sure whether the Clinton players would appear or not. Why did not Clinton trend us word they could not cottte % Not a word did they send. t)nd the rink halt-Hlleil with, speetdtole. This kind of thing has gine on too long. We send Mitt as a warning to other towns not to get games on witlkteams who never carry mut their per vises. l'HK T. ge fl5611 ('he'n. Gish'* icl. Feb. 21. - THE,HOSPETAL. FUND., Partial List of Subscribers-OtherC'to Be Called on During Present Month. The following Is a pat•tiel list of those whose sulstrriptions %eve Itt'e» paid to thehospital fund. The ulr'. scribers in town who have not • t paid will be calleed on during th' of \ a andan • who have th f 1 tnh ) not yet subscribed to the fund will RIM) he called on. I. M. .('titer e, Secretary. Nanta. Sloan . SUM! I51 W. 1.. Eliot, :�5 11) J. I). O'Connell2:) Illi Gtr). Bu�cton 1 I6) Dr. McLeod 1111) J. H. titleh 1 151 Beet n Tilts.. 1 Is) Horton Tilt 1 16) H urate Horten. H. litophey .'.i Is) T 1 est W. M. Mcl'rettth 1 15) J. Yule •1 iso 1), 11. McKay 1 161 A Friend 23 Oro. F. Emetstnl. 2 It) 11. t'ahtelon • 5 Is) Hugh Dunlop 5Is) Jaw. I.. Grant115) Sturdy Bros,..., 5 45) Jos. Kidd AIt•x. Munro ii1 I!ssl T'. \V. assn i•... 2 151 12. li. 14:llows 1 is) t Miss l',uneron. .... 511 Th is Tilt .i 151 Dr. W. J. 1(. Holmes 3 15t Smith Brie i 111 \Von. hely )n I Is) 0. Whitely 1 251 G. O. 1t bust ou 1 It) G. M. F:Ilbntt 1 (5) N. E. Hick... \ 1111 W. A. Melilla'' S 4114 1. W. Venal ter. :A1 1.. M. Malse ,'t I6) R. P. Andrews 101) 1. M. Turnbull y- 2 011 1'. Blackstone 1 It) Rev. 1'. 1%s( :ii tad 10 F. H. Holmes H.xlgens Bros e I a) 511 11) T. (fund ry .... .... 3 11 Buchanan" k latwaon 13 11U Geo. Forest .i It) ('hits, Oat'row a I1) John Gentles i 11) A Friend .... 1 (11 1. 1). Dickson 1 (11) McLean lints ai 11) Miss Dutngit 2 (5) Ihnt MtKaty 2 It) Mrs. Spence 75 Fred 5% . 'Duty 10 111 Sirs. Kiddie 1 11) Elizabeth Kay 10 it) Sts. %fury H. Morris.... _ 5 On late. Stewart 1 111 E. L. Allan! • 5 111 Mrs. T. H. Thompson1 (t) Jest. Whitely 1 (1) Mrs. (sundry ' 1 It) .1. II. Armstrong 25 Mn. T'rudge.nt.......... ... . 1 (6) Mrs. Agnes Gibson .... J. H. Milken 1 111 Mrs. 1 h)naldsotl 'LS 1 Ili Mrs. Jas. Colwell 1 (11) Mrs. F'... Eib tltt ...... .. 1 Mrs, E. MrK' Mrs. .las. Videan E. Downing .. Mrs. ('ox td0' Mts.(s. C. Blacks lift Mrs, O. M. Black..... fill Mrs. Story 1 It) Mr.. 1'. Lynn } l5) 1'. Lynn flu) 1t. ('hark 1 1to Minnie A. Hall 1 161 %Vatter Brough 10 11 Oswald F. Carey 5 (5)) (1 Miss R. Carey ..: . ...... .., 111 It) Mem. ('has, lilskc III 9) Will. Diekmon. .....,... 5111) Hien. J. Si*iiitw 8 (1) \Vat, Hinton 2 211 11ts. Brydge. . 1 110 4 Mts. Farr .... j It) Mswityxr .a...„., e,,, , 111 Mrs. M. ('ori., r� 1111 Mrs. H. Sharman (s) Walt. F'eagan (1) Mnt, r. Reid Irl Mew. Dingman 50(;haw. Bites (1) A Friend 85 Mrs. Lawrenee It) Mr.. P. Bissett (5) Mrs. Betsy Miller 1 151 IM to. O. Slack .... 5 151 Mem. Henry Hort»).... .. 555 1 Mr'. Chilton'.5 (11 Bt•n.!Alien 1111 161 A. Slurr+ty 51t Utrgtir 5 011 l a NEWS OF THE DISTRICT • AUbUHN. regsu.ty, Feb. 2701. W. T. Riddell has laid 111 tt 14tuck of picture post cards and writing tablets, showing a very nice view of the tiew Knox church. Mr. fiddell'w111 nu doubthave a large run on them, as resident, of 1110 vicinity, especially nes bor%and friends for their Many land great kitdnesres tlinrugl t the illness of the departed tins. A girl never gist* married utile** she gets the chance. - New Turk Pnss, A blush is one of tb.• few thiugs that cannot Is, cuutterfeiled. 1 ,nerntwr•s et 'the congregation, take a Start for a Good Salar justifiable pride in their new chum... PORTERS HILL. \Vtcm a:su.ty, Feb. :Nth. 1 (i til Nti To M'r•Ii.t•reii Ht t,- lieu, 11. ('nx has tented his ratan to lion Peau• - son for is term of )•rats end with his family will 'e to Stretford shintl• after his sale, which is to be on Mon- day, March 12th. 51.t. shall be sorry tolose Mr. (lox from this neighbor- hour. Welan u. #rhe wedding 6ok place today of Stirling McPhail, of this : place. and Miss 11. !visual, of Xippen.' The eet't'luony tuns performed At the Hensall parsonage by Rev. Wm. Baugh. and the happy couple took the evening train for !minion and Detroit on their honey on trip. ('ungittu- lttitins ! BAYFIELD. Trg.u.ty, Feb. 27th. T. Stillsuu, Sr.. of the Aux Yah1,• line, is very lithely. o sent Hiss Huse Young. I f Se It rete, spent a few days with friends here last week, .:Hiss Lenart Erwin lute returns later at month's visit to Goderich, ('hetet and Sraforth, \Ve are sorry to learn that Miss Sara Turner is still einfinerl to her Isrl with infiaui watery rhrmuatiam. Miss F. Slott, who was h for a uuinth's holiday, has iettit•nerl and , opened up her dressmaking shop again. \lies Olive Turner, who bite tern fillies the varan"y emitted by her sis- ter's tlltttas. tetlrue•d house from Sea - Furth on Saturday. Aunts F'ow•lie is having an ice 1.11•11111 parlor put in lir upper Maury of his store which. when etintpletert, will he second to mine 1n town. Miss Ada HIII•Ilr. d.ulghter of Ja111c't 1 Horny, Inas been taken tut the hospital at London. She has been ailing for some time. She was uccompiuiell by I her father and Dr. .mitis, Judge Holt and Halristet-s Killoran !- nd liart•mw attended Division Court here on Tuesdayp Two cures were tried, the Irvineipt1 one being ('otiri- veau vs. bus towgshit of Stanley. ti rer•ot'er taxes. The judge reserved hi. deci CARLOW. Tl*KADiY. Frh, 27t11. TUN SICK. - SVe are glad to hear that Mrs- John Walters, who has 'sen very ill with peeuum)nia, in on the mend. Her turn Warner has just 're- covered front an illness .of the same' nature. Ja•r. Tabb is quite ill: we regret to learn. \1'e hope to hear Mxlll of his rrt'uverv.. ....Thr grip is eery prevalent in this locality. 'iHE.t K INet THE `.e11t1AT11. - One pet de were surprised on Sunday t) etre C. 1'. It. teams, drawing av lu:uls of ceulrnt. piths ,tlirtiugk t the way fr (iielerich to The Carlow people Ars Nab - tie plot and this sort of thing K p rase them. The tramplers should reale in tuiud that !there are some J. P.'s around here. Tern L*'rt: Maas lir'CH.ANAN.--The death of Sl is. Maggie Buchanan en \1'edn acrey last, while it had n g been expect ed. c,ler.trl tt widespread fet'llttg of tr•gtrt sold ..Erin+• through- out this township in which she With NO well knoWn. Her pleasant disposition and good-heartedness towards till and ht•r ready sympathy and ht•Ipfulness fee those in dish sar luadr het•, a uni- versal favorite• and as she hail lived in the township since her birth the circle of her friends was a very larg.• one. In her last long illness she wile bright and cheerful always, and she leaves to those who were near li her n grateful and pleasant memory. Mims Buchanan was the fifth d:ulghtet• of Johne Buchanan and is survived lt' het father. two brothels and four sisters. The brothers are Root. lin- chariest, of Yorkton• Sask., and Jilin. of the Honolulu Islands: anal tht• enders are Mit. ]'hats. Me Hardy, M114, Alex. Young and Mrs. John Clark, of this towunhip, end Min Lizzie Buchanan, of (hutlerich. To all the relative... and especially to the aged father. now in Ida eighty-fourth year, the whole cttnu)runtty extends its sympathy in their hour of bereavement. The funeral took place on Saturday after- noon from the home of Mr. ,and Mrs. Alex. Young, with whom the deceased had made her home for many years. 7'he services were conducted' by Ret. .1. L. Milian, pastor of Snaith a Hill 1'tesl.yteria/1 congregatitnl. if toieit the, elrceitserl was at member. The pallleau•e*s were George Ferguson, Thos. Hamilton, Milton Tyndall. Jarvis McBride, ('heries Rolx'r•tsrn and James {leen. The• interment **ata made in the fondly plot in Col- borne cemetery, and in spite of the bad rxadm as veru barge priwessiin followed the remains to the final rest- ing -place. Arming those present were James Stewart, of Heitman. an uncle of the deceas'd, and Miss Fothering- ham• of Winghaul.--Mr. and Mea. Young desire to express. through The Nignal, their gratitude to all the y 14' taking tela• of our Hous study tenor..... It rusts but ti Ride. and only rt•ttulror your ^tare tituu. \%'rite *,slay for particular.. l orrintoodmtce Iii p't. ('rnlral hu..lue,w College. Toronto. 11, 1i. NHA%V )'rlucl{wl. 126 calls from business fins fur -1 111.11',i. rbcs., Ise,k keeper., Itti ogee f•lurk.. 11A re lately been reeetttd by tit• anlou. ELLIOTT TOGO - ' NT. \tt• lug,,, lyse uu 0110 til WNW lu go( coffin 10 the e large matt/ bex.lne.. eol ('o11.1fc• 1- own uu•nro now. lin he sv.ttl V1. anti 1 .1 l W ..anti. If >>n1u after graduation. t ran twit you. ee ndtot,. of of her 'iu a l tuudauoo. illre )'est, Colne r. free. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. ('ur. \unr& .end Aleyatnlet .a.. RSI We don't dub ourselves "Professor" lout we know how to assist defective vision if lenses. will do it. Try us examination free. H. PARK Jeweller and Optican Ala •V rel 1• [/• .J lam•(/ GGCf 'fi ST;lA r roR o, CNT. � Thl. 80118,1 hit. 11r0uec the Ii:xlinl,' l.0ttr Inertial .sitar in the w, t. Vu .bullar hr .l it tt' I. doing mom t1` t honni Kilo .•.luip young people for n•.lsw.lhlr ts. a sun.. unr your.... aro llowougli and Pearl 4r,11 while the tem -Wow i. door b) ex ert.10,rd tu- trurWr.. All grabaaterget tutu Io,.it inn-. You um) rgter at alt) time. \trite for tufa barn, ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, 1 tiro -Had,. Be Alive to Your Own Interests. Buy Footwear where it is sold strictly on its merits. Try the makes we aro selling. You'll like them, Correct winter styles in shapei y. perfect -fitting, comfortable good-wear- illl' aloes at the littlest prices we've ever known ft shoos of equal duality. You'll have reason to be proud of your lett if you wear a pair of our shoes. REPAIRING. SOLE AGENTS FOR GODERICH FOR THE TWO MOST FAMOUS LINES. QUEEN QUALITY FOR WOMEN AND WALK -OVER FOR MEN. Downing & MacVicar 30DERlCH. Maple Leaf Grocery and China Hall We haveurchased the business formerly' known a* P > the Maple Leaf Grocery and China Hall, carried on for a long time by Mr. G. M. Elliott, on Hamilton street, and we wish to handle all kinds of Farm Produce. assn our China 'I'ht semen in Hall 11 TO THE PUBLIC 1tcomplete. We also at right prices. Tho prior of beef .:u t h• t lin mellow the Hrili-h kutpiae hat, tinggerl n notch' ur t w',. and con.equenlh• bawl pri,•er err down. We WV now dppiing all rut. at lower price., **rile the quality goad, 0 no ta•mrr, ill on ever. Mr l.M:.tX :W MN.IT MARKET boodle. all kind -of Went•. lunh rl'. (tr., sect, while• thanking the 'Millie for their literal µrt rooaarr. we-otieft a tontinuan.c' of the .Num. McLEAN BROS., ibnuur F:a.l `tt, and saptart•, lialcrich. will be found carry a full line of fresh Groceries McEwen Bros. Maple Leaf Grocery and China Hall Hamilton Street Nh°°S N THE HODGENS STORE � Court House Square Samples White Underwear Hundreds of Garments to Sell at Makers' Prices or Less. LAST fall we made a contract with the largest makers in Canada of Ladies' fine white Underwear, to take their samples as soon as their travellers were through with them. They were to be charged to us at, one-quarter to one-third less than the regular prices and shipped as soon after February 1st as possible. The entire lot arrived this week and commencing SATURDAY, MARCH 3rd. , we put on sale hun- dreds of high•class Undergarments at prices that will be one-quarter to one-third less than regular. We do not want these to interfere -with lines already on order and have marked every garment very close, in order to clear the entire lot quickly. They are in first-class condition save that all are very slightly soiled from handling. Every garment was sent to the pressing room in the factory to be refolded and to all intents and purposes they are as good as if taken fresh from the boxes. There aro dozens of high-grade garments better than we can carry in stock through the season, rind the whole lot will be sold at makers' price* or less. There are - Skirts, Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Shirt Waists, Children's Dresses./ All :amides are well made, from good materials anti this season's styles. We do not often have a chance to sell garments of this quality at any such prices and it will pay you and pay you well to take advantage of this sale of samples. You can depend on them being good ; if we were not sure of that they would not be here. • Embroidered Corsets, Fifty=five Cents. We have something new in ('orsets. Just a little bit out of the re• ordinary. high grade tape girdle ('orsets, embroidered in pink, Nile green or sky blue. These Corsets have ha(l an enormous sale in the cities. The quality is as good as most f;orsets of the kind sold at 75c and they will be found very comfortable and easy fitting. We have about 125 pairs to sell with the samples of underwear at FIFTY-FIVE CENTS A PAIR. t hi:0)7: a en DIRLCT /MPORTERS GODERICH. a •