HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-1, Page 7THE SIGNAL: f34►111':Itlt'II t►V'I',�li)1(►
TtootioAx, Mach I, 1906
The News of the District.
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The Signal's Clubbing List.
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yearling twitter for INK Look over
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The Sinal and Montreal Week)
Herald 11.00
The Signal. \Veekly Herald and
Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1 75
The Signal, Weekly Herald and
Toronto Daily Globe 450
The Signal, Weekly Herald and
Toronto Weekly Globe1.70
Th Signal, Weekly Herald and
Montreal Family Herald and
Weekly Star 1.7e
All subscriber, to Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star reoelve the great premium
picture. "queen Alexandra. Her (:randchH
drew, and Ik*."
"Thr Farmer's Manual laid Voterb.ary
Wilde" " ma bo had i,: conn ,
U dd atim w v
Y with /Move
offer tot 13 reals additional, ora total of stow
The Signal, Weekly Herald and
Farming World (Toruntu) 1 3o
The Signal, \Veeklyy Herald end
WeeklyMail and Empire. .1.7o
All subscrbers for Weekly Mall and Empire r•.
eels., the premium arms/revere. "Tho Star of
The Signal, Weekly Herald and
Toronto Daily World
The Signal, Weekly Herald' and
Toronto Daily Star ...... . . _. .1.10
i,The Signal. Weekly Herald and
Toronto Daily News. 1 90
Thr. Signal. \\'wkly Herald I and
London Daily Advertiser a 4o
The Signal. Weekly Herald and
London Weekly Advertiser. 1 6o
Thr Signal. Weekly Herald and
Presbyterian B 25
The Signal. Weekly Herald and
Westminster a 25
The Signal. Weekly'1lerald, Pru-
bytertan and Westminster 3.25
Si \\'eek
The Signal, ly lie •
told and
Farmer's Advocate.. . Advocate....... -s.40
We strongly recommend our readers to.
subscribe to The Farmers Advocate.
The Si nal . WeeHeraldTh R Weekly l I and
Montreal Daily Witness . x 50
The Signal. Weekly Herald end
Montreal Weekly Witness t 6o
The Signal, •\\'t•.•kly Hta•alit and
World Wide......... ... 1 95
Send i•t•ntittaneen by posttdllce or-
der, postal note er express order to
Tt'gen.aY. Fah. 27th.
I1.Mel )uma►d is In Torintu this week_
Harry alelkonald left for N.una'
on Saturday.
.lay. McGregor and (lick Melton/ad
are in Ripley today.
Mrs. \Vhitty was in GoIerich for
seuuc days last week.
Miss Anna McGregor and Alex.
McKay are visiting in Rlyth.
Miss Re•leece Mi•(;tegor Wats in Kin-
cardine for so • days last week.
.'Ir. and Mrs. M. J. McKay. of Hem-
lock City, cancel on friende Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. 'Stewart, of Loch -
:alsh. well visitors dere on Friday
Miss Annie .t•I►onal1 visited her
r,utnin. Mita Belie McKenzie, of
Laurier, on Saturday.
Miss 1)urnin attended 4h.• welding
of her cousin. Miss Whitley. near
Dungannon. on Tuesday.
Mrs. McWhinney and daughter. of
1)ungannol, ant the guest,' of the for-
tner's daughter, Mrs. Collinson.
Meas. l). McGregor was in Golerich
for some (ley* last week. being called
there by the death of 'the late Mrs.
The Misses Agnie and Jessie Mc
have return. me after spend-
ing a month in Ti to and vicinity
visiting relatives.
Ty r:sl tY, Feb. lith.
E. Dalton has purchased a new
driver for the nominee.
Addie Martin le busy hawking in
his new driver for the aunnner.
n Westfield,
James Redmond. of West ti ,
spent Sunday visiting friends here.
J. M. O'Reilly spent the forepart
of last week visiting friends in (Inde -
Jerry O'Connor entertained a few
of his friends \Velneeday evening of
last week.
P. .1. Austin had the Misfortune of
broken on Tuesday
last his Ic week. K n
John Courtney spent Sunday of
Nat week with Mr. and Mrs. James
Young, of ioyal.
Miss McKinnon. of Gagetown,
Mich., is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Noble, here at present.
Wm. Quigley, our village black-
smith. while shoeing a horse on
Saturday got his leg bully hurt.
J. .1. O'Reilly and ladies took in the
hall in iaucknow on Monday evening
and report having had a good time.
Mn. Chas. Moss returned home on
Saturday after "mending a week with
friends in St. Augustine and West-
.lnhn Stiles spent it few days in
Toronto bast week. He attended the
banquet given to Sir Wilfrid Laurier
by the Liberals of Ontario.
The Laurier riirrespmdent in Intl
week's home claimed that Togo was
more vicious than Pete, but as far
as we can learn Togo chews the rag hot
Pete chews the steers. What do you
think, George ?
Mo taco. Feb. 26th.
H. R. Lung. of Fordwieh, paid a
flying visit to his home here last Sat-
The topic at League next. Thnreday
Is, "What is True Happiness P" taken
by Miss Ada Fisher.
On Friday evening last Mr. and
Mrs. John Long entertained a few of
their Mende. All report having had
a good time.
The invitations are out for the wed-
ding of Emerson Mottling, eldest son
of W. M. Mohring, formerly of Ben -
miller, but now of Eckert, (10I., to
Miss M. C. Delo, of Eckert, Col.
The wedding in to take place on
Marek 7th. _
He (alarrned try the erratic 'steering)
-Er-and have rill driven much'!
She (quite pleased with herself). Oh.
no --this is only my see 1 attempt.
Hut then, you vee. 1 have been need to
a bicycle for year's!-Pune*.
'I't' ICttAY, Feb. 27th.
Tobias Fisher h.ae purchased the
property pf the late Henry Hutt and
will take poseesaion at once.
The young people of the Mlaitland
had a very pleawigt and enjoyable
titne at the home of N. Baer lent
Wednesday evening.
Mosoa.v. Feb, 211th.
S. McPhail, of Porter's Hill, was
a transient visitor here on Friday of
Loa week.
Quite a number of our young people
Were up at a dancing P,Say.
n bar-
bital' at ltobert Bogie's lits[ lirsday
We are hav ing plenty of thud these
days but the tine. Mild weather keeps
everybody in good humor. With 1 he
advent of March perhaps we shall have
a different temiwreture.
Moms:Vv. Feb. 20th.
Rev. C. 1., NjIIs, is former tertor of
Trinity church in this village. has been
tranafrrred from Pine River to Alvin -
Patrick Doyle. an old pioneer resi-
dent of thie district, passed away at
his home in Hullett laat'rueslay after -
"eon. The deceased was ninety years
of ,age.
John J. Drummond, son of the lite
John 1)ruinrtoud of this 'village, has
recently gr,uhtitwl from the American
School of Osteopathy. He will pt•ae-
tise his profession in Lyons, Kansas.
Councillor John Putter has pur-
elet eil the 6t -acre farm of Jame., Snell,
eruct of the village in Morris township.
The prier paid WAS $:t,'2,iI). Mr. Snell
has twilight a farm near %%Ingham, in
PHF.uNNTA•nos.- One evening re-
cently ,the meinher,. of Mts. Curtis'
Bible clan in St. Andrew's church Sun-
day school a upon s h 1 v.utwl u pu her at h t
home pres�•tr bra• with n hand-
u -some t0elier's llible, aeeompanfed by
a kindly-worelwl addresat expressing
warm appreciationreciation of her l bo for
their welfare.
'd' moo so.--. Michael's; t• 1
Kl 1 1sit. church
was the scene of as happy event laal.
Monday morning. the I.i.uasiiill being
the• marriage of Mi.e Nellie Heenan
1 Frat11•is Kelly. Miss Mary Mc-
Caughey. of Clinton, WAS trideasmitid,
while Patrick Kelly performed the
dotter of groomsman. Mies -Hattie
M,Citi,ghey pm -dried int the o r.
Kan and Rev. Father 1l:aylun pee -
formed the 'ere ..... iv. At the con-
rlu-f of the ,'rt -e the wed-
ding patty- and guests weed to the
residence of, ,Wait. Kelly. of Shoals.
father n1 thegroom, whet•,• the wed-
ding breakfast %vi. served. Mi. . 1
Ml.. Kelly have taken tip their resi-
dence on the getenti's farm in Morris.
in I hairs an for The Slguol is at the of
Pore of J. t:. Wand. J.P., e.mceyafirer. etc- who
will rcx•Ise unlet, for-obsrrlpt ions. ad%spin'
Mg And .lob work, mot 1- wuthorited to give re-
ceipt. for amounts bawl for the s..i e.
I't' gst. Y. Feb. 27th.
Coria & ANTI (iolNo. Mars. John
Lane and syn, Malcolm. if Kinlough.
visit.rl relatives here for same day's
last week at the Presbyterian manse.
Mrs. 11. J. Crawford lett herr
last week, via (l,slrrich, of an ex-
lrnded visit. to relatives and friends at
London, Detroit and other paints.
We wish her it pleasant tine and safe
1 Nt't4F..t4F. 1 N Poer l.ATI' IN. We
eongretulate oar constable in the a d-
ditiun o(; a sun to his fetidly. Mlother
and Nally our doing well Mr's.
Kickley recently presented her liege
with a daughter. Mr. Kickley in in
consequence wearing teeny joyful
smiles. This makes to n ,additions to
the nurnlwr of citizens in Dungannon
of which the assessor of West Wawa -
nosh will require to take note when
on his ,aw.l'rsing tour.
Ni raw'. --Owing to there being no
suits of any import/ince ne the docket
there wan no session of the Division
Court on the date arranged for
The thaw which prevailed for some
time hat leen followed by a sudden
e• services Will
eve Lenten roll x
' n
lie )geld in Mt. Paul's r church n Fri-
day evening. March 2nd. Rev. W.
H. Hartley, Blyth, is expected to con-
duct the service, which commences at
7:*) p. nr . The numerous friends
,o1 Mrs. (Rev) T. Hicks are plr,used to
h at' that she is eonvales•ing and
tru t she will son be restored to her
won ed state of health.
i)Iu. ;ANNoN'N ('ng.a)IgnY. The set. -
cites Mr. Hennings. of Riveredale,
have Ix secured by 11e new cream-
ery roan y for the mining season.
Mr. Henn gs comes highly recom-
mended as an expert in [hie line,
having hat seven or eight years'
practical ex ence. for six years of
which he work successfully in For-
mosa creamery, nd gave great satis-
faction to his employers. Mr. Allen,
of the creamery, elates that he has
secured and stored about 154) tone of
ice in good :chaise for creamery use
and [.het in the course of three or four
weeks' he proposes to have everything
ready for beginning operations. The
prospects of patronage by the fanners
in furnishing cream are encouraging,
and A good season's manufacture of
Nutter is looked for. As it is rumored
that Nile factory has decidrll not to
commence the crexmsry
hueffiess the
corning season, i)ungannon's hatter
factory will probably- have the patron-
age of many farmers in that election of
the country-. We hope that the test
of success may attend the new in-
He Got the Raise.
A year ago a rnannfacturer hired a
boy. For months there was nothing
noticeable about the boy except that
he never took his eyes off the tna-
ehine he was running. A few weeks
ago the manufacturer looked up from
his work to see the boy standing be-
side his desk. "What do yin; want 'r"
he asked. "Want me pay raised."
"What nn• you getting :?" Tree dol -
len' a week." "Well, how much do
yon think you are 'Worth ?" "Four
dollars," "Yon think no, do you P"
"Yessir, an' I've been t�'inkin' so fer
['tee weeks, but I've beets) en blame
busy 1 haven't had time to tstppeewwk to
you about it." The I,oy got his raise.
-The Search -Light.
With slice the best throw one ran
make is to throw them away.
Hewdichee are the result of eye
strain : proper -fitting glowing will give
permanent relief. it you are troubled
that way consult Tante k Son nt. the
Britleh hotel, Goderich. on Wednne•
day Thursday ,and Friday, March
14th, 16th and 16th.
'1'r Iwu.t v, Feb. 27tIr.
Mr. limiter. of Michigan. has been
visiting Itis sister, Mrs. J. Rel d,
\\'alter • (look 1104 engaged ' with
David Ramsey ne an apprentice t)
barn the blacksmith trade.
Miss 13e1'.'& l' {)ell, of Goderich
Collegiate Institute, slam Saturday
and Sunday at her home here.
We are pleased to be tilde to slate
that Miss MaryChanliey is improv -
bog after an attack of appendicitis.
\Ve hole...ion t o see her out again.
MONDAY, Feb. :Nall.'
So uexpi. RICISMT. The following is
the standing of the pupils of I'ni' t S.
S. No. 17, Ashfield and West Wawa -
nosh, for the th of February:
Se ' • V.' Elena (1h•"in, Ada Camp-
bell. Daisy Rpm. Junior V. -Nellie
s, Stella Kirke.
Elliott, Flossie
4, Spra • Bailie,Lulu1?)i ikeits
Villain, Leonard
.-Uhmrlie Nivins,
nnior 111. -Ella
Ihrnkel . Calvin
- Walter Nixon,
Ryas, Lulu El
Senior IV.-
Klliotl, Villi
L ttt•.e M. n
Junior IV.---
Norman Ki
Sit others. (
Bailie. I1.
E. Nixon. etrge Nixon. Part
II. -- Oliver Kirke, Edythe Nixon.
Pitt 1. -Ernest McUrattan, John
Sproul. M.aa><I. A. Hamm, Teacher.
TUE:40A V. February 27th.
J. li. Hawkins, of (iuderiell, was, in
the villain. on Friday last.
MIts. bough's !McKenzie and child
Sud Miss MlcKenzie, of Goderich, are
visiting at Mr. Mi•Millan's.
Miss. Jessie McMillan, who is learn-
ing dressmaking in Goderich, is
visiting at her home here for a short
\\ Ilbe liawkins and his sister, Miss
Alice, ,attendo l the wedding of Miss
Whitley and Mr. Finlay on Tuesday
of last week.
. t k.
Miss 'I'hurhty, lir (4oderit•h. said
Miss Hatt rt•fotd, of Costar Valley,
wefe the tomtits Scof MI'.. and Mrs.
Juries Mr Milton.). over Sunday.
The remains of the late \piss Flor-
ence Willis were interred it the ceme-
tery heie on Friday afternoon last.
The deceased. who' was in I,,i- twrrlty'•
tint year. was horn here,- and Ler
filen,l. in this lo•ality Were sorry to
liter of her early demise. Her death
oceurred in tw,ldon, where she had
gout In have ,u1 operation l)rrforuled
forapis•ndicitis, The o?441.( ties were
',nib pled by the Itev. J. A. Andetston,
or tiotl•riel.
MoNn.ay. Fel. 20th.
KNTKIIT. LAMENT On Morello 150,
the Kpwort ;agues of Blake's atoll
Hackett so chins es will give- an enter
bailment in 1 ake's church.. An
excellent ;macro l being prepared.
Everybody welt'uu. ATMnission, 10
and 1:5 cents.
FINI.AY --\V IIITLK -- a residence
of Mrs. Whitley. 4t. cin e•seinn of
\vhHr t as the .eet balmy
event on
7'ueolav, h 1,rnal• :1111.
when her Ilatighler, MiiEva, waN
ted in IIIan'iage to Mtn rt le'in ay.
Rev. 1'. Hicks, of 1)pngat non, per-
formed t he rem.....ny. The best
wither of the community go with the
young people.
St-uot.I(Eeterr. The following is
the snort of S. M. No. 9, Ashlteld, for
F,•ht•pary, showing pereeltage•s ..b-
t,tineel at the smoothie• exo.... ti411
Continuation etc-. Rallis Stoth.•rs,
N3; Harold Trelcave•n. x11: \V„rthy
Kilptt•ick. 78: •balite Stuther•s, 70;
Finlay Reid, 65 ; Melvin Reed. 01
•\\1u. Littman. 57. IV. class -Latina
Fitzgerald. ail: George 'rrrleavens 70:
Sam, h'inluy. 57. Senior 11 L - Carman
Stutlrrs, 12: Fanny Fitzgerald, 111:
Mary S lets, '72: Leila. Blake, 71;
Pearl Smolders. HD: t\'un. Alton, 151;
Maggio. (1lon, IID; \\'allaee Tw,tinI, •,
011: • Bart Rivera. .Junior I11.
\\'niter Al4,n, 111; Keenest Hall, 7t;
George Sxundes, 07. Mentor 11. -
Walter GI.•n, 82: George Glazier, 81;
Effie Johnston. 77: Misery (;lazier, 71
Klilin Twvunley, 1E4; •Agnes Kearns,
411. .Junior 11. --Willie Glazier, ski;
Jessie Snot hers. NII: Tontuy (filen, 711;
Mary v Jnere -N• Edith Johnston, o 7.i.
art 1. -Win. Fitzgerald. id[ Glazier
Lily Alton. Winners of art rontest-
Senior i11. -Pearl Maunder. and Win.
Alton. ,Junior Ii1,--\\'altar Alton.
These marked • were absent for part
of ex;ani i notion,
J. l'. Mnrrnisl►ri. Teacher.
MONDAY, Feb. 21kh.
Jas. ('hioholun has lately put in {pipes
to connect his windulill and his
stables, so that now he can water his
stock without turning then) out.
Dir. and Min. Robert Bogie enter-
tained a large party of their friends
anti neighbors at their residents,
Lakeside farm, on Thn aeley evening.
The evening av,n4 anent in euchre and
d list, there being at t' is six
violins playing. The ftt►1 was kept up
with great spirit by the young peope
till the early h s of the Hing.
Roth Mr. and Dors. Bogie mhly per-
formed their duties me host and hostess
to their many glte, is and the party was
one ot the most snere•sstul of t he
'.t 'r or Mits. \ e o) Mrs.
1 k 1 .1 1.E 1 . .Ir..
John Mei.esl, it former well-known
resident of this vicinity, diel at Saault
Ste. Marie butt Thursday null her re-
trains were drought here for inter-
ment in the 1 'Iv plot in ('ollorne
cemetery, the funeral taking place
from the residence of her on Alex., in
Saltford. The deceased was eeventy-
two year's of age and leaves two Font,
Alex. and Dan. and four daughters.
She was a native of Prince Edward
Inland and is survived by two brothers,
Neil and John Heaton. She watt
rie'd at Sarnia and resided in ('olbpree
for forty )eats after that before
moving to the Sault, her husband pre-
deceattng her abut, twenty yearn.
Her ehildren are Mrs. ('nllinn and
Alex., of ('blbprne; Dan., MIS. Roberts
and Maria, of the Sault, and Mrs.
Hoggarth, of Dakota. Rev. .1. A.
Anderson conducted the services on
sundae and the tnlbbeerere were three
nephews (John Collison. M I Mit-
chell and Neil Innis), the decr,tsd'e
two soma and fames Buchanan.
The late Mtn. Mclseel wan highly es-
teemed by those who knew her. She
wet a kind. good mother end a kind
end obliging neighlor. She wns a
member of and a regldar attendant et.
the i'resbvterian church here *.•fore
her removal to Sault Ste. Marie ,some
ten years ago and a Targe number of
neighbors and friends followed her re-
mains to their last resting -place on
Sunday. The sytlpethy of many
friends is with the relatives In their
t4.t11'lin'Y, Feb. 11th.
The ( it met tlsl:ay,,all the utett-
1 hers present. 'rhe minutes of Inert•
Mtge of January nth xud tseird wen,
approved, o 0 unction of Messrs.
Stiles and Hunter. Messrs. Duruiu
,and Henderson were present and
presented reasons why the council
sl Id retain the Dungannon Driving
Park Association Hall as a court
room. No maim) WAS taken. Ire a
coin mmnicgliun front the Ontario
Municipal Association. it was mutant
by Messrs. Hunter and McKenzie that
the clerk he instructed to fo,'.vIid et
petition of this council to 211. G. l'a H-
ercrn, M. P. P., and request him to
present it to the Honer, asking fur the
repeal of section 006 of the .Municipal
Act, to as to relieve municipalities
from liability for nntu easosio v, bait not
for misfeasance, for non -repair of
highways. Uarried. MI o v e d by
Messrs. Stiles and McKenzie that the
tender of The Dieter ich Star for print-
ing fair 1111(11 be accepted. The bylaw
fixing road divisions and ,appointing
commissioners, as follows, wee passed:
Div. I., including conceiiiots 1, 2, 3,
4 and 5, fr K. B. to D. L., 1t. Mc-
Kenzie ; Div11., including conees-
einllt 0, 7, 8, 9 and part of 10, front E.
B. to lot 2, W. 1)., \V In. K4ekley :
Div. 111., including rooters/dome tura
of 111 and 11, 12, 13 1 14, E. R. to S.
R. 3 and 4, W. D., Win. Hunter:
I)iv. IV., remainder of concessions 1,
2. :3, 4, 5, 0, 7, N, 9, and L. H„ lots 1 to
24, J. Stiles ; Div. V.. remainder id
eoncesaione 10, 11. 12, 13 and 14 and
renlaidder of 1. R., J. Melntyrt•. Thr
auditors' tepr•t, allowing receipts for
1903. $17.1101.71/; exls'ndituna's, $16,-
311.55 ; cash balance in treasury,
$7x0.3:, : amount due from collector's
roll of 1905, $3,31:3.00; liabilities (in-
cluding 113, 71.95 1.115 corm))' rates), $:1,957.-
95; belanc of assets ikecettlter 31st,
111115. 62,105.06 -was ,adopted. on
Dionof Metiers. Stiles and Hunter. The
following' were ordered paid
G,xle•ich Star, printing Hnaulcutl
statentents. 27: \V. Richardson, re-
pairing washout on 1). 1. and one'
dray statute labor refunded, *2.75;
uniueal World,
\leulencitt liopn al s\n\' hiI
I(t4anrt3snrm) su$p0;w ,
register, $l).s5; J. (.i1 eightcet
rola ditch, drawing tile and clearing
tree off road. 1111.23: T. Co. Allen. reg-
istration ot B., D. and 51., 191/5, $21.I11:
W. ‘V limn. repairing loridge, N. It,
*1 1.0: J. 1).'1in, tilling washouts, con-
cession 4 and S. It. 9 and 101, *2.51); i).
Mel►onuld. tilling wool ts, I.. 11..
and repairing snow tenet', S. R. 0,ul41
10, $2.01); Jaw. Robins( n repairing cul-
vert, concession 2, $l : K. McIwo nnau.
repairing colvett, 1.. R.. 50k.: John
Long. auditing. $10: A. H. Finlayson,
liting, $10; N. Me1lonald, refund
business tax. $1.12: total. accounts
paid, $87.17. Next nesting Match
loth, Tilos. G, Al.t.gN, Clerk.
C. P. H. Branch.
\Ve have before us on our desk,
says The Hanover Post, the nap of
the ppropos I Ineat' of the Walker•
ton -Lek • railway. The route is
Markel with a red line, and, vont-
htenr•ing at Proton Station in the
Inwushill of Art•mesia, it passes
through Durham. Allan Park, Han-
over. Maple Hill. 'Walkerton, Tees -
water, where• i t branches, one
road‘g ; g to Kincardine, the other to
1.uckrtow and \Vinglmut. Thee is
every Cement' to believe that all this
railroad atalk will end np with more
than is rut a on paler : indeed, there
is ever y Irmo n to believe that this C.
P. R. e•xtensio is a reality of the near
Frons The Mail and Ilfanpl lo legal
J. M. .t'., Nile, Ont, -Qt .--About
twenty-Hvt• yeaf•s ago ten acres of land
were sold for taxes to A, who got a tax
deed and registp•wl it. rl'he land hand
not at that time leen granted by the
('toren. About twenty year. ago, 13
obtained se patent front the -Crown of
fifty acnes. which included the ten
acres: atilt after occupying it for six
years sold it to 1', and C afterwards
sold it to It who is now in toss.ssion.
Can I/ have the tax deist net aside :•
' patent n e
Ana. -The 1 tt nt fro 1 th Crown"
r ton"
gives a title paramount to and super-
n er-
seleetine'•lax deed" t) A. The fact
that the tax deed is registrntl does trot
give it priority in this cane. The deed
herd not be net aside, however. near ran
the registration be erased from the
nooks of the Registry (Mice. The
books roust. ant. Ito changed.
(21 A never haul any valid tithe t
whatever apparent atill.•
the ten acres ; f
the tax deet gave hurl las leen 40,
!iterated by the patent from the Crown
10 B. ----
Important Timber Sale.
Fels. 211. -Foal' gentlemen
well known in Inunlwr ;irides timet al
the King Edward hotel on Maturdav,
and as a r•nitlt line of the largest
transactions in the lumbering iuda,-
try in recent years ex.•clll•r•wl. The
gentlemen referred to were Mt•. A. 1•:.
Uvneut, M. 1'., Thessnlon ; Messrs'.
F. 1', Nester and (neo. Nester•, of I)o-
hail, Jr -presenting the Thos. Nester
e,ttte, etroit, and Mr. W. Bishop; of
the Limey Iliehop 1,urnher Com-
pany, Chicago. When the party
separated the extensive saw and
shingle mails at Thessnlon, Ont., and
the valuable tltnlxr limits' in that
vicinity owned by N. A. Dyntent
lied passed into the ppssesnion of the
gentlemen from the United States,
who have formed a syndicate to eerry
on the opxratious formerly carried on
by Messrs. Dy,uent. The limits are
ndh in tinker, containing suflirient
to keep the mills going for mom.-
anyyean. The purchase price was $H,,fl,•
111. Mr. N. Oy rent, Barrie, and Mr.
A. E. Dynent, M. P.. Thessnlon, are
memlperm of the firm which made the
Equal to the Occasion.
The ministc'r'n wife had an unwel-
eonle visitor in a very talkative scan-
dalmonger, so the minister wentnut
for a etrodl. Returning half an hour
later, he called ort :
"That old eat. plane. I anppoee
"Yee," maid his wife, who hall still
her finest talking to her, "I sent it
hone in a basket., my dear, thin morn-
What do you think of that for pres-
ence of mind and absence of eat 7 -
Christian Aife.
Clark's Pork and Beans
is a dish to enjoy -perfectly conked
tardily 'marooned And very mil ritions
and economical. (:et. *ono.. {'lain or
flavored with chili or tomato sauce,
6r. anti ilk:. Una.
Esse and ore avers' t. rain Far ).0 i..
Clever a toad Fwd.
I have beard and experlen'ed that
charcoal (a highly beneficial If used for
fattening either decks or fowls, but it
hai only ret•eutly coupe to my kuotvl-
edge that beer is it splendid agency In
the saute cause. 'Nesertbelesr it Is so,
rays A. V. Meerseb in N'esteru Poultry
Journal. If you want to fatten your
ducks or ducklings speedily and luex-
pensively, • mix their meal wltb stub
beer; also glue them some -brewers'
grain If potesltlle and avoid giving so
mach fat or grease.- You will be uston-
islled at the result. The fattening is
accomplished in a much quicker space
of- time, one great feature being ;lie
absence! of au overabundant fat -i. e.,
ruperduous yellow fat, which is the di-
rect consequence of fattening with
greasy substances. The malt in the
beer produces flesh pure and simple,
also weight, the two great aims of the
fattener. Flesh weighs heavier than
fat, and ducks fattened on beer weigh
half as much {gain as those fattened
on other Ingredients. There need be
no apprehension ardlug the flavor.
Not even the •tans est or most rigid
abstainer could detect vidence of beer
r n course I
Bylode [
unnatural. stale
do not mean moldy or sour beer, but
any left In Jigs or glasses from the
dinner or sapper table, I the dregs of
bottled beer, etc. Neither need there
be any cause of alarm anent the color.
I have had whiter flesh fattened this
way than any other. 1 earnestly rev-
ommeud the method, knowing it will
give entire satisfaction upon experi-
Clover is an admirable food for fowls,
and this Is easily understood when It
is considered that 100 pounds of dried
clover leaves contain eleven pounds of
protein and sufficient Minae to flew the
shells of 300 eggs. A fowl breeder on
a large Beide told us lately that since he
begau to give his fowls green clover in
summer and dried clover leaves in
winter they have passed mach better
through the molting time and that he
has had many more eggs; that his
young birds get their feathers much
1i strong ones. in
u ekes and form b tro
9g R
summer he cuts the green clover up in-
to, bite of about an inch and gives a
handful to every five fowls. )1'o get a
supply for winter use be informs the
writer that he cuts the clover when it
begins to lower, dries it well In the
sun, packs It in.*ags and stores It In a
dry barn. Then he takes quantities as
required, dries in the oven and rubs
the leaves In his hands into time ptecen.
The powdered les are then neakded
or boiled and about a handful for every
five fowls mixed with the ordinary
daily food. The remits of thin., system
are so favorable that he says tbst he
will bet a hundred to one that no one
who has tried It will ever again aban-
don It
P•witry P.lasta. '
11.. sassafras poles for perches or
daub aunt poles as you may have with
a liberal supply of oil of sassafras to
keep the coop free from roost lice.
Throw some river sarsd or gr.nvel is
a annoy corner of the ehirken yard.
The poultry will engioy a. good sunning
and duet hada.
For nwstipotbn In your dock give a
sprinkle of red flapper in the food.
When the boweas are Imese use black
pepper. Keep plenty of clean water
where the poottry can get it at all
hour of the day.
Send your poultry to roost with a full
',Give the poultry a pan of ttttermtlk
or thick skim milk occasionally.
Don't let the poultry roost in a draft
or they will get cold in the bead and
consequently will not do as well for
laying or market as they wl1Y it well
eared for.
Adversity sometimes transforms as
coward into a hero.
Are you a subscerilxr to 'the Signal
Read • 'child -fins list on this page.
if a man is prosperous he has no use
for him friends ; if he ian't. they have
no use for him. --Chicago News.
IfflpoYerIsed Soil
The newest importations in
Scotch and
Canadian Tweeds,
of English Worsteds,
Cheviots, Serges, etc.
New Patterns
New Effects
Made up in
latest styles
Fit guaranteed at
moderate prices
Art Tailors, Clothiers, Furnishers, Hatters, etc.
North side Court House Square, Goderich.
Mark Twain Was Rsslponsive. -
:\ friend wrote to Mark Twain, ask-
ing his opinion 00 a reetlin Hint WI..
and received no reply. 11e waited x
few days and wrote ,again.
Hit see 1 letter was also ignored.
Then he sent at third mute, enclosing n
chert of paper and a two -cent stamp.
Hy return until he received a postal
coni, on which was the following:
"Parser and stem){ received. Please
send envelope." -Bracton Herald.
one .mall fee learn- telegraphy, not
easy, express tele,erwph and tick.'
accounting. The now. and ,•onpnrt.
H'stoul which 1 teach gives a thorough
knowledge in bookkeeping. 1411die.i
1 4•r114 a Sinnott more per month.
A. E. MATHESON, Principal.
nFFD'e 0. W. Thomson S Son's'
3I n.ic Store• on"( be Square.
Mlaylw if women had talking cinder
they would do sane sewing.
Lots more people would he honest 1 s.Qit
if there was any money to be utacie by
Impoverished soil, like impov-
mpoverished blood, needs a proper
fertilizer. A chemist by analyz-
ing the soil can tell you what
fertilizer to use for different
If your blood is impoverished
your doctor will tell you what
you need to fertilize it :and give
it the rich, red corpuscles that
are lacking in it. It ma•r be you
need a tonic, b ut more lady you
need a concentrated ft Ib food,
and fat is the element lacking
in your system.
There is two fat food that is
BO easily digested and assimi-
lated as
Scott's Emu lsion
of Cod Live:.r Oil
It will nourish and etrenK•then
the body when milk and co lam
fail to do it. Scott's Emulsi, 'n
is always the same; alway S
palatable and always beneficial
where the body is wanting from
any cause, either in children
or adults.
We will Bead you a sample few.
sure ais
tan in thethfotrmth01 A
label b on the wrapper
of every bottle of Entul-
5(00 you buy.
Welts, Ht.
t 60r. And 11 00.
K All Druggists. f .
You cannot be expected to have faith in
Shiloh'. Conium R
ptaon (:u the Lung
Tonic, as a cure for Cold.. Coughs andel(
diseases of the air passages, if you have
not toed it. We have faith in it, and we
guarantee is/ Hit doesn't cure you u cows
you nothing. If it don it cow you 2$c.
That's (air. Try it to -day.
Shiloh has cured many thousands of the
most obstinate use., and we do nor desats
ID say that it wall cure any Cold, Cough.
Throat or Lung trouble. 11 we did Dot
believe this we would not guarantee it.
Shiloh has had an unbroken record of
success@ for thirty year.. It has stood
every possible rest without failure. Further
is found in the many testimonials of those
who have tried Shiloh and been cured.
Mrs. Atchie Taylor. Asaph, Pa.. writes : -
" 1 beech' • bottle of Shiloh'. Como•npoa Cum
.ad found it very beneficial. 1 haverwo ch idem.
and they 4.d • terrible cough. 1 gave them
everything 1 <aukd think of. Lahey ran. lune,
until one husband ht • bottl,e�oyf
We ga.e t the e rhil en when
41411 to hod. end they slept dmired
night. It r
them completely. 1 til always keep it in the
hens." nor
We Can.
always ly on our customers' satisfac-
tion wit 'our
Canned Goods
becalm' we handle'only reliable brands
Goat we know all about. Every houne-
kee1er knows how It difference
there in in t hese household ntsewsitirs.
And it is not always the price that in-
surers the quality. We are showing a
tine c.f cannelKoxls that we are sell• -
ng very low indeed, au low in fact
hat you will toe sufpristd how good
hey are when they appear on your
25c. with gum/interWhere,,, med dais u old. STURDY & CO:
the comfort of shaving with a really
good Razor''! Do you "scrape"
along from day to day and dread
the pain of shaving ? My friend,
tins Is all unnecessary. Buy a Black
1►ialnond Razor. Use it one mouth.
If it does not shave you with entire
comfort and satisfaction, in fact if it
does not make shaving a pleasure in -
Stead of an operation to be (treaded,
bring it back to our store and we
will ,cheerfully refund your money
without question or argument. That
should strike youas a pretty squaredeal.
The Hardware Man
3 ?F
3 6,' During the past ten months I have enjoyed a fair share of
trmle, Isltla in country and town, and as this is my first year in rFi
.. bush/coo 1 ami anxious to ke the aggregate sakes for the .s
year pas large as possible. To this end i have decided to RE-
ltil IP
3 Past oust is, as well las prospective ones, will Haid It
i profitable to them In take advantage of this sale.
My entire eto•k ie fresh, being renewed at frequent inter-
.. vele. No tfld stock to clean off. The reduced prices are on tr
t all new goods.
Highest rash or trade price will be given for Nutter
A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited.
and E
Fi rst store from square, west side Hamilton st.
lit! T! tutswtotwt TsotN'TTorotiTTftwf tAveit