HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-1, Page 6f
8 THURSDAY, Nfareh 1, Lill
I Rheumatism of the bask.
The cause la Ursa Acid
in the blood If the Sid-
ney did their work than
would he no Uric Acid and
no Lump qco. Make the
I.Wnes do their work. Th.
sure, posit..a ••d only
cure for Lumbago la
1 111'11 r hint a 1111 1 r o,l11 ti tat t• rel
n ►eltrr•litliug suit." said a mina who
gets his clothes made at
A full stnek of medium and heavy
weight clothes for fall and winter wear
Suits and Overcoats
[blade to illeaatile on short notice. '
Ready-to-wear Clothing—gooti and
stmng—madeon the premises.
DUNLOP, the Tailor
Special One -Way Rates
to Billings, Mont., Denver.
Colorful° Springs. Salt Lake
City, Nelson, Roseland. Van-
couver. Portland, Ore.. San
Francisco. Tickets on sale
Special Settlers' Trains
to Northwest
Every Tuewiay I u r i o g
March and April a special
train with colonist sleeper
will have Toronto at 9 p.m..
for Manitoba and ' the
Northwest. P a s e e n ger s
travelling without liveetex•k
ahould take express leaving
Toronto 1:15 pear.
The Short Line to Cuba
Leave hmmne Thiusday p,
In.. arriving in Havana,
Cuba, a, early :Monday morn-
ing. 1)1 re c t connection.
Tourist rates in effect.
For tickets and full in.
fau111.tIia.11 a.111 nn
Town Agent,
Office hours: 6:3i a. in. to
9;M) p.m.
JOHN STRAiTON; Depot Agent
J. D. McDonald, District Pas-
senger Agent, Toronto. ,
'PHONE 15 oil 24
When yon want
THF. iir:=l
Wrhon.e ( cr. tt-est
and Yard. 1 (-t rept and
At Dock square
ttarAll Coal weighed on the market .scale.,
where you get •MM' la. for it ton.
Orders left at ('. 1'. 1.1.1,;14 'tenter' Store
East side Mquare, prowpth attended to.
f, �* ▪ r
Canadian Northwest
Homestead Regulations.
Any even numbered ...lion of 10,tohdon
!Anita inMonitnhoot- the Nnrth wrrt Ihv,vierr•.
estepptting a and M, nM cr,.rrv.•el. myyy lit home.
stawded by any pet..m w•ho 1. Ihr o,br' ia', i of a
fancily. needy male over Ia) carr of lice. In the
estate of ,me -quarter trrrtiem of IAc etre., mon,
or foss.
Entry) may he remade petwma(ly at the Irw•nl
land Dinar fol the di.trlet In whirl, the land In
.11 uale, or if the hnttte'anadrt ,j,iro., he may,
on application to the Minfater of the Interior,
Ottawa, the i -o iwsloner of I iteration.
Winnipeg. or the frenal agent r.vice authority
for some one to make entry for him.
The homesteader I. required to perform the
condition. ennnect.d therewith under one n
the following plena:
(1) At treat .Ix month.' retidener upon and
cultivation of the land In each year for three
141 if the father tor mother, If the Lather la dr•
eeeaedi of the hnne•at ender tr.Idea upon a faro
In the vielnity M the land entered t q the re
gntrrment. m. to m+ddente may he .ntbard
by ioh 'moon molding with the father or
Co if the Witter has hi. pernionent ra•Idenee
upon farming land owned 'by him 0, the Nein
1,) of hl• hmnmt,e.t. the mgnfrementa to. In
recklenre may he .ot toned b)• cr.Metter upon
the told land.
Mit month' not ler 1•, %tiling.hn.dd tor given
to the ('nmml..loier of l tominlon Land. at
Ottawa of Intention to apply for patent.
W. W. r oft V.
nepnty of the Miniotei of the Intel Mr.
N.R.—l'nauthnrlsed pnbhratbon of till. ad
vsttl.esisnt will not he paid for.
4- Millions
Copyright, Het.
by Yerb.re S. Swag
! C.m1aay
(KitibARD (.RLAV(f)
«T'$ op to Jones nun'." kept run
ulug through llrew:tt:'s broil
as he drove off to keep his up
boltbu out with Peggy Gray
"'1'91' IUIhli011 Is goue—all gone. I'm as
poor as Jolt's' turkey. les up to Jones.
but 1 don't see how lie ran decide
against, we. Ile Insister( on making a
pauper of inc. and he can't have the
heart to throw we down 110W. But
what If he Should take it into. his head
to be ugly: I wonder If I could break
the will I wonder If 1 could boat him
out in court."
Peggy was waiting for hint. Hcr
cheeks were flushed as with a frier.
She had caught from him the tuad ex-
citement of the occasion.
"Como, Pegg)':" be exclaimed eager-
ly. '-This is our hist holiday. let's be
merry. We can forget It tomorrow If
you like when we iwgsn all over again,
but maybe it will be worth remember-
ing." He assisted her to the seat uud
then leaped up beside her. "We're off:"
he cried, his voice quivering.
"It is absolute madness. dear:" she
said. but her eyes were sparkling with
the joy of recklessness. Away went
the trap and the two light hearts. Mrs.
,.Gray turned from a window In the
house with team In her eyes. To her
troubled mind they were driving off
into utter darkness.
'"rhe queerest looking mnu came to
the house to see you this afternoon.
Monty," said Peggy-. "Ile wore a
beard, and he made me think of Rem-
ington's cowboys."
"What watt his name?"
"He told ((10 maid It did not mutter.
I saw Mut as be walker( away, and he
looked very much u man. He said he
would Poole tomorrow 1f he did not
fiud you dowutowu tonight. Don't you
recognize him from the daaeriptlout"
"Not at all. Cau't lmaglue who he
Is." "
"Monty," she said after a moment's
painful reflection. "Ile—he couldn't
have been a"—
"1 know what yon mean, an °Meer
tteilt up to attach my heloggingtt or
something of the sort.- No, dearest; 1
give you my word of honor I do hot
owe a dollar In the world." Then he
reeallyd his peculiar indebtedness to
hragdnn and Gardner. "Except one or
two tray small personal obligations,"
he added hastily. "Don't worry about
it, dear; we are out for a good time,
and we must make the most of It.
First we drive through the park, then
we dine at Merry's." s
"Butt we must dress for that, dear,"
she cried. "And the chaperon?"
. He turned very red when age spoke
of dressing. "I'm nehamed to confess
It, Peggy, but'I have no other clothes
than throe I'm wearing now. Don't
look so hurt, dear. i'nt going to leave
au onler fur new evening clothes to-
morrow If I have the time: And about
the chaperon. People won't be talking
before tomorrow, and by that time"—
"No, Monty, Merry's 1s out of the
question. We can't go there," she Said
"Oh, Peggy! That spoils everything,'
h e-erird in deep disappointment.
"It Isn't fait to Inc,' Monty. Every-
ty would know us, mad every
gue w•OUId wag. They 'would say:
'There are Monty Brewster and Mar-
garet (:ray. Spending his last few dol.
'are o11 her.' You wouldn't hare them
think that?"
Ile saw the Justine In tier protest.
"A quiet little dinner in some art of
the way plane would be Joyous," she
added persunsly'iy.
"You're right, Peggy, you're always
right. You see. l'ni PO Ilorrl to spend
Ing money by the handful that t don't
know how to do It any other way. 1
believe 1'11 let yoe onrry the pocket-
book after, tnnu,rruw. Tat me think.
I know a ntee little restaurnnt down•
town. t'e'll go there and then to the
theater. -Dila De\Lille nod hlr wife are
to be In my box, and we're nil going
tip to I'Pttingill's atoll° afterward.
I'm to give the Little Scans a farewell
sapper. If wy ealculatioiis don't go
wrong tint will be the end of the Jaunt
and we'll go 1101114' linppy."
At 11 o'tloek Pettiuglll'a studio open.
ed Its doors to the Little Sons and
their guests, and the last "Dutch
hutch" was soon under way. Brewster
hail paid for it early to the cveuiug.
mid 011(11 he eat down at the head of
the tghle there was not a penny In his
pockets, A year ago at the PtIII1e plaeP
and at the same hour be and the Lit-
tle Sons were having n birthday feast.
A million dollars cone to him on that
night. Tonight lin was poorer by far
than on the other occasion, but he ex-
peet(s1 a little gift on the new anni-
veren rya
.‘round the toned( besides the nhe
LIMP Mons ant six guettts, nnimng them
the DeMlllee, Pegg& Gray and Mary
Valentine. Topper iinrrlson writ(' the
only absent Little Son, and his Health
was prolsosed 1ix itrewster nIntoet be -
(ore the echoes of the tonal to the bride
and groom Alone away.
Interruption come earner on tole oe-
ension than It 001 that night a year
ago. Ellis did not deliver his inensuges
to Brewster until 3 o'clock In the morn -
Ing, but the A. D. T. toy who rang the
bell at I'ettingllrs a year later handed
him a telegram before 12 o'clock.
"(eougratulalions are coming In, oke
man," said Dentis ss Monty looked
fearfully at the little envelope the boy
had given him.
"Many happy returns of the day,"
anggcsted Waggon. "iny .Tore, It's own-
ed*. of you to art married on your
birthday, Monty. it maven time and ex -
pomp to your friends."
"Rend it aloud," said Subway Smith.
'Two to one It's from Nopper Harri-
son," cried i'tttingill.
firewater's fingers trembled, he knew
not why, se he evened the envelope.
There was the most desnlat. feeling In
his heart, the meet ghastly premonition
that III news had eenn In this Isat
Timm lie drew forth the telegram and
S lowly. °sinfully. unfolded It. No one
' could have told by his exprewsluu that
he felt almost that hewinTettiling 1.1x
, death warrant. It etas (rout Grout &
Ripley and evidently had Leen follow-
ing hiw about town for two out three
hours. The lawyers had fillet It at 8:30
11.' read it at a glance, his ryes burn-
ing. his heart freezing:
come to office Immrhateiy. Will wmlt
all nlaht tar you !f c:ry•Jonhits
disappeared. and thenemeox lecab.solutelyca no
taco of him. GRANT & RII'LEY.
Brewster sat am one paralyzed, abso-
lutely- no Egli of emotion in his funs.
The others begau to clamor for the
contents of the telegram, but his
tongue was stiff and motionless, his
ears deaf. Every drop of blood In his
(lady was stilled by the shock, every
sense given hien by the Creator was
eeutend upon eleven words lu, the
handwriting of a careless telegraph op-
erator, ••.loues has disappeared. and
tliere>•Is absolutely 00 traoc of Min."
"Jones has dlsappearedr Those
were the• words, plain and terrible in
their clearness, tremendous 10 their
brutality. Slowly the rest of the MPs -
sage began to urge Its claims upon his
brain. "Coale to our office Immediate-
ly" and "Wilt wait all night" battled
for recognition. IIP was calm letause
he had not the Uuw•er to express an
emotion. flow- be maintained (control
of himself afterward he never kiittw.
Some powerful, kindly forts. asserted
Itse1¢, conning to jilt relief with the
timelines% of a genie. Gradually it
begat( to dawn upon him that the oth-
ers were wafting for hien to read the
message aloud. IIe was not sure that
Q '>
Brewster Rot es one ;Harrill/2.0.
a sound would come forth when he
opened his lips to spenk, but the tones
were steady, natural and cold as steel.
"I not sorry 1 can't tell you about
this," he said, so gravely that his beats
erg were silenced. "It is a business
matter of such vital Importance that
I must ask you to excuse ate for an
hour or so. • I will explain everything
tomorrow. Please don't de uneasy, it
you will .lo me the honor to grace the
►xru•d of an abseut host I'll be moot
grateful. It is imperative that i go
and at once. I propulse to return In nn
hour." He was standing, his knees as
stiff as iron.
"Is It anything serious?" asked De
"What! Has anything happened?"
CROW in halting, frightened tones from
"It concerns me alone, and It is pure-
ly of a buoinees nntnre. Seriously. I
ehn't (belay going for another minute.
It Is vital. In an hour i'll n•turn. Peg-
gy, don't be worried—don't be dis-
tressed about me. Go nn and hare
n goal time, everybody, and you'll find
me the Jolliest fellow of all when 1
Male heel:. Flt's 12 o'clock. i'II be here
by 1 nh'tbe ?.3(I of September."
"tet me go'wltb yon," pleaded Peg-
gy tremulously as sbe followed him
into the1 1
"i mint go alone," he answered.
"Don't worry, little woman. It will
be all right."
Ills kiss sent a chill to the very bot-
tom of .l'eggy's heart.
titA1'Tl:tt XXXiI!.
VERYTHING seetuesl like a
dream to Brewster as he soonest
off through the uight to the of•
tee of (rant & Itlpley. Ile was
dazed, bewildered, hardly:, more than
half consr•ious. A bitter, smlle crept
about his lips a.. be drew away from
the street car track almost ns hitt ho1111
(111,l)ed the rail of n car he hall sig.
haled. Ile rememlertsl that be did not
have money enough to pay his fare. It
was six or seven Hooks to the office of
the lawyers, and he was virtually run-
ning before he stopped at the entrance
of the big building.
Never hid an elevator trat•eltrl more
slowly than the one whl1'h slot him to
the peventlt floor. A light shone through
the transom nlove the attorneys' door,
and he entered without- so n1Ueh as a
rap omthc penis!. Grant, who was pac-
ing the floor, came to a standstill and
file.! his visitor.
"('lose the door, please," came In
steady tones from Ripley. Mr. Grant
chimp's] Into a chair, and Brewster
methanlenlly slammed tie door.
"Is it true?" be demanded hoarsely,
bis hand still on the knob.
"Sit down, Brewster, and control
yourself," said Ripley.
"Gond God, man, r'an't yon PP* 1 am
came?' cried Monty. "Go on; tell me
all about It. What do you know? What
have you bean] ?"
"11. cannot be found, that's all," an-
nounced Ripley, with deadly Intent-
ness. "1 don't know what It means.
There Is no Plpbanation. The whole
thing to bnco.weleable. Alt down, and I
will tell you everything as Qolekiy as
"There Isn't math to tell," Meld Grant
"1 ala take It better standing," do -
Morsel itrawst.,. •tonne. vile taws
"Juan' was last seeu 1n Butte on the
341 of this mouth." said Ripley. "We
sent leveret telegrams to him utter
that day, making when lie expeettrl to
Ieal•t• fur New ]'ark. They never were
claimed. sud the telegraph tOmpauy
reported that he could not be found.
We thought he might have gone off to
look after some of his property and
were not tonnes,. Finally we began to
wonder why he had not wind 110 00
leaving for the" east. 1 telegraphed
again stud got no answer, It (Nulled
upon us that this was something un-
wind. We wired his secrettury and re-
ceh•esl a response from) the chief of
police. He asked lu turn If we could
tell 111111 anything about the where-
henabouts of Junes. This naturally alarm-
ed us, and yesterday we kept the wires
hot. The result of our Inquiries 1s ter-
rible, Mr. Brewster."
"Why didn't you tell we?" asked
"There can be uo doubt that Jones
has fled, aecompanied bytes seeretury.
The belief In Butte is that the secretary
has murdered him."
Ripley moistened his lips and went
on. .
"We have dispatehee here from the
police, the honks; the trust cowpaules
and from a half dozen mine managers.
You may read them It you like, but 1
can tell you what they spry. About the
1st.of thin south Jones began to turn
various securities Into money. It is
now known that they were ones the
property of James T. S*tigwick, held
lu trust for you. me safety deposit
vaults were nfterwnrd visited, and in-
spection elbows that he removed every
scrip of stack, every land, everything
of value that he could lay his hands
WPM. Ilia own paters mud effects
were not disturbed. lours alone have
disappeared. it Is this fact that cuu-
vinces the authorities that the secreta-
ry has made away 'with the old mum
and has tierd with the property. The
baud:, people say that Jones drew out
every dollar of the Setlgwic•k money,
and the ['olive say that he realized tre-
mendous sums on the convertible se-
curities. The strange part of it is that
he sold your lnlnes and your real es-
tate; the purchaser being a man mowed
Golden. Brewster, tt—It looks very
much ns it be hid disappeared with
' Brewster did not take his eyes from
Ripley's face throughout the terrible
speech. Ile did not wove a fraction of
an lush from the rigid position as-
sumed at the beginning. '
'Is anything being done?" he asked
"The pollee are investigating. IIe Is
known to have stertor! off into the
mountains with this secretary on the
311 of September. Neither has been
seen since that tiny so far as any one
knows. The earth seems to have swal-
lowed them. The authorities are
searching the mountains and nre mak
Ing every effort to find Jones or his
body. lie is known tole eccentric, awl
at first not much Importance was at-
tached to his actions. That is nil we
can tell you at present. There may be
developments tomorrow. It looks bad
—terribly bad. We --we hail the utmost
confidence in Jones. I"wish I could
help yon, my boy."
"I don't blame you, gentlemen," maid
Brewster bravely, "It's jest my lurk,
that's nil. Something told me all along
that—that it wouldn't turn out right. I
wasn't looking for this kind of end,
though. My only fear was that—Jones
wouldn't consider me worthy to receive
the fortune. It never occurred to me
that he might prole to be the—the un-
worthy one."
"I will take ynu.,n little farther,lnto
our confidence, Brewster," anld (:rapt
slowly. "Mr. Janes notified us In t
beginning that he would be governed
largely In his decision by our.opinion
of your conduct. That la why we felt
no hesitation in ndrlaing you.to erns
finite as you were going. While yua
were off at sea we had .many lettere
from him, all In that sarcastic vein, of
his, but in none of them did be ogee a
word of criticism. IIe seemed thor-
oughly altisflcd with your methods. in
fact, he once said he'd give a tuilllon of
his own money 1f it would purchase*
your ability to.spend one-fourth of It."
"Well, he can have my experience
free of charge. A beggar can't be a
chooser, you know," said Brewster bit-
terly. Illil,color twos gradually'eotniug
back. "What do they know about the
secretary:" be asked suddenly, intent
and alive.
"Ile was a new one, -1 understand,
Who came to .Tones lean thou a yenr
ago. Jones Is said to have bad implicit
faith In hlln," said, Ripley.
"And he disappeared at the same
'Miry were last seen together."
"Then he has put an end to ,tunes!"
cried Monty excitedly. "It Is am pluin
an day to me. Don't you see that 11e
exerted some sort of influence over the
old Ivan, inducing him to get all this
money together on some pretext or
other solely for the purpose of robbing
hien of the whole nnount? Was ever
anything more dinLnlleal??" HP ts'gan
pneing the floor like an animal. nerv-
ously clasping and nnelasping his
hands. We must catch that secretary;
I don't believe Jones was dishonest.
He has been duped by a clever scenn-
"The strangest circumstance of all,
Mr. Brewster, ie that no Buell person nn
C10141n, the pwrehaser of ;emir proper-
ties, can be found. He Is supposed to
reside In Omaha, and It Is knnwn that
he paid nearly $8,0e0,(00 for the prop-
erty that now stands In his name. 1ln
paid It to Mr. Jones In cash, too, Dud
he paid every cent that the property Is
"Rut he const be In exlstenes some.
where," cried Brewster In perplexity,
"How could be pay the money If 11e
doesn't exist?"
"I only knew that no trnee of the
man rnn he found. They know nothing
of him In Omaha," maid (lrnnt helpbr'as-
'So It bun finally happened" said
Brewster, but his excitement .had
drnppwl. "Well;' he added,. throwing
himself Into a deep thnir, "it was nt-
w•uym muoh ton strange to be true.
Even ret the beginning It seemed like a
drenm, and now ---well, now i nm filet
Awake, like the Iittlp boy after the
fairy tale. i neem Ilk, a fool to have
taken It so aerionsly."
"'there ons nn other way," protesurl
Ripley. "yon were smite riot"
'Well, after all,' continued Brewster,
noel the votes. wets as of one M a
drenlp, "portiere 11'e ns well to have
been.ln Wonderland, even It you have
to cows down afterward to the or-
dinary world. I aw foolish, perhaps,
but even How I would not give it up."
Then the thought of Peggy clutched
hint by the throat, and be stoppxed.
After a moment be gathered himself
together and rose, "Gentlemen," be
said sharply„and-his voles had chaug•
ed "I have hod my fun, and tine la tho
eud of It. Down underneath 1 aut des-
perately Metro? the whole thing, uud 1
give you wy word that you will Lind ole
a different luau tuwon•ow. 1 aui going
to buckle down to the real thing. 1
mw going to prove that wy grandfa•
tier's blood 1s in me. And 1 shall
come out ou top."
Ripley was obviously moved as be re-
plied: "I don't question It for a . mo -
went. you are made of the right stuff.
i sow that long ago. You tnuy count
on us tomorrow for any amount you
Grant indorsed the opinion. "I like
your spirit, Brewster," he said. "There
are not tunny men who would have
takeu this as well. It's pretty hard on
you, too, and it's a miserable wedding
gift for Your bride."
"We may have iinportaiit news from
Butte 111 the mottling." said Ripley
hopefully. "At any rate, more of the
details. The newsggpers will have
senslttional stories IR doubt, end we
hare asked for the latest Particulars
direct from the authorities. We'll Mee
that things are properly 1uvnitiguted.
Go home now, wy bop, laud go to best
You will begin tomorrow with gaol
luck at your aide, uud you may to
h:lpgiy 1111 your life In spite of tonight's
"I'm sure to be happy," said Brew-
ster simply, "The ceremony taken
place at 7 o'clock, ge•utleneu. I was
conning to your office at 9 ou a tittle
matter of Lushness, but I roach' It won't
atter all be necessary for me to hurry.
I'll drop In lx'foru noon, however, and
get that matey. Iny the way, hero
are the receipts for'the money I spent
tonight. Will you put thein away with
the others? I Intend to live up to 0,
part of the contract. and It will since
toe the trouble of presenting them reg•
Warty in the wonting. Gaol night,"
gentlemen. 1 am sorry you were obllg-
eil to stay 1111 so late o11 my amount."
He left them bravely enough, but he
had more than one moment of weak-
ness before he could meet his friends.
The world seemed unreal and himself
the most unreal thing In It. But the
night air aetcd as a stimulant, nod
helped him to call bnek his courage.
When he entered the studio at 1 o'clock
he was prepared to,redeem his proal+e
to be "the Jolliest fellow of thein all,"
Igo ss con/Ivor-6J
Radiant Womanhood•
The glory and satisfaction of beauti-
ful womanhood can be known only (o
lhoiie• loaw•tsitig the unlimItell all.
'vantages of health. No weak w))nurl
can be happy or enjoy half the plea.-
uresof life. Pallid cheek'. sunken eyes,
exhtulted nerve's,, all tell ref a ter-
rible struggle to keep up. What the
weak .woman needs is 1•'enT'oz(tne, it
nonuser, restores 'del ',it,elizee 111-
stanlly it's a "woman's 'remedy,"
that's why.
Ferntznne makes wnlnen. strong,
Omni' and healthful, leemitte it con-
tains Iote of nutriment, the kind that
forms triumvir. sinew, Ions' and nerve.
Vitalizing blood nearest thnlligh the
body. snaking delightful color, happy
spirits. true womanly strength. Nifty
cents buys a hoz of Fennglme in any
drug store.
Better a clever enemy than a fool
ailler'm Grip J'owdele etre. For
rude by Jus, Wilson.
Honest criticism never stings nn
honest ruts•—The• Bohemian.
Oh. tote ! how your complexion Lias
improver(. Yen, • \tiller's I(' pound
Fron fills did it. Forsale by Jns,
Catarrh is' -offensive --more
than that it is the fore-
r'ulincr of `worse diseases.
Catarrh spreads from the
nose to the throat where it
h suf-
fcrcr for diphtheria; it
spreads to the stomach and
bowels where it generates
the Worst kind of indiges-
tion ; consumption,. even,
has been known to be help-
ed along by catarrh.
If your breath is bad,
you had better sweeten it
up by getting catarrh out
of your system. You should
take something that will kill
the disease -germs, tone up
your general health and
particularlly, revitalize and
invigorate the mucous
nlcrnbranes which catarrh
especially attacks. . Don't
fuss and fail with snuffs and
sprays ---get right straight
at the disease by using the
greatest of tonics, tissue
builders and blood purifiers
S"1.1 by all dr„gg.,t,, 81 per harts.
tent it th ..lar ,••''rlmr lar•,
Aotes'' t "0eleysple DSPa4tws•nt 0"
Dr.T, A. Slocum, Limited
e, ,,nal I.ah.ra•nrie.
A 0.
Maple Leaf
are made only from the best "Para" rubber,
Made to fit every style and shape of men's
shoes, ladies' shoes and shoes for the little ones.
Iu ladies' shapes they arc neat, light, perfect
fitting and lasting.
Insist on the " Maple Leaf"
Brand — Wain every
Sold by all dealers.
Apples are Scarce
-We foresaw that this would be the ease early in the
season, and fortunately we plaeed a large older for cannel)
Baldwin Apples
Nothing but the choicest is put in these cans. You will
be pleased with the quality and price of these goods.
Try a gallon can for only 20 cents. 3 Ib. tans at IOc.
P. T. DEAN, The Grocer.
iParrtell's Brea
Kan kJ by rra.hiner., no •weary
h.n.i, e h itn
i•iq. n halted inp-ritrrly
sanatory surrounJmgs.
That meant ',vie,. m
than oan
reopie think.
11 trots no more r has
the tea. meanly hied
Try It.
P. T DhlAN
For the next ten days we are going to 'clear our enure stock of felt
footwear at
20 per cent. discount.
The following Inst contains son
Men's Felt Shoes.
Dingo's( foxed with leather
soles 11(1.1 heeIn. lu all size,
tenth p1 to 31.
Women's Slippers.
i'ht remainder of our stock of
11innen's fancy . house slippers
most go.
11[ea's Felt
With, h vy felt soles and
beets. Jonnthe thing to wear
under a pair of our oyersh(ie's,
Come early and yon will save
e of the good things we have to. offer
Men's Felt Boots.
of the lest snakes and
lewthe'Is. We have a g(xal as-
sortnient and you will be wise•
to wa'MI' PI Pair.
Women's Felt Shoes.
N's- bore ,1, Large its.°rt men t,
of these goods: loth light and
heavy weight.
Misses' and Children's
felt ' slippers and shoes :re
also on this list, and inrlode a
I variety of styli s,
money on shoes that will add to your
Cor. East St. and Square Goderich, Ont.
410e illi i li ifli iii iii iii inn h i ti iu ib ilei inti itfi itfii ills
When buying a pial)O C(nlsilit'r lilt' Int'riti
of the fitmoius
Newcombe Piano!
For choice (duality of tone, durable ac-
• tion and stylish cases' Winner of gold
medal at Paris World's Fair and other
great awards. Call on or write to
County Wholesale and: Retail Manager