The Signal, 1906-3-1, Page 5'rum; 8IGNAI•! la ►l►f'itlt'tt uN'1'AltiO
THU, $DAY Marcl. 1, 111011 5
That broad stretch of band lying hr- The Dominion of CanaeLs, 11 fiuurieh-
tween bile great oceans. Pacific ,old ! big Britielt colony, i14 militated Iw+Lween
Atlantic called Canaria., to our hum- the Arctic, , Pacific and Atlantic
hand. This is enough to make the O(swns, the Great (rakes and the United
heart of each loyal (Janwdiau thrill, for States. 1Vhen discovered by the
do we not live In the (lest and most I French, Canada was settled by 111-
diant, and hater on by French and
Indians. In 17;111 it was handed over
to the English, who have made it a
acus-1rmroum cuuutry. When cuuqupl4 l
by the English It lout to population of
team than nue hundred thousand and
beautiful country in the world, and
under the hest of all Huge?.
Canada oeeupien the whole northern
half of the North American continent,
except Alatxka, which belongs to the
Unita Staten. Canada► lux a large
area, (ming 411 t ladle las Europe now the population is from five to six
and much burger than United States million. So, you* may Imp, 11 hit,
proper, The total area is almost t11ret• i $l ('41tly increased in popul)tion 14dnce
million five 1 [red thousand *quart. u. h)a% Iowa under l(r:Lirh rule,
miles. Canada is bounded on the
south by United Stat4s-once a colony
of Croat Hritwiu -- and 0n the north by
the cold Arctic dean, and on the coat
and west by the Atlantic nod Plicate.
The intercolouial boundary between
l'a11:ula and United States hi marked
by the great chain of Makes, 4144(1 truer
the 141ke of the 1VoM111- to the Racine
coast the forty-ninth parallel of lati-
tude. •
The surface in most place., is iulaptsl
10 farming. In the west the Hix ky
Mountains take up a large area of land
and make it unfit for tilling the soil.
Though the Rockies prevent the land
from 1a'inv tilled they are a benefit t,
the country. 'Theyrot 1,t the couut'y
from blizzards and the cold Arctic
breezes. In the rant there atm a (PW
utuuutIi 1114, the principal one being tier
Laurentian. The hand ie everywhere
well drained by river( and lakes. In
Menitobl we find 11vast Nteteh of
level land unbroken by hills or hollow',.
The principal rocks are those along
Lake Superior. •
Canada enjoys • of the last gov-
ernments that. can Ire f 1. Alt ell
we belong to first Britain • Domin-
ion is practically a self•gM•et•ning
tante. Noma lKt7 until 1)41)7. when the
Confederation Act was puked. ('aulula
step by step got responsible govern-
ment. King Edward sends out. 4.k_ .iov-
pt•nor-(lpnereal to ('14n:61:4 to rap in 1114
Ntend. This uffi(•rl s term of -/Rice is
five years. blur present Clover • is
Innd (ir•y. Th•• 111•up1" elect. the
1(•gisldtivc Assembly, who rout sol tel'
)nines' affairs and forts what is called
the Cabinet. The head man 111 the
Cabinet is the Premier and be iN really
the Hilt -rot the Dominion. %'t' have
Provincial Governments also, who
look after the purely local alfnit$.
The education 114 unequalled. as it in
both free and coulpuIury. Since 11118.
when 1)r. Egerton Ityen«In was made
(uperintendent of education, Uallatlaa
lots been unsurpassed for this great
necessity to all mankind.
- There are Many different e111sea of
people. In the older Provinces the
chief are descendants of the English,
Irish. Scotch and French. but i4( our
new Ptovine"N in the west Inane for-
eeigners are flecking in freak Norway,
Sweden, Hussies, England and United
', s are 1
The chte•f IcrupaU/t farming,
alining, fishing, lumbering and ship•
ling. In Ontario And Qateiwe farming
la carried on. The western Provinces
Are noted for their adaptation to
whe4tgrowing. Miniyg is earriel un
in British Columbia. Nova Scotia And
v'1( ( a
sal k
.e Brunswick.
thousand miles of cuaxt•line fisheries.
No fishing is an important industry.
1. bring is extenNlvely t'arrhd on In
British ('n1 hilt. Shipping is carried
on on the great Iakem. as they afford
splendid means of exportation.
The Niagara Falls yearly nttritet
thousands of mighi.•(retro. %Vitat
pleasing to the eye than the British
Columbia forests or the Nitwitldla
prairies L With all our privileges and
advantages ('anlula,uuly some day be
one of the leading countries of the
world. Eta.a Gnev is,
(Age. 13 years.1 Nile.
Manager of "De Aha'. Collets Girls"
Has Hot Tiniest Exeter.
Exeter Times.
Pref. Sullivan, menage'. of lee Alva
College (liras, will have good (eerie+ to
remember Exeter for a time at least.
On Saturday night he heal some trou-
ble with two of his hand girls, Mist+
Pickarle and Miss Carus, over i1 salary
matter, resulting in the girls leaving
the company. On Monday morning
the doctor claims he paid the soling
14udies CO each and furnished thele
with tickets to Detroit; although not
owing them anything. lnetrlul of
taking the train the girls interviewed
Mr. I.. H. Dickson. relative to what
they claimed was at 044140ee dile. them
for salary. The doctor in the mean-
time bad gone to Dnshw(oml, where he
is holding forth this week. ('on -
stable Bissett armed with n N
went out to I)ashwlsoil and )1e•ve1 it
\ on hien., the instrument bring return-
able the Hams any. The cam(' wait set
for 13 o'clock Tuesday aftei'noIm, lint
r. J. O. e4 bur
• tilting
, to
(. Stan
�oetur, asked for a to,nl,Jmrnenent n
)bat Witue104MS could he Mecu ee1.
;After a r(ihference the two J. P.'s,
Mrm. Farmer and Key. who were
Pittin on the case. decided to go
ahem With it. At this juncture the
doctor and his attorney left the room.
refusing to put in a defelrc, unless al-
lowed time to get -witnesses. The
case then started, several witnesses
were sworn, and judgment given the
plaintiffs for 0441 ,anhmnt of their
claims with cost*, This, however, did
not end the doetn troubles. \Vitetl
he wee going to the (hurt in the after-
ternoon. he was handed it es
l N`aI
' for t
Ni at fl
4.i cluck
•v-v--�•filpt him to alt Mins Pick -
��" for nn alleged
Although Canada is owned by Bri-
tain, it has its own form of govern-
ment. Each Province has its own
Parliament, which are all unite( 4(u•
414(1 the Gov.4111111• 14 blouse at the
capital of Canada. (Ottawa.
The climate of Canada is very
hexltlful. It ix neither to, cold i4(
WIilt1.1 • hat hot ill AIM lllll•1'. There
are 111611y pleasant xuuu0er mettle,
Canada along the shores of the rivers
and IakeN.
Canada is divided into lain• pt•ov-
in(('N nod sloe territories. At the ex-
treme weal 4(f Canada hs British
Columbia and Vukon, which have
valuable Illines. vast forests, and Brit-
ish (blumbia has ' stk.. tlslierirs.
The Neighboring provin(4ea and terri-
tories are also 1X11 ill !itinerate and
grow quite a bit of grain. 311initu44(1.
Canada's wheat Wild, produces large
quxutitiee of wheat. and Ontario, its
fairest Province. grow.. 11 considerable
quantity of grain. fruits and vege-
tables. and has s • Minerals. Quebec
distinguishes itself by it* large fucesti+
and the 1 )44(I' P1114' 141('1)) ,(rt' 1111041 for
thrid` fisheries and NI wit Scotia is
noted for COM 1141). So ('aIoull. 4 pl•u-
(111414(4lht HIV 111141(44 ifllt,
'1.1111 c •Ire of Canada k exten-
sive, ow•iug to the nu11l4•t•ou, W4111* -
ways 111141 rlih41uls. The chief come
ttl(rci+tl cities are, at .the west, Vic-
toria and Vancouvel : at the t
11Vinnipeg ; on the Gloat 1.itkrN,
Toronto and Montreal, and. on the
Atlantic, llnlifax. 01116110 U•ade4 a
groat .lead will; (peat Brits in and
`Vr1t4'171 Eutope•.
So (4loud:1 is 114(1 a lad place to live
enp.•.•i,lll)• Ontario, rio, a1N the `(lament'
i4 healthful. the c •:ren meet, and
the pl1Ntuct4 plentiful
IIRENE lhul)n.%1t,
4.Ng.', 12 years.) 4i(Id1ric"b,
The Defective Pier at Bayfield Bridge.
• Seafort11 Expositor: ('aunt)• 1'
cillor, 11 idler and ('antelon and County
Clerk Ilene were in town o4( Friday
(4nei4ulting with Mt•. F. Gutt(•ridg4•
About the (ilgabled pier of the (Hayfield
hr•idge. 11 1414.1111 that one of t ht• large
eont•Iete pieCN ere -tel last su1(01(4• t"i•
this bridge at hayfield is split and
us•Iess and the comity routicil un this
account. in kicking about. pitying the
•14•'. •11his tam -
the full ell ( for n
tract. \L•. (lnttl.ridge. the cuntl•au•tur,
on 'hi. side s:ayatill. siw•i•iticl4uuits re-
quired that he should secure a founds•
tion for the• pier, satisfactOt•y to the
(• 41 e'ttgineer Thin he did dull
1.411 the cooill)• engineer and the
• V themselves
inspector 1,xn1(el th 41 1
aas. satisfied with the f. halon and
a'tthoriza•d hip, to pticed with the.
eectiol of the pier. which he dill.
Thr r i4. hat4•r on 14(47111.,41 t1,,' s(•i•-
vi(-r. (4t an t'xp.rt, UIP engineer of eh'••
l'. 1'. H., to impel.' the work. This
expert repo'td to the round! that
the material and workanu1Mbill 00 the
pieta 'is all that could he desired and
that the defect is due entirely to the.
lark of a proper foundation. Now if
this is th4 (^,4w. th1' contractor is
clearly treed from I•p$pa)nnl lmlhty, 1iot1)
legally and morally. 'rhe county
council, "however, say that the von -
t rac for and a committee of the council
agreed that a reduction of $.i1M) oti the
price of the pier sho01(1 imp mad.. 1
they are now bold the
41mt rac•t or. to: tin% ,agreement. Hut it
is admitted on both sides that this
agreement was without prejudice and
was not binding on either twu•ty and
that, m,,r•oy.•r. 14inle this agreement
was made the council sent their ex-
pert to examine the work and the cru -
tractor allots that lied the report of
the inspector been unfavorable• to I '
the council would not have olrser4vd
the agreement end constituently that
he in ahmolv(41 from it n', it is a poor
agreetnent that will not hold both
aides to it. So far 1114 w4• can judge it
would e'en that the council have not
h firm gr. 1 to stand op. If
-'their engineer le n mistake in
judgment, in epeeist to the founda-
tion. 1114 any englnPcr Haight do, the
council aril not the contractor, liner
a tight to hear the 10,4sen i•nt►iled
through that mistake. The Met., it
seen.. is useless and %till 1114('4 441 he
torn down and r•emistlut•lp(1.
Large Number of Settlers 'Will Arrive
atde on Saturday evening,.
It aplwears from the evi
when the doctor end Mira
were having their thermos on
Notary question, the doctor followed
her into her mom and showed his\di*-
approval of her non•Appreciation.of
him kindly treatment, towardher hy
cloning him hand. This evidently �mei
'the extent of the assault. Miss Pick
node testified that she fell algann44 the
wall, although the doctor did not,
touch her. 31 ins (',erns Iest Med
along the same lines. Billy Gibbs, the
fanny man of the show, overhe,arl
141)101 of 41141 conversation, hotdid not
Nee the doctor strike or threaten to
strike Miss Pirkarte. MILAN Johnston.
another member of the company. said
she did not WV the doctor make any
movement to as)utalt the lady. One
of the witnesses for the a plainant,
when asked where the information for
the osmotic carr. wax drawn up, replied
that it was in the office of the solicitor
for the complainant 11nd that a j(I1tiee
of the peace we. presentat the time.
The doctor testified in hie own Iehalf,
and recited ns ti how the argument
et&rtd and the canna of it. To a ep ee-
(wtor, it Was imiw)NNihle to see blow an
ettenlpt at en (NNalllt wan 11144(le. The
J. P.'e reserved their derision until
Yesterday .o that they could consult.
with County Cmwn Attorney Meaager,
relative Weenier phase* In the cape.
The aase.nit oafile•• wit* (IismiN*r(d and
we understand Hie dow'tnr Intends ape
dealing the salary cane.
•ace than
eI' the
Free Gifts of Toilet Soaps
The Coupons are the sante as cash because they can be exchanged for'I'uilct Soaps
for which you have to pay out money every week.
for nothing.
ReadCircular in every package, or write us for Premium List.
A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for.
In exchange fon Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something yuu need and use
every day.
Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. Canada
Bt!Set of !'re lientll.tlo■ .a Rei
Yield �.1 Fertility.
Although last wiuter was exreptlon•
ally severe Iu eastern Massachusetts,
there were not more than two or (lir;.
lays that the south windows of my
poultry buildings did not remain wain
open trots daylight until dark, writer
P.T.wooda in Reliable Poultry Journal.
1 never had a alck bird during the en-
tire winter and the egg yield was ex-
eellent, better than the majority of
breeders in the same section were able
to obtain, while the exceptional. fertility
and fine batches obtained were most
Two pens of breedcr4 were housed In
an ordinary poultry houses with win-
dows to the south. The windows of
this house were seldom closed all win-
ter until after dark and were always
thrown wide open at daylight 'each
Two other pens dere kept In small
portable houacs of the s11Pd root type,
0 by8 feet out, aud with waterproof-
ed m
the thin
frames. Th
are seven -doh
painted, but not
leg material, The
Inch j)ltie covered wi
'l'he floor is gravel mai
ulaove ground level ant
Water will freeze in these
419)'-wbru t he 'tempera t nre fa
21 degrees ab)tT zero outride.
fowls roost 00 perches placed abo •e a
droppings board two and one-half f
front the floor, anti • the front roost 1
Mit a little more 46140 4141' feet bark
from the muslin frout of the house. An
average of fifteen birds were kept in
each of (hese 4; by 6 portable
house al
of last winter. 4.4mil+Ii door
thrown open every day for :i ( long a
time as pp1+ihle, the front being pro-
tected by poultry wire Duly. The door
was only cloned during the day whet It
stormed hard mud blew directly into
the front of the house. .1t night with
the door .•Iosel the air could work in
through the entire Inunlin (rout. The
bards appeared to be comfortable at ulI
times. 4ye7e seldom out of the house
during' the (entire winter. an they were
only allowed out on bare ground. and
during the moot of the time the house
was surrounded by deep stow.
Froin these birds, all R'hite Wyan-
(1otte1. bred for health. the egg yield
Wan exceptionally good and never from
Nov, I until March 1 dropped below 50
per cent In mite of extremely cold and
variable weather.
These portable houses were 1oente1
In one of the most windy places to east-
ern Massachusetts, and the tempera-
ture Inst winter varied ?thin tat degrees
shove to 29 degrees iw•low zero. often
going the fall range In forty-eight
hours lend from dead calm to high wind
he the same time.
�1)uring .11nunry nn.1 Fehrniry eggs
from the birds In these *mall, prnMlrcl-
Iy open portable hollow nyeragel from
•Jf) to 1):1 Ice .rent strongly fertile and
gave mint exc4Ileut halt/hew of strun¢,
r• 'r is m 'Most o
Mtarly, b althl• h k os of theme
ehhrks wen• rented 0111 of doors In Feb-
ruary and March. with no other prote.-
tion thnn that afforded by an hl(1Icid-
nnl outdoor brooder, and Ina4e n highly
eath*tn4tory recent.
lin fronts, .No !;lass In these
bowies. hist an entire front.
t, of muslin, broken only by
odyn strli5' used for' door
walls of these buildings
it Inch wlatt'rial pine,
erred with a 'heath.
oof is seven -eighths
i a rooting fabric.
11 :1 felt- Inehes
covered with
twee any
Early in the Spring.
Montreal. Feb. 21. '1'11.• eonnuith'es
of the F:a.'t End Emigration F I and
the Self help Emigration Society of
England, of whish the flight Hon.
Lord Itrlws')' and the (fight Hon. the
Earl of Aherh•en (11•6 the reopen, iVe
presidents, have notified E. )far-
gmette. Provincial immigration agent.
:at Montreal. that they -intend CO send
over easily in the season n very large
number of people who desire to set de
in different parts of the Dominion.
These societies leve for many )•(alI'N
sent out is very large nutlher of
people, who hoixe proved to Is• re•
speetable, sober 1111d industrious, all
feuding toshow that the Rl41atest care
is eXetril1d ih their selection. Any
4nhlividuels or fleets in ural of help -
raft obtain it by applying, Riving tul1
particular', to Mr. Mariplette atMI11ttt'eal.
That Mrs. Thomas Adams Ilad Bright's
Disease -- Dodd's Kidney Pdls
Cured Her.
C011ingwool, flit., Feh. Jlth. (Spy
riad.l".- Mrs. Thom. Adams,10of (his
place, Who wits asMurt1 by her doctor
that shit had Bright's dilease, i$
strong ah11 44'4111 again and she eves
all the reedit to 1)(4dd's Kidney Pills.
“Yes," ,Mri\.Adant,, *iia, when tasked
roneernin4 liees cur'.' "I was right.
months an Inv4Ivl and nay doctor said
I had Bright's disease. I did not (x•
pert to ever get better. but a friend of
my husband induced ne to try i►old'*
Kidney Pill+ and after taking three
hove. of them f was id;. to do my
work. They cured me en pletely."
A running man in seldom wire and
never honest,
Millais Compound Iron Pills, only
Li rents for :e0 domes. For aide by Jan.
Every time one man loser his tend.
p-er another Rains his point-Chleasor
Miller's Drink Cure is safe. effectual,
-nd can he readily taken. For sale hy
Jae. �Vileon,
Selecting a Good Layer.
!fere ere some of the characteristics
of a prolific layer. says J. A..lo.ny In
Aln,ricnn Cultivator. She will have a
1166/1/1111 1117 (L intelligent :1ppenrIng
head, with short beak, fair sized comb
alnd•wattles, seek mMl10) short, etol•ky
and nicely curved; holly medium length
rind not too deep, with fntl, wide,
pinmli breast that gives her n 44yn1-
tnetriral appearance; (((•k medium
length, fair width, with square sbonl-
ders; tail medium length. not too heavy
and carried in a sprightly. surlier iwl-
sitlon; legs fair sized, short between
the hocks and feet rind wide apart.
Birds of this shape are much heavier
for their size than the fat, poor layers,
Iger r h
1 r fn a muscular b rd i
lnn4411e i* developed to a degree. 'Phew,
Inua4•Ies or Zeal meat fill in theenvitleq
of leer frame I4( it manner that makes
n plrtmp, well developed. heavy hird. A
bird of this kind has great power of di.
proper v
R6*tfon, old If Rican the 1 r o p r srlr ty
of food *he is capable of producing a
large number of eggs in n year.
Liverpool Wheat Futures Close Highs',
Chicago Lower -Live Stock Mar•
kets-The Latest Quotations.
• • 5101141(9 coaling, Feb. 26.
Liverpool -wheat futures closed lo, day
SO higher than (44 (414) mud 1,411 futu.ea
44.1 111 4.,41 higher,
At t"Ial.'uco May wheal closed yrs Inver,
111) Guru 14." lower 411111 May 01(14 nu,brwg-
The following were the (loans: gnot4t1IIl•
3,.A1(l day at 111% msrael: Fel., 5:s-
May 77'4' hid, ixyi c'Ida.
t'eb..V. Feb, 27,'0.1,
M'Lrrr _ 4.16:L01 1 :141.: _'N -111
11.417.1a al 4.••434.. M)
Otter :041464.4(41 19.7Jx,l'
a1•r;lar the week wheat decreased 354,,ulo
bnt.. 4.s, corn Ia"r•s Ned ;1711,41444, lorahvly
andotos decreased 1,11••.'04 ',mambo,
May. July.
New York 444$
Al1 11141
I.n7:t'-• 10:1`
I li.;11; U4 Iwt�y silk
Ih Irolr )(Ii r 144
1:44.4/a -
wheat. spring. hash 44( 73 40 1/4'4'i..
4 llr.t, fall. knelt 41
Wee:,t• dad, 60411 '0 741. V 76
444.0, glover, bush 0 73
Hurley. bush 41 y( a 51
Orn. husk 11 aa4., 11 411
Itfe kerb 11 711 ,...
1.41,,. bion n 44) ....
New 1 ork, Feb. 2.L - Rutter. easier: re-
•.•ip1+. 1134; srrrlt price, extra errlu.rry,
2W 4,' 2N1rc; unli•lal Irons, creamery. cow
Iwou 44( extra. Inc Ib ;Pic; do., held, 17e to
221�e; *Lite dairy. ''').(hien to ettra, Ve-
to 144.-; renovated. '•414.410( 40 extra,. 15e•
tn'1(4 ; w•pRIPrlt (priory • 1111111100 1.1 time.
14n. to 17": weetern len1iutlou .•reuwery, ca-
dent. 11e: do.. dratm, lar.
(beew•, brut; receipt, -I1011: *late. 'u11
e94414. ,.mull ■141 large, ,olnlyd and white, fancy. I11, r: do.. October. beet
1 to 41t%.; do, late sande, average limit,
on I., 12Sa''; den, large. 11i•x'•; do.. fear,
1r•c to 111; .dams• full to Ilskt, a'ye to
141111. coag: rennin'''. 79714: •tate, I'rnu-
a lvitu114 n d nearly flu srlrcb•d whl1.,
21.• 4.0 22"; .,hill.,. 114.• to 21A; 11.„ 41(1-
,• ..
1(J extra. w'1•,.Irru tlrs44 M.
t 410.
.,• .
roods ' •uthrrra 1:L• t.•�10.
1(0. 1.. •
The nett nes.
Every fowl require. S0111e form of
grit for the gizkard'a proper work.
Fowls have no teeth, and their only
means of grinding is Anne in the gds
sard by means of grit, flay 44h.lrp pieces
of hroken earthenware. smashes to the
else of n pea or heir the 441414' of 14 twain
of roto. This form of grit Is that most
relished. and 1 hare known birds tc
leave quartz until they had exh4l4t
ed all the earthenware. Oyat4'r shells
broken Into small phases may also be
given to assist shell making. but It. 1•
not hard enough) to Nerve the donhl4
purpose.- 11. 1. Hawkln* In American
(able. Firm-C4lem
Cattle, Easier f
HIek.r' s..
1.olldW., Fel.. 241. rattle la re quoted 4(t
11•,, 40 11413•• per 1h.;- lefrlgat.4r here,
10.1( to '.114x.
11,110 aof 4.i„• (14,4:4 ■t Ihr L mum 6 k
1rod4, 'formate Junction erre 442 ear 1•,41
ton rad of I6er1 cattle; :4b abecp. 14n 13050.
21 c :hr,, 0 horses.
1'1 :car tar skipping cattle ranged all the
444 rune *4.4:, to 11;.20 per •'w't,, but oats
our or (Ito Walla were reported at the lat-
ter quotation. the hull ,.•Illug at 14.75 10
8:• 4" r ewe. Export bulls sold at $14.54) to
44 .per cwt.
Omlehera. 1
Clothe When lots sold et 44.00 to 84.15;
load14 4(t good, 4(1 44,25 to 44.410: medium,
4:1at, to $4.21; omwuu mlxa4l, ■t 4:1.43 1.
4.1.',-4; cows ut $1.�1 to 44 per cwt.
Feeders and Stockers.
harry Almhy report,. the drm14n4 road.
etpec1a11y fur life better grades. )1r. 111141
by b.•cght els, ue.rly all of which wer
short-►. rps, 11111 to 1170 lbs.. at 44.5 to
41.411; light feelers, Sit' to 11(111 lbs., at
14,40 to 44 per cwt,
anter Cows.
A few muck cows .01,1 at $32 to 855 each.
Veal Colwell.
I'rlres ranged from 84.50 1n 87 per cwt.
ter veal calves About 20 sold at threw quo•
tallow*. not enough to et vely the drmaod.
sheep sad Lambs.
Ttirty-elahl sheep sold imbibe sold us
fol.uws. E(pert ewes at 84.7.5 to 16 per
cwt.; assort busks. at 44.2:. to 84.311 per
ewe,; Hobe, tat 41.71 to 87 per cwt. ,
Hasa I us, .we'll do the rest. Chas. W. Mack,
Ilugs mold at 87 44411 cwt.. which was pat 6.11-13 King St. West. Toronto.
to ■ farmer for a load sold 4(u the mar
441 flrunatenfst Yowl.
)'rested Pull*h Ionia are pepnlsr It
4 i111R••1 and smell tnwn14 I).•ran*r the,
nee highly ornamental, do not rerinlr.
high ; o,.ltry fent,•* to keep them Ir
ars are flirts cowl layers - Their eregt
acorn to prewewt their *estee the foist
at eel* st,eb low foams as tows test -
e b;cu 44(, F'rb. •rt (' 1111. R'.•,a I,.. .11.
17111: tunsk.l 1111• n• 1:.c71)I.Lrr. „ 1. „1 1 i4(
r4. :our ,teen., CO:. 111 `1,1.:41; eel, • �• L.t n
' 111� it '- tj 4.4. 4(4447 i feeders 1 •1 ' •
I. wet.; •.4.."11,• to ;:rime li.•:e,y, • 1.
1'' 01.0 1 e.•a!) .
411,15; Machete' weights. 414.15 to 7 ,
4.1('l to "tole, heavy ml►i•d, *41.11 •1 x: 1
11.1.4111 g• a:•.:11 to (•14.1n.
suety. 0:.11lrle, :amen: marks( ' 1:. to
•r.• lower; sheep, 84 l0-1441 y.wrllI,,►
10 P7 :7.7,;• lamuls, SS.214 to 46.4144
114.,'e lariat.
A ease was being tri(41 on the charge
sf•selling impure whisky, Tar whisk)'
was offered In evident.... .ltlry retired
to try the evidence. Judge 1,,r.' ently1
-What is the verdict? Foreman of
the Thirsty .fury -Your honor, we want
more evidence,
A Coniesal TIL -
Husband -1 see plainly you want to
get up u quarrel. Aud in the ktreet t,,)!
Walt et least till we are lubide our own
house. Wife --Impossible. 1 shall have
cooled down before we get there.
Wanted to Fled the Crumb.
Mamma -Whet are you tearing your
1011 to glees,for? Ilnttle-I'm looking
for the (crumb of comfort papa said
wag to be found In everything.
To Get Eggs.
• • efor .• production ion con-
'1'hP secret egg 1
lista in it good simply of grit. good
health, plenty of exercise, pure fool,
green food, fresh water, eat clover hay
end grew rut Ia)04', freedom from lite
regularity In feeding, Tool houses i4(
sooner and warm ones to winter and
bleeding only from the best laying
stock.-Americau Poultry Journal
Hems .r race's.
Tests in regard to the most profitable
age of the hen at the Utah station re-
sulted in favor of the pullets. The for-
ty-one pullets tested averaged 178 egg3
* year and Ilk,
eggs the
,e1( fowl the first 1.
Moreover, they laid
second. .to
the first year 91,1 of the eggs before
Feb. 1. while as old hems they laid only
437 to the same date, showing not only
that the pullets lay- more eggs, but that
they lay a larger proportion of them
in winter than do the hens. thus giving
the greater part of the supply when
prices -ore highest.
HAVE YOU A BOSS?, 04' are you hole-
pradent' 11 you arc ntak,ng money for 4,rnr one
�aYe, quit sad make money for yourself. (:et out
of aver), and be free. Write 4:. MAR141(AIJ. &
Co., ndnn. They will allow you the way. They
have ,lasted thousands on the road to freest
Seven dol*s a day. every day in the year, is In,
ing made has ling their good.. Write now,
Time is mosey.
Neuralgia awl Ncrvousneal, rd yui•:kly hr
AJAX A o NEt; �L`;°tlat
No heart depression. Grratr,t cu re ever14�4ucocer-•
Take n1( r •her, ruvnd.S,i. All J.•. ler..•r.hlpt Go.n
AUSTIN & CO, Simcoe, Ont. Alone/ ba. if not
At it, same address, since 1191. Also
Stencils, Steel Stamps, Price Card out-
fits, White Enamel Letters, Sc. Write
).•day, sod The World still leads a as
Arl atrial, Feb. 26.-411prclel,)-Cab1e1
from Liverpool and London on essedis
rattle were easier rad ■on.d a sllgkt de
rine Ib prices, with sales at 4044.- to llt'.i,
p..ta from Portland and At. John, N.
Pt,. for weak wer,.207:i cattle. Ur sheep.)
Recelutn to -day were 1060 cattle, re )slick'''
rows, 'S:. ',been and Iambs, 111x1 beta. Thn
near spprwcb of lent, together wltk the
soft wether, helped to cause a tether dull
market, butt good cattle were In demand at
Ara rales. Prim,. b sold at 444e to .
4141ar per Ib.; pretty good cattle, to
4141•, and the common ,t.' -k. 2i .- to 314r.
Two of the hest mllrh rows were solo t4.
440 arch to (plebe,.a nebe,. buyer; eke other row*
sold at Ra) to 4(. esrb Th. ealten were
all young old sold at 42.544 to $6 racb.
Sheep sold at 4tyr anti tonal'. at 6r per II..
In .plt. of the discouraging tolciees (rein
E,i .peon ennreeli ala t..o•ndbin bacon and
the further decline 111 pri. is 1n Liverpool
of one shilling. couplet with Writ literal
art plies of hogs here 141it morning ',nA
nt. rens' noble smother for the Irrl..l of ti•
yen r, the tone of the ate rkrl 4 -ns 01 rnllr••r
11 MI In -Ices n.b.rnced 1(10 10 154• per• loot
1bw the demand front pnrk.•,s was tool
and sal., of goad to shute,• Inns were nest.:
at 87.(14) 40 $7.145, and !ANN. gnules oil 47.40
to $7.54) per cw•t, weleha off the ears.
Eget Hntfnlo. Feb. 26. Polite-Ilrr: 11,1,,
3714 hexad; Snarly. active, steady t0 14(• Ll141
IT; prune steer,, 1.5.44 4,, 45.7.7; shipping,
44.75 0, 44.:41' bel"hers. $4.1) to tett); h,•I4
.1s, 441.15 to 41; ,'ow*. $2.27, In 14.:4': bulla.
4.210 to 11,84.: *feelers and fernery. It:4.2
In $4.44: 0to"k heifers *2.54) to 1:41:4: fi4•o4'
low. anti .prinr4rs, Wendy, $.41. to 4111, .
41,ll4-lustre,. not head; neh•e, 244e
lower. 15 t.. 4'.2::.
10.144 nrr••Ipts, 14.14(14 hold: ,eJIre.
Mind, Hewer; he$Ty and mlrrd 41:.1. 0
r.•w' SR 4.1.; porkers, 116.13 to 441:0; ids'.. 44114')
to 44)444; roughs. 8544! to E5.I1e; stags, 43.15
to *4.544
/wen and Lombe Ileceepts• 22.1411 heed;
ewe*. 1111.1 mIN.•d '.asap, 4lesd1: nrhrrs, 11k•
to 'sic 14w.r: Inmh'., 16.2.5 In *7.04, a f1'w'
17.70; y.,rl(ng,. 1n.2.: 4.n 114,:41: wet h.•ra
45.73 to 441.10: ewe*, 45.4) to 83.7.5; she• o,,
tni4. A. Rt 404(1 77; western Iambs, 47,4,4 to
New fork, 440. 211. Reece* Rc"rlp:a,
4177); msrknl op'nw' slow-, hill steady: r:414
ed Ir41' Srnter oI west,rn ,11viees; steers,
4Ip4 2'. Io 1.41.:11: nxene41 ,.(14R•. 112.701
$4.:11; bona. 13.41 to 1,541; coma, 81:1) 10
44 lo, Export* tn.mrn0w. 4:4. "stele, 14-41
44h.•.p and :Ran qunrtern „( bro.?.
Cahrb Itro"111** 3'114. demand fair n1
Into week'. dn.lnit pricer. vents. P17..) in
js 75:
14444.116: little rr.lies, 44; 4-arnyard'
sad fel .raters. 1:4 to H.
tet.!Ambit Ile,fiefs,
sal.4Ar; ln44h44. mere active, brit t '4n11
ally higher; sheer. 44 to 4:004: n mare
Item home•' 47 to 47,15; eel's. st,
►Inas R',•eipt.. 13.014; market,
'Phone W: A. McKim ('ode! h
Look over ti114 list in last week's Signal
and see it' there is anything you would like to
save money OIL -
Dress Goods Furs
2.4e Dress Goofs for .12,c
SW Dress Goods for.., 'pie•
end Jolietresit. prone -fifth
ulT all i 11. 1ies6. black and
other dress goods.
1 l'apeeine, $I.:s1 for 41,1111
I Snide Huff, *10 for 400:4)
IIStlmne Martin. $11.:11), $1.:al
i 11air Huffs, $:3.(rl for $'2.040
1 Hair. Huff, $1.25 for .115
Dress Skirts, half price,
Jackets, half price,
Jackets, one-third price,
White Goods a quarter off the price.
Shirt Waists. regular price 54.81 to $2.1'.1, to clear at 23c, 30.-
a11(1 5e.
Six only, very fine dolt ('oats, regular price, $22.'23, to clear
at 14441•.
Remnants m IhmNg bloods, tienuante of 'Table Linen,
• Heuuuantb of Nash Goods,
It1'uunaul'4 of all kinds at In lees to suit you.
New Wash Goods, Embroideries and
Laces, at
.4 Treat from Ceylon
66 lit
ed Feather"
Always the same -Unusually good
One Price -401
1B��� -
:n..L.,,:,i::•.v1(• onrwel.yily(r a•1aNwf!Mgl+tri).<1!+n•,rK*44e1b J••)kY1;:1kk.+4Ni,jJ,1ei...i1;
AIiL t Spring meati'. early fencing. We have what
Von wanthingejoint
� al n► all No. 9 Fence with
uprights. This upright will stand against
of snow, climbing, sudden pressure and other strains.
You `can bend it as often as you like and it will not
break like other one-piece stiff uprights ; therefore the
Life of the fence is indefinite.
It is made in 5 bars 3o inches high up to Io
bars 6o inches high. This fence is manufactured
by the Canadian Steel & Wire Co., manufacturers of
the American Field and Hog Fence, which we have
handled for past years.
We still stock their
7 bar 26 inches high Hog Fence at 25c per rod
6 bar 35 inches high Field Fence at 25c per rod
If you have not already received a catalogue and
reading matter call at ,the store and get one and see
sample and have it explained to you.
Chas. G. Lee
H dwsre and Stoves. Plumbing, Heating and Tin-
smithing given special attention.
?louse 'Phone I I. -•:111.e Nome __
1 ;
1(,n; eq�a
.f *in hopPITO .70 to 46,71; phis 11014 as MOW
u Sala
�iR` Y4' ° c ° > s1, ° x• ,jt:
G. W. Thomso
are headquarters for -
DURING the many
years in which we have
been ell aR r
din cater-
ing to the needs of t h c
people of the greater part of
West Huron' In Musical In-
struments, Sewing Machines,
etc.. we have been favored
from year to year with con-
stantly increasing patronage.
We extend thanks to all our ail HafSlLl ....
customers for their many
We wish to announce that
we were never in a better
position for the handling of N
marketable goods in our line frrisVa'
than at the present time.
Son !.
U11_L _
- •.---- rt
Not only in the larger instrii-''
menta arc we well prepared
to meet the most particular demands upon 4.u, but In the smaller Instruments, such as Violins, Guitars. Mandolins
Flutes. Clanonettes, Piccolos, Accordions, Mouth Organs, etc., also is our stock for the coming holiday 11ason wdl '
assorted. In fact our entire stock of Musical Merchandise, including the publications of all the leading composers, is
very complete.
Edison Phonographs and Records, *'
Berliner and other Gramophones, *'
Empire Typewriters,
Fountain Pens, *�+'
School Requisites, '
Fine Stationery, etc., etc. y�4
We cordially invite you to make your selections at 11111 M 1111 Emporium.
G. ,W. THOMSON & SON 44.
The SquareGoderich. '-
444444644444444-444444454 44644f 4' ',,Fa:, 4-44.'At" ajris;, ,4',. * !