HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1906-3-1, Page 44 TRUSanav, ,(.meth 1, INS THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO c,,v,aac_arru'14. lh,1.s. DR. WILLIAM HENRY DRUMMOND The Famous Poet of French-Canadian Life. it was right Years ago that 1)r. Dr ummond's delightful }Kook of verse "The Habitant. and Other Frenclid'anadian Poems" made its debut. Their quaint- ' nese. pathos, humor and r•alneo . blended with the rare. sympathetic touelfth:tt makes smiles chane away tenni and tram follow seniles. won instant response in the hearts of Canadians and.n( all lovers of god lite•raturc'thmughout the world. The simple-minded. pure -hearted French-Canadian 4haracters- told their .curies in a new dialect —handled with such loving, sympathetic' interpretation that no slightest cloud of esaggerat or buries. ne Marne! the s sell of the eliann. They were originally ecribblel on a block of paper held on the author's knee. often by .1 camp -bre; later, begged, borrowed or purloined l.y friends, many of them drifted into print and became f.ioitular without. the author's name and with no trace of their parentage. It was the poet's wife who carefully colleltei all there earlier poems and made copies of the biter ones, and sea made• Notable one of the'b.'st Aching ing Ieeoks of pastry in recent years. I)r. Drummond was born in ('ounty Leitrim, 1n•land. in NAA. and whch a boy of nine was 6rou ht with his three brothers to Canada by bis father who settled in Montreal. He lured outelo)r life, ramping, fishing. boating—:►nything with open air and companionship. Ile was happy at Boni 1 l'Ioufe, meeting the, river drivers and shanty men on their way down to Quelee; absorbing their stories and quaint talk with all the intensity of an impressiolahle hay, unconseitously atonng them away in silent ppreparation until the (Lege when hewas to add a' sew character to the literature'of Canada Ond a new name to her roll of reap poet R'hile in the High S•hnnl at M ontreat and later at Bishi)p's College at let 1- enxyille in his medical comae fmm whish he graduated in U4.S4, he Wrote w)me verso but it was his splendid physique and -great strength that dietingnishtd hila --hi wonderful records in hammer -throwing and shot -putting winaiug more attar tion then his throwing of words or putting of phrases. When he came to Montreal to pr ('ties. be became identified with the aishntg cluhe, and on the rivers and in tramping through the morsels came az:tin into close companionship with the guides, the half-hn'e'ds and the habitants 111)04,, rin1- fidenee,be won and whew• r.(ts•m w(4,, given to him as naturally AS 41/44110 rryonda to Bound. -le recognition of his splendid contribution:a to literature. • 1)r.1hunt- \ mend was elected a 'Fellow of the Rival (u'1ety of Literat-ire, linal:url,'awl of the Royal Society -of ('annola. a 1).('.I.. of Bishop's College, and hohorel with au LI..D. from Toronto 1'niversity. • Hie latest book is "The Voya.s'nr." Sawed asc.nkae ,o A. t of ne raslell....M t. sea. •a 1M yeas Uy... i•y w. t'. Back. at t„e Ueevnwnl .41 Aane.lta.e TO IMPROVE OUR TOWN. Everyone Is Invited to Contribute to This Column. 8ugxest ons for Our Mun,c.pal Authontms. or Others Who May Be Concerned An Op- portunity for Anybody Who Has Anything on Het Mond to Get It Off, Some years ago there env talk of nutking Elgin ave • a handsome boulevard, with a row of trees down the middle and a driveway on either side. It is about the longest street in the town, is of good width. and woe ch(weo.at that t• • as•the Ntleet most suitable for beautifying in, this way. It was a good ischenle, and might still be carried out. 1 think it was ai that tiine it began to be called Elgin avenue insten.d of Elgin street : but beyond the change of name nothing 4 converting war done to0 wand it into the beautiful boulevard that the coun- cillors of oun•cillorsof that day had in mind. A new opera house is tone of the things this town netts. While the present one serves the purpose in :1 way, a larger hall would provide ac- commodation for )•tte•r• companies and bigger audience* ---and it takes a big audience to pay for the- lest ronl- patties. Another 'suggestion i, that a com- pany should be forme' to purchase a1 stall steamer to give ekenrsione from this harlsit in the ' unlner season. Besides giving trips 1011 on the lake, e•s- tecially'n (lays when excursions are here tont' inbuilt!! towns, such a boat plight have a regular run from Grand Bend 4,r Sarnia o4, the south to Kin- cardine or Southampton on the north, and a. rnneldt•t•ahle trade .night Is. worked up. There %vomitl 1N more travelling by water along this shoe if chert• were more frequent trips by the Moats than once it week. Why hasn't this town an athletic clue). for the rnr 'tweeted (of Is III winter and N(onuner sp.otte? Except for hockey and lawn bowling, this is pretty nearly a dead town, so. far ass sports are ronrerned. A live athletic club would get the boys together. and we could have hiertnee' and I4)se1Na11 textile and eneourag(• other manly ',porta.. In whiter it would h' a good• rallying pial.• for the bey-, with a eynm .slum, elf.. instead of hating theist holding up the rut•nel•N on the street or blowing (ff hot. air in hdtck 11N1111s, , MODERN ESTABLISHMENT. Some Facts About Semi -Ready New Shops in Montreal. tl•r Thr (issues•, Montreal, 21.4 of F'eb- rlrary, near The Semi -Heady (' patty has 1 een strengthened by the addition to it. di- rt's -borate of two well-known bu.inesit ilea,. Charles H. Nelson, olio wits for maini�)(• years head of the wholesale houlas of H. & A-. Nelson. )Iontteal 1 Tot'n11, has putcheeel a large in- terest in the company and i4 now vice- president. -1 lfrel Wood. the II14014 paper publisher, who recently die pissed of The ttaw•a Free Press to e group of Ottaw runtractot•P, has also joined forces w -i the company. and lie will he added to he dil'ecterxte. 1'hr Semi -Ready poring ..hop/. in Montreal ate models 4f the 'molern establishment. A new tory of five floors with a system which enures high-class n•orkmanohip is surrounded by every sanitary arrangement. The greater part of one Hour is devotel. to 1' oo w e 350 se r dining -room r m h (e the employ- PP) mu 1 0 •- Kpl y PP) may take their slid -day lunehe>n Itt comfort. A kitchen and lunch c(Mntt•r run be managed by the co- operation of the whole working staff. Built nceording to plans prepared by Mr. Beane. the Sethi -Heady tailoley i, 'situated in Montteal far away frn,ii the noisome factory district. it in o4) ' tidy street, near Sherbrooke, un one of the plateau, from where Mount Royal begins its steep ascent. The officers of the Seini'I(l'ady, Limited. elected at the annual meet- ing held a few week. ago. are :-1'1 dent, Andrew Mercer : vice-preskient ('tons. H. Nelson ; managing direetnr, Herbert A. Watt v ; sef e txrcttwes- 1rer . A. Nelson 1 , director, A. hl. Laing. President Mercer wars for many yea's a ettecereful merchant tailor in i'ete•is 14•o. lie was (Me of the first !nosiness 111Pt1 to recognize the possi- bilities of' the Semi -Reedy system, and how nur(•Iy it nu.t displact• the cruder castes t•tilnring methods just as the IGGoodyear process' revolutionized) the h tbocnlaking industry. 1$ THIS TRUE 1 Bachelorhood Said to Be Excessively Com- • mon in Huron, Bruce and Middlesex. '1'urnnto, Feb. Lel. -There Arc more Isarhllm, and fewer children to the square inch in these distri(•ts than in 11113 ''1 lii'i 4.0)11)8) 4)1 that size in On- t./who.- Thin i,i-the startling 'state of affatit'e noted ht" one of the leeturens of the F'aruu•1•,' Inst ituU•s in A report to Sup- erinteibdent Putman on hie wnt'k in the 1'011111 4.14 of Ii Mon, I3,tiec 114011 the northern and western portions of 11id- (thewx, ile notes that in these dis- lriets the farmers are only growing gem l`4., buildings are falling into dine). - pair and Perms are hemming over- grown with 11)1x14)115 weeds. One reason for this condition h(' finds in the transition from grain-rai:ing Ord mixed to K to grazing, and an other in the lack of hitel help s4, necessary in mixed farming. He else ante, what others have reported. nntely, the large numters of barb - tilos and the'5.eareity of children in theme• sections, In 11114' instance a nehnol in Middlcscx has been closed became. there was only one child in the district of tate proper Age to attend it. l'his'Iasl idea suggest. snnl.her --that we don't make enough lime of eau• water privileges here. \VP .night, le have a fleet of yacht., and oiler small pleasure boats. w i t h o'rasionl squat is competitions. This would be a great attraction for simmer mer visitrs. The harbor park alight easily be n►do ►lor• leftsrfiv(• pieta 'n g trees and nitride. The exetsinnimis shays flock to it lecanse it is betide the lake, but it i, a here -looking pliu'P and there is not enough shelter from the hot stun. if tree, were planted now, in ten years it might Ite a very pretty spot—unless the new 1'. 1'. line spoilss s it. in any cane, the 1)11(4)1 Ing of a few teres woad improve it wonderfully, and would not cent !pitch. Next! Dead Sick of Asthma You couldn't be otherwise with such a dietre's:Mg malady. Well, for one dollar spent on "(latarrhoxnne' you can be thoroughly cured. Foolish to delay, because Asthma steoulily grows worse. (pet Catarrhozone today and core }oneself : it in pleasant lou se, Very simple, and guaranteed. Preserih(d by thousand's of duetting and timed by the people of nine nations ---certainly Oatarthouone must be good : 1t hams t failed yet., no matter how chemic the e.se. Valuable Advice to Mothers. If vine child a 's in from play coughing or showing evidencee of gripess pe, sore throat, or'sicknof any kind, get ort. your bottle of N.•rvitine. Ruh the rhe'et end neck with Nert•i- liar, end give iute4ns1 doles, of ten drops of Nerviline in Nw'ee•tened water every two hours. This will prevent any Retinue troubleNo liniment or pain relieverPflualsPnhern's Nerviline, which hen leen the great family remedy in ('aneda for the poet fifty y<'ars. Try a GSc. bottle of Nerviline, When 'rau1M k Mon examine' reit' Pyen yon get the benefit of over thlrty- flve yea('. experience rend thatmmnt( for a great deet. At the British hotel \Vfdet.wlay, ThurlwlIy and Friday, March 14th. loth and 10111. HERE IS THE ANSWER. To the Editor of Thu sheat. Ineen hint, n questions tasked in an article `AlhlimheI in The Signal of Februury nth might be answered as 1'4,11,Iw4: Question No. 1 Where in the (•a411 - here,. sent out by the sit)' stores will you 11ud their uffrr to pay rash 4,r ex• ehulge gof,tls fur your butter, eggs, July and grain ? Ans.—On the silent page. se No, 2- How much do they pay fill. '•sale, 4heyp and hogs 1' Ann, A lilts' below uoarket price. if (1lawible. No. .1 NI/ty 1111114h kit/CV/1 will they poly for improving reds told bridges, for the support 4,t the lien. of the comity, for the expenses of running the hominess of the town 4111d 1•ilullty? Ales-Ip•l11,1e).- Nu. •I—On what page le their offer 114, ('unfeibute y 4,r services in the establishment anti uutintt•nauce of, a ('11(11.011 4,14 tinnday w'hod for the im- provement of the mural t • of your (•uaumi nit y ? Sty. answer to No, 1. No.:/ \\'11x( Zine -4,f credit will they extend to you wheat your crops are pool and 'y gone, when through 111144•s4lrl' IIIi'forhtne you are mit able to rend thein rash with older . for your hardware, drygoel4., rte, ? Ams. --- When this time c •s they will lose your lmraofflfe address • Nu. 8' \Vhen you ere collecting funds for a holiday demonstration (hoer :ire “not at home." Nu. ;.—lo what d(•pa ltnient do they explain to you the iuclel(at'I value sof your property 114 11 result of trading With then) ? Ans. They uIe• 11411 1u- 1e1e14twl ih y • property ; what they want is your (1851). TM -merchants of the ,.melt LOW1144 411e more or less 111 1)1:)111' fnr 1Ile•- a1g1- twa't of these ('aUtlogne house's, ('1•- 11011t• they give credit. Iw't env merchant put a slat -cash drpatrtulent i4) one corner of hies skeet, and it is cafe to say he would sell a4 cheap MA. if not cheaper than. any catalogue house in Canada, and save express and ixlsta41' for the brayer. Not only that, but he sunlit beta. to extend this ramal l,u41111.4511nt11 It took in all the satire. In this way the town would prosper more greatly and the cata- logue 1 seri would g4, to glass. A lit 144 rllnaderation along these lines by merchants and the public would certainly lit ;p the community in which we live. Takla, for. instance. a ((person starting in bus'44le44 with, say, $1111 as him total repltel. 11e spends this amount in good.. A maul routes along soil (Offers him $I31( for them, to lie plaid in .six weeks. The met - chant 'o credit is iio good.- Whet is he to d„4 Go to bed until the six weeks are. ups:. Ni,, Retll.,' such riles, •usi he catalogue house•. do, but sell the Dods for .pot cash for $10.1, and so ( •. He wi11 prop ere, and aao will the et•. G. B. ( derich.'ehy. 16th. A Fiery Sepulchre. Mrtkinker.l Intent tel deep Beneath the surface of the el rth, its very existence stank in obli'io and fol tion,- until asci• denial!). ( .I•nyt•I''(1 y a well -sinker. sleptt'in•• 11 portant a I • haxuti'u.ly deeoretel rl y, which, deat'ly 'seven- teen buntline years rue'iously, had, in the ' 1st of its gale -'e it” coup, menial life, an its gross deE t.avity; been suddenly : mothered fust sulfo- t•at1•d by an ,ll idling outburst of Nature:. latent trees, and Nepul- uu•el beneath ,t 11 thly pall ejected front the fiery interi r of the earth. ' HIt nt1" th( dis 01ring Olanof ,'coria• and indurate ashes has�in (gRreat measure been reit 4)1el, and the lavishly (ll•rlalllerlted r11' 14 1/11('e exported to view : Bee rti4t'ic wall paintings told dP0ot•ati( m—still a pattern for modern art Ino4.t ata fresh and as blight as fore the catastrophe which sunk it 1 ruin; the chaste and relined arehi lure of the luxuriant dwelling house of its seethe. and 'Pnators still ferfe• _and unimpaired : and even the deep uta worn in the sloneipav-ing of he streets appearing Ar It but yesterd 1 the chariot's of the Pompeian ixn noble had thundered along those busy street,: while the j1uhish upon por- tions of the edges of the drinking fountains by the r,,adyide still inilt- cafes where the hand of the Roman wayfarer tested to enable hint to take a draught from the jet of water issu- ing from the marble lion's luouth 4,r. other ornamental sleet, .411(1 then in the wiueshrlps aiP the anlphot•A',-'till 'showing the stain of the- rvatoofatel wine they (ot•Iuerly contained : in the baker)) shops. nunlroom. 1o,1ve4 left in the oven to hake to :( finder while the em flet• fled from the dl•4tt•oying tornado of stores V n ;inlet, • and in the sitting in t omits Ila l K the rage in whi,•h the P1mg-1rprd aa, left to perish` the ''rot' and the boair- circlet. the !templetor the ems•-ings, left by the eye:quint in Tier hurried flight. Ilia in the Midst of all their Limy life the dread tI)('4in w0truls the dont of the great city : the volcalto belches fni•Ih fire and brimetuue_, red -hut stunt' and liquid ro'k, millet; and Hera' rain ; 1111. stir is darkened hy the terrine outburst, and the sulphurous gasp's choke and suffocate. And now they Hee for their We, men, seinen and 'child(en-'Ihnusitnls, however, perishing ---Nome, loading themselves with too gteat ft weight of treasure, einking with their hoard of gold and silver beneath the stifling li'.lhatll'IIe, there to remain 'sepultinsel until the spade of the excavator 111,111(('1'4 thele and their treatseu•e. And 4(o. (then the rs:h1ngers t • p shall sound long and loud over the whole earth, wills • endeavor to flee. and 1.0411 upon the rocks to Inide them. But others, who nr• as 4.111.1' a4 they fate be of anything that their transgn'esiene are atoned for by the alt rifles of (he Son of God, wh that have ar.epted as their Savior. will 1'ok up with triumphant joy and e" lat4.y. For they know that their re - detention is at hand. A Persistent Backache Can have Ilia • enlist. Iliseasnd kidneys, tt•hirh must be 'strengthened before backache can be cured. Why not. tete Dr. lhunilton'0 Yllls'r They cuter the kidney's qui.kly, slake them strong mod able to filter 11 imease-bls•e'I1 Og fmisfiles from the blood. At mice you eel better, stronger, brighter. Kid- ney health ie guaranteed b t.. Peery timer of )h•. Hamilton's rills. Get a We, box from your druggist, and re fuse ambetitutes. — -- His Nis Maiden Speech. Very few pentane acquit themselves' nohl • inr' � their maiden speech. Al a wedding betel,' recently the bride. groom wee ratite' upon. an usual, t4 respond to the given tree*, in Rpite of the fact that he had previously pleaded to be eerue(el. Hltinhing to the m014. of his hair. he r.14e to his feet. He intended to imply thnt he was' unprepared for tp14•erh making, but unfortunately placed his heed Idem the bride's shoulder and parked down alt her ow he stammered out his opening (and eonclnding wnnle : "Thin, er -thingg has leen forced upon me."— Philadelphia Ledge'. Most housewives judge the purity of a flour by its whiteness. White somehow signifies pure v. Hut while wire Hours arc always It hits, white Hours arc not always pure. Royal Household Flour it the oniaest flour thu is milled. It is also the purest. You may think the Hour you arc .sing is about as white as flour ran be. \'et if you lace it beside Roval Household Flour it evil, ook yellow by com- parison. Ask your grocer for Royal Household, and make sure that he understands that you mean it. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd. Montreal. "Ogilvie's Book fur a t'(srk,-. fon- tains, 1:)) (woe of excellent recipes wane mlrr published hef,lre, lour gnu• 1ten you how togv)11PREF. FRIENDLY WARNING. No Need tell Be Alarmed About Stomach Troubles If You Use Miso-nae The s6 frequent affect' of 111e 4tto111afh is catarrh, as the delicate membrane which lines the stomach is t•4t'si1y irritatrel by harmful food or overeating. Keep 11 strife watch for the first eyntptonls of, et Itch tlnn- ble. Take *his friendly warning in the spirit in tvhieli it is given and pod! by it. Stuffiness of Meath, black specks before the eyes, furred tongue, dizzi- ness. Ielciiiug of gases or lith' food. weakness and debility are all signs of catarrh of the stenlaelt., There is no need to be unduly rilarnitel, for this dist•ase can be 41)10.1 by Mi-tpna. It iv the only remedy that strikes at the root of the evil and actimlly cures the di,w'ase. 1t (1114.1: not contain opium i4, ally form, adds, ,li•uhol, 4,r tiny other hafmful drug 4,r chemical. It i.4 a purr remedy that heals the irritated tnucoun ul(•ulle•aane, shunt late the w)- 1ar jjd�rxus, 4(11(1 1(1(14111igt•4tiun. Jp«/-na costs but 1111 ('!'tits a box.. If von cannot obtain Mi-o-ust of your druggist, it will be sent by mail,' postpaid, on receipt sof price. Neils us for advice on "our ease from a lead- ing 4t art Nplrcialist, which will be sent fete, The H. 1'. Booth Cmripany, Ithaca, N. Y. Prince Rupert. The above caption is the euphonious lend ahtproprietc name which the (nand Trunk Politic have adopted fur their terminus on the Pacille coast. The people of Canada were given 'en uppeortunity of naming, this city, which some .day will iecome one of the greatest seaports on the western roast of America, and 12.1141 different nettles were submitted by those who took part in the contest. A mune has leen chosen that is Nigllitleant of ('aua/111 and one that wee pa')nuineta in the' early= when nearly Nor 1 Atneric Hope •1's Ian the 04, 1 petition not con • in more nor more which cu end Ili(/' 1111'1441 With history of. the country, eentire area of British 'a was known a, Prince d. Under the terms of nn tent the namesl Id han three syllables, lettere. the name h the conditions Inldel that se•- 1•1. this name being 4ugge44 I by M John Orme, of 11,mm-'hew. Ontario and ley 1t. KI irkwo, of 'opp ercli e, Ontario. T • P judges, hot ver. O railed that "1 'ince Ruppert" 11 nen • and more aW4A el the two ht dollar prize to Miss Donald., of Winnipeg, then ten plied t (*del tt f to 'o Ito !tit a props ate, and leaner 1.'41c- anitoba who molted thi k .Pattie, 'sit oft e mint t 4,o 14111 1111/ 14p was the name. however, faintest. en each bf the t mined the ne But why P ' t Vh: t n revelry e d • had the dashingming a stet I h rl K of the cave:here n arty three hundred ',veers ego I(' do W i ('an141a? Prince upert Wats really t e Hrst Briti'sh-(a- ne(lian business 1111 elate. He tt'a14. N llnlrem- of the Hud ni n H,af' Com- �pany, end its fleet Go rnor In 11(71*. n that veer ('ltaries 1. granted at chums(• 10 the Trine(• sl 1 seventeen (other noblemen 441)41 qct Ien,en. iqr4 rnrporating then as "The Governs and l' puny of A,Itpelret of Eng- land, trailing into. Hudson's ." and securing In them •(1 he role ern a and f erre of all those seas and , nits. all • IV one tvhe e1) e Grand Trt cognizing the s tied the ',time a '(1 con le4tant4 e Port Rupert. Oce lupert ? hays. rivets, lakes, clerks and so in Whntl•t'er latitude they (.11,111 1e, that lie within the entrenee to t'e Straits emu nlenl,v called Hudson Strafe, together with all the 1a1ndN and (eft•itn•ie•N 1115)1) the countries, ('070414 end cnnHnem of the 14P4u., bay., etc., aforesaid, that were not tatready actually poosseseed by or granted t,, any of Our s111Ilja•ct4, r14' (Nn$Ne4,N'od by the subjects of any other Christian n Prince of State. The first 'settlements of the country thus grentd, whirls was to be known 104 Rup ar't's hand were 11144411' un .lames Bay and tat Churchill and Hnyle's River. Prince Rupert was born in 1111(1, the mon of Fredetirk '4., Elector -palatine, and Elizabeth. eldest daughter of .lames 1., of England. tic was a man of M1'1,041°119 bravery, but at the sante time .howed luck of caution. \Viten only thirteenears old he took part in that siege of Rhein ietg, and at the age, of eighteen r'utunlanded a regi- ment of cavalry in active nervier. At the beginning of the .ivil war in Eng - bind ht• wee placed a4 the head of a regiment of horse and took part in' m've•t•al battles. Notwithstanding a( eerious error at Marmon Moor, he w,(5 N1111 appointed commander of all the Royal troops. After the defeat of Namely, on Jury. 11, 1111 A, he retired to Bri'stol, but eurre•nder'd to by on Augnet 22nd. The King thereupon dcpri5(d him of his e lesion. In Inks, he With, (4,r want o1 any roue pm•tent matt, appotint('4 to command the fleet. He was hlo('ked(d b • Rinke in Kinnate flarleor, and in October, 161p, forced him way out and 'steered for Limbs. Blake pursued hits and he With only navel by assistance from the King of Portugal. He suttee - fluently escaped to the Went Indies, bot after the restoration of Charles ii. ht. wan made a Privy Councillor, and served tinder the i)uke of York against the Dutch. He was Otter• wattle Governor of Windsor t'ast.le, where, during the bast nine yearn 4)f his life he devoted 1 ' •11 to Ncientiflc J. J 1-1. COLBORNE BORNE CASH OR 'PHONE 8e`PRODUCE BARGAIN DAYS GREAT BARGAIN DAYS Saturday and Monday MARCH 3rd and 5th. TW() OF THE GREATEST BARGAIN DAYS THIS STORE HAS EVER GIVEN. TERMS CASH. `J. H. Colborne, Goderich and art -1..1i'. pursuits. lie died Ni vtetibet• 211t11, 11112. A MUD SICK DOCTOR. •Phys'cian's Suggestion- to -Improve An Ohio County's Roads. • Auto' Ai Aids to Good Roads. A recent Engliash periodical finds that the automobile- M doing much to im- prove the character of the rural roads and that people having desirable coun- try places for sale or lease have leas difficulty now than formerly In dispos- ing of them. The auto has made F.ng- Ilsh highways fully 50 per rent. better than formerly. and the improvement continues. The good roads division of our department of agriculture claims that what is Mang for England in this dlrettioo iR also doing for to MA the New Yea* correaponM'nt ot the Pitts- burg Dispatch. It has bees noticee1, for instance. that sllbetae(iaUr MI tete roads leading Ent of ebe large cities of the country are today In good (Ryder. This Is pertiktidas(y teas of Use oastern sod novebe•rn content states. Protn the Alleghaotpl,f0 tem Mieshafppi the errantry roads l many commies are 1n exrnptteaally Nae condition The farm- ers are paying more attention to this subject than ever burs, ant osly un• der elle spur of the owners of antra, but on their owe ae.•eottst. Tey have beg a dweaterl to undeestartd Mat Rood roads will Map them to (set to masieet. A farmer haling ten mile' saran his colaty spot M the 1044dlea moot sad reckao/ag the dlwtanrr ler the time k takes to drive It is abbe ander Ike int- W proving highway .'(>sdlkin5,s to reach town in almost ha*f the thele ferraerlY cowsunted. The practical slue of Nth change he Is not long is seeing. In Morrow county, O-, we are very pworl) provided with pike roads, seem Dr, U. B. Virtue of Iberia, 0., In the Auto Advocate and Country Roadie Outside of the incorporated villages there a -re perhaps ten or twelve miles of pike and some indifferent gravel roads. Mostly the 'roads are earth rowels, which In many months are equivalent to mortar beds. llovrever, the number of people who advocate_ good roads 1s steadily increasing, so that the enemlt.a of good roads now say, "Something of the kind will be done sooner or later.'" They hope that it wilt be later on account of an - In- crease In taxation which would neces- sarily follow. My edea of what should be done here 1 Morrow county) Is some- thing as follows: In this township—In fact, all over this 'county—there Is an abundance of i sandstone of the kind commonly spo- ken of as Berea grit: also at good sup- ply of fair quality gravel. Now, 1f the i roads were well graded and ditched 1 with good large,, culverts where cid- i verts are seeded and an earth track constructed at one side and a broken stone and gravel track 'at the other, we would have good roads comparatively ' cheap, Of course this sandstone and gravel road should he well rolled as It is laid down and when finished only slightly higher than the earth track. 1 am well acquainted with the lime- stone pike roads built In !trent years in two adjoining counties—Marion and Crawford -and know shut most of them are built coq high and too this and- are not rolled. Being loose, they rut Immediately. Being high, it Is not easy to drive from one track to an- other, and they spread easily. And be - Ing thin I fear they will not stand service well. As to cost, i believe gond sandstone and gravel roads can be built in this region for $1,5110 per mtle, I think this should be borne by the adjoining prop- erty roperty owners, the township, the county and the state, each paying 25 per cent. of cost, and then maintained by the township- As to the Pelted States Gov- ernment paying a part, let the Govern- ment pay one-half the cost of con- structing good roads of double width (about twenty feet) between points of military importance. 1n conclusion. as a mud sick country doctor; 1 should rejoice to aw, the roads improved by "any old plan," D. Millar Co. .7 HOU ENO1 D COMMODITIS We are showing a very large range of .housoliold com- modities, including a new 1'ange'of Tapestries, Cretones, Sateens, and , Art Muslins. Special for this week. :till yalll., 72 Illehe4 sole. Inlhletched Table 15x11 I,k. t elrlign, Only. 40c \(1p.e 1141 prise. - y.l Special Zane an White Bed Mats large size 99c each. Special in Napkins Several lines opened tip this wgrk nod mar4ed 1110ch Udder the ()Minato price. - We have this week ooh n)'I1 up our first showing of Carpets, Linoleums and Oilcloths, and to these your inspection is cordially invited. Do not fail to see our stock of Dress Tweeds, 50c a yard. They are the nattiest hinge ever shown tor the money. "X' Millar's Popular Store PH 6"E NEW CLOTHS FOR --- SPRING SUITS in Canadian and Imported Tweeds, Worsteds, Cheyiots and Serges Made up in latest style to your fit. Call and see how well i can do for you. Everything in Men's Smart Wear REG. BLACK Gents' Furnisher and Outfitter - Goderich OUR MEDICAL HERB TEA This excellent Nt h 1 blood remedy is a %lo(IIPs< • mixture of roots, harks, e11. We intend to ('hinge the container and to dear out the present lit will -ell *him exreR('n1 remedy at just half-price, 1Sc or 2 for 25c .1111.1 think of it ! Kul) package nukes 11 111141 of medicine. Come soon 1 Test of Oiling a Roadway. The half mile of often road no the avenue facing the State Agricultural' college at Manhattan, Kam., has with stood the rnM weather satisfactorily an far, says the Kansas City Star. In a few Mares the residuum nil did not penetrate the req(nrell ((1x inches, and three )1 e p errs will nerd further working. The work was done last September Rod required 4.4on gallons of oil, at 114 rents a gallon at the wells The freight was about the same, making the total cost about $140. The expert mens teems to juatfy the claims mob• for It by Its supporters, 1t is now said that Manhattan horsemen will not the half mile drive In the city park the coming spring, Dark lasts. Don't attempt to ',sir!, the 1111rk4 by their legs. 11 Is much safer to handl/ them by the neck. Don't rehire thole weight by taking a temp among them at night. Never throw lime in it dusk pen; It 41111. Never Pr)eet the Inmost duck ear fm hatching!: they are 115011lly Infertile. Always ptbvlde plenty of esrhonatt and phoephute of lime to 04.4.1,4* she! slaking. This la fnnnd In oyster shell Keep plenty of rosins, send, Old met tar Red R little ebaresel In 0 box fol laying dock - - Only A', dozen to go C. GOODE - Chemist BEDFORD BLOCK. NIA -Cross quality i4 ;away?'the hTghesl. FORTIFY YOUR LUNGS against co1(1s with a lsdtl. of our EMULSION A HIGH -('LAMS Mh:L LCIN4 not the (heap trashy kind Nome sell. (111y 4o cents 1.-ncle Ebert, in The \Vn,hingtnn Star, ally.. ••11. 1Ike4 it mighty lrnnsr'ient ions loan to 1(111116 be able to tell de difference 'tween when hes (1 tin''nn' when hex lazy." Write fot trstitnonflals. s ac a';slr` t ,Q 444;/ 5 .4" i4sT L' D J e ,74, Goderich Box 173 Ont. THE FARMING WORLD CANADA'S FAVORITE FARM AND STOCK PAPER. Published at Toronto on the Ise and 151;h of each month. 1111 rental a year, Iwo years for tel. hh•voted to the farm and its interests. THE FARMING WORLD and THE SIGNAL 144411) ("'1"''. for one year for $I.30 A Kemple copy for the asking. Muhsrriptinns taken now Will lie (lalell from January 141, I(4(1. N. B. -Above offer includes also a year's subscription to The Mont- real Weekly Herald. 1